Stay-at-Home Mom Goes Out free porn video

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Author’s Note: Yes, this is written in broken sentences, randomly spoken phrases, but as you read it, you’ll enjoy it. I hope. ~ Red

I sat there watching them wondering what made me dislike them. Was it her perky smile? Was it his ability to look stupid while he told me how wonderful the weather would be, when in reality he’d be wrong? Maybe I didn’t like them because the man delivering the sports always seemed to chuckle when my team lost. No, I think it was the camera guy. Yea. . . he just made them all look bad.

Any who, for some reason I didn’t like them and so I was determined to find dirt on them, they were just to damn perky in the morning. That’s it! That was the reason. They were to damn perky in the morning and so that morning when I woke up, News Channel 15’s News Team was the enemy and I, a stay at home mom from Indiana, was the judge and jury. Now. . .how to get the dirt on them.

Once I got the kids off to school. I called the television studio and asked when the next ‘Community is Welcome Day’ was. Just my luck, it was that afternoon starting at one o’clock. I was all giddy inside. It was obvious I was supposed to expose their dark secrets. I was the one that would bring that Grinning Blonde Bimbo, Meteorologist Mutt, Sarcastic Sporty, and Jiggles the Camera Man down. I called my mom, made arrangements for her to pick the kids up from school and headed out the door.

My first stop was the bank. I needed funds. Surveillance equipment topped my list, followed by bail money. Next stop, my husband’s work. That didn’t go over well.

‘Honey, what are you doing here?’ he asked me.

‘I’m just letting you know I may not be home when you get there,’ I told him. My face was serious, I was determined to be honest with him and I was determined he would not stop me.

He didn’t looked concerned. . .yet. ‘Oh okay. What’s up?’

Okay. . . there it was. The chance to lie. The opportunity to tell the truth lay on the table. Did I? Did I tell the truth and let him know what was on my mind? Did I confess that the morning team just finally pissed me off and it was time to take them out of their perkiness? Yes. . . honesty is the best policy. So I did it. I was honest. . .sorta.

‘I’m going to the television studio. They are having that special day when you come in and take the tour of the place. I figured it would be a good educational trip for the Scouts to take, but I want to know for sure they’ll not be bored or anything.’

‘Oh okay. Sounds cool. When will you be home?’ he asked.

Damn. . . there is was again. Another opportunity to admit I had no clue because I could very well never come home. Hence, the bail money. I reached in my purse and handed him an envelope. ‘I’m not sure, so I stopped by the bank and got some money out, in case I get home after the bank closes.’

He took the envelope and looked inside. ‘What the Hell. . .did you clean the bank account out?’ He thumbed through all the bills.

‘No. . . did you know they only let you have a grand without a 24 hour notice! I’ve half a mind to. . .’ I stopped and said nothing, but man I was thinking. I was thinking hard. Were they in cahoots with the News Team? I’d have to discover that later. ‘Look I’m just giving you that money to keep it safe. You may need it later.’

I stepped up kissed his cheek and made to leave, that idea was cut short though. He grabbed my wrist, hauled me back and said, ‘Honey.’

Oh I hate it when he uses that word. It isn’t just ‘Honey’ its more like, ‘Honnnnney.’ You know that long drawn out ‘n’sound. I sighed, blew some air from my mouth, that forced the curls of my bangs to wiggle and I tucked my head into his chest. ‘Yeah?’ I asked innocently.

‘Whattcha up to?’ he asked.

Damn, he did it again. He gave me another opportunity. ‘Nothing.’



‘What’s going on.’


‘Sweetheart, why did you get all this money out?’ he asked me.

I sighed. ‘You may need it later.’


I could hear it. I could hear that tone of voice that he has. There are different tones of voices that my husband possesses. This one was the, ‘tell me what your doing Honey. . .I won’t let you leave unless you do’ voice. Again, I sighed.

‘I’m going to video tape the morning news team and catch them in the act,’ I admitted.

He laughed. Yep, laughed at me. I laughed too. ‘Really, what are you doing?’

I grinned. He didn’t believe me. I told him the truth and he didn’t believe me. I was scott free now. Yippee!

‘I am. Really. I just had enough and I’m taking them down. Wiping them out. Cleaning their clocks.’

Pete chuckled at me. ‘Sure. . .I know what day is coming up. I bet I know why you got this money out.’ He smiled at me and studied me hard.

I blushed. It was a real blush, because he’d remembered our anniversary was the that Saturday and here I was, the wife, and I forgot. ‘Nope, its for bail, so don’t spend it.’

He grinned. ‘Oh okay.’ He gave me a kiss, patted me on the ass and set me on my way.

That was simple. I smiled wide, climbed in the car and headed out. I told him the truth. I was honest. I was sincere. It was his fault now. Yep, he was a conspirator. He knew what I was doing and didn’t stop me. Hmmm. . . that wasn’t good. I grabbed my cell phone and called the family Lawyer.

‘Mr. Maxwell’s office,’ the squeaky voice came over the other end.

I rolled my eyes. I hated that squeaky voice. So annoying. So. . . snotty. ‘This is Mrs. Croft, is Tom free?’

‘Do you have an appointment?’

‘An appointment for a phone call? No,’ I told her again rolling my eyes. Stupid redhead. I thought to myself. Then I touched my redhair. . . stupid bottled redhead, I changed my wording. Squeaky was a natural brunette, but during the summer she’d gone Clairol crazy and became a redhead wanna be.

‘Well, he’s in a meeting,’ she said.

‘Can he fit me in?’ I asked.

‘Let me check,’ Squeaky replied.

I sighed, yawned, and waited. The elevator music began. Oh man. . . elevator music. I hated elevator music. I drove while it played. I yawned while it played. I almost fell asleep it while it played. My eyes shot open. That was it. That was how Lawyers made their money. They played elevator music while on hold. It drove a person to start thinking random thoughts and then BAM! They were so numb from boredom that when the caller returned to the real world, they would agree to anything.

I listened more closely to the music. Were those music notes actually codes that were programming me to do whatever the voice would command me to do? Oh yes. . .I heard them.

The voice of Squeaky Red returned. ‘He can fit you in at one o’clock,’ she said.

One o’clock! No that wouldn’t do. I had to take the News Team down. Damn. The News Team. The Lawyer. Shit, no choice there. ‘Sure, I’ll talk to him at one.’ I hung up the cell phone and switched gears. Thinking gears that is.

I pulled into the gas station and found a telephone book hanging from a chain that was attached to the pay phone. I thumbed through it until I found a new Lawyer’s number. Just in case, mind you. I ripped out the page and stuffed it in my pocket, got back in the car and headed to the grocery store to grab a few things for a quick picnic lunch for one.

The store was dimly lit. I never understood that. Still don’t. I mean good grief, they are the biggest discount store in the Universe and they don’t have proper lighting! I walked through the doors, got a half ass welcome to Wally World greeting and grabbed a cart. I passed the bakery and smelled the day old rolls, they passed off as fresh made and almost bought one, but changed my mind. Focus, I told myself. Focus!

I pushed past the donuts, pies, rolls, breads, cakes. Damn, sabotage my diet. But I prevailed. I was determined to win
. I grabbed bananas, grapes and apples. I’d take the spare one homes. If I made it home, I told myself. I grabbed some crackers and cheese in a can then headed to the check out counter.

Inwardly I pleaded for the cashier not to be that woman that never smiles. But as I’m sure you can guess. . . there she was. Blue-haired, loose dentured, ben-gay smelling Depressing Diva. I groaned and loaded my stuff on the conveyor belt. ‘Morning,’ I said with a smile and a lift to my cheeks. Hey, she was the one in a bad mood, not I. I was on my way to ridding the world of wrong doers!

‘Morning. Is this all?’ she asked. Her voice as blue as her hair.

I looked at my stuff. ‘Yes,’ I answered. Of course it was all. Did she see me run around and grab more? Did she? NOOOO! I sighed and watched as she scanned the crackers 110 times before finally punching in the UPC and going for the can of cheese. She ran that 60 times before the beep cleared it.


I blinked a dozen times and waited for her to catch her mistake. She didn’t. She looked at me like I was supposed to hand her $115.53. ‘Ummm. . I think something rang up wrong.’

She rolled her eyes and looked at the receipt. ‘Nope, I ran everything once. $115.53 please.’

‘Could you let me see the receipt?’ I asked. I was biting my cheek and when she gave me a copy of the receipt, I studied it and then pointed out the error. She’d charged me for enough grapes to feed the country of Madagascar. ‘I didn’t buy all those grapes.’

‘You didn’t?’ she asked.

‘Ummm, no.’

She picked up the phone and I heard, ‘Produce to check out number seven for a price check please.’

Oh my God! Oh my f’ing God! I stood there, my jaw dropped. My eyes grew wide and I couldn’t form words. A price check. . . A price check! @%!#

A woman in a red vest, decorated with lots of buttons, stars, and awards came over. ‘What’s the problem?’ she asked the cashier. I waited somewhat patiently.

‘She says she didn’t buy that much stuff. But I rang it all up. I didn’t ring anything twice,’ Blue hair whispered under her breath.

Duh, I was right there. Eventually the girl with the 500lb vest of clickity buttons fixed the problem and I paid for the proper number of grapes. I was out the door and back in the car. I realized I need a soda, so I grabbed some change and headed to the pop machines, my car left running in its parking spot.

I walked up to the soda machine, saw the guy loading it and asked if I could grab a pop. ‘Just a sec,’ he said. ‘I’m almost done.’

I shrugged my shoulders. I figured I’d just hand him the money and he could give me a soda, but no biggie I’d wait. He closed the machine door, smiled at me and walked off. I was touched. That was a nice smile he had there. Sweet and polite. I looked at my handful of change and pushed in a quarter, then another and then a nickle. I pressed the desired rectangle and waited. . . and waited. . . and waited.

My brow furrowed and I looked at the little circle. Nope there was pop in there, the guy did just fill it. I pressed the rectangle again. And. . . waited. . . waited. . . waited. I sighed and made another selection. Again I waited. Again I sighed. Again I pressed something else. Nothing. Not a damn thing. I pushed the lever in an attempt to get my money back. No money. No pop. Damn. I thought of going inside to get my fifty-five cents, but changed my mind. I turned around and watched a car drive past.

That looked like my car. Hmmm. . .I headed to my parking spot, but I figured I was in the wrong spot. No car. I walked a few more rows down, no car. ‘No way,’ I said. ‘No f’ing way!’ My pulse raced. My heart beat fast in my chest. ‘Butt fuck! Someone stole my car!’

I stood there for a while then I heard this beep and remembered I was standing in the middle of the road. I stepped to the side. Now what? My shoulders slumped. It was over. My quest to rid the world of evil doers. One had stolen my car, my grapes, my bananas, apples, crackers and cheese in a can. Not to mention my money. I was glad I gave the extra grand to Pete. I blew air from my lungs and they stirred my bangs. I sniffed back the tears and headed back into the store.

‘Welcome to Wally World,’ the greeter said.

‘Thanks,’ I muttered.

I looked up and saw Blue-haired ben-gay woman and Red Vest talking. They saw me and I saw them whispering. I knew it was about me the Madagascar loving grape woman. I walked to the Customer Assistance counter and waited in line. I wasn’t going to cry. I repeated that over and over in my head. I will not cry!

I cried.

The lady behind the counter just stared at me. I cried louder. She called security and a manager. They took me to a room. I cried some more. I told them how my car was stolen. They called the police. I panicked. I knew that the police would question me. They’d start out simple, wanting to know what kind of car I drove, then they’d go in for the kill. They’d ask what I did for a living. I’d tell them, I’m a stay at home mom and then they’d asked how my day had been going. You know it would be their way of making me think of something else. But really, it was their way of getting a confession out of me.

I would confess to nothing!

The police came and I went with them. I sat in the back of the squad car and everything was fine. Then it happened. We came to a stop light and I looked out the window. ‘Crap,’ I muttered. There looking back at me were the Pastor and his wife and here I was in the back of a police cruiser. I scooted down as far as I could in the seat and breathed in and out. The police car took off and I glanced back over the seat, and saw the Pastor pull in behind us. ‘Shit.’

‘Something wrong Mrs. Croft?’ the police officer asked.


‘You seemed scared.’

‘We’re being followed.’


‘We’re being followed!’

The officer looked in his rearview mirror and studied the car. ‘Well it sure looks that way. But that’s okay, we’re just going to the station. You can call your husband there.’

‘Oh, okay,’ I said. I stayed low. I wasn’t wanting the Pastor to see me, though I was 99.9% sure he had already. I was right of course.

The officer got to the station, opened up my door, and helped me out. I looked back and there was Pastor Dick walking toward us. ‘Mrs.Croft.’


The officer chuckled, but said nothing.

‘This is my Pastor,’ I introduced the officer and the clergyman.

‘What’s happened?’ Dick asked.

I explained and when he made the offer to take me home I hesitated. If Dick took me home then I couldn’t meet my Lawyer. If I didn’t meet the Lawyer then taking out the News Team idea was wasted. After all. . .wasn’t that why I left home anyway?

I let Dick and his wife Jane take me home. I almost fell asleep, their conversation drawn out and boring to me, and when they reached my home it was longer, because I was stuck in the car until they released the lock button. I waited and listened to them chat.

‘See Jane. See Dee’s house?’ Dick said.

‘Yes, Dick. I see Dee’s house. See her flowers.’

‘Yes, Jane. Dee has nice flowers.’

‘Dick, see Dee’s dog. Dee what is your dog’s name?’

I smirked, ‘Spot.’

‘Ohhh,’ Jane smiled. ‘Oh Dick! See Spot! See Spot run!’

I rolled my eyes and when I heard the unlock button I jumped out of the car and waved a thank you. ‘Come Spot,’ I shivered at my monotone voice and got to the door of the house. I lifted the mat, grabbed the spare key and then looked back. I couldn’t put the spare key back. Dick and Jane would know where I put it. I tucked it in my pocket and waved goodbye again, before slipping back into the house.

I checked the time. It was noon. I wasn’t going to be able to see the downfall of the morning news team. I sighed and headed to the living room. I flicked on the TV and saw… Busty Babett
e the afternoon Newscaster. . . Ohhhh I started thinking, thinking hard.

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A Beloved Mom Goes Down

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here..My sister and I had succeeded in fucking our mom. When we met that night, we hugged and congratulated each other. ‘It was great to see Mom’s pussy jammed with your cock,’ Jill said.’I was hoping you’d...

3 years ago
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My Old Mom Goes Dogging

My best friend Daryll is black and were both kind of “nerdy”. He doesn’t know I’m gay and in love with him even though I take classes just to be around him. I love gym class because I get to see him naked. He’s 5 ft 9 inches tall, well built with short hair and a very dark brown complexion. When we shower after gym, I try to avoid staring but I love sneaking peeks at his big cock and balls. I’ve never seen it hard but its very fat and 6 or 7 inches long, even soft so I’m guessing it gets...

4 years ago
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bDefacing Mom by MomsBigBoy b

True Story, i****t Introduction: This happened to me a long time ago, I have changed names and obviously spiced it up for your enjoyment Not even in her wildest dreams did Donna ever expect to be in the position she now found herself in. Down on the floor, kneeling in front of her only c***d, the stacked blonde mother had her head tilted back against the edge of her son's bed.She'd come to Michael's apartment for a simple discussion, that was all. But somehow she had ended up like this, about...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 5

Annabel asked the Governor, "Do you mind if I do the phone call? I think I can handle them okay, I really do." "Perhaps, but what would you say to them on this call?" "Just that things happened here, nice things, and that we have decided to remain on Rehome for the time being." Bob glanced over at Ruth, and asked, "Ruth – are you fine with this line?" Ruth looked thoughtful, then said, "Yes, I do believe that might be effective, if Annabel keeps her call simple and to the...

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Mom Stepmom and Sisters

MY MOM  STEP MOM AND MY SISTERS. PART 1   Reflecting on my life: I recently was remembering how not to long ago I had  driven into the circular drive of the home I grew up in, in Beverly Hills as a teenager and seeing my wife trimming the rose bush and thinking how strange life can turn out. How, just three years before I had driven into this same drive because my dad had just died. I remember as I sat in my car that I was sad but also very excited. My step mom who is now my wife was...

1 year ago
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Moms Changes Scott Gwenn Mom and I revised

Note : This story is completely fictional! So here I am, 19, having been changed into my parent's little girl, since there can only be one man in the household according to Dad. I also have just found out about the block orgy practices that where occuring right under everyones noses. Talk about having a hard time walking around the area without getting hard. Almost impossible Well back to the story, I had been on my best behaviour for the party. I did a lot of observing and a little...

1 year ago
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Moms Changes Mom Dad Gwenn Scott I Carolyn

Note : This story is completely fictional! So here I am, 18 and having just found out about the block orgy practices that where occurring right under everyone's noses. Talk about having a difficult time walking around the area without getting hard. Almost impossible. Well, back to the story, I had been on my best behavior for the party. I did a lot of observing and a little participating, my participation the first night was limited to Mom, Dad, Rose and Phil. That was it, although as I did get...

4 years ago
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My 4sum with my Mom Grandmom and Aunt

So if you read the last story about me and my mom and my grandmom then this is part 2 of this amazing weekend.So while we we’re in the country we didn’t do much…but what we did do was fuck and we did a lot of that…So the one night came along and I wish sitting in the living room on the couch watching TV. While my mom and my grandmom were in the kitchen cooking…Now from my seat on the middle of the couch you could turn your head to the left and see the kitchen and vice versa. So while I’m...

2 years ago
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My Threesome with Mom and grandmom

So if you read my last story about me and my mom fucking in the gas station then here’s what happened next.If you didn’t read my last story about me and my mom in the gas station I highly advise you read that then come and read this one.Now let me get into the story for all my readers.So me and my mom finally reached my grandmom’s house somewhere in the country of South Carolina. You knew you were in the country because there were barely any street lights and her house was on a dirt road and...

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My mother and I attended an out of town family reunion last month. Dad couldn’t get away from work, so she and I traveled together. There were several hundred family members getting together, so our relatives’ houses were crammed to the walls with people, and we had to stay at a hotel downtown. Mom and I got adjoining rooms, with a little door connecting my room to hers. This was her first time away from dad in years and years, and so she was a little bit nervous about being alone and wanted...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 3

Annabel, in her position as the Montford family head on Rehome, took the lead. “What do you mean, “think about what we do next”?” “There are several ways you might approach matters. One: if you feel that you have been raped by Trevor, you can have him tried by a jury here. I think you would have trouble convincing a jury, as you participated with considerable gusto, and he did not administer the drug either – I did, by pure mischance. So there is neither coercion nor intent provable...

4 years ago
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Mr Mom Goes Surfing

I usually post in Loving Wives, but this story has no explicit sex, and the implications of sex are rather distant. So…Hello Non-Erotic. It’s still a love story! Enjoy! ***** Danny Cane was a surfer. Still is, whenever the life of a 42 year old father of two active boys lets him get to the beach when the tide is coming in. Sounds like a lot of variables, but actually Danny gets out a lot. You see Danny is Mr. Mom. Not exactly the Mr. Mom of movie fame, yet just like the character played by...

3 years ago
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Staying Close to My Sister and Mom2

My eyes drifted down the page, passing my name, Ray Davis, and moved down towards the grades. My heart dropped in my chest. In my mind I heard the repetitive, monotonous symphony as every note was a plain B. Once again I pulled it off, without trying mind you. B’s in all five subjects, just like every semester. Sometimes I hated a teacher, and cut class fifty percent of the time. I got a B in those classes. Sometimes I loved a teacher, and I attended every class. I got a B in those classes...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 18

Fearn, if you would dispense the tea, and I pour the coffee, Nargo can assist with the milk jug. Right, girls?" Fearn and Nargo did a 'high five' and proceeded with their tasks, while the adults admired their dedication to these duties. As soon as the drinks were poured, Esme sent Nargo and Fearn to bring in the plates of scones, pancakes, and decorated cupcakes. Esme explained to her guests that while she had baked the scones last night, Fearn had done most of the pancakes and cupcakes...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 7

"Hello, is that Mrs Cross? Or should I say, the former Mrs Cross?" "It is. Who are you, and what do you want?" "Madam, I am merely the bearer of glad tidings about your daughter." "My daughter? You know where my daughter is?" "Indeed, madam. Allow me to introduce myself more formally: I am Robert Kempe, Governor of the human colony on the planet of Rehome." "Rehome? Oh, yes I have heard of it. Why are you phoning me? Is my daughter in your colony, then?" "You are quick on...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 17

"Oh, madam, I would never stoop to blackmail. I am not looking for any monetary benefit. I merely would appreciate some manly attention, at least for a while. Perhaps you could put in a good word for me, and encourage John in the matter, madam." Angelina thought for a moment, then responded, "Sylvia, If I were to suggest to John that I would not object to him paying some ... close ... attention to you, would that be acceptable? I will also say that your job is not in jeopardy, in case you...

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Swapping Of Moms Seducing Of Mom And Fucking Her Ass

In my earlier story you might have read how I seduced my mom and fucked her. After reading that I got response and I found a matured aunty and we met and had sex and I helped her in seducing his son and swapped. So the story goes this way. So let me introduce my self Vikrant age 22 6ft. Sporty fit guy. My mom Vishaka now after sex her size is 36d 32 38 Now aunty Rupa age 44 figure 34d 32 36 5ft 3′ Her son rupesh 19 5’8 . So the story goes this way I met Rupa and we had chat she said she...

1 year ago
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Daughter goes dogging with mom and dad

Note : This story is completely fictional! I was sitting watching TV when my 18 years old daughter Liana came in carrying the newspaper. 'Hi Dad' she said 'You got a moment'' I turned down the sound on the TV and said 'Yeah, sure. What can I do for you love'' She brandished the paper at me and said 'Look I know you and mom still have some hot times together so I wondered have you ever done this dogging thing there's an article about here'' I smiled and laughed 'Hell yes, Loads of times' Liana...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 54

Helen was quick to spot a solution. "Let's refer it to the colony authorities. They have access to all the scientists on the planet, so they should be able to get the right people on the job. The results will be of interest to the Colony authorities, especially if we can identify potential woods for future use. The forests on Rehome are mostly protected, for whatever reason, and so most wood has to be imported. It mostly comes from Earth at the moment, but once New Eden gets access to the...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 69

"How do you mean?" Ebenezer was unsure what she meant. "Various social pressure groups use petitions with thousands of supporters, to put pressure on companies to rescind unfair practices. It is quite effective, I understand." "Phoebe, do you think you could start one, against all the seed merchants pushing up their prices together, and looking at a cartel? I wouldn't want to do it from me, as a distributor." "Sure, I can do that. It gives me something to contribute to your...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 3

He got back to Ian and told him what he had found. They decided that Dearden should be interviewed, smartish. They asked colleagues at Coventry to start with a preliminary interview, if he could be found at the university. He was located there, so the local police went and pulled him out of his class, and invited him, with some pressure, to the station for a recorded interview. He looked more puzzled than worried, at the start, but they refused to speak to him about possible accusations...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 4

"I see. Then you should try Trevor Defreitas, CEO of Rehome Deliveries. He has recently become chairman of the Circle, so should know what's what, and where the bodies are buried." Taking that on board, Esme phoned Rehome Deliveries and asked for him, as Chair of Metropolis Business Circle. He was soon on the line. "What can we of the Business Circle do for you, Ma'am?" She said carefully, "We of the Bank of Rehome are considering a loan request from Mr Thomas Carson, a local...

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Malan Mothers on RehomeChapter 19

"You ran your own business? I had the impression you worked for a bank on Earth!" "Not quite. I saved most of my pay during enlistment, so I had a basis for starting a business operation. I set myself up as a money-lender at reasonable rates, to be a benefit to the community I came from. I undercut all the commercial competition and became the lender of choice for practically everyone in the area. Once I could afford to branch out, I helped people to set up their own local businesses, and...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 14

Diane told him, "You don't want to know what my staff are up to. Suffice it to say that we are looking into a complaint passed to Mary, and I hope to be able to resolve it after tomorrow." Mary added, "And I had a frustrating day at work, so I am feeling in need of my husband's loving." Helen was feeling left out, so said, "I just love my man." Bob stood back and admired them. "Well, I see three whiteys. Where is my black woman? Ruth should have a say in this." Diane said to...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 18

Although he had been enjoying this very sociable wedding event, George Montford finally sidled over to John Frederickson to mutter, "I have to get back to the office, John. Someone has to hold the fort..." John grinned at him. "Thanks, George. I'll just concentrate on my wives, today. Tell your ladies they are welcome to stay on here for as long as they want." "They may appreciate that, John. I'll tell them." George got back to the company office, and found among his "IN"...

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First time as Mommies lover

Once i finally got the courage to confess my real, sexual feelings toward my Mom, the rest was easy!We were both alone (Mom has been divorced for many years) and seated on the sofa. Mom had a glass of wine and to keep my thoughts clear, i had water. Mom knew that i was a confirmed lesbian since my sexual beginning as She had caught me and girlfriends in various acts before. So it was easy to recap my sexual preferences towards Women... the challenge came when i confessed that i was actually...

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Slave SisterChapter 9 Mom Goes Shopping

Dave and Fran's mom sat at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and enjoying the exhaustion that comes from fucking all night. A small smile spread across her lips as she thought about how nice it was to have a dominant man, make that, two dominant men, in her life again. After an afternoon of trying to satiate the lust of her seemingly inexhaustible son, her fiancé and Fran returned from their day getting to know each other better and the four of them experienced a night of unbridled...

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VII Our Moms Youth

Moms how old were you and Sandy’s MomIt was a cloudy and drizzling day, so it was not a beach day at all, our Moms walk to the village to get a few things and properly have a cocktail or two at the pub. We were watching TV and I turn to Sandy and ask here how old do you thing our Moms were when they first had sex. Lind said Wow good question I have no idea Tammy, and I’ve wondered what was Gram like, lets ask them when they come back. Later on they walk in a little tipsy, but Ok. They put the...

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Brother SpyChapter 6 Mom goes Skinny Dipping

My whole bed was soaked. I thought I had wet the bed but it was only sweat. I looked at the clock. It was midnight. I went to the bathroom to clean up a little and cool off. I washed the cum and sweat off my body using a damp washcloth. The sponge bath woke me up enough so that I decided to play with my PEEPERs for a few minutes. Tiff, Jane, and Martha were all asleep but Mom's bedroom was still empty. I checked the bathrooms and finally the pool house and the pool. Mom was taking a...

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LITTLE MOMMA GETS SWAMP EELED::: I had been working in the swamps of Louisiana scouting and to clear the swamps of any alligators etc. that could harm the line layers behind us. The thing of it all was that while doing all this I soon discovered a species of something at that time I never knew even existed let alone seeing it live and up close as I had caught one and made...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 25

“That one, sir. I admit, however, to being unaware that there was more than one Ebenezer within your ken.” “There isn’t. What can I do for you, Ebenezer?” “I am not sure, Governor. I have information from Earth that I have compared with events on Rehome, and the similarities have intrigued me.” “That sounds like the sort of curiosity that has to be explained, Ebenezer.” “To elucidate, sir: My darling Euphemia, whose hand I will take in marriage next week (along with my other darling,...

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Vacation on RehomeChapter 51

Robert had a possible solution. "Either the ground is very absorbent, and the water seeps through, or the geology is limestone, and there are underground rivers conveying the water to the sea. One could test that by measuring the salinity of the ocean about a kilometre from the shore. Where an underground river meets the ocean, the salinity level will drop markedly, due to the freshwater input. I am not sure how we could run these tests, though." The Personalia voice intruded, "That is...

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