Being a Girl Sucks
- 2 years ago
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Phil was one lucky son of a bitch. They say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and Evelyn Summer was a woman who took her sunshine very seriously. She would have quite happily murdered the local Channel Twelve weatherman should his prediction of a heat wave not have come to fruition. Fortunately for him, however, he had been spared the wrath of a woman who had just booked two weeks off work to enjoy the July heat. If her vacation fortnight had resulted in a fourteen-day downpour, old Phil from Channel 26 would’ve been in big trouble.
With the promise of endless sunshine for the next fourteen days and the opportunity to enjoy it in peace and quiet, Evie had spanked the plastic and splashed out on some expensive new garden furniture and a selection of sexy little bikinis. Now that the fierce summer heat had finally arrived, all that was left to do was relax in the garden and soak up the rays. A long, lazy afternoon working on her tan and sipping on an adult beverage had been the plan, that was until the irritating metallic grinding noise of a petrol mower had started up next door.
Evie lay in her new sun-lounger and tried to filter out the high-pitched whine from the old, rusty engine. Everything had been so perfect just thirty-seconds earlier. She was shimmering head-to-toe in a delicious smelling coconut sun cream, and her gorgeous little lemon-yellow bikini fit to her curves like a second skin. A tall glass of cloudy lemonade with a dash of rum sat on the small table next to her, clinking quietly as it slowly devoured the ice cubes floating on the top. It was a pleasant sound, synonymous with hot summer days, but unfortunately, now one that was being brutally drowned out by a mechanical drone that made her grind her teeth.
It was no good. She’d looked forward to her days off too long to have them spoiled by an over zealous gardener.
“Fucking loud annoying rumblin’ bastard…” Evie grumbled to herself as she stood up and stomped over to the waist-high wooden fence that started just past a tall hedge-line.
Evie froze mid-wave when she saw who was making all the noise. Either her neighbour, Mr. Wilson, had regressed in age by about fifty years, or a handsome young man was mowing his lawn for him. She was about to catch the boy’s attention but suddenly couldn’t bring herself to do it. The way the vibrations of the machine rippled up the sinews in his strong arms and across his strapping bare chest was hypnotising.
She nibbled on her bottom lip and glanced over the top of her mirrored aviators as she enjoyed the show. Each time the muscles across his impressive torso clenched, she had the sudden and irresistible urge to run over and rub her hands all over his well-defined abs. It felt like she’d just walked into the middle of a Diet Coke commercial. The daydream was unfortunately shattered when the mower engine abruptly cut out and the young man looked up.
“Hi,” he said as he strolled slowly towards the fence.
“Hello,” replied Evie with a friendly smile.
“Is the noise bothering you?” His tone was apologetic as he motioned towards the lawn behind him. “I won’t be much longer.”
“No, it’s fine,” she lied. “I’ve not seen you around before, are you a friend of the Wilsons’?”
“Yes, ma'am. It’s too hot for Bill to do this kind of work, especially at his age.”
“That’s really nice of you to help him out,” Evie replied as she curled a lock of her hair around her finger. “So, are you on break from college or…?”
“I’m a sophomore at San Diego. Just earning a few extra bucks before next semester.”
The young man smiled when he spoke. Evie couldn’t help but admire how handsome he was when he ran his fingers through his soft dark hair. It was a nothing gesture, yet the way his bicep bulged when his arm bent at the elbow made her weak at the knees. Just being this close to him felt dangerous.
Just as Evie began to wonder if there might be a possibility of a mutual attraction between them, Mr. Hunky did not disappoint. Each time he thought she wasn’t looking, his eyes roamed the full, sensuous swell of Evie’s breasts. Her large, mirrored sunglasses hid the fact that she was observing him leer at her tits. Knowing that she could turn a young man’s head made Evie feel all the more confident and attractive, even if it did require some revealing beachwear. Her new bikini really did not leave very much to the imagination.
At one point as they made friendly small talk, the young man’s gaze dropped down to the tiny scrap of yellow fabric covering her mound. The way his lips parted ever so slightly made her hope he was thinking about licking what it covered. Evie didn’t mind. After all, she was mentally undressing him the same way.
Sweat had beaded all over his tanned body and was glistening in the midday sun. It ran down in tiny little rivulets along the tight curves of his abdomen, the same way condensation trickles down the outside of a tall glass of ice water. It would have been fruitless to fight the urge to follow their path all the way down to his waistline.
It was then that she noticed something that made her mouth dry. Every woman with a passion for men has a particular physical feature that drives them insane. For some it’s a rippling six-pack, for others it is a nice tight arse, but for Evie, it was the plunging, muscular V-shape that sits just above their groin. She just stared at his and tried not to drool. It was like an arrow pointing downwards; a private invitation for her to imagine what impressive anatomy lay hidden away underneath his clothing.
On the outside, Evie was doing a good job of playing it cool, but inside she was as red hot as a nymphomaniac on death row. Would it be so bad to tackle him to the ground right there in the garden American-football-style and have her wicked way with him behind the rose bush? He might only have been twenty or so, but he had the physique of a god. Evie tucked a stray lock of brunette hair behind her ear and pursed her lips. In one of those inexplicable moments where your mouth utters a series of words before your brain has time to work out if you really wanted to say them, she had already asked the question.
“I don’t suppose you’d be interesting in doing me would you?”
“I’m sorry?”
“I mean, doing a little garden work for me. I’d pay you, of course. It just needs a bit of tidying up really.”
“Oh. Yeah, sure thing,” he replied with a friendly smile. “I could maybe come over tomorrow morning?”
“That would be great.”
“I’m Mark, by the way.”
His proffered hand felt hot as it enclosed hers. She immediately wondered how those large, warm hands would feel grasping different parts of her body in the heat of a sexual frenzy. A mental image of them grasping her bare ass cheeks as she ground obscenely on his lap quickly flashed across her consciousness.
“Evie Summer.”
“Nice to meet you, Miss Summer.”
A new warmth began to spread through her body as she relaxed back into the padded cushion of her new sun lounger. A wild flurry of inappropriate thoughts whipped around inside her head and took the form of her new gardener. What started as a gentle ache between her thighs soon blossomed until it begged for a hand to be slipped down inside her bikini bottoms. She dared not risk the embarrassment of getting caught though. For now, Evie knew she would have to be content with just the pleasurable torment of her wicked imagination.
Night brought with it no relief from the relentless heat that smothered everything in an oppressive shroud. Evie tossed and turned until eventually kicking off the damp bed cover that stuck to her skin. When she eventually drifted off, carried away in the arms of Morpheus, it was not ice cream cones and air conditioning that she dreamt of. It was Mark that tiptoed quietly into her dreams, materialising silently like a shape in the mist. Although she was initially flustered by his presence, he soon became a welcome figment of her fantasy. A coy smile curled her moist lips as in her mind he slowly undressed for her. The foreplay was slow and excruciating but preceded a vigorous and most savage mauling. He was like a wild animal between the sheets, grasping and pinning her body as they writhed against each other. He gave no quarter and took whatever it was that he wanted.
Evie awoke in the early hours, gasping for breath as her body shook with the flood with adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her cheeks burned a hot red and her sheets were soaked with sweat. She didn’t care how improper her fantasy might have been. It was what she now craved. Her body burned, adrift on a boiling sea of sexual frustration. She was slowly drowning in the desperate, urgent need to fuck.
Evie slipped her hand into her damp panties and roughly finished the job her dream of Mark had started. She strummed her clit with a desperation and hunger that only a gut-wrenching orgasm can sate. She bit her bottom lip to keep from calling out into the silence of 4 am, then melted into her pillow as her body was set ablaze. Her arms and legs clenched up tight, then shook as her climax tore through her from head to toe. She shuddered and twitched through an endorphin high the likes of which she had never known, before slipping into a deep and peaceful sleep.
Evie leaned on the worktop and watched Mark in a dreamy haze from the large kitchen window. He had been out in the garden all morning, working hard to tidy up her poorly maintained backyard. She’d been keeping an eye on him since he’d first arrived, gazing longingly across the dry, dusty lawn as she distractedly tapped her fingernails on the black-slate kitchen counter. Hot sweat had soaked into his steel gray t-shirt, leaving dark patches visible on the worn cotton. Much to her delight, the moisture made it cling to his body, wrapping it tightly around his muscled torso.
All of southern California was now officially in a heat wave and by high noon, everything not in the shade was mercilessly scorched by the midday sun. Evie rested her head on her hands and stared at the young man. He was tall, athletic, and exceptionally handsome. The memory of the night before flitted across her mind as she admired his raw sexuality. She wondered if he had any inkling of the effect he had had on her. She wondered if he had a girlfriend and if she had enjoyed the attention last night that she now craved.
Fantasising about Mark was a dangerous game. Just the thought of him peeling off his sweat-soaked clothes had once again made a hot sticky mess of her panties. In bed the night before, it was the scandalous thoughts of that young man which had started something her fingers had needed to finish. She’d only known him one day and he was already becoming a perilous addiction.
After a few hours slaving over the brittle, straw-like grass and the oily hot metal of her neglected mower, Mark’s work was finished and he came in out of the heavy, oppressive heat. He looked sun-beaten and tired as he trudged in through the back door into the shade. His shirt was soaked with sweat and smeared with grease from the old rust-bucket he’d been pushing around her lawn. Before she could make a friendly comment about his mucky appearance, Mark peeled off his t-shirt and hung it over the back of a chair. Evie’s eyes fixed on a washboard stomach so hard it made her gasp. One word slipped from her lips before she could think to stop herself.
“What was that?” asked Mark.
“Hmm?” she replied and flashed him a quick smile as though she hadn’t mumbled anything. “You’ve done a really fantastic job today. Here, you look like you could use one of these.”
Mark took the bottle of water Evie had offered him and drank the mercifully cold liquid before letting out a sigh of relief.
“Oh God, I needed that,” gasped Mark with a toast of his half-empty water bottle. “Thanks, Miss Summer.”
“You’re welcome.”
From the moment Mark stepped through the back door his eyes had been glued to Evie’s slim figure. She’d purposely picked one of her sexier outfits to wear as a kind of conscious flirtation. Thin shoulder straps held a light white viscose which plunged daringly deep at the front. The boy had been her eye-candy all morning, so why not return the favour? Evie casually leaned back against the edge of the large oak kitchen table. She’d been waiting for Mark to take his shirt off all morning and now that he had, admiring his body from just a few feet away was heavenly. It was like her own private striptease, yet unfortunately, one that stopped at the top half.
“Must be hard work pushing that heavy thing around. You look like you’re pretty fit though.”
“Oh, thanks,” he responded, “I like to work out. You know, keep in good shape.”
“You’re certainly doing that.”
Evie flashed him a quick smile which Mark returned with an embarrassed sort of grin. He was playing it coy, but she knew Mark had a crush on her. She’d caught him checking her out over the fence the day before and he had been doing the same when he’d first shown up that morning at the house. She hadn’t helped matters by pretending to have overslept and answering the door in her panties and a baggy old t-shirt. Mark had practically drooled at the sight of her shapely bottom in a pair of bubblegum-pink cheekies.
The look in his eyes as he’d stared at her was one hundred and eighty proof, triple-distilled lust. Young men that age always had about them an air of animalistic hunger when around half naked women. They craved sex - it was the hormones. Even glancing at him now she didn’t know whether wanted to fuck her or eat her. To be honest either would have been fine with her. What she did know, however, was that her poor pussy had been aching at the thought of it all afternoon.
Evie took a deep breath and tried to think of something to take her mind off the half-naked Adonis stood six feet away from her in her kitchen. She ran through everything she could think of: items to add to the grocery shopping list, things to take to the barbecue at the Anderson’s next Sunday, the big fat cock stuffed into the front of Mark’s shorts. The heat was driving her fucking crazy.
Evie was struggling with the justification of saying something to Mark. What if she did say something but he took it the wrong way? What if she offered herself to him without condition he rejected her advances? Evie swallowed hard and made a decision. It wasn’t enough anymore just to watch him from the window and imagine touching his hot, naked body. She’d spiraled helplessly into a vicious cycle and now craved nothing but to taste him. A leap of faith was required if she was going to slake her thirst.
“Mark,” Evie said quietly.
“Yeah?” he replied, before taking another long drink from the water bottle.
“Would you like me to suck your cock?”
There was a bulging of his cheeks before the boy spat up his drink so hard Evie thought it was going to come out of his eyes. She watched as the water sprayed from his mouth like a park sprinkler and covered most of the top of the kitchen counter. As he coughed and spluttered trying to catch his breath, the rest of what he’d been trying to swallow trickled down his smooth, muscled chest.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry,” Mark babbled, staring at the dripping countertop. “I don’t know what happened.”
“That’s all right. It’s only water.”
He flashed her an apologetic smile as she started to dab up the droplets with some tissue. He was clearly embarrassed about what she’d just said and Evie thought that was cute. He was a hunk of a young man and must have been drowning in attractive young girls, yet he became all flustered when she flirted with him.
She again perched her bottom on the edge of the kitchen table, but this time parted her legs slightly and leaned back to rest on her hands. As her back arched provocatively, her breasts rose and pushed out against the thin fabric of her dress. She wasn’t wearing a bra and knew her nipples were visible through the almost sheer material. More importantly, the hem of her light dress slowly rode up to mid-thigh exposing just the tiniest glimpse of her panties underneath.
“It’s so hot,” she said to herself in a seductive whisper. Evie tilted her head back and swished her long brunette hair from side to side. She could feel beads of sweat trickling down between her breasts. Her skin had flushed a hot pink colour despite the fact that she was wearing as little fabric as she could get away with before technically being naked.
“Roasting,” mumbled Mark in agreement.
Evie opened one eye and glanced at the young man, only to see him staring intently at the gap between her legs. As soon as he noticed her watching, he quickly looked away.
“So?” she asked him.
“I asked if you’d like me to suck your cock.” Evie looked straight into his wide eyes which looked genuinely shocked. It felt a little like teasing your prey before going in for the kill. “You didn’t answer.”
Mark’s mouth hung open like he was catching flies, but there was an unmistakable swelling in the front of his shorts which was beginning to tighten the cotton.
“You were serious?!”
Evie didn’t answer, she just sauntered casually over to the topless boy and without saying a word, slowly lowered herself to her knees in front of him. She spoke quietly as her fingers began to unbutton the waistband of his shorts.
“Yes, I was.”
“Woah, Miss Sum…”
“Shhh,” Evie whispered as she lowered Mark’s shorts to his ankles.
The impressive bulge in his navy blue boxer shorts made her pussy clench. She ran her hand over the swollen length, caressing it through the thin cotton as she imagined how good it would feel to finally wrap her lips around it.
“Come on, when’s the last time a pretty girl gave you a blow job?”
“Actually, it’s been a while,” he replied in a tense voice.
“Really?” asked Evie, more than a little surprised. “I’d have thought a handsome guy like you would be drowning in sorority hotties.”
“I’m a bit shy,” mumbled Mark.
Evie gripped his boxers at the elastic waist and peeled them down to join his shorts on the floor.
“I can help you with that if you want.”
With one hand she gripped his hard, hot flesh which had sprung up once freed from its restraints in his underwear. He sighed as her fingers closed around his throbbing erection.
“That feels so good.”
“Just relax,” she whispered as she circled his smooth scrotum with her thumb and index finger, then tugged downwards gently until he gasped.
Evie couldn’t believe she was actually on her knees in front of Mark. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she could feel the flood of adrenaline hit her bloodstream as she thought about what was to come. The prim and proper Evelyn Summer was slowly dissolving into a horny, cock-hungry slut who was licking her lips at the thought of forbidden fellatio.
Mark’s cock was fucking gorgeous. It was long and thick with a large, circumcised head. Textbook dick. Even his balls were big and heavy in her hand just as she liked. That just meant he was desperately in need of some loving female attention, thought Evie.
“It has been a while, huh? Aww, you poor thing,” she cooed.
Mark was the first guy she’d touched sexually since her ex-boyfriend had run off with a little barmaid whore before Christmas. It wasn’t until that moment, grasping his hard dick in her hands, that she realised how much she’d missed the intimate human contact. She knew seducing Mark was wrong, but she no longer cared. Evie looked up at him and in a soft, husky voice, whispered quietly the words every young man his age wants to hear.
“I’m going to suck you dry.”
“Oh fuck!” hissed Mark as the swollen head of his cock slipped between Evie’s lips.
Her mouth felt so hot on his sensitive skin that it almost burned. He gripped the edge of the kitchen counter tightly as her tongue seared a path of indescribable pleasure around his sensitive glans. Their gaze met as he looked down and she looked up. He watched with growing excitement as her head began to bob up and down, slowly taking more and more of his cock into her mouth each time.
Evie could tell from Mark’s expression that his sexual experience was limited. She loved the way he looked at her. His eyes were starting to get heavy with the haze of sexual pleasure, but the hunger was still there. She could already feel his balls tightening and knew he wouldn’t be able to last long. Dizzy with the excitement and lewdness of the act, she relaxed her jaw and slid his big cock all the way down her throat until her nose was buried in his trimmed patch of dark pubic hair. He smelled musky and masculine which was just how she’d fantasised.
When she pulled back and let Mark’s cock slip free of her mouth, it shot straight up and slapped against his abdomen, glistening with a liberal coating of her saliva. The vigour of youth, she mused and smiled to herself before angling it back down and swallowing it eagerly. Mark moaned and rolled his hips forward, unable to control how his body was reacting. His tight frame tingled head to toe as his muscles trembled, desperate to release the pent up tension. His balls started to ache as Evie continued to tug them downwards away from his crotch.
She bobbed her head up and down steadily, only breaking the metronomic rhythm in order to gaze up into his eyes as she twirled her tongue around his swollen head. The way she flicked it quickly over the sensitive tight skin on the underside of his dick made him clench his teeth. Working just the tip, Evie’s full lips sucked and flared back and forth over the prominent ridge of his cock. She could feel the fire burning between her thighs and the throbbing, desperate need for an orgasm starting to consume her. She released Mark’s gorgeous shaved balls and slipped her hand down inside the wet, lacy material of her underwear.
She split her hot, swollen peach with two fingers and plunged them deep inside her quivering core. Evie couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so sexually aroused. Her nipples were so tight they ached as the light summer fabric of her dress brushed against them, and her clit throbbed as it rubbed against her palm.
Mark started to groan. He sounded like he was in pain but nothing could have been further from the truth. It reverberated from deep inside his heaving chest and made Evie shiver from head to toe. She could tell he was starting to feel the pressure build within.
“Oh, fuck, Miss Summer!”
“You gonna come for me?” asked Evie as she frantically strummed her fingers over her clit, each digit slick with her sweet, sticky cum.
Mark just nodded his head with his eyes clamped tightly shut.
“Come in my mouth, Mark. I want to swallow every drop.”
The dirty talk had its intended effect on the young man. Sacrificing her own climax, Evie quickly pulled her hand free of her panties and shuffled forward on her knees. She wrapped her arms around his slim waist and grasped his firm bare buttocks. With his entire throbbing length buried deep in her throat, she felt Mark’s tight arse clench hard in her hands as he began to come.
“Fuuuck,” he growled loudly.
Mark threw his head back and gritted his teeth as the most intense orgasm of his life rocked his body. Every muscle in his abdomen flexed and contorted with each pulsating jet of cum that surged from his core erupting from his iron cock. The sensation of Evie’s throat tightening as she held him buried inside her was mind-blowing. Slowly she pulled back and allowed Mark to fill her mouth with the rest of his seed. She felt his hard flesh throb with each tight clench until the poor thing shook all over. When he had finally shuddered his last and slumped back heavily against the kitchen counter, Evie slowly savoured then swallowed the sweetest taste of impropriety.
The muscles in Mark’s back and thighs twitched uncontrollably as he gasped for air. His white knuckles betrayed the effort it was taking to remain standing as he held onto the edge of the counter for support. Evie sat back on her haunches and allowed Mark’s saliva-slicked cock to slip from her mouth. She stood up slowly and licked from her top lip a stray drop of cum. Despite her heart pounding furiously in her chest at the outrageous act she had just committed on her knees, she couldn’t help but smile as she looked at the contentment on the young man’s face. She ran a single, manicured finger down Mark’s chest between his pecs, and then slipped it into her mouth to savour the salty taste of her efforts.
“You bad boy,” she whispered with a smile.
When Mark was once again able to think straight, he pulled his boxers and shorts up from the floor and re-dressed. Evie just watched him, still able to taste the remnants of his semen on her lips. They caught each other’s gaze and both smiled as Mark was buttoning up his shorts.
“I’m sorry that I have to dash off,” said Mark in an apologetic tone as he slung his dirty t-shirt over his shoulder. “I should really have left a while ago.”
“Do you really need to go already?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty late as it is,” he replied and started walking unsteadily towards the front door. Evie loved the fact that he’d come so hard his legs weren’t yet working properly.
“No, that’s all right. I understand. Thank you for helping me out today, Mark.”
“No problem,” he replied, and wondered what exactly it was that she was referring to.
“Perhaps you could come over again tomorrow?”
The flirtatious smile she flashed him as they reached the front door made Mark grin like an idiot. Evie nibbled on her bottom lip and leaned against the wall like a young girl asking a boy out on a first date. To seal the deal, Evie traced a fingertip between the swell of her glossy, flushed breasts and gave him a puppy-dog look. The young man swallowed hard as he stared intently at her supple flesh.
“I could do that,” Mark nodded. “Do you want me to spend the day in the garden?”
“Actually,” Evie leaned forward and pressed her breasts into his hot, bare chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I was thinking you could spend the day in me.”
Mark’s breath caught in his throat as her lips brushed against his and she planted on him a slow, passionate kiss. She ran her tongue over his tight lips until he loosened up enough to return the gesture as she wanted. Even his mouth tasted good.
“Don’t be so nervous,” she chided playfully when their lips parted.
“About tomorrow,” he started with a more confident smile. “I might have to check my calendar.”
“Oh really?” Evie replied with a knowing smirk. “You do that.”
Mark opened the front door and stumbled over his own feet as he backed across the front porch. Watching where he was going would have helped him considerably but his eyes preferred the view of Evie Summer leaning against the door frame. She giggled at his clumsiness as she watched him leave. As he reached the sidewalk, Mark turned back with a huge smile on his face that he was unable to contain any longer.
“I’ll be here bright and early!”
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The Transformation (Why High School English Sucks) Willy Mays Hayes 7/14/09 "What is this?" I cried out. "What do you think it is, it's payback for all of the suffering you have caused me!" cackled my evil english teacher. "What are you doing to me!" I screamed as I struggled to free myself for the chair I was strapped to. "Let me go, what are you doing!!" "It's simple really, you see you've made a mockery of my class, you and all of the other boys and since your parents...
My Daughter Sucksbywhitestepdad©After my wife and I divorced, I moved back into my father's house because my ex had taken everything from me: my house, my money, and even the dogs. Yet my daughter decided to live with me which made my ex mad beyond belief. Being 18, Sabrina was going to start college and in the fall and my dad's house is a few blocks from her school. I figured it was a win-win situation for everybody. My dad would have extra money coming in, I could save and begin a new, and...
Steve, or Steffie, was fearful of delaying too long in the bathroom, so, shaking his head, he picked up the panties and pantyhose left on the counter for him. He discovered that the pantyhose were crotchless, and considered putting them on first, since his panties could then be removed easily. But he decided that the guys were likely not interested in his own pleasure, so he donned the panties first. The red satin material felt cooling against his buns, which were still warm from the spankings...
CrossdressingJeff and Vicki led a very conventional life until his controlling ways got the better of him. In a fit of anger Vicki transformed him into desperate cock sucking machine, with a great female body but no sexual organs - making him incapable of getting any other means of sexual release. In response to e-mails received this is a consolidated text covering the first 4 Chapters, before the second half of the story is posted on Fictionmania soon. Any further suggestions gratefully received by...
My husband and I had never done any swinging before but had talked about it many times. It was just kind of a fantasy thing that we shared. Then through a friend of ours, we were invited to what was billed as a swing party although it turned out to be more like an orgy. The party started out mildly enough. Val, our host had only invited couples. We kept to ourselves at the beginning and found ourselves in a darkened room. We took off our clothes and tried to fit in with the groups of people in...
My husband and I had never done any swinging before but had talked about it many times. It was just kind of a fantasy thing that we shared. Then through a friend of ours, we were invited to what was billed as a swing party although it turned out to be more like an orgy. The party started out mildly enough. Val, our host had only invited couples. We kept to ourselves at the beginning and found ourselves in a darkened room. We took off our clothes and tried to fit in with the groups of people in...
Half way through the summer Sabrina met a new friend. Salina was a local girl and they had an instant connection especially since their names sounded so much alike. Since Sabrina did not know much of the city, Salina offered to show her around town and introduce her to some people. They had a blast hanging out, shopping, and meeting new people. They were like two peas in a pod.Salina was a tall thin big hipped Latina with bright light blue eyes with small perky tits. She wasn't chesty like...
I was pretty drunk. I should have gotten a DUI. It would have been my second, which I most certainly couldn’t afford. But I drove there anyway.I’d been at work, then drinking after. It was a Sunday night become Monday morning. I was horny as fuck. My girlfriend was out of town, so I was free to roam and play, but this was still cheating. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted it. I wanted to suck a cock.A remnant of my single days, less than a month before, I still had Grindr on my old...
Gay MaleI had to forgive Helen though. It was her “weekend” off and she had powered down more than a few beers and she was definitely high. “I’d like to hug you to death”, she added looking at me fondly. Her husband, Rodger just laughed. “You gotta watch out for her when she’s horny”, he blurted. He too had had his fill of beer when he made that totally RUDE remark about her. I knew that in a couple of hours, by 3pm they’d both be passed out and Steve and I could raid the refrigerator and drink...
Introduction: My friends mother showed me how much some women love cock! Look honey, doesnt he have bedroom eyes? Helen and her husband were discussing the color of my eyes! I couldnt believe she described them as bedroom eyes, that seemed a little odd, especially to a 15 year old horny guy who had only been jacked off once by the whore at Whittier High School, in California. I had to forgive Helen though. It was her weekend off and she had powered down more than a few beers and she was...
My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...
I can’t believe I got detention. All I did was have my cell phone out and text just a little bit. I guess it is a crime to want to use your cell phone as an 18-year-old senior. Alas, Mr. Roof gave me a detention and here I sit in my green tank top and black short shorts. I am the only one in the detention. Watching over me is 25 year old Ms. Hailiex or as she likes to be called by her first name, Maria. I am just sitting there doing some homework so that way I don’t have to do it when I get...
BisexualChapter 1 Copyright© 2005-2006 Edited by Isaac Newton, circa 2006, Revision 1.5 There was a young fellow named Pell Who didn't like cunt very well. He would finger or fuck one, But never would suck one-- He just couldn't get used to the smell. Beneath the wide-brimmed, feather-adorned hat, grandma squinted towards the sea, with a sad, melancholy, distant smile upon her face and her lips tightly clasped. I hated when mom ordered me to stay with grandmother ("It's your turn!" she...
Last November me and my friends rented a Limo-Bus too go from Chicago too Milwaukee. We went too see the rock band Megadeth making a very selected Mid-West appearance. After the Concert and we had gotten back too Chicago My Friends had hired 4 Strippers. Wow my first Stripper experience it was great. Since it really wasn’t anyones Birthday and or Bachellore party. I got too be the Lucky one. I already shirtless ,The main stripper took my belt off and un-buttoned my pants.In Underwear only She...
Last November me and my friends rented a Limo-Bus too go from Chicago too Milwaukee. We went too see the rock band Megadeth making a very selected Mid-West appearance. After the Concert and we had gotten back too Chicago My Friends had hired 4 Strippers. Wow my first Stripper experience it was great. Since it really wasn't anyones Birthday and or Bachellore party. I got too be the Lucky one. I already shirtless ,The main stripper took my belt off and un-buttoned my pants.In Underwear only She...
100% fiction!I don’t much care for reality shows. So how ironic is it that my idea is now the hottest reality show on television, thanks to three sexy TV news anchors, two cute local teens I met while shopping for food, and a lovely bank-teller from across the street. Reality shows, I find, are mostly as far from reality as you can get... or they’re trite... or they’re boring... or any combination of these three. I mean, how ‘real’ is it for gorgeous young adults from southern California and...
Group SexWhen I was in blonde hair. Blue-eyed. And oh so eager to please. I remember my first date with Jamie. I met her at her dorm. She was wearing a tight white sweater and even tighter blue jeans. I had promised her a movie and then a bit of bar hopping. We got to the movie a bit late and she said she’d rather just go listen to music in the bars. So we did. The first bar we went to was too crowded, she said. The second bar was too dark. The third was too crowded again. “What really are you looking...
EroticLife is fucked , I am working and looking after my 3 children, the men in my life have disappointed me greatly, I have been let down constantly by them. Verbal and physical abuse has been a constant of which I no longer tolerate - seeking an intervention order against my last companion if that's what you would call him - fucking creep. I am now into my early forties, luckily still have my looks although some age lines showing. My body is holding up well after the birth of my kids, you...
Sixteen-year-old Cody and his thirteen-year-old brother Caleb were closer to most brothers that either of them new. From the time they were young, it was clear that the two would be inseparable in the years to come. They did everything together and never shied away from any subject that came up in their discussions. Cody had recently gotten a girlfriend who he came to spend more and more time with, much to the chagrin of Caleb. Caleb, try as hard as me might, never really connected with a...
I was not usually a naughty girl at school, but there was something about Miss Wilton that made me act badly around her. Although she was comparatively young, she was one of the strictest and most authoritarian of our teachers, and she always seemed to have a particular down on me – criticising my work, and pulling me up sharply for little things like running in the corridor between classes, the sort of things that everyone did and were nothing out of the ordinary. I was not sure of her...
Introduction: Codys younger brother Caleb has a question to ask. This is a fairly typical story, but I hope the details and realistic penis sizes set it apart from similar ones on this site. This contains incest between minors, so if you dont like this kind of story, by all means, stop reading now and finish watching Twilight. Sixteen-year-old Cody and his thirteen-year-old brother Caleb were closer to most brothers that either of them new. From the time they were young, it was clear that the...
So my parents sent my ass off to summer camp this year to get me out of their hair! They said it would be good for me to interact with others make new friends blah blah blah... so I went I had no choice! The first night there I was in my bunk and the room was pitch dark I fell asleep late because it was all so strange and everything anyway I woke up during the night to find someone on top of me he was much bigger than me and was holding me down my underwear was off and his cock was rubbing...
Cheryl and I have shared many fantasies with each other during our Monday morning coffee dates. Some of them have even come true. This one particular Monday I was feeling a bit more raunchy than usual the weekend was crap so I made some last minute calls to arrange for some additional relief. Cheryl arrived and could tell that something was up but I gave no answer to her question I just led her to the kitchen for our coffee and some small talk. After a short while the doorbell rang and I told...
My name is Steven. I graduated high school early, so I just turned 18 recently and am already a college student. I live with my mother and brother in New York. In the morning and early afternoon I go to my classes, then after that I go to work in an after-school program at the elementary school where my mom works. One day when I got out of my last class I was going home to drop off my stuff before going to work. On the way I bumped into a girl about the same age as I am. She was crying, so...
I can’t believe I got detention. All I did was have my cell phone out and text just a little bit. I guess it is a crime to want to use your cell phone as an 18-year-old senior. Alas, Mr. Roof gave me a detention and here I sit in my green tank top and black short shorts. I am the only one in the detention. Watching over me is 25 year old Ms. Hailiex or as she likes to be called by her first name, Maria. I am just sitting there doing some homework so that way I don’t have to do it when I get...
The bell rings and you wake up, stirred from a light nap during your English class. Luckily the teacher didn't notice and you collect your things and get ready to go, remembering vividly the dreams you had before you woke up. You look across the room to see the girl you were dreaming about, Jane, getting out of her seat wearing a pretty yellow summer dress. It fits her well, contouring to the curves of her chest and flowing out around her waist down just above her knees. In the shafts of...
I could feel my orgasm building, pressure in my balls as I thrust into her pussy. She squirmed below me, eyes closed, tossing her head back and forth, her red hair splayed out across her pillow. She was breathing heavily and grunting each time I pushed into her. She held her chest, alternately pulling on her nipples and squeezing her tits together. There were low, animalistic noises deep in her throat as I fucked her. Any second now, I knew I was going to cum, and I knew I needed to pull out. I...
ReluctanceCopyright© 2004 Suddenly, I felt the cool night air; my blanket was being pulled off me. I sleepily reached for it, but it escaped my grasp. It wasn't at all like my wife to tease me this way. I looked down to the foot of the bed. Well no wonder. It wasn't my wife, not even close. She, the woman who was definitely not my wife, just stood there. Right there at the foot of my bed. She was wearing jeans and a long white tank top. She had the most beguiling smile on her face. This was...
"Oh come now, Mina," Emeraldas pleaded, "You can't leave me here like this." From atop her horse, the tall blonde cast a disgusted look down at her. "You shouldn't have tried to steal from me, Em." "I wasn't stealing, I swear," the smaller woman quickly said, "I was just... um... looking for something in your backpack." Mina laughed. "Save it for someone who cares, Em. I've had it with you and your stupid plans. Good bye, Emeraldas." Spurring her mount forward, she quickly...
The blink of an eye was all it took to move from the scene in the enchanted wood to find myself once again back in my bed. The sheet had been pulled over our heads and was a canopy of white light over us. The warmth of the early morning and my two companions was all around me. What was more, I could still feel the warmth of a wet mouth as my fountaining shaft was being fellated. I was even more surprised when I looked down. Rather than my pet; Valerie, it was Amy who's face smiled up at me...
The downpour of winter rain monopolized my mind from the time I hit the city limits. Paige talked me through the unfamiliar streets, saying she would remain inside the building until my truck was sighted. "I'll run out and jump in when I see you coming down the street," she said, cautioning me to drive carefully. "These people are crazy. Is it always like this or is it just the rain?" Paige laughed. "The kids are out of school this week. They're in town to exchange gifts that are...
Feb. 22nd, 2019 Hi Guys, I’m still cruising along. My family is finally about done with the flu. Yay! I find it interesting that even after having my illness for more than a year I’m still learning things about how it has changed my approach to life. I yelled at a doctor yesterday. We were at my youngest child’s appointment. We were in the exam room. All of a sudden there was a lot of movement in the hallway. It wasn’t an emergency or anything, it just became busy. Between the activity in...
I lay there while he took my cock in his mouth. I had to admit that he sucked cock almost as good as my wife. He had shaved first so there was none of the scratchy whiskers to tell me that it was a man sucking my cock.We were both in Racine, Wisconsin for a week long seminar. We had been assigned a room together. I knew Jim from work well. We had worked with each other for three years. I never knew he was gay. He stretched his naked body out on the bed. His loins were even with my head. I...
My wife Angie and I grew up and went to college in Wisconsin, where I earned a master’s degree in healthcare management, and Angie earned a master’s degree in education. At the age of twenty-five we moved to Roanoke, Virginia since I got a job with one of the large healthcare insurers there. Angie couldn't find a teaching position right away, but she did get a volleyball coaching job at a high school, which was part-time but still better than nothing.Angie is a well-conditioned athlete and...
TeenPart 1 – Hubby SuckingSarah and I have had very normal, conservative lives. We were born and raised in the Midwest and met in college. We got married right after graduation, and started a family in Indianapolis. So, by the time we were both forty-two years old, our son and daughter were both in college and living away from home.My name is David, and I must admit that I didn’t handle being an empty nester very well. My life up to that point had been mostly consumed providing for our kids and...
BisexualJust back from another day at school, I entered the living room to find my aunt dozing with my cousin, Sam fast asleep in her lap. Auntie Kim is stopping here while my mom has taking dad away for a few days to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Even though I am sixteen and can look after myself, mom insisted Kim came to look after me.She has just turned thirty and became a single mother, four months back, she had an affair with the boss where she used to work and was well rewarded if she left...
This may have been the weirdest thing I have ever done in my life. Well, the weirdest experience I've ever had in my life. I think because it was so out of context, so unlikely and so totally unexpected.I need to provide some background to provide the context it occurred in so it all makes sense. I was in a relationship with Maddy's brother Terry at the time. Maddy's family own a small merchant bank in Melbourne and Terry had been the black sheep of the family his entire life. I met Terry in a...
(This story was sparked when I read about a Dutch 'zuigvrouw', which translates literally as 'suck woman', or more on point, as 'lactation starter'. This was a genuine profession, a century back; a 'zuigvrouw' helped getting the lactation of a pregnant woman started by sucking on her nipples. This was before the invention of breast pumps, obviously, to encourage breastfeeding)I think you'll understand it best when I tell you my story right from the beginning. Because you might wonder why an...
Mia had been sucking Ted for over an hour. She loved sucking his cock a lot. She had made him cum once and kept sucking to get a second load of cum from his big dick. Last night in bed she sucked him before they slept then she woke him later and sucked him again. She sucked him once again in the morning then she sucked his balls and licked and fingered his ass. Mia loved the taste of cum and could never get enough. She got her first taste of cum when her step dad made her suck his cock almost...
The neighbor boy and I used to play with each other from a young age. When we got to be a little older we learned how to play like adults. I really loved sucking his cock and he was a great pussy licker. I still love sucking cock more than I should. Gil still lets me suck him any time I want but I want a nice big cock with big balls to suck and get a huge load of cum to swallow. Gil and I self taught ourselves sex by watching porn in the computer when our parents were away. He was fifteen and I...
It was my 39th birthday and I was coming home from the office. I wasn't really looking forward to a birthday party, but I was hoping for some birthday sex. My wife, Sheila, was an amazing woman and we had a great sex life. Lately she had been talking a lot about fantasies and things that got us both hot. She had opened up to me and told me about her fantasy of seeing me give a blowjob. I was fairly shocked when she said it, but she was blowing me at the time, so it was tough to act offended....
I was on an adult fetish hookup site’s IM and I was hoping to find a cock to suck. I had been looking for a t-girl or couple to make it an easier process to discover if I was bi-sexual. Having been unsuccessful over the last month I could not wait any longer. I got a message from a guy looking to hookup, I was very upfront, after a long time of trying to find a cock to suck, I told him I wanted to suck a cock today and did not want to wait. He was very happy to have me come over to his place...
My new girlfriend Tammy tells me her biggest dirty secretShe's a 31 yr old, cock-loving slut, whose favorite thing in the world is to have her mouth filled with hot cock, shooting tons of cream into her waiting mouth! We were in bed high on some mdma baring our souls, when she told me this story. I’ve been sucking cock since I was in school and having a cock cum in my mouth always makes my pussy get wet! Watching a guy taking his cock out in front of me always brings me to my knees, no matter...
I was in a huge department store and needed to use the bathroom and I went in and sat down and noticed a hole in between the stalls. The hole was just about the size of a finger. Next another man came in to the next stall and sat down. I notied he was playing with his penis so I took my uncut cock and started playing with it also. After a minute or so he got up and left his stall and another man sat in his stall. Then I realized the man that was there before was now standing in front of my...
GayMy first experience of gay sex started before knowing what sex is. While seeing wrestling match with my friend Sandy, my cock stood up inside my trousers. I don’t think that time Sandy had seen mine. He too had same feel, he wrestle with me hold my cock and our cock meet each inside trousers. I felt pleasure, He hit my mouth with his boxers. He asked me to kiss cock, i refused, I feared. He said, if I’m ok, he can kiss my cock. When i agreed him, he removed my trouser, He did it for me for the...
Gay Male