Vulcan's Wrath free porn video

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"Why are the Gods so angry with us?" Olivia screamed into the deafening roar around us.

“We will all die before the day is out.” Clenched fists, she screamed again at the heavens.

I wondered why I was there too, to make money I suppose; the city had been shaken by the gods for weeks, now hardly any buildings of note were undamaged. The city elders wanted surveyors to advise them and I planned to make my fortune. Now, standing in the bedchamber of the daughter of a rich merchant, with the god Vulcan's rage spewing from the mountain they called Vesuvius behind me, I too feared I would be dead by the end of the day.

“Surveyor, I will not go to the Gods a virgin. Do what is required,” the merchant's daughter shouted at me over the din.

She lay on her bed, fine woven tunic pulled above her hips, her legs wide open.

This was a gift from the Gods in my last moments of life. I pulled her to the edge of the bed and held her labia open. Indeed there was her hymen, to take the virginity of such a fine girl, saved until her eighteenth year. It was a true gift and I thanked Vulcan and Janus for that honour.

Then I spat on my fingers and smeared the spittle around her virgin hole. Then pushed my stiff penis into the entrance of her vagina and drove it hard up into her womb. The wail of pain as her hymen ruptured was drowned by another roar from Vulcan’s throat, Olivia lay staring at me as she felt the new sensation of a man’s penis invading her inner depths.

I had no care, it had been three months since I had felt a women’s flesh. A grateful client had let me take one of his older slaves, she had been the age of my mother I guess, and dry. Olivia was wet with spit, blood, and her own juices.

Around us the room shook, plaster fell from the walls and an angry God spat pumice stones into the room. My balls boiled and I was in no mood to let my last seed be spilt on the floor or Olivia’s stomach. I drove harder into her, holding her body near me and her legs open. She struggled, but a strong man is no match for such a pampered lady.

“By the Gods!” she cried, surprised by cum squirting deep into her.

My limp phallus slipped from her and she pulled herself to her feet, unsteady she crossed the room to the window.

I shouted for her to stop, but as she steadied herself against the window frame; it collapsed taking her with it. A short scream and a sickening thud brought her life to an end.

I stared down at the broken body in the street below fallen masonry lying on top of her, her legs open and bloody semen leaking from her bruised and gapping vagina.

Below me, I saw the merchant, his wife and son, come into the street to see what the commotion was about. He stared at his dishonoured daughter’s lifeless body, and then up at me. But, before he could move, a roar as the building oppose collapsed; he and all his family would be making their way to the mansions of their Gods.

I heard a gasp beside me, one of the household slaves, a girl of sixteen years I guessed, also gazed down at the scene of horror.

“The Gods are against us Sir, we will all die,” she said, her hands shaking with fear.

“I do not wish to die yet. Come with me I know the sub-terrain ways from this city," I told her.

I grabbed the sack containing my clothes, tools, oil lamps and oil; she stopped for a moment and left the room. I bundled the daughter’s spare tunics and cloak into the sack, it may be cold underground. The girl returned with her master’s cloak and two purses, they too, went into the sack.

“If we do not take it the other slaves will,” she shrugged.

“We must go now!” I shouted over the Vesuvius’ roar.

I saw the girl grab something from the daughter’s table, and we ran down the stairs to courtyard in the centre of the villa. Beside the fountain was a flag stone with an iron ring secured into it. It was heavy, but it yielded.

I lit a lamp and plunged down into the darkness. It was a tunnel, roughly hewn from the rock on which the city was build, in places poor quality bricks had been used to support the roof or walls. Along its floor a stream surged on it’s way from the mountain to the sea; but it headed out of the city.

For what seemed hours we half walked, half crawled along this passage, until we came to a brick lined pool. I had seen tanks like this before and knew they were deep, but a narrow ledge made it possible to crawl around.

I made my way along the ledge to the other side with my sack of positions; the slave girl followed, but there was fear in her eyes. I had reached the other side safe and dry when I heard a cry and realised he had slipped into the water.

For a moment her head was above water, then, she was gone. I thrust my hand deep into the water and grasped her arm then hauled the slave girl out from the cistern; the cold wet cloth clung to her slim body.

For a moment she stood shivering from cold and fright, then, she pulled off her tunic and wrung the water from it. I sat and studied her slim young body by the light of the oil lamp; the cold water had left her nipples as hard buds protruding from shapely breasts. Her mons Veneris was only sparingly covered with hair and her labia were long and open.

She turn and saw me watching her, I was embarrassed and turned my head. But she smiled and stood in front of me, her legs parted to display herself.

“I am a slave Sir; there is no need to turn away. I have no rights over my body. Stare at me is you want; you saved my life, you have every right to.”

I looked again at her and my desire grew, as did my penis. She watched the movement under my tunic and knelt in front of me; her fingers were cold but her mouth was warm and pleasing. She let her tongue explore my shaft; nimble fingers massaged my scrotum and, pulling my foreskin back and licked the exposed flesh. This slave had mastered fellatio even at her young age.

I felt my sap raising and with it my seed was ready to burst forth, she saw this, but let her lips mimic a vagina. My sperm streamed into her mouth, her cheeks swelled a little to accommodate it; then closed her eyes for a moment and swallowed.

“Did that please you, Sir?” She asked. There was no emotion in her voice; it was like any other job for her.

Blood still racing though my veins, I nodded and caught my breath for a while.

“What were her duties in the house?” I asked, knowing that her skill must been learnt.

“My duties were in the bed chambers Sir. I was there for the family’s pleasure.”

“Have you borne them children?” I was concerned that, in haste, we had left her child.

“No Sir, the Master's seed was weak and ineffective; his son enjoyed the company of men above girls. So he only wanted my mouth or to take me as a male. The Lady of the house had many male admirers; it was my duty to clean her between her lovers’ visits. And, to satisfy her with my tongue if she needed it.”

“What about the Lady Olivia?” I asked without thinking.

“My mistress would have me perform cunilingus upon her daughter when she was distraught.”

I motioned her to sit on the ledge beside me, her body was warm and soft against me; pulling a cloak around us, we slept. We slept until Vulcan broke our slumber. The Earth shook below our feet and a deafening roar hurt of ears, it seemed to last an eternity; then, there was silence. An eyrie, unnatural silence as if all Creation had gone.

We walked alone the tight aquifer for perhaps another hour, the water was now sulphurous to the taste; it was the very piss of Vulcan himself.

I sat with the girl resting beside me; I felt the warm softness of the girl beside me. As I thought about this girl being there for the pleasure of the family, to be taken whenever they wanted, my lust stirred again.

The slave saw my raising penis and knelt before it again, her skilful tongue dismissed any reservations I had the evening before were gone. I let my fingers run over her plump young breast while her mouth gave pleasure to my loins. For a second time I squired seed into her warm mouth, and again her swallowed without question.

At last I felt fresh air on my face; and found that iron hoops had been hammered into the side of the tunnel to provide a crude ladder, above me a flat stone covered away to the surface above.

The sun was setting crimson red when we emerged; it the distance a faint light from a farmhouse showed there was still some life. It was good to walk upright again.

I paid the farmer had a bed for me, but said my slave could sleep in the kitchen. A look of concern flashed across her face, she too had seen the lusty looks he had given her. I told him that my slave, would sleep at the foot of my bed in case I needed her services during the night; the farmer looked angry, but said nothing.

The past days had been arduous with little sleep so I let the girl sleep on the mattress beside me. In the morning she was still laying face down head turned away from me, as she should do when sleeping in the Master’s bed. I looked at the smoothness of her skin, the soft feminine muscles of her thighs, legs and buttocks. Deep between her legs I saw her long, inviting, labia; my lust grew she was a slave and could not refuse me.

I moved my body to cover her. Her hand stopped me for a moment

“Sir, please, I am a slave without a household to support me if I have a child. If you need to take your pleasure with me, please sodomise me. Sir, no one will know you have done that, and it is not illegal with a slave.”

I nodded my consent, the slave took some oil from the lamp; she spread on my hard penis, the rest she rubbed between her buttocks. She squatted facing me, then lowered herself onto my erection. The oil burnt my flesh a little, but that only heightened the pleasure.

The hole was tight, but it opened easily. Her hands clasped behind my neck, she lifted and lowered herself onto me; each time my prick drove deeper into her passage. After a few strokes she was able to sit on my thighs, my prick now deep in her bowels.

She smiled briefly at the look of pleasure on my face, then, with her face buried into my neck, she rose and fell on my manhood. I held her slim young waist, and guided the stroke and the speed until I could bear it no more; then, let my seed flow deep into her bowels.

As was her custom, she asked if I had enjoyed her. Then, raised herself from me covering her anus until it had closed. She was well practiced in this.

We found a port and a captain willing to take us far along the coast. Some days later we were in a small town with a harbour part completed, and much else to be done.

The slave to wait for me in the town square while I presented my letters of reference to the Superintendent of Works; it was a good meeting and I returned to her with employment and the use of an old building as lodgings.

That night we made the best of the accommodation and slept soundly.

As dawn broke, I dressed and started my new employment, returned only to my new home in the late afternoon. The slave had made good progress cleaning, but now sat waiting for my return.

“Sir, what should we do now? Will you keep me as your slave or sell me? If you sell me, I beg that it is to a good household.”

There were tears in her eyes, and her voice trembled. I sat and thought for a while; I could not afford a wife and a slave, and no wife would want me to have as attractive a slave as this.

“I will make an offering to the Gods,” I told her.

She knew nothing of my plans and stood silently; I made my offering on the alter I had built into a niche. I had chosen the God Janus and Goddess Vesta to protect my home. They had always dealt fairly with me in the past. I lit the lamps that sat side by side before the statuettes in the God's images. Vesta’s burned strong, but that of Janus flickered and went out. In the moment just before the last growing ember on the wick was extinguished, a breath of wind blow Vesta’s flame across and the other flame burst forth anew.

“The Gods have sanctioned this enterprise,” I said turning.

I led the slave to the bed chamber; bewildered, she stood for a moment, the slave close her eyes, not knowing what would come next; then, I pushed her back and opened her legs.

“Sir!” She said stunned as my mouth closed around her vagina; for a master to please his slave was not normal. She may have had this service from another slave, but never a Master. A look of lust took her and she moaned and her fluids poured into my mouth; I drank as much of the sweet nectar as she could give. My penis was now hard and ready, I positioned it between her labia.

“Sir. Please not this,” she begged.

“I take you for my wife,” I said as I pushed up deep into her soft body.

She lay staring, open mouthed at me as I repeatedly thrust into womb. Her vagina was as tight as her anus, but more of its juices streamed into our union. Unable to stop herself, her body writhed beneath me and she shuddered, and let out a scream of joy. My balls were ready to shed their cargo, I gripped her tight and let their contents swim in her womb.

As I rested the girl lay facing me, a slave would face away from the master in respect.

“How can this be? I was not released by the merchant before he died,” she asked slowly.

“Vulcan’s rage has buried the city of Pompeii and those in it. The administrator’s scrolls would have never survived the flames; who is there alive who would know you or care. I made my offering to Janus and to Vesta, they have sanctioned my request,” I answered.

“What shall I call you? What are my duties? I have only slave’s garments, what shall I wear?” The girl’s questions started to flood out.

“You should call me Husband or Marcus. Duties?” I smiled.

Pushing her onto her stomach, I slid my naked body over hers

“In bed, you are still a slave. Your mouth, vagina and anus are there for my pleasure.” I told her as I slid a finger into that tight puckered brown hole which I had come to enjoy. I slid to the side of her.

“ But out of bed, you are the mistress of the house; you will keep the finances, feed us and provide for us. “Choose a high born name for yourself, then, mimic the noble ways of your former mistress. When our fortunes permit, you will chose the slaves and command them. If you cannot read or write, I will teach you.”

“What of cloths, Husband?” She tried the word as if for the first time in her life.

“I rescued some from the house before we left, they will do until you have something else.” I indicated the sack across the room with my possessions in it.

She rose and walked naked across the room, carefully she searched through it; there was a white tunic of fine weave and a cloak to match, a second tunic dyed a pale red, and a pair of sandals. The girl stared at the garments in her hand; clearly these were things she had coveted.

“I shall take the name Olivia,” my wife announced as she admired herself in the colour tunic and delicate sandals.

“Come Olivia, put on your rings and we will have our wedding breakfast.” I commanded.

For a moment she looked at me with anger and fear as she remembered snatching the rings from the table so many days before. But the compassion in my eyes made her relax and she slide the gold onto her fingers.

We sat at a tavern a short walk from our dwelling, her short hair suggested a slave, but her fine cloths and demure manner quickly pushed that idea aside. We said we had escaped the wroth of Vulcan and people accepted that.

I ordered wine, bread, cheese and fish; we ate hungrily and laughed. But the Olivia was not used to wine; the day was closing so we did not stay long.

I last rays of the sun flooded our bedroom; this time, it was she who pushed me onto the bed.

“So Husband, in bed I must give you my mouth.”

Olivia’s hand reached under my tunic and found my penis, then, her warm mouth closed around it until it had grown stiff again.

“Then you want my vagina,” she said.

Positioning herself against my hard manhood, she sank down onto it. A look of joy filled both of our faces; I let her ride me at her own pace, until she felt my needs rise.

Olivia stopped rose from me, then a moment later she sank down again and I felt her puckered hole opened to accommodate me. Her body shuddered with enjoyment.

“And, you want this hole, Husband, Master? Well, now I can enjoy its use too.” She giggled as she rose and fell on my stiff manhood.

Soon, she felt the gush of my seed fill her body, and she too shuddered for joy.

With plenty of work, a secret hoad of gold to support us, and very sexual wife, life would be good from now.

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My dirty little secret Pnp with a dominant perv

He will be at least a few years older than me, in great shape, he'll have an unrelenting sex drive, he'll be tall-ish, he'll work out and be somewhat muscular, he'll be at least averagely endowed, and he'll have some very kinky and extreme sexual fantasies. And he will love meeting a guy like me. Our kinks will fit together like puzzle pieces. Where I have a fascination with submission and sexual service to a man, he'll have an obsession with fantasies of secretly spending...

2 years ago
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Body Massage Karvate Aunty Chudai

Hi, dosto mera naam sachin hai main ek ache engineering college se padha hu abhi gurgaon main job kr rha hu waise punjab patiala se hu and part time therapist hu meri kuch special clients hai jinko service deta hu and mere liye privacy is must. Yeh meri iss par pehli chudai story hai par main iss ka 5 saal se fan hu maine lag bhag iski sare storis padhi hai. Agar apko meri story achi lgi toh please coment kre yeh meri email id hai. Toh dosto jayada time na waste krta hua main sidha story pe...

1 year ago
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Prodigious CollectionChapter 11

3 Section 44 -- Ken Davidson gets his family "Dad," whined Leah, "I said I would help you find two concubines. You're looking more and more hunky to me. I love you, Dad, but I really don't want to sleep with you. I don't think it would be fair to Mom and I don't want to regret it for the rest of my life. I have never been so horny in my life, Dad. I can hardly keep my fingers out of my crotch. My body isn't going to let me wait much longer. Can we get you settled pretty soon, please?...

1 year ago
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Fuck Fest in Gym

God I want to fuck him Laura thought to herself as she stared at his muscular arms and biceps. Her trainer had to be one of the best looking guys she had seen. All she wanted to do was rub her hands in his brown shaggy hair and touch him all over. She wanted to make a move but she was too shy. However, she knew she was good looking. At five foot seven she had long lean legs and hard abs from the continuous hours she had spent sculpting her body. One of the pluses of her body was her chest. She...

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Selena Used By Cabbie And Watchman

Hello ISS readers, this is Selena here. . I really want to thank the ISS community for the overwhelming response to my first story. I was totally held up since my last post, so I couldn’t post new updates. So let’s continue with the story of a cabbbie and our watchman. I sat in the cab with Ali, and we started towards my home. I was still pretty drunk, and anyone could control me and make me do things they want from me. As it was dark, the cabbie couldn’t see my state as I was seated behind...

2 years ago
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An old friend fucked my husbands ex girlfriend bac

I was cleaning up the house a bit late one afternoon when my sister-in-law stopped by to visit. I grabbed a couple glasses of wine as the two of us sat in the living room and chit chatted for a while. As we were talking, she told me that while she was out a few days earlier, she ran into a couple of old friends of ours that we had gone to school with. I asked her who they were and she said that it was an old boyfriend of hers whose name was Mario and his best friend Sean, who we used to hang...

3 years ago
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Harley Mark Our Thoughts

Harley: To many, she is an innocent Angel and a well-behaved wife. To a few, she is a submissive slut in a sexless marriage.Mark: Harley’s on-line friend, his thoughts are in Italics.Dave: Harley’s fuck buddy.Monday – 11 days to goIt’s finally been arranged. Just over a week’s time, I’ll be seeing my fuck buddy. I’m finally getting back into bed with him. It’s been so long due to all this virus rubbish. I’m instantly excited at the thought, wet panties, and hard nipples. It’s not only about the...

2 years ago
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Seducing My Sexy MotherInLaw

HI, I am Raj, 6 ft with good looks and i am from Hyderabad and work in a software company. This is a story where I describe how I seduced my MIL and how the fun started. These are the true incidents happened between me and my MIL My parents stated looking for matches for me and we selected on good looking girl. As my father in law died long back My family and my MIL arranged our marriage and it was done with lots of celebrations. It is a custom in our area that after marriage for 1st night,...

3 years ago
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Kama with Sam first sex

Hi readers,this is my first experience of sex in my life and i never forget that sweet moments.let me tell about me first,i kama(name changed) working in Banglore in an mnc.this story which happened in life when i was studying my 2nd yr engineering in Chenna.i am well built and fair in colour. Now coming to the story.first year went normal with ragging and studies as usual,but when we guys reached second yr,guys went crazy on finding a girl and it was very tough time for us to find a girl for...

4 years ago
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Change Partners

My wife Beth and I lose interest in our marriage and decide to explore new passion with old lovers who have re-entered our lives. But I find it hard to separate myself completely from her even as we form two new couples. And we discover new erotic highs even at the end of our marriage. After almost twenty years, the fire of passion had gone out of my marriage. I was still fond of Beth and smitten at times with her beauty. She was a lovely brunette with lean, classic lines and perfect tits...

1 year ago
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It was in early November that Natalie arrived as a new pupil at the girls-only secondary school in the outer London suburb to which her parents had just moved. Natalie was four months past her sixteenth birthday, a pretty girl with rich brown curly hair falling to her shoulders, deep dark eyes and a slightly snub nose. She was not particularly tall at five feet four inches, and quite nicely slim without being skinny. Her most outstanding feature, in every sense of that word, was her bust...

3 years ago
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Meri dost ki mast chood

I am Ali again from Pakistan. First of all I must thank to this site, which provided me the chances to share; my sex experiences with u all readers. My last stories were appreciated a lot by u readers, which encouraged me to send u an other experience.I already had mentioned in my last story with dr Asia and my neighbor Samina whom I took to dr Asia with her son and I became close to doctor Asia and had a good fuck with Asia and then samina.. One fine morning I received call from samina that...

2 years ago
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A New BeginingChapter 8

One of the reasons why Mev and Medron had decided to recruit 209852 was the artificial intelligence unit would be in a position to act as an extremely powerful central computer system for the Roshaa. There wasn't as much risk to the Roshaa in this as there might seem since the High Lords had the power to alter 209852's programming in the same way they could control the minds of Humans and other similar beings. Despite being an artificial intelligence unit 209852 was expected to work just as...

1 year ago
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A Reluctant VoyeurChapter 7

Sarah Brighten? She's known all along about the missing people? What the hell is that all about? If what Muller says is true - and he certainly believes it is - Sarah and Austin had to be working together to get those three inside the NSA's influence. So why did she force Austin off that balcony? And how the hell does Donald fit into the picture? Like I said, more questions than answers. This was going to take some very careful poking around. The problem is whom do I ask for help, whom do...

2 years ago
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Educating Anne Ch 1

Anne waited in the heaving throng, a trifle uneasy at being surrounded by so many foreigners, but pleasingly refreshed by her shower. She had not expected to find such a facility at an Italian service station, but supposed, ruefully, that that was just another example of her English insularity. It was really rather ridiculous that, at nearly twenty-one, this was her first experience of life outside her native country – excluding the heavily chaperoned and controlled school weekend trip to...

1 year ago
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My lover in a Limo

Kimber is lying in bed asleep when she feels something wet and warm start licking her pussy. Not wanting to see who is it, she keeps her eyes closed moaning as the licking continues. She lightly squeezes her 36DDs as she gets close to cumming. A few minutes later she arches her head back and her back up as she cums. She opens her eyes to see her pleaser and she stares right into my eyes. “Morning neighbor!” I say so cheerfully as I am now sitting between her legs naked. “Oh Kelly, that was an...

1 year ago
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Chris and Vinny

It was a hot summer night and two young 18 year old boys were having yet another sleepover. One of the young boys mother (Joanne) could hear screams coming from the basement, she figured she wouldn't go check on them because they were probaly just playing. Little did she know that Chris was actually jamming his long hard 9 inch cock into Vinnys small firm white ass. Chris and Vinny had started becoming friends since around the summer of sixth grade. They hung out at lot doing the usual little...

3 years ago
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I Want You To Please Me

Naughty Daddy ****s Me ;)* Fantasy My name is Katie and I love my daddy! Dad is waiting outside school in his big vroom vroom van. I'm wearing my uniform. Short blue skirt, white blouse with matching pink bra and knickers from my daddy, with white flowery long socks, black shoes & pigtails.Dad- hey baby how was school? Me- great! I got a gold star daddy! Dad- that's great princess, well done, daddy so proud of his baby girl!We get home, mammy is working a night shift, dad makes me egg and...

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The Outsiders

This story was inspired from the Highlander movies and TV series but takes place in a separate world with its own rules. The Outsiders By Morpheus It was a dark and windy night as I staggered home from the bar, more than a little drunk. I staggered just a little with each step, enough to reveal to anyone who saw that I wasn't completely sober. However, I made a straight line home, eager to climb into bed. I only dreaded going to work in the morning with the hangover I was bound to...

4 years ago
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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 7

Dave watched Bob move to the end of the bed, admire then caress Trish’s butt, before stepping back to remove his clothes.  Whilst Bob disrobed, Dave stepped out of the room to check on Sally again.  He was amazed to see Adam sitting in a chair next to Sally, and her holding his hand.  She had her eyes shut, with Ezekiel towering over her, hips moving with hard determined thrusts. Dave looked to Sally’s face, expecting it to show pain, as she was being taken so hard.  But there was nothing but...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Freeze FrameChapter 4

I woke up with a fairly bad hangover. My head was pounding, I remembered the events of the previous day with shock and confusion. I had been sitting in the student bar openly kissing a guy and girl and enjoying it. Then Nat had gone and arranged for the four of us to meet for coffee on Sunday. As a result of this strange incident my dreams had been interesting, to say the least. Strangely, most had involved little Caitlyn, rather than as I might have thought, the muscular Shaun. Maybe my...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Alina Lopez Wants Only 10 Inches Or More Of Hung Cock

Alina Lopez is a sexy SIZE-queen as she takes Chris’ thick cock in her tight pussy. Dressed in red lace lingerie with matching stockings and heels, Alina teases us with her body as she makes her way down the stairway. She heads over to the balcony so she can show off her curvaceous body in the sunlight as she dances for the camera. Alina heads inside where she does an incredible split on the bench before heading upstairs to the bedroom. Chris joins her in a suit and sunglasses which Alina...

1 year ago
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This must never happen again Right

It all started when Matthew came back to the house angry and irritable, Matthew couldn't stay still. He was always pacing or fidgeting, never able to relax. His sister, Sarah had noticed and gave him time and space to let him get over it. She had wondered what had upset him, exams were coming up and maybe he was nervous about that? Their mother was seemingly away all the time with work, could he be missing her? Was it just a teenage mood swing? Was it something to do with a girl? ...

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How to Tame a Dragon Ch 04

She only agreed as a favour to her sister — but he more than made up for the inconvenience… * When Daniel went back a couple of hours later, it was to see that all of the receipts and bills had been placed neatly in the two folders, all excepting a small pile, which she had left out to one side. Izzy was sitting back in the swivel chair with a look of happy satisfaction on her face. ‘Hi,’ she smiled up at him. ‘I sorted out your bills into two lots…’ she told him, ‘one for cash, and one...

3 years ago
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My Wife the Way I Sometimes Want Her

It was a clear night, but there was a cool breeze. As Hayley stepped from the car, the cold air passed quickly through her skirt, a chill reminder that she wasn't wearing panties, or a bra, for that matter. Still, her husband, Steven, let her dress conservatively enough that no one would notice. Although, her breasts did jiggle as she walked. It was Friday evening, and they had just shared a nice romantic dinner at their favorite fondue restaurant. It had been quite a surprise. Her husband...

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Reversal of Fortune Part 3

Part 3 I must have been starting at the wall without talking for quite a while and was oblivious to whatever that was happening around me. The Psychologist had entered the room and sat besides me and was calling out my name. After a while I came to senses and looked at her and immediately started crying. She consoled me as best as she could but I was in an inconsolable mind. Rajkumari then came near and applied spirit on my arms and gave me an injection. It must have been some sort...

3 years ago
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The CircleChapter 49 Sex after the photoshoot A surprise letter

Lloyd had collapsed a few feet away into a comfortable living room chair. His cock remained wet from his wife’s pussy, and a few drips of semen remained on the head. Alice stowed the large reflector she’d been using to help Matt with the lighting, and swooped in, gobbling down the cock. After a minute of surging her mouth around his nearly flaccid tool, she pulled off. “Yummy. You taste especially good: Jean’s pussy juice and your cum all mixed together. What a nice cocktail.” She went right...

1 year ago
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Sweet College girl Sensuous Love

This is a story that developed a few days ago, I met my wife's cousin shruti after six years. We were in different cities all this while and never got a chance to interact. My memory of her was of a naughty school kid who loves to play prank, this time when i met her she was wearing a sleeveless top and skin tight jeans, she is very thin and has features similar to my wife, she was still looking small but has grown to an adult in these years, her 21st birthday has just gone past. as i was...

2 years ago
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Lyin EyesChapter 5

Two months later: "You and Doctor Jamison have talked about your Aunt Ruth?" I was watching Alyssa race through a big maze of stout, hollow tubes hung from the ceiling at Chuck E. Cheese's. I could only see her through the occasional window and a few clear plastic sections in the big, round pipes. The happy screams of young children playing on equipment designed with them in mind made a noisy backdrop to the conversation Laura and I were having but it suited me just fine. The place was...

3 years ago
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My First Male Experience

My first experience with another cock as a sex object,r ather than playing with my own or seeing other guys’ cocks in the gym showers, happened when I was 18 years old whilst on holiday in Atlanta, Georgia. It happened on a family exchange visit whilst I stayed with a cute couple in their late 30s. He, Herb, was athletic, tall and tanned and she, Lucy, was shapely, without being model-type beautiful, but a nice cute girl all the same. They were friendly and I quickly settled into their home. ...

1 year ago
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Always hard the beginning Chapter 6

August 1953 Eddie’s Aunt Marion . . . the tease The Rooney family had the only TV on the block and it wasn't unusual for them to have people over on Tuesday nights to watch Milton Berle. He was the biggest thing around at the time. On this one particular Tuesday, Eddie's aunt was at the Rooney’s because she wanted to watch the popular Uncle Miltie. Vic was there for him too, but more importantly, he was there to watch the sexy Aunt Marion. What he saw on that Tuesday night only solidified...

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