Pipeline Survey free porn video

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Dan Thompson worked for an oil company, which just had its contract accepted for building an oil pipeline through the Brazil Jungle. It was his honor to go ahead of the work crews and announce their coming to the natives. Our mutual adventure happened as he drove up the narrow dirt road to the small village of Ojo.

The sound of his hard working truck making the steep climb up the dead end road announced to all of his coming.

Stopping in front of the one large shack of several grouped in a bunch he got out slowly and took a cautious look around the village.

"And who might you be young man?" asked a large black woman, hair graying but pulled back in conservative style that showed little. She was dressed in a loose red dress that was covered in feathers; a chicken bone necklace peaked past the many folds of her dress.

"Dan Thompson of Leeker Oil Pipeline Company!" announced Dan to the woman and others standing nearby.

"Madame Ojo!" said the woman giving Dan an evil eyed look.

Madame Ojo approached the young foreigner, "Pray tell, what is your business here with Madame Ojo and those of her village?" she asked.

Dan announced his well-rehearsed line about the coming of an oil pipeline through where the village presently stood. He asked if Madame and her people owned the property, or were just squatters, just living on the land and in the way of progress.

Instantly Madame Ojo made a face meaning one thing, trouble! It was Dan trying his utmost best to be nice in the face of hostility. As he tried to explain to the woman seemed to get even more angered.

It was at this point I excused myself and returned to the truck for some safety and our one gun.

Madame seemed to regain her composure seeing Dan's discomfort in explaining the corporate attitude to a woman and people drowning in ignorance.

Try after failed try to get the woman to give a look at the map, he had showing the coming of the pipeline seemed to make her madder yet! It was when she was almost red faced with searing fury at Dan that I saw him jerk, then stand straight up, like he'd been shot. Indeed, a dart was shot and stuck in his neck right into the Adams apple was a brown, feathered dart.

Instantly he grabbed it from out his neck and shook it in the face of the old woman. "What the Hell is this?" he screamed at her. Dan turned to head back to the truck but got two steps before his knees crumpled and falling forward he laid face down in the dirt.

It was minutes, later when he awoke a scared _expression on his face and mine, but his was looking up into the black round face of some native boy.

"No one just takes what is my people's home!" said Madame Ojo. "You and those like you have come before, crooked men, treacherous women, those seeking riches or powers, now have my answer unto you, Survey man!"

"What, what do you think, I'm......what are you doing to me?" asked Dan him face down the dust from the dirty street puffing our past his face with every word.

There was a native boy and his friend, rolled Dan over to be face up, his eyes wide with terror as the poison from the dart had him immobile. The two boys worked feverishly to remove all of Dan's clothing. Once he lay naked to for all to see I watched as the boys tossed Dan's clothing into a fire. His shirt and pants complete with the visa papers, his I.D., and everything that told those down here just who he was, poof, now gone!

This done the one boy ran to the shack where Madame Ojo called home. He returned with a stick adorned with by feathers and a clay pot the size of a coffee pot. Madame Ojo took it and began to sift a gray powder over Dan's face, chest, arms, and legs.

At this, Dan who had been silently watching began to scream like bloody murder. He could not move a muscle below his neck, except to breathe but scream he did, and loud too!

Dan was dragged to a large box made of rusty sheet tin and there along with me was placed to cook in the afternoon's hot Brazilian sun.

I preferred not to touch my partner the reaction he had when the powder spread over him, would ward away even a brave man. Whether it was the dart wearing off or the darkness of our box, Dan began to tell me what it felt like, we were both locked in that tin metal shack. The tears welled up in his eyes as he told me that from the groin he felt like some massive hands were squeezing his balls tight. It was when too his penis became as if it was on fire, and moved back into his abdominal gut he knew there Madame Ojo wheeled some terrible powers. He said that feeling of his skin was like something crawling up and down, thousands of pinpricks sticking him all over telling him he was in for more, much more. His head ached something awful it was shortly after we both had a fright.

It was nighttime when a tall, thin, black man came with a torch and as the tin door was open, the flood of light told of Dan's next problem.

His skin had been covered in gray powder, was now dark red in color and sprouting from it was a tangle of gray and some black hairs. Even more disturbing was a lump on his lower belly. He absent minded, felt the knob that quickly became larger, and more pronounced. The lump was inflating pushing up, as from it jutted out this pinkish red shaft; it was his penis now part of his lower abdominal region.

Dan's fingers were by then all deformed and turning a dark gray color. His hands looked rough and thick with hair. What he saw scared him, I even more, as the long pinkish penis, stood up, and out from what could only be a sheath. Flat ended, the shaft, his penis, jutting out of that fur-covered lump, made Dan look bestial.

Until then the real shock was of being imprisoned had kept us from making anything beyond a whimper but at this point we could not take anymore.

I yelled out my surprise but Dan's scream sounded out as rough, bestial.

From behind the large man was then Madame Ojo her white teeth gleaming in sharp contrast to her very black complexion.

Turning I looked at her, Dan, his face was part human and part animal he looked just plain ugly. In the glow of the torch, seeing Dan made me jump back and allowing me to fall outside of the tin shed.

"He's a monster!" I screamed.

"He is getting what those who anger me usually become! Here, in our village we raise goats for food mostly. You partner is to become one of my prize Billy-buck breeder goats. At first most fight the urges but given the right tempering, they all come around!" announced Madame.

"Dan, Dan?" I as much wished him to respond to his name.

Dan rolled his jaw a couple of times as if he wanted to respond to my calls. It was then a harsh snap occurred seemingly locking his jaw and mouth into small movements, like chewing and bleating like a goat.

Madame Ojo started to laugh at Dan seemingly quite amused at his predicament, he was transforming from man to a Billy buck goat before my eyes.

Dan moaned as his arm bones snapped into new joints making his arm a leg. He shook each now hind leg with such vigorous shaking the bones seemed to slide into place, as he changed stance to be on four new legs. His body still long was narrower, but the thick hair coating made him look just plain huge. His pinkish red penis stuck out like a flagpole of male goat pride. He stomped his feet feeling the no doubt odd sensation of standing then on cloven hooves. An occasional shake of the head made his long ears beat against the side of that long furry neck. He looked over to me as I knelt there wide eyed, and struck of terror.

It was the tall black man, who reached into the shed snapping a brass ring into the bridge of Dan's narrow nose. This made Dan scream, of the pain only his painful scream was more like a ragged bleating sound. He snorted at the sensation of the ring in his nose and continued to bleat his anxiety to Madame and me.

The small black boy came then with a steel linked chain and clipping this to the ring, it gave them ultimate control over Dan. A tug to it and he followed the boy, ending up tied to a wood post and left to stand there wondering what was next to happen.

I was amazed to see that he walked out of the dank darkness of that tin shed changed totally to a male goat. His erect up tail wigging had me wondering just how much of him he had accepted his new self. I had talked with him often about his wild fantasies over alternative lifestyles. He I knew had often toyed with writing on the Choose your own Change web page, writing chapter upon story of men or women turned into animals. Dan was fascinated with this idea of someday becoming an animal in place of being human, and now, here, he seemed to inadvertently gotten his wish.

The boy stood by petting Dan, his shaggy black and gray hair made him a striking, healthy looking male goat.

Maybe delighted partially, he still screaming out his thoughts and fears as true goatish bleats, made a wild show for all those there. Dan walked turning in circles seeing his new body, yet I would say his actual weight remained the same, just adjusted to make him a goat.

Dan stood his male goat penis out straight as the fear and strange sensations all mixed to make him act like a Billy goat. Standing or walking in circles, he was very erect, almost to what looked maybe painful. Dan, the goat, was feeling all the wild desired sensations of being a naked hoofed animal standing on all fours and, being sexually well endowed.

There be stood his penis out and erect, bleating madly!

"What now Witch?" I asked boldly forgetting my manners for the moment as I just saw a friend become a male goat.

"You would take care not to offend me, less you join your friend as a breeder nanny goat! If not then be quiet and listen to me now! Return to your company and tell them this is not their best direction to come, unless the rest of your men wish to join Daniel there!" she told and warned me.

"I can't just leave him there as a goat, he's got a family, parents who care for him back home!" I pleaded for his reformation and release.

"Hmm, you say! No, he is what he is, as you would say security for now and will remain here as a goat till I see your pipeline route is changed!" replied the Madame Ojo.

"But, but what will you do with him?" I asked being a city boy.

"Ganji, bring us Mona and show the man what his friend will be doing!" said the Madame.

Mona as she informed me was an evil woman who dared break a deal and then threatening Madame she changed permanently into a milking breeder nanny goat. A very shaggy haired female goat, Mona pulled to stand before Madame and plopping on her flat butt looked up attentively at Madame Ojo.

I stood there feeling anxious to leave and seeing the nanny goat's triple teat udder full of her milk, and as she sat there, it was all sprawled out on the ground.

Seated and looking up, the Madame bent over slightly and with a smirk on her fat face she told Mona, "He is new here, I made him for you and your pleasure, now go to him and teach him his delights and duties."

Mona turned her head to look Dan's direction, then without a bleat or anything, she stood up and sauntered his way. One could easily see this was some type of woman who knew seduction of men quite well. Stepping briskly to Dan, she spun around making a small cloud of dust as her entry and then flashed her flat rump into his face. She bleated twice and looking back the nanny goat seemed to be beckoning Dan to mate.

Dan began to sniff her direction, the beast in and around him making human passion into that lust known to male goats. A soft bleat and I watched my friend sniff her sex, then lick it, and wait for the scent and taste to drive him mad. He then bounded on top of the nanny's back, jabbing his pink pecker hard at her rump. Several pelvic thrusts about until I saw him stiffen his stance he had hit the target.

Thrusting at her like some salvage animal in rut, Dan rammed in his stiffened goatish cock inside Mona making her groan with female delight. His heavy breathing was just part of the passion play going on before us all. As he gripped her flanks, she began to press herself back jamming in his cock in her and all the deeper.

I could see the nanny goat finding this to be a thrill and as she bleated her delight, I spotted a silver tongue stud sparkling from within her mouth.

Pointing at her open mouth Madame smiled, telling of Mona and her tried treachery once more. The woman who was Hell bent on making money had found in being a nanny goat the thrills of brutal sex and sensual freedom she wanted as a human but never found. As she had become a nanny breeder goat, then used for milking by those in the small village, this was to her the life she could adore.

Now Dan was for Madame' to use as a beast, and Billy goat to breed the females of her choice. Grunting like some beast in rut, Dan was making me believe he had accepted being a goat and rather enjoyed it too!

"Go now and leave us!" demanded Madame of me.

I ran to the truck and fumbled with the glove box getting out the pistol. My plan was as stupid as those who tried it before me. Pointing the pistol at Madame I demanded she release Dan from her curse.

She smiled and with the wave of her hand, yet another dart flew. Struck in the middle of my back I slumped to my knees. Stunned, as thoughts of being a goat to me was not any kind of thrill, I was quite happy to be and remain human.

It was again that small black boy coming on the run with a clay pot filled to the top of some other powder. Taking hold of the pot Madame came closer to me as I tried to point my gun at her.

Coming close to me the boy reached his hands out and stretched open the top of my work jeans.

A smile on Madame's face, she feathered the pot, then sifting its powder over my maleness. Need less to say I screamed, feeling the powder sink into my flesh as she tilted the pot.

"What are you doing?" I panted out my words.

"To be assured you do as I say and make your company move around Madame Ojo. You have five days before you must return with good news or find yourself becoming a future nanny goat. Your change will be then slower and it might give you time to remain here and learn your new life well before being as Mona, or it will let you return home. Either way you will then become a goat and become a female feeling the passion, lust, and agony it is to be of female form. Then too you might get back to your beloved country and there over the space of six months will see the same happen, but you will be then as someone else's prize winner goat!" told Madame of my possible curse.

"Now go and return with good news, and I'll release you to what you were, but no matter what Daniel there remains here as a goat!" she made her demand of me, and I struggling to stand waddled to the truck.

I leaped into the truck leaving a trail of white powder on the ground. A fearful look her way and then seeing Dan begin to mate with his second nanny in harsh delight, he was grinding his groin against her rump his bleating and grunting making me believe he was in fact liking his new self, I turned the truck around and drove off.

Instead of feeling like coming back with a case of dynamite and blowing all in the village of Ojo to Hell, I drove onward knowing my own future was at risk.

The old dirt road filled with tight turns and low hung trees all making me drive slower than slow, my mind a blaze with thoughts of Dan. The memory of him seeing his own self become that of a goat was a thing any man would be scared there of! I was having seen him, so quickly accept his situation, the sniffing, and licking of Mona's goat pussy for one. His body language, the easy way he stood on all fours and having taken inventory of his new self seemed ready and willing to live on without so much as a care.

It struck me that he was really enjoying what he was then and now. I for one cannot begin to believe he would give everything he had and was to become some sex minded ignorant male goat.

Just having watched as Dan probed Mona's hindquarters, his actions, then bounding so willingly over her back his shaft jammed into that nasty filthy goat pussy of hers.

Dan and Mona both as goats, locked in some unholy marriage of two people made to look and be as animals, the thought gave me chills. I drove on slowing down more and more until I stopped the truck and sat there my mind filled with visions of what I had seen.

A strange wondering in my thoughts, just how did Mona feel the sexual moment? Dan, his cock rammed up and into her moist and wet sloppy pussy? The odd sensation of Mona, having one's body probed by such a stout rod? Then feeling his semen spewing out to fill her and make a nanny pregnant, wow! The shivering sensation of being at sexual climax Dan's cock pumping in and out across those tightened lips of female sex, I shuddered to think of such things.

The word "Ecstasy" comes to mind as either Dan or Mona would feel and know the rank pleasure of being totally their true selves, openly acting and doing whatever without anyone around suggesting that this or that was not quite proper. I was myself beginning to wonder if tell the company representative that going through Ojo was maybe a fine idea. An erotic feeling had me wishing the forty-man crew to all become male goats and then stand in line wishing to f*** me a Mona silly.

My hands shoved down the front of the pants had me fingering my own cock. It was really quite stout feeling extra large as if all what had occurred was pushing me to a new level of sexual sensation. It was as I gave it a squeeze that I felt a hot stream of what I thought was my own cum.

Jumping out of the truck, I stood at the roadside and dropped my pants to wipe myself clean. Taking my handkerchief out I was prepared to dry my leg but looking down made me almost throw up.

Instead of my enlarged cock, I now had hung between my legs a reddish colored, brown hairy udder, with three teats.

Grabbing at it sent me into wild and sensual convulsions making me scream to the treetops of how it felt. Furry, warm and so very sensual I had now great longings to return to Ojo and beg to be a nanny goat like Mona.

Stroking it, squeezing it I milked my udder dry squirting the milk on the ground. Moaning of such sensual pleasure it was then came the need to urinate and with this, I discovered my new female, urethra.

An udder, a new place to urinate, and what I knew was there my hands and fingers sought out was a tight and sensual goatish pussy now part on me!

One hand held my udder and the other fingered my pussy making me feel like I was about to have an orgasm or worse. Fingering had me searching soon the truck for something to give me the pleasure I was seeking. Look and look the only thing I found to even be close to me size was, a roadway flare.

The pointed end in my hand I moved the waxed paper head of the fuse cap up and into my pussy. Then once passed those tight strings of sensual muscles I began to thrust it like thoughts of Dan pumping into Mona. The delight in feeling violated if by a goat, remembering Dan's grunting as he thrust, the wonders of feeling him grip one's body with his forelegs and dreams of such passion, I shivered there naked.

My pussy began to twitch making me feel the new and crazy delight of being female and on my way to becoming a nanny goat. I cannot say, but it seemed as more than two hours before I slipped into the truck's seat and started once more to drive that old road.

Upon returning to the main encampment, I informed the general manager of Daniel and his demise. I made up a story as if Dan had died of an attack by the natives. This was obviously more plausible a story than telling what actually happened, and then having to explain my own situation would have been quite an embarrassment.

The reaction was one that Madame Ojo would I was sure find most perfect to her way of thinking. A meeting was pulling together and a new route was set for the pipeline to travel just east of the village. Everything was working out just fine until I was informed to alert the next village as Dan's job fell now to me.

I drove out to the village and there met with a man covered in Leprosy. He looked at me and had a smile on his face agreeing with the survey and planning to use the money to be paid for medical needs of those like him. It was with him signing the papers and then getting up to leave and wash up, he asked me if I was in need of anything?

My thoughts were to get up that old road and inform Madame Ojo of the new routing on the pipeline, and then have her make me the way I was before.

Instead, I looked at him and said, "Like what?"

He smiled with lips all puffed up of sores and said, "One can see you met the Madame, she cursed you and now your becoming as one of hers!"

Nervous now, scared too of, discovery, and for what I was right then, part nanny goat in sex. I stood there as the man walked around the table, he reaching to me he gave a soft squeeze to my full udder.

"You know!" I moaned dropping to the chair behind me.

"Five days is the usual time and you I might say have been now three since she cursed your body. You want it now don't you, I mean you long to be mated by a male goat if you could!" said the man sounding if anything as thought he was consoling me.

"How could you tell?' I asked with sorrow and the embarrassment showing in my voice.

He smiled standing back, one-step he then motioned for me to stand up.

"One needs only to look at you now, your face the nostrils and lips are beginning to take the shape of a goat's muzzle. Your ears have points on them and are larger than what is common for humans to have for ears. I saw the bulge from the udder in your pants and unless you didn't notice you have a goat's tail protruding up past your beltline, it wiggles when you are nervous!" the man explained the how's and why.

I expect my face told the story as he escorted me out the rear of his small house and into a walled and private garden.

"Wait here, and remove your close as I will get you one of Madame's past workings, his name is Justin!" said the man.

I did as told feeling ever so foolish, yet there was no way I could deny the desire to be pleasure by a Billy and right then.

A commotion outside the wall was a cloud of dust and the man hauling inside the garden one enormous male black goat. Once inside and the door shut as it bolted, the man pointed to me.

The big black goat licked his lips at the very sight of me. He stood there and looked back to the man and then toward foolish me.

"He is as you are, as the Madame has made him changing even now to be a nanny breeder goat for her herd. He is having those same pangs you had after escaping her and coming here to us. Now with all possible consideration to the fact he is not as yet a complete goat like you can you at least pleasure him a little?" asked the man of the goat who, seemed to understand every word he spoke.

I bent over at the waist and held on to a stone bench as the massive male black goat stepped forward. He did as did Dan to Mona sniffing my rump, licking my sopping wet pussy of the dripping juices, then in a bound he mounted me.

Jabbing his instantly erect red shaft into my buttocks he was trying hard for the perfect position. I saw him gaze backwards getting eye contact with the Leper and watched as the man came by us and guided the rock hard cock into my pussy.

Closing my eyes, I concentrated on the feeling of being, mated, sexually rutted by a goat. Indeed, my being bred was for my own pleasured enjoyment, lustily feeling his shaft rammed up into me. Little did I know about the Madame's spells, curses, and powders, but the man there did, and he was using his biggest buck goat to bring me to more than just a climax!

Once the goat withdrew, I stayed hunched over the stone bench for several minutes. It was as if that lust buck remained yet in me, his thrusting waves of sensation still pulsing within my new sex.

The Leper removed his friend and while gone from the garden it gave me a chance to collect my thoughts. A twist and I found me seated, on the stone bench, its chilly coolness giving me back some vaginal sense of sanity. Sane again I thought as a man might, even if I did own the gender parts of a female animal. Not a moment too soon, as while seated and collecting one's thoughts the colony members notice as of my Satyress bodily form what took precedence.

My encounter with the big black buck goat was not without some consequences, as I sat there the distinct growth of hair on my legs and feet were what I saw first off!

As fondly remembered waves of sensual sensation died off, and my hands stopped touching a half full udder, it allowed me to look myself over. The hairy patches had grown together giving me a coat of thick goatish hair covering me now from feet up to my shoulders.

Seeing this I was at first horrified but this passed off once my hands took to touching myself and enjoying the feel of being hairy. My tail now shaggy in comparison to what it looked like when I first stepped into the Leper's home. It wagged back and forth to the beat of my heart, or maybe to the waves of pleasure I felt pulsating at that moment, of which I did not know.

Upon the man's return he smiled at me and I looking up at him said, "Is this about what you expected me to look like, or should I have changed even more?"

His reply astounded me, "I had hopes that after you had mated once would bring your final transition of species and give me a fine virgin nanny goat for my herd. Yet if the Madame doesn't turn you back, or you decide this is what you want out of life, I have some hope you might return here to live."

As friendly as the man reacted to my lusty situation, I stayed the night and planned to visit Madame, the very next day.

The waking to morning had one of those humid days where it pours, pours, and pours rain. I awoke wet as a drowned rat, but before I could get to my truck and proceeded up into the mountains to Madame Ojo and her village, two of the leper colony male goats attacked me, molested me, and did their utmost to breed with me, SIX times each!

Finally, I got into my truck and drove up unto the road what was bad enough when it was dry, but wet, it was ruts and rocks, trees fallen, and washouts, all of which slowed my travels to a crawl. Quite near to sundown the rains stopped and gave two hours of warmth to dry the road. When I arrived at the Madame's village upon the stroke of ten at night, the noise of my approach had her waiting for me seated in her rocking chair on her covered porch.

As I slowly crawled out of the truck she smiled at me and stood up, as came to stand on the top step of her house porch.

"I can see you have found new enjoyment from and with your change of species and gender," she said giving me a easy look over.

My sensual time at the leper colony had left me so enthralled with my new sensual self I'd forgotten totally to get dressed before making the trip. Naked and half a female goat in form, I was a sight to see. My tail wagging and the feet which were human yet when I left the colony, had conformed, or during my trip changed to those of a nanny goat cloven hoofs, I even had dewclaw hooves too!

The Madame did welcome me to her porch, just as the young black boy Ganji, came running having Dan still clipped by the nose ring to that chain.

Standing there looking like some cheap B-movie whore, I was something which had my ex-friend turned into a male goat getting all fired up and erect for seeing me. Bleating and sniffing the air, I imagined my scent was changing along with my form. He was not but several feet from the Madame's porch when the Billy goat, or Dan got an erection.

Telling Madame the route of the pipeline was changed, granting all the money to the leper colony in place of her village I thought would make her happy.

Instead, she got angry blurting out how she, had not been told of the offer of cash. As I stood there, her eyes were like fires burning and with the wave of her hand all there except me, turned and ran away. As she was angered at me while I stood there with a fond hope of regaining my male humanity, Madame cursed the day we met. She looked into my eyes telling me of her hatred for those who were either, out right liar, or those who tell half, the truth. Either way Dan who having tried to make his original offer received her anger, the one only has to look at him to know what happened to him!

She seeing me as her next and more likely subject for to vent her anger, she began to point her arthritic finger at me.

"No, no I did as you asked, I got the route changed and made a deal with the Leper colony!" this poor fool did beg.

She pushed me to one side, stormed past walking into her small house and slammed the door. I took this as a good time to vacate the premises, better to be part goat was still in my mind nicer' than all goat.

To the truck and down the road I bumped, as still naked and covered in a smooth coat of nanny goat's hair, my hair!

I work now as you see me tonight, a satyr like woman serving drinks in a bar here at the Leper colony. Mostly now a goat and some human remains but none, not a one of my customers know I was once a man, so... please don't tell them, PLEASE!

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The Survey

The Survey Synopsis A woman gets more than she bargained for when she persistently tries to geta man, more interested in his work than the proposed new road, to fill in asurvey form. He ensnares her using 'mouse magic'. Warnings The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF NC Spanking Rom If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-storynow....

3 years ago
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Yet Another Masturbation Survey

This isn't really a story but hopefully the nice people at XHamster will let it through... There are lots of masturbation surverys floating around the web (I've even posted one under my profile here), but I've been thinking for a while that none of them ask all the questions that interest me. Masturbation is a deeply personal thing and I'm fascinated by just how different everyone's experiences and tastes are, so I've tried to home in on that variety.The questions are really aimed at women...

4 years ago
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The Survey

The ringing of the front doorbell stirs Dave from a deep sleep. He opens the door with a bath towel wrapped around his waist. " Hello my name is Sharon. I work for the Retirement commission and I would like to ask you some questions about retirement this will take about twenty minutes. Would you like to take part?" Her eyes start at Dave's bare feet and travel up his fit muscular mature naked body to his eyes. Dave is holding a towel around his mid rift. "Uh. Yeah sure. Come in." Dave is...

2 years ago
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Masturbation Survey

Are you male or female? Male.Age? 30.At what age did you start masturbating? 13.How many times a week do you masturbate? 14 - 16 (Always at least twice a day).Do you always orgasm when you masturbate? Yes.How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? At least once.Where do you masturbate:In bed? Yes.In the shower? Yes.In the bath? No.Outdoors? Yes.At work? Yes.Every room in the house? Yes.In a car while traveling along the interstate? Once, wouldnt recommend it if you have...

4 years ago
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Masturbation Survey

Are you male or female?Age?At what age did you start masturbating?How many times a week do you masturbate?How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself?Where do you masturbate:In bed?In the shower?In the bath?Outdoors?At work?Every room in the house?In a car while traveling along the interstate?What do you fantasize about when you play:A significant other?A friend?A friend's spouse?A stranger?A co-worker?A member of the same sex?A member of the opposite sex?A past lover?What...

1 year ago
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Young Surveyor

Jen is very happily married to Sam. Over the years when Girls talk sex Jen always had no complaints and surprised me with some of her comments. Sam is a surveyor and as a newly qualified guy he joined a new company to complete his training after university. A handsome 23 year old he had broken up with his home town girl when he moved to Exeter. He dated a few girls buy work and his professional; letters behind his name came first and he admitted that a good wank filled his needs rather than...

3 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 46 Queen Of All She Surveys

A week or so later, Sarah told Jacqui that Hubert was there to see her, again. He had been in and out almost every day on some pretext or other and Jacqui was afraid he was trying to decide whether to close Jacqui's House of Joy down. "Oh, God," Jacqui exploded, "What does he want this time?" "I'm sure I don't know," Sarah answered sympathetically, "but he has been here a lot lately, and without spending any money, either." When Hubert came into her office, Jacqui was rather...

2 years ago
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A Hot Office Tale

3 pm, I am looking at my laptop screen trying to get things done. The to-do list was just on my side, there were still a lot of things undone for the day. The ac was at its best, and the dead silence in the office made it more difficult to finish the list, I could see everyone glued to their chairs and screens.   My eyes slowly started shutting, my mind, not focused and after few sec… minutes…. I realized I have already slept, my eyes had closed. I open them fast, looking around if someone had...

2 years ago
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GreeniesChapter 16A

MPG Base, Eden August 27, 2146 2245 Hours General Matthew Zoloft — a third generation Martian — was the overall commander of the Eden forces. He was a WestHem Military Academy classmate of General Jackson's who had been a member of the MPG since its inception. In the WestHem marines he had risen to the rank of lieutenant in charge of a tank platoon and was a veteran of the bloody loss that was the Jupiter War. A personal friend of General Jackson's, he had started out his MPG career as...

2 years ago
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My Dirty Little Secret 5

WARNING: The plot continues long after the final sex scene in this chapter. After my scene with Dominic, please only read on if you are interested in the story. If you're interested in the sex, stop reading after I cum ;) Anyway, for those of you who are new: NMR = "Naked Midnight Ride" Which is basically riding your bike outside at midnight, totally naked. Usually ends with fucking outside. Unfortunately there is not much of that in this chapter. Fit = Sexy/Hot (in...

3 years ago
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McKaylas Miracle RevisitedChapter 1

Twenty years. That's how long it had been since I last saw him. We met at a party for a mutual friend. I was 22 and single, having just moved to the beach after graduating from college and starting my job less than a month before. Travis was 24 and almost everything a girl like me wanted: charming, polite, well-dressed. And pretty. Actually, he was gorgeous. Sandy blonde hair, blue eyes. He was built lean like a distance runner, with strong, tight muscles that could really fill out a pair...

1 year ago
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Where Darkness Ends 02

Where Darkness Ends Delana Soulstar [email protected] Chapter 2 For a few seconds that appeared like eternity to me, nobody said anything. I could hear some quiet gasps and breathing, and while looking down on the floor I could literally feel five pair of eyes piercing me. I was sure my head was again glowing like a bulb, my stomach cramped and the familiar lump in my throat was omnipresent. Yet there was a certain relief as well. I did it. I confessed it. Now I was, in...

2 years ago
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Cumming With Daddy but Someones Watching

My mom was out of town for a whole 2 weeks which was good news for me and my Dad. This meant we could fuck all over the house. He could take me anywhere he wanted and spread my legs in plain sight up on the dining room table if so desired. I found that arousing as hell. Friday night he said he had plans for us. I got dressed for our date smiling and ready for a nice evening. When I came downstairs though, my dad frowned. "What's wrong Daddy?" He grinned a wicked grin. "Nothing is wrong...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Alexis Tae 1st DP

Pretty-faced, slender beauty Alexis Tae shows off her natural tits, hot legs and fine ass in a bright red bra, gloves and heels. The dirty-talking girl impales herself upon a huge, conical anal toy and masturbates, stuffing gloved fingers into her shaved snatch. She turns herself over to naked, imposingly hung studs Rob Piper and Jax Slayher. They oil her up, and her gloved fingers dig in her butthole. Alexis rides Jax’s joint, and Rob takes her asshole for an immediate double penetration...

1 year ago
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“OK, last subject – turning professional and going on this tour. I am beginning to believe, that we are going to like dancing for people on this tour more than anything else, so I suggest we all turn professional right away, informing the NDCA at the proper time. We go on this US Tour, and maybe even Michaels’ World Tour as well.” “Then we maybe find out about going on the World Dance Council International Tour, or starting our own Tour, something along the lines of ‘The Claire and Special K...

3 years ago
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Polly Used at the Bar

Used Wife***Wife is used and gangbanged for the first time by a group of workmen in a bar. When hubby realizes what is happening, he is turned on. (M+/F, wife, gb, cuck, cream-pie)***The bar was packed out, well it was Saturday night. My wife Polly, a stunning petite redhead of 18 summers, and I pushed our way through the crowd. We had popped in for a drink before going to see a show. As we where passing a booth full of construction workers a guy tapped my arm and said. 'If you need a seat you...

2 years ago
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THE ESCORT A multi Chapter Story        Signing with an exclusive escort service, almost immediately afterwards offered an extended three month tour arranged for cruise ships specializing in wealthy clients in the Middle East, Amy eagerly accepts? With visions of wealth in her head.   Transportation arranged as part of the initial agreement binding her to the contract, immediately upon arrival her unexpectedly short, harried training regiment takes on a darker, sinister cast as she’s forced...

2 years ago
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Old Classmate To New Bed Mate

Hi everyone. This is a Hookup story. I recently had a chance encounter with an old friend of mine and would like to share the experience with you. I was in Bangalore a couple of weeks ago when I ran into an old friend of mine. She was an old classmate of mine. However we had lost touch over the course of time and neither of us are that involved into social networking making it hard to stay in touch over the virtual world. She was now permanently settled in Bangalore and I came to know that she...

1 year ago
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Katie gives Patrick what he wants Part 2

Katie had recovered from her fainting episode while sucking her and her husband Patrick’s new friend, Chris. The six champagne cocktails she had consumer during the course of several hours had her buzzing along nicely. She was completely naked, standing in front of the two men who planned on using her plump body all night and she was wondering what else was in store for her. She didn’t have to wait long to find out. Chris took her by the hand and led her to the bed. He sat her on the edge of...

Erotic Fiction
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HandsOnHardcore Brittany Bardot Nicole Love English Lesson Becomes a Lesson in Depravity for Innocent Czech Teen

Blonde Czech MILF Brittany Bardot has been tutoring curvaceous teen Nicole Love for weeks, but something’s been building between them for weeks. Could it be sexual tension?! Brittany loves looking at her perky little breasts and curvy ass wrapped tight in her short skirt, as well as her cute little laugh. The laugh of an innocent waiting to be corrupted! Once today’s lesson gets underway, it doesn’t take much to get the shy, submissive girl to submit to her advances. After...

1 year ago
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Westpac Widows

No one from our small east coast town had any idea one of our classmates would be coming home on military leave to attend our belated fifth year high school class reunion. Having come all the way across the Pacific Ocean from the Indian Ocean and immediately fly home across the United States this classmate easily won the gag gift for traveling the longest distance to attend our reunion. A whirlwind courtship followed his unexpected return for our class reunion and the weekend before the end of...

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My awakening True story

I first started having these feelings when I was twelve and living at home with my mother and stepfather. This was during the 70s and my stepfather was trying so desperately to be hip, he bought a subscription to Playboy magazine. He would leave them in their bedroom but of course I would thumb through them when I had a chance. My mother being the new independant woman of the 70s decided to get a subscription to Playgirl just out of spite and she kept them in the bedroom as well. The afternoons...

2 years ago
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All These Things That Ive DoneChapter 8 Ive Got Soul But Im Not A Soldier

The escalation pushed the students who leaned in Earth First's direction out of the fight permanently. The Christian students who agreed with Earth First from a faith perspective decided turning the other cheek was better than having their heads blown off. There were no 'true' believers in Earth First principles among the students, so it left only the assholes who just wanted a reason to beat the fuck out of somebody, but fighting a part of the student body highly motivated to work...

3 years ago
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The SparkChapter 26

The rest of October turned out to be quite pleasant with the government leaving me alone for the most part. Dr. Atwater did try to make contact with me through Steve, he was polite in asking me to work with him, but with Peter's memories still floating around in my head, I refused both requests to work with him to improve my talents. After I declined a second time, I noticed that the extra officers on campus had been replaced with two others that did not 'feel' that they belonged on a...

1 year ago
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Dog Theft Averted Husband Theft Commenced Part 1

John rounded the corner into the park and looked at his GPS watch. One more lap, he told himself.As he picked up the pace again he heard a commotion to his right. Turning to look, he saw three men wrestling with a young girl and making off with her small dog. The men were headed towards a van, dragging the clearly agitated dog behind them as they ran.John sprinted towards them and flew at the guy who was dragging the dog by its lead. The man hit the ground with a thump and the dog broke free,...

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Sow and ReapChapter 38 Let Go of the Old Embrace the New

I was still in Gifu when Noah called me. He had left the day after the opening, while Mokuba and I had remained. It was pre-dawn when the sound woke Pharaoh and I, and the only light in the room was the glow from the ringing cell phone. Noah's voice was thick as if he'd been crying. "Seto. It's ... Mother..." He gasped. "They found her at the family crypt. She ... she's..." I knew immediately what he was trying to say. I had a sudden, uncomfortable feeling of dread. It reminded me of...

2 years ago
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Raped in a van

SEX IN TRANSIT SEX IN TRANSIT They gathered round her in a ring. She was really scared as there was no-one around to help. She should never have gone this way home so late at night. Slowly they advanced, the ring closing around her. She knew it would be useless to try to run for it - she would not be able to break through the ring and she certainly could not outrun them. Her voice froze - she couldn't even scream for help. Hands grabbed her arms then bodies crushed in against her,...

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The ImamChapter 1

12th of Safar 1436 (December 5, 2014) If madness could be captured, then let it be defined and captured. Those mysterious coincidences must be followed through and investigated regardless of the toil and sweat and brain damage. See the signs and thus investigate each sign until it leads eventually to some higher knowledge, for this is exactly what the Imam did in Boston. He did not wait to search out these special coincidences. He traced them at his own risk and peril, and although his...

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The Adventures keep cumming

When Carrie, Anndie and Owens daughter, turned 18 she made an appointment to see her gynecologist. See Carrie had a problem, and she was at her whit’s end over what to do. As she sat on the Dr.’s table with her legs in the stirrups she her the familiar knock on the door and in walked Dr Stevens. Dr Stevens was a 6ft tall redhead with the perfect hourglass figure that even a lab coat could not hide. “So, Ms. Symthe what is it that is bringing you in to see me today?” Carrie, put her head in her...

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My sister Natalie sold insurance. Her plan was to work another three or four years, then start a family with her husband Matt. My wife Emily was a legal secretary, me, I’m an architectural technician. Nat persuaded us to take out double indemnity insurance policies, so that if one of us died early, the family home and any childcare would be more than paid for. Although Em and I were also waiting a few years before having kids, it made sense to get the policies started at the lower age-related...

1 year ago
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u Torrent aka µTorrent! By now, the majority of you should be familiar with this torrent client. There's a reason uTorrent is as famous as it is right now, seeing as it is very, very useful.Hell, are we any better than the book-burning Nazis if we censor various types of information? Exactly! There's no need for me to try and hide this type of thing from you, so without further ado, let us jump right in and see what this page has to offer to us, alright?What lies beyond...See that short little...

Useful Software
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How I Fucked An Examination CoOrdinator

Hi guys! I’m Rahul and I am 25 years old living in Delhi. Please do comment and like if you find my sexual story arousing. Please mail for your valuable feedback or for any sort of sexual queries, I’ll be happy to help. Any lady seeking for a sexual encounter please mail me on the below mail address. Mail id : Anyways, getting on to the point. This is my first time in writing an erotic encounter on a website. I love to fuck and probably every guy in the world loves to fuck, who doesn’t? I’m a...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ashley Adams Busty Slut Has A Date With A Big Black Cock

All-Natural Beauty Ashley Adams is ready to take on the new monster cock Dredd! This fit hard-body is what dreams are made of, tight body, natural tits, and a ass you can bounce a quarter off of. Ashley has been waiting for this day for a long time and you can tell she’s excited for her new challenge. She shows off that body in a tight fitting lace body suit and thigh high stockings that doesn’t leave much up to the imagination. Ashley peels off her lingerie before she attempts to...

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Out Of TimeChapter 6

David headed north toward Minnesota. The journey was fairly uneventful. As David passed through towns, he sold off a piece or two of his wife's jewelry. The buyer always commented on how he never saw anything like it before. David accumulated a tidy sum of money. Since his schooner was motorized, he traveled farther than the 12 to 20 miles a day that settlers traveled. The floatation worked perfectly and he crossed rivers with no problem. David stopped when he reached a little town called...

3 years ago
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Fucked Over

Ok. So my name is Dale. I was 20 at the time this all happened. I’m about 5’11 give or take an inch. I’s quite thin at only 140 lbs. I have blonde hair, some tell me strawberry blonde but I don’t see it. Sometimes it changes to a light brown or maybe a darkish blonde during the summer thanks to the sun. I also have grey eyes. They change frequently with my moods however and usually have a greenish tint. At the time I had been at my job working at a dollar store about thirty minutes from home....

2 years ago
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Bringing out the slut in SaraPt 1

"Jack..? Why..." She looked down and saw my 8 inch cock perfectly erected. The moon light reflected off her wonderful, perfect boobs. "I told you...I'm not ready..." I didn't say anything but violently pushed her against the wall, I held her wrist at the upper part of the wall, stretching her body. I could now see her perfectly shaven and wet pussy. "You look very ready to me..." I reached down and felt her wet pussy. I showed her her juices. "I..I" she was about to speak but I...

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Super FluChapter 10

Junior spent the next several hours exploring the farm. He kept an eye out for anything that might prove useful to his small band on their journey. The first thing he saw was something he should have thought of all along. In the back of Janet's Grandpa's pickup was a fuel transfer tank. Junior knew the minute he spotted it that he had to have it. Junior asked Janet about the tank and she assured him it could be fitted into the bed of the Ford. Since it held 190 gallons of diesel and had a...

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A Day At The Nude Beach

This is a true story of what happened at the nude beach a couple years ago. I had been going to the beach almost every weekend that summer and it was getting late in September and the beach weather was coming to an end. I was really going to miss the beauty, peace and tranquility there. I would arrive around 7 am just as the sun was coming over the horizon. Most weeks the water was calm and I would stand knee deep in the cool Atlantic waters looking out over the surf and watching the...

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Lost Empire 37

  "Why can't you stop them? This is complete insanity! They could kill each other! Mary you have to prevent this!" Lucie was pleading with Mary.   "Under mandates, rules and orders that the emperor gave me I cannot interfere unless death becomes an issue. I am sorry Miss Lucie but there is nothing I can do." An upset but immobile Mary was saying.   "Well I can damn sure..." Lucie started. An arm restrained Lucie as she was starting to move forward. "What!? Let me go! I have to...

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Adventures In Rubber Chapter 12

Chapter 12Moving between Jason and Flora, the stranger turned off the treadmill and vibrating massager. As they looked up in surprise, he smiled. "Hello," he said, and then frowned as Flora shook her head wearily. Though her worst fears had come true; a stranger was in their house while she was helplessly trapped in Mandy's devilish equipment, she was too exhausted from her ordeal to do anything but relax within her bondage, taking advantage of the relief from the insidious treadmill. Of...

4 years ago
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The Mind Game

Enjoy the read… Don’t forget to vote! ***** I woke up feeling startled, as I fumbled in the dark to turn off my blaring alarm clock. Feeling disorientated and sluggish, I reluctantly made my way down to the breakfast table. Grumbling to myself about the lack of milk, or food for that matter, in the fridge, I picked up the morning paper. As I thumbed through to the job section, nothing really caught my eye. It was merely page after page of secretarial work or cleaning jobs. I wanted...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Georgie Lyall A Sirens Call

Georgie Lyall is looking fine as she decks herself out in lingerie that includes a demi bra that can’t constrain her big breasts. She sends some naughty selfies to Renato as a teaser for when he gets home from work. By the time he arrives, he’s smiling in anticipation of the busty buffet before him and hard as a rock. Georgie is happy to let Renato have as much of a taste as he wants of her buxom tits and her juicy twat. He pulls her bra down to bury his face in her knockers, then...

2 years ago
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Twist of Fate Part 1

My story begins in my sophomore year of college. I had always been a popular kid, but I was by no means a ladies man. I’m around 5’8′ and 160lbs. I have a six pack and play almost every sport known to man, and my cock is 7′. One night, I had decided to go out to the bar and share a couple of drinks with my friends. Towards the end of the evening, I was walking back to the dorms with a girl I had been fucking, Julie. She was 5’2′ and 110lbs. with a great ass and 32A perky tits. While we were...

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Computer Setup Part 5

Cindi reached out and turned the water back on as I stepped out of the tub. We rinsed off quickly and got dressed to go out. There’s a good bar here in town that features live music on Saturday nights. I had heard the band several times and they were pretty good. They had clothes in the car that were more appropriate than the shorts they had been wearing. Boy, Cindi sure knew how to fill out a shirt. She was wearing a black satin western shirt with fringe on it. The fringe hung straight down...

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The Address

So, again....these are a few cell phone stories I had to send to a friend. When she and I were in our younger 20s, she turned me out. She showed me what sex is REALLY supposed to be like. She moved a few states away and we lost contact. She searched me out when she moved back to the area and of which, we are now in our late 40s. She was still as hot as ever and was curious to see if her student had learned anything new. Well....THIS time....I turned HER out. I showed her what sex could REALLY...

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Choto Temple Ch 02

Here’s Chapter 2 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 2! ***** ‘I love Japan, and so many things about Japanese culture, but the lack of furniture drives me nuts,’ Zerzinski said, as he sat down on the couch. ‘Why don’t they all get back problems from sitting on the floor all the time?’ he continued. ‘I don’t know how that works.’ He had a warmth about him that I hadn’t expected. I had never met him til...

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Neighbor Mom And Me

Growing up it was mostly just mom and me at home since dad owned his own company, then there was a bad accident that took his life, and with nether mom or myself knowing how the company ran, mom sold the company which did leave us in good standing finacialy for the rest of our lives, with just the interest alone.Now I'm in high school sixteen years old and mom being thirty four years old when my life had a turn around for me.My mom stands five feet three inches, with brown hair down to her...

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Fucking My Horny Housewife Mother 8211 Pt 2 Open Air Sex

After our little adventure in the afternoon, I took a bath and fell asleep till evening as I was exhausted. Dad was home by the time I had woken up. Mom was wearing a different nighty and it looked like she had taken a bath as well. I noticed her wearing a bra this time. Dad and I spoke for a while and mom brought us tea and pakodas. Every time my eyes searched for mom’s breasts, she folded her hands, blocking my view. Once she also gave me a stern look to not look at her that way. After...

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Game WorldChapter 85

It was late in the afternoon of the next day before I got to get away from business and have a moment or two to myself. At the time I was standing on a slope of a hill overlooking the site where Hope was building her mega-teleportation system. The site stood a few hundred yards to the south of the resort in a large clearing. The area was a beehive of activity and I was impressed by what I saw. Structurally the facility was almost complete. The facility was roughly the size of a small...

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A Story of Jane in the First Person SingularChapter 2

THURSDAY, the 19th of MARCH At 2:30 the next afternoon, Jean walked into the main reading room. I was so happy to see her that I rushed out from behind the desk, and we embraced like long lost cousins. Donna, the head librarian, was in the room, so I stammered half way through an introduction before I realized that I had never learned Jean's last name. Worthington. Jean provided it herself, without batting an eye, then proceeded to compliment Donna on her dress, her hair, her library and...

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