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“Calm down! What’s gotten into you? Talk with me. Whatever it is, we can work it out!” he pleaded. 

“Work it out? Work this out!” I screamed, before throwing the antique vase his mother gave us as a wedding present. He ducked my throw, watching it dissolve into a million chips of porcelain as it vaporized against the wall. 

“That was childish. Grow up! What’s this about? Please talk with me.” He almost sounded convincing.

“I have nothing to say to you except go fuck yourself, you lying, cheating sack of shit.”  

“What are you talking about?” He grabbed my arm, trying to pull me toward him, but my knee sunk into his adulterous groin, doubling him over in paralyzing pain. I ran towards the front door, grabbing the first set of keys on the entry table. I couldn’t move very fast in my flip-flop slippers but I managed to slam the door hard enough so it sounded like a sonic boom rattling the windows.

“Oh shit!” I exclaimed, as I saw the keys I grabbed were David’s and they wouldn’t fit my Lexis. I saw him approaching in hot pursuit, so I jumped in his Jeep Wrangler and quickly turned the key in the ignition. The car leapt forward because it was in gear. Fucking stick shift! I thought to myself. By that time, Dave was at the driver's door, trying to pry it open. 

“Karen! Where the hell are you going in the middle of the night? Whatever it is, we can work it out. Talk to me,” he shouted.

I remembered his driving instructions and depressed the clutch. The engine started. After I ground it into gear, I pushed the accelerator and dropped the clutch. This time the Jeep shot forward with screeching tires, almost going sideways. It ran over Dave’s lighted lawn gnome before I got it under control. He continued screaming something as I drove away. 

I had no clue where to go. If I went to my mother’s house, she would just berate me. She’s always hated David and said he wasn’t in my class. I probably shouldn’t have married him after knowing him for such a short time, but I fell in love with his sexy good looks and smooth talk. Today was the day I had hoped to tell him I was pregnant, but life never seems to work out for me the way I plan. To make things worse, he was cheating with Debbie, my sister. My God! She had two kids and an adoring husband. This betrayal has so my levels I couldn’t count them. 

Barely able to see through my tears, I drove aimlessly around the city. I hadn’t realized there were areas like this in our city, with seedy looking bars and the homeless sleeping in cardboard box makeshifts. This seemed like a different planet. The stench of the ghetto flowed through the vents. All I could think of was him with Debbie. I had noticed she has been overtly friendly with Dave lately. 

I remember her whispering with him at Mason’s house party last week and how infuriating it was when she flashed me her glowing smile. I recognized that smile, the one she has when she’s keeping a secret. Was I foolish to believe my husband wasn’t susceptible to other women? Why didn’t I get suspicious when suddenly he had to work late, or his numerous private conversations with my sister? I just believed in him. I believed in us. Now I’m nothing but a fool. 

Suddenly I was aware that I was driving in an old industrial area because there were few cars on the street and the windows were dark. The only lights I saw were from fires burning in trash cans in an adjacent abandoned parking lot and a flashing neon sign at the end of the block. 

Just when I was thinking things couldn’t get any worse, my engine jerked, sputtered and quit. I had no clue where the hell I was as the Jeep came to an abrupt stop. Looking at the instruments, I was out of gas. I had been too preoccupied in my misery to even notice the blinking fuel light. I cranked the engine but it wouldn’t turn over. 

That was just the beginning of my problems. My first reaction was to call my mom. I looked at the empty passenger's seat and an icy chill ran through me after realizing I didn’t bring my purse. I took a deep breath and evaluated my situation. I’m a professional counselor and believe no matter what the situation, there is always a solution. Okay, here I am out of gas in a seedy part of town. I’m dressed in my nightgown and bathrobe, with my hair in rollers. I have no identification, money, or phone, and the temperature outside is dropping rapidly. 

My options seemed limited. First, I put on the emergency flashers, hoping to attract the attention of a police patrol car or possibly a Good Samaritan. Next, I looked in the mirror and started pulling the rollers out of my hair. Alright, that might seem a bit vain, but I’ll be damned if I’ll look like a hag when I’m rescued. Then I looked for some spare change in the ashtray and glove compartment. Nothing! I thought, what kind of person cleans his car that carefully but is so careless as to not to erase his text messages? Bastard! 

Those text messages were all the damning evidence I needed. I remember how I caught them. I had heard a beep from an incoming text. We have the same brand of phones, so I picked it up. Quickly, I realized it was not my phone, but before I set it down, I noticed the text was from my sister. I was confused. Why would Debbie text David? I opened the phone record. My heart dropped. There it was in front of me. I thought this couldn’t be real, but after reading the conversation over, I realized they were having an affair. 

I sat for an hour thinking about my cheating husband while shivering and waiting for my rescuer that never came. Option two was to go seek help. The only sign of life I saw was the flashing sign at the end of the block. I cinched up my robe and stepped out of the car. A cold wind hit my exposed face and it felt like a thousand icicles. I thought, why couldn’t he at least cheat on me in the summer? 

As I approached the flashing sign, I saw that it read, Ricky’s Bar and Grill. There were several motorcycles parked at the entrance of the old building. I could hear the music blaring as I pulled open the door. The springs were so strong that the door slammed as I stepped inside. Conversations stopped and all attention was directed at me. 

“I need help,” I announced.

“You need desperate help with your wardrobe, honey,” said one of the bar girls. Everyone laughed. Not knowing what to say or do, I cried. That always seemed to work. 

A big guy with tattoos on his arms and a full beard approached me as I wept. This guy had to be the biggest, most intimidating man I had ever seen. He gently put his hand on my shoulder and led me to a booth. I tightened my robe and crossed my arms in front of me, trying to modestly cover myself from the staring people. 

“Can I get you something to drink?” he asked. 

“I can’t drink alcohol because I’m pregnant.” 

“Really? How about some water or coffee then?”

“Coffee sounds good.” I was still shivering.

He called out to the bartender, “Another Bud for me and a coffee for the lady.”

Then he looked me over and asked, “At the risk of sounding clichéd, what’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?” 

Like a dam burst, I poured out my situation and problems to this perfect stranger. He listened patiently while I shared the utterly hopeless story of my failing marriage. I didn’t even bother to ask his name. Behind the rough appearance and grizzly beard were eyes of understanding and compassion. I finally came to the end of my story and my face was soaked with tears. 

He patted the top of my hand and said, “That’s quite a saga. By the way, my name is Rick.”

“I’m sorry I was rude and self absorbed. My name is Karen. Karen Holloway. I’m glad to meet you,” I said, giving him a finger shake. 

Rick looked over at the bar and said loudly, “Misty, would you come here a minute?” 

A thin blond girl came to the table popping gum and asked, “Wass up, Ricky?”

“This is Karen. She is about your size. Do you have a change of clothes you could loan her?” 

“Sure. What are you, a size four? Follow me to the bedroom, hun, and we’ll see what we can do.” 


I followed her into the back of the bar where it was more spacious than I would have believed. We passed a commercial kitchen and several storage rooms. Then, at the end of the hallway there was a large apartment size granny flat. Once in the room, she opened a closet and said, “Hun, I think my dresses might fit but I know my bras won’t. I’m a small “B” and you’re what, …a double-D?” 

“I was a full “C” but I’m pregnant and I’m growing.” 

“It would almost be worth getting knocked up to have some boobs like yours,” she chuckled. 

She handed me a cocktail dress and said, “Try this. I have some heels to match.” 

“Are you and Rick married?” I asked, walking toward the bathroom with the clothes draped over my arm. 

“Heavens no! Ricky ain’t the marrying kind. That’d be like cagin’ an eagle.” 

In the privacy of the bathroom I dropped my robe and removed my nightgown. The dress fit snugly but it was doable. I thought the cleavage was excessive, especially without a bra, but it looked lightyears better than my terry cloth robe. I sat on the toilet as I put on the heels. They were about a half size too big so I tightened the straps. 

I looked at her vanity and asked, “Misty, may I use a little of your makeup?” 

“Knock yourself out. What’s mine is yours.” 

After brushing out my hair and applying some basic makeup, I walked out of the bathroom. 

“Holy crap!  Them tits are rocking. They’re all gonna want a piece of dat.” 

“What do you mean? I’m not a hooker.” I was alarmed.

“You didn’t think this was charity, did you sweetie?” 

“I’m not asking for charity. Once I’m home, I’ll pay you both handsomely.” 

“Sure you will, sweet-pea. You’re a billionaire, right?” 

“I have the cash. I mistakenly left without my purse.”

“Relax, hun. I’m just pulling your leg. You hungry?” How bout a grilled ham and cheese?”

“That sounds lovely.” I didn’t want to sound snobbish telling her I didn’t eat cheese, ham or even bread. 

“Ya wanna use the phone to call someone?”  

“Not yet. Maybe in a few minutes.”

I did want to call someone but I couldn’t call my mom as I didn’t want a lecture about what a loser Dave was. I couldn’t call most of my friends until I found out exactly who knew about this affair. I was so hurt and I hadn’t thought any of this through. I just reacted. It’s not like I would have a contingency plan in place for dealing with this. I was crushed when I discovered the truth. 

Why would he cheat? I wasn’t conceited, but I know I am prettier than any of our friends or acquaintances. I’ve never refused him sex, even when I’m not in the mood… except for that butt thing. That seems so dirty. Maybe that was it. I knew Debbie was more adventurous than me. 

When we walked back into the bar, all eyes were on me. Then, spontaneously, the room broke out in applause and whistles. I was immediately embarrassed but I curtsied in appreciation. Ricky walked up to me and held me at arms length evaluating me. 

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” I  blushed. 

“While you were changing I sent my guys down to gas up and retrieve your car.”

“That was kind. How can I possibly repay you?” 

“Oh, I’ll think of something.” He grinned. His smile was enchanting and very suggestive. 

“Right now, I’d settle for a dance.”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not really in a dancing mood.

“Then how would you like to sit awhile? I have a couple things to ask you.” 

I was grateful for his help so I sat with him. I could tell the patrons were watching me. Ricky sat in the booth with me. There was something very disarming about him. I briefly studied him. He was a man’s man with bulging biceps and a thick, muscular neck. His voice was deep and masculine, but also soft and inviting. I’ve never been attracted to his type, but that was beginning to change. 

“How are you feeling now that you’ve had time to think it over?” he asked, looking me over carefully. 

“My shock initially made me numb. But now, that’s replaced with anger. I was such a fool thinking how much he loved and adored me. Now I just want to puke at the thought of him touching me. How could they have so totally fooled me?” I lamented as I burst into tears. 

“If you don’t mind me saying so, your husband is an idiot. I can’t imagine cheating on such a beautiful, sensitive woman as you.” 

I flushed at the compliment. I knew under different circumstances I’d be in trouble with this guy. I think he felt the same. Maybe in a different world. 

“Do you think you should talk it over with him and your sister?”

“The only talking I’ll do is through my attorney. Dave doesn’t know he’s going to be a father and I’m not going tell him. I don’t want to live with my folks but I don’t have a choice. My Mom will be in a constant state of “I told you so.” 

“You’re just too sweet. Most women would’ve kicked his ass out, and not left themselves. Or they would figure out how to get revenge. If you want, I could break his legs.” Ricky laughed. 

“His legs would heal faster than my heart. I want that bastard to feel my pain. I want him to suffer my loss.”

“I know one way to inflict maximum pain.”

“How is that?”

“How about I go with you and get your things, then you tell him you’re going to be staying with me?”

At first I thought this was an obvious ploy to get in my panties, but the idea did have some merit. He watched intently as I thought it over.

“If I do this, it doesn’t mean I’m sleeping with you. I’m not that easy.”

“Do I appear like a guy desperate to get laid? I don’t take advantage of women in such a vulnerable state.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m not feeling really good about the male species right now.” 

“What about your sister? Don’t you think you should talk with her?”

“I no longer have a sister, and at the first opportunity I’m going to tell Ronnie what a whore his wife is.”

“Okay, I’ll follow you to your place so you can get your things. I will make sure he doesn’t stop you, then tell him you’re moving in with me.” 

As I thought about it, l liked the idea more and more. I said, “I cant wait to see the look on his face.” 

“Of course I don’t expect you to really move in, but I’ve got room if you want and you won’t have to ask for your mom’s assistance.”

“And what do you plan to get out of this?” I asked suspiciously.

“Like I said, we’ll figure something out.” He grinned. 


As I pulled into the driveway, Dave came immediately running toward the car with a look of panic on his face. Ricky pulled up behind me on his Harley and gunned his engine a couple times. I’m sure he woke the neighbors. Then my sister came out the door also. 

As I opened the door, Dave tried to hold me. I pushed the bastard away and Ricky stepped between us. I walked toward the door as Dave screamed, “Who the hell is this guy? Where have you been? Why are you dressed like that?” 

Ricky grabbed my husband by the neck and stopped him cold. Debbie gripped his arm and he easily pushed her away. I walked in the front door with Debbie following behind me. I could hear Dave wincing in pain. I felt like stopping it but somehow it seemed appropriate. Pain for pain seemed a whole lot like justice. Debbie was screaming at me.  

“What are you doing, Karen? You’re acting crazy.”

“Don’t talk to me, you whore!” 

“What the hell are you talking about? I’m no such thing.” 

“I caught you and my unfaithful husband. How long have you been fucking him?” 

“What?! Dave and me? There’s no way.” 

I looked on the mantle for Dave’s phone and saw it where I had placed it. I suspected he’d have erased the messages, but when I opened his text history it was still there. 

“Explain this! I handed her the phone. She read the messages.

Debbie: “We can’t keep this deception up much longer.”

Dave: “Yeah, I agree. Karen is bound to find out. I think she’s suspicious. Can you meet with me tomorrow?”

Debbie: “I can after six. Ronnie is taking the kids to the movies.” 

Dave: "That works for me. I’ll just tell Karen I’m working late. Btw, bring that sexy lingerie with you. Same place as usual?”

Debbie: “KK. See ya there.”

Debbie burst out laughing almost hysterically. That certainly wasn’t the reaction I expected. Tears of laughter poured down her cheeks. After a couple deep breaths, she said, “Oh my God! I can see why you thought what you did. I love you Karen. There is a simple explanation.”

“And that is…?” 

“Dave and I have been planning a surprise birthday party for you, dimwit. He had me purchase Victoria’s Secrets lingerie for you as part of your present. We’ve been meeting at the Mall. Dave pulled out all the stops. We’ve been planning it for almost a month. There will be over fifty people.” 

All I could do was stare at her with my mouth hanging open. I felt horrible—actually worse than I felt when I thought they had cheated. I rushed to Debbie, throwing my arms around her and kissing her cheeks. It was like a thousand pound weight was lifted off me. 

“Oh my God! Forgive me. How could I have thought that about you. You’re my sister. I’m so sorry.”

“Sis, you better go rescue your husband from that goon. Where did you meet that Neanderthal anyway? He is kinda cute.” 

“I’ll tell you later. This was a night I won’t soon forget.” 

I was able to get to Ricky and stop him just before the police arrived. We were able to assure them there was just a misunderstanding. Dave was a bit shaken up but no worse for the wear. After I spent ten minutes apologizing to David, I invited Ricky in and explained the whole story. I told Dave how Ricky rescued me and I offered to pay him for his trouble. He refused money but said he had another idea. 


Even though the party wasn’t any longer a surprise, I was blessed by a huge crowd of well wishers, including our new found biker friends that furnished several kegs of beer. Dave quickly forgave me for suspecting him. I think we learned a lot through this. The baby is half term now and I’m experiencing the hormones I read about. I’ve been keeping Dave busy in the bedroom but he hasn’t complained. I never found out what Ricky had in mind for repayment, but I have a pretty good idea. Hey, a girl has to have her fantasies too.

The End


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I was returning from Europe from a short vacation away from reality. God know I needed it so much. I guess I went a little wild while I was there, maybe you could call it the forties crisis. I even had a tattoo made. Me, the person always saying tattoos were too permanent for me. But, yes, I had a tattoo, just in my left inner wrist of the BDSM symbol. I’ve wanted to do it ever since I recognized my submissive nature and so I finally did it. Anyway, my watch will cover it most of the times....

Quickie Sex
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HandsOnHardcore Candy Alexa Ginebra Bellucci Sara Bell Xrated Chaos in the Classroom

Tune in to this wild group sex orgy scene that features seven of our best Hands On Hardcore fuckers. Candy Alexa, Ginebra Bellucci, Sara Bell, Vince Karter, David Perry, Raul Costa, and Josh bring your crazy college swingers fantasy to life when after the bell rings, they all start boning right there in the classroom. These glamour models get schooled in double penetration and anal sex, and then impress these men as they demonstrate how multidick sucking and deepthroating is done. Don’t...

3 years ago
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Coming of Age

You get a better class of person at orgies, because people have to keep in trim more. There is an awful lot of going around holding in your stomach, you know. Everybody is very polite to each other. The conversation isn't very good but you can't have everything. Gore Vidal I grew up in California but my ancestors were from Tennessee. After meeting my mom and marrying, my dad never went back to the hometown, instead looking for the American dream which, for him, happened to be in California,...

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Strange Brew

I picked up the Citroën rental at Toulouse Blagnac Airport, making sure it had satellite navigation and a tank full of fuel. Baggage stowed, I set off for my destination and lover's reunion.My talented artist girlfriend Arianne, lived, in a tiny village in the foothills of the Pyrenees. There she painted landscapes which she sold online. She had painted one for me and I was excited to see it.My journey had begun in the dark on good well-lit roads. It was Halloween and the French radio station...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Carmen Caliente Latin Fever Hits Black Passion With Dredd

It’s Carmen Caliente and her prodigious sexual gusto vs DREDD in this scene from Jules Jordan. Big brown-eyed Caliente is a natural charmer. She’s outdoors and dressed in orange lingerie that simply melds with her ass and thighs. She playfully parades on deck and Jules says “I could follow this body around all day”. There’s no time as DREDD awaits inside and Carmen is down for the challenge. She slides to DREDD on the sofa and he says “What’s up”. Caliente hilariously responds “Your big old...

3 years ago
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The Debutante

The Debutante Janet Stickney [email protected] When I was 16 I bought my first formal. It was all white, floor length, with a sweetheart neckline and puffy cap sleeves. It cost me almost $200, but it was worth it simply because it was mine. I tried it on in my room and then hung it in the basement among all of the other dresses that were there. My name is Jeff Grant, I'm 17 now, a short skinny guy with no girlfriend or even many boy friends. A serious student,...

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country love

I lived out in the country on a gravel road.All that was around me was cotton and rice fields.The houses were spaced out my nearest neighbor about a mile. It was peaceful and plenty of privatcy.I was 18 and kind of wild and horny.I had been with alot of girls and was quiet good at throwing the ole dick.I was glad to hear that someone new was moving in down the road.when i saw them moving in i went and interduced myself.It was a recently divorced woman and her daughter.I was blown away by the...

4 years ago
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i love myspace

ok so back in 05 i made a myspace. didnt know what it was or how to use it but all my friends had 1 so i wanted one to. i had it for about a month or 2, and girls just seemed 2 love me on there. another month goes by and thats when i figured out how easy it was 2 hook up with girls on myspace, if u had the right kinda game. so i send a friend request to a local model/singer(most girls on myspace are) and she accepted it and sent me a message before i could even try and spit my game at her. she...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Lily Larimar Sera Ryder Caring Stepsister

What would you do if you had a hot new stepbrother like Oliver Flynn? Lily Larimar and her friend Sera Ryder have decided to fuck him. They follow Oliver around the house and tell Oliver a litany of things they want to do with him. As the list grows increasingly sexual, Oliver asks if the girls have a family fetish or something. Lily doesn’t say no, but they do leave it for now. Later, though, Lily and Sera corner Oliver once again with a thermometer to take his temperature. He tells them...

3 years ago
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Sweet Rohan From The 20th Floor

Rohan used to live in my apartment 5 floors below my 25th. The view of the city from my windows was exquisite and with no buildings close enough to block the view, the sunrise flooded the house with light early in the morning. Rohan was 1st year college and a piece of art. About 5, 10, 58kgs, black eyes large and round, high cheek bones and a wide smiling face. He was smooth like an egg and his stride caused his round petite buns to rotate just so slightly. I nearing 50, leeched at him every...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Steven walked into his apartment after another night at the strip club. After retrieving a beer from the fridge, he fell into his favorite chair and began to remove his pants to relax and possibly find something on Skinimax to allow him to relieve his pent up lust. As he did, he found the flier that was on his windshield when he left in his pocket and unfolded it: Looking for some real fun? Try our two way webcam. You pick the girl and we cater to your fantasy and ...

1 year ago
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Joys Trip To Cancun Part 1

In October Joy and I took a vacation to Cancun. I had never been there before but Joy had gone a couple of years before we met with her ex-husband. Her first visit there was fairly conventional, with a couple of trips to the downtown market, trying several of the more popular restaraunts, and taking a couple of day tours. She was already planning out our vacation so that we got to see as much as possible while we were there. We had been having trouble with our relationship lately and we were...

4 years ago
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The Slaver Gets His Wish 13

Rachel had soaked my shirt, crying so hard. Joey had pulled it together, and he drove the limo like a sports car, maneuvering like he was on the road to win the gold cup. We found ourselves in a smoky neighborhood, the fire engines already parked. Firemen and EMT were running back and forth, but why, I couldn’t ascertain. My house was already a big lump of coal. Everything had collapsed into the dungeon, and there it smoldered…. “Stay here,” I told Rachel and Joey. I stepped out of the...

3 years ago
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Stepdaddy Boi

‘Pomp & Circumstance’ began playing over the loudspeakers. The graduating class of Eleanor Roosevelt High School marched inside. The boys wore green robes while all of the girls were wearing white ones. In the stands, sat the family of Claro Booker. The s*******n year old’s mother, Belinda, was present with both of her sisters. His stepdad rounded out the crew that came to cheer him on. He had been a star pupil. And finished in the top ten percent of his class.When his family saw him enter,...

2 years ago
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The lady from the elevator

I'm Don, I'm 28 and I have brown hair and eyes. I'm about 6 feet tall and I like to think I'm fit too. I've been with a few ladies in my time, but not enough to be considered a player or a ladies' man. I live in an apartment building that has eight floors and every weekday morning I get in the elevator at about 8:05 and come back in the elevator around 5:45. I would say I have a strict schedule, but if I do than this woman that lives in my building does too.She is about 6 foot and also has...

Quickie Sex
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Wife Caught Me Watching Gay Porn

We'd made love for a couple of hours. We watched a great porno (at least I thought it was) that had three guys in it: one very well hung black guy and two white guys who shouldn't be embarrassed about their equipment. There were two women, one an adorable blonde, and the other, a beautiful brunette. The blonde was definitely the hotter of the two. The premise of the movie was that the blonde was ready and willing to take anything the men offered while the brunette was shy and only wanted to...

3 years ago
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Shipwrecked lezzies

The beautiful shipwrecked captain Rene held her first mate, Maggie close. " don't worry, we're going to be rescued soon." Maggie cried on Rene's shoulder. " I sure hope so." " it's going to be okay, calm down honey." Maggie's sorrow was blown away by a kiss from Rene

4 years ago
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GNight PixieChapter Five Exploring

Clean-shaven Doug dumped the bowl of hot water down the sink drain, where it flowed through the new bamboo pipe to a sump in the sand beneath the cabin. It was better than dry shaving, but some soap would have enhanced the experience. Mary had already trimmed Alyson's bangs. "Are we ready?" he asked after putting the razor in a cabinet. Mary and Alyson moved to either side of him and stroked his cheeks and neck. He felt the fingers of both drag over minute rough spots. Something was...

1 year ago
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Professor Cougar

I have always been good at making up stories. When I was really young, adults would write it off as having an over-active imagination.Maybe someone should have told my college English professor. Maggie was a single thirty-year-old whom, as far as I oculd tell, was always at work. Not bad seeing as how I too was always around campus. I had been researching my thesis paper so long that it was already dark when the janitor woke me up. "Studying late again Melissa?" He said as he gave me a hand up...

3 years ago
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Its not gay if you like it

In highschool I had sucked a few cocks, and got a few in my ass, gave some too, had a lot of fun. But this is my first year in college, out of state, and didnt know anybody yet. I was in a dorm with a dude I thought may be gay, but wasnt sure and hadnt asked yet. It was only the first week of school. I was comming home late one night, just left a hotel room with a married guy I was giving head to from craigslist. When a truck pulled up and a bunch of random guys jumpped out the back, put a bag...

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The Devil in a Red Dress

The Devil in a Red Dress by Jennifer The rush was incredible. It was probably one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had. My mind was drifting in what seemed like another world as she still rolled the head of my penis in her mouth. It seemed that she was intent on making me cum again, but I was completely spent. "What the hell" I thought. "I might as well let her try". After all, I've slept with a lot of women, but this one, Jenny, was near physical perfection. In about ten...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Chloe DarkEyed Damsel Chloe Gets Fucked Like the Dog She Is

Dark-haired beauty Chloe is ready for some serious action today. She’s dressed in her latex outfit, complete with dog collar, that leaves her colossal knockers exposed, and she’s trying out the whip that will soon send the naughty girl into heights of ecstasy. Her boyfriend Kristof is sure surprised when he gets home, but he gets into the spirit of the occasion by grabbing her by the leash and walking her around like a dog. After a nice blowjob, Kristof starts in on her snatch with...

2 years ago
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Mami ki chudai 2

Wo upar se nich puri gori pann sundar thi same aishwarya jaisi usko dekh her ek ka mann chudne ko karega.phir mami ne kaha”kya soch rahe ho rajesh?kya tume mein tumepasand nahi ayi kya?”Phir meine mami se kaha ki”aap to aishwarya rao jaise dikhti ho?”Wo muskurayi aur muje dudh pine ko kaha mein ab bahut garam ho chuka ta mera lund 3.5 inch ka tha wo ab 4.5 inch ka ho gaya thameine jor jor se chusna suru kiya us samay mami mera underwear mein hath dalke lund ko wapis sahalane lagi usne apna...

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Vacation trip to Barbados Anitas version

I had convinced my loving hubby to take a vacation trip to Barbados for our wedding anniversary. I told him that we would enjoy some nice sunny days at the beach and could take the nights to fuck like crazy, without thinking on the dull routine or stress. The first afternoon, when we arrived at the beach, I noticed that several white women were sunbathing totally nude. I was practically naked with my green lime thong and I could see that the local black men were getting quite an eyeful of my...

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GadgetChapter 3

It was after that thought was complete when she saw something new coming out from under the table. It was different enough that made her more nervous than she already was. It looked like a flesh colored earthworm. That resemblance worked right down to the tapered end and the segmented body. There was one exception. The earthworm-looking thing was covered with a slimy substance and seemed to be producing more as she watched. There was an additional problem. The damned thing was about the same...

3 years ago
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Cathy and Rachel

We notice her right away, as she walks into the bar. She’s tall and voluptuous, all of the curves in the right places. She’s dressed in a business suit, with jacket opened to a lacy camisole. Cleavage to die for. Heels. Brunette, with brown eyes and long lashes. The line was simple, honest. I smile, and said, ‘Hi, would you like to join us?’ We both flirt with her shamelessly. I ask her to dance, and hold her hand as we walk to the dance floor. While dancing close, I make it obvious how...

2 years ago
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Fooles Ambition Angel Flying Too Close to the GroundChapter 3

The next day I made my weekly phone call to Joel. I have a normal Bell phone line at my home, but I never use it for 'business'. Way too easy to trace. A few years ago, I did a favor for an IT uber-geek who set me up with a 110% secure Internet phone line that bounces off half a dozen private servers and tele-comm satellites before it ever touches a terrestrial landline, probably somewhere in Paraguay. Any bad guys short of the NSA wouldn't have a chance in seven hells of tracing me. Joel...

3 years ago
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Family Ties Part one Genesis

Introduction: This fictional story is sick and twisted but is legal due to my constitutionally given freedom of speech. If you dont like it, you can take my first amendment and shove it up your ass… if your not into grown ups and young ones, or incest, or rape then dont read it. If you do read it then we both know that you like it… regardless of how many negative reviews you give to it after you bust your nut and feel guilty. Dont be a hypocrite or a dick, its only a story: other than that…...

1 year ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 383 DCup Loses Something Very Precious to Her Hint Its Not Peter Harrison

Monday, July 2, 2007 (Continued) My three girls started moving inside. I bent down and scooped D-Cup up, holding her in front of me as I carried her. She was getting cold feet so they would've worked too slowly. I wanted to get started NOW! To distract her I said, "You're not officially my serving girl yet, not until I take your virginity. So just this once I'll carry you inside, but after this you'll have to carry me, okay?" It fell mostly flat with her. She wasn't in the mood for...

2 years ago
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JourneyChapter 10

During our search ... just to give an idea of a base few of the multitude of difficulties April has consented to play a couple of verbatim contacts with reasonably situated and 'close enough' planets in the zone of acceptance. April translating on speaker: "Unknown and unidentified interstellar object. State your business." "Searching for a home," she replied ... not that we understood any of the 'ticks, clucks, tocks, glottal stops and spitting, ' of the before translation speech...

1 year ago
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Our Sexy Hunk Mike

It was a sunny Saturday morning when my Babie informed me that she wanted to go the casino. I knew what that meant, she wanted to play some slots and get laid. So I said while your busy getting dolled up I'm going to check out our local rest area. She said don't take too long, I said only long enough to hopefully find a Hot cock to swallow, she said good luck. Off I went hoping to get lucky, when I pulled in there was only a biker parked there setting on his Harley. I parked next to him, I...

2 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 24

It was that same night when Gray showed up at my door with a digital recording from the Captain’s office bug. He played it for me without any commentary at all. The Captain made a call to the Kalashnikov brothers. “Yonnie, that fucking redneck mother fucker is back up here looking for a connection between us. He needs to go away. This time no warnings. Yes he blew up my car. I might have been in that thing. What do you mean, If he wanted me dead I’d be dead. The man is a redneck cop, not...

2 years ago
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My First Encounter In Noida

First of all, let me introduce myself. I am 31 years old tall, above average looking guy with well built and a good enough penis size to satisfy any girl, bhabhi, lady or aunty. You can contact me on to have a good time. Let’s come to the story. It happened to me five days back when I was returning from office. I work in a software company. When I was about to reach home, I saw a lady who was having pain in her leg and finding it difficult to walk and she suddenly fell down. As I was passing...

4 years ago
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Apocalypse BluesChapter 17

“The road to Baltimore is hopefully nice and boring, but I fear that it won’t be. Nobody mentioned anything about the open countryside, though if we stick to I-70, that should be less of a worry, if not entirely nonexistent. I suppose that it could just be my worrywart nature or a little hillbilly superstition, or else the fact that the trek has gradually, but steadily grown more dangerous for us. I guess that we’ll find out soon enough, one way or the other. I just don’t like surprises, you...

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Memories of Anne

The time on the mantle clock showed 9.20pm. I sat on the sofa and slipped my heels off and tucked my stocking clad legs under me. I picked up my glass of Chardonnay and took a sip. My thoughts went to the events of today.It had actually all started a month prior. I was recruiting for a new secretary when Anne’s curriculum vitae had come across my desk and it struck a cord with me. So I had invited her in for an interview and I had been impressed with her polite and respectful manner. She had...

2 years ago
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Generous OffersChapter 3 DAY TWO Tuesday Morning

I had to pee. “Is anybody else awake?” I asked quietly. “I am,” said Chrissy. “Gotta pee.” “Me too.” Chrissy led the way into the shower guiding me in with her. Clearly, she understood that peeing in the shower was okay. And, I have to assume, it’s more fun with more than one. She started pointing her stream mostly into the shower drain. I was so stiff I could not point it down. I caught my stream with a hand but Chrissy moved my hand away and aimed my stream at her body. Beth walked...

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