Bronze Age BootyChapter 5
- 2 years ago
- 22
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The rain: that's how it all began.
Hannelore was standing in the breakroom, staring out the window with an increasingly grim expression. The disproportionate enormity of the window made her look smaller than she actually was, shrinking into nothingness in the shimmering void of the rain.
She'd already changed, so she was wearing her street clothes -- nothing special, just a pullover hoodie and jeans. The front pocket of her sweatshirt tightened in her balled fists. "Shit," she muttered, breaking the silence of the breakroom with an exaggerated groan.
It was beautiful outside, a glorious summer day. The City, this sprawling, haphazardly-designed metropolis, basked in the sun's rays; pedestrians felt the cool breeze whisk along the backs of exposed knees, necks, and arms; families enjoyed outings at the parks and beaches. And business was good at the restaurant.
It was raining anyway. A sunshower, it was called, that phenomenon where rain fell as the sun shined. Days like this were actually pretty good for business, not that that was Hannelore's concern: her shift was over, and she was going home.
Too bad about the fucking rain.
Hannelore looked like she'd just smelled an open sulfur deposit. Her nose was scrunched up with annoyance in that way her friends always made fun of; her eyes, hazel and swallow-tailed, rolled to the side as if in defiance of a rival storm god.
Man... she had to walk home in this shit. And she didn't even have an umbrella.
A sigh, a groan. No more beating around the bush. It was time to go. Hannelore hitched her purse securely onto her shoulder, gripped it, and walked out of the breakroom...
...right into Maris, one of the resident pastry chefs. They both shrieked as they startled one another, drawing the attention of a couple of nearby chatting servers.
Maris doubled over, grabbing his knees.
"Watch where you're going!" Hannelore yelled, replacing a few things that had fallen out of her purse in the collision.
"Sorry, sorry!" Maris was still recovering from his fright, taking over-dramatic breaths. "I wasn't paying attention."
Hannelore sighed. "No, I'm sorry... I'm just in kind of a shitty mood."
Maris straightened himself and patted the front of his apron, sending small clouds of powdered sugar into the air. "About the rain?"
"Partly, yeah."
Maris adjusted his glasses. They were always sliding down his face, but in the two-ish years Hannelore had known him he had never bothered to replace them. He regained the soft smile he almost always wore.
Maris's ever-present smile had become an in-joke among the restaurant staff; new hires who hadn't yet learned their coworkers' names almost uniformly referred to him as "that chef who smiles a lot" or "the smiling guy." It wasn't, like, creepy or anything -- Hannelore found it endearing, as did most of the staff.
"I've got an umbrella," he said, voice measured and gentle. "I'm about to clock out." He was untying his apron strings. "Walk you home?"
Hannelore smiled. "Thanks, Mar." She pronounced his nickname like she was referring to a female horse.
"Give me a sec," Maris said, before disappearing into the men's locker room.
Hannelore leaned against the wall by the entrance to the staff room and took out her phone. Momoko, her roommate, had sent her a few texts.
"yo hanners i think u forgot ur keys (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)"
"i would drop them off but i'm at work ( ≧Д≦)"
"will u ever forgive me?? (๑◕︵◕๑)"
Ah, fuck. Hannelore silently mouthed that last word a few times as she brought her purse up with one hand and searched it with the other. Wallet, check. Pepper spray, check... Fuck. Shit. A quick scan of the ground -- maybe I dropped when I ran into Mar -- turned up nothing, as well.
She'd been running late that morning. Momo was hanging out in the living room, eating cereal and watching TV; Hannelore stumbled out of her room, brushing her hair and teeth at the same time.
"Breakfast?" Momo asked, nudging the cereal box across the coffee table.
"No time," Hannelore mumbled around the toothbrush. "Gotta go!"
She grabbed her purse, waved goodbye, and put on her shoes, hopping on one foot as she pulled one on. She hopped out of the apartment, ran down the walkway, and made her way to work... and left her keys on the counter.
Fuuuuuck. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair, undoing some of her work.
Maris emerged from the locker room in his street clothes. He was wearing a plain white sweater that clung to his somewhat stocky frame and skinny jeans that emphasized it further. "Oh," he said, reading her expression. "You look, umm... upset."
Hannelore looked up at him with a fatalistic expression. "I forgot my keys."
"Oh. Well, your roommate --"
"Is at work." Hannelore sighed. She was quiet for a moment. "Umm, Mar... could I maybe hang at your place until Momo gets back?"
Maris looked uneasy for a moment -- but only for a moment. "Uh, sure!"
"Thanks," Hannelore said, smiling a little. "You're a lifesaver."
"I am pretty great." He was holding a black umbrella. "C'mon."
Hannelore followed the pâtissier out of the restaurant and onto the street.
The rain had picked up, and even though the sun was still shining the sidewalks were absolutely drenched. The pair had to sidestep puddles and watch out for splashing from passing cars.
Maris's umbrella was a little too small to adequately cover the two of them, so he kept hovering it over Hannelore, allowing himself to take the brunt of the deluge.
"You don't have to do that," Hannelore said.
"It's okay," Maris replied, hair slick with rain. "It's not that bad."
"You're already drenched. You're gonna get sick."
He was still wearing that smile. "I'll be fine." His lenses were totally soaked; Hannelore wondered if he could even see where he was going. "Besides... I love the rain."
"I always have." He was quiet for a moment. "It helps me sleep, y'know?"
"Yeah," she replied. She decided to humor his insistent self-sacrifice by staying under the umbrella and allowing him to keep it above her. "Momo gets off work at 6:00... are you sure it's okay for me to stay? I could go to the library or something, if --"
He waved her off. "No, no," he said. "It's okay! Really."
"I feel bad for inviting myself over." She played with the edge of her hoodie pocket.
"You sure?"
"I'm sure. I'll make us tea or something." He made a small noise. "Besides... it'll be nice to be... neighborly, y'know?"
Hannelore smiled up at him. "Sure."
They passed the street vendors, the specialty shops, the high-end fashion and tech stores... they passed a watch repair shop, a cybernetic body customization workshop, a money exchange... they passed a butcher's (Maris, one of the few vegetarians on staff, involuntarily made a face when he saw the window display), a travel agency, an optical and auditory implant specialist... they took in the sights of this small corner of the City, where the very old and the very new lived side-by-side in relative harmony.
It took them about twenty minutes to get back to their apartment building. This section of the City was heavily inspired by 2000s-era Japan, even though the majority of people who lived there were not Japanese (and the City itself was not located in Japan). The City was weird that way -- a fever dream conjured by hipsters nostalgic for an imaginary time.
They entered the outside elevator.
Maris punched the button for the 17th floor, then backed away from the closing doors. He was soaked but didn't look bothered in the least. "Wow," he said, running his hand through his hair.
"Yeah," Hannelore said. Despite her guilt at enabling Maris, she smiled. "Wow." A thin trickle of rain dripped steadily from the hem of Maris's jeans, pooling near his shoes. Hannelore's face fell. "Shit, you're dripping wet. I'm so sorry."
Maris waved her off again. "I told you, I'm fine. I just need to change."
Water was pooling near Hannelore's feet, too, dripping from the nib at the top of the now-folded umbrella. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it."
They reached their floor and stepped out onto the open-air walkway. From here they had a great view of the City, of the spread-out neighborhoods, of the horizon-spanning skyline at which they terminated.
Maris unlocked his door. "You can leave the umbrella out here," he said, and after his companion leaned the umbrella against the wall, balancing on its nib, he gestured her inside. Maris took off his shoes and set them beside the umbrella, then followed Hannelore inside.
"Go ahead and get comfy," he said, passing through his living room and toward his hallway. "I'm gonna change, okay?"
"Sure," Hannelore replied, taking a seat on the couch.
Maris disappeared into the hallway; Hannelore heard what she presumed was his bedroom door open, then close. She scanned his living room.
The pâtissier kept a clean house. Minimalist, even. The layout was the same as Hannelore's place, only reversed -- for example, Maris's bedroom was on the righthand side of the apartment, whereas Hannelore's was on the left. It suddenly occurred to Hannelore that her bedroom most likely adjoined Maris's.
Aside from an overfull bookshelf, Maris didn't seem interested in decorating his apartment. Speaking of books, there was one sitting on the coffee table. Hannelore picked it up, turned it over in her hand. Venus in Furs. The title sounded familiar. There was definitely a Velvet Underground song with that name.
Hannelore'd her bag on the floor in front of the couch. Her phone was nestling on her stomach; she idly tapped the back of her phone case with her fingernails. She'd recently painted them dark green; they stood out, surrounded by light, peachy skin.
Her shoes were sitting beside the front door. This was a habit of hers -- she and Momo always dumped their shoes by the entrance whenever they walked inside, and this didn't change when she was in someone else's home. Her socks were mercifully dry; she wiggled her toes and brought her legs up against her chest.
Hannelore watched the rain through the window.
Maris stripped off his clothes and dumped them in a hamper. He'd pulled a towel from the linen closet, used it to wipe himself down. The towel soon joined its fallen comrades in the hamper.
He was still for a moment. It had been a while since he'd had anyone over. Despite having no intention of letting Hannelore into his bedroom he moved to the closet and closed the door, then set the hamper in front of it as a sort of ward.
A minute shame buzzed through his body. That familiar, distinct feeling of fucked-up-ness soon subsided, but nightmare scenarios still ran through his brain: every time, every time he had someone over, his worst fear was that his guest would somehow discover what he kept in his closet.
With a sigh Maris pulled on a t-shirt, clean jeans, and a cardigan. He pulled on some socks, left his room, closed the door, and headed back into the living room.
Hannelore was making herself comfortable on the couch.
"Hey," said Maris with a smile.
"Hey," she replied, returning it.
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My name is Zen and this is my real story of an erotic encounter with my friend’s mom. I saw her for the first time and fell in love with her. It was 4 years back when my other friends and I used to meet at night time for playing cards. We used to sit on a bench near four-way, discuss cricket, tease each other by their girlfriend’s name and many other things. One night, one of my friends introduced us to Harry. Harry was a few years younger to us. As there was no boy of his age in the locality....
Extra Marital AffairHi this is Arjun. im 22 years old currently living in Bangalore. I have been a ISS reader for the past 6 years, this the first time I am writing one for ISS. I am dark skinned, about 5’11 in height. I have a masculine body. not so ripped but i maintain a great figure. The the other character is JananiPriya a really homely girl. She was really a elegant female. Her dressing will mostly be ethnical. She was not so tall she roamed around 5’0. Her knotted up hair and her maskara were her...
It was such a beautiful day, sunny and warm. I walked around behind your home thinking that you may be laying by the pool. I was right, there you were laying in a lounge chair naked as the day you were born. God, you are a beautiful woman, you take my breath away every time I see you. I walked up to your chair and just stood there looking at you, soaking up you beauty. Finally I said nice day isn’t it. Your eyes flew open you jumped to your feet and you smiled broadly. You said oh my god Stacey...
I was tragically orphaned at the age of eighteen, yet despite this I managed to finish my examinations, which I hoped would get me entry to a University hospital to study medicine I was very fortunate that I was given temporary accommodation following my bereavement by my Godparents and their two highly attractive daughters. Sarah was a contemporary of mine and we had been good friends for a long time, both before and after leaving school, but her sister Rita was two years older and at twenty...
Adult HumorThere is a small stable and informal riding school on a farm near where I live. I often go for a run and pass by it. I know John, the owner, not well but to have the odd chat and since I have started running again I often see him and he never fails to comment on me in Lycra as he walks with his collies called Alfie and Micky.A few weeks ago John made a comment re seeing some stuff of me online and some of my interests, including some comments made re. a man’s best friend. To be honest he must...
Dear readers thankyou for liking my first story “Night Adventures With Didi” Part I,to VI Ab meri anur Anjali ki shaadi ko teen mahine ho chuke the, for a change we decided to go to South India Banglore, Mysore, Ooty & Kodaikanal for some fun. We booked our return train tickets. Ek din didi ko phone par humne bataya to unhone kaha ki unki family bhi kaafi dinon se ghoomne ke liye kahin nahi gaye hain, agar humko koi problem na ho to unki family bhi hamaare saath chale. Maine turant haan kar di,...
Despite the fact that my cheating rat of an ex-boyfriend was going to be at the Halloween office party, I still wanted to go. I’d been working particularly hard the past four months to prove to Mr. Dentone that I was worth of a promotion from Junior Marketing Assistant to Senior Marketing Assistant. The promotion meant a significant raise, my own assistant, and an office on one of the upper levels. An office with walls, with room for plants and decorations, was far more desirable than the sad...
ReluctanceHello readers , aaj mai aapko aise story batane jaa rha hun jisko par ke bahut maza aaega . Mai story hindi me hi likunga jisse parne me maza aaye .Ye koi story nhi hai ,ek sachi ghatna hai . Ye kahani tab ki hai jab mai school me tha class 10 me .Hamare school english medium tha aur parai bhi thik thak hoti thi waha .Mujhe tab se hi bhabhiyo me zyada interest tha ,kai baar maine apne ghar me aaye auratho ke dek ke hilaya karta tha .Mera class 10 tab hi start hua thaa aur hamre school ke...
The year was now 1990 and the eighties were officially over. Big hair would stubbornly cling to life for a couple more years, but it was in it’s death throes. Cassette tapes were going the way of the dinosaur and cd’s were the big new thing. And I was half a year away from graduating . The rest of the year was mostly sedate for the most part; Beeder’s departure for some reason took the winds out of our wildness. Don’t get me wrong, I was still fucking up a storm every weekend. But gone...
I woke up later that day and filled Stevie and Lex on most of the details from the date. I left out most of the ’emotional stuff.’ I hoped that maybe he would call. Stevie said that she had given him my number before the date. But as the days passed, I thought I had just struck out again. That is until I happened to eavesdrop on a conversation. I was about to walk into the kitchen when I heard Stevie on the phone: ‘You weren’t supposed to actually like her. I just wanted her cheered up,...
I'm so bored, I think to myself as I pick up my phone to look through the contacts. Scrolling through my list of friends and family I stop at the one name that gives me a small smile: Alex, her nick name. One of the coolest girls I know. She is always fun to be around, smart when she wants to be and her body, athletic build, just the right size boobs, the kind that fill up your hand but not so much that you can't hold them, and an ass that makes my dick twitch every time I see it. All this and...
IncestSeveral years ago I had entered in a charity cycle. To get ready for one of these events you need to put plenty of miles on the clock so that you can happily cover the 90-95 kms a day need to complete the cycle in the appointed time. Mine was taking place at the end of September so I needed to do most of my training either in the morning before it got hot or in the afternoon after the heat of the day had passed. After a few weeks of training the endless road work can be if nothing a bit boring....
Sarah had just placed her last box into her shared dormroom. Her roommate, to her knowledge, hadn't arrived yet, so Sarah sat herself down on the bed on the left side of the room. She turned her attention to the wall mirror near her. Her wavy ginger hair was a frizzy mess and she felt a bit exhausted, likely from staying up half night due to nerves, the long drive to campus and getting her belongings in. She wanted to just pass out on the bed now, but she still had to unpack. That and she...
LesbianExcited Peter Green tells the camera how this chick with the biggest tits he’s seen and they should go spy on her as she’s is in a hot tub. Once Alesandra gets off the phone she starts putting water on herself before she takes off her shirt to rub some lotion. This chick rubs down her huge tits before catching Peter starring at her but instead of getting mad she invites him in to do something useful. She reaches for Peter’s cock as he rubs her tits and she tells him to get in the tub to lick...
xmoviesforyouHi guys, I’m manish but want to be called as manisha, this is the seventh part of my sex story,I am really sorry for the delay. I am really delighted by the feedbacks that I had got from you guys on my previous chapters, so if you guys had not yet read my previous ones, I’ll advise you to read those, so that you can enjoy this part. And one more thing I want to add is that my stories are not real it is an act of fiction , so any one wanna give me more story ideas or share some fantasies, please...