Liz watches many Judicial Canings 3rd Story
- 4 years ago
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Elizabeth Mary Wilkins, normally called “Liz” had been subjected to twelve strokes of the cane by a Court imposed Judicial Punishment at the Correctional Discipline Center for Women on a Tuesday four weeks ago.
This Discipline Center was close to her home.
Her bare bottom had been caned by a Punishment Officer who she only knew as “Miss”, whilst she was nude and strapped to a caning horse. Liz was attracted to this woman. She also felt that the Punishment Officer may have been interested in her. Now her bottom was back to normal. All the welts had healed and the marks faded away.
Liz had tried to think how she could have another similar experience without going through the legal process of being sentenced to a Judicial Caning Punishment. She was not willing to commit a crime to achieve another Judicial Punishment.
She had thought that if she got close to the Punishment Officer who had caned her bottom she may be able to help her with another punishment in the Correctional Discipline Center for Women. Now that her bottom had healed she was about to put her plan into action.
Living close to the Discipline Center Liz thought that her Punishment Officer (as she referred to her because she did not even know her name) would probably leave the Center at around 4 or 5 pm so today she decided to wait outside the Center to see if she could "accidentally" meet her.
Accordingly, at 4 pm, Liz was outside the Center. As usual, many women were leaving the Center and it was about closing time. Some of the women were still rubbing their recently cane bottoms. After waiting about 30 minutes Liz suddenly saw her Punishment Officer. She then made out to be walking past the Center of course straight into the path of her Punishment Officer. Liz was absolutely amazed when her Punishment Officer actually stopped and said, "Hello aren't you Elizabeth Wilkins?"
"Yes I am," said Liz. "You actually remember me."
"Of course I do four weeks ago on a Tuesday wasn't it? Out of all the women, I have caned I really enjoyed caning you the most."
Liz was almost speechless she could not believe her luck. It had been so easy.
"What do I call you then?" said Liz.
"My name is Victoria Coulson," said her Punishment Officer.
"Except when you are inside the Discipline Center. Then you call me Miss."
“Are you likely to come back for another punishment”?
Liz replied, "I would like to Miss, I mean Victoria but that is unlikely as I don't want have to break the law and to go before a Court again to make that happen?"
"I see," said Victoria. "We will have to see what we can do then.”
“Because the Discipline Center has been expanded I am now the Manager and the Head Punishment Officer of the Center. I still cane because I like doing it but I can be more selective now and have many other duties.”
“Many things have changed at the Center. We now have many Caning Chambers with four caning benches for four offenders to be caned at the same time plus the one offender ones which I suspect you would remember the inside of well. Our workload has greatly increased. Look we cannot stay here and talk. There is a little tea shop down the road would you like to go there and discuss this further?”
“Yes please,” replied Liz and they walked off to the tea shop.
Seated comfortably in the tea shop drinking tea they continued their conversation. During the conversation, a plot was hatched to have Victoria (her Punishment Officer) arrange to prepare paperwork so that it would appear that Liz had been sentenced to another Judicial caning which would be given to her by Victoria.
"How many strokes do the offending women normally receive?" asked Liz.
"Well I remember giving you twelve but actually the lowest number is eight and the maximum that can be given in one day is twenty-five. I think you should get eighteen strokes. Any less might look suspicious for a second offence. You had already received twelve strokes for your first offence. After all, it would be your second offence," said Victoria with a wry smile.
Liz thought to herself ‘eighteen strokes sounded too many but she did not want to risk not coming to such an arrangement with Victoria.
So the deal was done. Victoria would arrange paperwork for Liz to be sentenced to a Judicial Punishment of eighteen strokes of the cane.
Then they spoke generally about the Center and the changes that had been made. Victoria explained that the reception and waiting area was now larger with two Officers at the reception desk. There was still a need to do things quickly so the changing rooms were also now larger and many more women were waiting in the nude in each of the four Changing Rooms.
The Caning Chambers now each had four spanking benches in each of the four Caning Chambers but the women were now taken out eight at a time from the Changing room instead of the previous one at a time. Four offenders would be caned in the Caning Chamber whilst the other four women watched and waited their turn.
The few remaining one person Caning Chambers was still used but only for private one on one canings for example when it became necessary to cane a high profile woman or a younger girl. The Courts were now allowing Judicial Punishment of any girl over the age of sixteen years. The mother of the girl under 18 years would normally be present at the caning and if the Court felt that the mother was not preventing the child from offending she also could be subject to a Judicial Caning. If the child was under eighteen years old the caning had to be given in private. Victoria added that she was the one who gave all such canings so as to protect the identity of the high profile woman or girl offender being caned.
The plan was agreed between Victoria and Liz. Victoria wanted to once again cane Liz and Liz wanted to once again be caned by Victoria. Victoria agreed to fast track the false paperwork for Liz to be given a Judicial caning this time of eighteen strokes. Liz would receive a summons in the post as normal and Liz would attend the Center to be caned by Victoria.
Liz would have to go through all the normal procedures within the Center so as not to arouse suspicion but Victoria would make sure she was the one that was to cane Liz. When Victoria told Liz that this could all take place within a week Liz was ecstatic. So they then finished their conversation and went to their homes.
A summons was received at the home address of Liz three days later. Liz had anxiously been watching the mailbox for the summons and now it was here. She tore open the envelope in such a hurry that she tore the instruction page that came with the summons. Fortunately, the summons was not torn. The appointment date was for 11 am in three days time.
The instruction page had the rules and regulations for Judicial Caning and what she could expect. These were the same as before. They included that she would be caned whilst nude and strapped over a caning bench. She was not to bring valuables but must bring the summons and personal identification. She was told to expect to be at the Correctional Discipline Center for up to 2 hours. She was not to speak to the Punishment or Correctional Officers unless asked a question and to always to call the female officers "Miss." She was not to speak to the other offenders whilst inside the Center.
All punishments were given to the offender nude and that failing to bring the summons or personal identification, rudeness, lateness, speaking without permission or being uncooperative would result in additional strokes of the cane being added. It went on to say that in extreme cases, including non-attendance in answer to the summons, the offender would be detained and taken back to the Court that had ordered her Judicial Punishment. This probably would mean that the number of cane strokes would be considerably increased (even doubled or tripled) or the offender would be sent to prison. So, because of this, most people were very compliant, submissive, on time and cooperative.
So Liz was now once again standing outside the Correctional Discipline Center for Women. Upon entering she saw that the reception and waiting area was indeed bigger. She counted fourteen women waiting in the waiting area and more were arriving. Approaching the reception counter she was attended to by one of the two Officers. Having been processed through without a problem she took her seat in the waiting room.
Liz couldn’t understand what was happening. There were now about twenty women in the waiting area.
Then four Correction Officers came to one of the new doorways of the waiting area and called out eight names. Her name was not one of them. These women then left through that door that she assumed led to one of the new larger Changing rooms.
Several more women arrived and were processed through reception and took seats in the waiting area.
After about twenty minutes four more Correction Officers came to another doorway on the other side of the waiting room. Once again eight names were called. "Wilkins,” her name, was among them.
Liz began to worry. She had not yet seen Victoria. Could this still go wrong and could she finish up to be beaten by a different Punishment Officer. She could not now pull out so followed along with the other seven women to a doorway which was marked Changing Room Two.
Upon entering this changing room she saw that it was indeed larger and could fit around twenty-five women. Then there was a shock. Already seated in the Changing Room were eight other women. ‘Why were they here she asked herself’?
There were now the four Correction Officers in the room with all of these women.
Then to her relief, she saw Victoria, or "Miss" as it was now because she was inside the Discipline Center.
“Miss,” addressed all the women.
“Ladies. Welcome to the Correctional Discipline Center for Women. Firstly you would have noticed that there are other women already in this Changing Room. They are here because they have committed minor offences. These minor offences did not qualify for a Judicial Caning. Watching you being beaten with a cane is to act as a deterrent to their committing further offences."
Some of the women were quite dismayed by this turn of events but Liz, for her part, was not concerned and was more than happy that other people were going to watch her being beaten.
In fact she was excited by the fact that other people were going to watch her being caned.
Miss continued, “Eight of you are here to be punished by order of a Court. This is known as Judicial Punishment. This punishment will be delivered by strokes of a cane.The number of strokes has been predetermined by the Court. Your punishment is meant to be physical and mental. The physical part will be you being beaten with a cane. The mental part is your humiliation of being naked in front of so many other women, having your bottoms inspected (I will tell you more about that shortly) and being caned whilst others are watching."
"What is going to happen is that all eight of you are going to get undressed and bare your bottoms for the cane. You will put your clothing and other personal effects in one of the lockers provided. You will then return to your seat.”
“Your bottoms will then be inspected. Each of you, one at a time, will come to the front near the door where you will be bend over and part your legs. I will closely inspect your bottoms.This is to determine the state of your bottom so as the beating will not cause you injury. We intend to cause you pain but not injury.”
“After the inspection, I will decide which cane is to be used on that particular bottom. There are two types of canes. One is known as a Number two cane and the other is a Number four cane. The Number four cane is thicker then the Number two cane. You can expect that if you have a small bottom we will use a Number two cane. If you have a larger bottom you can expect that we will use the thicker Number four cane. The cane to be used will be noted on your file so the correct cane can be used in the Caning Chamber."
"Be assured that the thickness of the cane will not make any difference to the pain you will feel. This inspection of your bottoms may cause you further humiliation and embarrassment but I can assure you it is necessary. A number four cane could cause an injury to a smaller bottom but will not cause injury to a larger more well padded bottom.”
“Having completed all the inspections we will then take all of you to a large Caning Chamber which had four spanking benches. Once inside the Caning Chamber, I will then call four names and you will take you place in front of a caning bench. The remaining four will take a seat in the Caning Chamber and watch the caning of the first four. The observers will also take seats in the Caning Chamber."
"The first four, in this case, have all been sentenced to twelve strokes of the cane and the second four have all been sentenced to eighteen strokes of the cane.”
This made Liz realise that she would be caned in the second batch as she was due to receive eighteen strokes.
“There will be four Punishment Officers in the Caning Chamber including myself plus four Correction Officers to assist and maintain order. Each stroke will be extremely hard and painful.”
“Now all of you will take off ALL your clothing and get your bottom bare ready for the cane."
"Be quick about it.”
With that, all the women quickly started to take off all their clothes. Liz thought to herself ‘how different this is to my visit only five weeks ago. She was more than happy as she felt this was better.
Liz was the quickest to make herself nude. She was reveling in this experience. A sly glance passed between Liz and "Miss". Fortunately, it was not noticed by anybody else in the Changing Room.
Liz saw that seven of the women undressed reasonably quickly (including her) but one particular woman was being difficult and had to be persuaded by a Correction Officer to take off her knickers. As a result, she was awarded two more strokes bringing her total to twenty. She was in the batch to be caned with Liz.
“Miss”, her Punishment Officer, then saw that they were all undressed and taking a clipboard called out the first name. That woman came out to the front. She was slow and reluctant to bend over and spread her legs. So one of the Corrections Officer bent her whilst another Corrections Officer spread the her legs. A spotlight light hung from the ceiling and the woman was positioned so the light shone directly onto her bottom. This light was then turned on so as to make the inspection easier.
“Miss” then closely inspected the first woman’s bottom peering closely at her bottom and touching it with her hands and fingers. She then wrote on her clipboard the result of her inspection and thickness of the cane to be used on her bottom. The woman was then ordered this to a new seat on the other side of the room. This was to keep the women that had been inspected separated from those who had not yet been inspected.
Liz watched, as did all the others, as each woman, one by one had their bottom inspected and as “Miss” recorded on her clipboard the result of her inspection and the thickness of the cane to be used on that bottom.“Miss” used her hands and fingers to inspect all of the bottoms. Liz was closely watching her and where her fingers went on the bottoms of the other seven women. She saw that there was nothing overtly sexual. She did notice, however, that with the spotlight on she could catch a glimpse the woman's vagina and anus if the woman had a slim figure and a small bottom.
By this time Liz was excited and aroused but was becoming impatient as she had been left till last by “Miss.”
Liz came to the front when it was finally her turn and was bent over and her legs were spread as had happened to all the other women. “Miss” inspected her bottom but with Liz “Miss” let her finger roam up between Liz’s legs. Liz felt her finger as it slid backwards and forwards along the crack of her vagina and lingered with light pressure on her anus. Liz shuddered and had a small orgasm but was careful not to move.
Then Liz was directed to her chair with the other seven women.
The four Correction Officers then exerted their dominance and ordered the eight women to quickly move out of the Changing Room and towards the Caning Chamber.
There in the corridor were two Correctional Officers, leading the way, followed by eight nude women then “Miss” (the Head Punishment Officer). The eight clothed women followed by two Correctional Officers. Once in the Caning Chamber, Liz and the seven other women, saw that there were three other Punishment Officers in the Chamber each standing alongside a caning bench.
Once inside the Chamber Liz counted them up. She realised that fourteen women would be watching her getting beaten with a cane.
“Miss” then read out the four names of the women to receive twelve strokes. These women were told that eight strokes would be given with a space in between but that the last four would be given in rapid succession with no space between strokes. They were directed to lie on the spanking benches which were designed so as to slope downwards at the woman’s head end so that their bottoms were raised higher in the air.
The four Correctional Officers then strapped the women to the spanking benches with a waist strap, two arm straps to each arm and two leg straps to each leg.
Each Correction Officer then reported back to the Punishment Officer that their woman was ready to be beaten with a cane. The three other Punishment Officers then consulted with “Miss” and then each went to a cane rack hanging on the wall and selected the cane as directed by “Miss”.
As “Miss” had said the woman with bigger bottoms were going to be caned with a Number four cane whilst the women with smaller bottoms were going to be caned with a Number two cane. The Punishment Officers then took up their positions alongside their caning bench. The command was given and the caning started.
Being that four women were having their bare bottoms severely caned at the same time the swish and thwack of four canes descending at the same time filled the room with noise. Then came the cries from the women as the canes bit into the flesh of their bottoms. The caning continued and the cries from the women grew louder and louder. At eight strokes the noise from the canes stopped and the cries from the women subsided to a low sobbing.
After a pause, "Miss" said to the Punishment officers "Now for the last four in rapid succession. No sympathy, hard strokes please.”
The canes were raised and descended four times with four loud swishes and four even louder thwacks. The women cried out, squealed and shrieked in pain. The noise in the room was deafening. Then there was comparative silence. All that could now be heard was loud crying coming from the four women. “Miss” allowed the women to remain on the spanking benches for a few minutes to regain their composure.
Then the Correctional Officers moved in and released their bonds and ordered them off of the spanking benches and allowed them to remain standing I front of their seats or to sit on the seats.
All the women decided to remain standing.
Now for the remaining eight women there was worst to come. Three women had eighteen strokes coming whilst one woman was to receive twenty strokes..
“Miss” then read out the names of the women, including Liz, who were to receive eighteen strokes and the one women who were to receive twenty strokes. These women were told that fourteen strokes would be given with a space in between but that the last four would be given in rapid succession with no space between strokes. The woman who was to receive twenty strokes was told that she would receive the four strokes in rapid succession. Then, after a pause, two more full force strokes in rapid succession. She was not particularly going to like that.
The four women (including Liz) were then directed to lie on the spanking benches which were designed so as to slope downwards at the woman’s head end so that their bottoms were raised higher in the air. The four Correctional Officers then strapped the women to the spanking benches with a waist strap, two arm straps to each arm and two leg straps to each leg.
Each Correction Officer then reported back to the Punishment Officer that her woman was ready to be caned. The three other Punishment Officers then consulted with “Miss” and then each went to a cane rack hanging on the wall and selected the cane as directed by “Miss”.
As “Miss” had said the woman with bigger bottoms were going to be caned with a Number four cane whilst the women with smaller bottoms were going to be caned with a Number two cane.
Liz watched "Miss" go to the cane rack and gulped when she saw that she selected a Number four thicker cane.
Liz thought to herself, ‘I don’t have a bigger bottom and she knows that.’
"Miss" smiled at Liz and held the cane between her hands to ensure that Liz saw that she had selected a Number four cane.
The Punishment Officers, including “Miss”, then took up their positions alongside their caning benches.“Miss” was alongside the spanking bench occupied by Liz. Her bare bottom was high in the air awaiting a beating from the Number four cane.
The command was given and the caning started.
Being that four women were having their bare bottoms severely caned at the same time, as had happened with the previous four women, the swish and thwack of four canes descending at the same time once again filled the room with noise. Then came the cries from the women as the canes bit into the flesh of their bottoms. The caning continued and the cries from the women grew louder and louder.
As these women were receiving more strokes than the previous four women their cries, including those coming from Liz, turned to squeals and then to shrieks. At fourteen strokes the noise from the canes stopped but the cries from the women continued for some time, then gradually died down into sobbing.
After a longer pause than usual, "Miss" said to the Punishment officers "Now for the last four in rapid succession. No sympathy. Hard strokes please.”
The canes were raised and descended four times with four loud swishes and four even louder thwacks. The women shrieked in pain. The noise in the room was deafening. Then there was comparative silence. All that could now be heard was loud crying coming from the four women.
“Miss” then went over to the spanking bench upon which was the bare bottom of the woman who had been awarded two extra strokes. She took the position of the other Punishment Officer raised her thicker cane and slashed in down twice extremely hard. These were two full force strokes. Liz had never seen such extremely hard strokes. The woman shrieked and then howled with the pain from these two strokes.
“Miss” allowed all the women to remain on the spanking benches for a few minutes to regain their composure. This was especially necessary for the woman that had just received the two hardest strokes as her extra penalty.
Then the Correctional Officers moved in and released their bonds. They ordered them off of the spanking benches and allowed them to remain standing in front of their seats or to sit on the seats. All the women, including Liz, decided to remain standing.
The reaction from the six clothed women visitors who were there to provide them with a deterrent and who had been watching was varied. Several of these clothed women were openly crying or sobbing. Some had been looking away from the women being caned. Others stared intently at the bottom of the woman being caned which was nearest to them. Liz thought that having seen what had happened these six women were unlikely to re-offend. They would not want such a caning.
What was not known by these eight recently caned women was that the activity in this Caning Chamber had not finished.
Once all the crying and sobbing has subsided The Head Punishment Officer (“Miss”) addressed all the women in the Caning Chamber.
“It is now time to reinforce the deterrent effect on the six women observers. The Court has directed that each of these women is to receive an “Introductory Stroke” of the cane to their bare bottom. These women are aware of this".
‘What will now happen is that these women will come out to a spanking bench one at a time raise their skirts and lower their panties to receive one stroke each of the cane. I personally will deliver one stroke to each of these woman's bare bottoms with the thickest cane. To act as a deterrent these single strokes will be very hard"".
"As you can see there is now a spotlight shining on the end of one of the punishment benches. That is the bench to be used for these women."
All of the six women were looking very apprehensive. Four of then were already sobbing.
The Head Punishment Officer then called out the name of one of the women. Two of the Correctional Officer walked towards her but she slowly walked herself to the spanking bench. She did not want to lower her knickers or raise her skirt. The two Correction Officers moved towards her. They were going to do it for her. Then she reluctantly slowly lowered her knickers and raised her skirt. She then lay over the bench awaiting her single cane stroke to her now bare bottom. The spotlight was now shining directly onto this woman's bottom. The Correctional Officers stood one on each side of the spanking bench and held the woman's shoulders down onto the padded bench top. "Miss" stood alongside the bench and tapped the upturned bare bottom twice lightly with the thick cane to get her aim.
Then she raised the cane above her right shoulder and thrashed the cane down onto the woman's bottom with an almighty thwack. The women shrieked and tried to get up but were held down to the bench by the Correction Officers.
A single red line appeared across the Center of her bare bottom.Then she was released and after pulling up her knickers and lowering her skirt. She then returned to her seat sobbing quietly.
Another name was called but this woman walked herself to the spanking bench took her own knickers down and raised her skirt. She then lowered herself onto the spanking bench awaiting her one cane stroke.
She had resigned herself to her fate.
Her bare bottom received a similar single cane stroke which also caused a single red line. Seeing this happen three of the remaining women were also extremely cooperative and readily bared their bottoms for their cane stroke.
One of the women needed to be persuaded to bare her bottom by the Correctional Officers. Finally, all six women had received their single stroke. All had cried or squealed as the cane bit into their bare bottoms but far less than the women who had received many more strokes.
Liz for her part was in a state of excitement. This in her view was terrific. She was so excited with what happens at The Correctional Discipline Center for Women that she had to find a way to continue being involved. This could be difficult as she was not a dominant like the Punishment Officers or the Correctional Officers and she could not see where a submissive would fit in the Center’s activities.
‘What can I do?’ thought Liz..
To be continued.
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Quickie SexFor the next few weeks my man constantly teased me. “Is this what you baby?,” he would ask as he showed me MMF and FFM pics on his computer. Thick, hung men, with bodies to die for. And gorgeous women with wonderful bodies. After a while the pics of butchy, flat chested lesbians were having the most appeal for me, as well as much younger women, ‘baby dolls’, as my man called them. The thought of two full on lesbians pleasuring me instead of bi-sex women I had in the past was now very...
For the next few weeks my man constantly teased me. “Is this what you baby?,” he would ask as he showed me MMF and FFM pics on his computer. Thick, hung men, with bodies to die for. And gorgeous women with wonderful bodies. After a while the pics of butchy, flat chested lesbians were having the most appeal for me, as well as much younger women, ‘baby dolls’, as my man called them. The thought of two full on lesbians pleasuring me instead of bi-sex women I had in the past was now very...
I come back in the room after a few hours of letting Liz rest and when I see her still spread open I can’t help but get on the bed and start to lick on her inner thighs. As im licking she barely stirs and my tongue starts to slowly trace up her thighs until it gets to her gaped open pink pussy. Her pussy is just begging to be licked and I start by twisting my tongue around her clit. My tongue on her clit as her stirring and she begs to be eaten still half asleep. I push my tongue further...
Liz was behind the bar by herself, as it was an early midweek evening and it was never busy. She was wearing a white shirt and black mini-skirt, with black stockings and a pair of black 4 inch high heels. As she busied herself behind the bar, a group of about twenty young rugby players turned up out of the blue. As they swarmed in, she spotted that the manager of the bar, John, was with them. Whilst Liz began to serve the group, a couple of the blokes were chatting and eyeing up Liz. "Would...
Brian lit a bit of Forest Dance, it was his sub Giovanna’s favorite incense and a deep, musky scent, like earth under an old oak spread over the playroom. Giovanna herself knelt on the floor, she was a pretty woman, a bit on the plump side with dark curls to her waist and large olive colored eyes, Brian liked the soft curve of her body, the little love handles, and the size of her breasts that usually only came naturally with a bit of overweight. “Are you sure you want to do this my...
Saturday’s weather was all that the forecast promised. Liz and her c***dren, Laura and Robbie, arrived around noon. Laura is 18, slim with her mother's looks. All the confidence of a modern young woman. Robbie, is a shy boy of 17, tall and quiet. I told them that as I have lived in Europe where nudity is accepted in spas, beaches etc. I like to be naked particularly in the summer. I went outside, took my shorts off and settled on recliner. I had already got some music going and six bottles of...
Liz turned off the engine of her small car parked in the visitors space at the Lakewood Comprehensive School and swung her long legs on the sidewalk. Her miniskirt gathered almost at her hips discovering the darker band of her pantyhose and making her legs look even longer. She jumped out of the car and smoothed quickly the small skirt looking around if there were witnesses. Sure enough several schoolboys and a group of schoolgirls were near enough to have a better look at her legs. The boys...
“Yes…this is a fine day” Liz Erd thought to herself. Liz Erd adjusted her black petite seamless medium padded and lined cup push up stretch lace bra with lace trim, back wings and ½ inch adjustable straps which she wore regularly during the treatment for the vaginal infection she had just recovered from. Liz Erd had finally sought professional medical assistance for her affliction when her curdish cunt discharge had the appearance, consistency, and...
"And then she came, hard, while I was licking her clit! All of the muscles around her pussy and her ass were clenching and releasing and she was screaming her head off. It's a wonder the neighbors didn't call the cops on us. But it was one of the most unbelievably powerful moments ever thinking I'd made my friend Donna come like that with my tongue!"Liz and I were cuddling together in bed under the down comforter on a brisk autumn late evening. Well, actually we were closer than cuddling; she...
When Liz and I first got married almost twenty one years ago I supported our household while she finished her degree. Those of you that have read my other stories about my lovely cheating wife will remember that we discovered my passion for watching her fuck other men early on in our relationship.Liz was very active in school and I think, kind of thought of college as an extension of her high school days. She loved to party (didnt we all ?) and take part in womens sports as well as you guessed...
Elisabeth never had any problems attracting the boys. She looked like the ultimate girl-next-door, with her slender 5'3 frame, long blond wavy hair, perky B-cup boobs and an ass like a peach. But, she had no interest for them. The idea of sex interested her somewhat, but all the boys in her neighbourhood were too immature for her tastes, and she went to an all-girls catholic school. However, she did feel herself becoming more and more attracted to Mr. Hatherfield, her 35-year old IT teacher. A...
Oral SexElisabeth never had any problems attracting the boys. She looked like the ultimate girl-next-door, with her slender 5'3 frame, long blond wavy hair, perky B-cup boobs and an ass like a peach. But, she had no interest for them. The idea of sex interested her somewhat, but all the boys in her neighbourhood were too immature for her tastes, and she went to an all-girls catholic school.However, she did feel herself becoming more and more attracted to Mr. Hatherfield, her 35-year old IT teacher. A...
Ashley had gone about his expansion plans for the shop by offering a selection of baked goods made on the premises and provide a place for patrons to sit, drink coffee and buy cakes. As sales increased, he decided that he needed a new sales assistant that turned him on and that would attract customers. He'd always fancied Liz McDonald, so he decided to hire her. When she arrived for the first day on the job, Liz had turned up wearing a tight white shirt, which showed of the curves of her...
I spend a lot of the evening home alone, and I was reading when the neighbor came knocking at my door. Liz looked bad, like she had been crying her eyes out. I didn’t like seeing her like this, and I asked her what was wrong? She told me that she and her boyfriend had yelled and screamed at each other in a big argument, and that she walked out. Liz may have been the lady next door, but she is a definite knockout when it comes to looks and her body. Her breasts are big and firm, and she has...
CheatingLiz's sister Aimee returns from the Middle East for a surprise visit.We live behind the town's High School which, like all schools where faculty and students drive and need to park, has a large parking lot. We occasionally have a 'Life-Flight' helicopter land there to remove accident victims to area hospitals. Whenever we hear a chopper landing we look to see... curiosity gets to us. Two weeks ago, Saturday late afternoon, we hear the plaintiff sound of a chopper coming in for a landing, but...
I was soon balls deep inside Aurya again, my cock now pushed into her without being washed first, just as she asked of me earlier. My sexy, slutty, Middle Eastern wife wanted to be fucked bareback with a prick that still had another woman’s juices lingering to it? That worked for me. She seemed to really get off on the knowledge that I had raw dogged Liz, just as Ryan next to me enjoyed the fact that his fiancee still had another man’s cum in her twat. Something about sloppy seconds and a...
It had been just under a month since that night on the roundabout. Liz and I had been fucking our brains out every day since. Until this past week at least. I was not concerned at all; it was nice to be able to take a shower, wash my cock and not have that sensitive feeling you get from severe overworking. Still, I had contemplated on several occasions what the cause could be. My instinct suggested ‘girl stuff’ but I was better informed. What I had not considered, was that Liz was plotting and...
FetishIt was Thursday late in the afternoon when five pupils, three girls and two boys were standing at the corner. The pupils were Martha 18, Michelle 17, Veronica 16, Morgan and Kelvin both 16 years old boys. The two boys were trying a cigarette when the girls were chit chatting. Mr Jordan, a 55 years old gentleman appeared from nowhere jogging, he...
Liz Erd was putting on her black petite seamless medium padded, and lined cup push up stretch lace bra with lace trim, back wings and ½ inch adjustable straps. She had just put on her imported one size fits most sexy simple and comfortable ruffle turquoise nylon/spandex thong with cotton lined crotch for the first time since she had gotten rid of a vaginal infection which had afflicted her with severe itching, irritation, redness, and a cottage cheesy vaginal discharge. Her tampon socket...
It was two days after the 'massage turned fuck' session that Liz called and asked me to meet her at a hotel bar that afternoon. I thought her request was a little strange, but I wasn't about to turn her down. In the shower, my cock grew hard at the thought of our last get-together and I wanted to jack-off, but not knowing what to expect at our meeting, I held off. I put on a pair of boxers, then changed my mind and decided on just a pair of walking shorts - the kind that as long as I stayed...
We got married young. Liz was 17 and I was 19. She was pregnant and where we lived that meant one thing. You get married. Not that I was complaining. She was the sweetest tight little pussy I had ever fucked. Fucking her all the time was easy and she loved to fuck as much as I did.Since we were young our friends were all still screwing around while we were the "stable" couple. Our friends would come over and start necking and it wasn't long before we were screwing in the same room with many of...
Roger Emerson was at the cusp of learning what most Americans never really understood: the extent of the penal system in Singapore. Roger had conducted business in Singapore for several years, but never fully appreciated the intricacies of the culturally mixed court system, nor did he understand the sense of justice that was almost inbred in the life long residents of Singapore. As the celebrated Michael Fay incident suggests, Singapore was formerly a British crown colony and has been an...
Spanking‘Congratulations, Mr. Carver, you are a very lucky man. The X-rays show no broken bones, which is astonishing. Witness statements suggest that your spine should have been severed by the fall.’ ‘That’s good to hear, doctor, but how is Elizabeth?’ The doctor smiled and placed his hand on my bruised and aching shoulder. ‘Preliminary tests show that Miss Tate is even more fortunate than you. You are a hero, Mr. Carver. You risked your life to save hers. I don’t know how you managed to hold her so...
I have been dating my girlfriend for over 3 years now, She has 3 kids, one of which is named Liz. Liz is 12 years old, cute little thing, I never really have had feelings of a sexual nature towards underage kids before until about 1 year ago. A little back story Liz started staying over at my house on the weekends, I felt it was good for to, because of her younger brother and sister, I told her to treat it as a get a way from them. Just after she started her period, she started asking...
Fiction: Pic's in the galleries to go with the storyHi guys, back again to share another story of Liz's one night when she was horny and needed to fuck properly. This time she meets a guy called James for the first time, they had only spoken online for a day or 2 and never met. As proof that I was in the flat at the time this took place here is the first still of me making sure the camera view is setup to capture her being used properly: So they enter the living room and take a seat to chat...
I began laughing, hard. "Look at this!" I managed to get out between my bursts of uncontrollable giggles. I laid back and lifted my phone screen to show Liz the video I found on my news feed. She chuckled. Maybe I just thought it was funnier than it really was. That seemed to happen a lot, to me. I tried to pretend to be disappointed that she wasn't as amused as I was by sticking out my bottom lip in a c***dish pout. However, she seemed a little distracted. Her ginger red hair fell messily...
[This is my first solo story I've written, so it may take me a bit to get into the flow of things. This story was inspired by a fellow author on the site Grimbous, so apologies if there are some similarities, I wrote on one of his stories and hoped to continue with some ideas I had going forward there but I'll be making this into my own thing with its own focus. My next update will be a lump of chapters, just wanted to get this one out to show I'm working on things, but feel free to let me know...
TranssexualWe went down to see a friend of ours who Liz previously had sex with. I set the whole thing up, asking him to roundup another guy for a threesome. So we went down and, as usual, started drinking beer. Shortly he told her to sit on his lap, which she did without hesitation. He then unbuttoned her blouse and started playing with her tits. She never wore a bra as she didn’t have that much to contain. In a short while he stood up and told her to come with him upstairs. She did, without question....
The shadows were growing long when the stage came to life. A single skyrocket caused an explosion that woke every snoozing dad and napping baby. A squeal of feedback from the microphone brought everyone’s attention to the stage. A middle-aged man with an immense cowboy hat and an even larger belly addressed the crowd. ‘How yall doin out there? Are ya ready to kick up your heels and stir up some dust?’ Naturally, this drew a roar from the crowd. ‘Well, come on down here and let’s get this here...
I've mentioned Bondage but it's only very mild, similarly the place of work isn't a prominent feature, it's more a romance with sex than anything else. But it's not all that bad... Liz Part One One of the nice, if infrequent, perks of working for a large Company is visits by sales reps, keen to sell the newest all singing, all dancing products or trying to increase the level of consumables we order from them, with this in mind lunch is invariably an expensive drawn out...
I rolled her over on her back. I tried to kiss her, but she turned her head away. "No, no kissing," she said. I shrugged. If she didn't want to kiss, that was fine with me. I'd met her at the hotel bar, where she had just started working. Her name was Liz and she screwed up my order three times. "How hard is it to remember a double scotch?" I teased. I flirted with her all night. She had a high, infectious laugh that rang in the room like the sound of bells. When the bar closed for the...
Perhaps it was the second bottle of Syrah but their conversation had progressed well beyond dinner and dessert. Perry was amazed there had been no awkward pauses, no indication that Elizabeth appeared bored. In fact both had a sense of humor that appeared to be on the same frequency, and both possessed the same criticisms of daily life in general. It was getting late in the evening and Perry heard Elizabeth’s phone vibrate for the first time that evening. She instinctively looked into her...
The third week of Gina Meadows' incestuous affair with her son Ryan had gone much the same as the first two. They had had sex every night and sometimes had sex during the day as Ryan got more and more confident in his sexual abilities.The affair had started after a heated argument culminating in Gina giving Ryan a very hard bare-bottomed belting, which sexually aroused both mother and son. After having sex for the first time that night, Gina suggested the purchase of a cane for future use in...
IncestEarly that morning, we were led out to the main platform. There were nine of us in total, three blondes, five brunettes, and me, the one red head. I was last in the line and I wasn't sure that was a good thing.The sound of the gathered crowd was overwhelming: men and women all collected to bear witness to our ordeal. I wondered how many of the women ahead of me deserved their sentence but didn't have long to ponder it as we were pushed along and up the stairs.The first girl stumbled at the top...
This Story is a hybrid of some role playing/cybers with a friend from another site. It can be expanded on if someone would like and offer suggestions if yall want more. At the time I am a twenty three. I have tan skin being that im Italian and I am 6 foot about 170 with nice muscle definition and a nice sized cock of 9 inches. The girl is named Liz F a 22 year old Colorado girl. she is very fair skinned with dark red hair and some freckles all over her body. She has nice 36 dd tits with...
Endlich wieder zu Hause, denkt sich Liz. Eigentlich wollte sie ja nur mit ihrer Tochter einen günstigen Urlaub auf einem Campingplatz an der Ostsee verbringen, weil mehr einfach finanziell nicht möglich war, da sie im Moment von den Alimenten ihres Ex-Mannes lebt. Durch die Schwanzgeilheit ihrer Tochter war sie allerdings einem 20jährigen mit viel zu dicken Eiern und viel zu wenig Rücksicht über den Weg gelaufen. Erst wurde sie mit Gewalt genommen, dann erpresst, nur um anschließend als...
I spent the day, taking friendly abuse from my staff for being late and for wearing glad rags to work rather than my normal clothing, I don't gloat over sexual conquests and took the abuse knowing full well that if I bit it would last longer. The lease contract was drawn up, only because I spent most of the morning in the office making a nuisance of myself. By the afternoon the lack of sleep was taking it's toll. I got a phone call from Liz at 2pm she was going to be late this evening but...
Liz Part Two Would she sell herself for the chance to get her dream house? I knew it would make her little more than a prostitute, but it would mean I could call the shots, and I had quite a few ideas as to what I would demand. She walked over to the door opened it and told me to leave, I tried to look as nonchalant as I could, shrugged as I walked out and said "I guess you lose out in two respects." I got in the elevator and headed for the ground floor, I walked past the reception...
The weekend had been wonderful so far. Now we were headed into the club and ready to let loose. Liz and I had been very busy the last few months and we intended to have fun at our favorite couples club.We have always had a great sex life but recently decided to try a bit more. The club was near Philadelphia and we usually booked a hotel room nearby. We entered the club and gave our alcohol to the barmaid in the back. We had a shot of Tequila and a beer and began the adventure. My wife Liz is...
Liz and the Wolves of Shahala By Rasputtin Szczepanski Mf Ff 1st bd best ds Mdom Fdom reluc teen tort Introduction This is my first attempt at a novel. I’m always seeking criticism, especially with grammar or story structure. I would love to hear what you think! Email me at [email protected]. This story is open source. Feel free to write or draw your own stories using the characters or the lore. Artwork or music videos, I would love to see the story grow...
Ending B ... continue from the first page... “Yes, well, I’m still drenched with your hot cum. I’m keeping it nice and warm for lube later, knowing my Ryan. He’ll want to bone me as soon as I walk inside, barely giving me time to shut the front door behind me before he slides into home plate. He’ll want to feel every second of another man’s jizz on his dick as he fucks my used cunt. “Once he realizes just how hot and horny this makes me, just like him, he’ll want you to bang me as often as...
Author's note: this is true life shit right here, my teacher had this done to her, i just changed her name and i went on with the story.Alice Woodward ‘s CaningIf a girl is suspected of breaking school rules, there needn’t be a long and careful investigation.By Scarlett BalimannieMy name is Alice Woodward and I attended a mixed Grammar school in 1968 to 1974. Corporal punishment was a regular sight, with boys and girls being spanked and getting the slipper in class. The headmaster also gave the...