Adventures in Swinging Ch 05 Returning to Desire
- 2 years ago
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I had never felt nervous excitement to the degree that I experienced on the day we arrived at Desire resort in Cancun, Mexico. It felt as though every one of my senses was heightened. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. We were hurtling toward a strange new world completely foreign to everything we had ever known – one that could very well change our lives forever. I squeezed Kathleen’s hand as we checked in at the front lobby. Her sweet smile calmed my nerves only a little.
We were handed a glass of champagne, and we toasted to our exciting new adventure. As we continued the check-in process, I looked to the rear of the lobby, where a glass wall separated us from this mysterious fantasyland. Just then, a couple walked by, hand-in-hand, and completely naked except for their footwear. She was tall, blonde, and perfectly built. He was even taller, with muscles on top of his muscles, and an absurdly-long appendage dangling between his thighs.
One of my many trepidations about visiting this resort was that all of the women would be supermodel-worthy, and all of the men would be bodybuilding gods with giant cocks. I considered myself to be a good-looking guy. I was in good shape for a man of my age, and from everything I had seen and read, I had nothing to be ashamed of down below. Yet, the looming task of being naked in front of a resort full of complete strangers dredged up old insecurities. Of course, the promotional material for the resort displayed nothing but beautiful people, but the folks on the message board assured me that people of “all shapes and sizes” visit Desire. The first guests I saw, however, did little to allay my insecurity.
We were told that our room would not be ready for a while, and were invited to use the pool-side buffet and enjoy lunch while our room was prepared. Kathleen and I exited through the back of the lobby and into the grounds of the resort. When we turned the corner toward the pool area, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. There were dozens of naked people standing in the pool, lounging beside the pool, and casually chatting and laughing with other guests as if they weren’t all naked.
Although I tried to behave as casually as possible, I couldn’t help but glance at each and every naked body. I was relieved to see that the guests on the message board were correct. Every shape and size were represented, as was the full spectrum of attractiveness. Thankfully, most of the guests appeared to be near our age.
We made our way to the buffet, filled our plates, and sat at a small table overlooking the pool. We said nothing to each other for a while, and simply enjoyed our surprisingly-delicious food while feasting our eyes on the most spectacular people-watching opportunity of our lifetimes. I looked toward the ocean and noticed the white canopies of the beach beds. In front of that area, a volleyball game was taking place. In every way, this resort was like any other we had visited – with the slight exception that everyone was naked!
When we were led to our room, I desperately wanted to release all of my pent-up sexual frustration. Kathleen, however, preferred to quickly change and head straight to the pool. As per usual, she won that debate. We made our way back to the pool and found a couple of available lounge chairs. I wore a bathing suit to the pool, while Kathleen wore a bathing suit bottom and a sheer white top. She looked so fucking sexy I almost didn’t want her to remove it.
While I hesitated and made excuses to delay the inevitable act of removing my shorts, she had already removed all of her attire and situated herself ever-so-seductively into her lounge chair. Before we left, she had decided to shave all of her pubic hair. She had read on the message boards that most of the women guests do so, and she didn’t want to stand out. Also, she knew it would be a huge turn-on for me. With her good looks, bold red hair, and pale skin, however, she couldn’t help but stand out from the crowd.
As if taking the first step off of a bridge while bungee-jumping, I quickly removed my shorts and lay on my chair. Self-consciously, I gave my cock a little tug to ensure that it was as presentable as possible. A waitress soon appeared and took our drink orders. It was a little strange chatting with a completely-clothed stranger while nude, but I got used to it after a few drinks.
The drinks kept coming at regular intervals, and I finally felt myself beginning to relax. By four o’clock, I suggested to Kathleen that we check out the rooftop hot tub. I had read many stories about some wild times on that rooftop, and I was eager to see it all for myself. The kidney-shaped hot tub was enormous. It was probably big enough to fit sixty people. We set aside our belongings, waded into the water, and sat at the bar. The bartender, Miguel, took our orders and engaged with us in friendly conversation. Throughout the night, Miguel ensured that our glasses were never empty. Often before we finished one drink, another would appear.
I had told Kathleen that I didn’t want to “hook up” with anyone on our first night. I wanted to relax and get a feel for the resort before diving straight into swinging. Although there were only a few people in the hot tub when we arrived, it filled to capacity by sunset. Dozens of naked bodies bumped up against one another – often purposely.
Kathleen and I had always been somewhat shy in social settings. The decision to begin swinging seemed to change our personalities, and our experience at Desire made a tremendous impact in that it forced us to become more social. When you are casually chatting with a naked person, trying your best to maintain eye contact, there is little choice but to discover engaging topics of conversation. We were struck by how friendly – and “normal” – everyone was. We didn’t know what to expect, and we were pleasantly surprised. The people we met were so friendly and so open and honest, it was difficult not to become instant friends.
As the evening progressed, the activities in and surrounding the hot tub became a little more heated. I spotted two couples on the beds surrounding the hot tub, having sex as if no one were watching. One couple was in a “69” position, while the other fucked doggy-style. I made eye contact with the woman being fucked and quickly looked away. I wasn’t sure about the etiquette. Did they want to be watched? Was it rude to watch? Either way, I couldn’t help but glance at the live porn every now and then.
We met so many couples, it was difficult to keep their names straight. Eventually, we had to get some food in our bellies. Reluctantly, we left the hot tub, made our way back to our room, and then headed out to dinner. While waiting for a table, we met a couple that we recognized from the hot tub. They invited us to eat with them. They were a much older couple, and we knew it was more of a friendly invitation than one with any strings attached.
We enjoyed a very nice dinner with our new friends, and then returned to our room for a brief break in the action. When we returned to the hot tub, we found a raucous scene before us. Naked bodies filled the hot tub. Most of the beds were occupied by fucking couples. Men sat at the edge of the hot tub while women sucked their cocks.
We waded back into the water and brushed up against several naked bodies as we made our way to the bar. Miguel recognized us immediately and prepared two drinks before we could ask him. We continued our conversations with those we recognized, and were introduced to more couples. After a while, I excused myself to use the men’s room. When I returned, Kathleen was chatting with a couple that she introduced as Dave and Kendra.
Dave was tall and thin, and had a bold personality. Kendra looked as though she could be a fitness instructor. She looked firm and fit, and her breasts were too perfectly-shaped to be natural. We had such a casual and natural conversation that after a while it seemed we had known each other for years. At some point, Kathleen and Kendra disappeared, leaving Dave and I to chat. When the ladies returned, Kathleen pulled Dave aside while Kendra turned my back to them and placed her arms around my shoulders.
“So,” she said, “Kathleen tells me you’re celebrating the big four-oh soon.”
“Uh, yeah,” I said with some hesitation. Butterflies invaded my belly. I didn’t know what to do with my hands. Should I touch this naked woman I just met?
She leaned in closer and whispered in my ear. “She also tells me that you want to experience two women at the same time.” Her hands caressed my shoulders. I reflexively placed my hands on her hips.
I didn’t know what to say. Why would Kathleen tell her this when we agreed we wouldn’t hook up on our first night?
“I think we can make that happen,” Kendra growled, nibbling on my ear.
My hands instinctively moved south, and I squeezed her ass. It was as firm as it looked. She leaned in to kiss me, and I was struck with pure panic. As her lips meshed with mine, I couldn’t help but think that what I was doing was wrong. This was the first set of lips I allowed to touch mine since Kathleen and I met. Would my wife really be okay with this?
I had to admit, Kendra was a good kisser. As much as I didn’t want to break that kiss, I desperately needed to check in with my wife to ensure that all was well. I looked behind me and my stomach dropped. Kathleen was facing me with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. Dave was behind her, kissing her neck. His hands were fondling her breasts. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
I experienced the full range of human emotions: fear, excitement, panic, arousal, angst, jealousy, exhilaration. Then I noticed that Kathleen was reaching behind her with her left hand. It was below the water, and moving. My wife’s hand was stroking another man’s cock. We had officially crossed the line. There was no turning back.
Although you can prepare yourself as much as possible, you don’t know how you will react when you witness something that potentially traumatic. I was relieved to discover that I was okay with it – to the point of arousal. I was no longer watching porn videos of men sharing their wives and substituting Kathleen’s image in my mind. This was happening live, right in front of me. It was the most incredible sight I had ever witnessed to that point.
I returned to my make-out session with Kendra, trying desperately not to concern myself with what was happening only a few feet behind me. She reached below the water and grabbed my cock. Another milestone had been reached: another woman was touching my cock – the first new hand on my cock in almost twenty years.
She excused herself to the restroom, and I got Kathleen’s attention and pulled her aside.
“What the hell?” I said. “I thought we were not going to—“
“I know,” she interrupted, “but they’re leaving tomorrow. And they’re hot, don’t you think? I know you think Kendra is hot.”
I couldn’t deny that, but I also felt unprepared, especially after downing so many drinks. I wasn’t planning to “perform” that night.
“Just go with it,” Kathleen said, kissing me. “You’ll thank me later.”
After all of the years I spent fantasizing about situations like this, it seemed inconceivable that when the opportunity arose to actualize that fantasy, I had to be talked into it by the most improbable wingman imaginable.
Dave and Kendra had booked a deluxe room with a jacuzzi. The girls decided to leave in order to prepare the jacuzzi, leaving Dave and me alone once more.
“You okay with all of this?” he asked.
“Sure, yeah,” I responded. “Honestly, I’m a little worried. After so many drinks, I’m not sure I can…you know, perform.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “Just relax and you’ll be fine. And hey, if you need it, I have a Viagra on our bathroom counter. Just take a little bite and you’ll be good to go.”
In my warped state of hypersexualized deliria, I was hoping to open the door to Dave and Kendra’s room and find our two wives on the bed in a “69” position. Although Kathleen said she had little interest in having sex with women, she was willing to give it a try. Instead, the two women were lounging in the jacuzzi with waters in hand. Dave and I joined them, and we sat boy-girl-boy-girl around the circular tub.
As we made small talk, our hands began to wander beneath the bubbling surface. I felt Kathleen’s hand on my thigh. Then another hand touched my other thigh. I moved my hands to the thighs of the women to my left and right. I could see Kathleen’s hand moving below the water on her other side. A hand found my cock. I kissed Kathleen, and then turned to kiss Kendra. I imagine this light-petting and make-out session could have continued throughout the night, but Kathleen was impatient. She grabbed my hand, pulled me out of the jacuzzi, and led me to the bed.
She immediately positioned herself between my legs and took my cock in her mouth. As she did, Kendra slowly joined her. The moment when my wife physically handed my cock to another woman is an image that is burned into my memory forever. Kendra took my cock in her mouth, and Kathleen licked my balls. My lifelong dream of feeling two mouths on my cock had been fulfilled.
I glanced toward Dave, and I could tell he was enjoying the show. He stroked his cock with one hand and the back of his wife’s head with the other. I wish I could say this incredible experience lasted for a good, long, time. Instead, within less than a minute, I felt an unstoppable wave of pleasure cresting far too soon.
“Wait, wait!” I shouted, with Kendra’s mouth still wrapped around my cock. But it was too late. The first powerful spurt hit the back of her throat before she had a chance to react. She quickly pulled away and spit the cum from her mouth and several more spurts painted my belly.
“I’m so sorry,” I said. “It just snuck up on me.”
“That’s okay,” Kendra said, wiping her mouth. Although she smiled, I could sense that she was annoyed. “I hope you liked your birthday gift.”
I couldn’t believe our first swinging experience had ended so quickly. I was disappointed with myself and blamed Kathleen for not “clearing the chamber” earlier in the day when I asked for it. I walked to the bathroom to clean myself up, and that’s when I saw the Viagra tablet on the counter. I had never taken any erectile dysfunction drugs before, but I was always curious about it. Remembering Dave’s offer, I took a bite of it.
When I returned to the main living area, I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. My wife’s mouth was on Dave’s cock. I watched as she took his entire length into her throat, and I laughed to myself when I saw the expression on his face. I knew exactly how he felt in that moment. I felt a strange sense of pride for allowing another man to experience that sensation.
I watched, mesmerized, as Kathleen and Kendra took turns sucking Dave’s dick. They handed it back and forth, again and again. I envied his stamina and self-control. After a while, I positioned Kathleen on the bed so that I could lick her pussy while she continued to suck cock. She seemed to really respond to that, and moaned with a mouthful of Dave’s cock. It was perhaps the most erotic sound I’d ever heard.
Eventually, she wasn’t able to concentrate any further on Dave’s cock. She grabbed my head with both hands and held it tightly as I brought her to a powerful orgasm. As I worked toward a second one, Dave had positioned his wife on all fours, and was plowing into her from behind. To my surprise, I found myself fully-erect again. Perhaps it was the sexy atmosphere, or perhaps Dave’s pill had worked its magic. Whichever was true, I used my hard cock to fuck Kathleen to another orgasm.
Dave’s pace grew more urgent, and I could tell he was on the verge of climaxing. I then heard someone suggest that he should cum on Kathleen’s face. I was surprised to discover that it was my own voice. I had always fantasized about cumming on a woman’s face since the moment I watched my first classic porn video. It seemed so dirty at the time that merely thinking of it made me aroused. The thought of someone other than me cumming on my wife’s face was pretty much the filthiest and most arousing idea conceivable.
He didn’t hesitate. He pulled out of his wife’s pussy and scrambled to the head of the bed. Although Kathleen usually protested whenever I suggested cumming on her face, she eagerly turned toward him, closed her eyes, and opened her mouth. Dave stroked his cock over her face and covered her forehead, cheeks, and lips with his seed.
“That was so fucking hot!” I said.
“Can I have a towel?” was all that Kathleen could manage to say in response.
I scrambled for a towel and handed it to her. Dave then looked at me and nodded toward his wife.
“You wanna hit that?” he asked.
I looked to my right, and Kendra was still positioned on all fours. Her gorgeous, perfect, heart-shaped ass was lifted enticingly in my direction. I grabbed a condom nearby, and for the first time in nearly twenty years, I unraveled it over my still-hard cock.
I positioned myself behind her and entered her. She had her knees together, and her pussy felt incredibly tight in that position. I grabbed her firm ass with both hands and fucked her slowly and steadily. Kathleen left the bed for a moment, leaving only Dave as our audience.
I’m fucking another man’s wife, I thought to myself. It felt so wrong, and yet so undeniably arousing. Kathleen rejoined us on the bed, and the two of them watched us until I filled the condom with another deposit. I couldn’t recall if I had ever cum twice so quickly in succession.
I excused myself to their bathroom once more, and when I returned, I was met with yet another shocking visual. Kathleen was lying on their bed with her legs absurdly high in the air and spread wide. Dave was between her legs, fucking her hard and fast. I had assumed that we were all done, but apparently, he had yet another round in him. And now, for the first time in our marriage, another man was fucking my wife.
I sat on the couch next to Kendra and we watched as Dave continued to pump away. Kathleen was moaning loudly and shouting “Oh, god!” over and over again. It sounded as if she were on the verge of another orgasm.
Suddenly, Kendra unexpectedly rose from the couch and bolted out the door. Dave saw what had happened and chased after her, leaving Kathleen and me in an awkward situation. We grabbed our belongings as quickly as possible and scurried from the room.
At the time, I couldn’t understand why Kendra had suddenly become so upset. I assumed she became jealous of all the attention Dave paid to Kathleen. Looking back, I realize that she was likely upset that the three of us didn’t pay enough attention to her. Whatever the case, it was a somewhat sour ending to what had been an incredibly exciting evening.
When we returned to our room, we showered and climbed into bed. We talked about everything that had happened that night and reviewed every moment from beginning to end. I discovered that the reason Kathleen’s legs were so high in the air when Dave fucked her was that he had placed a pile of pillows under her ass. She explained that this created an angle that allowed his cock to hit her G-spot. Naturally, I had to try this technique myself. That night, we learned that one of the advantages of swinging is learning new sexual tricks.
The following day, we woke up earlier than expected. It seemed that we no longer required sleep or food. We sustained ourselves on pure adrenaline and sexual energy. We spent the afternoon lounging on one of the beach beds, where we relaxed to the soothing sounds of the ocean waves and sipped fruity drinks provided by the roaming attendants.
Every once in a while, a fully-clothed couple would stroll in front of us, within feet of our naked bodies. As it was a public beach surrounded on both sides by “vanilla” resorts, it was common for the guests of those resorts to walk past ours. It was amusing to see the expressions on their faces as they tried to simultaneously appear casual while stealing glances at all the naked bodies.
Kathleen and I continued to talk about our experience with Dave and Kendra. Just thinking about what had happened gave me a raging hard-on that I couldn’t suppress no matter how hard I tried. I eventually convinced Kathleen to go back to our room and relieve that pressure.
We returned to the hot tub that afternoon, where we reconnected with “old” friends and met some new ones. After dinner that evening, we decided to visit the nightclub. Each night, the resort featured entertainment and a themed dress code. That night, the theme was based off of the movie, Eyes Wide Shut. Upon entering the nightclub, those who opted to participate were each given a black robe and a Marti Gras-style mask. As instructed, Kathleen and I stripped down to our underwear and wore our robes and masks. We felt a bit silly, but went with it. Being naked in front of complete strangers for two days had a way of putting things in perspective.
The hosts began their “ceremony” with cheesy, ominous, music and a speech about sexual rituals. They then selected a few couples from the crowd and ushered them to the center of the stage. Kathleen and I were chosen, and we joined the other confused people. At the direction of the hosts, the men formed a circle around the women.
The women were instructed to disrobe, and they all complied with nervous giggles. Although I had seen every one of them naked already, it was strangely exciting to see them get naked. The hosts then encouraged the women to dance and fondle each other. Kathleen was a good sport about it. She kissed one of the women and they touched each other’s breasts. If it weren’t for the strange setting and the fact that about sixty people were watching with curious bemusement, it would have been very erotic.
Next, the women were instructed to remove the robes of their partners. Kathleen gleefully removed my robe and then yanked down my boxer shorts. I suddenly felt very self-conscious. Being naked in front of other naked people was an entirely different experience than being naked in front of clothed people. I felt as though they were all staring at my dick.
The ladies were then instructed to kneel in front of their men. The host then dropped his cheesy ominous tone and shouted, “Now suck those cocks!” Kathleen worked on me like a pro, but I was so self-conscious I was only half-erect by the time she finished. After a brief time, the host called an end to the ceremony, and the guests returned to their normal activities.
I was eager to check out the “sin room” at the rear of the nightclub. Later that night, I convinced Kathleen to join me. It was a dimly-lit room lined with raised red benches of various sizes. Along one of the benches, a woman was licking another woman’s pussy while two men watched with great interest. Next to them, within reaching distance, a couple fucked in the missionary position.
Kathleen and I stripped naked and placed our clothing aside. We took an open spot at the opposite side of the room and she immediately began giving me head. As she expertly engulfed my cock, I watched the live porn across the room. Kathleen seemed to be putting on a show. She positioned herself in such a way that the others could see her take the full length of my cock into her throat. It was clear she was showing off her newly-discovered skill.
She climbed on top of me and slid my cock inside her. As she rode on top of me, she threw her head back, grabbed her breasts, and moaned loudly. There was no longer any doubt about it. She was definitely putting on a show. All three men’s eyes were on my wife as she rode my cock with eager enthusiasm.
“Oh, god! I’m cumming!” she said.
She grinded on top of me and her entire body shook. She held herself in place as she continued to loudly moan and quiver. When her orgasm finally subsided, she hopped off of me and took my cock back in her mouth. She bobbed her head along my cock so intensely that I soon unloaded inside her mouth. She gulped down several massive loads and continued to suck until I couldn’t take anymore and gently pushed her head away.
After we dressed, I glanced at one of the guys in the room. He gave me the thumbs-up sign and smiled.
We took a break from our usual daily routine the next day by attending a seminar. We happened to choose a week where the resort had hired a “sex expert” to give daily seminars. We had heard good reviews from the guests that had attended, so we decided to give it a shot. That day’s seminar was on the art of licking pussy. Needless to say, Kathleen was very interested in attending.
The seminar was held in the nightclub, which was so crowded when we arrived that we quickly claimed one of the few remaining chairs available. The sex expert, Jessica, was a stunning young woman with exotic features and a killer body. She began by instructing the ladies to remove their clothing, sit back, and relax. The guys would be doing all the work from that point forward.
For the next forty-five minutes, Jessica issued step-by-step instructions to the guys, beginning with a light massage, kisses to the neck, gentle fondling of the breasts, and licking and sucking the nipples. More than twenty minutes seemed to pass before we were instructed to touch our partner’s pussy.
Although the room was filled with nervous laughter by all the women when the seminar began, those giggles were replaced with moans when the men were finally allowed to go to work. Roughly sixty women all moaning in unison created quite an erotic symphony. I continued to follow Jessica’s instructions and soon felt Kathleen reach her first orgasm. She experienced several more before the seminar officially ended. As we exited the room, we had to step around many couples who had moved past oral sex and into all-out fucking.
We fell back into our routine after that. We visited the hot tub in the afternoon, and the nightclub after dinner. We then decided to make another trip to the hot tub that night, and made love under the stars on one of the beds surrounding the hot tub. Afterward, we lay there for quite a while, simply gazing at the stars while I held her in my arms.
When we visited the hot tub on the afternoon of our final day at the resort, we were a bit disappointed to see that the atmosphere was more subdued than usual. We took our usual spot at the bar, and Miguel greeted us with his warm smile and two drinks. We struck up conversations with the few people who were there and learned that many of the guests were out on an excursion away from the resort.
I chatted with a couple we had met earlier in the week, and had my back turned to Kathleen as she struck up a conversation with a bald man who was lingering near the bar. After a while, I noticed that it was quiet behind me. When I turned around, I saw the two of them making out like a couple of horny teenagers. My cock instantly hardened.
I had always known that Kathleen had a strange attraction to bald men. Given that I had a full head of hair, this always struck me as odd. Although I tried not to stare at them, I couldn’t help but glance every now and then. It was obvious that she was very attracted to this guy. I had just noticed that she was groping him under the water when I received a tap on the shoulder.
The older couple that we had met on our first day at the resort chose that moment to say hello to me. I couldn’t hide my erection, as it protruded above the water. I could feel my face flush as I spoke to them, trying desperately to hide both my erection and the action that was taking place behind me. They had explained to us that they are not swingers, and seemed to disapprove of swinging in general. They assumed that we were sexually-exclusive nudists like them, although we never indicated that to them one way or another.
“Where’s Kathleen?” the old man asked me, displaying a wide smile.
“Uhh…” I stammered. I didn’t quite know what to tell him. I was considering lying about her whereabouts when he looked past me and his smile quickly faded. He excused himself and led his wife to the other end of the hot tub.
When Kathleen finally came up for air, she introduced me to her new friend.
“This is Roger,” she said. “He’s French-Canadian.”
“Hello, French-Canadian Roger,” I said, and shook his hand. “I’m Joe. I see you’ve already met my wife.”
“I hope you don’t mind,” he said with a French accent. “She is absolutely stunning.”
“Yes she is,” I said with a smile.
Roger stepped away for a moment, giving me an opportunity to chat with my wife. She explained that she was only flirting with him when he suddenly began kissing her. Apparently, he was a very good kisser.
“Do you want to fuck him?” I asked.
“Maybe…” she said in her teasing manner, flashing that dimple at me once again.
“What about his wife? Where is she?”
“She’s back in their room, napping,” Kathleen explained.
“And she’s okay with him fucking around without her?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Let’s ask him.”
When Roger returned, he explained that he and his wife have an open marriage, and that they are both fine with fooling around separately. I asked him if he would be open to the two of us having our way with Kathleen on one of the beds, and he was more than agreeable with that. First, I had to use the restroom, so I told the two of them to wait for me before they got started. When I left them, they were making out in the corner by the bar once again.
I was incredibly excited about the notion of “tag-teaming” my wife. I had watched many porn scenes where a woman is “spit-roasted” by two men, with one cock in her mouth and another in her pussy. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would have a chance to experience that scene myself.
When I returned to the hot tub, Kathleen and Roger were no longer standing in the corner. They weren’t in any of the beds, either. I eventually spotted them chatting with a woman.
“This is Roger’s wife, Brigitte,” Kathleen explained when I approached them.
I shook her hand and introduced myself, trying not to let my disappointment show. I realized at that moment that my fantasy scenario was not going to happen. A foursome seemed unlikely as well. Although she wasn’t unattractive, Brigitte simply wasn’t my type. She was very thin, and appeared to be much older than I was. One of the “rules” we created when Kathleen and I debated the pros and cons of swinging was that we would never “take one for the team” by forcing one of us to fuck someone we found unattractive.
Before I knew what happened, Kathleen had already made arrangements to have dinner with Roger and Brigitte. Once we were alone, I lodged my formal protest over “taking one for the team.” She assured me that it wouldn’t come to that. We would only have dinner together.
We enjoyed a very nice dinner with Roger and Brigitte, and our conversation was smooth and natural. After dinner, they suggested we attend the entertainment show, which was held outside of the nightclub that night. We agreed, but explained that we needed to stop by our room first to change. I was very excited about the theme that night, which was “Schoolgirl Night.” Kathleen had purchased a schoolgirl costume that looked incredible on her, and I couldn’t wait to see it again.
When we met with Roger and Brigitte outside of the nightclub, the expression on Roger’s face when he saw what Kathleen was wearing was priceless. She wore a white, button-down dress shirt that was unbuttoned to display plenty of cleavage. She wore no bra, so her nipples were visible through the thin fabric. Her plaid skirt was so short, you could see that she wore no panties whenever she bent over even slightly. She wore thigh-high white stockings and topped it all off with thick, black, high-heeled shoes.
After a brief delay, the show began. Professional dancers performed for us in skimpy attire to the deafening beat of dance music. I wrapped my arms around Kathleen from behind and softly kissed her neck, eliciting a sexy purr. Her low moaning seemed to grow louder as I continued to work on her neck with my lips and tongue. Then I noticed that her moaning sounded a bit muffled. I opened my eyes and realized that as I was kissing her neck, Roger was kissing her mouth.
We continued to work on her until she was practically melting between us. She turned to look at me. She was breathing heavily, and I could see the look of raw lust in her eyes. I motioned to Roger, and he took her by the hand and practically ran with her up the stairs to the nightclub. Brigitte and I followed them quickly into the back room.
They didn’t bother getting undressed. Kathleen positioned Roger on his back on top of one of the benches and frantically worked to lower his pants. She freed his cock and practically inhaled it. He tossed his head back and groaned in pleasure.
Brigitte removed her clothes and lay on the bench next to them. I was so swept up in the passion of the moment, I no longer cared about my unattraction to her. In fact, she was looking better and better as the night wore on. I began licking her pussy, employing some of the tricks and tips I had learned at our seminar.
“Your husband has a magical tongue,” she remarked to Kathleen. It was a phrase I would repeat many times for my wife as a reminder over the years to come.
By the expression on Roger’s face, Kathleen was doing an extraordinary job of sucking his cock. The way she was bent over between his legs gave me an exquisite view of her delicious ass. I wanted to reach over and grab it, but I had my hands full with Brigitte, who was thrusting herself into my face, imploring me to lick harder and faster.
I was still working on Brigitte’s pussy when Kathleen tapped me on the shoulder and asked for a condom. I stood and reached into my pocket. She snatched it from me and quickly unrolled it over Roger’s cock before hopping on top of him. As soon as I stood, Brigitte began undoing my pants. She took them off while I watched Kathleen ride her new bald friend. Then I felt Brigitte’s warm mouth on my cock.
When she was satisfied that I was good and hard, she asked me to wear a condom. She then turned around and presented me with her ass. For a woman her age, she had a nice ass. I fucked her from behind while watching Kathleen ride Roger’s cock. She was still fully-clothed. Her little skirt popped up every time she came down, giving me an exciting glimpse of the action.
Brigitte ordered me to fuck her harder, so I grabbed her petite buttocks and thrust into her as hard as I could. She responded with loud grunts and groans. Her muscles tensed, and she announced to the room that she was cumming. I held myself deep inside her for a moment and felt her pussy squeeze my cock.
Kathleen slowed her pace. She dismounted, removed Roger’s condom, and went down on him again. I could no longer resist the lure of her bare ass. I moved toward her, stripped off my condom, and inserted my cock as she continued to work on Roger with her mouth. My fantasy of spit-roasting my wife was now fulfilled.
Brigitte watched with exhaustion as Kathleen worked two cocks at the same time. Roger came first. I followed shortly thereafter. The four of us then gathered our belongings and snuck out of the sin room as stealthily as possible.
Our vacation was everything we had hoped it would be. We took a risk and did something that most married couples would never think of doing. Not only did we survive, but we thrived. I had never felt closer to my wife than I did by the end of that vacation. She had stepped outside of her comfort zone and allowed herself to be truly free, sexually, for the first time in her life. I was seeing an entirely new side to my wife, and I was thrilled to witness her transformation. She seemed more confident than ever, and her confidence was intoxicating.
She explained her renewed libido as a “chicken-and-egg” scenario. Was she horny because she enjoyed acting slutty? Or was she acting slutty because she was horny? Regardless, her sex drive went through the roof the moment we began to seriously contemplate swinging, and it remained at that plateau for long thereafter.
In a single week, we fulfilled so many sexual fantasies that it seemed as though few remained. Little did I realize at the time that our sexual adventure had only just begun.
To be continued…
I eased into the warm and bubbling water and sat on the ledge along the perimeter of the enormous hot tub. I leaned my head back and stared up at the Jamaican sky filled with more stars than I had ever seen before in my life. It was quiet except for the sound of the water and the quiet murmurs of the few guests that surrounded me.It was the end of a very long day. We had crawled out of bed in the early hours of the morning before sunrise. We had spent most of the day in airports, cars, and...
Wife Lovers“Oh my god, that feels so fucking good,” she whispered. She looked at me straight in the eye as my dick slid in and out of her tight, wet, cunt. Her gorgeous dark eyes danced in the flickering light of the candles strategically placed around her bedroom.I closed my eyes and tasted her sweet, soft lips once more. Her tongue ever-so-shyly protruded, and I playfully teased it with my own. I could feel her long fingernails digging into my naked ass as she pulled me into her with each...
Wife LoversIn the first year of our swinging adventure, Kathleen and I broke many of the rules that we had initially established. In the year that followed, we broke another, which profoundly changed the way we participated in this strange new lifestyle.True to their word, our new friends Frank and Diane kept in touch with us after they returned home from Cancun. They invited us to Frank’s impressive house, and we shared a lot of laughs over take-out food before climbing into their large hot tub together....
Wife Lovers“I feel like sucking a dick.”This would normally seem like a strange statement coming from a man’s wife on an otherwise boring Wednesday night, but in the six weeks since we returned from our vacation in Cancun, no words coming from Kathleen’s mouth seemed to shock me anymore.I smiled and unzipped my pants when she suddenly stopped me. “Not yours,” she said.I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Then whose?” I asked.She took a sip of her wine. She was on her second glass, and wine always seemed to make...
Wife LoversRon and Charlotte seemed like a perfect match for us. They were around our age, lived fairly nearby, and had little swinging experience. He was handsome, fit, and bald – Kathleen’s favorite traits. She was very cute, petite, and had a beautiful smile and gorgeous eyes – my favorite traits. When we exchanged messages online, they seemed intelligent, honest, and genuine. In our lengthy search for “friends with benefits,” they seemed almost seemed too good to be true.As attractive as Charlotte...
Wife LoversHis name was Dominic. Although he wasn’t technically a co-worker of Kathleen’s, he worked on the security team within the same building. He was in his late-fifties – sixteen years older than my wife. Kathleen’s job at the time required her to spend a good deal of time with the security team. As the team was comprised almost entirely of men, she attracted quite a bit of their attention.It wasn’t merely her stunning good looks or the way she filled out her uniform. Her quick wit and dirty banter...
Wife LoversA beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...
This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Rick and I had been married for a little over four years. The first six months we spent catching up on all the sex we thought we’d missed out on while we were both single. Neither one of us was very experienced sexually before we started dating each other. Our lovemaking had become pretty much unexciting and routine. Sure, we’d tried a lot of various positions and explored our desires. We were... want to try swinging? You fantasize about what it will be like.You want to see your wife with another man?Would you both like to swing with another couple? Or do you want the "Holy Grail" of swinging, the hot 3 way with your wife and her hot friend from the office??? First question,One)Have you gotten your wife to AGREE to do this,and is she willing to do it,and does she want to "swing???" 98% of the time, its the MAN who brings up swinging, NOT the woman in the relationship.Now----If...
So....You've been thinking about expanding your sexual boundaries.You fantasize about it,youre thinking about trying to get into the "lifestyle," a gentle euphemism for "swinging," or at its basic core..."Wife Swapping.But first,I hope you've asked yourself a few serious questions, before you hop right in there a drag the little missus into something you might not have all the facts on.We've been doing this for over 20 years,my wife and I,and its not all its cracked up to be.In fact,its NOTHING...
Introduction: Beginning in the U.S.A. but will get more intense African Intense Experimental Adventures This is Fictional and Please do not steal our idea. Id like some feed back please. katejeffdeanadventures at yahoo dot ca My wife Kate, our friend Dean or me are writers. We have read some of the stories on here and we see how many pick on Grammar and Spelling. We are using Open Office to write with. It does have spell check. But just the same worried that it may not pick all spelling...
*I want to try something I haven't before. I want to try to interact with comments. At certain parts of the story I plan to have the main character doing something like online chats or something of that nature. She would interact with the comments you say as if you were talking to her. Some of the things you say could influence certain changes to the main character as well. For instance, "Damn those are some big tits. But they could be bigger." May make the main character decide to augment her...
FetishAdventures of a Merchant: Dance with a Demon by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels 3. Choices Notes: - Thank you to Hope Eternal Reigns whose editing so often causes me to embarrassedly exclaim, Doh! - The use of ~ around dialog designates it as something a den in the City of Glanlies... A tale untold is like jewelry unsold, precious and shining gloriously, only for its owner. With my writing contract not extended...
Continued from Chapter 2: Even though Yvonne acted as if she was a reluctant virgin, before she had sex with me and before we had sex with others, she was no virgin. Based on the pillow talk we had about the sex she had with other men, blowing my mind with some of the sexual things she did, I knew she was a slut. Something I didn’t know and something I could never be, with me only being 5’5′ tall, she had a sexual attraction for taller men, men 6′ and taller. Nonetheless her secret preference...
I am Huma, with a new kind of group sex experience of a couple who have already tasted the pleasure of swapping. Hope you like it. ” Swinging Paradise offers you the best atmosphere to swing and enjoy in the lap of Mother Nature. Do you swing? Do yoy wish to swing? The best time has arrived to enjoy love to its fullest. We will take care of your needs, fetishes, dreamas and even whims and fancies. Contact us online or phone us to mail you entry forms and other literature” So read the...
I had heard about swinging since I was a teen in high school, but had no idea how prevalent it was. I was intrigued with the idea and was determined to find out more about it. I started doing research on the internet and found websites dedicated to the swinging lifestyle. My favorite was joined the site and would visit it early in the morning while my wife Monica was still sleeping. When you joined, the first thing you did was create a profile complete with pictures. I did...
SwingersAlthough it has been a few years now, my first swinger experience was very memorable. There have been dozens of swinger couples since that first swinging experience but I remember it like it was yesterday. I had always had a strong sex drive but have never really considered swinging. That is, I never had considered it until a close friend revealed to me that they were swingers. When Beth said that she and Marcus were swingers I was shocked! I hardly knew what to say. Swingers!?? Beth and...
SwingerContinued from Chapter 3: As soon as Bill asked my wife the question, he looked at Yvonne and smiled. Surprised that Bill’s wife was eager to go too, Sue took my hand and the four of us headed upstairs. We ran into Don as we headed up the stairs and he pulled me aside as my wife, Bill, and Sue continued into one of the bedrooms. ‘I just wanted to give you a heads up,’ he said leaning into me and whispering as if he was giving me a tip on which horse to bet on at a race. ‘This is Bill and...
Most have read my two other posts on swinging and I’ve promised to write more about my experiences. If you read the first story, you know that my biggest worry was what my husband would think afterward. As it turned out my fears never materialized, we decided to go for it again. This story is the next hurdle we had to cross: watching each other with another person. To remind everyone, my husband and I were both US Air Force officers stationed in England in the 1980s. * We had met another...
Straight SexHello Mates. This is my first story here and my first ever story writing experience too. All my stories are going to be real. I hope it gets posted and you all like it. Please leave your comments because I will be excited to know your views. You could also reach me at To tell you a bit about myself. Let’s call me Sensual Arc, a 27-year-old male enjoying all aspects of my life. I support sexual liberation and have been into swinging for a long time. I would say its a lifestyle that you live...
Swingers, we thought, were nasty. That is, until we ourselves became swingers. Our story like many stories starts with a marriage of 19 years. My wife Nancy and I enjoyed sex, but it had become predictable, not spontaneous, somewhat boring! Then we started considering becoming swingers, but not quickly and not all at once. We used to have fantasies of having sex with other couples while we would have sex. I would tell my wife that she was being fucked by another man as I was fucking her in her...
“Gran Canaria Swinging Experience”.John Kavanagh c [email protected] sand dunes at Maspalomas and the clumps of bushes must be one of the main outdoor venues for outdoor sex worldwide and on our visit to Gran Canaria in the November of 2012 the scene was as lively as ever with quite a wide range of sexual tastes being indulged, though all with the main theme of total nudity. Being a naturist that is a pre-requisite for me and it is a sheer delight to be able to lie or walk in the...
Adventures of a Merchant: Choices by Arcie Emm See Prior Adventures of a Merchant: 1. The Start 2. A Pause in Corels ...being continued... Greetings once more friends. At the end of my last tale I mentioned that it was time for me to spend some time in the now and I took my own advice. After a stay in Corels to visit family, I continued on to Elladoo Post for my first visit in a number of year. As it always does, the visit served to remind me of who I am, for people who knew you...
Adventures being Tied and Edged by Guys. Adventure #1, Scott in Atlanta. Authors note: I am a straight guy with a lifelong love of bondage. I have had a special love for edging ever since I saw my big sister’s ?Joy of Sex? with the picture the guy tied spread eagle while the girl sat on him and teased his cock. I have tied and been tied by women many times, and enjoyed it thoroughly. However, when they took the dom role, I never felt like they were enjoying it. A few years ago, after...
You're looking through the websites,and you and your spouse are going over countless profiles, from countless swingers,from not only your state,but every state,and all over the world;single males,couples,and what youre gonna notice,is how FEW and FAR and in between,are the single females,who are looking to have sex with another COUPLE.This is all but non-existent,and we will be going over this in the "Holy Grail" chapter of this series.MOST of what you are going to see,are couples, singles...
We are a couple called Elizabeth and Billy and we really like to have lots of fun with other people. Swinging and having sexy adventures with other couples and erotic sexual encounters. I like to have Elizabeth dressed up in her posh outfits. Her expensive posh dresses, skirts and wearing posh erotic lingerie, stockings, suspenders and basques and sexy outfits in leather and lace and take her out and about to places. Sometimes without her wearing any panties.During most weekend we will go out...
Ok....Almost at the end of quest to find truth about swinging, and the "Holy Grail..." We've gone over a lot of info,and continuing with the couples you'll meet,there even more I'd like to share and pass along about the couples youve already seen on the websites...My wife and I are the more "narcissistic" couple,we want a couple that is as much like as as possible,size,age,likes,etc,etc.....MOST couples are like this as well,of course,most people want to associate with those most like them,the...
We all own homes with spacious patios, beautiful pools, and big outdoor kitchens, so we decided to have all our swinger parties poolside, and to rotate among all four homes every 2 weeks, or so. And living in Florida, we could have our pool parties virtually year round. So, over the past four years each couple has hosted multiple parties. All these parties are fun, filled with lots of laughing, drinking and crazy sex …. and the one Stan and I hosted last week was no different. As usual, we...
Sorry for bad English, not my native language Brief summary of the first part. Kadri felt at 11-year old, that her passion is exhibitionism. She was cautious at first, but then more and more daring in her exhibitionism adventures. She was naked at the beach of the lake in front of almost hundred people, then took shower with boys. Her football coach noticed Kadri’s habits and proposed her to take shower with him. Then Kadri got first sex experience at 12. After that she also tried winter...
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 14:04:11 -0700 From: William Steps Subject: Adventures in Astral Projecting Part I ADVENTURES IN ASTRAL PROJECTION Episode one; Accidental Revelation I had been experimenting with astral projection since I was eighteen years old, back in 1999. I had no success whatsoever at first, but the more I practiced the more I had some results. I pursued it as more of a hobby, but after a few years I was able to correctly see things in...
Sorry, I went right into my life event without proper introductions. So I'm Nora and I am 24 years old brunette with brown eyes. I'm 168cm tall and I weight 57 kgs. I was blessed with nice C-cup breasts but I had to work countless hours in gym to develop my butt. I'm gentle and sweet as they come... So why would he cheat me? I mean I check the most boxes. Sure, I don't have my life fully figured out yet but who does at 24. But I digress, back to the story. I took the car and started to...
Hello readers this is a story for the benefit of people who have never been to a swinging hotel. in other words this is a fetish club with lots of fetish equipment in the hotel and many areas to play out ur fetish. this story is based in hotel outside london. i had heard about this hotel from various people. people normally cover long distance travel to this particular hotel. if you guys are interested to know about me then let me tell you. I am a regular guy with a regual life and lot of...
OK......Now,we know about what we want in our sex lives, and dont want.We know that we have not had to beg our spouse to participate,and they are an equal, responsible and accountable party to the swinging lifestyle.You know what to look for when,basically ALL that will answer you ads,prifiles on the swinger sites,are mostly going to be single males.Now,here's the supposed and alleged "main frame" of swinging---Meeting other couples.First off,you need to realize that you and your spouse are the...
Sharon couldn't believe what she was looking at. After saving over $7,000 her bank balance had dwindled down to only $950. Although her income was bolstered by the government's student allowance and the occasional part-time job, she had one more year to complete her teaching degree and hitting the workforce as a fully qualified English teacher.She needed another job, preferably one that paid cash and wasn't traceable by Mr Taxman. The classifieds revealed nothing and she sat forlornly in her...
My wife and I are your typical middle class family. We are in our upper forties and had been married for almost twenty years. Our sex life over the years had been nothing more than fantastic. I think both of us were quite happy with it until the past year. We had been together for a total of twenty five years, and our relationship had hit a bump in the road. It carried over into our sex life and we were lucky to make love once or twice a month. We needed something desperately to get the passion...
MILFHello everyone! Myself Abhay, I have been a silent member of this forum since a very long time and it has helped me make many sexual adventures in my life. So I would like to share with you guys one of the adventures with my maid and the things that followed. This is an incident when I was still studying. I had returned home from Mumbai during my 2nd year of college for the Diwali holidays. I am 6’1 tall, decent build man with wheatish complexion. We live in Ahmedabad. I am the only child in my...
Sam could not deny a sense of deep friendship as he saw the towering Cerberus standing there by the entrance. Even though it was a Mark IV, made obsolete quite a while ago with the Union military now using the Mark IX, it still was an impressive combat system. The fact that Charles was truly sentient made the Cerberus much more dangerous than any known main battle system in Sam’s opinion. Sam has just stepped out of a TMT booth and onto Treasure Island Plaza, right before the sky-reaching...
My beautiful wife and I recently decided to dabble our feet into the thrilling world of swinging. We had discussed it several times in the past. Looked at web sites of swinging or fetish clubs. We would fantasise about it lots. plan a trip bur never went through with it. It is a huge step for a couple to take.We then arranged a long weekend break to Amsterdam. We always had the intention of visiting a sex show but it wasn't until about a week before that we discussed looking at swinging clubs...
Trish ventured, “I’ve never even considered swinging, or partner swapping, or whatever it’s called these days. The idea was even so far out there it wasn’t even part of the liberal course in sex ed that my parents put me through.” Pam asked in an astonished tone, “You had a liberal course?” “Well, kind of. When I was sixteen, my parents sat me down and mostly my Mom gave me the ‘this is how it works’ talk. My Dad was more concerned with the motivations of the young men I had started to...
Deshawn – The Case Meeting All the attorneys filed into the conference room on this frigid Tuesday morning for our regular meeting to run down our current cases and to distribute any new ones. I really didn't need the get-together since my assignment was a murder case. It wasn’t a high profile case like OJ, but it was a murder case nonetheless. I sat in the back, in the cut, watching everyone converse, but half my attention was on some poetry I was writing. We were all waiting on the boss-lady...
Love StoriesIntroduction: A sexually precocious boy is either being scared or blown by his insane sitter. Chapter 1 I was, to put it mildly, sexually precocious. By the time I was 13 years old, I was jerking off three or more times a day, and trying (desperately) to peak into the clothes of every female I got near. I sort of had a girl friend, Stacy, who was a year older than me. Our parents had been trading baby sitting since we were little, so we had been thrown together every week or so for years. We...
Chapter 1Bruce and his wife Linda were having drinks on the patio of their large suburban home. Bruce, a 42-year-old accountant, had done very well in his profession and was up for a vice presidency of firm. Their expensive home reflected Bruce's financial success.Linda, a 36-year-old attractive brunette looked less than her age. Thanks to a disciplined regimen of exercise and diet, her figure was that of a woman ten years younger. Her most notable features were her large bust and long shapely...
Instead of getting mad, she got even, it turns out, she had a date with a guy before we met, but when she saw him ride past with a girl on the back of his motor bike, she walked off, it turns out he was just taking her to work, and also as it turned out, it was my best mate, Mac. So after I had taken my ex out Sue rang Mac, and went on a date with him, and ended up screwing his brains out. She told me about her date and how they had fucked for hours, without thinking I went done eating her...
ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS' COLONY CH. 4SisyphusI thought about the sexual adventure I was having with Angel, how wild, imaginative and honest it was. Role playing lets us be more uninhibited and explore places we might not otherwise go. I thought about how we played off of each other and got so fully into each other’s games. There was definitely chemistry between us and I found myself wanting to know her better and to take what started as play to another level. So that night when it was my turn...
Straight SexShe sashayed in the room with intent. The young woman named Desiree felt eyes when she walked in. The boys said, “Daaaaamn!"As she walked into science class. Let’s not pretend. She knew what she had. She knew her butt was big. She knew she had curves. However, what she didn’t know as class went on was a young man noticing her for more than her curves. Honestly, it turned him on. But while others look at her like animals, after all, we were all mammals. Desiree knew something was different about...
Oral SexShe sashayed in the room with intent. The young woman named Desiree felt eyes when she walked in. The boys said, “Daaaaamn!"As she walked into science class. Let’s not pretend. She knew what she had. She knew her butt was big. She knew she had curves. However, what she didn’t know as class went on was a young man noticing her for more than her curves. Honestly, it turned him on. But while others look at her like animals, after all, we were all mammals. Desiree knew something was different about...
Oral SexAt the time of this story Desiree’s husband was in the middle of a two week training course 1,000 miles away. I along with my wife and a few friends were helping Desiree move the last few loads into their new house. They had bought a nice house in suburbia with a half acre of ground and a nice in-ground pool surrounded by a privacy fence. John’s mother had the kids for the weekend so that Desiree could finish moving in. We were packing their shoes into boxes when I notice that they...
I was never the most beautiful or the ugliest woman but I got my fair share of attention from men. I have never had a toned body, sometimes I was just plain fat, other times I was well overweight. Still men wanted me and I was happy for that. Ten years ago my long term, off/on partner suggested swinging. I was in my 30's with a brood of kids, not entirely satisfied with the hum drum sex my fella gave me. Don't get me wrong, with an 8 inch cock he hit the spot but he was selfish. I know...
Rob and his lovely wife Jen were your typical average, middle-class family. They were in their early forties with two children. They had been happily married for almost fifteen years and both had successful careers, but there was one thing that had haunted them, and that was the quality of their sex life. It wasn’t that their sex life was horrible or anything close to that, but it had gotten way too predicable. Jen was a very attractive looking woman and didn’t look anything like her age. Her...
MILFI thought it was just going to be another summer, just another season going by in my life. I'm Ben Brown and have been a widower for three years now since my wife passed away. I loved her and did all I could do to help her through her sickness. We were married for eight years before cancer took its toll on her. It wasn't until after her death that I learned a lot about her past that I wish I had never found out. That's another story I need to tell sometime. I needed to move away and try to...
And that is the way life went for the next four months. Our families got together every couple of weeks and the women still went to the gym together and James and I hit the river and lakes to fish. The idea of swinging never came up and I never for a minute thought that Kristy was sneaking around on me. Nope. Never thought about it for a minute. That is because she wasn’t. Kristy was as faithful as a good dog. She was also a more adventurous lover. We did have dates where we made out in the...
JOSH’S STORY Amanda and I had been together for four years, and married for two, when she told me that something was missing from her sex life. We’d always been open about talking about sex, but this was really a blow to my ego. And fucking ironic. I was too big to satisfy her. That’s not the stereotypical complaint. I knew that Amanda loved me and that she enjoyed the sex we did have, but I was just so big that we had to go slow, and sometimes that wasn’t enough. Guys all say they would...
On the Monday morning following our exciting Saturday afternoon with Steve, Traci and I had to return to the mundane world of work. Traci was employed as a receptionist for a large investment firm. She spent her day answering the telephone, greeting clients and getting coffee or water for everyone but herself. She wasn't thrilled about her job, but she realized that her situation was the result of her own choices. While majoring in modern dance had been fun and fulfilling, it hadn't been a...
CuckoldIt’s been a while since you (readers) have heard last from me (hubby came home for the Christmas vacation but has left again), so I guess it’s ok again to share my adventures to you all readers , as I had read most of your comments to hear more, well here it is …the adventure continues… Aaron used to pay me a visit once or two times a week after that first encounter (first adventure), I was excited and satisfied every time we would have sex in every corner of the...
A bunch of us had been swimming there since we were in elementary school. It had always been common for the boys to swim naked while the girls swam in suits. We all came from farming backgrounds of one sort or another and a childhood of dealing with farm animals left all of us with little to wonder about male anatomy, what it was for, and how it worked. So it was just an accepted thing for us and pretty much non-sexual until we got older. In the fall of our senior year it matured. Janice,...
If you like arousing stories that have plot and character development too, you don't want to miss it. It takes some time at the start of the story to develop the characters and plot, but the payoff later is a story that's emotionally satisfying as well as very arousing. There's also humor, romance, and deeper themes. The plot naturally appeals to men, but many women and couples have enjoyed it too. This story is about me (sameer)…it takes place in bangalore in an upmarket society wher I...
Dear Friends, This is the real story of a young beautiful married couple who is bold, beautiful and adventurous and very much sex obsessed. Like other all new open minded 21st generation couples, they are just entered the world of sex and were enjoying their youth, fresh body which was virgin before their marriage. This story narrates how their new marriage life started and moved to an un-imaginable corner which turned their meaning of sex and its pleasure. The whole reason of happening this...
ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY Sisyphus Chapter One When I arrived at Hickory Run, an artists’colony in New York State, my intent was to have a two week writing retreat with no distractions so I could finish my novel. The setting was perfect, a small log cabin tucked in a grove of trees with a view of Indian Lake. Each cabin, however, had two separate apartments. For a hundred dollars more a week I could have had a cabin without an adjoining space, but, as it was, I could barely afford this...
Straight Sex