Love Thy Neighbour 2 Shopping With Alison
- 3 years ago
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I heard the car door slam, then the engine revving, the noise receding as the car drove away. I put the kettle on, getting back to the living room, just as the knock came on the front door. Sure enough, it was my next-door neighbour, Alison.
"Hi, Alison, Come on in, kettle's on already," I smiled at her confused look, "I heard John leaving, guessed you would pop in, to let me know he was gone."
She smiled as understanding came to her, then approached me, arms going around my waist and kissing me sweetly.
"Aww, you are fully dressed," she complained, "I was hoping to find you in just the robe, or even less."
"Saturday morning, darling," I told her, "shopping to get, and I somehow think Sainsbury's would object to me shopping in nothing but a tiny robe."
Her hand cupped a buttock, squeezing and pulling me in to her. I smacked it away.
"Let me get the coffee made first," I admonished her, "Then we can talk."
She nuzzled my neck. "I can think of better things to do than talk", she murmured.
"I know what you would prefer to do," I laughed, "but I cannot spend all day in bed, being your sexy come-slut, much as the idea appeals to me."
"Spoilsport," she muttered, as we took our coffees into the living room, and sat down, "You wait until tonight, you will not have any excuses then."
"Tonight?" I queried, "what is happening tonight?"
She looked at me sharply, then realised I was just teasing her.
"Ooh, you just wait, Marie Taylor," she warned, "just for that, I will make sure you scream especially nicely for me tonight."
I laughed with her at the threat, but I knew she was more than capable of carrying it out. As she was leaving, she turned to me as I opened the front door.
"Can you be ready by seven?" she asked, "I was thinking, I could cook something for the two of us, if you don't mind? It will save you having to mess about cooking a solitary meal, won't it? And I already have wine for us."
"That sounds wonderful," I told her, "thank you. Anything you want me to bring?"
"Just yourself, darling," she replied, kissing me softly, "preferably in that gorgeous little dress we got from Janet. After all, it is only next door, isn't it? Not like you are going across town in it. See you later, sexy milf."
As I closed the door behind her, I reflected how Alison always made me feel like I was tangling with a hurricane. She always swept me away in her enthusiasm and devil-may-care attitude, like a force of nature. I had thought she had forgotten that dress we got last week.
Admittedly, it was pure, undiluted sexiness, hiding nothing at all while looking gorgeous. It also made it quite clear that I was going to get ravished, and probably repeatedly. Hmm, why did that thought make my toes curl, and my nipples harden? Ah well, she had seen me in it before, briefly. And I had been given plenty of warning, about what to expect this weekend. I had to admit, I had been looking forward to it all week.
Seven o'clock found me freshly showered, powdered and perfumed, and dressed, if you can call it that, in the gorgeous gossamer dress that showed more that it hid, with nothing under it, and just a pair of heeled silver sandals on my feet.
I looked out of the window before opening the front door. I know it was only next door, but that meant going up my path, out of the gate, along to Alison's gate, and down her path to her door. All the while dressed in a totally revealing mini-dress in full view of anyone coming along the street.
All clear, I scurried as quickly as I dared in those heels, making it to Alison's gate, just as a group of four youths came along. A moment of stunned disbelief, then whistles and cheers from them followed me down the path to the door. I knocked on it, praying Ali would be quick opening it, but it felt like ages before the door finally opened, and the lads went away happy with the view I had given them.
Alison was elegantly dressed in a beautiful maroon knitted dress, that moulded itself to her curvaceous figure, and made me feel even more naked. I hurried inside, closing the door behind me, and Alison greeted me with one of her long, hot, come-to-bed kisses. I felt my knees starting to tremble before she had finished.
She pulled away from me, her hand cupping my bottom to steer me into her living room. The dining table was already set for us, a bottle of wine already open. The meal was simple, but enjoyable, and we chatted inconsequentially during it. Alison displaying a lovely relaxed charm and, as I already knew. a delightfully wicked sense of humour. After the meal, we sat on the sofa, sipping our wine, a new bottle having to be opened already, and we were both in that lovely relaxed mood.
Alison put her glass down and inched over a little, so she could nuzzle my neck. I put my drink down before I spilled it.
"Alison," I murmured, "you do know what nibbling my neck does to me?"
Her hand caressed a boob, making me squirm.
"Of course I do, silly," she replied, "why else would I be doing it?"
I was trying to think of a good answer to that, as she pushed me forward slightly, and took hold of my wrist. It may have been the wine, or the effects of her nibbling my neck, but it took me a few moments to realise what she was doing, by which time the furry handcuffs had been put on both wrists behind my back.
"I told you I would be needing them soon, "she laughed, as she saw the look I gave her. "you were with me when I got them, remember?"
"How could I forget," I said, "it is not every day I get ravished in a shop."
More laughter, and I found myself joining in with her. Soft kisses on my lips while soft yet firm fingers teased sensitive nipples. I squirmed for her, feeling the warm wetness already beginning between my legs.
I leaned back into her embrace, her hand reaching under the hem of the dress, finding the warm wetness waiting for her finger. She stroked along the slit, pussy lips being pushed aside as her nail gently brushed the sensitive skin, before rubbing the erect clit. I moaned softly for her, my legs opening as her finger pressed harder. Oh God, I was so ready. My mind was floating, and dimly I heard a mobile phone beep softly, the way mine did when a text was received.
Damn it, it could wait. Hang on, I hadn't brought mine. Alison sat up straighter, still stroking softly.
"Marie?" she asked quietly, "you remember last week, telling me how your step-sister had got you to let her tie you, and then invited her friend round to share you?"
"Mmm, yes," I said, slowly, suspicion suddenly creeping into my mind.
A knock came at the front door, kicking suspicion out and replacing it with stone cold certainty.
"Well," Alison murmured, nuzzling my neck, before getting up, "I kind of borrowed her idea."
She had gone out of the room before I could reply. She returned moments later alone.
"Alison," I glared at her, "what have you done? Tell me you have not invited some total stranger to join us, with me like this?"
"No, of course not," she assured me, "it is..."
The words were cut off, as the door to the hallway opened, and one of our neighbours from a few doors away, Champa, came into the room. Any thought of protest from me vanished instantly. Champa was gorgeous. She claimed to be fourty-five, but looked more like thirty. About my height, slim, very long black hair falling down her back, to below her shoulder blades, of Indian descent, but born and raised in England, and with the most gorgeous, rich coffee-coloured skin.
She was stunning, to the point where, when she did her gardening in those tiny white tennis shorts, every man in the street, and me, found excuses to be out front doing jobs, just so we could enjoy the view. She worked at our local paper shop, so I saw her often when I did shopping.
Tonight, she was wearing a short denim dress, sleeveless with buttons down the front and an elasticated waist, with the top three buttons undone.
I realised I was standing up, I must have stood, when I was getting ready to yell at Alison. Champa came over to me, one hand reaching round my neck and pulling me to a slow kiss with her. Again with the trembling legs. After the kiss, she looked behind me, to see the cuffs holding my wrists. An eyebrow raised, then a knowing look, as her hand stroked gently down the side of my boob. She smiled, as she sat at one end of the sofa, helping me to sit, while Ali poured drinks, before coming to sit on the other side of me.
"Marie," Champa said softly, "I can't thank you enough, for letting me come here tonight. It has been so long since I found time for any girl to girl fun, what with working lates at the shop, and having a husband to cater for. I never seem to get any free time that fitted in with Alison."
She raised my glass for me, Ali had added a straw, so I could drink. She sipped her own wine before continuing.
"When I found I was free tonight, I asked Ali if we could have a girls' evening, and when she told me she had already promised you, I was ready to accept that, but she insisted I could join you." She looked at me anxiously, "is that okay with you? Really?"
"Of course, more than okay," I smiled at her, "I might need help to protect me against a cruel Mistress, who wants me to come for her all night long."
Alison joined in our laughter.
"Marie, my sexy come-slut," she said, stroking my boob, "Champa let slip a while back, that she loves bondage games, where she has a sexy woman tied, so she can play with her."
Her smile grew wider as she saw realisation sink in. Champa nodded, as I looked at her, and she was also smiling at my reaction.
"I am not too sub, as you already found," Alison went on, "so imagine how thrilled Champa was, to discover that you were bi, and sub."
"By the way, my darling Marie," Champa purred, "that dress is so sexy, But so are you. And I never even suspected you were bi."
Her hand crept under the front of the dress, which had already ridden up, almost to my waist. I felt a smooth finger stroke my wetness, and saw Chapa's eyes widen in surprise.
"Oh god, Marie," she gasped, "I could see you had no bra, but I had no idea you had nothing at all under the dress, I thought it was maybe a skin-tone thong."
She smiled widely at Alison. "Is the bedroom ready, or do you want to play down here for a while?" she asked Alison.
"I take that to mean you want to start sampling our sexy milf," Ali replied. "go on then, I will go grab some more wine."
As Ali left the room, Champa helped me to my feet, then walked slowly round me, stroking her hands over my body through the thin dress. Both nipples were tweaked, and my bottom stroked, with fingers running under the hem onto my bare buttocks.
"Mmm, so soft," she murmured into my ear, "tell me, Marie, how are you at being spanked?"
Her teeth nibbling a path from my ear to my shoulder, while her hand squeezed my tit, distracted me from answering for a few moments. When I could think clearly again, I told her.
"I squeal, I cry, and I wriggle. Ali knows, she spanked me the other week."
"Really?" she questioned, patting my bum firmly, "whatever for?"
"Not letting her know before this, that I was bi, and into sexy games," I admitted shakily, as her hand snaked between my legs, stroking gently in the crack between the cheeks of my arse.
"Ah, well you didn't let me know either," she told me, "and that really was naughty of you, sexy Marie, wasn't it."
I was saved from answering by Alison returning with the drinks, again with a straw in mine.
"Before we start," Alison stated, "we need to agree that from now on, anything that the three of us do, or say, stays between the three of us, Agreed?"
Champa and I both nodded our agreement to this simple, but essential rule. Ali handed the drinks out, mine going on the table so I could drink without help.
"And what did I miss while I was in the kitchen?" Ali asked.
"Oh, Marie has just been admitting she was a naughty girl, not letting me know she was bi, and that you already spanked her for not telling you," Champa told her. "I think, if you spanked her for that, then I should get to punish her the same. Don't you agree, Alison?"
Alison smiled at me. "Oh definitely," she agreed, "that is only fair."
I sighed in resignation, as Champa sat down and patted her lap. I started to bend down over it, but was stopped.
"Oh no, Marie," I was told by Champa, "the other way. We want Ali to be able to see that gorgeous bum growing pink, don't we?"
I bent over as directed, and Champa pulled me down firmly, while Alison lifted my feet and rested them on her lap, forcing my head down until it was brushing the floor. With wrists cuffed behind me, it was impossible for me to get up again without help, and my bum was stuck high, perfectly positioned. The dress flopped down towards my boobs, leaving me naked to well above my waist.
I heard appreciative murmurs, as my arse was displayed so prominently, and hands were wandering over it, stroking and probing, forcing me to wriggle. When Ali had spanked me, I had expected it to sting, what with her being bigger than me, but Champa was the same size as I was, maybe even lighter than I am, so her first smack came as a shock.
Smack in the centre, across both cheeks, forcing me to yell loudly in surprise and the next landed before I had gotten over the first. Unlike Ali, Champa gave no rest between strokes, and 10 sharp stinging smacks had been administered before I knew it. My bottom was stinging madly, and felt very warm, not to mention tender to the touch. I found that out when Alison stroked it gently. God, I almost went through the ceiling.
Once I had been helped up, I was sat on Champa's knee, while she kissed away my tears, her free hand teasing a nipple, while Alison stroked fingernails up and down my spine. Oh God, I was so wet. A quick wriggle and push from Champa, and I was sat on the sofa between my two mistresses.
My legs were pulled open by their legs, and the shoulder straps of my dress were slipped off my shoulders, so the dress could be slid down, exposing my tits. Champa started exploring how much I reacted to having my neck nibbled, while she teased a nipple with one hand, while Alison teased a nipple with her teeth, and stroked the dampness between my legs.
Inevitably, her fingers slid into the open slit, wriggling into position, before starting to slide in and out of me. As I started reacting to this, Champa moved her hand down from my tits to my clit, teasing it first, then rubbing it firmly. I was totally helpless, and could only sit there, legs spread wide, as my two sexy tormentors brought me to a wonderful, screaming climax for them.
As I slumped down, breathing hard, and waiting for the twitching to decrease, I was vaguely aware of Alison moving away, then returning to sit back next to me. Then shock as cold metal made contact with my sensitive nipples. Oh, the sneaky bitch, she had got the nipple clamps out.
I whimpered as the second of the clips was fixed to my other nipple, and Alison handed the end of the chain to Champa.
"You will find these so useful, for leading our sexy slut upstairs, darling," Alison told her, "Our Marie responds wonderfully to the lead, don't you my gorgeous come-slut?" she asked me.
"Yes, Alison," I answered obediently, hoping Champa would not want to see the effect of the clamps on me.
It was a vain hope. She tugged gently on the chain, forcing me to thrust my chest forward, trying to reduce the effect of the pull on my tingling nipples. A sexy smile from Champa was the only result of my effort. She stood, pulling the chain to make me stand too.
"I think we had better take the dress off before we go up," she told Alison, "You get that hand and undo the cuffs."
With one of them holding a wrist each, the cuffs were unlocked, and the dress slipped off me, before my wrists were refastened. Standing completely naked between my two fully-dressed Mistresses, made me feel even more exposed and vulnerable, not to mention horny.
Champa led the way upstairs, the chain held firmly in one hand, while I followed, enjoying the sight of her slim sexy legs as I looked up at her delicious rear view, inches in front of my eyes. Alison followed me, hand stroking sensuously between my bum cheeks and down between my legs to my wet pussy, which was on display for her every step I took.
When Champa turned into Alison's bedroom without hesitation, I realised she had been here often enough for it to be familiar territory for her, whereas it was my first time. Once in the room, she pushed me onto the bed, hooking the chain over the metal bedstead.
As she turned away, Alison put loving arms around her, kissing her deeply, and starting to unbutton Champa's denim dress. Champa laughed at Alison's eagerness, returning her kiss, and reaching around Ali to unzip the woollen dress, letting it slip from Alison's wonderfully curvaceous figure, leaving her in just a sexy see-through bra and panties set. As Alison finished with the buttons on Champa's dress, that came off to show Champa did not bother with a bra, and was left in just a silky blue thong.
I lay on the bed, fascinated and becoming more aroused as their hands wandered over each other, and warm lips found favourite areas to kiss. Champa's thong had gone, along with Alison's bra, and Champa was on her knees, sliding the black lacy panties from Alison, mouth exploring the area so recently revealed. Oh God, I was getting so horny.
Eventually they came over to the bed, one lying either side of me. Two sets of fingers slid along my slit, looking at the moisture on the fingers.
"I think our come-slut is a little too ready for us, Ali," Champa said, "she needs to calm down a bit, if we want to get the most from her. How is she at being made to wait?"
Alison smiled wickedly at me, before replying. "Terrible, she wants it all the time," she laughed, "have you any idea how much she will suffer, if you don't let her come?"
Champa put her finger inside me, rubbing gently, and watching me squirm.
"Oh yes," she smiled at me, "I think I can guess, but that is what makes it so much fun."
She slid her finger from my wetness, holding it to my mouth for me to clean the juices from it. Then started tugging gently on the nipple clamps. I moaned softly as the tender tips were pulled. It did not help when Alison stroked along my pussy lips.
"Here is what we are going to do, Marie, my sexy milf," Champa told me, "you are going to use that talented tongue that Alison told me about, to give Ali and myself climaxes. If you are very good, then after we have come, we will let you come. Understood?"
I nodded, but a sharp yank on my chain reminded me of my place.
"Yes, Champa, sexy Mistress," I murmured.
She turned my face towards her, kissing my lips, tongue invading my mouth, teasing and tempting. As she pulled away from me, I was turned again for Alison to get her kisses. I was already squirming, so ready to come, but they were not going to let that happen, not until they were ready.
The nipple clamps were removed, causing me to gasp as the nipples started tingling. I squirmed around until I was kneeling between Champa's spread legs, enjoying the sight of her open pussy, rich pink surrounded by a faint black fuzz, and a beautifully erect clit. Looked like my sexy Mistress was ready to come, before I even tasted her.
I bent my head, tongue stroking along the slit, tasting sweet wetness, before probing and teasing with my tongue. She was already moaning softly, as my lips closed on her clit, tongue-flicking it, then breaking off as I felt my bum-hole invaded.
Oh God, Alison had slid some kind of vibe or butt plug into me, strong enough to stimulate without making me come. My legs were trembling as I bent once more to my task, punishing Champa's clit with tongue and teeth, nibbling gently, squeezing hard with lips, flicking again and again.
Her hands clutched my hair, pulling my face harder into her, as she thrust up at me, grinding into me, then clutching the sheet, as I felt her start to come. Still I continued, not relaxing, not letting her stop, and she was now bucking hard, breath coming in short gasps, faster and faster, until she arched her back, screaming so nicely for me as she hit the very top, and came over my face.
As she collapsed back down, I could hear her saying, "Oh God, Oh God, Oh God," over and over. I lay with head on her hip, feeling her twitching, until she reached down, pulling me up towards her, then covering my face and neck with hot kisses.
As she lay me back, she looked across me.
"Oh Wow, Alison," she gasped, "I thought you were exaggerating about what our sexy milf could do, but mmm, that was amazing. Thank you, Marie."
Her hand stroked my face gently, while her other hand teased a nipple idly, forcing a squirm from me. She looked at me quizzically, then stroked a finger along the slit, feeling how wet I was down there. I moaned, trying to push up at the finger.
"Our girl is really getting desperate, Alison," she said, "Are you having yours now, or shall we stop for a drink first?"
They both laughed as my face showed my shock at her suggestion. The vibrating butt plug was still tormenting me, and Alison was teasing my nipples, Champa was still stroking oh so gently along my wetness, and I was ready to kill for just one climax.
"I think I feel horny right now," Alison announced, "so I will use out lovely cunning linguist, and get us some drinks after I have enjoyed coming."
She leaned over to kiss me.
"Besides, Marie should be even more horny after making me come," she continued, "waiting while we have drinks, should get her climbing the walls."
She sat astride me, knees either side of my head, and lowered herself, until my mouth was in reach of her wide open pussy, As I started eating her, I saw Champa start kissing her, both of them with hands teasing ripe nipples.
Alison had been right, she was horny already, and was soon wriggling delightfully on my face, squirming and grinding down as she went higher, and it took very little effort from me, before she was coming, head back, and a sexy scream being forced from her, as her love-juice covered my face.
Before she had come down fully from the climax, Champa had dragged her over, and was between her legs. Tongue burrowing, and fingers working Alison's clit hard and fast. Champa took her right back up, and brought her to a second, even more powerful climax, that left Alison slumped helplessly across me, legs trembling.
I would have given anything to have Champa do the same to me, but I knew she wouldn't. I could not even beg her, because if I did, she would just make me wait even longer.
"Looks like Alison is not feeling up to getting us our drinks," she told me, "I will go bring them up."
Her hand went between my legs, stroking until I was squirming for her.
"Aww, Marie, are you getting horny, darling?" she asked, laughing at my discomfort, "soon, sexy girl."
When she returned, she had wine and glasses, and damp cloths to wipe us down with. Alison was recovered, and held my glass for me while I drank through a straw.
When we had all finished, the two looked at me, than at each other.
What do you think? Sybian?" asked Alison of Champa.
Mmm, should be fun, double?" Champa replied.
They both smiled at my uncomprehending look. Alison went to the corner and pulled out what looked like a footstool, except it had a rounded top, and straps, and an electrical cable. Ali plugged it in, then did something to it, and two dildo things stuck up a couple of inches from the seat.
I was stood up and the butt plug was removed, then I was led over to the thing, and sat astride it, so the two prongs fitted snugly into my pussy and bum hole. Then, my legs were moved so I was kneeling with the machine between my legs. Straps were fastened around my knees, and my ankles, so I was sat firmly on it, unable to raise myself more than an inch at most.
"This will fuck you senseless, Marie darling," Alison explained, "I have it set to start slow, and to increase speed every three minutes, all the way to full speed. Don't try to resist, it can't be done. And it does not stop, until I turn it off, so relax, and enjoy a fucking like you never dreamed of."
She flicked the switch, and the machine started. I had been placed so I could be watched by anyone sat on the bed, and so I could watch them. I had no idea the prongs were so big, I though a couple of inches were all there was. How was I to know they were seven inches long? I did try rising in my seat, but it was impossible, and the twin cocks impaled me, again and again..
At first it just felt nice, then they grew more insistent, as the speed increased. The next speed change found me with head back and fists clenched. I could see my two sexy Mistresses on the bed, legs tangled, and fingers fucking each other's cunts, as they watched me . By now I was so near coming, and when it increased again, I was helpless to stop myself from exploding, love juices flooding out, and screaming as I came.
As Alison had warned, the machine carried on regardless. Screams from the bed told me that my two Mistresses had come, but I was past caring. All that existed for me were those two fake cocks pumping into my arse and cunt, taking me high again and forcing another climax from me.
I was whimpering now, as the machine forced me to new levels of arousal, and I was coming and coming. Sweat covered me and I was grunting, then growling as I came yet again, almost passing out with the intensity of it.
My cunt was twitching madly as the thrusting ended, and I felt the straps being undone, then soft hands were helping me onto the bed, caressing my sweat-drenched skin.
I slowly became aware of gorgeous, dark-pink nipples inches from my mouth, as Champa leaned across me, and I happily raised my head to take one into my mouth, bringing a happy squeal from Champa. followed by warm kisses on my neck and lips.
I suddenly realised my hands were free, and I slipped one round each of my sexy ravishers, cupping their sexy bottoms, and squeezing gently as they wriggled delightfully for me. I whispered to Champa, and she nodded, smiling at me.
Rolling onto Alison, I started kissing her mouth, then started moving down, nibbling her neck, then across to hard nipples. I pushed her arms up slightly, and as Ali raised them over her head, Champa grabbed the wrists, holding them firmly. I smiled at Alison's look of shock, then tickled her exposed armpits.
I expected some reaction, but Ali surpassed all expectations. She went wild, laughing helplessly, and wriggling uncontrollably as I carried on tickling armpits and ribs, while Champa held her tightly. During her struggles, Ali's legs had opened wide and it was so easy to slide down, until I could reach that gorgeous pussy, teasing and probing with my tongue, then moving hands down to torment her erect clit, and she came in seconds for us.
Champa and I collapsed across Ali's body, giggling like schoolgirls. We were stroking each other wherever we could reach, not neglecting Alison's sexy body, and it was not long before Alison was joining in the touching and teasing session. Somehow I ended up astride Champa, my knees on her upper arms and my gaping pussy inches from that beautiful mouth. I moved slightly, and her tongue slipped into me.
"Stay right there, Marie," called Alison from behind me, "it is her turn now to be helpless."
A quick look over my shoulder, showed Alison holding Chapa's legs as wide apart as she could reach, and lowering her head to Champa's wide open cunt. Champa started squirming, but with my weight on her upper arms and torso, she could not move, so Alison was able to molest her pussy without interruption. The thought of that was an incredible turn on, and with Champa tongue-fucking me, I was coming so hard, followed seconds later by Champa, as Alison took her over the top.
We were all lying on the bed, enjoying a three-way cuddle. This was what I called a girls' night in. Suddenly, Champa sat up with a scream.
"Oh God, the time," she yelled, "I said I would be home by 11, that was ages ago."
She slipped into her dress quickly, fastening a few buttons then slipping her shoes on. She leaned over, kissing us both.
"Sorry to dash, but, you know what it's like. We have got to do this again soon, thank you, Marie, you are a wonderful sub. And you too Ali, it was wonderful. Bye," and she was gone.
I sat up, stretching luxuriously.
"I suppose I had better be going as well, " I said, "let you get some sleep."
As I was saying this, I had wriggled my shoulders, pulling arms back and stretching. As I finished speaking, I felt my hand held, and a familiar click behind me. Alison pushed me back onto the bed.
"Now," she purred, "where were we, before Champa arrived?"
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The first time I saw Leanne, I was wanking. The second time too. Which should come as no surprise really, as I’m always wanking. When Violet isn’t spreading her thighs and showing me everything she’s got by the light of her impressive new TV, I seek visual stimulation elsewhere and, thankfully, it is all around me.There’s a park at the end of our road. It has no playground, no flat areas for ball games, and it’s relatively small so no kids play there, but it’s a magnet for dogs and their...
Straight SexLate one summer evening, I had a knock at my door. Not expecting anyone at that time of the day I was reluctant to go. As I get to the door I realise it was my sexy neighbour Kathy.I open the door and greet her, “Hello.”“Hi, Jay. Sorry to disturb you, but my PC is acting up and I remember you saying to me once in the garden that you are good with them.” Said Kathy“Yeah, I am. Whats up with it exactly?”“Umm. I’m not really too sure. It just isn’t working right. If you have a minute could...
Cathy had lived next door to Tom and Sandra for five years. They were good neighbours and kept to themselves. Both were in their late sixties and, Cathy felt sure, still enjoying the physical side of their long marriage. Tom liked to flirt with her in a gentle way, nothing blatant, just some laughs and the occasional double entendre.Cathy actually enjoyed the attention, having escaped from an abusive marriage; she had no intention of getting into another relationship. But, at the age of...
Group SexTom was preparing for bed when his phone rang.“Tom, it's Cathy, thinking about my first lesson in the kinkier side of our relationship. Can we make it tomorrow evening at my house, before I lose my nerve? Still on a high from earlier, never knew sex could be that good,” Cathy's voice sounded like a fine wine to Tom, he could listen all night to the woman who, an hour ago lay in his bed.“Be there at eight my lover, horny and ready to go. Hopefully, if all goes well, we will be in for some group...
Group SexNearly two weeks had passed since Cathy's introduction to the swinging world of Tom’s friends. The memory of Bill's cock and Jane’s cunt were still fresh in her mind. She could remember every moment of that fantastic night. The feel of two different cocks, the taste of another woman's cunt juices, and the sight of Jane’s face as her orgasms overtook her.Since her return home, Tom had fucked her a few times but had been away visiting his daughter for the past week. True, he had phoned her every...
SwingersAnother weekend is almost over. It’s already Sunday and I haven’t gotten off properly. Looking at my mom’s porn lesbo videos and magazines just don’t cut it for me anymore. Yeah, I know a 15 year old girl shouldn’t be as horny as I am.I need the real thing, but the thing is, everyone treats me like a “little girl”. I mean I am mature for my age. I have light brown hair, deep sexy brown eyes, a fair complexion, and a tight little body. I see the teen boys and some of the teen girls at school...
We live in a neighborhood of small houses separated by short fencing, which enables us to look into each other’s garden and share small talks. Since most of us are office goers, the timings of the departure are almost same with the result that pleasantries are usually exchanged with each other’s families at the time of departure. Our neighbors are a couple with one grown up daughter. We are a bit older and our children are already away employed in different places. I have a habit of commenting...
Although she was not a village girl, my wife Bina was conservative in matters relating to sex and exposure. She would hesitate to wear even a dress where a minor portion of her navel or cleavage was visible. She did not like other men touching her even casually or unknowingly. She picked up a fight, if by chance in a crowded bus when some man touched or brushed her. Due to this reason it was nightmarish, if we had to travel in a crowded bus or Metro with her.Although Bina was conservative, she...
Wife LoversI barely come to my home which is in a small town. I used to have a neighbour who stays opposite to my home. I used to talk to her on a regular basis ever since when I was done with my B Tech and a jobless situation came. So, I used to go to her home and she used to come to mine. We became too close within a short period. My neighbour girl got to know that I become horny so quickly. Knowing this, she used to tease and poke me. I once used it as an advantage and spanked my neighbour girl when no...
After Tom had kissed her goodnight and returned to his house next door, Cathy lay in her bed reliving the events that had taken her from an anal virgin to looking forward to her first foray into the world of swinger parties.Tom had told her he would be away for the next three days and would phone her every night. He had already introduced her to the excitement of phone sex and would make sure his balls would be full for her to empty every night.Soon she drifted into sleep. Her mind full of...
SwingersSince we were going to be alone until tomorrow, we decided to spend the night together. We had leisurely dinner, some music and sat down in the sitting room for some time, kissing and caressing like young lovers. This soon resulted in our partial unclothing that we completed in the bedroom. Contrary to our earlier love making when we were hungry for each other and had no patience, this time I wanted to discover every part of her glorious body. I started from her beautiful feet kissing each...
Life's a funny old game, it really is. One day you're happy just hanging out with friends or playing sports, the next, along comes puberty and you don't know what's hit you. Take me and my my best friend James for example. Known each other for years ... best of buddies and as said so often, even by our parents we looked like brothers. Same height, same build, both of us aged sixteen and same natural blonde hair - even our weight was almost the same and now at our mid-teens with...
BisexualTom opened the door to his bedroom and ushered Cathy in. Although she had been in his house on many occasions over the past five years, this was one room she'd never seen. Neatly furnished, it still had a woman's touch about it. Cathy surmised Tom had not changed a thing since the passing of his wife, Sandra some six months earlier.As she stood looking around the room, Tom came up behind her, slipped an arm around her waist, and gently kissed her neck.Cathy closed her eyes, allowing herself to...
Group SexFour hours of resting, chatting and snacking had the four friends refreshed, sexy, and ready for the night ahead. Jane and Bill were used to entertaining other swingers in their house. As Tom had been, before the death of his wife Sandra. Now with his new sex partner Cathy, who had only dipped her toe in the swinger scene. He was looking forward to introducing her to the delights of group sex.Cathy, for her part, had found she was comfortable not only with a new cock sliding into her in the...
SwingersFrom the time I have shifted to the new apartment, I have noticed Sunita, who is our neighbour. She stays with her husband and kids right opposite to my flat where I live with my wife and kids. Sunita has very long hair which she coloured with mild blonde colour. Her long hair shines so beautifully in the light. Maybe because my neighbour is from Coorg, she is very fair, slim and a bit short (close to 5’2″). My neighbour has a nice figure and slender waist. And because of her slim figure, her...
Hello, horny readers and ISS fans. This is your Arjun back again. Thank you readers and my dear fans that contacted me and appreciated me for my story. Special thanks to my female fans too. I request the readers (both boys and girls) to just reach out to me in hangouts or mail so we could stay connected. I would love to connect with more of the like-minded ISS fans. Re-introduction about me. I am Arjun from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 26 years old, 6 foot tall, fair and regular gym guy with...
Where wife Sarah, son Rick, daughter Christina and Sarah,s late parents lived in London our neighbours normally couldn,t see in our large garden and none overlooked us so nude sunbathing was the order of sunny rare summer days. Next door neighbours Rob and Katrina had teenagers two sons Brian and Steve. Brian actually dated Chris when she was s*******n, but they just didn,t get on that well. One summer Rob decided to get tree surgeons in to trim back some large pines that were growing more on...
Introduction Mrs Amsel scrubbed at the inside of the oven with the small scouring pad, her manicured nails had been ruined by this weeks unaccustomed manual labour but it was almost over. It was Friday and in a few hours she'd be paid and able to salvage a grain of dignity by declining further cleaning work from Mrs Fumbe. The most irritating part for Mrs Amsel was how the black women feigned concern for her financial woes and offered the small amount of cash as almost mocking charity.Unlike...
As he packed his small case for the adventure ahead, Tom thought back to the times he and his late wife, Sandra had set off on adventures such as the one he was about to take Cathy on. This would be her first real swinging session. The group phone sex a few nights before had been the icebreaker, but it would be nothing compared to the flesh-on-flesh weekend to come."Ready?” Tom asked as Cathy opened the door.“As I ever will be, still a bit nervous actually."“That will soon pass,. You're going...
SwingersThe next two hours were spent relaxing, chatting, sipping wine, and watching some of the videos Bill and Jane had of past swinger group sex parties. By the time the videos had finished Cathy felt she knew the other members of the group well, she certainly knew what their cocks, cunts, and tits looked like.By now all four of them had not only recovered but with the help of the videos, were raring to go again.Tom was the first to set the ball rolling, “I think there was some mention of a couple...
Group SexI moved from Chennai to Bangalore for my job since the job at Chennai was not giving me enough money. I took a flat for rent in Bangalore since I was a party freak and sometimes took friends home for fun. I was missing many of the Chennai funs since I was alone in Bangalore. Also, it was nearly two months since I hooked up a girl. One day, I was walking around the apartment and noticed two girls staying in the next flat. Both were dam pretty and had hot bodies. They maintained their figure so...
I live in a high-priced apartment in a big city and recently I got new neighbours. They were couple in their mid-thirties and they politely introduced themselves to me. He was a businessman named Arnold, she was a housewife called Paula, who was pregnant with their first child. They seemed friendly enough folks, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. I like to be by myself and usually have as little to do with my neighbours as possible. A few weeks after my new neighbours had moved in next...
I was a single male in my late fourties, who has a really good job and therefore really hardly any time for relationships. I live in an apartment in a city and recently I got new neighbours. They were couple in their mid-thirties and they politely introduced themselves to me. He was a businessman named Andrew, she was a housewife called Paula, who was pregnant with their first child. They seemed friendly enough folks, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. I like to be by myself and usually...
Straight SexNafis stood at her back spare bedroom window, which just about overlooked her neighbours garden. When she pushed her face and ample tits up against the window, she could see parts of her neighbour's deck area, where a week ago she saw a 2-day orgy take place. Her clit was still sensitive from all the rubbing she had given it while watching the events take place, she changed her dirty cum soaked panties 3 or 4 times a day as her cunt leaked in the gusset, At night, laying in her bed next to her...
Mary stood staring at the flat passenger side rear tyre of her car in horror. This would definitely have to be the proverbial straw on the camel’s back. She felt the beginnings of desperation start to settle in and fought hard against it. She was not going to give in. She was determined not to give in. Not today of all days. Stating that she had had her share of ups and downs would be an understatement. As the very first drops of the forecast rain started to fall, she bit down hard on her lower...
Straight SexLife’s a funny old game, it really is. One day you’re happy just hanging out with friends or playing sports, the next, along comes puberty and you don’t know what’s hit you. Take me and my my best friend James for example. Known each other for years … best of buddies and as said so often, even by our parents we looked like brothers. Same height, same build, both of us aged sixteen and same natural blonde hair – even our weight was almost the same and now at our mid-teens with...
This is a true incident which happened to me. It was a sunny Monday and my 12th board vacations. My board exams were over and I was chilling and enjoying my life as all the stress and tension were over. As usual and around 8 am, I was sleeping. My maid came and she had done with her chores. Both my parents are working so they don’t stay home much. When I woke up, I had this morning boner. But I didn’t know why I saw my neighbour aunty in my dreams and I was rock hard because of her. Anyway, I...
Hi, I am Sumaiyya. Yes, this is my original name but then, I don’t care since there are thousands of Sumaiyya all across India. Please don’t try to hit me on Instagram since social media is not my cup of tea. Since this is my first installment of the story, the introduction might take a bit of time but I request you to bear with me. I am pretty sure you will love it. I remember I was in my teens when I came to Calcutta with my parents. I looked a bit like Hina Khan, but was not so fair in...
Donna and I were watching a movie one Saturday night, when there was a knock on the door, I answered it to find our neighbour, a young pretty Asian girl, crying and obviously in some distress, I invited her in and she came into the lounge, I told her to sit on the sofa, where my wife was sitting, she was crying and we put our arms around her and she told us the problem.Her husband had been screwing her sister, and she'd just found out, it had been going on for a couple of years, she was really...
Since our first encounter, our fuck friend relationship, as any relationship for that matter, has evolved. We often have quickies in his garage where he bends me over his workbench and fills my ass with his cum. We have truly determined that He is the top and I am the bottom as he does not wish to get sodomized. He often makes me lick his asshole and jerk his cock, before cuming in my mouth. We have had this beat for about 3 months now, until last week when he invited me over and one of his...
Hello readers! I have been waiting to write this for a long time now. The story is real, this happened around a decade back when I was in my 2nd year of graduation. Myself ‘V’, my aunt who was a neighbour let’s call her ‘L’. She was around 39 years. Back then, my neighbour aunty was short, heavy, and around 4.8 ft. This is how it all started, like anyone in their 20s even I enjoyed watching porn and reading stories. These started filling the head with the thought of sex and wanted to experience...
My new neighbour had just moved into the house on the right of our semi-detached, a quiet little avenue where everybody knew everybody else and were always in the habit of popping in and out of each others homes for coffee and a chat. nearly everybody that is, the previous owners hadn't been too popular and hadn't interacted very much. They;d spent a fair amount having the house remodelled before moving in, new bathroom and kitchen, loft conversion with an ensuite and an extension onto the back...
Hi, this Akshay here with another incident. I and Rohan were best friends from college. We are roommates now. Rohan had his fair share of girlfriends over the past few years. Since we were from the same college, most of his girlfriends were my friends too and I always used to be the third wheel. Everyone liked my company in general. So, Rohan was going through a dry phase for almost an year. One day he was telling me about a new hottie in his office and how he badly wanted to get on with her....
Hi ladies with wet pussy and gents with Thor hammers, this is Nighthunter from Jorhat, Assam. This is my first story in ISS even though I have been an active user of ISS for at least 7 years. Let me introduce myself, I am an average-looking guy 5.7″ and have a decent 5.8-inch long dick. The heroine of this story is my Assamese neighbour bhabhi who is around 34 years old. But looking at her, you would not take her as a day more than 27. She has a son of 6 years and her husband works for a tea...
Hello everyone, this is Bunny here from Pune. I am 23 years old with 5’9″ in height and my ‘toy’ can satisfy any woman here. Thank you for your feedback on my last story. Let us begin now. Characters in the story :- The heroine of the story is Mansi and I am the hero. Without wasting any time on the introduction, let’s come to the story. It was a festival time when I came close to my married neighbour Mansi. She used to visit our home by preparing some foodstuff and bring to our house. She...
Greetings to all ISS readers. This is Kumar writing again from Bangalore. It feels good to have another opportunity to share a new story with the readers once again. I have got good responses from many of the readers. I would appreciate the support and encouragement from the readers, as it keeps motivating writers like me to share the stories and present them interestingly. The story I am sharing today happened some time ago when we were in lockdown. I was at home and my family went to our...
Chapter 1 BeginningsHe stood in his kitchen transfixed by the site from his window, of his beautiful mature neighbour naked, stood in her bedroom window. What to do, what if she saw him looking, was he really seeing things? Surely no, not her posed like that. She was married to Mr boring and sensible, they lived a plain normal life, mundane even. She wasn't the type to show off, or was she? A moment of decision, he dashed to collect a pair of binoculars. His eager hands soon found them and he...
Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...
I had been fucking my new neighbour on a regular basis for sometime now(See previous posts),basically her husband worked away during the week and she needed a regular fucking(Make that atleast twice a day.I certainly wasn't the only one fucking her).This particular day we had arranged to meet up after i got back from work.Usually she would leave her door unlocked and i would let myself in.I would generally find her in her bedroom,usually with a dildo between her legs,fucking herself.As i said...
Hi guys, this is my 4th story on ISS. I love this site as it has exposed me to a lot of good content that is fun to read at leisure. I thank all my readers who contacted me and appreciated my content. I thank my female readers who have opened up with me and share their stories which made this experience a memorable one. Okay, enough with the acknowledgments, this story is a real one out of many early fictional ones that I had written. This is a story about my neighbour Shalini (name has been...
Hi all, this is Raj from Mumbai, sharing the experience that I had with my hot neighbour, Nandini over the course of two afternoons. About myself, I am a 28-year-old professional working and living in Mumbai, 6 feet tall with a normal physique and a 7-inch dick that can satisfy any woman. Coming back to the story, across from where I was staying, stayed the heroine of this story, Nandini. Nandini was this bombshell MILF. She was 45 years old, about 5 feet 5 tall, with a beautiful face, big,...
Hello everyone. This is Daksh aged 30. I am from Mumbai. I hope you all are doing good in difficult times, and I presume everybody is safe and sound. I have been an avid reader of ISS and there is no a better platform than ISS to share my real-life experience. Coming back to my story. This is a real encounter that happened between me and my hot milf neighbour. Let me introduce my neighbor. Her name is Riya, aged 39 and known as ‘Riya aunty’ in our locality. She is an IT engineer working in an...
Nineteen eighty five was a good year all in all we had paid off our mortgage and our sex life was unbeleivable to the point nearly all our weekends were busy. A cloud on the horizon was the property next door to our was being subdivided into four acre blocks so we were expecting to lose some of our privacy, but you can't stop progress. as it happened the blocks weren't selling that well and six months later only one home was being built. The way our home was built our privacy seemed still...
Hi, horny readers and ISS fans, this is Arjun and I am sharing my experience here for the first time. I have been a huge fan of the ISS site for more than 7 years and visit the website daily. I have read every story posted on a daily basis. After a huge thought, I decided to pen down my stories and experiences here and also connect with like-minded people. About myself: My name is Arjun and I am from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I am currently 25 years old. I am 6 feet tall and 65...
Introduction: My willing neighbour We been living in this neighbour for just over a year and regularly waved to my neighbour she was very good looking. The way you could call her as a perfect wife the girl next door that could never do anything wrong. This day I waved and she returned with a smile and started to walk over to me from the other side of the road. We met on the kerb and as the day was hot I said would you like to for some cool refreshments. Thanks she replied. She was about 28...
My older neighbour was always looking at my girlfriend. He's nearing his 50's, large built, shaved head, likes to think he's quite aggressive and dominant. My GF is in her mid 20's, slim but with a decent sized bum, a bit like a porn's noticeable and always attracts the attention of other men. She has quite a dirty look about her even if she doesn't mean too. She looks like she has a high sex drive but doesn't want to make it obvious. Basically, my older neighbour imagines her to have...
Hello readers, fellow ISS authors, a very warm welcome to you to my first sex story. I plan on writing true stories as they come, along with fictional sex stories. I am new at this, I hope you guys like it and the story leaves guys and girls alike jerking off!! The present story is a work of fiction. About myself, I am a 24-year-old guy and I am studying. I am a dominant guy in the bedroom. Without further adieu, I will start. The heroine of the story is Shikha, she is 28-year-old married lady...
Well, the 3 weeks that were supposed to pass before we met up again, became 3 days as we hooked up again yesterday. His friend really enjoyed his gay experience and he bugged my neighbour so much that we wound up in a motel last night. I told my wife that I had to go away on a last minute overnite trip and I met them at a clean motel not too far from my house. They had gotten a room with plenty of space for the 3 of us to sleep and the general idea was that we would have some drinks, watch...
Mrs. Weston stood smiling at the gate, "I've dropped off your shopping on the mat Mr. Briggs, with your change." She pointed towards the two bags on his doorstep."Ahh, Mrs. Weston you're an angel, I don't know how I'd cope without you and your family, " he grinned ecstatically to himself, 'especially your son.'Simon heard the front door close and watched as his mother waved her goodbyes. He peered through the net curtains as she returned to his home, then groaned into the sofa as Mr....
Gay Male‘Shit!’ Chrissy swore to herself as the heavy box slipped out of her hands and fell onto the floor in the middle of the hallway. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and sighed heavily. Thankfully this was the last box. They had been lugging her stuff up to the fourth floor apartment all morning and she was just about wiped out. ‘They’ were she and her boyfriend Robert. After months of hounding on his part, she had finally agreed to move into his little one-bedroom apartment. The two had...
A tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbourTime to tell a story. One that’s just happened, recently. My name is Paul. For my 18th birthday, last year, Dad bought me a used Ford, as my first car. Nothing too flash. I shouldn’t have had a beer with my friends because when I returned home alone with my new prize, I made a mistake. We live in a cul de sac dead end street and as I was parking, I scraped the neighbour’s car. Not just any car but my neighbours European Merc. Just a small scratch on...
Well if you have read my previous stories about my neighbour you will have an idea of whats coming.If your all settled i'll begin.It was the Friday before christmas, Crazy Friday its called and we were going out with friendsfor a few drinks we intended to start early and finish at a reasonable time before alot of the dickheads started to get pissed.I lay on the bed reading after my shower and waited for my wife to come into the bedroom after her shower she did with a towel wrapped around her...
Hi readers, welcome back to my story. If you haven’t read the earlier parts, please do for continuation. A few days went by after that incident. I couldn’t find Manasa at her home and I used to wait every day for a glimpse of her. A week went by and one day, a truck pulled up across her gate and the movers started shifting the possessions of our new neighbour. I was excited and went there to see Manasa. I looked around and she was nowhere to be found. Then there was a hard grasp on my...
Hello mates, this is Hardman back with a story, but this time it is not mine but one of my friend’s experience. It is an incident where he and his neighbour came closer. I decided to pen down this erotic encounter. So my friend’s name is Harsh (alias). He lives in an apartment with his mother and father at a small town in Jharkhand and in his adjacent flat lived a similar family with the girl at the age of around 26-27. My friend must have a manhood of 6″ (as he claims, I never checked though)...