Clarissa's Final Pleasure free porn video

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Clarissa had first come to him several months ago. She had told him about her illness, a viral infection that attacks the heart and lungs. The doctors had told her that the progress of the disease varied from a month or two up to a year, but, in 99 % of the cases, the illness was fatal. She had wanted to make the arrangements now, while she still could.

She had made numerous visits to his office in the succeeding weeks. Together, they had made all the arrangements for her funeral. She had ***********ed a casket, (white with pink satin lining), flowers, service music and readings. Together they had compiled the list of people to be informed. Even the wording of her obituary had been ready well in advance. Clarissa had arranged for several close friends to act as pallbearers, and arranged for their gowns. Together they had made a visit to a nearby cemetery and ***********ed a burial plot. The memorial she had chosen had been in place for two weeks, inscribed with her name, birth date and the epitaph she had ***********ed, only the date of death was blank. The mason had filled that in yesterday.

Norm was not sure when Clarissa had become more than just a client. Certainly she was an attractive young woman, and she had admitted a fascination with him and his profession almost from the start. However it had begun, it became real on her fourth visit. She had called in the morning:

"My dress is finished, I would like to come down and try it with the casket, and get your opinion. Would that be alright?"

He had readied the casket while she dressed, moving it to the visitation room, opening it and positioning the satin pads that covered the edges. He had just finished when Clarissa emerged from the dressing room. He had helped her *********** the dress from the catalog of burial gowns, but this the first time he had seen it for real. Quite simply, she looked gorgeous, and he told her so. Clarissa blushed and smiled. "Please," she said, "will you lift and carry me, and lay me in, like you will, when I'm.... " She paused, unable to complete the sentence.

In his mind, Norm completed the sentence "Like I will when you are dead" he thought. "Yes. I'll be happy to" he said, and smiled.

Gently, he picked her up and carried her across the room to the casket, "normally," he said as he walked, "I would dress you on a table in the prep room, then wheel you in, next to the casket, and lift you in from there. But this is a reasonable approximation."

Caring her this way imagining she was dead, filled him with desire he had not felt before. Her hip rested against the front of his pants and he wondered if she noticed the hard-on rapidly forming there.

Gently he laid her in the open casket, straightened her legs, and arranged her gown. Then he closed the bottom half of the lid. Moving to the top, he arranged Clarissa's long dark hair so it spread over the satin pillow, and down over her shoulders. Lastly he arranged her hands so they were folded at her stomach.

Clarissa lay still, as Norm had positioned her, for some time.

At last she spoke: "God, it feels beautiful! How do I look?"

"You look absolutely gorgeous" Norm responded

Clarissa opened her eyes and smiled.

"You know" she said "when I first learned I was going to die, I was terrified. Then, as we made the plans, I began to accept it as just something that must be. But today, after feeling what its like to lie here... I feel so wonderful.. I hope this doesn't sound odd .. I think I would be disappointed if I were cured. Does it sound crazy to say I can hardly wait for it to happen?"

"I don't know" responded Norm "I have never heard that from one of my clients before. But most of them are delivered to me and are not in a position to comment. (Clarissa laughed at this). Even those who do make "pre-need" arrangements don't plan as carefully as you. From you it doesn't really sound odd at all."

"May I confide something to you?" Norm continued

"Yes, of course" answered Clarissa

"I have always treated my clients with respect and decency, but largely out of concern for their family. A corpse was mostly just an object, neither desirable nor offensive, just there. But with you it's different. As I saw you lying there, laid out as if you were dead, I felt something I've never felt before. I felt ..."

Clarissa motioned him to stop "You don't need to say more" she whispered "just come here".

Norm took Clarissa's extended hand thinking she wanted help to get out of the casket. Instead she took his hand and placed it on her silk covered breast and drew him down into a long and sensuous kiss.

They made long and sensuous love that day, in the casket in which Clarissa lay. Clarissa lay as still and death-like as she could manage while Norm made love to her "dead" body.

It was the first of many meetings in which the two of them explored their newly discovered feelings of the sensuousness of death. Several times they made love in caskets. They made love in the walk-in refrigerator where the bodies were stored. They made love on the table of the body preparation room. On one occasion, Clarissa had Norm zip her naked body into a plastic body bag (the erotic pleasure as the oxygen was used up filled her with an ecstasy she had not expected). One night, they met at the cemetery and made love in an open grave, surrounded by the musty sweet smell of newly turned earth.

Then one day, about two weeks ago, she had come to his office, looking noticeably weaker.

"I just came from the doctor" she said quietly "Its progressing rapidly now. He said it's only likely to be a few weeks before I am total incapacitated, no more than two months before..."

Norm knew what she meant. Clarissa did not have to complete the sentence.

After a few moments she regained her composure. "I don't want to waste away in some hospital bed, stuck full of needles, so doped on pain killers that I can't think, kept alive only by the pumping of some machine. I am ready to go now. Will you help me make an end of it?"

Norm embraced Clarissa "Yes. If you are sure that's what you want"

"Yes, I'm sure" Clarissa responded softly, but with certainty. "You have shown me how beautiful death can be. I am no longer afraid of death. But dying in pain, little by little. That terrifies me. My only regret is that, we have planned so carefully, I'd hate to miss the final experience."

Norm thought for a minute "If you really want to, there might be a way. It is risky, but yes, with proper timing, I think it could be done.

He continued "As a consequence of my business I know most of the doctors at the hospital. Some are, shall we say, more diligent than others. If we plan for a Saturday night when one of the less diligent doctors is on-call at the Emergency Room, we might pull it off"

Norm explained further "I have a drug, it is a powerful muscle relaxant. I inject it to loosen joints were rigor mortis has started to set in. In the proper oral dose on a live patient it will slow your heart rate and breathing to an almost imperceptible rate. It will look like you suffered a heart attack. A careful doctor would not be fooled, but a less cautious one might be, especially on a busy night, and given the fact that they expect you to die soon of a heart condition. I think it will work."

It did work, just as they planned. An appropriate doctor was scheduled for the following Saturday. Clarissa invited a few friends over for dinner. After dinner, she went to the bathroom, and after a moments pause, she quickly drank the contents of the small vial that Norm had given her, then flushed the vial down the toilet. It did not take long for the drug to take effect. Only few minutes after she returned to her guests, she began to feel dizzy. There was no pain, she felt like everything was happening in slow motion, like she was floating, sinking slowly, then everything went black. Her last recollection was of her friends standing over her "Clarissa! Are you all right? God! Someone call an ambulance!"

Just as Norm predicted, the ER doctor passed her through with scarcely a glance. He looked at her chart "Harlow... yeah .. Dr. Winslow's cardio patient.. He told me she might be through here any time" He quickly checked the basic vital signs then paused a moment looking at her "what a shame.. Even dead she's beautiful" then he pulled the sheet over her head. The thought crossed his mind that he should look further, but he had two stabbings, and a stroke to deal with already, and auto crash victims on the way. A typical Saturday night. He signed the death certificate, "Dead on arrival .. Cardiac arrest resulting from advanced viral cardiomyopathy" Half an hour later Norm was loading her into the funeral home delivery van.

Clarissa woke up on the couch in Norm's office. "Congratulations, Sleeping Beauty, You are officially dead" Norm handed her the paper, open to the obituaries.

Groggily she sat up. There was her picture, and beneath, the words she and Norm had composed together. "Clarissa Anne Harlow, 24, died May 24, at her home after a brief illness..." There was the usual notes on her family, summary of her life and the date location and time of services then "while sadly missed by friends and family, we rejoice knowing she is at peace"

Clarissa stared at the obituary a long time, reading the words, over and over again. "I can't believe it! We are going to do it! I really am going to know what my own funeral is like! This is so wonderful! Norm .. You are so wonderful!" Clarissa embraced him with a long kiss.

"So what now?"

"Today you stay out of site. Tomorrow morning I will give you a mild sedative, that will help you through the visitation. You will be awake, but your breathing will slow and be hard to notice. After that your casket will be closed, but I have arranged for adequate ventilation. A cylinder of gas is concealed were you will be able to reach it when you are ready. It will cause unconsciousness in a few minutes and death in less than an hour. It will all be very peaceful"

"There is one more thing I would like to do. When will my grave be ready?"

"It should be ready this afternoon. They usually open the grave the day before the burial"

"I would like to go there, and see the place once more before I'm buried."

Late that afternoon they drove to the cemetery. It was located to the east on a hill overlooking the town. Clarissa's grave site was in the newer portion of the cemetery, located at the back, high on the hill. A large oak shaded the spot, but the view across the valley, to where the sun was setting in the west.

"Yes, I believe I could spend eternity here" Clarissa had said when they first found the spot.

As they drove up to the spot they could see the fresh mound of earth, and the planks that covered the hole.

Norm got out first, and, seeing that no one was around, he beckoned Clarissa to follow. She stood before the grave a long time, gazing at the stone that now bore both her date of birth, and her date of "death" (so what if it was three days too early. accommodations had to be made). With Norm's help she lifted aside the planks, and stood, staring down into the earth. She imagined it was tomorrow afternoon, she was lying within as the earth surrounded and covered her. The idea did not frighten her, rather it made feel, somehow safe, like entering a secure refuge and closing the door behind you. She smiled as she imagined shovel after shovel of earth filling her grave, sealing her perfect end.

Finally she broke the silence "will you be here, tomorrow, when I'm buried?"

"Yes, of course" Norm responded "Because of my responsibilities, I am often the last to leave. Tomorrow I would not have it otherwise."

"Will you be sure that they lower me gently, and that they place the dirt carefully?"

Norm took her hand as he nodded "Of course. I will instruct them personally. I will also be sure that the flowers are arranged as we discussed"

"Thank you" She looked into his eyes and smiled "I really knew you would, but it makes me feel better to hear it."

Clarissa continued, "I plan to wait until the end to use the gas, after I am laid here, once enough earth is placed that the air starts to go. It will be easier knowing you are close by."

"Norm there is one thing more I what you to know" Clarissa took his other hand and gazed into his eyes. "Do you remember the first day we made love.. When I was lying in my casket for the first time?"

"I will never forget"

"That was six weeks ago." Clarissa paused looking down, then she looked into Norms eyes again and continued" My period is now four weeks over due, I think I am pregnant."

Norm's eyes widened with amazement, but before he could speak Clarissa continued.

"Given my condition, the child would never survive. But, you are so special, it pleases me to know that part of you will lie with me forever"

Norm took Clarissa in a long embrace.

They stood beside Clarissa's grave for a long time, watching the sun set slowly behind the hills across the valley.

It was almost completely dark when they replaced the planks and drove back to the funeral home.

That night, Clarissa dressed in her burial gown and lay in her casket, and she and Norm made long and passionate love one final time just as they had the first time she had modeled the gown for him.

Norm stood back to admire his work. He had requested that he be allowed to prepare Clarissa as if she were already dead, and she willingly agreed. He had laid her on the preparation table and cut off her cloths, then gently washed her naked body. He dressed her in her burial gown, carefully smoothing the white, fluid silk over the graceful curves of her body.

Unlike most of his clients, there was no need to apply heavy make-up to make her look "natural". In fact, Norm thought she looked too good. They didn't want anyone to question wether she was really dead. He applied just enough make-up to make Clarissa look like a well prepared corpse.

When he was satisfied with his work, he rolled Clarissa into the visitation room, where her casket lay open and waiting. He lifted her legs into the casket first, then her head. He took great care as he straightened her gown and brushed and arranged her silky black hair.

"This is for eternity" he had whispered, "we want you to look your best"

Lastly, he had folded her hands on her stomach and, as she requested, placed a single long stemmed rose so that the pale pink bloom rested between her breasts.


He stood staring at her a long time. She looked quite convincingly dead, yet there was something special, almost magical about her appearance, look of almost divine peace.

"I wonder if this is what angels look like" he thought to himself.

At last the chiming of the clock broke his trance.

"10 o'clock.. Time to begin" he thought.

The first to arrive were the six friends Clarissa had asked to act as her pallbearers. The visitation was scheduled to last 2 hours, during that time Clarissa had requested that two of them stand by the casket, one at the head and one at the foot. Norm suggested that they take turns, as fatigue and the emotional strain required.

The first portion of the visitation was reserved for the immediate family and Clarissa's parents were the next to enter. They gazed long at their daughter. Her mother gently stroked Clarissa's face and silken hair. When they turned from the casket and approached Norm, their expression told him that she had passed the most difficult test.

Clarissa's mother clasped his hand in hers "She looks so peaceful. I don't know if it is her, or your careful work, nor do I wish to know. It is clear that she is happy and at peace. Thank you"

Her father continued "Clarissa told us how your care and concern helped her deal with this.. (He nodded toward the casket ) inevitable end. It is clear that she entrusted herself to capable hands. It is pleasure to meet you at last"

Norm graciously thanked them.

So it went for the next two hours. First the immediate family then the many friends and more distant relatives, filed slowly past the casket in which Clarissa lay. Many commented on how beautiful and peaceful she looked, some wept softly.

Through it all, Clarissa lay still, as if peacefully asleep. Yet she heard each whispered prayer, felt the gentle caress of those who felt the need to stoke her face, or touch, for a moment, her "lifeless" hands.

It seemed forever until the last mourner had passed, and only the pallbearers remained. It was almost time to leave for the church.

Norm asked them to step out while he made the final preparations.

When they had left the room, Norm stepped up to the casket and whispered, "It's over"

Clarissa opened her eyes.

"Is it time to go?"

"Yes, almost"

"Then this is good bye, at last. Its hard to image that I will be dead in a couple hours, Yet I know its for the best, and I am as ready as anyone can be, thanks to you".

Clarissa stretched briefly then resumed her burial pose. "Lets get on with it, before I change my mind"

Norm removed the extra padding from the casket edges, then bent over and gently kissed Clarissa "good bye my love" he whispered. He straightened, and reluctantly closed the casket lid.

She heard Norm call in her friends. Felt the casket move as it was rolled out of the room, down the hall. There was a slight lurch as she was lifted, and slid into the back of the waiting hearse. There was a soft rumble and gentle rocking as the hearse drove the twenty minutes to the church. Then the process repeated in reverse.

The organ was playing a quiet requiem as she felt herself being rolled down the aisle. The smell of flowers mingled with the bittersweet fragrance of incense.

The priest met the pallbearers at the head of the aisle:

"I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe im me, even if they die, shall live, and whoever lives and believes in me, shall never die"

"Come to Clarissa's aid O Saints of God. Hasten to meet her, angels of the Lord; taking up her soul and presenting it in the site of the Most High. May she be received by Christ, who has called her. May the angels bring her to the bosom of Abraham, taking up her soul, and presenting it in the site of the Most High."

Then the congregation responded:

"Eternal Rest grant unto her, O Lord: and let perpetual light shine upon her. Presenting her soul in the sight of the Most High"

Clarissa had requested the traditional requiem mass, and Norm had arranged it for her. She said that she loved the traditional service because, in a world in constant change, it reminded her that some things are eternal. She had confided to Norm that she had, on occasion, gone to the funerals of perfect strangers just because she loved the service.

Norm watched from the rear of the church, hoping that Clarissa was happy.

Clarissa lay in darkness, listening to the chants, prayers, and hymns. It was so beautiful, especially hearing her name being used, it brought her close to tears.

The service lasted about an hour but Clarissa wished it would go on forever. Before she knew it the last hymn, her favorite, was being sung:

"Praise God this hour of sorrow

Shall bring a greater morrow

I go to paradise.

My mother and my father

as round my grave you gather

lay me to rest with song of praise."

She loved the song so much she had requested that the first verse be inscribed on the stone making her grave as her epitaph.

"I was on earth your treasure

Now I know naught but pleasure

Ye weep in bitter woe

Believe what ere betideth

God's Love in all abideth

and soon your tears shall cease to flow."

As the second verse began the pallbearers took there places beside the casket and began to roll Clarissa slowly back up the aisle.

"When ye shall see me nearing

The throne of God appearing

Adorned and crowned a bride

My palms of vic-try swinging

Midst Hallelujahs ringing

In beauteous grace the Lamb beside."

The hymn continued for two more verses but Clarissa could no longer hear the words as the she was carried out of the church, and lifted into the waiting hearse, for this, the final journey. "Just a few more minutes", she thought. Gently she fingered the button that would release the fatal gas. "I hope this works as well as Norm told me it would"

It took fifteen minutes for everyone to file from the church and get to their cars for the procession to the cemetery. To Clarissa, waiting in silent darkness it seemed like forever until the hearse finally began to move. Norm normally escorted the family in one of the limousines, but this time he drove the hearse personally. It was only a few miles to the cemetery, but because of the slow pace of the procession, the trip took nearly an hour. Clarissa was relieved when she at last heard the motor stop and the door open.

She heard Norm instruct the pallbearers: "Gently now, this is someone very special"

It made her feel good to know that he was close by.

She felt the gentle rocking as her casket was carried to her grave site, then slowly lowered onto the frame that would hold her above the open grave during the brief burial service.

The priest began with the blessing of the grave:

O God, by whose mercy rest is given to the souls of the faithful, in your kindness bless this grave. ...

Now, suddenly the doubts began to creep into Clarissa's mind, the fear of dying she had so far kept at bay..

Entrust it to the care of your holy angles, and set free from all the chains of sin the soul of your handmaid, Clarissa, whose body we bury here...

"This can't be happening!.. I'll wake up and find it was a dream! I'm to young, I'm not going to die, I'm not!...

So that with all your saints she may rejoice in you forever. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

She began to imagine the life she would have. A home on the shore of a tranquil lake, the rising morning mist.

Lord have Mercy

Christ Have Mercy

Lord have mercy

Our Father who art in heaven...

She and Norm were walking hand in hand through a field of flowers...

Rescue her soul O, Lord

May She rest in peace

O Lord, hear my prayer

And let my cry come to you

The Lord be with you

and with your spirit

Norm nodded to the pallbearers, while holding back his own tears.

Clarissa felt herself being lowered slowly into the earth.

O Lord, we emplore you to grant this mercy to your handmaid, Clarissa, so that, as her true faith united her with the throng of faithful on earth, your mercies may unite her with the company of the choirs of angels in heaven. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

The casket stopped, all around her Clarissa smelled the musty sweet fragrance of earth.

Eternal rest grant to her, O Lord

And let light perpetual shine upon her

May she rest in peace


May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in piece.

"Oh, God Please, No! Norm.. Help Me!


There was a brief silence then the first shovel of earth landed on the casket lid with a heavy rattle and thud.

Suddenly it all seemed right again. She felt the cool smooth silk of her gown, and the satin walls around her, she remembered lying in the funeral home, like a sleeping princess, surrounded by beautiful flowers. She thought of the awful fate that awaited her, lying like a rotting vegetable, in a sterile room full of machines. She pictured Norm, standing above, at the edge of her grave, watching each guest drop their shovel full of earth, then turn and depart. She could almost hear him thinking, "I'm here my love"

The sound of the earth filling her grave was growing more and more muffled.

In her mind, she pictured her grave, covered with flowers, shaded by the great oak.

The air was becoming heavy, she could feel her heart starting to increase its rhythm to keep up with the failing oxygen supply. She knew, in her condition, that the strain would probably cause a heart attack soon. It was time to go.

"Farewell my love" she whispered. And pressed the button.

Norm stood alone by the grave. After the last guests had left, he had remained. Usually the cemetery workers finished filling the grave, but when they had arrived, he had given them a few dollars and sent them to a local bar.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to finish here myself." he had told them.

And so he had. Shovel full by shovel full he had filled Clarissa's grave. It was hard, not just because of the physical labor, but because, as Clarissa had said, something of himself was lying there. He felt like each shovel of dirt was landing on his own grave.

At last it was done, the grave was filled and the flowers were placed to form a fragrant blanket over the brown scar. Yet still he remained, staring at mound of earth and flowers and the black stone that bore Clarissa's name.

There was a hissing sound and a faint, sweet, fragrance filled the casket. Clarissa felt a slight numbness in her forehead, then nothing, just a vague sense of drifting into a black, empty void.

This lasted ... how long? She no longer had any awareness of time. But then there was a change, first it was just a grayness in the black void, but the grayness gave way to light that grew in intensity to a brilliant white. The light seemed to be all around her but she felt she was being drawn, floating upward, toward its source.

She turned and saw she was high above a green hill, full of stones in neat regular rows. She floated down (or "zoomed in" seemed a better way to describe it, since up and down really seemed to have no meaning, only toward the light and away from it) until she walked among the stones of the cemetery. She had never noticed before how much it seemed like a beautiful garden.

People stood, or sat, near many of the stones, mostly older men and women, but there were also some younger adults, and more then a few children. A young woman approached her, smiling.

"Hi, I'm Karen. You must be Clarissa. Welcome! We saw you being brought in a while ago"

Karen was dressed as a bride, in a gown of ivory satin and lace. "Do you like it? I died in a car accident two days before my wedding, so they dressed me in this. Your dress is gorgeous by the way, I bet you were a knock-out at your wake"

"Are all these people dead?" asked Clarissa

"Well" responded Karen "As I'm sure you've noticed, that is a relative term. All of us have been buried here if that is what you mean. But you will find that most of us are more alive than we ever were before. We can come here so long as we are remembered, but even if they do forget us, there are lots of other places to go, all equally nice. You have an eternity to explore them all!"

Karen was right, Clarissa did feel more alive, more aware of every beautiful site, sound and smell. She wandered slowly up the hill, greeting others as she went, until at last she approached the fresh mound of earth covered with flowers. Norm still stood there his head bowed.

"They can't see or hear us" Karen had said, referring to those who had not yet died, "although sometimes they seem to sense we are around."

Clarissa walked up beside Norm and gently kissed his cheek. Then whispered in his ear "Its okay now, I'm very happy. Thank you"

Was it just a gentle breeze he felt? Yet somehow the caress on his cheek seemed out of place. But with it the sadness he felt suddenly lifted, and he gazed up into sky through the branches of the tree that shaded the grave. He had forgotten what a beautiful day it was. Somehow he felt Clarissa's presence and knew that what ever had happened, she was now very, very happy.

As he watched the leaves dance in the gentle spring breeze, he thought he saw.. What.. A subtle glow? A faint shimmer where there should have been shadow? Was that just the leaves rustling? It sounded so like the whisper of silk. Then it was gone.

Clarissa kissed Norm's face once again then turned and floated through the branches toward the light, calling as she went, "Remember me and I will be back my love"

Norm smiled and walked slowly back to the hearse.


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Robbie wanted to take his time over this; to make sure Zoe's first time was perfect. She however, had other ideas. Sleeping with Robbie had never been far from her mind over the past few weeks and she couldn't get him upstairs fast enough. She took his hand and tugged him along behind her, only pausing once she had led them both to her room. Turning, she began to tug at his shirt, eager to get it off. "Zoe, slow down, this is not how your first time should be. It's too rushed, we should...

4 years ago
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Finals Week

Finals week was a stressful time. Every professor wanted you to tell them everything they taught you during the semester. You only had three hours to do it. As an 18 year old freshman, this was the first time you've experienced finals week. To make matters worse, your exam schedule was is atrocious. Friday was the last day of class. You had a quiz in Geography, a lab report due in Chemistry, and a term paper due in English.   Yesterday was Sunday. It...

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Hot Wife KatieChapter 23 Katie Finalizes the Deal

Sweat poured off of Katie’s forehead as she felt the burning sensation in her stomach. She increased her breathing and fought through the pain as she kept her fingers firmly wrapped around the back of her head with her elbows facing forward. The beautiful wife continued counting; bringing her knees up to her chest as her upper body moved forward to meet them. After she reached 100 she stopped and stared at the ceiling of her bedroom and let her stomach muscles relax. Crunches were one of her...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 30 The Finals Countdown

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: April 12, 2010) Chapter 30 - The Finals Countdown After church the following morning, Ethan, Emily, and I were sitting in Sarah's room waiting for the American Top 40 show to start. This was the first week that my song qualified,...

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First Semester Finals

A bloodcurdling scream rang out through the hallowed halls of Bastion Library. Instead of being paralyzed in fear or running to the aid of whoever cried out, most of the college students present simply laughed. One or two even added their voices to the cry. It was mid-December and finals week. The stress was getting to some more than others. ‘I bet they have Professor Saxxon for chemistry too,’ I grumbled more to myself than anyone specific. That didn’t stop the people at my table from...

1 year ago
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A Satisfying Climax to Finals Week

Emily had just gotten out of her last class for finals. She was finally done with her sophomore year in college, which made her very excited. She was ready for the summer, but had very few plans. She took a trip to the library, where she got a text from her boyfriend, Tyler. He said, ‘Where are you? I need to see you.’ Emily became worried. She texted him immediately and told him that she was getting a few books, and that she’d like to meet up with him in the library at school. While she...

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Finalityirishmik60 It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful children and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to...

Straight Sex
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Agent of Lilith Chapter 15 Finale5

"There it is…" breathed James, eyes still locked on the beautiful and intimidating idol. The group's reverie was shattered by the loud clanking of metal growing closer, and they all whipped their heads around to see the two animated suits of armor clambering slowly down the stairs. Ash turned to James and took his hand in both of hers. "Go destroy the idol; we'll hold off these brutes." She kissed James on the lips, then turned to face the approaching knights. "Hold on," said James,...

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Reunion Ch 8 Final1

I made love to Katherine that night, and saw her, and Cindy off the next morning. I gave them both a hug, and kiss goodbye. Katherine told me to have fun with Candice while I was here, and that she would see me back home in L.A. in a few weeks. Then she smiled, and winked before heading to catch her flight. I drove home sad. Sure, I had permission to sleep with other girls, but I really missed just spending time with Katherine, and felt a little empty whenever she wasn't around. Even the...

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my brothers girlfriend part 2 final1

“Hey Mike, how’s it going?” She asked. “Um… it’s going good. Are you going swimming again right now?” I replied. “I wasn’t going to, but I will if you come with me,” she answered. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was, I saw the sly smile from the corner of her lip. “Ya sure, my parents are at work and Matt’s at his new job working at Sears.”I replied back. “Alright meet me in the pool in 30 minutes, oh and Mike, put on something sexy.” She said as she bit her lip. She looked so...

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my brothers girlfriend part 2 final0

“Hey Mike, how’s it going?” She asked. “Um… it’s going good. Are you going swimming again right now?” I replied. “I wasn’t going to, but I will if you come with me,” she answered. I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was, I saw the sly smile from the corner of her lip. “Ya sure, my parents are at work and Matt’s at his new job working at Sears.”I replied back. “Alright meet me in the pool in 30 minutes, oh and Mike, put on something sexy.” She said as she bit her lip. She looked so...

2 years ago
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aunty takes good care of mefinal part

i know i keep on about my aunty betty but every boy should have one just like her.i wasnt a virgin but i had the best time with aunty. she was a great previous encounters(if you can call them that) were wham bam thank you mam,but i guess all young guys are like that.instead with aunty she took time and although she said it wasnt effort it must have been.she did so much for my sexual education i cant thank her enough. she laid me flat on her bed and got her sissors and

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aunty takes good care of mefinal part

i know i keep on about my aunty betty but every boy should have onejust like her.i wasnt a virgin but i had the best time with aunty.she was a great previous encounters(if you can call them that)were wham bam thank you mam,but i guess all young guys are like that.insteadwith aunty she took time and although she said it wasnt effort it must havebeen.she did so much for my sexual education i cant thank her enough.she laid me flat on her bed and got her sissors and first i...

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Anniversary DelightsChapter 19 Morning Before The First Finalist

Although Alima ate it naked, dinner was a very relaxed and western occasion since she was actually required to sit and eat with the Emir, instead of being under the table playing with his prick, as she had been on a number of occasions. The conversation was almost normal, by western standards, because they discussed the two sons and a daughter they had produced in the five years she had been his wife. He explained that the competition was more wearing than he had thought it would be, with...

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Anniversary DelightsChapter 21 Afternoon Of The Day Of The Second Finalist

The Emir lunched the next day with his other English wife. They chatted like any English couple who have been married for five years, but all that changed when she commented that her daughter, Alima wanted another child and had complained to her that he didn't fuck her properly any more. "If I choose to use her arse, that's my business," he said, rising from the table. Taking her arm he threw her on the bed face up, and released the neck of her silken dressing gown. Laying it back out...

4 years ago
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Finals Frenzy

“God he is cute.” I think to myself as I watch him walk in front of me. I try not to be obvious as my eyes trail up his figure and settle on his face. I catch myself ogling at him and a small blush crosses my cheeks. My fingers dance across the keyboard of my phone in an attempt to distract myself. “Hottie Alert!” Message sent to Alyssa. I quickly text my bestie, while stepping behind him. We were standing in line at the university’s coffee shop. It was finals season and the trail of sleep...

College Sex
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My So Called Sex Life The Finale

'My So Called Sex Life - The Finale' An authorized biographical trip through one woman's experiences and fantasiesBy DizzyD Forward by Lexi:Hi Guys, it's Lexi. Well this is it, and while I'm glad you're about to read the final chapter of my story, I'm sad that my collaboration with the sweetest guy in the world is coming to an end. I think DizzyD and I have shared a thousand emails, PM's, phone conversations and video chats since this started, and even though we've never physically met, I...

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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

Introduction: the last, unless you want a prequel Sissy the Redhead: The College Plan Pt VII: The Finale The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldnt have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would...

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Power Chapter Fifteen Finals

CHAPTER 15: Finals And in answer to your next question, no, I’ve never fucked a chicken I had to study a lot for my History final. The other courses were a breeze, even Music Theory. Ultimately it was like math, just another way to express concepts. Mrs. Toyoda’s heavy accent had made history classwork difficult. I had A’s in all courses but that. I had a C in History, and the final would make a big difference. The Psych Department called and said I had a paying job for a final exam....

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Power Chapter Fifteen Finals

CHAPTER 15: Finals And in answer to your next question, no, I've never fucked a chicken I had to study a lot for my History final. The other courses were a breeze, even Music Theory. Ultimately it was like math, just another way to express concepts. Mrs. Toyoda’s heavy accent had made history classwork difficult. I had A’s in all courses but that. I had a C in History, and the final would make a big difference. The Psych Department called and said I had a paying job for a final exam....

1 year ago
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Princess of Castile chapter 16 Final Chapter part 1 of 2

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Chapter 16, final chapter, part 1 of 2. This is part one of the final chapter of Princess of Aragon. Natalia is pushed to make a final choice to the course of her life. What will she have to surrender and what will she get with it?...

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My Final Fantasy Part IVReality

My Final Fantasy: Part IV— Reality Well tonight is the big party that John and Marella have been planning for his new business launch in Durham. Marella is the sexy young nineteen-year-old student John has hired part time to live in his house and help him take care of the large property. When we last left our two characters it was mid-day on a hot sunny day and John was poolside at his large country home having been trapped in a verbal conundrum by the ever so smart and even more flirtatious...

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My Final Fantasy Part IVReality

My Final Fantasy: Part IV— Reality Well tonight is the big party that John and Marella have been planning for his new business launch in Durham. Marella is the sexy young nineteen-year-old student John has hired part time to live in his house and help him take care of the large property. When we last left our two characters it was mid-day on a hot sunny day and John was poolside at his large country home having been trapped in a verbal conundrum by the ever so smart and even more flirtatious...

Straight Sex
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Princess of Castile chapter 16 part 2 of 2 Final Chapter

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This is the final chapter. Chapter 16 Susan and Alejandra meet and finalize things within her family. Alejandra deals with her husband once and for all as Natalia feminalizes things within her new life and husband Anthony as he finds out what awates him as Natalias husband in the Castile Empire Part Two of two The look on Susan's face was one of intense pride and approval as she saw her new stepdaughter. She had known of Alejandra since...

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New Blood Part 2 Finale

Heather fell asleep in Kelly's lap and had to be transferred to her grandmother's lap so Kelly to get up. Heather hugged April tightly, with Kelly struggling to not cry as Heather showed that she cared a lot about her grandmother without realizing it. April hugged her back, feeling the same warmth of the love that Heather was showing and enjoying her granddaughter giving her sleepy affection. Kelly moved Heather to her room and tucked her in bed, with Heather hugging her favorite...

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Angel S1 E16 Season One Finale The Hero and the Terror Part II

Angel S:1 E:16 Season One Finale "The Hero and the Terror Part II" By G.M. Shephard Copyright © 2012 Edited by: jeffusually kittylover --- Acknowledgments Back in August of 2013, I began writing my first ideas that had been occupying my mind for years. Looking back to that night, seated in front of my computer when I began typing "Angel's" first couple words, I never thought it would become something to so many people. After several revisions I finally reached...

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Liu Kang finaly propose to Kitana

Chapter 1: Liu Kang finaly propose to Kitana Chapter Text "Liu had been sitting in his room thinking of how to purpose to Kitana. He wanted to very much marry the gorgeous Princes and have a life with her for ever. But true be told it seemed to be harder then he thought to get up the strength to ask her. He was still thinking when Jax and Jonny Cage walked in asking if everything was ok? Listen I'm not ok right now? By the was Liu way are you avoiding Kitana every time? She seems to think your...

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It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful c***dren and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to allow them back in....

1 year ago
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44. FINAL Reminiscences from the manor estate SEX AND MY AMAZING WIFE. PART C[SEE ALSO 42 AND 43 FIRST] My wife a month or so later began to show signs that she was somewhat unwell, our family GP sent her for tests, and she decided to delay her next planned episode so I knew she was in trouble, (not that it would have been a good idea to appear at the hospital with assorted whip marks!) The test results must have had him worried as the old chap [he was near retirement], sent her rapidly...

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The Cruise Singer Finale

After waking, we cleansed ourselves in the spacious hotel shower, washing, caressing and debating where to go on our sightseeing trek. Monique wanted to go home and get a few changes of clothes if she were going to remain with us at the hotel. The only problem was getting her in and out without the staff seeing her. After we finished bathing, we got dressed and continued contemplating our day. I went online and discovered the charge for a third person wasn't as much as we had thought. So, to...

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My Final Fantasy Part IIIThe Awakening

My Final Fantasy: Part III— The Awakening When we last left our two characters John was engaged in a long business telephone call inside the house and Marella was on the deck ostensibly looking at the up-coming dinner’s budget. Intrigued by a file named “Final Fantasy” on the far right of John’s computer screen Marella can’t resist the temptation to pry and has clicked open the file. Marella has begun to read John’s Final Fantasy story. As Marella reads she keeps shifting her eyes up and keeps...

Love Stories
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Sissy the Redhead The College Plan Pt VII The Finale

The last few weeks have been unreal. That night after my mom confronted Charlotte about everything, Jim had come home. Charlotte and Mom sat him down and explained that he was basically going to be providing for all of us now, but there were two tradeoffs. First, he and his wife wouldn’t have to go jail, and second, he had three women to choose from whenever he wanted them. Sure, he would have to share them all with my sixteen year old brother, Luke, but he didn’t seem to mind at all. ...

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A Final Fuck

As I wrapped my gloss smudged velvety soft lips around his pulsing hardness, slipping his bulbous reddish head into my timid mouth, a small tear gathered in the corner of my eye. I felt empty, vacuous almost, an empty vessel with a beating heart, but I still wanted this final time together. I wanted to at least offer him this final gift for being so sweet to me for two years. I had been lucky to have such a wonderful man take my virginity and teach me things I needed to learn as I transitioned...

1 year ago
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A Final Fuck

As I wrapped my gloss smudged velvety soft lips around his pulsing hardness, slipping his bulbous reddish head into my timid mouth, a small tear gathered in the corner of my eye. I felt empty, vacuous almost; an empty vessel with a beating heart, but I still wanted this final time together. I wanted to at least offer him this final gift for being so sweet to me for two years. I had been lucky to have such a wonderful man take my virginity and teach me things I needed to learn as I transitioned...

Love Stories
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Morning After the Night Before Part Four Finale

Morning After The Night Before Part Four Finale We come to the final part of the tale of Olive and Samantha to discover what has happened following the events of Halloween. Once again I wish to give a BIG thanks to my friend Chris for taken his time to review, edit and comment with the whole story and not just this finale Chapter, even with his computer files getting corrupted just before his normal backup, these things never happen after the back up do they, Chris was still able to...

4 years ago
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How Traditions Start part 20 and final

After over two years and countless weeks of working on this series I am both glad and sad to see it conclude. I would like to thank everyone who joined myself and the Fletcher family on this journey. Thanks to all those who read the series, rated it and especially to those who commented and urged me to keep writing. It wasn't always easy, other projects and life in general often got me sidetracked but I was intent on seeing it through and glad that I did. If I offended anyone who read this...

3 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 27 The Final Adjustments

(When all sisters were focused on me) The evening milking became my favorite with four nymphs and according sex. It wasn’t that I loved to do any one of them more than Lilly. It was just because I was busy pretty much nonstop, time flew by and I was treated to soothing and loving care by all of them. I was even fucking beautiful much appreciative Branch in the round robin of milking taking my turn with her as well, fucking times four down the line. My penis was very happy. I knew so much...

2 years ago
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Finality irishmik60 It’s a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn’t changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful children and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to...

3 years ago
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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 15 The Final Exam

Emily barges in Tommy’s room without so much of applying a courtesy knock. Walking right in, she sees Tommy at his desk studying and doing his homework like her good little slave. “Good, I see you’re doing your homework. By the way, how are those grades coming?” She asks. Tommy was a little perturbed, ever since they made this agreement, Emily thought she had the right to walk into his room whenever she wanted to, which considering the agreement, he guessed she did. But it was still...

4 years ago
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The Final Gamble

My gambling addiction had landed me in serious trouble, but now I'd been offered a way out, a final gamble. But I didn't realise I was gambling away my identity - or who I'd become when I had. THE FINAL GAMBLE by BobH (c) 2013. - 1 - "What do you do?" It's something we all ask when making small talk with someone we've just met. My reply to that question always gets a chuckle. "I'm in ladies' underwear," I say, adding as the chuckle...

3 years ago
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Final Four Chapter 1

Cliff and his sister Tammy sat in the family room watching the college basketball finals.  It was the first round of March Madness.  Tammy cheered for her favorite team as they beat their opponent.“They’re going all the way,” Tammy said to her brother.“If you say so.  You know I’m not into college basketball like you are.  As far as them going all the way, it’s a long road,” Cliff said.  He picked up the remote and changed the channel to a fishing show.Tammy sat back, smiled, and said, “I’ll...

2 years ago
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Any chance of a final shag

Any chance of a final shag?I stood at the doorway oblivious to the high wind and rain that swept through the ajar door. I watched Katie walk along the pathway like a model along the walkway. She got into her car without looking back. As she turned over the engine she finally looked towards me and smiled before waving goodbye. To most observers it looked like an innocent wave from a friend leaving after a simple cup of coffee. To both myself and Katie it was much more. It had been an attempt to...

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My Final Fantasy Part IIFantasy Reality

My Final Fantasy: Part II—Fantasy and Reality Collide When we left John his new part time help, the vivacious and sexy “Marella”, had turned into somewhat of an obsession for him. John had discovered the time wasting activity of writing erotic fantasy stories and Marella had become his muse. The story continues….. Well the next four or five weeks flew by. John became increasingly impressed as Marella settled into the house and “took charge”. Everything seemed to go without a hitch and she...

Love Stories
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The boys next door The forbidden pleasures

It was a hot summer day, the mercury touching 42 degrees Celsius and still climbing. Even though it was evening, it felt like a furnace. Thankfully I had the day off from work. The ceiling fan in my room barely provided any comfort. Living alone has its advantages, so I spent most of the day lounging around in my underpants, or naked. The heat was making me hornier with each passing hour.Some time later I heard voices in the corridor and looked through the keyhole. Someone was moving in to the...

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Offered at MissMaud in the village of pleasures

Offered at MissMaud in the magic village.Meeting the accomplice partner, tuned in to the same wavelength, to practice these delicious and tasty exquisite games; is not an easy thing to do.Until the day I entered the place dedicated to these games, in the magic village, this club offering the light-dark of being able to practice this for real.It was a thrilling sexual revelation, orgasmic both cerebral and physical. But I needed to find a partner with whom I could surf with regularity on the...

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Love Me til Dawn The Final Chapters

It was not for another four months before Alice had Lorraine alone to herself again and in a position to discuss it with her.Upon their return from San Monique she had begun an intensive management course designed to give her the basic knowledge she needed. She would never need to do any bookkeeping but it was vital that she could interpret the accounts. Alice had some experience in her previous job as a clerk that helped her understand the accounts sufficiently. She was taught the different...

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106.GRANS FINAL FLING.Iif you havent before read stories 100 to 105 first to appriciate this piece fully.] Rose sat in the conservatory, it was late January and she was watching the last snow outside building against the fence. She knew in her heart that it was the last time she would watch snow. The thaw was forecast and she knew she would not see another English winter. She also knew our fun and games with he had ceased so her marks would fade, She sighed, picked up her pen and in her neat...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Four Return to Hidden Pleasures

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Reader - the story continues from Chapter One - Hidden Pleasures Chapter Four - Return to Hidden Pleasures As Linda was finishing the kitchen cleanup Lady P strolled in looking lovely and ready to go out. "Linda dear, I laid out some clothes for you. We have a mani/pedi scheduled at Mistress Beth's salon in an hour and then we're taking you shopping." "Yes m'lady," Linda replied. As she left the kitchen Patricia reminded her that...

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Sunny The Final Chapter

My series of stories featuring Sunny have been well-received by readers, judging from the feedback I have received. She was one of the truly unforgettable women in my life and a gifted fellatrix. Ironically, I doubt seriously that she understands that. I invite all readers to read this final Sunny story, vote on it and provide commentary on it or any of my other stories. My relationship with Sunny ended one day in the mid 80’s when it became apparent to me that she had taken a life path that I...

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