The Good Neighbour, Part Two free porn video

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Tobin’s eighteenth birthday was in mid-December. Like all December babies, he’d long had cause for complaint that his birthday’s proximity to Christmas meant he didn’t make out as well as he might otherwise in the gift department. But eighteen years was eighteen years, and he was satisfactorily feted by both his family and his friends.

And the best gift came after Christmas. A few days before the new year, he came home after skating with some friends to find a small giftwrapped box on the kitchen table. His mother nodded at it over the rim of her coffee cup and smiled.

“Jimmy Ruiz dropped by while you were out. Left that for you.”

At once crushed that he’d missed Jimmy’s visit and ecstatic that he’d thought to bring him a gift, Tobin grabbed the parcel and raced up to his room. The small card stuck under the bow read, Sorry I missed your birthday. Eighteen is a big year! xx Jimmy. The “xx” nearly made him faint, but it was the sentence beneath it that really sent his heart hammering: Why don’t you drop by for a visit after New Year’s? Missed seeing you. With trembling hands he tore away the paper, revealing a tasteful and understated, but obviously very expensive watch.

Slipping it onto his wrist, he lay down on his bed, massaging his suddenly-hard cock through his jeans. He took a few deep breaths. As his heart rate slowed finally, he thought seriously about what he would say to Jimmy when he saw him. No more fucking around—it was time to come out to the big, beautiful man and throw his desire to his mercy. I like you a lot, he rehearsed in his mind. Don’t worry, I’m not IN love with you.

It was important to clarify that much, Tobin thought—not least because it was true. As much as he’d spent the past two years fantasizing about Jimmy obsessively, he shrank from the idea of being together. He shrank from the idea of being together with anyone, really. He’d watched his friends start dating, get serious, declare their undying love, and then be absolutely crushed just a few months later.

He didn’t want that. For the time being, he wanted sex. And he wanted sex with Jimmy. If it came to it, he decided, he would shamelessly offer himself to be used. I want to learn. He said the words over and over in his mind. Please teach me.


It was a few days after New Years when Jimmy heard a knock on his door and he felt his pulse race. Cool it, he chided himself. Probably just FedEx or something. But he could only grin broadly when he opened the door and saw Tobin standing there, his cheeks ruddy and his hair tousled by the winter wind.

“Come in, come in,” said Jimmy, “come out of the cold.”

He took Tobin’s coat and threw it over the back of a chair. “Coffee?” he asked.


“Go make yourself comfortable in the living room. I’ll bring the coffee.”

Jimmy brought the steaming mugs into the living room, where Tobin perched on the edge of his couch. He handed him his cup and settled himself into an overstuffed armchair. As they made small talk, he let himself really regard the youth for the first time.

Tobin was tall, as tall as Jimmy, though far slimmer. He had a narrow waist and long legs, but Jimmy was pleased to see he’d started putting some muscles on his shoulders. He had a long, handsome face with high cheekbones and a thin, slightly pointed nose. His eyes were very blue, peering out from under an untamed thatch of blond hair.

Their small talk was slightly awkward, and it soon became obvious to Jimmy that Tobin was building to something—he could see him working up his courage. He had a fairly good idea what it might be, and decided to make it easy for him.

“Can I ask you a question?” he interrupted Tobin. Startled, Tobin nodded. Jimmy smiled. “Have you come out to your parents yet?”

The look on Tobin’s face might have made Jimmy laugh if it wasn’t so adorable—shocked, and ever so slightly stricken.

“How… how did you know?” Tobin croaked when he could finally form words again.

“Because when you grow up gay where I did, you learn to read the signs. So… Have you come out to your parents yet?”

“N-no. No.”

“Why not?”

He took a long time to answer; Jimmy saw him run various answers through his mind before finally saying, lamely, “I’m still working things through.”

“I see.” Jimmy raised an eyebrow. “What are you still working through?”

Again, the play of thoughts so obvious on his miserably hopeful face that Jimmy just wanted to fold him in an embrace.

“I… Well, I’m still a virgin.”

“I see. I think. You mean you want to make certain you’re gay before you start telling people.”

“No! I mean—no, I know I’m gay.”

And now the moment of truth, Jimmy thought. “How do you know you’re gay?”

He coloured deeply, but met Jimmy’s narrowed gaze unflinchingly. “I know, because I like men. I find men attractive. I get turned on by men.”

Jimmy grinned. “Well, that’s the right answer,” he said, and Tobin brightened. “What do you think about when you masturbate?”

With only the briefest hesitation, Tobin replied, “Everything.”

“Give me an example. What’s one of your favourite things to think about?”

“I… Used to think a lot about what it would be like to feel a man’s cock get hard in my hand.” Tobin’s voice had grown a little hoarse, his breathing a little ragged. Unconsciously, he adjusted what Jimmy assumed was a raging hard-on in his pants.

Jimmy sympathized. His own cock was starting to strain at his crotch, and he could feel blood pounding in his ears.

“Then…” Tobin paused, taking a deep breath. “I liked to imagine undoing a man’s pants and slowly pulling down his underwear, letting the elastic catch the tip of his hard cock, so that it slaps back against his belly. Then,” he continued, seeming more confident even as his colour deepened and he struggled to force the words past the need to pant, “I’d lick the head and the shaft, nuzzling it as I slowly pulled the underwear down.”

Without taking his eyes off Tobin, Jimmy let himself slouch back in his chair, sliding forward and letting his legs splay open. He adjusted his now-erect cock so that it lay straight up and down. Tobin swallowed visibly, his eyes glued to the bulge. Resting his hand on his belt buckle, Jimmy said, “You’ve never touched another guy’s cock?”

Mutely, Tobin shook his head.

“Never even jacked off with a friend?”

Another shake.

Slowly, Jimmy loosed his belt, and hooked his fingers behind his jeans’ button.

“Would you like to touch another man’s cock?”

“Yes. God, yes,” Tobin whimpered.

“Well then… Come here and do what you just described.”


Tobin couldn’t believe this was happening. Somewhere in his mind when Jimmy started asking about his masturbatory thoughts, a little voice started repeating holy shit this is happening holy shit. But even though he’d come here fully prepared to throw himself at Jimmy, he couldn’t quite believe it. Even when Jimmy slid forward in his armchair and unbuckled his belt, and then made explicit the invitation.

For a long, excruciating moment Tobin felt as though he couldn’t move. Part of him instinctively wanted to bolt. For the first time since he’d first stared down at Jimmy from his window, he realized how big this man was, how powerful—he saw the muscles underneath his tight-fitting button-down shirt, the tattoos on the back of his hands and the ones creeping up from underneath his collar. What a beast this man looked like.

When he met Jimmy’s smoldering eyes, he thought, And how beautiful.

At that, the paralysis broke. He scrambled from his seat on the couch, falling to his knees between Jimmy’s spread legs. Jimmy helpfully popped the button on his jeans but then took his hands away, leaving it to Tobin to slide the zipper down. He gasped. Jimmy wore tight red boxer briefs, and his hard cock was perfectly outlined by the material. But what made Tobin gasp was the fact that the head of his cock peeped out above the elastic, a generous bead of precum forming at the tip.

Almost instinctively, Tobin leaned down and licked it up, a quiver running through his body as he tasty its salty, fishy bitterness. Jimmy growled something unintelligible. With shaking hands, Tobin grasped the waistband and slid it down, slowly revealing what he’d been fantasizing about all these long months. He took a moment to gaze at it worshipfully, then leaned down again to squirm his tongue against the shaft just beneath the head. Jimmy growled again, sending another shudder through Tobin. He licked and kissed the salty skin, which was surprisingly soft and tender, but sheathing a hardness, the like of which made Tobin light-headed. I hope I don’t faint, was the one coherent thought he managed to form.

He’d reached the base of Jimmy’s cock with the waistband; freed of its constraints, it stood up in front of his face. He reached up and closed his hand around it. Or tried to—it was thick, so that his middle finger only met his thumb when he squeezed, which elicited a moan from Jimmy. Encouraged, he tentatively stroked it before returning his lips and tongue to the shaft. More precum leaked from the tip; remembering something he liked to do when jerking off, he ran his thumb over it, slicking up the head, and massaging the shaft just below.

Now Jimmy was moaning continuously, growling here and there when Tobin did something he especially liked. His licking and nuzzling up and down the cock grew fevered, until he remembered something else he’d long fantasized about. Pausing, he peered around Jimmy’s cock and, meeting his eyes, asked shyly, “Can you… Can you stand up?”

Jimmy quirked an eyebrow, and smiled. He stood, and Tobin quickly pulled down his jeans and underwear past his trunk-like thighs. Jimmy’s cock swayed slightly in front of his face, throbbing visibly. Bracing himself by grasping Jimmy’s ass—holy shit, it’s like rocks—he pulled himself up and slid his mouth over his cock.

He was big, at least seven inches, but Tobin was determined. He bobbed his head up and down on the first few inches while Jimmy stroked his hair and murmured encouragement, working his way deeper, gagging when the head hit the back of his throat. Jimmy crooned Slowly, take it slow, lover. He tried to open his throat, but couldn’t manage it. Should have practiced with a bigger carrot. Conceding that this would not be the day he managed to deepthroat a real cock, he returned to sucking, and then licking and kissing the shaft, bringing one of his hand back around to fondle Jimmy’s heavy balls.

After—how long? Tobin had no idea how much time passed in his ardent cock-worship—Jimmy pulled him to his feet and kissed him.

It was his first real kiss, and it was nothing like his casual make-out sessions with girls. Jimmy’s stubble rasped against him, at first startling but then incredibly arousing, and Tobin responded by sliding his tongue around and against his, kissing him with more passion than he’d ever felt. When they finally broke the kiss, he sagged against Jimmy, feeling his hard muscles as he’d only ever dreamed before.

“Can I suck you more?” he whispered when his breath came back.

“Yes,” Jimmy whispered back in his ear, making him shudder. He licked the lobe and then bit it playfully. “You will have plenty of time to suck me, but first it’s your turn.”


Jimmy pulled Tobin’s sweater and the tee shirt underneath off in one smooth motion, pausing for a moment to admire the youth’s smooth, hairless torso. “Mmmm,” he murmured appreciatively, running a hand over his smooth, pale skin. “You’re beautiful.” Unable to form words, Tobin caught his hand and raised it to his lips, kissing it, then sucking one of his fingers into his mouth. The kid has good instincts, he thought.

He took Tobin’s hands and raised them to the neck of his shirt. Tobin started to undo the buttons, his hands trembling so badly it took several attempts with each. Jimmy didn’t mind. When Tobin finally reached the last one and slid the shirt off him, Jimmy swept him into a bear hug, letting him feel his skin against him for the first time. Tobin hugged him back desperately, grinding his crotch into his, his hungry mouth nuzzling the skin of Jimmy’s neck.

Jimmy sank slowly to his knees. Carefully, almost prissily, he unbuckled Tobin’s belt and undid his jeans, sliding them down his long, slim legs. He wore light blue boxer briefs, a wet having formed where the head of his cock pressed against the thin material. With a smirk up at Tobin, Jimmy gently pulled down the waistband, letting it catch on the head of his cock so that it snapped back up and slapped his flat belly as he slid them to his ankles.

Tobin whimpered.

“Well, hello,” Jimmy murmured appreciatively. Tobin’s cock was long, longer that his, but not as thick. It was straight and pale, with a delicious pattern of veins throbbing just beneath the skin. Precum dripped from the tip, an inch-long string that Jimmy caught with his thumb before it fell and rubbed it into the shaft.

Tobin’s legs shook, and he rested on hand on Jimmy’s shoulder for support. Jimmy rubbed his thumb up and down the base of Tobin’s cock, raising his other hand to trace the contours of his balls. He was just starting to lean forward to take the cock in his mouth when Tobin whimpered, “Ohshitohshitholyshit” and his cock twitched in Jimmy’s hand.

Jimmy slid his mouth over him just in time to hear Tobin cry out and feel his cock pulse once, twice, three times, his cum exploding, hot and salty, on his tongue. Jimmy moaned, closing his eyes in pleasure as he swallowed, slowly sucking up and down Tobin’s still-hard shaft, sliding it past the back of his throat to bury his nose in Tobin’s pubes and massage his balls with his tongue.

That was too much for Tobin, who collapsed forward on him. With a throaty chuckle, Jimmy slid his mouth off and shifted so he could pick the kid up in a fireman’s carry. Standing, he made his careful way to the bedroom, and gently lay him down on the bed. For a few delirious moments Tobin lay, spread-eagled, while Jimmy admired his body. When his eyelids finally fluttered open, he looked up at Jimmy, and then down at his still-hard cock.

“So… Can I suck you more now?”

Jimmy growled, “Oh, yeah. That and a whole lot more. I’ve got a lot to teach you.”


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Assamese Neighbour Bhabhi Drilled Hard

Hi ladies with wet pussy and gents with Thor hammers, this is Nighthunter from Jorhat, Assam. This is my first story in ISS even though I have been an active user of ISS for at least 7 years. Let me introduce myself, I am an average-looking guy 5.7″ and have a decent 5.8-inch long dick. The heroine of this story is my Assamese neighbour bhabhi who is around 34 years old. But looking at her, you would not take her as a day more than 27. She has a son of 6 years and her husband works for a tea...

4 years ago
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Married Neighbour Bhabhi8217s Tight Pussy Fucked

Hello everyone, this is Bunny here from Pune. I am 23 years old with 5’9″ in height and my ‘toy’ can satisfy any woman here. Thank you for your feedback on my last story. Let us begin now. Characters in the story :- The heroine of the story is Mansi and I am the hero. Without wasting any time on the introduction, let’s come to the story. It was a festival time when I came close to my married neighbour Mansi. She used to visit our home by preparing some foodstuff and bring to our house. She...

3 years ago
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Seducing And Fucking My Hot Married Neighbour Kavya

Greetings to all ISS readers. This is Kumar writing again from Bangalore. It feels good to have another opportunity to share a new story with the readers once again. I have got good responses from many of the readers. I would appreciate the support and encouragement from the readers, as it keeps motivating writers like me to share the stories and present them interestingly. The story I am sharing today happened some time ago when we were in lockdown. I was at home and my family went to our...

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Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid

Sexperience with Hot Neighbour Aunty by Maid's help (1)________________________________________I got up early in the morning. It was a new area. I had just shifted 2days back. I just climbed the terrace and thought let me just have a small walk. I was just walking and was watching the whole area from terrace. Love to see the morning view. All desi ladies will be out early morning for sweeping, cleaning in front of house, putting Rangoli. The nighty they wear and bend to show their awesome ass...

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My New Neighbour 4

I had been fucking my new neighbour on a regular basis for sometime now(See previous posts),basically her husband worked away during the week and she needed a regular fucking(Make that atleast twice a day.I certainly wasn't the only one fucking her).This particular day we had arranged to meet up after i got back from work.Usually she would leave her door unlocked and i would let myself in.I would generally find her in her bedroom,usually with a dildo between her legs,fucking herself.As i said...

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Explored Sexy Neighbour Shalini On Her Balcony

Hi guys, this is my 4th story on ISS. I love this site as it has exposed me to a lot of good content that is fun to read at leisure. I thank all my readers who contacted me and appreciated my content. I thank my female readers who have opened up with me and share their stories which made this experience a memorable one. Okay, enough with the acknowledgments, this story is a real one out of many early fictional ones that I had written. This is a story about my neighbour Shalini (name has been...

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Hot Afternoons With CumGuzzling Mumbai MILF Neighbour

Hi all, this is Raj from Mumbai, sharing the experience that I had with my hot neighbour, Nandini over the course of two afternoons. About myself, I am a 28-year-old professional working and living in Mumbai, 6 feet tall with a normal physique and a 7-inch dick that can satisfy any woman. Coming back to the story, across from where I was staying, stayed the heroine of this story, Nandini. Nandini was this bombshell MILF. She was 45 years old, about 5 feet 5 tall, with a beautiful face, big,...

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Bathroom Sex With Hot MILF Neighbour In Mumbai

Hello everyone. This is Daksh aged 30. I am from Mumbai. I hope you all are doing good in difficult times, and I presume everybody is safe and sound. I have been an avid reader of ISS and there is no a better platform than ISS to share my real-life experience. Coming back to my story. This is a real encounter that happened between me and my hot milf neighbour. Let me introduce my neighbor. Her name is Riya, aged 39 and known as ‘Riya aunty’ in our locality. She is an IT engineer working in an...

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When my neighbour knock on my front door

Introduction: My willing neighbour We been living in this neighbour for just over a year and regularly waved to my neighbour she was very good looking. The way you could call her as a perfect wife the girl next door that could never do anything wrong. This day I waved and she returned with a smile and started to walk over to me from the other side of the road. We met on the kerb and as the day was hot I said would you like to for some cool refreshments. Thanks she replied. She was about 28...

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older neighbour

My older neighbour was always looking at my girlfriend. He's nearing his 50's, large built, shaved head, likes to think he's quite aggressive and dominant. My GF is in her mid 20's, slim but with a decent sized bum, a bit like a porn's noticeable and always attracts the attention of other men. She has quite a dirty look about her even if she doesn't mean too. She looks like she has a high sex drive but doesn't want to make it obvious. Basically, my older neighbour imagines her to have...

3 years ago
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New Neighbour Seduces Hot Youtuber Bhabhi

Hello readers, fellow ISS authors, a very warm welcome to you to my first sex story. I plan on writing true stories as they come, along with fictional sex stories. I am new at this, I hope you guys like it and the story leaves guys and girls alike jerking off!! The present story is a work of fiction. About myself, I am a 24-year-old guy and I am studying. I am a dominant guy in the bedroom. Without further adieu, I will start. The heroine of the story is Shikha, she is 28-year-old married lady...

2 years ago
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My Married Mallu Neighbour Parvathy

My name is Sandeep and I am working as an analyst/consultant. Since I was a native of Kerala, I was deputed to Kerala by my company to analyze the operations of a client and come up with changes to improve their operations. Since it was a 3-6 month long project, they got me a 1 BHK apartment. There were 3 apartments on my floor and mine was at the end. One was occupied by a family of 4 and the other by a couple. I didn’t give much thought to the neighbours as they all were families and I was a...

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My Lockdown Neighbour Ch 2

Mrs. Weston stood smiling at the gate, "I've dropped off your shopping on the mat Mr. Briggs, with your change." She pointed towards the two bags on his doorstep."Ahh, Mrs. Weston you're an angel, I don't know how I'd cope without you and your family, " he grinned ecstatically to himself, 'especially your son.'Simon heard the front door close and watched as his mother waved her goodbyes. He peered through the net curtains as she returned to his home, then groaned into the sofa as Mr....

Gay Male
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Chrissy the Next Door Neighbour

‘Shit!’ Chrissy swore to herself as the heavy box slipped out of her hands and fell onto the floor in the middle of the hallway. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and sighed heavily. Thankfully this was the last box. They had been lugging her stuff up to the fourth floor apartment all morning and she was just about wiped out. ‘They’ were she and her boyfriend Robert. After months of hounding on his part, she had finally agreed to move into his little one-bedroom apartment. The two had...

3 years ago
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A tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbour

A tight circumcision from my Muslim neighbourTime to tell a story. One that’s just happened, recently. My name is Paul. For my 18th birthday, last year, Dad bought me a used Ford, as my first car. Nothing too flash. I shouldn’t have had a beer with my friends because when I returned home alone with my new prize, I made a mistake. We live in a cul de sac dead end street and as I was parking, I scraped the neighbour’s car. Not just any car but my neighbours European Merc. Just a small scratch on...

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Crazy Friday with neighbour

Well if you have read my previous stories about my neighbour you will have an idea of whats coming.If your all settled i'll begin.It was the Friday before christmas, Crazy Friday its called and we were going out with friendsfor a few drinks we intended to start early and finish at a reasonable time before alot of the dickheads started to get pissed.I lay on the bed reading after my shower and waited for my wife to come into the bedroom after her shower she did with a towel wrapped around her...

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That Night With My Really Hot Neighbour Girl Ahana

Hi, this Akshay here with another incident. I and Rohan were best friends from college. We are roommates now. Rohan had his fair share of girlfriends over the past few years. Since we were from the same college, most of his girlfriends were my friends too and I always used to be the third wheel. Everyone liked my company in general. So, Rohan was going through a dry phase for almost an year. One day he was telling me about a new hottie in his office and how he badly wanted to get on with her....

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Neighbour Bhabhi Ka Blackmail

Hi friends this is Saurabh…. Lemme not waste time and let me tell you about what this story is all about… It’s about my Neighbour Mrs. Pooja Malhotra and me… The way i blackmailed her and the way she started to enjoy having sex with me…. Well it started all when i was 20 years of age, i was studying in f.y and that was the point when I got this news from my parents that our old neighbour has sold their flat to someone name Mr. Malhotra… I was pretty excited as i never shared a vibe with...

1 year ago
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The New Neighbour Part 1

Here I am – fifty-five years of age and living a comfortable, but rather dull life. Married thirty years ago to a nice girl: Caroline – now a woman of forty-eight. She was an attractive woman in her twenties and thirties – a plain face, but lovely dark hair and long shapely legs. We weren’t able to have children, though we tried. Unfortunately, after tests, we discovered that my sperm was infertile. Luckily, Caroline didn’t show any resentment and we managed to come to terms with a childless...

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The new neighbour Part 2

Over the next month, Caroline ‘volunteered’ me for several more DIY tasks for our gorgeous neighbour. Changing light bulbs, fitting smoke alarms and taking her garden refuse to the recycling centre. On each occasion, she was dressed impeccably. I tried to memorise every detail of her subtly sexy outfits and couldn’t wait to return to my study for ‘relief’.On one occasion, she was wearing soft black leather trousers, shiny black stilettos and a breathtaking sheer white silk blouse. She was...

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Neighbour Nayantara 8211 My Entry To The Field Of Sex 8211 Part 1

Hi all. This is Akshay from bangalore. 22 year old, young, energetic, medium built with 6 inch cock (size doesn’t matter as long as u know how to satisfy your partner). Any girls, aunties or couples looking for secret fun contact me. And all the readers please give your feedback at Coming to the story it happened with my Neighbour who was super sexy lady for looking and also in bed. I can’t put whole story in one story here. So I will tell u guys in episodes. Her name is Nayantara 29 year old,...

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My New Next Door Neighbour for the Summer ndash Part 2

My New Next Door Neighbour for the Summer – Part 2: A Story by SBarak1This is the second story in the series “My New Next Door Neighbour for the Summer”.It was 7:30pm and I was standing on my next door neighbour’s door step. We had only met a few hours earlier. What had been an innocent peek over the fence had turned into a confrontation followed by a steamy fuck. Clare was a 6’4” blonde amazon in her early forties, as I had discovered. She had an amazing body, nice full boobs and legs to...

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My New Neighbour Made Me His Slut 8211 Part 2

Hello friends, welcome to the second part of my sexy story. Before I start, for those who are new for this part, I am Mayuri, a 28-year-old married housewife. I am 5’4′ in tall, white skin colour and figure of 34-28-34. This story is the second part of the first encounter I had with Karan, my neighbour which I have already shared with you all. Let’s go to the story. Karan carried me into his arms and walked toward the bedroom. After reaching to the bedroom, he placed me on the bed and came over...

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Neighbour just wanted it

I live in an ordinary street in an ordinary town, and next door to Mike and Nina, who are just an ordinary couple, happily married and doing things all happily married couples do.Now I had known them a few years now, I moved in just a few months after they had next door, and for almost five years everything was just very normal, until one night a few days ago.It was warm summer evening when, as I sat in my back garden drinking a beer I heard voices coming from Mike and Nina's house, they were...

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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

2 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbour8217s Envy 8211 Part II

Hello all, this is Hungstud again. You might have read my last story about how i had made love with a middle aged housewife. Without wasting your time, i will give first time readers small intros i am 28 years old working for a MNC and living in the western suburbs of Mumbai, Her name is Anjana Sharma a housewife who is as beautiful as beautiful can be. Now coming to the story, after we made love we had a nice couple of hours of sleep, i found her sleeping soundly when the first ray of morning...

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Fucking good neighbour

I live opposite a single woman who I fancied something cruel. She appeared to have a very active social life with lots of men friends. I thought her unapproachable since my partner would very quickly be suspicious if I was to have an affair so close to home. We actually nicknamed her trollop due to the many men she entertained.One Saturday my partner was out for the day and there was a knock at my door. I was amazed, and delighted, to find that it was the neighbour from across the road. Could I...

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My Neighbour

I moved into a house in a quiet town after a long soul sucking marriage and a bitter divorce, and now I was looking to start fresh.Late in the afternoon I saw my new neighbour for the first time, she was fairly tall, slim, pale as snow with bright red hair hanging down her shoulders and a bosom that was trying to fight it's way out of a very tight t-shirt."Hi!" I said smiling as she pulled her car up a few meters away."Hi to you too!" she replied back with a smile."I'm Joe" I said staring at...

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