Blue Bloods Thetakedown of Erin
- 4 years ago
- 27
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Taking one last sip of her rum & Coke, heavy on the rum, Erin handed the stack of paperwork to the tall man sitting next to her at the “Down & Dirty Dalliances” meet and greet.
As she handed the papers over the man confirmed: “And you are sure you want to do this?”
Erin steeled her shoulders and looked him square in the eye responding, “Yes Sir, what is life without a little adventure now and then?”
Feeling everyone's eyes on her made her nervous and it was getting late, so with her task for the evening complete she picked up her purse from the stool next to her and left the bar striding with a sense of purpose toward her car on the far side of the parking lot.
She was beyond ready or so she thought. For the past three months Erin had completed questionnaires, been interviewed, provided a medical profile and a psychological evaluation to the club’s owners to satisfy the vetting process necessary to participate in this extreme fantasy fulfillment club. The club was very secretive and exclusive, however, there were many rumors surrounding its existence and the extreme nature of the dalliances but Erin had been told by other members that no one has ever quit the club once being admitted. Perhaps a bit naively Erin felt reassured by all the satisfied members about the safety factor of jumping into an adventure of this type.
Having attended several meet and greets full of those who had either been selected to participate in experiences or were waiting for their number to be drawn her confidence was high when she submitted her application. However, everyone was sworn to secrecy about what actually happens during the promised dalliance, the only information shared with her was the repeated statement: “no matter what happens, in the end, we always feel it was totally worth it.”
Now, what Erin didn’t realize was that the drawing had already been held that evening and that last stack of liability waivers required for officially joining the club had been the only thing standing between her and the “adventure” of a lifetime. Being taken by surprise had been one of her requests, and she was definitely in for a surprise.
She hadn’t driven more than a block before she saw the flash of red and blue lights in her rearview mirror. “Oh shit,” she thought to herself as she realized that her breath was probably still strong with alcohol since the only drink of the night was the one she had needed to go through with all those signatures. But she was interrupted before she could start her tried and true “officer, I can explain” routine.
“Step out of the car ma’am,” was the forceful bark of the large uniformed man standing next to her car, the beam from the Maglite obscuring his identity.
Erin complied and found herself performing the humiliating tasks of a roadside sobriety test in full view of all of the other “Down & Dirty” participants as they slowed a bit while driving past after exiting the same parking lot she had just left. Thinking she would surely pass and be sent on her way she was startled to hear the officer firmly state, “You are going to need to come with me ma’am,” before handcuffing her and ushering her unceremoniously into the back of his cruiser with the lights still flashing.
As they pulled away, Erin noticed that the windows and the divider partition were completely blacked out and she could not see anything. Feeling the taste of panic rising in the back of her throat her heart began to race and her skin flashover with a fine coating of moisture from the fear gripping her body. For a moment she was completely frozen in terror and then the impulse to fight took over as she started to scream and kick at the seat in front of her. She screamed and kicked until her voice was hoarse and her legs were heavy and sore and just as she began to succumb to the exhaustion the partition lowered a few inches.
“Are you about done?” the interrogative came from the front seat punctuated with a short laugh.
“What is going on, where are you taking me?” was her reply.
“You are guilty of DWI and are going to be punished, however, the court systems around here are way too lenient on your type - prissy, uptight housewives and all who have lawyers to get you out of everything - so we are taking things into our own hands tonight. Buckle up babe, I promise you will return a changed woman, that is if you return.”
The car sped through the night and in an hour or so came to a stop, Erin could hear muffled voices outside the car and then the door opened and she was pulled to her feet. She was wearing a white racer back tank top, her breasts held in place only by the built-in bra and a short skirt that left little to the imagination, her ordinarily perfect hair was beginning to frizz in the warm night air and her bright pink pedicure was framed by strappy thong sandals. Before her eyes could adjust to the dimly lit parking lot a blindfold was strapped around her head and she was forcefully pushed into a chair sitting next to the cruiser.
“Well she won’t get far in those shoes,” said a man with a deeper voice than the one who had driven her here.
Erin heard the trunk pop open and the sound of someone rummaging through boxes, “That’s okay, I’m sure we have her size in here somewhere.”
“Now hold still," another voice said. "This won’t hurt a bit, we get to that later!”
Erin felt her sandals being removed and thick socks slid over her feet and up to her ankles, then she felt the sneakers being placed her her feet and the laces being tightened and tied.
“Nice and snug, not as fun as the knots we’ll be tying you into later though!”
As Erin attempted to make sense of what was happening to her she was pulled back up to her feet the skirt she was wearing was removed and a heavy leather strap was placed around her waist like a belt and a different skirt resembling a white tennis skirt was wrapped around her. Once the skirt was in place the metal cuffs were removed from her aching wrists and each hand was slipped through slashes on the side of the skirt and tucked into the pouches hanging from either side of the leather strap and secured at the wrists, with the final result making it appear at first glance as if her hands were sewn into her pockets.
“Now walk forward.”
Erin couldn’t see and with her arms tethered it was difficult to maintain her balance but she took a few tentative steps forward as the two men glanced at each other to communicate how much they were enjoying her struggle. “How far do I have to walk?” she asked.
“300 miles Erin, 300 miles…” was the simultaneous response.
Before she could ask any more questions the men slid a plastic device into her mouth that held her jaw in place so that she could only make the faintest of mumbling and moaning sounds.
The trio continued walking along a loose gravel path for what seemed like hours. Erin could feel the burning sensation of lactic acid building up in her legs as the fatigue began setting in. She had closed her eyes behind the blindfold and had felt herself begin to nod off from the exhaustion and disorientation created by this sensory deprived forced hike. Stumbling a few times she had already skinned her knees and elbows as her captors caught her just a split second before any real damage could be done.
“Here is our first stop,” said the man with the deeper voice. “Let’s get you inside and uncomfortable shall we?”
The men had to carry Erin up the steps into the rustic cabin and did not waste any time once they were inside. Her hands were released from the leather pouches just long enough for her top to be removed and the skirt unwrapped from around her waist. The men picked her up and placed her face down on a padded surface, her arms were further held against her sides with an additional leather strap and her legs stretched out behind her and spread so far apart she feared that one or both of her hips might come loose from the socket. She was nearly too tired to process the pain that had started to creep into her limbs from being locked down into this position.
With the roar of pain in her ears, Erin could barely hear the door open and quickly lost count of how many pairs of footsteps she heard walk in. “All of you have been invited here tonight to participate in the sentencing of this scofflaw and to enjoy planting the seeds of justice to remind this lady that it is better to follow society's rules,” was the call to order ringing out from the arresting officer.
“This woman was observed exiting Remy’s Tavern where the infamous ‘Down and Dirty Dalliances’ club was meeting, she smelled of rum, she was clearly guilty. I call upon all those assembled here to serve justice in this matter.”
“We find her GUILTY and will plant the seeds of justice!” was the boisterous response of the men gathered in the cabin. She then heard the unmistakable sound of the men removing their belts.
SMACK - the sound echoed through the room as the first belt landed on Erin’s right buttock. SMACK - another strike landing on the left, with the plastic device still firmly wedged against her teeth her throat burned with the silent screams muffled before they could escape her lips. The striking continued, welts rising from her shoulders to her ankles until each participant had their turn. The room was spinning and Erin felt as if she was falling although she was firmly attached to the surface of whatever type of furniture they had secured her to.
The next thing she knew she was being carried back out of the cabin and placed into a wagon.
Any Port in a Storm
Her body was throbbing and she could feel the burn of her skin as the sheet covering her rubbed against the welts with each bump in the path. She could smell her own scent but did not smell or feel any indication that the men had taken any sexual liberties with her while she was unconscious. It briefly flashed through her mind that she wasn’t sure if that was good news or not, from all of the “plant the seeds of justice” references before the beating - she was expecting to wake up dripping with semen. The heat from the sun was mostly reflected by her covering, however it was growing uncomfortably warm in the wagon which lulled her back to sleep before she could linger on that thought too long.
“We are making good time, at this rate we will be to the next stop by sunset.”
Erin was startled awake by the female voice coming from one of the two bicycles pulling the wagon along the trail.
“They promised her 300 miles... Can’t do that on foot the whole way if you want this done over a three day weekend. In fact, if we might want to consider making more time to rest at lunch...” another female voice stated as she urged the other cyclist to pick up the pace a little.
Erin floated between consciousness and unconsciousness for the rest of the trip, waking fully only to accept the water and nutrition shake offered to her through a straw at lunch time. She had surrendered to the situation and did not even attempt to communicate with her captors.
As the air began to grow cooler Erin could tell that the sun was setting even though she was still blindfolded. The rumbling of the wagon tires along the trail slowed and then stopped and she heard footsteps approaching. Several hands reached into the wagon and got her to her feet. Her muscles were stiff and sore from the night before a sensation exacerbated by an 8-hour wagon ride while still bound.
At this stop she could only hear female voices. It seemed as though the two men who had launched her journey had not come along, or she wondered if perhaps they had traveled on ahead. There wasn’t much time for wondering though because she was being stripped back down to just the leather strap around her waist by the women.
“Ouch, looks like they did a number on you last night didn’t they?” A purely rhetorical question by the woman running her fingernails over the welts on Erin’s back, buttocks, and thighs.
“Doesn’t seem to have damaged the merchandise too much though,” responded another voice presumably belonging to the woman pinching Erin’s bright pink nipples that were standing at full attention. “Take two steps forward and then step up and over the edge here. It’s about eight inches so lift your knees.”
Erin did as she was told not knowing if she was stepping into hot coals, a pit of snakes, or over a barrier at the edge of a cliff. Breathing a sigh of relief she instead felt her feet land in warm water. The next thing she knew there was washcloth wielding hands on her body everywhere as the group of women scrubbed her from her hair to her toenails. No surface went unexplored and special attention was paid to every nook and cranny that might respond to the extra stimulation.
“We aren’t allowed to let you see or speak," purred one of the women in her ear. "We are, however, allowed to let you enjoy yourself, but if we don’t succeed you won’t be able to say we didn’t do everything in our power.”
Erin was led out of the inflatable pool that had been used as her makeshift bathtub and up the steps to another cabin. The ladies settled her onto a mattress and secured her arms and legs in a spread eagle position exposing every inch of her body that hadn’t already been bruised the night before. But this time the sound wasn’t at all like the men's belts coming loose from their pants, but just a rustling before someone shouted, “Ladies, start your engines!”
The telltale sound of vibrations filled the night air as a swarm of hands and tongues and toys landed on every available surface of Erin’s body. Overwhelmed by the sensations her muscles tensed and pulled against her restraints. Until this point, everything had stayed on the outside, but suddenly she felt two fingers plunge between her legs releasing a flood of arousal from within.
“Looks like it’s working, I’m going in!” exclaimed one of the voices rather gleefully as if about to dive off a rock into a refreshing waterfall.
Erin could feel the cool smooth end of a dildo descending into her already dripping wet pussy, her vaginal muscles reflexively gripped the firm silicone and her over stimulated body convulsed, almost levitating off the mattress for several moments before falling limp back into the soft surface of the bed. A shout rose up from the din of vibrations and moans. “And that’s just the first one!”
Loud cheers erupted throughout the cabin as the women redoubled their efforts.
The torrent of stimulation resumed immediately and within a few moments, Erin felt another explosion building within her. If her mouth were not locked shut she would surely have been loud enough to attract attention from miles away, however, her screams were blocked inside and only intensified the responses of her body as she felt the second orgasm tear through her already shaking core. One after another each person accepted the challenge of building on the previous result.
About five or six climaxes into the process it was taking longer and longer, until Erin felt someone reach up between her legs with a new intent. There was one woman on each side of her and one in the middle while they pulled her bruised buttocks apart so that a finger could spread a thick cool gel around the puckered opening now exposed beneath her. At first, she bucked violently against the new intrusion, but the pain overcame the urge to resist and for the next several hours she endured implements of various shapes and sizes filling both of her openings to capacity.
Her pussy and ass were stretched to their limit and she could barely control the muscles surrounding them anymore. The final indignity came near the end when the women realized she no longer had control and some being healthcare professionals and immune to the “ick factor” of what was going to happen next, put a bedpan under her hips and applied pressure to her abdomen until she could no longer avoid expelling the contents of her bladder.
Exhausted from the waves of exertion and weeping from the humiliation, Erin was finally released from the spread eagle position. Her hands were returned to their leather pouches, she was rolled onto her side and allowed to rest until it was time to move on again.
The Final Leg
“Hey, what is going on here? You were supposed to be back on the trail an hour ago,” a male voice boomed as the cabin door slammed open startling everyone inside.
“You women always go too easy on the prisoners. She is not just a toy to play with, she is here to be punished. I guess we have to take her now to make up for the lost time. Don’t worry, your next “victim” is on her way already though!” he shouted, the words thick with sarcasm as he pulled the untethered Erin up from the bed lifting her up into a fireman’s carry with one smooth movement.
Erin was dumped back into the wagon and the bicycles moved at a much quicker pace powered by the men, however, this meant much more jostling for her and now her entire body was aching from the effects of the two previous nights. Her stomach was growling and she was dizzy from how little she had eaten in the past day. Water, nutrition shakes, and ice chips were all that were offered the entire trip. The motion of the wagon combined with her weakened state left her unconscious for the majority of the trip.
Jolted awake as the wagon came to an abrupt stop, Erin was now completely disoriented. She did not know which way was up and could barely identify the sensation of having arms and legs. Her head was cloudy as she felt herself being carried into what she assumed was another cabin. She was sweating profusely and felt like a deflated balloon, but when a hand slipped between her thighs it was declared that she was ready to finish her punishment.
The men lifted Erin, face up, into a sling that had been hung from a beam in the center of the cabin, she was completely limp and each body part was supported individually to allow access to every inch of skin and leaving every opening fully exposed. Knowing she no longer had the energy to resist she was no longer restrained and the plastic device was removed from her mouth creating yet another opportunity.
Erin was only semi-conscious but clearly heard the man whispering in her ear “How are you enjoying your adventure so far? It’s almost over, you just have to survive this last little leg.”
And with that reminder about her desire to experience her biggest fantasy and worst nightmare rolled into one she felt a great deal of pressure against her already abused anus, with her jaw finally able to open she let out a blood-curdling scream as a hard, unyielding object was forced 8 inches deep into her ass without any lubrication. Her body twitched as if being electrocuted as the vibrations were turned on and the involuntary response was an instant orgasm.
After what felt like an eternity, the vibrations were turned off but the rod remained firmly in place as the men lined up and one after the other finally depositing that seed of justice into and onto her body with no attention paid to her pleasure at all. The vibrating rod in her ass would be turned on every so often but only in order to increase the pleasure for the men as her body convulsed around their cock as it performed its duty.
To leave her with a permanent reminder of how her deepest needs were fulfilled once each man had his fill of her body they added their own mark within a box drawn on her thigh using the tattoo gun sitting on the table next to the swing. The pain of the tattoo needles was almost imperceptible as it was overshadowed completely by the burning of the vibrating rod in her ass and the constant pounding of her vagina.
Erin lost count after the 5th or 6th man and then lost consciousness completely after the 7th or 8th to add his hot fluids to those already pouring out of her onto the cabin floor.
The next morning Erin woke up in an expensive hotel room in Albany NY, almost exactly 300 miles from where her journey had begun on the Lake Erie shoreline. The cool sheets had been gently tucked around her body which was propped up on pillows into a comfortable position. There was a tray full of fruit, chocolate and cheese positioned next to her and she took a few bites and allowed the calories to flicker her brain back into action.
On the nightstand was a thick manila envelope with a big black bow tied around it. She opened it and spread the contents out in front of her on the bed. Inside the envelope had been her liability waivers, her purse, sandals, keys, a framed postcard of the “Erie Canalway Trail”, a train ticket back to Buffalo, and a note that said “Congratulations you survived your first Down and Dirty Dalliance. Simply bring these papers back to the club if you want to be selected for another one in the future.”
Erin took another bite of chocolate and couldn’t believe how quickly she was already beginning to imagine what other down and dirty fantasies they might be willing to fulfill in the future.
One summer night durring the break from college Kierra decied to invite Erin to a sleep over. Kierra is a hot 5'8 with 36D tits and a perfect ass. Erin, her friend since gradeschool, is 5'11, a little bit smaller tits and a gorgeous ass. It all starts with the phone call. "Hey Erin what are you doing this week?" Kierra asked. "Nothin really why?" "I was just wonderin if you want to come over for a sleepover,just us.? "Umm sure I don't have anything planned." "Great I'll see you here." "OK I'll...
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(Erin comes home from the convent)Erin was nervous. She was going home for the first time since she was 12 years old. Six years. Six long, lonely years. Strict years. Safe years. The train was making a clickety-clackety noise, over and over again, and she found herself automatically sliding into the rhythm as she tried to meditate, to pray, hoping for some guidance.The door to her compartment suddenly opened and a man appeared, struggling with two bags. Noticing her, he stopped, staring for a...
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Erin & Jeremy Chapter 2: The Morning After Author’s Note: I would again like to thank agirl2envy for her help in this project. The names have remained changed to protect the not-so-innocent. * * * * * Jeremy woke slowly and peacefully. At first, in his grogginess, he could not remember where he was or how he had got there. And then, at almost the same time he felt the weight of someone lying in his arms as the person shifted slightly, and the soft moan that escaped her lips as she did so. ...
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A quick look at the watch told me that my adventures this morning had taken up quite some time, as it was already half past ten. “Why don’t you show Paisy a bit of the farm while I start cooking?” Erin didn’t wait for my opinion, jumping up from Bridget’s lap and grabbing my hand. “We’ll be back inside at twelve!” Crossing the threshold to the outside world nude felt strange, but my friend simply pulled me through the door and there I was, blinking my eyes in the glaring sunlight and...
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FetishErin woke with a start as the wind billowed the heavy drape curtains through the open bedroom window, catching the curtains on the chair and leaving sunlight to spill directly on her face and torso. A rattle came from downstairs as the postman delivered the mail, startling her, and she grabbed her blackberry from the side table where it lay, face down. Hitting the central button with her thumb, she woke it up and looked at the time, then dropped the phone back on the table, and lay back,...
MasturbationNine o'clock came much too early for Vincent that Halloween morning. When he woke, he rolled over to try to make love to his eternal lover, Erin, to find her not in his bed. Instead, there was a note taped to the pillow. “Sorry honey, I had to go costume shopping! Love you! Erin” Vincent chuckled to himself as he rolled out of bed, hard-on raging from the nightly dreams of the two of them. He wandered to the shower and washed up, trying to clear his mind and get his blood circulating away...
Straight Sex“Sorry honey, I had to go costume shopping! Love you! Erin” Vincent chuckled to himself as he rolled out of bed, hard-on raging from the nightly dreams of the two of them. He wandered to the shower and washed up, trying to clear his mind and get his blood circulating away from his penis. Twenty minutes later, a much cleaner, but still horny, Vincent emerged from the steaming shower, towel in hand. He dried himself off and flexed a few times, feeling that much sexier knowing that Erin...
Emma smiled and left as I planted a passionate kiss on Erin’s lips and began to unbutton her beautiful teal blouse. It didn’t take long after that for Erin to have her nursing bra opened and her glorious breasts revealed and for her to have my erection out of my pants and in her warm mouth. Suddenly, she stopped and sat up to look me eye to eye, almost touching nose to nose. “Paul? What room after this?” “Oh. That is the other surprise for our date night. It has to do with dessert.” I...
The night before date night I pulled Lynn and Blossom aside after our showers and before we went to bed. “Ladies, tomorrow is my date night with Erin, and I need to let you know that it is my plan to basically ignore everyone else but her and her babies. I hope you don’t mind, since I hope that you will do the same on your dates.” “Baby, of course we don’t mind. All I would say is make sure that you don’t make the other girls feel left out.” “I would never, but I would ask that you talk to...
“But you haven’t met them before! We know nothing about them. For all we know, they could be criminals!” my mother protested, getting seriously worked up. “I’m almost eighteen, I could stay here on my own! It’s my thing if I want to move somewhere else. In three weeks I’ll legally be allowed to anyway! I’ll not go to some African bush camp with you! They have spiders and lions and whatnot!” In hindsight, neither my hysteric voice nor me stamping my foot like a petulant child helped my argument....
SpankingAnd now, “Vincent and Erin”, Part One. Vincent looked longingly at the clock, just minutes before the day was over. He was done with his test early, and waited desperately for the time to end. He let his eyes wander over to his best friend, Erin, hard at work, poring over her own test. Allowing his mind to wander, he saw her clothes almost melting away, one by one. Lost in his own fantasies, he almost missed the bell. ”Shit!” he muttered as he gathered up his things. Snapped from his fantasy,...
Straight SexVincent looked longingly at the clock, just minutes before the day was over. He was done with his test early, and waited desperately for the time to end. He let his eyes wander over to his best friend, Erin, hard at work, poring over her own test. Allowing his mind to wander, he saw her clothes almost melting away, one by one. Lost in his own fantasies, he almost missed the bell. ”Shit!” he muttered as he gathered up his things. Snapped from his fantasy, Vincent didn’t realize he had...
This story is complete fiction with made up characters.My sister, Erin, was nearly a year younger than me. Not quite a year. Our parents evidently had a pretty good sex drive and couldn't wait long.Erin had always been a pretty hot looking girl. She was always well built - even in grade school she was thin and taller than most of her classmates, and was among the first girls to start developing a shapely ass and breasts. Once her breasts started developing they kept on going. By the time she...
(I did not Write This)My sister, Erin, was nearly a year younger than me. Not quite a year. Our parents evidently had a pretty good sex drive and couldn't wait long.Erin had always been a pretty hot looking girl. She was always well built - even in grade school she was thin and taller than most of her classmates, and was among the first girls to start developing a shapely ass and breasts. Once her breasts started developing they kept on going. By the time she was 16 they were at least as big as...
Erin stood in the elevator as it descended. She looked at her watch, three thirty, just an hour before her boyfriend got home from work. She loved this time of the day; it was the time she set aside to workout. To tone her body into something she had seen in all those bridal magazines she loved to read. The big day was coming and she had decided that she wanted to look her best. To not only slide into her wedding dress and look hot but to slide out of it on her wedding night and make her new...
Erin , the 18 year old student of Mike her Tutor, was only slightly happy with the spanking he had given her when she had been dressed in her NetBall kit, he had brought her off with his hands and Erin felt she had got off too lightly!She sent Mike a message by E-mail to the effect that she did not feel she had been punished severely enough for her spelling, Mike read this with interest and thought for a day as to how to sort her out, also Erin had said that whatever happened she would like to...
"Can't we go see your step-mom now?" Sherri whined, pulling my arm.I turned to her. "Dudette, we're both naked in the shower at the moment. I told you we'd surprise her this time, and not jibber jabber right beforehand.""So, what if we're naked, we're going to get nude after a minute.""And you really love my step-mom now? You've just made a one-eighty towards her. You want to spend time with her, and even with your clothes on at times. We told her we'd see her again today, but...
TabooIt was the day of the junior high semi-formal. I had been helping Ms Virginia Elsworthy (Ginny) to conduct dance classes for the students. On a number of occasions I had partnered 15 year old Erin Miller for the practice sessions when her partner has been absent. Ginny had come to me the day before very concerned when she had learnt that Erin wasn't coming to the semi-formal. She didn't have a dress suitable (due to her father being out of work and drinking heavily), and her dance partner...
Hi, I'm Sylvia, but my friends call me Syl.My intimacy with my lady-loving girlfriend, Erin, began a few years ago in the springtime. The winter snow was already gone in West Michigan, and the ice had melted off Lake Michigan, but the boat-launching season had not yet begun.Erin and I were introduced to each other by DeeAnn, our mutual friend. DeeAnn had realized that both of us were bi-curious and inexperienced, but looking to explore our emerging bi-desires. DeeAnn invited both Erin and me...
First TimeI slept late into the morning, and when the light and heat of another humid Louisiana summer day finally pulled me from my deep slumber, my muscles were sore as if I had done a workout the day before. Well, in a way, I had. I groaned and got up from the bed, stalking awkwardly over to the bathroom door on protesting legs. I opened the door and found Erin inside, sitting on the closed toilet lid with wide-splayed legs and shaving away any hints of stubble that might have appeared on her lovely...
BDSM“...akey! Time to get up now!” A female voice pulled me from a delicious dream of my secret object of desire, Brandon. I somehow had ended up in the boys’ locker room alone with him, and, without wasting words, he had pushed me against the wall, his body taking possession of me, his strong thigh pressing between my legs, his large hand massaging my breast. For some reason or another, we had both already been nude. I was sweating and just an inch away from coming. “My, aren’t you two an adorable...
BDSMCopyright© 1999, All Rights Reserved It couldn't have been much better if I'd dreamed it or written a script. Erin was blonde, built, cute and 17 years old. She was short -- at just a little over five feet tall nearly a foot shorter than I -- with high, firm tits and a slim teenage body. Okay, she wasn't knockdown gorgeous, just very pretty. But, other than that, it would be hard to think up something to cavil over. It was the '70s. I was a reporter for a small suburban newspaper outside...
I pulled her to me and kissed her. "I love you, Sherri. Are you sure you're okay with this?""Yes, she did give us one hell of a date night, but it feels weird to be naked out here, though.""My dad is gone, and no one else is here, woman, so don't fret.""Are you sure she's masturbating thinking about us in the shower?""I'm positive, put your ear on the door if you don't believe me."So, we both pressed our ears against the door."Oh, fuck yes, eat that pussy again, Sherri," we...
TabooThe next three days were absolute torture. The sweetest, most devastating torture one could think up. Erin had somehow changed the dress code, and I was suddenly the only one running around buck naked all day long. This gave her and Bridget the opportunity to fondle any part of me that they desired. And they did that a lot. When I wasn’t sleeping, the longest I went untouched by them was perhaps half an hour. Everywhere I went, everything I did, the one thing I could be sure about was the...
The next three days were absolute torture. The sweetest, most devastating torture one could think up. Erin had somehow changed the dress code, and I was suddenly the only one running around buck naked all day long. This gave her and Bridget the opportunity to fondle any part of me that they desired. And they did that a lot. When I wasn’t sleeping, the longest I went untouched by them was perhaps half an hour. Everywhere I went, everything I did, the one thing I could be sure about was the...
HardcoreErin, a 42 year old highly sexual woman who teaches at a suburban high school. There she simply blends in and is hardly noticed, but in her "leisure" time she enjoys all types of sexual fun. Of late she has been having fantasies about other , in particular, Jill, a fellow teacher and now her new neighbor, Nadia. It is now only a couple of days before school is out for the summer and Erin is certainly ready. She hasn't decided where to go on a trip, but but she has a few ideas, all she knows it...
LesbianWhen my landlady handed us two buckets - one empty and one filled with soapy water - together with a number of rags, I thought we might get off lightly. I picked the empty one and started to mop up the pee from the floor and wring out the rag into the bucket, trying not to think too much about dipping my hands into the pee now that I’d come down from my sexual high, while Natalie crawled after me and wiped it clean with the wet cloth. Bridget stood in the doorway and rapped her fingernails...
BDSMMatthew Pottinger did just as he was told, running his hands up and down Candace Owen’s voluptuous body, caressing her ebony skin, squeezing her meaty breasts, and stroking her big, round ass while she writhed and squirmed. “Candace” – pretty name, pretty girl. Built like a brick house. Real hot body. Big, tall, and busty. 5’ 5”. 135lbs. 33-26-34. DD cup. Smooth ebony skin. Long, thick, curly black hair glistened with mousse. Leggy. Big, firm tits. Full, round ass. Dressed nice and slutty....
Matthew Pottinger did just as he was told, running his hands up and down Candace Owen’s voluptuous body, caressing her ebony skin, squeezing her meaty breasts, and stroking her big, round ass while she writhed and squirmed. “Candace” – pretty name, pretty girl. Built like a brick house. Real hot body. Big, tall, and busty. 5’ 5”. 135lbs. 33-26-34. DD cup. Smooth ebony skin. Long, thick, curly black hair glistened with mousse. Leggy. Big, firm tits. Full, round ass. Dressed nice and slutty....
June – Year 2 Lynn crawled onto their bed and put herself between her wife’s legs and began to taste her juices as she inserted her fingers into her wife’s wetness. She began with a combination of long licks from Erin’s anus to her clit and synchronized the sucking of the clit with insertion of her fingers and the massage of Erin’s G-spot. Erin raised her hips to show that Lynn had hit the spot and that she needed her wife to keep doing what she was doing. Lynn went back to long licks and...
August – October – Year 3 The new house was impressive. As you drove up from the large security gate the drive took a single turn before heading off to the left towards the garage. The garage had bays for four cars with an enclosed connection to the house. There was a door out the back to the yard and a door that opened to the stairs up to the mother-in-law apartment above. The mother-in-law apartment was a two-bedroom apartment of about 1000 square feet. It had windows all around except on...
I got pulled into the van by a very strong arm. It was dark in the back of this windowless van. I looked around and saw him. "Erin you have to stop calling attention to us," the male voice said. I turned to him. It was the man who was staring at me in the checkout line. "What do you want?" I asked. "Who are you?" "Dr. Ara. We've met before." "I never met you. I don't recognize you." "I'm from the clinic. I gave you the paperwork to sign. I gave you the money. I...
The ropes in which I hung allowed only for the slightest hint of dangling movement, but to me, in my excited state, it felt like the whole world was rocking back and forth. I swallowed hard, my eyes alternating between the wicked looking riding crop in Mrs. Somerset’s hand that would swing forward and hit my unprotected body any minute now, and my friend Erin in her gleaming red rubber suit, kneeling between our future teacher’s splayed legs and waiting for the signal to attack her pussy. ...
BDSMPete set up Erica for a surprise home-warming party for Erin in Montana.Pete grew up in Europe and got seriously affected by charms of pale-skinned blue-eyed Scandinavian blond beauties, the first sex Goddesses of Europe when free sex became en vogue.Hence his wish to charm Erica into an unexpected break-away from home rules. Erica flew in on the first plane at 1st of July. Pete had explained the owner that Erin´s friend would arrive earlier than Erin. He picked up Erica from her flight. Oh...