Last Stop Bubbles A Lost Blondie Verse Tale Part Six
- 2 years ago
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I. Retrograde
One of our old haunts, a repurposed manufacturing plant, still hums with life on breezy Saturday nights. Used to come here every weekend. Her great escape, a middle finger to her name. Detach from reality and just… exist. Breathe, ya’know? Be straight average for a change. Slip into the other side.
She never said it, but I could tell she hated that bitter chaos circling in her head. That suffocating truth of lucky sperm finding lucky egg to create life. Slide out naked and screamin’ and richer than the other 99’. Festering like some Civil War era gangrene. Loved having stacks of Benjamin’s. Hated what having so much of it meant for others. Paradoxes. Happiness. Wealth. Poverty. Struggle. Depression. Sanity. Frustrations of reality. The reason for being and why we are all the way we are, why we do what we do to each other… that deep existential shit of Plato and Socrates and Nietzsche in her blackest of moods. Zion 1 for the modern age. Or Lupe. Hopsin. Common. Pick your lyrical poison. Upside shadows in caves and alleys of flames and lies. Shit so far beyond me the head spins, brain screams for relief.
Maybe I’m biased, but I think she could have torched them all in debate. Spun her logic with that detached spatial flight of mind and that sultry haze of voice. Looking fine in white cloth toga.
I still remember how she moved, svelte form liquefying into whatever style that suited whatever alchemic mixture of emotion boiling inside her, which was always a struggle to pin down.
When her mind thrummed with too much chaos, we’d walk along the piers and end up here. And she’d flow from contemporary to jazz to ballet to styles I can’t even put a name to. Harley Quinn of dance. Crazy. Bump and grind. Wiggle and twist. Shake and spin. Leap. Vault. She was seven degrees of tragic beauty and smoky eroticism. And damn did she ever get off on flaunting it. Granny Teague would say girls like that were spawned from the devil’s seed. There’s a certain truth to that, I guess, given who her bastard of a father was. Lucifer was still an angel though, fallen or not. She inherited most of the good. But like the moth, I was never careful about how dangerously hot she could burn. Hellfire hot.
Beneath Technicolor laser lights, she’d ensnare strangers on the dance floor, arms circling like bear traps. Most of the time it was her nubile peers, teenagers looking to escape the brittle card they got dealt. But sometimes she’d prey on the women that came to recapture forgotten glory days. She’d nibble at their ears. Tease fingers between their thighs.
Redheads were her favorite. Likened them to cherry red fire trucks. Flashy. Powerful. Loud when their flaming slits needed to be doused with champagne and a wet tongue. The more reluctance showed, the hotter she burned. Sometimes it’d take only a thumb brush across a blushing cheek, sometimes a kiss. The most reluctant would melt like butter as soon she curled a finger inside them, stroking to the beat of whatever song thrummed in the air.
When her moods spun out of control, she’d get it into her head to rile me up by grinding her panty-less crotch against other men. Let them palm her pert model’s ass. Nip at their necks. Tease. Smear her arousal across their lips. And pull away before it got to be more than that.
And I’d sit there way up above on a catwalk looking down, and sketch her as she was. Unencumbered. Not dragged down by name or depression. She’d melt into a sea of bodies and become just another Oakland face in the crowd. I guess it was a ritual of a sort. Create a mask so thick it’ll bury everything, even the tragic girl beneath.
As the hours would wear on, she’d grow wetter and wetter. And up in my stoop, I’d get meditative and creative.
And with drugs pumping through our veins throughout the night, we’d end up fucking wildly in dimly lit restrooms and darkened corners, her leg hooked around my waist, her teeth sinking in my shoulder.
When we were really fucked up, we’d wind up in a raised cube made of evenly spaced, intricate glass and wood latticework designed to create a quasi-silhouette effect of the inside. A giant shadow box for VIPs to enter as hundreds of strangers looked on, drug addled minds enthralled as shadowed figures fucked the night away in slow motion orgies.
She’d always say it was best kind of lowbrow art drugs could manifest.
She wasn’t wrong.
But it’s not the same. The magic isn’t here anymore. It feels empty, almost unfamiliar. But a rave’s a rave and once you get what you want, the details stop mattering.
It melts on my tongue like a Listerine strip. Burns like Big Red gum and Tabasco sauce. I can feel the X bleed into my system.
I should feel guilty about my broken promise. But I’m saying it’s only bent. It’s not heroine. Not coke. Not even a fifth of vodka. It’s just a little chemical push to unleash the monster inside. Forget about two women, one a blurry memory, the other a reminder with bubble gum hair and green eyes. The bohemian Aphrodite who lets me call her bubbles because I’m too damn scared to say a simple fucking name. The one I know she desperately wants forming on my tongue when we’re alone together.
I lose myself in the swarm of bodies, hemmed in on all sides. The heat pulses and my skin tingles. A warm ass pushes against my groin, grinding to the beat of a fast-paced re-mix. I grab the stranger’s firm hips and add my own gyrations. And I finally let go.
Jekyll. Hyde.
Get it?
He’s hiding. I’m hiding.
Everyone here is hiding, lost in the haze. Do I need a laugh track for this sad reality or what? Fuck.
Out you come, friend. Monster. Have your fun. I’m all burned out.
I can still smell her, the little pink bitch. He can’t seem to forget her. Barely knows that pasty white ass of hers, but her image keeps crawling and drawing itself into his head. Our head. My head. Can’t figure out why. Shit vexes. Dime-a-dozen slut. Little blonde thing from the splintered Twomps. A cheap vanilla whore desperate for some black snake is easy enough to find. This one was a poor substitute to the pretty bird that died naked on top of him. Us. You’d think he’d have gone wise. Pussy was disposable. You move on when the slick grip starts to loosen. Shit. Circle of life, man.
My eyes follow a pair of slender Barbie Doll pixies prancing by on kitten heels, dirty blonde hair damp with sweat. They’re giggling like spoiled little valley girls and dragging along two leering shitheads grinning to each other. Certain they’re gonna get their tiny white peckers wet tonight. Maybe take em both gang-style. Clap hands. Form the Eiffel Tower as they take turns spit roasting… that Great White Douche thing of mutual celebration.
Their pretty little heads turn in my direction, eyes lingering, white boys suddenly forgotten. I nod and they flush and giggle and lick their store bought lips.
I make a mental note to find them later.
Like I said. Circle of life.
I make the rounds until I find her at the bar and I guess you could call it delicious fate. My redhead with the 80s aerobic style-sense is sexed to the nines in a spray-painted black mini that hugs her curves like a surgical glove. A small diamond pentagram glitters between her freckled copper breasts, keeping company with a silver cross.
Paradoxes. Masked devils hiding in pretty little things, Granny Teague would say.
There’s a deep, aggravated sigh when I lay a hand on the small of her bare lower back and order a drink. Her pretty lips are a sneer when she turns around but they ghost into a smile when her eyes find mine, recognition spooling up in her brain.
“Huh,” is all she says, eyes shining with curiosity.
And that’s all either of us needs when different kinds of thirst suddenly need quenching.
She downs a blood red martini and some shit called The Glass Animals is announced as the mysterious guest performer.
The ravers erupt into deafening screams.
I pull her into me and her hips move to the rhythm of beats made for sex.
It’s slow burning lust out on the dance floor, magma bubbling leisurely down a mountainside, setting every damn thing it touches to fire. Bodies grind against each other. Hands grope. Hormones fire. Inhibitions loosening. Gonna be some cherry popping tonight.
There are a thousand pairs of eyes trained on her as she moves fluidly against me, the only ruby red jewel in a sea of bottle blondes and mousy brunettes.
Forgot how fun this madness was. Then remember how it took a stint in prison for Jalen to let me out. I used to just be the observer. I make a promise to have him all torn to shameful shreds when I wake up.
I spin my redhead around and she tangles hands in hair and sways her body with athletic grace, drum tight ass rocking hard with drug fueled intensity, before melting back against my groin. I pull her around into a hard kiss, feeding her one of those X-enhanced Listerine strips. She shivers and I feel the heat of her pussy pulse against my leg.
I whisper in her ear, thumb her throbbing clit under the damp hem of her gauzy dress. She moans, but shakes her head no. I pull her back around as the DJ spins another tune, grinding my heavy erection against her superheated butt. Whisper in her ear again. Weave lyrical spells of bullshit rigged together with spiced need and sugary promises I don’t intend to keep. I squeeze out every dark want her brain probably argues is disturbingly wrong… and that her sweet red snatch argues is hellishly right. Thumb at her bottom lip, hand squeezing her juicy ass under her barely there dress, she finally trembles agreement and I pull her along.
I recline on a leather chaise lounge, lazily fisting my meat as amber lights flicker through the tinted glass lattice of the VIP cube. It was easier than I thought… disappointingly so. I wanted a challenge. Reluctance. I wanted fear giving way to drunken fealty. I wanted to stoke the dark coals of lust in her, tiptoeing her over the plank until she’s begging to jump into the murky abyss. Sweet fuckin’ decadence. That was always the goal. Silver tongued power trip. All wiped away by the easy sort of crumble you expect from a whore who’s been playing the long game with you.
I ain’t gonna complain though. My flame haired vixen is still a supple hellion that seems to like putting on a show. The cube has that effect. You don’t even notice as it tears down your ‘impenetrable’ moral boundaries. Shatters your self-respect into glittering lurid fragments.
Armani cut slacks. Shiny Rolex. The stifling haze of fragrant sandalwood cologne more expensive than my little fire truck hellion’s entire outfit. That’s all it took for a bronzed high roller to get her on her knees, fish past his silk boxers and slurp his uncut dick into her hungry red mouth.
I fist my cock a bit faster when a gurgled moan rings out. Mr. Armani’s statuesque sidepiece is crouched behind my hellion, tasting the salty sweat of her copper back while she saws three fingers in and out of her squelching, flame-haired cunt.
Our little hellion grunts and sucks faster while Mr. Armani with the pierced nipple rings starts thrusting violently. All it takes is five pumps and a surprise anal tongue bath from a young, pale-skinned beauty with dark ringlets before he roars his release. A word from his wife has him pulling out mid-stream to paint my hellion’s freckled nose and lush lips with a violent torrent of thick spunk.
When he’s finished with his creamy masterpiece, his wife pulls her around and licks her clean. The last drop is shared in a lazy kiss that leaves my redhead a limp pile of flesh at Mr. Armani’s feet.
“Fuck yea, baby,” I grunt. “Knew you had it in you.”
The wife smacks her lips and turns to face me, smoky gray eyes zeroing in on my stiff dark meat with wanton greed. I laugh. Curl a finger. The golden blonde spanks the little hellion and rises up, long pale legs unfolding from her crouch. Silicon enhanced tits wobble as she catwalks toward me, fingers unpinning her hair to cascade down to the crease of her heart-shaped ass.
“I’ve never sampled one of you before,” she declares, accented purr dripping with high-society indifference to the questionable phrasing. She crawls slowly up the chaise lounge to straddle my thighs. “I wonder how you taste.”
I squeeze her soft butt until she squeaks and drag her expensive and neatly trimmed golden twat along my shaft. “Like recently released felon.” I bite her neck and tease a wet finger over her bleached anal ring. “I’m gonna ruin this high-society pussy,” I chuckle, thumbing her small golden triangle.
Her eyes widen and her sharp little aristocratic nose gives a little half snort of fearful desire.
I laugh and press my swollen head to her slippery entrance and yank her straight down until those downy gold curls meet wiry black ones. Her dagger-like nails and sweet scream has my dick jumping in her tight tunnel as her back arches.
Mr. Armani glances up from between my hellion’s smooth legs. An overly tended to eyebrow is raised. Lip curling. The dumb shit you do for love, huh? Trophy wife princess ain’t satisfied by monogamous cock. I pop a finger into his golden haired trophy, grinning at his frown when she tenses up and hisses the wanton kinda moan I know he’s probably never heard from her. Other bitches probably. But not his demure, reserved wife though.
“What do I taste like?” I parrot. “Blood and chocolate and iron, princess,” I growl, grinding my pelvis against hers. “Blood and chocolate and iron.”
The only response is a delicious whimper joining the high-pitched squeak of my redhead as Mr. Armani tends to her lust.
A dozen strokes away from blinding chaos my plastic fantastic paramour gasps in my ear that she’s not on the pill. Loathes her arrogant shit head husband. Is only doing this to spice up their dead on arrival sex wife after marriage.
Tells me she hired a PI. Caught him fucking her slutty little whore of a sister in a seedy motel. Wants to crush his balls. Emasculate him. Get his 50th floor office mocking him.
“That a fact?” I grunt, savoring the tight ripple of her kegels. Had to love vain white girls who like to keep it tight down below as they aged.
Mrs. Plastic pulls me into a kiss, trying way too hard to piss off the lame duck husband she’s trying to cuckold. He’s paying shit attention though. He’s got my hellion’s legs throw over his shoulders and he’s laying pipe, rutting into her fiery red snatch like she’s got the best hole this side of the planet.
“How do I figure?” I say.
Her hips wiggle erratically. Her $500 nails leave stinging red patterns across my chest. She bites her lip.
I repeat myself. Burrow my tongue in her ear. Spank her ass. Hard. Enjoy the hell outta the Jell-O jiggle.
“Breed me,” she skitters out with half clenched teeth. I look up and her wild declaration of want has her face burning in shameful lust. I laugh hard at the cheap porno phrasing. Words she probably never imagined she’d say. The kind of filth rich white women consider beneath them. Deny themselves until it, as it sometimes does with them, explodes out in amusing depravity.
My cock swells and she lets fly a few obscenities she’s also probably never uttered before in her sheltered life in the high-rises. Maybe I had it wrong. Not Plastic Fantastic, but Miss Cold Hearted Bitch?
She ripples her inner muscles again, a pulsating wave of sticky tight heat.
“The fuck not?” I grunt over a helpless inner scream of turmoil.
I leave her in an orgasmic heap on the chaise lounge after I’m finished; a thick river of semen leaks from her reddened, lewdly stretched pussy. It’s an image only outclassed when a short little thing sporting cornrows nudges her legs apart and laps at our creamy mess like a starved kitten.
“Jesus,” the golden haired blonde cries out like a sinful prayer when she opens her eyes and sees the wriggling head between her thighs. She tries pushing the girl away, which only serves to increase the intensity of the svelte teen’s carpet munching.
“Blood and chocolate and iron,” I repeat as I walk by.
Her toes curl and there it is. She’s pulling the coffee skinned teenager in, squeezing her legs around her head. A different kind of biblical name forms on her lips.
My little hellion is a mess. Her red-gold locks are soaked and sweat pools on the coppered skin of her back. She’s riding Mr. Armani like a prized stallion, drum tight ass flexing and contracting, muscles rippling slowly. Damn near award winning if a competition were held.
I settle onto my knees behind her, cup her ass, and drag a finger up through her dark pink crevice. Mr. Armani’s prick slows to a stop and a cracked, keening whine falls from her lips.
“Unnngh,” she cries. “Don’t. Fucking. Stop. Dammit.”
“Shh,” I promise. “It’s coming.”
“What is?” she’s able to spit out with a breathy moan.
“Best kind of sinnin’ this fucked over world can provide.”
I pull her left cheek to the side, notch my cock at her back door and push right through into her tight buttery heat while she screams bloody murder.
“Unnghhh,” my hellion grunts again, pressing forward, pulling Mr. Armani up into her teardrop tits.
Feminine murmurs of fascination, shock, and jealousy harmonize together. Words are traded. Temporary partnerships forged in raw need. Mirror images to the delight of the raucous ravers wishing they could spend even five minutes inside.
I hold her hips and pump my dick in and out her hot buttery heat. It’s got my heart bumpin’ like Ray’s sound system back in the day. I can smell her earthy arousal and taste her salty sweetness when I yank her back to bite her shoulder. And I can feel the powerful constriction of her sphincter coiling around my meat. It’s a feeling pussy just can’t match.
“Full... Oh myyyy Gaaaawwwd. So…” shudder, “fucking…” quake, “full.” Her head lolls. A silly grin of insanity splits her lips. Mr. Armani paws at her tits, pinching her cherry red nipples. “Fuck my slutty asshole,” she whimpers. “Cream it. Unngh. Fill my pussy with your nasty seed.”
We do our best to comply, finding a rhythm that mirrors the viscously erotic music bubbling outside the cube.
“I’ve never… I’ve never…” my hellion blubbers, tears of pleasure sliding from the corners of her eyes. She’s a swampy mess of arousal, fluid squirting out during a suddenly intense series of orgasms.
“Why don’t we shut that pretty little mouth of yours up,” I grunt in her ear. I snap a finger and a new cock materializes, slapping down against her forehead. “Suck it down, red. Let’s make you airtight.”
Her insides coil and clench, both vaginal and anal muscles working overtime. The white snake pushes past her lips.
Mr. Armani palms her ass, humping up into her, spreading her muscular cheeks, exposing the lewdly filled hole I’m plundering.
Three cocks take her straight to hell and an overload of pleasure she’ll likely continue to seek out now, with or without us. That knowledge brings my dick to diamond hardness and I match the pace being set, synchronizing my thrusts a half-beat off Mr. Armani’s until we’re passing the red firecracker’s hips back and forth like a basketball. Each half beat, I cram my shaft up her rectum, slamming her down, before passing over control of her hips so he can slam his dick up, rocking her hips back to me. Then we speed up, the wet slaps echoing, driving her to places she’s never been. Never dreamed.
The skinny white teen pumping her throat is the first to go, roaring into the shadows as he unloads into her mouth. She sucks down as much as she can. But he can’t hold up to the fluttering sensations of her tongue on his exploding cock and his dick slips from her lips, but continues to spurt, painting her face white.
Feeling my balls start to ignite, I speed up. The rhythm breaks and it’s just two pricks savagely racing to the end inside her pliant body. Her inner muscles ripple and clench with vice-like intensity and Mr. Armani erupts next. I feel the deliciously raw sensation of him blowing his load into her hungry snatch, cum splattering her walls like raindrops breaking against a poncho. I get another half stroke in before the bomb goes off and my balls go nuclear, sending a torrent of cum racing up my shaft to hose down her anal cavity. Her lithe body jerks spastically and her jaw drops.
No sound. Just static. Heartbeats. Jerking muscles.
Eventually her body sags back into Mr. Armani, slick copper skin twitching and pebbling. Lazily, I rotate my softening tool in her heavenly butt and pull out, frothy cum bubbling from her gaping hole. I give her a light spank and stumble dizzily to my feet. I find my golden blonde bent over the chaise, a bald pit bull of a man rutting away inside her frothing snatch. Makes me wonder if she’s decided to play some Russian roulette with the baby-daddy identity. Grin real wickedly each time she’s filled by some new strange.
I walk over to the over side, cock in hand, and rub it against her plump lips.
“Clean me off, bitch,” I order.
She looks up dazed, but complies, cramming my purple head between her lips. I rest my hands on her head and sigh, letting her talented tongue bring my dick back to full mast.
I take the time to look around and grin. Naked bodies fill every last scrap of space in the cube, light filtering in to create shadowed dots and lines over their skin. And hundreds of sets of eyes stare greedily in from the outside as they dance, wishing they had the money or connections to fuck their pains away.
In the far corner I spot my newest prey, a curvy Latina bent over on her elbows with her ass pointed to the moon, a feminine head wriggling between her cheeks, no doubt giving her dark star a good tongue lashing.
I walk over.
And stop in my tracks.
Pink tresses spill over the Latina’s round butt. Familiar nails, chewed up and painted neon green dig in into the supple skin. Pink hair is yanked back suddenly by a thick hand attached to a thicker foreman.
Unstable green eyes flutter, pupils dilating hard. Lips curve into a feral grin. Your eyes find mine. You hold my gaze defiantly. Invitingly. But there’s also anger there. Sadness even.
I let slip control and Jalen comes charging back in, horrified, jealous, and angry. Lost.
You look impossibly young. I don’t know if this is a dream or a nightmare. Past. Present. Future. Amalgamation. My tomboy Aphrodite with ageless eyes and a past more scarred than mine.
Pink fades to blonde and you bite your lower lip as the lean tattooed bull behind you skewers your dynamite ass before beginning a brutal series of spanks while pulling on your hair. Each brutal slap ages you, dulls your eyes and I, we, scream out in sorrowful rage. Your face melts and like Two-Face from the comics I read as a kid, you’re two different people. You. And her. Paradoxes. Two different blondes housed in the same tortured vessel, a reality I can’t seem to escape no matter how hard I try. Your grunts of pleasure, her grunts of pleasure, they’re all the same.
The tattooed bull smiles viciously as he pushes you hard into the curvy Latina, smothering you against her plush ass. The brutal spanks continue to rain down. Reality warps. And Jasmyn takes the place of the tattooed bull, eyes black pits of rage, working that police baton into your pussy, her pussy, while you sing out a list of names that doesn’t have mine on it.
I stumble to my knees. A freckled hand appears on my shoulder. Red hair tickles my nose. Worried words flow into my ear.
I grit my teeth.
The world tilts off axis and darkness floods in.
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I’d been spending a lot of time in the Twomps, lately. Yeah, eastside Oaktown, where a white girllike me really had no business being. Only, I was cool, ‘cause I knew Twiman, and he made sure everybody knew it. Not that I was one of his girls, and I sure as hell wasn’t one of his gangers. You see, growing up off International, I’d spent more time couch surfing than I had at home. Me and my dad just didn’t get on, more like he didn’t give a shit where his youngest was. You might say the...
Mr. Dithers watched his hidden camera inside the Bumstead home. He never did like Dagwood, but he kept him around because of his amazing blonde wife. Julius Dithers believed that Dagwood didn't deserve her. He would make it his mission to bed her and breed the young wife. After all, he had no heirs with his fat wife to leave his empire. A young woman would do nicely. That day he sent Dagwood on a overnight conference meeting. He arrived at the Bumstead house an hour after Dagwood left. Blondie,...
Sam and I bought our cabin last year for weekends just like this one. It gives us the perfect place to have our friends come by and party with us. This past week was probably the hottest we've had so far. We were all looking forward to hanging out on the beach, and spending our evening enjoying drinks in front of a blazing bonfire. Our friends are going to bring the food and drinks and other 'party favors' to kick off the night. I saw Sam head out when I started, but I wasn't sure what he was...
AnalI’d been spending a lot of time in the Twomps, lately. Yeah, eastside Oaktown, where a white girl like me really had no business being. Only, I was cool, ‘cause I knew Twiman, and he made sure everybody knew it. Not that I was one of his girls, and I sure as hell wasn’t one of his gangers. You see, growing up off International, I’d spent more time couch surfing than I had at home. Me and my dad just didn’t get on, more like he didn’t give a shit where his youngest was. You might say the...
Group SexMy story begins this past summer when my friend and I took a visit to South Carolina. We spent most of our time in Myrtle Beach, and lodged in the neighboring city of Conway. Besides playing golf, and spending time on the beach, we came to SC so my friend can have his first experience at a strip club. This visit was my 3rd, so I had sophomore skills at these clubs. Anyway, we went on our first night to take a whack at it. My friend danced with a blue haired chick he thought was sexy as well...
We've spent the entire night together. We met in the bar, making eye contact from across the room. It's as if our destiny was to meet, to make eye contact at that very moment. We smiled at each other as he made his way over to me. I could feel my heart thumping. I knew tonight was the right night to do this. I made my choice early this morning. I was tired of being a virgin. I thought I was making the right choice in waiting, but it seemed to never happen for me. So, before I could change my...
First TimeMy story begins this past summer when my friend and I took a visit to South Carolina. We spent most of our time in Myrtle Beach, and lodged in the neighboring city of Conway.Besides playing golf, and spending time on the beach, we came to SC so my friend can have his first experience at a strip club. This visit was my 3rd, so I had sophomore skills at these clubs.Anyway, we went on our first night to take a whack at it.My friend danced with a blue haired chick he thought was sexy as well as a...
She rolls on top of me, kissing me softly, a light giggle in her throat. We're both far too drunk, due to having the shittiest day. The place we work claims they are downsizing, letting go way too many employees to help with costs. Since we are some of the newer people hired, we're being let go. I found her in the ladies room, crying and punching the door to the stall. “It took me months to find this job!” She growled, “I can't start all over again. I hate this economy, it's too hard.” Her...
LesbianI felt like Alice might have, finding myself in a kind of wonderland. Growing up in Oakland, Ca, well, a girl had a limited world view. My world was small, centered around 40 th Ave. Sure, I knew there was a much bigger world out there. Hell, I grew up dreaming of it, escaping through the pages of National Geographic to places far and wide. I even had my gramma’s tales, the few times she’d share them, of growing up in Lyon. Yeah, in my head, I’d visited Tuscany, the Amazon, New York, Jamaica,...
Group SexSome time ago in London town There stood a roomy manse That sheltered boys of Wednesday's woe And straightened circumstance. They were the children of despair Late rescued from the streets, To live in warmth and comfort now And sleep between soft sheets. The mistress of this house of bliss, Whose name was Mother Maude, Before conversion seized her soul Had been a lusty bawd. She knew the evils men can do, She knew the nasty tricks That men resort to when they must Seek pleasure for their...
Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...
Hi! My name is Arjun. My age is 21, and I am a computer engineering student studying in a reputed college in Mumbai. My native place is a small town in Gujarat. I was shy at first when I came to Mumbai, but I soon made friends. I had many female friends but no relationships. I was still a virgin. My friends were all in relationships. Soon, I was frustrated with all the greenery in Bollywood city. Once, I and my friends (Pooja, Ayush, Rhea, Jay, Anurag, Sonia, Priya, and Sachin) went to Juhu...
All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. ------------------- The Evening Bubbles Club - Part 1 ------------------- My name is Tony, and this story is about the only interesting part of my life. About three years ago, I moved from Atlanta to Los Angeles when I found a job as an E-Commerce developer for a company in the Valley. I was 25 years old and I had...
The lullaby of 24th street haunted my steps. A far off siren heralding yet another robbery gone bad. Laughter fueled by too much liquor and swearing fed by frustration. Voices raised in anger, seething with barely contained violence. The sound of a bottle shattering into a billion pieces on the side walk across the street. Hip hop or RnB exploding from a bar every time the door opened. And always, the frightened pitter patter of my heart every time I heard footsteps behind me. Eastside, baby....
Sooo.. Okay this is my first ever short story that I have ever "put out there". It's a story that I jotted down over a few days, inspired after years of secretly reading Fictionmania. Please forgive me if its scattered or hard to read. I tried to make everything make as much sense as a bimbo Tgirl story can. It was written more for fun and just to prove to myself that I could do it. I've taken inspiration from many of my favorite authors. So ladies please don't be mad >.
MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 2 By Britney McMaster Chapter 7: Discoveries My head was throbbing as I regained consciousness. As I looked around at the rubble surrounding me, everything that had happened came rushing back to me in a torrent of confusing memories. *What the hell happened?* Looking around, I surveyed the damage. I seemed to be in the center of the damage. Lying in front of me was the splintered remains of our table. *Where is everyone?* I started frantically looking...
Totally Chesty Tales – Tale 03 – Strolling Around(Featuring Linda, Robert Cortese and Ruth)TAGS: M/F/F, oral, 69, anal, facialDISCLAIMERI do not own any of the characters on this story; save if they are original characters (OC). These characters belong to their creators, producers, broadcasters, publishers and distributors, as the works they come from or inspired in way the story written below.I do not have any financial gain through this written piece nor do I intend to cash on it. This...
“Okay ladies, lift those legs. I want to see them nice and high. Higher ladies. Don't disappoint me!” The extremely fit, too ripped, fake tan girl on the TV is pushing us normal people to death, to look fit. I can feel the burn in my arms and legs, as I hold the small weights and do my squats. My hour work out is nearly done, it isn't coming fast enough. I wasn't in the mood to even work out today, but I'm not disappointed that I did. “Let's go ladies! Just a few more. You can do it. One! Two!...
Oral SexBlondie: Alex And Mom's Home Invasion (MM/F,ncon,inter,inc)by WilcoxI woke up just before dawn. I didn't know what time it was exactly, but therewas a little light coming through the curtains. I'd heard my dad's car startand drive away. It was Saturday, and I remembered that he and my sisterCookie were heading off to a charity father/daughter golf tournement. Dad wasone of the guy's running it. He had collected all the money and had to bethere early to make sure that everything was all set. It...
Bloody and Blondie - Traitorous Pride Chapter 1 - Red Forrest The woods, I love the woods, the sounds, the mystery. I'm confident; I'm prepared for anything that shows up in front of me. I'm alone, walking to nowhere, searching for adventure, for challenge, and for some gold too. I spent all my gold with drinks and girls in the last city I visited. So now I have just my clothes (gray pants, gray shirt, leather boots and a black cloak with a cap), my leather bag with some...
Bloody and Blondie - The Quest Starts Chapter 11 - Adjustments What a great day!! I'm riding a horse like a lady, holding on the body that used to be mine, with two things shaking a lot in my chest. I can't stand it. Taliaron is distant, now without that Flishter bastard around, I can make this trip less horrible. "Hey Sila, stop the horse!" I scream to my old self. She stops and we dismount. My old eyes are very red, she must be crying all the way. "Princess, sorry, but I...
By Sid Dey Nora my hot neighbor stepped out of her car in the parking lot of our luxury condo community in North Brunswick, NJ. I was picking up my mail from the mailbox near the parking lot. This happened so recently that its still fresh in my memory. First I saw her car door swing open, then her legs came out…they were so clean and silky…she was wearing a short black skirt and a blue top with a thin gold necklace and had her hair tied in a bun and black high heeled shoes. Now Nora is the...
InterracialNora my hot neighbor stepped out of her car in the parking lot of our luxury condo community in North Brunswick, NJ. I was picking up my mail from the mailbox near the parking lot. This happened so recently that its still fresh in my memory. First I saw her car door swing open, then her legs came out…they were so clean and silky…she was wearing a short black skirt and a blue top with a thin gold necklace and had her hair tied in a bun and black high heeled shoes. Now Nora is the sexy wife of...
Fictitious name and characters picked at random. This poem contains the spanking of an adult female at a Halloween Haunted House. Charlotta sat on the steps of the haunted house in her red plaid skirt. The view between her legs signaled she was a flirt. She showed a great deal of black panty hosed thighs. The blonde wore her short plaid skirt on Halloween had not been wise. Although Charlotta’s panties were rather scanty, The old fart had seen her white cotton panties. The interested man...
Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval until the universe rules are posted. Sanura's Tale - Part 3 (A MORFS Universe Story) By Britney McMaster Chapter 10: Running Late "NURA!" yelled Mom, "Get out of bed you're going to be late!" I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. *7:36? Crap!* I rushed through my shower, cutting myself badly on the arm in the process. *Damn claws.*...
III Blondie whimpered softly as the Biker she’d dubbed Geronino tugged the cups of her bra down, freeing her breasts, doing he best not to squirm as she lay on the bar top. She had a sudden urge to push her hands down between her legs and finger herself, putting on a show while they watched. Only in her wildest fantasies had she ever been such a dirty slut. Now she reveled in it, licking her lips as she met each of their gazes, seeing the beast-like lust in their eyes, knowing that it was a...
'Just follow me and I will show you how to please a woman and make her come back for more… Can you feel how hard you have made the nipples?’ she asked. I was like a schoolboy being taught one of the best lessons life had to offer, and I was a keen student. I turned 21 and the guys decided to take me out. We had a few drinks at the pub to work up some courage and then headed off to the local swingers club. It was a little shop front just off the main street. The place just looked like an...
First TimeNote: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 6 By Britney McMaster I was pretty quiet on the way over to Jade's place. I really had no idea what was going to go on at this sleepover. Crystal always went to her friends' houses for her sleepovers so I've never had a chance to look in on one at my own house and...
All rights for this content belong to Shiraz Derwine. Please leave a review if you liked this story. All reviews are important to me and motivate me to write more. ------------------- The Evening Bubbles Club - Part 3 ------------------- Like every Friday, I woke up with my head in a haze. "Why did they choose Thursdays?" I asked myself while holding my head in my hands to stop it from spinning. As the water in the shower gently ran over my body, I started putting the pieces...
Note: The MORFS universe is now open for submissions. Please send any stories or questions to Britney at [email protected] for approval. MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 5 By Britney McMaster The wind blew through my hair as I was filled with a feeling of absolute freedom. For a short amount of time, I could experience the thrill of being a flyer, before I dropped back down to a rooftop and had to make another jump. I wished I...
(Important note: this story is largely non-erotic, any sex that occurs will happen only when logically demanded by the plot and is incidental to the main thrust of the tale. If it does happen it will be suitably steamy however...) It is the Year 2532. In the wake of the 'Miranda Wave' public outcry on the core worlds has completely revised the government of the Alliance and ousted its former leadership. Gone are the days of secret eugenics projects on backwater worlds and training facilities...
MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 9 By Britney McMaster I slapped my alarm as I sat up in bed. Another Monday, another long week of school. At least my birthday is coming up soon. Surprisingly, for a Monday morning, I was feeling pretty good. Life had settled into a nice little routine and it wasn't overly bad. Meeting Laura the day before had been really cool. Just knowing that there's someone else in the same boat as me really helps. Now I don't feel so...
Welcome to the Yaoi-verse, come and choose one of the many universes with in this part of existance.
Green Acres 12: Chapter and Verse, an Ode to Alf By Ron Dow75 French butler Alf, in his little black dress, hose, and shoes, and white garter belt, petticoats, apron, cap and lace trim along the edges, was now acting French bartender, without the accent. His voice was higher than normal, though, "Well, if it's just the same with you, I don't want Mr. Douglas thinking I was handsome." The distinguished gray hair man in the blue terrycloth bathrobe and pink silk nightgown...
The Ballad of Tiffany Renee: The Second Verse By Tiffany Renee Chapter 1 Well, my first adventure as a girl was off to a flying start. My family was gone for the night, I was all dolled up, I got lots of whistles and looks, and to top it off, a cute cop picked me up, flirted with me and dropped me off at the movies. This was my wildest dream come true! I glided into the lobby of the theater, just floating on a cloud. I looked like a pretty girl, and was treated like one,...
"All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. In the event that they are canonically underage, their appearance here is in an AU in which they are of age." Once upon a time, a higher power of some kind made a very special item for some crazy reason, perhaps he was drunk or maybe bored because he decided to create an item that was granted the power so that whoever weilds it can change reality to suit their desires: Anything and everything can be changed and no one but the user of this...
Mind Control(Eric's note: I edited, added a little bit, and put a little extra in the ending, but this is 90% my friend's work. It is a very poignant tale.) Cinderella's Taxi (A Taxi Ride Universe Tale) By Eric and Friend The twin girls were almost ready for bed, but their bodies were still full of energy at 9pm. It wasn't easy for their sitter to get them ready for bed in the first place. Even after begging and bribery, the twins still wouldn't get in the bed and sleep like the angels four...
I want you to stand at the window in my apartment and gaze across the river. I want you to feel my lips on the back of your neck, to turn and kiss me, to feel my hands running up your legs lifting your skirt. I want you to be guided back to the sofa, to feel the coolness of the leather on the backs of your legs as we kiss and caress. I want you to feel me guiding your knickers to one side and find you are already wet with anticipation, to gently wrap your legs around my back as I...
CANDLES & BUBBLES I knew my love was going to be extremely tired when she arrived. I really wanted her to feel good and relaxed when she got here. I guess I just wanted her to know how much I wanted to see her. She walked in the door and I heard a muffled "Honey......Honey?!" from the other room. My love is a beautiful girl; she has long brown wavy hair, exotic green eyes and full luscious lips. She stands about 5'4" with beautiful supple breasts, small areoles and small but hard nipples....
Straight SexBubbles was my high school sweetheart and my first true love. I had not seen her for many years until we met up last Valentine ‘s Day when she was out west for her oldest daughter’s wedding. We had a good time and caught up on how our lives had gone separate ways. Now it is almost a year later. See last year’s story for more background. * I’m an adjunct professor in a local southern California college teaching various computer courses. It’s an enjoyable job when the students are willing and...
Sanura's Tale (A MORFS Universe Story) By Britney McMaster The men stepped out of the darkness, their smart camo making them difficult to see. Sanura dug her claws deeper into the arms of the man underneath her, causing him to grunt in pain. "If you value your life, you'll call them off," she spat. "Release him and stand with your hands behind your head!" "I'll release him when you put your guns away." The men...
Bubbles of LoveThe bathroom can be a wonderful placeIt can be used for a variety of purpose, wonderment and joy This is a weave of that enjoymentOf pleasure of desire, of a song of passion I hold you very close, the hug is sincere, it embodies our soul, our existence. You’re perfume fills the air, its scent is one of ecstasy, I can not savor it enoughI ask, you answer, the moment is nearThe bubbles of love are about to appearI start with your hair, it fills me with excitement, its soft...
MORFS: Sanura's Tale, Part 7 By Britney McMaster We drove for about 20 minutes before we reached the edge of the climate control and could see the snow falling not too far ahead. We kept on driving and were soon surrounded by blowing snow as we neared the skiing suburb of town. "Dad? Why are we way out here in the cold part of town? I'm gonna freeze. Silk isn't exactly warm," I complained. I was already feeling cold, as the heater in the car had just been turned on. "We're...