Seducing a telephone repairman
- 1 year ago
- 44
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I moved into a Town House in a new area after my divorce. Soon after I needed an electrician to undertake some repairs to a fan in the bedroom. Not knowing anybody, I went on-line to see who was available and selected a local contractor.
A few hours later there was a ring on the door bell and obviously the electrician.
I opened the door to see what I believed to be a familiar face.
“My God is that you, Mike,” I exclaimed.
“Jan,” was his reply.
I was a little flustered as the memories of another time flooded back. Mike and I had been very intimate friends as teens and had a falling out and we parted, not exactly the best of friends.
“I believe you called for an electrician.” He stammered, obviously as shocked as I was to see him.
“Come in, it is so nice to see you agai,.” I said recovering my composure quickly.
“I hope you can fix fans,” I said trying to make conversation.
“Fans and broken hearts,” he said cheekily.
Mike and I had been lovers and had fallen out one evening ten years earlier when I found him fucking Sue, one of my best friends. I lost my cool and ended our relationship.
Sue now lived locally, and she and I had become friends again.
The memories of those days had come flooding back. I was flustered.
Mike followed me into the bedroom.
I know he would have remembered Sue.
In an effort to make conversation I said, “Do you remember Sue, she now lives locally.”
“How is she? Has she weathered as well as you have? “Mike said with a smile.
“If that was meant to be a complement, thank you. She is married now and has two kids. You may also remember Eddy, she married him after she got pregnant to him and that was that.”
There wasn’t a girl in the district Eddy had not slept with; and was envied by every male.
“The ceiling fan fell last night. It scared the daylights out of me when it happened," I told him.
“How about your husband?” I replied.
“I don’t have one any more. We have broken up and divorced over a year ago,” I explained.
“I am sorry to hear that,” he added.
“Don’t be; he was a bastard. I wanted kids and he wouldn’t have a bar of them. Apart from that he was an alcoholic. He gave me bruises instead,” I explained.
“How about you? How many kids do you have,” Jan asked.
“Would you believe none, that I know of. You know after we had that bust-up I joined the services, learned a trade, then left when my time was up and joined an airline as an electrical engineer and travelled the world. I never found anybody that I wanted to marry. I am still single.”
Then he changed the subject and began to ask about the ceiling fan.
He told me it will take me about an hour to fix that.
“How much do you estimate it will cost?” I asked.
“Well for an old friend I can do a special deal. Let’s say $50 for parts etc. and the labour thrown in – for old times’ sake.” Mike said.
“You were always a softy, thank you," Jan said.
Mike worked on the job for about forty five minutes and said there you are all fixed and it won’t fall again.
“Thank you. Would you like a coffee before you go?” I enquired.
He checked his mobile phone for his next appointment.
“Thank you, that would be nice thank you. I have an hour or so to kill before my next job," he replied and followed me out to the kitchen.
“You have a nice place here. Have you been here long.” He enquired as we walked through the apartment.
I had liked and loved Mike way back, so I believed I had regained a friend and began to explain.
“About twelve months. I did quite well out of the divorce settlement. We didn’t live here. I had a good lawyer and he managed to screw my bastard of a husband harder than he screwed me. He was an animal and treated me the same way.”
I had given him far too much information. I was now in tears.
Mike was obviously listening but said nothing. I had gone this far so I was going to let it all out.
“I had to get a job and he resented that because it gave me money which he denied me. He constantly accused me of having affairs. It was only after a few police visits and finally when the neighbours called them when they heard me being beaten to a pulp again, that it became so intolerable. When I was released from hospital the social worker put me in a women’s refuge and encouraged me to take a restraining order out on him as I decided to divorce him.” My tears continue to flow. explaining this to Mike.
“I am sorry.” He said.
“If only you hadn’t fallen for Sue. I really wanted you.” I blurted out.
“I am sorry. he said. “It was a silly thing to do. It was just going to be a once off. Just to see what it was like with each other. I had no romantic feelings for Sue at all.”
“I know that now," I said.
“She and I had never done it together and we were both in the mood and it just happened.” Mike explained.
“That’s basically the way Sue said it was. She and I are good friends now. I was surprised when I met her in the supermarket. We had coffee later and she told me about her and Eddy and the kids. She was so upset she had broken up a lovely friendship because of what happened.”
We chatted whilst we had our coffee and were beginning to relax and talk about the old days.
The longer we talked and relived the old days we realised we still had a lot in common. It was then he asked.
“Was I the first guy to ever have sex with you?”
He obviously had his suspicions in that regard.
“Yes. I loved you. That the night of the party changed all that though. After you left I let anybody who asked fuck me. I was broken hearted. Everybody knew about you and me breaking up. I didn’t care anymore. I let anybody do it with me including Eddy. With Eddy that’s what you did, just a fuck and that was that. I let him fuck me a lot.”
Mike was listening and watching my every move.
“I was so upset, I just did it to prove I was no different to the other girls, however I always insisted on a condom. I wouldn’t do it without one and the guys began to stop asking.
Eddy never cared who it was and never refused to use a condom with me. I was beginning to enjoy it with him, it was fun.
“Shit, now I know how you felt. I was a complete bastard.”
Mike held his head in shame. It was obvious he was hurting.
We continued chatting for a while before Mike realised he had to go to his next job. I picked up the cups etc. and took them to the sink and began to wash them. Mike picked up the tea towel and began to dry the cups.
I don’t know how it happened but somehow our eyes met. The chemistry still existed and we kissed. It was as if nothing had happened between the last kiss we had shared ten years earlier and now.
As we embraced the passion was amazing. We broke the kiss. I was holding him tighter than I had held another man. I didn’t want him to get away again.
He had his head buried in my blond curly hair as he kissed my neck as he had done all those years before. Mike was still in my arms and he lifted his head and looked into my eyes.
“I still love you, you know.”
“The feeling is mutual," I replied. “Will you come back for dinner?” I asked breathlessly.
“What time?” He asked.
“As soon as you are finished working ring and tell me. You have my number.”
As we were leaving the kitchen I led the way. Mike followed and put his arms around me from behind and hugged me again and kissed my neck. Then he put his hands up and found my hard nipples and pinched them. I only had a bra and a cotton T shirt on. They were very prominent and visible.
The feeling was electric and sent sensations through my whole body and my knees almost collapsed under me. This was something he had done often previously when my breasts were forming and my nipples becoming prominent when aroused.
“Oh God," I gasped
Mike laughed and said “Well that’s one thing that hasn’t changed. You loved it when I did that before. Get used to it I intend taking up where we left off my darling woman.”
I turned and we kissed extremely passionately again as my hard nipples rubbed against the material of my bra. I knew what was happening was not something I had expected when I rang for an electrician, every fuse in my body was ready to blow.
The sight and the smell of his body had rekindled a fire within me that had long been extinguished. I didn’t have to think. I was certain we both had the same idea. I had not had a man in my bed for over two years. We were going to go to bed that night and take up where we had left off before. This time Sue or Eddy was not going to come between us.
The rest of that day was a blur. I could think of nothing else but Mike and the life I had left behind me. I only hoped he thought the same. I knew Sue would not spoil it for me this time.
Back then it was teenage sex and nothing more, there was feeling between us but we were too young to really be in love, but enjoyed and experienced having the sex we did. It was fun, naughty but nice in those days, I remembered one afternoon we were playing around and he wanted to shave my pubic hair off. I relented and only allowed him to trim it short. Afterwards we both admired his handiwork. In bed that night I could not take my hand off it and I rubbed myself constantly. Eventually my orgasm overwhelmed me and I slept the sleep of an angel.
After I showered ready for him, I decided that I would do everything I could to bring back happy memories. I immediately set to with my electric clippers and razor and sat down before my mirror and took to myself and shaped my rather full fair-haired bush to a trim short haired small triangle above my vagina. I carefully shaved all the hair from my labia and perineum. I didn’t want to have any little bumps for him to contend with.
Even if I say so myself I did a very good job after so many years of doing nothing to it. I was sure Mike would approve.
To calm myself down I busied myself cooking him a special dinner. I had no idea what he liked but as a chef I was capable of making something I was sure he would like.
In the few hours since we met…and kissed I knew I wanted him in every way. My recent past was now well behind me.
I had dressed and tried to look enticing.
He rang and I opened the door.
Mike stood there motionless. He arrived with a bunch of flowers and a bottle of Champagne. He was going to make a big impression as I had hoped.
My hair was always something he admired. I had washed, dried, combed and brushed it so it fell onto my shoulders in big ringlets. I had chosen a dress to show off my attributes. I had not done that for years. My body had now filled out more than it was when I was 16. I was now a woman rather than the almost flat chested teenager he knew intimately before
I smiled and we kissed softly as a greeting, I could smell his aftershave and like it.
The smell of a beautiful meal pervaded my apartment. He had no idea I had become a very competent and masterful chef.
Dinner was a most very enjoyable meal and washed down with the Champagne. The conversation centred mostly about our lives after our breakup. He explained he felt heartbroken after my reaction after I had found him in bed with Sue.
Mike once again asked me about unfortunate marriage and breakup. I explained how my life had been hell. He had never met Mark, the guy I married. Mark had a motor bike accident just before our marriage and that changed his whole personality. Our honeymoon was more or less a recuperation period for him as well. As a result of his injuries he turned to alcohol and that mixed with the pain killers turned him into a violet animal, and I suffered his abuse, both physical and sexual, for a year.
After the last beating when I was hospitaliszed, the social worker at the hospital made all the arrangements for me to be placed in a women’s refuge when I was discharged. The people there helped me with the arrangements to take out an apprehension order and begin the divorce procedures. Mark became uncontrollable and began to assault other people and eventually was sent to jail. Only then did I return home, and when the divorce was finalised, and the house sold, I moved here. I then began a course in cooking and became a chef and have worked in many good kitchens.
He sat silently as I spoke and only offered one comment when I finished.
“He must have been a real bastard.”
After dinner, we sat in the lounge, and we sat side by side. It didn’t take more than a few minutes and it was obvious we were both very anxious to renew our earlier efforts to reconcile and we both kissed with passion.
I was obviously impatient to get things back together with us again. The Champagne was working now. I took his hand and placed it on my breast as we kissed. That was the signal he wanted. It was something he always did when we were together before, he fondled my breasts, and I loved it.
“Would you like to see if that fan has fallen off the ceiling again.” I asked.
Mike stood took my hand and pulled me up and we embraced again and I made moves toward the bedroom. If he was as randy as I was this wouldn’t last more than a minute or two.
I had not had sex for over two years and prior to that only to be used as Mark’s cum bucket. I cannot remember the last time I actually made love. Each time my former husband wanted me he took me violently and roughly in his drunken attempt to have sex. When it happened it was brutal. It often ended in it being unsuccessful as he could not complete his desire and blamed me. It was because he was always too drunk. I then was given a beating.
I was hoping this would be as we had been before. It was always tender and controlled. He always made sure I had climaxed before he did. I had never forgotten our first love making experiences together. He wanted me to be satisfied before he was. That was the way Mike was, always thinking about the other person he was with.
I had no idea that my sex life would be so quickly re-established and was no longer using oral contraception. I had not been with a man since Mark and I parted.
If I fell pregnant then so be it. There was no certainty that the two of us would be together in two months’ time but I certainly hoped so if I did become pregnant
When we got to the bedroom we both undressed ourselves. He was naked before me and pulled the bedclothes back. I finished undressing and waited until he completed his bed preparation. I was not embarrassed by being naked in front of him. The last time was ten years before and I was blossoming teenager. Now I believe I had everything necessary to make a man more than happy.
I stood there admiring his sun-tanned body. His body was firm and there was no excess fat anywhere on him. His erection was hard and very straight. The memories of our past came flooding back.
We were ten years older now and we had both matured. His cock was bigger than I had remembered. It looked perfect. I always admired his cock before as he was one of the few guys I had seen that had been circumcised. It had never failed to satisfy me before and I was hoping it still would.
He saw me admiring him.
“Just stand there as you are," he told me, as his eyes studied every inch of my body.
“You look absolutely beautiful, you always did. Now you look even more stunning as a woman. I always admired your beautiful face surrounded by those golden curls. Your breasts are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Everything is a natural as I remember. You have trimmed and shaped yourself beautifully. That looks very fresh. I can see that beautiful well of happiness I admired and enjoyed before. Your long legs were always a thing of beauty and no girl ever got close to you in that department. I have fallen in love again.”
I stood there transfixed as he described my body. Tears began to fill my eyes and run down my cheeks. I have never been admired or spoken to in such beautiful terms ever before. I went to him and we embraced naked and held him to me as my tears dripped off my face onto his shoulder. I could feel his hard cock pressed between my legs.
Slowly he guided me back onto the bed and we lay together softly kissing. His hands explored my body from neck to knee and my hand sought his penis. I felt the beautiful soft skin stretched over his erect cock again after all those years. It was bigger and longer than I remembered and was perfectly shaped.
In the time I was married to Mark we never made love like this. Mark demanded sex and he took it. Even in our early days I don’t believe we made love but had sex. Never in my life have I been treated as a woman of desire in the way Mike was treating me now. Even as teenagers he was kind and gentle and always ensured I was happy and comfortable before we engaged in love making. He always made sure I had climaxed before he did. He was a master of love making. It was no wonder Sue wanted him, and I know he has had other women as well since, and I know why. I envied all the woman he has made love to since we parted all those years ago. Now my patience was being rewarded and we were going to make love again.
We kissed and as we did Mike began to position himself above me. I looked down at him and shuddered at the magnificent sight of his erect penis, the firm hard head of it pointing directly at my vagina. I was beginning to feel that this was going to be my first love making experience, as it had been with him all those years before. He had been the first boy to penetrate me with his penis and to provide me with my first orgasm that had not been the result of me masturbating. I had destroyed my hymen with a hair brush. I hadn’t bled when he fucked me so he had not realised his cock was the first one ever to enter me.
The feeling of anticipation I had then, I was having again. The fear was gone as I had been penetrated many times since. I would not enjoy anything like what was going to happen to me in a few seconds again. This was going to be even more wonderful than the first time the two of us did this before.
I felt the head of his cock gently part my outer labia lips and press against the inner lips. The memories of our first encounter came flooding back. Mike was looking down and guiding his penis into my body as he had done the first time. I had never forgotten those few minutes of our first experience. He let it remain there for a moment as he looked up at me, smiled and said.
“Many happy returns.”
Then slowly pressed his cock down and penetrated that part of me that had been penetrated often before, but only by him with care and consideration of me. When Mark entered me, it was harsh. He thrust his cock into me hard and deep without care or concern. Mike was gentler than at any time Mark had sex with me. I then realised that Mark always insisted on entering me from behind, and he didn’t care where. I could see the wonderful expression on Mike’s face as he entered me. This was lovemaking at its best. The last time I made love face to face was with Mike all those years before.
Mike slowly pressed himself further and further into me. I could feel the thickness of his cock gently parting the walls of my vagina on its way deep inside me. I could feel the head of his cock pressing down and up into the parts of me that desperately needed him. He was filling the voids I had so desperately needed to be filled. I could not remember the last time I had enjoyed having a cock inside me as much as I was having this experience. Mark was so rough and aggressive and at times he hurt me and he didn’t care. He was getting what HE wanted. He had often caused me unbearable pain by constantly hitting my cervix. Now it was even better than all those years before as a teenager. I watched his face as he concentrated on what he was doing. I could see he was enjoying the feeling of having his cock back where it had been so many years earlier, and so was I.
Mike looked down at me and our eyes met. He smiled.
“Jan... my darling Jan, never leave me again. What I am feeling now I never believed existed. I have found the love of my life.”
Tears ran down my face.
“I love you too, my darling. This was meant to be. We were always meant to be together, make love to me like you have never made love to another woman.”
“Thank God we have found each other again.” he whispered.
Those are the most beautiful words I have heard in ten years. I believe we have found paradise together. I realise now that what we had before was wonderful, this is even more beautiful. Our bodies were meant to be as we are.
Mike and I had not been making love for more than a few minutes and I soon realised this was the most beautiful sensation I had ever experienced.
For the first time in my life I was making love as an adult the way it was meant to be. Previously I was just there for one purpose and it wasn’t making love like this.
Mike was now beginning to thrust and withdraw using a steady rhythm and I could feel his cock doing things inside me that I had not enjoyed before.
After a minute or two he again looked down at me and we kissed again. Now we were doing that a lot, soft and gently on the lips as he continued to make love with me. I had never kissed Mark when having sex… ever. It had been impossible as we never faced each other.
I could feel sensations beginning to stir inside me. Sensations I had not previously felt or enjoyed. His cock was really giving me pleasure in ways I had always imagined making love would give me. It was as if I had been given a new internal mechanism to enjoy sex.
I was enjoying real lovemaking for the first time, rather than savage and painful sex. As teens, it was good, but never this good. Back then we didn’t make love – we fucked.
Every nerve in my body was alive and enjoying the sensations around my vagina and clitoris up to my cervix. I could feel the length and girth of his cock right up until he touched my cervix. The walls of my vagina were being stimulated like they had never been stimulated before. Previously I had been numb inside dreading the pain.
He kissed my nipples and this made me shudder with delight all over. I had never had that done to me before. I was beginning a new life altogether making love. My entire body was now responding to his thrusts and gentle movements above me. Even as teenagers he was kind and gentle when we had sex and always had more consideration for the girl he was with than he did for himself. The other girls had commented on how nice it was having sex with him. I always considered what he did to me was the way everybody enjoyed sex.
Soon after Mike and I broke up I began to go with any boy who asked me and experience what the other girls were experiencing with their boyfriends, we were being fucked and that was all it was. We were being used. I soon realised that was the way guys were. Basically, a girl was there to provide the ways and means of him reaching an orgasm. Apart from Mike I was not aware of any other guy who was remotely concerned about the girl cumming before him. Once the guy came – that was it. Some guys didn’t even realise girls could cum back then.
We were there together and I was having one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I had sex with Mike a few times as a teenager but it was never like this. I lay there and relaxed and let him do what he wished with me. I was virtually floating on a cloud.
Mike was obviously enjoying himself with me. He was concentrating on what he was doing and it seems he was also making sure I was enjoying myself as he looked down at me a few times and blew me a kiss. His rhythm was slow and steady and with each stroke I could feel his body touch mine and this felt awesome. I guess he had been doing what we were both enjoying for about ten minutes and then he began to speed his strokes up.
I looked up and asked,
“Are you going to give me what I have been wanting for the past ten minutes?”
“Do you want me to wait a minute?” he asked.
“No. I am ready.”
As I spoke the sensation of my orgasm began to overwhelm me. I had never had an orgasm with Mark. I relaxed and allowed the throes of my climax to completely overwhelm my body. It had been ten years since I had had this experience before. When the first spasm of my orgasm hit me, my whole body jerked and shook, my insides went into spasm. My body bucked and shivered with the sensation. My entire body shook almost uncontrollably. My breasts virtually bounced on my chest. My clitoris was extremely sensitive. I allowed my body to experience what I later realised was the first time I had completely allowed myself to orgasm with unrestrained abandon. I could not remember ever cumming like this before, even when I masturbated.
Mike recognised the experience I was enjoying and then just began to thrust into me faster and faster. Never had I been fucked so beautifully before. This was truly an amazing experience after what I had been through with Mark. I never believed or considered I would ever enjoy sex again after what he had done to me.
Then he let out a deep groan. Gradually his thrusts became slower and slower as he grunted each time he went down into me. With each thrust, I knew his warm wonderful semen was pouring from his body into mine. The fact I had taken no precautions made me feel even better. I had eventually realised what making love could be. We could be making a baby within me and I was so happy.
He was filling me with his seed. If it was to fertilise an egg within me then so be it.
By then I had recovered enough to feel each thrust and the sensation of his semen lubricating his cock deep within me
I had done this often as a teenager but then we were just fucking. Never did it feel as satisfying as this. I had never before experienced anything like this with Mike or any of the other boys and certainly not Mark – ever.
After he had emptied his body of semen he collapsed on top of me and was breathing as heavily as I was. I could feel our hearts beating hard and our bodies were heaving with the exertion of our orgasm. Both of us had the most wonderful experience of being intimate together and we were both covered in sweat and as he slid his body over mine. It felt so erotic.
We lay together for at least three or four minutes silently allowing our bodies to relax and restore our normal breathing. We were both exhausted. This was the most wonderful experience of lovemaking I had ever experienced. I hope Mike had also enjoyed his time with me.
I didn’t wish to consider anything else.
If he would have me I wanted to be with him again and remain with him forever. The feelings I had for him as a teenager could never have been considered as love but infatuation.
I was now older, wiser, and experienced. I had just found out what love feels like. It was what we had just experienced together, physically, and mentally. My feelings for Mike could not compare with any feelings I had previously with Mark, not even close.
His cock remained firm for some time and he kept it within me. The sensation of his naked soaking wet body pressed to mine was just something I would never have imagined.
Slowly his semen began to flow back as his cock softened and I had never ever experienced that before. Previously he and I had used condoms and I remembered the fun we had when we removed it from his sagging cock filled with cum virtually dangling off his cock.
When Mark fucked me he just pulled out and went to the bathroom to pee. There was no appreciation or comment from him at all.
“That was the most wonderful experience I have had," Mike told me.
“Better than some of your other girlfriends?” I enquired.
“I have to admit, there have been many but none so wonderful as what we just enjoyed… And I hope that those days are behind me. I have found the love of my life I should never have lost," he said.
I was trying desperately not to burst into tears. I lay back and said nothing. We were both laying together naked and after having experienced the most wonderful experience of lovemaking I had ever enjoyed. I rolled toward him and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, but that was not enough. I burst out crying.
“My darling. My darling, I really do love you” Was all he said.
We had not meet for ten years and it was if we had never parted.
I suppose we lay there embracing for what must have been five minutes or more. I was leaking cum everywhere and I could feel the moisture on my thighs and it leaking onto the sheets. His cock was leaking as well and we were both making a mess of the bed.
I pulled myself together and released the hold I had of him.
He kissed me lightly before I left the bed and headed to the bathroom to clean myself up.
As I left the bathroom he entered to wash and cleaned himself.
I made no effort to dress and sang out would you like a cup of tea or coffee.
“Coffee please.” He called from the bathroom.
” Do you want me to strip the bed," he asked.
“Leave it till later… we might want to make an even bigger mess if you can handle it.” I sang out to him. “Don’t bother dressing I want to see as much of you as I can.”
“You haven’t changed. You were always a bit of a nudist, even back then," he relied.
“And I always will be when you are around,” I said cheekily in reply.
We sat naked as we chatted and enjoyed a cup of coffee.
“That is the nicest cup of coffee I have enjoyed for ages, that makes two perfect experiences today,” he told me
“Three.” I replied.
“You walked back into my life.” Three makes perfect.
Mike laughed and added, “Ah then we have a couple more to go if three is what you want.”
He got up and took my hand and as he walked me back to the bedroom he added, “One down two to go”
We went to bed again and moved to the other side to make a mess on that side as well I hoped. It would not be as wonderful as the last one I imagined, but I was going to try. I wanted Mike to be around for a long time and after making love as we had done earlier, I was not going to deny him anything he wanted from me, or my body.
We started off just cuddling and kissing.
As we became aroused Mike felt for my breasts as we kissed. In our previous experience, he had kissed each nipple earlier as we made love but had not fondled them. I could not remember from my earlier times if he knew my breasts were extremely sensitive to touch as it was some years before we had last made love.
I guess he had at some time slipped his hand up my blouse and fondled them but had he may not have realised that to fondle my nipples added an extra dimension to my sexual arousal. This time I was going to let him know he was hitting all the right buttons.
“God, I like that," I whispered in his ear.
He then rubbed each nipple between his fingers and as he did so his head slid further south. He kissed my belly button which made me flinch a little as that too does things to me. Then he did something I had never experienced from him or any of the other boys I had sex with back then, and certainly not Mark.
He opened my legs, or to be more accurate I spread them a little wider as breathed heavily on my pubic patch and obviously over my now engorged labia. Then he softly played around the entrance to my vagina, rubbing each lip between his fingers. They were wet from our previous love making and from the feelings of passion I had within me. He then slipped a finger into me and then withdrew it and sucked it.
“Nice," he said.
Then he did something I had never ever experienced in my life. He slid his tongue between the lips and licked me from the bottom to the top of my labia. I had never experienced anything like the sensation that gave me. I instinctively spread my legs wider to give him a greater access to me. My mind was in overdrive.
“Ohhhh…Ohhhhh…Ohhhhh ” I exclaimed as his tongue rubbed the length of my vagina up to my clitoris. The sensation was unique to me I was shaking with delight.
This was not something I had ever had done to me before and I didn’t want it to stop.
Then he used two fingers to spread my lips further apart and open me to his view. To me this was just heavenly.
He looked up at me and smiled.
“That is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. Your lips remind me of the petals of a rose.”
I lay there completely entranced in what he was doing, and saying. Never has my body been so well loved and treated in such a way.
Then began to lick me again. This time firmly, giving me a sensation unique in my life. After a few licks, he used his tongue to work up onto my clitoris. and licked that firmly. I shuddered with the sensation. My body began to shiver with the absolute exquisite pleasure, my tummy muscles would spasm every few seconds as if I were about to cum. I could hardly control myself.
I had exposed my clit from time to time when I masturbated but this was the first time it had ever been licked or touched by other than my finger or a cock. I shuddered with the most amazing sensation of his touch of his tongue. My body began to shake enough for my tits to wobble on my chest. It felt like I had never ever made love before, this was unique. I was enjoying this even better than when I enjoyed Mike taking my virginity many years before. I had no idea what lovemaking was then – now I knew. He was an expert in seduction. I had to stop myself from crying, this was the most amazing experience of my life. I realised I loved this man and probably more than I had ever loved anybody in my life. I had been reborn.
Slowly Mike increased the pressure of his licking and rubbing of my clit. I could feel the sensation as his tongue rubbed it and licked it. He put his lips down over the sheath and sucked it out. and then rubbed his tongue over the exposed flesh. My body jerked violently and enough for him to lose contact. He didn’t say anything but resumed his attention to that part of me that was now in virgin territory. I could not believe anything could be so amazing.
The sensation of his attention to those so erotic parts between my legs felt amazing and I could feel my juices began to flow down. Without saying a word, he began to lick the juices from me. I lay there having an experience I had never been aware of in almost thirty years. Never had I achieved these beautiful sensations. I was not aware of such feelings. I had loved Mike before he took me to bed, and this experience confirmed that not only did I love him, I wanted him to be with me for the rest of my life. I had suffered with Mark and now I was in a state of bliss with Mike. I had enjoyed having sex with Mike as teens but he was never this competent.
It didn’t take me long before I could feel my tummy muscles tighten, and I knew that I was soon to have another orgasm. I had never ever had one orgasm with Mark, now I was about to have a second one with Mike in a matter of an hour or so.
It didn’t take more than a minute before I came again. This time more violently than before, if that was possible. My body shook and shivered and bucked with the extreme sensation of his mouth and tongue on my clitoris. I grabbed the sheets and gripped them as tightly as it was possible to try to control my spasms. I could help it and pulled my legs back and up. This in fact exposed my vagina even more for Mike to enjoy as much as I was enjoying his attention to me it seemed.
The sensation of my orgasm was extending longer that I had ever experienced before. It was so intense I lost control and and I almost passed out with the extreme feelings within me, something was happening to me that had never happened before. I was losing control of my mind and body. I was having an extreme orgasm unlike anything I had endured before, my ass lifted off the bed and pressed my vagina to his mouth. I felt like I may have been going to pee but managed to suppress that.
It was not until I had recovered sufficiently for Mike to explain I had endured, or enjoyed a multiple orgasm. Two orgasms in one..
Never before in my life had my body reacted to anything as powerful as that was.
I rolled onto my side and drew my legs up into the foetal position. I was in pain, or was it ecstasy.
This was exceptional. It was a brain snapping experience.
My clitoris was extremely sensitive and it was impossible to touch it. Once more I was exhausted and was breathing hard and gasping for breath. Mike was killing me with unbelievable sensations.
I remained curled up until I could breathe normally again and I was able to relax again.
Never in my life had I endured such a pleasurable experience. Mike came up and put his arm over me and kissed my ear. I shuddered again with the sensation. Mike had found something within me I had no idea existed.
I collapsed and lay on the bed, still virtually unable to move.
We lay together for ages with his head on my shoulder and covered with my curly locks.
It took me about ten minutes to fully recover and as I did we could only babble on to each other. I was incapable of making sense during that time
Slowly I regained my composure and senses we began to talk slowly about how much we had missed each other and how wonderful that what had happened between us in the past hour or so had been. I had been reborn and the memories of my horrible life of the past few years had been wiped away. There would be no more bruises to hide ever again.
As we lay there he gently fondled my breasts and nipples. I fondled his soft cock. and we gently kissed each other on the lips and neck. I wanted to return the exquisite pleasure he had given me. I was going to ask him to make love to me and then I thought that he may be willing to let me do something Mark frequently forced me to do. With Mark, I knew after that I would be free from his demands for a few hours.
Without a word, I got up on my knees and moved my head to where his soft cock was laying on his legs. I then took his cock into my mouth and I remembered the first-time Mark had forced me to do the same to him. But his cock was hard and he virtually face fucked me and made me gag as he forced his cock half way down my throat.
This was completely different; Mike’s cock was soft as I took it into my mouth and it immediately began to firm and harden and I could feel it become erect in my mouth until all of it would no longer fit. I put my mouth over the crown of his cock and began to do what Mark had forced me to do.
This time I wanted to do it.
I licked and rimmed his meaty cock and it soon became evident Mike was enjoying every moment of my attention to it. This was the only thing I could do to Mark where for a time I had control of the situation. Once it reached the stage of his impending orgasm Mark would thrust his cock down my throat, making me gag. It was virtual torture. He could not control or help himself.
Mike was just lying there with his eyes closed as I sucked the perfect top of his cock and slid my lips up and down the shaft as I gripped and stroked his silky skin up and down his firm shaft in unison with my lips. I didn’t need to be told he was enjoying every moment that I was giving him. I had never done this to him in our earlier times together.
I soon recognised the movement of his body and knew he would ejaculate very shortly. He made no effort to remove his cock from my mouth. I gave him a little bit of extra stimulation and fondled his balls in my hand. Mark demanded I do that to him, but I never did it gently.
As I felt the first warm spurt of his semen in my mouth, I was so happy. I had been forced to performed this many times’ with Mark and he was always aggressive until I had swallowed every drop of his semen. Mike came so beautifully for me and allowed me to be in charge as his semen filled my mouth. To me this was just so wonderful. I was for the first time enjoying giving a man oral sex and taking his cum into my mouth in the way I wanted to. I swallowed my first mouthful and it felt wonderful in my mouth and so erotic. This was the first time I had actually enjoyed having a mouth full of cum. I could just feel the sensations we were both enjoying and once more I was doing something I had done before but never with as much love and emotion as I was experiencing. With Mark, it had been virtually disgusting and unpleasant. This was something beautiful.
Once I could feel his cock softening, I took my mouth off it and licked my lips. This was one time I was not going to spit it out as I had done often with Mark when I wanted to let him know I detested his behaviour, and usually got a slap.
I moved up over Mike, dragging my breasts over his naked skin and enjoying the sensitive erotic feeling as our two bodies caressed. When our heads were level I looked down at him and kissed him with as much passion as I could muster. I had not realised the taste of his cum was still l in my mouth and on my tongue. I had never done this before.
“Yum…that was amazing,” he uttered.”
I was not going to question him as to how many and how often he had had that performed on him. I had not been the first to do it to him but I now hoped to be the only women to provide him with that pleasure often and forever.
We lay together and once more hugged and kissed. We must have been there like that for at least half an hour and I said. “Can we do it again, like we did it before, like the first time we ever did it together.”
Mike looked at me and said, “Are you sure, do you really like it like that?”
“I want my life to begin again, from those early days of us making love – or was it just a fuck back then?” I asked.
“It certainly wasn’t like this, or anywhere near as perfect, and it could only be the first time once.” Mike said.
I explained. “If you remember we did it once in the missionary position and then I said can we do it like Sue does it… from behind. Would you mind? - just for old time sakes?”
“My darling I will do it with you in any way you wish, I believe we will be doing it in many ways from here on in. You and I are going to become sex maniacs. I have never enjoyed making love to another woman like I have with you today. I won’t say I haven’t enjoyed it with other women as you know that would be a lie. But I can assure you I have never made love to another woman as I have made love to you today.”
“Was it as good with me as it was with Sue, I want an honest answer?” I asked.
“That was just a fuck and we both knew that. Sue and I did it because it was just something everybody did. There was no feeling of love or affection at all. We hadn’t done it together before so we felt well why not, no harm can come of it. She knew I had fucked a few of the other girls, as she had with boys and thought it might be fun to do it with me. I had not realised that your first time was with me and had no idea how serious your feelings were for me then. I hadn’t realised that you would be so upset.”
He kissed me again softly. before going on to say.
”If you hadn’t found us together I am sure you would have found out from me or from Sue or from somebody else within a day, maybe even from me when I was taking you home. There was nothing in it apart from we were having a fuck. “
He was reassuring me as he spoke and kissed me softly once more. I knew he was not making excuses but being honest with me.
“To be honest I don’t remember if it was good or what. It certainly wasn’t bad – I asked Sue if she wanted to and she said yes and had no hang ups about us doing it together. It was just something we just felt like, and thinking nothing of it. We were all too young to be worried about the consequences. Now I have found you again and we are taking up where we left off, we will be together forever if I have any say in it.” Mike said.
“Thank you for being so honest. Believe me Sue and I had many words over it and we were never the best of friends again, until years later when I met her in the supermarket. It is all behind us and we were both married, or I had been. She also told me as you have just done that it was just something we all did back then. Nobody was serious. She told me as far as she was concerned it was only a fuck and we all fucked whoever was there in those days. She didn’t really want you as a boyfriend.”
“She was right,” Mike added. “Eddy fucked anybody and everybody knew it. Nobody seemed to get concerned about him and who he fucked. Sue was not his girlfriend back then, she was just another girl who fucked. The bedroom was available so we said; why not? We didn’t give it a moment’s thought, we just did it.”
Neither Sue or I realised how much it would have affected me. After that night, I let Eddy fuck me a few times after you left, but not before that night. Sue agreed that’s what we all did, and we all accepted it. Eddy was a good fuck and she enjoyed it with him…and still does. Anyhow it was now all behind us. We both understand now what it was like and we hold no grudges – any longer.”
Mike said, “I am so happy to hear that.”
I went on, "That day at the supermarket we both had a laugh and then I told her about Mark. Sue was shocked. She and I became very close after that as I could always talk to her about the way he treated me. Sue invited me to her place for a drink one day and I let it all out. You will be meeting Sue and Eddy again so we can talk about everything again. It’s all water under the bridge now. Past history, even Eddy and Sue are happy together and he doesn’t chase other women anymore.”
I then cuddled Mike and kissed him.
I took my position without another word on my all fours. Mike positioned himself behind me.
“You still look as beautiful as the day we first did this. You have a beautiful firm ass. I know I won’t be disappointed and hope this is as good as the one we had all those years ago.” Then prepared to enter me and placed his hands on each cheek of my ass.
I could feel his cock slipping between the cheeks and into my vagina that was wanting his cock inside me more than ever.
We fucked this time, it was more of a fuck than lovemaking. He was enjoying himself. He was strong and vigorous and I could tell he was enjoying being inside me. He thrust his cock hard and deep into my body. It wasn’t long before the slapping of his body against my ass was filling the apartment. We were both in raptures at what we were both enjoying. The feeling of his cock in my body was doing things to me that I hadn’t felt for ten years.
I believe he was fucking me as he would have done with any of his other women before me. I was enjoying this better than at any time Mark fucked me. This was really something special for me. I was a woman offering my body to him, and in return he was providing me with the untold pleasures my body had never experienced before. The last time we did it like this was ten years earlier. I was a teenage girl doing something naughty and having fun; We just fucked and I had no idea of how beautiful making love as we were doing now could be. For the first time in my life I was making love to a man who appreciated me for what I was.
I could not believe everything happened so fast and I had cum in a minute or two. I thought it was going to be over virtually before it started.
Mike realised I had cum but just stopped long enough to ask.
“Happy.” Then resumed pumping his long, thick, hard cock into me.
I could only nod my head. I was biting my lip trying not to cry.
I felt that heaven could never feel this good. I regained my composure and slowly began to appreciate what we were doing and began to enjoy the feeling of once more making love again. It was better than at any time in my life.
I began to feel that my whole body was alive and was doing what it was meant to do. He kept working on me and enjoyed himself inside me for almost ten minutes I guess. He could have kept doing this to me for hours I decided, it was heavenly.
As he approached his climax I heard him say,
“Fuck…I am cumming, shit this is something really special.”
He grunted and slowed his stokes down to penetrate me slowly and deeply. Then he held me tightly with both hands and with each ejaculation he grunted and his body shook. I felt the tell-tale signs of his spasms and the warmth of his semen flooding my insides. I had never in my life experienced anything like what was happening to me. Somehow, I came again and for the second time in about ten minutes. This was living in my mind. I could not remember me cumming and having two orgasms during the same fuck ever before.
Mike completed his ejaculation and pulled his now limp cock out.
“Stay as you are, I am going to do something I should feel disgusted doing but I don’t.”
I remained there on all fours. I was curious.
He lay down and put his head between my legs. I looked down under my body and between my tits. His cum was now dripping out of my cunt straight into his mouth. He was devouring his own cum as it dripped from me.
“That is disgusting,” I said.
“I know… but get used to it. It’s my party trick, and I have never tasted a better mixture.”
Once he had devoured the nectar of our lovemaking he slid up under my body. I lay on top of him as we kissed. I could taste what he had devoured and I could not believe what we were doing… and enjoying it. Never had I experienced anything like this before. Nothing could have made me any happier.
“My beautiful and most amazing Jan. I love you. Marry me.”
This was possibly the most amazing proposal ever.
“Forever,” I said.
We had already shared each other’s bodies, and now I was going to share the remainder of my life with a man I truly loved and realised I had subconsciously done all my life. and I hope make babies, if we had not already begun. That would make me the happiest woman on earth.
After that we showered and caressed under the flow of water.
“When can you move in?” I asked
“Bend over, and I will tell you after we have made love again.”
We made love again in the shower, something else I had never done.
He slept with me every night after that and two weeks later he moved in with me. Heaven knows how many times we have made love since.
Eventually, I will forget those years of hell.
My true love has returned to me and now. I just want to make babies with the most wonderful man alive.
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Jimmy woke first to find himself spooning with Jane and his morning wood tight against her soft ass, He lean in a little and began softly kissing her neck and then to her ear. “Mmm,” she moaned softly as she turned her head halfway to look to see who was kissing her. Jimmy kissed her softly on her lips and then began manipulating her left nipple. Nothing got Jane going quicker than someone plying with her nipples. She dropped her hand to her ass and found one of the biggest, hardest cocks she...
I went down on my knees and opened his jeans. My heart was pounding and my nipples were painfully erect. I pulled out a thick cock - as muscular as his arms. This cock would rip me open. His hands were caressing my hair and he gently pushed his cock into my mouth. It was huge. I could hear him moan as I moved his dick inside my mouth. I was a cheating wife! My husband had a very demanding job at the hospital and he was never home. As a surgeon in a renowned hospital in town, he would get phone...
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After a long, hot bath she needed a little relief. Too bad Don was out of town or she would fuck him half to death. Oh well, a little self service wouldn't hurt. She laid down on the bed and slowly stroked her damp pussy, dragging a finger thru her slit causing a tremendous shudder. Quicker than she thought, she needed more and reached under the bed for her "helper". With little hesitation she rubbed the head up and down before forcing the dildo deep into her pussy. A low groan was forced out...
When he knocked on the door, she was ready for him. She had given birth just over a month before, and was ready for some hot fucking. Her big milk filled tits were needing a good sucking and she knew the computer repair stud couldn't resist her hot to fuck, slut charms. She had carefully piled her long bleached blonde hair up on top of her head so that her long, graceful and very inviting neck showed. The slut had put on a tiny black string bikini that was way too small...
My wife, Lynn, and I had just moved into a small house that needed a few repairs. We recently graduated from college and I had managed to find a decent accounting job, but she was struggling to find work. Lynn is 23 with a petite body, 5’2” and about 110lbs. She looks incredible in a sundress and doesn’t need to, nor does she ever, wear a bra. I am just an average guy, 5’8” with a slim build and not much to look at. I know I married above my status, but hey, we were in love. We had a great sex...
Another day, another four jobs. That's the unofficial motto of us telephone repairmen here in NYC. Our day consists of, seeing your foreman first thing in the morning, getting your assignments for the day, getting in the repair van and hit the road. Same routine everyday... well almost everyday. Today started out just like almost every other day for the past 13 years that I've been in this company. Rolled up to my first job, saw the customer, fixed their phone. Picked up my next job and sure...
He turned as he heard her casually mention to her friend that her husband would be away again this weekend starting tonight. He saw her beautiful smile and golden blond hair and knew she would be the one. He cautiously followed her along her path that day at the mall; spending several hours noting her tastes (Victoria Secret, Eddie Bauer, Rave?). He pulled his van out onto the highway just 2 cars behind hers as she left for her home at 4 Pm that Friday. Her home was in the suburban outskirts of...
Text messages: GF: "Hey, where you going to be at 7 2nite?" Me: "I'm off early tonight. Prolly at the gym or home. Y? U ok?" GF: "I need you at your computer at 7pm xctly: Me: "Umm, ok. What's up?" GF: "surprise" Me: "K" GF: "7pm!" Me: "Ok!" 6:55pm that night: I pick up my phone on the third ring. Seeing that the caller is my girlfriend I answer, "Hey, what's up?" "I have a surprise for you, honey." "Um, ok." "Turn on your computer. I want to video chat...
This is based on the true story of some close friends, the participants have read and allowed the author a little poetic license but basically the story is true. Chapter I: I laid my head back onto the overstuffed arm of the leather couch that was the centerpiece of my sparsely decorated living room. Immediately my thoughts were taken over by the memory of the young lady I had met in the conference room of Jan-X Corporation. As my memory captured her image I stripped away the formal business...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
So were back in the past, its 1984! My first broken heart…..Janet. I heard some ware that you never really know how to love until you’ve had your heart broken. For me that first heart break was Janet. I was a few months out from breaking up with Diane. I had poured my energy and focus back into my martial arts training, not having a girlfriend to distract me, and I had a full time job working in a factory. I was eighteen still and was starting to put on muscle; the job was very physical,...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesAffairs of Angels: Bruises on a Broken Heart A Christmas romance from Calibeachgirl Copyright December 2012 An entry in the 2012 Holiday Contest …edited by Bill, Deep Blue… * Kevin turned his head to the other side of the car wondering where the quiet tinkle of a glass wind chime was coming from. Unseen, the angel sat next to him watching the traffic which he had forgotten about, making sure the man who had once been her husband was safe. She reached across and kissed his cheek, something...
I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn Sites"Hurry," whispered Bess as soon as I picked up the phone. "What's going on?" I asked. Her voice could barely be heard. "He knows about us. He demanded I stop loving you. I laughed in his face. Come quick. I don't know what he'll do or I'll do. I'm barricaded in, but ... I gotta go. Hurry." I arrived too late. An ambulance sat on the round driveway. "Fucking bitch," muttered the King laid out on a gurney--his left chest wrapped in gauze and bandages--an ambulance attendant...
Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...
When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...
“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....
Free Porn Tube SitesAh, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....
Interracial Porn SitesTheo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi