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Jemma was a little early. It was one of her rules. Dates weren't easy to come by in her position and limited experience had taught her not to bring along a carer. Reminding people of her utter dependence on outside help usually didn't leave a brilliant first impression.

She smiled at a tall man, who was stood in the doorframe, wearing a vest and a bow-tie. Successfully having made eye-contact with the host, Jemma mouthed the words:

'Just waiting for someone.'

The man saw the manual wheelchair and appeared concerned for only a second. He looked around briefly, then nodded discreetly and turned to greet a group of guests.

Recently, Jemma had spent a lot of time sitting and waiting, listening and watching, taking in all that she could. A rigid plastic brace kept her head fixed and only moving her eyes provided at least some variety when it came to her line of sight. Often she would hear a conversation, yet be unable to turn to see the speakers' faces; instead she would always imagine them and if she saw people so far away that she could not hear them, she would make up their conversations, sometimes whole life stories, sometimes wonder what they liked to eat, what they looked like naked or whether or not she'd be taller than them, were she only able to stand.

She looked down, her limp arms just about visible in the corners of her eyes. It wasn't too bad, she thought. A little sweat glistened around the splints that secured her hands and fingers and she could feel a small collection of droplets on her forehead as well, tickling her brow as they trickled down across her face. Jemma had gotten very good at ignoring these things; there was nothing she could do about after all.

A pretty woman stepped out of a cab. She was different from the picture Jemma had seen online, but not in a bad way, not in a wholly unexpected way. The woman was quite short, and though slim, didn't seem at all athletic. In fact, Jemma wondered not for the first time, if she hadn't once been anorexic. The woman didn't have to look around very long to identify Jemma, and she approached with a bright smile.

The long, dyed red hair from the photos was gone, replaced by shorter hair, a side cut and an equally bright, green hue. Where there had been a single, silver stud just above one eyebrow, there was now a metallic spike, just small enough not to seem frightening. It was joined by a septum in her nose and three silvery rings in one of the earlobes. Jemma raised her eyebrows, marveling at the little collection.

The woman noticed her look and laughed.

'Too much?' she asked as soon as she had reached Jemma's chair. 'Nice to meet you in person, Jemma.'

'Nice to meet you too, Hope,' Jemma said. 'You look great.'

She wasn't lying; Hope's little black dress was only just saved from being unacceptably daring by her nigh-complete lack of curves, it was short and tight, and provided a stark contrast for her colourful hair.

'So do you.'

She placed a hand on top of Jemma's.


'Starving,' replied Jemma.

They paused.

'Do you want me to...?' began Hope and ineptly mimed pushing.

'If you wouldn't mind,' Jemma had hoped to sound a little less embarrassed and heat rose in her cheeks.

Hope walked round the chair.

'See the red pedal?' Jemma asked.


'That's the brake. Push it all the way down and it should snap back up.'

'Got it.'

There was some fumbling and rocking, then came a clicking noise and movement. Jemma had rolled forwards a couple of centimeters before being stopping abruptly. Hope presumably had gotten ahold of the handles.

'Oops,' said Hope. 'You all right?'


Jemma clenched her jaw. This sort of thing had happened hundreds of times already; nevertheless, her heart-rate had skyrocket for a few, panicky seconds. She calmed herself with a series of deep breaths.

Hope pushed the chair along, towards the entrance. Luckily, the line wasn't too long. Though the host appeared unphased on the outside, his stare lingered on Hope just a little bit longer than necessary. Jemma was almost certain that he would have mentioned Hope's eccentric appearance, were she not with a spastic. As it was, he dutifully checked their reservation, and indicated their table politely, even asking if they required any assistance. Jemma declined.

She knew she was imposing on Hope, but the young woman had agreed to the whole thing after all. The table was set for two. Jemma liked the effect of the single candle in the otherwise rather sparsely lit restaurant; it was quite romantic in a kitschy sort of way. She told Hope to remove one of the chairs, just to put it to the side. A waiter would come and get it, she knew from experience. Hope positioned the wheelchair opposite her own chair. Only when Hope was about to return to her seat, Jemma reminded her to apply the brake again. She knew that was silly, but Jemma preferred to talk about these things as little as possible. In the beginning, this usually tended to cause more confusion.

Flustered and red in the face, Hope finally sat down. The table was small enough for even her to reach across easily, which was quite important for an evening out with Jemma. For a few seconds they were in danger of descending into awkward silence, but a waiter interrupted their pause.

Waiters were very fast around Jemma. It was an interesting wheelchair perk, which had everything to do with recurring news stories about the poor, poor disabled, suffering immensely waiting for proper service.

First date anxiety ordered a bottle of the house red for the girls; the rest seemed trivial. Somewhere in the back of Jemma's mind, a connection was made between Cabernet Sauvignon and beef or lamb, though admittedly, Hope gave off every impression of not caring about that sort of thing in the slightest.

Like with most, there were many disadvantages to Jemma's disability; one of the less obvious ones was her distinct inability to reach an intoxicated state discreetly. Hope was the one who fed her and every bite, every sip was hers to provide. After asking before every single bite at first, they quickly, organically settled into a rhythm: one forkful for Hope, one for Jemma, followed by a drink, rinse and repeat.

Unsurprisingly, Jemma's posture remained unchanged throughout the evening. She could, however, observe a small transformation unfolding before her eyes, saw Hope's shoulders beginning to slump, her nose beginning to redden, and her smile slowly broadening. Her nervous energy turned into an oddly touchy warmth, to the point that she seemed incapable of speaking without placing at least one hand somewhere on Jemma's body.

'You can ask, you know. If you want to,' Jemma said.

After some prompting, Hope had finished telling a story about joining a gymnastics team in her youth. Jemma liked asking people about sports on first dates. It gave her an opportunity to get the whole chair-conversation out of the way, at least it did if the other person dared to venture forth into the unknown. If not, Jemma could always help out a little.

Hope laughed, a good sign in Jemma's eyes. She inhaled deeply and forced herself to look serious for a moment.

'Ask you about sports?' Hope said.

Jemma grinned.

'If you like.'

'Did you ever do any?'


'So you weren't, you know, born like this?'


'Do you want to tell me what happened?'

There was a pause.

'I'd really like you to tell me,' Hope said before Jemma could answer.

'O-okay,' Jemma was surprised to hear her voice tremble, usually, this was her time to show confidence, to be less awkward than her date.

'I wasn't born like this, but my disease, it's genetic, so I've always had it. It's my muscles, and not all of them either, they're sort of developing backwards, getting weaker. It started when I was four in my left foot, and sort of spread from there.'

Hope placed a hand over Jemma's.

'So you could walk?' she said brightly.

'Um, yeah, yeah I could, till I was like a teenager actually, though with crutches by then.'

Jemma was quite taken aback by Hope's demeanor, it was quite different from most people's.

'I used a wheelchair afterwards, but I could still move my arms and most of my upper body all the way through uni, although by the end I was very weak, I couldn't push my chair, but I could write and type and eat.'

She paused again.

With her other hand, Hope was stroking Jemma's cheek now, tracing her jawline with a pale, delicate finger.

'Your eyes are amazing,' Hope said. 'They're so green, it's ridiculous, like looking at the sun through a pair of emeralds.'

'Two years ago, I couldn't lift my arms anymore,' Jemma continued. 'After that, it was less than a week before I couldn't move my fingers or even hold up my head by myself.'

Hope gently pressed Jemma's hand beneath the splint. Tears glistened in Jemma's eyes. Hope leaned forwards and kissed her cheek, her soft lips brushing Jemma's skin lightly for a tiny, fleeting moment. Jemma swallowed.

'It won't get worse,' she said in a small voice. 'Not anytime soon, the doctors say.'

'That's good,' Hope wiped away a single tear from Jemma's face.

'Sorry,' said Jemma. 'I'm not usually like this, I don't know what's going...'

She stopped when Hope held up a hand.

The buzzing of the background chatter suddenly filled Jemma's consciousness along with the clinking of cutlery and muffled footsteps on carpeted floors.

Hope bit her lips, then blinked as though giving Jemma a coded signal, as though inviting her to join in with some secret plan, which only they knew.

The two of them changed the subject then and it didn't come up again. Jemma breathed easier. Her lamb was excellent, though she would have preferred a much smaller portion. Unlike Hope, Jemma at least finished hers, though frankly, there was quite possibly not enough room in Hope's flat belly for the entirety of her goulash.

She was easy to talk to and easier still to get talking and not until they had long since finished their meal, did another hurdle present itself. The bottle was nearly empty, a little more than half of its content having disappeared into Hope, who had to be about two percent aged, full-bodied vino by now. The hurdle Jemma saw wasn't a chair-one as much as it was a girl-one. She had been on boy-girl dates as well as on girl-girl dates and if there was any protocol on who should pay, it hadn't been shared with either Jemma or any of her dates.

Jemma had suggested the restaurant; good point to start, but it had been Hope who'd made the first move, both through digital communication and through physical contact just before. Of course, Jemma was somewhat excused in that department, indeed most people paid for her without thinking, even if the situation wouldn't necessarily call for it.

'Aww,' said Hope with an impish smile. 'I just thought of something.'

She tapped Jemma's nose, who blinked in surprise.

'Today I can treat a beautiful woman to dinner and there is nothing she can do about it, nothing at all.'

Though she kept smiling, there was worry behind her eyes.

'Think so?' said Jemma. 'Maybe that was my plan all along, a clever ruse to get you to pay, you'd never know.'

Hope rose to her feet, a clutch bag under her arm, and she leaned in to give Jemma a wet, sloppy kiss on the forehead.

'I wouldn't care,' she said and skipped off to find the waiter, literally preventing Jemma from interfering.

There was a rattling when Jemma's wheels left the velvet floors and returned to the familiar world of concrete.

'You're doing it wrong, you know,' Jemma said accusingly.

'No, I think I got it,' Hope said with a shrug. 'Down means they're engaged, right?'

'I'm not talking about the brakes.'

The late summer's night was clear and pleasant, but it had been a new moon very recently and it was only by the light of the street lamps that the women could look at one another.

'I'm talking about your kissing.'

Hope looked puzzled.

'You're really supposed to kiss me on the lips,' Jemma explained.

Hope crouched down next to her, careful not to topple over, due to her heels, and she grasped the rim of the wheelchair.

'I seem to keep missing,' she said. 'Must try harder.'

Her hands resting on the wheels, Hope moved forwards, stopping a hair's breadth short of touching Jemma, whose breathing was immediately shallow and excited. Hope's nose crinkled.

'You smell of wine,' she said.

'So do you,' Jemma's mouth was dry now, tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

Their foreheads touched and they shared in each other's warmth, felt each other's skin, slippery with sweat, make-up beginning to smear.

Hope turned her head to the side, her lips traveling along the other woman's cheek. Jemma whimpered. Hope gently nibbled at her ear, then touched it with her lips, a mere shadow of a kiss, before whispering:

'Missed again.'

Jemma bit down to try and stop her lips from quivering.

'What now?' asked Hope.

'You could call someone to... to order me a car...'

'Is that what you want?'


Jemma cleared her throat. Never before had she lamented the inability to shake her head this much.

'No!' she blurted out.

Hope giggled at the overly energetic answer.

'Let's not do that then. What about a car together? I know this place... um... my flat.'

Now it was Jemma's turn and she snorted with stifled laughter.

'Did that sound smoother in your head?'

'Seriously?' Jemma was genuinely surprised.


Hope's spindly arms trembled under Jemma's weight. She had undone the numerous Velcro straps, which secured Jemma in her chair, and was now struggling, holding the slumped body via a sort of hug. She tumbled backwards and her calves hit the edge of the bed.


Hope fell backwards and hit the mattress with a muffled thump.

'Nice job.'

Jemma lay on top of her, hands and feet sprawled as though she'd lost consciousness, her nose pressed against the sheets.

Hope presumably would have been utterly mortified if not for the alcohol. With an exerted grunt, she pushed Jemma away, so that she rolled off and onto her back.

'Your dress,' Hope said, grinning stupidly.

From her position, Jemma couldn't see it.

'What is it? Ooh!'

Jemma suddenly felt Hope's hand on her, apparently bare, thigh.

'Oh nothing, just slid up a bit,' Hope said. 'How...? How does it feel?'

'I told you: I feel just like you do.'

'Yeah, I know that. I meant... like it?'

'I...' something stirred within Jemma.

Hope pulled back her arm, suddenly afraid.

'S-sorry, I...'

'No!' Jemma was a bit loud again. 'I mean: no. Don't stop.'

Hope's expression was relief and mischief.

'No?' she asked.

'No,' said Jemma.

Hope clambered on top of Jemma, all the while keeping eye-contact. She was giggly and a touch uncoordinated, but there was an unwavering determination in her movements. She bent down and her lips parted. Jemma urged on every pathetic, limp muscle in her body to try and reach up to those perfect lips, round and red and inviting, but nothing happened.

Hope came closer. Their lips met.

For a few seconds, they were still, enjoyed the touch, the sudden closeness. Jemma's tongue entered Hope's mouth, found another tongue, playfully nudged it, tickled it. The septum felt cool against her upper lip. It was Jemma, exploring, actively engaging in physical contact, a small miracle, an infinite pleasure.

The world around her melted away. All she wanted to focus on was Hope, and the tiny, little world they shared. After and eternity that was far, far too short, Hope pulled back.

Jemma was out of breath, but her expression was one of happy exhaustion.

'The braces,' she said. 'Take them off, please.'

'Will you be all right?'

'I don't have to wear them all the time.'

Hope shrugged. The sound of more Velcro straps being pulled apart followed. Hope carefully put the splints and the brace down on the floor next to the bed.

'Great! Now come here. Kiss me again!'

Hope laughed and took one of Jemma's hands.

'You're so pretty,' she said, massaging the unmoving palm with her thumb.

She placed Jemma's hand onto her own chest. It was small, petite, but still, through the dress and the bra, Jemma could feel the outline of Hope's tit.

'Woah,' she said.

She was overcome by an impossible urge to squeeze, to hold. Hope looked at Jemma's face, then she gently closed Jemma's hand onto the breast.

'How is that?'

Jemma trembled and felt sudden excitement from between her legs. She didn't answer, but stunned silence seemed to be enough for Hope.

'Come on, I'll help you get undressed.'

And then they were naked, in bed and Jemma lay calmly, her head to the side while inwardly, she screamed. This was a first date, a stranger, a stranger's home no less.

'This is crazy,' she said.

Aside from her head, Jemma lay perfectly straight, her body looking like something out of a morgue. Hope was on her side, next to her, more like a live model. With one finger, she kept circling Jemma's belly button, staring dreamily into her eyes.

'I don't think so,' she said. 'Not yet anyway.'

Her hand slowly wandered down.

'Nice,' she said, gleefully watching Jemma's sex perking up.

Hope's fingers traced the small strip of pubic hair, before looking down at her own. It looked much less kempt by comparison.

'Have got someone that shaves your pussy?' she asked.

'Course I do. My nurse. She shaves me all over. Bathes me too.'

'Huh,' Hope let the idea sink in. 'You're going to make me jealous,' she laughed.

'She's fifty-seven though,' Jemma said, watching Hope's hand, eager for more intimate contact.

'I'm not judging.'

'Ah!' Hope's hand was just out of view now, but Jemma could feel a finger pressing lightly against her clit.

'Look at that,' Hope's eyes gleamed.

She held up her finger and it was dripping with Jemma's juices.

'Tease,' said Jemma.

'Well, I don't want you to have all the fun,' Hope said.

'What do you-?'

Hope got onto her knees.

'We'll need to secure your head though.'

She looked around and grabbed a pair of pillows. After some positioning and rearranging, Jemma's head was propped up on a small mountain made of pillows and duvets. It was higher than the rest of her body now and granted her a much better view.

Hope and swung a leg over Jemma and then hovered right above her torso, facing away from the motionless woman beneath her.

'Looking good,' Jemma laughed.

Hope wriggled her extremely flat, extremely white bottom. She put down her hands to either side of Jemma's hips and lowered herself down. Realisation dawned on Jemma. Hope looked back.

'Can you... reach?'

The bum came closer. A single cheek touched Jemma's nose.

'Close,' Jemma reported.

Hope scooted back a bit and the distinct smell of sweat and pussy grew stronger. Jemma could see the wet flaps now, the dark pubes glistening with droplets of Hope's lady juices.

'Stop there!' she said. 'Now lower. Lower. Mmph.'

Jemma deeply inhaled Hope's smell. Her nose and tongue were buried in the dripping sex, and greedily she began to lap up the sour secretions.

Hope pulled apart the other woman's limp legs and Jemma shuddered when she felt the warm tongue's tip between her thighs, tenderly following the crevice of her womanhood. Hope plunged deeper, and both women let out muffled moans of pleasure, both trying to keep themselves from giving in already.

Hope had now stopped using her arms to support herself. Her upper body had slumped onto Jemma, and she had firmly grabbed onto her thighs.

Jemma's world was taken up entirely by Hope, who had by now given up on restraint. Her sweaty form was writhing on top of Jemma, and she thrust her sex down on the red face, again and again. Jemma took it in eagerly, her tongue stretched to its limits, trying to reach as deep as she could, while simultaneously fighting the urge to succumb to ecstasy, to let go.

Hope's hand was on Jemma's pussy now, rubbing it vigorously, then licking it, and as Jemma was interrupted by her own moans more and more, Hope sped up, grunts and stifled screams joined in with the slaps and kisses, hot and panting, the girls prepared for one last spurt.

'Gah!' Hope could no longer keep it together.

An explosive arrival was accompanied by a squirt of liquid and Jemma's cry of surprise.

Hope slid forwards.

'No, no, no! Don't stop!' Jemma pleaded.

Hope thrust three fingers as deep as she could, mustering all her strength for the final stretch.

'I'm- I'm- I'm! Arrrgh!'

Hope watched with fascination. Jemma's body remained perfectly still, while her sex quivered and her face underwent agony, orgasmic pleasure and exhausted bliss in only a few seconds.

Hope rolled off and crawled across the bed on her elbows. Jemma tried to catch her breath. Hope grabbed hold of a shoulder and pulled herself up. With blissful sigh, she put her head down, right in between Jemma's breasts, still glistening with bodily fluids, her piercing making a little dent where it lay.

She kissed the side of a tit.

'Squirter,' Jemma said.

'Sorry,' Hope was stroking a bit of arm she could reach from her position.

'Don't be.'

'That was amazing.'

'You're amazing.'


They were asleep. Hope, snuggled up against the unmoving body, could hear a heartbeat, soft but fast, slowly regaining its calm, steady rhythm.

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Preparing for My Lover

I believe every woman should take the time to make her man feel like he is the man of her dreams, her fantasies, her hero. Preparing herself with loving attention and care in anticipation of the devotion she hopes he will shower upon her will only serve to enhance a wonderful enchanted evening. This story is dedicated to every young man who desires to awaken long-restrained passions in an older woman, to allow her to once again enjoy being a woman, generously showering her with loving...

3 years ago
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Ana and her new unknown lover

I found out my sexy wife was cheating on me. Ana had often let some black man to fuck her; but his time I suspected she was having an affair with some guy I knew. A white man, not a black one.I knew exactly on which days they fucked; since these days Ana received me smiling as I came back from my office married. She was freshly showered and she did not let me have sex with her those same days…Ana finally knew that I knew about her naughty behavior. So, I made her she would not have a show after...

3 years ago
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My gay lover

Hi I have known I had gay tendencies since I was a boy. Especially on Boy Scout trips where I used to admire other lads in white Y fronts. My story begins when I went to a lay-bye that was frequented by gays. We would park in the lay bye and then go for a walk into the woods. On this particular day I call there before starting my afternoon shift.I first noticed a gorgeous looking dark haired man in his late thirties. He got out of his car and walked into the woods. I quickly followed and...

2 years ago
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Marys Secret Lover

older first time anal sex I want to lose my viriginityMy name is Mary and I'm eighteen. I’m kind of shy around my peers, andhave not really ever had a boyfriend before. I just get real nervous andstart to sweat a little around them. I love school and do really well inmy studies. I’m in my last year of high school and will be attendingcollege in the fall.I have long brown hair and green eyes, and I am five foot five inchestall. I’m one hundred and ten pounds. I have long legs, and I’m a 34 Bcup...

2 years ago
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Blindfolded Lover

The anticipation and excitement was building. I had never had a real life encounter with a woman from a website before. You were so beautiful that I was willing to take a chance. I felt nervous and extremely aroused all at the same time. Over the course of sharing fantasies with each other, you had shared a particular fantasy that aroused you more than the others. Now, I was going to do my best to make it the hottest experience you ever had. Just thinking about carrying the plan out had me very...

2 years ago
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Meeting my online lover

I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest. To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages. I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it takes you...

2 years ago
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Judys Night In Part Two A Tireless Lover

Greg eased Judy down onto her king-sized bed, looking lasciviously down on her gloriously proportioned nakedness. "You must excuse me," he told her, "but I need to use the little boy's room"."Through the lounge and down the hall," Judy told him, "second door on the left. Could you bring our drinks back?" Greg grinned down at her. "Your wish is my command, beautiful lady!" he responded, heading for the door.Judy's hungry eyes feasted on his still swollen, semi-erect cock bobbing before him as he...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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My Wifes Fantasy Lover

Chapter 1My wife Kari and I have always had a good sex life and a good fantasy life. This story may begin easy, but like my wife, it gets nastier the further it goes.She is the attractive, but normal and unassuming everyday woman in the office, at least on the outside. But underneath, she's a sexy woman that has always wanted to be let out of her cage of 'conservative upbringing'. She just has trouble letting herself go. I am a Creative Director for an ad agency and Kari works in a studio...

2 years ago
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Mature wife with young black lover

Wife’s “special” encounter with a prodigiously endowed black man!Wife walked back to our pond to relax. Loved the privacy with 500 acres, wore her one-piece bathing suit. Once at the pond off came her bathing suit so she could lie on some large beach towels, enjoy some fresh fruit, splash in the water and just enjoy the day. She had no idea just how much she’d enjoy her day or how it would impact on her life permanently, in a good way, going forward!She’s 55 years old, 45EE-36-45, still fertile...

3 years ago
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A Paladins TrainingChapter 2 Mentor Lover

*** ONE YEAR AGO *** “Secondly,” the mysterious woman – Elaina – continued. “This place is one of the last standing sanctuaries for our kind.” “Our kind?” Aran asked, momentarily forgetting that he was naked and in a room with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, let alone the fact that she was effectively naked herself; the sheer robe she wore hid absolutely nothing. “What does that mean?” A sudden thought occurred to him, and he asked without thinking. “Are you not human?” A throaty...

4 years ago
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Julie Finds A Lover

For just a moment after opening her eyes Julie didn't know where she was. As her eyes became accustomed to the dark room she was able to pick out the shape of the furniture, thanks to the sliver of light coming through the blackout curtain. That's when she remembered that she was in a suite at a local four-star hotel. The clock on the nightstand told her that she had been asleep for only ten minutes.'It wasn't supposed to be this good,' was the first thing that Julie said to herself after she...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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My stepmom my lover

I was about 14 years old (and still a virgin.....with females at least), my parents had been divorced since I can remember. My dad had remarried, divorced and remarried again. With his latest wife I acquired 2 step-brothers, the oldest (we'll call him steve) was into pot, beer and playing the guitar. My other step brother (Josh) was the polar opposite, a football star with girls hanging off him. Imagine my surprise when he turned on a she-male porn in front of me which started our years of...

1 year ago
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The adventure of Elastic woman and her lover

Sometimes my work takes me to the other side of the country for a lengthy period. It makes me crazy to be without my lover for long periods of time, but we manage somehow. * Tell me again what you’ve got cooked up for me when I get back, I smiled. It will be a surprise, darling, don’t you worry, you’ll be amazed, she told the telephone receiver, I’ve really been exercising diligently. Seems the more I stretch, the better I get. I’m really astounded myself at my...

3 years ago
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The first day with my black lover

Victor had warned me his business trip would take at least two weeks.Before leaving he had fucked my ass wildly, bearing in mind I was on my period. Later his assistant Jennifer had fingered my wet cunt in the bathroom, being my husband unaware of her presence there…By Tuesday I was feeling fine, but also very horny. Then I called my black lover Jimmy, as I had promised him. He was very excited and so was I that I had to finger myself to get rid of a bit of the sexual excitement that was...

1 year ago
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Horny for my lover

Wednesday morning after dropping my daughter off at crèche, I made my way to gym. Just before I started my workout I received a message from my younger lover saying that he can't wait to see me after his exam today. I immediately became wet and looked forward to seeing him. I did my workout and then made my way home where I had breakfast and a hot bath while I waited for my lover to arrive. Once out the bath and dry I decided I would dress up for Nick to set the mood. I put on a pair of my...

4 years ago
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65 Taking Pam a lover

65 Taking Pam a lover Jim and Pam had been married for about 8 years, they were just at the period where sexual experimenting had gone, and long term acceptance had yet to kick in, so they were bored sexually, having two c***dren Peter a lively 7 year old and at 6 Milly pretty blond and knowing tended to cramp the style a bit, but the k**s were loved and nothing would change that. Jim being a self employed journalist, spent long hours doing research, so for Pam, now the k**s had both...

2 years ago
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His Fairy Lover

Dympna of the Sí, is hungry. Her lover has gone west to meet the setting sun and to mourn her, she has taken no nourishment for seven full moons, one for every three years they were together.Even the fae of the otherworld must feed, and for her to feed she must take a special lover. She casts her net far and wide, and soon she smiles. She has found a poet, and this one has a penis. When did she last taste a fine, fat, meaty cock?*Dermot Fitzgibbon looks around the room and sighs. Surgical...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Your Son My Lover

What are you staring at?" said Julie as she came up silent on slippered feet beside her friend Elaine, who was gazing out of the picture window. Elaine turned with a smile. "Nothing much. My future, I suppose." "Future, huh? And what do you see?" "Loneliness." "Why? You're still young." "Forty next birthday, divorced for the second time, and haven't been laid in almost three years." "Ouch." "Ouch is right. Sheesh, Jules, I get so horny sometimes, I could, well, I don't...

1 year ago
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The Muse portrait of the artist as a lover

THE MUSE (PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A LOVER) By Katharine Sexkitten "For I have crossed between the poles, and for me there's no mystery Once a man, like the sea I raged Once a woman, like the earth I gave Ah, but there is in fact more earth than sea." Cinema Show, by Genesis She sat in peaceful repose, while all around her seemed chaotic. Her hair fell down her back in a wild tangle, dark on dark. The massive pile of pillows behind her showed them as a mixture of big and...

3 years ago
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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40’s but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

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Lodger Becomes Her Lover

Bazza had been kicked out of his girlfriends home after shagging another woman in her bed and she found out about it, He was now homeless and had no were to go until he bumped into a friend down the town, her name was Helen, a sexy hot wife well in her 40's but still a cougar. He told Helen about him becoming homeless and Helen was shocked and didn’t want this to happen so she suggested Bazza come to her home for a while and she would speak to her husband about Bazza staying, he was over the...

2 years ago
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Taking Advantage Of A Betrayed Lover

                    Taking Advantage Of A Betrayed Lover Jess was in her last lesson at the end of what had been a long day at university. She had been kept frustrated all day and was driven wild with lust with the need for a release. The cause for this was the two blondes who were sat in front of her. Their names were Emma and Sarah and they were, which Jess couldn’t think of any other way of describing them as very open Lesbians. Their relationship was no secret to the rest of the school...

3 years ago
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Ghost Lover

Ghost Lover “What’s that you’ve found?” Jo asked her husband John as he fished something from under the floorboards. “Looks like a dusty old diary of some sort,” John replied. “But it’s got a small lock on it.” John passed the diary to his wife and took the cup of coffee which she had brought him. “Ooh, this looks intriguing,” Jo said excitedly. “I’ll see if I can pick the lock.” “It’s probably full of dirty little secrets,” John said raising his eyebrows suggestively. Little did he know,...

2 years ago
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Computer Lover

Introduction: A. I. Sex toy. Working to improve Gaming Tech She finds her . I can not find a Toys theme. JAMIES COMPUTER LOVER Mike pulled the straps making sure that they were tight. He then checked the wire harness. The suit was a wire mesh woven into a spandex leotard. The wires transfer my movements to the character in the computer. I bend it bends. If I scratch my nose it dose, just like any other V.R. unit. Mike had adjusted this suit for what he called virtual feedback. I was supposed...

4 years ago
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Ghost Lover

Ghost Lover“What’s that you’ve found?” Jo asked her husband John as he fished something from under the floorboards.“Looks like a dusty old diary of some sort,” John replied. “But it’s got a small lock on it.”John passed the diary to his wife and took the cup of coffee which she had brought him.“Ooh, this looks intriguing,” Jo said excitedly. “I'll see if I can pick the lock.” “It’s probably full of dirty little secrets,” John said raising his eyebrows suggestively.Little did he know, but it...

2 years ago
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Cross Dressing Lover

The weekend started off the same as any other for Dhiren. He threw off his drab male work clothes with alacrity and stepped into the shower. He shaved his face, legs and pubic area as was his custom, then, after turning off the tap, moisturized his legs, stepped into a pair of lacy pink panties and hooked on a matching bra. The feel of the light, soft, feminine fabric had always been a thrill to Dhiren, ever since that fateful day when, aged fourteen, he found himself alone in the house all...

Gay Male
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Nature Lover

Based on a true story. My first post, so please comment! I would love constructive criticism and opinions. Otherwise, enjoy!!! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved the outdoors. There's something about being alone with nature that can still me to the core, filling me with a peace that cannot be found in any other venue. So here I remain--in my secret hiding place. It didn't take me long to find. An hour and a half of hiking the course I'd created so many seasons ago led me to my...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Secret Lover

 My Wife's secret Lover One day i caught my lovely wife cheating on me. Here is how it happened. My wife is a school teacher. She usually gets off from work at around 3:30 PM and arrives home at 4:00 PM. I work also. I am a salesman and my job keeps me on the road a lot, so me and my wife enjoy what time can have together. Dispite the fact we don't see much of each other, my wife had never given me any reason to doubt her fidelity. Now my wife is knockout gorgeous, with a sweet angelic face,...

1 year ago
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Our Family Lover

Have you ever considered bringing an outside lover into your family? My wife and I actually did, and we all find it most enjoyable. Our ‘family’ lover, Bobby, cuckolds me with both my wife and my sixteen-year-old daughter, activity I enjoy watching. Not only does he fuck the two of them, but he is also bisexual, so he fucks me as well.I’m Brad, a forty-year-old married man with a slightly younger wife, Clara. I’m about five-foot-eight-inches tall, weigh one-hundred sixty, and Clara is...

1 year ago
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Dream Lover

I sit in the chair by the bedside, watching you as you sleep. Your breath, slow and even and your body only half covered by the sheet and comforter. I see your dark nipples as they rise and fall in time with your breathing, your round and firm behind the exotic sleeping gown you bought for yourself in Asia last year. The sleeping tablet you had taken doing what it was prescribed for. I love to watch you as you sleep, your full lips slightly parted, the long lashes on your eyes as they flutter...

3 years ago
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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

2 years ago
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Lisas New Lover

Lisa and I had been living in our new condo about six months when we met the guy who had moved into the unit next to ours, his name is Dave and he seemed like a pretty decent guy. One of the fantasies Lisa and I had talked about was moving into a new place, making good friends and having sex with a neighbor. It seemed Dave was a perfect choice, he worked as a construction contractor and being recently divorced had just bought the condo next to ours. Lisa and I would pillow talk about him...

Wife Lovers
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Lisas New Lover

Lisa and I had been living in our new condo about six months when we met the guy who had moved into the unit next to ours, his name is Dave and he seemed like a pretty decent guy. One of the fantasies Lisa and I had talked about was moving into a new place, making good friends and having sex with a neighbor. It seemed Dave was a perfect choice, he worked as a construction contractor and being recently divorced had just bought the condo next to ours. Lisa and I would pillow talk about him...

3 years ago
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Wife Submits To Her New Lesbian Lover

It has been two weeks since I learned that my neighbor Angela had turned my wife Carol into her submissive lesbian lover. I returned from a five day business trip and that night I noticed that Carol’s ass had several reddish marks on it. I asked Carol what happened and she explained that she had fallen off a treadmill at the gym and bruised her whole back. What I really suspected was that Angela was being a little “rough” when she made love to my petite wife. I called Rob a retired cop friend...

3 years ago
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Son and Lover

Karen bit her lips and gripped the bedrails hard. Her whole body was arching and she could feel the scream building in her lower belly. Lower even. About the spot where Mark’s tongue was flicking and probing. Her hips were writhing and she could hear the sound as his tongue worked on her driving her higher and higher into that plane of pleasure she had come to know since they had become lovers just three short months ago.The sound was bursting from her and she was at the brink of the...

2 years ago
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My hairy bear, Derek is 45, solid, hairy all over I mean hairy. He has his hair short, his facial hair is shaved with a #1. He has full lips that can make you cum as soon as he starts sucking, nibbling and chewing. His physic is solid due to his trade my fingers encircle his 8 inch cock We meet for a drink, I luv his scent, we peck each other with a slight hug and order our drinks, His a whiskey and mine a rosay. We catch up on our day, finish our drinks and move next door for a meal. He orders...

3 years ago
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wife makes her husband watch her with black lover

My wife rose slowly, before lowering herself down his length again. Her head tipped back, she squeezed her breasts, playfully teasing her own nipples. Her eyes opened, lustfully admiring the chiseled ebony body of her lover. Balanced skillfully on her stockinged toes, she began picking up the tempo as she rode him cowgirl style. Gently biting the corner of her lip, she slid upwards slowly almost to the end of his length, before plunging herself downwards, impaling her moist sex on his hard...

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sister brother Summer Lover

sister, brother, Summer Lover by SizeXIntroduction: It is fair to say that in many ways Gary and Jan were sister, brother, Summer Lover -------------------Prologue - RISE-------------------If you had asked him how it had started, he wouldn't have been able totell you.That was partly because Gary didn't understand exactly what hadhappened... but mostly because he was distracted, gazing down at hissister's moist red lips sliding up and down his teenage prick.The feeling was like nothing he'd ever...

1 year ago
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Dream lover

This is my latest installment on my Kyle fantasy, for those new to the story line, Kyle is the next door neighbors son, I've been his babysitter since he was 5 or so. He's in his adolescent years and his hormones are absolutely raging, I've been as helpful as possible answering questions about his blossoming interest, sex. Kyle is the real deal, he's my real next door neighbor, and my fantasies consist of real life experiences with him, I hope you enjoy my latest story.Kyle's parents and mine...

3 years ago
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Cumming for my lover

My phone vibrated from underneath my pillow at 7:20 am. My heart started pounding because I already knew who it was before I even had to check it. I woke up at 7 am just to be sure I wouldn't’t miss his text. I pulled my Blackberry from under my long green pillow. I pressed a button for it to light up and I fumbled to get to the message. He asked if I was awake and from there our conversation took off.I’ve only known this man for about 18 days and I already felt like I was in love him! How...


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