Unplanned Vacation in a Nudist Camp
- 3 years ago
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When I was in college many years ago I unwittingly seduced a lesbian one cold night. That experience changed my life forever and made me the woman that I am today. How did I manage that? Well, it all started my freshman year in 1984. It was required for all first-year students to live on-campus and fate gave me Karen for a roommate.
It was a long time before the internet, cell phones, and iPads that made our world a little bit smaller. It was the lack of those devices that helped to keep me in the dark on so many things. I was naive back then in the way of the world and was still a virgin. That was the time when it was common to find a virgin my age but it seems is a rarity these days. There were a few girls in my high school that went all the way but I was not one of them. It was not because I was unattractive but it was that I kept myself busy with school work. I never had any time for a social life and was not interested in sex. I was passed up numerous times for more willing girls in less modest clothing.
My name is Jackie, and I was a little above average in the look department. I had long brown hair with blue eyes and wore thick, black frame glasses. My boobs were a little big but you could not tell with how I dressed. I wore loose shirts with pants and rarely put on a dress. I was dressing to cover up and was not interested in showing anything off.
I was an innocent child in all things carnal and never noticed when someone was being dirty minded. I was so clueless about such things that I did not even know my own body. I never felt the need to touch myself and was not curious about sex. That was the kind of things I thought you would find out after you get married. I knew college was going to be an eye-opener for me, but I never expected it was going to be opening something else up as well.
My dorm roommate, Karen, was a skinny redhead with crystal blue eyes and had an angelic face. Her breasts were small and were barely noticeable. She did not need a bra and was not bashful showing them off when changing. It took some time for me to get used to her sleeping in nothing but her panties. I wore a very modest nightgown and could not understand how she could sleep wearing so little.
I was not as bold and only undressed when I was alone. I was bashful and felt vulnerable being naked around others. I am not sure where my fear came from but I never liked showing off my body. I did not realize it at the time that my body was hot and was nearly perfect. My innocent mind kept me from seeing my body in any form of beauty. She, on the other hand, liked wearing skirts that showed off her legs and shirts revealing her midriff. She thought her legs were one of her best features and loved showing them off. She always seemed to attract guys to her wanting to date but she kept turning them down. I did not know why she never said yes until a month later in the lounge area of our dorm.
I was watching TV with a few girls after a long day of classes. My only form of entertainment was my radio and the TV in the lounge. I would on occasion talk with one of the girls but some found me too pure for their liking. I overheard two girls talking and one of them was Kendra, a girl that lived across from my room. She was one of those types that thought everyone outside her circle was beneath her and was not afraid to be vocal about it.
“Diana, you will not believe what I just found out! You know the girl that is in the room across from mine with the red hair?” Kendra said with an arrogant tone. She did not wait for her friend to reply before continuing. “That redhead is a fucking dyke! I caught her checking out Rebecca in the shower. I bet she already turned her roommate lesbo too.”
I knew she was talking about my roommate Karen but was confused on a few things. I did not know what a lesbo or dyke was. I came from a small town and never heard anybody being called that before. I was kept in the dark with those types of things and what I thought was normal was just a delusion. I later found out being normal was just being true to yourself and not what society said it was.
I hoped she would not notice me but I was not that lucky. They came over and I could feel them staring at me. “Hey, you!” She never did try remembering my name and only did so with people that were important to her. I gave her my full attention hoping to get this over with quickly. “I got to know one thing. Did you let that lesbo munch on your carpet?” I did not have a clue what she was talking about and did not know how to answer her.
“Why would anybody eat carpet?” I replied with confusion. This brought laughter from everyone in the room, and I did not understand what was so funny.
“Oh, you are too much girl. You are way too innocent to have been corrupted by that lesbo. You better watch out or you will find her in your bed one night munching away.” She got up laughing and left me baffled over what just happened.
I had to ask one girl what a lesbo was. A blonde girl named Cindy that always had an expression on her face like she just smelled something foul. She snickered at my cluelessness and spoke in a superior tone, “It means your roommate is a nasty bitch that likes girls. I would watch out if I were you. Your innocence makes you an easy prey for perverts like her. If I were you, I would get another roommate before she puts the moves on you.”
Even if I wanted to get a new roommate I could not. I needed someone to swap room with and none of these girls would. Besides, Karen was a nice girl and I liked her. The fact that she likes girls never really sunk into me what it meant. Since sex never entered my mind I saw nothings wrong with it. The girls in our dorm started to shun her after finding out she was gay. They refused to take a shower with her and would walk out when she entered. They would hold on to their towels tightly against their bodies and scurry away like rats.
I could see the pain that was in her eyes at their rejection. She looked at me with teary eyes and waited for me to do the same, but I could not hurt her like that. She was a little shocked but grateful that I stayed. I was too tender-hearted to be a bitch, especially to someone that always showed me kindness. My parents taught me to be open-minded with people’s differences and accept them on their own merits.
When I was finished with my shower I got dressed and waited for her. I walked over to her as she stepped out of the stall, “Where do you want to go for dinner tonight?” I asked her. She cried a little over someone being kind to her and not caring that she was gay. I did not know at the time the hardship that gay people went through. She had to hide what she was from people her whole life to avoid judgment. I was the first person that accepted her as she was and did not treat her like a freak.
“Mexican would be nice,” she said, and I could see her eyes moistening up. We walked back to our room in silence and I was confident that I made the right decision with her. She waited after I got dressed before hugging me. “Thank you for still being my friend,” she replied emotionally! We became very close after that day and spent a lot of time together.
My innocent mind made it easy for me to keep my guard down around her. I wouldn't have done half the things that I did if there had been a guy in the room. I would undress around her but never exposed myself. I would only go as far as my undergarments and turned my back to her to remove my bra. I was too shy to show off my body and would only get naked if nobody could see me.
She was thankful that she had at least one friend after Kendra ruined her reputation. She changed a few things about what she did around me. She was afraid of losing me as a friend and made sure I would always be comfortable around her. She no longer went topless to bed and would not watch me changing my clothes. We both accepted each other and became great friends.
We spent the next few months hanging out and studying together. The topic of her being gay never became an issue and she never pushed it on me. We talked about everything besides sex. That was something I knew nothing about and Karen was too afraid to go there. She avoided anything that she thought could drive me away. She was a joy to be around and made my first semester fun.
Our fall final came and went leaving both of us with good marks. It was time for our winter break and everybody was preparing to go home. We had a few weeks off to unwind, and I was planning to spend that time doing nothing. Unfortunately, I did not have the money to go home and had to stay at school. Everyone else was leaving, including Karen. I was bummed out that I was going to be alone for the holiday.
Karen postponed her trip until the next day and hated that I was going to be all alone. We had the whole place to ourselves and took advantage of that. She asked me to come with her but I kindly declined the Invitation. I did not want to get in the way of her holiday plans with her family. We ordered a pizza and stayed up late watching movies. The next day she left after lunch and I had never felt so lonely.
Being alone had erased some of my fear and I felt more freedom to do things that I normally would not. Out of boredom, I decided to take a shower after dinner and wished that Karen was still here. I usually undressed in the shower area but today I did it in my room, wrapping a towel around me to head to the showers. I was nervous walking down the hall and was looking around for people that I knew were not there.
It felt a little liberating to step out of my comfort level by wearing just a towel. It was a little scary to walk around like this but also felt kind of good. I tossed my towel on the bench and walked into a nearby stall. The heat from the shower felt good on my body and I stayed a little longer than usual. The heat from the shower kept me from noticing how cold the room had gotten. The heater had stopped working and the room temperature dropped more than a few degrees. I soon regretted not bringing any clothes with me after stepping out of the stall. I could feel my body starting to freeze and my nipples harden from the cold. The walk back was less exciting with the cold nipping at my wet flesh.
I was surprised to run into Karen in the hallway holding a box. I was shivering from the cold as she explained why she was there. She felt guilty for leaving me alone and had decided to return. She called her mother to let her know that she was not coming. After arriving back she noticed the heat was out and tried calling the maintenance man, but he could not come out until the next day. It sucked that I had to spend the night without heat, but not being alone made it a little better.
She was setting up a surprise for me and only had the time to put out some blankets in the lounge. She was carrying the last of my surprise in the box. This moment started the series of mistakes I would make that led me to my unintentional sexual education. I looked down the hall thinking that I should go back to my room to get dressed, but the warm blankets were closer.
Against my better judgment, I followed her to the lounge and wrapped a blanket around me. I sat down on the couch trying to keep the little heat that I had from escaping my body. Karen Put the box down and started taking things out, placing a jar of popcorn, a movie, couple of plastic cups, and a bottle of vodka on the table. She poured me a glass and told me that it would make me feel warm. I never drank any alcohol before and did not have any intention of starting. I accepted it because I trusted her and needed to feel the heat in my body again. It was hard to get down at first but soon got easier. The more I drank the less noticeable the cold was. When she returned with the popcorn my cup was empty and I felt very loose. She placed a big bowl of popcorn on the coffee table before filling my cup back up.
I was clueless on the effects that alcohol can have on some people. It already started to affect me in an unforeseen way and it was later that I realized what vodka did to me. I started to notice halfway through the movie that Karen would watch me drink or eat popcorn. I was confused why I was receiving her attention at those times. After a few more round of this, I finally caught on. The vodka made me so relaxed that my towel slipped off my body. Every time I took another drink of vodka or grabbed some popcorn my blanket would open exposing my left breast to her. My nipples were hard from the cold and they were thick. When I started focusing my attention on my nipples I felt the right one was a little sensitive. It was rubbing against my blanket and was making me feel funny.
Vodka loosens me up and opened me to things that I normally would not do. I felt sorry for Karen and thought that being a lesbian was a rare thing. I was naive in thinking that and feared she would always be alone. It was this fear and the vodka that kept me from covering up. I thought I was being nice for not freaking out that she was staring at my breast. The vodka shut down part of my brain where my shyness and innocence were kept. That was not the only thing that it did. It also unlocked something within me. I found myself enjoying her attention, and for the first time, I wanted to be desired. Guys ignored me because I dressed too modest and they could not see my body. I found it was nice, even if it was a girl that was showing interest in me.
Karen was starting to wonder if I was letting her see my breast on purpose. She did not know if I was aware that it was hanging out or the effect it was having on her. She was lonely and seeing my breast was turning her on. It had been a while since the last time she was with someone. She had a short affair with a girl she met over the summer. The fear of losing me as a friend was the only thing that kept her from making a move.
The vodka was making me a little bolder and I wanted to push myself a little further. I leaned forward and grabbed my cup, arching my back swallowing the last of my vodka and allowing my blanket to fall off my body. My breasts were fully exposed to her but for only a few moments. My nipples felt good in the cold air and I could feel a strange new feeling stirring within me. I had caught her full attention and could feel her eyes on my breasts. I decided I had gone far enough and covered myself back up. I put what I did out of my mind and started focusing on the movie once again.
The movie was near the end when the power went out. In all the excitement I never noticed the storm that was brewing outside. I could hear the bitter, cold wind blowing and it was almost eerie sounding. We realized it would be best to head back to our room. I stood up and felt my towel fall to the floor around my feet. For some reason, I needed the towel and thought the room was far darker than it was. I took off my blanket and laid it on the couch before getting my towel. I wrapped it around me tightly before receiving my blanket.
My eyes were not that good in the dark and the amount of vodka that I drank clouded my senses. The moonlight was causing a dim light and was making the room glow. For a moment she could see the silhouette of my nude body and that gave her a great thrill. I blamed the alcohol for my carelessness and revealing so much of myself to her.
I held on to Karen, and we slowly made our way back to our beds. The room was cold and dark. The little light that we had was from our window and was barely highlighting her bed. Mine was in total darkness and I was not interested in sleeping in it. I felt the warmth of her body against me and did not want to depart from the only heat source that I had. I suggested we should sleep together in her bed and felt her body tense up. She was taken aback from my request and tried not to see other motives for me wanting this. She still was not confident that an innocent, naive girl like me had turned lesbian. Karen fought back her desire and the need to be touched before agreeing with it.
I climbed into her bed and laid my glasses on her night stand. I could hear her removing her jeans and that was the last thing I heard before falling asleep. I woke up some time later and was feeling a little cold. In my sleep, I undid my towel and pushed off my blanket. My breasts were exposed to the cold night air and I quickly covered myself back up. The only source of heat I could find was from Karen, and I snuggled closer to her, pressing my naked ass against her hoping to steal some heat. She turned on her side and embraced me with her body. I could feel the fabric of her shirt and two little hard nipples poking into my back. I felt her hot breath on my neck and the heat that was coming from her. It felt so good that I was easing back into sleep and then I felt her hand on my hip. It was shaking from what I thought was the cold. Grabbing her hand, I slid it down to the lower part of my stomach and then up against my bosom for warmth.
This was my final mistake that pushed my friend into action. Her hand was not shaking from the cold but from nerves. She could not sleep from feeling the seed of lust that I had planted inside her. She was trying to figure out if I was sending her a message that I wanted her. My actions that night came off more seductive than I intended them to be. Needing to know the truth, she decided to test the water a bit. She touched me somewhere safe for a reaction and I ended up putting her fingers into my purity coffin. If I had brushed her hand away, she would know that she was wrong. Her hand was shaking from fright and she was hoping she had not made a mistake.
She could not bear losing me as a friend but to gain me as a lover was too enticing for her. I did not realize I had guided her hand inches away from my pussy and my pubes were brushing against it. Sliding her hand between my breasts was the last seductive thing I did. I unwitting gave her a signal that I wanted her and gave all the encouragement that she needed. I just wanted to be warm and ended up unleashing a horny lesbian on me.
Karen was now convinced that I wanted her and was not going to hold back any longer. She squeezed my breast and started kissing my neck. She then moved from kissing to sucking on my earlobe and continued playing with my tits. My body stiffened up from the shock over her actions and I tried to tell her to stop, but she started playing with my nipples. She rubbed them between her fingers and gave me sensations that I never knew could come from being touched. I opened my mouth in protest but a long moan escaped instead, and I was losing the will to resist her. This was the first time that I was ever touched by anyone in a sexual way and I liked it. I wished I had known about these pleasures that were locked within my body. The pleasure I was getting from her was making my body warms up in a whole new way. No matter how much I was enjoying this there was a part of me that thought this was wrong. I turned over on my back to try to end this but found I couldn’t resist her.
Karen eased herself on top of me and guided herself between my legs. I opened my mouth to speak but she used that opportunity to slide her tongue in. I was surprised that my legs spread so easily and how good she felt between them. Her tongue swarmed around my mouth for a few seconds before I started returning the kiss. My body was awakening with new desires and I allowed myself to go where it took me. I was a little sloppy at kissing as it was my first time. I soon got the hang of it and loved having her tongue in my mouth. My brain tried to fight back for control but my body was stronger. I could feel the heat between my legs getting warmer and wetter.
I did not have the strength to push her away and surrendered to my new desire. She could not wait any longer and needed to taste me now. She kissed down my chest with haste and sucked on my nipple for a second before moving on to my wet pussy. I never knew such pleasure could be had with my own body and the joy I could have given myself. She was an artist with her tongue that had me screaming and tossing about like a mad girl. My moans were loud and echoing off the wall. If there was anybody there I had no doubt that they would have heard me. I just had my first orgasm and the muscles throughout my body spasmed. The pleasure that erupted between my legs traveled to the rest of my body and transforming me that night. I was no longer an innocent girl and became a devilish sexual beast.
I did not want this feeling that was inside me to end. She had awakened a new hunger within me that was craving to be kissed, touched, and fucked by her. I would do anything to keep her touching me and was pleased to see that she was not done with me. She slowly kissed up my stomach and licked the inside of my belly button. It seems like time had stopped and those kisses went on for eternity. The feeling of each seductive kiss followed by her tongue licking my sensitive skin gave me tiny multiple orgasms. I had forgotten about the cold and could only focus on what was being done to me. She had me squirming and moaning, moving to my breasts and taking her time teasing them. Karen slid her hand gently down through my bush and into my pussy. I was so wet that her fingers went in without trouble and were soaked in seconds. She moved her fingers in and out of me as fast as she could. Having her sucking on my nipple and fingering me was too much for me. Another orgasm exploded within me and let out a loud wail before I nearly passed out.
I took a moment to catch my breath before pulling her into a kiss. Our kiss was intense and raw with passion. I dug my nails into her back scratching down until I grabbed her ass, wrapping my legs tightly around her. My sexual instinct was in full control of me, and it wanted more sex. It was my turn to worship her body and was not going to disappoint her. We broke our kiss and I removed her shirt and could barely see her small breasts in the dark.
I wanted to give her the same amount of pleasure that she just gave me. I rolled her over onto her back and took one of her breasts into my mouth. I sucked on it and swirled my tongue around her nipple. I was trying to mimic what she did to me, and she started to moan. I was pleased that I was doing it right and giving her pleasure. I worked my way down leaving a trail of kisses to her stomach. Without any hesitation, I removed her panties and tossed them away. I pushed her legs apart and blindly guided my face between them. It was too dark to see but that did not stop me from pushing forward. I could smell a sweet aroma that came from her pussy and that intoxicating fumes was turning me on. I ran my tongue up and down her slit before sliding it in. Her pussy was wet and I swallowed some of her juices. The taste was a little salty but had a very good flavor to it. I swirled my tongue around the inside of her pussy and followed each step she made with me. I was enjoying eating pussy and knew this would not be the last time that I would do this. Karen held on to my head and ground her cunt into my face. She only let go after an orgasm hit and her body went limp.
I crawled into her arms feeling better than I ever had before and was afraid to let go. The experience was too amazing and I was not ready for it to end. I could not handle not being touched at the moment and held on to her. I lay my head on her chest and lightly played with her belly. I was listening to the breath that she was taking and could still taste her juices in my mouth.
“Damn Jackie! You know just how to make a girl feel good, but next time do not be so subtle when seducing me. If I knew you were curious about this I would’ve made a move sooner.” She played with my hair as she was talking to me, and I was becoming a little confused.
“What do you mean? I was not trying anything but was cold. I was snuggling up to you for some heat.” I could feel her body tense up after realizing her mistake. I was so innocent and naive that I gave out all the right signals of someone wanting sex without knowing it.
Karen was afraid her jumping to conclusions had ruined our friendship and I let her know that I was happy that she did. She relaxed a bit knowing I was not going to run away. Over the break we had sex plenty more times and at different locations. We would walk to the showers naked, and sometimes we never made it. Making love in the hallway was thrilling and to this day I cannot walk down one without smiling. I do not believe in putting a label on myself saying I am gay or bi, but a person that loves sex rather it would be with a man or a woman. There is nothing wrong with exploring your body and trying new things. You may be surprised by what you find enjoyable and I know I sure did.
I like to thank robertl for all his help with my story.
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Mid January 1971 and my still fairly new British bride Sarah had only lived in our apartment in Lakewood, Washington six months. We,d become friends to,other service families living there both Air Force from McChord Air Base I was assigned to and Army personnel assigned to Fort Lewis next door. The middle Sunday in January the old AFC Baltimore Colts(now based in Indianapolis) and NFC Champions Dallas Cowboys Lines up against each other in the Super Bowl, an event still fairly new not like it...
It had been a beautiful day from the outset and I swung by the apartment of some friends, wanting to say hello since I was in the area. When I got there, Kay answered the door, dressed in a small bikini and a big grin. She greeted me by throwing her arms around me and giving me a hearty kiss. Now Kay is attractive, but not what some would consider attractive. Facially, she's pretty plain, but her smile and sparkling blue eyes tell a lot about the warmth and passion of this young lady. Her...
Jay was a guy I knew from the neighborhood bar I went to in Manhattan. Not a close friend, just someone I saw in there from time to time. A few years older than my close circle. We played pool together and watched a ballgame or two. On TV, even up at the stadium a couple of times. I liked the bar, it was pretty low-key and there was plenty of girls came in, giving me ample opportunity for one-nighters. New York girls aren't shy.Anyway, this isn't about girls. This is about the time with Jay.We...
This story is about Swati (name changed for obvious reasons) and me. It all started when I was in std 12(2005). It was winter time and all schools were closed for Christmas. After scoring high grades in 10th, I moved to the capital city and was staying in a PG. My father’s ex colleague and his wife were my LG and were the only people I knew in the city. It was family of 4 : Husband, wife, daughter Swati(23 yrs) and son sanju (20). Lemme tell you about Sonam. She is 5’2″, fair with a figure of...
Hello, guys, this is Rohit here. I’m currently 21 years and living in Nagpur with 8 inches of hard and long dick. I am 5.7 tall with 65 weight athletic body and muscular built. The bhabhi of my story is 31 years baby with sexy curves with 5.4 height and 52 kgs. This is my first sex story and more to come. I’ve gained the experience to fuck really hard and make pussies wet and girls moan and wanting more. Well, this story is when I was studying for my 12th exams. I used to study on the 3rd floor...
Hello everyone, I am new here and this is my first submission (definitely not my last). I got to know about this sex story site from my ex-boyfriend, who is a frequent reader and blogger here. Also turns out, he is the main reason I am submitting this today. A little something about me. My name is Fiona, I am 24 years old and live in Mumbai. I am a girl with average height but with a good figure (at least that’s what guys say). My measurements are 36-28-36. I love to keep myself fit so I guess...
Hi everyone I am Kartik. I am from Uttarakhand. This incident happened last year. After completing my graduation I and my girlfriend went for a vacation to Nainital. Since I am from Uttarakhand many of my relatives live in Nainital. We reached there by 4. We went into the hotel changed our clothes and rested for a few hours. In the evening I went to a medical store to buy a pack of condom. As soon as I entered the medical shop I saw a woman in her 40s. She was as sexy as hell. I just ignored...
IncestI am from Mumbai but I was in Bangalore for some official work and office had provided me a flat as the project would take 2-3months. My wife was pregnant and she couldn’t join me so I send her to my in-law’s place. My big brother Arvind planned for Diwali vacation trip. I requested him to join me in Bangalore and enjoy the stay with me. After that, they can proceed towards their trip and I can arrange a better trip for them with help of my colleagues. He accepted my request and he arrives with...
IncestFriends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I was 18 years old. As I was in my 12th standard. I came home for holidays. Mom prepared different varieties of food as I am home. I enjoyed the food and mom are making preparations to go to my grand mother’s village to give them the food we cooked as they are old and not able to make all kinds of varieties. Mom asked me to come along with her. But, I don’t want to travel and I said maybe next time. She said fine and she left...
IncestReal Story...My wife and i were on a weekend away when we had a drive around the local countryside, the weather was warm with little breeze, i was in shorts and t shirt my wife in a short thin cotton summer dress, while driving around i had the aircon on in the car which caused my wifes nipples to poke through the thin cotton. After a while we found a car park in the country near to some woods so we parked up and decided to take a walk. we locked the car looked at the map at the entrance to the...
Hello friends.. My name is Vivaan and I’m an engineer from Allahabad, aged 26. The sex story I’m writing here revolves around my landlady when I was in college. There are few people who comes in our life’s whom we can friends with or we respect them due to their nature, behaviour and loving attitude.. She was one of them. A middle aged woman of age 38 approx who was a house wife and the landlord uncle was a government employee in bank. I was new to the state and in ma second year of engineering...
Hi readers. I’m Rahul, a freelance photographer and a bachelor residing in Bangalore. This is about me and Kruthi – a beautiful gal whom i culd ever imagine that i culd get a chance to sleep with her. When I was an amateur photographer, I used to click randomly and post them on my Facebook page to increase my fan base and also i used to tag my friends who were also interested in this field. It happened so one day, a girl named Kruthi, liked some 30 of my clicks randomly. My notification column...
Hello Readers. I have been reading stories in this forum since last 3 yrs and finally decided to share my story with you all. About me, I am 24 yrs with avg height of 5’8’’, fair complexioned and athlete body. Currently I stay in Delhi and working for an MNC. Please do share your feedback with me after ready this on This story is about Swati (name changed for obvious reasons) and me. It all started when I was in std 12(2005). It was winter time and all schools were closed for Christmas. After...
Hi, its been a long time,I woke up early, around 5 a.m. I was still snuggled up against "E" and needless to say, I had a morning piss hard on. Started to rub up and down between her cheeks. She lifted her leg a little and I slipped between them. Could feel the dampness and started to stroke back and forth. It didn't take long and I could feel her clit harden and she started to moan.Stick it in brother she said. I need a good morning fuck. Slowly, I entered her and started to fuck her with long...
I was waking up slowly. It was one of those pleasant moments that you just don’t want to interrupt with any serious thoughts. For me this moment is pretty much like playing a lottery. You know that in few seconds you will have the answer. It’s either Monday and you have to rush in the office or it’s Saturday and all you have to do is screw your girlfriend. Now, thoughts began to pop up in my mind, I started to remember and connect things. I started to whisper to myself while opening my eyes,...
ExhibitionismWell this is a weird one that happened to me in the summer this year. I was stuck indoors like so many of us during 2020, but in current rules applied at the time, we're all allowed a little exercise. Well it was really late, around Midnight time and I just decided to have a walk up to the beach and promenade. Rather than my usual type of route, I went a bit further along, so I could duck under one of the piers. In doing so, I discovered 3 people, a couple plus one other girl sat on the prom...
The last thing that Olivia had wanted this weekend was a guest. Not that she had anything important planned. In fact, it was quite the opposite. She had absolutely nothing planned for the entire week. No class, no work, no friends trying to talk her into going to the club to pick up guys. For the first time in almost a year she was going to have a week to herself just to be alone in peace and quiet and her fucking best friend had to go and ruin it by getting evicted. Not that it was really...
As we flew into Charleston, my mind was on Sharon. I wonder if she likes to be held like Mom? I had to find out and see how far it would go. When we saw Sharon in the terminal baggage claim, she ran to us and hugged Mom first. They cried. I retrieved the bags and went back to them. Sharon's striking blue eyes were puffy red and still shedding tears, but her long brown hair nicely surrounded her face; a well-crafted backdrop to her full red lips. I hugged her like I did Mom and she seemed...
That's what we were doing at the Atlanta airport in a bad rainstorm and what happened in Charleston. So, back to where we presently are, in the hotel restaurant having dinner. After the combo played a while, I invited Mom to dance. I guess the wine and sadness made her feel like clinging and we danced close. I had the same erection problem, and said, "I didn't bring my dancing girdle." "Let the girl worry about it," and held her face up to be kissed. This time, it was an open mouth...
I awakened to sound of the toilet flushing, with the room still totally dark. Mom came from the toilet naked and opened the night curtain to look out through the gauze-like modesty panel at the morning sky. I leaned on my elbow to look at the beautiful creature searching the sky. Quickly, I sneaked up behind her as she watched the airport operations; planes landing and taking off, their distinct roar creating a Doppler sound as they flew overhead. I put my arms around her cupping her lovely...
In my state of need, I hurried upstairs, undressed, did my toilet, and tiptoed into Sabrina's room. As I climbed under the covers she rolled over to kiss me. "Glad you're home. Have a good time?" "Yes, I did. She was even nicer than at the dance. We went to the Paper Moon and danced all evening." "You're getting to be a regular Arthur Murray!" Her hand found my cock and brought it immediately to attention as she pressed herself to me. Feeling her naked woman flesh against my chest...
We reached her house by 11:30 and were parked in the car. I kissed her and then she drew away. She said, "Can you come in for a while? We can watch TV and have the family room all to ourselves." She brought some ice water and we sat on the couch as she turned on one of the Friday night comedy shows. The volume was quite low and we would have to be silent to hear it at all. She took her heels off and sat on the couch on her knees facing me. Then, she leaned over to kiss me and as she did,...
As I drove home, I had some thinking to do. First and foremost, should I sleep in Sabrina's bed like I have been all week? She won't bring anyone home on a first date? If she were going to bed with him, surely she would do it at his house. Surely. As I approached the house, I declared that bed to be my turf. I will sleep in it. When I went inside, I noticed that it was about 1:30. No sign of the male enemy. During my evening routine of brushing and flossing, I looked at the mirror. The...
At dinner Monday, Mom told me that the Phoenix trip was on for sure and that she would leave Tuesday before noon return late Friday night. "You'll have to go to the market and get some food. I made a list, but you may need things I don't know about." "I'll be OK. Gotta' work. I'll see you later." She looked over her wineglass flirting, "Maybe go to bed earlier tonight? You may have a visitor and you also need sleep." She pouted her mouth smiling. "Ten it is!" I went...
I called Carol the next afternoon. She sounded quite happy to hear from me. I started, "I have this problem. My mother is in Phoenix and will not be able to get home on Friday night. I just don't know what to do." She responded, "Well, you could go to a chess match, or you could go to the library, I mean you have lots of choices." "I'm lonesome. Would you like to come to dinner Friday night?" "Absolutely! Positively. You fed me nicely Tuesday night." She had waited me out,...
After finishing the morning quickie, we had a nice soapy slippery shower and went in to make breakfast. She wore a flimsy see-through top and her fresh lace panties that revealed her dark mound. I put on a pair of shorts and an apron since I don't like to cook while naked, splattering and all that. We made scrambled eggs and she heated the cheese grits left over from last night. We had a nice grapefruit and coffee with whole-wheat toast. I was having a great time being around her. She sat on...
She cuddled in my spoon as she drifted off to sleep. In the middle of the night, she turned over to lie next to me face-to-face and I kissed her as we both drifted back. When the radio went on, we were locked in a close embrace. I had my usual morning bone poking her in the belly and rolled over to go to relieve myself, reducing me to half the man I was before. She did the same and quickly returned to the previous position. She said, "We don't have a lot of time, but we practiced...
I walked into the family room and saw those two beauties sitting on the couch grinning like they had just won the lottery. Something was going on and I was nervous after what happened this morning. Mom said, "We had a nice talk. I really like your girl friend. She told me that she was. She said that if there was anything left of you after she got her fill, I could have it." Unable to contain themselves, they both burst into loud laughter. I was feeling left out of the decisions and I...
Carol came running in after school and went immediately to Sabrina's office. "Hi, Mom, I'm home." Sabrina laughed, "Hi, Baby, how are you doing?" They had a hug and kiss. "Let's go get comfortable." Shortly, they resumed their chat position on the leather couch. Each was sitting on knees or legs so that they could look at each other. Carol opened, "Well, I just have to know." "Let me give you some basics. Things I notice about a man. He is a careful driver and doesn't scare...
Carol was eating lunch in the cafeteria with friends when her cell phone buzzed. She saw immediately that it was Sabrina. "Hi, Sabrina." "I need to ask you something about tonight." "Sure." "Do you want to sleep with me?" "Yes, I do." "You know that's a proposition. Don't feel pressured." "I don't feel that way and I want to do that." "I'm glad. Mike wanted me to come over. Since I have so little time with you before we go, I'd rather spend it together." "So...
We were all either well rested or pumped up by the potential of the day, so when the alarm went off, we awakened quickly, did our bathroom duties, and went to the double shower. As my brain began to function more clearly, I turned them both around, soaped my hand and stroked the shaved flesh using a light touch. They stood holding my arms against their breasts as my hand stroked them. Sabrina came first and turned away holding her pussy and leaning on the tile wall. That gave me a free hand...
"I don't like it either, but I guess other people have found a way. What do you want to do this afternoon?" "I want to go shopping with my mother today or tomorrow. Why?" "I rented some DVDs for tonight, or we can go to the French film. French seems appropriate, given where Sabrina is." She grinned, "Also, I haven't had a drop of blood today. Maybe we could celebrate the end of my period." "Let's wait until after the movie or DVD. Maybe we'll be inspired." She went shopping...
When I came through the kitchen door, I could hear a buzz of conversation coming from the den. They were sitting next to each other in their robes. Didn't take me long to figure where they had been. Mom said, "Carol tells me that you two have been scheming against your parents." "She tells the truth. Did she tell the whole story?" "I don't know. Fill me in." I explained the whole project, including potential tax benefits and capital gains when they sold it, if they chose not to...
Life did change. Mom was spending more nights with Mike and seemed quite happy and contented. I expected her to marry him. She decided that she would move in with him about a month after they returned from Paris. She moved her office and a large number of her clothes. I came home one day from school to find Carol and Mom sitting on the couch in their talking positions. They were quiet. When I was close enough to see, tears ran down each of their cheeks. I sat between them and put my arms...
I am english and live in Thailand, the land of sex and smiles. I went to a new, small local gym recently, mostly with Thai boys inside. I was the only foreigner so always the Thai boys like to chat to and...... Anyway, I was working out on a bench, lying on my back and pushing up weights. I was wearing very brief loose running shorts and a jockstrap underneath. Because I was lying on my back, with my legs either side of the bench, feet on the floor, this meant that anyone could see up my shorts...
GayI then said sternly but jokingly “Take off your braâ€. Surprisingly, with little hesitation this time, she reached behind her, unhooked her bra, and let it fall to the ground; exposing those beautiful breasts that I love so much. Tonya and I were walking barefoot in the park one night. It was late…. Just past twilight, and a beautiful night. About 75 degrees, and a crystal-clear sky. She was looking awesome as always, wearing a nice t-shirt and short shorts. We came upon a scenic lookout....
LoveHeels: The Ultimatum 5 - Kelly's Seduction By Deane Christopher Copyrighted 2003 Synopsis of Chapter 4: Gale's Quandary Though Dennis, whenever functioning as his feminine alter ego, Kelly, continued to restrain herself from engaging in anything could be misconstrued as being even mildly suggestive, the same could not be said for Gale. Owing to the fact that she was a touchy-feellie kind of person to begin with, she was, with increasing frequency, overstepping the...
Where do I start?My mind was exploding. My emotions were off the charts. My cock was quivering, and I was lost in lust. Here I was in bed naked next to my wife Carol and she was getting fucked by our friend John. Her eyes were hooded by lust. Her nipples were erect and flushed. Her whole body shined with sexual passion and appetite. Her legs were wrapped around John and her toes were curled. John was between her legs, his cock pulsing as he stroked into her. His face was ecstatic,...
Wife LoversThere was no question, a part of me was shocked yet at the same time I have to admit, it wasn't as if the signs hadn't been there and for that matter, for some long while. I guess the truth was I'd hoped it was little more than my imagination. I eased back a little from my vantage point at the top of the landing, sure I couldn't and wouldn't be seen. For one, the two of them would have assumed I had gone to bed. The second reason being, sitting as they were on the sofa, pretty...