Claire Kent Alias Super Sister The Beginning
- 2 years ago
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Natemis krzyknęła, kiedy twarda dłoń oberżysty zacisnęła się na jej ramieniu, po czym zaciągnęła do wyjścia. Po chwili została niemal dosłownie wyrzucona przed drzwi. Jedynie dzięki latom treningu udało jej się utrzymać równowagę. Przynajmniej ocaliło ją to od całkowitej kompromitacji.
-Bez złota nie przychodź – warknął oberżysta, zatrzaskując za nią drzwi. Dziewczyna westchnęła i położyła dłoń na brzuchu, który donośnym burzeniem domagał się swego.
Nie był to dla niej zbyt owocny rok. No i powoli zbliżała się zima. Jeżeli nie zdoła szybko zarobić pieniędzy... najprawdopodobniej będzie zmuszona zjeść własnego konia. A naprawdę nie chciała, aby musiało do tego dojść. Ostatnimi czasy był to jedyny przyjaciel, który jej pozostał. Byłoby to dosyć niezręczne zakończenie tak pięknej przyjaźni.
Nałożyła na twarz kaptur, po czym skierowała kroki do stajni. Stajenny, który przed chwilą rzucił zaczepną uwagę o jej tyłku, nie zdążył nawet zająć się jej koniem. Spojrzał na nią zdziwiony, kiedy weszła do środka. Natemis wyciągnęła rękę, oczekując podania cugli.
-Brak złota? - Stajenny wykrzywił się w uśmiechu. - Wiesz, chętnie dam ci trochę, jeżeli zrzucisz te ubrania i pobaraszkujemy tu trochę.
Dziewczyna starła ten uśmieszek z jego twarzy porządnym uderzeniem otwartej dłoni. I nie było to jeden z tych policzków, które dają panny dworu niekurtuazyjnym podrywaczom. To był cios zadany przez wyćwiczoną do walki kobietę. Kiedy stajenny upadł i z podkulonymi nogami zaczął przyciskać dłoń do prawdopodobnie uszkodzonej szczęki, Natemis pomyślała, że może jednak trochę przesadziła. Trudno. Zabrała swojego poczciwego siwka i na jego grzbiecie ruszyła przez miasto.
Zatrzymała się w centrum, gdzie ujrzała grupę zebranych ludzi. Ich pancerze oraz broń wskazywały, że raczej nie są tutejszymi. Podjechała na tyle blisko, żeby usłyszeć rozmowę.
-Ponoć w grocie w samym środku Czarnego Lasu smok kiedyś miał leże i złota górę. Wejście dziś zawalone, smok zdechł pewno, ale patrzcie, co tu mam!
Starszy mężczyzna w szacie wyciągnął zza pazuchy kawałek papieru. Wszyscy zgromadzeni pochylili się nad nim.
-To sekretne, boczne wejście. A tu mam klucz. Ukr.. em, podarowany mi przez samego Daltara Smokobójcę – czarodziej schował obie przedmioty zza pazuchę.
-Taka okazja może się nie powtórzyć!
-Góra złota! Będziemy żyć jak królowie!
-Ale chwila, przydałby się nam włamywacz, co?
-Słuszna uwaga. Poszukajmy jakiegoś w mieście!
-Ale chyba nie podzielimy się z nim skarbem?
-No a jak! Ty myślisz, że za darmo będzie pracować?!
-On ma rację, włamywacza godnie się nagrodzi.
Natemis nie słyszała już tych rozmów. Kierowała się w stronę wyjazdu z miasta, przyglądając się mapie z ukrytym przejściem, a drugą dłonią bawiąc się starym kluczem.
Nieregularna linia wyznaczana przez korony drzew ciągnęła się wzdłuż horyzontu, wyglądając wyjątkowo mrocznie w świetle rzucanym przez powoli zbliżające się do kresu swej dziennej wędrówki słońce. Na tle lasu, słusznie ochrzczonego „Czarnym”, wyróżniała się sylwetka pojedynczego jeźdźca.
Natemis jechała w stronę drzew, mając na sobie swój roboczy strój: jedwabną tunikę, przykrytą mocną, skórzana kamizelką, okrywaną przez płaszcz z wysokim kapturem, zarzuconym na głowę, spod którego wysypywały się jej jasne włosy. Na nogach miała skórzane spodnie, porządne i nie krępujące ruchów, na stopach buty, z tegoż samego materiału. Na nadgarstkach widniały metalowe zarękawice. Strój krępował ruchów i zapewniał całkiem porządną ochronę. Na plecy zarzucony miała kołczan, w którym oprócz strzał tkwił jej łuk, przy pasie tkwił sztylet, po prawej stronie i krótki miecz po lewej. Broń szybka, a do tego zabójcza.
Towarzyszył jej jej wierny rumak, wygrany w karty od pewnego hrabiego. Nazywał się wcześniej „Nieprześcigniony”. Natemis zmieniła jego imię na „Żebrak”. Bo kolor jego sierci przypominał jej płaszcze żebraków z jej rodzinnego miasta.
Dwójka podróżników zbliżyła się do wjazdu do lasu. Droga, którą przybyli, nie kończyła się na granicy puszczy, ale prowadziła w głąb, ginąc wśród krzaków i gęstwin. Natemis spojrzała na pysk Żebraka.
-To co, wjeżdżamy? - Koń odpowiedział niezbyt radosnym prychnięciem. - Oj, daj spokój, kiedy wrócimy, kupię ci najlepszego owsa. I załatwię jakąś klacz na własność! Zasłużyłeś po tym wszystkim.
Uderzyła kostkami o boki wierzchowca, a ten powoli zanurzył się w głębi lasu. Gdy zniknęli już w mroku, na jednej z gałęzi, tuż nad drogą, usiadła samotna wrona. Zakrakała, ale nietypowo, jak zwykle im się to nie zdarza. Ktoś o dobrym słuchu i wyobraźni mógłby przysiąc, że jest to śmiech.
Jechali przez kilka godzin, prowadzeni przez światło zachodzącego słońca, które przebijało się przez potężne korony drzew. Gdyby nie ta krwawa łuna, rzucająca długi, wystrzelony na zachód cień, Natemis nigdy nie zorientowałaby się, w którym kierunku obecnie zmierza. A wiedziała, że musi jechać na północ.
Las nie był aż tak straszny, jak się spodziewała. Szczerze, nawet wyjątkowo mało zwierząt jak dotąd widziała. No i było dosyć cicho. Gdyby znała się lepiej na naturze, pewnie niepokoiła się tym o wiele bardziej. Cóż, ale się nie znała.
W końcu jednak słońce zaszło i ściemniło się tak bardzo, że dziewczyna miała trudności z dostrzeżeniem, co znajduje się kilka metrów przed pyskiem Żebraka. Zatrzymała się, gdy ujrzała zza ścianą niewielkich sosenek polankę. Wyglądała na dosyć dobre miejsce na rozbicie obozu. Tylko... zerknęła na mapę zza pazuchą. Nie lepiej było jak najszybciej zająć się problemem i czym prędzej opuścić ten las. Spoglądała to na polankę, to na dalszą drogę, zastanawiając się.
My wife walked into the room after nearly an hour and a half getting dressed. I watched her nude from the bed as she looked for the perfect choker to go around her neck to complete her outfit. She had on blue jeans, that were considered low riders, meaning her tiny waist was on display and the red things she had on were clearly visible. For her top, she wore the red push up bra that came with the underwear we'd bought from a lingerie store together. Her mini Jean jacket was left unbuttoned...
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Hi, Indian sex story readers and followers. I would first wish to introduce myself, I am Arun (name changed) basically from Kerala, but settled up in Chennai due to my father’s occupation. I am a great fan of this site, I got introduced to this site a year ago from then this site is been very useful to satisfy my feeling. I have been planning to write my first sex experience from last few days, finally ended up in making it. This is my first sex story, so sex experts and lovers please do...
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I sat alone. I had just showered and my body was completely smooth except for a small trapezoid of pubic hair above my slightly swollen cock. Previous to the shower I had trimmed down all of my body hair with my electric clippers and then applied my hair removal cream. After waiting the 4 minutes recommended I wiped the hair off with a cool damp wash cloth. I then entered the shower and rinsed off any left over depilatory cream and then showered with my gel and loofah. I examined myself in the...
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It was mid morning when I woke up, the temperature was already soaring and I could hear the gardeners working outside already. I peeked through the blinds and was pleased to see my favourite two guys had shown up today. They were already half naked, with their backs towards me, I could see from my window that they were already dripping with sweat. Just looking at their hot bodies made me go weak at the knees. I decided to have a shower to cool down. After my shower, I tied my hair up, put on...
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Hemal’s brother, Hemant was staying in my hotel as Hemal was not in town. I reached Hemant’s room at around 8:15 pm. We had the dinner together and then we sat for a little chit chat. While we were talking, he was continuously looking at the TV screen. He just looked at me for a few seconds in between. I was irritated with his behavior. He stopped me for chatting and now he was engaged with TV, ignoring me completely. I felt insulted and pulled the remote from him. I told him that it was a bad...
After deciding to stay overnight, I picked myself off the floor and sat next to Andy on his couch, still in a haze of orgasmic bliss. We sat there for what was probably only twenty or thirty seconds but felt much longer. I didn't want the silence to start getting awkward so I spoke up. “Well since i'm staying here tonight, how about a drink? For some reason, I am really warm all of a sudden.” He smiled slyly at me before answering. “Sure thing. What do you want?” “Just water will...
It was about 2 o'clock on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten home from a date with a guy in my class. My parents figured since I was 18, and it was not a school night. I could stay out late, but I knew if I stayed out all night, I would hear about it the next day. I didn't feel tired so I logged on the computer in my room. I was chatting with a guy who was completely boring me, so I figured I would go to the adult chat rooms. I had never been there but now that I was 18, why not see what it...
When I walked into the diner, the place wasn't packed, but was doing a brisk business. I took a table facing the street with my back to the wall so I could watch the Jeep. I was greeted several times by people that evidently knew me, but I had no idea who they were. When the waitress came over, she recognized me immediately. "Well hello Sheriff, do you remember me?" "Umm, no I don't think so, should I?" "If it hadn't been for you, my little boy might have lost his foot. I was the...
Thus, he went towards Union Cave, while most people in Azalea never thought about escaping. What the stud was looking for, was a male Machop willing to try out…live training. He actually found one trying to push away the boulders and squeeze through, confused about why there were boulders at the Azalea exit, when they had not been there before. Machoke went to explain everything to the pre-evolved form of himself briefly. Machop was skeptical initially, and was unsure about killing humans, as...
We ended our last encounter sharing a shower. Nothing of any consequence occurred because we were exhausted. Sloane excused herself to go to sleep. Siobahn asked if we could talk a bit before I left.She poured us each a Jameson and repaired to the den."I genuinely like our situation. We have a special trust and enjoy mutual respect without baggage. There are boundaries that we are very comfortable which makes our relationship very rewarding. I love the idea that you treat me with exclusivity,...
ThreesomesSteve woke slowly and easily, with Anna and Suri snuggled against him, Tina cuddled up behind Anna, and Linda snoring softly in her cage. He was at ease this morning, despite the tension he'd felt the day before. After his meeting, and checkup on Linda, he'd taken a little 'road trip' to check up on Ed Baker. He'd found a slightly frustrated Ed, and ten grumpy women. Like his Tau brother, Ed "Pi" Baker had picked one women, called her wife, and consummated the marriage. He'd then...
Another bit of fiction I wrote for my wife. Anyone who has read my other stories should have by now worked out that the two main characters in them Mike and Hazel are actually me and my sexy wife.IT ALL STARTED WITH “HELLO” My life in the small block of retirement flats in Bangor North Wales was pretty good. I had most everything a single, retired guy could want. I was close to the shops, a short walk to the nearest pub and next to the flats was a small park, ideal for sitting out when the...
Under Construction How did I get myself in this position? Literally. I stared up into his beautiful brown eyes and felt the all too familiar reaction of lust rush through my body. My eyes traveled down his face and rested on his lips. I knew he was asking me a question, but all I could think about was how his mouth would feel coming down on mine. I continued my perusal of his body. Perfectly sculpted shoulders, flat washboard abs covered with a white wife beater, and down to his hands resting...
BDSMJim looked up at his daughter Miranda. After he had watched her slurping like a whore on her new boyfriends' big, black cock, he stood and watched the young man spray his little girls face with thick ropes of cum. Now, Jim was more than ready to show his hot daughter just how wide her young cunt would stretch. With his eyes locked on Miranda, Jim climbed the stairs. Grabbing her by the hand, he led his cum covered daughter into the bathroom and closed the door behind them. He then turned her...
You know how it is, once an 11 year old decides to do something, there's no holding him back. I'm afraid I pushed my horses pretty hard in getting to the town of Hobson and to the office of Jason McCall. No, I was not completely stupid, I rode up the alley behind his office and went in the back door. "Mr. McCall, it's Tom Olson. Can I talk to you?" "Certainly, Tom. Come on in. First, let me say that I sure was sorry about what happened to your pa. But I hear that your ma and the rest...
I wasn't really nervous about the next class session. It wasn't that I was feeling cocky or especially sure of myself. It was more like I was sure of Emma, sure of who she was and what she was like, and I knew that it was going to happen, maybe not then, but then next session, or the session after. We'd shared too much of ourselves, an intimacy that went beyond the merely sexual, and my acceptance of her bound her to me in a way that she couldn't easily walk away from. If I'd just played with...
BDSMBefore she met me my wife was in California for some classes she found out that her crush from High School was working in the same town. She quickly got in touch with him through an old friend and met up. She had sex with him multiple times during the week she stayed out there and did things she never thought she would do. This was her first time swallowing cum, being fucked in the ass, and a MFM threesome over the course of just a few days. She found a few pictures left over from the set that...
"That's good to know. Such information will be helpful to me," I said. "Now remember this position you are in now. You will be in it a lot–I use it whenever I want to talk to you or give you a lesson. There are a couple of other positions I use as well but this is the most used. The others I will tell you about when the need arises.""Yes, Sir.""Now Eve let me give you an idea of what you have signed on for with me. Master's like myself have two main philosophies on how to train a submissive....
BDSMNote: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow I ripped my cock out of Mrs. Spencer’s pussy, anger boiling through me. I felt so hurt. Betrayed. Sky was lying to me. I didn’t know why that was shocking. She had been lying to me since Sunday while I had believed that she had changed. That things were different now. That we were finally close. Bonding. That she could trust me. “What’s wrong?” gasped Mrs. Spencer, her big breasts heaving, her nipples beading with milk. “My...
Joseph Kerns, a senior at the Combs high school, stood by the sidewalk outside his house. As always he wore a nice dress shirt, though today he wore a brand new one that his girlfriend had helped him pick out yesterday.Girlfriend… Joseph thought to himself. He still had a hard time believing that he and Melea were actually together. He had been in love with her since the first time he saw her back when they were just juniors. Sometimes he found himself just staring into her deep brown eyes...