Samotna Ekspedycja free porn video

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Natemis krzyknęła, kiedy twarda dłoń oberżysty zacisnęła się na jej ramieniu, po czym zaciągnęła do wyjścia. Po chwili została niemal dosłownie wyrzucona przed drzwi. Jedynie dzięki latom treningu udało jej się utrzymać równowagę. Przynajmniej ocaliło ją to od całkowitej kompromitacji.

-Bez złota nie przychodź – warknął oberżysta, zatrzaskując za nią drzwi. Dziewczyna westchnęła i położyła dłoń na brzuchu, który donośnym burzeniem domagał się swego.

Nie był to dla niej zbyt owocny rok. No i powoli zbliżała się zima. Jeżeli nie zdoła szybko zarobić pieniędzy... najprawdopodobniej będzie zmuszona zjeść własnego konia. A naprawdę nie chciała, aby musiało do tego dojść. Ostatnimi czasy był to jedyny przyjaciel, który jej pozostał. Byłoby to dosyć niezręczne zakończenie tak pięknej przyjaźni.

Nałożyła na twarz kaptur, po czym skierowała kroki do stajni. Stajenny, który przed chwilą rzucił zaczepną uwagę o jej tyłku, nie zdążył nawet zająć się jej koniem. Spojrzał na nią zdziwiony, kiedy weszła do środka. Natemis wyciągnęła rękę, oczekując podania cugli.

-Brak złota? - Stajenny wykrzywił się w uśmiechu. - Wiesz, chętnie dam ci trochę, jeżeli zrzucisz te ubrania i pobaraszkujemy tu trochę.

Dziewczyna starła ten uśmieszek z jego twarzy porządnym uderzeniem otwartej dłoni. I nie było to jeden z tych policzków, które dają panny dworu niekurtuazyjnym podrywaczom. To był cios zadany przez wyćwiczoną do walki kobietę. Kiedy stajenny upadł i z podkulonymi nogami zaczął przyciskać dłoń do prawdopodobnie uszkodzonej szczęki, Natemis pomyślała, że może jednak trochę przesadziła. Trudno. Zabrała swojego poczciwego siwka i na jego grzbiecie ruszyła przez miasto.

Zatrzymała się w centrum, gdzie ujrzała grupę zebranych ludzi. Ich pancerze oraz broń wskazywały, że raczej nie są tutejszymi. Podjechała na tyle blisko, żeby usłyszeć rozmowę.

-Ponoć w grocie w samym środku Czarnego Lasu smok kiedyś miał leże i złota górę. Wejście dziś zawalone, smok zdechł pewno, ale patrzcie, co tu mam!

Starszy mężczyzna w szacie wyciągnął zza pazuchy kawałek papieru. Wszyscy zgromadzeni pochylili się nad nim.

-To sekretne, boczne wejście. A tu mam klucz. Ukr.. em, podarowany mi przez samego Daltara Smokobójcę – czarodziej schował obie przedmioty zza pazuchę.

-Taka okazja może się nie powtórzyć!

-Góra złota! Będziemy żyć jak królowie!

-Ale chwila, przydałby się nam włamywacz, co?

-Słuszna uwaga. Poszukajmy jakiegoś w mieście!

-Ale chyba nie podzielimy się z nim skarbem?

-No a jak! Ty myślisz, że za darmo będzie pracować?!

-On ma rację, włamywacza godnie się nagrodzi.

Natemis nie słyszała już tych rozmów. Kierowała się w stronę wyjazdu z miasta, przyglądając się mapie z ukrytym przejściem, a drugą dłonią bawiąc się starym kluczem.

Nieregularna linia wyznaczana przez korony drzew ciągnęła się wzdłuż horyzontu, wyglądając wyjątkowo mrocznie w świetle rzucanym przez powoli zbliżające się do kresu swej dziennej wędrówki słońce. Na tle lasu, słusznie ochrzczonego „Czarnym”, wyróżniała się sylwetka pojedynczego jeźdźca.

Natemis jechała w stronę drzew, mając na sobie swój roboczy strój: jedwabną tunikę, przykrytą mocną, skórzana kamizelką, okrywaną przez płaszcz z wysokim kapturem, zarzuconym na głowę, spod którego wysypywały się jej jasne włosy. Na nogach miała skórzane spodnie, porządne i nie krępujące ruchów, na stopach buty, z tegoż samego materiału. Na nadgarstkach widniały metalowe zarękawice. Strój krępował ruchów i zapewniał całkiem porządną ochronę. Na plecy zarzucony miała kołczan, w którym oprócz strzał tkwił jej łuk, przy pasie tkwił sztylet, po prawej stronie i krótki miecz po lewej. Broń szybka, a do tego zabójcza.

Towarzyszył jej jej wierny rumak, wygrany w karty od pewnego hrabiego. Nazywał się wcześniej „Nieprześcigniony”. Natemis zmieniła jego imię na „Żebrak”. Bo kolor jego sierci przypominał jej płaszcze żebraków z jej rodzinnego miasta.

Dwójka podróżników zbliżyła się do wjazdu do lasu. Droga, którą przybyli, nie kończyła się na granicy puszczy, ale prowadziła w głąb, ginąc wśród krzaków i gęstwin. Natemis spojrzała na pysk Żebraka.

-To co, wjeżdżamy? - Koń odpowiedział niezbyt radosnym prychnięciem. - Oj, daj spokój, kiedy wrócimy, kupię ci najlepszego owsa. I załatwię jakąś klacz na własność! Zasłużyłeś po tym wszystkim.

Uderzyła kostkami o boki wierzchowca, a ten powoli zanurzył się w głębi lasu. Gdy zniknęli już w mroku, na jednej z gałęzi, tuż nad drogą, usiadła samotna wrona. Zakrakała, ale nietypowo, jak zwykle im się to nie zdarza. Ktoś o dobrym słuchu i wyobraźni mógłby przysiąc, że jest to śmiech.

Jechali przez kilka godzin, prowadzeni przez światło zachodzącego słońca, które przebijało się przez potężne korony drzew. Gdyby nie ta krwawa łuna, rzucająca długi, wystrzelony na zachód cień, Natemis nigdy nie zorientowałaby się, w którym kierunku obecnie zmierza. A wiedziała, że musi jechać na północ.

Las nie był aż tak straszny, jak się spodziewała. Szczerze, nawet wyjątkowo mało zwierząt jak dotąd widziała. No i było dosyć cicho. Gdyby znała się lepiej na naturze, pewnie niepokoiła się tym o wiele bardziej. Cóż, ale się nie znała.

W końcu jednak słońce zaszło i ściemniło się tak bardzo, że dziewczyna miała trudności z dostrzeżeniem, co znajduje się kilka metrów przed pyskiem Żebraka. Zatrzymała się, gdy ujrzała zza ścianą niewielkich sosenek polankę. Wyglądała na dosyć dobre miejsce na rozbicie obozu. Tylko... zerknęła na mapę zza pazuchą. Nie lepiej było jak najszybciej zająć się problemem i czym prędzej opuścić ten las. Spoglądała to na polankę, to na dalszą drogę, zastanawiając się.

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Milking The Hot Girl Jasmine8217s Boobs

Hi all! This is Karishma back again to narrate another one of my sex experiences with you. I hope you must have read . So, this is kind of a continuation to that. Well, from my previous story, many were asking how does Jasmine looks. Jasmine is really a very hot African girl. She has a body to die for. Her size is 38D-25-39. Her dark glowing skin is just a cherry at the top. And, she has the world’s best pouty lips. I admire her lips very much. Plus, she has a dark black curly hair. In total,...

1 year ago
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Military Customs

I am just getting off my knees from servicing this hot ass guy I just met in the mall. Yes, there are a lot of people that still cruise in the mall. Anyway, I am here with a few other friends of mine from the navy base. I decided to hang with them in hopes that I would get more of what I had just gotten. Hot, creamy, delicious cum! For some reason every since I discovered that I was gay, I have had this obsession with sucking dick and cumdrinking. I drink the stuff like a drunk drinks beer....

3 years ago
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Angel Love

Angel was a princess. After all, her mother was a queen. Although of humble origins, the Queen had lots of beauty, money, and influence, so she could play the role. And play it she did. Opulence was her middle name, in their home, her dress, and her child’s upbringing. Although not planned, Angel was welcomed anyway. She was beautiful and bright. Her parents were opportunists and saw this child as fitting into their plans. They loved only themselves and saw their marriage as a mutually...

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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela 8211 Part 25 Jaan Ban Gayi Begum

Hi dosto, kaisi lage meri Mallu mummy Leela ki chudai ke peechle parts? Un sab logo ka shukriya jinhone meri stories ko like kiya aur mujhe mails aur messages bheje aur videos bhi bheje muth maarte hue. To ab aage ki kahani, kaise mummy bani begum. Fir chaaro budhe ek ghera bana ke let gaye. Meri Mallu mummy Leela ko beech mein bitha diya aur apne lund ko masalne aur hilane lage. Ab mummy ek ek karke saare mullo ke lundo ko hilane aur muh mein leke chusne lagi. Jab sabke lund tan kar khade ho...

2 years ago
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He Set Up The Tents I Set Up The Surprise

  We love camping, though neither of us had been in the two years we had been together. We talked of it almost as often as how much we wanted our next couple, or single male, or single female. This summer I decided the time for talk was over. We had to do it! I made the reservations at a campsite about an hour away. I did all the shopping and preparing. We were doing it old school, tent, food from home, cooking over a campfire, the way camping should be done. Besides fishing, cooking, and...

3 years ago
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Why is youre pussy like that Bi

My wife Amy lay naked on the bed, her body still glistening from our lovemaking. I slowly stroked her flat stomach and large breasts idly marveling over her gorgeous body. My attention was diverted to her vagina, it was slowly dripping out my cum. I reached down and smeared it over the out side of her pussy lips, slowly rubbing the folds of her vagina. Out of the blue she asked, "Do you like my pussy?" Quickly I answered, "of course I do crazy, I just came in it didn't I?" She smiled and then...

3 years ago
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Raped By Pep 2

The wet tongue stroking my pussy and the seemingly steady stream of hot breath on my clit proved to be too much to handle. Cum started squirting into Peps face as he licked me into a major orgasm. He continued to lap at my pussy despite the sporadic squirts of cum. I bucked my hips wildly with each lick. I tried to back away, my clit was extremely sensitive, and I needed Pep to stop. Good boy! Heel Pep Pep ignored my command and continued to lap at my now dripping pussy. Pep thats enough I...

2 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 7

GELLEN ASTEROID FIELD Endith threw Spartan 01 into a gut wrenching turn around the mass of the asteroid in their path, the belly of the STRIKER DT barely a thousand meters from the surface of the moon sized chunk of rock. "Still behind us!" For'mya called out. "Shit ... who they got flying those crates!" Endith shouted yanking them into a rolling turn. "Those are High Coven Interceptors! They must have come from the cruisers!" For'mya declared in a yell. "Five of them, bearing...

2 years ago
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My wife tells me about fucking Tim

Tim has been a friend of mine for several years but he had never met my wife Andrea so I invited him over one weekend. It was hot so I told him to bring a swim suit and we would hang out by our pool. He and I were setting by the pool and enjoying a few cold beers when Andrea called my cell. I told her to hurry home from work and join us by the pool. At that time the idea of showing off my sexy little bride to Tim popped in my head.I heard her car as she pulled into the garage so I told Tim I'd...

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TeamSkeetExtras Layna Landry Booty Rub Sunny Fuck

You walk in on me lying naked on the bed and can’t resist grabbing some coconut oil to rub all over my ass and pussy. You start teasing my pussy lips and clit with your thumb and feel me pushing against you, wanting more. You slide a finger inside and massage me from the inside while I grind against your hand and moan with pleasure… my pussy is looking extra tasty and you turn me over onto my back and start eating me out, watching my facial expressions react to your tongue on my...

4 years ago
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Mixed EmotionsChapter 3

After the officers left, I broke down and cried. Thank God, Charly was there, she cried with me. My thoughts were coming way too fast. 'What should I do now? Her parents deserve to know, my parents need to know also.' I wondered if I should wait till morning to call anyone. What was to gain to interrupt their sleep? Charly said she would stay with me tonight. I shouldn't be alone. "What will people think? My wife was killed and you are in my apartment?" I asked Charly. "I don't care...

2 years ago
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60PlusMilfs Melissa Johnson Melissa Wants Anal And Gets It

Today, Melissa Johnson, a 61-year-old wife and mom, wants just one thing: a cock in her ass. So although she’s sucking the cock to make the guy feel good, she’s also doing it to get it ready for her ass. That’s the goal. That’s the important thing. Sure, while doing so, she takes it balls-deep and gags on it, and that’s very nice. And, of course, she is taking the chance that the guy might blow his load before he ever gets around to her ass. But she loves sucking...

2 years ago
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Didi Se Puch Kar Chudwayi

Mera naam shreya shree hai meri size 32-25-35 hai jo kisi v larki ki sexy hone ka maan hai or meri age v jyada nhi ho rahi thi only 19.5 years mai chudwana chahti thi only 18 saal me but koi mila nhi lkin abhi kuch din pehle aisi baat hui jis se meri zi9dgi badal gyi jyada time naa lete hue direct kahani pe aati hu Or yeh meri pehli or aakhri kahani hai or 110% sahi hai meri didi ki saddi ho gyi vidai k waqt didi ro rahi thi tab mummy boli tum didi k sath chal jao mai toh haa kr di jab didi k...

2 years ago
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My maids niece Narani Devi

This happened in 2006 truly with me. I was working in a cement plant. I had my company quarters. I have an old maid servant and she used to come and clean the house and utensils etc. The day she was sick, she has sent her niece for the job. The niece was a woman of say 35/40 years. She came and worked silently and went away. I was happy with her. When I was going to sleep I was actually thinking about her. As per my criteria she is good looking and smart. Next day when the woman came I checked...

3 years ago
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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 6

*************Sexta parte************* Hab?a amanecido cuando Isabel abri? la puerta con energ?a. Yo estaba dormido y casi me cuelgo de la l?mpara del susto. ??Arriba, perezosa! ?dijo con su voz cantarina y aparentemente siempre feliz?. ?El d?a ya ha comenzado y hay un mill?n de cosas por hacer! Llevaba un vestido en tonos morados que dejaba ver el nacimiento de sus abundantes pechos y se estrechaba en la cintura, marcando una cintura de avispa. Terminaba aproximadamente un palmo por encima de la ...

4 years ago
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A Prom Night to Remember

It was the week before prom and the whole grade was pumped for the night to come. Everyone had their date, including me. My date was my crush and very best friend. She wasn't shocked when I asked her but it took me a lot to do so. We both had feelings for each other but never had the chance to act on them with her parents being tighter with her then I am with my wallet. So I was glad when she convinced them to let her go with me. I am the typical high school male. Dark brown hair, brown eyes,...

First Time
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Tom watched his sister Judy swim the length of the pool and climb the steps. Water dripped from her as she bent over to pick up the towel she had left on the lawn chair. He liked how her thin body looked and the way her breasts filled her bathing suit top. It covered enough to be almost modest yet still showed the tops of her flesh mounds and was tight enough to press them together forming a deep valley in the middle. Letting his eyes move lower he gazed intently at her buttocks. The separate...

4 years ago
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Back To School

A ray of sun broke through a crevice in my window, shining directly on my face. I covered myself up with the blanket trying to get a few more minutes of sleep. RING… RING… RING... My alarm clock blared. "Damn it." I muttered. It seemed like only a minute ago it was 11:00 p.m. I checked my alarm clock, hoping I had set the wrong time. No luck. It was 7:30 in the morning and school started forty minutes from now, giving me half an hour to get ready. "Why do you hate me so much, alarm clock?"...

First Time
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The CompoundChapter 11 Our approach

We had been in the air a little over an hour when our Pilot informed us that we had picked up two escorts on our approach. There was one on either side of the aircraft. When I looked, I saw two fully armed jets. I was too startled to tell which kind. Alarmed, I asked, “What?” and looked again out the window to see two very impressive and heavily armed fighters flanking us. Nick assured me everything was ok, that the airspace over the Compound was restricted, and that escorts were just...

3 years ago
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Young Experience Changed my life

Although I prefer being somewhat of a cuck now, my intro into this lifestyle was as a bull.When I was in college, I had a class where the professor paired the students for a class project. An Asian guy, in my class, asked me if I would be his partner for the project. I’ll call him Chan. He was from a very wealthy family in South Korea and his dad sent him to the US to study engineering.I was currently living in an apartment with two other guys. Chan was married and his dad owned a very nice...

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Ageless Sex 8211 Part 2

In first part you read, Pramila was a teacher married to Vinod. Though Vinod was a womanizer, he fucked his mother, mother in law and took virginity of sister in law but Pramila had been a one man woman till that fateful night. It was last night of Vinod’s stay in hospital. She heard that many doctors, wardboy are eager to fuck with her, they have fixed high price for fuck with that 51 years old lady, but Pramila enjoyed whole night with a young boy of 18-19 yrs and next morning she lost her...

5 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Curse of Emerald Witch Part V

PART V *Gasp!* Heather quickly sat upright in her bed, panting heavily. She was completely drenched in sweat from head to toe. The amulet beneath her night dress was glowing brighter than ever, pulsing and pounding like a beating heart against her chest. She placed her hand on her chest as she tried to catch up with her breath. For a moment she thought she was hyperventilating. Then, she thought she was dying. "Oh no," gasped Heather. "No, no, no!" She thought she'd never get...

3 years ago
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The Week I Turned Into Erin Chapter 9 Kathy

I picked up my cell phone and I dialed his - I mean her - number. One ring. Two rings. On the third ring she answered in an unfamiliar voice. "Hello? Kathy?" My name is Kathy. For the past several days I've been living with my parents. It wasn't by choice. My boyfriend Aaron decided to be careless and injected himself with an experimental drug for money. It all started last Sunday when I asked him to get a job. You see, we've been hurting financially for most of the year. ...

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