Athens Queen
- 2 years ago
- 40
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The full moon alone lit the quiet streets of Whiteport on a still night. It illuminated the filth and grime, while the common beggar, doomsayer, and street rat hid from its celestial glow. Two lone figures made their way through the streets with no fear, despite the inherent danger involved from wandering around the port city’s streets in the dead of night.
“You know,” one of the figures said to the other in a feminine voice, “this city was once Kalendyne’s first bastion of defense during the war against Doldra.” She was making no effort to remain quiet, speaking as though she were having a lovely stroll in the daylight.
Her companion, also a woman though considerably taller than even most men, said nothing but simply listened.
“Many key battles were fought here during the war and won. The King at the time renamed it Whiteport to show that it was a symbol of purity, and that it would not be corrupted by invaders.”
The two of them stopped at their destination, a run-down tavern by the name of “The Lunar Lady” nestled away in a corner of town that the guards rarely patrolled, especially not during the evening.
“Oh how far it has fallen in one-hundred years, right my friend?” The woman smiles to her towering companion.
“Aye.” Was all she said in a deep, coarse voice that echoed behind a steel mask that covered her lower face.
“Most people call this city Greyport these days. I’d like to give it a new name. But first, I need to have a home.” The woman grinned beneath her wide-brimmed cap with a single red feather in it. This feather was the only spark of color in an otherwise completely black, leather outfit that covered her from neck to toe. “Be ready for trouble my dear friend, they won’t just let me do as I please because I’m pretty.”
The towering companion nodded beneath the hood of her black cloak that concealed her entire body save for a rather large bust.
The two entered the tavern to find that it was mostly empty. A few patrons sat around a table in the corner playing cards and drinking ale from their mugs—two humans, a halfling, and dwarven woman. A portly old innkeeper was standing behind the tavern’s bar cleaning a mug.
“Welcome to the Lunar Lady, what can I get for you?”
“A new home.” The woman replied as she removed her hat, revealing chin-length jet-black hair cut in a bob with straight bangs and gleaming icy, blue eyes.
“We’ve got soft beds and lockable chests in every room. Will you be taking two?” The old man gestures to the silent companion.”
“Actually,” the slender woman gestures to the taller woman who produces a rather large bag of coins from her cloak and slams it on top of the bar, revealing a very well-toned arm. “I’ll take all of the rooms, the bar, and all of its stores. I am the owner now, you’re welcome to stick around and tend the bar if you like, I’ll even pay you for it, or you can leave with the money. The choice is yours, I don’t care either way.”
The old man looked flabbergasted. The bag was easily a full half of a meter in diameter and it was filled to the top of golden coins. “I-I can’t let you do that, lass.”
The taller woman took another step toward the bar, not saying a word but glaring down at the man with strange silver eyes, making him audibly gulp.
“Shibito, my friend here, doesn’t like hearing things like that.” The slenderer woman replied. “Tell me, what’s your name?”
“Dane.” The man said nervously.
“Dane, got it, nice to meet you, my name is Elise. Listen here Dane, you have three choices to make right now. You can either take the money and walk out that door, take the money and answer to me from now on and get some nice coin for your loyalty and trouble, or I can have my friend here snap your neck in such a way that you’ll desperately hope can be fixed but will be disappointed to discover that your remaining life will be instead filled with pain and suffering.” As she gave this ultimatum, Elise simply smiled in a pleasant and affable way, and she spoke with a tone to match.
Dane was beginning to sweat now. “I’m sorry, I really can’t do it.”
“Really? I’m giving you an opportunity of a lifetime here. You’d have to be a fool not to take it. Unless you don’t have the authority to hand it over.” Elise cocked an eyebrow. “May we meet the actual owner of this establishment?”
“I can’t take you to him. He’s in…” Dane stopped suddenly when he realized he had said too much already. “I just can’t. Please leave.”
Elise sighed, rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers.
With lightning speed Shibito reached out with her arm and grabbed Dane’s neck. The other patrons were now looking on at the scene with curious looks.
“Do you see how quick that was? All I have to do is snap my fingers again and you’ll have a sudden but wonderful view of the wall behind you. I won’t ask you again, take me to the owner of this tavern.”
“Okay, okay! I’m sorry! I’ll bring you to him.” Dane seemed to buckle under the pressure, his knees were shaking.
Elise nodded and Shibito removed her hand.
“Follow me.” He said walking out from behind the bar and into the storeroom.
He led them into the cellar of the Lunar Lady where they found a hatch leading into the basement. The hatch was locked but with a quick turn of the key, it snapped open. Dane suddenly stopped before opening it to look at them.
“Just tell me one thing.” He said.
“Why not?” Elise shrugged.
“You aren’t justicars are you?”
“No, I hate them just as much as you fear them. Assuming you have what I think you have down there.” Elise grins at the man.
He opens up the hatch to reveal a staircase leading down into the ground. “Watch your head on the way down. ‘Specially you.” He nods at Shibito. After making their way down the steps, Dane lead them through a long, well-lit hallway with wood paneling on the walls. “Back during the days of the war, some of the taverns of this city had these little bunkers built into them. That way the civilians could hide in case the dock was breached instead of having to evacuate the city.”
“Seems pretty smart. I take it you had a better idea for it now that the war is over?”
“Wasn’t my idea.” Dane shakes his head. “I just tend the bar.”
He finally led them to a door. “Listen, I have to go back to the bar, I’ll open the door but you’re on your own from there.”
“Thank you kindly. Just one more thing,” Elise starts, “give me the key. I doubt anything will happen to me, but just in case, hide the money somewhere and if you’re asked, just tell him I stole the key from you.”
Dane nods and hands her the key, she smiles and pockets it before opening the door.
Inside was a small room with a desk and a rather attractive woman sitting at it. There was also another door leading out, and next to it was a burly man dressed in full leather armor. He had a short sword and a sap at his side.
Before letting either of them react to Elise’s entrance, she tossed a couple small bags of coins onto the desk. “We’re going inside. Take the gold and leave, or try to stop us and my friend will break your skulls open. She’s good at that.” With confidence Elise continued to walk, unsurprisingly, neither of them tried to stop her and simply let her and her towering companion walk through the door without issue.
Elise knew exactly what she would find in the basement of this tavern. In fact, she knew everything that Dane told her, it was the reason she chose this tavern to begin with, she knew how secure and secretive it was. So, when her eyes were met with gorgeous people who were barely clothed of all races and genders mingling with many other patrons who looked like they were wealthy, she was surprised only by how beautiful many of the barely dressed individuals appeared. She knew that the tavern upstairs was merely a front for a bordello being run in the basement.
The room was large, big enough to serve as a general greeting area for the patrons, at both of the walls to the left and right of the room there was an archway leading to corridors where Elise assumed the private rooms were. At the back wall, there was a rather fancy chair that was currently occupied by a bald man with a thick, brown beard and a scar across the top of his head. To either side of him was a human and elven woman sitting on pillows and leaning against the chair.
“Nice.” She commented, staring out into the crowd. “Shibito, stay close to me.”
“Aye.” Shibito said.
“Hello there, good sir.” Elise said in a loud voice getting the attention of everyone in the room.
“Who the fuck are you?” The big boss asked, sitting forward in his seat.
“My name is Elise, and I assume you are the owner of this brothel?”
“I am.” He says, narrowing his eyes.
“I have a deal for you that you won’t be able to refuse. In fact, it’s not so much a deal as a statement.” Elise began to unbuckle her jacket and leather gear piece by piece, letting each one of them fall to the floor around her. As she removed her outerwear piece by piece she revealed a skintight cloth shirt and leggings beneath them, as well as belts and bandoliers covered with daggers and throwing knives. Not just around her waist and chest, but around her ankles, thight, biceps, and forearms. She removed those too, letting them fall around her with loud clunks. “What’s your name?”
“Evund.” He said, confusion evident on his face as he watched Elise strip before his eyes.
“I like this place, and I am going to use it as my base of operations from now on.” Elise said frankly as she started to unbuckle her boots. Now that she was wearing only skintight clothes, A few of the room’s occupants had begun to notice a rather unusual feature of the woman.
“On what authority?” Evund asks after a slight chuckle at her bluntness.
“Hold on a moment, I’m getting to that part.” Elise grabs at the bottom of her shirt then turns around so her back is facing Evund and pulls it up over her head before tossing it to the ground.
The amusement on Evund’s face drains away as he sees what is tattooed on Elise’s back across her shoulder blades. A blood red depiction of a crown. A few gasps escaped the lips of the other people in the room when they saw it. They knew what it signified.
The Red Queen. The most notorious crime lord in the western kingdoms, and the one who dominated the black markets of Kalendyne. She was responsible for selling illegal weapons, artifacts, artwork, magic items, potions, and herbs; as well as illegal services such as prostitution. Nobody in Kalendyne had any kind of underground operation without first going through the Red Queen or one of her operatives.
Elise turned back around to face the boss, not at all ashamed to be baring her petite chest and soft pink nipples on alabaster skin to the entire room. “So, I’ll say it again, with my authority as the Red Queen, this is my operation now. You have two choices, Evund.” She gestured to Shibito who tossed another large bag of gold onto the ground. “You can either take this bag of gold and leave, never to return again; or my friend here is going to ruin that very nice chair by impaling you with it.” She put a hand on her hip and gave Evund a cocky smile as she awaited his reply.
With a bit of sweat on his brow he stood up and wiped it away. “My apologies everyone, she’s in charge now. I’ll be on my way.” He then nervously walked out of the room, gold in tow.
Once he was gone there were murmurs among the crowd.
“Shibito, go around to all of the rooms and kick out the patrons.” Elise then stripped off her final garment, the skintight leggings, letting them slide down to the floor. By now everyone in the room noticed her unusual feature. A penis hung down between her legs. She proudly displayed it as she crossed the floor over to the chair.
Once she was sat down she looked over the whole room with her legs crossed and her elbow leaned on the armrest. “They once called this city Whiteport. Now they call it Greyport. I think I’d like to call it Redport.”
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Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Ankush, Queendom of Naith I fought to keep my fear at bay and marched up the last few steps of the Ziggurat to the top where the open throne room lay. I...
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Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the queen. Dawn peeked through Princess Lavhi’s window. My sisters, sex slaves, and I...
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Dedicated to a green-eyed girl from the Northwest. It had been such a bad day for Liz. Her cubicle at the newspaper sales office took on the feel of a cell at San Quentin. Her obnoxious co-workers had their ‘jerk-meters’ cranked up to eight, a car dealer had threatened to pull his two-page ad because the paper ran a story about their little habit of selling cars with bad titles, Fred in the cubicle across from her kept joking about stealing her account with the florist, and to top it off,...
I slowly sunk to my knees as the execution decree was read aloud. It is here by ordered by king Henry that his queen and wife be put to death by beheading for crimes of consortingand fornicating outside of the royal chambers. The words stunned me and filled me with the fear of dying by having my head chopped off. The fear of execution was so great that I felt hot piss streaming down my legs and forming a puddle at my feet. I was pulled to my feet by royal guards. Tears were streaming down my...
Meri biwi sugandha un dino 24 saal ki ek bahut hi sundar aur sushil aurat thi.Uske nayan naksh kafi tikhe aur lubhawne the.Uski body kafi perfect thi jo kisi ko barbas apni or akarshit karte the.Uske size 32”28”32” thi.Hamari nai nai shadi hui thi.Sugandha ne convent se parhai kit hi. Yahi karan tha uski awaj kafi dilkash thi jo thoda angreji bolne ke wajah se aur achhi lagti thi.Humari nai nai posting hui thi.Hum jis socity me rahte the uske sare bachhe bare ,aurtein sugandha ko kafi pasand...
Jason was aware of a faint clattering sound and then faintly heard Philippa protesting about something. He couldn’t move a muscle or open his eyes. He felt himself being carried and then recalled no more until he woke in utter blackness. He was lying on a very comfortable bed, but he knew he was not in the palace. The smell was completely different. He concentrated on his smell. There was a smell of the earth and the air was humid, but there was more. It smelled like his doctor’s surgery on...
King Dong was a good man and loved his life, he lived in a beautiful house in a country far far away with his Queen and two pretty princesses and it was there that a young woman entered his life, she was poor and dressed shabby unlike Queen Kay who always looked imaculate in her clothes both her outer wear and underwear, but when King Dong saw this begraggled woman he fell in love with her, so much so that when she told him she was a lesbian the King promised his Queen to her, 'use her for your...
Eleanor’s mother secured the leather pack around her small shoulders, pulling the deep green cloak across to cover it. The cloak was made of the finest fabric; its brilliant color showed even in the fading light of the sun and must have cost more than all of their possessions combined. Her mother completed one more cursory inspection as they stood outside the door to their small hut at the edge of the woods. “Remember, Eleanor,” her mother pulled her chin up to look her in the eye, “they may...
KING WILFRED’S CHAMBERS: Thursday June 4th 6423 King Wilfred awoke to a sensation he had never felt before. Ruler of the Chaste Kingdom of Prudonia, this was a sensation he had certainly never felt before: the sensation of lips sliding on cock. And not just sliding, but also sucking and licking. Somebody was committing one of the most forbidden crimes in the land and on none other than the High King himself! King Wilfred was a confused blend of groggy and outraged. An ultimate act of evil...
Emma Frost was approaching the striptease club known as The Justice Club. The White Queen was in her old uniform consisting of a white corset and white fur cape. To those who saw her, she appeared as a generic man who was rather large and no one would trouble the big man. Ever since she had taken over the school for Xaiver and started teaching the Generation X kids. She had slowly been losing money. Emma needed some place to invest money, and she heard that this place was starting to be a...
Sacrifice?.Anja The Jungle Queen ?Jungle Peril Chap 1 by Enigma This story contains bondage, torture and sexual theme?no minors Anja awoke from a fitful sleep, she stared at the sun and the new dawning morning knowing that this day would be like no other. Today the proud jungle queen would allow herself to be captured by one of her mortal enemies. As Anja rose and stretched her thin muscular body towards the new day she shuddered to think of all the torments and tortures that she was sure...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure entered the department store. By now, this sort of store was familiar to it. It had been in a similar place before. It moved, sliding between the shoppers, not noticed. It was so average. So nondescript. Nothing to be concerned about. Why give it a second glance? The figure trembled. It could feel the building ecstasy. Eight panties had gone out. Eight girls mind-controlled into new beings. The rush of meddling was almost orgasmic to the...
Princess Diana returned to Themyscira within 26 days after leaving Alexander's encampment. She was immediately allowed to appear before the Queen where she asked for a private audience. She did not want to discuss offering herself sexually to Alexander in open court. "Very well, Diana," Queen Hippolyta told her daughter, "Retire to your chambers and refresh yourself with a bath. I will join you there within the hour." "Very well, my Queen," Diana replied, bowed to her mother and left...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
My Father’s passing was a surprise to everyone; The royal family was the first to hear, with redundant hawks sent all over the nation to notify next of kin. The lineage has been passed on and I am the new king. My long afternoons spent studying our traditions and laws went from feeling like a boring waste of time to feeling like an opportunity to finally rule the way I wanted. My condolences are with the members of my family who knew him before his reign, but the rest knew he was a coward and...
Author's Note: In my story, "Freddy in the Bathroom: Virginity Rubbed Away," I already told this entire story from my point-of-view, as one of the two people who actually lived this unique and unexpected event. And in the follow-up story, "Freddy in the Bathroom: My Wife's Confession," my husband has already described for you in great detail his thoughts and reactions to my having confessed to him about what took place between Freddy and me in that small bathroom on that fateful Sunday...
The state rodeo queen, Cassidy, was a high school classmate of mine, and we were good friends. We were active in many of the same things, mainly FFA and music. She was about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches tall, red head. Up until a couple years ago, she was a little on the skinnier side with about medium C breasts, but the summer after graduation, she was up to small D’s, and now a year later, she filled out a pair of Wrangler jeans a lot fuller than I had seen before. She entered the arena with...
Carnival Queen Chapter 1 - 1 in a million My family owned the best beauty parlour in the district in mid America where I lived. It did hair, make up, tattoos, permanent make up, hair removal, nails, tanning and everything a good parlour should provide including botox, etc. It even had links to a cosmetic surgery for more structural changes. I was 17 and I had an older sister of 19, Samantha, and she was very excited right now. It was time for the town carnival and every year...
The Hit Men Meet the Demon QueenBy Denuded Man-berriesIt is early evening and a man in his thirties is walking down a trail in the woods. He is wearing jeans and a denim jacket with a white t-shirt and combat boots. He is puffing a pipe full of cannibus and seems to be heading somewhere specific.He stops at a fork in the trail and sees a broken branch on a sapling, takes a breath, and looks around.Down the trail two men are coming from the other direction; one heavy set, the other thinner. They...