Grand Opening Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter 1

Penny Eastman wasn’t a neglectful mother. She wasn’t a domineering mother. She wasn’t a permissive mother. She tried her best to raise her daughter, Vickie Eastman right, tried to raise her to be respectful of others, conscientious, and courteous. Penny tried to teach her daughter the same morals and principles that her own mother had taught her.

From the moment that Vickie watched her father led away to begin serving a twenty five year sentence for second degree murder, though, Vickie resisted any and all attempts her mother may have made.

The good Sisters of St. Richard’s, and later, of St. Thomas Aquinas also tried.

By age twelve, Vickie was sneaking drinks from her parents’ bar. By thirteen, she was smoking marijuana. By fifteen, she was shooting heroin. By sixteen, she was shooting a mixture of heroin and cocaine.

The bikers that frequented the Dead End Bar were the skinny red head’s source for the drugs. To pay for her drugs, Vickie would steal from the cash register. When Penny took to locking the drawer after every single transaction, Vickie turned to turning tricks to pay for her drugs.

When that didn’t make enough money, Vickie would steal from the modest home she and her mother shared and when that source dwindled, she took to stealing from the neighbors.

Words and threats fell on deaf ears. Attempts at punishments were laughed off.

Soon, Vickie began to amass a string of arrests, aggravated theft, breaking and entering, possession with intent to distribute, solicitation, prostitution, armed robbery.

‘No,’ Penny finally told Sheriff Ronald Monroe of Bender, Louisiana. ‘Fuck, keep her. Y’all got her locked up, can’t be sticking needles in her arms, can’t be robbing no one, can’t be turning no tricks. Just keep her. And tell her I’m not bailing her out this time.’

‘Will do,’ Sheriff Monroe agreed.


Judge Henry Mouton did not charge Vickie Eastman as an adult, feeling a wave of pity for the frightened face of the child. He saw no parent accompanying the scrawny, unattractive red head, saw her youth, and decided that time served was good enough to set the wayward child straight.


‘Miss me, Mother?’ Vickie sneered as she slammed the door of the bar open.

‘Nope, can’t say that I did,’ Penny said calmly. ‘First time I’d been able to sleep the whole night through ’cause I knew where you were.’

‘Aw boo hoo, Mother,’ Vickie spat. ‘Gee, being a mommy is so fucking hard, huh?’

‘Nope, being a mommy was fun, had a little girl that was sweet and loving. Being a mother? Now that’s hard,’ Penny shrugged.

‘Give me some money,’ Vickie demanded.

‘No,’ Penny said and turned the burner of the grill on.

‘I said give me some money, fucking dried up old bitch!’ Vickie screamed, charging her mother.

‘Come one fucking step closer and I will gut you like the little pig you are,’ Penny hissed, wielding a large knife.

Even coming down as hard as she was, Vickie could see the serious intent in her mother’s face.

‘Fine, bitch, fine, fuck you, don’t need your shit anyway,’ Vickie spat, then walked away.

When the door slammed shut, Penny sank down to the floor and sobbed. One of the dancers, in early hoping to get a free lunch, quietly held Penny, rocking side to side.

Chapter 2

The six dancers were the girlfriends of the bikers that frequented the Dead End Bar. It was a very thinly disguised secret that the girls turned tricks in the Hurricane Room and quite often, drugs changed hands back there as well.

Up front, Penny tried to run a clean establishment, but her clientele seemed hell-bent to run the place, and run the place into the ground.

The lunch crowd was generally a quiet bunch. They came for the good, hot, reasonably priced meals and the cheap entertainment. But when that crowd left, the vermin would come crawling in.

Again, a raid shut the place down. Again, Penny had to pull together an exorbitant amount of money to pay all the fines.

She fired all of the dancers, closed the bar down for a week, gave the place a vigorous cleaning, inside and out, and even hired Scandurro Construction to resurface the parking lot.

Then, she hired four new dancers, explained the legalities to them, and held a grand Re-Opening.

Within three nights, two of the dancers quit, the other two were now girlfriends of two of the bikers, and Penny had to re-hire three of the old girls to dance.


Vickie showed up one morning, clutching an impossibly small infant to her bony chest.

‘Roslyn,’ Vickie said in way of explanation, indicating the small red headed child.

‘Oh my goodness, she’s so tiny!’ Penny gasped.

‘Yeah, she’s like three months premature or something,’ Vickie said. ‘Wouldn’t let her leave the hospital until she was four pounds.’

‘When did you have her? Where have you been anyway?’ Penny asked.

‘Here, take her, I got to take a shit,’ Vickie said, thrusting the small baby at her mother.

Penny sat down on her couch, cooing and clucking over the infant.

Ten minutes later, she went looking for Vickie.

‘You God damned little fucking bitch!’ Penny screamed.

Her jewelry case lay on the floor of the bedroom, anything of value gone. The bedroom window was wide open.

With a heavy heart, Penny called the police and reported the crime.

‘Fuck, Vickie, you’re a mom now, when the fuck are you going to grow up?’ Penny spat in bitterness.


Roslyn Penelope Eastman (Penny smirked at her daughter inserting her name into the child’s name) went with Grandma to the bar.

Unlike when she raised Vickie, Penny did not have Jack there to help. Penny did not have the dancers to help. The dancers that had helped her with Vickie had been her friends, her confidantes. This fleet of dancers were strung out whores that had no morals, no alliances to her at all.

So, she would come in, prepare the meal of the day for the lunch crowd, take care of the infant until six o’clock. Then, at six o’clock, Mrs. Ortego would come and fetch Roslyn and bring the infant to Penny’s home. In exchange for a bed to sleep in, the widowed Mrs. Ortego would care for Roslyn.

‘Bye,’ Rosy,’ one of the dancers called out, obviously already stoned.

‘Say ‘bye, have a nice day,” Mrs. Ortego said to the baby.

Chapter 3

Rosy was the very image of her mother. If you put Vickie’s kindergarten class photograph next to Rosie’s class photograph, the only difference was in the hairstyle of the teacher. Mrs. Johnson had sported an impressive bouffant and Miss Abernathy had jelly roll bangs.

‘Well, how do those other poor little girls stand it?’ Penny asked.

‘Stand what, Grandma?’ Rosy asked, looking up from her coloring book.

‘You being the prettiest little girl in the world?’ Penny asked.

‘You’re so silly,’ Rosy declared. ‘Becky Green’s the prettiest girl there, everybody knows that.’

‘Who? Her?’ Penny said, pointing to a smug looking little blonde girl.

‘Yep, see?’ Rosy nodded.

‘Sugar Boo, she is not prettier than you, not by a mile,’ Penny smiled and pinched the girl’s nose.

‘Hi Rosy,’ one of the dancers said as she stumbled in.

‘Hi Miss Gina,’ Rosy politely said.

‘You ready?’ Mrs. Ortego asked, still dressed in her nurse’s uniform.

‘Yes ma’am,’ Rosy agreed.

Grandma got a kiss and Rosy waved to the three dancers as she and Mrs. Ortego left the bar.

Three hours later, a frantic Mrs. Ortego called, screaming, ‘They grabbed Rosy!’

‘Who?’ Penny screamed into the telephone. ‘Who crabbed her?’

‘Her Momma and three guys, smelled terrible, said they were here for her daughter,’ Mrs. Ortego sobbed.

‘Call the police! I’m on my way!’ Penny screamed.


s. Ortego had a black eye, a fractured jaw, and two broken ribs, she had not willingly allowed Vickie and the three bikers take Rosy.

The van carrying a hysterical Rosy, a stoned, angry Vickie, and three men, all with outstanding warrant was stopped just outside of Lake Charles, Louisiana.

‘Fucking bitch’s my kid! I got a right to my own kid, mother fucker!’ Vickie screamed at the police officer.

‘Uh huh,’ the police officer said, looking at the bruises on the child’s face and arms.

‘Fucking brat wouldn’t quit screaming, ‘you’re not my Grandma, and I want my Grandma” Vickie said in way of explanation.

‘Uh huh,’ the police officer said.


Penny bit back her retort as a judge, a man that did not know her, sneered down at her. The man declared that, as far as he was concerned, Roslyn Eastman would fare better being raised in the Foster Care System, than by a grandmother that ran an establishment with as seedy a reputation as the Dead End Bar.

Legal custody of Roslyn Penelope Eastman was granted to Penny, but the judge made sure to put in the caveat that if Penny were to be arrested one more time, he would have the minor child removed from the home and the child would be placed in the custody of Louisiana Child Protection Services.


Jack was up for parole, again. And again, the family of his victim, Richard Breaux, showed up to make sure that he was not paroled.

‘He says he’s a changed man? Well, so am I,’ Richard’s father growled, angrily. ‘My whole life changed the day this punk murdered my son.’

Both father and mother went on to talk about how loving and sweet and gentle their son had been, how he’d had a bright future ahead of him.

Jack kept his face bland. The last time these people had confronted him, he had smirked.

‘If your son was so sweet and loving and gentle, as y’all say, then why did he pull that knife on me?’ Jack wanted to ask. ‘Yeah, I was fucking his girlfriend but believe me, she wasn’t worth pulling a knife over, she damned sure wasn’t worth dying over.’

His lawyer had argued self-defense, but there were witnesses that claimed that Jack had stated he would kill Richard if Richard came anywhere near him.

Again, his parole was denied.

Chapter 4

Penny tried to sell the bar but no one wanted to buy it.

She knew if she ‘cleaned house,’ starting assisting the local and state police, the retaliation would be severe. The Kingsmen, the biker gang that frequented the bar were not the disillusioned, disenfranchised Vietnam veterans that had frequented the bar. The Kingsmen were ruthless thugs. If they even suspected that she was ‘narcing’ on them, they would not hesitate to kill her, Mrs. Ortego, and Roslyn.

One of the dancers had decided that she wanted out, out of dancing, out of doing drugs, out of selling drugs, out of turning tricks. She did not come into work one night, nor the next night, or the following night. Penny didn’t report it, she was used to dancers pulling serious binges and disappearing for days on end.

Four days later, the dancer’s body, or what was left of it was discovered, chained to a cypress stump. The Medical Examiner was sure she had been alive when the animals of the Atchafalaya Basin had begun to gnaw at her.

Penny did not want that fate for herself, or for her little Roslyn.

However, because of the harsh sentence the dancer had suffered, the other dancers seemed to straighten up a little. The bikers also seemed to clean up their act a little, they did not want undue attention directed their way.


‘You a cop?’ Candy asked.

(Her name was really Hannah, but Candy sounded sexier, so Big Rick told her that her name was Candy.)

‘Why? I look like a cop?’ the man answered.

‘No, not really,’ Candy giggled.

‘So, um, what you do here in the Hurricane Room?’ the man asked.

‘What you want, sugar?’ Candy asked, leaning close, blowing sugar free bubble gum in his face.

‘Um, I don’t know, you tell me,’ the man shrugged.

‘Okay, fifty for a blow job, a hundred to fuck me, hundred and fifty for anal, all three holes? That’s two hundred,’ Candy recited, shimmying out of her panties. ‘But you got to use condoms, all right?’

‘And, you’re under arrest, sugar,’ the man smiled, pulling out his badge.

‘Aw fuck!’ Candy complained, pulling her panties back on.

‘Shutting you down, Grandma!’ Officer Dick Davis announced loudly as more police officers began filing into the bar.

‘God damn it, Candy! What the fuck you do this time?’ Penny yelled as Candy was led out in handcuffs.

A search of the premises revealed a fair amount of cocaine and marijuana as well. Even though she had no knowledge of the drugs on the premises, Penny found herself behind bars alongside her five dancers, and four prostitutes that had been busted outside of Club Fantastic, the local competition to the Dead End Bar.

She was arraigned the next morning, as were the nine other women. All were able to bond out, the judge set the amount fairly low. The three bikers that had been arrested, however, had bail set particularly high. ‘Show Pony Bail,’ the District Attorney called it.

‘Show Pony?’ Candy asked, scratching at her face.

‘Means he set it so high even a show pony wouldn’t be able to jump it,’ Penny grumbled and began the two and a half mile walk to her home.

‘Um, where you going?’ Candy asked.

‘Home, I’m tired, I stink, I’m going to take a shower then I’m going to bed,’ Penny snapped.

‘Um, where’m I supposed to go?’ Candy asked.

‘Hell, I don’t know, where do you normally go when you’re not at work?’ Penny asked, exasperated.

‘Um, with Big Rick, but he got show ponied, remember?’ Candy whined.

‘Candy, go home,’ Penny sighed.


‘Mrs. Eastman, you were warned,’ the judge sneered as he banged the gavel.

‘But, but, I didn’t?’ Penny wailed as a clerk from Louisiana Child Protection Services began to pull a screaming Roslyn out of the courtroom.

Her lawyer promised to file papers with the court that afternoon.

Because Penny was paying the tuition for Roslyn to attend St. Richard’s, and because all charges had been dropped against her, the court did allow Penny supervised visitation with her granddaughter.

Over the next nineteen months, Penny never missed a visitation. After a while, she was even allowed to have the child overnight for Roslyn’s birthday and for Christmas. She could see the scrawny red head become even skinnier and could see the quiet child become severely withdrawn and fearful.


‘Mrs. Eastman?’ the voice asked.

‘Yes?’ Penny said sleepily.

She looked at the clock, Five nineteen blinked at her.

‘Mrs. Penny Eastman?’ the voice persisted.

‘Yes, this is she,’ Penny agreed.

‘Ma’am, I’m sorry…’ the voice continued.

Penny made the six hour drive to Little Rock, Arkansas to identify her daughter’s remains. Her boyfriend/pimp/drug dealer had gotten tired of her, so he ran over her with his pick up truck, backed over her, and then ran over her again to make sure that the job was done.

Penny was dry eyed as she made the arrangements to have her daughter’s body shipped to DeGarde, Louisiana, then drove back home.


Big Rick’s fingerprints were discovered on the length of chain that had bound the dancer’s body to the cypress stump, so he was not getting out any time soon.

Without their leader, the biker gang was easier to handle, easier to persuade to adhere to the letter of the law, and not quite as intimidating.

Penny was able to ‘clean house’ slightly and even had a few serious offers to buy the bar.

From his jail cell, though, Big Rick authorized a large shipment of cocaine. His cell mate was a plant and gave the information to Sheriff Ronald Mo
nroe of Bender.

‘God damn it!’ Penny screamed as the police busted in the front door and rear door of the Dead End Bar.

She had just been given provisionary custody of the now eight year old Rosy, any kind of trouble at all would jeopardize her custody of her granddaughter.

It would also jeopardize the sale of the bar. She had a serious offer on the table. It was for seventy nine thousand, an amount she would have considered an insult two years earlier, but she was now desperate to get out from under the bar.

Penny could see both custody and sale flying out the busted front door as the police officer pulled a large plastic bag of white powder from behind the juke-box.

*Author’s Note: This is Part 2 of a series of stories involving the Dead End Bar.

**Author’s Note: I write these stories for my pleasure. I post them here for your enjoyment. Thank you for reading my story.

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100% fiction! My parents died in an auto accident when I was young and I was raised by my grandparents. Since I never knew my parents, I thought of my grandparents as my mother and father, though they made it plain to me, early in life, who my parents really were. We had a happy life, really. Then one day even as a boy I realized that something seemed wrong between Grandma and Grandpa. I didn't know what exactly had happened between the two of them; all I knew was that suddenly they stopped...

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Granddads fingers were a welcome Penetratio

Married at eighteen and now, three years later, I hate the sight of him.I should have listened to others, advising me about throwing myself head-long into this relationship, but another saying 'You never know someone until you have lived with them', now rings hollow, as it reverberates in my head.Last week we were at a family reunion and he just got drunk, and began to talk down to me, continually correcting and belittling, honestly if I had a knife, I would have castrated him, but something...

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Grandpas EducationChapter 5

The house seemed empty after Jerry and Fancy left, and if it hadn't been for my daughter rummaging around in the kitchen, I might have fallen victim to that depression that being alone brings. I was at loose ends while she worked around the house, however, and excused myself to tackle some more of the writing that brought me a sense of purpose. It wasn't long before Angelina was leaning over my shoulder, trying to read the tale I was attempting to weave. "What's the story about, Dad?...

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Grandpas Secret

Wow, What a day, turning 17 sure was fun! I lay back in my bed trying to recall what had just happened.  I came home from school at 5pm to find a note on the table from mum telling me to go round to grandpa's to thank him for my present. So I ran upstairs to change.  As I passed Uncle Toms room I glanced in, the dirty old git was at it again, laying on top of his bed wanking his enormous cock.  I moved back a little so that he did not see me and watched as he pumped his manhood harder and...

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Granddads Girly Gals 2 Initiate Ingenue Ing

Grandfather GREGORY Goracy-Goral Gives Granddaughters GALA & GINA Great G-spot Groping===========================================================================Gorgeous Gala Gives Great Granddad Greg Her Horny Hot Head Initiating Intimately Ingenue IngaGreedy Gala Goes all the Way Wild Wanton Women Wants Shy Sister See Self Some SLAVE SEXGorgeous Gala Gives Great Seductive Sensual Slow Show So Ingenue Inga Immediately InterestedGreedy Gala Gives Great Hot Head to Energise & Erect...

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Natalya (Natty to all her friends) is the assistant admissions coordinator at State University and on this particular afternoon she was sitting back in her chair and staring at the pictures of her family that were prominently displayed across the front of her cubicle. In two large decorative frames were pictures her late husband Charles, her daughter Mary and her husband Frank and, of course, the love of her life, her grandson Billy. "Thinking about your grandson again Natty?" Caught...

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Grandpa and Grandma come for a visit and the entire family enjoys an incestuous orgy

“We’re here!” Grandma cried as she and Grandpa came through the front door with their suitcases. “Grandma!” the children shouted as quickly the five of them surrounded their Grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa hugged them all – letting their hands grab the firm young asses of their grandchildren. Grandma took special care to press her massive bosom against their chests feeling her nipples harden as she did. Grandpa’s large pecker had been hard since...

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Grandpa DanMy Neighbor part two

Sweat rolled off of Grandpa Dan's face as he positioned Sherry next to me on my Mother's bed. Like Me,Sherry was trussed up like a turkey waiting to be stuffed! Her thin,bare legs were raised in the air,and he had tied her wrists to each thigh,just above her knobby knees. He had also secured her ankles together,thus insuring an unobstructed view,and access,to her sweet,pink,little cunny and light brown,tightly puckerd butthole.He wasn't the only one sweating,but while Grandpa Dan's was from the...

2 years ago
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Grandpa Tucks Me In

Grandpa Tucks Me InChapter OneOne year, I went to spend my summer vacation with my grandparents. I hadn't seen much of them for years after they retired and moved away. So I wanted to be with them while I could, before I went away to college, or got a job or something. My clearest memory of that summer was discovering my awakening hormones. I remember one night touching myself underneath my summer pajamas. I was fascinated by the intensity of my feelings. A few minutes later, Grandpa crept...

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Grandpa DanMy Neighbor Part One

Every neighborhood has at least One. Do You know what I'm talking about? It's that,"Old Guy",some people wonder and gossip about. Well,Mine was Grandpa Dan. He was my friend Sherry's Grandfather,and He lived just down the street from me in the the trailor park that I grew up in. I knew from the start that He and I would be great friends because when we were introduced,Grandpa Dan got down on one knee and gave me a great big hug! It was nice having his strong arms wrapped around me,and I didn't...

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GrandDoll 1 aka Mrs Dalton

Mrs Glenda Dalton Glenda, the new Mrs Dalton, were acclimating well into their new life. They had their “lies” straight that they had been married since the boys were 4 and knew her as “Mom”. Everyone believed them to be in the mid to late 40's. They had 1.5 acres with a Ranch Style house. The neighborhood had welcomed them, grown use to his Diesel rumbling through once a week. Glenda and the boys were often seen manicuring their yard and the boys had made several friends. Their yard became a...

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GrandDollMature, Age Play, Family role Play, Taboo Glenda's cell rang, “Is your cunt wet? It should be, I've been thinking of it all morning”. She replied, “Russ, of course your boys are here”. He laughed, “they're close huh”? “Yes”, she said. Russ told her that he would chat with them in a minute but he called to say he wanted them to spend the night with her. He was on the road 2 days out and heard they were going to get hit with some nasty weather. He needed to know she and they were...

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Granddads Sissy

Granddad's Sissy by Steve Andrews Part 1 The following is a true account of what happened to me when I was 21 years old and began one of the most exciting and yet frightening periods of my life. I had moved out on my own shortly after finding a management job out of college. As a child I had been diapered for bed wetting up until I was 12 years old and it had set the tone for my interest in wearing diapers. I was an only child to well-to-do parents who spent more time...

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Grandads Sissy Continued Parts 8 through 14

Granddad's Sissy - Parts 8 through 14 Part 8 I woke up the next morning and the house was still quiet the effects of the oatmeal and prune juice were working and I knew there was no way of avoiding the inevitable fact that I would be soiling my diapers for the first time today. It was almost 10:00am by the time Granddad had finished his breakfast and now took the time to spoon feed me a big bowl of ?Cream of Wheat? and 2 bottles of juice. I was still in my night diapers and...

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Grandslam Pussy 100 True

Hey xhamster readers if you are not familiar with my stories their all true, and if you have read my Indian Summer stories this is a still naughty one , just with a different girl.This story takes place 3 weeks ago.It was a nice summer day in the city, I was excited to wake up to a naked girl in my bed, that i met at a party the other night, I didn't kno her name but knew she was a great lay . After exchanging numbers and walked my new fuck buddy to her car, my roomate grinned at me and said...

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Grandaddy8217s Huge Dick Took My Virginity

I look alike a bimbo Barbie doll. Thin waist, toned legs with thigh gaps, almond eyes, plump lips but my boobs are large. Well!  My GD (67) is really fit; he works out every day, dusky complexion, tall and in my words sexy old man. He was working as a chef in CA for ages so since my birth I didn’t meet him. Suddenly he came to my home for a long holiday, first he was like a stranger. Later on I was interested with him because I loved listening to his American Life. Then he grew closer with me,...

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Granddod Gaia GreatGranddads GirlyBoy 3


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Granddod Girly GreatGranddads Gal 1 intim

Granddad's Experimental Erotic Educator Pedagogical Psychiatrist & Socio-Sexual AnthropologistGranddaughter Cute Chrissy Comes to see him Seeking Sexual Schooling Enlightenment & Advise================================================================================Great Grnddad Openly Offers Girly Granddod His Hot Horny Hairy Big Bend Banana As Breakfast:================================================================================# 1: - S H E - G O E S - A L L - T H E - W A Y...

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Granddaddys Love Chapter 01 Kissing my granddaddy

I’ll always love you, grandpa! I was hiding in my bedroom, hugging my ragged stuffed bear, waiting for the storm to pass. I had considered crawling under the wooden frame, but I was no longer a child. My curvy ass and generous boobs were making it impossible to use my old hiding places and short of instantly becoming invisible, this was the end of the line for me. There was nowhere else that could be safer, except outside. But it wasn't safe for me to bolt out now. My mom was drunk again...

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In 1983, John Smith took over Smith's Garage from his father. The business, including the building that housed it, had been in the family since 1949. His father, having taken over the gas station from his father in 1969, had converted the business from pumping gas to servicing cars after the gas crisis of the 1970s. It wasn't a big operation. There was an office, two primary work bays, and a third bay that was used for storage. It provided a livelihood for three people, John, his wife, Jane,...

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We lost Granny a few years ago, and while I still miss the hell out of her, I’m glad to have all the fond memories. I think back on all the time she spent giving me baths, letting me stroke her kitty, and giving me a lot of cooking lessons where we got pretty messy in the kitchen. She’s the reason I know how to make a creampie so well. Maybe I had a different kind of grandma than the rest of you guys, but I think the old ladies at GrandMams would have gotten along with my

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Grand Dadz! A couple of decades ago, a lot of old dudes just kind of aged out of the sexual marketplace. At a certain point, their dicks just didn’t work anymore. Drugs like Viagra and Cialis have changed all that. Giving back grandpa his ability to fuck is great and all, but there are a lot more horny elderly dudes than ever before. Not only are they stroking out while getting laid at the nursing home, but they keep popping up in hardcore porno movies. Have you seen GrandDadz yet?

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Note : This story is completely fictional! My grandmother has been dead for about 18 years now and i lost contact with my grandfather and father. when i turned 16 i got my permit and started to go to my fathers house which was about four city blocks from my grandaddies. before i get to much into this story let me tell you a little about myself. i am a blonde with glacierblue eyes athletic body with 32 24 34 for my messurments. i am 58. i just started my summer and decieded to go visit my...

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Granddaugther Love

Note : This story is completely fictional! When I heard my granddaughter was comming home from college I was realy excited,she has always been my favorite. My wife have a small lake place and the kids love it there.We went to my son's house to welcome home Mary,we had not seen her in 2 years.Mary was more beautiful than I remembered and this summer she will be 21.When we arrived she hugged and kissed us both.It was so good to see her.We had a great night. The next day Mary called and wanted to...

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Grandaughter and my home

Note: This story is completely fictional! Once a month 4 of my mates and I have a poker evening at one of our homes.we where all in our 80s old and lived in arms house accomendation. My 19 year old grandaughter, sarah, was statying for the night as she had an interview the following afternoon. everyone in my home fancied her. she was a indentical to elisha cuthbert and even worked as a look a like for local events etc. I’m Mark, aged 85 and my mates, Ed was 88, Tim 81, Geoff 93 and Tony 85. Our...

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Grandpa Jackie 4

Introduction: Grandpa helps Jackie seduce her dad Ok folks, part 4 here. If youve read this far youre about done. I finish it here. Oh yea I hope I am not too late here. If incest, slutty girls and dirty old men bother you, you should not read this. Well the rest of this story seems almost academic. Ellen finally, for the first time in her life began to trust, depend and lean on her sister Margarie. After stealing Margaries potential boyfriend, marrying him, ignoring him and then enlisting...

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Grandpa Jackie 4

Well the rest of this story seems almost academic. Ellen finally, for the first time in her life began to trust, depend and lean on her sister Margarie. After stealing Margaries potential boyfriend, marrying him, ignoring him and then enlisting Marge in helping her to divorce him, she finally found betrayal. Probably worse betrayal then she has ever given to anyone in her life, but that is probably because no one trusted her enough to let her that close. Ellen began calling her...

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Grandpa Made My Mom Happy And Pregnant

Hello everyone, Shawn here with yet another incest story. Now, I am getting few requests from my readers to write a story in English, so I have tried the same. This story is from a fan named Nikhil. So here goes: Hey readers, it’s nice communicating my real story with you. It’s about my Grandpa and my mom. Let me tell you about my grandpa first. He was 62 when this happened. In his youth, he had natural muscles and a nice big mustache (as in his early photograph), he had a fashion sense exactly...

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Grandson and Grandfather

The day after his nineteenth birthday my grandson, Brandon came home early from his college class. About an hour earlier I had serviced one of my regulars with both my mouth and ass. I took a shower, put a light robe on and proceeded to my home bar. I poured a three finger shot of Jack Daniel’s in a glass.I was sitting on the porch bench swing sipping on my drink when Brandon came in. He saw me on the patio and came to where I was sitting.“Hi, Ray,” (both he and his mother Myia call me by name...

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GRANDPA TAKES IN HIS GRANDDAUGHTER The initial characters:Grandpa: Dan is 68, a widower, very healthy and alone for several years.Granddaughter: Jane, 18, a pretty, very beautiful teen, unmarried with anew babyGranddaughter's best friend: Misty, 16, petite but very pretty, Asian,High school student Misty's friend: Lisa, 18, cute, very petite and also Asian, High SchoolStudent CHAPTER ONE: At first, when Dan found out about his Granddaughter's pregnancy, he wasshocked and a bit angry,...

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