NGNL - Other Stories free porn video

Welcome to the No Game No life universe! Granted, this is a jumping point, a small summary page for the following stories that will appear below. (Why not separate into more and more individual stories instead of this odd summary page? I don't want to continuously hit "New Story".) New storylines will have summaries added as they apply. Writers are welcome.
NOTICE: Still in preliminary stages. Check back later for more writing.
Ease of Alerts:
For the Guard and the Oddity, currently, the 'Pass Out' tree has branched out more.
The Guard and the Oddity: In a city of elves, a werebeast is caught and in jail, awaiting her trial-by-game. Intrigued of the presence of a werebeast in the city, her trial is given by the head of the guard; who, most definitely, isn't letting her go by any means. (F/F)

- 22.01.2021
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