Carrie from Ayr part 2
- 2 years ago
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Weltuntergang! Der Gedanke fühlte sich immer noch an wie ein böser Traum. Doch es war passiert. Und wie!
Keiner der wenigen überlebenden konnte genau sagen wie es passiert war. Es ging alles so schnell. So vieles geschah auf einmal. In den letzten Tagen der größten Zivilisation welche jemals unter dem irdischen Himmel gediehen war, waren die Nachrichten voll von Unheilszeichen. Viele taten dies als Panikmacherei ab, doch es geschah nichts dest so trotz.
War es einer der Ölkrisen gewesen welche die Welt wieder einmal in Atem hielt? War es der große Börsencrash gewesen, welcher die Weltwirtschaft mal wieder in die Knie zwang? War es die Epidemie gewesen welche auf einmal in vielen Großstädten ausbrach? Waren es die merkwürdigen Parasiten welche ganze Ernten ausfallen ließen? Waren es die Terroristen welche Atom-Waffen in die Hände bekommen hatten? Keiner Wusste es. Doch auf einmal brachen dutzend Damokles Schwerter auf einmal über den Erdball herein. Krieg, Hungersnot, Seuchen. Jeder gab dem einen Schuld für das andere. Doch es geschah.
Unsere Hauptperson lebte bis for kurzem noch ein relativ geregeltes Leben in einer x-beliebigen Stadt irgendwo in der westlichen Welt. Doch an einem Tag gab es Unruhen in den Straßen. Arbeitslose, Minderheiten und Radikale Gruppierungen gingen erst auf Polizisten und Politiker und schließlich aufeinander los. Es kam zu Engpässen. Zuerst von Luxusgütern wie Klavier oder Südfrüchten. Doch schon bald auch von Brot und Gemüse. Die Preise stiegen. Die Leute wurden wütend. Aus irgendeinem Grund gab es auf einmal Krieg mit irgendeinem anderen Land auf der anderen Seite der Welt. Soldaten wurden eingezogen. plötzlich explodierten Bomben in den Straßen. Die Menschen fingen an Katzen, Hunde und Straßentauben zu schlachten. Eine Seuche brach aus. Die Reichen flohen nach Island. Eines Abends gingen die Lichter aus. kein Strom. Bald auch kein Wasser. Eine Explosion erschütterte das Land. Ein glühender Rauchpilz am dämmernden Horizont. Hauptstadt verloren. "Wasserstoffbombe" murmelte jemand verstört. 3 Tage Aschenregen. Tote liegen in der Straße. Hunger oder Krankheit. Wer weiß es schon.
Unsere Hauptperson schließt sich mit ihrer Familie in einem tiefgelegenen Keller ein. Ihr Onkel der vor einigen Tagen an der mysteriösen Seuche starb, die den Rest der Familie aber merkwürdigerweise komplett verschont hat, war zum Glück ein Preppi. Vorräte für Monate. Wasserfässer. Medikamente.
Einige Tage gab es noch einwenige Radioempfang, meist von lokalen Sendern. Sie widersprechen sich. Einige meinen das Die Seuche 99% der Weltbevölkerung ausgelöscht hat. Manchen sagen das dies alles eine Verschwörung der reichen und mächtigen sei. Oder von Terroristen. Oder eine Strafe Gottes. Manche meinen alle Hauptstädte der Welt seien durch Nuklearwaffen zerstört worden. Rest der Menschheit kämpft ums Überleben. Gegeneinander.
Eines Tages trifft eine Bombe das Haus unter welchem ihr euch versteckt haltet. Die Hauptperson verliert ihr Bewusstsein. Nach einiger Zeit, vermutlich Tagen erwacht sie. In einem Hohlraum unter Trümmern. Sie gräbt sich frei. Als sie endlich Tageslicht sieht betrachtet sie die Stadt um sich herum. Überall Trümmer. Kein Anzeichen ihrer Familie! Erschöpft schleppt sie sich zu einem halbverbrannten, aber immer noch grüne Blätter tragenden Baum in der Nähe. Regen beginnt zu fallen. Wenigstens kein Aschereben mehr wie in den Tagen nach der großen Bombe. Unter dem Baum sammelt sich etwas Wasser in einer Pfütze. Das Wasser sieht ganz sauber aus, doch in ihrem Zustand hätte die Hauptperson auch öliges Spülwasser getrunken. Sie trinkt. Es schmeckt gut. Sie betrachtet ihr Antlitz in der Pfütze.
Rachel and Kate were the last in the changerooms after Friday gym class. Rachel was wearing a very loose kaftan dress she had pulled on after class and Kate was wearing an oversized mens polo shirt. Rachel went over to Kate and slid her hand up her dress and squeezed her boobs. Kate moaned with delight and pulled off her polo revealing a set of mountainous tits. Rachel kissed down her neck and eventually stopped and her boobs, beginning to suck her left nipple while teasing her right with her...
LesbianIntroduction: how my wife thanked our neighbor for helping out ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..*********************************************Snow Storm ************************ We got hit a few days ago with about 18 inches of snow. my wife and I were shoveling our driveway when a neighbor drove by in his 4×4 and stopped to help.He had a snow blower in his truck, I helped him unload it and he did our...
Monday morning all hell broke loose. Because we'd stayed out very late with Hussein and his friends at the casino, Winnie and I were sitting on the back deck enjoying a late breakfast. The music had been particularly enjoyable, the crowd was large, but happy, and the company was as usual. We talked about the stock swap. Now that the lawyers had ironed out the bugs, the deal was suddenly going great guns, and our little enterprise was on schedule. The Judge was pleased, and his lawyers were...
“OK Mike” I growled, “that’s enough. Spread her arse cheeks wide and her cunt open for Stan. The once humiliated guy was now trembling with lust and quickly moved to the side and did as he was told. Stan tore off his clothes and approached the luscious but degrading sight from behind. “Keep holding her cunt lips open wide” I barked, “until his cock’s in”. Stan’s prick is about the same size as mine, a helluva lot bigger than Mike’s. I got Chrissy back onto my cock and watched intently as...
“Go then, there are other worlds than these.”- Stephen King Danny was a junior researcher for an organization that studied the strange and unnatural things in the world. Danny was assigned to help study a rift in the world located in a cave in the Midwest United States. The rift led to different worlds, but which world someone was sent to was random chance. One was a world that looked very steampunk. Another was one where aliens had visited earth long ago and advanced human technology. Still...
This one's a bit of an experiment. I hope it works. There's a some bad language and a bit of nastiness in it. If anyone wants to archive it, just ask. Please let me know you've done it though. Any constructive criticism would be much appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Just Another Love Story By XoYo I still remember the day Samantha moved into the house. To be honest, it wasn't her moving in that made it memorable: a thaw...
Was a friday nite and my son had left hours ago to stay at his mom's for the weekend. I was thinking ok, cool, time for dad here to go on the prowl and hit a few bars and see what cums up. Went to a local dive bar, more of pool table, cowboy shot and beer type bar, Love checking out str8 guys who are really bi or intereted in a tease. Noticed this one guy at few stools down, fucking gorgeous hunk of a guy, Tall, fucking black cowboy boots on, and shirt unbuttoned to show off his hairy chest. He...
Hi friends, this is the first story that I am submitting. My name is Sampath and I am from Bangalore. I have an average body and staying with my parents in a flat. I am now a working professional. This incident happened after my +2 final exam, during the vacation. I was 18 years old back then. It was my first sex experience and that too with my housemaid. Our housemaid’s name is Sarasu (typical south Indian name). I used to observe her daily, her average body big boobs and big ass, and...
Copyright 2003. As the author, I claim all rights under international copyright laws. This work is not intended for sale, but please feel free to post this story to other archives or newsgroups, keeping the header and text intact. Revision to the text (such as the basis for another story) is acceptable as long as the original author is given credit and the resulting story is distributed free of charge. Any commercial use of this work is expressly forbidden without the written permission of the...
Chapter 1 "And finally, your assignment for Monday will be to read the remaining chapters of the book. They're very short and simple... Enjoy!" Professor Dackery announced at the end of his English class. He was a good-looking professor. He was young and very attractive. Anyway, sometimes I would wonder if he was part of the Family. He wore tight Calvin Klein khakis that would show the fine prints of his manhood and his nice round butt. Sometimes I would stare. I know he knew. I mean come...
Some hours later, muffled sounds and slow movement indicated that the woman had begun to wake. Logan let her be, focusing on cooking dinner and taking inventory of the loot acquired from “Dead Red” as he had named the demon that Beauty had defeated. It was, he was pleased to note, a good haul. A leather pouch of coins jingled nice and heavy in his hand. Combined with the other coins, it felt like they had gathered a significant amount of money in total. That would come in handy soon enough...
MAC MELVILLE – The JUNCTION – Day 14 - Sunday This Sunday wasn't going to be a day of rest, I thought, as I got out of bed. I needed to check on how the techs of the Counterfeit Investigations Division were doing, presumably they would be using the Federal labs in LA, and it could take some time to get a response out of that group. Then I had to get Sunshine Helicopters organized as I couldn't rely on Gita Fullwood being able to do anything. After a quick breakfast at the cafeteria, I...
Harvey J. Appleton Harvey was annoyed at the need for Charlotte’s helping their good friends the Knudsens. Nothing to be done for it, however. Ingrid was confined to her bed with the coming birth. Ingrid was Charlotte’s dearest friend so Charlotte felt the need and delight of overseeing her friends home and self in addition to her own Victorian on the hill. Charlotte’s deep longing for a child of her own certainly prohibited Harvey’s taking a stand that she see better to the condition of...
Sean and I dated for the next week or so and found out that we enjoyed one another's company. Sex was great with both of my new lovers and since we were have so much fun together it was an easy decision when Sean asked if I would move in with him and Max. I realized that I would quickly become a sex toy for the two of them. Still the prospect of having a lover that enjoyed my perversion as much as I did seemed like a match made in heaven so I jumped at the chance to move in with Sean and Max....
If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. It has been said that women need a reason to have sex, while men just need a place. I disagree with that. I think that men and women need to have a reason to have sex and that if they care for each other, then the sex will be even better. All the participants are at least 18. I have always heard there are three kinds of...
She discovers my foot feish with her sexy red painI'm dating this gorgeous 21 yr old, we'll call her Sarah, who has really indulged my foot fetish. Particularly, she loves it when I cum on her feet after fucking. I thought I would Commit to writing the story of how she discovered my fetish and how well it turned out for me.It was just a few weeks from when we began dating. We had been out drinking and dancing and came back to my place, late at 2am. As we were through the front door we were...
So this week we brought back homeboy Jmac to the bus. We wanted to go find some pussy to stomp out. We got lucky it was a nice day too, since Hurricane Mathew passed us by. Lots of people out and about. So it didn’t take long to find our girl, her name was Mila. She was stranded on the side of the road with a broken bike. She looked helpless, so I told Jmac to help her out, turns out she popped her inner tube. Mila was hostile at first, but then we flashed her some cash and she became more...
xmoviesforyouAt least 2 or 3 times a week my husband and I like to start the day with what we call the JUMPSTART. A nice slow fucking to start the day. But one morning I got more than what I bargained for. At 5:45 the alrarm went off as usual and I hit the snooze. I knew I was going to need a jumpstart as my pussy had a terrible ache that definitely needed attention. I usually just slide over and massage Big Daddy’s hairy chest and my hand makes it way down to his cock and I jack him off. I love...
Hi guys, This is my first post so please bear with me.It's kinda like a confession, My Ex GF was a 19 Y.O Korean Girl and I've had feelings for her going back to the first time I've met her.One day when I first started dating her before we were myspace friends known her about 2 months on it) She told me that one of my friends I associaite myself with sometimes was her ex, My response was "really? how long?" she told me "it was brief" and she asked me "What are you thinking about oppa?" I gave...
Jerry comes again. He speaks only short about Acou. He says he does not know Acou in that time, but he hears of Acou from others. He seems truly happy to learn that Acou lives. I watch Maggie carefully when she is with Jerry. She is not the same with him as I see her with others. But it is not that she seems to fear him, or to be at his command, even though it is he who gives her money. In the pod I know that I am also different with Altauk than I am with others. Altauk is leader, and I...
Introduction: The saga of a committed zoo freak continues This is the third installment in a continuing saga. I recommend you go back and read Linda Part I Beginnings, and Linda Part II Becoming Sires Bitch, or the context of the story may be lost to you. Linda had started out somewhat reluctantly accepting Sire, our Juvenile Golden Retriever as her lover and doggie Master, but had adapted to the situation quite well. As I said in Part I, the reason for my introducing her to this was because,...
I arrived about 1.30pm. It was late summer, it was a glorious day, very warm and I suggested that she get changed. ‘How do you want me to look?’ she asked. I told her what to wear and twenty minutes later she came back down stairs and stood in front of me. I sat back and checked she had dressed as asked. Normally, Theresa would be wearing a smart jacket and blouse and either a knee length skirt or Trousers. Today was different. She had put on a light blue, short summer dress that buttoned down...
(To start off allow me to give a description of our two main characters, though more can be part of the story. These are just the two that will have a perspective in the story) Name: Elizabeth "Little" Red Age: 20 Height: 5"2' Description: Her height is the only thing small about her. She has a nicely sized D cup breasts. Her ass is nice, plump, and firm with nicely thick thighs. She's got a little fat, but she's not obese. Just enough to be kind of sexy. Her hair goes down to her ass, but she...
FantasyFiona – Dev-Lek, The Kingdom of Haz I screamed. The gorgon's dull-green hand muffled the sound. My heart beat with terror. The gorgon Euryale had plagued the mining town of Dev-Lek for a week or more. Many miners were missing, presumed transformed into stone, and a half-dozen of the local prostitutes had also vanished. That was different. Gorgons seduced and transformed men into living statues for them to always preen around. They did not abducted women. But Euryale was different. Earlier...
I salman 35 yrs old an my wife aafshan she is a dr we live in karachi .She is 30 yrs old very sexy attractive an curvy she is 5.2 34d 30 an big round ass of 40 . Ye story afshan ki zubani he sunai. Mai aik normal pakistani woman houn job or ghar dono sambhaltee ho es leye apna aap ka khyal rakhne ka time he nai mail la kabhi. Dressing wagera bhi abb to buy sshalwar kamiz normal fitting wali but sadi se pahlee I use to wear jeans an tees wagera . Story kuch ese hai ke mere hospital mai dr sunil...
My Comics XXX! I was going to open this review by saying MyComicsXXX’s name doesn’t leave much to the imagination, but that really isn’t true. While the title tells you exactly what you’re going to find inside, it still leaves a lot up to the imagination. Part of the whole appeal of porn comics is that they let us indulge some of our wildest, craziest sex fantasies, shit that you can’t always find on the big porn tubes or even premium niche sites. Whether you’re into furry sex, roleplayed...
Porn Comics SitesMy girlfriends and I were all about to leave for our first year of college, so we decided to have one last slumber party. There were five of us: Jennifer (me), Lynette, Ashley, Jessica and Katie. We had all met in gymnastics class and were really good friends. Katie's parents had the largest house, so it was the best place to have our party. Even though I thought the other girls were totally cute (I guess I might be bisexual!), and we all had tight gymnast bods, I didn't think our...
Judy stood next to Tuck, who was looking over the ground they'd be fighting on by noon the next day. "Picking the right ground used to be half the battle," Tuck told her. "Robert E. Lee's biggest mistake of the Civil War was not pressing ahead at Gettysburg and securing the high ground. If he'd have done that, like as not everyone would still be using 'y'all' in every sentence. His second big mistake was actually fighting the battle in ground that favored the other side, instead of...
I was too drunk and I mouth off the wrong girl until one of them smash a bottle over my head I was knocked out unconscious stripper POV we’ll look at that ass it’s so big on him I bet the boss will love this.
FetishAmi prothom tader dhakar barite berate gelam 1999 e bidesh theke ase. Somporke amar khala hon kintu onek din dese na thakate temon jogagog silona. Basai jeye amar porichoi dilam, amake drawing room e boste dilo ekti soto meye, school e sesh koreni mone holo. Ektu porei ghore dhuklo amar khala r amake dekhe hau-mau kore kede fele jorie dhorlo. Amio abege appluto hoe take buke jorie dhorlam. Kissukhon por prothom bujhte parlam khalar dudh amar buker niche peter upor chepe ase. Ami darun...
The yard was its usual self. Exertion, and sweat, mostly male. Powerful men, some mature, some in their teens, but mainly men who were gloriously aware that they were at their prime, manhood celebrated. As he entered he was aware of his singularity in this company. He had lived a long, very long, time, and desire, dirty, selfish lust had grown with every passing year. He felt really good. That is to say he felt really bad, fucking, nasty, vicious and voracious. He had no concern for anyone or...
"His name is Michael James." "Whose name?" "Your date, of course." "But ... No!" "Why not?" Julia looked at me. That familiar knot began to form in my stomach. "I'm not ready ... I'll embarrass myself." "Not ready? Look at you! You look very nice. Demure, well mannered, attentive to your looks. Why, I know men that would pay half their fortune to have you!" It was true, I had progressed significantly since that first day. My hair was now shoulder length and still...
Monday promised to be another hot day, in more ways than one. After a day of rest, I was looking forward to more tight juicy twat tonight after work. After drilling her well into Saturday night, we were both feeling pretty worn out, not to mention tender in the privates. So we agreed to not hook up again until Monday evening.My UPS deliveries took me nearby her house shortly after noon. Well, not too far from her house. I was ahead of schedule, and entitled to a lunch break anyway, right?She...
Quickie SexA fantasy story based on hentai tentacle fetish. This is purely a work of fiction, obviously.It doesn't matter how it happened, or where, or when. All that matters, is that it did, and I can honestly say it's been a dream (and numerous fantasies) come true.I've never known what I wanted to do with my life. Sure there's things I've been interested in and even tried to pursue through college education, but there was nothing I was ever REALLY good enough at. Through all the ups and downs, there...
July, 1950 I was just pain tired! I had been trying to do too many things without enough rest and, particularly, sleep. Mother noticed that I had a "droopy" look and said that I had to get more rest. But there were so many things I wanted to do! I needed to find a way to cram 42 hours into 24! This was ludicrous! Here I was, a functional immortal, who was pressed for time! For my own peace of mind, I had to find a solution. Then it dawned on me: I could use my time travel ability to pick...
The empty shell of the townhouse still smouldered as the fire crew carried out the charred remains of another victim. The corpse soon joined the line of black body bags behind a parked ambulance, hidden from the gathered TV cameras. No doubt an effort to give them a dignity in death that they didn't have in life. So… what happened at this old townhouse? DC Blakely scribbled into his notepad, twitching his nose at the acrid smell of burnt furniture. He turned to his colleague, the buxom brunette...
Mare mari jindagini pehli chodai ni vat kahevi chhe. Atyare hu 30 varshno chhu. Pan te vakhate mari ummar fakt 18 varsh hati. Chodvani vato sambali hati pan kevi rite chodvu ke kharekhar kevi rite chodam chodi thay teni kai khabar na hati. Ex divas hu vacation ma mari masini dikari ne ghare rehva gaho. Te parneli hati ne tene 3 chhokara pan hata. Mara banevi etle ke teno var nokari karto hato jema tene ghani var bahar javu padatu. Hu rehva gayo tevama te bahar gayela hata. Baporno samay hato...
Not one of my best, but still another work from me. The most difficult part, actually, was scouring the World Wide Web for translations. INTERNATIONAL DATING AGENCY by Roy Del Frink It was another slow day. I was waiting for clients to show, but since my brand-new International Dating Agency only had a couple escorts and no ads out, there really wasn't much to do. I was about to fold shop when I saw six college-age men enter the shop. "Hi," they told me, "we want six of your...
For my girlfriends 30th birthday i decided to throw her a special surprise!We have an amazing sex life and often tell each other our fantasies and thoughts during sex,one of my gf favourites is a gangbang...we've never acted out our fantasies but seen as how it was a special occasion i decided to make one (or a few! ;) lol) come true for her!I had been on a swingers site and had been talking to various guys about my plan,it was harder than i thought because of how i wanted some of the guys to...
Jack went from being a submissive floater to an empowered lady that was not going to be pushed around by anyone. Chapter 27 "Women need a reason to have sex. Men only need a Place." Billy Crystal The girls at the club were breaking from their nightly gab secession. Everyone has really come to love these intimate times of sharing. At first, everyone would discuss only girly things like hair, makeup, and fashions. Daisy became a font on information on these topics. If she didn't...
Pretending Chapter 1 © 2009 All rights reserved "Simon, would you get that?" Connie called from her bedroom after she heard the knock on the door. Her date was probably here and she wasn't quite ready. "No problem," came the reply. She turned back to the mirror and decided this was the best she could do. Her black hair was swept back into a braid, and she wore dangly silver earrings. She wore a flower-print blouse with black slacks. She wished she could have worn a dress, but the scar on her...
Love StoriesI woke up this morning as soon as the alarm went off, and wasn't dreaming. Just as well, because the song playing was something about independent women and angels and some guy named Charlie. Hate to think what that would've had me dreaming. The tune was catchy, though. The group was called Destiny's Child, which is a good name. Bathroom, no trim today, shower, hair. Oh, I've been brushing my teeth every day, too, just been forgetting to mention it. I'm supposed to floss every day, too,...
His meeting overran and so he is now on the last train back to Leeds in Yorkshire that is just leaving the station 9.30pm. There are not many passengers getting on the train so he chooses a group of 4 seats with a table, sits in the aisle seat with his back to the direction of travel, puts his bag on the window seat next to him and hopes nobody decides to join him. After a long day and with a two and half hour journey ahead, he decides to have a snooze. He leaves his tickets on the table in...
Buddy loved football games. It was something that got him through the strenuous week at the machine screw manufacturing plant where he worked. Weekends he would be parked right in front of the little black and white TV with its rooftop antenna. They lived up on a high hill in the Ozarks and he could pick up Mountain Home’s three channels real good. He always invited a guy or two to watch with him. They might be kin, from work, or someone his wife Myrtle had recommended. Having other fans to...
I looked through the peephole and saw the sweet face of the neighbor from apartment 10. I wondered what she wants from me. We had a nodding acquaintance and sometimes greeted each other with apathetic "Hi" since she moved to live next door to me nearly a month ago. I opened the door and blinked with surprise. Her arms were encased in plaster up to the armpits. The tips of her fingers were peeping above the cotton padding, twitching slightly from time to time. She smiled nervously and started...
The Candle Part Two.Part One @ week passed and Tommy was disappointed that Mrs Hudson had not asked him to go to her house. Of course she still visited his mother, but there was never an opportunity to speak to her as they were never alone together.One evening, the phone rang, as Norma was near to it, she picked it up. “Oh, hello Maureen, no, I’m not busy.” Listening before speaking again, she answered, “yes of course, be about five...
Then She decided to secretly meet her Ex-lover Rizwaan and get pregnant from him. She Learns that Rizwaan traps innocent girls by his good looks and then pushes them in flesh trade. Zeenat thought she is indeed very lucky that she escaped out of his clutches and has a loving husband now. Then they planned to teach Rizwaan a lesson. Zeenat meets Rizwaan and He tried to seduce her. Zeenat has recorded all the conversations with Rizwaan on secret camera and Voice recorder. When she showed this...
As we approached the small, nondescript building standing among other nondescript buildings in a nondescript neighborhood, thoughts raced through my head. Was I ready to go through with this? With everything that it entailed? With so many possibilities?And how would our interactions with the owner be like? Would it be embarrassing? After all, there was really only one reason for us being there, at that nondescript building in a nondescript neighborhood.When we arrived, the door was locked. We...
SpankingHer Mother's Daughter Chapter Two Whatever those green and white pills were, they weren't sleeping pills! It took a little while and it was kinda sneaky, but I suddenly realized I was totally wide awake. That's funny, cause I'd been wide awake before too, but now I felt more awake than I'd ever been in my whole life. I felt great! I wasn't stressed about my mom anymore either and that was cool, I was still concerned, yeah, but not going crazy over her like I'd been. My head felt...
My wife and I were walking our dogs on the hills above the village where we live. As we crested one brow, we could make out some wrought iron railings on the summit of the next ridge. Vanessa said: “That must be the airman’s grave. Let’s take a look.” So we did. Whoever chose this spot had chosen well. Below us the village slumbered in the afternoon sun. The land fell away on three sides, green and brown and golden. Sheep, like distant puffs of cotton wool in their winter fleece, dotted a...
EroticAfter my first date, which really kind of hurt that he never called or anything, I kind of gave up the dating idea for a while because we had so much going on. I had enrolled in a community colleg not far from home but dad had been offerred a pretty lucrative job in VA. We had a lot of discussions on how to make this work, mostly because I didn't want to move, my friends were going to go to the same school. It was finally decided that I would share an apartment with three of my girlfriends...
Oh, my God! I had so much paperwork to fill out that it took me nearly the whole day to get it all done. At least, the shooting had taken place in Bollard County so I was saved another stack of forms I would have had to fill with mind-numbing drivel. This was almost enough to make me quit the job, but I found that I liked being a deputy sheriff enough to stick with it. Mary was supportive, and that made a big difference. My salary of $30 per month would have been a problem in other...
It’s early July in DC and already unseasonably hot and sticky in the nation’s capital. The heat wave is unbearable with temperature in triple digits and everyone is seeking relief, even at night. My name is Han-Na, a Korean-American working in DC for a multinational company based in Seoul. I’m in my mid-twenties, 5’8′ tall, and about 110 lbs. in my stocking feet. My bilingual skills in Korean and English are highly sought and I was lucky to find a job coming out of college in the middle of a...
“I think that if you were to move this over here,” Kevin, a light complected businessman, said, scribbling on a piece of paper, “then you would get better results.” The dark blonde, prim and proper woman that Kevin was giving advice to nodded her head, pulling her glasses down to the tip of her nose to gaze at the paper closer. Sonya tapped on the door frame as she poked her head into the office. “Greetings, I bring mail,” she said with a smile. “You’re a little late today,” Pam said, gazing at...
EroticShe took my hand and discreetly pulled it up between her thighs, all the while continuing her conversation with the CEO. I tried to keep my cool, but I knew I was probably as red as a tomato at that moment, and even more so when I felt the moisture of her pussy seeping through the front of her cotton panties onto my fingers. Her thighs were as smooth as silk, causing an immediate and somewhat embarrassing erection, not to mention bulging and awkward. I looked straight ahead, hoping nobody would...
Quickie SexNote : This story is completely fictional! “You can come in now, Daddy.” I called out sitting back down in my computer chair. My door slowly opened and there was my father, wearing a pair of weathered jeans and no shirt, his muscles bulging and his cock clearly outlined in his jeans. At that point I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my online Daddy was also my real Daddy. But I was going to see what he was up to first. “Just wanted to see what you were up to my dear. It’s late you know.” he...
IncestHi everyone, my name is Arun. This is my first story. This story is of me and my sister. My sister’s name is Disha. Now i will continue in hindi. Okay. Jab se mujhe sex ki smjh ayi tab se hee mujhe Disha ke sath sex karne ka shauq hogaya tha. Disha mujh se 2 years choti he. Oska figure itna khaas shaid nahi hai. Body petite hai oski but wo buhat gori hai. Aik din mein apne shirt ki jaib se pese nikalna bhul gaya tha to jab laundry main pese lene gaya meri nazar Disha ki used panty pr pari aur...
Dear indian sex stories dot net Readers, I’m Anand., a former TV star and now I have my own small business. In my 15 years on TV starting 2002, I made sure that I always look fit and hence I still maintain a muscular lean body with side cuts and an embedded six-pack ab. Swimming and running help me maintain my lean body, along with a short span at the gym for some muscle. So recently we were visiting my wife’s hometown in Uttarakhand, where I had some business related work as well. On the third...