Wife Gets Even, Chapter 2 free porn video

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Amy said, “So I think you are going to need to take next week off from work. I guess you could go to work with your new look if you want to but I am doubting you will want to subject yourself to the ridicule and questions about your look. You should get some sleep so you are ready to go in the morning. Have coffee made by seven and make sure you shave your face and body again.”

I simply nodded my head in agreement and said, “Okay.”

I was up at sunrise and made sure I brought coffee to Amy by seven.

“Good morning. What can I make you for breakfast?”

Amy slowly got up and out of bed.

“I would like one egg over easy and some toast. Your first appointment is at nine so make sure you are ready to leave by eight forty-five. I will give you the names of the places and addresses before I leave.”

“Leave? You aren’t coming with me?”

“Oh, no. I have to go to work today. You will need to go by yourself. There is nothing for me to do during your appointments.”

As Amy ate breakfast she explained my first appointment was for a corset fitting. She said I could choose between three options she had already set aside. After picking one to buy, I was told that I was to wear the corset under my clothes to my salon appointment. Amy had set out a pair of jeans and a T-shirt for me to wear which I was relieved to see until she mentioned the corset.

“But people will be able to see it under my clothes.”

“Oh, yes. I guess you could wear the maid uniform I bought you but that would be too flashy for the salon. I could give you one of my tops but I think you are a little larger than me.”

Amy’s a few inches shorter than me. I am thin but Amy is a couple of sizes smaller than me. I thought maybe I could wear a sweatshirt hoodie over my shirt to hide the corset but Amy must have been reading my mind.

“Just make sure all you wear to the appointment is what I put out for you.”

Amy finished up her breakfast and walked over to me. She ran her hand up my smooth arm and cooed, “Nice.”

On her way out the door Amy told me to enjoy my appointments.

“Have fun and make sure you put your uniform on when you get home. I will text you later to see how you are doing. Don’t forget to do the chores on the list before I get home.”

And out the door she went, leaving me to figure out how I was going to get through these appointments with the least amount of embarrassment. Before I left, I took a look at the uniform Amy had bought me. It was an exact replica of what I made her wear. Therefore, I wasn’t surprised when I opened the shoebox she had placed by the uniform and found a pair of black five-inch platform pumps in my size.

Amy was going all out on my payback. After how I had treated her I should not have been too surprised. I did wonder why she wanted me to be dressed as a woman instead of a butler. I suppose it was all about the humiliation and having to walk in her shoes to truly experience how I made her feel. I tried not to get too worried about what I was about to go through, and I left the house to go to my first appointment.

The woman in the corset shop, Frita, was waiting for me and wasted no time telling me what to do.

“I have another fitting in fifteen minutes so I need you to go to the changing room and take off your shirt. I will bring in the three choices your employer picked out.”

Employer? Really? That’s what Amy had told Frita?

Frita had me try on all three corsets. Thankfully she did not take the time to lace each one. She decided the black one with white lace would be best and she had me put that one back on. She then began tugging on the laces. I could tell by the boning and overall construction of the corset that it was going to cost me more than a few dollars. As she tugged on the laces my already narrow waist became very thin. She worked her way up the corset tightening more and more. I had a hard time taking in a full breath.

Frita said, “You will get used to taking short breaths. This does give you quite a nice shape.”

Frita then stood in front of me and pulled my pecs up and into the bra cups. I looked down at my chest to see two little boobs and cleavage! Even before I put my shirt on and looked in the mirror, I knew what I was going to see. The light colored T-shirt allowed the corset to show through quite clearly. Even worse, I now had a feminine silhouette. Frita didn’t give me much time to think as she rushed me out. I only had a few minutes to get to my next appointment so I needed to hurry along, too. At least I had a light coat I put on to wear on the car ride and into the salon.

Amy’s directions to the salon were perfect, unfortunately, and I walked into the salon right at my scheduled appointment time. The receptionist walked me toward the back of the salon. She then told me to give her my coat. I said I preferred to keep it on but she said she had instructions from my employer to take it from me.

Employer again? What was Amy telling these people?

I sat down at a pedicure station and was given a pedicure. I knew I could not protest when the nail tech said my employer had already picked out the bright red polish she started to apply. She then worked on my fingernails and I soon had a full set of long fingernails glued on over my own and painted the same red as my toes. I looked at my hands and feet. The only word I could use to describe them now had to be feminine.

If only this was all Amy had planned for me I could have lived with it for a week but the worse part was yet to come. A hair stylist, Paula, came over and after complimenting me on my nails she had me walk over to her chair. I knew my hair was going to be cut but I did not know Amy had already chosen the style.

Paula said, “Your employer was nice enough to tell me what style the both of you chose so I am going to get started.”

There was no use trying to explain. Some of the other women who had noticed my corset and the small protrusions sticking out of my chest had given me what they thought were furtive glances. I could tell they were eyeballing me but no one had yet made any comments.

Then Paula quipped, “I wonder what that sexy corset looks like on you without your shirt covering it up.”

“It certainly made me skinny.”

“I would say shapely.”

My reddening face was the only response I could muster.

Paula started getting her work area ready. As she buttoned a protective cape on me she asked, ‘’Do you want to know what I am doing to your hair or would you prefer to be surprised?”

“I guess you can keep me in suspense and surprise me.”

“Okay. First I have to wax your eyebrows then I will get started on your hair. You have a nice full head of hair and length to work with, so that’s good.”

My hair had grown past my ears and down to the top of my shoulders. It is very curly so it had been easy just to let it grow awhile. However, I now wished I had cut it short before losing this last bet.

Paula began waxing my eyebrows and by the work she was doing to the bottom of my brows I knew I was going to have much thinner and arched brows when she was finished. Paula then cut and added some color highlights to my hair. I knew when the week was up I was going to have to shave it almost completely off to get it to look like a man’s style. I was starting to get a little perturbed with Amy because even though I had been demeaning I had not made her drastically change her looks like she was forcing on me.

Complete and utter shock are the only words I could use to explain what I saw in the mirror after Paula was finished with my hair. I now had sweeping bangs and a long curly, asymmetrical bob that looked completely feminine. The style had somehow softened my face and I looked more like a woman than a man. I could not speak.

Paula said, “I think it looks awesome. We will do your makeup and you will look fabulous!”

Makeup. Shit. I had forgot about that. If the makeup artist was half as good as Paula, I knew I was going to look nothing but pretty when she was finished. How could Amy be doing this to me? Paula walked me to another room and instructed me to wait for Ellen, the makeup artist. Ellen walked in a minute later and caught me playing with my hair and trying to see the back of my head.

“Paula did an awesome job with your hair. Very edgy.”

“Umm, yes.”

Ellen went right to work on my face. When she started doing my eyes she said, “Your employer wants you to wear false eyelashes but that takes some practice. I could do some eyelash extensions and then you would not have to worry about trying to put on false lashes everyday.”

Not knowing what this really meant, I agreed. I could feel heaviness on my eyelids when Ellen was through doing the extensions. As Ellen continued, she explained what she was doing and told me it was going to take some practice to be able to do this by myself everyday. She suggested I come in tomorrow for another longer lesson. Remembering that Amy told me I was responsible for my own makeup after today I asked Ellen to make a home visit tomorrow instead so I would not have to go out in public. Ellen was nice enough to agree to come help me.

Forty-five minutes later Ellen turned me around to see myself. I was shocked. I was staring back a good-looking woman. There was still a hint of masculinity in my face but with the feminine hairstyle, thin, arched eyebrows, and makeup, at first glance I saw a woman. On close inspection I could see that people would know I was a man but someone making a passing glance certainly would not have a clue. Ellen took off my cape and I realized my clothes did not match my face. The corset gave me a feminine shape but my male clothes provided a contrast to my fully made-up face. I made a plan to get my coat on and walk out as quickly as possible.

Ellen said, “You look great. We have one more thing we need to do before you leave.”

Ellen walked me to a back room and helped me take my shirt off. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and saw that I looked even more like a woman with just the corset covering my upper body. Ellen began loosening the corset and I immediately thought that Amy was done making her point and the whole thing was over.

I was snapped back to reality when Ellen asked me to lie down on a massage table. She then lowered the corset off my chest. She then started applying a cold substance to my chest. She then placed a very realistic looking breast over my left nipple. She held it firmly in place for a moment. I closed my eyes and thought, how could Amy be going this far? Ellen placed the other breast on me. She took some time to smooth the edges down flat on my skin. She brushed a little makeup over the edges of the forms so they blended in with my skin.

She then held a mirror so I could see what she had glued to me. I saw a pair of smallish, but perfectly shaped, boobs. They looked completely real! Ellen had me sit up and I could feel the weight of the breasts as they jiggled but stayed firmly attached to me. Ellen pulled the corset back up over my breast and tightened the laces. I stood up and saw I now had boobs. Thanks to the corset they were more pronounced and I had some major cleavage, too.

Ellen said, “Wow. That really makes a difference. You have some nice girls now…. You know, I am through and it’s time for you to go but you are going to look a little silly walking out in your male clothes. Let me see if anyone has something you can borrow to go home in. Maybe a simple sweater and pants that match your face and body a little better?”

I just wanted to get the hell home and start my week of hell, but maybe Ellen was right. It might be less conspicuous if I had some female clothes to wear.


“Let me see what I can do for you.”

Ellen came back a few minutes later. She showed me a pair off jeans, a simple sweater and a pair of booties with a three-inch heel.

“Try these on.”

I reluctantly slipped on the clothes. The jeans seemed long until a put the boots on and saw that the boot cut fell over the booties just right. The sweater clung to my sucked in shape. I wasn’t happy but I knew I was better off trying to pass as a woman than wearing my clothes and looking like some bizarre cross between a man and a woman. Ellen said I looked better than most women. I did not know how to respond to her comment so I just thanked her and headed out to my car. I tried to take my time, take small steps, and walk like a woman, but I couldn’t get to my car fast enough.

Thankfully, I made it home without incident. I had about two hours to get into my uniform and complete the chores Amy had written down and to make dinner. I went into the spare bedroom where Amy had left my uniform. I was hoping the uniform Amy had purchased was too small and I would have an excuse not to wear it. On the contrary, Amy had purchased the perfect sizes.

The top was just tight enough to cling to my corseted body and it left my boobs popping out over the lace covered v-neck. The skirt billowed out a bit but it barely covered my ass and tiny apron was actually shorter than the skirt so that didn’t help cover me at all. Of course the sexy platform heels gripped my feet perfectly. As I stood up to get a look at myself in a mirror I found myself getting a little turned on by the feel of the black stockings on my smooth legs. I let out an audible gasp when I saw my reflection. I looked totally hot. The heels put me up to six feet tall but they also gave my legs a sexy shape and lifted my butt. I could not believe the transformation I had just gone through.

The buzzing of my cell phone snapped me out of my trance. Amy had texted me. She was wondering how my day was going and said she could not wait to have dinner and…. dessert. Typing with nails is difficult but I told her everything was fine and I was looking forward to serving her.

I knew Amy wanted me to feel the degradation that she had felt, but I also knew she was going to be shocked at my transformation. She was not going to find her husband when she came home. She was about to meet a tall, sexy maid. I took some time to practice walking in my heels before doing my chores and cooking dinner. I managed to get everything accomplished just about ten minutes before Amy was due home. In her last text message she had requested that I send her a picture of me in uniform but I ignored her request. I wanted her to see face to face everything she had done to me.

When I opened the door for Amy holding a drink for her, Amy could not maintain her poker face. Her mouth fell open. I knew she was shocked and surprised at what she saw. I handed her the drink and she stepped inside the house. It took a moment before she said anything. She then gathered herself and took on her master of the house persona.

“Hi, Joanna. I hope dinner is ready. I had a rough day, and I am ready to sit down and eat a nice meal in peace.”

“Yes. It is all ready.”

Bouncing on my feet in the girliest way I could, I quickly moved ahead of Amy into the kitchen. I pulled out her chair for her and presented the dinner she had requested, a rather simple chicken and broccoli dish. I stood over her in silence, as I had required her to do during her servitude while she ate. Midway through her meal she requested another drink.

“Move that sexy ass and get me another glass of wine. I love your hair by the way. It frames your face well. And you smell so pretty too.”

Amy had instructed me to use the same perfume I had insisted she wear when our roles were reversed.

“Thank you. Will there be anything else?”

As I placed the wine in front of her, Amy grabbed my panty-covered ass.

“After I am finished with dinner, clean up and meet me in the bedroom. I need a massage.”

Amy finished her dinner and I cleaned up. I walked into the bedroom to find Amy on our bed naked on her stomach.

“Joanna, use those magic hands and give me a massage and start a bath for me. Be careful not to let those boobs pop out of your top when you lean over me.”

I could feel my breasts bounce as I walked and as they did they tugged on my own nipples. That sensation was sending erotic chills through my body. I gave Amy a wonderful massage being careful not to dig into her skin with my long nails. I then helped her bathe. I dried her off and put lotion on her. The feel of her soft skin was driving me wild.

Amy then had me follow her into the bedroom. She lay down and told me to get busy with my tongue and really service her. I must have eaten her delicious vag for a half hour. Amy fell asleep quite satisfied and I went to sleep in the spare bedroom as previously instructed.

I was happy to get out of the corset for the night. Amy had left me a racy teddy for me to wear to bed. I thought I could regain some form of my masculine self but it was hard to do with breasts poking out of such a soft, sheer piece of lingerie. I took my makeup off but what I was somewhat surprised to see, was the length of my lashes. I thought I must have not removed all the mascara but after wiping them with makeup remover several times, I came to the conclusion it was the extensions. There was no getting away from the fact I had thick long lashes even without mascara. I might manage to hide my breasts but there was no way I could go out in public with these eyes and hair and look like a man.

After a restless night of sleep I made sure I was up earlier than Amy so I could shower, shave, and dress in my uniform as instructed. When I greeted Amy with her coffee I apologized for not having my makeup done and further explained I had an appointment to help me with that later.

“Well I see you put on the false lashes and mascara.”

I did not want to tell her I had lash extensions so I simply agreed with her.

As I served Amy breakfast she mentioned that Judy was coming over for drinks after dinner. I swallowed hard and smiled. I did not want Judy to see me like this and I prayed that Jim was not joining her.

“Too bad Jim is out of town for work this week. I am sure he would get hard over seeing such a sexy chick like you.”

Amy went off to work and I did some chores until Ellen came by later in the morning. She spent an hour with me teaching me how to do my makeup. I was going to have to practice much more to get my face to look as pretty as Ellen made it, but I thought I could get it close to her perfection. I found myself wanting to look like she had made me up the previous day. Why did I want to look pretty? After some practice Ellen finished off my look and I ended up looking just as hot as the day before.

Amy got home from work and I served her dinner and gave her a back massage. I then heard the doorbell and I looked at Amy, hoping for some clue as to who I was at the door.

“That should be Judy. Go answer the door, Joanna.”

I sauntered over to the door and opened it for Judy, trying to hide behind the door as much as I could while opening it.

Judy got a look at me and her mouth almost hit the floor.

She screamed, “Holy shit! I can’t believe this! Why, Joanna! You look gorgeous… and hot!”

Judy walked in and put her hand on my face, swishing back my hair and exposing my long earrings in the process.

“I love your hair! And those legs… my god!

“Thank you. May I get you a drink?”

“You sure can, babe!”

I got the feeling Judy and Amy were going to be doling out plenty of abuse tonight.

Judy and Amy had a few drinks and Judy continually made sexual comments about my feminine look. I tolerated her comments as best as I could. At one point I tried to act like I was interested in getting some attention by flirting with her.

She retorted, “Wow. Joanna, do you want me to fuck that hot ass?”

I decided it was best to not entice her anymore after that comment.

Luckily Amy had to work in the morning so she and Judy called it a night. I walked Judy to the door and Amy went to bed. As I was walking Judy to the door she put her arm around me and caressed my body.

“Ohh, you are so soft and smooth. I told you payback would be a bitch. Now, you are the bitch. I must say you are handling those heels quite well.”

“Thank you.”

“You are welcome. Hey, if Amy doesn’t want to make you her bitch I will be happy to do that for you.”

I knew the alcohol was talking for Judy now so I told her to have a good night and let her leave but I could sense that Judy was not just busting on me, she was a little turned on. As soon as Judy left I heard Amy calling me to the bedroom. I walked in to see she was already naked.

“Get to work and make me happy with that tongue of yours, Joanna.”

I did my best to put Amy over the top. Her wetness and moaning told me I was doing a good job. After about a half hour Amy abruptly told me to stop. She told me to get her some more wine. I had to open another bottle so it took a few minutes. As I walked out of the kitchen with Amy’s glass of wine I looked up to see her standing in the living room and watching me. She was wearing one of my tee shirts and a pair of my underwear. I could see a bulge popping protruding from the front of her underwear. She had a half drunk, half devious smile as she looked at me with lustful eyes.

One night during the week of her servitude I had been particularly demeaning and had Amy get on all fours in the living room and I fucked her from behind. I got the feeling that Amy was reenacting that scene except I was about to be the receiver.

“Come over here, now!”

Amy ‘s voice was full of control and demand. I walked over and Amy took the wine from me. She wasted no time grabbing me and spinning me around so my back was to her. This caused me to slip down to one knee.

Amy chirped, “Stay right there, Honey.”

I felt Amy press her hand on my back.

“Move over here and stay on your hands and knees.”

She was pointing to the exact spot I had fucked her the previous week.

“Time for you to feel what it’s like to have no control.”

I pleaded, “Amy, I know I was rough but I thought you enjoyed it.”

“You thought I enjoyed being your sex toy on demand? Did it occur to you that maybe I was tired or just needed a little love first? Joanna has been really good at attending to my needs. I wish you were more like her.”

“Okay, I will be. I promise.”

“Good for you. But I am still going to fuck you now.”

Amy pulled down my thong and mounted me. I felt the tip of her strap-on poking at my opening. She spread my cheeks with her hands and stuck the dick in me. Thankfully she took her time. I could tell it was well lubricated, too. She worked a couple inches in and out of me.

“Doesn’t that feel great, Babe?”

Before I could answer she plunged into me. After an initial burst of pain I realized I liked the sensation. I looked back to see the strap-on was double ended so as she pounded me she was fucking herself too. She slowly moved the dick in and out of me. She then quickened the pace and plunged into me repeatedly. With each thrust she was hitting my prostate. The combination of not ejaculating in three days and the wave of pleasure I felt as my prostate was massaged was putting me over the edge. I began to rock back to meet her thrusts. Amy noticed I was enjoying getting nailed.

“Oh, good girl. You are taking this like a pro. You love being my little bitch, don’t you?”

I mumbled, “Oh, yes.”

Amy put her hands on my hips and fucked me for a few more minutes until she climaxed at the same time I exploded in the most intense orgasm I have ever experienced. Amy collapsed on me causing me to lie flat on my stomach. Amy caught her breath and then pulled out of me.

“Make sure you have my coffee and breakfast ready by eight.”

Amy left me lying on the carpet. I was tired but also incredibly satisfied. Amy had just fucked me and I had thoroughly enjoyed it. No, I had loved it! There was no way I could admit this to Amy. I fell asleep on the carpet.

The sunrise peaking through the window woke me up. I could not believe I had slept so soundly. I had to rush to get cleaned up and changed but I made myself presentable in time to bring Amy her coffee and breakfast.

Amy was kind and talkative as she got ready for work. I think she was feeling some remorse for the previous night but I also thought she was being kind in a flirty way. I could not put my finger on it but something was different. I was snapped out of that thought by Amy’s request for dinner. I knew we didn’t have all the ingredients needed so that meant having to leave the house to visit a grocery store. I mentioned this to Amy hoping she would go for me. She declined but gave me permission to take off my maid’s uniform and wear something else. That was not much solace for me.

As Amy left for work she mentioned, “Judy is off today. Maybe she can help you. In the meantime keep shaking that ass. You are really rocking those heels now.”

Amy shut the door and I thought about what she said. I looked down at my stance and noticed it was decidedly feminine. I realized in just a few days I was walking, standing, and moving in naturally feminine ways. I did not even think about it, I was just doing it. I no longer was conscious about my breasts sticking out but I did like the feel of them bouncing and gently tugging on my own nipples. In the shower I caught myself massaging my breasts and fantasizing about having real tits. What was gong on here? Did the clothes really make the man or woman?

I waited until mid-morning to call Judy. I thought she might be sleeping off last night’s drinks and I didn’t want to wake her. I told her my dilemma about needing to go to the store.

Judy laughed and said, “Now that maid’s uniform would certainly draw some attention.”

I asked her if she would go to the store for me.

She replied, “I might if I had someone to clean up my house first.”

I told her I wasn’t thrilled about going to her house dressed in my uniform.

“Well, you can throw on a coat and sneak over here or you can go to the store yourself. Take your pick.”

I grabbed one of Amy’s long coats. Looking at myself in the mirror I saw a woman wearing black stockings and heels. Judy’s house is only two houses away from our house but I was not about to walk there in heels so thirty minutes later I had summoned enough courage to drive there.

“Hi, Joanna. I am glad you could come. Here’s a list of things I need done. I will be working in my office off my bedroom if you need me.”


Judy said, “You know the only thing you need work on is your voice.”

“Excuse me?”

“Your voice. Everything else about you says you are a woman. You just need to raise your voice a little and talk more like a woman. Let’s try it.”

Judy then made me have a typical conversation about weather, news, clothes, etc… using a voice more suitable to a woman. After a few minutes I noticed a difference in pitch and inflection that gave my voice a more acceptably feminine sound.

Judy said, “You are getting it. Now your voice matches that hot body and pretty face.”

I finished Judy’s list of chores in about an hour. I then asked her if she could pick up the things I needed at the store.

“No. I can’t do that because I would be going against Amy’s rules she made for you.”

“But I just cleaned for you!”

“And that’s what good servants do.”

“Great. What am I supposed to do about getting the groceries I need for dinner?”

“Well, you could put on your clothes but with that hairstyle and those brows even without makeup you are going to look like a woman. We are probably close enough in size for me to find you something of mine to borrow.”

I quickly came to the conclusion that this was my only option.

Judy said, “Let me find you something and I will be nice enough to drive you to the store.”

I guess I was somehow supposed to show gratitude for her help so I agreed and thanked her. Judy gave me some jeans and a couple of tops to try. She also pulled out a LBD.

“You would turn some heads at the store if you wore this.”

“That’s for sure. No thanks.”

“Try it on for me.”

“I really don’t think it would fit.”

“Let me see. Of course if you don’t want to give me a little show you can go to the store in what you have on now.”

I stepped into the LBD and Judy zipped it up. She had me take off my black stockings and go bare legged with my pumps. Judy spun me around and stepped back to get a better view.

“Jesus. You look better than me in that, you bitch.”

The dress did fit me perfectly and the reflection I saw in the mirror was quite nice.

“Do you like looking this good?”

“Not really, since somewhere underneath all this I am a guy.”

“I think you are starting to get used to being all fem though. You are standing like a woman right now.”

“I guess that happens when you wear a corset and heels twenty-four seven.”

“Hmm… no it’s more than that. Okay, I’ve seen enough of you looking better than me in my clothes. See if the jeans and top fit and I will take you to the store. You are probably going to have to wear those pumps though because I assume your feet are bigger than mine even if your waist isn’t.”

The jeans and scoop neck top Judy gave me fit fine. She gave me a black blazer to wear too. She stood next to me in the mirror and from a distance we looked like two women dressed for a casual day out. Judy drove me to the store and let me out. I asked her to go in with me but she insisted I go alone.

“Good luck, Sweetie.”

As I walked through the store no one paid much attention to me. I did have a couple of women look me over and take particular note of my shoes. I could only imagine what was going through their minds. I paid for the groceries and found Judy waiting for me in the parking lot. As I got in Judy was smiling and shaking her head n disbelief.

“I watched you walk out of the store and if I did not know it was you I would never suspect you to be a guy.”

“Neither did the guy in the store who couldn’t take his eyes off my chest.”

“Well, they do look real.”

Judy pulled out of the store’s parking lot but turned in a direction away from our homes.

“Um… you do know you made the wrong turn back there.”

“No. We have a little time so we can shop, Girlfriend.”

I begged Judy not to do this to me but she just told me to relax and that it would be fun. She pulled into a strip plaza and parked in front of an Ann Taylor Loft store. I knew I had no choice so I decided to try and beat her at her game. We walked into the store and she pointed out a skirt to me and told me I should try it on. I played it up good and said I would love to find a top to go with it! I grabbed a couple of tops and asked the saleslady if I could try them on. I am not sure if the saleslady knew I was not a woman but she didn’t seem to care either way as she happily walked me to a dressing room and offered further assistance if needed. A few minutes later I heard Judy’s voice asking me if I liked the skirt. I opened the door and showed her the skirt and top I had had paired with it.

“What do you think?”

“It looks great. Are you planning on wearing it to work?”

I didn’t miss a beat and said, “Yes.”

I did not want to give Judy the satisfaction of knowing she was ridiculing me so I continued playing the role of her girlfriend. We looked at some other pieces and then walked to a shoe store. As we walked Judy looked happy and this made me think about our outing. I wasn’t sure but I think Judy was truly enjoying having a shopping partner and wasn’t trying to make a fool of me.

In the shoe store I tried on a pair of tall flat boots. I tried on a few more pairs of heels and flats. I was getting into the experience a little too much. So much I didn’t realize Judy had taken video of me trying on some of the shoes and modeling them in front of a mirror. Judy insisted on buying the boots for me. She also suggested I wear them out of the store since they were more appropriate for walking around and shopping. I did wear them out of the store but I convinced Judy to bring me home so I could have dinner ready in time for Amy. Judy dropped me off and hugged me.

I said, “Thank you for helping me today.”

“No problem, Girlfriend. See you later.”

I assumed she was just using that as a parting phrase and did not literally mean it.

When I got in the house my phone started buzzing with a message from Amy. She said she loved the boots I bought and sent me a video of me in the store that Judy had sent her. She also told me not to make dinner, as there was a change of plans. Also, she told me if Judy came over before she got home I was to make her a drink and entertain her. She also told me to stay in the clothes Judy had let me borrow.

I immediately texted Judy and asked her what was going on. She said that Amy had invited her to go to dinner! Shit! I knew where this was going.

Judy arrived before Amy and I let her in and made her a drink as ordered. Judy eyed me the whole time. As she sipped on her drink she admitted Amy had gone a little too far in retaliation. She also said she felt bad for me but that she also was sexually turned on by me.

“If Amy was not my friend I would be all over you.”

“And what would Jim think about that?”

“I am sure he would not have a problem with me sleeping with another woman. Hell, I bet if he saw you like this he would want to fuck you.”

Why did Amy’s comment make my dick pulse? I had no inclination to be with a guy but was I feeling some sort of an attraction because of my newfound femininity?

Amy arrived home. She was very happy and elated that we were all going out to dinner!

“You looked like you were having such a great time with Judy. I thought I would be nice and treat you to dinner!”

I had to admit I was happy not to be cooking dinner and cleaning up again but I was more than a little uncomfortable going out in public again. I expressed my concern but both Amy and Judy assured me everything would be fine and I would blend right in being with them. Great… so my wife and her friend were both telling me that I could pass for a woman.

Amy let me have a drink, which turned into three to help me get the courage to go with them. She seemed to be relinquishing her power over me. Amy and Judy had a couple of drinks and I noticed they were now treated me like one of their girlfriends. I fell into that role by continuing to act the way I had when Judy and I were shopping earlier.

I did my best to touch up my makeup and give myself a little more dramatic nighttime look, and ventured out with Amy and Judy. Thankfully Amy and Judy took me to a restaurant that was out of the area where we typically dined. I was relatively sure we wouldn’t run into anyone I knew. We ate and drank and I tried to enjoy being out with Amy and Judy. Just before we left a table of three guys sent over some drinks to our table. Judy and Amy enjoyed teasing me about attracting a guy. Thankfully the women fended them off without me having to say anything to them. I was ready to get the hell home and I hoped Judy and Amy had got their fill of being out.

“I leaned into Amy and said, “Can we please go home so you can fuck me again.”

Amy looked into my eyes and knew exactly what I was asking. She convinced Judy to leave and we left the restaurant without any further trouble for me.

The drinks and my desire to repeat the previous night caused me to hang seductively on Amy as soon as we got in the door. I played the drunken woman role who just needed to get banged. I begged her to fuck me again. This got Amy pretty worked up and she pushed me into the bedroom. She forced my head between her legs and I happily went to work.

Amy whimpered, “Joanna, you are so good with that tongue. But I think you are dying to get fucked aren’t you?”

I whispered in Amy’s ear, “I want it so bad.”

I was not sure what had come over me but at that point I did want her to wear her strap-on and fuck me.


Amy got up and quickly returned. She laid me on my back and pulled off my boots and jeans. She practically ripped off my panties and plunged her cock into me. She was worked up and was not being gentle like last night. She was aggressively taking me. She started pounding me and I screamed in ecstasy. I looked at my legs spread out and bent at the knees with my feet off the bed. I couldn’t have been in a more typically feminine, submissive position.

“Good girl. Take my cock. You love getting fucked, don’t you?”

I screamed a breathy, “Yes!”

My dick exploded and my body shook from my head to my toes. Pleasure sensations ripped through me. I knew then there was no way I was giving this feeling up anytime soon.

Amy and I fell asleep in each other’s arms. I got up before Amy and stumbled around trying to get myself together. A hot shower woke me up. I wondered if the melons attached to my chest would be difficult to remove. I had three more days of dealing with them. In just a few days I had become accustomed to them, so much so that I felt they were my own. Amy surprised me by joining me in the bathroom as I was toweling myself dry.

“Joanna, I am ending your week of servitude early. Starting now you don’t have to pay back the bet anymore. We are squared up.”

I didn’t know what to say. I was shocked she would let me off the hook. As I thought about this I found myself getting upset. I started crying. Amy held me and reassured me everything was fine. I thanked Amy for her kindness but I was sad. Deep down I knew I liked being Joanna. I also knew with my hair, eyelash extensions, and boobs that I looked more female than male.

Amy said, “I have the solvent to get those breasts off you. I will go get it.”

I grabbed Amy, looked deeply into her eyes and replied, “You know, I have a female haircut and eyelashes that are longer than yours. They are not false; I got extensions. Even if you take off my tits I am still going to look quite feminine. So… is there any way that Joanna can hang around for a little longer?”

Amy hugged me and said, “I was hoping you would say that. I want Joanna to stay too.”

“I would like to stop wearing this uniform and get some other clothes.”

“Of course. I can’t wait to see Joanna in lots of different skirts, dresses, shoes and lingerie.”

Joanna was here to stay.


I spent the next few days living as Joanna. Amy bought me lots of new clothes and shoes. We both agreed until I got my haircut and my eyebrows grew in and I could do something about my eyelash extensions, it was easier to be Joanna. Days turned into a week and I took more vacation time so I could be Joanna. It was hard for me to face Jim as Joanna but he was very accepting and Amy and I decided that I should stay as Joanna for a month. I worked hard on improving my voice. I found that I liked being at home and taking care of the cooking and cleaning.

I had no idea what we would decide to do about Joanna when the month was up. I did know that I loved fucking Amy and I loved getting fucked by he,r so Joanna was not going to disappear for long.


Don’t forget to check out my bio for info on more stories. Or go to Amazon and search erotic crossing-dressing by JNBPUB.


Same as Wife Gets Even, Chapter 2 Videos

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wifey and her sister Peggy

so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...

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Wifey TrainingChapter 5

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Stevens Lies Episode 03

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Revenge Is So Sweet Chapter3

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Wife gets her fantasy threesome fufilled

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Even Steven

My mother got sick on her Asian Simmered Halibut with Rice Wine in May, 2002. Because of that, Bradley and I didn't have sex that Friday night. We didn't get it on until a Saturday night in June, 2012, ten years after college and five years into my marriage. When that Saturday night finally came I think I was certain I was going to do it, but if there was any smidgen of doubt left in me then it had to be the wedding that pushed me those last few inches. You know about women and weddings? They...

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Chat room slut gets real Chapter1

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Chat room slut gets real Chapter2

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Wife gets carried away in Tahoe

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Wife Swapper Revenge

Wife Swappers Revenge by Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1: Ideas The poker game had long since died out, nothing left on the table but potato chip crumbs and the smell of stale cigars and beer in the air. Nothing left that is, if you didn't count Jake and me. We had raided the pantry for whiskey a full two hours ago and could only be described as drunk. Very drunk. An hour ago we sung sloppy tunes like some stereo-typical depiction of an Irish souse. And only half an hour...

4 years ago
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Even Stevens Rens Oral Medication

or Yo Quiero Ren Stevens - a depraved parody of the episode "Shutterbug" - Note: in case you were wondering, the alternate title owes its origin to the fact that the actor who portrays Doctor Paz is, apparently, the same person who does the voice-over for Taco Bell's chihuahua. Fourteen-year-old Ren Stevens could not help but beam at her own reflection in the mirror. Thanks to her mom's eleventh-hour arrangements, she was going to have her braces removed in time for her 8th grade photo...

3 years ago
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Hotwife Chapter 3A The Continuation Of My Hotwifes Weekend

HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Wife gets even on cheating husband with gangbang

I guess I have always been a pussy hound, I always liked to spread myself about and when I got married I saw no reason to change, that was until my wife found out and decided to teach me a lesson!I had been at a local sports bar having a few beers with some buddies on Saturday afternoon and got home at about 6.00, to my surprise and joy I was met at the door by my wife and she was wearing the short short checkered mini skirt that didn't even cover her butt cheeks and a lacy push up bra that...

3 years ago
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Wife gets a BBC

The add in the swinger magazine read:Wife: 352My wife April is 25, and at 5' 11" she is very tall and curvy. When she wears a pair of 4-inch heels she turns heads from across any room. Her hard tipped breasts are smooth, soft and perfectly shaped. She swims and works out regularly which gives her a hard flat tummy and trim figure. April's long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and long sexy legs make her look a little like the blonde model in the Victoria's Secret catalog she always gets. She...

3 years ago
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Wifey TrainingChapter 2

Jane spread the tools of her new therapy program before her. There was a pill, her iPod nano, and a vibrator. Jane stripped off her baggy sweater and sweat pants. It was 2pm and she had just come from work where she spent most mornings as the part-time floor manager for a small, independent bookstore. Fortunately, they didn't care what she wore, and so Jane was able to dress for comfort. Following Dr. Susan's instructions, Jane took the pill ("a mild sedative, to help you relax", Dr....

3 years ago
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Stevens Story Part 3

The next morning Steven went back to Anna's. They went up to her room and talked about Steven's conversation with his dad the night before. No longer was Steven just entering this to fulfill his desire to crossdress. He was also doing this to honor his mother. He stripped down to his boxers, and they went to work on practicing his makeup. When Anna was satisfied with his makeup, she put a wig on him. This time when he saw his reflection he smiled. Seeing his mother's face smiling...

4 years ago
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Wife Gets Banged By Union Ironworker

WIFE GETS BANGED MY A UNION IRONWORKER My wife Annie and I live in the suburbs of New York City. We are in our late forties, kids are all grown and gone, we each have decent jobs and are starting to enjoy life without worrying about pets or children. A few weeks back we decided to visit the Hamptons for a long weekend. We love the beach and since it was the off-season, the motel rates were reasonable and the weather was fantastic. So we left on Thursday and had until Sunday to enjoy our...

4 years ago
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Hotwife Lifestyle

Understanding Our Man’s Hotwife Fantasy and How to Use That to Our AdvantageThe fantasy of having a “Hotwife” is growing, in fact, research shows it is growing at a higher rate than a good majority of the other lifestyle alternatives, including the old staple of “swinging” and the modern “open relationship”. Why is it that a fantasy that revolves around only one part of a relationship – the woman – going out and finding pleasure from another man more intriguing to an increasing number of men...

2 years ago
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The Eleventh Elven Elevation Chapter one

Finally, I thought. Some schooldays never end. Until the bell rings that is. I packed my things and headed for the door into the hall, hurriedly passing the other classrooms before the hall filled itself with fugitive homesick students. When outside I made a dash for it until I heard the only voice in the school with stopping power over me. “Girt, Girt. Wait for me.” I would always wait for Vicky. She was the most beautiful thing on two legs to walk around Juneau. Even more beautiful than...

3 years ago
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Loss Prevention

Loss Prevention By Alyssa Davis 8/96 The Help Wanted ad said, "Retail security position open at Macy's Department Store. Experience necessary." Tommy was ready for a change and this job interested him, so he proceeded to the personnel department, now referred to as Human Resources, at Macy's where he filled out an application and was immediately scheduled for an interview with Louise Clark, the manager of the Loss Prevention Department. "Hello Ms. Clark, I'm Tommy Andrews. I'm...

3 years ago
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Even Steven

Andrea stepped down off the bus, feeling self-conscious. She shifted her daybag to the other hand, and hurried away from the stop, positive that everyone on the bus knew exactly what she was doing. The feeling was silly, but it hadn't stopped her from worrying through the entire ride across town. In a block or two, she would be safely inside, and she could forget all about it. Andrea turned her thoughts to the weekend. She didn't have much in the bag – just one change of clothes, and a few...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Wifes Revenge and Reward

I had my husband tied to the bed, as he claimed he loved to be. I timed mybobs to correspond with his thrusting hips. John's cock, purple with need,slid in and out of my wet, red-lipsticked lips effortlessly. My fingersencircled his shaft, stroking in time with my mouth and urging him to cum."Oh God!" he cried. "I am gonna cum!" My response wasn't spoken, becausethat would require me to break suction from his cock. Instead, I hummed apleasurable sound that conveyed my willingness to accept...

2 years ago
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Wifes Revenge Part One

Wife's Revenge - Part OneBy billy69boy and Nora91"What the fuck were you thinking?" Victoria yelled, "Did you think I wouldn't find out? I can't fucking believe it! Why did you even bother to marry me?"With that she walked out, slamming the door behind her. She discovered that her husband had been having an affair behind her back, and she couldn't bear to consider the consequences right now. All she knew was that she was hurt and furious, and she needed to get away from him.She sought...

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