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We slept late, if you could call it sleeping. We just went from napping to fucking to napping again until morning when we both fell asleep hard. When I woke up the sun was shining bright, high in the sky, and Javon's arm and leg were wrapped around me, holding me close. My pussy was an absolute mess, my ass and thighs sticky and wet.

“C'mon, baby. Lets shower,” I cooed as I wiggled around against him and kissed him. He drowsily responded okay as we dragged ourselves out of the bed.

We finally woke up in the shower, the steaming hot water feeling so delightful. He soaped me all over: my breasts, my belly, between my legs, my thighs, my big butt; and I soaped his muscular chest, his rippled abs and, of course, that lovely dick, balls and thighs. I soaped up his strong muscular ass, down between those cheeks to fondle his nuts.

It was kind of like foreplay, but it was really just getting to know one another's bodies better and better, learning to enjoy one another in more than just a sexual way, learning to connect in our spirits. Kissing and fondling each other under the steamy hot water, we talked about how good we felt, how wonderful it was to be together. When he slipped one hand onto the side of my neck, and put the other on top of my head, pushing me down, I didn't have to be told what to do.

When he pulled me to my feet and kissed me, lots and lots of busy tongue, I felt so great, so sexy, so loved. Turning off the shower, he sat me on the edge of the tub and snatched my razor off of the sink, touching me up between the legs. I'd done a pretty good job of shaving, but he could see the few places I'd missed and he slicked me up quick. Kissing me, he put a dollop of safflower oil from Jack's bottle on the back of the toilet and rubbed it on his palm, then slowly rubbed it into my sensitive freshly bare skin. I felt so sexy. Then he laid me back on the bed and spent several minutes licking and nibbling on my fresh pussy lips and my throbbing little clit.

We were both ready to fuck again, but I looked at him with a smirk and said, “Why don't we go eat something first? You know, to keep up our strength.” He laughed and agreed he was hungry too. About then, we smelled coffee. Jack must be here. As I grabbed Javon's shirt off of the floor and put it on, he slipped into a pair of my husband's boxers and told me to put on panties. He led me downstairs by the hand like a conquering hero.

Jack was already in uniform and ready to go to work. He'd put on coffee and made pancakes and sausage for us. “Mornin',” he cheerily greeted us. “Thought you all might want something to eat sooner or later.” I smiled at him, but wrapped myself around Javon's strong black arm. “Enjoy. I have to get going. I think my driver just pulled up.”

Javon, just told him thanks for the food and turned to go to the breakfast table. Jack walked right up to me, and gave me a peck on the cheek. Bye, honey. Love you.” And he was gone.

Doing my best to act like nothing had happened, I went to the fridge to get some butter and syrup, and brought them and the food to the table. “They're still hot. The butter should melt fine,” I told him brightly. Javon just stared at me, his face expressionless.

“I thought this was going to be my weekend,” he said flatly as I fixed us each a plate.

“You know it is, Javon. We've been fucking like horny teenagers! And I'm not even close to done taking that big black dick,” I smiled.

“So why did you let him kiss you? You let him feel you up, didn't you?”

“What?” I replied, surprised. “No, I didn't.” I took a bite but he kept glowering at me. “I mean he did kiss me, more like gave me a peck on the cheek, but I didn't let him feel me up. He didn't even touch me,” I defended myself. “I mean...,” I thought fast, “his hand might have brushed against my panties, but only accidentally. I didn't feel a thing. He wasn't trying to feel me up. I'm sure.”

Javon softened a bit, but I could tell he was still pissed. “Listen baby,” he told me slowly, seriously. I put down my fork. “When you're with me, you're with me. You don't do nothin' with nobody unless I tell you you can, unless I tell you to do it.” He took a bite. “Understand?”

“Sure, baby. I'm sorry,” I told him. “I'm so sorry I made you feel bad. Maybe you'll let me suck your dick to make up for it?” I asked hopefully. He smiled and began eating as I slipped to the floor, pulled down his boxers and started having my breakfast sausage!

“Lick my balls too,” he told me. He came in my mouth and made me swallow his sperm. Just out of the shower, he tasted pretty nice.

“Now I'm really full of you,” I giggled, “from both ends.”


I was rinsing the dishes and sipping orange juice and marvelling at the way it tasted in a spermy mouth, when the phone rang. My mom was all bright and cheery, telling me how much she loved me and missed me, not very well disguising the fact that she was calling to check on me. Did I get the bank statement showing my dad's deposit yet? When were my classes starting? How was Jack doing? On duty over a long weekend? That's crazy. He works too much.

She was about to change subjects when Javon called to me from the other room, “Get in here, penis breath! I need some pussy!”

“Who was that?” my mom asked. My heart sank. I could do nothing but lie and hope against hope that she hadn't been able to make out what he'd said, exactly.

“Oh,” I hesitated a little too long, shushing Javon. “That's Mike, our neighbor. You know, Carolyn's husband? He just stopped by to borrow Jack's bike.” Lame, I knew, but it was all I could think of in the panic of the moment. Fortunately, my mom talks but doesn't listen. She was just biding time until she could ask me what she called to ask.

“Listen honey, we're planning to come out and visit you."

“Oh?” I asked, knowing that would be a long drive and would take them away from home and the animals and all for a long time. “Can you be away long enough to make it worth while?”

“Actually, Burton is going to fly us out there. He and Maggie will come along cause we'd all like to see you and maybe get up to see Churchill Downs.” I knew our family friend, Burton, had been a bomber pilot in the service and now ran a successful company, meaning he operated his own private plane. “Brock's thinking of running for mayor and is thinking of taking some of his supporters to Louisville for the Derby.”

“So when would this be?” I asked, my mind going a mile a minute, wondering how long I'd have to cover up everything here, host them, and get them on their way. “Jack doesn't have much leave built up so he might not be able to do a lot with us.”

She gave me a date, a Friday three weeks away, with their departure the following Sunday. I told her I'd check with Jack and get back to her, but that it would be really exciting to see them. Suddenly I felt these black hands running up under my shirt from behind and squeezing my tits, as a pair of thick black lips kissed my neck. “We'd love to take you out for a couple of nice dinners and just see how you're doing on feathering your little love nest,” she said. I gulped at that turn of phrase. When Javon ran his hand down my panties, I hurried to say goodbye and hang up.

Only then did I realized we'd have to meet them at the post airport and drive them around in our tiny car. Hmmm. Lots of details would have to be worked out. But that could wait. I turned around and kissed my black lover, his shirt and my panties quickly hitting the floor, and snuggled into him.

Javon and I lounged on the sofa with a game on TV. I started talking about how much fun we're having and how this could go on for a while, but we both know it can't continue forever because I'm married. He just held me close stroking my pussy as I went on. “You know my family's coming to visit so I have to act like nothing weird—specifically what's actually happening—is happening.” Javon listens, but he isn't happy, I can sense it.

“Then I want more time with you before they get here,” he says softly in my ear. “I want you to be with me more, lots more. Honestly, I want you to be with me all the time.”

“Javon,” I pause sucking in a breath, “I don't know if I can do that.”

“You could if you wanted to,” he says matter-of-factly.

“But Javon, baby, it's hard for me.”

He pulls my face to his, looking into my eyes. “Ains, baby, I love you. I've been falling in love with you from the first, and now I love you. And I know you love me too. I could see it in your eyes when you were sucking my dick. You wouldn't do that for a man you didn't love, especially a black man.”

“Please, Javon,” I told him, tearing up. “I have to think.”

“Fine bitch, you think,” he spits out, grabbing me roughly by the arm and dragging me upstairs. He pushes me down on the bed, pulls me up on my knees and starts fucking me hard, rough, mean. Even when his black hands clamped onto my hips are hurting me, I can't help orgasming. I keep up with him, rocking my hips under him. My submissive sobs melt into quiet little whimpers as he ejaculates into me

“I just told you I'm in love with you, and I am. I know youre in love with me, baby,”he breathes hotly into my ear as he lays on top of me. “I want you to tell me you're in love with me too. You know it's true, so just say it.”

“Oh Javon, you know I love fucking you so much and don't want to stop getting all the delicious love you're giving me, but I'm married. I made my promise to my husband a little over three months ago. If I ignore that promise, what good would any new promise be?” Javon rolled off of me and lay beside me staring at the ceiling. “I love being loved by you, baby, but please be patient with me. I have to talk to my husband about this.”

“Ainsely, I'm going to fuck that promise out of you,” he said as he pulled me on top of him for another round.


What kept me awake all night long was the sure knowledge that my beautiful young wife was getting her ass screwed off by this pushy black guy. He was polite enough when he greeted me when they got back to the house from Louisville. I'd busted my ass to make everything perfect for them, but he was crystal clear that he wanted me out of there and that he wasn't about to let me even see Ainsely, let alone kiss her goodbye. He told me she was upstairs dressing for him so I should just leave.

Riding out into one of the open training areas, setting up my own campsite and sleeping in my mountain bag proved to be oddly therapeutic. It felt good to be back out under the stars, feeling like I was in control of everything, ready for anything that could come at me. I didn't get to the range much, but was pretty confident of my ability with my personal 1911, somewhat extra-legally kept in my apartment. Nothing was going to happen out there, but it just made me feel good to be away from all the social activism that my life had been turning into.

At first I felt guilty coming back home the next morning, very fearful of what I might find. Would Javon and Ainsely be fucking on the living room floor? But I needed to get a decent uniform for duty, so I did it. They were sound asleep, actually like dead to the world, in our bed. I washed up and shaved in the bathroom, dressed in a good clean uniform, packed an overnight bag and head down to the kitchen. I was making myself something to eat when I heard the shower going upstairs. Hoping against hope, I made some more breakfast for them and put on coffee.

When they finally came down, Ainsely was glowingly happily. I couldn't help frowning to see her wearing his shirt. I told her I had to get going, but gave her a quick kiss on the cheek on the way out. She looked surprised, but didn't say anything. So for the rest of the weekend, that kiss was all I had to keep me warm as they say—for two days! Or.. longer?

By Saturday night, duty was as boring as ever. It's always that way.. unless it's not. You're sitting there dozing in an office chair one minute, and the next you're scrambling to get some OD-ing kid to the hospital or breaking up a fight in barracks. Then you go back to dozing for hours on end with nothing but fuck-mags to distract you, struggling to stay awake in case the higher up SDO tries to bust you for sleeping on duty.

This particular Saturday night proved not only to be less boring, but most informative. Captain Joe, my company CO came wandering in wearing shorts and a t-shirt and poured himself coffee. I was on high alert. Why would he show up here, especially on the Saturday night of a four day weekend? He wasn't drunk, but it's apparent that he's had a drink or two. Seemed innocuous enough when he told me he just wants some coffee and a place to hide out for a while.

“So, you must be on pins and needles knowing what your little wifey is up to tonight,” he said. I was stunned that he would even know, let alone say something. Smiling at my uncomfortable expression, he continued. “C'mon, Jack. Don't be shy. Everyone knows she's fucking Javon. I mean why else would you have volunteered for back to back duty over a four day weekend?”

Listen, relax. You're not the first guy this has happened to, or by any means the only. Not even in this company! He said you probably don't know about all this yet but you'll figure it out in time. I'm here tonight because my wife is doing the same thing yours is. The only difference is she's with three of them."

I was speechless, letting the shock sink in.

"That's right, sweet little roly poly Maria as been a coal burner since before we got married. She's been dating and fucking black guys since she was a good little Catholic girl in high school back in Jersey. I knew it when we got married. It's one of the things I liked about her. So I guess I'm a lot more messed up than you. The guys she's with tonight all know about Javon and your wife. All these black guys know which wives to go after and work kind of like a team.

My Maria's three lovers are all NCOs in a transportation company across post that we met soon after we got stationed her. She got hit on by one of them, then the other two and she's been taking a yard of black dick ever since. I just wanted you to know you're not the only one around here. That might make it a little easier to take."


I woke up before Javon. He looked so peaceful sleeping soundly, especially after how angry he'd looked the last time he fucked me. How could my heart not melt at the sweet countenance I was looking upon. His black dick, longer than my husband's flaccid, was laying across his belly. I kissed it, watching his face. No reaction. I licked it, a nice long lick. No reaction, so I just settled down between his legs and started kissing and licking his balls, letting my hand flutter lightly up and down the length of his growing erection.

When his eyes flickered open, he smiled and told me, “I love you.”

“I know,” I told him, “and I'm going to prove to you how happy that makes me.” With those words I went to work on his balls in earnest, sucking the wrinkled hairy black skin of his sack into my mouth, sucking in one ball after the other, licking all around them and not minding the stink of his sweat and our sex, in fact enjoying the nasty feeling it gave me to be sucking him. His dick grew and stiffened and was soon standing straight up.

“I guess that's for me,” I said, licking up the shaft, momentarily sucking the head, and then crawling up his body and straddling it. I pulled it to my hole and lowered myself onto him, as slowly, sensuously as I could. As I took him in, I started wiggling my hips playfully to ease him in all the way. Leaning over, my breasts on his muscular chest, I kissed him and teased, “Balls deep. Isn't that what you want?”


My black man fucked me over and over for the next two days, with only brief respites to eat, drink or rest. He'd told me before how perfect we were for each other, how perfectly we fit together. Now he proved it. Despite our being in the throws of passion, of lust, I studied just how perfectly our bodies aligned with one another. How our mouths lined up for kissing. How our bellies slipped against one another as we fucked. How his chest and my breasts just melted together, how my thighs connected with his hips. He told me repeatedly that he loved me, that he'd fallen completely in love with me. And I believed every word of it.

My sweet, kind, loving, innocent, naive husband stayed the fuck out of the way just like he'd promised to, and boy was I glad for that each time another orgasm wracked my being from my center on out. My twenty year old mind was so flooded with black man sex and the physical pleasures of it, my judgment was probably not at it's highest level ever.

All he wanted, it seemed to me, was to make me cum, love me endlessly, and hear me tell him I loved him too. I had been so sure that I couldn't tell him I loved him. That I was married and telling him that, despite all we'd done, would be some sort of special, over-the-line, irretrievable betrayal of my marriage vows. In hind sight, that seems hopelessly naive, but at the time it was a brick wall for me. I didn't release my firm hold on that conviction. I couldn't.

Monday afternoon, Javon was fucking me to another wonderful, lovely, delicious orgasm, the kind that rocked my whole world and took over my body, mind and soul. As I was cumming in me for the umpteenth time that weekend, he told me, “I love you Ainsely. And you love me too.” Hearing those words, I realized it was true. “Say it, baby.”

“I love..” I stammered, “Oh Javon, you know you're the best thing that ever happened to me. And you know I want you to say what you want me to say. But please, baby, please my sweet Javon, be patient with me a little while longer. Let me talk to my husband. I want to be able to tell you what you want to hear. You really do know my heart. But please understand how hard this is for me and how important it is for me to work it out. I love.. being with you; I love fucking you; I love everything about you. Can't that just be enough for this moment?”

He kept fucking me, but his expression grew hard. Even as I felt him ejaculating into me, I could tell he wasn't happy with me at all, and that crushed me.

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A Bisexual Arab Man in America

September 11, 2011 is upon us. The day feared by countless Americans and Arabs worldwide. Will some religious nutcase from the Muslim world try something crazy and finally push the United States toward the complete obliteration of the Arab world? Will Arab-Americans be rounded up like Japanese-Americans were during World War Two after the Japanese Imperialists stormed Pearl Harbor? I’m glad the day went peacefully, for more reasons than you can imagine. My name is Djamal Adul-Muqaddim and I...

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Indian hotwife dominates her slaves

Since we have already had threesome encounters in the past we decide to do something new. You have now become bolder in your sexual desires. We discuss for a long time and then I ask you if you would like a gangbang. You tell me you will need time to think about it, as it seems too bold. After a few days I ask you again and you agree on the condition that you will be in command throughout.In the following weeks you read stories on the net on gangbang and get some ideas. You tell me that we...

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Sunday Morning

The husband spots his wife in the kitchen, she is wearing almost nothing and he just can’t stop thinking about getting into her pussy!Lena was stroking his cock. He pressed her to him and kissed her lips passionately. He turned her on her back getting ready to satisfy his lust and … woke up. Yes, it was just a dream… A sweet pleasant dream…The sun was bright and shining through the window. Anthony could hear some remote noise from outside. He stretched himself. Getting up in the morning was so...

4 years ago
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Friend8217s Bang Unexpectedly Part 1

Hey guys its one and only your sexy friend priya . This is one incident of my school time when we went to tour to shimla. And my storys are 100% genuine storys. So coming back to story . Agar aona meri purani storys padhi hongi toh apko mera bara pta hoga. Humara school ma shimlla ka 4 days tour tha aur humari class ka kafi baccha gya tha. Me and mera 4 dost tha 2 females and 3 males hum sath rehta tha. Darasal tabh tak ma 2 boys sa chud chuki ti aur mujha sex kafi asha lagta tha .Mein jassi jo...

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Cleaning Up

It nice being rich, knowing you can buy anything you want. I didn't start out that way of course, I was your typical college guy, struggling on my grant, so much so that I had to take an evening job, cleaning offices to make ends meet. As it turned out it this was the turning point in my life. I was vacuuming this high level office when my eye was caught by a piece of paper under the large table. On it were the details of a Take Over of a small engineering firm, to be announced in the Press...

1 year ago
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SIBLINGS First, a little something about me. My name is Cassandra James. I stand five feet, six inches tall, and have auburn hair and chocolate eyes. It should be said that I am 22 years old and I am the oldest of three c***dren. I have a brother eighteen months younger than I am and his name is Chandler. We also have a younger sister who is almost 19 and graduated High School last year. Her name is Charity. Yes, all three of us k**s have the first name beginning with the letter C. We...

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The Dragons BackboneChapter 2 For the people and the land

Late in the afternoon on the sixth day, we found a place for our base camp. We had been climbing into the Dragon's Backbone for two days, riding into cold driving rain since we had left Edina and Lani. The men had been happy to stay in garrison cities for the next two nights, but once we had headed into the mountains, we had left civilisation behind, and had camped out in the cold. I had felt particularly cold on the fifth night. For the second time the captain had refused to give me my...

1 year ago
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Cumming for my lover

My phone vibrated from underneath my pillow at 7:20 am. My heart started pounding because I already knew who it was before I even had to check it. I woke up at 7 am just to be sure I wouldn’t’t miss his text. I pulled my Blackberry from under my long green pillow. I pressed a button for it to light up and I fumbled to get to the message. He asked if I was awake and from there our conversation took off. I’ve only known this man for about 18 days and I already felt like I was in love him! How...

2 years ago
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Living Beyond the Day a PP StoryChapter 3

I wasn't sure what was going on but had the impression that Dad didn't want Claudia around that much. Then I remembered. Mom had teased him about some of her friends saying that they thought he was a stud. Claudia was the only one Mom had mentioned by name. I had noticed that Claudia and one other looked at him pretty hard and that would make Dad very uncomfortable. I guess it would me, too. We went to the dealer in Marietta. I quickly found a Jeep Liberty in a gold color. It had a lot of...

3 years ago
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Her Car Broke Down Chapter 2

Julie crawled slowly and seductively around to get between my spread legs. She wiggled her ass as she crawled and kept her eyes on me the whole time, acting just like a stripper or pornstar! When she was in position, she licked her lips and took hold of the base of my eager cock.She ran a fingertip around the rim and over the head of my cock, feeling the soft velvety texture and scooping up the drop of precum that had formed at the tip. She rubbed it between her fingers for a second, feeling...

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JulesJordan Blair Williams Has Her ASS Opened By Manuel

Buxom beauty Blair Williams gets her ass pounded by Manuel Ferrara. Blair Williams has got curves in all the right places with her perfect round ass and more than a handful tits, this slut is sure to turn heads where ever she goes. She’s looking sexy as she teases in her black corset with black stockings by the pool. She meets up with Manuel inside where he does what any of us would do if this hot whore were in front of us, he buries his head deep into that beautiful asshole of hers. He...

2 years ago
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Sharing Incest Secrets With Friend

Hello, everyone. This is Rajkumar. After a very long time, I am back to write a sex story. If you are here for the first time, there are two stories of mine. You can have a look at them. As I already said in those stories that they are just my imagination. But this sex story is different. This happened in real, a few days back. My real life experience. I am going to share with you all. Let me introduce myself once again. As you all know my name is Rajkumar and I am 22 years old. Describing my...

Gay Male
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in the train

Lots of amazing adventures can happen in train…like this one, for example!Helen got to the station just on time, the train was going to leave in five minutes. A rather sexy train conductor checked her ticket. Helen saw the second conductor and she noticed that the last names on the tags were the same, they must be husband and wife. It’s a pity, he is rather handsome.Her compartment was empty, the train was leaving from the city so other passengers were to get on later. She wondered who her...

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Trading my Body for Sex

This story started in my sophomore year in college. In my freshman year I had a girlfriend, we fucked day and night and as a result I got addicted to sex. When the school year was over, she told me I'm not manly enough for her and we broke up. I starved for sex for the whole summer and I was determined to do everything I can to get an intercourse. True, I was never popular among girls. I'm not very manly, average height and relatively slim. My dick's average size, which maybe why my girlfriend...

2 years ago
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Pickup LinesChapter 2

Kat didn't take long to get around to the medical issues regarding them. Smoking was one obvious concern, as well as Karen's bladder, which had been weakened by her past pregnancies. Karen had an older daughter, but she wasn't in the bar and was over the age, plus Kat had already met her quota of concubines with Lyle and Karen. Lyle had some hearing loss as well, but it wasn't as serious as Karen's issue. Kat found out that she had some blood clots, mostly from smoking and Lyle had his...

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Jim goes for a checkup and the nurses check him out

There Jim sat in the waiting room. Thumbing through magazines and waiting for the nurse to come get him. It had been at least 10 years since his last physical and he was due. This was an unusual looking clinic he thought to himself. Very modern looking with yellow spongy textured walls and bluish latex couches. The magazine selection contained older FHM’s and Maxim’s; kind of odd for a waiting room but Jim wasn’t about to complain. It was an early Saturday morning and the...

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Brandys Deep Throat Adventures Part 3 Pg 2

A couple of times, the postman prematurely said “Hello, Brandy” and it wasn’t her. First, after my weekend with Sean’s wife, he convinced Melanie to try out the ‘dog hoist’, and Brandy was willing to share. So, on a Saturday morning, Sean drove Melanie over to Bill and Bonnie’s place, where I was to meet them at 7:30. I, in fact, decided to get there early to set up some cameras on the front lawn; and it’s a good thing I did, because Melanie was too excited to sleep that night and convinced...

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Riko the plumer

Introduction: This is a true story ! And also my first story sorry for any mistakes I was suppose to be spending the day with my mother by her house when she gets a call from work saying she has to go in right away. As we were getting ready to leave the doorbell rings it was the plumber mom totally forgot he was coming. So i offered to stay and make sure everything went smoothly,now he wasnt the best looking guy. He was around 40, has a big stomach, mexican, not really my type but for some odd...

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Swimming pool changing room

I'm a very sexual man and I love people seeing me naked, I also swim a lot and recently went to the pool after work to swim a few lengths. Now the changing rooms are unisex but you have to go into a locked cubicle to change. Well this particular day I was feeling really horny and really wanted to show my body off so I went into the men's showers, stripped naked and began to wash myself. The thought of other people seeing me naked just made me so horny that I pretty much straight away got a...

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A soft white muslin cloth covered my naked body. The veiled outline of my dark and aroused nipples were visible through the sheer material of the sheet. Slowly, he pulled the cloth away from my body, revealing my golden skin. The cool air felt exquisite against my breasts. My pussy glistened with slick juices in the soft glow of the candlelight, as his indulgent gaze roamed my body unhurriedly, awakening my desire. A soft white muslin cloth covered my naked body. The veiled outline of my dark...

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Seduced by two black businessmen

Seduced by two black businessmenI was out with my colleagues one Friday night and we were doing a bar to bar trip. We were getting pretty loud and laughing, when we came to bar number four. We were of course looking at guys and easy flirting with them. There were just a couple of the girls that were single, but our aim for the night was to have fun, not to pick up men. But I noticed a couple of Black guys sitting talking by a table. Feeling invincible, eager and flirty, I went over to them and...

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Episode 163 Sex in Paris

This story features Sperm Donation and brutal sex was submitted 9 years ago as Episode 17, if you are counting, but deleted by xhamster.It has been softened slightly to appease the censors, but please do not read if easily offended by my fantasies.In BedEarly one Sunday morning Tony roused from a wet dream to find a young woman’s body straddling his prick and rubbing her tits up and down his chest.“Hush”, she purred “mustn't wake your step-sister”.Tony had already run his hands up and down her...

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The slums are lovely dark and deep

The slums are dirty, dark and deep.Have you ever been to the slums?  not the model government ones, the ones beside rail tracks and warehouses, where the mafia run their recruiting schools and crime are so common they don't interest the newspapers. I live near one auch slum, although my dad prefers lower middle class tag. he says we once had 5 bighas of land somewhere, but I've only seen oil grease and smoke all my life. we work in the petroleum industry you see. even my sister is oily,...

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A New Life for my Mother

I was expecting the big gates of the prison to swing open, but they didn’t. Instead on the dot of eight, the little Judas door opened, and she walked out carrying a little parcel under her arm.“Mrs. Greene?” she looked at me briefly but carried on walking, so I tried again.“Mum?”She stopped and slowly turned round.“I’m no one's mother,” she looked at me defiantly, daring me to say otherwise, so I obliged.“You’re my mother, you know you are.”“I’m sorry, but you must be mistaken.” but she made no...

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No more teasing

  It was cold and frosty outside that night, frost lay a blanket on the roads, on the trees, on the cars. I pulled up into the driveway and shivered as I stepped out of the toasty warm car. The wind slipped through the gap in my coat and brushed my nipples, teasing and taunting them. I was etching to get into that nice double shower. I got through the door, dropped my bags in relief and made my way upstairs to the bathroom. I took off my coat and lay it on the bed. Then I stopped. I heard...

Straight Sex
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May Flowers

May Flowers On a warm and balmy spring evening, You and I went to the movies. I wore a turquoise halter top and a dark denim skirt. At around seven, we had a nice italian dinner and saw a horror movie. Heat seared my skin as she leaned her head down to the nape of my neck. I waited for the moment that would cause me to cry out in sheer pleasure. I didn’t have to wait long because the second your lips met my throat your sharp teeth bit my neck. A loud moan escaped my lips and I held your head...

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Jason and Robbie

One day he called me. “Hey, I was wondering if you could help me with something.” “Sure!” I said, not even waiting to see what he needed. “Well, I’m building a tree house for my cub scout project, I was wondering if you could help me paint it.” “Sure!” I said again enthusiastically. A few minutes later I was over by the school where he was building the tree house. He was going to donate it to the school after he was done with it. We worked for a few hours, priming and painting the tree...

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Christine ist 22, studiert und verdient sich nebenbei etwas Geld in dem sie Nachhilfe in Mathe gibt. Sie hat für ihre Größe (knapp 1,60 Meter) mächtige Brüste, die schön steil nach oben gerichtet sind und einen geilen Arsch schön voll und rund, aber dennoch sehr fest, wie geschaffen für einen Arschfick. Christine sitzt gerade in einer Vorlesung. Sie trägt einen langen schwarzen Rock und ein schwarzes Top mit tiefem Ausschnitt wodurch man einen perfekten Einblick auf ihre Titten hat, begünstigt...

4 years ago
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Whatever You Ask

I stared up into my wife's big brown eyes. Her long dark hair cascaded down to her large tits encased in black pvc and pushed forward and up to form a deep cleavage. My eyes traced down the shiny pvc corset to where her crotch met my chest and at that junction a large black cock protruded from between her legs. The tip pointed upwards to towards my mouth and as I took in this sight she pushed it forwards towards my chin."Suck it," she groaned, "Suck my big fat cock."She pushed her hips forward...

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Exhibitionist WifeChapter 8

"Can we look in your bedroom... to make sure, first?" Evelyn countered Ron's statement about wanting to burst in and catch his wife in the act. "I don't know. The windows are kind of high in the bedroom... !" he told her. "But maybe I could get something to stand on..." Walking softly, they stole up to the window, Ron carrying a folding aluminum chais lounge chair, which he placed on the ground and gingerly stood up on to test its stability. The added height brought his eyes up...

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Emily Awakes Ch 11

Chapter 11 “Professor Anderson,” Evan spoke into the phone at his desk. “I’m glad I caught you,” Janice’ voice came through the speaker. “Actually, I’m headed out to my last class of the day,” he told her “So, you’ll be ready to leave at around four-thirty?” she asked. Evan was confused. “Yes. Emily’s picking me up, as usual.” “That’s why I’m calling,” Janice said. “Emily called me about one o’clock and asked me if I could retrieve you.” “Did she?” Evan said. “We had lunch. She didn’t say she...

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Zerbrochenes Vergnuumlgen

Keine 2 Jahre ist es nun her gewesen... Als wir miteinander schlussmachten, muss ich zugeben... war ich wohl der treibende Faktor.Selbst dass sich das stetige Gefühl bestätigte, dass etwas nicht stimmte und sie mir fremdging bzw. gehen würde, machte für mich im Einzelnden die Situation nicht weniger Schmerzhaft oder fairer, selbst ihr gegenüber. Doch muss ich sagen, dass es warscheinlich so am besten gewesen ist, da ich in der Beziehung wohl nur in die Enge gedrängt und mich gefangen gefühlt,...

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Rachels New Life with a Loving Master

Rachel is meeting her Internet master today, after two years of just cyber roleplaying. They started when she was eighteen and he was twenty-five, so they are now twenty and twenty-seven. He is a muscular man of five foot six inches and she is thick and sexy. He likes her confident, bold attitude and doesn’t want her to lose that. He wants them to have equal respect in their relationship, but he is the boss for sexual purposes. She has decided that, if he asks her to live with him, she will....

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WebYoung Naomi Woods Sabina Rouge Are You Even Listening

Naomi Woods is hanging in her room, listening to some music on her headphones. Her step-sister Sabina Rouge watches from the doorway, biting her lip. She definitely likes what she sees and goes into the room. She tries to get Naomi’s attention, but she’s way too into the music. Sabina is annoyed and finally gets Naomi to remove her headphones. Was Naomi even listening to her? Of course she was, Naomi protests. Sabina tests her, asking her if she agrees. Naomi takes a shot in the...

3 years ago
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Meeting my daddy Tim and my first time

This story begins with my move to a small town in Maryland known as Thurmont. I was 18 and unsure of my sexuality. I did however know I was strongly attracted to men much older then me. Generally men with grey hair and a thick build, but we will get to that in a minute.. I was a senior in high school and met a friend named Tyler, whom I became close with. We would spend a lot of time at his place and the moment I saw his father, Tim, it sent a huge surge through me. I thoughtthe way he looked...

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