The Unforgettable Fire Ch. 01 free porn video

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Copyright Darkest Fancies 2004

This story may not be retransmitted in any form, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the author.


Chapter One: ‘The One’ ~Shakira

‘Oh yeah! Now that’s the way to do it!’ Rio’s voice drifted through the empty house. Sitting back on her heels, she looked down and smiled with utter satisfaction. ‘Few things feel as good as this.’ Standing, she carefully lifted the bucket and mop and walked into the bathroom. The kitchen was clean and the floors spotless… for about an hour. By then, Jared would return home with the dogs, their children. Once The Boys returned, chaos would erupt once more. The dogs would scatter furry bits of what was once a teddy bear, knock over plants, and leave slobbery chew bones on the couch. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac in Hyde Park, an historic district in Tampa, the location was the only thing quiet about the house. Four Standard Poodles, which are much larger than many imagine, are a handful. They’re rather high-strung dogs and never quiet, not even in their sleep. But for the next hour, the house was clean.

Rio put the mop and bucket in the laundry room, returned to the bathroom, cleaned the tub, and began filling it. Time to herself was sacrosanct and it was time to worship at the bubble bath altar. Rio’s thoughts quickly travelled to their usual destination – her husband, Jared. Born in Surrey, England, Jared Elliott was a gifted child who became a gifted surgeon. Eighteen years ago, he came to the United States for medical school and at thirty-nine enjoys a level of professional success and happiness few achieve. Her thoughts drifted from his sharp, sexy intellect to his equally sexy body. Jared enjoyed golf and daily walks with the dogs were quite a workout. Jared was five feet nine inches with blond hair slowly streaking grey. His eyes were deep blue pools in which she would happily drown. Her mental images of him sent a pleasant shiver through her.

As the water filled the extra-deep tub, Rio closed the blackout blinds, turned down the lights, dropped cinnamon-vanilla bath beads into the rising water, and lit her favourite pumpkin pie scented candles. From the vanity and wall sconces, warm light gently filled the room. Languidly, Rio shed her clothes and took a long look in the mirror. At five feet seven inches, she bordered on being tall. Rio received her height from her father, a tall, broad-shouldered Swede. Her golden skin and deepest mahogany hair were gifts from her Spanish mother. However, the origin of Rio’s mint green eyes remained a mystery. Going back over four hundred years, there are no green eyes on either side of the family. Her mother pronounced her eyes ‘God’s touch of spring.’ Her father, in his typical scientific fashion, called her a genetic aberration. Either way, she was an odd duck. Her April Fool’s Day birth date sealed that general opinion.

Rio slid her shirt over her head revealing a slim torso. Turning to the side and tossing her shirt into the hamper, Rio’s eyes fell to her chest. Although slightly larger than average, her breasts remained firm with upturned nipples. Cupping the globes, her thumbs deliberately rubbed across her nipples, hardening them. A tiny smile creased one corner of her mouth. Her hands slid lower to her shorts. In actuality, they weren’t shorts but a pair of Jared’s boxers. They were a little too big, so she turned down the waistband, which caused them to ride impossibly low on her hips. With little preamble, the boxers slid from her hips and puddled around her feet. Rio kicked them towards the hamper. She pivoted, revealing front and back to the mirror’s gaze. At twenty-nine, gravity had not yet taken hold and her rear remained perky and round. Fifteen years of daily yoga kept gravity at bay. Her hands trailed over her rear and around to the front. Her pubes were closely trimmed and only slightly waxed on the sides. She lifted her hands to her bound hair and released it, allowing the dark, heavy strands to fall to her waist. Laying the clip on the vanity, she again glanced at her reflection. ‘Not bad,’ she assured herself, and then long legs took her to the water’s edge. She turned off the faucet and slowly climbed into the hot, oily water.

Eyes half-closed, her head resting on a bath pillow, the world melted away as the scented candles burned in their pools of wax. With the low lighting, the bathroom became a cathedral of peace. The stress of her workday and of physical labour flooded from her in a confession of humanity. The only sounds in her sanctuary were the flames greedily licking their wicks and her prolonged sigh of contentment. Legs smooth, her well-toned muscles rippled as she stretched. Steam tickled her nostrils, a relaxed smile played across her full lips, and the waterline lapped at her breasts. Fleshy nipples involuntarily reacted to the subtlety of motion under the wispy waves of satin bubbles. Her right hand lazily dipped beneath the surface of the tub’s ocean and her fingers lightly brushed her upper thigh. The response in her body was immediate and no surprise, Rio welcomed the feeling of want.

Rio wanted to feel his hands glide across her skin, palms down, slowly. He would begin at her knees, his hand ever-circling, moving at a snail’s pace only to end where her lust now throbbed. She wanted to feel his skin against hers, to feel the physical weight of his body. Her legs parted, welcoming her questing fingers. Fingers splayed, Rio softly stroked her trimmed mound. Her hand stroked straight down and her legs parted further. Between two fingers, Rio rolled one peaked nipple sending sparks of need across her flesh. Concentrating only on her own pleasure, Rio’s first and third fingers separated her outer lips. Her second finger slipped into her tight wetness and sank deeply into her throbbing cunt. Enjoying the feel of her inner flesh, Rio unhurriedly and repeatedly dipped her finger into the well. Each withdrawal sent silky cream into the oily water. Her long hair floated around her shoulders and Rio sighed as her hands continued their motions. Her clit throbbed, echoing her increased heart rate. Rio slid her hand towards the apex of her slit and caressed the hood of her throbbing clit. Moaning her husband’s name, Rio’s hand left her breast and joined the other hand between her legs. Her second finger never paused as her other hand more forcefully spread her rosy lips, the same rosy shade as those unable to contain her sighs. Unhurriedly, she brought herself to the brink of orgasm. Then, the dogs barked. She smiled, knowing her very proper English husband would enjoy some impromptu middle-of-the-day sex. That is, after he blushed profusely. Her hands relaxed slightly, but never stopped moving.

The dogs raced through the house barking and bouncing. Jared cautioned them to calm and searched for his wife. He entered the bedroom and immediately noticed the closed bathroom door. That could mean only one thing – Catriona was enjoying a hot bath. He quietly turned the doorknob and peeked inside. The scent of pumpkin pie wafted to him, he saw Rio’s come hither smile. His eyes quickly digested the gently rippling water and he blushed. She’d been masturbating. Even after three years of marriage, he remained slightly shy. However, hormones quickly overrode shyness and his cock stirred to life. Rio’s hands moved from under the water to the sides of the tub. Bracing herself, she slowly stood. Water beaded and sluiced over her curves. Her skin glistened from the bath oil. Unable to turn his gaze for even a second, Jared’s hand groped for a towel. Rio turned and bent to release the water, her rounded ass presenting nicely to him. Rio smiled, knowing her effect on her husband. When she again faced him, he wrapped her in a towel and gently lifted her from the tub. Standing in front of him, Rio submitted to his ministrations, enjoying his touch, and anticipating their coupling. Jared let the towel fall to the floor. He cupped his wife’s face and gazed into her pale green eyes. H
e kissed her gently, his lips playing against hers and his tongue gently parting her lips. Meanwhile, Rio’s hands deftly unbuttoned his shirt exposing his lightly furred, toned chest. Her hands quickly unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his khaki shorts.

Jared broke their kiss and took Rio’s hand leading her to their bed. Her hair dripped water, but neither noticed nor would have cared if they had. Beside the bed, Jared kicked off his shoes. He stood quietly as Rio pushed his shirt from his shoulders. It fell forgotten to the floor. Rio looked into his eyes, smiled naughtily, and sank to her knees. From there, she unzipped his shorts and pulled them to his ankles. Stepping from them, he was as naked as she was, since he wore no underwear. Looking down, he watched her hand wrap around his thick cock. Her hand milked a drop of pre-cum and her tongue flicked out to taste him. He saw her tongue disappear into her mouth and her eyes close as she enjoyed his cream. Again, her tongue slid over his cockhead, and then her warm mouth enveloped him. Closing his eyes, he tilted back his head. God in Heaven, he loved this woman.

Rio couldn’t deep-throat Jared, her gag reflex was too strong. However, what she lacked in depth, she overcame with enthusiasm. Her tongue rollicked over his cockhead, into his creamy slit, and around his ridge. Her mouth and hand massaged more pre-cum from him and she revelled in each drop. She heard his ragged breathing and knew him to be close to orgasm. A slow, gentle pulling on his balls stopped his orgasm, but not his pleasure. Rio and Jared were opposites in most ways, including in the bedroom. However, over the last five years, they’d learned what the other needed to make sex as enjoyable as possible. Jared preferred foreplay, oral sex, and a slow build into intercourse, exactly as Rio currently performed. Rio loved long bouts of shared masturbation, but wanted sex quick, hard, and nasty. Jared knew she’d masturbated during her bath, so the time for quick, hard, and nasty was upon them.

For the second time, Jared felt his balls tighten ready for orgasm, and for the second time, Rio gently pulled them down disallowing his orgasm. Jared’s hand slipped under Rio’s chin, a sign he too was ready. Rio disengaged and stood, quickly leaned forward and licked his lips. His tongue traced the contours of his own lips, tasting himself. She climbed into their bed and positioned herself in the middle. She remained on her knees, but rested her head and upper body on a pillow. Spreading her knees a little farther apart, she arched her back. Her ass high and waiting, her engorged pussy lips kissed the air. For a moment, Jared enjoyed the sight of his wife. Before moving behind her, he opened the drawer of the bedside table and removed a tube of lube. He slathered his cock, leaving an extra dollop on his cockhead. Crawling onto the bed and between her legs, he wrapped her hair around his hand and pulled slightly. His other hand trailed from the back of her neck and down her spine to the top of her split. Rio shuddered in anticipation, knowing Jared understood her need.

The trailing finger rubbed his cockhead and scooped the bead of lube. Warm, it melted over his fingertip and he rubbed his thumb. He released her hair and rubbed his tip against her cunt opening, enjoying her laboured breathing. His thumb teased her puckered hole, rubbing the lube slightly into the entrance. Rio’s begging whimper was Jared’s signal. In a single stroke, both his thumb and cock slid into her, buried to the hilt. She gasped, arched her back, and pushed against him. Unable to restrain gnawing need, her hand sought her clit and massaged furiously. Jared withdrew slightly and quickly slid into her again, setting the rhythm that would quickly bring them both to orgasm. They moved together, purposeful in their straining motions. Rio’s finger circled her clit maddeningly. Jared pounded his cock into her tight cunt, his thumb remained buried in her puckered bud, never moving. His other hand held her hip guiding her to keep the rhythm he’d established. Concentrating, Rio had almost stopped breathing. Her pussy lips, her clit, both fluttered on the brink. Jared heard only the blood coursing through is veins. His balls tightened, this time, he knew his orgasm would not be denied. Rio gasped his name. Her body wracked with spasms, Rio came, moaning his name and words of love. Jared felt her cunt squeeze his cock and he too came, shuddering and feeling her cunt milk his cock for every drop. Her name escaped him as a sigh.

Pulses slowed, muscles relaxed, and they melted together onto the coverlet. As their bodies cooled and sweat dried, Jared stroked her cheek and brushed her hair from her face. With a smile in his voice, Jared said, ‘Honey, I’m home.’ A string of giggles was her only reply. His lips caressing her ear, he whispered, ‘Let’s shower, my love.’ Together, they rose and returned to the bathroom. The candles still burned, their scent permeating the bathroom and now the bedroom as well. Jared falsely scolded, ‘One day, you’ll set the house afire, Catriona.’ She smiled, cupped her breasts, rolled her nipples, and moaned, then pivoted and turned the faucet. Playfully, Jared swatted her upturned rear and chuckled. They stepped into the shower, the dual showerheads sending warm raindrops over them both. Jared poured shampoo into his palm. Rio’s hair was long and thick requiring plenty of shampoo. Silently, Rio turned, submitting to her husband’s unspoken instructions. In life, Jared was very quiet and unobtrusive, rarely demonstrative or dominating, but not so during and after sex. Rio enjoyed her submissive role in Jared’s bed, since submissiveness was incompatible with her professional life.

Gently, Jared lathered her hair, massaging her scalp. While she rinsed, he quickly washed his own. Together, they bathed each other. Questing hands again swirled the tide of passion. Jared’s mouth found Rio’s in a deep kiss, his hand skating over her stomach to her mound. Her hand grasped and encouraged his hardening cock. As Jared’s finger found her pulsing clit, the telephone rang. Rio immediately broke the kiss and attempted to step from the shower, but Jared held her firm. Again, it rang. ‘It might be Kathy. I really should answer,’ Rio insisted.

‘Your boss can leave a message, Catriona.’ Jared’s voice was firm. The phone rang for the fourth time and stopped. The answering machine clicked to life. Jared eyed Rio’s lips and descended for another taste.

Rio turned her head slightly and continued. ‘When she called earlier, I promised I’d be here. If I don’t answer the phone, she’ll only…’ suddenly, Rio’s cell phone began singing ‘The William Tell Overture’ and she finished, ‘…only call my cell.’

Jared sighed and smiled. ‘We’ll finish this later.’ Rio smiled, stepped dripping from the shower, and ran for her cell phone. She answered and talked to her boss, while Jared dried himself. He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into their bedroom. Listening to Rio’s side of the conversation, he gently swaddled his wife in a towel tucking it between her breasts. Jared pulled the towel from around his waist and began drying her hair. Within minutes, Rio ended her conversation, laid down her cell on the bedside table, and turned to her husband. ‘Well?’ He enquired.

‘Washington state, but only for three days,’ she replied to his incomplete question. Standing, they returned to the bathroom to finish their post-shower ministrations.

Sighing, he replied, ‘I suppose it’s just as well as I’m on call at the hospital while Jeff is on holiday. What’s the assignment?’ Rio hung their towels to dry. Jared grabbed Rio’s hairbrush and she turned her back to him, comfortable in their bathroom routine.

‘I don’t know exactly. Kathy said bring indoor, outdoor, and zoom equipment, outdoorsy clothing, and meet Madd at the Seattle airport.’

Gently pulling the brush through her hair, Jared sighed and muttered, ‘You and Miss Maddox together? Nothing good can come of that pairing

Rio smiled, her eyes widening in faux innocence, ‘What do you mean?’

They exchanged gazes through the mirror. Smiling, Jared replied, ‘You don’t play innocent very well.’

Trying to hide her knowing smile, Rio looked at the floor. ‘I’m innocent. Really.’

‘Gasparilla, three years ago. Maddox was writing a story on Tampa history and you were the photographer. You two spent five days wreaking havoc upon the citizens and guests of our fair city.’ Pausing, Jared delivered the decisive blow rendering false her claims of innocence. ‘If your memory is faulty, I have photographs of your… escapades.’ Jared laid the brush on the vanity and crossed his arms. Rio turned, her eyes glinted revealing her memory was quite clear and she was guilty as charged. They smiled at each other and Jared gathered her in his arms.

Looking into his eyes, Rio whispered, ‘Madcrazy, Doc,’ her version of I love you.

‘Indeed,’ he responded, emotion watering his eyes. For a few moments, they remained wrapped around each other, seeing the love in each other’s gaze. ‘You pack while I feed the kids and start dinner.’ Rio smiled and kissed Jared. Her tongue pushed past his lips to quickly dip into his mouth and remind him they had unfinished business.


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Unforgettable night

It was New Year's Eve and the party in the apartment complex was underway. It was a wild party. People of all ages, male and female, had left their inhibitions at the door and were enjoying themselves. There were food, drinks, music, dance and of course beautiful girls. My wife was not present on that night as she was away with her ailing mother. I was more of an onlooker of the party, though I must admit that I had enjoyed it. The sight of young beautiful girls in their sexy revealing...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable Holiday Ch 5

This is a story of swinging and bi curious sex.... best from the start...... Unforgettable Holiday ch 5The sun was shining bright and hot as i walked along the beach , thoughts of our last evening fixed in my head , still unable to take in everything that had happened.My cock swollen in my shorts as i paddled my way along the shore down to the dunes .I could see naked people in the sea ahead of me , stopping to get my shorts off , noting that my cock had that...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Holiday chapter 4

Unforgettable Holiday Chapter 4I arrived at Bob and Liz's room at 9pm as agreed, Terry and Gina were already sat round the sofa with Liz sitting next to Gina , both wearing short summer dresses , showing their dark tans off to the full looking very hot, in the thin material.Liz pulled Gina up and took her out to the balcaney , whilst us guys were sat chatting on the main sofa , Liz and Gina sat opposite us in one armchair each... a mere few feet away , the heady scent of their perfumes...

1 year ago
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Unforgettable Holiday Ch 3

Unforgettable Holiday Ch 3I woke with a massive hard on, lying there thinking about the night before.....I had to pinch myself to check it wasnt a dream i was in, everything has really happened, all through meeting this sexy couple on a beach....albeit a Naturist beach , and yes we were all was so sexy being around them , quiet unassuming mature couple, super chilled and enjoying playing their sexy games. Liz is an up together lady, she loves...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Holiday ch 1

Unforgettable Holiday Part 1 Id given up on a summer here this year. Id decided to book a late bit of sun to get naked on the beach again once more this year. I booked a week at the famous Maspalomas beach, id heard and see the fun that happens there. Id feel good going into our winter with a nice tan/feel good factor, so i booked a last min deal for the last week in october . Fingers crossed it...

1 year ago
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MY UNFORGETABLE FIRST SEX WITH MY BEAUTIFUL BUXOM, LACTATING MOTHERBy OEDIPUSMy first sexual experience was with my buxom, lactating mother. It was immediately followed by with other lactating mothers. Any man who with mutual consent had sex with his mother will never forget those enjoyable hours or days spent with her. The following experience is the most memorable one that is always fresh, never old, and keeps me young in thinking. My mother’s parents and grandparents were Portuguese and...

2 years ago
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Manali Trek Gives Unforgettable Memories

Hello Readers! This is my first story on this platform so I request you to share your feedback. To describe myself, I am a 23 year old male working in Mumbai. I am 6 ft tall and have been hitting the gym for a few months. I have developed a decent physique now and am working on my way to get 6 pack abs. So this story happened a couple of years back when I had gone for a trek to Manali in June. We were a mixed group of around 30 people who had signed up for it. We all met at the railway station...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Valentines Day

Hi, I am Joginder from Chandigarh. I am back with another sex story. I am 26 years old. Physically well-built and having fair skin tone. I am a Punjabi guy and my height is 5 ft 10 in. My boner is 6.5 inches long and its girth is 5 inch. I have good stamina and can satisfy any woman regardless of age. This story is a sequel to my previous story. You can read my previous story, which was titled as “Unforgettable Valentine’s Day with Friend’s Hot Girlfriend” which was really liked by the readers....

2 years ago
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Unforgettable First Time

Hi Indian sex stories dot net readers, Abhi here, 25 years old tall and medium built, feedbacks are welcome, I am currently working Bangalore if anyone interested can contact me in and around Bangalore. Story happend two yrs when I was in final year engineering, I have been very shy guy, never dare to speak with any girl in collage. Suddenly one a girl appeared in my home she is tall and look wise ok but she has good shape, later I came to she is our distinct relative came here for project...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Night With A Milf 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys, This is Vishu, having my own business of imports and exports in Hyderabad. A little about me, I am well built, 5’10” tall with good physique having just about the muscular cuts visible at the view ends of the body. This is an incident that happened to me a couple years back. I had an encounter with a hot MILF who had a 1 year old daughter and living in Hyderabad. I happen to meet her thru one of my friend (Vinay) who knows this lady, Vinay is a very good friend of mine and we usually...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Erotic Week With Masseur 8211 Part 1

Introduction Hi guys and girls. My name is Shahid.I basically from Bangalore recently completed my graduation in health and wellness with specialised in massages which is a science and art. I have learnt the art to relax any girl / women and to give her ultimate pleasure. I also even travel to major cities to give massages to my clients in cities like Pune,delhi,chennai,mumbai and all cities of Karnataka.(subject to conditions) I am an specialised masseur my job is to give the ultimate...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable Gay Experience

I am the third son of my parents after still birth of two other male child.It was predicted that third will be a girl but destiny had its way and finally born as a son.Because of death of earlier children my parents were very much afraid.An astrologer advised to keep this child as a girl for at least seven years and get married to lord shiva .My parents obeyed what they were told and offered me to Lord Shiva as his wife.Also I used to were cloths as a girl child.I looked very very beautiful...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Most Unforgettable Birthday Gift From Sunil And Surya 8211 Part 3

This is the third and concluding part of my most unforgettable birthday bash. Please offer your suggestions and valuable comments. All of us were feeling more excited than tired following the nonstop ‘evening show’. Both of them relished the typical simple South Indian meal( jeera rice, rasam, potato fry and curds rice), I had prepared and complimented me for the excellent food. Surya, made me blush with his mischievous comment that my rasam (double meaning!)was super with nice aroma and taste,...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Most Unforgettable Birthday Gift From Sunil And Surya

After work and dinner that Saturday night in May, I felt restless and miserable, being alone( family away on vacation & myself forced to stay back on urgent academic work along with my boss for a conference). I was reminded of my erotic sessions with Sunil (starting from our first encounter in chennai-bound a/c sleeper bus), causing a stir in me and felt like talking to him. Suddenly, a sms flashed in my mobile from Sunil if he could visit me in the morning by 9 am or so. After replying him...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Unforgettable Day With Unforgettable Lady

Hi Friends, I am one of the reader like you for this ISS and in fact, a great fan to ISS. Thank you ISS for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Myself Night Rider (Night Rider for Unsatisfied Ladies) and I belong to Hyderabad, any unsatisfied ladies from Hyderabad can contact me at and I am available full time for you babes. I am a simple guy who generally devote his normal and routine life to Office on Weekdays and Room/Sleeping/Movies/Shopping on Weekends. I never...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Bus Ride In My Life

Hello Friends this is the first time I am writing a story which was really unbelievable for me and an unforgettable one. This occurred about 4 years ago but still I feel that it all happened yesterday. Let me introduce myself and then let us go to the story. About myself, I am a 30 year old female, slightly stout, I put on weight after I gave birth to my child but when the story happened I was still unmarried. I have very good breast size 40 and wheatish complexion. I am writing this story as I...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Day With My Virgin Girlfriend

Hello guys, I am Ashok from Hyderabad,5.11feet height,smart guy,with 7inch long dick.Am a big fan of ISS.It is my story here.So please forgive me and my story. It happened between me and my girlfriend few months back during summer.My girlfriend is very attractive girl.She has a beautiful pair of boobs.Which are round and very soft.Her lips are red in colour.I like her lips very much.And her ass is sexiest of all..So we used to meet regularly and have some fun.We used to kiss,hug.. When ever I...

4 years ago
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My First Sex Very Romantic And Unforgettable 8211 Part 2

My name is Naani and I am 19 yrs of age, and she is Swetha an year younger than me doing college with a good built up personality innocent good looking and good natured lady with 32-28-34 I guess I am not sure. I do not want repeat the narration from my first part but just a glance what happened in few lines below. As she is tall enough I have to close her eyes so that all others can hide so I did that, lights were switched off and I slowly whispered in her ears catch me if you can and I slowly...

1 year ago
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My First Sex Very Romantic And Unforgettable

My name is Naani and I am 19 yrs of age, and she is Swetha an year younger than me doing college with a good built up personality innocent good looking and good natured lady with 32-28-34 I guess I am not sure. We stayed adjacent for more than 4 years and our families became good friends, then we all were playing together with a group of 4 more kids in which her younger brother and sister was also there. After staying that long we moved to some other rented house which was in adjacent lane and...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Massage Experience

Hello ISS readers. This is Rohan Sharma and this is my first story. So please bare with my mistakes as I’m not familiar with it. Please give me your valuable feedbacks at Let me tell you about myself first. I’m Rohan sharma from bangalore with a normal sized penis of 7.5 inches(don’t wish to lie). I’m a masseur(massage therapist) by profession and I’m working for a reputed spa in Bangalore. I even provide body massage at home at a very reasonable price.. Let’s start with the story without...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Sex With Sanjana And Deepa

Hi guys, I am MGR here, I am very happy from your feedbacks about my previous encounter. So I came here with my new encounter. Friends this one little lengthy so please forgive me and if any mistake in my narration please don’t scold me. As I said in my last encounter “Memorable sex with beautiful sanjana”, deepa found us (I and sanjana) in the hugging position with naked body. At that time she didn’t speak any words and went silent to hall. After some time we both get dressed and went to hall,...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Brief Encounter

An Unforgettable Brief Encounter They were failures in gym class; Coach called Erik and Kay "girls" and that gave them an idea. By Katherine Day (Copyright 2006 by K-G Communications) I approached my first day of gym class in the 7th Grade with a trembling fear. When I was growing up in the day leading up to World War II, we stayed in grade school through the 6th Grade, and then we went to Junior High School. In our town, the Junior High School was attached to the Senior High...

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Unforgettable Indulgence With A Cabbie Part II

Hi Honey here. I’m here to continue with the story of the “Unforgettable Indulgence With A Cabbie – Part I” After I experienced his iron rod in the open ground on that moonlit night, I could never sleep without masturbating thinking about him. Even at work, I was feeling horny and trying to suppress my feelings I used to get headaches. A couple of days passed by and in 2-3 days my parents will be back home. After that, chances to fuck him would be less. And I dint have the guts to fuck once...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable Sexperience

Hi guys..! Ashish here again. Thank you all for your responses and emails appreciating my story. Thank you so much. Your emails motivate me for writing my experiences. Do write and tell me about the story. And please do not ask me the information of the girls as it is confidential and private so i cannot give it to you. So do not waste your time. Enjoy the story (part IV) … It’s continued from where i left. You may find the previous parts’ link above. After the lunch, we all were ready for...

3 years ago
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Unforgettable Incidence Of Life

Hi all. I am Sameer from Delhi. I am 29 yrs old and my height is 5’11”. I am fair and everyone says good looking. Do not want to appreciate myself. I occasionally read stories here and as per my view most of them are only fantasy. I might be wrong. Today I thought about sharing my true incidence with you all. I am writing to make new friends. Hope you will enjoy it and will share your views and hopefully we will be become friends. I was working in Bangalore, when this incidence happened. I have...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable climax

I’m Sameer m27 and I enjoy reading lot of stories and each time I try to read a new one it reminds me of inserting my own story and couldn’t find time to do so however, I’m doing it now. This happened long back when I was studying 12th. I had a crush on a girl who was also in the same study circle but 2yrs younger than me, I never dared to reveal my feelings about her as I was scared and shy that if I tried to do something stupid it would end up in a big mess.Eventually I have secured admission...

4 years ago
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Unforgettable massage

They say first love is difficult to forget. I totally agree with it. I have not forgotten my first love. But even more difficult is to forget first sexual experience. I know it too because I still remember first time I got laid and I will remember it till my death. I had been lucky that my first time was with an experienced partner, that too with someone I knew. It was my Mami (my maternal aunt) who gave me that unforgettable experience. In my third year of engineering, for a mandatory one moth...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable bus ride

That unforgettable morning, my old car did not want to start up.So, as my hubby had left already, I had to get a crowded bus, where there was nowhere to sit. I cursed my car and Victor by leaving so early…I was not really dressed properly for a bus ride. I was wearing a very short velvet skirt and high heels, with only a tiny white cotton thong underneath. I liked to keep cool in summer time. In fact, I really liked going with no underwear, but some days that just was not advisable.Today was...

3 years ago
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An unforgettable vacation for Anita

The resort that Anita had hired for us at the Caribbean Coast was perfect.From our room, we had a very nice view of the ocean.We found that we shared a patio with some neighbors; it certainly gave us a little less privacy but everything else was really fine.The first day, while we were taking out our stuff in our room, Ana and I could not help but notice some noises coming from their open window. The curtains were also open and I saw that there was a giant black man in a warm embrace with a...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable MelodyChapter 3

Ch. 03 song titles Air on the G string (Bach) The Little Fugue in G minor (Bach) An Unforgettable Melody: Ch. 03 “You’ve always been a smart one. You give yourself too little credit, boy,” he said with his thick Texan drawl. Mike chuckled. “I know, Granddaddy.” Harry Weston adjusted his thick glasses. “After all, what have I always said about power? Men who seek power actively are destined to abuse it...” “ ... But men with power thrust on them unwittingly can be trusted...

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An Unforgettable MelodyChapter 4

For this chapter, I decided to have a little fun with the fantasy in the first half, setting it in the Star Wars universe. In case it isn’t clear, for the first portion, Burke is Mike and Kana is Melody. No song titles for this chapter, so please sit back and enjoy! An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 04 Sand. Sand. Sand everywhere. Such was life for Burkateer Lark. Eighteen years ago, he had been a promising seven-year-old Padawan learner in the Jedi Order of the Old Republic. That, of...

4 years ago
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An Unforgettable MelodyChapter 5

Ch. 05 song titles Pines of Rome, Movement 2 trumpet solo (Respighi) Petrushka, Ballerina trumpet solo (Stravinsky) An Unforgettable Melody Ch. 05 Mike awoke first on Monday, which surprised him; Melody had promised to wake him up at 6:30. Glancing at his clock, he saw that it was only 6:05. Guess her genie alarm hasn’t gone off yet... Deciding to have a little fun, he rolled onto his side towards Melody, who was laying with her back to him. He spooned his body against...

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