Mom have anal ride
- 4 years ago
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Seit etwas mehr als einem Jahr war Tommy Auszubildender. Er hatte damals sehr viel Glück gehabt den Ausbildungsplatz zu bekommen, nicht nur weil er so seinen Traumberuf erlernen konnte, sondern auch weil die Firma als Aushängeschild der Region galt und auf jede offene Stelle unzählige Bewerber kamen. Selbst wenn er seinen Arbeitgeber in Zukunft wechseln wollte, hätte er die bestmögliche Ausgangssituation, da der Betrieb für seinen hohen Ausbildungsstandard bekannt war. Zu diesem Zweck veranstaltete die Firma regelmäßig Seminare und Weiterbildungen, zu denen auch externe Dozenten eingeladen wurden. Manche Seminare erstreckten sich über mehrere Tage. Für solche Anlässe mietete die Firma oft Ferienhäuser oder vergleichbare Einrichtungen, um den Auszubildenden eine entspannte Atmosphäre und ein besonderes Erlebnis zu bieten. An manchen dieser externen Weiterbildungen nahmen jeweils alle Ausbildungsjahrgänge gleichzeitig teil.
Und genau auf einer solchen, mehrtägigen Weiterbildung befand sich Tommy. Das Haus, das sein Arbeitgeber gemietet hatte, lag in einem etwas weiter entfernten, kleinen Urlaubsort. In unmittelbarer Nähe gab es einen See mit Strandbad und einen großen Wald, der jetzt im Sommer durch und durch grün war. Da die Veranstaltung länger als fünf Tage dauerte, war das Wochenende frei und alle konnten tun und lassen was ihnen gefiel. Die Meisten nutzten den Samstagmittag, um mit dem Zug in die nahe gelegene Stadt zu fahren. Tommy war es noch zu heiß, um sich in einen Zug zu setzen und sich in der Stadt garen zu lassen. Darum beschlossen er und ein paar andere sich erst mal im Strandbad abzukühlen.
Die Zeit am See verging schnell und als es später wurde wollten Tommy und die meisten Anderen zurück auf ihre Zimmer, um sich für einen Besuch der Stadt umzuziehen. Die Gruppe war schon fast beim Ferienhaus angekommen, als Tommy merkte, dass er sein Handy am See vergessen hatte. In der Hoffnung es wieder zu finden verabschiedete er sich von seinen Kollegen und ging den Weg zum Strandbad zurück.
Am Strandbad angekommen stellte Tommy fest, dass mittlerweile auch viele der anderen Badegäste gegangen waren. Nur noch vereinzelt lagen ein paar Hartgesottene, die von der Sonne offensichtlich nicht genug bekommen konnten, um den See verteilt. Da er sein Handy an seinem Liegeplatz am See nicht finden konnte, ging Tommy in das kleine Gebäude mit den Duschen und Umkleidekabinen. Die nebeneinander liegenden Spinde in der Herrenumkleidekabine waren leicht erhöht in der Wand verankert. Direkt davor stand eine durchgehende Sitzbank.
"Hoffentlich liegt es noch im Spind," dachte er bei sich. Zielstrebig ging Tommy darauf zu und suchte die Fächer ab. Als er sein Handy nirgendwo finden konnte, fiel sein Blick auf den Boden des untersten Faches im Spind. Um zu verhindern, dass sich Feuchtigkeit von nassen Badesachen in den Schließfächern sammeln konnte, bestand der Boden der Fächer aus einem groben Metallgitter.
"Vielleicht ist es durchgefallen," hoffte er inständig, als er sich auf den Boden legte, um unter die Bank zu kriechen, die vor den Spinden stand. Er war sehr erleichtert, als er das Gerät auf dem Boden liegen sah. Das Handy war nahe der Wand, die die Damen- von der Herrenumkleidekabine trennte, durch den Gitterboden des Schließfaches auf den Boden gefallen. Um es greifen zu können, musste er noch ein Stück weiter unter die Bank kriechen...
"Woher kommt das?" fragte er sich, als er plötzlich zwei Stimmen hörte. Als in der angrenzenden Damenumkleidekabine das Licht eingeschaltet wurde, erkannte Tommy ein kleines Loch in der Wand und ihm wurde sofort klar woher die Stimmen kamen. Wäre er nicht weit genug unter die Bank gekrochen, hätte er das etwa faustgroße Loch niemals sehen können. Jetzt, da die Stimmen näher kamen, erkannte er erst Jule und etwas später Sandra. Jule war ein Ausbildungsjahr unter und Sandra ein Ausbildungsjahr über ihm, so dass er in der Firma nie viel mit ihnen zu tun hatte. Trotzdem waren sie ihm schon oft aufgefallen, da beide ausgesprochen attraktiv waren. Aus Neugier blieb Tommy mucksmäuschenstill auf dem Boden liegen und lauschte. Erst hörte er die Schritte der barfüßigen Mädchen auf dem Fliesenboden der Damenumkleidekabine, dann wie sie ganz in der Nähe vor zwei Schließfächern stehen blieben. Kurz darauf hörte Tommy ein nasses Bikiniteil auf den Boden fallen.
"Die sind bestimmt gleich splitternackt," schoss es Tommy durch den Kopf. Er versuchte einen Blick zu erhaschen, aber vergeblich. Das Loch in der Wand war zu klein und auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite schienen sich ebenfalls in der Wand verankerte Spinde und eine Sitzbank zu befinden.
"Wozu haben die Dinger denn eine Kamera?" dachte er und griff nach seinem wiedergefundenen Handy. Sehr umständlich zwängte er seine Hand mit dem Handy und danach seinen Unterarm durch das enge Loch in der Wand. Er würde einfach so viele Bilder wie möglich machen und später schauen was darauf zu sehen war, dachte er sich.
Donna and I had decided we needed a new TV, we went to a big electrical superstore and ordered a 50" flat screen, stand, DVD player and as we already had satellite TV, not only would they deliver it they would also wire it all in at no extra cost. We bought it and booked them in for a week the following Sunday.We got a phone call saying the delivery guys would be here around 4pm and we were their last drop off. I said to Donna "Have a shower one never knows". As she got out of the shower, and...
When Ashleigh got to work that morning, she saw her coworker Diane in the cafeteria. Diane was a black woman about Ashleigh’s age with a body every bit as good as hers. She noted that Diane had that ‘just fucked’ look and wondered if she displayed the same look. Filling her coffee cup, she moved to the table where Diane was seated. ‘Good morning, Diane, you look great today.’ ‘Good morning, Ashleigh, so do you. I guess sex makes us both brighter, doesn’t it.’ ‘I wasn’t going to say anything...
There is a wide world out there, old myths are told and retold enough times that details eventually get totally distorted. Creatures of mythology are reused in countless adaptations that add layer after layer of misconceptions about what the creatures actually are. Modern adaptions that compete about what kind of stupid ideas for the mystical they can get away with to avoid having to come up with a decent plot. Yet sometimes I encounter something unexpected; a story where I personally have...
The next day Marcela fed us a breakfast big enough for twice as many people as we had. I asked her about the leftovers, and she said that the grounds workers and others in the estate would make sure that there were none. She said that her husband took meals over to the apartments after the family was done. This didn't set too well with me, so after breakfast I got together with George; he was my overall supervisor for the estate. I asked him if it would be possible to get a cook for the...
An Alternate Me: Part 2: Living Another Life Andrew touched his face to make sure it was really his that he saw in the mirror, too his dismay, It was. After the initial shock faded away, he began to take stock of the changes, besides the obvious ones. He found there wasn't many, he was shorter, and had a much softer look to him, but he had the same hair color, same eyes, he really could have been his twin sister. He went back into his room and opened his closet. He was shocked to...
‘ I would really love it if you came to Florida with me and my mother for a nascar race,’ Jason said to me, as we cuddled on his bed. I stared at him with an astonished expression on my face, my eyebrows slightly arching and jaw dropping open a little. He immediately noticed the reaction I gave and said ‘OK, fine, it was just a suggestion. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.’ I scrutinized him, gazing into his baby blue eyes I had so come to love and could tell that he really wanted me...
A bored and angry housewife heads to the park to be away from her husband when she spots a group of black men. Figuring what is better revenge than getting some dicking when you are upset, she goes over to meet the group and quickly gets her wish granted as they scoop her up and run off to her house to lay some serious pipe. This little piglet is not fucking around as she ravenously attacks those cocks like a starving hobo. She has cocks all over her face and is in pure heaven. Soon they are...
xmoviesforyouJennifer recovered nicely. Any marks or injuries of the rape she suffered had healed, and the psychologist who saw her (only twice) had discharged her with a clean bill of health, citing that there were no lasting effects of the rape in her mind. The police questioning was a mere formality. Her answers and description of the crime corroborated the evidence the investigators had. The case was closed shortly after that. Eric kept Jennifer busy. Since she entrusted the sale of the house to Eric’s...
Training The Nephew Ass By: AWC Even after trying his best, Melvin was unable to get a fuck. He missed the frat guys having a gay bash that was held in the next dorm hall where he lived and now the college was closing for the summer vacations. He was kind of dragged as he drove back home. He did not have the key to the garage door and parked on the street near the home, picked his duffle bag and got to unlock the main entry door walking to his room. What the fuck!!! He had difficulty to...
Mallory sighed and pressed her fingertips into her forehead. She wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and never wake up. Her head was pounding, probably because some handsome, funny, but overly egotistical pro-football player had kept her out at all odd hours of the night after insisting upon going dancing to work off his dinner. She’d admit she’d have a very interesting night with Ryan. ‘Are you alright Dr. Evens?’ Mallory turned to the pretty little brunette who she’d just hired as the...
Here are a couple of gallery images to illustrate what I'm thinking about... need to give a quick wipe to their labia after going pee... Urine is basically clean and sanitary, so it is usually not unhealthy to lick it or even drink it! Toilet service by licking a woman dry after she pees conserves resources by avoiding the use of "bath tissue". It is also an...
This morning Will is well enough to be allowed to eat outside at the fire and to be briefed on what’s been done while he was ill. He smiles when Ann tells him, “I found some extra cargo to take so I ordered a sixth wagon, the chains and harness for the animals are ready, on hand, and all paid for. The animals are in a camp on the edge of town and are being trained with a regular wagon, now all we’re waiting on is the last two wagons to be finished and for you to be fit enough to ride. Captain...
I was still in high school and had just gotten my drivers license. I didn't own a car but I borrowed my dad's car whenever he would let me and I had always tried to obey traffic laws and to be as careful a driver as I could.One afternoon, I had told my dad that I was going to pick up some books from school and needed to borrow the car, but in reality, I was just wanting to drive around some and kinda just screw off. I headed down the road and went about 30 miles out into the country. I suddenly...
Aubree’s First ApartmentChapter 1: PoolsideThe postman finished delivering the daily mail to Green Meadow Apartments. Closing the last mailbox, he turned and walked across the parking lot towards his van. He glanced at his watch. Three fifteen? Damn! My shift ends at four! Looking over towards the apartment pool, he noticed a beautiful girl wearing an extremely small bikini preparing to dive into the swimming pool. She looked young. Maybe eighteen or nineteen? Her long dark hair cascaded over...
That Thursday Brandy arrived at the house and Robby was anxious to get things going. In his bedroom, he reached in Brandy’s shorts and fondled Brandy’s cock. Things moved quickly and within minutes Robby and Brandy were fucking in bed. As Jack watched the two of them fuck he felt his own cock harden in his shorts. He stripped off his shorts and his big cock sprung to attention. Jack walked around in front of Brandy who stared at Jack’s imposing cock. ‘Want a taste of this,’ Jack offered as he...
‘IS MEL AROUND?’ V. V. When Carla woke up it was daylight and something was poking her bottom. At first she thought it was Mel, then she remembered. Mel wasn’t home. The man in bed with her was his best friend, Bert. Bert’s hand slid over her, cupped her breast, and a rush of heat swept through her as he played with her nipple. ‘Good morning,’ he said, nibbling at the back of her neck. ‘Good morning yourself,’ she replied and pushed her bottom back at him. ‘What’s that I feel?’ ‘My...
He found her online, on a website where she-male escorts advertised their services. It was the best and safest way to get what he wanted. She was the only Caucasian on the site among mostly Hispanics and a few blacks. He flipped through the gallery of her photos and read her stats. She was good-looking in a way that clued him to how she probably had looked as a man. Age 27. Her height was listed as five-nine, weight 135, and her photos confirmed she had a good body with large implanted...
I love to suck cock when I’m horny, and on this particular day I’m quite turned on. It’s late summer and school is starting up again soon. I’ve just turned eighteen and can’t wait to start my senior year – so many football player dicks to suck! Never mind the male teachers. They hook up with students a lot more often than you think. Craving the taste of cock, I decide to pay a visit to my favorite place on earth: the gloryhole down the street. Yes, I live within walking distance of a...
Rick stretched. He loved the feeling of the hot Florida sun as it baked his naked skin. Reaching for the sun block SPF 30 he squirted and languidly smeared it over his chest and stomach allowing his fingers to lightly ghost over his skin.Adjusting his sun glasses he turned his head and smiled at the similarly nude woman sleeping on their private sun deck beside him. He decided to wake her. He didn't want that luscious body burned and uncomfortable when he made love to her later that evening....
I WAS GOING TO STOP for fast food at a burger joint, but thinking about the fact that I was in training, I went into the local Larry’s Market to get a salad and some cooked meat from the deli instead. Lissa told me I needed to keep up my protein intake and cut out some of the fats. I wondered if I would ever be able to eat in the cafeteria again. It was after eight o’clock when I stumbled into my dorm and headed to my room. I was exhausted. I was not prepared to find Sandra sitting in the...
It’s Ashley’s last semester as a senior in college. Throughout her time in college, she’s been completely focused on her grades. But now that she’s been accepted at a grad school across the country, she can finally relax and have some fun before she moves. She’s always had a crush on her roommate’s boyfriend, and he’s noticed her looking at him a few times and smiled at her she has an in. When her roommate is out she timidly approaches him hoping for him to make the first move – not...
xmoviesforyouTom was delighted with Gerry's efforts and said how pleased he was. Kim did not think he would have been so pleased if the additional steel wrist bands had not been provided, Tom wanted obvious clues to her real position as a slave but Kim was overjoyed at the more elaborate methods that Gerry had devised. These were much more in keeping with her idea of modernised Gothic control, some of the true 'gentlemen's furniture' that she had seen at exhibitions of bondage and slavery in her...
"Ok so how long do we have to stay at your parent's house?" Nick asked Jessica once they were in bed together later on that evening. "Look, it'll just be for the weekend." "So, why do we have to be there by Thursday?" "I want to surprise them. Don't worry my parents will not be there. They are going to be out of town but will be back on Saturday." Nick groaned and stared up at the ceiling. Usually by this time of night, he was begging Jessica for a blowjob or sex, but that night...
Friends main phir se hazir hum ek nayi kahani ke saath ye kahani mere ghar mein kaam karne wali bai sita ki beti radha ki hai. radha ki umar takreeban 18 saal ki thi aur uski abhi abhi shaad hui thi par wo ghar par waapas aa gayi thi aur kabhi kabhi apni maa ke saath hamar ghar kaam karn aati thi. sita ko maine meri mom se kehte suna tha ke radha ghar pe is liye wapas aa gayi hai kyonki uska pati namard tha aur uski bhook nahi mita sakta tha. Jabse maine ye suna tha main to radha ko hi chodne...
The enormity of what I had done by assisting Gino Frascetti to commit suicide didn't really dawn on me until my train was approaching London. If either Lenny Benson or I were suspected in any way of being involved in Gino's death we would be in big trouble. The authorities do not subcribe to mercy killing, and would arrest, and subsequently charge, anyone involved in such an act; in the worst case with murder and in the best case with manslaughter. Each crime carries a considerable time in...
The pair were freshly showered after a long morning romp that had satisfied both their thirsts. Jessica had a white bathrobe wrapped around her curvy mocha body and a light blue towel adorned her drying hair. Francis sat in a plain, white t-shirt, a fresh pair of boxers and nothing else. The self-satisfied Succubus fed herself fruit medley piece by piece as she watched him mull over his next move. It had been several years since she enjoyed a game of chess and Francis had a wonderful...
had a amazing night with this girl i always wanted to talk to on karaoke nights i run .Luckly met her this night she was wasted enjoy real story FIRST LET me begin in saying hello im new ive a amazing story to tell about my best night ever .I Was doing a kareoke function in glasgow when a stunning girl drunk as can be caught my eye .ive done few functions here and seen her before as the night got on i asked could i take couple of pictures of her as she was very drunk these...
No I wasn’t daddy. Turn around Amy let me check your butt and see if it’s clean or if you went poop and not telling daddy. Amy take off your nightgown and then turn with your butt facing me. She took it off and her boobies were so hot. She turned around and I placed my fingers around the waistband of her panties and then slowly pulled them down her legs. I said Amy you were a bad girl. I was looking at her cute butt and spread her ass cheeks to notice her cute asshole had traces of poop...
I thought you might enjoy reading about a lady vicar that lived in the village where I live. I was a bout 6 or 7 years ago now but still fresh in my memoryIts a bit of a long story to be honest and started when I was a governor at the local school and Tracy the vicar was also on the board. I had noticed a couple of times that she would sometimes sit opposite me and give a little flash of her stocking tops. I wasn't sure at that time if it was intentional but I was often sat there with a...
The last three days had seemed interminable for Sondra. She had busied herself with the usual housewife types of chores, the kids and Brad, but her mind kept coming back to Joubert and the council vote. Of course that would only give her the opportunity to prove herself to the members which would ultimately decide on whether she would be granted membership. However, she knew that a single negative vote and she would never hear from the society or Joubert again. The few times the phone had...
Wonder Woman & a colleague are ambushed by Baroness Von Gunther, the colleague is taken captive, as Baroness challenges Wonder Woman to a duel as her guards stand ready. Her colleague watches on in cuffs, Paula tells the guards to leave as she's confident enough to be able to take Wonder Woman at full strength. This was a mistake as Diana easily beats down Von Gunther, Paula grabs a stun-gun from the guard. Wonder Woman knocks it out of Paula's hand & lands right in front of the captive. Von...
“Good morning, Johnny.” “Good morning, Jack.” “I guess it is cereal for breakfast,” Jack said looking at the bowls on the table. “Yes. There’s coffee over in the pot,” Johnny said. He appreciated having breakfast laid out like this in the morning. Jack grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. He grabbed a bowl and filled it with cereal. He said, “It is kind of nice to have company for breakfast.” “I know what you mean. I’m used to eating buffet breakfasts when I’m on the road....
After lunch, the girls spent the afternoon swimming and sunbathing while Jake and I performed some maintenance on the boat. Around six o'clock in the evening the girls went inside to prepare the evening meal while Jake and I freshened up with a swim, then we all sat down to a great supper of steak, fries, onions, mushrooms and corn on the cob accompanied by a couple of bottles of chilled white wine. As we ate, Melanie regaled Jake and Sue with the tale of our vacation adventures with Tina and...
Group SexA week later Chris and I met to go cloths shopping. We met at a coffee shop in a town a hour drive from me. She greeted me with a warm hug followed by a deep kiss. Our obvious age difference drew some judgmental stares from a lot of the other patrons. Chris sensed the fact that I was uncomfortable. She whispered in my ear "If only they knew all of the cum I licked from your ass". We grabbed two coffees to go and headed out."So Eric said I needed to get something kinky to wear the...
“Saema Markall, case number 20150702003,” he muttered to himself, checking some notes he had with him to verify that this was the right one. Grabbing her at the ankles, the tech tugged at her forcefully and her clear plastic-bagged corpse slid unceremoniously from the drawer it had occupied for nearly two days onto the metal tray of the gurney he had gotten for her. He tugged her all the way until her bare feet were dangling at the edge of the tray, her head making a loud thud as it slammed...
Linda loved her selfbondage. She had thought about her reasons after reading many D/s and BDSM stories and realised that she was different to most others. She didn't have fantasies of being a slave girl, or being captured and used by others, it was purely a personal fetish. Being helpless aroused her, and it simultaneously extended the time to her sexual relief. Although she had tried a couple of times to interest her lovers into her tastes, they didn't seem to understand. They would tie her...
This story is dedicated to a very special woman whom I love very much. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Especially you my love. Muah! * I was in the elevator back to my new apartment when you stepped in. Long dark hair with curls, curvaceous body with DD tits, flat stomach, and a fantastic ass, all on a short 5’ 5” frame; you were absolutely stunning. Then I met the gaze of your deep brown eyes. I realized my mistake, I should have been looking down at the floor the...
First TimeChachi in Patna By: Mr. patna_800007 Hi readers, yeh story jo mai likhne jaa raha hu wo bilkul sachi hai.Main patna mein rahta hoo..aur meri chachi patna city … Meri chachi bahot sexy hai. Mast figure, mote mote boobs, mast moti gand. Mai jab bhi unhe dekhta hu to lund apne aap khada ho jaata hai. Yeh tab ki baat hai jab maine 10th ke boards diye the aur meri vacations ho chuki thi. Mere chacha ka ek general store hai. Aur unki ek beti hai. Meri vacations ho chuki thi aur mai apne chacha ke...
This story follows on from this one was approaching midday on a sweltering August Sunday and I couldn't get the events of the previous night out of my head. Chris had work and left before sunrise still wearing his green boxers now filled with cum. I knew he wouldn't have had time to go home and change, a thought that made me hard again. We hadn't spoken about what had happened and he seemed a little more coy than usual when...
One of the problems the Generals promised to deal with was the number of girls and women who turned to prostitution simply to try to get enough money to feed themselves after losing their jobs. The middle classes were affronted by the sight of these filthy half starved young women showing as much flesh from beneath their rags as the cold night air allowed in often futile attempts to get custom from the few men who could afford them, which might include the very soldiers who were supposed to...
I sat in my room, and munched on popcorn. It was four thirty, and I was halfway through episode four of the Sopranos First Season on DVD. I decided to indulge, and watch the entire series. Rachel had gone home at this point, telling me to call her if I wanted to talk, and I was left alone. Mom and Dad went golfing at the club, and I was stuck with what was now sixteen missed calls, ten voice mail, and eighteen text messages. So I tagged along while Brooke went grocery shopping. First I made...
I was attending a Junior College at age 42. I was going there just for the fun of it. I also liked being around younger k**s. Legal age k**s, but still k**s. I really liked this one boy and decided to play the daddy boy routine with him. I had him in my Sociology of Sexual Behavior Class. He was 18 and looked around 14. He was new to every subject the teacher talked about and was having a rough time about the class. For him, it was like watching porn for the first time.He dropped by my...
By the time that the pizza arrived, we were all pretty comfortable, but we certainly didn't mind getting up to eat our pizzas. Granted, we could have been picky and wanted a great variety, but Cherry was ordering and paying, so none of us felt like hassling her about such things. We trusted her to pick something that would have a broad appeal, but she surprised us by the degree of detail and thought that she put into the order, especially given that the last few seconds of ordering was spent...
When Calyndi landed in front of Devin's graveyard, she felt her heart pounding once again. It wasn't purely the exhilaration of lust that inspired her, though. Her fear was palpable, too. That fear, though, only made it all the more exciting. Striding through the gates, she made her way towards the large tomb in the center where Devin dwelt, being careful to move as sensually as she was capable. As she walked, feminine giggles rippled through the air, and she often saw motion out of the...
Then something large and heavy almost certainly the fist one one of the Orcs smashed into her stomach knocking the wind from her body, in shock she opened her mouth to gulp in air only to have her mouth and windpipe blocked by the giant putrid cock now being forced into her mouth and throat, the combination of the shock and her convulsive choking relaxed her ass enough that she felt a new tearing pain as the huge cock at her rear forced its way in making her feel her anal ring was tearing and...
I couldn’t get the image out of my head.It’d been a week since I’d seen her. Since she’d kissed me. And I still couldn’t get that image out of my head. Us. Together.I’d never been with a woman before. The whole idea seemed absurd. I was married. I was happy. My sex life was great. But the thought of being with her – kissing her, touching her, licking her – I just couldn’t get her out of my mind.I wanted her. I wanted to taste her. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted her to fuck me.I picked up my...
Sally was entranced by the painting. She noticed that the prince and the harpist were both sitting on actual bulges of rock from the cave wall. She wondered if they had really done that. Then she realised that the artist had used the surface of the rock to show folds in the men's clothes. She took more photographs of this clever and very effective demonstration of his skill. So enthralled was she that she never heard the rattle of falling stones. She did hear the bang though when the roof...
Mimi (Kenna James) arrives at the reform school and meets Miss Patty (Serene Siren). She explains the school rules and introduces her to Heather (Bree Daniels) her new roommate. Quickly, the two girls become friends and Heather gives her Intel on the other girls in the school. With the exception of Miss Patty, the only two she needs to worry about are Florence (Cadence Lux) and her right hand Maria (Chloe Cherry). What both of them don’t know is that when everyone is sleeping, Miss Patty...
xmoviesforyouI just had sex with two young adults, and it was amazing. One thing that I always went by is, I wanted things to find me. Rather than me trying to finds things like this. Erin asked if she could join us, and I just froze. Although, Billy and Shawna were not frozen. They went over to Erin, and they both laid smooches on her face. I was a little out of it still, but I was wondering about Billy kissing his mom. Those were not mother/son smooches, none whatsoever. I just couldn't take my eyes off...
IncestThis is the story of how I came to love nothing more than licking my wife's well filled pussy. It all started after the birth of our c***d. For the last two months of pregnancy, she was too uncomfortable for sex. Other than the occasional handjob, I had nothing going on with her sexually. After the baby was born, we had the 6 week waiting before sex was allowed, so by the time I got to be inside her it had been well over 3 months. To say I was extra horny would be the understatement of the...
My journey part 1V.Over the coming weeks we continued to experiment with dressing and having good sex but for Matt it was the cross dressing that surprised and delighted him as much as the fucking and sucking did for me.One day Matt told me how he used to get sex whenever he wanted it by going to public toilets and this fascinated me as he described how he first found out almost by accident how some men made contact in these places and some of the things he used to do with other men, whilst I...
Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, “You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?” “No,” Leah answered. “You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later.” “Okay, see ya then,” yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away. Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped...
The scene opens with a simple question, posed by superstar James Deen to his beautiful, ebony whore, Daya Knight: “tell me all the reasons why I should fuck your ass?” Watch to hear Daya’s responses, and as you already know, she responded with all the right reasons. Then, right in his backyard, James removes two bejeweled butt plugs from his pocket in order to warm up Daya’s backyard. Her ass is very tight, and that’s because Daya’s hasn’t experienced...
xmoviesforyouThis is a story that is intend to be a part of a series grouped under MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS. Each story will be independent. The stories will ultimately cover a range of genre. These will be shorter stories of one chapter which is different from my previous efforts as a writer. I hope you enjoy them. This is a bestial story. This is a story around a mother, Quintessa (Tess) and her daughter, Rosa. Quintessa is 39 and Rosa is 18. Both women have dark hair. Quintessa’s hair is black and...
Furious businessman Damon Dice realises his car has been hit from behind but there is no sign of the driver. He heads inside the nearest house to look for the culprit and discovers brunette teen Hazel Moore on the phone panicking. He questions her regarding the damage to his car but this cute babe can’t afford to pay for the repairs since it’s her parents car that she was driving. They come to an agreement and Damon gets his hands on this slutty brunette as she kneels down and sucks...
xmoviesforyouDuke and I took the boys running in the morning. They seemed to enjoy the runs since it got them out of the house. Peggy had to finish writing a paper for one of her summer classes. I gave her a hard time about being a slacker. That was until she explained how much time the boys took up each day. That shut me up. I was impressed that she could handle raising the boys and going to school. I just seemed to be able to take off and assume everything was being taken care of. I vowed to spend more...
I was stationed in the southwest about 40 years ago. My girlfriend, Dianne, (not her real name) lived about 2 hours away and so on the weekends I would go see her. I usually left about 9:00 pm because I had to be at work at midnight. This particular night was one that I still remember. I had picked up my girlfriend and went for a burger. When we got back to her house, I parked the car and as always we started making out and feeling each other. We would usually end up fucking in the front seat...