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Safarie in Afrika... wie hatte ich mich nur dazu Überreden lassen können? Jetzt befand ich mich mitten im Nirgendwo des afrikanischen Busches. Während mein Vater mit meinem Onkel gemeinsam rausgefahren waren um lauter als jeder Elefant zu Jagen versuchten, hatte ich mich alleine auf den Weg gemacht. Zwar hatte mich der Führer gewarnt das es hier wilde Stämme gab die noch etwas rückständig seien aber nach der "Siedlung" in der wir wohnten ging es wohl nicht noch primitiver.
Nichteinmal Wind wehte für etwas Abkühlung. Wieso raschelte es denn dort beim Gebüsch am Fluss? Vorsichtig schlich ich mich heran. Langsam und konzentriert schob ich mit dem Lauf des Jagdgewehrs einige Äste beiseite und lugte vorsichtig hindurch. Direkt am Wasser sah ich dann eine richtige Beute nach meinem Geschmack. Eine nackte Frau mit tiefschwarzer Haut und diesen merkwürdigen afrozöpfen kniete dort und wohl Wäsche. Da ich leicht schräg auf sie sah, konnte ich sowohl die sichtlich großen und definitiv festen Brüsten durch die ruckartigen Bewegungen hüpfen sehen als auch das vor und zurück ihres breiten und wohlgeformten Arsches. Grinsend genoß ich diesen Anblick wobei es natürlich nicht lange dauerte bis mein anderes Jagdgewehr in Schußbereitschaft ging. Sofort bereit die Beute zu erlegen schlich ich mich an sie leise heran. Selbst als ich direkt hinter ihr stand bemerkte meine Beute mich nicht. Langsam schob ich den Gewehrlauf zwischen ihre leicht gespreizten Beine um es dann geschehe zu lassen. In dem selben Moment indem ich Metallauf nach oben direkt gegen ihre Fotze drückte, schoß meine andere Hand nach unten und packte ihr Genick so das sie ihren Kopf nicht drehen konnte. Sie schrie auf und versuchte meinem Griff zu entkommend doch so auf allen vieren und meiner Hand im Genick musste sie hilflos erleben wie ich den Lauf an ihrer Fotze hin und her bewegte.
Das von der Sonne vorgewärmte Metall spaltete ihre Schamlippen und war so nur noch zum Teil zu sehen während sich das schwarze Biest weiter in meinem Griff wand im Versuch wenigstens zu sehen was sich dort in ihrem Geschlechtsbereich befand. Höhnisch schob ich daraufhin den Lauf immer weiter nach vorne um ihn seinen Weg zwischen den vollen und bebenden Titten hindurch bahnen zu lassen. Mit einem geschockten Keuchen stieß sie die Luft entsetzt von sich als die Mündung in ihr recht eingeschränktes Sichtfeld geriet. Dann zog ich den Lauf wieder zurück und schob ihn wieder nach ganz vorne worauf sie erneut zusammenzuckte. Ich spürte sie zittern vor Angst doch bald bemerkte ich etwas am Lauf glänzen. Mein Grinsen wurde breiter und nachdem ich den Lauf noch etwas fester zwischen ihre inzwischen leicht angeschwollenen Schamlippen schob, wurde das feuchte Glänzen auf dem Metall intensiver.
Da hatte ich genau das richtige Beutetier entdeckt und machte weiter bis das Zittern nachließ und der Lauf inzwischen vollständig nass glänze... nun fast vollständig denn die Mündung war noch trocken aber das ließ sich ändern.
Ich entzog ihrer Fotze vollständig das Gewehr worauf sie einen Laut von sich gab der zum Teil erleichtert und zum Teil begierig klang. Mit einer fast tretenden Bewegung meines Beines beförderte ich sie aus ihrer, zugegebernermaßen äusserst reizvollen, hundeposition auf den Rücken. Zum ersten Mal sah ich dabei ihr Gesicht und stellte fest das sie nicht um die 20 war wie vom restlichen Körper erwartet sondern wohl eher Mitte 30. Sie sah mich mit einem leicht verklärten Blick an und ihre etwas wulstigen Lippen sagten etwas das ich nicht verstand. Die Augen weiteten sich jedoch in weiter zunehmender Angst als ich die Mündung immer eindeutiger in Richtung ihres Kopfes bewegte. Leicht strich diese über ihren flachen Bauch den sie versuchte so gut es ging noch flacher zu machen um der Berührung zu entgehen. Dann erreichte ich ihren Brustbereich. Genüßlich ließ ich die Mündung die Form ihrer Brüste nachzeichnen. Hob erst die Eine dann die andere Brust kurz an ehe ich mit dem Metall solange an ihren Nippeln rieb bis diese steif aufragten. Die ganze Zeit über wagte sie nicht ihren Kopf zu bewegen sondern versuchte nur mit dem Bewegen ihrer Augen zu sehen wie das Metall immer weiter nach oben wanderte danach. Ein kleiner Stups gegen ihre Kehle löste wieder ein Zittern aus. Genüßlich ließ ich dann die Gewehrmündung über das bebende Kinn zu ihren Lippen wandern. Als sie daraufhin etwas sagen wollte, drückte ich das Gewehr leicht nach Vorne, so das die Mündung zwischen ihre wulstigen Lippen glitt. Grinsend beugte ich mich vor und griff ihren Kopf an den Haaren um ihn vor und zurück zu bewegen. Sie begriff schnell und fing eigenständig an die Mündung abzulutschen. Ich lachte amüsiert und schob das Gewehr etwas weiter in ihren Hals. Stück für Stück arbeitete ich mich weiter vor wobei sie immer stärker würgte doch ihre fast panischen Blicke der Augen zu meinem Finger am Abzug brachte sie dazu weiterzumachen das Metall wie einen Schwanz zu verwöhnen. Nach etwa 5 Minuten war es dann soweit, langsam begann ich ihr den Gewehrlauf aus dem Mund zu ziehen wobei sie regelrecht panisch versuchte mit dem Kopf zu folgen. Als sie begann ihren Oberkörper anzuheben trat ich mit dem linken Fuß auf ihr Schulterblatt und drückte sie so unsanft zurück.
Ich genoss ihren panischen Gesichtsausdruck als ich die Mündung zwischen ihre bebenden Brüste schob und dort gegen ihre Haut drückte ehe ich diese immer weiter nach unten gleiten ließ. Als sie dann leicht in ihren Bauchnabel drückte begann sie fast unmerklich ihren Kopf zu schütteln. Erst als ich begann den finalen Anlauf an ihre noch immer feuchte Fotze zu nehmen versuchte sie sich zu bewegen doch mein Fuß fixierte sie noch immer am Boden.
It was only a little caravan on a small site at Skegness, but it was there that we spent our very first holiday together, we were both just sixteen and as horny as hell just like sixteen year olds the world over! It was raining when we arrived, but we spent half an hour in the site shop stocking up with food and booze until at last, the rain eased just long enough for us to go for a stroll on the beach, It was a lovely evening still warm even at nine o'clock, we found a lovely little pub...
Weekend in Chicago! My delicious secret!Not too long ago, one of my sexy friends asked me if I had a sexual experience that stood out in my mind; one that I’ve never really told anyone. Well…the answer to that is yes! I do, it’s been my little delicious secret for quite a while. Today, I am finally going to share it.My stepdaughter, Jessie – who is a real cutie – played on the tennis team in college. She told me about all the players on the team but the conversation kept coming back to her...
*****REPOST*****REPOST*****REPOST*****I like to share my wife.This all started in 1974.Just out of the Army and newly married. My wife Gale and I would share our fantasies while making love. Being 10 years older than Gale she would pretty much let me go on and on about my fantasies. As time went by she would direct the conversation in certain ways. We seemed to all ways end up talking about Ken , my buddy. Now Ken was a big biker type dude with a real bad ass chopper. He also had the persona...
[Virginia/Tennessee] Our ride to Roanoke was easy. Then we got on I-81 and rolled southwest along the spine of Virginia. It was beautiful country. It was late lunchtime when we reached Bristol. Amos wanted to have a look at the speedway. We agreed and Jane said, "Let's get some lunch, tour the speedway, and find a place for the night." We had seen no one or any sign of people all day. We had to break into the speedway and did. Amos and I even took a few laps in our trucks. I had no idea...
One day Janey needs $100 quick... After Trissa left, Mike asked his stepdaughter. “Hey, did she say when her last period was?” “It’s due in a few days; she’s safe.” “Phew!” Mike responded, relieved, as he headed to the living room. Janey watched him go. In truth, Trissa’s period had actually started a couple of weeks ago, so she was right in the middle of the wrong time of the month to get spermed, but Janey didn’t want to worry her father; he had enough stress from work and his failing...
Robbie moved on from Cindy as the year progressed but soon discovered that there existed in the school a dating hierarchy based upon the occupation of the boy's father. There were some girls, Robbie discovered, that he was not "qualified" to date, at least according to their rules. Bonnie Caufield, when he asked her to go out with him actually responded by asking him what his father did and where he worked, and when Robbie told her, she paused for a moment and then told him that she...
After her last incident, when the man she was fucking was killed in the midst of orgasm, she knew these people were serious. Death was inevitable for her if she kept playing this deadly game. And that was exactly what drew her back. She was addicted to the danger. She never knew such ecstatic sex before. She had to have it one more time. Deathmaster met her at the abandoned prison again. She was stripped of her clothes, her hands were manacled behind her back, and she was marched between...
Hi Dosto Namaskar Salam mene ISS mein karib 3-4 story post ki saayed kisi ko pasand nahi aai esiliyeah 2-3 hi response milaa mein sab ki trah badha chadaa ke nahi likhata saayed eisliyeah kisi ko meri suchai pasand nahi aai vese bhi jooth ka jamana hai to sab ko jooth hi jayeda pasand hai. Chalo mein kuch apane baare mein bata detaa hoon mene ISS mein karib 3 saal phale story post ki thy response naa milane ke kaaran mene phir nahi likha aaj Sunday hai bore ho rahaa thaa socha chalo ek story...
James shook his head and looked up. "Terrence, start bringing all the injured from Freya over. Coordinate with their staff and bring the hurt ones over when gurneys are available. Let's get them medical attention quickly." "We're already on it," Donna said. "David, Elle and Robert are standing by with gurneys. Lindsay and Ed have headed to our multi-use room and are going to set up to treat the non-critical cases there. Craig and Tom are setting things up there." "Maggie has the...
A ‘Routine’ Enslavement by FalconThis is a fantasy and any similarity of names or places to actual persons or places is purely coincidental. This story features scenes of non consensual sex. Persons who do not wish to read such scenes are advised to stop now. The author does not condone in real life the activities depicted in this fantasy.PrologueThe year was 2136. The United States would be unrecognizable to those who had lived there in the early twenty first century. For one thing there...
It all started after a series of failed relationships led me alone.Having always been a closet crossdresser, i started dressing more and more often and posting pics and vids of me on a website.In time, i started posting vids of me toying my sissy ass, and also gradually building up my fem wardrobe. After several months and many pics and vids, i met a man who offered to train me online.This was mutually pleasurable to both of us and as time went by he started having me cam for him.Toying my...
First, The Rule: If you are female and single/alone, you should of course remove all of your clothes (yes, socks too, I’m afraid). And no orgasms until then end, at which point you will have two–no more or no less. If you are something other than female and single/along, please enjoy: Anything Anything—such a simple little word. Dangerous damn little word. I never realized how dangerous, but crap I’m starting to now. My heart thump-thump-thumping so loud that I could barely hear the radio. He...
Dear Reader, Allow me to apologize in advance for using "pantyhose" as a plot device for this one. As you well know, "pantyhose" are evidence that Evil exists. Yet, they work well at two points in this story, so I have shamelessly employed them. Perhaps the Task Force will rate this story XXX-P (for "pantyhose") so sensitive readers can avert their eyes. Girl Nights by Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? Marriage If you're married, or ever have been married, what I'm about to...
This was a Ex gf's DreamOk well we're in England at the hotel in Manchester, day of Nicki's visityou wake before me and I am woke up by you binding me to the bed spread eagled....then you notice I am awake so you tell me not to talk and then you blind fold meI am thinking you're going to use me, and I become more and more excited as I hear you moving about the roomthen I feel as you sit on the bed between my legs and I moanyou instantly slap my cunt hard, telling me I am NOT to make a soundI...
I'm the type of gal who likes a little something in her ass, so I will frequently plug my butthole with the smallest size of buttplug when I go out for a few hours to go shopping or run errands. I don't wear underwear, and it gives me a thrill to think that no one else knows that my tight puckered hole is being stretched open in a sexual way just underneath my short skirt. Last weekend I decided to go to the mall to buy a swim suit and began looking for my smallest plug. I had recently cleaned...
Prologue: You are 19 year old Karen Steen. You are blonde, you are young and you come from a country nobody cares about. (That is why this story is written in a strange foreign way with expressions, no native speaker would use) You have come to the US to study engineering and to see the landscape. That is why you started a road trip with your friend Jackie (also student, but with brown hair) through the country and ended up in a crowded bar in a small town. After some drinks and some dancing...
Mind ControlPart one. ( The train) God! But she was beautiful in those days. Not that Jenni is any less beautiful now, but she was unbelievably stunning back then. Since though, time and the bearing and rearing of children have taken their toll. Jenni still is a very good looking woman, a little thicker than she would like, but all in all, very pretty for a fifty something year old woman. Her beauty goes further than the depth of her skin. Jenni is one of those people who is just naturally lovely,...
After 1st & 2nd part, bahot logo ne meri kahani padhi aur janke bahot khushi hui ke karib 3000-4000 naughty men ne muth mari hogi bahot kharab wali aur kisi kisi ne yeh story sunkar apni biwi aur gf ko khup kharab choda hoga.Rahi baat women ki jo sali secret padhti hogi yeh story usne bahot muth mare hoge bathroom me, aur jo chuddkad he woh chudwai hogi apne pati ke bhai se sath aur uska mujhe pura yakin he. Sabhi logo ko dhanywad kahuga aur khup sex karo meri story padhke hope yeh wala 3rd...
(This is my first story here.) "Your rent is over-due." My flat mate Angus stared at me reproachfully. "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to being this busy. I'll get it to you as soon as I can." "It's not good enough, Hannah. This is the second time." "I know, I..." He held his hand up to cut me off. "You're still learning. You're only 21. But you have to know there are consequences for your actions." I gasped. "Please don't throw me out." "I really should." Angus was my live-in landlord. He...
SpankingWhen French speaking Savana Styles visits LA from Paris, she needs to find a place to stay. Unfortunately not understanding much English leads to a miscommunication with directions and she winds up at the luxurious residential home of a married man John Strong, who is taking out the trash when Savana Styles approaches, and she mistakes him for an inn keeper. She expects to stay in a room at the inn, and she’s so relieved to have found lodging that she doesn’t listen to his objections. She...
The story has a lot to offer in terms of erotica where my husband Abhay and I playfully turn the heat on. My name is Swati I'm 27 with an Indian alpha structure being 5'9 and shaped as 36-30-36. I am married to Abhay who is 29, 6'0 and has an even structure as mine. This is a story of how I help Abhay to achieve his career goals by being his strict goddess. Chapter1 We were all dressed for the gym and jog, we have been working out together since 4 years now. Fitness is an odd thing...
Veronica worried a lot about what had happened to her at Acme Manufacturing Company as she sat and tried to set on new buttons down the front of her torn blouse. She had enjoyed the rape. Actually enjoyed it. The warmth still glowed inside her loins from the feel of Mr. Marshall's steely cock. That bothered her more than she could put into words. With Stan, there wasn't any thrill like that. And he was gentle, kind, considerate. He always seemed to know what she wanted - or had wanted...
BannedStories! I have a few real problems with social media. For one thing, I always end up spending too many hours whacking off to videos of social media influencers, a.k.a. attention whores, as they show off their new outfits and Starbucks orders. It ain’t even sexually explicit most of the time! And when I try to get a little freaky, I end up getting banned from almost every platform. The girls at BannedStories look like they have the same issue.BannedStories.com is a premium porn site with...
Premium OnlyFans SitesRyan went out the next week with his friends. They ended up at Melissa's house. Ryan wondered if Jen would show up. He knew they would run into each other sometime, it couldn't be avoided; they hung out with the same group. "Jen's coming over," Melissa told him. "Oh yeah?" he answered, trying to sound like he didn't care. But his heart was racing. They all sat around, watching TV. When Jen walked in the door she barely looked at him, only glanced at him like she did everyone else....
[Janice writes] We would spend the night and the people there were looking forward to Andy's return for a visit. We were met by a big group who put us in the same motel for the night. Most of the population still lived in Mexico even though it was safe to the north. That area was gradually filling in. Supper was a joyous event with many people telling Andy how much she looks like her mother. She proudly showed pictures of Jacob, her new brother. Charlie came in for his own group of teens...
As I said, we arrived at Wayside two hours later than I had expected. During one of our rest stops, Mac and Martha’s son Timmy wandered around the clearing. He was tired, so he stretched out on a comfy looking bed of leaves and fell asleep. Unfortunately, the leaves were on the far side of a boulder. So, when Dan prepared to hop us to our next stop, no one noticed him behind the boulder. Mac and Martha each thought the other was holding his hand. Martha knew Timmy wasn’t holding her hand,...
As per my first story about my friend Annette,we have become a couple now!! It's just so amazing how she still gets so incredible wet, we have to put towels under her because she makes assume wet spots! I keep exploring her pussy with my tongue ,fingers, and toys!! I can prolong her orgasm that she's climbing the walls with so much excitement ,her pussy starts throbbing, and she explodes with such incredible ecstasy ! She has the wettest and tastiest pussy in the world! I have been having...
Leaving the liquor store with my gift bag in hand I walked towards my car, eagerly anticipating the night ahead. My pants were clean, my nails were trimmed and I was hoping that the night would work out well.Two weeks before I had been invited to a party through a friend of mine. The hostess was a former client of my friends', a striking forty-two year woman who ran her own design firm. She had been invited to parties of ours in the past and the few times she showed she always owned the room...
Iain, Cais and the faerie families were the Martyns first customers at the new Bank and Contracts (B&C) Office when it opened on Monday morning. This trip back, Iain had also bought his family, his wife Irene and their boys, Iran and Ivan and his daughter Indi. Iain happily set up bank accounts for himself and his wife and one each for the boys. He had decided to relocate here and to set up the deals with the Martyns even if it cost a small amount of his profits. Iain made the contract...
There wasn't any denying what had just happened to me. I had been raped. But had I really tried to stop him? I could not stop thinking about it, since the hurting in my crotch seemed to always remind me of it. When I had gotten home, I went straight to the bathroom and washed up. My pussy was red, and it's lips were swollen. I went to my room, ashamed that the thought of that man's thick dick pushing into my cunt was still in my head. The worst part of it, I thought, was that I had...
A Month Of Triple Penetration Mom sat us both down and said, “Okay, here’s the deal. Your sister is almost fourteen and still a virgin. So I what I need from you is to fuck her silly for a month and don’t play favorites, she has three holes, use them all. Is that clear?” I looked up at her in total shock, then I looked at my little sister who was also in total shock. Mom said, “It’s for your own good and for your sister’s too.” She then told us to stand up and undress. I...
BEGIN TEXT: MR. Z'S REACTION TO HEBE'S caper was predictable. He fired her. His secretary had delivered the summons late that morning and we got to his restaurant just after the noon rush. We didn't care. Indeed, we might have been too relaxed. Earlier, as though the previous evening had exorcised any number of ghosts, we'd woken up together and devoured each other. This time we were both awake, and after I ate Hebe to three orgasms she pushed me away and pulled me on top of her. I...
With the push to finish up Dithyran's Probe and at least get a glance at Swordsman of Atlantis, Dave had enough to keep him busy the rest of the week, along with some other loose ends on the move. He was aware his mother and Shae had talked back and forth with Emily once or twice, but wasn't clear on details. Shae kept telling him everything was all coming together nicely with few problems, nothing he need concern himself with, and he was busy enough that he took her word for it. It seemed...
The next month passed pretty much the same way. They greeted each other every day at school. They talked in the hallway. In public, they never touched or stood close to each other. But they always seemed to share a secret smile or two. They went out on the weekends. Always to a place that was in the next county or otherwise far away from inquisitive glances. In private, they held hands. They talked and got to know one another better. They had been colleagues for so long, Jacob knew a lot...
Jan had never been more confused, she always cherished how her husband treated her with such respect and now she let a man who treated her like dirt see, touch,penetrate her most intimate parts, she gave herself to a man she abhored,and the worst part she wasnt even sure if she wanted more of his abuse, she was feeling very empty right now Bob wasnt showing her much affection, the k**s were off doing there own thing all she could think about was sex, Billy finally came by the house the next...
My name is farheen and I work as a software developer in Bangalore, I stay in a 1bhk house and I love to spend lone time so I stay alone, age 24yrs and about my body I am not completely lean but a bit off towards being lean with size 34-29-35 with 5’6” height with medium length hair, brownish-fair in color. Before I start off with what had happened I would like to tell what I fantasize, I always imagine I being a boy and getting along with males and get into play with them with myself as a...
His best man had organised a bachelor party away in Tenerife, in the infamous Playa de Las Americas. He was only too pleased to go and hoped that there might be some sexual opportunities before the wedding. It was the first day and he, John, Steve and Simon had settled in to their hotel in Los Christianas. John, the bast man, had told them all to be ready for a night out and so they had showered and dressed for a night on the town. They walked down towards the Verinicas strip of bars...
That afternoon Stacy emerged from her room and I almost didn’t recognize her. Her hair was freshly washed and styled. She was wearing a thin red dress, which really accented the tone of her skin while doing a decent job of hiding her paunch. She must have been wearing a bra because her breasts looked perky and almost perfectly round with a little cleavage bobbling out the top of her dress. “I’m going out”, she stated, “and you little bastards are to stay right here and if you go outside, I’m...
The Indianapolis Holiday Inn was near the Hoosier Dome. It was fifteen stories tall, with swimming pool and gym on the top floor. The Ladies booked the two floors under the gym. The upper one for the goddesses, the lower one for the priests Alice arrived through the parking entrance. She went to the priests' floor first, with Leslie and Rita. Ed, carrying Tonia, followed behind. "Go wake all your fellow priests, Rita." "What should I do with your sister?" asked Ed. "Take her to the...
In the year 1685 Escobar Key Florida was a small Spanish village settlement, named after its self appointed mayor Pablo Escobar. He was a known warlock who had traveled to the new world hoping to escape persecution for performing black magic rituals along with his wife Isabella and their daughter Amelia. Back in Spain they had helped needful people with their knowledge of healing spells along with medicinal herbs added into their treatments as well. Learning they were being hunted for doing...
This is your JJ back with a Diwali script a short and sweet one that happened years ago. No issues it is still poised to bring you off within a short span of time also depends on how you prefer to handle your sex organs as you read through this submission. Getting on with it, my job at manpower contract company just wasn’t paying enough anymore but sure it had add on benefits such as working with the 49 year old Thilaga a widowed beauty and just by looking at her I knew she was dying to get...
IncestHi am Sandip from kolkata with my wife Arpita married for four long years without any issue, working in a govt sector company, 5’8” healthy man and Arpita being a housewife 5’3” slim fair 28-26-32. We had regular physical intercourse from our wedding night first one year with protection and rest without protective. With a damn curiosity about conceiving any issue, we have undergone medical tests in surveillance of our gyno doctor, reports released to our utter surprise that I count nil whereas...
Hi all, This is pavan, currently working in a software firm in Hyderabad, entered in to the second half of twenties. I have just found this site a couple of weeks back and is really interesting. I am gonna narrate an incident. Friends, This not a Sex story but a true Romantic story, which has happened with a chat friend, whom I befriended in a chat room. I live with my couple of roommates in Mothi Nagar, Hyderabad and the incident which I am gonna narrate, has happened some 3 Months back. It...
By : Demongay I am an Indian living in Mumbai but I travel a lot. Any Indian girls or adventurous Indian aunties anywhere in India who wish to have anonymous, no strings attached relation are free to contact me on Confidentiality is expected and will be provided. Now for the story based on a true incident. Laxmi sat on her dad’s lap. Her head was on his shoulder and she was crying. At 18 and a first year BA student in Ramabai college, she’d had a series of disasters in her love life and her...
Incest"The Floyd are going to be at Knebworth!" Simon told Marianne a few days later. It was an early evening after Simon had worked a long shift, and he was unwinding. They were in the 'Cross Keys', at one of the tables. Simon had a beer, Marianne was drinking her customary white wine. He was holding a copy of New Musical Express, the legendary newspaper of the rock scene, pointing to an advert showing that Pink Floyd would be headlining the next festival at Knebworth. "Great!" Marianne...
Hey, Everyone, This is JJ and I am a regular reader of ISS for the past 7 years and This is the First experience that I am gonna share so if there are any mistakes kindly adjust. My name is Siddharth and I am from Coimbatore. I am 5’6 ft tall and have a decent 6.5-inch cock. The story is about my Classmate, Her name is Disha and Her stats are 36-32-34. Yeah, she’s a curvy busty girl with muskmelon sized boobs, you can’t have them in one hand. We started talking in the first year casually and we...
It was another Friday night. My roommate was having another poker game with his buddies and I wasn't allowed to join in. I spent so much time preparing snacks for everybody, but when I was all done, my roommate Craig told me to go in my room while his friends came over for a few hours. I dunno why he wouldn't let me play, I was actually quite good at poker. I sobbed and went into my room, not even allowed to take a single bite of the delicious snacks I slaved over. I moved in with Craig a year...
We are having a lot of work done on the house and l have taken time off work to be at home whilst its done. l haven't had sex for a couple of weeks and l have enjoyed flirting with the different workmen that come and then masturbating in my bedroom whilst they work away in another room, thinking about them fucking me. The last few days John a 40something and Andy in his 20s have been doing some electrics work and l have been flirting outrageously with John in particular. This...
Straight SexFeb. 10th, 2019 Hi everybody, Things have been a little out of kilter here. When I offered to bring a note from my mental health care provider to my employer my schedule magically reverted to normal. Yay! It took a few days to get back into the groove and then the flu decided to come visit. My wife works with kids and one of my kids works fast food so it’s inevitable. I ended up with a stomach thing which made me feel like I was going to barf if I moved. That lasted about 24 hours then my...
“That was a great class,” I said in a slight pant, rolling up my yoga mat and turning my head towards Vanessa.“It definitely was,” she agreed, drops of perspiration beading down her face, “what are you doing after class?”“I was going to head to the floor and do a quick workout,” I replied.My workout was almost exclusively a butt and leg workout meant to tone and fatten my butt for Tiger, but I didn’t tell Vanessa that.“Okay, well, I want to go for a coffee if you have the time. Maybe after your...
IncestWatching Geraldine take her first horse cock had made all the men horny, and there were lots more men than girls at the farm, so I was called in to do my bit. Four men came to my room in turn, and I just let them mount me, all of them wanting me from behind, on all fours or bent over the side of the bed, as Troy had taken Geraldine. I realized what we needed was a version of the horse bench in our bedrooms, and next time I saw Adam I suggested it. He liked the idea, and said he would arrange...
CHAPTER 9: A NEW DYNAMICAs I walked the extended ramp of the cargo bay of Agency’s plane, Wolf and Preta joining me on either side, I spotted Adrian leaning against the driver’s side hood of the SUV. I waved to him and he started to me. I turned and waved my thanks to the crew of the plane and returned my attention back to Adrian. Then I saw the back door open and Sylvia exiting. I bent over and pointed to her, the two a****ls running from my side on a bee-line for Sylvia. Adrian chuckled as...
My Frist time it was back when AOL frist came out. I was in a miami chatroom and I met a tranylicous. We Started to chat. I remember going to the profile on the side of the message window and I found out throu pics what a tranny was. I must of been 13 at the time or so. She gave me her address. it was not to far from Downtown so I head over to meet her as I smoked a joint. She had a nice apt, pretty empty She had just moved from Ny. After a little chat we had that helped me relax She came...
The following day, the kids chosen as the student mentors began arriving right after Kevin and Denise got to the school. Jeremy and Amelia had recruited a number of candidates and Denise had chosen those who she felt were the best for the role—eight sixth-formers to make four mentor teams. After everyone had assembled in the classroom and introductions were done, Denise reviewed the jobs which the mentors would be doing. “Guys,” she said, “your jobs are very fluid, but fall into two areas....
Pam couldn't get enough kissing. She pulled Derek down beside her on the couch, and he put his big arm around her, sliding his tongue in her mouth, sucking on her tongue. His hand slid between her thighs, stroking her cunt. She reached between his thighs and caressed his bails. They were like hard-boiled, jumbo-sized eggs. She groped his rubbery, snakelike cock. Even soft, it was so thick she couldn't close her hand more than halfway around it. He stroked her tits, tweaked and gently...
The Tutor - Part 2 Introduction "I need your help, please, My Lady," I stammered, looking at the floor. "Why Miss Clarke, whatever is the problem?" Mrs. Roberts, the tall, well endowed, matron of the Roberts Mansion and her impish 17-year-old daughter Denise were finishing breakfast at the dining-room table. Both were wearing sleepwear from the night before under their robes. I shifted my weight back and forth, unsure of how to begin. "I seem unable to control myself, My...
When you live on a ranch, things are really different than when you are a city kid. For one thing, you have a lot bigger responsibilities. For example, if you have animals that can’t fend for themselves, and you are supposed to feed them, they will die if you don’t do your job. When I was a little girl, dad did all the work. I saw how tired he was by the time he got all the chores done, made dinner, checked my homework, had me take a bath, made sure I had clothes for school, and got me to...