Loyal DaughterChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 31
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Jack parked the car in front of the house. He gave me that curious little smile again and asked me, asked me, his wife, for another kiss. Now he had me smiling, so I kissed him. He turned and got out of the car. I started to do the same but he was right there opening my door for me. It's not like he's never done that before, but we did date for six years before we got married, so we'd both gotten pretty comfortable with me opening my own door. It was unusual enough to keep me smiling inside all the way in the house.
In my husband's arms with the door shut and locked behind us, I remembered how warm and safe and loved I felt, why I'd fallen in love with him in the first place, and how sure I was that he was the one. But that made all these new revelations us, about myself, and especially about Javon that much harder to comprehend.
Jack tells me he loves me so often that I guess I don't let it impact me all the way to my heart as much anymore. But this time, for some reason, it did, it really did. “Honey I love you more than my own life and I promise you none of this is your fault, if there's any fault in it, that's all mine. You're being good, true to yourself, true to me, and learning so much every day. And I know you're happy when you've been with him.”
“Wow, where did that come from,” I asked.
“I know you were worried when you two drove up to get me after making me wait two hours.” She looked at me in disbelief. “Yeah, that's right, the meeting was canceled as soon as I walked into the CO's office and I came out just in time to see you two driving off 'to the snackbar.' When you got out of the car, I could see in your eyes that you were afraid I'd be mad.
“But I could also see the two of you together growing comfortable, familiar with one another, relying on one another for taking on a problem. He was as worried as you were. You two are getting closer and, despite my fears and worries, that's hot!”
“I'm sorry we were gone so long. I had no idea.”
“Of course you didn't. You couldn't have.”
“We meant to be back in an hour, like you said, but we got to talking and just lost track of time,” I lamely excused us.
“Riiiiight,” my husband said with a smirk. “Must have been some pretty hot talking,” he needled me, reaching for my skirt.
“Don't,” I said, stopping his hand. He just smiled at me as I looked up at him knowing I was busted. “I'm a mess down there. He came in me and we didn't have anything to clean me up with.”
“So where did you two lovebirds go to fuck,” he teased.
“I'm not totally sure, it was this place near the edge of post with a lake and picnic area.”
“Now that's hot, my honey getting fucked on a picnic table!”
“Actually,” I giggled, “It was on the back seat of the car.”
“You're such a nasty girl,” he said.
“That's the second time today somebody's called me that,” I said smiling wistfully.
He let me go to fix us both a drink. He likes the way I make a bourbon and water for him and I like my gin and tonics. I threw a frozen pizza into the oven and joined him in the living room where he was already shirtless.
“I had a lot to think about today. And to be honest, having those two hours to sit there on the picnic table by myself and think was very good. I know Javon's after you for more than some quick rolls in the hay, and I know you like it enough that you don't want to stop.
“Honey, I know it's part of life... and I know that we can live through anything if we really love like we think we do, like we say we do. So I meant what I told you. You can do whatever you want. I'm not trying to set you up or get a free pass for other women or anything, I'm just wanting to show you the love you need the best way I can.”
What woman wouldn't want to hear that. Honestly, I already knew it about Jack. He's always put me first. Despite him getting a little emotionally squirrely once in a while, he's stayed pretty steady. I kicked off my heels and put my feet in his lap giving him my puppy dog look. He didn't have to be asked to start massaging them.
“I really do love you so much,” I told him. You're so sweet and understanding. The only thing I worry about is getting us in trouble because of people getting nosy and making our business their business.
“I know,” he said. “And I'll do whatever I can to contain that. Keeping it private is going to be pretty hopeless around post. Everyone already knows, or thinks they know about you two. Why don't we just try not to worry about it, not be obvious or too in-your-face about it and just live our lives as unapologetically as we can? Meaning, lets just deal with each issue as it come up, if it comes up.” I nodded. Sounded simple enough, even as we both knew it could be hard. But at least it was a plan.
“Besides, there are so many young people around her and more than a few promiscuous young women that anything we're doing will probably be old news very soon. Our biggest problem is 900 miles away. As long as people back home don't start getting wind of this, it'll probably never become a problem for us. Don't you think?”
We were silent for several minutes as each of us contemplated the horror that would result if word got out back home. My parents, family, high school and college friends finding out, now that was enough to make my hair stand on end. Maybe we should have thought it through more, but I think both of us were so mentally paralyzed by the notion of our old South style religious and racially demarcated society cutting us off that we just put it out of our minds.
The timer on the stove dinged. I hopped up to get the pizza out of the oven and plopped it on the coffee table as he fixed us each another drink. We were both pretty hungry after a long day and wiped it out in no time.
“I know you love me and will do anything for me. And I love you too,” I told him as we snuggled together on the sofa. “I have to admit, I never even suspected that something like getting together with Javon could be possible, let alone this much fun, this exciting. And I want you to know that I love you all the more for making it possible for me.” He watched my face closely as I spoke. “I mean, I laugh when I think of what a naive little girl I was just a month ago. Being with Javon has taught me so, so much, and I believe him when he tells me there's so much more for me to learn.”
Stroking my hair, he asked me, “So what's he taught you that you like best?”
I closed my eyes for a moment, letting my mind wander over our past few encounters. “I love to suck his dick,” I said, grinning shyly as soon as the words were out of my mouth. “I mean, it's kinda nasty, but that's part of it for me. I love the way it makes me feel when I suck his dick; oh, and lick his balls. Doing that makes me feel so low and dirty, and something about that just makes my pussy throb.” It amazed me that my man could listen to that kind of confession and still lovingly stroke my hair, making me still feel loved and cared for.
“I woulda thought fucking him would have been your first choice,” he said with a twinkle in his eye, “but you already knew about sex from me, didn't you?
“Actually—and please don't take this the wrong way—fucking him is probably my real favorite thing I love to do.” I watched his face for reaction, a little afraid of hurting him without meaning to.
“I bet because his dick is so much bigger, right?” he said with a frown. “Is it bigger, than me?”
“Oh yes,” I gushed before thinking remembering just how long and thick it is. “He's so much bigger than you and he fucks me so wonderfully. He always makes me cum just from fucking me.” Realizing I'd said too much, too directly, I braced for the hurt feelings I was certain he was going to have. But he just closed his eyes, nodding, and kept stroking my hair, lovingly.
“It's okay, honey. I want him to be bigger than me. And better. I want you to have the best, and love it.” He didn't say anything else for a few minutes, just sipping his drink and staring off into space. “I know that's really messed up, and I don't know why that's such a turn on for me. I just know that it is. And I love you for letting this all happen.”
I kissed him and gave him the most loving look I could. “Well he's not here, but you are. So why don't you take me upstairs and make love to me my sweet husband.” Despite my new experience level, us being newlyweds, we were still not that good at sex. I loved the way we felt and moved together, and truly sensed how deeply he loved me, but my dirty little mind couldn't help comparing us to me and Javon.
Jack came in me, but I just couldn't orgasm from his efforts. He did masturbate me afterward to a glorious orgasm, but I have to admit I was thinking about 'someone else' the whole time. My husband was so loving and patient with me, and we had such a warm sensuous shower together afterwards that I felt wonderful, truly loved and cared for.
I'd just had the most wonderful sex with my wife. I loved Ainsely so much. She had been worth waiting for all those years. And now she was so willingly living out my dreams and fanatasies. It was easy to put the risks and dangers out of mind as we lay there in our post-coital glow and just revel in how wonderful she was. That's when she told me about the next big change that was going to happen in our life.
“Javon wants to spend more time with me,” she said softly, tenatively. I just nodded. “Actually, he wants to spend the weekend with me.”
“What, maybe Saturday night?” I asked her.
“No, he wants the whole weekend. All four days.” I'd forgotten that we had a four day weekend coming. Recalling that, it hit me what a big request this was. She looked at me for some hint of how I would take that.
“So hows this all supposed to work, Ains?” I asked her. “Does he want to take you someplace or, what?”
“I don't know for sure, but I think he wants to spend the weekend with me here in our apartment, unless we go out together someplace. I think we'd have to talk about it and work it out. What he says though is that he wants my time, my attention for the whole weekend.”
“So did you tell him anything yet?”
“Just that I wanted to talk to you. But honey, I think it's pretty exciting. It could be a lot of fun. Honestly I think I'd like to explore spending a time with him for more than just quick sex like we have been doing. Would that be okay with you? Cause if it bothers you I won't do it.” She was saying all the right words. This was the kind of thing that my fantasies were made of. Penthouse had nothing on us if I let something like this happen.
“Well, I don't know how it would all work out either and I can see a lot of things we'll have to figure out, but if it's something you'd like to do, I admit it would be exciting for me to know my wife is spending a couple of days with a black boyfriend!” She just giggled. “Let me talk to Javon at work tomorrow and we'll see what we can come up with.” Conversation soon died down as we were both lost in our thoughts until sleep came.
When I left for work in the morning, sweet Ainsely was slumbering blissfully. I turned the coffee pot on knowing the smell would get her up shortly. Things were crazy at work from the moment I got there so I didn't see Javon until later in the morning. “Yo, dude, I need the car again,” he said, more a demand than a request.
“Not today, Brown,” I told him. “I want her to have a day off.” He looked at me with a slightly surprised expression. He wasn't used to me being 'in the way,' like this. But he didn't back down. He just lowered himself into a chair by my desk and looked at me. His expression wasn't so much one of intimidation as of expectation.
“Look, she needs to rest up. She's going to be here tomorrow morning whenever you say to pick you up. You get your four days with her.” He couldn't keep a wry smile off of his face.
“Where you gonna be?”
“I was just thinking about that on the way in this morning. I want to be there tomorrow, to be sure she's okay and all that.”
“You just wanna watch, don't you pervert?”
“C'mon man, don't be so nasty. We're doing what you want. Anyway, I'll leave when we all three agree its time for me to go. I don't know where I'm going yet, but I'll leave you two alone.”
“Leave us the car,” he said, “full of gas.”
“I thought about that. Look, I'm going to volunteer for overnight duty for Saturday and Sunday nights. I don't know who's been assigned the duty, but whoever it is will be glad to give it up so they'll have a four day weekend. I'll need to come back Saturday morning to get clothes and all, but won't stay. That should give you two plenty of time for... whatever you're gonna do. I'll be off duty Monday at noon, but won't come back home until you or she gives me the all clear.”
“Alright,” he says. “But I still want to see her today.”
“No, Brown. I already said that. You get her all weekend, but not until tomorrow morning.”
“Alright,” he says agitated, “But don't fuck her tonight. If I can't see her at least you can do that.”
“Okay, I said.” He left. I realize I hadn't exactly driven a very hard bargain. And I still had no idea where I'd go or what I'd do Friday night, especially with no car. But I had all day to figure that out.
On the say home, I gassed up the car and stopped by the quick mart to pick up a red rose for her. I've never been the kind to send bunches of flowers to her, especially as with my smallish salary. But one red rose, and a passionate kiss, and she'll get it, she'd get how much I love her. Ainsely was smily and bouncy when I got home, in the t-shirt and shorts she wears to vacuum and clean. The house was looking spotless. She'd gone out of a way to make her 'nest' just perfect.
“Awww,” Ainsely cried as she took the rose. “How very sweet!” I leaned down to kiss her, but she turned her face, letting my kiss land on her cheek.
“Hey,” I exclaimed, “Don't you wanna kiss?!” She just giggled, turning to find a vase for her flower.
“Sorry, no kissing tonight,” she teased as she filled the vase with water and trimmed the rose stem before placing it on the counter.
“Oh yeah?” I asked, approaching her, thinking she was just teasing me, but she stiff armed me.
“Javon called this afternoon, so I know all about your meeting and that he's going to be with me all weekend. By the way, thank you so much for that, honey. This is going to be a great weekend! But Javon wants me getting 'mentally ready' for our time together, so he told me nothing physical tonight. So sorry, no kissing.”
“You're not kidding, are you?”
She took my hands in hers, but kept me at a distance. “Oh Jack, honey, can't you just let me really get into this time with Javon and enjoy it fully. I don't want to hold back at all. It's going to be over in just a few days, so surely you can stand not being physical with me for that long. Besides, if you think about it, this will make it a lot better for you and your crazy fantasies, won't it?”
I knew I wasn't going to talk her out of it, so I told her it was hot and that I agreed. Javon really knew how to push both of our buttons it seemed. I should have known he was going to tell her to do something like this and I should have known she'd agree. So I fixed myself a drink and leaned back against the counter, watching her make us grilled cheese sandwiches while she babbled on about what he'd told her about the weekend so far.
“So anyway, I'm wearing that dress he liked from the other day, but he says he wants to 're-dress me.' I'm taking my birthday money from my mom so I can get some new things. I'm picking him up at the snack bar and we're going straight to Louisville. The shopping is so much better up there and he knows some stores that have what he wants me to try on. I'm kinda excited about that part of it totally separate from this exciting weekend!"
“So he told me he wants to see where my classes will be so we're going by the school. His family is from there so he wants to show me some places he grew up around. Don't worry though, we'll be back before dinner. I promised I'd grill ribs for him tomorrow night. Do you know what you're gonna do tomorrow yet?”
“Not really,” I told her, “but if you're off with him all day, I'll probably just sleep in and catch up on some stuff around here. I can get the grill ready. I'll even grill the ribs if you want.
“That would be sweet, honey, but I can do it.” Thinking about it for a moment she revised that, “Do you think you could grill them and then leave?”
“You mean not even stay to eat with you two?”
“Well... I mean, if you really wanted to, maybe you could stay. I'd have to ask Javon. But honestly, honey, it would be great if you could just leave when the ribs are done.”
“You don't want me there? Or I guess Javon doesn't want me there. I mean, after all we've already been through, what's that all about?'
“I don't think you'll want to be there. Plus—and you know I love you—but you being there will kinda ruin the mood.” I looked at her with a quizzical expression. Exasperated, she got specific. “I'm not going to be wearing anything, or at least not much, while we're in the house. That's for Javon. It's what he wants. This is his weekend and I want to be free to make it good. I know you've seen me, and all, but it will make me self-conscious, and kinda restrained to have you there, you know. You can see that, can't you honey?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” I agreed. It was hard, but I resigned myself to letting her give him the weekend he wanted and that it was seeming like she was getting more and more excited about herself.
We stayed on our own sides of the bed that night, but both of us were lost in our own dreams.
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I sat in the cab really pissed off that Mark could even suggest that he wanted me to dance. He was telling me that I could make five thousand dollars in one evening. I really didn’t think I could ever do that. I’d love to make five thousand dollars, but what would he expect me to do next? I loved my stepbrother and I have enjoyed everything we’ve done, but to dance in front of strangers is just pushing it a bit. I closed my eyes and was just thinking about things. The cab driver finally pulled...
TabooNa peru surya age 23 height 5.4 average boy.Nenu iss telugu sex stories stories ki pedda fan.Indulo maa pakkintlo unde deepatho naa first sex experience chebuthanu. Madi oka marumula gramam . Ma inti pakkane oka family undedi , andulo husband naku varusaku thatha avuthadu, wife rajitha and oka ammayi deepa. Inka kathaloki velithe naaku 8th class nundi sex mida interest perigindi.Nenu inter 2nd year lo unnapudu okaroju nenu college nundi madhyahnam (afternoon) intiki vaccha. Maa intiki kontha...
Sometimes domination and submission is more mental and emotional rather than physical. This might be one of those nights.My wife has a new lover spending the night. I had to sit in the room and watch those two go at it like rabbits in heat. She was a slut to this man. I watched as she was on her knees, sucking his cock. She had him lay on his back and she straddled him in a 69 position and they went at it. Then she laid on her back. Spread her legs and begged him to fuck her. She verbally...
Die Anzeige lautete nette Hilfe für das Ausführen meines pflegeleichten Mischlings-Hundes gesucht. Alle männlichen Bewerber wurden sofort aussortiert. Einige der junge Frauen wurden nacheinander eingeladen. Ziel war es eine Mischung zu finden, die einen besonders hohen Stundenlohn wollte und möglichst dringend Geld brauchte aber auch vernünftig aussah. Vernünftig bedeutete in diesem Fall mindestens 1,7m groß Körbchengröße B bis C, keinesfalls größer. Tageslichttauglichkeit vom Gesicht her war...
She was Pete's girlfriend. Well I say girlfriend, she was his fuckbuddy ( I think she had a proper boyfriend), but I was too young and too niave to know what a fuckbuddy was back then. I was also attached and idealistic and didn't really appreciate that later in life these things don't always happen.I had a place in town, Pete didn't. He'd taken her to the pub in the afternoon. After a few drinks they were both in the mood but with nowhere to go. They popped round on the pretence of seeing...
Hi friends, This is Neil back again to narrate another real incident that took place in Kochi on Christmas. You can have a look at my previous stories here https://www.indiansexstories2.net/author/iamneil/ This story is completely true except for the names which have been changed for the obvious concern of privacy. Ladies can write to me to have a good time. I would love to talk, meet and be friends with new people. Also comments are welcome from men but I would discourage guys who write...
Something has been taken from deep inside of me The secret I've kept locked away no one can ever see Wounds so deep they never show they never go away Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they've played Linkin Park, from the album Meteora Alex watched as Emily left; still reeling from confrontation, he smiled and really thought he had turned a corner with her. Outside of the problems he had with Sheri and Allison Williams years ago he never had problems with girls, in...
I was in the village shop buying my daily shopping when I met an elderly man. I discovered that unusually for this part of Croatia he spoke very good English. He was a retired Secondary School teacher and was interested to hear I was teaching English as a foreign language.I must admit that I had not considered him possibly attracted to me; I was wearing sandals harem pants thong and bra and a loose fitting yellow top. However I noticed that he had what I thought was his spectacle case in his...
Tam invited me to come and have a drink with her. I told her I was very busy, and tried to wriggle my way out of this sticky situation I thought I had found myself in. She was very insistent though. Eventually I agreed, thinking I could just not pitch up. She gave me the address of her and Paul’s house! And we agreed to meet the next day for sundowners. It was a trap, I was sure of it. Pretend to be all cool and open on the phone, and then spike my drink, or push me down some stairs, or just...
In the town of Badonkadonk there lived a man called Chuck Johnson. Chuck was just an average guy. He was twenty one years old and still lived with his parents. He had an older brother, Lance, who’d recently come out as gay and he wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He also believed he lived in the most boring place on Earth. But Chuck and the rest of the inhabitants of Badonkadonk were about to become embroiled in one of the most amazing events in Earth history! But first our story starts with...
Chet and Joe helped Susan back into the booth at the western club after the trip to the restroom. She had been crying and had the look of a frightened animal on her face. But she was still helpless and she didn't show any signs that the drug was wearing off as she slumped against Joe in the booth. The bartender had been keeping an eye on them. It looked to him like she was passed out. He stopped at their table and warned them that the local town cops were due to stop by the club and make...
He slowly put one finger in my ass, which was all it took to push me over the edge. My body shook, I bit my lower lip, I moaned, my eyes closed and I lost control. He kept his finger buried in my ass as he tasted my juices licking me and scooping more out with his tongue. I opened my eyes and saw that his were closed as he lapped away. Just seeing the joy on his face brought me right back to hovering on the edge again. When his eyes opened and saw mine I smiled and blew him a kiss. He kissed my...
She looked around the small establishment. The walls were littered with random posters, metal signs, a Budweiser clock here, an inflatable Corona bottle there. The building itself had nearly been condemned only a year prior, and she had followed the local media’s coverage of the ‘revitalization’- as they had termed it, rather triumphantly- of this wasteland. It had once been known as simply ‘Harry’s’, and then it had been ‘Dick’s’. Now it was under some new guise, some new trick to try and lure...
I tried not to notice however that is when they try harder to get you to react to the down blouse or up skirt flash that every girl does. The problem is that they started doing this to me when they were in grade school...now in middle oh my how they developed and becoming much more aggressive and suggestive. Last weeks camping trip had 3 of my stepdaughters friends - me and two tents and a small camper for private encounters with less noise. I take them to a nudist camp that is really a...
continued....."Anytime ... anything ...you need," he had paused before continuing, "you will knock on that door. I will be there in that room, right beside you my bahu." He had motioned to the partition door and had said these words in a hoarse whisper. It didn't escape Sonam's notice that her father-in-law had added 'my' to the way he addressed her. May be it was a slip, may be she shouldn't put too much meaning in it. But, nonetheless, Sonam blushed before she could respond.Shyly, she...
The walk home was rather uneventful. Other than the stares from the kids who recognized her from school, Jennifer hadn't spoken much on the way, still a little afraid of what her father was going to do next. Once they arrived at the house, she got closer to Paul, hoping maybe him being with her would make it easier. She was afraid he would be mad about the morning events, not to mention the letter she still had to give him. They walked up to the front door, which was normally left unlocked...
The two slept the sleep of the exhausted until Dan woke at about six the next morning. He was used to getting up even earlier than this, but then his activities the last couple of days had been demanding to say the least. "But I certainly am not complaining," he thought as he looked over at Lisa's tight ass as she lay still asleep. As he watched her sleep and thought about their activities, Dan realized he was already hard. Lisa began to stir and Dan took advantage by running his fingers...
It was Christmas Eve.I was giddy with excitement; I was nervous as hell.I'd tried on the strap-on cock a few times and felt a rush at just seeing a cock poking out in front of me. I tried each cock, from the small, thin beginner weenie to the super cock and took selfies. I also put batteries in the vibrator one and tried it out, actually getting myself off with it. I had to agree with the saleswoman, this was definitely not something for a first time pegging! I would never be able to focus on...
Meet Jewels Jade, Realtor. She’s arranged a meeting to inspect a house that she would love to list. It’s big, has a great view, and the owners are motivated to sell. As she conducted her walk-through, she kept thinking to herself, “I’ve seen this place somewhere before!” It’s when she finally sits down with the homeowners that she makes the realization: this is a home where pornographic movies have been made! Who does she know? Jewels and her Hubby love dirty...
xmoviesforyouSatomi Suzuki has not worked in this office for long. It has been a few years and her job has evolved as time has gone on. She was hired as a secretary but her roll in the offie has expanded. She is now asked to perform tasks like keeping the office clean and maintaining the office equipment. Today she is asked to change some light bulbs that are burnt out. And since she is the office babe the manager has asked her if she can kindly do her jobs in the nude. He believes that allowing her to be...
xmoviesforyouRevisited: I was through writing this story and was inundated with feedback and comments. I fell to the pressure of the readers and decided to write a couple of more chapters. Many readers had suggestions about both Dorothy and George. What they should do and not do. Most just wanted to hear it all from Dorothy's point of view. What would make a woman think the way she did. Here is Dorothy's story after the reunion. Again, thank you to my friend and editor Techsan for making my story a...
This is chapter four of my romantic novel. If you haven’t already done so, please read chapters one through three first. ***** We were met at the airport and driven the thirty miles in a Land Rover. The roads were paved but rough. The resort for obvious reasons was in a more remote part of the area. Our cottage was adjacent to the beach and quite luxurious, as promised. Tired from the trip we took a nap. Upon check in we were briefed on the protocol. Wearing clothes except when entering...
This is a story of this summers event on the water with my daughter. 100% fiction!It was a hot day in july and we decided to take a day out on the water with the boat. My daughter Lauren, now a 18 year old long blonde hair beauty with firm B cup breasts and long legs and her friend Katelyn a somewhat shaplier young woman of 19 with brown hair and D-cup breasts. My friend Joe and my son William were also along. We set off on a day on the river. We packed a cooler of beer and some snacks to munch...
Kathleen sat at her desk staring out the window and thinking about the last two weeks. First, there had been what had happened on the night she and her husband Rick had celebrated her birthday and their anniversary. She couldn't believe how she had acted and the thoughts she'd had that night. She had been stared at and lusted after by a whole room full of men and she had loved it. She left the restaurant a changed woman - a woman who wanted the attention of men and a woman who would do the...
From very first day of lock down, we completely locked ourselves in home for safety.I denied to all my friends to meet physically to cure from any problem. We only talked over social apps only. But we bored in 4 days only and used text chat.Really we have no work in student life rather than study, games and real fun.Me and my two cousin stuck in Mumbai as we all study here. We live in house which owned my father on very day when I take admission in university. After that my cousin bro joined me...
Leaving Pattaya two years ago I booked hotel near the airport. Don't remember the hotel but it was remote little area. Hotel was two buildings with other business around. Hotel had massage shop at bottom of my stairs. Woman was thai but I wondered if full thai, her breast were massive. Not normal to see on thai woman who is not massive fat. she told me her story in broken English. Her life was working to provide for her twelve year old all thai son. His father died right after she got pregnant....
Hi ISS readers! I am fan of this site. I have been enjoying all the stories published here. This is my first attempt to write a story. It is not a fiction. I am describing a real incident. I am a guy of 27 with 8 inch dick from Kolkata. I do not watch Bengali movies usually. But I love actress Indrani Halder for her big boobs. She is 38-32-38. She got national award for Dahan. I have always dreamt of holding & pressing her boobs and sucking her nipples. Dear readers I got the opportunity to...
Jane was almost purring her contentment on the drive home. Her eyes and skin actually glowed, at least to Ken's eyes. She was sitting on her cloak, which was soaking up the fluids that Ken had injected into her well-used body before they left the bar. He'd decided that, since they weren't getting out of the bar without him fucking her, a little demo had been in order. Jane had shortly found her wrists crossed and tied between her shoulder blades. He'd then added some harsh, thin rope...
Hai, my name is Fredrick this is a real happened incident when I was 18 years old.And the heroine of this sex story is Lisha mam she was in her late 40’s. But her assets are too much even in this age.She had a fair complexion with 5′ height and fatty body but that doesn’t matter when you fantasize her. Lisha mam has long black hair, huge boob’s that were always hanging in her blouse, a big round navel that you can see from her saree. She has a big black mark in the right biceps of her. I’m...
SISSIES IN SPACE PROLOGUE: This is work of fiction, with apologies to NASA. 2052 CE A conglomerate of several large American Corporation's met in January on St. Kitts Island in the Caribbean for a discussion concerning the exploration of the asteroid belt between the planet's of Mars and Jupiter. This meeting was the direct result of the apparent temerity of NASA for the past twelve years following the disastrous manned Mars mission that resulted in the perishing of the six man...
Summer of 93’Nothing Compares To YouPart VIWe all got out of bed and I got new sheets and pillow cases and sent everybody out. Turned on the two exhaust fans in the bathroom and spritz a little air freshener. I got the bed made lickety-split as Maggi and Donna announced their plans to jump in the shower. Nat said “I’m going to jump in the spa”, and everyone knew that’s where I was headed.Maggi got the water running in the shower and I headed out to the swim-spa. Natalie was already in relaxing...