The Tenant Part 11 Laura
- 3 years ago
- 49
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The view from my office window isn't great. A grey street, with mostly grey buildings on it. Not much of interest. But I had been staring out at it for a full half hour when my friend Jenny tapped me on the shoulder. I jumped, and she gave a little laugh. 'You were miles away.' She was right, I had been back in the garage/gym/dungeon below my flat. I was remembering the first time I landed a size 12 slipper on Jeff's well proportioned backside.
That had been two weeks ago, not long after Jeff had become my landlord. Amongst other things. The first week after the revelation of the contents of the cabinet had been a riot of spankings, beltings, slipperings, canings, paddlings and floggings; I must have tried out very single one of the marvellous toys in there. And sex. Lots and lots of sex. Fantastic sex. We'd had a few nights off over the two weeks, but last night's session with a short leather spanker was still fresh in my mind. And my bottom. I had chosen to wear a tightly fitted pencil skirt to work today, partly because the heavy fabric moving against my backside kept the feeling going as long as possible. It was a feeling I loved, and craved. It had taken a bit of experimentation to find the best outfit for the purpose, but now I had. I wriggled in my seat every so often, just to feel that delightful ache.
But now I turned to my best friend in the office and gave her a beaming smile. She laughed again. 'Nice to see you so happy, kid,' she said. 'Drink? It's Friday. We haven't put the world to rights for a while.'
'That would be great, Jenny. Let me finish up here. I'll see you in the usual place in half an hour.'
The pub was crowded and noisy. I spotted Jenny at a table in the corner with a bottle of wine and two glasses. One glass was half full. I filled the other glass, sat down with a sigh, and a slight wince. Jenny was looking at me carefully.
'Right. You need to tell me what's going on. You're happier than I've seen you for ages, and I've been watching the way you're walking around. If I didn't know better I'd say you've just had six of the best from old Miss Hunter.'
I smiled at the memory. Jenny and I had been the bad girls of the class, and Miss Hunter, the deputy head, in charge of the girls' discipline, had bent one or both of us across her desk for a caning most weeks. Mr Monaghan had ruled over the boys with his fearful slipper; I had seen the star of the rugby team reduced to tears by just a few swats of the tattered old plimsoll he used, a demonstration which had come in useful when I'd had the opportunity to use the slipper on Jeff. There had been a competitive element between Jenny and me in our final term, with Jenny winning by one caning. Miss Hunter had been a large woman with a powerful right arm. Jenny and I sat quietly for a moment, lost in our own memories of these happy, carefree days.
I downed the glass of wine in my hand, poured another, and looked seriously at my friend. 'Ok. But if I tell you, you can't tell anyone else. It will be our secret, just like our sordid past with Miss Hunter.'
Jenny was staring at me intently. 'I knew it.' She sketched a cross over her left breast, presumably where her heart was assumed to reside. 'I will not tell a soul. I promise on Olly Murs' life.' Jenny was a big fan.
I took a deep breath. I wasn't sure how Jeff would feel about me spilling the beans, but I just had to share the experience with someone, and I knew I could rely on Jenny not to spread it around.
'Well,' I began. 'It started when the Gellatlys sold the house to this young guy, Jeff..'
When I'd finished, Jenny was open mouthed, wine untouched in front of her. 'No wonder you're walking about like you've just been caned. You have. And spanked, and belted, and slippered.' She squirmed in her seat as she recounted the list. She was clearly excited about the thought.
'And don't forget paddled and flogged.' I poured a fresh glass of wine. 'And, the fantastic sex afterwards.'
Jenny sat back in her seat. 'I still remember the warm feeling I used to get after Miss Hunter had given me six of the best. You're a lucky cow.' She sat up straight, looked me in the eye. 'Show me. Show me the cabinet, the gym, everything. You have to, now you've told me.' Her eyes were glittering. I had the feeling Jenny wanted more than just to see the contents of the cabinet.
'Perhaps I could, but not tonight. Jeff's away tomorrow, until Sunday, visiting his parents. Come round about tea time. We'll have a bite to eat, and I'll give you the guided tour.'
Back in the flat, I decided to use the gym for its intended use, and started to get changed into my gear. As I was getting undressed, however, the memory of these canings from Miss Hunter swam into my mind, They had been the start, and the memory was still strong. My hands crept down between my legs and I lay back on the bed. The gym would have to wait.
When I got downstairs Jeff was working hard at one of the weights machines. The muscles in his forearms and biceps strained in a most attractive way. I padded over, playfully squeezed one bicep. 'Looking good.' I said, and climbed on to one of the cross trainers. I'd been pounding away for about five minutes, just starting to build up a sweat, lost in my thoughts, when I pulled up short as my bottom exploded in pain. My hands flew to my backside, kneading the soreness through the lycra. Jeff held up a cane - one of the thin, whippy ones - and smiled lasciviously. 'I do apologise,' he said, not meaning a single word. 'But I couldn't take any more of watching that beautiful ass gyrate in front of me.'
I descended daintily from the cross trainer. 'Well, as you put it like that, kind sir,' I said, and crossed over to the old table. I looked over my shoulder as I bent over the polished surface. How could he have known what had been in my thoughts as I had worked out? Sometimes there seemed to be a real bond between us.
Jeff needed no further encouragement. Two quick steps and the cane swooped down to lay a path of fire across my rear end. I whimpered, more in pleasure than pain. The next swish of the cane was harder; it landed with a Whack! on the same place as the first. I sucked in a lungful of air, to expel it with the next swoosh and Whack!, which made me jerk back, almost to my feet. The pain was intense, even through the lycra. My knuckles were white as I gripped the end of the table, tensed for the next blow. I felt a light tap on my burning backside, then Swoosh/Crack!, harder than ever. I cried out, and my hips bucked against the table. Two more swoosh/cracks in quick succession didn't allow me to draw breath, and then the loudest Swoosh! and hardest Crack! of the thin rattan full across both cheeks and I jerked upright, hands clasped to my burning backside.
'Aah! Aah! Ooh!' I gasped, hopping from foot to foot. 'That was worse than Miss Hunter when she was really angry.'
Jeff paused in the act of taking off his gym shorts. 'Interesting. You'll need to tell me all about her. Later.'
I had been trying, as gently as possible to slide my lycra leggings over my caned backside. Jeff's need was clearly greater than mine; he wrenched them down and pushed me forward again, across the polished wood. I moaned in pleasure as he slid his full hardness into me. His groin slapped against my striped backside in a pain/pleasure conflagration, again and again. I could sense his orgasm building, and let my own loose. I cried out, arched my back and pushed my bottom hard against his hips. We came together in a long, delicious rush.
After the caning we'd shared a bottle of wine at Jeff's, and I'd told him all about my life at St Mary's, about Miss Hunter's strong right arm and about my competition with Jenny.
'You sound like a pair of proper terrors,' said Jeff. 'I would have loved to see both of you getting six of the best though.' A lascivious grin. 'And I'd have loved to see you in your school uniforms. I'll bet you looked so sexy.' What is it about men and school uniforms? Wine finished, we went our separate ways, after a lovely, sensuous kiss. I got the feeling Jeff would have liked us to stay together, but I didn't feel ready for that just yet. It would have sounded bizarre to anyone else; despite our active sex life our sleeping arrangements remained separate, and chaste. It was almost as if the spanking and sex wasn't part of our normal, day to day lives.
I woke up late the next morning, face down on the bed; my usual sleeping position after my backside had been punished. I checked in the mirror while the kettle boiled for coffee. I could see horizontal stripes across the centre of both cheeks. I touched them. Still tender. Jeff was seriously good at this. The smarting feeling felt good as I slipped between the sheets with my morning coffee. So good that I just had to take some time to put out another smouldering fire, this one deep inside. When I had finished my coffee was cold.
I carried out some tidying and cleaning of the flat, which took longer than I had planned. Perhaps because it was the first time I'd done it since Jeff arrived. There always seemed to be something better to do. While I was cleaning my desk I saw Jenny's car pull into the drive. Before Jeff had left! Damn! I'd wanted Jenny's visit to be something for myself for a change. Jenny looked good getting out of her car. Taller than me and naturally slender, she had a gorgeous, heart-shaped bottom. Then Jeff was outside too, talking to her. I groaned, and made for the stairs. Jeff turned to me when I emerged. 'So this is the Jenny you were telling me about!' His smile took in both of us. 'You two have a good time. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.' Was that a warning to me?
I hustled Jenny inside and up to the flat, pushing her past the exercise machines, and what she really wanted to see, the cabinet. 'You'll see all you want later. When Jeff's gone,' I told her.
'He's really nice,' said Jenny, going to the window. 'Doesn't look the sort to tan your backside. There he goes, down the driveway to see his mum. Can we go look now, please?'
I made her sit down and poured her some wine. I told her about last night's caning, how it happened just as I was thinking about our schooldays. Jenny's eyes were wide. 'How many? On the bare?'
'Six or seven. I wasn't counting. And no, I had my gym stuff on. Lycra. Thin lycra,' I said, with a smile. 'Might as well have been nothing on at all.'
That was too much for Jenny, and she jumped up and ran for the stairs. I followed at a more sedate pace. When I got there she had the cabinet doors open. 'Wow,' she said. 'You weren't kidding, were you?' She lifted down the slipper, thwacked it against her hand. 'And you've had this? Bet it hurt.' She lifted down a cane. 'This is more like it.' She looked round the room, saw the table, handed me the cane. 'Six of the best?' she said, walked over to the table and bent over it, hands grasping the far edge. I smiled, followed her across the room. Jenny was wearing dark blue denims that looked new. 'Not with these on,' I said. 'You won't feel a thing.'
She straightened, looked at the cane, smiled, and undid her belt buckle. I waited until the jeans were fully off, and motioned to the table. She turned and gripped the far edge of the polished surface. She was wearing thin black panties that looked like silk. They stretched alluringly over her rounded bottom. It had filled out some in the 10 years since I'd last seen her bending over for a caning, but looked superb. The silk was a poor choice though; no protection whatsoever against what was coming her way.
I tapped her rear with the cane three times, and range and angle just right, and brought the cane down full against the smooth silk. Swoosh/Crack! Jenny yelled and jumped to her feet, hands flying to her backside.
'Now, that would have meant that stroke didn't count, in the good old days,' I said. 'Are we following the same rules?'
Jenny stopped rubbing her bottom and looked levelly at me. 'I'm game if you are,' she said. I motioned at the table again, and she assumed the position.
'Very well,' I said. I used the words Miss Hunter had used so long ago. 'Jenny, your punishment will begin now.'
I raised the cane high and brought it down with a loud Crack! across her backside. Jenny cried out, and arched her back, but she stayed down. I let her have three hard strokes in quick succession. Crack! Crack! Crack! echoed round the room. 'Only two more, but they're going to be hard ones,'I said. 'They're going to hurt.' I was enjoying the sight of Jenny's silk-clad behind squirming with pain. She hadn't cried out at the last three strokes though. I would have to do better.
I drew the cane back as fully as I could, sliced it through the air. The Swoosh! and Crack! were loud but nothing compared to Jenny's reaction. 'Aah! Oooow!' Most satisfying. I tapped the cane against the straining silk for the last stroke, drew back and let rip, using all my strength to whip the thin rattan full across both cheeks. Swoosh/Crack! Jenny leapt up and danced from foot to foot, hands trying vainly to quell the fire that the cane had started there.
'Let's have a look,' I said, and gently teased down the black silk. Her bottom was crisscrossed with red, angry looking weals. 'Ooh, that must hurt,' I murmured, and caressed the punished cheeks with my hand. The skin was burning. Jenny whimpered, and pressed her bottom back against my hand. My middle finger probed down, down, seeking the moistness of her vagina. She grunted and leaned forward on the table, arms supporting her as she spread her legs wide. I probed inside the lips of her clit, looking for that little bud. She moaned, and started to writhe against my hand, pressing her bottom harder and harder against my probing finger, which was now firmly inside the slippery moistness. The she cried out, and her knees buckled as she came.
The table was still warm from Jenny's body as I took my place. I had taken off everything but my thin cotton panties; my breasts flattened against the polished wood and my hips were tight against the edge of the table. I reached forward and clutched the far edge.
Jenny spent some time walking round behind me, presumably studying for the best angle of attack. I felt her hand follow the contours of my bottom. 'Lovely, quite lovely,' she said. 'And showing quite a few marks from last night's caning.' Then an explosion of pain as she smacked her open hand across my seat. I jumped to my feet, placed my hands to my backside. 'No fair!' I protested. 'I didn't do that to you.'
'I know, but this is all new to me. And your bottom looked so tempting. So inviting.' She stroked my backside again. 'But now, Laura, your punishment will begin.'
I took my position. Jenny rested the cane equally on both cheeks. I held my breath as it lifted, to let it out when the Whoosh/Crack! introduced a line of pain across my tender rear. I grunted in pain as the rattan whooshed down again to Crack! against my backside. The Whoosh/Crack! of a third, harder stroke made me cry out. Jenny was finding her rhythm, and two more hard strokes full against the thin cotton stretched tight over my backside nearly made me jump to my feet. 'Very good Laura,' said Jenny. 'Just the last one to go. But be warned, this will be a hard one.' The cane cut through the air so fast that the white hot pain registered at the same time as I heard the Whoosh and Crack! That was too much, and I was on my feet, hips gyrating wildly as I tried in vain to sooth the fire.
Jenny reached out a hand, placed it on my burning backside, moved close, until we were facing each other. Her other hand reached behind me, covered my other smarting cheek, pulled me towards her. I raised my hands to her face, lifted my lips to hers, and we kissed for a long time, our hips grinding together. I reached behind me, took one of her hands and led her upstairs.
The coolness of my bedsheet was bliss to my striped, smarting backside, but it was as nothing compared to the feeling of Jenny's flickering tongue in my clit. Her hands reached under me and she lifted my bottom higher, tilting it for maximum penetration. I bucked and moaned in ecstasy as my old friend, and new lover, pushed me over the edge into a shuddering orgasm.
I woke to the unfamiliar feeling of another person's arm draped over my shoulder, the feeling of soft warm skin pressing against my back. For a moment I thought it was Jeff, but just before I turned round to give him a proper good morning, I remembered. Jenny. The caning, the sex, the wine, the laughter, the tender kisses, then, later, the slow, so slow, coupling.I slid out of the sheets, padded naked to the bathroom. I stopped off to fill the kettle, put some bread in the toaster. 'You should...
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Laura settled back on the settee, nervous, yet sexually excited. She enjoyed her ‘fantasy nights’ with her husband Tom. She could feel the coldness of the steel handcuffs that bound her wrists firmly behind her back and she could also feel her own dampness between her thighs. Wearing a thin black dress with just a pair of black stockings and suspenders underneath, she could feel a chill too. She was also in darkness. A black silk scarf covered her eyes to give everything added effect. Tonight...
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My name is Jennifer Lorraine Parfit; I am five foot seven tall, seventeen years old and in my final year at school. I have long blonde hair, a pretty face (so they tell me) and a figure that attracts plenty of attention from both sexes.I attend a prestigious academy that is a renowned learning institute. The school is for girls whose parents can afford to pay for them to receive a privileged education. Besides being a fee-paying school, only students who pass a comprehensive entrance exam and a...
SpankingI met Laura by accident. Coming out of my history class, sophomore year in college, I wasn't paying attention as I was dialing numbers on my cell phone and I ran right into her. She wasn't paying attention either, as I guess she was looking down into her purse or something. From the moment I saw her, something inside me changed forever. Laura was about 5'8 and very, very beautiful. She was part Hispanic, part white, and her pristine skin showed it. She had just a touch of Hispanic...
We went through elementary and high schools at the same school though often in different classes. She was a sister from another family. Laura was a bit of a tomboy and regularly roamed with us boys in the neighborhood. She could rough and tumble with us, but alone she seemed quiet and shy. She loved to play in the woods with us, but was an avid reader as well. We went to colleges in different towns. We texted now and then, but we only saw each other sporadically. Laura had developed into a...
Laura blinked drowsily as she came awake. She yawned and stretched, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her supple body. She loved the Cavanaughs' pool and stately house, a house so big that it was almost a mansion. When Mrs. Cavanaugh had asked Laura to stay there for the weekend to watch over her son, Bobby, while she went with her husband on a business trip, Laura had readily agreed. The doorbell chimed, barely audible out by the pool. She wondered if that had been what had woken her...
The start of my junior year was actually a bit depressing. Previous years I'd seen all my old friends, but last year I'd made friends with a lot of seniors, none of whom were back. Nevertheless, I still had quite a few friends, many that I hadn't seen since the end of last year. The first days of school are always like a reunion; I renewed relationships with a few girls, and continued with others. Out of school, I still spent a lot of time at Cheri's house. Kari was going to college...
I was asked to let my mothers friends daughter which is 15 use the pool as she wanted to have some kind of workout and she loved swimming. At this time I am house sitting as my parents were out of town for 2 months. Let me tell you about Laura, she is latina, her mom is mexican and her dad from Honduras. This gives her a very nice tan complexion, she is slim about 5’3 with a cute baby face. I will get more into her looks as the story goes on. Laura had apparently used the house pool...
Laura snuggled into the body at her side; arms encircled her, pulling her close. It felt good. It felt REALLY good. Almost as good as the preceding sex had felt. Almost. She lifted her head, searching for lips, for a kiss. She found both. She teased the tongue with hers. They both giggled, he squeezed her tighter against him. She felt him harden. “Again?!” He playfully bit at the end of her nose. “Well, how can you blame me with such a hotty lying next to me. Not just lying, but nakedly...
A Thirst for Laura Just when I felt our sex life was returning to some degree of normalcy, Lacy surprised me. When she called me at my office and invited me to lunch, I thought “no big deal, glad to do it”. But when I arrived at our usual curved booth at our favorite restaurant, she was not alone. There beside my wife sat Laura, her luscious co-worker. More times than I can count Lacy has seen me literally drool watching Laura at office parties, backyard bar-b-ques at our home and a few...
A Thirst for Laura Just when I felt our sex life was returning to some degree of normalcy, Lacy surprised me. When she called me at my office and invited me to lunch, I thought “no big deal, glad to do it”. But when I arrived at our usual curved booth at our favorite restaurant, she was not alone. There beside my wife sat Laura, her luscious co-worker. More times than I can count Lacy has seen me literally drool watching Laura at office parties, backyard bar-b-ques at our home and a few...
FetishA lady friend of mine once confessed at a dinner party an amusing event that happened to her on an aeroplane. She had been flying alone, economy class from London to San Francisco, and was sat next to a small, overweight, middle-aged man. The cabin lights were dimmed for that dubious time period when flight attendants arbitrarily decide it is bedtime (regardless of the fact it is daylight outside and only 2 o’clock in the afternoon), and she woke from a nap to find she was inexplicably...
As the post-convention clean up was wrapping, the two lead organizers and their gofer Gary said they were going for a bite to eat, and asked if I wanted to come. If I had half the maturity I should have had I would have realized they had decided I was helpful but harmless, kind of like a basset hound who fetched your slippers. Instead I was sure at least one of them was interested and determined magic would happen that night.After dinner, Gary the gofer took his leave, and one of the ladies...
CuckoldHi! I am Kari. I am a 5’8” green eyed, blonde hair, athletic type of body girl. I went to college to be a nurse. In college, I originally worked at the local hospital through our school’s program, but I quickly learned that college and drinking were a lot more expensive that I ever thought, so I started looking for a job that would look good on my resume but also put some money in my pocket. One of the nurses that I had become friends with told me about job with local prestigious plastic...
LesbianScenes from our visit to the Pettersen home played in my mind like a classic movie. It had become evident that Rosita wanted us there to express her rage towards me for what I had done to her husband. Laura stepped in, saying that she had already expressed her displeasure with my actions and suggested they talk in private. Over the next few days and nights I pieced together what had been discussed as Laura revealed fragments of her conversation with Rosita. Nighttime was the best time to...
Hi this is ramlingu i am 23 years old i am a very big fan of indiansexstories blog and i am sharing my sexperience with all of you as this experience happened because of this site(blog) which has guided me a lot………..K i will directly come to my story this happened in Bangalore. Ladies or aunties if u are missing sex i am there to help you please reply me to my mail i will surely accompany if you are in bangalore i am staying in yelahanka Bangalore My tenant is shruthi age 32 and having size of...
Hi friends I’m completely new to this site comprising of sexual stories. Well, this is my first story which I’m going to share with you guys/chicks, but first I would like to introduce myself to u. My name is Allan(name changed)I’m an Soft Eng student I’ve completed my external courses such as grad,pgdca,dim. Let me not waste my time and make you feel restless. Here’s my story, I Live with my parents in Belgium (karnataka)in our own house, it’s a double stored building consisting two more...
I had to smile as I walked out of the guest bedroom. "Grown up? Um, yeah," I thought to myself. It had started out as a typical Saturday night. I was very much a fly-under-the-radar guy. No need to throw my wild times in my parents' faces, but Saturdays were for going out. Tonight I would spend it out drinking and maybe dancing with some nice looking girls. I wasn't much of a dancer. In fact I felt like a complete douche trying to do it, but if you want to meet the nice looking girls your...
IncestLaura and Angel had been friends since Laura moved to the area a few months earlier. They had met through work and became fast friends. Both Angel and I had been attracted to her since we had met her. She was 25, short only about 5 feet tall, skinny, but with lovely big tits. She had big brown eyes and mouse brown hair and a beautiful smile. Not only that but a lovely girl smart and funny. Angel had asked her to join us in a threesome but she didn’t want to as she was only interested in Angel...
Let me start by saying this is all true. My wife and I have/had been married for ten years, that is until a year ago. This was the second marriage for the both of us. My wife was married thirteen years before she divorced. She has a son thirty-nine and a daughter thirty-five (eleven and seven at the time of her divorce). My ex and I divorced after a twenty-seven year hitch and I have no kids of my own; there are a lot of stories connected to my ex (more on that later). My wife and I had...
I was home alone for the entire week end, since my sweet wife had gone out to visit some good girlfriend who lived in a town about two hundred miles from us. Of course, she had taken my brand new car and had left her old one parked at the driveway, just in case I needed to go not so far, she said. Saturday morning I was mowing at the back yard, when my phone rang up. It was Laura, one of Ana’s best girlfriends. Since that bitch had got divorced, she was hornier than ever. And she knew I was...
AT 25, Laura Windslow wasn't suffering financially. Her job as a free-lance book-publishing editor saw to that little matter. Socially, was another story altogether. She was a dud in the attracting men category. And she knew it. Book publishing. That fits me, she thought more times than not, the bookworm. The little dull as dishwater bookworm. Her cat jumped up on her lap. "Wiggy, don't you ever get tired of all this excitement?" She giggled. "You don't give a rat's ass, do you...
My good girlfriend Laura was not a saint girlie. She was bisexual, had sex with me from time to time and cheated on her loving hubby Peter also. Her last lover was a giant, muscular and well endowed black man. She used to say his monster black cock drove her crazy every time he fucked her.One night Laura and I were lying naked in her bed, no loving husbands at sight, when she confessed me that she had always had fantasies of being fucked by my beloved hubby Victor.“Go ahead, babe; I think my...
Old Man Young Tenant Part 6The return of one of the other roommates had awakened Ann.Ann was looking at Alice with a very warm smile when Alice opened her eyes. She did not move or say anything for several minute as her body registered all the feeling. She realized she was naked and lying next to another naked girl and it felt sort of good. She liked the feel of flesh against her flesh just like she enjoyed the feel of William’s naked body against her. She saw Ann looking at her in a...
Old Man and Young Tenant Part 3After getting a new swimsuit they drove for about an hour to a nice beach on a small lake. It was not crowded but they were not alone and found a nice grassy place to spread a blanket out. William was wearing a pair of shorts that double for swim trunks and Alice had gone and put on her new two piece suit.Alice is not a beauty queen but she did look very good to William as she came walking back with a towel over her shoulder and a new wiggle in her walk. William...
Author's note: To fully understand this story I recommend you first read 'The Red Dress'. Sunday and I am working. Still, it could be worse. I have had a few days off and the weather is glorious. It is eight thirty in the morning, the sun is up and warm and I have a few minutes to spare, so a cup of coffee is what I need. Get the system started so to speak. On the station is a coffee bar, one I use regularly, so I head there. A young, attractive blonde woman greets me with an eastern...
LesbianHi everyone, my name is Samar KC (name changed). I am from Pokhara, Nepal. I am 25 years old, 5’8″ in height, fair skin tone, and have an average body. I was basically born and raised here in Pokhara. So, all my childhood and teenage days were spent in Pokhara. Growing up as a teenager, I always had a lust for girls. I used to casually tease or poke fun at them but never harass them in any way. So, in a way, I was quite frank with girls and could blend with them easily. This is a true story...
That Saturday morning I had to get away, so called a friend and arranged a game of squash at the club. Anything to fill the hours until the evening's fun. As I turned out of the driveway I saw a familiar mini speeding along the road towards the house. Jenny. She was early, really early. Just what were these two cooking up?Phil and I were well matched and the game was hard and competitive, gave me the kind of workout I needed. I was out of the shower and changed before Phil; secured a corner...