AlClad LV Hospitality free porn video

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‘Why! Oh why! Did we have to bivouac on that moon?’ grumbled PFC. Travis Anderson. ‘I’ve got sand in my boots, sand in my socks, sand in my underwear, and that is the smallest grain sand I have ever seen.’

Pvt. Tom Crawford said ‘ can you ever not complain, or better can you go 20 minutes without complaining. Try it. It will make you a better soldier. You will be a better Strike force Team member and a better man!

‘Uh’ Anderson remarked, ‘ Am not a complainer. Well not about everything, just if it bothers me. And this sand in my underwear bothers me.’

‘Hey, now that is an improvement. You only complained about sand in your underwear, not everywhere else.’ Said Pvt. Crawford. ‘By the way you can always tell the Sergeant your concerns.’

‘Have you ever noticed how the Sergeant and the Lieutenant think just alike, ask one a question it is like? …. He was interrupted when he heard the Lieutenant shout.

‘Halt.’ Lt. McLane ordered, as he grazed a blue pine nut bush. He sensed something was amiss. They were at the edge of a clearing in the blue green brush just a half kick from where they had landed in the Scorpion shuttlecraft. Just over the bush line. AlClad lV does not have trees, just big bushes. Blue green bushes interwoven with tall blue and green Tsongas grass, and in some places smaller shorter grasses. He could make out the light blue glint of the metallic paint on a Jouth flier. The dark smoked barrels, indicated recent use of the 6 plasma cannons, and double blasters mounted on each side looked menacing as Lt. Rex McLane shouted, ‘ cover – back!’ Because blaster fire began to fall down upon Strike Force One McLane mussed ‘ This was suppose to be a simple in and out mission – pick up an operative in an uninhabited area. J.J.Jameson was the operative. He was to gather inlet on a primitive prison camp where a United Star States soldier was held. – Where was Jameson?’

The entire clearing erupted as powerful plasma cannons expelled their strength devastating the entire area. Strike Force One was heavily armed. Each member of the 8-man force had a medium plasma rifle, a blaster with 3 battery packs, and 16 Y flux bombs. The team had 3 Y flux launchers. They carried the firepower of 100 men. But against that gunship they were in for one torment of a fight.

Sgt. Jack Crow spoke quickly to Lt. McLane ‘They do not have any forces on the ground! Just the Gunship! If we…’

McLane and Crow had worked together so much they did not have to communicate completely orally. They had an almost ESPER power between them, McLane interjected, ‘ Put 2 Y flex bombs as close to the gunship as possible. Reload turn the tube vertical, punch remote. We only have 40 seconds before they can re energize their plasma cannons.’ McLane turned to his men and said, ‘ Aim, shoot, and move in the direction of the Scorpion.’

* * * * *

Jameson tried again to pick the lock on his cell door. One more time one more try, he thought. Such a crude lock should not be this hard to pick. He knew the Jouth guard would begin his patrol again, maybe 15 minutes. Jameson had figured out the guard’s schedule. They patrolled constantly during daylight, every half hour after sundown till midnight. After midnight the guard would not come again until 2:00 AM, and then not until 4:00 AM. After four another long stretch till around sunrise it was not an exact schedule. Sometimes the guard would come earlier, sometimes later.

The lock clicked! It was open! Jameson knew he would be free! He turned to wake his cellmate soldier that had been sleeping.

‘ Nelson, Nelson I did it – wake up, lets get out of here.’

Nelson rose from his sleep. Jameson heard the crunch in the sand of 4 feet coming in his direction. It was the 4 footsteps of the guard. Why? It was not 2:00. The guard was early. Jameson and Nelson slumped down and pretended to be asleep.

Maybe the guard would not see the lock. Oh I hope he walks on by. Jameson mussed to himself.

The guard did walk by, but just as he stepped on his 3rd leg, he turned abruptly and pulled hard on the lock with his lower arms. It slipped open. The guard jerked opens the wooden bar door. He stepped inside the cell. The Jouth guard held, with his upper arms, his rifle upright and spoke. Jameson and Nelson began to rise slowly. They did not understand Jouth but they knew the Jouth guard’s statements were not friendly. The Jouth yelled something and swung the stock of his rifle into Jameson ribs. The rifle still held in his upper arms. Jameson slumped in pain. The Jouth raised, raised his rifle and slammed the stock on Jameson head. Fortunately the stock slid off the side of his head or the force of such a blow would have killed Jameson. The Jouth raised his rifle for another blow. Before he could Nelson retrieved a shank he had buried in the dirt. He lunged at the Jouth, driving the shank deep into his chest. The guard grabbed Nelson with his lower arms and threw him against the cell wall. Nelson held onto the shank all the while he was thrown and the self made knife was pulled from the Jouth’s chest by his own force of throwing Nelson against the cell wall, blood spurted on Nelson covering his hands and shirt. Nelson had a lot of Jouth blood on him.

It was hard for Jameson to stand. The pain was still with him. But stand he did. Blood was spurting from the Jouth guard, but before he could recover Jameson picked up a table leg he had removed weeks earlier, and hit the jouth hard at the base of his skull. He grabbed the Jouth’s rifle as he fell into the colorful dirt floor of the cell. Jameson reached down and checked his pulse. It was rapid. He knew the Jouth’s main heart and 2 auxiliary hearts would continue pumping blood on the cell floor until his body was empty.

The soldiers left the cell looking in all directions, keeping close to the buildings in the dark shadows. They proceeded to creep out of the prison camp. A watchful eye was maintained in all directions.

As they came around a corner of the last building 4 Jouth soldiers confronted them. One was an officer. Jameson thought, ‘So close to freedom. Another 50 feet and they could escape into the woods free. It was 4 against 2.One gun against four. Should they just give up, resign them to prison? No, No.’ Jameson mussed. ‘It is every soldiers duty to escape.’ Without another thought he lunged the bayonet of the dead Jouth’s rifle into the officer’s chest, pushing him into the soldier behind him all the time driving the steel deep into the officer. Jameson had placed it so deep he could not extract it. Thus he discharged the rifle. The recoil of the rifle dislodged it from the officers’ chest and drove a bullet into the soldier behind him. Nelson quickly placed his shank into the 3rd solder’s neck, severing several blood vessels. Jameson aimed the rifle at the last soldier and fired accurately.

Just before they slipped into the woods to freedom Jameson took an incendiary grenade from one of the dead Joutheans’ and lobed it at the cell building from where they had been confined and said, ‘And that is for your hospitality you blue 4 legged Jouth.’ They then disappeared into the tall Tsongas grass surrounding the camp.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Y flux bomb exploded in front of the gunship, and every member had fired once including McLane and retreated 50 feet into the brush.

‘ I think we damaged one of their front air intakes.’ Jack said as he fired his blaster. He had not had time to remove his plasma rifle from his shoulder. You could see the dark burned area at the air intake that contrasted with the metallic blue paint.

‘ Good, then it will take ‘me another 20 seconds,’ McLane fired his plasma rifle. ‘To energize the cannons’ They retreated another 50 feet into the bush, looked up, fired at the gunship. The second eruption of plasma cannon fire erupted as the gunship started to move in their direction. McLane fired a second shot from his lo
cation then retreated over 100 yards. Over the radio net he ordered his men to cease-fire.

The gunship continued to move toward their location. McLane turned to Jack and said, ‘All right now Jack.’ By remote control Jack launched the Y flux bombs as the gunship moved over the reloaded launcher they had left at the edge of the brush. One last flash of the gunship’s cannon went completely off target burning a 40 meter wide swath of bush and then into the air as two Y flux bombs exploded at almost point blank range to its under side.


As Strike Force one boarded the shuttle, electronics officer Reggie Hines said, ‘Lieutenant I am getting life form scans about 2 to 3 clicks away’

Lt. Mclane spoke in a questioning voice, ‘ Can you tell if they are human, AlClad, Jouth or what.’

Hines hesitated, mumbled something in German then replied in standard ‘Not from this distance, or on the ground. Once we are air born we can approach that direction. We can use our long-range scanners. Long range scanners are useless while we are on the ground.’

‘Make a quick scan as soon as we are off the ground, it could be a Jouth patrol investigating what that explosion was. I don’t want to approach that direction until we know what we are dealing with. If they are Jouth, we may need to lay down some strafing fire to protect our 6 before we depart this planet’s atmosphere.’ Lt. McLane turned, directed his attention momentarily to Sgt. Jack Crow and asked ‘everyone on board?’ After receiving an affirmative answer, he angled his attention to shuttle pilot Capt. Rene’ Andrus and spoke, ‘ We need a course plotted for the direction of the life forms.’

With only a slight acknowledgment to the request, Capt. Rene’ Andrus took control, commenced cracking orders and spoke directly to her navigator, ‘Plot that course’ she then sounded an alarm and announced, ‘General quarters, man all battle stations.’ Lt. McLane was mission commander of Strike Force One, but on the Scorpion she was in charge. Additionally, she out ranked him and had about 10 to 15 more years in service.

‘ Captain, All battle stations manned, on line, and active,’ responded Chief Weapons Officer Morris Water wise. ‘Do you want missiles armed?’ he added.

‘No on missile armament now. Get the coordinate’s from Hines, and aim your Z flux blasters at those coordinate’s, be prepared to fire multiple Z flux blast at that location. I don’t want anything left to return fire on us. We have surprise on our side, I want to use that surprise to our advantage. Gravity interrupter’s engaged lift off in 5,4 3, Hines, bring up your long range scanners, only passive, nothing active until we know what we are dealing with’

With the gravity interrupter’s engaged the Scorpion lifted from the blue-green soil of AlClad 4, Capt. Andrus ignited the Scorpion’s thrusters and they were on course for an encounter which was unknown but did include a possible fire fight. Confidence she did have in the Scorpion. It was built as a shuttlecraft but it could fight its way into any atmosphere or out of an atmosphere. It was not the preferred location for a fight.

Everyone was quiet, with full attention to his or her job. Hines broke the quiet, first by mumbling some German phrases then ‘ Captain they are human, the life force is human, I make it to be 2 humans. I have already double checked the data 2 times’ That double checking was what he knew that the Captain would ask, double checking 2 times meant that he had checked the data 4 times.

‘Hines, double check, and open up your scanners to cover a wider area, We will circle that area, but I want to know that area is clear, there is a Jouth base somewhere and more gunship’ Andrus said, as she brought the Scorpion to a hedging that would circle around the life forms.

‘ Area clear Captain ‘ Hines reported.

Capt. Andrus called,’ Lt McClain, get your force ready to check out what humans are wondering around on AlClad 4. And keep a good out look.’

‘Aye Aye, Ready Sir.’ McLane responded.

As soon as the Scorpion landed, Strike Force One deplaned and was enroute to find the life forces of humans. Very soon Jameson and Nelson were discovered, retrieved, and hustled back. When Strike force One returned to the scorpion, they had 2 extra passengers.

Capt. Rene’Andrus unstraped and released her harness. She stepped into the shuttle bay. ‘McLane get everyone on board, and strapped down PRONTO. We need to exit this planet.’ She had only a slight hesitation before she completed her statement, ‘Now.’ She had recognized J.J.Jameson.

Jameson’s attention was diverted to the tall female Captain that saluted him and said, ‘ Welcome aboard, Sir.’ She did not call him by rank although she knew he was a Lieutenant Colonel in the OSS.

Jamison returned the salute and said ‘Well hello Andy. How is your family? I heard your father was on AlClad. ‘

‘They are all fine, thank you for asking, almost all of my family are on AlClad. Lt. McLane will take care of you back here, we need to rendezvous with a destroyer 3 light years out.’

Capt. Andrus returned to the cockpit, speaking as she entered. ‘Engage the gravity interrupters,’ directing this order to the Copilot Lt. Henry Austin.

‘Aye, Aye, Andy.’

She accepted the calling of this newly discovered nickname without comment, but mussed, Hank – Austie – Austy Hank, that will come later, trivial stuff later. Now this shuttlecraft needed to lift off. ‘ 5, 4, 3, take us up Lieutenant.’

On board the United Star States Ship The Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr. Lt. Col. J.J. Jameson briefed the staff about the other aliens held in the prison camp, from which he and Nelson had so recently escaped. ‘A rescue mission must be planned.’

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How I spent New Year in hospital

I was sexually excited but rather nervous about my ‘appointment’ last Sunday. Getting dressed up in the stockings and undies my doctor friend had bought me, and packing up my nightie and yet more undies in an overnight bag, got me really excited, but as the taxi got nearer and nearer to the hospital I guess my initial courage – the result of not having had sex for over a week – started to fail. None of the clinics were operating, and the hospital corridor where my friend’s office was situated...

3 years ago
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MBBS Doctor Fucked In Hospital

Pichle hafte mere cousin ka accident ho gyea tha.Uske parents usko hospital le gye vo kafi serious tha mujhe uncle ki call ayi vo mujhe bole aap hospital me aa jao.Uska dhyan rkhne ke lea maine sham ki train li aur pahunch gyea. Accident bahut major tha he was in emergency dr. Boli operation krvana padega knee tut gyea tha mera uncle roo rha tha har taraf matam shea hua tha relative or friends aa rhe tha sabhi patients ke.Ma patient ke ps baitha hua tha mujhe bahut tensn ho rhi thi ma upset...

2 years ago
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Sex In Hospital

Hi to all ISS readers and I’m Sachin from Mumbai name changed due to security. I am of 21 and story is of my friend Snehal she is also 21 and I’m a regular readers of ISS and big fan of it. Yeh meri pehli story hai kisi galati ke liye mafi chahata hu. Main abhi seedha story pe ata hu yeh kuch lagabagh 8-9 mahine pahle ki bat jab mai Mumbai me study kar raha tha main roz jab bhi bored hota ta tha aisehi ek din Maine dekha ki muze ek ladki ki friend request hai to maine turant receive kar li....

4 years ago
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How I spent New Year in hospital

I was sexually excited but rather nervous about my "appointment" last Sunday. Getting dressed up in the stockings and undies my doctor friend had bought me, and packing up my nightie and yet more undies in an overnight bag, got me really excited, but as the taxi got nearer and nearer to the hospital I guess my initial courage - the result of not having had sex for over a week - started to fail. None of the clinics were operating, and the hospital corridor where my friend's office was situated...

4 years ago
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Losing virginity at hospital

Now coming to the story, My brother was in an accident, he had multiple broken bones and he had to be hospitalized for two months. Now someone from the family stayed at the hospital incase he needed something, i used to stay every night. We werent allowed to stay with the patient but I would sleep in the waiting room. Now it was mostly just me there, no one actually was in the waiting room in the night. I used to sleep on a couch there. Now outside the waiting room there was a desk where a...

4 years ago
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Fallen Earth Caught in the Hospital

“That must be it,” Adela murmured as she paused to look at the twisted cross hanging loose from a concrete wall spider-webbed with vine-filled cracks. The young ranger was tall and slender, with an ample chest and long blonde hair that she wore pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a pair of loose-fitting black leather pants designed to survive several days of traveling, and a brief halter that provided just enough modesty in the sweltering southern heat. Her only equipment was the sword slung...

2 years ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 5 At the Hospital

The drive to the hospital was uneventful and easy enough. Tim’s mother, Juanita, parked the family SUV in a General’s parking spot, right outside the front entrance to the emergency room. Tim’s father, Raymond, who was standing just inside the ER doors, knew from the frantic sound of his wife’s voice on the phone that she would not obey the parking rules and would take the first available space she found. Raymond quickly reached the SUV before Juanita could turn off the engine. He stuck his...

2 years ago
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Hornee Hospital

B. J. Hornee Memorial Hospital by TW with help from MM It was a slow weekend evening at Hornee. With only three patients on the orthopedic wing, the staff had been cut down to just one RN and one CNA. Annette, a shapely 32 year old RN with dark hair and a lovely Mediterranean complexion, twelve years experience, knocked before opening the door of room 2714 then...

3 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 8 Exam at the hospital

When I came out of the bathroom Elizabeth asked me how I was doing and I told her I was doing okay. She asked how my ribs were feeling and I told her they still hurt. She invited me to go downstairs to sit out on their back porch and have some lemonade and get my mind off of things and I thought that to be a good idea. She got the lemonade and her dog was outside playing and it was nice to watch him chase a ball as she threw it and it helped me get my mind off of things. I built up my...

2 years ago
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Konoha Hospital

It's a sunny day in Konoha as the famous Konoha hospital have been booming with many patients in their hospital beds. Tsunade looks at her 4 nurses with a grin on her face as she sees in line Naruko, Hinata, Satsuki and Sakura standing side by side knowing that they have given space for her to stand in the middle as they were commanded to do so since the beginning of when she opened this hospital or rather this haven for nurses like them in the past that the true leader of this hospital is...

3 years ago
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Oct28thshaved in the hospital

I recently fell off of a bar stool in my kitchen on a hardwood floor and idiot me broke my hip just before Halloween. However,the reason for this story is that while in the hospital for 2 weeks going though surgery and physical therapy it seemed that my shaved cock and balls grabbed the attention of quite a few people there. I mean it COULDN'T have been the first time that nurses and my anesthesiologist and surgeon have seen this before but it started when a female nurse was helping me into the...

4 years ago
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Home From The Hospital

I have not been home from the hospital but a little over a week, I had not been released to work full time so I would go in for half days only and I had to have someone to drive me to and from. My first two days went well and had a system down picked up at 7:00 am and home by 12:00 pm. So on the third day I went in to work my wife had stayed home on this day. We have not spoke much about what all happen to us in the hospital but I have been thinking of watching my wife kissing and sucking the...

3 years ago
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Helping MotherInLaw At Hospital

Hi friends I ‘m here to share my lucky experience with MIL while my FIL was hospitalized. Let me introduce our family. I’m working in a MNC and was married to a beautiful girl from a middle class family. She have a brother and he is settled abroad with wife and kids. My In laws are leading a peaceful life in our city. This experience happened couple of years back. My MIL is a very conservative lady working in a bank. After two years our marriage everything was fine me and my wife was having a...

3 years ago
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Housewife Shalini 8211 Part 3 In Hospital

Hi friends first I have to thank to all who have read my story & responded to me. Special to my friend who work in htc, became my best pal in understanding me ( thank you honey). I got many mail from reader but I couldn’t responded because I was busy as I have to look into my hubby’s company if I get time I will do it. And I don’t have time to write fake stories. I didn’t have time to continue but after many mail I thought to write it. So I start were I stopped. Now previously I was tired of...

2 years ago
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Sperm Hospital

She gazed out the hospital window at the familiar scenery below. Vast fields of green and gold sprawled out to the horizon. The August sun beat down upon the asphalt of the highway running in the foreground; the radiating heat turned passing cars into mirages. The hospital was always cool; conditioned to a comfortable 72 degrees, but she could feel that unforgiving heat through memories of hot and humid Missouri afternoons, and it spread down from there to all of the parts of her body. Today...

2 years ago
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Her night shift at the hospital

Debbie was working the graveyard shift at Mercy hospital. She hated it, but due to the staffing issues she had no choice so 11am to 7am it was. It was a break from her former life as a stripper and adult entertainer, she was a ‘recovering’ Nymphomaniac and decided to take up Nursing three years ago. So here she was at mercy hospital at 2am checking on her patients. She went into room 412 and noticed a very attractive Football player who was there for observation due to a mild concussion. She...

3 years ago
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Peen Has a Stay In Hospital

Peen opened his eyes and grunted up at the bright light above him. "Aye?" he questioned. Then he winced and tried to swallow. The overhead fluorescent light crackled."You're fine, sir. You're just coming awake. It went well. We got rid of that nasty bone spur on your heel." The nurse was making adjustments on the monitor attached to the wall. "You know you'll have to stay overnight? Doctor spoke to you about that, I'm sure. We just need to make sure the anesthesia didn't give you a...

2 years ago
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Peen Has a Stay In Hospital

Peen opened his eyes and grunted up at the bright light above him. "Aye?" he questioned. Then he winced and tried to swallow. The overhead fluorescent light crackled."You're fine, sir. You're just coming awake. It went well. We got rid of that nasty bone spur on your heel." The nurse was making adjustments on the monitor attached to the wall. "You know you'll have to stay overnight? Doctor spoke to you about that, I'm sure. We just need to make sure the anesthesia didn't give you a...

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Manic Hospital

Cecilia's eyes popped open to take in the world around her, but strangely enough the first thing she noticed was the smell. It was a mixture between bleach and the sickeningly sweet smell of cherry cough syrup. She was in a hospital. That much was plain. Monitors beeped. Fluorescent lights blinded her overhead and she was definitely freezing her ass off in this paper thin hospital gown. " Oh good. You're awake. Ms. Ryder I'm sorry to inform you that you've been in a coma for about a week now....

4 years ago
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In the hospital

Ok, Hello i'm a 22 year old male. I had this stomach bug issue for quiet a while and it hurt like hell so I finally had the courage to see my local doctor. My doctor examined my stomach and anus as it was connected somehow to what my issue was. She got on her glove and lubed it up as she asks if she can put her finger in my anus to feel it, I said yes as it would have been beneficial for my health. She slips it in and it feels painless and quite good as her whole middle finger is my ass it...

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Late Nights At The Hospital

Sitting in the nurse’s station sucks; there's nothing to do here over night after visiting hours have finished; at least not in the high medial dependency ward. I do a round of patients; taking their blood pressure or changing their drip, whatever needs to be done, and then I get bored for the next few hours. It doesn't help that my boyfriend has been ignoring me either. I haven't spoken to him in four days, and to be honest I'm not sure he's still my boyfriend. I'm going to give him a call and...

3 years ago
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Sexy DrSupriya And I Had Long Sex Session In Hospital

Hi, guys, you may have earlier read my sex stories and today I am here to narrate an incident that took place a week ago in a hospital of Rourkela. Below are my contact details Kik: pkgargxx. Now lets directly jump to the main course. I was in the hospital as my grandmother was sick. She was being tended by Mrs. Supriya. When she entered the room to see the status of my grandmother I was amazed by her busty figure. I could see her busty boobs tucked neatly inside her saree above which she had...

2 years ago
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Hospital by shalimar I went to the hospital because I'm a diabetic and my toe had an infection. They admitted me to a double bed room and told me they would need to remove the toe. Charles, my roommate, was in for pain in the abdomen. Although he had been in the hospital for a week the doctors still didn't know its cause. "Maybe you're pregnant," I kidded. He gave me a chuckle before we talked on other subjects. Just before I had my operation the next day Chuck came back...

3 years ago
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Fun With Nurse At Hospital

Hi this is Chocolate. This is what I’m sharing is my real experience and first time I’m sharing. So if there’s any mistake plz neglect that. This incident happened before 5 months back. I was 23. I met with a small accident when I was riding my bike at Coimbatore Tamilnadu. I got some scratches around my body but not in face and small damage at my toe. The nail and toe got bleeding and I couldn’t walk and couldn’t beer the pain. I got admitted in a famous hospital near Avinasi road. My mom came...

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