Cameraman Needed free porn video

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After moving to Los Angeles, finding a steady job was not quite as easy as I had imagined. I found myself bouncing from one production to another as a production assistant for low budget movies, television shows, and commercials. Trust me - it sounds way more impressive than it actually is. My biggest issue was that it seemed to be a club of insiders and the idea of it ‘not being what you know, but who you know’ was more realistic than I thought possible. 

I moved out here dreaming of being a director. I knew it was a bit of a long shot, but I also knew that it would take a lot of work. I would have to start at the very bottom and prove myself to be a hard worker, while learning about the business and how things worked on a set. That meant low pay, long hours, and very little time for actually working on my own projects.

On the bright side, I was twenty-three years old, living in bright, sunny LA, and really didn’t have a lot of real responsibilities. Sure, I had the normal bills - rent, cell phone, groceries, etc. - but my car was paid for and I really only needed about $1500 per month to stay afloat. It doesn’t sounds like much but I was barely scraping by at the end of each month.

It had been two weeks since my last gig and I was getting desperate. During my daily skimming of job listings on various websites, I found one that might be of some interest. It read:  Cameraman needed for small production. Good pay. One day shoot. Minimal experience needed. Send resume to *******.

The work was outside my area of expertise, but the promise of ‘good pay’ was more than enough to take a shot. I knew how to work a camera from some visual arts classes I took in college, so at worst, I could probably fake it pretty well if they were really interested in ‘minimal experience’. So I sent my resume in and went about my day.

About four hours later, I heard my phone ding on the kitchen counter and knew that it was an email to my work account based on the distinct chime. I rushed over and opened it to see if it was about the job.

Mike, thanks for sending your resume. Looks good to me - can you come by for a meeting tomorrow around lunch time? The address is 11530 Pendleton St., Sun Valley. Make sure your afternoon is free. If we get along, I want to shoot immediately. - Hank

I couldn’t believe it. I replied right away and told Hank that I would be there at noon. I got an email back from him confirming our meeting and letting me know that he was looking forward to the next day. I was careful not to ask about pay right away. The way I saw it, if he wanted to shoot tomorrow, there was always the chance I could drive up the price at our meeting if he really wanted to get started. Telling him my price today would just mean that he could say ‘no’ and find someone else.

That night, I went to bed early so that I could get up early and be one hundred percent ready for my meeting with Hank. It seemed silly but camera guys make good money in this town and if I could make this a regular job, it would be great for the bank account. So I wanted to make the best impression I could.

Around 10:45am, I left my apartment and headed up Interstate 5. It was not that far of a drive but LA traffic can be unpredictable. I was not taking a chance on being late because of traffic. The drive didn’t take very long but I was so excited about this opportunity that each minute seemed like an hour. I finally arrived around 11:30am and just waited in my car for a while. I didn’t want to show up too early. I knew how annoying that can be.

About five minutes until noon, I walked up the front door and entered the nondescript building. There was a long hallway with a bunch of doors so I just started walking and looking for the door with Straight Cash written on it. About halfway down the hall, I found it and knocked. After a moment, the door swung open and I was greeted by a friendly face.

“Mike?” he asked.

“Yes; you must be Hank?” I replied.

“That’s me. Thanks so much for coming on short notice. My normal guy dropped out and I needed to get this shot today. My actress is only available for a few hours this afternoon so I din’t want to risk losing her for this project. Come on in, let’s chat,” he told me.

I walked into the waiting room of a normal office setting. There was some generic art on the wall and some nice looking couches along two of the walls. We walked through to an office off that room and Hank took a seat behind the desk. I sat down across from him.

“Alright, so she’s probably going to be here in about forty-five minutes so let’s talk real quick and get set up. You hungry? I got some pizza for lunch and there’s a few slices left in the break room,” he offered.

“Oh, no thank you. I’m all set. Big breakfast for me today,” I explained.

“Alright, offer stands. Anyway, I’m not going to sugar coat this. I produce adult videos,” he said with a pause, waiting for me to react.

I just nodded my head so as not to react to strongly one way or another. A job is a job.

“You ever see those videos where some amateur girl comes in, does an interview, and gets naked?” he asked.

“Um, sure. Like 'Girls Do Porn'?” I asked, trying to sound like I knew what he was talking about without revealing too much.

“Yeah - exactly, but fuck those guys. Those chicks are actresses. It’s fake as fuck. I find real amateurs. Girls with something to prove to their shitty ex-boyfriends or deadbeat dads. I bring them in, talk to them a bit, and have some fun,” he explained.

“Oh, that’s cool,” I said, really not knowing what to say at all.

“So anyone can use these cameras, I’m not looking for a professional. Just someone who can aim the camera at the action and not get all weird. Can you do that?” Hank asked.

“Yeah - absolutely. I’ve used cameras like those before,” I said, gesturing to the cameras on his desk.

“Great - the job pays three grand. You cool with that?” he asked.

I almost choked. Three thousand dollars? That was way more than I expected!

“Sure - that works for me,” I said, trying to play it cool.

“Okay, great. Here’s how this works. You are the second camera. I’ll be the primary camera. We will start with an interview. This camera will be on my desk getting a wide shot. You sit over there and get close ups. Make sure you capture her reactions and facial expressions. That is the gold that tells the world she is really an amateur,” he told me.

I nodded and he continued.

“Once the action heats up, you get in there with the camera; you want to get close enough to get good shots but not too close that it throws off the action. Don’t be fucking weird, okay? I get in on the action a little bit so make sure you are getting the good shot if I’m not in the position to get it myself,” he explained, making sure that I was not going to fuck this up.

“I’ve seen some of those videos so I think I can handle this pretty well,” I said, trying to ease his worries that I wouldn’t do it right.

“Great - I’m sure you’ll be good. Any questions from you? Because once we get started, we just roll. There are no second takes. We want this as real as possible.” Hank asked.

“When you say you ‘get in on the action’, what exactly does that mean? I just want to be ready.” I asked.

“Depends on the girl, to be honest. Whatever she’s up for!” he said with a big smile.

I liked Hank. He was energetic and pleasant - certainly not the type of guy I expected to be doing videos like this. We chatted a little more about some of the features on the camera and shots he wanted to be sure I was getting. For the most part, he kept me in the dark. I don’t think it was intentional. I think he was just used to guys in this business and I didn’t ask too many questions, so as not to sound like a newbie. 

I was feeling a little nervous because I really didn’t know what to expect. I had seen a few of these videos but I really was not completely comfortable with what I was going to be shooting. It’s not that I was a prude or anything - I watched porn - but there was a big difference from pulling up a video online and being two feet from the action. This was especially true when there was no script and the girl has never done this before! 

Around 1:00pm, Hank’s phone rang.

“Hello… yeah. Hey, honey. Yeah, the door is about halfway down the hall on the right. See you in a minute,” he said into the phone.

I looked at him with a look of 'so this is it?'

“Showtime, Mikey boy!” Hank said, excitedly.

Moments later, there was a knock on the outside door and Hank went out to greet the start of our show. I sat back and waited for them to come back. We had agreed that we would explain the day to her before we started shooting to avoid too much awkwardness.

“Mike, meet Paige. Paige, Mike,” he said, walking into the room with a cute brunette.

“Hi, Mike! Nice to meet you!” Paige said in a friendly tone.

She was stunning. If I had to guess, I would place her in her early twenties with long, brown hair with loose curls and deep blue eyes. She was about five-foot-four, nearly a full foot shorter than Hank. She was petite by most standards, with slim legs, a narrow waist, and perky B-cup breasts above a flat stomach. She was dressed very casually, not exactly what you would expect - just jeans and a white t-shirt.

I said my hellos and Hank invited her to grab a seat on the small sofa across from his desk. We had since moved the seat I was sitting in so there was nothing between the couch and his desk. For the next few minutes, Hank explained how much she would be paid for her time and how he expected the day to go. There would be an interview and then some modeling if she was comfortable. He also reminded her that she was under no obligation to do anything she didn’t want to. She seemed relieved at how nice he was and appreciative of his style of work.

“Ready to get started?” he asked her.

“Yep!” Paige chirped.

We started rolling the cameras and Hank began his interview.

“Hey there, what’s your name?” he began.


“Nice to meet you, Paige. How old are you?”

“I’m twenty.”

“And are you from LA?”

“No, I just moved here. I grew up in Ohio.”

“Ohio? What brings you out west?”

“I’m in college at UC.”

“No shit - what are you studying?”

“Communication… for now. I’m still not completely sure if I want to do that.”

She was adorable on camera. I couldn’t tell if she was playing it up for us or not, but it was working. She looked great and she sounded genuine.

“So, let’s get a little deeper, shall we?” Hank asked.

“Sure! I’m an open book.” Paige replied.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“Um, kind of.” 

“Kind of?! What would he say?”

“He would say that I have a boyfriend,” she said, a little embarrassed but smiling.

“Are you a virgin?”

She looked at me and then back to Hank. “No, I’m not. Is that okay?” she asked, shyly.

“Of course that’s okay! You’re young and sexy. What you do is your business, right?” Hank assured her.

“Okay, we’ll I’ve only been with like four guys. So I’m not a slut or anything!” she said. 

“Well, why don’t we do a little modeling as we finish the interview. Can you stand up and take your top off?” Hank asked.

She looked nervous for the first time. Hank sensed her hesitation and jumped back in.

“How about I throw in another hundred dollars for your top?” he offered.

She seemed to like the sound of that and stood up cautiously. As she stood, she pulled her t-shirt up over her head, leaving her standing in front of us in jeans and a lime green bra. It looked great on her tight, tanned body.

“Wow - you look great, honey!” Hank said.

“Aw, thanks,” she replied.

“Now, what is your favorite position in bed?” Hank asked.

“Um, on top? Yeah, I like being on top the most,” she said, blushing.

“Oh, so we have ourselves a little cowgirl, huh?” Hank teased.

“I guess so!” Paige said back.

“Will you take off those jeans for another hundred?” he asked.

Without responding, she just smiled and began unbuttoning her jeans. As she tugged them down over her hips, she revealed a pair of lacy green panties that matched the bra. She might have been playing coy but she knew from the start that we would be seeing the matching set!

“Oh my god - look at that little body. Paige, you are incredible!” Hank praised her.

She was smiling and seemingly loving the attention. I was doing my best to remain professional. I had never been this close to such a stunning creature in just her underwear before. 

“Why do you like cowgirl so much, Paige?” Hank probed.

“Um, I just like the way it feels, I guess?” Paige replied, a little unsure.

“Do you like big dicks?” Hank said.

Paige laughed, embarrassed. I could tell she was searching for the right answer. “Yeah, of course. Well, I think so. One of my boyfriends was pretty big and he was good in bed.” she said, blushing again.

“How big was he?” Hank pushed for more. 

I could tell that he was an expert at this. The questions got more personal as the clothes came off. It was brilliant in the way of simply upping the ante every few minutes and keeping her off balance. I’m not sure she would be talking so freely if she wasn't almost naked, and she may not be standing here in just her underwear if she didn’t just admit to loving to being on top. It was the idea of ‘well, I’ve already gone this far or said this much, what’s a little more?’

“He was probably this big,” she said, holding up her hands about six or seven inches apart.

“And he was the biggest?” Hank asked.

“Yeah,” Paige replied.

“Have you ever wanted to try a bigger penis?” 

I saw a little reluctance in her face when deciding on how to answer this one. It was that uncertainty that Hank had told me to look for. I was sure he would love this!

“I mean, yeah, kind of. I’ve had girlfriends talk about their boyfriends’ cocks before but I always thought they were exaggerating. But, yeah, I’ve wondered. I’ve always enjoyed my boyfriends though, so it’s just been a curiosity, not something I’ve really ever needed.” 

“Can you take your bra off for me? I’ll give you another two hundred dollars,” Hank told her.

There was a slight hesitation this time, but again, she took him up on the offer and reached behind her back to release her bra. In the next moment, she was shrugging it off her shoulders and allowing us to view her tits. There was almost no need for a bra. There was no sag at all. They just stood out proudly.

“Are those natural?” Hank asked.


“Can you give them a little squeeze for the camera?” Hank asked.

“Um, okay!” Paige replied and reached up to her breasts and pushed them together with her palms before squeezing them and giving her nipples a little pinch before releasing them.

I was mesmerized by her body and her bubbly personality.

“Do you ever give your boyfriends blowjobs?” Hank asked.

For the first time, she looked really unsure if she was going to answer, but she eventually came through.

“Yes…” she admitted.

“Do you like it?” Hank followed up.

“I… I kind of do! I know that sounds weird because most girls hate it, but I kind of like giving my boyfriends that kind of pleasure. It makes me feel kind of sexy,” she said, sheepishly.

“When is the last time you sucked a dick?” Hank was getting a little more vulgar with his questioning. Again, he started slow to build trust and now was talking dirty to arouse her. Well played, Hank! Paige was really blushing now.

“Yesterday!” Paige replied, before covering her face in embarrassment.

“Yesterday?” Hank said, laughing.

“Yeah, I blew my boyfriend while we were watching a movie after dinner! Oh my god, this is so embarassing!” Paige said.

“Would you suck one now?” Hank said, going in for the kill.

“Right now?” she asked.

“Yeah, let’s say there was another five hundred dollars in it for you?” Hank offered.

“For five hundred dollars?! Yeah - I think I would,” she said.

At this point, I was no longer sure what would happen next. Hank picked up the camera off the tripod on his desk and stood up. He walked around his desk and approached Paige who was still standing in front of the couch. I stood up too so I could keep an extra camera on the action even though Hank was shooting the whole thing on his.

“Paige, I’d like for you to take out my dick.” Hank told her, sternly but very friendly.

She looked up at him, then over at me. She was making up her mind if she was actually going to do this. I saw her take a deep breath and steady herself. She was really going to do this! Her hands were trembling slightly as she reached for Hank’s belt. 

Up until this point, I was trying to decide if she was trying to seem like more of a slut than she was or less than a slut than she was. I now knew that she had been playing up her sluttiness. She was nervous to do this. I really think she was under the impression that she might take some sexy pictures after telling us how naughty she was and get a check. She certainly didn’t have to do this, but I think she felt she had talked herself into a corner.

She undid Hank’s belt and unfastened the top button on his dress pants. She then pulled down the zipper and allowed his pants to fall to his ankles. Underneath, he was wearing red boxer briefs with a sizable lump in the front. Paige was looking around nervously, her eyes going from Hank, to the bulge in his underwear, to me, and back to Hank.

“Go ahead, it won’t bite,” Hank said, laughing.

Paige crouched down into a squat so her face was level with Hank’s groin. She stretched out the waist band and pulled his boxers to mid thigh. In doing so, she revealed Hank’s soft cock underneath. The only word I could use to describe it was meaty. It was still soft but it looked pretty big even in that state. There is the old saying that guys are either grow-ers or show-ers. Hank was definitely a show-er. Paige sat there looking at it, as if she wasn’t sure what to do.giggled. 

“Go ahead, touch it. See if you can make it grow,” Hank instructed.

Paige looked very nervous. I’m sure she was telling the truth about not being a virgin, but I’m not sure she knew what she was getting herself into. With a trembling hand, she reached out and lightly grasped Hank’s shaft. She gave it a few soft tugs and felt as it grew in her hand. At this point, I felt that I needed to get a batter angle to fully capture the look on Paige’s face next to Hank’s growing cock.

I stood up from my seat in the corner and crept closer to the action. As I approached, I kept the camera focused on the look of nervous awe on Paige’s face. She was still stoking him and Hank was still growing. It was evident that he was more than just a show-er. It was evident that he was still not completely stiff, but he was already nearly seven inches long and as thick as Paige’s wrist.

“Give it a kiss, Paige,” Hank encouraged.

Paige, mesmerized by the cock in her hand, leaned forward and placed her lips on the tip. She gave an exaggerated kiss and giggled. She was clearly not entirely sure how to proceed from here. 

“Why don’t you try putting it in your mouth?” Hank asked.

“I don’t think it will fit! I’ve never seen one this big before!” she exclaimed.

“Oh, come on. It’s not that big,” Hank said. “It’s not even hard yet!”

“It’s not?” Paige said, shocked.

“Put it in your mouth. See how big you can make it,” Hank said.

“Um, okay!” Paige agreed.

With that she opened her mouth wide and put the golf ball sized head between her lips. Paige’s eyes went wide when she realized just how much of a struggle this was going to be. I, too, was shocked at Hank’s size. If he was being serious and it still had room to grow, it was going to destroy this girl. Paige continued pushing her face forward and forcing as much of his penis into her mouth as she could.

She finally pulled her head back and took a caught her breath. Hank was now hard as a rock and had grown to at least nine inches long, maybe longer. In addition to his length, he was unbelievably thick - like an empty paper towel roll. His cock was bobbing menacingly, sticking straight out from his body, only inches away from Paige’s face. She was staring at it in disbelief.

“Paige, there’s another $500 in this if you can make me cum,” Hank offered.

I saw her doing the math in her head and totaling up the money he had promised thus far. It seemed as though she figured that total was worth the blowjob and nodded her head. She then reached out with a little more confidence, but still not quite sure of how to attack this beast. Paige grabbed it at the base with one small hand and then placed her other hand around it just above the other. There was still a good amount of dick left for her to place her lips on. 

Using both hands and her mouth, she began working Hank’s cock as best she could. After a few moments, Paige had figured out a good rhythm and was stroking and sucking him as best she could. She was still struggling quite a bit as she had clearly never encountered a cock quite like this. But she was trying her best to get him off, stroking and twisting her hands over his shaft while sucking and drooling all over the head.

This blowjob went on for at least five minutes - much longer than I would have lasted were I in Hank’s shoes. But then again, maybe he got blowjobs like this all the time. Paige was really trying to make him cum. I could see it in her eyes. 

Holding her gently by the back of her head, Hank sat down on the couch, bringing Paige with him. The obedient young woman never even lost contact with him as she followed him to his new spot. Hank leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He was clearly loving what she was doing. The room was completely silent except for the sounds coming from Paige’s mouth - slurping and sucking. Every once and a while she would inhale deeply, like she had run out of breath, or moan softly around his cock.

“Paige, I’ll give you another thousand dollars to get up on this couch on all fours and let me fuck you from behind,” Hank said, breaking the silence.

She stopped sucking and looked up at him, then at me. The look in her eyes said this was no longer a financial decision. She had clearly gotten very turned on from blowing suck an impressive cock. Without saying a word, she hopped up on the couch and turned around so that she was on her hands and knees facing away from Hank. Hank looked at her panty-clad ass and smiled at me.

“I’ll take that as a yes, huh,” Hank said, laughing.

Hank rose up from where was sitting into a position on one knee behind Paige. He was pointing his camera down at his cock and Paige’s ass from behind so I took the opportunity to get in front of her and film her face. She was trying to look confident but I could tell she was terrified to take this cock. She even jumped a little bit when Hank placed his hand on her pussy. He was rubbing her cunt from behind, spreading her copious juices.

“Oh my god, Paige, you have such a tight little pussy. This is going to be great!” Hank said.

“Please go slow,” she begged.

As I filmed her face, I kept an eye on the action behind her. Hank was now lining up his horse cock with he tight hole. He rubbed the head up and down her slit, coating it with her wetness. Once he was satisfied with her lubrication, he held his cock tight and pushed forward with his hips. As his bulbous head popped inside her, Paige’s eyes opened wide and she opened her mouth in a silent scream.

“Oh fuck, that’s a big dick!” she yelled.

Hank was being very careful to not give her too much too fast. Not that it was even possible - her pussy was so tight that he was having trouble even pushing a few inches inside. I kept my camera focused on her facial expressions, which we’re now a mix of pain and pleasure. I couldn’t tell if her moans were from the painful stretching or the intense orgasm building inside her little body.

Now that he had pushed about half his cock inside her, Hank slowly withdrew and pushed back in. He was fucking her incredibly slowly to allow her to adjust to his size. The look on his face was pure happiness. Capturing a girl this tight on camera was gold to him. After a minute or so, he picked up his pace, but only slightly. She was loosening up but not by much.

“Is it all the way in?” Paige asked, between deep breaths.

She was looking at me and Hank nodded at me to answer her.

“Um… not quite. That’s about half of it,” I told her, unsure if that was the answer she wanted.

“Oh no! I don’t think I can even take more than this!” she replied.

Hank pushed in a little further and another inch disappeared inside her, causing her to moan loudly. There were still about four inches left for her to take. I honestly thought it would kill her if she took the whole thing, considering how she was reacting to the first six inches of his thick cock. He continued his thrusting in and out, working her little pussy over and over.

Gently, Hank slid out of her and sat back on the couch where he was when she was sucking him off. His dick was standing up from his groin menacingly and shiny with Paige’s juices. He stroked himself to stay hand and patted his leg with the other hand, signaling her to have a seat.

“I think it’s time for you to sit on my dick,” Hank instructed her.

She turned around and straddled him.

“No, no. Reverse cowgirl. I want Mikey to get a nice shot of you taking this big cock and riding me,” He told her.

She spun around and faced me, standing over Hank on the couch. Slowly she lowered herself down onto him. When she felt his tip make contact with her pussy lips, she reached down to steady it. Holding it in place, she lowered herself onto his hard cock. Inch by inch, Hank once again disappearing inside her.

It went in easier this time, but she still stopped at the same point that her wetness ended on his dick. Again, she had the first six inches inside her but seemed to be unable to take more. She looked down to see how much was inside her and then looked up at me with a look of surprise and dread at how much was still left to go. She raised herself up and then down again, beginning a slow riding motion.

“Oh yeah, that’s it girl. Ride it. Take it all,” Hank encouraged her.

She was still going slowly but it was clear that she was trying to take more and more with each downstroke. She was moaning and groaning with each stroke, seemingly lost in a world of pleasure. Her method was working too. Slowly but surely, she was taking a few more inches of his huge cock. 

Within a few minutes, she had all but an inch inside her. She was still being cautious but her movements were becoming faster. Without warning, her body was overcome with her first orgasm of the day and she screamed.

“Oh, fuck me! I’m cumming!” Paige yelled.

As she writhed and convulsed on top of him, she lost her ability to hold herself up and let all her body weight to crash down on top of him. I watched in awe as the last bit of Hank disappeared inside her and she took him all the way to the root. Feeling that, Paige moaned loudly again and smiled big for my camera. 

Her hair was now a mess and her tits were shiny with a thin coat of sweat. She was working hard to take all of that! Paige then gyrated her hips and continued riding Hank. It was like getting all of him inside her had reinvigorated her. She looked like a sexual goddess riding that monster dick. Now that she had the thickest part of him inside her and survived, she was picking up her pace and really fucking him.

I hoped that there were no neighbors in the adjacent offices because there is no way they would not have heard Paige’s moans and screams. Gone was the scared girl. Paige was now fucking like she was born to do so. In almost no time at all, she had gone from a timid twenty-year-old to a full blown porn star.

The look on Hank’s face told me that Paige’s tight box was getting the best of him. Not wanting to blow too soon, he slapped her on the ass and told her it was time to change positions. She rose up off of him and waited for instruction. As he slipped out of her, I saw that his cock was doused in her wetness, a creamy mixture of her lubricating juices and her cum. As it left her pussy, it fell back onto his stomach and landed with a wet slap.

Both of them were beyond words and he just stood up, gently pushed her down to the couch, and presented his wet cock to her. She took the hint and grabbed it with her right hand. Without so much as wiping it off, she took it into her mouth and sucked it hungrily. 

“Oh my, I taste so good!” she said, momentarily taking hi from her mouth.

After a few moments, Hank pushed he backwards so that she was laying on her back. She spread her legs wide, inviting him to take her again. He zoomed in on her pink, swollen pussy and commented on how good it looked. Getting on his knees between her legs, he once again lined himself up. Unlike before, he did not take his time plunging into her. In one stroke, he buried himself to the hilt.

Paige groaned loudly at the sudden invasion. Hank was pounding her now, thrusting in and out with abandon. They were both racing towards inevitable orgasms at this point. Paige was panting and moaning as she got fucked harder than she ever had or ever would again in her life. Her eyes looked like they were rolling back in her head as she lifted her hips to match the intensity of Hank’s thrusting.

Suddenly, another orgasm tore through Paige and she wrapped her arms and legs around Hank, trying to lock him into her. She screamed bloody murder as the orgasm peaked. This one was even more intense than the first and she looked like she might pass out from the intensity. Throughout the entire thirty second ordeal, Hank never slowed down. He too was reaching the point of no return.

“I’m going to cum, baby,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

“No, not inside me!” she moaned.

With that, he swiftly pulled out of her and pointed his cock at her. As quickly as she could, Paige flipped herself around and got on the floor next to Hank with her mouth open. Hank stood up off the couch over her and stroked himself rapidly. With a giant groan, he let loose and sprayed two big ropes of cum across her pretty face. The first struck her cheek and splattered up near her eye. The second hit her in the nose and dripped down onto her lips. The next couple were less forceful and landed right on her tongue. Hank kept cumming and cumming, more than I had ever seen, even in videos online. As her mouth filled up, Paige tried to swallow it, but it was too much. Some of his jizz spilled out of her mouth and down to the space between those perfect little titties. 

“Oh shit, that was fantastic!” Hank exclaimed.

Paige smiled up at his camera and blew him a kiss.

“Paige, I think Mikey did a great job today. Why don’t you go thank him for his services?” Hank said.

“What? Thank me?” I said, confused.

“Oh, I think that;s a great idea!” Paige exclaimed.

Before I could even react, she had covered the two feet between us and was grabbing at my belt. I had been hard as a rock watching the scene take place and she felt it right away.

“Oh, I think he liked what he saw, Hank!” she teased.

“Paige, you really don’t have to do…” I trailed off as she reached inside my jeans and grabbed my dick.

She ignored me and pulled the waistband of my underwear down. I was nothing compared to Hank, probably only six inches or so and nowhere near as thick, but I didn’t even care at this moment. Feeling her hand on my cock erased my ability to feel self-conscious. Wasting no time, she inhaled my dick and began stroking and sucking me as hard as she could. 

I was so aroused from watching them fuck that I knew this was going to be embarrassingly fast. From the moment her lips touched me, I felt my balls begin to tingle. I looked down and saw Paige’s gorgeous, cum-covered face sucking me off and did my best to not cum. But it was useless. In about a minute, I felt myself tense up. She felt it too and opened her mouth wide while stroking my dick with her saliva-covered hand. I exploded and my first shot went wayward, catching her directly in her eye. The next few were captured my her greedy mouth as she sucked every last drop out of me. 

As I came down from my orgasm, I was brought back to reality. Hank was laughing on the couch with his now-soft cock hanging down between his legs. Within seconds, Paige was already grabbing her clothes and pulling her panties on. She looked like a new woman, completely fucked and satisfied.

“Same time next week, Mikey,” Hank asked. “You should see the girl I have lined up for the next episode!”

Paige didn't seem to care, she was busy counting the money that Hank put on the desk while she was blowing me.

“Uh, yeah, man. Absolutely!” I replied.


Same as Cameraman Needed Videos

3 years ago
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Date needed

So, it's was Mike's company's Christmas party and they do this very fancy gala at a ballroom in a swanky hotel. He needed a date. Someone who would impress his boss and be great eye candy on his arm for his colleagues. He wanted a gorgeous woman who would dress elegantly but also slightly sexy. A lady that would be able to have intelligent conversation with his contemporaries, make the men stare and the women be slightly envious. The evening could help his career tremendously and he...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 4 Just What I Needed

June 1978 Bethany called early on Friday morning to invite me to dinner. I was happy to accept. She said that she would be seeing Doctor Mercer that afternoon and would get a recommendation. I thanked her and said I’d see her later. I called Anna to chat. Her parents would be gone from June 26th through the 30th. I told her that any of those days would be fine, and I would make sure I worked mornings and early afternoons. She was happy, told me she was concerned about me, and was excited...

2 years ago
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The Therapy I Needed

My name is Scott Radner and it was the end of May 1970 and I had been out of the United States Marine Corps for a grand total of 9 weeks. I had returned Stateside from ‘Nam nearly 6 months ago on a medical evacuation flight after I had gotten busted up when the chopper I was traveling on was shot down. I was a 2 digit midget as they used to say when you were really short in your tour and about to be rotated back to the States when it had happened. I was finishing up my 2nd tour in ‘Nam...

1 year ago
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The Night I Needed

It was a night I needed, a night I had craved for a long time, anonymous and debauched. Filled with hot sweaty sex, nothing more, nothing less. The night was hot and muggy, sticky but in a good way, the kind that makes you think of sweat soaked bodies moving to the rhythm of sex and god was I horny. I was sitting at my laptop idly looking at porn, slowly touching myself when I decided to go looking, hunting you might say. But hunting for something particular. I wanted to meet someone or...

3 years ago
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Just What I needed

“Screw you, asshole,” my girlfriend of three years said to me right before slamming the door in my face. I was holding my possessions and valuables in my arms; the rest of my meager belongings were in the trunk of my car. I didn’t think Sally would be so heartless and selfish as to throw me out during the middle of a snow storm at six o’clock in the evening, but I guess I had misjudged the situation and misjudged her. Sally was, and always had been the self- centered type, but that was one of...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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I got what i wanted she got what she needed

Kim always had a thing for big cocks. I'm pretty well endowed with a 8 in fat curved cock . We always fantasized about sharing a bbc .I've always been open minded and wanted to please a black man and have him come all over my face as me and my wife sucked him off . Enough back round . Kim was working in the city as a receptionist in a big bank . She was always talking about kenny the office manager from Jamaica and how nice he is and what a great smile he has. He was always very helpful , if...

3 years ago
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Drastic action was needed

Drastic Action Was NeededLet’s see, this is a work of total fiction partially inspired by some comments I saw once. Any resemblance to a real person or place is totally an accident. Could this ever happen, don’t know but it would be very interesting for those involved. Now on to the fiction.Chapter 1:I’m Jack, in my early 30’s stay in fair shape and, for those interested my dick size is between seven and eight inches. (This always seems to be part of any story like this.) Beth is my wife, we’ve...

3 years ago
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Just What She Needed

I wrote this for a friend after that "Ask me one question" trend got around to her and she asked how I would torture her, I told her I could explain it better in a story, so here it is, hope you enjoy it. This is my first BDSM story, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. “I'm fucking done with men in clubs! He was such a fucking loser! He couldn't keep it up long enough for me to even get into it!” I said over the club music when my friend Grace asked me about my most recent 'night club...

3 years ago
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Just What She Needed

“He was such a loser! He couldn't keep it up long enough for me to even get into it!” I said over the club music when my friend Grace asked me about my most recent 'night club score' gone wrong. “Oh come on Chrissy it couldn't have been that bad,” Rachel, my other friend said. “Really? The guy only lasted for eight fucking minutes, and when he was fucking me he was going extremely slow like he knew he had poor stamina! He did eat an ok pussy but that just isn't enough, I...

3 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 69 Just What I Needed

Alan woke up that Monday morning feeling fantastic. He thought, The fun I had over the weekend was great, and last night ... Wow! That fashion show, did that really happen? And Mom and Aunt Suzy sucking me off together! Perfection! Dang, that was golden. And all the love we shared together. Boy, that was special. However, a sense of dread soon crept in. But now it's time to pay the piper. I've got a big math test in a matter of hours and I haven't studied at all. Nothing. Nada. I'm...

2 years ago
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Exactly What I Needed

It’s been the longest day as I walk into the house and drop my oversized purse on the floor next to the door. I don’t even bother hanging up the keys, they’re already in my jacket pocket and it has found its place next to my purse. I look around though and see that the day is about to take a turn for the better. There in the middle of the living room, on the carpet, I see a picnic blanket laid out with strawberries on a plate and champagne chilling in front of the fireplace. ‘Crazy boy’, I...

2 years ago
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Bob Whites CoveyChapter 6 Apologies Are Needed

The trio walked down the corridor and entered their quarters to find utter dismay. On the far side of the room, Nelson was huddled fearfully with the Safis. He had good reason. In a nearer corner, Tina held a sobbing, struggling Annie. When she saw the trio enter, Annie began screaming, “The bastard was raping my baby for years, and I never knew. She didn’t tell me, but...” pointing at Jason, “she told you the first chance she got. AND THEN you let her sleep with you. Are you grooming her...

3 years ago
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Security Gangbang Needed

By: Friskee_cpl Security!! I was in one of my moods. I really felt like going out and screwing myself senseless. My hubby Steve was away for the week leaving me here to fend for myself. I had watched a few pornos and even masturbated in front of the web cam for some bloke overseas but I was still bored and horny. I decided to head in town and see if I could pick up. I thought about going to a pub but most blokes there are just old drunks at this time of the day. I threw on...

3 years ago
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Just What I Needed

It’s been a while since I’ve written, but the mood struck as I sit on the back deck on a beautiful, but hot Father’s Day morning. It’s a wonderful day as I sit here in my T-shirt and panties, my gorgeous teen yo daughter sunbathing topless with almost thong bottoms (yes, our backyard is 100% private. No one can see us), awaiting the arrival of my 24 & 28 year old daughters. Very rarely do I get to see them all on the same day. My girlfriend is cooking in a semi-sheer gown, nude underneath....

2 years ago
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No Words Needed

I sit at the bar and sip my drink slowly. I scan the room while half-listening to my friend, talking about some new guy in her life. I’m not really interested in her latest lay, as I am looking for mine right now. This is usually such a good place to come and meet someone. I’m about to give up and just go home alone, when I spot you from across the room. You are sitting in the back of the bar all alone. It seems as though you are looking for someone and when our eyes meet it becomes clear, you...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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What He Needed

What He Needed What He Needed    "So you want to see me naked," remarked the statuesque, thirtyish beauty.  Seating herself and crossing her legs, she pondered aloud, "I wonder if you're ready to pay the price."  Her voice was stern and her words held a note of challenge, as if to suggest that I might not be up to what lay ahead.    Kneeling naked before her--blindfolded, collared, cuffed and gagged--I was unable to answer on my own.  If I'd been permitted to speak, I'd have rushed to...

1 year ago
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Delivering whats needed

You wake up to find yourself alone in the house. Your husband has already left for work despite the early hour. He’ll be home much later, because his boss demands unreasonable hours. You’ll never complain; one look around the luxurious house shows just how much he’s done to provide for you. You step into your kitchen, the one you wanted with the new appliances and marble countertops just like you’d requested when you were building the new house together. Despite your comfort, you find...

1 year ago
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Delivering whats needed

Introduction: Horny housewife jumps the delivery man Dedicated to Cat You wake up to find yourself alone in the house. Your husband has already left for work despite the early hour. Hell be home much later, because his boss demands unreasonable hours. Youll never complain, one look around the luxurious house shows just how much hes done to provide for you. You step into your kitchen, the one you wanted with the new appliances and marble countertops just like youd requested when you were...

4 years ago
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As her aunt I knew what she needed

My niece Cynthia came to visit us for a month every summer. I was the “cool” aunt even though I was nearly three times her age. That summer would perhaps be the last visit since she had turned seventeen and her interests were changing.Rob saw her walking into the baggage claim area and waved. “Cindy, we are over here.”She smiled and made her way towards us. Her dark sun-tanned complexion stood out in her yellow sundress. Her beautifully painted toes stood out in her open sandals.“Hello, Cindy,...

1 year ago
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The Proof I Needed

I had always thought I'd grown up maybe a little bit too fast. I mean, I started wanting a Rolex Submariner back when my friends were still collecting Pokemon cards, I'd be staring at the shapely formfo my teacher, when girls were still considered to 'Have Cooties' by my peers. So when the day my mother told me I was too old for pocket money and ordered me to go find myself a Saturday job, I thought, "Well, screw you, bitch, I will!" That day, I marched along the high street in my school...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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The Study Break I Needed

“Shh, be quiet!”I whispered, giggling quietly as I grabbed your hand and pulled you through the aisles of the university library. You tightened your grip on my hand and stopped in the middle of one of the aisles of books, pulling me back to you. I stared up at you, smiling softly. You leaned in and kissed me, gently at first but then harder, backing me up against the book shelves. I moaned softly when your fingers grazed my nipples through my dress. You fondled my tits, pressing one of your...

2 years ago
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The Study Break I Needed

“Shh, be quiet!”I whispered, giggling quietly as I grabbed your hand and pulled you through the aisles of the university library. You tightened your grip on my hand and stopped in the middle of one of the aisles of books, pulling me back to you. I stared up at you, smiling softly. You leaned in and kissed me, gently at first but then harder, backing me up against the book shelves. I moaned softly when your fingers grazed my nipples through my dress. You fondled my tits, pressing one of your...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Just What She Needed

The snow crunched under Leah's steel-toed EMS boots as she walked from the ambulance bay to her yellow Jeep. She avoided the slick ice patches spotting the parking lot, a rough task seeing as her mind was stuck thinking about the call she had over the weekend. Leah responded to her first gunshot call. She was the only one to see the patient. The patient was pronounced by the cops who went in to secure the scene. Leah tried to hide the shaking in her body as she carried the monitor into the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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No Longer Needed

No Longer Needed By Jennifer Allison I used to work for a very Secret Government Agency. So secret that the President doesn't even know about it unless something comes up and he needs to know. The last President to get told about us was JFK. It was one of our teams that first alerted the US government about the Cuban missile crisis. I was told when I had been selected why someone like me fit their requirements: 1. You are just out of college. 2. You're reasonably...

2 years ago
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Just what he needed

You, luckily, are not paying attention  to your surroundings, thinking that I am fast asleep in our bed, so you continue to stand under the showerhead with your eyes closed just letting the water run over you. I open the shower door just enough to slip in so I can join you but so you won’t notice the cool air. For a second I just stand there admiring your back muscles trying to decide what I should do to get your attention. As I am standing there staring, you reach to grab the shampoo, so I...

1 year ago
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Just what he needed

You came home a little late from work so you expect to find me sound asleep. You walk through our bedroom to the master bath to get ready for bed. The sudden light wakes me up from my nap that I was taking waiting for you to get home. Luckily for me, you don’t think about how bright the light is. You turn on the shower and quickly undress, ready to wash away the stress you endured today. I hear you enter the shower and take a quick peek to make sure you are actually in there. I can tell by your...

2 years ago
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The Lost Notebook of Doctor EChapter 12 No catwalk needed

“Going to show off a bit again, Gwen?” he asked pulling Izzy’s hand before she could entirely get away and drew downward thinking to pull her down on the bed beside him. “I’d like to see more of you,” he encouraged her, his eyes as hungry to watch her as they were to watch Izzy. Standing up, she moved nervously to her dresser and turned back around. “Um, I don’t have anything like that ... I mean, I got another top ... and” she paused, her mind reviewing just what else they had bought that...

1 year ago
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BB just what a girl needed

Hi there my name is Dee. As I grew up my nickname became double D for couple of very obvious reasons. Now I don’t want to shake up the world but I thought it was about time a couple things got set straight, plenty of pun intended. Like for instance the old saying that more than a mouth full is a waste. Well let’s just say that was generated by the same guys who believe that size doesn’t matter. Just for the record that one is so much bull. And only some pencil dick with a full 4-inch erection...

1 year ago
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Tim coming home early is exactly what I needed

I came home from work, taking off my clothes as I made my way to my bedroom, hoping that my roommate wouldn’t be home for at least a couple of hours. My date had decided to cancel at the last minute. Pity, because he had the dick of a donkey, which I loved to wrap my tight asshole around. All I kept thinking about was videotaping my pink asshole being ripped open by his massive black pole. I loved to zoom in on his shiny, slippery cock while he pounded in and out. I videotape all of my fuck...

3 years ago
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Getting What She Needed

Virginia stood before her tall mirror, flexing her favorite G-spot dildo, the odd-shaped knobby one, in and out of her tight-lipped vagina as she did her pectoral exercises and watched her expensively augmented and purple-titted jugs rise, tense, quiver and bulge out before they relaxed again, jiggling, nipples hard, pink incisions disappearing as they settled back. She smiled at her image and began on a hundred Kegel crunches, shuddering and closing her eyes as her vaginal muscles did their...

3 years ago
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Naughty Photos Of WifeMom Feedback Needed

Naughty Photos Of Your Wife/Partner/Mum/Mom(Please note that this is purely produced for fun, as a result of research I have undertaken. It is not meant to encourage such behaviour, but may form the basis of some nice fantasies that you and your partner can play along with. Always get your partner's permission.)(For US readers what we call a mobile or mobile phone in the UK is what you call a cell or cell phone).Well we all want to have pix of our wives or mums or girlfriends as keepsakes don't...

3 years ago
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The Discipline She Never Knew She Needed

"Mmmmm, what time is it?" she thought. It was that haze that we all get when we awake, the haze of the unknown. In modern life that means nothing; we are always greeted, or at least normally are greeted, with the expected. As she went to turn, she found herself suddenly awaken to the fullest extent, feeling the sharp pain of the tight shackles that embraced her angles and wrists. As she twisted her limbs inside the silvery locks on her body, she realized her eyes didn't work. Nothing felt...

2 years ago
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Fucked Just Like I Needed

After a long work day, nothing seems more appealing than enjoying a hot soak in the tub. Before slipping into the steaming hot water, I light a few candles, I even set the iPod on a light jazz station. I want to be as relaxed as possible. Stepping into the bedroom, I kick off my heels, removing my nylons next. Looking into the mirror I watch as I slide off my blouse, which clings perfectly to my breasts, revealing a white lacy bra. I reach around releasing the clasps and wiggle free. I've...

2 years ago
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Here After I Am Learned What She Needed

Hai i am Sarath, from Kerala. now working in capital city Delhi…this is happened in Delhi. I am 27yrs, this is happened one year before. I am a bachelor at that time, now married, as usual my major time pass is fb and chatting with friends and all. As usual one day i got a friend request from my colleague, Anu, name changed, before that i didn’t seen her, so i checked her profile and she was abt 32-34yrs, and little fatty and married also.. so initially i didn’t give importance to her, but she...

4 years ago
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What She Really Needed

I let go of your mouth, and your body trembles as I start to kiss and bite your neck hard, my hands move down to grab your breasts, mauling them through your shirt. You are whimpering now, and I rip your top into pieces to give me easier access to your heavy breasts. Your nipples are hard, I wonder if it’s the cold in here, or are you just starting to enjoy this? I begin to play with your nipples roughly, tweaking and pinching, your breathing is heavy and low, my teeth still sinking into your...

3 years ago
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Lustful Rendezvous 8211 Part 4 Desperate Sex Needed

For the benefit of all, a brief introduction. This is a steaming story between a young man of 21 who is in the final year of his graduation and a woman of 34 who is smoking hot and married. The woman stands 5”7 tall and with a stat of 34D-30-36. The next day, I woke up, and the first thing that came to my mind was Sandy and the desperate sex I had with her. Her beautiful body and especially her beautiful sexy ass. How I wished I could ass fuck her. But I vain she had gone away. I wondered she...

1 year ago
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Some Emotional Support Is Needed

I am Sunil from Mumbai. I am 28 yr old and married. This incident happened last Sunday. Mere dost Rakesh ki shaadi around 3 saal pehle hui. They are a very nice couple. Anita achi ladki h. Chanchal si, natkhat si. Rakesh and myself were like brothers so even Anita was a good friend. After 2 years of their marriage, that is last year, they planned for a child. However, it wasn’t working properly. They were not able to get results. Dhire dhire unke bich tensions hone lge. Rakesh depressed rehne...

3 years ago
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A Helping Hand Was Needed

From a very young age, it was obvious that there was a serious problem with my vision. The eye specialist made it quite clear that I would almost certainly be blind within a few years. I had high hopes of a career in journalism, but that idea was never going to happen. I lived at home until I was twenty-five years old, then, at my request, I was allocated a small flat which was warden-controlled. My parents took care of the costs.For the first time in my life, I had full independence and a...

2 years ago
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No Words Needed

I sit at the bar and sip my drink slowly. I scan the room while half-listening to my friend, talking about some new guy in her life. I’m not really interested in her latest lay, as I am looking for mine right now. This is usually such a good place to come and meet someone. I’m about to give up and just go home alone, when I spot you from across the room. You are sitting in the back of the bar all alone. It seems as though you are looking for someone and when our eyes meet it becomes clear,...

1 year ago
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Fucked Just Like I Needed

After a long work day, nothing seems more appealing than enjoying a hot soak in the tub. Before slipping into the steaming hot water, I light a few candles, I even set the iPod on a light jazz station. I want to be as relaxed as possible. Stepping into the bedroom, I kick off my heels, removing my nylons next. Looking into the mirror I watch as I slide off my blouse, which clings perfectly to my breasts, revealing a white lacy bra. I reach around releasing the clasps and wiggle free. I’ve...

4 years ago
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no pool service needed

I was working in a country club for about three years. Typical 6 to 7 figure homes, some homes being on the golf course, which is where I worked for about a year. I noticed one day that a young girl about 20 years old was cleaning her pool, I heard some screaming of a damsel in distress. I’m guessing her and her mother were arguing. Well anyways the beauty was wearing a tank top shirt that was just big enough to cover her ass. A beautiful young blonde, tall maybe 5’10’ maybe taller, long...

2 years ago
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She knew what I needed

It was a crappy day. I had just walked in the door from a funeral. One of the older gentlemen from accounting passed away suddenly. I was greeted by the stampede of lab/pitbull feet as I tried to make my way up the stairs. I felt like strangling the asshole that told me taking care of two dogs was just as easy as one. What was I thinking, getting a second lab/pit mix? I closed the kiddy gate behind me to keep the dogs down stairs and dropped my coat on the chair next to the couch. The house was...

3 years ago
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The Proof I Needed

I had always thought I’d grown up maybe a little bit too fast. I mean, I started wanting a Rolex Submariner back when my friends were still collecting Pokemon cards, I’d be staring at the shapely formfo my teacher, when girls were still considered to ‘Have Cooties’ by my peers. So when the day my mother told me I was too old for pocket money and ordered me to go find myself a Saturday job, I thought, ‘Well, screw you, bitch, I will!’ That day, I marched along the high street in my school...

2 years ago
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Just What She Needed

The snow crunched under Leah’s steel-toed EMS boots as she walked from the ambulance bay to her yellow Jeep. She avoided the slick ice patches spotting the parking lot, a rough task seeing as her mind was stuck thinking about the call she had over the weekend. Leah responded to her first gunshot call. She was the only one to see the patient. The patient was pronounced by the cops who went in to secure the scene. Leah tried to hide the shaking in her body as she carried the monitor into the...

3 years ago
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Just What She Needed

I wrote this for a friend after that ‘Ask me one question’ trend got around to her and she asked how I would torture her, I told her I could explain it better in a story, so here it is, hope you enjoy it. This is my first BDSM story, any feedback would be greatly appreciated. “I’m fucking done with men in clubs! He was such a fucking loser! He couldn’t keep it up long enough for me to even get into it!” I said over the club music when my friend Grace asked me about my most recent ‘night club...

3 years ago
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giving my brother what he needed

l'd always been close with my youngest brother and when he came home rather drunk and very upset one night it was me that he wanted to get comfort from. He'd split up with his girlfreind, the first proper girlfreind he had had and was crying as l hugged him. 'better get him to bed' said my mum and looked at me, 'l'll take him' l said. l took him upstairs having to help him as he was quite wobbly on his feet, 'come on let's clean you up, to the bathroom with you, l don't know, what am l gonna do...

4 years ago
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no pool service needed

I was working in a country club for about three years. Typical 6 to 7 figure homes, some homes being on the golf course, which is where I worked for about a year. I noticed one day that a young girl about 20 years old was cleaning her pool, I heard some screaming of a damsel in distress. I'm guessing her and her mother were arguing. Well anyways the beauty was wearing a tank top shirt that was just big enough to cover her ass. A beautiful young blonde, tall maybe 5'10" maybe taller, long...

2 years ago
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She knew what I needed

It was a crappy day. I had just walked in the door from a funeral. One of the older gentlemen from accounting passed away suddenly. I was greeted by the stampede of lab/pitbull feet as I tried to make my way up the stairs. I felt like strangling the asshole that told me taking care of two dogs was just as easy as one. What was I thinking, getting a second lab/pit mix? I closed the kiddy gate behind me to keep the dogs down stairs and dropped my coat on the chair next to the couch. The house was...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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More Dicks Than I Needed

By now I should have known better than to trust any of my three tormentors, I do believe that there is good in the most evil or meanest of us. I must to have been thinking of that when I ran into Bruce(one third of Charlie, Daniel and Bruce, the three r****t that forced me into sex), there he was out side the d**g store, leaning against a pole like he own the world. I started to go another way, but he saw me and stood up. 'Hi David, where you headed,' Bruce said with a sly smile. 'No place you...

4 years ago
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No Request Needed

Life had certainly improved for eighteen-year-old Ella as she became subjected to the discipline regime which she had actually asked for, which involved Mrs L, her forty-three-year-old landlady and friend of her mum, giving her the cane when she broke any one of the innumerable rules set for her. Ella sometimes just couldn’t stop herself thinking about being caned and got more and more aroused as she pictured herself bending over once again for her bare bottom to be caned. Sometimes she would...

1 year ago
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He was what I needed

Lucy and Mike had met at a mutual friends dinner party, Mike had made it clear he wanted to fuck her as they left the party and giving him her number was the only way she could get his hands of her breasts. Two weeks passed and Lucy could not help but think that he was too busy banging other girls in the back of his gas guzzler when the phone started to ring, with his name already loaded in her mobile she started to feel wet as she answered “ Hi Mike” she said taking the initiative “ Can I call...

1 year ago
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A friend in need

A Friend in Need Kyorii The latest story starts with some unfinished Business and follows on directly from the end of the story JULIE. It is one of the several stories in the slowly expanding Stevenson universe. This story has been written to be stand-alone but If you are new to the Stevenson universe I suggest that you read at least The River and River2 (The birth of an Angel) to get an appreciation of some of the main characters within my stories. For those who know my stories...

2 years ago
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His Dark Needs

Emmy stared at the clothes in her closet and picked her outfit carefully. Tonight’s demand was for a conservative, yet elegant look and the reminder that it would likely be the last time she would wear the outfit. Alexander wouldn’t force her to have sex, in fact he might not even touch her sexually. But the fact that the outfit would not be repeated suggested rough play and she welcomed that.It had been nearly a month since he had penetrated her or allowed her to have an orgasm. She realized...

2 years ago
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My Dark Needs

Paul smiled wickedly. He’d come prepared to give her all the pain she could handle. He knew that she craved it and that it should come at his hands, from the man that loved her more than anyone.“Tell me that you need the kind of pain I can give you, Emmy. Beg me to abuse you like my own private fuck toy,” Paul growled, his cock hard as steel.“Please, Sir, I need you to give me pleasure and pain. I need to be yours to use and abuse. I want you to take by body and show me that you own me!” Emmy...

1 year ago
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Your Dark Needs

Emmy woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing. Still groggy, she picked up the phone and smiled. She knew before even looking that the buzzing was a text from Paul.Happy anniversary, Emmy! XoxoShe laughed. Paul had convinced her a month ago to be exclusive with him. That he should be the one acting giddy over a one-month anniversary made her heart swell.Admittedly, she was still waiting for the other shoe to drop. She kept expecting him to have some fatal flaw that would spoil what had, so...

2 years ago
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Our Dark Needs

Paul’s house was warm and inviting. Emmy wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but this wasn’t it. She was suddenly convinced that he was going to be one of those guys that gave her a nice spanking and then would get all mushy and lovey-dovey.Well, hopefully, he would spank her hard enough to make her cum. God knew she was frustrated and in need of release.Paul looked at Emmy and said, “Wine and pleasantries?”Emmy shook her head, “No, I need to cum.”Paul’s face lit up, “You are quite possibly the...

3 years ago
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Danis Dark Need

Dani's Dark Need By Marcia St.Denis ([email protected]) and Dani Hendrix ([email protected]). This story is a gift from our very pervy minds and generous hearts to you, the always horny and voracious connoisseur of trannie erotica, in the hope that it will provide you with the same kind of pleasure while reading about our kinky and sordid imaginary world that it gave us in writing it. We know how much you need to feel the bliss of release and we have tried to craft a story...

1 year ago
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In Times of Need

"You have to help me, man. I'm serious, there's absolutely no work out there. It seems like everyone is trying to find a job, but no one is hiring. Even the Mexican guys can't find work, and they'll work for almost nothing. I don't know what to do anymore... Mom's garden is the only thing that keeps us from starving. But that won't matter if we don't come up with the money by the end of the month. They'll come, take it all, and throw us out on the street." Kevin put his head in his hands and...

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