Angelus free porn video

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The sound of air rushing past her ears and the sensation of the wind in her dark blond hair almost made Kristal believe that she herself was flying. But the comfort of strong arms around her body kept those beliefs at bay. The sights she saw as she raced high across the sky invaded her eyes and flared her imagination.

‘This is beautiful,’ she shouted above the whistling air. She spoke to the one that carried them on their flight. The only person that could fly without the help of any man-made devices. The man that she alone could love for who he was inside.


‘Truly, this is the view many people would love to see, but only few could actually take in,’ his voice was a low baritone as he spoke in a strangely formal tone. Kristal turned her head to look into his eyes. Eyes as blue as the sky, Angel was handsome in a mysterious way. His skin was naturally dark, not tanned by the sun and his raven black hair grew past his shoulders, neatly tied lose to the base of his skull. But what brought attention to him was not his looks nor his voice, though they alone could swoon any young woman. It was the fact that he had wings.

White, soft and perfectly formed, Angel’s wings stood out over everything else he had. They looked delicate and fragile but they were large and could easily support him and another body through the air without losing much of his agility and speed in flight.

His real name was Angelus, and he was shunned and teased around the collage grounds. Names like ‘birdbrain’ and ‘air head’ were small compared to the savage beatings he received. Often in those beatings he would have one of his wings broken, sometimes both, and he would be given days or weeks of sick leave to recover from them.

The other burden he has to carry is the media coverage that was constantly following him. Although it was natural for the ‘media hounds’ to jump on to a new story and religiously tear it apart to see what lay at the heart. And Angel had wanted none of it. But everywhere he went there was at least one camera or reporter that dogged his footsteps, waiting for the chance to see him in action.

No one had seen him actually use his wings, since they would be broken again shortly after they healed, no one before Kristal that is.

Kristal had seen the torment Angel had gone through and so decided to do something about it. She had been friends with Angel from very early in the year. Although they weren’t very close, they could rely on each other for advice on a subject or, more often then not, shared their lunch break together. She cared a lot for him and, although she usually wont allow her emotions to lead her into making decisions, she was sick of seeing him suffer. So she planned an escape for him, a day when his wings were healed and healthy enough to use.

Kristal spent weeks arranging everything, calling the school and Angel’s mother and pleading for at least one day away with him. Eventually, almost reluctantly, they agreed and on one sunny Monday morning Angel found Kristal standing outside his front gate.

‘What are you doing here?’ he had asked, his eyes inquiring. Though his face was still slightly bruised he was still handsome and Kristal’s knees seem to quiver every time she caught a sight of him. Although she wasn’t alone in this condition, as nearly every woman would go all dreamy-eyed every time he crossed their path.

‘I’ve come to rescue you from school today,’ she replied. She looked beyond him then and waved. Angel turned and saw his mother’s silhouette standing at the front door.

‘Are you in this too, mother?’ He asked. The shadow nodded her head slowly but said nothing.

Angels mother was very rarely seen outside and no one could describe her face in detail as it was always at least partially concealed. People would go to her house and ask to come in, but she would refuse politely behind the wire mesh of the locked screen door, making various excuses to keep them out. No one minded her sometimes rude attitude to their attempt to socialise because nearly all attention was to her son.

‘She believed it was good for you,’ Kristal said as she firmly took his arm and led him out the gate, ‘Now get in.’

‘You drive this?’ He asked incredulously as he took in the sight of the cherry red sports convertible parked before him.

‘Nah, I use it for a shovel,’ She said with heavy sarcasm, ‘It’s my brother’s car, he lent it to me for the day after I explained it all to him.’

‘Explained what?’ Angel asked, curious at what this girl had on her mind.

‘Never mind,’ She said evasively, tugging at his much stronger arms.

‘What are we going to do about school?’ He gently pried her fingers from around his upper arm and turned her to face him ‘I’ve got a test today.’

‘Well what about those thugs that’ll beat you again today? Do you want your wings broken again?’ she did not mean for it to sound harsh, nor did she mean to push her face accusingly close to his, but the thought of Angel’s fine wings broken angered her greatly. ‘Anyway, I’ve arranged everything, you can take your test tomorrow.’

Angel looked as if to protest further but a soft voice cut him off.

‘Just go with her Angel, she went to all this trouble to arrange this. At least listen and see what she wants.’

Angel’s mother had stepped into the light of the morning sun and stood at the gate. Kristal was the only one to actually see Angel’s mother clearly. She was much like her son in appearance, except for the wings, and her hair was a very dark brown. Her voice was even softer then Angel’s and had the same formal tone laced within it. She looked vulnerable in her simple flower-pattern dress and sandals, but Kristal knew Angel’s mother was strong in character. That’s why she liked her.

Angel could not argue with his mother as he looked once at her then at Kristal. He sighed then and gave in. Soon he and Kristal were on the road.

‘Do you know why they pick on me?’ Angel asked after some time of silent driving had passed, ‘Is it because of my wings?’

Kristal looked as if in thought. ‘In a way, yes. But do you ever notice that it’s mostly the boys that do all the teasing and beating?’ Angel did not answer, so Kristal continued, ‘Its because the girls, all of them I’ve noticed, are in love with you, in a way, and the boys are jealous. They believe you don’t deserve the attention of their women and try to drive you away.’

‘Oh,’ Angel looked out the windscreen, ‘Are you?’

‘Jealous? Yeah, a bit, I’d love to have wings like yours.’

‘Not jealous.’ He turned to look at her, ‘Are you in love with me as well?’

Kristal was silent. She had never really thought about it before and now that the question had been asked she would have to answer. After a long moment of introspection she nodded once and floored the accelerator.

‘I think its time for us to return, sunset is fast approaching and I cannot see much in the dark..’

Kristal brought her thoughts back to the present and looked to the west. The warmth of the sun on her face and the sooty red that slowly coloured the sky confused her for a moment, ‘Ah… Yeah, we’d better go back.’

Kristal felt her weight shift as Angel cut a wide, smooth arch across the sky and headed back the way they came.

Kristal’s thoughts travelled back to a few hours earlier. She had picked a secluded lookout along the cliff face that bordered the beach and had left the car there, being sure that it would be safe.

‘How did you get your wings?’ Kristal asked as they walked to the safety fence of the lookout, ‘Were you born with them or what?’

‘They appeared shortly after my tenth birthday,’ Angel said as he reached the fence, placing his hands on the rust spotted steel, ‘And for over six years we, mum and I, had to hide from populated places in case I was seen. She was afraid what others thought of me, of us, because of them.’

‘And wer
e you?’, She looked at his face, concern shadowed her eyes, ‘Seen? Ever?’

‘Many times, and each time we had to leave. Then we would try find a new place to start over.’

‘It must have been sad, to know a place, then having to leave it behind.’ She looked out at the view, a slight breeze disturbing her hair, brushing it away from her face and down her back.

‘For those six years? No. We were fortunate enough to not make many friends so we didn’t have to leave things behind, or say any farewells.’ He crossed his arms on top of the fence then rested his head on them.

‘What about school then, didn’t your mom get a private tutor or something?’ She looked at his face trying to read him as much as she could.

‘No, mother continued my primary education at home, she taught me everything I had to know to survive. But soon I grew older and my knowledge was surpassing hers, also she saw how miserable I was getting. And so she took a chance with my enrolment to high school. The first few weeks were tough but soon the school accepted me. A few actually talked to me and some of the teacher’s continued to take classes like nothing was wrong, which was kind of them.’

‘Did you ever think about your father?’, Kristal asked suddenly, then blushed after she said it.

‘No’, he said simply, ‘We never knew my father. I was a result of a one night stand, which meant he never hung around long enough to tell mum his name. Mum was always wild in her youth. But no I don’t know or think of my father.’

‘I’m sorry,’ she turned her head to hide her face, ‘I shouldn’t have asked.’

‘You had a right to ask and to know.’

‘What happened after High school?’ Kristal asked after a moments silence. She still felt embarrassed of asking about his father. But she did want to know.

‘I didn’t make any friends nor did I try, there were no question about my HSC and I received my certificate like everybody else with no objection. After that I thought I was accepted, but I was wrong when I entered college.’

‘I know that all too well.’ Kristal’s blush was replaced by an expression of anger, but it soon passed and she too rested her head on her crossed arms.

Time passed and neither spoke. The sun seemed to crawl across the sky near the western horizon.

‘Great view.’ Kristal said distantly.

‘Yeah. But I’ve seen better,’ Angel smiled and straightened, ‘A lot better.’

‘Oh, where?’ Kristal’s voice remained distant, but soon her mind dawned on what Angel had said. She straightened and looked questioningly at Angel.

‘Do you trust me?’ he was looking at the horizon, his face cast with a dirty blush by the sunset then turned to look at her, ‘Ill take you there.’

Kristal nodded slowly not fully picturing what lay ahead as his eyes twinkled with a calm inner fire and she was lost in the blue depth of them. Then her mind seemed to slow and focus all at once as she saw Angel stretch out his wings.

He took her hands then and drew her close.

‘Hold on,’ he said as his arms slid around her waist.

Kristal could see the red convertible parked near the safety fence and directed Angel to it. It was an awkward landing but they touched down safe and sound. The sun was only half set when they returned and night would soon catch them and force them home.

‘I was meaning to ask, but don’t your parents worry about you being with me?’

‘I can see what you mean,’ she smiled, ‘But dad hasn’t got as much of a hold on me as mum does and mum lets me do whatever I want. Actually, they don’t even know I’m with you.’

He nodded, not fully understanding. They were facing each other and they were holding each others hands. Neither seemed to want to let go.

‘Well, we’d better go,’ he said after a while, ‘The nights are getting colder.’

‘I had a great time,’ She held his hands tighter, ‘and I hope we can do it again.’

Angel smiled and Kristal felt a warm rush at that sight, ‘So do I.’

The temperature had dropped since they left and a breeze pushed through the branches and silently rustled Angels feathers. Kristal shivered and hugged herself, releasing Angel’s hands. She had dressed for a day out in the sun and did not expect to be back so late. She rubbed her arms for warmth.

‘Cold?’ Angel placed his hands on her shoulders and drew her close. His arms wrapped themselves around her torso, trapping her own arms underneath. His chest was warm and Kristal soon found her own arms sliding around Angel, lightly stroking the base of his wings as her head rested on his shoulder.

His embrace was warm but not enough to stop her from shivering. She closed her eyes and thought of nothing but their closeness. They may never be this close again.

Her shivering slowed as she felt her body warmth raise slightly. Then another breeze raced along her feet and face. She opened her eyes and found herself wrapped not only in Angel’s arms but in his wings as well. He shielded them both from the dropping temperature by awkwardly wrapping his pinions around them and Kristal felt overly privileged to be wrapped in such warmth, softness and perfection. She turned to face Angel, her emotions showing clearly in her eyes.

‘I truly had a good time Kristal,’ there was warmth in his voice as he said her name and Kristal felt it reach her fingers and toes, ‘And I thank you.’ He leaned forward and gently placed his lips on hers.

Warmth flooded Kristal’s body like a burst dam caught in slow motion and her mind once again slowed and focussed. She kissed him back with equal gentleness filled with a desperation to stay like this forever.

‘I love you,’ Kristal whispered shortly after their lips parted, then buried her head in his chest, ‘God, how I love you.’

‘And I love you, Kristal,’ Angel said as he kissed her hair, ‘And I will only love you. You are the only one who has seen through my… gift, and befriended the man I am. For that I cannot repay you totally. All I can offer is my heart and the very being of my soul.’

They stood for a long time wrapped in the warmth of Angels wings, neither knew how long nor did they care but soon the cold of night began to seep through the soft feathers. Silently they walked to the car side by side with Angels right wing around Kristal and his arm around her waist. There was a silent agreement that Angel drive them home and soon they were on the road.

‘You know,’ Kristal said over the hum of the engine, ‘I’m lucky to be with you right now.’

‘How so?’ Angel kept his eye on the road.

‘Like I said earlier, all the girls at school would love to be in my position. I’m lucky because they all were too shy to actually do something about it.’

‘Unlike you,’ he smiled and laid his hand on hers but kept his eyes on the road.

Kristal squeezed Angels hand then leant over to lay her head on his shoulder, ‘I’m lucky to even get this chance to be away to be with you. I thought that neither the school nor your mum would agree, but I guess they too saw what I saw.’

‘And what did you see?’ Angel said nuzzling her hair and taking in her fragrance.

‘I saw a young man badly misunderstood and needing an escape from society’s prejudice and pain,’ she squeezed his hand harder, but Angel said nothing so she continued, ‘I saw a young man that is as normal as any other, but blessed with a great gift. A gift that has given him a chance to show the world how special one can be. A gift that has given him someone that will never leave his side, someone that will love him through his life, no matter what.’

‘That is a lot to see for one as young and as beautiful as you.’ Angel wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gently squeezed. Kristal let out a sigh and drew closer to him. Then she closed her eyes satisfied to have had this night with him.

But then what? Would tomorrow continue as if nothing had happened? Would Angel be once again shunned and beaten? Would their l
ove only show itself on this one special occasion and never again be seen by them or by the world?


Kristal opened her eyes, and if Angel had looked into her face at that moment he would have seen a silver twinkle in them. It was an idea that grew into a plan, and a plan that would soon grow into a commitment. Kristal’s mind began to plan the first steps for the rest of both their lives. She formed ideas and solutions, then thought hard about what must be done for them to succeed. She was thinking so deeply she hardly noticed the light kiss on her temple from the man that she will live the rest of her life with. Tomorrow will start a new life for them both. Tomorrow everything is going to change.

For the better.

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This story is pure fiction and fantasy. Take it as such. :) “Stacy!!!” the voice blares through the earpiece on the young girls phone. “You were supposed to be here FIFTEEN minutes ago. You KNOW the wife and I are celebrating our anniversary tonight and you need to be here on time!” the strong male voice demands. “Yes sir, I’m on my way, I got caught up with homework” she nervously replies with a tremble in her voice. Mr. Levingston always ran a short fuse but they payed her so...

3 years ago
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My first whore

When I hired my first whore. She arrived on time. We introduced ourselves, had a beer, and talked trivialities. She was a woman of average height, impeccably dressed, and very young. Blond hair, blue eyes, of great Indian look, extraction I guessed, but hard to say for sure. Her name was Ruby. We quieted and the silence spelled business to come. Finally she said, “You are a very nice man, Andy. “That is true,” I replied “May I see?” I asked, looking at her curvy front & back lines. The beer...

4 years ago
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Wack A Doodle

Perhaps I am feeling a little jaundiced at people that commit crimes and blame their inner demons and get away with murder. As in the case of the idiot that went into the movie theater in Colorado, shot the place up and plead 'insanity', I reply, to wit, man up. This story, as always, is true. I definitely changed the names just in case. I found, in a very old box, full of very old pictures a nude I took of the subject of my story. It is in my gallery, a public picture. The pic is entitled...

3 years ago
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Virginity Gone In Vain

Hi indian sex story readers, andaru bagunara nenu mi vinisha ni, nenu share cheskuna na last story ki response baga adirindi thankyou all. Chala mails vachayi kani konitki reply ichanu time saripoka. Nenu hyderabad lo untanu nadi last year graduation complete aiendi. Naku sex ante chala istam and na structure gurinchi chepkovali ante nenu chamanchaya colour lo unta height 5’7 inka 36-30-38. Pachiga chepali ante shruti hassan lanti boobs, iliana lanti todalu unayi Nanu contact avali anukunte na...

2 years ago
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The Dark

Fingers reached out of the cloaked darkness and pulled on my nipples. They paled in comparison to my ebony flesh. I heard a whisper far off, a moan carried in on the wind although I felt no breeze. Those same fingers pressed into my flesh roughly in ways that hurt and frightened me... "Bitch" someone whispered from far off in my mind, "filthy fucking slut, you are nothing without me" The voice was oddly familiar. The voice of my lover who was sleeping beside me. I tried to startle myself...

1 year ago
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Games Genies Play Part 5 of 6

Leprechauns hide their gold at the end of the rainbow. The Vikings thought it was a bridge to Asgard. To Christians and Jews it is a covenant written in the sky. Modern men think it is light refracted through water droplets suspended in the sky. None of them are right. It is not the ends of the rainbow that matter but the thing itself. It is not a sign or a promise or a reflection. The rainbow is the intrusion of an otherworldly realm into our own. Light scatters in terror at...

3 years ago
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A Gift for the Gifted Student

Gifted student sounds a little not PC. But that is what we called ourselves. Accelerated student might be a better way of putting it. But none the less we were very smart k**s and the school district wanted to make sure we did not get bored and go some where else so they came up with these special events and classes and field trips for us. I mean there were only ten of us in the program. I was excited about this trip to the city for a week. We would get to stay at a fancy hotel and go see all...

2 years ago
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Cocaine Trash A Novel

Foreword ‘There’s an interminable fog about the place, a fog that surrounds my body at all times, a fog that seeps all the way through into my mind. I can never get it to go, and sometimes I feel like I’m living a solitary existence in a secluded, remote cave in the middle of fucking nowhere. And I don’t even get the sight of a misty coated sea to gaze at, for me it’s just a grey and horrid sight, with a trail of pollution drifting through into my cave in unravelling smoke. I guess I should be...

2 years ago
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Page SixChapter 28

Last seen: Seven families, the Brown family, the Graham family, the Andrews family, the Patrick family, the Peters family, and the Woods family, all dining at the Yale Club to celebrate their children's graduations from the Patricia Loyalton School for Girls and the Kingston School for Boys, as members of the Class of 2005. All eight kids will be attending Yale University in the fall, as members of the Class of 2009. Emma carefully cut out the pages, and added them to her scrapbook. When...

3 years ago
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Easy B

Cast of characters: Selena Fernandez, Female, 16 - Sophomore in high school - 5’11, 150lbs, light-brown skin, silky back-length black hair Mr. Donovan, Male, early-40s - High school History teacher - 5’8, 150lbs, pale white skin, cropped blonde hair For every story you read about a teacher being caught having sex with a student, there are a hundred you never see. Those involved rarely get caught. That’s my theory, at least. Male teachers probably do it more often than their female...

2 years ago
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The FreshmanChapter 7 A Sunday with Cecilia

Jason and Cecilia only spent a few minutes relaxing before she had to get up, get showered and turn on her duty radio. Midnight was fast approaching, the beginning of her 24-hour shift as duty RA. She would have to go to the front desk at about 11:30, get a briefing from her co-worker going off duty, and fill out a duty roster checklist. She had no illusions of any peace, given that it was a Friday night and the fraternities were in the midst of rush. After he got dressed, Cecilia escorted...

3 years ago
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Having My Way Part 9

After coming hard and long, my lover picked me up from the shower floor where I finished sucking his cock to get every drop he had to give. He took me in his arms and he kissed me deep. I pulled away from our kiss and looked into his eyes. My smile told him I was ready for some more fun and games.He wiped my body with the softest towel I have ever felt in my life. My breasts, my hair, my body, and finally between my legs where he lingered longer than necessary. I kept my legs apart and he knew...

2 years ago
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Sues Will Ch 01

Sue allowed the people around her to stare, but she did not smile or look at them. Breezing past everybody with as much nonchalance as she could, she finally allowed herself to breathe when she finally reached the classroom. Without looking at any one of her classmates, she chose a seat at the last row and got ready to be invisible. Her fingers were shaking. ‘I am such a hypocrite.’ She mused. Sure, she makes the effort to look good whenever she goes out. With hair as red as the darkest...

2 years ago
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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 57

"How is he doing?" asked Hermione, closing the infirmary door quietly behind her. "No change so far," whispered Montague, drawing Hermione away from Draco's bed. "It looks like he's still out cold, but Pomfrey says we shouldn't talk around him, because you never know - maybe he can hear us. Mind you, he's hardly moved a muscle during my shift. At least his face has stopped twitching — Pomfrey says that's a good sign." "Madam Pomfrey, if you don't mind," said the healer,...

1 year ago
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My First MFF Threesome

Please note that this is my first story on here and actually my first time ever writing anything of the sort but depending on the type of reaction I get from it, hopefully it will only be the first of many.All of my stories will be written from my own perspective. Some of them will be true stories based on my own experiences with names changed, while others will be pure fiction, I'll leave it up to the reader to decide which are fantasy, and which are fiction.This story takes place roughly a...

2 years ago
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The Pastors Sinful FamilyChapter 8

Helen was out of bed at her normal time of 6 am. This was the time that she normally used to study her Bible, read some inspirational writings, and pray. She reached for her Bible that was sitting on the kitchen table and then pulled her hand back. “I’ve prayed for you to deliver me from the evil of the Willets. I’ve prayed to you to protect my family from their wicked ways. Jeff Willet shows up at my door and I spread my legs for him. If that is your idea of deliverance and protection, then...

1 year ago
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AssParade Gia OhMy Work it Out

Gia OhMy walked into the living room as her sister was working out with her personal trainer, Peter Green. She decided to lure him in to her room with her perfectly plump booty. From there, she showed him all her wonderful attributes before almost getting caught by her sister. Eventually they fucked in secrecy. Her tight pussy was penetrated in several different positions until he sprayed jizz all over her face. Finally after getting his nut, Peter ran back to continue training Gia’s sister all...

1 year ago
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The Hot Pink Dress

The Hot Pink Dress Husband who had bought himself a dress experiences more crossdressing fun at the hands of his wife and her best friend. This is a continuation of the story begun in The Green Dress. They say there is no going back in life. Time, like a river, always moves forward. So, after being made to return to the store where I had purchased a dress for myself, and then openly diving into the world of feminimity at the hands of my wife and my co-worker/her best friend,...

1 year ago
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Dianes Night Out With The Boys

A year ago if you had told me that my wife cheating on me would only make me love her more and lust after her more I would have laughed at you. But that is just what has happened. I found out that she was not just having an affair, but was her company's punch board. I also found out that the more guys she fucks the hornyier I get. It all started when I broke my leg at work. I am a heavy equipment operator and there isn't much in the way of light duty for you when you are on crutches. Since I...

4 years ago
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Freshers Mein Phada Senior Ka Seal

Hey iss folks, this is Raunak from Hyderabad writing my first story on iss which is also the first sexual experience of my life.. Telling about me i am an 18year old teenager good physique (gym freak) and the basic reason of me maintaining a good physique and building my body was to have great sex and hardcore sex always fancies me. I’ve been reading iss since my 10 th standard and I am just a crazy fan of dis website.. Coming to the story.. This took place just a couple of days ago.. It was...

2 years ago
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Two weeks with Horas Chapter 2

After Horas had again serviced Cathy and then I had my turn we headed for the shower. Cathy was so wired and she clung to me kissed and thanked me. I could tell she really did enjoy Horas. I could see why. He was all brute force, a big thick cock and a tongue well practiced. Brian and Leena had obviously trained him well. I was very thankful that Leena hadn’t told my brother that Cathy was also one of Horas’ bitches. I would have been mortified. Cathy and I climbed into bed and kissed. Sleep...

4 years ago
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Dinner at the Athelstan Part 3

The envelope Judith had given me contained £500 for me and £200 for Sam and that was a first. Sam was delighted. When you consider that was merely a gift and not our fee we were particularly pleased and resolved to have a bottle of champagne to celebrate. The following day I went shopping for food and wine while Sam escorted another of the agency whores during the morning. I intended to make her a decent meal for us to share with our bubbles but it was not to be. She came round to my flat (we...

4 years ago
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I look up into sorrowful, chocolate-brown pools. My lover the stonemason, who's hands have carved a thousand tombstones and who looks as though he holds night time inside the silence of his eyes. His hands are scarred too, rough and lovely. They pass over my skin, annotating the geography of my body, my curves, crevices and fleshy mistakes. I writhe beneath him, feverish with lust. His cock thrusts in me, rigid, turgid. Dilated pupils shine from within a hard, closed face. Even whilst he pushes...

Love Stories
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Hot Threesome On Road Trip

After doctor Bandhan opened up the world of proper incest for me and my mom Soma, needless to say we fucked each other day and night. All day in class I would think about how mom would take off my clothes once I reach home..and how she will take a shower with me.. Mom was also extremely happy about what was happening. She wanted to do anything to please her darling son, so even if I’m just watching tv, she will come and sit next to me and at least play with my cock. She never refuses to suck...

3 years ago
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My First Time Sex Experience

Hi, this is is abhay from mumbai… I am engineering student… I am 5 11″ tall normal physique… I am a regular reader of ISS from last 3 years… Before this incident I thought these are all bullshit mind written stories… But now  I  agree with you all writers… Mumbai I love you… Without more boring intro lets come to the story… Story ko main hindi me narate karunga taaki sb iska aanand le sake.. Mujhe fucking se jyada maza roleplay me aata hai…. Ye baat tb ki hai jb main apne relatives k ghar se...

2 years ago
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Teacher Please

This will always stay with me for the rest of my life, and I fantasize often about what happen that they in the class room.Sitting in the biology class and listening to my teacher word unfolding over those full sexy lips, was the highlight of my high school. This particular teacher, was from Grade 6 to Grade 12 my biology teacher and many boys fantasized and drooled over her.Like a high school boy is, I always were naughty in her class just to get the attention from her I thought I deserved it....

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I was walking to a friend's house, who lived very near tome I was walking to a friend's house, who lived very near tome. A car stopped in front of me and someone got out. At this point I was scared, as the guy was leering at me. He told me to get in his car, and I refused. He pulled a knife out of his jacket so I got into the backseat. Two friends were sitting there grinning at me and I sat down fearfully... The ringleader (lets call him Ali)of the lot? the one who had pulled me into...

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The Wards of Harwell TuskerChapter 11 The Laying On Of Hands

An important part of the process of behavioural adjustment is the release of the student from the tyranny of self-concern. I bring this about by providing opportunities to endure discomfort and pain which serve as a distraction from lesser, more existential, matters. My students sometimes report heightened pleasure during some of these sessions. This is not, however, the purpose behind them. The purpose is to create in the student a separation from abstract concerns of self by focussing the...

2 years ago
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Dare YouChapter 24

The bell signalling the end of the school day sounded and I scooped the books off the desk into my bag, Kirsty was waiting and there wasn't a moment to lose. "Kevin, could I have a quick word before you go?" The last period had been computer science and the person calling my name was 'Davie' Jones, the teacher. "Yes, Sir," I responded almost automatically. I crossed the room to his desk fastening my bag as I moved. "Kevin, the Principal has given permission, at last, for each year...

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