Stacked Deck Ch. 01 free porn video

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You know at the end of any really good action thriller or really bad horror movie, the hero is sitting there amidst the smoldering rubble of a building he had to blow the hell out of just to give the baddies a proper send off? Then some gorgeous woman starts shoving her way through the crowd of onlookers so that she can embrace her poor knight in shining armor, while he lets loose a great sigh of relief?

The part they never tell you, is that you get penalized for the destruction of said building. Or that you get to spend the next thirty-six hours in an interrogation room, trying to explain what the hell happened. Never mind that it all went so fast that you just don’t know which end is up.

Oh, and that gorgeous woman?

Chances are she doesn’t even exist, or she’s in love with your best friend.

Hollywood is so full of shit.

Chapter One: ‘Know when to fold ’em’

‘And so ladies and gentleman, I present to you your new Toreador Primogen. Sophia Davies.’ Diego St. Dior beamed proudly. There was a round of eager applause as every eye in the ballroom fell upon her. She gave a gracious bow and waved autonomously to the crowd. Diego positioned his arm possessively around her waist. ‘And I would also like to announce that she has graciously consented to be my bride.’

Sophia’s eyes darkened, if only for the briefest of moments, then twinkled with a congenial smile. They stepped down off the dais and commenced with the duties of handshakes and forged smiles.

‘Do forgive me, darling. I’ll be back in a moment.’ She whispered into Diego’s ear and wandered off into the crowd. She slipped unnoticed into the second floor bathroom and locked the door behind her. Resting her head against the door, she squeezed her eyes shut tight and bit back a scream of frustration. Turning quickly on her heels, she went over to the sink and stared gravely into the mirror.

‘Diego, you greedy son of a bitch. How dare you pull such an arrogant stunt? You will pay dearly for this,’ she whispered to her reflection. She checked her mascara and reapplied a fresh layer of burgundy lipstick, wiping away a smudge with the edge of her pinky. Straightening her cocktail dress and taking a deep breath, she unlocked the door and re-entered the party. Her golden eyes searched the crowd and found Diego huddled in a corner, talking animatedly to Dimitri Chernovich.

Sophia slipped quietly out to the balcony of the mansion, the raucous din of the party pummeled hungrily against the glass behind her. She leaned against the railing and gazed wistfully out across the bay. Just upon the horizon she could see the silhouette of one of the casino boats. Positioning her chin on her slender shoulder, she glanced toward the downtown boardwalk. From here, all of the torches and lamps cast a pale golden aura upon the township she’d come to know and adore. She closed her golden eyes for a moment and concentrated on the sounds of the ‘Pirate Days Festival’ that was now in full swing, the screams and laughter emanating from the carnival rides. She couldn’t help but chuckle longingly to herself.

After several moments of collecting her thoughts, she drew a deep breath of the night air and turned to re-enter the gala affair. A flicker of movement on the roof caught her eye. Her gaze intensified in the gloom. She strained her ears for any sign of movement and thought she could hear a light rasping breath. In the blackness, two red eyes snapped open as the wispy shadow descended upon her. The scream caught in her throat as the shadow enveloped her.

Diego swept the curtain aside and searched the balcony for his fiancé. A glimpse of the grim reaper flashed briefly before him as it vaulted over the balcony railing and loped across the yard like a rabid beast into the surrounding trees. He quickly threw open the door and ran out. Bracing himself on the railing as he cried out her name in desperation. He pulled his hand back and gazed in horrid contemplation at the dark stains on his trembling hands. His voice stuck horridly in his throat. Wedged into the railing at his feet was a broken five-inch stiletto heel.

Thomas Ballentine strode cautiously through the twisted maze of back alleys behind the shops just off the central boardwalk. The laughter and screams of the annual pirate festival echoed forcefully off of the stone walls, through the dusk, modifying them into something almost surreal.

He reached into his shirt pocket and retrieved the little paper card. Glancing back and forth between the card and the inadequately hand painted sign above the door. He braced himself and moved up the steps, satisfied that this was the place. He could hear the faint sounds of an acoustic guitar coming from the short hallway as he opened the steel door before him. Gathering all of the feigned confidence he could summon, he straightened his dress shirt one last time and knocked on the door.

‘Entrée.’ Came a voice as smooth as silk.

‘Hi…um…Mr. Phantym?’ Thomas stammered as he peered around the door. ‘My name is, uh…’

‘Thomas Ballentine. I know. I sent for you specifically,’ the man said soothingly.

He set the guitar in its stand and casually rose from his chair behind the desk. Wiping his palm on his tattered jeans, he reached across the desk, offering his hand.

Ballentine shook his hand earnestly, taking note of its strength appraisingly. He cast a casual glance about the room, taking in the blatant disarray. The file cabinet drawers were randomly open and boxes were stacked in each corner. There was a pile of crumpled papers on the desk.

‘Jamus Phantym,’ the man declared brightly. ‘Pleased to meet you finally. I’ve been reading about you a lot in the tabloids of late. Apparently we’ve been moving through the same social circles for some time now. Odd, that we never actually met.’

‘Thank you, Sir,’ Thomas said timidly. ‘The pleasure is surely mine.’

Jamus gestured toward the opposite chair. ‘Please, take a seat.’

‘And please, call me Jamie. I hate standing on formality, so you can drop that ‘Sir’ shit,’ he said, lowering himself into his chair.

He swung his sandaled feet up onto the desktop, tilted his head back and his pale hands rubbed at his bleary eyes. He raked his fingers through the shoulder length mane of midnight black hair and let out a huge sigh.

‘Alright, let’s get right into the meat of it shall we? I’m sure you’ve at least heard the rumors floating around town about the string of missing people,’ he said, staring idly at the grimy ceiling tiles.

Tom nodded silently and shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

‘Tom…may I call you Tom?’ he asked, gazing directly into his eyes. ‘Tom, I’ve been working on this case for some very dear friends of mine and, I hate to admit, it’s got me stumped. I’ve been chasing my tail for three months now. To be quite frank…I need the help of someone who’s not afraid to delve into the…let’s say ‘darker’ aspects of the paranormal. I need the area’s best psychic, my friend. I need you.’

Tom stepped out into the warm night and tilted his face skyward. His nostrils were assaulted by the nauseating smell of salt air, gunpowder and soured alcohol. The conversation played again through his head as he stepped out onto the boardwalk. He took a left on Main Street and made his way back to his home on the Upper West Side of the island.

He rubbed his temples and took a deep breath as he walked up to the two-story stone dwelling, a remodeled remnant of Spanish occupation. A sudden breeze sent a shiver down his spine as he fumbled for his keys. He jammed the brass one into the lock and twisted the handle. A wall of cold air and the scent of sandalwood washed over him as he opened the door. Setting his keys on the long table by the door, he unbuttoned his shirt and walked to the phone.

He pressed #2 on the phone, the number of the Chinese
take-out place a couple of blocks away.

‘Hi Robert, can I get the chicken lo mien tonight? Delivery please. Thanks.’

He hung up the phone and stepped into his bathroom, stripping off the pale blue shirt along the way. He tossed it into the hamper and turned on the faucet, splashing cold water on his face. Looking up into the mirror he could see the dark circles under his eyes staring harshly back at him. He leaned his forehead against the mirror and swallowed hard. His mind’s eye replayed again the vision he’d gotten from shaking Jamus’ hand. The ship at sea, the cold darkness, the flash of teeth all came rushing in. And blood, so much blood.

He wiped his face with the hand towel and flicked off the light, stepping back into the hallway. Regaining his composure, he walked into the kitchen and peered into the refrigerator. The faded and torn picture of Diana, his mother, smiled at him from its spot on the freezer door. A bitter-sweet grin played on his lips as he withdrew the carafe of chardonnay from the door. As he was taking a glass out of the cupboard, there was the timely knock on the door.

‘Be right there, Donnie.’ He called out.

Upon arriving at the front door, he placed his hand upon it, instinctively. Fingers splayed across the cool iron, he could ‘see’ on the other side. There was Robert’s teenage son, Donnie, who made deliveries as a summer job. As usual, he was shifting his weight from foot to foot, impatiently. Tom opened the door and grinned at him, holding out the two twenty dollar bills.

‘Did you pass the preliminaries this week?’ He smiled.

The boy nodded and grinned impishly.

‘And to think, your father still thinks that bike is a waste of time. Keep the change kid.’

He returned the bow to the boy and watched as he made his way down the flight of steps, two at a time. Tom locked the door behind him and sat down on the floor at the small living room table. Opening up the container, he inhaled deeply the aroma of his hot meal, his mouth immediately watered and his stomach let out a snarl. He hadn’t realized he was that hungry. He glanced over at the clock on the VCR and grimaced, he hadn’t eaten since breakfast and it was now 10:15p.m. Fixing the position of the chopsticks in his hand, he dug in.

Yumi leapt up onto the arm of the couch, reaching out, her delicate paw brushing his shoulder. Insistently she meowed in his ear.

‘No honey, this isn’t for you,’ he stated as he lovingly scratched the bridge of her nose. ‘I’ll feed you in a moment.’

He finished the last of the container and got to his feet. As he walked to the kitchen, Yumi skillfully looped between his feet, stating frantically that she was hungry. He rinsed the plastic container in the sink, tossed it into the recycling bin and opened up the cupboard. He poured some dry food into her dish and set it on the floor. Crouching down, he scratched her behind the ears. She mumbled something very near English and crunched away at her food like it was her last meal on earth.

‘I met a very odd fellow today, Yumi.’ He stated as he stood up. ‘I think I may go to work for him.’

He cocked his head slightly and grinned. ‘He actually seems quite decent.’

…For a Vampire.

Jamus was sprawled out at a booth in the back of the bar, dressed in pretty much the same clothes as earlier that night, jeans with the knees cut out, brown leather sandals and a painfully lurid Hawaiian shirt. His dark tresses were disheveled and covering most of his pale face. The shock of gray on the right temple caught the light in such a way that it was almost ethereal. He was skimming through the headlines of the local paper, catching up on the news that the editor thought was fit to print.

He winced as a woman sat down on the opposite side of the booth. Her golden locks barely concealing what her low cut blouse refused to.

‘Nik,’ he stated blandly without looking up. ‘What can I do ya for?’

She cast him an icy stare from across the table.

‘You know goddamned well what I’m here for, so stop playing coy. You don’t pull it off well anyway.’

‘Hey, don’t get snarky with me, Sparky. He’s your husband.’ He carefully folded the newspaper and set it aside.

‘Yes, but he’s your brother.’ Her mercurial eyes started to well with the onset of tears.

He sucked in a deep breath and bit his lower lip.

‘Look, Nik…it’s like I told you last week. I haven’t seen or heard from Jess in over 5 years. You know how well he holds a grudge. It could be centuries before he forgives me.’

Jamus laced his fingers before him on the table and rested his chin on his thumb tips. His powder blue eyes gleamed in the dim light.

‘Nikky, I love you both, but you’ve got to sort this shit out on your own. I think this is one case where blood is not thicker than water.’ He sighed deeply.

Nikasha folded her arms across her chest and sat back against the booth. The corners of her lips started to quiver and she quickly moved her gaze to the candle on the wall. Tears started to stream down her pale cheeks.

‘I just feel so helpless. All of our friends are disappearing. And you, me…any one of us could be next. Something has to be done. You heard Seryn last night. We are all in danger.’ Her body started to tremble slightly. She swiped her hand angrily at the tears streaming down her face.

Jamus choked back his words. He’d never once seen her lose her composure in the near 150 years he’d known her. The events of the past month clearly had her shaken. She was terrified to the core. They all were. Since the dawn of the ‘Breed,’ the only threat to them came from the humans who wanted them destroyed, and over the years they’d nearly succeded in making them an endangered species. But this was something new. Something different. Something dark and evil.

Nearly three months ago an ally had come to him to seek his help. His wife, one of the political hierarchs known as a Primogen, had received an envelope, shoved under her door. There were no words written on it and all it contained was a tarot card. The Page of Swords. The next evening when he awoke, she was missing. A few weeks later, Cyril Diggs found The Knight of Swords under his door. He’d also disappeared. Six days ago they lost Sophia Davies, the new Toreador Primogen. At her apartment they’d found The Queen of Swords. 0She was the betrothed of Diego St. Dior, the Prince of this providence. Jamus knew without a doubt that soon there would be another card, one for Diego himself. The timing was ripe, too. In two days would be more than a full moon, it was the fabled ‘Blood Moon.’ This was going to be bad, very bad. Whoever…whatever was causing these disappearances had ties into the old magicks. That much was glaringly apparent.

Now, his half-brother’s spouse sat across the table from him quaking in fear. No, it wasn’t fear. It was terror. And he could absolutely understand why. Her lover and protector was nowhere to be found. If it could happen among their quiet little coven, it could be happening amongst any other. When last Jamus had heard from Jesse, he’d just been offered the position of captain to the Gangrel clan in Windstone Falls.

‘Nik, maybe you should go up north too. You know, be with him. I never understood why you stayed down here when he got the call, anyway.’ He reached his hand across the table and set it gently upon hers. She looked up to him with her enchanting eyes and shook her head.

‘No, up there I’m an outcast. At least here I have family. And I can find some way to help.’ She took a deep breath, relieved that this current bout of anxiety had passed and then took a sip from the jewel-encrusted bottle that she’d brought with her.

‘Besides, you might actually stumble on to the truth of the matter and I’ll have to bail your skinny ass out of trouble again.’ She forced a smile and he returned one of assurance. He was glad to see her smile, it had been far too long
since the last one.

Tom winced as four feet pressed into his chest, seeming to weigh in at five pounds each. Golden eyes beamed quizzically as he opened his. Yumi pressed her face under his chin insistently and purred.

‘Awright, I’m up…I’m up.’ He threw the sheets aside and she launched off his chest to the floor. No sooner had he swung his feet down, she was yeowling instruction at him.

‘I’m under the impression that you’re hungry again. Didn’t we just do this?’ He stumbled to the door, his head reeling.

‘Yumi, why the hell did you let me drink the whole bottle last night? You were supposed to cut me off,’ he muttered.

As he trudged his way to the kitchen, Yumi worked on her game of speed bump, yowling all the way.

‘You don’t need to practice that… you are quite good at it already. I know… I know…I’m working on it. Gods.’

Two hours later he was working on his second cup of coffee and perusing the file that Jamus had given him the night before. His brow was furrowed in concentration. He’d been staring at the same photograph for the last hour. He shook the cobwebs from his addled brain, stood up and stretched. The bones in his shoulders popped from disuse.

‘Yumi my dear, you are on your own for lunch. I’ve got work to do.’

He grabbed his gear, locked the door and stepped out to the road. Looking both ways, he reached out his arm and hailed a cab. After a few side trips for supplies, he gradually made his way to DarkWalk Investigations.

Ten blocks away a pair of battered cowboy boots shuffled down the steps of the bus. Devon Walker dropped down to the sidewalk of the bus station with a pronounced thud and drew down the brim of his hat, glancing casually around he smirked.

‘Why in the hell would a vampire choose to live on an island?’ he drawled as he squinted behind his aviator style sunglasses. He looked around, shrugged his wide shoulders and headed toward the boardwalk.

Tom knocked sheepishly at the large oak double door, looking around behind him cautiously as the twilight crept into place. When no immediate answer came, he knocked a little harder. A very tall, very thin man opened the door and leered at him.

‘Yes, may I help you?’ droned the man in a rather salacious tone.

‘Yes. Sir. My name is Thomas Ballentine. I’m an associate for DarkWalk Investigations. I was wondering if I might come in and speak to…’ He flipped the pages on his little notebook. ‘To Mr. Dimitri Chernovich?’

The tall man opened the door wider and ushered him into the massive foyer.

‘Please have a seat in the study. I’ll let Mr. Chernovich know you are here,’ he said, sweeping his long arms in an arc toward the second door on the left. Then he strode off up the cascading double stairs.

‘Creepy Lurch-looking fucker,’ Tom muttered as he made his way to the study, taking his time to brush his fingertips along the priceless works of art along the way. Images of crusades and battles and thieves in the night filled his head.

‘I guess there is money in being a Primogen,’ he smiled whimsically to himself, meandering through another tall oak door. As he stepped inside, closing the door quietly behind him, he gaped in great interest at the amount of books on the high cedar shelves that rose to the high vaulted ceiling.

He adjusted his wire-rimmed frames on the bridge of his nose as he felt the presence of his host coming around the corner to the door.

‘Mr. Ballentine?’ The voice was cold and venomous. Tom turned toward the door to find a rather slight man, seemingly in his late sixties. He puzzled for a moment at how someone that looked so frail could pose such a threat as the dark aura he saw surrounding the man.

‘Mr. Chernovich,’ he cleared his throat. ‘Perhaps I might have a few moments of your time?’ He proffered his hand cautiously.

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"Listen up folks," Rob shouted to get the attention of the extended family gathered in the hospital mess hall. "Time is short and we've had a small change of plans. The Confederacy AIs have been in touch with our assigned AI and we have more capability than we thought. There will be two ships, the Kedah is a fast Darjee vessel and it will be our transportation and temporary home, including all animal life that we wish to take. The second ship is designed by and crewed by humans and a...

3 years ago
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Chosen FrozenChapter 21 Shuffling the Deck

Morning parade held a surprise announcement: the formation of a corps of cadets, aged ten to thirteen. Before the child could join, he or she would have an assessment – basically, a simplified, unofficial CAP test to pre-screen for potential sponsorship CAP scores – and be assigned to whichever service best suited his or her aptitude. After the parade, Samantha met in the Commanding Officer's Boardroom with the Colonel, his battalion commanders and Butch. All of them had two questions for...

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Queens Four of a KindChapter 5 The Decks

Abbey I have two kings and two queen, I got to win this time. I wonder what that card says as I look at the ante card in the middle. Pam and Maggie have both drawn at three cards. Trish has only drawn one card. That should be a good sign. "I raise a Obedience card," I tell the women confidently. Hopefully they will just back out. "I'll see you," says Pam looking at the Obedience card. "I would raise you another card but I am not sure about those Double-Jeopardy cards," ponders...

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A STUDY OF NEW EXPERIENCES, IN OIL ON CANVAS. Andrea was giving me that look again, the sultry one that indicated some deep, private thought lingering behind those pretty hazel eyes. This was always torture for me, I would sometimes fantasize about the reasons behind that look but there was no way to know for sure. I’m sure that I’m not a lesbian, I like boys and I have never thought about another girl in that way until now. Okay, that’s not technically true, I once shared a clandestine moment...

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I Fucked A Guy8217s Girlfriend

Hi, this is the first time I am submitting a story to ISS, so please ignore any mistakes. So, this happened around 3-4 months back. I had to give an exam and the test center was very far away from my house. I thought that since my friend lives near by, I will drop by at his place. Since he was my best friend, I didn’t think that I needed to call him. I reached there and he was shocked to see me. I said that I had to give an exam the next day. He reluctantly let me enter. When I entered I saw...

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Halle Part 3

HALLE Part 3 "What did I do?" "You'll see. Come with me little girl!" I started upstairs, with Halle right behind me, heading for the computer room. As we walked in, I said, "Sit down." She sat at the computer desk. "Okay.", I said, "Now clear the screen saver, and tell me what you see." She moved the mouse, the screen saver cleared, and there was one of the two web sites in question. She slowly turned her head and looked at me a little frightened. "Care to explain?", I...

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UniversityChapter 60

Despite the heat, Wednesday morning I put on a light suit and a tie. A dean with an Order of Australia and two doctorates wasn't to be treated trivially. And I didn't want to appear to be a whiner. I didn't have to wait for very long. I was shown in to see Dean Riley immediately. As I sat down I could see a file folder on her desk with "Hollister, P." on its tab. "Good morning, Mr. Hollister." "Good morning, ma'am. Thank you for seeing me." She gestured towards a...

4 years ago
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Keven Jeanne Bardot Feminine Little Bitchboi

Effeminate little bitch boi Keven Jeanne Bardot, dreams of becoming First Lady! Of course, this little bitch dreams of being a sexy sissy cheerleader too! In his dreams and fantasies, sissy boi Keven Jeanne is never a biological woman - Keven Jeanne does not want to actually BE a real woman; he is ecstatic at being a perverted idea of a woman - something only a creature who hated god would create, to ruin the beauty of god's creation. And just because he doesn't want to be a real woman, doesn't...

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Girls challenge eachother

I just started to work at a new company. I kind of wanted to keep a good first impression. So the first couple of weeks I started by working an hour extra each day. My boss was kind of happy with my work. One day I was thinking I was the only one left in the office. But suddenly I hear somebody coming up the stairs. I look up from my computer and see Willeke entering the doorway. Willeke: Hi, you are still here working? What are you working on? I am just completing some stuff for the website. I...

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The Story Of My Wife PT 7

“In my last story, Vicki and I went clothes shopping at the mall. We both had some great dressing room sex, and then invited Ginny, the owner of DD’s Boutique to join us for dinner, and a night out at a new alternative club called Bi-Standers.” Part 7: Lets get started… When Vicki and I arrived home from the mall, we were still reeling from our sexual escapades, so we decided to take a quick shower and a nap. As we were in the shower a thought hit me… “Vicki,” I said, “Maybe I should call...

4 years ago
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Vanessa and Rachel come to stay

Jess and I had been cleaning up the spare room, which had become a store for anything we couldn’t be bothered to put away like books, clothes, empty and full boxes, cleaned washing etcetera. The reason being, we had Jess’s good friends coming to stay from down south for a week. But we had been half way through tidying when we both got horny and ended up having some impromptu sex on the newly made bed making it sweaty and sticky with only a few hours before our guests were due to arrive. Laying...

2 years ago
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Born to SuckChapter 9

"Easy there, Kid," Sven said with a warning tone to his voice, just as I was about to stick my tongue into that drooling strand of seed. After he'd brought me to a screeching orgasm by massaging my prostate with his thumb, I'd turned over to see his long majestic cock drooling pre-cum; badly in need of my sucking lips. I looked up at him imploringly, anxious to get more of his succulent cum into my mouth. "Just flip over and lie down on your back, I feel like doing a little...

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EvilAngel Chloe Cherry Pistol Whipped

Cute blonde Chloe Cherry masturbates to a farting, squirting orgasm! Next, nebbishy Tommy Pistol proposes marriage by offering Chloe a ring — his cock ring! She gives a wet, sloppy, deepthroat blowjob, and she squats to ejaculate girl squirt onto Tommy’s face. He reams her pussy and asshole. The kinky girl penetrates his penis hole with her pinky finger! Tommy fucks her drooling face through a sleeve toy, and he pushes his balls inside her sphincter! This crazy anal encounter...

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Kianna Dior 2400 299000

The search for meaning and truth is integral to developing a cohesive society full of happy and healthy citizens. Yet, despite many thousands of years of research by scientists and monks alike, we haven't come much closer to objective reality.Berries < Apples < MelonsHowever, we have been able to pluck several fruits from the tree of knowledge. Many of these lay in the realm of science, and I am no scientist. I am but a man with an unrelenting boner and access to unlimited amounts of...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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It took a little while, but they got used to it. The cowboys, I mean, cause they could be as closed minded as anyone else and working cattle with a little Texican girl like me had rubbed them a little wrong at first. But Parker knew me, the old man, and when I'd come round looking for work he hadn't tried to put me in the kitchen. My daddy had worked his ranch the last few years before he'd died, so maybe Parker had figured he owed him something. I hadn't banked any of that though, and to...

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John Nee Rosy Kee Dhkadhak Chudayee Kee

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01my email se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Uskaa naam ha- Rosy. Ab aagey kee story Rosy kee Shabdoo mee-Hiee , mee Rosy Mumbai see huu.Meeree hott nd horny frends ek hott gal readers...

2 years ago
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Drilled Sheena Ryder Drilling Deep Into Sheena8217s Ass

Sheena Ryder tells us how she is a mattress actress that really loves cock in her ass! When she can not have cock she is using one of her glass dildos to really drill deep into that tight little asshole! Lucky for Sheena Steve has a big hard cock for her and gets her all wet fucking her pussy hard before taking the tip of his cock and pointing it to that ass! Sheena loves how it feels when it penetrates her ass slowly, going deeper and deeper until it is all the way in! She gets on top and...

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Cresswell Industries Part 4

Cresswell Industries ? Part 4 - by: Keshara Chapter Thirteen - End of the Day The rest of the day was spent following in Dominique's footsteps and although Dennis, like Juan and Terrence, had copied the French talking maid perfectly, Kevin had found the going very hard indeed. This in effect had caused a very disappointed Miss Primrose to postpone any training in sitting until the next day. "Now then girls your respected trainers will be coming to pick you up, so make...

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indian mom and son

Hi everybody this is my first and true story with my mom. My name is Kishor i am 18 years old with good body and my mom is 38 year with 38d tit’s every big and big ass too she his little plump not that much. My family consist of 3 member me, mom, dad. We are the richest in our village and I was sent to city to study. There I came to know about sex and I was interest in mature lady’s than younger girl’s.My father is a drunker and he brings women’s to home and fuck them. So my mom was left along....

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Double The Trouble

In a medallion lost in time and space, waiting to be found... Horace played with the images in his mind. His hand ran over his chest, down his abdomen and across his waist, as he remembered the time he'd spent with the young genie. Her eyes had been full of innocence and desire. Her lips tasted the sweetest after she'd serviced him, and her gaze reflected the feelings of love she had often spoken out loud as they lay in a sweat-coated embrace. "Horace," she'd whispered, and snaked...

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Lesbian Videos

If you like Hot Movies of lesbians, well, I’d say you’re in good company. Girl-on-girl movies have always been and always will be one of the very most popular subgenres of pornography. I’m not sure even a day goes by when I don’t see girls licking each other down during my travels around the internet. Even one beautiful naked woman is enough to jack off to, but put a couple of them in a bed together and the fun doubles instantly. Who wants to do the math on the pleasure you’d get out of an...

Premium Lesbian Porn Sites
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Female for a day

  I have always been obsessed with boobs. I like them all but especially big ones. I stare at them in the grocery store and of course have an extensive collection of pics from the internet. Lately, I have even been thinking about what it would be like to have a big set myself. I'm a guy don't get me wrong, but I am fascinated by what it would feel like to have a large set of breasts. The internet is a great source of information as we all know. I found sites for cross dressers easily. I figured...

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Transformation Of My Indian Slut Wife Part 3

Thanks friend and guru ji apne meri story part 2 publish kari. Aur dosto phir wife batane lagi ki me un 2 logo ke sath unke place par chali gayi. Wo log delhi ke ek muslim area me le gaye. Unka ghar ek purana, ganda aur 3 room ka tha. Vaha par unki u 4-5 female aur thi. Wo bole ab tum ek do din yahi rehogi , hum apko sex industry achhi aur buri dono hakikat se batayenge. Wo bole tumhari age ke hisab se tum modern showpiece wali whore banayenge isliye tumhara itna body and facial modification...

4 years ago
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Numerous DelightsChapter 16 Awatif

In his bath that evening, Derek wondered which of his three concubines would be sent to his room first. More than that, he wondered why he was nervous about it. He had happily indulged himself with the Emir's wife and concubine, whom he had never seen until they arrived almost naked in his bedroom for specifically sexual purposes. Why was this different? He decided it was because this was a resident concubine, and not just a one night stand. He remembered Yul Brynner's advice to Prince...

2 years ago
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BrattySis Molly Little My Stepsis Is A Giver

Molly Little is taking the new year as an opportunity to let go of some fantasies she’s been hanging on to. To facilitate that, she writes her fantasies down and begins burning them in the fireplace. One of them, fucking her stepdad, only burns partway before it goes up the chimney. Molly can’t have that! She puts the fire out, then goes into the chimney to try to retrieve it. Unfortunately, when Molly goes for it, she gets stuck! Molly stays that way until her stepbrother, Codey...

3 years ago
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Love Letter to a Friend

I don’t know if I’ll ever give this to you. This has been circling around inside my head for quite sometime now. It seems to always be in the back of my mind, you always seem to be in the back of my mind. I’m wondering how often you think of me, if I just pop into your thoughts the way you do with mine, if you fantasize about me, about us. Despite what I’ve said part of me is curious about what it would feel like to be in your arms, to taste your kiss, to feel you hands on me. What if...

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CarBody Sharing

When I was in my late teens there were three guiding principles that I thought would shape my life, #1, if I got married it would be forever, #2, I would never loan out my car unless it was a clunker, and #3, I would never get involved in anyone else’s male-female relationships. By the time I was twenty seven things were working out a little differently than I thought. I had a hard time giving up on principle #1 but it ended up to be necessary. My wife Karen and I were compatible in college,...

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TeamSkeetVIP Aaliyah Love Penny Barber Coco Lovelock Theodora Day Deep Analysis A Swap Movie

The Von Skeets are a cunning family and use their prosperity and charm to allure everyone around them. Jack and Penny are the heads of the household and work as psychologists known for their unconventional methods. They have a ravenous appetite for sex and love everything kinky and taboo. Then there is Theodora and Tyler, stepsiblings with the same sexual appetite as their stepparents – but Theodora and Tyler might be even more insatiable for pleasure. Close by are the Badcoxx, another...

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InnocenceIt all started out on a warm autumn evening, My lady wanted to go out, so off to the shower she headed, then it was my turn, as I stept out of the shower. On the bed she laid long fair hair dangling over the side, naked, and pointing her finger in her mouth. “Put that cock in here”, It was flaccid, she sucked on it till it grew to enormous proportion. Gargling & murmuring sounds of delight, Her deep-throat technique was unequaled to any cock sucking woman I had ever experienced. I...

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The Pack and a Girl

"Kristy, honey, could you get the Peterson file for me?" Daddy asked, looking up from his desk."Sure," I grumbled. I hated working for my dad at the kennel. All my friends gotto run around after school. My dad, on the other hand, thought this would be apositive experience for me, and insisted that I spend some hours after school and on the weekends working in the family business. I figure he also had a secondary motive. Puberty was beginning to influence my eight teen year old body, so my pert...

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Beckys Surprise

It was a typical cold winter day, like so many other February days in the northern tier state of Montana. Anyone who braves life in these parts has to be ready for cold weather, snow, and lots of both! The weather here can range widely from 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer to -50 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter. This was not the coldest day of the year, but it was a cold one nonetheless. I pulled into my driveway after getting off of work at my usual time, around 6:25, and after shutting...

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First Time Ever Having an Orgasm

My name is Alex, at the time I was a 16 year old teen with crazy emotions. I was tall, 6’1′, I was very athletic and was on the football team in high school. You can say I was one of the few nerdy popular kids. I got straight ‘A’s and was just handsome enough for the girls to like me. One hot June afternoon, my parents went away to go shopping and I was all alone. I went on Youtube to see if I could get a good laugh at some videos. As I’m watching my favorite video, I notice that there is a...

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Losing Virginity To Aunt

Hello to all and I’m 22 from Bangalore. I just completed my engineering and I’m 6 feet tall, average built. I have a dick of about 6′ uncut. This is my first story in ISS and I follow ISS for about 5 years now and it’s a great site and I love it. This incident with my aunt is a real one. Please comment on this story after reading it. I’m also looking for women of age 28-45 for any kind of relationships around Bangalore please mail me if anyone is interested. Now before going into the incident a...

4 years ago
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“ARE YOU GOING TO MAKE ME LEAVE MY TENT?” Wendy asked as we sat in Denny’s with coffee and a couple of Slams. “Do you want to leave your tent?” I asked. She shook her head. “Not yet.” “Then no, Tiger,” I said. “I’ll never make you do anything. I just want to be sure you’re all right and let you know you’ve got friends.” “I know. I see Kate every week and sometimes I see you at the restaurant. I eat pretty well because Carma feeds me. And I’ve been saving. I’ll have enough to rent a room...

2 years ago
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Hottie at work Pt 4

Jennifer walked out of the bathroom completely naked...except for a strap on dildo. I really hadn’t noticed Jennifer when we met the first time. I was focused only on Katie. I noticed now though! She was about 5’8”, 34 B’s with very perky, puffy nipples, very wide hips, legs straight out of a porn magazine, and an ass that would make heads turn a block away. Not skinny, not fat, just thick and curvy. My cock wanted to shoot straight up when I saw her, but held back because of the strap on....


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