Husband Told Me I Could Have Sex With My Stepson
- 3 years ago
- 35
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I didn’t recognise him instantly. Truth be told, I was so engrossed in my brand-new paperback from WH Smith that I wouldn’t have even noticed him coming into the departure lounge if it wasn’t for his kids. There were two of them. Young enough to look like angels but old enough to make their mother head straight for the bar. Within a minute of them arriving, they’d talked so loudly that I presumed the entire lounge knew their names. Ginnie and George.
They were full of energy; leaping over seats, chatting to strangers, laughing loudly, pressing their noses against the big windows and drawing faces in the condensation they blew out. Kids are gross in the most acceptable way. Not dirty, just messy. I tried to focus on the pitiful woman in my Danielle Steele novel but couldn’t help being distracted by the endless chatter.
“Boys can’t go in the plane. Only girls can.”
Ginnie’s neatly braided hair had been pulled back so tight that you just knew her mother had been mad when she’d done it. Still, it stayed in place admirably.
“Daaad! I can go, can’t I?” George wailed, his big brown eyes welling up. “Can’t I? CAN’T I?”
Ginnie laughed gleefully at her brother’s gullibility. She trod a fine line between adorable and presumptuous and being a stranger, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and decided on adorable. I could imagine how bossy she’d be at school; the kind of girl who’d have totally had someone like me wrapped around her little finger. But adorable nonetheless. Besides, I’d been out of school for years.
I watched the kids run riot, engaging a duo of more retiring children into their games. Their mother nursed a drink at the bar, sipping at it so slowly it seemed she’d rationed herself and wanted to make the G&T last as long as possible. The father was typing furiously on his laptop in such a committed manner that I guessed he was making the most of the free WiFi before his flight. A quintessential family.
“Daaadd?” George was trying to crawl into the space between his father and the laptop. “Do they have strawberry Cornetto in Canada?”
I presumed that his love of said ice-cream had been influenced by his sister. As a small girl, I’d always wanted whatever my brothers wanted, from new Nikes to cola-flavoured lollipops. There was, in fact, a brand new pair of Nikes in my suitcase, which had been a leaving gift from my brother Charlie. He’d given me a lift to the airport; taking the morning off work to heave my luggage into the boot of his Seat Altea before driving myself and my worldly possessions to Heathrow.
“You have to call me when you land,” he’d instructed. “Not a text. Call. Okay?”
Charlie hadn’t trusted text messages for as long as I could remember. He believed anyone could send a text purporting to be someone they weren’t. In other words, I could be murdered and my murderer could text him saying,
I’ve landed. I’m fine!
Yeah. Charlie’s the weird one.
“And good luck, yeah?” he’d said through the open car window, just before driving off. I’d stood next to my suitcases and smiled. It was probably the nicest thing he’d said to me in my life but I guess big changes make people oversentimental. After all, we wouldn’t be seeing each other for months.
The job in New York hadn’t been rigorously planned, but came off the back of a ‘you-only-live-once’ train of thought. My boyfriend had unceremoniously ended our relationship three months previously and life had become stationary.
The days went by; I got older but did the same things as though I was living each week on repeat. Monday to Thursday I worked nine to five as an internal auditor. Friday was the same, only after work I felt obligated to join my co-workers for overpriced cocktails in a fancy mid-city bar. Saturdays were inevitably occupied by a birthday, anniversary or wedding celebration and Sundays were reserved for cleaning my flat and doing laundry.
Since I’d been single, I hadn’t once strayed from this schedule and the monotony had begun to grate on me. Sure, I had enough money but only a soulless person can really find pleasure in riches. And so I’d decided to shake things up. Do something new. Go somewhere new. Like all my radical decisions, it’d simmered on the backburner for a good few weeks until my boss unexpectedly asked me to transfer to the New York office. He sold it well and I pretended to think it over.
Could it be fate? A coincidence? The way things were meant to be? Did it even matter when it meant I could get the hell out of flat 7C in the dirty part of Notting Hill and go to New York fucking City? I accepted a couple of days later. The office had a small leaving party with cake and balloons. Any excuse for cake. The company paid for my plane ticket and so I found myself in Terminal 5 at Heathrow Airport, a predictable romance novel in my lap and a sense of nervous excitement in my stomach.
“Daaadd! Can we have a drink too?” Ginnie wheedled. “All the other kids do.”
Her father didn’t seem to hear her. Absentmindedly, he patted his son’s head.
“Maybe we should ask Mum,” Ginnie suggested knowingly and promptly obtained a suitable reaction.
Her father’s head snapped up.
“No. Sit down. Your mother’s tired.”
It was the first time I’d heard him speak and something about his voice invoked a strange sense of familiarity in me. I glanced surreptitiously at him. He looked about forty and had the kind of handsome face that had been worn down by years of life and work. All people are pretty good looking if you think about it. It’s just that some of us get launched onto magazine covers and runways and get spray tans and designer haircuts and suddenly become lauded as the most beautiful people in the world. George and Ginnie’s father was very attractive but it didn’t seem like anyone had ever bothered to notice it.
I looked back at my book. The words were there but I had to blink before I could make them out. I frowned. I looked at the man again and this time he caught me looking. He gave me a small smile, his brow raised as if to say, ‘Kids, huh?’
I returned the smile but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I knew him. It was a crazy feeling. We were two strangers in an airport but there was something about him that I felt I knew. And as though he’d heard my thoughts, he turned back ever so slightly, his smile tipping into a frown. The edge of recognition.
“I’m thiiirstyyyy,” George moaned and just like that, the opportunity disappeared. The man’s attention shifted. He shut his laptop and stretched.
“Okay. Sit down,” he groaned. “Don’t move a muscle. Make sure no-one steals our stuff. If it’s gone, I’ll hold the two of you personally responsible. Got it?”
The children nodded energetically.
“I want vanilla Coca-Cola, Dad,” Ginnie said. “Please. George wants water.”
“I do not!” George announced emphatically. “I want orange juice, iced, not from concentrate, no bits. That’s what men drink,” he announced rather loftily to his sister. She glared at him, probably wanting to elbow him but deterred by the knowledge that her vanilla cola was at stake.
I frowned studiously at my book. I had the weirdest feeling of déjà vu. Could I possibly know this family?
“Okay,” the father said. “One vanilla Coca-Cola, and one orange juice, iced, not from concentrate, no bits.”
It hit me then. I looked up but it was too late. He’d already turned and was heading for the nearest café. I saw him catch his wife’s attention, communicating wordlessly with her in the way only couples can. She glanced over at her kids, gave me a once-over, decided I wasn’t a threat and took another small sip of her drink.
Harry Lawson. Or, Mr Lawson, as I’d first known him. How many years had it been now? Ten? No, eleven. Things had changed. I could hardly believe it’d taken me so long to recognise him. But back then, he’d been clean shaven. And not so – fatherly? And he’d never had glasses. Or grey hair. He seemed to have aged a lot in a decade.
But it was him. I knew that voice. And the giveaway? The orange juice. His voice tipped in the same way as it always did, the emphasis on the not from concentrate, the way the line rolled off his tongue like he’d made the order a thousand times. And I could see it, could see him, back in the Starbucks opposite our college, across the small, freshly-cleaned table, his top two shirt buttons undone, his elbow resting on the back of his chair, his legs too long and impatient to fit neatly under the table.
Fuck. It came back to me quickly and vividly. I could even remember the blue summer dress I’d been wearing. The smell of strong coffee, the way his shirt sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, his tanned forearms, the silver watch around his strong, brown wrist, the way he smiled at me like he knew just how the next year was going to develop. Fuck.
“Orange juice, please,” he’d said to the young, acne-scarred waiter. “Iced, not from concentrate, no bits,” His green eyes had flicked to me. “What do you want, V?”
V. Everybody else called me Victoria, Vicky, Vic, Tori. My ex had even taken to calling me Ria. But it was only Harry Lawson who’d ever referred to me by my initial. I don’t know why he did it but my seventeen year old mind fell for his games instantly.
The Starbucks meeting came about by chance. An unidentified hell-raising teenager had set the fire-alarm off and the school had been evacuated. I’d been due to have an appointment with Mr Lawson at the end of the day to discuss future aspirations; he worked primarily as an English teacher but also temped as the college’s career advisor. Since the school was off-limits, we went to Starbucks. Perhaps the informal setting provided the basis for what our relationship became. Or perhaps it would have happened anyway.
Mr Lawson was married. I knew it. Everybody knew it. A wedding portrait of him and his wife stood in pride of place on the desk in his small office. He’d catch me looking at it sometimes and he’d always give me the same vaguely unsettling line.
“She was a mistake.”
Some mistake. I glanced at the airport bar again. The same woman? It must have been. She had blonde hair, at least, and looked tall enough. But had I ever really believed him? Did it matter? I hadn’t promised to be loyal to her. Harry was the bad guy. Not me. It was the only way I could assuage the guilt. It’s not me. It’s him.
On how many occasions had we fucked over the course of that fateful year? It must have been hundreds. None of my boyfriends had ever figured me out in the way he had. In a way, I blamed him for the dire state of my personal life. He’d ruined me. The sex had been way too good.
The first time. His office. A small, square room just off the English corridor. He had a desk, a computer, a bookcase full of lever-arch files and a silver filing cabinet. There were three chairs lined up in front of his desk. An award for ‘Best New Teacher’ gleamed as the September sunlight streamed through the window. The door was locked. An anti-bullying poster was tacked up on it.
How had we got there? I took his English class. We were studying Rebecca and we’d been told to write an essay comparing the protagonist with the ex-wife. Mine was steeped in sex which was understandable since the book basically made it sound like Rebecca was a slut and the new wife was a virgin. Mr Lawson read my essay. He didn’t grade it. He attached a yellow Post-It to the top page which read.
See me after class, please.
The other students filed out. I walked over to his desk.
“Wasn’t the paper good enough?” I asked.
He didn’t look up. His fingers hastily moved across his keyboard, replying to emails.
“No. It was good,” he said, “I was just – surprised by the premise. All the other students based their essays on good versus bad, or on manipulation versus innocence. Yours was just – sex.”
He pressed the Enter key and finally looked at me. I blushed.
“I – I’m sorry.”
“Oh, no,” he frowned. “Don’t be. It was very interesting.”
“It was?” Relieved, I leaned against his desk and his eyes moved languorously down my legs. God, he was handsome. And smart. And engaging. Attraction is never just about looks. It’s about the sum of a person’s characteristics. And to my teenage mind, the sum of Mr Lawson’s attributes totalled about 200 degrees Celsius.
“Yeah,” His voice sounded different to the way it was when he addressed the class. It had become lower, had more of an edge to it. “But then, you’re not very much like the other kids, are you, V?”
“I’m not?”
He smiled such a heart-racing smile that I had to look away.
“No. I don’t think so.”
I felt flattered. Every girl in the school had a crush on Mr Lawson and I was no different. It was my last year before university and by all accounts, I was a grown-up. I had a Saturday job. I had a bank account. I could drive. It didn’t feel inappropriate when Mr Lawson looked at me like he wanted me. And it didn’t feel inappropriate when his hand curled around my bare calf when he went to pick up a pen from the floor. It felt enormously exciting. The entire time we were talking about what kind of sex the characters in Rebecca were into and his eyes were on mine, daring me to protest as his hand inched upwards.
I didn’t protest. I didn’t even consider it. His hand moved higher. But events were interrupted by a cleaner who barged into the room, a vacuum cleaner rattling along behind her.
“Well,” Mr Lawson said, breezily. “Why don’t we continue this discussion tomorrow? My office? Say, after school?”
“Okay,” I said, breathlessly. “Fine.”
And so the next day, after a restless hour in Maths, I made my way to his office. He didn’t waste time. He locked the door as soon as I’d entered and then looked at me hard.
“You want this, right?”
I stared at him.
He kissed me, pushing me against the solid wood of the door. His hands dragged my skirt up without warning and his fingers moved to press between my legs. I pushed back against them reflexively. Nobody had ever touched me so roughly, so demandingly. In a way, I felt a little swept up in his passion, a little helpless like I was being carried along by the edge of a tornado. But it felt good. Sure, it took my breath away and left me gasping, sure his hands dug into me a little too hard, sure he filled me so completely that it hurt but I wouldn’t have stopped him if it’d been ten times worse.
He pushed me down over the desk, my skirt around my waist, my panties dragged aside and fucked me until I had to cover my mouth to stop myself being heard. Hard. Urgent. My hips slammed against the edge of the desk with each agonising thrust and the next day, they were bruised. But it was worth it. It was raw, primal, we were both still practically dressed and the eventual orgasm shook through every inch of my body.
Afterwards, he apologised.
“I don’t know what came over me. I was just – I just wanted you so bad, V. My home life is a wreck. I know that’s not an excuse. This was inappropriate,” he let out a long, remorseful breath. “Sure, you’re hot as fuck and intelligent but I’m supposed to be in a position of trust. I’m so sorry, V.”
“Don’t be,” I said, “It’s not as though it was one-sided.”
And we smiled guiltily at each other because somehow we both knew it would happen again. And it did. Almost every single day.
I lived with my parents. My older brothers, Charlie and Nathan, were both away at university. My mother’s job as a nurse meant she often worked night shifts at the city hospital, while Dad could be away on business for weeks at a time. In other words, I often had the house to myself and I merely had to mention this to Mr Lawson before he started to come around.
God. It made me wince to even think about it. My father’s house. His pride and joy. Red bricks. Big windows. Big gardens. The place where I’d eaten breakfast, where my brothers and I had played hide and seek, where my mother had cooked up birthday feasts and my Dad had watched endless tennis tournaments on the television.
The furniture had changed, moved around, as had the inhabitants but the house remained and it felt as though it watched disapprovingly as Harry Lawson would come in through the front door and we’d fuck our way through every last room, from the basement to the attic.
Every room, every surface. The chesterfield sofas, the winged armchair, the landing between stairs, the sitting room rug, the old cellar workbench, the kitchen countertop, even the dining room table. And then upstairs. The beds, the showers, the tub, my mother’s dressing table, and then Nathan’s prized snooker table up in the attic.
It seemed to be an obsession to Harry; as though he had an aim to defile everything in my house. Afterwards, sore but satiated, I’d tidy up; picking up the ornaments that had fallen over, scrubbing down the countertops with Mr Muscle and profligately spraying Glade to try and diffuse the smell of sex. Once satisfied, I’d head to the bathroom for a long, hot shower and to repent for my sins.
I’m so sorry, God. Don’t abandon me. I know that we both know I’ll do it again but I am sorry. Does that help at all? Or am I still going to Hell? I can’t help it. He’s just – so convincing. And maybe he’s getting divorced. Then it’s not adultery, anyway. Just premarital sex. Which is hardly a big deal these days, is it? Oh? It is? Well, why’d you put him in my life, then?! A test?! Well, it was too hard. I’ve failed. Don’t be mad at me. Please. Help me. Make him look ugly or something. Please. Amen.
Officially, Harry was the second person I’d had sex with but the first had been an embarrassing post-prom mistake. So, in a way, he was the first. I learned everything about sex from him and since he had a rather wide repertoire of tastes, it meant I learnt a lot.
We fucked every which way, constantly moving into new positions while planning our next fuck, figuring out when our breaks from classes matched up and whether his wife would be away on the nights my parents were home. In between, he would send me porn videos, teasing me with what he had planned. I felt so totally lost in him. I couldn’t want anything more. Inadvertently, I became an accomplished liar, constantly inventing sleepovers and study sessions to explain my regular disappearances to my parents.
“Well, Sally’s moving to Scotland so I have to go to her party.”
“If I don’t go the Maths top-up, I won’t get the list of exam tips.”
“There’s a special meeting for all the students applying to the London School of Economics.’
“There’s another open day at Oxford.”
The few times our small family was together, my parents didn’t seem at all suspicious. After all, I was a good student. I didn’t drink. I didn’t smoke. I didn’t give them any cause for concern. If I wasn’t eating much, they presumed it was because of exam pressure, not because my jaw ached from sucking Mr Lawson’s cock all afternoon.
“So LSE, Oxford, Cambridge or London Business School,” My father said one night, summarising the universities I’d planned to apply to. “Are you good for the grades?”
We were eating dinner and my mother had just left for a hospital shift.
“Yeah,” I reassured him. “I’m on A’s in everything. I’ll definitely get them.”
I was on track in an academic sense but then I always had been. I knew that I had an intelligent mind but I didn’t think any more of myself for it. My brains were hereditary; passed down by my parents. I didn’t take any credit for them.
“And who’s writing your reference?” Dad asked.
I focused intently on the vegetable stir-fry in front of me. My mother’s busy work-life meant our meals were quick but always delicious.
“Mr Lawson,” I said, as light-heartedly as I could manage. “He’s an English teacher, so it should be good.”
Dad didn’t seem convinced.
“And you’ve got him on side, right?”
On side! I suddenly felt nauseous.
“Yeah. He’s – cool.”
I sensed Dad’s frown even as I stared at my half-finished dinner.
“Maybe I should call the school,” he mused. “I mean, I’ve always donated at those fund-raising events. Smart boards. New computers. The goddamn extension. I could casually remind them of that. Make sure they don’t give you a run-of-the-mill report.”
I winced.
“No. Don’t. Please.”
I gave him a look and he smiled reassuringly.
“Hey, I won’t embarrass you, homey. It’s just I’ve never heard of this Lawson guy. Surely they should be getting someone more experienced to write your reference. I don’t want you to end up in a second-rate university just because of someone else’s incompetence,” He set his fork down, worked-up on my behalf. “How old is this teacher anyway?”
I couldn’t look him in the eye. I had a very sudden memory of Harry’s hands holding mine down on the dining table as he pushed his cock inside me.
I swallowed hard.
“Like thirty? Forty? I don’t know. But he’s not incompetent, I promise.”
Dad nodded.
“Okay. If you say so. Pass the water jug, please.”
A couple of nights later, Harry was lying on my bed, the sheets creased with our recent exertions. I was anxiously trying to sew the buttons back onto the shirt he’d impatiently torn off me.
“God, you could be more careful,” I said resentfully. “I’m no good at fucking sewing.”
“Here, I’ll do it.”
He took the needle and thread from me and rather deftly replaced one button.
“There’s like six more,” I said, both jealous and impressed.
He held out his hand for them and I dropped them in.
“Your father spoke to me earlier,” he said, brow creased in concentration.
I looked at him sharply. “Oh. No.”
Harry smiled.
“You should have heard him, V,” His voice was suddenly alive, “He was all like: ‘My Victoria is a very bright, hardworking, caring, delightful young lady. And of course, I trust your reference will reflect this but I just wanted to give you my thoughts because of course, you can’t possibly know her as well as I do.’”
“Oh, stop!” I groaned.
“That’s what he said,” Harry laughed. “’She’s so wonderful. She’s such a perfect daughter. She’s so intelligent.’”
“He just wants what’s best for me,” I said resentfully.
“God, can you imagine if he knew?” Harry gloated. “Oh, V, you’d just about kill the poor man.”
“Stop it.”
He laughed again.
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Note : This story is completely fictional! When Brenda Porter was young she was taking ballet lessons. One day when her mother was driving her home after a dance session they collided with another motor vehicle. In the accident only Brenda was injured. She did not suffer any broken bones but her face was severely disfigured. The plastic surgeons did what they could to restore her face to normal but the scars from the surgeries doomed Brenda to a repulsive visage forever. So as Brenda was...
EroticShe was nestled up next to him tightly when he woke up. She enjoyed his warm embrace while she slept, but it was pure torture for him. His cock was harder than ever and ready to cum. He fought off the urge to hump her as she slept. He knew better. With every breath he took in the scent of her. He struggled desperately as his pent up sexuality fought for control and, of course, release. He knew she was a light sleeper and she expected him to be there when she woke up on his days off. He wondered...
by monkeytail10103 My wife and I, both in our early 40's, were in a rut, a big one, and had been for some time. Our sex life had never been great but had been good enough I guess, especially when we met and started dating. But it was never what kept us together that is for sure. We had pregnancy issues that lasted a couple years, my wife had some physical complications that created some intimacy issues and all in all, things just slowed down to maybe once a month or twice a month if it worked...
In the seven years that Damon Winslow had been locked up for home invasion, he had never once had sex with a guy. He was not gay was not about to start just cause he was in the slammer for 10 years. The twenty-eight year-old light brown prisoner swiped the screen of his contraband phone. He was looking at ass pictures of his ex. After getting a hard on, he decided to jack off his fat meatiness. After shooting a decent sized load, he drifted off to sl**p. The five-foot-eleven brotha was up just...
Hi ISS readers, I am Vijay Kumar. This is my first story I am submitting. I am sharing the moment when first time I saw the pussy in my life and I got my first sex experience. I am very interested in older women from the days of my teenage. I always used to catch the chance to see cleavage of my teachers in school. Later when I came in college I tried always to see the figure and cleavage of Aunties who used to come to our house. I used to fantasize about them kissing them fucking them. But I...
Hey readers, this is the very first story that I am submitting here in Indian Sex Stories. I have always been a keen reader of this site and have been intrigued by the stories and the creativity of many writers here. So I am gonna try to be as good as them. Please comment and let me know what you guys all think about the story. I hope you all like it. So, this is the story of the girl I have known for a long time, I had a huge crush on her. I used to imagine all kinds of scenarios with her when...
As soon as we were on the ground, Rondo looked at me. “How did your red pickup get here?” “That has to be your new truck. There’s no 2-way radio antenna on it. If you will, help the women load all their stuff in the back and take it with you. You can install your radio in it while I get some things taken care of here at the office. Call me here, if you need anything.” Sheila told me, “Josey - they delivered your new Corvette while we were gone. I saw it parked in the hangar.” “Really? I’ll...
In the meanwhile Bonnie had gotten home and sat now at her desk. She was thinking of posting the pictures she had of Kim but didn’t know yet. She found them and saw trough them. She for the first time in her life saw Kim naked not counting the few times she had taken a quick look at her in the locker room. She now saw how tiny but perfect her tits were and how big nipples she got. She also saw the naked pussy of Kim. Bonnie saw that it was just been shaven, but as she looked closer she saw...
After that night at Herbert's, Jay and I became a couple; I just went home with him that night, and basically never left. My mom was cool with it, even though she didn't like me hanging out with Jay in the beginning. She had been around, and she knew Jay was a "chicken hawk," as she called him. At that time she was in denial about my sexual identity - even though her lover - Monica had been calling me a sissy as long as she'd known me. I mean, mom knew there was some kind of problem with me...
Sonia, my brother Bobby's wife, answered the door wearing nothing except a brief silk slip. The hem was less than an inch beneath her flame-red pubic hair, which I could see as she walked down the hall. I wondered if she knew that she was flashing a lot more than the underside of her firm buttocks at me as she led me to the living room."I'm so glad you came," she told me. "I just don't know what to do with Bobby any more. He's really out of control!"She sat down next to me on the sofa, her bare...
Adira Allure is very grateful to her boyfriend’s best friend Charles Dera for driving her home when her boyfriend gets stuck at work. Adira decides that she wants to SHOW Charles how grateful she is, and excitedly bounces up to her room while Charles grabs something in the kitchen. Whipping off her clothes and revealing her tight body, Adira gets a horny look in her eyes as she calls Charles into the room. When Charles walks in, he gets the surprise of a lifetime as Adira beckons him to...
xmoviesforyouI was in a dilemma now and wondered was she doing it in her sleep or purposely. As wise men say, it’s difficult to read a woman’s mind. WOW, I thought, the night journey won’t be that bad now with a HOT MILF sitting next to me. I slowly clutched her whole breast in my palm and pressed it gently. I looked at her to see for reaction, saw her face flushed. She was biting her lower lip still closing her eyes feigning sleeping. I knew she was awake and was enjoying my hands on her breasts, while I...
The following day started late as we all slept in, recovering from the previous night's exertions. Jim and Tina came over right after breakfast, with Tina in a red bikini this time and Jim in shorts and tee. Jim asked Mel if she would put her bikini on again for the day as he had never seen one that tiny before. Mel preened and responded, “Oh, I've got another one for you!” and disappeared into the tent. I grinned at Jim and said, “Man! You must have made a good impression!” “Or at least a deep...
Group SexThe view from the top of the tower that August was spectacular and refreshing. I had needed that for some time. Reluctantly, the way one does when it would be nice to just stay right where one is and not have to move, I turned away and leaned back against the railing. It was an effort to extend perhaps just a little longer the time there in the sun and with a magnificent vista all around me. I had not noticed that anyone else had come up. The access door to the upper level was creaky and...
Barbara & her brother sister STRIPS Jerry was spending a few days with his old high school buddy,Bill, and his sister, Barbara. Jerry hadn't seen Bill in years,and when he found that he would be in his town on business, he hadcalled to say hello. Bill had insisted that he stay with them,instead of at a motel. That evening, after a good dinner, the threeof them were sitting in the den sipping wine and talking. "By the way, Barbara, how did your class go...
The Inheritance By Xyzzy A young man inherits a very powerful mystical object. With a little help from his girlfriend, they experience a few trials and tribulations as they discover its uses and limits. But then again, they didn't do anything that you wouldn't do... wouldn't you? ..... "... to my nephew, Bradley, I leave my matching white gold Celtic rings." Referring to a rather substantial ledger, the estate executor added, "That will be box...
నా ఫ్రెండ్ పేరు రాజా. వాడి కో చెల్లెలు. వాళ్ళది సొంత ఊరు గుడివాడ. కాని ఇద్దరూ హైదరాబాద్ లో ఒక ఇల్లు తీసుకొని చదువుకుంటున్నారు. రాజా ఇంజనీరింగ్ ఫస్టు ఇయర్ వాడి చెల్లెలు సుమ ఇంటర్ ఫస్టు ఇయర్. నేను రాజా క్లాస్ మేట్సు. సుమ కూడా నాతొ బాగా కానువుగా ఉండేది. నాకు చెల్లెలు లేదు కానీ అక్క ఉండేది. దాని పేరు రాధ. రాధ సుమ కూడా ఫ్రెండ్సు. మేము నలుగురం అప్పుడప్పుడు కలుసుకుంటూ జాలీగా ఉండే అల్లము. నాకెందుకో రాజా సుమ ఇద్దరూ చాలా క్లోజు గా ఉంటుంటారు అని పిస్తూ ఉంటుంది. మామూలుగా అన్న చెల్లెలు అయినా కొంచెం దూరంగా...
Ungrateful little blond teen Jane Wilde chews out the delivery driver for arriving a bit late and even threatens to have him fired. You’re gonna regret that bitch! Later when she’ss using her new dildo she gets interrupted by a mysterious caller. He vows to sexually punish her and like the slut she is, she actually dares him to come and do it. Surprise! The caller appears right behind her and reveals that he’s the delivery driver. He ties her up and brutally hammers her tight...
xmoviesforyouNOTE: All Charters In This story are above the Age 18 Bulk and Skull are the Big Bad Bullys of Angel Grove High at least there supposed to be but Kimberly in her Group of friends especially Kimberly all ways make them out as Fools. The Reputations are basically ruined, no ones scared of them why would they be when there made to look like absolute Jokes? Luckily for Bulk and Skull Kimberly was all alone at School today Jason, Tommy, Zack, Billy, and Trini were all out doing Ranger related duties...
BDSMFaye and I had been married for 6 months tonight and I wanted to do something special for her. We had met just after my divorce and I couldn’t believe such a sexy young woman would be interested in someone over twice her age. She was 24 and I was almost 50. She had been working in a clothing department when we met and she agreed to go out to dinner with me that very night. It was magic since that first night and I couldn’t believe that she initiated sex with me on our first date. I guess the...
Hi friends, indru kathaiyil nanbanin akkavai ooka veetirku sendru iruntha pozhuthu periya marumagal en number vaanginaal. Avaludan eppadi pazhakam ear patu iruvarum sex seithom enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam. Naan mathiya nerathil yar ithu call seivathu endru paarthu mobile eduthu pesinen. Naan sirithum ethir paarka villai athu periya marumagal ranjini endru, hello naan ranjini pesure niyabagam iruka endru ketal? Haaaa solungal ungala epadi maraka mudiyum...
Twenty-Four Years Ago Jack Culverin pulled into the guest parking lot at the Culverin Hill distillery and parked near the front door. He got out but didn’t bother locking the door of his three-year-old Camry; the parking lot was inside the guarded gate so random car theft was simply not an issue. He stretched and scratched; he had been driving all night, held together with coffee and No-Doz, and surviving on whatever he could scrounge up at rest stops along the way. Jack entered the lobby...
It Figures Belladonna "How was practice?" Hayden asked with a smile as he saw his girlfriend strolling up the walkway towards his parents' front door. "A total disaster," Alexei replied, shaking her head. "What happened?" Hayden inquired. "Nancy sprained her wrist?" "Her wrist?" "Yes, she fell." "So, she landed on her hand?" "Yes, instead of her big fat ass," Alexei replied in a tone that did nothing to conceal her frustration. "It's not that big," Hayden...
They say when things seem too good to be true, they probably are. This wasn’t the case with Sheri. With that said, I managed to fuck it up anyway. As winter turned to spring, a friend of mine had a party at his house while his parents were away. Sheri was working that night and decided not to go. Against my better judgment, I made the decision to go even though I knew there would be copious amounts of alcohol and girls of all ages. You see, a friend of mine had a hunting cabin out in the...
These events happened around 2 months after the second part on isla sorna. They all came on the north end of Isla Sorna to put the trackers around the island and to go down the sea of braso and down the little gulf.Brittany, Melissa, Jordan, James, Chrissy went searching for evidence of dead dinosaurs to try to figure out what is happening. Me, Brittany, and Melissa were brought to that island by ingen to investigate why some of the dinosaurs were dying from a mysterious sickness. Ingen hired...
Well Our Moms got their divorce finalized and moved in to a very cute smaller three-bedroom house with living room dining room and a big kitchen, well a new school we didn’t mine cause we always had each other. We like sports and we had played women’s lacrosse before on fun team, but now we had a chance to join a real team. We both went for the tryouts and we played pretty rough as before we did before, After the try out the coach came up to us and ask we played before, we told him on a for fun...
Prissy's Sissy Chapter I Portland, Oregon, January 5, 2005... "I'll take this one," Alexandria del Torez said, looking at the profile of Randy Grey. "I think, this one will do fine." Miss Fredericks, a kind tanned lady, scrunched her eyes, doubtful. Tired of Mz Torez, she still asked, "Are you sure, Ms. Torez? We have no references on him, and he comes from the south, so, no offense, he's probably stupid." She winced at herself for saying that, but wasn't it true? Alex, as she...
Her fingers and hand were strange. They didn’t look like her fingers or hand. They looked alien, pale white and cold as a corpse. They should have been hot and flushed from walking in the sun. They should have been a lot of other things. Nothing was the way it should have been. But she took her alien hand and knocked on the door. “Devin, you can’t be here-.” He saw her, with a queer vacant look in her eyes, and he saw the gun, “Devin, Devin, what are you doing?” “Don’t say my name,...
112. Dora`s bill (a revamp) Let me introduce myself, the names Lenny, 6ft of unkept, red headed, slim, tired, unemployed, sex mad 30 year old , whose wife is the delectable Dora, a 5ft 10, 36D 24 37, a 25 year old blonde who has just returned to me after some days of intense adventure. It all started at the library, as I said a month ago, I was keeping a low profile from the good lady having squandered her holiday fund on a certainty that obviously with hindsight was not... and the...
Angela Sommers comes by to thank her daughter’s step mother Cherie Deville for her help. Cherie had talked to Uma after Angela found the teen’s vibrator, and fixed the rift in their relationship. Cherie invites Angela to join them at the beach, and sends her off to pick out a bikini. When Angela gets back, she finds Uma and Cherie naked in the teen’s bedroom using Uma’s vibrator. Angela storms off in anger and disgust. Cherie runs after her to explain they’re only...
xmoviesforyouGreener on the other side: By Rachel Saunders I met William at a local bar by chance after work. We sat there chatting for what seemed like an eternity. He was an engineer by trade, on the up and up, and single to boot. He listened as I told him about my day at the office with rapt attention, and I got caught up in the moment. Me and my husband Bill were the ideal couple, yet something was not quite right between us. William intrigued me, made me feel alive, and pressed a button...
I want to give a big fat thank you to anonymous readers as well as the members on lit who have given me interesting and helpful feedback. You are truly appreciated. I specifically want to happily acknowledge betrayedbylove who seems to have read quite a few of my stories! Anyway, enjoy the story. ***** ‘You never paid me any attention.’ he said to me pointing a finger in my direction. ‘I gave you attention.’ ‘Yeah well not enough of it.’ He accused once again. ‘Seriously Greg, that’s your...
I should talk about the time I went to India that one summer. It was both terrible & a very unique experience. Much stuffs happened, but I'll tell those other stories in due time. So I was staying with a close friend who paid for my air ticket & provided me with a place to stay, we stayed in this cement home. You could tell his dad was well paid, his home didn't have tarps & junk s**ttered about. I met his dad at the front gate, very dark skinned, greying hair, wrinkled face....
Hi everyone this is Nakul again with one of my real experience. I would like to share my recent incident with all of you. This happened at my friend’s marriage. We were friends for more than 10 years. So I am very close to all of his family members. He has many cousin sisters and one of them is Priya. She is good in shape but not that good looking. She got married a year back; she seems to be very happy with her married life. Her stats are 34-34-36. Nice structure and fair looking. She always...
Hey everyone! It’s me, Riley! I have a special treat in store for you today! I invited my two best friends, Hazel and Kyler, to join me for a little game: an epic dare wheel challenge! I thought it’d be a fun way to mix things up a little on this channel — I’ll take any excuse to hang out with my bestest besties. My first dare was to share a ‘private’ kiss with another player and Hazel was up for the challenge, so we snuck into the bathroom. Oh, boy,...
xmoviesforyouIn the middle of the night, Oscar drove the car across the Iran-Iraq border. They passed the border checkpoint without stopping. It was as if the border guards could not see the white Mercedes. After they had driven a mile past the border, Georgia let out the breath she had been holding and then said, “That was strange. Why didn’t they stop us?” “The Powers That Be do not recognize the borders imposed by men,” Oscar answered. National boundaries were a construct of men, not Gods. “You’re...
I am one of the reader of iss since many years & fan to iss. Thank you iss for giving us a platform to share our real time experiences. Please share your feedback via email at Girls, women, aunty if you like to share or talk or have a date email me. Specially the ones around Hyderabad. My name is rahul. I’m from hyderabad. As usual a b.Tech graduate. I’m 23 years old. This incident is about how I fucked my maid. Read my previous stories if you want to know about my size and shape. Her name...
This is part 2 of my previous story. As Carie entered the house for the first time, her world changed more and more with each step.Christina dragged her along on a leash as she explained the rules. "Okay, so as a house slave, cleaning is your priority. Sex is your only higher use, and take it from me, the Master has plenty of other designated slaves. I'd wager you'll only see a dick once every 6 months. There's a few ranks of collars you should know before we continue. Mine, a red one, is an...
Jennifer White is so happy that her boyfriend Small Hands is back from tour. She missed that cock of his in her and can not wait to fuck him. Small Hands while away got to do anal and now that is all he wants! Jennifer decides her love for him is strong so if he wants to fuck her ass, then she will let him fuck her ass! She never knew just how great it would be though! Feeling his large hard cock drill into her tight ass sends so many sensations through her body that she will just be having a...