The Day I Caught My Step Daughter In The Shower free porn video

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I leaned forward and my hands met the wall. "Holy shit, I miss her. I had another woman I could talk to, cuddle with and fuck the life out of too. Damn, why did her dad have come back from the road?" I cried, hitting the wall. "I miss showering with her too."

I stood there for about five minutes straight as the water just continued to hit me. "Oh, what I wouldn't give for just one night without him here. I just want to have sex with his daughter all night long. Even if she wanted to stick a dildo in my ass, I'd let her at this point."

After another moment, I heard the door open up. "John, is that you?" I pondered, peeking at the clear, but foggy shower door.

Suddenly it opened up. "Nope, it is your sexy step daughter."

"Ashley, you are naked, you can't be in here with me. Your dad is home."

"I know, but you've been avoiding me ever since he came back. You made it very clear that you loved me, but I don't feel loved, Michelle," she told me before she angled her head down somewhat. "Don't you remember that night we both had sex with Doug and he broke up with me? You also made it clear you didn't want share me. Now you are making me feel neglected," she explained before she got in the shower with me.

I backed away a bit, but she stayed at the other end.

Neither one of us said a word for a minute as I scanned her body. "You are beyond stunning," I complimented her before I came to her. "I do love you, Ashley," I made clear, hugging her.

She returned the favor and we just held each other for a couple minutes.

'Fuck, what am I supposed to do? I'm married to her dad, but I can't seem to get away from him. I just want his daughter, but I don't know what to do.'

Then we let go of each other, but she stayed close. "May I have a kiss, Michelle?"

I nodded and came right to her. We kissed each other for a full minute, as we both caressed each other's butts and lower backs.

I pushed her off me slightly. "No, we can't do this, Ashley. Your dad is here and if he caught us, I'd never be able to see you again. I love you, but I just can't be with you yet. You have no idea how much I want you. I want to go to sleep and wake up next to you every single night. Whether we have sex or not, I just want you. I'll say it again: you are beyond stunning."

"Then why can't we be together? I want you and you want me, it is that simple."

"No, it is not, and you know that. Trust me, if there was some magical switch I could flip to make everything work out, I'd flip it right away. I just don't know when everything will work out. I love seeing your naked body again, though."

She bit her bottom lip and failed to mention a word for a moment.

'And she is thinking what, exactly? She looks pissed.'

"So, until then, I can't see you? Doing this is gonna be the best that I'm gonna get from you? At least until my dad goes back out on the road? I just let Doug leave, for you," she cried.

"I guess, I don't know what else I can say right now. I'm sorry Doug couldn't deal with us, but just please be patient with me. If you just give me the time I need to get all my ducks in a row, I promise we'll have each other. We can wake up next to each other every morning and have morning sex. It'll just be the two of us in due time."

She grinned somewhat and placed her right hand on her face. "I so want to believe you, but I can't Michelle. You've had me on the hook for months by now. What faith should I have in you?" she wondered before she dropped her hand.

I strolled to her, placed my palms on her shoulders and kissed her again. "You should have the faith that means you'll be in this with me forever. When we're at the five year mark, will you just be mad that we should have officially become a couple a few months earlier? Or, will you just be happy to be with the woman you love?" I inquired, before I positioned my hands onto her lower back.

She kissed me again, but backed away. "Fine, but don't be surprised when I start parading someone else around here. If you are so certain that we'll be together sooner or later, then it shouldn't bother you."

"Wait, are you admitting that you are seeing someone else?" I cried, yanking my hands away.

"No, but maybe I should be. I'm sure there is a medium between how easy I think it is to be with me and how hard you think it is. Why don't you just go there in the not too distant future? If you want me so bad, then do it," she suggested before she got out.

I heard the door open and shut. "Trust me, if I could, I would, Ashley. You mean everything to me, but we both know ending my marriage won't just be like ripping off a Band-Aid," I sobbed, prior to wiping my tears away.

I stayed in there for a little while longer and just had her on my mind. "Damn it!" I groaned, hitting the wall. "I've never loved and hated someone so much before. Why must you do this to me, Ashley?"

I didn't get my answer, but later on that night, I found myself lying in my martial bed next to my husband. I gawked at the ceiling for an hour straight just thinking about my talk with her.

My tongue came in between my lips. 'I love her so much,' I thought, shedding more tears. 'All he wanted to do was fuck me for three minutes and go to sleep. He didn't even try to make me cum. She gives me so much more attention and cuddles with me afterward. She always tells me she loves me, but we can't just be homeless. He'll kick us out with a blink of an eye if I just tell him that I'm in love with his daughter.'

I scrubbed my entire face for a moment and I peeked back at him. "You just aren't your daughter, John. I want her, not you."

I lied there for a few more minutes, but then I found my fingers slithering down to my cherry. 'And she has no problem finger fucking me either. Damn, she is just better than him in every way, except for the financial thing. If I was a millionaire, we'd be fine. It still wouldn't be like ripping it off like a band-aid, but I'd still eventually get my step daughter in the end,' I thought, masturbating.

I played with my pussy for a few minutes, just sliding my lips going back and forth nonstop. I shook the bed, but he was out. I began breathing heavily and my wrist began aching a bit, but it was worth it.

"Yes, yes, yes, Ashley, get your step mom off," I muttered before I let out my lady juice onto the bed.

I twitched and sweated a bit, but with her sexy body on my mind, I zoned everything else out.

Then I let out a deep breath. "Oh, fuck it," I whispered before I calmly got up.

I inhaled and rubbed my pussy again for a few seconds. "I'm coming to see you, Ashley," I mumbled, prior to tip toeing towards the door.

I opened it up and shut it without making a sound.

I turned around and peeked at her door. "I can at least give my step daughter a quickie in the middle of the night," I said before I began walking towards it.

'Oh, with the anticipation and the cool air hitting my naked body, I feel pretty good,' I thought before I stopped at her door.

I wanted to just grab the knob, but I couldn't just do it. My body began jiggling around a bit and I felt the sweat coming down my body too.

"Just do it if you are gonna do it," I whispered before my hand made it's way to the knob.

Before I could reach it, the door slowly opened. "Ashley?"

My eyes were on the opening and suddenly with help from the moonlight, I got view of a pair of nude boobs slightly smaller than Ashley's.

"No, I'm Gianna, Ashley's girlfriend," she confessed softly, coming towards me. "You must be, Ashley's mom, Michelle."

I stayed silent for a few seconds. 'Her girlfriend?' I thought, looking at her face. "No, I'm just her step mom."

"Oh, I had no idea. She just thinks the world of you, Michelle," she mentioned before she covered up her private areas. "I'm sorry, I certainly didn't want us to meet this way, I wanted both of us to be clothed in the living room."

"It is okay," I confided, hugging her.

She hugged me back for a moment, but then we let go of each other.

"Well, you are ravishing, Gianna," I praised her, looking over her figure. "You shouldn't need to cover up."

"Thank you and you are dazzling, Michelle. You have really sexy breasts to go along with that sensual body," she admired, before licking her lips. 

We eye fucked each other for a moment and I felt some juice streaming down my legs.

"Can we just not tell her that we met like this, I think it might end badly?" she requested.

"Oh, yes, of course. It was nice to unofficially meet you, though, Gianna. May I ask, how long have you been seeing her?"

"A couple months now. We just met through a mutual friend of ours and we just hit it off. She just wanted to wait a while before she wanted me to meet you and her dad. She has just had me sneak in here late at nights like this for a few weeks now."

'She lied to me then, she said she hadn't been seeing anyone else. Granted Gianna is sexy, but still, she bullshitted me.'

"Is something wrong, Michelle?"

"No, again, it was nice to meet you," I said, putting my hand out.

"No, I'm a hugger," she informed me before she wrapped her arms around me.

We got in another thirty-second hug before she went into the bathroom.

"Son of a bitch," I groaned through my teeth before I turned around.

I went back into my room, shut the door and lied down. 'That little bitch, I can't believe she lied.'

It took me a couple hours to go back to sleep.

Hours later, I awoke and rose up. 'Oh, you sexy wench,' I thought, yawning. "And he isn't here, I wonder where he went."

A moment later, I got off her bed and stretched out. "Now I hear someone showering," I pointed out before I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped towards the door.

I opened it and I instantly glanced at her door. 'Well, it is open and I don't see anyone in there.'

Then I strolled to the front door. "His car isn't here, but her car is. Could I have woken up to a golden opportunity to be with Ashley?" I questioned, prior to peeking back at the bathroom door.

I rushed right to it and opened it up. "I only see one blurry body in there, so it has gotta be Ashley," I whispered before I went in and closed it quietly.

I dropped the towel and calmly walked to the shower door.

I grabbed onto the bar and opened the door. "Hey, do you have room for one more, Ashley?" I asked, smiling.

She placed her hands on her hips. "I thought we couldn't see each other until my dad went back on the road? He only left to meet a client, so he'll be back in a couple hours."

"Well," I said, getting into the shower with her. "Maybe we can have some bonding time while he is gone," I suggested getting close to her.

"No, Michelle. I gave you that chance yesterday, don't you remember? Tears were shed and I nearly began pleading with you to end it with my dad. You just gave me some spiel that I just need to be patient with you."

I took in a deep breath and hugged her once. "Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do," she replied, backing away. "That doesn't mean our happy ending is gonna just appear, though. What do you expect to happen now?"

I rubbed my hands onto my face for a moment, but she tugged them down for me. "You mean everything to me too, but that's life. Just tell him, that's all I can say."

"Really, what am I supposed to say, 'John, I'm in love with your daughter and we're both leaving now.'?"

"Yes, and he'll divorce you. Then our problems are solved."

"No, Ashley."

We both looked at each other for a moment.

"Stop that, it isn't fair."

"What?" I inquired, raising my eyebrows.

"You are giving me those 'Fuck me.' eyes, step mom. You know I have no self control once you do that. It is like bringing a gun to knife fight. You can't just show me your naked anymore either, I know I did it, but you turned me down."

"Yes, I know, but I just want you and your dad is out of the house. Can't we just fit in a quickie? I want you so badly, sweetie," I sobbed.

"Then what was wrong yesterday?" she questioned, crossing her arms.

I took a deep breath and clenched my fists for a moment. "I know about Gianna, Ashley. Nice: a cute little brunette to have fun. She is a classy choice."

She giggled for a moment and rubbed her face. "How do you know?"

"You aren't even gonna deny it?"

"No, just spit it out."

I took a deep breath. "I just happened to be walking out in the hallway as she needed to go to the bathroom."

"Damn it, Gianna. I swear she had to use the bathroom six times on our first date."

"So it is true, you've been seeing her for a couple months now? You actually lied to me yesterday? As soon as I saw her, I just felt hurt," I informed her, placing my hand on my heart. "I know we haven't been together in a while, but I thought you'd at least wait for me. Considering how much we love each other, Ashley."

"Yes, so what? I wanted you, Michelle, not her. I had to meet someone else, but I was still hooked on you. I certainly couldn't just be with no one, but you've been so damn stubborn! I know you are still fucking my dad, but now you saying that you are hurt because I'm seeing Gianna? You can't try to make me feel guilty."

"I'm not trying to."

"Then why are you mad or hurt? Why is it alright for you to keep fucking him, but it isn't for me to move on and fuck her? Gianna may not you, but at least she isn't married to my dad. She is there for me and we hold each other whether we're in bed or not. If either of us is hurt, it is me. You cheated on me, Michelle."

"Is that why you didn't tell her that I'm your step mom and we have sexual history?"

She shook her head and rubbed her face with both hands for a few seconds. "She talked about you?" she wondered, dropping her hands.

I took a deep breath. "I think she did because she was comfortable with me. She didn't even cover up when we first saw each other. She just let me see her naked figure for a moment."

"She walked out there nude, really?" she chuckled. 

"Yes, and she told me how you respected me and made me sound like a goddess to you. She failed to ask me to cover up my nude body."

Her head slanted back and her eyebrows went up too. "Wait a minute, you were naked out there? Why the hell were you naked outside my door?"

I licked my lips and tilted my head forward. I couldn't answer her, so I just stayed silent for over a minute.

"Are you kidding me? You were coming to see me, weren't you?" she questioned, gawking at me.

She didn't get her answer, so she stepped towards me. "You stupid hussy. I came to you yesterday, but you shot me down. Then like ten hours later, you want to have sex with me? Why, just because it was the middle of the night?"

I shed a couple more tears. "No, I'm pretty sure it was because of the guilt bomb you dropped on me," I weeped.

"No, don't do that to me," she sobbed, shaking her head no. "The very minute that he stopped selling out on the road, you just bailed on me," she reminded me, pointing at me. "You didn't even give me break up sex or anything like that. You were just gone, like I suddenly meant nothing to you."

"No, I never meant to make you feel like that, but it was all just so abrupt when he came back. I guess I didn't know how to react exactly. I truly never meant to hurt you," I made clear before I hugged her again.

We both felt each other's naked bodies for a few minutes as the water got both of us. I was slightly taller than her, so she rested her head on my upper chest as we both caressed one another's backs. I heard some slight crying and I did my best to be strong.

Unfortunately, though, a few tears did form on my face and then I tightened my grip on her. "I love you so much, Ashley. I could never give you up."

A moment later, she stepped back somewhat and we locked eyes. "I love you too, step mom, and I don't want you to."

We maintained eye contact for over a minute as we both shed tears. Then we both leaned towards each other and kissed for five seconds before our lips parted. Both of us just cheesed and looked down. Then we put our lips right back together again. We continued to kiss each other on and off for about two minutes before she put her eyes onto mine again.

She failed to utter a word, but then she went right down to my left nipple. She took it right into her mouth and immediately began sucking on it. I couldn't help, but to place my hands onto her head. My mouth opened up widely and I paced myself for the pleasure she was giving me.

I also had more tears coming out, but I just clenched up my entire body. "Get that nipple for your step mom, you sexy young thing. Suck on it and lick it too. This really only proves how much you love me, reluctant lady," I whispered, nuzzling her head.

We looked at each other again and our eyes said everything. We kept just staring at each other for some time after that. Of course, no matter how much I fought to just take the pleasure, her tongue was a sledge hammer licking my glass body.

I twitched around a bit and had my lady juice flowing down my legs, but I made damn sure to keep looking at her with my teary eyes. I also kept my hands up on her head even though my arms began hurting a little bit.

I couldn't force myself to loosen my grip on her, because the intimacy I was getting from her was just too strong. All I knew for sure was that we loved each other and our barriers were shattered.

With each passing second, I felt myself just getting closer to collapsing. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand there taking the pleasure forever. Although, feeling our spark being ignited between us was priceless.

"Oh, you little sexy shit, now you are grazing my pussy lips too?" I chuckled, arching my head back towards her.

I peeked back at her to see her nodding, but then she saw me jiggling around even more. Her lips went further onto my skin both above and below my nipple as she scrubbed my pussy lips going back and forth nonstop.

I giggled a little bit, but I began biting down on my bottom lip a bit too. As she had me vibrating nonstop, I heard her snickering. I just cheesed at her and she did her best to smile right back at me.

"You can't deny our chemistry."

She calmly let my nipple out. "No, you can not, step mommy. I don't have anywhere near as much intimacy with Gianna as I do with you."

I yanked her right up to me and put my lips back onto hers. We both positioned our hands back onto each other's butts and made out passionately. I forced her to arch her back down a little bit, but she instantly lost her balance and we both went down.

"Oh, that's my bad, babe."

"I think I can forgive you."

"Good," I said before I kissed her and climbed down towards her crotch.

I got down onto my stomach and wrapped my arms around her legs. "I can pleasure you, lovely step daughter," I reminded her before I let my tongue out and into her slit.

I immediately stuck the whole thing in and tightened my grip on her. She instantly began shivering and laughing a bit. I couldn't help but smile as much as I could. She wasn't able to see me, but I knew that she was aware that I was rather happy at the moment.

"Yes, step mommy, yes, please eat my cherry and make me feel good. I love you, I love you and I love you some more."

I fucked the shit out of her with my slick tongue. I had it touching down onto her labia, but I didn't lick it quite yet. Although, I still managed to get her pussy walls effortlessly. I let it jumped from side to side and up and down too. The whole time, she shook but didn't peek back at me.

'Given her actions, I'd say she really likes it when I fuck her. I just so wish I knew what to do exactly,' I thought, shedding another tear. 'I just know I can't lose her, and she certainly won't let me string her along forever.'

After another moment, her arms reached over and she got her hands on my head. "Gianna just can't get me off the way you are right now, Michelle. It might take her at least ten years before she'll be able to do that."

'Thank you, sexy lady, that made me shake a bit, but I won't stop until I have you cumming all over my face. It is the least I can do you. I love you, sexy princess. I must be making you feel good, now you are making it harder to keep you contained on the floor.'

"Oh, you seductive whore, now you sucking on my pussy lips? Fuck, you must really love me," she moaned, brushing my head. "Just tell me you love me one more time," she pleaded, leaning up.

I shook my head no and she just stayed up there with me. She lifted her hands and let several strands of hair go through her fingers. Even as I was still quite busy pleasuring her cherry, she found joy in just playing with my hair.

"You have bigger boobs, smoother hair and you know the female body better than her too. You are just better than her, bitch."

Then I brought my head up, but inserted a couple fingers into her twat. "You are just saying that because I'm your step mom," I pointed out,To continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Chapter Six: Best Daddy's Mother-Daughter Consult A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “The doctor's running a little bit behind,” the nurse said as we sat in the waiting room of Dr. Sharma's office. She was my daughter's OB/GYN. Since they were all pregnant, they all had to go see her. But never at the same day, of course. Dr. Sharma was too busy to get them all in at the same day. I had been here two days ago...

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Caught being naughty by my step daughter

They say funny things happen to you when your partner dies, this was the case for me. It had been almost a year and I hadn’t got around to getting rid of her stuff. I hadn’t dated, I was down and I had completely lost my sex drive. We had 15 happy years together and although our sex life had become some what mundane towards the end, I loved her deeply. Before I met Karen she had a young daughter who was completely estranged from her father. We had a further two c***dren together who where still...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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White Stepdad Training His Asian Stepdaughter Chapter 1

On her fourteenth birthday, she went out with friends to a karaoke bar and had a lot of fun with friends, but when she came home her mother said that she had to talk to her. “Jenny, you know how much I’ve said that you have to date a white man when you grow up right?” “Yeah...” “I talked to your stepdad and I think it’s important for you to learn how to be with a white man.” “Okay.” “When you wake up tomorrow, I want you to talk to your stepdad about learning how to be a woman.” Jenny...

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My stepson and real daughter

“Dane, wake up, or you are going to be late for your classes,” I said calling my eighteen-year-old son from the kitchen. “And Jenny, hurry up, honey, Megan just called for you again,” I said to my twenty-year-old daughter who was in shower from past twenty minutes. I guess she was masturbating in shower. Dane was my stepson while Jenny was my real daughter. I married Dan’s dad two years ago. I married him because had same life, same choices but he was full of money too, and I thought for me and...

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A WellLived Life Book 8 StephieChapter 37 Stephanie Trish and a Visitor

July, 1983, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, the phone rang at 6:00am. Stephanie was calling to say that she was leaving home and that she and Trish would be at my place in about six hours. After I ran and ate breakfast, I called Karin, despite having just seen her a few days before. After our call, I double-checked that I had all the food I needed and checked that the guest bedroom where Trish would sleep had clean sheets on the bed and that there were clean towels in the downstairs...

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Mother and Daughter 2 The Shower

It had been over a month since that day when Angela joined in with me and her daughter Jenny. So far it had remained as a one-off thing and was left at that. I was surprised by how comfortable we all were about it afterwards. I guess it was a sign of the sexual maturity of the three of us since both of them knew that while I was attracted to Angela it was her daughter Jenny I was interested in pursuing a relationship with and it was left at that. Although I had enjoyed the experience thoroughly...

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Daughters Slut TrainingChapter 6 Daughter Takes on Her Brothers

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah My eyes flicked from my daughter lying on her back, her first customer’s cum leaking out of her well-fucked and bald snatch, to Principal Carver pulling out his wallet from his discarded slacks, his dick soaked in my daughter’s juices. A hot tremble raced through me. I pulled my fingers out of my own snatch, my orgasm buzzing through me. Masturbating to my own live sex show was an added bonus of whoring out my daughter to pay my...

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Step dads follows daughter boyfriend to an a

The sounds of a buzzing alarm fill the air in the Jones bedroom, a large masculine had slowly reaches out from under a blanket and slaps blindly at it. As the alarm continues to buzz another figure hidden under the blankets begins to stir as well.Slowly Eva Jones rises up from the bed tossing her blanket off her as she stares at the alarm with such disdain. "Oh for fucks sake Frank, turn the damned thing off already!" She yells at her husband in annoyance of him still slapping at the...

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StepDaughter and Mother

Donna was gorgeous and hot, but her step-mother was too.I grew up in a small town in western Kentucky where basketball was the king of all sports. I became the star center for the high school team because I was six-foot-four. So, I could have just about any girl I wanted, including the cheerleaders, who were all gorgeous and hot.But there was one cheerleader, Donna Jackson, who was being difficult. She had long brown hair, blue eyes, and a killer smile. Every guy on the team had asked her out,...

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Daughters Incestuous TherapyChapter 4 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Triumph

Session 7 with Jill Daniels Jill Daniels gasped as I fingered her pussy. I had my hand pressed inside her panties as she lay on her back upon my cuddling bed in my office. The sexy MILF was one of my patients. I’d just listened to her describe having sex with her son for the first time, turning us both on. “I’m going to eat you out,” I whispered in the brunette’s ear, my pussy on fire. “It’s time to start working on your relationship with your daughter. That’s the point of being...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 2 Mommy Tempts Her FutaDaughter

Chapter Two: Mommy Tempts Her Futa-Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! “This is very, very bad,” whimpered Grace the Futa-Angel. Her motherly face, lit by the golden halo floating above the crown of her head, twisted with concern. Her long, blonde hair spilled down her back and amid her white-feathered wings. “I'm going to be in so much trouble.” Spice had been bad. Again. Last time she had escaped, she started a century of witch hunts in...

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Daughters Slut Training 11 Watching Daughter Pop Her Cherry

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Eleven: Watching Daughter Pop Her Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah “Leyla!” Kimmy shrieked when she opened her door. The blonde girl bounced on the balls of her feet, her braces flashing on her teeth. “Kimmy!” my daughter answered. The girls hugged each other like they hadn't seen the other in weeks instead of at college just a few hours ago. They were so energetic, both of...

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Wife Stepdaughter

[/user]I'd been married for ten years - happily married, I might add - so when all this happened, it was completely out of the blue. A real eye-opener in more ways than one. Jane was a wonderful wife. Raven-haired, sexy and long-legged, she was still as sexy now as when we first met, twelve years ago. We had two k**s of our own, twins boy and girl aged eight . And then there was Julie my stepdaughter .She was Jane's daughter from her previous relationship. I say relationship, it was more of a...

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Sissy Stepson Part 1 Stepmothers Trap

Sissy Stepson Part 1 ? Stepmother's Trap Carl Monet was a shy boy of about 15 when his widowed father married Rita Parker. Mrs. Parker was 20 years younger than Carl's father Larry. Carl was very shy and sheepish toward his new stepmother and the new Mrs. Monet was rather cold and distant towards him. Carl's father was gone quit often on trips abroad for weeks at a time and Mrs. Monet was often gone shopping with her sister Maryann and her mother Regina. Carl was...

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MotherStep Daughter Anal

For a forty year old couple Carol and I are pretty sexually active. Carol even said it was OK with her if I fucked her twenty year old step daughter Angie. No late night TV for us. Instead we still liked to hit the local bars where we trolled for fun loving couples like us. We met Kate and Al at a local singles bar and they introduced us to a local swingers group they belonged to. We had been to several “parties” and Carol loved to fuck around especially with the younger guys. Carol had no...

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Stephen and Stephanie

Stephen and Stephanie Now the idea of crossdressing had appealed to Steve for a few years, he wouldn't deny it, but actually doing it for real, no he hadn't got the nerve. A surreptitious wearing of bra and panties, yes once or twice, but for nothing more than a different masturbation thrill. The full works, no he wouldn't know where to start. It wasn't even like he was gay or even bi, it was just a thing that fascinated him. He'd thought about asking one of his Mistress...

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Chudayi Ke Din Chdayi Ki Raaten 8211 Part I

Meri kahani har kism ki chudayi se bhari hui hai. par apne vichar likhna. Aap logon ki pyari Huma. Mera naam Sudha hai aur main BA main padhti hoon. Dikhne mein sunder hoon lekin nature sharmilee hai. Mera figure 36-26-36 hai aur rang gora hai. Pichhle hafte tak main kunwari thee. Maine porn stories padhi thee aur blue films bhi dekhi thee jiss karan mujhe sex ki samajh to thee lekin kissi ne mujeh kabhi choda nahin tha. Main chudayi ki ichha ke karan hamesh apni chut ko shave kar ke rakhti...

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MotherStepDaughter At Swingers Party

My wife Carol and I have been members of a swinger club for the past several years, now we thought we would make it a “family” membership by inviting my step-daughter Angie to join the group. In the group new members were welcomed by invitation only and had to be screened by at least three members. Most of those accepted were usually were classy people with a lot of money. The group had about fifteen couples, three older men and a few single women, some of the women were bi-sexual. The group...

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The English Stepdaughter

I received and e-mail from an 18 year old English girl. She told me that she lives with her step-father and his lover and that they have sex together all the time. She asked me to write a story about her. This story is completely fiction. I do not know the girl or her step-father. My accounts and descriptions of the characters in this story are totally my creation and are completely fictitious.Sophie's mother divorced her father when Sophie was 10 years old. Her mother then remarried when...

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Daughters Slut Training 5 Daughter Whored Out

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Daughter Whored Out By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah I slipped out of my eldest son's room, feeling so naughty as his and his younger brother's cum dripped out of my pussy and asshole. I scooped up my bathrobe I left outside his door, pulling it on to hide my naked shame. I was such a wicked mother. But my sons needed to relieve themselves. How could they sleep when their...

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White Stepdad Training His Asian Stepdaughter Chapter 2

“Jenny, I want to show you why you suck off a man. Men can give you great pleasure too if you help them out first.” He said. The asian stepdaughter submissively nodded with tears in her eyes while saying nothing. “I want you to take off all of your clothes.” Her stepdad ordered. Jenny began to remove her shirt and reveal her small but round teen tits. Her baby fat perfectly framed her face and showed her more childish side. She pulled down her jeans and revealed her slight hourglass hips....

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Step DaughterMistress

My wife Cherie and I had been married for just over a year when she dropped the bombshell that her daughter was coming to live with us. Cherie had told me she had a daughter to her first husband before we were married but Marcia was twenty-five and had a career as a dancer, so why did she have to move in with us? As it turned out she had lost her job and was low on cash so mummy ......and step daddy were bailing her out. I had not even met her until she arrived two weeks ago, now that was...

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Stephen vs Stephanie The Morph Wars the Conclusion

Pregnant?! that would explain the nausea, at least. How dare Stephanie do this to him! Now they were pregnant (and how was that thing to come out?) and some guys' names were tattooed on the body they shared. AND they were on the way to fuck him. Oh, yeah, and he now had breasts! Not to mention that his soon-to-be lovers had sole possession of his bank account. What to do??? He wanted to get out of this fuck-up, and quick. Suicide was the first thought, but he knew this idea...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Stepsister Gets Stuck Stepbrother Gets In

Becky creeped around the bushes of her house, trying to be stay quiet and out of sight of any nosy neighbors. Her parents were likely already asleep, but it never hurt to be careful. Her friend, Harper, had had a big party at her house, and Becky had snuck out to go to it. Not only would her parents not approve of her going to a party that started at 10:00 pm and ended at two in the morning, but she had also been grounded for getting caught smoking weed by her mother.It was a big risk, but she...

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Mother catches father and daughter together

Chapter OneJason Howard stood near the window of his upstairs study looking out onto the patio where his eighteen-year-old daughter and her best friend lay in lounge chairs getting a suntan. The back of the house faced east and the afternoon sun hid him as he stood looking at the young girls. The blinds were adjusted down to block the sun and still give him a good view.It was a Saturday and his wife was out shopping with friends, something she did more and more these days. It was as though she...

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Step Daughter is a Woman now part 5 had just finished cumming hard watching Jesse's lips wrap around the tip of my cock, my bathing suit still dripping water from the pool. My head fought leaning back so that I could look at both of the girls,...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 14 FutaDaughter Enjoys the Reverends Wife

Chapter Fourteen: Futa-Daughter Enjoys the Reverend's Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Madeline Marlow “You're like Sky?” Helena Matthews said, this look of lust flashing over her face. “The Lord sent you a futa-cock to please married women. To give them the pleasure their husbands do not provide.” One of Spice's favorite lies, Grace the Futa-Angel whispered in my mind. You need to correct her. “That's right,” I said. “A futa-angel...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Daughters Ready to Breed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson's clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn't forget them,” said my...

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Stepford Brothers Change to Sisters

Stepford brothers (change to sisters!) By bojok71 Author's notes: this story serves to plug a hole, in my view, of the credibility of the Stepford stories. What if someone came looking for a lost relative? The answer is simple, and forms part of this story. Story notes: this story is very close, for obvious reasons, to the original Stepford story. However, it's new enough to be considered a new read. It's as sexual and interesting as my other stories. Thanks again to Sarah Barndt for...

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University StepDaughter Exchange

It was a cold snow filled Monday morning and I had just arrived at my Step-Daughter Mandy`s University campus, it was the first time I had been there and was convinced I had picked up several fines for driving down streets that were meant for push bikes only; there were thousands of them seemingly abandoned in the snow white town. As I pulled up at the University gates, Mandy jumped out and grabbed her rucksack, she instructed me to bring her other belongings.“What did your last servant die...

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Stephen vs Stephanie A Story of Morph Wars

Stephen prepared for his change. Every solstice it was the same: get ready for his six month sleep. He didn't remember when this all started, but the centuries seemed to blur after awhile. All he knew about her on the other side was kept in the journals they wrote back and forth to each other. Once a year he would go to sleep after leaving her a written message, then he would wake up six months later with no memory of half a year. She would leave him a message, too, usually...

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StepDaughter Took Me For A Rough Ride

Hi all, this is Rajeev (email: ) from Bangalore writing my first real life incident. No illusions or imaginations. Sharing my experience that’s straight from the past. To start with, I’m Rajeev, 41 years old, working in software domain with good salary package. I’m professionally very well settled but my personal life was not that great as I gave marriage a miss and eventually lost interest in the concept of marriage. But, I’m in a live-in relationship with a divorcee named Anusha (called her...

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18 yr old Step Daughter

I Married my second wife when I turned 35. She had three c***dren from her previous marriage, and they were now my step-c***dren. Two lived with their father, the ********* lived with her. She was two weeks shy of her 19th birthday when I met her. She was built like her mother, only taller, with dark brown hair, and not quite yet as busty. Though the pictures I had seen of her mother at that age, she wore a B-cup. This girl who was soon to be my step-daughter was firmly in a D-cup, and growing....

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Step daughter and father

The storm was getting nearer the thunder was loudernow than it had been moments ago.With looks of worry was on both their faces theydecided to go to bed to hide from the approachingstorm.I was pretty tired so I followed them up to my roomshortly after I had been in bed about an hour whenthere was a clap of thunder over the house.I heard them moving about and there was a tap on mydoor, “Can we join you in here to hide from thestorm?” They did not wait for a reply but both came inand got into my...

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A Day in the Life of Dr Smithers

Clayton Smithers was really glad he had listened to his mother when she told him he should become a doctor. Mom had always told him it would be a lot of work but worth it in money and prestige. She had been only part right. Hardly any work had been required, just learning the jargon and technical terms by studying books and papers written by psychiatrists who had taken the hard route to obtaining their degrees. Clayton Smithers had taken the easy route, buying his degree from the best diploma...

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The Night I Saw My Step Daughter Fucking Her Boyfriend

The clock struck two in the morning and my eyes opened up to just barely enough to see the ceiling as sounds of something banging entered the airwaves. "Ashley, what's that noise?" I asked, leaning up and glancing at the other side of the bed. As I still felt weary, I gently felt the blanket and sheets. "Ashley?" I asked, opening my eyes completely. "Where did you go?" The noises still commenced and then my feet met the carpeted floor. I slowly strolled to my door and the noise became louder....

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 7 Daughters Exam Turns Wild

Chapter Seven: Daughter's Exam Turns Wild A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Okay, Janelle, hop up into the stirrups,” said Nurse Alexis, her bob of black hair swaying about her youthful face. “I'll go let Dr. Sharma know that you're here.” “Sure,” Janelle said. She rose from the chair she was sitting by me with a groan. My eldest daughter, twenty-one and very pregnant, waddled to the chair, leaning back to...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 3 Popping the Daughters Cherry

Chapter Three: Popping the Daughter's Cherry A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! After an hour of searching the internet, I could not find any match on the belt buckle my daughters had bought me. There were plenty that said “Best Dad,” but none were in quite the same style. Had quite the same shape to the panel. “We bought it at Target, Daddy,” Janelle had texted me along with a picture of her breasts in the...

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