Intruder_(2) free porn video

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Captain David Humatha ran down the corridor toward the high speed gravity tube that would take him down the fourteen levels to the bridge. He shouted into his comlink to be heard over the loud alarms and the sound of running spaceboots which was echoing all around him in the hallway. Between loud squawks, the alarm was repeatedly shouting in a mechanically calm, and yet very urgent voice, “Level Three Intruder Alert. Level Three Intruder Alert. All crew to battle stations. All families to shielded shelters.”

“Who called the alert?” the Captain yelled into his comlink as he stepped onto the disk in the gravity tube. The tube recognized him and already knew his destination, so it dropped the disk, with him standing on it, the nearly sixty meters to the bridge level. Gravity tubes took some getting used to. You dropped or rose at greater than the speed of free fall but the disk beneath your feet slowed your fall– or ascent– and stopped at the proper level. Actually, the tubes would function without the disks, but stepping into an open tube and dropping hundreds of meters, even for an experienced spacer, was a rather daunting task. It also took some finesse, when you arrived at your destination, to push yourself out of the tube with just your hands, so the designers put disks in the tubes to provide a floor and give more of an impression of an elevator.

Gravity tubes are very fast. Captain Humatha was stepping onto the bridge by the time Ensign Tagusha replied, “I did.”

The captain walked quickly across the bridge, stepped up to the almost trembling ensign, and said forcefully, “What happened to the command officers?”

There should always be two command-level officers on the bridge. If an alert was needed, First Officer Lucille Morbsby should have been the one to make such a decision. And if she was incapacitated or temporarily off the bridge for some reason, Executive Officer Martura Combs would have had the responsibility to initiate a level three alarm.

Level three alarms were the highest possible. If the computer system detected an intrusion, it would initiate a level one or two alarm, but it took a command officer to raise that alarm to level three. There had been no computer detection. Ensign Tagusha, who had manually ordered the Level Three Intruder Alert, looked at his captain with wide eyes and a blank expression on his face.

“Well?!” Captain Humatha thundered, “Where are they?”

Ensign Tagusha opened and closed his mouth, but no words came out as he weakly pointed to the open area of the bridge behind the captain. Captain Humatha turned quickly around and gasped loudly as he saw to what the ensign was pointing. It takes a lot to make a starship captain gasp, but the sight of his two senior officers tied naked to a large, wooden, X-shaped frame mounted on an equally large metal base was enough to cause such an involuntary exclamation.

First Officer Lucille Morbsby was tied facing the cross. Her hands were pulled high and tight above her head, while her feet were pulled wide apart and lashed to the base of the wooden X. The dark wood of the cross created a contrasting background to Lucille’s almost paper white skin. Light reflecting off the thin sheen of perspiration which covered her entire body caused her skin to appear even whiter.

Executive Officer Martura Combs was bound facing outward on the other side of the cross. Her black skin nearly blended into the dark wood of the X to which they were both bound. Her skin was also covered with a thin sheen of perspiration which in her case made her look even darker. There was also an obvious trail of thicker fluids running down the insides of her legs. Both officers were moaning loudly and squirming in their bonds.

“Who did this?” the captain yelled loudly.

“No one,” the ensign said softly. “They were just suddenly like that. I triggered the alarm before something could happen to me. ...” He lowered his head and slumped his shoulders as he added, “... But it didn’t.”

“You sound disappointed,” Captain Humatha said curtly.

“No... yes... no...” the ensign sputtered. “I mean, it was attacking the bridge officers. Why did it leave me alone? Am I not an officer?”

The captain took in a deep breath and then let it out slowly. “I don’t think it was going after officers,” he said in that overly calm way an experienced spacer speaks when in trouble. In fact, the more serious the trouble, the calmer an experienced spacer will sound. Captain Humatha’s voice was very, very calm as he pointed to the other side of the bridge and said, “I think they are after the women.”

Ensign Tagusha turned around very slowly. His gasp was more of a squeak as he saw the other two females on the bridge, one of the navigators and the on-duty bridge engineer, tied to dark wooden frames.

Brula Markly, a navigator, was bound over what appeared to be a padded sawhorse mounted on a large, circular base. There were tie-down rings attached to the metal base on both sides of the horse. On one side, her feet were bound, widely spread, to the floor close to the base of the horse. On the other side, her arms were pulled far out from the base of the horse and spread about as wide as the horse itself. Her position caused her cunt and ass to be displayed on one side of the horse while her somewhat large breasts hung free between her arms on the other side.

Brula’s skin was somewhere between the pasty white of First Officer Morbsby’s and the dusky brown of the XO’s. Bound as she was, it was possible to see that her areola and the moon around her asshole were both very dark. It was also possible to see that she was leaking vaginal fluids as she moaned and thrashed against her restraints as if some invisible lover were working very hard at turning her on.

Next to her, bound to a strange, shelf-like apparatus, was Fin Gtho, Second Engineer of the Invincible. Fin was kneeling, if you could call it that, on a shelf that was a few inches off the ground. Her lower legs were bound to the shelf with what appeared to be leather which crossed over her calves and held them firmly to the padded shelf. A second, heavily-padded shelf was exactly at her waist level. She was bent over it and held in place by a large leather band over the small of her back. The shelf appeared to end– or become extremely narrow– at the base of her chest. The narrow piece then continued up between her breasts to just short of her throat.

Despite her Terran Oriental features, Fin had extremely large breasts. There was much speculation among the crew as to whether or not she had purchased DNA sequencing treatments to obtain those mammaries or was naturally blessed with them. In any case, her ponderous breasts were proudly displayed as they hung down from the restraint frame. Surprisingly, her nipples were not darker than her skin, but were instead an almost bright shade of pink.

Fin’s arms were pulled out in almost a cruciform position and bound to two padded poles which stuck up from the base of the shelves at approximately a forty-five degree angle. Two more poles just behind them intersected several inches above the center of her back. Her straight, black hair was knotted together with a shiny, black rope of some sort and tied to a ring on those poles. The effect was to pull her head back so that she was looking straight forward. Her eyes were wide and rolling as she gasped and moaned as if someone– or something– were driving her sexually higher and higher.

“This is the Captain speaking,” Captain Humatha said over the ship-wide comlink. “We seem to have been boarded by unknown alien intruders who are not visible to us at this time. There have been, however, several anomalous attacks on female members of the bridge crew. Report status and anything unusual through normal chain of command.... Out.”

“What do you think is going on?” Ensign Tagusha said, trying to keep the fear out of his voice.

“Captain...” another voice interrupted. “We are getting reports from all active decks of... uh... anomalous attacks on female crew members.” Communications officer, Ensign Dwayne Tiffin nodded toward where navigator Markly was bound over the spanking horse and cleared his throat loudly before continuing. “It appears,” he said flatly, “that the attacks are similar to what has occurred here on the bridge.”

He paused as he listened to the comlink which he pressed more tightly into his right ear. He, and the rest of the bridge crew, was holding their breaths waiting for his next report. Finally, he let out a long slow breath and said with obvious relief, “All family decks report no anomalies.”

The captain walked across the deck to where Brula Markly was bound. He reached out and stroked her quivering ass cheek, causing a deep, guttural moan to escape from her lips. “The question,” he said, “is why are all these women bound this way?”

As if in answer to his question, his own clothing disappeared from his body, to be instantly replaced by a strange leather outfit consisting of black pants, a black vest, and heavy black boots. The new clothing was very tight-fitting. His more than ample package was obvious in the tight pants, and the open vest revealed his chiseled six pack.

Captain Humatha looked down at his body and raised his eyebrows in appreciation. He was well endowed, but the bulge between his legs hinted at some sort of augmentation of his maleness. He was also in very good physical condition, but such sculpted abs were only found on much younger men who had both the time and the determination to sculpt them with vigorous daily exercise.

A startled gasp from behind him caused him to turn around. Ensign Yagu Tagusha was staring down at his pasty white body. The coloring of his skin had not changed, but the muscles beneath it definitely had. Tagusha’s body was usually abnormally thin, giving him the appearance of a walking ghost or skeleton. Now there were rippling muscles beneath that white skin. And the bulge in his black leather pants was no less prodigious than the captain’s.

“From the physical upgrades,” the captain said calmly, “it would appear that our intruders are expecting us to be a part of some weird BDSM sex scene.”

“Cap... tain,” the ensign stuttered out. A large leather paddle had appeared in his hand. “I’m not in control of my body,” he said slowly. His fear was causing his voice to waver slightly.

“This is the captain speaking,” Captain Humatha said loudly into his comlink. “Computer priority command code November, Uniform, Niner, Niner, Six, Alpha, Five.” He paused as if struggling to speak, then continued slowly with great effort, “Computer, put all ship’s systems on safety protocol zero, zero, zero, zero. Authorization code, Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot, India, Golf, Oscar.”

He grimaced slightly as he gave the authorization code. WTFIGO had been sort of a joke when he set up the protocol commands– What The Fuck Is Going On– but now that he actually had to authorize this extreme command, he could see no humor in the letters.

The lights dimmed slightly and the hum of machinery and equipment faded to a dull murmur as the ship went nearly quiet. Almost all functions except life support and communications were now locked out and, after a short burst of the engines, all forward motion was ceased. They now effectively drifted, motionless in space.

Protocol zero, zero, zero, zero was a preplanned emergency setting should the ship ever be taken out of the control of the crew by an intruder. The only protocol more severe was niner, niner, niner, nine– self destruct. Unlike the self-destruct, however, no one on board The Invincible could countermand the lock-out protocol or reactivate any of the locked out systems. It would take an external signal from a fleet command-level Space Council ship to override the lockout... or activate the self-destruct.

A brilliant flash of light visible from the command deck assured the captain that an ultra-burst distress signal had been sent back to the nearest star base. A muffled “whoosh” and a trail of fire confirmed that an emergency log capsule had also been launched. The ultra-burst would be received in a few days. The log capsule would take many months to arrive at the distant star base, but would more likely be picked up in much less time by the rescue ships which would soon be on their way. The rescue ships themselves, however, still would not arrive at the Invincible for five to seven months, even at full emergency speed. When you are exploring the outer reaches of the galaxy, help is not hours– or even days– away, and rescue is usually a matter of searching for survivors who might still be alive in life pods.

“Whoever, or whatever, you are,” the captain said loudly, “you cannot gain control of the ship. And if we are not released and fully in control of the Invincible by the time the rescue ships arrive, their only choices will be permanent quarantine... or destruction.”

“We do not need your ship,” a voice replied. Captain Humatha was unsure whether it came from the console speakers or was just from inside his head. It continued, “And we will be gone long before your rescue fleet arrives.”

He remained silent, but Communications Officer Tiffin, spoke up. “What do they want?” he asked nervously.

The ensign was still at his communications console, but he, too, was now dressed in a black outfit similar to the captain’s. For some reason, that outfit, in addition to Dwayne’s disheveled mop of bright orange hair and a slightly darker orange beard, made him look like he would be more at home on a pirate ship from days of yore.

“My question exactly,” the captain said firmly. “What do you want of us?”

The voice replied. “When we have satisfied our needs, we will release your bodies... and your ship.”

The voice paused for a moment and then continued. “We have searched the ship’s databases,” it said slowly. “One of your ancient philosopher’s, Confucius, once said, ‘If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.’”

“Confucius never said that,” Fin Gtho yelled loudly from where she was strapped to the spanking... or fucking... or whatever... shelves.

“But it may be good advice for the situation,” the captain said as his arm started slowly swinging the bullwhip that was gripped in his hand. He walked slowly over to the X which held his senior officers. Miles Daley, the helmsman on duty, joined him as he walked.

Miles was known for having– and being– the biggest prick on the Invincible. But one or perhaps both aspects were made even greater by the actions of the intruder. He was not dressed in black leather. In fact, he was not dressed at all. His semi-erect cock hung nearly to his knees and swung back and forth like a club as he walked.

“Start with our First Officer,” the Captain ordered firmly. “I’ll start with the XO.”

Miles stood before Lucille Morbsby and reached out to grab her breasts. He pulled both breasts out slightly from her body and tightened his grip as his fingers slid over her sweat-slicked skin to her dark brown nipples. Her turgid nipples became even stiffer– and longer– as Miles pulled, twisted, and tweaked them. Her moans were becoming practically shrieks as he repeatedly released his grip and again pulled out on her breasts before sliding down to continue the overwhelming pleasure torture of her nipples.

The thump of Morbsby’s ass bouncing against the wood of the X filled the command deck as she twisted and thrashed in her restraints. Still pulling outward on her overly-stimulated nipples, Miles stepped forward. His prick was now bobbing in front of him like a sword. The tip touched the first officer’s labia and her moans and shrieks became even louder.

Lucille Morbsby was now trying to push herself forward onto Mile’s prick. He squatted slightly to bring himself more in line with her glistening slit and then rammed himself upward. Her screams became a continuous “Uh, uh, uh, uh,” as he thrust repeatedly into her throbbing cunt.

Meanwhile, Captain Humatha was using his bullwhip to create a spiderweb of red welts on Executive Officer Combs’ porcelain skin. Somehow, the bullwhip was not drawing blood and instead of cries of pain, Martura Combs was chanting “Yes, yes, yes, yes,” with each strike of the whip until with an extremely loud cry of “Yesssssss!” she shuddered in an intense orgasm.

The captain dropped the whip and walked up directly behind his XO. She was now panting, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” and pushing her ass back toward her captain. He pulled on a tab of some sort on the front of his leather pants and a large section of the front tore away releasing his manhood. Pressing against her and slightly bending his knees, he was able to guide his enhanced prick upward into her dripping cunt. He thrust into her several times before they both grunted loudly and he spurted into her waiting womb.

While the captain was leaning against the XO trying to get his breath, Ensign Tagusha was standing behind and a little to the side of navigator Brula Markly. He noted with a slight smile that the rumors among the crew were true. Despite the sandy-colored hair on her head, the thatch between her legs was reddish-orange, almost as if there were a fire burning down there.

Right now, there WAS a fire burning down there, and Ensign Tagusha was about to make that fire even hotter. He pulled his arm fully back and swung the long, leather paddle so that the very end of the paddle struck squarely on Brula’s right asscheek. There was a very loud “Thwack!” as leather met skin. That was followed immediately by a scream and then a panted, “Uh, uh, uh, uh.”

Tagusha pulled back the paddle just as far and landed an identical “Thwack!” on Brula’s left asscheek. This time the scream was not as loud, but the “Uh, uh, uh, uh,” was much louder and deeper.

He moved so that he could swing backhand and landed a third strike evenly across both asscheeks, low, where those large and tempting globes merged into her legs. This time, the scream and the “Uh, uh, uh, uh,” were both extremely loud.

The ensign dropped the paddle and stepped up to the spanking horse. Like the captain, he pulled the front panel of his leather pants open with a loud ripping noise and then stepped up between Navigator Markly’s legs. She was quietly chanting, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” as he drove himself into her more than ready sex slit.

He began thrusting and continued to thrust into her for many minutes. Her “Uh’s” matched his thrusts, getting louder and louder until at last he rammed himself tightly against her ass and grunted loudly. He stayed pressed tightly against her as she screamed out and convulsed in her restraints.

The fourth female officer on the bridge was Fin Gtho, Second Engineer of the Invincible. She was known for two things. Her enormous breasts, and her stereotypical Oriental coolness– almost aloofness. She interacted with other crew members, but never seemed to be happy or sad or angry... or anything. Her face never changed from the serene mask which she worked so hard to maintain.

There was nothing serene about her now. She was bound firmly in– or on– the strange shelves that appeared to perfectly hold her for spanking or fucking or something. Her face was slightly contorted by the fact that her head was artificially held back by her hair and the black rope which was tied to the ring in the frame above her. But it was even more distorted by the raw emotion... and lust... which poured through her. Every few minutes, she would scream out in orgasm, and in between, she would scream “Fuck me! Fuck me! Somebody please fuck me!”

Ensign Dwayne Tiffin stood in front of her and smiled. He, too, was wearing the leather pants, vest, and boots. And he too had removed the front flap from the pants to free his swollen and erect prick.

He ran his hand down Fin’s back and listened to her howl in need. Then he reached under the frame and fondled her breasts, almost as if he were milking them. Her howls and screams increased as she shouted out again and again, “Fuck me! Please fuck me!”

Dwayne stepped in front of her and looked down into her eyes. “I’ll fuck you,” he said, “but I want to fuck all of you.”

Fin looked at him and replied softly, but urgently, “Fuck me... Please!”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he said as he positioned his prick directly in front of her lips. Realization of what he wanted caused her to let out a very long breath, but then she said, “OK, but you have to fuck ALL of me.”

Dwayne smiled and pushed his prick into her mouth. For someone who seemed so serene and above it all, Fin Gtho was an excellent cock sucker. No one knew that in her private quarters, locked away in a sealed suitcase was a very realistic computerized dildo on which she practiced regularly. If she did everything right, the dildo would squirt an artificial cum into her mouth. She had never tasted real cum, but in her dreams and fantasies she sucked down huge volumes of it. She also had a special dildo that twisted and thrusted and spurted like a real cock. She would attach that to the end wall of her room and impale herself on it– in either hole– almost nightly. Since her quarters were buried deep in the engine room of the Invincible, no one ever heard her scream as she took herself to orgasm time after time after time.

Today, everyone on the bridge could hear her scream, even though those screams were muffled by Ensign Tiffin’s cock. When he finally spurted into her mouth and pulled out, she smiled at him and licked at the cum which remained on her lips.

“Cunt next,” she said hoarsely. “Otherwise we risk infection,” she added quickly between deep breaths.

Dwayne Tiffin was more than happy to oblige. The shelves put Fin’s cunt– and ass– at exactly the right height. He lined up his still stiff prick with her quivering cunt and slowly pushed his way in. As he was sliding into her, her moaning cry raised in pitch and in volume so that by the time he began thrusting, she was already keening loudly as if in orgasm.

A few minutes later her loud keen became an even louder scream as she truly orgasmed. Dwayne pushed hard against her and shuddered as he emptied his balls into her cunt. She pulled against the ropes which held her head back and chanted, “Oh, oh, oh, oh.” Then she said breathlessly, “I never thought the real thing would be so much better.”

Dwayne pulled himself out of her cunt with an audible pop. He was slightly withered, but a few quick strokes with his hand and his prick was once again solid and ready and aimed directly at Fin Gtho’s asshole. He pushed slowly against that puckered ring and was surprised at how easily he slipped in. Fin, meanwhile, smiled that the relaxation techniques which she had read about and practiced in the privacy of her quarters worked so well in real life.

Once he had bottomed out against her ass, Dwayne pulled back and began thrusting very, very slowly. As he slowly moved in and out of Fin’s ass, it was as if he were playing a musical instrument. Her keening wail went up in pitch and volume as he thrust inward and came back down as he pulled out. Together they played their musical song for several minutes before both of them gave deep, guttural groans. Fin closed her eyes and her body totally relaxed. Dwayne slumped on top of her almost as if he had passed out.

“Captain,” the voice of Executive Officer Martura Combs called out, “what is happening? Why am I bound like this?”

“Who the hell tied me up like this?!” First Navigator Brula Markly screamed as she thrashed and pulled against her restraints.

“It would appear that we have regained control of the ship,” Communications Officer Tiffin said calmly. Captain Humatha laughed slightly as he realized that despite the com officer’s change of clothing– and the fact that he was draped over Fin Gtho with his prick in her ass– the comlink was still firmly in the his right ear.

“Sorry,” Ensign Tiffin said as he pulled himself out of Fin’s anal sphincter, “something took over the ship... and you... and me.”

“Something that maybe knew more about us than we would like to admit,” Fin said. Her face had reverted to its facade, but now there was a slight smile betraying that serenity.

Another voice spoke. “Captain and crew of the Invincible. We regret having taken over your vessel and your bodies, but it was necessary for the survival of our species. We are energy beings with no corporeal form. As we travel through the vastness of space, we live extreme, but not infinite lives, and many of us are approaching the end of our existence. The only way that we can procreate is to enter a corporeal being to mate. Unfortunately that mating must be done at an extremely high energy level or it will not be successful. That is why we employed various means and devices from your memory banks to create the most intense mating sensations possible for your species. Not many species can reach sufficient levels of energy during mating to create our offspring. It is fortunate that your path crossed our swarm as we were leaving your galaxy. We have released your bodies back to yourselves so that you may continue on your voyage of exploration as we continue on ours.”

The command bridge became very silent as everyone waited to see if the voice would speak again. “That was heard on all decks,” Ensign Tiffin reported.

“I think they’ve gone,” Captain Humatha said, looking around the bridge.

“Then get me out of this!” Navigator Markly yelled loudly, still pulling against her restraints.

“You don’t have to hurry,” Fin said softly. “I’m good. I can wait.”

“Uh... Captain,” Ensign Tiffin said softly, “I’m getting requests from almost all the decks for private time in the recreation areas on deck seven.” He swallowed hard and added, “And they are asking permission to move the equipment that appeared down to that deck.”

“Shipwide broadcast,” the captain responded. Then he said, “This is the Captain speaking. It would appear that our intruders have gone, but they have left behind the... devices... which they apparently generated.” He paused for a moment and then continued, “It will take some time to process what has happened to this ship and its crew. Some of us learned things about ourselves that we did not know or did not want to admit. Others will have to deal with anger... or shame... for what we were forced to do.”

He paused and continued at a slightly slower pace, “We have several months of down time to deal with all that before the rescue ships arrive. Medical and mental health staff will be available for those who need their services. You can schedule appointments through the normal means. And– at the request of crew members– all generated equipment will be sent to deck seven. Those who need that equipment, or those who desire time alone with certain other crew members, can schedule private recreation time through the normal scheduling program. ... Out.”

He looked over at his executive officer who was now standing alongside him, still naked. “It’s going to be a very interesting couple of months,” she said slowly. Then she smiled and said, “We have room 7-103 reserved for next Tuesday.” After a pause, she added, “... minus the cross and whips, of course.”

She then smiled and said, “But for now, I need to return to my quarters and dress, and you...” handing him the frontpiece to his leather pants, “need to cover up and try to restore some order to the Invincible.”

Captain Humatha paused to watch her asscheeks bob and sway as she walked naked to the gravity tubes, then he said loudly, “Computer, record the events of the past few hours in the daily logs. Include these notations. New life form encountered: species, unknown; home planet, unknown; deion, unknown; language, unknown; designation, ‘The Intruder.’”

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“ Preston, I’m flying in next week and hotels are pretty pricy. Can I stay with you for a week??? “ my sister Julie asked over the phone. It was spring break of her sophomore year in college and she wanted to hang out at the beach.It made sense. It’s spring time in Daytona, of course they’re gonna be expensive. “ You know it’s not a problem. I’ve got plenty of space “ I told her referring to my 3 bedroom, one occupant home.“ Great! I’m bringing my friend Ash. Is that cool? “ she asked.“ Hiiii...

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A Rose From the GardenChapter 4

When Rose stepped into Corvus's bedroom, Clover was still in the antechamber. Rose called out, "Do you still have secretarial work to do tonight?" "Of course. I haven't done anything but pamper the two of us all day." Clover stepped through the doorway, looking down at a piece of paper, but raised her head as she started to speak again. "I should ... you changed your clothes." Rose gave her sultriest smile. "Corvus saw me in the other dress and I'd hate to become familiar before...

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Now a bull my first stag vixen threesome

My introduction to the world of swinging actually started with a change of circumstances- working away from home for long periods of time. So whereas engagement with swinging sites earlier had been largely academic due to lack of freedom to meet (married and wife unaware), suddenly I was away from home a number of nights a week and left to my own devices.I embraced the sites with alacrity imagining that one ad would have women queuing at my door. Like all excited men joining those sites I soon...

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Wife fucked by her boss

Hi, my name is Harish, I am married for the past couple of years, my wife works for a pharmacy company, she is a very sexy lady but at no point of time did I ever imagine she would betray me. One day when she was having her bath I accidentally saw a sms on her cell. It said lets enjoy today, it was send by her boss, incidentally that day I was supposed to go out of town on business purpose & was to come the next day, I was supposed to leave in the afternoon, she called from her office to check...

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Busted Axle RoadChapter 104

With only a couple of days to go before Christmas, Spearfish Lake was really getting into the holiday spirit. It was snowing merrily, if not heavily, and all hopes for a white Christmas seemed to have been answered. The town was dressed for the season, and spirits were high with anticipation. The children had been out of school for a week on their Christmas vacation, and perhaps their anticipation was running the highest of all, with hopes of a big haul from Santa Claus. Certainly Tiffany...

4 years ago
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So Much Screaming

After the gig, I spotted Miss Nipples hanging about backstage. A minute later, she was pressed up against the wall of my dressing room. She didn’t have to say a word, I knew what she wanted. A quick shag with a famous rock star, and then she could get to fuck. My hands caressed her thighs, her tight stomach, her enormous breasts. It didn’t take a lot of effort before the tiny t-shirt with my name on was on the floor. Her hands were stroking my crotch, unzipping my jeans. Before I knew it, she...

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The Nerconomicom Demons Summoned

After Veronica's dad died she didn't want anything that remind her of him.  It was too painful. She had thrown out most of his things and seeing as she just turned 18 she wasn't put in anybodys custody.  She entered her fathers office which had the last of his things in it.  It was a meager office with a desk that had a small tape recorder hidden under the desk. Her fathers way of keeping his things safe.  Well the police never found it.most likely because they were trying to figure out...

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Mo and the ThiefChapter 2

Shari felt that her life had got out of control. For much of her 16 years she had lived a sheltered life watched over by her parents and big brother. At high school she had met, and made friends with, girls whose life to her had been so much freer. They could stay out late, go out with boys and wear what they liked. Some could even take their boyfriends home like Sherri, her brother's girlfriend. She longed to have what other girls took for granted. Things had eased up a little. She could...

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My friends dad 20

Then we all went over to her. “Holy shit, we gotta get you to a hospital,” Sharon said. Then she set aside her anger for a little while and we all made the trip out to the hospital. We got Jeanette a room and she was in labor, but everyone was waiting in the waiting room. “So you must be Callie?” Sharon asked. “Yes, and Sharon, right?” I asked. “Yes. This is Kevin, my new husband, but I see John got a new wife too,” Sharon replied. “And he got this little one, we named her...

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A Story Of Colleagues Ch 02

At this point, the other three girls slowly and quietly backed out of the room, closing the door behind them. Fortunately, Rochelle was still too lost in pulling the rest of the cum out of my cock that she didn’t notice the click of the latch. I pulled her back up to me and kissed her, and then sat up with her. “You may want to go clean up, the other girls are back.” “Oh? How do you know?” “They, um…” I paused, and watched the color drain from her face. “What did they see?” She asked...

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Slaves Unlimited2

As Sarah moved through the house her thoughts dreamily shifted, she hoped that the club would be hopping with guys later on tonight, after she met with Jess of course. Maybe she would be lucky enough to even find one who might go back to a hotel room with her for the night for some blow, a good time, and an easy fuck,…and then she frowned. She remembered her last attempt at bringing a guy to a hotel room for the night, the little fuck had said she was disgusting, and nasty looking,...

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Sneha Was My Real Prize

Hi..My name is Rocko Bangalore. Please send me your feedback to This is a true story that happened in 2009 in Bangalore. The start of this story goes back to 2004. I got this Sneha’s number accidentally and started my pranks with her. I soon learnt that she was married and had a 2 year old son in 2004. We slowly started exchanging SMSes. One day I found her in hi5 social networking site and realized that she was much beautiful than what I thought. I told her the same and she only sent a smiley...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 7

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. I went inside. There she was! Standing near a small wooden staircase which will take us to the terrace. Oh, I forgot to tell you how she looks. She is really hot and a badass chick. She’s wearing a tight...

2 years ago
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My Awakening Part 8

Finally, it was the day of my high school graduation. My mother made it a point to get me up early even though the ceremony was not until 2 PM. Either way, we were here. I was lucky enough to get to sit next to my bestie Connie. When we were marching in, Connie jumped the line and got past several people to be able to sit next to me. I only realized that she was behind me in line was that I felt a hand rubbing on my ass while we waited to enter the floor of the arena. When I turned around...

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No Dress Can Beat Saree

Pretty boring first part you have heard and many of you have thought we have wasted the time reading somenonse, actually the real erotuc and interesting part and climax comes now. As you know that I got a letter from her stating her desires on me to have me in her bed, actually I was in state of shock and confused about what to reply to her, if I go along with her it will be against my life rules, if I don’t go along with her means she will be hurt mentally as you that any married girl will...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 265

With the Alphas at Security headquarters studying the pulse rifle and the women apparently all in the basement, Jeff wandered through the Retreat at a loss as to what he should be doing. Deciding he would work in his lab to pass the time, he returned to the basement. Poking his head in one of the rooms, he got a smile from Kayla who was leading an exercise class – push-ups for the moment. His position allowed him a view of erect nipples on several of his wives, and a couple of the other...

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The Pool Party (Revised) NEED YOUR HELP TO FINISH THE DIALOGUE! ***Please follow my story line while writing the rest. I included it at the end of the text.***By: WowImBigPart 1There I was, wading in the shallow end of the pool, with my fellow classmates at our senior year pool party; trying to act normal while I was hiding the biggest dirtiest secret ever. Last night, I was pumping my pussy with the monster pump cup I made... and I fell asleep with it on me... suction was strong as ever. 7...

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Sugar Cane Plantation Chptr 2

The Sugar Cane Plantation - Chapter 2 As another day bloomed on the tropical island, she couldn’t help thinking about what the evening might bring? Was it possible to OD on kink? In the back of her mind she wondered if she could overdo it and become blasé? Certainly would not want that to happen – she was enjoying this too much. She vowed to discus it with her new friends later. For now the pool beckoned and she stretched out – enjoying the warm tropical sun. When she...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 10 Liz SindersonChapter 7

On a day late in August, Bobby knocked on Liz and Jeff’s front door. He had a bottle of wine with him, and was dressed semi-casually. That was primarily because he had no idea what was going to happen that night. He was there in response to a somewhat formal invitation to attend the celebration of their wedding anniversary. Dinner would be served. Jeff answered the door and smiled, sticking out his hand. “Congratulations,” said Bobby, smiling back. “Thanks,” said Jeff. “Come on in. She’s...

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Mares Tales 14

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff Chapter 14. The following morning was a weekend and we took off in the space wagon to enjoy some of the beautiful countryside around our new home. We stopped to watch a hockey match between two girls? schools and I caught a wistful expression flashing across Jenny's face. "Missing it Jen?" I asked softly. "Oh Yes! Desperately Bev," she replied as a small tear glistened in her eye. "Never mind love. If we're successful, you?ll be able to...

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The Binding RingsChapter 18

Jason staggered back from the prone body of his aunt Sarah; his heart was hammering in his chest and even in the afterglow of his orgasm he was still filled with a certain twisted excitement over what had just happened. His mother being an active participant in the potential impregnation of her little sister had been darkly arousing - although that was ignoring the fact that his mother had seemed to be trying to derail his line of questioning on purpose; distracting him from thinking about...

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Sissy Fucked In Adult Book Store True Story

100% True Story.I was 19 years old and working 3rd shift at a department store and taking classes during the daytime. I had visited an Adult Bookstore about 15 minutes away a few months back and went back into the video booths. It was the first time I had even been in an adult video arcade and wasn’t really that impressed. There was a strip club next door and I had heard stories of hookers giving guys head at the bookstore video booths. I realized that turned out not to be true. I was pretty...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 89

I awoke and glanced at the clock. It was only four-thirty so I rolled over and spooned up against Tamara. She moaned and pressed her ass into Mr. Happy. I really, really, really wanted to make love to her but I settled for just holding her. I must have dozed off for someone shaking my shoulder awakened me. I looked up to see Audrey smiling at me. "Good morning, lover. It's time to get up and get sweaty." "How about you get naked and we'll get sweaty in the bed?" "I would love to but...

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My First Real Vacation

So, here I am stretched out on my couch in my motel room, wearing a towel and a smile. The room smells of suntan lotion, perfume and sex and this is only day two of my two week vacation. I wonder what else is in store for me. I better start at the beginning and elaborate on what happened. As the construction trade slows down in the Winter months, the bosses are quite happy to grant vacations request for any length of time you have coming. I requested two weeks, I have more available, but all I...

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It finally happened Small penisdick threesome pt1

We did it! Somehow we managed to pull of a threesome between one of Cristina's closest friends. We did not think it may happen ever. As far as we know, we -- especially Cristina have made efforts to make sure that it happen.Cristina and I have really been open about each others sexual desires, and for what its worth, I finally had sex with one of her friends, Irene.My wife and I have been friends with her for at least 5 years. She's a single m*m. She has a really bubbly personality. Loves to...

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When I first began “fooling around” with my then girl friend Sarah she was quite a prude and Didn,t like having her breasts called tits or her vagina a pussy and would het quite awkward about it, but deep down though she was prudish she was one passionate person when in the mood, it just took me a while to discover her triggers. I,ve always loved my partners to talk dirty to me as it,s a great turn on and was determined to get Sarah to do the same. Her name for her pussy was “Kitty”. “She,s...

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Chasing Dove

Introduction: I havent posted anything on here in a while so go easy on me. Prologue and Chapter one. Prologue Is hunter coming over? Is he, is he, is he? Dove followed her brother around the house. All she heard was Hunter. Yeah hes coming over but you arent hanging with us, her brother glared at her. But why? She wanted to play with them, she wanted to see Hunter. Mom! Dove wont leave me alone! Dove stood there, her eyes watering. Youra liar! she screamed. Dove saw her mama walk into...

1 year ago
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The Spanish Lady I Met in The Elevator

The clammy hands and palpitations have nothing to do with the fear I just felt, but have everything to do with Sofia. She is so close to me that I can almost feel the warmth of her body. Is she secret with the lurid psychopathic traits? With all my senses sharp, I wait with closed eyes for the denouement. Sofia does nothing and I eagerly take the initiative with a kiss. The wild strike at the airport has ruined the day for many people, and my return trip home has now been postponed until...

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Strangers in the night

On that night in mid November, a handsome young man was walking down the road home from work, has he happen to pass a local bar he decided to pop in for a drink before going home. Has he turned round from the bar to find somewhere to sit and ponder on his day, he caught a glimpse of a beautiful lady sitting all alone at the table in the window. She looked sad as through she had been rejected or stood up by the person she was meeting. The Handsome young decided to go and see if this beautiful...

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My Wife Has Been Gang Banged By Jungle People

Hi friends my name is sudeep i am going to explain real story happened in my marriage life as it is a real incident happened as it to long to explain but it is awesome exp .My wife name is sraveni she is very hot leady milky white with awesome boob’s size of 38dd-20-34 you can imagine how much big they are if anybody sees them they will apparently will suck all the milk. We used to go to tour’s during summer because she always pleads me for sex but i restrict her by saying i have goals to...

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Accidental Foursome

My husband, Greg, and I had struggled for years trying to manage our weight but we finally managed to find a program we could both follow and 2 years ago we reached our respective goal weights. We decided that if after one year we managed to maintain that weight we’d treat ourselves to a cruise. 16 months later, off we went for seven days in the Caribbean. It never bothered my husband much but I was always very self-conscious about what swimwear I would be seen in public in. For this cruise...

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Getting Some ABS Dick

It was a hot Florida night, but that just made me yearn for some dick all the more. I drove up to the closest adult video store just north of where I was staying. There were a few cars in the lot just off the highway, US 19--that was a promising sign, so I paid my five bucks to go into the video booth area to see what was up. This booth set up wasn’t my favorite design, but the place almost always offered up some good cock. One problem is that the booths were all small, with seating on a...

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Round Two

You wrap your hands around me and you wisper in my ear "i need more" i pull my head back and look in your eyes and say ...give me your hands...... I turn you over and extend your hands to the corner of your bed... I grab my handcuffs and lock your right hand to one post and lock your left to the other. My cum.covered cock is leaving trails.of your cum all over your ass...... i wisper .... Your about to get more..... I then start to lick behind your ear i get bold and bite down on the edge of...

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Carlys Story Chpt 6 A Very Meaningful Dialogue

CARLY'S STORY Chpt. 6 A VERY MEANINGFUL DIALOGUE Raven woke me later that afternoon and told me the garage had been my punishment for missing the taxi. She also said Hunter told her I performed well last night, and Hunter was basically pretty happy with me. She told me to get directly into the bathroom and clean myself and to find Ruby when I was done. I showered, and then lay in the tub and soaked in lavender for a long time. Eventually, I wrapped a towel around the wet wig,...

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Daddys Boy Part 4

I was in total shock. My sweet little girl was being shafted by my cock. As soon as I saw her smile I shot my load inside her pussychute. And I could still feel Eden dumping his load, his cock twitching in her asshole. My cock was still hard as the last drops of cum oozed out of my cock inside my little girl. Then I heard Laurie call my name and I turned. I saw the flash from a digital camera and was momentarily blinded. "What the fuck?" I said. "Insurance," was all Laurie...

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Growing Up A MasterChapter 26

At school the following Monday, I ate lunch by myself. The cheerleaders were at their table, and Kari was with them. The kept giggling and looking over at me, trying to pry details out of Sarah. I looked up one time and saw them all looking at me. I just grinned at them, and that sent them off into shrieks of laughter. Well, not all of them. Kari, Sandy and Sarah just had little smiles on their faces. Towards the end of lunch, Kari and Sandy came over and sat across from me. Sandy said, "I...

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Incest is Not Sin

hi this is rocky(name changed).mai aaplogo ko apni life ki sachi kahani sunane jaa raha hoon,jisse meri life change hogayi.main 22 saal ka hoon.kuch mahine pehle tak main bahut sidha saada ladka tha.mere andar koi burai nahi thi.main sex se related sites aur books ko padna yaa dekhne ko galat maanta tha.mere dost yeh sab karte the,par main nahi.jab hum dost log ek jagah pe milte the to woh log aapas me sex ki baatein karte the,us waqt main wahan se hat jaya karta tha,kyunki ek to mujhe unki...

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Sonya8217s Dirty Thoughts While She Works At Her Dad8217s Family Business

Hello everyone, I often read others stories from my mobile phone. I usually slip into bed while my hubby is busy watching his space shows on TV. I enjoy reading erotica late at night while rubbing myself as I skim through stories on For change, I decided to unload fantasizes for everyone to read. You will get to meet Sonya and learn what excites her mind. Hope you enjoy and do provide feedback since this is my first attempt. Here we go! Ah! Another cold bleary day and I...

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MomPOV Andi Epic natural busty redhead MILF

– 53 years old divorced single cougar – Saw MomPov on twitter and had to try it – Is very new to the adult industry – She’s a MILF who wants to just enjoy life – Loves all types of men and experiencing new people – Just recently fucked a 19 year old to use his young hard cock – Since her divorce she has enjoyed the swinger lifestyle – She prefers meeting couples to be the unicorn in 3ways – Sometimes goes to swinger clubs for some random sex – Loves watching gangbang porn, has fantasies of...

1 year ago
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Submissive Sasha

She was immobile. With her hands tied behind her back. Her red hair is falling in curls around her face. Her blue eyes look up at me adoringly. Her big 40DD tits thrust out proudly, her big hard nipples poking out through the opaque black bra she wore. She had on matching black panties that were soaked at the crotch. She knelt there waiting for me to use her. Sasha knelt in front of me to worship my massive cock. The red haired BBW breathed hard. Sasha knew in a few moments she would be having...

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Transformed Daughter in Law to Slut WifeChapter 3

I woke the next morning with my morning hardon pressed against Selena’s firm ass, and with my hand cupping her firm rounded breast. I laid there quietly enjoying the sensation that I had been missing for the last two years - since my wife Jena had died. “I could learn to love this every morning” she whispered. “Good morning my love ... so could I” I replied. She wiggled her ass against me. “You want more?” I asked. “Of course I want more” she replied, slipping her hand back between us to...

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Miss Kitty

My name is Kimberly Parker. I was a registered nurse in the pediatric ward of a local Austin hospital before all this happened. My typical uniform consisted of a pair of pink scrub pants and a top decorated with teddy bears, brightly colored balloons, cute zoo animals, etc. You get the idea. At 5'3" I'm not an intimidating figure even without the uniform. With it on I look positively ridiculous. I had just come off my late night shift and was on my way home. I'd missed dinner because we...

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Learning about jacking off Part Nine Gloria

It was Beggar's Night. I was over at Gloria's house by 4:30. I had a good time with the three women the days before this special gig. Marcia was a delicious woman who was very very nice to me. Tonight though, I was the main attraction for four women who were strangers to me. Everyone would be in costume and mask. There was no way to recognize anyone.The women all knew I was young and that I had been fucking for a couple of weeks. Gloria told me about them. "One of them comes from fairly...

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Haleys Au Pair Adventure Chapter 2

“Hello? Parker? Landon? Aiden?” A male voice said loudly. Haley jumped up ignoring the boys as they woke up sleepily. She ran up the stairs a blur and slammed her door to her room. Her clothes were still on the floor down stairs. Shit, she thought to herself, please let the boys have some common sense and hide them! Haley was sore from the night before and sleeping on the couch had given her a crick. She decided to take a nice long shower and change before going out and tanning. As she was...

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Ring of TruthBlog 7 Sarahs married life

1st August 2004 "It's a lovely house Derek. Too good for a bachelor," Sarah giggled, "It's big enough for a whole family." "Perhaps you should offer to take my bachelorhood away from me and start filling the place with tiny feet," I suggested. "And lose my own freedom?" she teased. I'd only known her for three weeks but already we were an 'item'. Even mother was beginning to accept her as part of the family especially when she saw the nearly finished wedding dress Sarah was...

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How I Got To Make Love To My Exclassmate

I am an Average looking 36-year-old man from Ludhiana. Not a great physique, not a big, fat dick or as everyone claims here but a normal looking man with broad shoulders, a cute smile, and a caring nature. This story is not just sex. It’s how a relation moved from nothing to friendship and love making all on chat / WhatsApp and some normal coffee meeting and that one warm hug at a cafe. It is spread over 2 months of talk but I will keep it short. For people just needing sex, please find some...

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Chrissys UnveilingChapter 6

Before beginning this chapter, some background info. Most of the content of the first five chapters is fiction - born of my fantasy riddled creative mind. Chrissy, however, is real. I married her 43 years ago when she was 19 and been blissfully happy ever since. In our late twenties through to mid thirties we were into the swinging scene. Not parties or orgies or stuff like that. Just threesomes and foursomes with couples, single males and females or two males. This was well before internet...

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My Babe in Toyland

After about four more sexual marathons with June, we decided to go out to lunch and only lunch. June wanted to ask me some more questions and pick my brain on becoming a hot woman. We went to a local microbrewery and discuss June's inquiries. June wanted to know about dildos and vibrators and how to enjoy them. She wanted to know everything about toys. We determined that we should keep the toys on the basic and simple side. June's eyes became wide and glassy as I told June that dildos had no...


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