Asymmetry Ch. 01 free porn video

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My best friend Suzanne bounded into the South London apartment we rented together after she’d finished work, her hazel eyes lit up like a bonfire.

“You’ll never guess what’s happened!”

Suzanne worked as a private tutor, a job that certainly allowed her to see more of upper class England than I could've conceived possible. I couldn’t imagine a more mundane job; however it seemed she had a pretty sweet deal. She seemed to do more wining and dining with the elite than actual teaching. By now I knew her routine all too well; I’d lost count of the number of times she’d dashed into the living room to tell me about some stately home she’d visited.

I barely looked up from the magazine I was reading. “What is it now?”

“I’ll tell you in a second. We both need a drink first.” She sauntered into the kitchen, before returning with a wine bottle and two glasses.

“Now this is going to sound like a really weird question, but I’m going to ask it anyway.” She splashed a generous amount of scarlet liquid into a glass and thrust it into my palms. “What do you think about being tied up? In bed I mean?”

My cheeks bulged as I almost spat out my mouthful of wine. “What kind of question is that, Suze? And why would I tell you that kind of thing anyway?”

She smirked, enjoying my shyness. “You’re my best friend, Carla. We’ve discussed far worse things before. Besides, there’s a reason I’m asking. You know that family I just started working for?”

“Those people that live way outside the city? I thought you'd be bored of working for such pretentious people by now, Suze.”

“Oh, it’ll be a while before that happens.” She ran her fingers through her brunette hair, before leaning into me. She was so close that I could make out the musky remnants of her perfume. “Besides, these guys have a weirder skeleton in their closet than you could possibly imagine.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I kind of stumbled across it by accident. I was shit scared at first. I was looking for the bathroom, but took a wrong turn. Their house is so damn big.”

“What did you find?”

She took a long sip from her glass. “It was like some sort of sex dungeon. Have you ever read Fifty Shades? Well, think of Christian’s red room, only this was way more extreme.”

“I would’ve got out of there as quickly as I could.”

“That was my initial thought, too. But then I got kind of curious. It’s amazing how much of a turn on it was to actually see those things in the flesh.”

“Let me guess. You ended up shackling yourself to the ceiling.” Suzanne had always been pretty open about her sexuality, yet I was sure this had to be part of some bizarre set-up on her part.

“Not quite. I was looking around when all of a sudden I heard the door open behind me. I turned round and it’s Kirsten - the woman of the household. I don’t think I’ve ever been more embarrassed.”

The crafty smile on her face told me she was no longer embarrassed at all by what had transpired. “What did she say? I bet she couldn’t run you out the house quick enough.”

“You’d think that, but she was totally open about it. She said she and her husband, Malachi, like to play different power games, to spice things up in their day to day lives.”

“Sounds like they do a little bit more than just spice things up.”

“You’re telling me. Anyway, this is where it got really interesting. She could tell how curious I was, and started going on about how they’re part of this elite club that hold kinky sex parties once a month. Members take it in turns to host the parties and it’s their turn to host next week.”

Surely she realised her story had long passed the point of believability. I rolled my eyes at her. “And I bet you’ve got an invite to the next one.”

“Not only that.” She flashed her teeth at me as a grin spread across her face. “She said I could bring a friend, too.”

The next week was torture for me. I’d been convinced that the whole thing was a ruse on Suzanne’s part to lure some dark secret about my sexuality from me. Unfortunately for her, I knew her too well to fall into that trap. However, as the week went on and she began to reveal more facts about the party, it became apparent that she was not talking complete fantasy.

On Tuesday, she’d snuck behind me while I was doing the washing up in the kitchen.

“So, I spoke to Kirsten today,” she said, grabbing a wooden spoon from the draining board and giving me a playful slap on the behind. “I found out some more details about the party.”

“Really?” I just missed as I tried to flick some water into her eyes. “The party that’s going on in your head you mean?”

“That’s what you think,” she replied, splashing me back. “Apparently, there’s going to be some sort of entertainment; a live demonstration with people getting tied up and stuff. It’s going to be so hot, Carla.”

I knew she was teasing, but what my best friend didn’t know was that I’d carried out a little of my own research. My internet browsing history was not something I’d want on public display. I’d been loosely aware of the connotations of BDSM before, but now I’d seen picture after picture of women being teased and tormented, I had to admit I agreed with Suzanne – it was hot.

On Wednesday, we’d been in the living room, watching some chick flick DVD for what felt like the thousandth time.

“One other thing about the party,” Suzanne said. “Apparently, they have private rooms available for guests to use. Just think, Carla, if you meet someone nice, you’d have no excuse for not getting your rocks off!”

“Whatever, Suze,” I replied flippantly. “Even if I did meet someone, I’m not the kind of girl who jumps into bed with someone straight away. You should know that by now.”

“Of course I know it. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it’s about time you left to join the local nunnery. How long has it been now?”

My face didn’t show it, but her comments stung. It’d been so long since I’d been intimate with a man that I’d almost forgotten what it felt like. My sexual experiences up to that point had been so disappointing that I’d never really felt like I was missing out though. That was in complete contrast to Suzanne of course, who radiated bliss at the mere mention of her carnal exploits.

What I’d never mention to Suzanne however, was that she’d actually opened a door in my mind. As the week progressed, my late night internet forays became the highlight of my evening. It had got to the point that the thought of going to the party had gone from one of utter repulsion, to one of genuine interest.

The worst bit wasn't admitting to myself I was turned on by it, though. The worst bit was as my hand had slipped inside my panties for the umpteenth time that week, I imagined myself in those positions. What was happening to me? I knew I wasn’t compulsive enough to trot off to some private room with someone I’d just met, but at the same, I yearned for more. My mind would never be truly at rest until I knew how the woman in those panty-saturating images felt.

When Saturday came, I didn’t put up much of a fight as Suzanne picked out a dress for me. Generally speaking, I wasn’t the kind of girl who liked to show a lot of skin, especially when paddling into unchartered waters as I was tonight. However, if there was one person who wouldn’t stand for my prudishness, it was my best friend. The cream coloured dress she chose fell far enough down my thighs to be sexy, but still sophisticated. It was sleeveless, and was adorned with pretty little sequins around the collarbone area. I certainly felt more confident when Suzanne wolf-whistled me as I stepped into the living room before we departed.

However, as our journey through the idyllic English countryside went on, that confidence drained from me like water through a sieve I knew I was stepping a million miles out of my comfort zone. As we finally pulled onto a gravel drive way, Suzanne seemed to sense my apprehension. “Don’t worry. If it’s really weird, we can leave straight away. Kirsten said we don’t have to do anything other than watch. You don’t have anything to worry about.”

We continued up the driveway and the house came into view. The large, glamorous residence matched the picture painted in my head. I would've guessed the architecture was Victorian, and the large circular lawn out front gave the impression of a far more impressive garden round the back. This was the first time I’d ever been anywhere grandiose enough to have ‘side parking’ for visitors, and as I stepped out of Suzanne’s rusting Ford Fiesta, I couldn’t help but feel a little out of place.

Even with a cool breeze ruffling my blonde hair, the hubbub of conversation was unmistakable as we approached the house. With the blinds drawn, a stranger would be oblivious to what was going on inside though. As we waited at the front door, my heart pounded against my ribcage. An electrifying mixture of chemicals surged through my veins as curiosity and fear swayed my emotions. I couldn’t take much more suspense.

Finally the door swung open.

“Suzanne! I’m so glad you could make it.” A radiant, golden-haired woman stood before us. Her attire left me in no doubt that this was a special occasion. Her dark dress fell to the floor and hugged her figure so tightly that she must have been poured into it.

If Suzanne felt nervous, it certainly didn’t show. “Thank you for inviting us, Mrs Hutchinson,” she turned to me. “This is my friend Carla. She’s just as interested in all this as I am.”

Kirsten’s eyes scanned me. I felt as if I was under the scrutiny of a thousand microscopes. After what felt like an eternity she smiled and held out a slender hand for me to shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Carla. Please call me Kirsten. Welcome to The Velvet Thorn, a place where likeminded adults can make fantasies of sexual deviance reality.”

I wanted to speak, but my throat was as dry as sawdust. Her delicate fingers had ten times more strength than I could muster. Her smile turned into a smirk as she sensed my apprehension.

“Malachi,” she turned and called out. “We have guests. Come and take their coats for me.”

My eyes popped from their sockets as her husband entered the hallway. Nothing could've prepared me for his completely naked appearance.

“May I take your coat, Madam?” he held out an arm for me to drape my coat across. His thinning hair was tidily parted as one would expect, but apart from the bow tie around his neck and the bizarre stainless steel cage encasing his shaft, there was not a stitch of clothing on him anywhere.

“W… What’s that?” I stammered, pointing towards the cage.

“Around his cock, dear?” Kirsten replied. “A chastity device. It stops Malachi becoming, how shall we put this, distracted if he ever has some time alone.”

“So, you control when he gets hard?”

“That’s right, only I have the key to his cock.” She turned to her husband. “You’re being a good boy and running errands as a butler tonight, aren’t you, my love?”

“That’s right, Mistress.”

As we handed him our coats, what shook me the most was his calmness. If he felt embarrassed by the situation, there was no sign of it. He just kept still and looked straight ahead, not daring to look his wife in the eye.

“Why don’t you fetch our guests a glass of champagne?” I realised this was an order not a request from Kirsten. “I’ll show them to the living room.”

Trepidation filled my mind as I followed Kirsten and Suzanne down the hallway. I felt as if I was walking through a swamp in lead boots. I was sure I was going to be shocked by what I saw, but even then nothing could've prepared me for the scene played out before me.

The living room was spacious with a high ceiling that made it feel even roomier. A glittering chandelier hung from it illuminating the room. In the open space in front of the fireplace had been erected what would best be described as a padded table. However it certainly wasn’t holding nibbles for the guests.

“There are a couple of ground rules you should be aware of,” said Kirsten. “Obviously, people’s inhibitions are a lot lower here than they are normally, however the rule is strictly no touching without permission. Everything here has to be consensual, and no always means no. Similarly, if you wish to be involved in the demonstration scene at the front of the room, then you must seek the permission of the dominant in charge first. Enjoy the party, girls.”

She strolled away and left us to take in our surroundings. At least twenty fellow partygoers were dispersed around the room and the dress code followed a simple pattern; either you dressed as formally as Kirsten, or as barely clad as Malachi. Men in sharp suits and women in exquisite frocks interspersed with their peers who revelled in appearing in their underwear or less. An array of collars and cuffs adorned those more scantily clad. There was no obligation to take in the evening’s entertainment.

“Your drinks, ladies.”

I spun round. Malachi had returned. I’d been so caught in the moment that I’d forgotten Suzanne was at my side. We accepted the glasses he offered from a silver platter before he traipsed back through the throng of people. His movements were so automatic they appeared hypnotic.

“Right. I’m off to mingle in,” Suzanne said, taking a quick swig of champagne. “I’ll leave you to do what you want.”

“Suze!” I hissed. “You can’t leave me alone here; I don’t know any of these people!”

“You’ll be fine, Carla,” she replied. “Just play it smooth and you’ll be fine. How many years have I been telling you that now?”

It took an effort not to grab at the hem of her dress as she drifted away into the crowd. That was the biggest difference between Suzanne and me. She felt totally at ease in any situation while I, on the other hand, was doing my best not to let my awkwardness show.

I turned back to the scene on the table. It was so brutal that I should’ve instinctively turned my back on it. It was impossible, though. Everything I’d fantasized about was being played out before me.

A young woman lay naked, blindfolded and bound to the table. Her legs folded over the edge of the table so her shaved pussy scooted right up against the table’s edge. As she wriggled against her restraints, she moaned intermittently and her ginger hair tossed and turned.

On the floor at the foot of the table, another girl, a brunette, was kneeling naked, her hands cuffed behind her back, her eyes level with the table top. Attached to her mouth was a long phallic shaped object I’d best describe as a ‘dildo gag’. As she thrust her head back and forth, the black rubber penis was ravaging her fellow captive’s pussy.

When Suzanne told me there would be entertainment, I envisaged perhaps a demonstration with some rope, with the person being bound still fully clothed. Never for a second did I expect to walk into what appeared to be an open sex scene. I could only imagine how much courage it must take to strip off and let go of all inhibitions before such a large audience. The closest I’d ever come was a bit of drunken strip poker while at college that I swore I’d never tell another soul about.

A well-dressed man stood next to the table acted as master of ceremonies. His voice was gruff and bellowing; I couldn’t imagine him ever talking and not being audible to everyone in the room. The animalistic glint in his eye told me that he was in his element. How he coaxed his prisoners into such a predicament I was unable to fathom.

“There we go. How do you like that, my little pet?” his voice bellowed.

The redhead gyrated her body in time with the thrusting dildo, her moans becoming more thunderous by the second. “It feels amazing, thank you, Sir,” she panted, barely able to control the words.

Any sane person would’ve rightfully retorted that the scene was vulgar in the extreme, but I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Without thinking, I approached closer, as if the table’s magnetic field pulled me in. Spellbound by the redhead’s moaning and writhing, I wanted to reach and touch her, to see if I could share the passion rushing through her veins.

Only a few metres away from her, disaster struck. I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but somehow my shoes caught in the carpet, sending me head first towards the floor. I would've been less embarrassed if I’d walked into the room completely naked. Still kneeling on the floor, I cursed Suzanne for forcing me to wear heels. Then I felt a tall shadow hanging over me and all the blood drained from face.

“Stay still,” came a cool and commanding voice. I saw a pair of immaculately polished dark leather shoes, each topped off with a smart charcoal trouser leg.

I didn’t want to stay still though. I’d already made a mess of the carpet with my champagne; the last thing I wanted was to remain at the scene of the crime. Every fibre in my body screamed at me to get up and run.

“I said stay still. Let me check your ankle,” the voice growled. He put his hands on my shoulder to prevent me from getting up and knelt down next to me. His short dark hair was cut to a precision of a laser, while his muscular shoulders were practically bursting the seams of his suit.

Without asking, he prodded and probed my ankle. It was throbbing alright, but I couldn’t help feeling his concern was a little excessive.

After a minute or so of silence, his assessment was complete. When he looked up at me, I was met with the most dazzling pair of emerald eyes I’d ever seen. I wanted to say something; something like ‘what the hell do you think you’re doing’, but the power of speech had forsaken me.

“I don’t think it’s too bad,” he said. “You should be okay for the rest of the evening. Now give me your hand.”

His palm wrapped around mine like a bear’s paw and hauled me to my feet. At first I swayed; my ankle must have been worse than I thought. He put his other hand on my side to steady me.

“There we go.” He kept a hand on my shoulder as if he was concerned I’d topple over without warning. “Now, I can’t say I’ve ever seen you at a party before.”

The piercing look in his eyes cut me into a thousand pieces. “It’s… It’s my first time,” I pointed towards a crowd of people, where Suzanne was engaged in deep conversation with a sophisticated dark haired woman. “I’ve come with my friend.”

“Well, I certainly I hope you’re enjoying yourself tonight,” the strength of his hand on my shoulder bit into my skin. “Members of this club consider it very exclusive. I’m Conrad Pierce. Welcome to The Velvet Thorn.”

His formal introduction took me by surprise. “Carla James,” I replied.

He took hold of my hand and squeezed it. The heat from his skin made my palm feel like it was in a furnace. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss James.”

For a few seconds there was silence between us as I took in my surroundings again. I was so far out of my comfort zone it was unreal. The only thing that stopped me running for the hills was the mystical hold this mesmerising man had over me. It was like he’d created a force field that was impossible to break out of.

When I looked back at him, his eyes were looking over my shoulder. I turned to follow their gaze and immediately saw what had caught his attention. The bound redhead writhed from side to side on the table, and screeched loud enough to gain much of the room’s attention. Her captor stood over her, holding a lit candle.

“Let’s see how my little slut reacts to this,” he roared.

Even though I half expected what happened next, I still wasn’t prepared for it. With a jerk of his wrist the man sent a few beads of wax onto the redhead’s stomach. For a split second her body froze, then she yelped like a small puppy trying to scare an intruder. All the while, the brunette with the dildo gag continued to thrust in and out of her as if nothing had happened.

“Thank you Sir,” the redhead panted.

It was all so medieval. It was the kind of thing I’d expect to happen in the Tower of London hundreds of years ago. I should’ve been repulsed by what I saw, but there was nothing I could do to stem the arousal flowing through me. It was only her restraints that stopped the redhead leaping off the table as the man dropped another trail of wax over her skin.

When I turned back to face Conrad, a smile crossed his face. I could tell he’d been watching me. “It seems you’re enjoying tonight’s entertainment, Miss James. I take it you’ve been interested in this lifestyle for some time?”

My knees trembled. Was I really about to open up my soul to this man I’d just met? “It hasn’t been a long time,” I stammered. “It’s certainly something that has taken over my mind though.”

“Well, I think you’ll quickly realise, Miss James, that you are definitely not alone in that feeling. One of the aims of The Velvet Thorn is to introduce new people to the lifestyle in an as nurturing manner of possible, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

There was one issue that’d been stuck in my mind ever since Suzanne had first mentioned it. The way the question escaped from my mouth took me by as much surprise as it did Conrad though.

“Is it true?” I asked, my stomach churned the words around like a washing machine before they came out my mouth. “Are there really private rooms available to go to?”

He stifled a laugh. “It certainly is true, Miss James. There aren’t many boundaries here. If you have a fantasy spinning around in your mind, then The Velvet Thorn is the place to make it a reality. It’s not something I’d advise at your first party though. It’s best to get to know people properly before you dive in too deep.”

I nodded in agreement. Looking back towards the table, I saw the man now clutched a riding crop. He ran it up and down the redhead’s wax-smattered torso, gently flicking it against her skin. She shivered with delight as he rubbed it over the glistening inner folds of her pussy, before moving it towards her face. “Taste your juices, my little slut,” he said. “Feel just how wet all this makes you.”

I couldn’t believe the redhead’s reaction. She ran her lips and tongue all over the crop like a cat devouring a bowl of cream. I turned to Conrad, and again, the words came out of my mouth before I could fully process them. “Is it wrong how turned on I am by all this?”

This time he couldn’t hide the grin that spread across his face. “Absolutely not, Miss James. You’re only just discovering how liberating it can be to let someone else take control of your body, but you’d be surprised how many people get off on that. Can I ask what you do for a living?”

“I’m an English teacher.”

He nodded. “So, a job where you’re in charge for the most part. I’m not surprised the thought of alleviating the pressures that come with that appeals to you.”

At this moment, the only thing that was scaring me more than my own arousal was the attraction I had to this man. He was so assured in these surroundings, while I was a quivering wreck, barely able to splutter my words in the right order. I was so used to my brain turning to jelly as soon I was around someone I had the slightest attraction to though, that I already had a back-up plan in place.

“Thank you for your help tonight,” I murmured, barely able to look him in the eye. “I must be going now though; I need to find my friend.”

“The pleasure was all mine, Miss James. If our paths don’t cross again, I wish you all the best on your journey of self-discovery.”

Nice Work, Carla, I thought to myself as I scuttled away. Why can you never do something as simple as getting to know someone you actually fancy? He helped you, and he actually seemed nice!

I had no idea what I’d tell Suzanne if I actually found her. All I really wanted to do right now was curl up under my duvet, and rub my clit until I passed out. I don’t think I’d ever had so much arousal pent up inside me, or wetness accumulating in my panties.

As I went from one side of the living room from the other, I kept stealing glances at the redhead. Her captor was sporadically striking her sides with the riding crop. With each blow her limbs locked up and pulled against their restraints. I tried to imagine what it must be like to be in her position. She was so helpless, yet I knew she enjoyed her predicament.

I reached the far side of the room; there was still no sign of Suzanne. My heart rate raised a notch as I retraced my footsteps. She’d been so confident about coming here. Surely there was no way anything could’ve happened to her?

I remembered the last time I’d seen her. She’d been talking to that woman. She’d looked so glamorous, there was no way she could've abducted her, surely? Then again, this was exactly the kind of environment where looks could be deceiving.

Perhaps she’d gotten freaked out and decided to go and hide in the car. The thought had already crossed my. She wouldn’t have left without me though, I was certain of that.

I pulled my phone from my clutch and dialled her number. No response. Silently, I cursed her for leaving me in such a predicament. Even though I hadn’t been with her for most of the evening, not having her around as a safety net made me feel much more exposed, like I was walking around the room in my underwear.

As my heart fluttered, goose bumps rose on my arms. One set of eyes in particular zeroed in on me. They belonged to a short, bald man. His dark, beady pupils followed me across the room like a cruise missile homing in on its target. The hideous smile smeared across his face was more than a little suggestive.

I looked back towards the table at the front of the room, trying to convince myself I wasn’t absolutely terrified. The redhead’s joints were locked tight, her arms prying against their restraints. The trails of dark wax drizzled across were such a contrast to her delicate pale skin, flowing like rivers across her pert breasts then down her stomach towards her mound.

“Please, Sir, may I come?” she gasped between long, drawn out breaths, as the bound brunette on the floor thrust the dildo in and out of her pussy like a pneumatic drill.

“No, you may not. Sluts like you need to learn control,” her captor snapped back. He cracked the riding crop against her thigh several times, and her howls echoed around the high ceiling of the living room.

Seeing red welts raise where the crop had struck sent a chill down my spine. It hammered home that none of what I beheld was an act, and that from an emotional and physical standpoint it was all very real.

Feeling disgusted that I’d become so engrossed in it all, I turned away. The first thing I saw was the bald headed, beady-eyed man, suddenly within touching distance, his stare even more menacing before. For a few seconds our eyes met, then he leaned into me and muttered so quietly that only I could hear.

“You’re loving this aren’t you, you filthy, filthy slut?”

“W… What?” I croaked.

“Don’t try and hide it,” he shot back. “I’ve been watching you all evening. You haven’t been able to take your eyes off that fuck toy for even a second. You know what I think I should do?”

My voice box was frozen with terror. I shook my head.

“I think I should take you upstairs, get you over my knee, and give a slut like you a good seeing to.”

That was it. It was time to take flight. No one’s words had freaked me out like the ones uttered by this monster of a man. All I wanted to do was get back to the car. I felt sure I’d find Suzanne there. At least I’d be able to rib her for a few days about how she’d chickened out before me.

Just as I was about to make my move however, a knight in shining armour leapt in to save me. It would’ve been more appropriate if he’d swung in from the chandelier and hoisted me away, but as he forced his way between me and the bald man, I knew beggars couldn’t be choosers.

“Excuse me, is there a problem here?” asked Conrad, his dazzling green eyes ablaze with passion. My mouth was so dry that all I could do was shyly look at him, like a foolish child, grateful someone more responsible had jumped in to rescue her.

“You really need to stop being so predatory, Oscar,” he said, glaring at the bald man. “You’re giving The Velvet Thorn a reputation that goes against everything it stands for.”

Oscar’s face had gone red and his temples bulged like he was ready to burst. “Stupid bitch!” he snarled in my direction. “I don’t need a slut like you anyway.” He took a swift swig of champagne and scuttled away.

“I’m so sorry,” Conrad turned to face me. “He had no right to approach you like that.”

“It’s ok,” I stuttered. “Thank you.”

“Thank you for what, dear?”

“Thank you for rescuing me.”

Conrad smiled. “It was no rescue mission, Miss James. He had no right to approach you in that manner. However, if there’s one damsel in distress I have no qualms helping out from time to time, then it’s you.

I gulped. “Why do you say that?”

“Oh, a number of reasons, Miss James. You’re a very beautiful young lady, of course, but what I really like about you is your shy inquisitiveness. I can tell a seed has been planted in your mind, and now you find it difficult to think of anything else.”

I looked over to see the bound brunette. She was still fucking the redhead like her life depended on it. My heart pounded at the question I was about to ask. For some reason my feelings for this magnetic man went past simple attraction. I trusted him.

“Are you dominant?” I blurted out. “Do you like to tie people up?”

“Well if you want to put it that way, Miss James, yes I do.” He smiled. “I enjoy control, particularly when I can see the pleasure it brings someone else to relinquish power.”

My nerves jangled. My breathing shuffled so much that words came out of my mouth before my brain could comprehend how foolhardy they were.

“Will you show me?”

Conrad paused, eyeing me up and down. I sensed him sizing me up, assessing how serious I was.

“What would you like me to show you, Miss James?”

I took a long, hard breath. The last thing I wanted to do was verbalise my desires. Admitting to them would only deepen the shame I felt at my arousal. I’d already come so far out of my comfort zone though. There was no turning back.

“I’m not sure,” I stammered. “I want to know what it feels like to be her.” I glanced in the direction of the redhead as she erupted in the scream that signalled her orgasm.

Conrad nodded curtly. “Well, Miss James, it’s not very often a girl as pretty as you crawls into my web and offers her submission. I’d certainly be very foolish to pass you by. You must understand that this is not a game to me though.”

My bottom lip quivered. “Would you punish me?”

He moved his head close to mine, so close that our noses were practically touching. “If you weren’t capable of obedience, Miss James, I’d have no choice other than to correct you. I realise you’re new to this though, so I would never force you further than you’re able to go.”

The crisp authority in his voice made me feel like an ice lolly melting under a hot sun. I was putty in his hands.

“I need to know,” I whispered. “I need to feel what it’s like.”

He kissed me softly on the forehead. “It takes an awful lot of courage to completely give in to someone, to follow their lead without hesitation. It’s a strength that must be cherished and respected. There may be times when you’re scared, Miss James. You’ll certainly be made to feel vulnerable. It’s all a matter of trust though, and you have my word that you’ll never be harmed in my presence.”

He held out a hand for me, and even though I’d already made my decision, I spent what felt like an eternity staring at it. How the situation had spiralled to the point where I was actually going to allow this man to dominate me, I wasn’t sure. To blindly follow someone into the dark was completely at odds with my personality. I’d let my arousal get the better of me, but the cravings running through me were unlike anything I’d experienced before, and now, for better or worse, I was about to have them satisfied.

Authors Note: This is the first part of a longer story, with quite a gradual build up. Thank you to Mike for the huge amount of time he has given up helping me edit and improve my work. Any feedback is gratefully received. Thank you for reading!

Same as Asymmetry Ch. 01 Videos

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Exposing Alice II

My wife, Alice, is a hot fifty-two-year old. She’s a natural blonde. Her five-foot-three body is slim and trim. Her perky tits fill a B-cup to overflowing and, when free, are firm and topped with luscious nipples. In a word, she is hot. And she loves to fuck. Although she may appear to be prim and proper, when we go out she’ll dress as sexy as I want. She loves to be admired and I like it too. The morning after exposing herself to the pizza guy and our hot sex right afterward, Alice said, “I...

2 years ago
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The Price For Being A Bitch Chapter 7

"Charles........I have to tell you about a little trouble I've gotten myself into. You remember that I told you that those five women were all volunteers? Well, I left out the fact that I offered each of them a payment. Maybe having sex with you should have been payment enough, but these women didn't owe me a thing. So I made a deal with each of them. Sandra only wanted dinner at a nice reastaurant, so she's satisfied. Melanie wanted to spank my ass, so she's satisfied.The problem is with my...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Aria Skye Getting Back At My Boyfriend

Alex Adams is happy to have caught his petite stepsister Aria Skye in the shower so he can spy on her while masturbating. She catches him stroking it and calls him out on it. When she says she’s going to tell their parents, he swears he’ll cut it out. Later, when Aria finds out that her boyfriend is cheating she decides that Alex is the perfect person to help her get even since she can send a picture of her sucking someone else’s dick. Alex agrees and snaps the pic as Aria goes to town licking...

4 years ago
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Perfect Wife

She sat astride me beautiful naked, my hard cock deep inside her. My hands squeezed her perfect size 36D tits. "God I love it when you do that," Jean groaned. We were perfectly matched, she loved having her tits squeezed and loved squeezing them. Her hips moved against me slowly but with great force. "Squeeze them harder," she groaned and her hips moved faster. She was near now and so was I, I was just hanging in there when she grunted and collapsed on top of me. "Want to fuck my tits...

1 year ago
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My Town IV

The next day I walked into work and saw that Carl was chewing Becky out over something stupid. I put my head down and went about my job hoping the asshole would leave me alone.I was in the back store room sorting a new load of boxes out when Jolene came back. She seemed to be a little sore and when she went to sit down she flinched."Hi Jolene! How are doing today?" I asked."Ok I guess. So has Carl jumped your shit yet? I saw him bitching at Becky. I guess he feels like he needs to take his...

3 years ago
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Trailer trash teen ch7

Razor's parked SUV just outside his strip club, EZ's. An enormous wave of anxiousness washed over her as she stared at the blinking lights that encircled the building; she studied the entrance, the Budweiser beer banners, and the large, well-lit marquee that promised the "most beautiful women in town". Looking down at herself, the teenage girl could only sarcastically think, Women? Razor was on his cell phone. From what the girl could gather he was speaking to one of his...

2 years ago
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Lonely Woman

"James, would be so kind as to come over and spend some time with me, I am a lonely woman." She said softly to me over the phone. "Why sure June, no problem, I will be right over and you will be lonely no more." I replied. "Well good, I will be ready and waiting." June responded. Now I had something to do other than homework or watch tv. My best buddies mom, June, is lonely. Maybe we can watch a movie or play some video games. I have always liked June, she and I seem to click and we have great...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 200

With a slight frown of worry, the Queen leaned over to lightly kiss her mate again. "My husband sitting alone in the dark worries me. Are you sure it's not something I've done?" He squeezed her hand for a moment. "You treat me like a king. I'll discuss things with you later. But right now, I just need to be alone with Little One for a while. Okay?" The Queen sighed as she stood looking at her husband. "All right, but I'm not going to let you forget this. I want to know what's...

4 years ago
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Stress Relief

I was so completely stressed. The day, hell, the week had been brutal. I just wanted to relax, quietly. I found my room, locked the door behind me and removed my clothing. First, my top, then my pants, followed by my bra and panties. I paused a moment in front of the mirror admiring some curves, like my ass, begrudging others, like my tummy. Ultimately, I still feel sexy, even with a few extra pounds and no matter what, I know I have great tits. That means a lot, right? I took the lotion from...

2 years ago
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KellyChapter 20

"Hi Daddy!" Chuck turned toward the voice and froze, his eyes wide in shock. For a moment, he saw his Helen, but she wouldn't be calling him Daddy... Then she stepped into the full light of the morning sun. "Deanna!" He stood and walked hesitantly toward her, stopping a pace away. "I've missed you, Poppin." "I've missed you too, Daddy!" They looked at each other for a moment, and then Chuck opened his arms. Deanna took the last step between them, wrapping her arms around...

1 year ago
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The Nuclear Option

It was not a good day. The arthritis in my fingers was playing up making the keyboard an instrument of torture. Dictating with one of those speech to text apps gave some relief, but not a lot.That was half of the problem, the other half was never knowing whether to sit still or keep moving; whatever I did the pain crept into my hips and spine.If I kept my chair at exactly the right angle, I could just about stay comfortable and concentrate on what I was saying to the computer. Every hour my...

3 years ago
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Teresa ScaliaThe Final Confrontation

Sitting at her desk with telephone in hand, Roxanne Starr put the finishing touches on a negotiation. "Okay then we're in agreement. Guaranteed controlled access for the night of the 23rd, one person in-house who can operate stage lighting, curtains, and the automated video equipment, and I pay $5000 to rent the hall with a $200 kick back to you." Roxanne paused for a moment as the party on the other end responded. "Very well, I'll be in touch." Thinking to herself, "The venue is...

3 years ago
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Catching Up Part 6

After the bright, brisk Hello with which she answered the phone, Fenella’s next words, Oh Jo, how lovely, came at a lower, more intimate pitch, with a throaty, feline vibrancy that sent pleasurable shivers over my skin. “Are you back home now?” “Yes, I’ve been home for a while.” I took a breath to steady myself, then went on: “I’ve been reading. About you. And about Pilar…” “Oh…?” Her voice softened still more to a silkily caressing purr. “And…?” “I got to the bit where you and she first danced...

3 years ago
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The Competition

The contest began innocently enough, as I guess all such things usually do.  Friendly competition between friends.  Who’s fastest, who is smarter, who is more skilled at some silly game.  But the consequences of a challenge cannot be foreseen.  And winning and losing is an illusion.  Sometimes one wins by losing.  Sometimes there are no losers. Sarah and I (I’m Jonathan) had been married for seven years.  Our best friends were another couple, Brad and Veronica.  We’d met them as members of a...

Group Sex
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An Unbearable Christmas Surprise

The air outside was very cool. The weatherman announced that it was twenty degrees Fahrenheit. A week ago, the temperature had been in the sixties at midnight. The world outside had definitely taken on a different look. Several inches of fluffy white snow covered the ground. The trees were bare; the last of the holdouts having lost their leaves during the previous week. The sky was a neutral gray and the sun was preparing for one final hurrah before it would begin to sink in the west. As I...

1 year ago
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Brandon and Danielle

It takes balls to hit on a pharmacy cashier who's ringing up the condoms you're buying to fuck someone else. Brandon Jamison had no shortage of balls. Danielle Smith was blonde, cute, nineteen, a student and new to town. Brandon chatted her up while he laid out the cash for a box of twenty-four Magnum condoms and offered to show her around. He left with five ninety-five in change, a box of condoms clearly intended for a fuck session with someone else, and her phone number. Several days later,...

First Time
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Ki zataka

Hello doston, manisha hazir hai… phir ek nai kahani ke sath, apni chauthi kahani ke sath. Ye meri gf, anita, ka anubhav hai. Sirf andaze-bayan mera hai. Baat uski hai, labz mere hai. Kyon ki baat uski hai, maine ise usiki zubani pesh kiya hai. To aage anita ke munh se suniye….. Main jab college me padhati thi, to hamara saat ladkiyon ka group tha. Lekin un sab me pallavi meri khas saheli thi. Wo ek chhote gaon se aayi thi. Is shahar me paying guest ban ke rahati thi. Umra ke hisab se hamko bhi...

1 year ago
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The Frog PrinceChapter 3

Princesses don’t have much to do with the daily running of a kingdom. The fact is that a princess might go all day without seeing her parents, except for meals. And if a princess wishes to go on a picnic with her lady’s maid, at least if it’s within the gardens inside the castle walls, then her absence from a meal isn’t seen as odd either. On this day the princess decided to do just that. To that end she sent Stephanie to the kitchen to arrange for a basket of edibles to be prepared. But...

2 years ago
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LauraChapter 1                Laura's boyfriend Derek used to be a loving guy. Derek could instantly remember how hard his dick got when he first saw her in his psychology class last semester. She was 5' 2 with shoulder length chocolate colored hair and hazel eyes. He remembered how on the first day she tried to hide her giant 36 EE breasts under a thick sweater, but anyone could tell by just a glance that there were some massive knockers under there. Being the smooth talker that he was, he...

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Young black man mature white female

My gorgeous mature white wife went to our nude, adult campsite we use. She wanted to relax, maybe find a young black man to have sex with as over the years she's enjoyed having several black men as sexual partners. She's 54, just about to turn 55, but easily passes for 10 years younger. She has a great mature curvy figure, is 44E-38-45, has long blonde hair, blue eyes, hairy bush and takes great pride in being all natural. Some wrinkles, little extra here and there, but a truly voluptuous...

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family SECRETS PT 3

I made sure my dad fucked me every night,i wanted to have his baby.I bought one of those home pregnancy test.yes im pregnant.i was so excited.i called him on the job and said i will have a surprise when you come home.i had my robe on when he came home.he sat at his desk,and got up off the bed and stood in front on him and opened my robe.and showed him my little bump.I said this my gift to you.he kissed my stomach and said THANK YOU.I said i want you to fuck i dropped the robe and bent...

3 years ago
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Drakes Life

Drake Bartel is a rich 18 year old senior in high school. He is of average height, and build. He has short brown hair, and blue eyes. He lives with his mom, Jessica, who is a 35 year old supermodel with many partners, both male and female. Also his sisters Megan and Melissa still live at home, they are 20 year old identical twins who do everything together, and even still share a room. Also living in the mansion are the staff. There's the butler, Alfred. And the maid, Clara. The gardener,...

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whole something new

So I have a girlfriend and we do allot of stuff but like all men I have dreams. Every guy in the world will tell you that there are thing you would love to do that you keep to yourself and don’t tell your chick unless she’s in to that thing. I got to do my dream thing last week and I just could not believe my luck. Let’s start at the beginning I move a few weeks ago and I don’t really know anyone in my area. So I'm on collage and I'm studying accounting but just out of high school so I'm still...

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Jessa The Sequel

"Claude, I'm trusting you to watch her like a hawk," he told me, strolling to me. "I've warned her so many times to watch it. She has a mouth and pushes the limits at every turn. I know she is just your younger step sister, but I'm sure you have some instincts to protect her. I can't blame you for that, but I'm asking you to keep her in this house for the weekend," he explained before he leaned towards me. "I'll do my best, Brian." He turned to her. "I love you to death, Jessa, but I've had it....

2 years ago
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The John and Susan Sex Diaries Ch 01

There was a knock at the front door, I moved to open it knowing full well who it would be. I opened up and there she stood, my Susan, five foot, four inches of prettiness, large breasts and more than one person’s fair share of pure, unadulterated sexuality. Why she fancied me is one of life’s mysteries, but I wasn’t about to complain. I had dressed exactly as she had asked me to, a dressing gown with nothing on underneath except a liberal dousing of Aramis plus a hint of Quorum, her favourite...

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Thenai Marathil Saaithu Oothen

Vanakam. Enathu peyar Kathir vayathu 25 naan pudhukottaiyil vasithu varugiren enaku velinaatil 3 maathangaluku vellai paarthu vittu ippozhuthu sontha uuril irukiren enathu gramathil niraiya thopugal irukum angu niraiya thena marangalum irukum. Enathu gramathil azhagana ilam pengal niraiya irupaargal veedugal ondraaga irukum thopugal uurai thali irukum aanal anaivaru ingu vanthu kaathu vaanga aasai paduvar. Enathu veetil naan oruvarn mattum thaan ithuvarai naan 7 pengalai currect seithu oothu...

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JulesJordan Emily Willis Teen Anal Slut Emily Willis Gets Her Tight Asshole Satisfied

Sexy schoolgirl Emily Willis gets her ass pounded by Jules Jordan! Emily’s a petite Latina beauty with perfect perky tits and a tight teen body. She’s dressed in her schoolgirl outfit with a white button down, black mini-skirt, knee high socks, and black high heels. She admires herself in the mirror as she slowly unbuttons her top to expose her black lace bra, then flips up her skirt so we can see that she’s wearing a matching thong to go with it. Emily climbs on to the bed where she removes...

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Anas life

Ana is a woman who grew up in a family that was not poor but, still not much money came there way. So to at 36yrs. a great husband Tom a 38yrs. investment banker in the big city and Mary her sixteen year old daughter and their three story home she felt like a queen but, she always felt she owed it to people to help as much as she could. The high school asked her to run the food stand that the football games she did her beat even making homemade candies and cookies. As a reward for a good job...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Jadyn 09272018

19 year old leggy blonde Jadyn is actually not doing her first porn scene today. Now, you know how fanatical we are about bringing you fresh first-timers. But today we’re making an exception, even though our super cute local has done 2 other scenes before today. First, she said she’s open to losing her anal virginity on camera today for us. Hello! Yeah, we’ll take that. But more importantly, one of ExCoGi’s most popular girls, Madison, is about to shoot her girl-girl-boy...

4 years ago
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My Neighbors 2

We’d given up trying to watch the movie. Just as we’d start to settle down and enjoy it, we would get ‘distracted’. This first of these ‘distractions’, was when I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her still bare crotch. My body had reacted accordingly, which, in my state of nakedness, was quite noticeable. She of course, noticed, and I nearly ended up in a sexual coma while she gloated, still fully charged and ready for more. But I digress. The next morning I awoke feeling slightly...

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My morning at the gym

So my stepmother Karen had this amazing house, it was a huge plus to dad. One of the things he told me before he died was, If I woman has her own house. She has her shit together and will make a great wife. Dad was full of these goofy sayings and the older I got the more he felt he had to share them with me, he always tried to sounded like he knew all about women. The biggest plus to me was this huge gym that was built onto the back of the garage. It was laid out just like a pro gym and it...

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Dont Ask Dont TellChapter 6

I paid my money and cruised both sides of the store — there were about fifteen guys between the theaters and the booths. There was a couple cuddled in the couples only section of the theater. They were sitting close, but there wasn't much action. It was too dark to tell for sure, but the woman appeared fairly attractive. She was in Jeans and an oversized shirt, so it was kind of hard to see her body very well. She was clearly not carrying lots of extra weight, anyway. I went back to the...

2 years ago
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I stood there in the shadows watching them. Stunned? Oh no, much worse than stunned, I was destroyed. My wife of twenty-six years was naked and on her knees, in front of our living room couch, sucking him off. Him? He's her boss at the William's Travel Agency. I never had a clue. I had decided to come home for lunch. Trace went home every day at noon; she only worked mornings. I had intended to surprise her, yes it's a cliché; hell it's the cliché of clichés that a cheated on spouse shows...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 3

A recap. I am an 18 year old high school student on the school’s baseball team. Coach H, my baseball coach, is in his late 50’s, has a hairy athletic body, and a large veiny cock. Coach H caught me masturbating in the locker room after a late Friday practice. He told me that masturbation was natural before he joined me. We ended up in his office where he fucked me in the ass after tongue fucking my hole. Afterwards Coach H told me that that if I felt like masturbating with him again to...

1 year ago
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Control Sam Control Ch 02

The next day Sam could feel her before he saw her on the platform. Such connections were never uniform, depending on how resistant the subject was, but he tested hers as they waited for the train to arrive. It was hard to concentrate on the crushed and noisy platform but he closed his eyes and made most of the world melt away. He felt his heartbeat steady and then her heartbeat resonated inside of his chest, next to his but in no way kindred. His steady base line was supporting a fast,...

3 years ago
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Fucking my Roommates feet

I was nineteen, (about three years ago) when I had my first real life experience testing my foot fetish. I had been aware of my fetish since I was in middle school, always looking under the table at girl’s feet. The older I got the stronger the fetish became. I’d had a couple girlfriends in high school, but had never had the courage to tell them about my fetish. At the point of this story I was a sophomore in college, about halfway through the year and you could say I was completely obsessed...

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Entering The Lifestyle Part II

If you haven’t read part one yet please do so now, as it shows how this amazing day began. Feel free to comment on anything I have written thus far, as all feedback is greatly appreciated. Now, just sit back, put one finger on the arrow key, place your other fingers wherever you wish, and have a good time!!                 This was like something out of a porn movie. I sit back against the headboard, gripping her hair, as this beautiful sex goddess is trying to take my whole cock in her...

Group Sex
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Daphne Puppy

Daphne was in the kitchen washing the dishes from our dinner when I walked in behind her. She was wearing an old t-shirt of mine and nothing else, and I watched her slight movements for a minute - her legs flexing when she placed dishes in the drainer. Her ass was hidden from my view, but knowing it very well I could imagine its motion. Her blond hair was tied up off her neck, and I admired it's graceful curve. I came up behind her and closed my left hand around her throat. I heard her breath...

3 years ago
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Curiosity Made the Cam Slut Ch 2

Trying to use Sarah to get Anne into my little plot might be interesting, but could also backfire leaving me empty handed. While musing about it, another profile catched my eye. This girl, her name was Nora, looked to be the exact opposite of Sarah: Black long hair, dark eyes, a white skin, silver necklace and a black dress with a deep cleavage. She would probably call herself a goth, punk or emo - I really didn't know anything about this scene stuff, but I knew that she looked damn hot. And...

3 years ago
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Hard wild sex with young guys

Nehitare nanna hesaru anita vayassu 36 naanu modala baarige grup seks maadidda anubhavagalannu bareyuttidene idannu odida namtara nimma anisikegalannu nanage mel maadi tilisi sumaaru dina seks rirade idda naanu omdu dina seks maadalu suman ge pon maadi karede avanu aapees kelasa bittu bamda avanige bekaada timdi maadi kotte amdu saha nanna habbi uralliralilla namage yaara bhayavu iralilla sumaaru hottu ibbaru maataadtaa iddevu namtara naanu baat rumoge hogi bamdu suman ge helide suman tumba...

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Getting Mom Naked

Getting Mom naked!!!Due to this being a true story, I’ve changed our names so as not to embarrass my poor mom . . . . . . . again!.One day when I was 14, I was came back from school and turned into the driveway where mom’s car was normally parked and noticed that it was missing as mom would always beat me and dad back from school and work.Presuming that she was either shopping or round her friends, I let myself in and made a cup of tea to refresh myself while I got ready to take a bath....

1 year ago
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The Story Of Roger Part 3

Roger spent the rest of the evening thinking about Ella and what she had said, he probably had never experienced such an elongated boner in all his life but was determined not to masturbate as for some perverted reason he thought that young Ella would take care of it for him tomorrow, or had he read it all wrong? He tried to convince himself that she was ‘just being neighbourly’ but then kept coming back to how she loved seeing her dad in this very same gown AND wanted him to wear it tomorrow,...

3 years ago
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Summer Dances

This work is copyrighted to the author © 2008. Please don’t remove the author information or make any changes to this story. ———————————————- *** A late evening dance turns into a fun romp for a pair of high society types. First in a possible series of installments.(mf, bj, cloth) Authors Note: I’m just breaking into this and I’d love some more ideas. I’ve always found women’s clothing sexy and I’m trying to find more and more ways to mix it into the action. *** It had been a long night,...

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Since that day

The weekend I finished and my whole body felt heavy, my ass felt more open and empty at the same time, I slept all the rest of the day. The next morning I woke up and had Melany's penis full of milk, I took it out and I felt that my mouth was very sticky, I went to the bathroom to take a shower because I could only smell the semen all over my body. When I get to the bathroom and I look in the mirror, I noticed that my hips grew and widened as my butt was more separated and large, I felt...

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Fucking around college

"Dude, you alright?" Ty asked as he stood next to his friend Mike, who laid on a stretcher and was cared for by a doctor and some paramedics. His hands were bandaged and they had put some mask on his face. "He gonna be okay," the doctor said. "The worst are the hands but those burns won't leave scars if properly treated for. We gonna take your friend to the hospital." "You really made us worry," Jerome, the third of the four friends, said from behind. "When we saw that smoke coming upstairs we...

2 years ago
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The Room

The Room by dale10 He began to whimper like a wounded puppy the moment I entered the room. Of course he couldn't speak, not with the tape over his mouth. He lay on his stomach on the checkered bed sheet, his strong young legs tied to the two rear corners of the bed. His arms were tied together in the small of his back, which emphasized his considerable shoulder muscles. He was the perfect specimen of sixteen year old jock boyhood. I stood for a moment just staring at his great beauty....

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Airport Sex 8211 In Transit Room With A Real Angel

My dear …. Loving… ISS readers and ISS team… Greetings…. Your is back with another real incident (from Bangalore), which I am sure will make you super hot. I was resting in business class lounge for my next flight, in a reputed airport. A customer care girl came (in white shirt with black over coat and in mini) and asked me: sir, I’m lekha, are you comfortable? I answered “yes”. Lekha: sir there is resting facility, sauna, massage, etc, newly introduced. Please come with me I can show you,...

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Stuck on ChaosChapter 4

“You didn’t tell her?” I asked. “Hell no!” he said, “I wanted to live long enough to get you back.” “Maybe I don’t wanna go back.” I said. “Grace ... don’t do this to me.” “You did it to me!” “I had no idea you’d be left behind. I shut the lid to my box ... and you weren’t there. I’ll tell you one thing. Wendy Stage manager took one week to kill the rabbit. I never worked so hard at sex in my life,” I said. “I didn’t even dally with Val ... and she was pissed about it. “As it was ... I...

1 year ago
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Exploited John

John O’Connor looked up from his position in left field and noticed for the first time an older man talking to his coach beside the dugout. He could see the two laughing as they talked and wondered who he was, knowing that if the coach liked him he must be a good guy. A load crack of a wooden bat smashing into a ball rolled across the field drawing his attention back to the game. Quickly scanning the sky, he spotted the ball arcing high into the bright blue sky and heading right towards him. He...

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Wendy the Bored Wife

Wendy and Judy were sitting at a table on a Friday night at a local bar enjoying some Hors d'oeuvre. It was happy hour at the bar, and hot and cold Hors d'oeuvre were being served. Most of the patrons were from the local businesses that would stop in for a drink before heading home for the weekend. It was Wendy's first time at the bar. She normally would rush home to cook dinner for her husband but this morning he left for a weekend fishing trip and wouldn't be back till late Sunday. When...

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EvilAngel Alyssa Reece Cherry Kiss The Spanish Stallion Undefeated Sc 2

In the world of boxing, not just the fights are sweaty: Boxer Maximo Garcia, ‘The Spanish Stallion,’ enters the ring to spar with sexy blonde Cherry Kiss and long-haired brunette Alyssa Reece. The lust-driven chicks strip outta their gym clothes, and Maximo drenches them in oil. They take his big cock in their mouths, sliding on the mat in the course of a playful double blowjob. Maximo slaps Cherry’s cunt till she ejaculates a shower of girl squirt! Alyssa’s snatch rides...

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Wilsons WebChapter 4

"I've been thinking on and off about last night, Clare." In truth I had been thinking of nothing else. "Will you be honest with me?" "I'm not going to give you a blow by blow account if that's what you mean." "A blow by blow account?" I smiled at her choice of words. "That would be very nice, but that's not what I really want to talk about." She had a quizzical look on her face. "I actually want to talk about us. Now, how long have we been trying for a family; eighteen...

2 years ago
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Slutty White Wife Goes Black

Emily's hands were shaking as she fumbled for her keys to the front door in the porch light. "I can't believe I'm doing this." she thought. She opened the door and glanced back at the well dressed, dark skinned man standing a few steps behind her. She smiled and motioned for him to come inside. As Marvell stepped across the threshold, she quickly closed the door. Emily motioned for him to sit on the couch. "Would you like a glass of wine?" She asked as she walked to the kitchen. She noticed her...

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The Last Pharaoh Part 1

My name is Darious, l am Egyptian but raised in England/America , i'm also 17, 6.0 ft tall . l have grey eyes, with a pretty nice build if l don't say so myself, it's somewhere between buff and ripped if I had to compare my body type to someone it would have to be Taylor Lautner's. I have jet black hair with honey color skin that really makes my body seem even more like a typical ancient greek god. Most people tell me I have a strong face like model because of my strong jaw line and nice full...

3 years ago
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Lakeside Cabins Ch 01

(It has been quite some time since I have written anything for Lit. Last week a very generous reader said some wonderful things about my previous submissions. Her sincere appreciation inspired me to attempt to write another story. Thank you Karen. Authors are real people that enjoy feedback, don’t hold back.) The breeze from the lake felt wonderful on her face. The sun was just at the point where one could begin to see the coming sunset. With the clouds in the western sky, it promised to be as...

4 years ago
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A Paladins TrainingChapter 5 When Demons Prey

all characters are over the age of eighteen years ***ARAN - One Year Ago, Emerin Forest Chapel*** Aran had thought his first day of training under Elaina was a nightmare, but the rest of that first week made it look like a summer evening stroll. Three times Aran had had one foot out the door, ready to run – or limp – back to his old life, but each time he’d stopped himself, if just barely. Elaina’s training was nothing short of brutal. She had him up before the sun every morning, then...

2 years ago
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AmlieChapter 17 Students Talk

[Undated Entry] A pub somewhere in Oxford GÉRARD FOUND HIS tutors strangely uninterested in life outside of Oxford, unless the topic was Ancient Greece or Rome or some other esoteric and ultimately futile philosophic musing on the nature of the world or the universe. The nature of the world would be more interesting if it involved girls, females, Gérard was pretty certain, but the college seemed to be permeated by a certain asceticism, at least at first look. His easygoing manner meant he...

4 years ago
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The Goblin Horde

Ertun the old wizard cackled, his frail arm moving manically as he threw himself into his work. He had an epiphany while he was sleeping last night. When he woke he knew that what ever this was would be glorious. The door creaked open but Ertun was unconcerned, there was only one type of creature near his tower. What's more only one of the them would be allowed up here. He turned his head looking at the goblin. Ertun smiled remembering his young days. When he was young he had a run of bad luck...


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