Room For Rent [Part 7 Of 14] free porn video

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"Oh shit," Jenny swore out of the blue as we sat around the kitchen table finishing lunch. "I just remembered! We have the Mikkelson thing tonight!"

"I completely forgot about that!" Steve said.

"Me too!"

It was the second last day of my stay with the Blakes. Even though we'd become close as a threesome, I never fully got over that feeling of being a third wheel in their relationship. Now, observing this back and forth, it brought back how out of the loop I was in this relationship. I had what was so exciting about 'the Mikkelson thing,' or even what it was.

"Well... do you want to cancel?" Steve asked.

"Do we have to?" Jenny asked back. "It's kind of late notice. Besides, you know how much I've been looking forward to it."

"I know," Steve said. "But then what do we do about Bill?"

"He'll be alright for a night on his own, won't he?" Jenny asked as if I wasn't sitting right there.

"Come on, honey, you invited him up here," Steve admonished her. "It's not right to just ditch him when something else comes up."

"I know, but we committed months ago to this thing," Jenny defended.

"What's the Mikkelson thing?" I asked after they'd sat staring silently at each other.

"It's just a private party some friends of ours are throwing," Steve explained.

"We could ask," Jenny suggested.

"To...?" Steve asked, casting a glance in my direction.

"Uh huh," Jenny said, suddenly looking hopeful. "I'll call up Helen. What's the worst that can happen? She'll say no, and we're no worse off than we are now."

"But-" Steve attempted to protest, but Jenny already had her phone out, and was dialing the Mikkelsons.

I shrugged and smiled sheepishly at Steve.

"Hi... Helen?.... Hi, it's Jenny Blake... Yeah. Great! How about you?..." Jenny stood up and wandered out of the room with the phone to her ear.

"I don't understand," I said. "I mean, if it's just a party, what's the big deal?"

"Well, Bill, it's not just a party. It's sort of an event... a really close group, I guess you'd say... but we don't really discuss it outside the group."

"Like Fight Club?" I asked.

"Yes, something like that, I suppose," Steve agreed grinning.

After a few minutes Jenny returned.

"Well?" Steve asked.

"She wasn't sure," Jenny said. "But I told her we wouldn't be able to come if he couldn't, and that we'd vouch for him. If anything happened, it would be on us."

"And..." Steve prompted.

"She agreed," Jenny said, excitedly hopping up and down.


"There were three conditions, though." Jenny warned.

"Conditions?" I asked.

"First is that we tell Bill nothing about what to expect," Jenny informed us. "They want him pure."

"Pure?" I parroted again.

"Never mind," Jenny dismissed me. "It'll be fine. Don't worry. Second, we've been recruited to help with the clean-up afterwards."

Steve nodded as if he'd expected this. "And third?"

"She wouldn't say... only that they'd let us know when the time was right."

"And if we keep those conditions... Bill can come?"

"Uh huh," Jenny nearly squealed.

"Well, it looks like that's that, then."

Jenny pranced over to the space between us, and kissed Steve full on the mouth. Then me. I thought we were about to fuck again for the umpteenth time, but instead Jenny backed off. It was unlike her. I wondered if it had anything to do with the 'Mikkelson thing,' but I knew better than to ask. Instead, Steve and I helped Jenny clear away the dishes.


It was about eight in the evening when we pulled up to the curb across from the Mikkelson's. The house was not unlike the Blake residence, a modest two-story home with vinyl siding in a middle class neighbourhood.

The three of us stood in front of the door. Steve and Jenny were dressed up. Steve wore a dark blue suit. Unfortunately, Steve's clothes wouldn't fit me, so I ended up wearing the same shirt and slacks that Mel had helped me pick out for my trip. They were still pretty casual, but better than the jeans and T-shirts I'd been lounging around in all week. Jenny wore a red dress with a plunging neckline almost down to her belly button. It showed off her curves nicely.

Steve rapped the knocker twice. A few seconds later, the door opened. Behind it was a gorgeous woman with curly black hair, large brown eyes, and luscious lips. Her skin had a lovely Mediterranean darkness to it. Beside her was a taller thin man in a white shirt. He was balding, but what hair he did have was grey and swept backwards, making him look suave and sophisticated.

"Helen! George!" Steve exclaimed.

"Hello," George responded, extending his hand.

"This is Bill," Steve said, introducing us. "He's been staying with us this week."

"Hello Bill," George said shaking my hand. "Welcome."

"We're so glad you came," Helen said in a high voice that was just on the right side of being irritating. She gave me a quick hungry look-over. "Come in! Come in!"

As we stepped inside the living room, we saw other people, gathered in groups chatting and laughing over the sound of some low-key ambient techno music playing quietly on the stereo. One of the men waved at Steve, who returned the salutation.

For the first hour or so we just stood around making small talk as more people arrived. I think there were a total of maybe about thirty or thirty five of them. They tended to be good looking and nicely dressed with ages ranging from their early thirties to early fifties. I was easily the youngest person there.

It wasn't much different from the faculty parties I attended at Clinton State. Of course, I never stayed long at those parties, but left at the first opportunity. Socializing isn't really my thing. I always feel awkward, and not sure what to say to anyone. It was unlikely any of these people had any interest in the nuances of Japanese to English translations of obscure video games, or anything like that.

Instead, I stayed close to Jenny and Steve, who seemed much more natural in this setting. I smiled incessantly, nodding at what seemed the appropriate places, spoke when I was spoken to, and otherwise stayed quiet. We made the rounds, and I was introduced to a number of people whose names I couldn't hope to remember. The pungent smell of burning marijuana originated somewhere in the room, but I couldn't tell where.

At some point Helen appeared to refresh everyone's drink.

"Can I steal Jenny and Steve away for a moment?" Helen asked.

"Uh... sure," I said, though I was unsure how I'd survive this party without them.

The three of them disappeared through an arch into the kitchen, and I was left alone with all these strangers. I looked around the living room, at all the different groups, and then spotted an empty seat on the sofa. At least it looked comfortable. I sat down, trying to look like I was really trying to appreciate the music (it wasn't my taste, but I bobbed my head to the wimpy beat), and was mostly ignored, until a couple of women approached me. Neither of them wore make up, I noticed, but both looked naturally beautiful. It then occurred to me that none of the women at the party had applied make-up. I wondered what the deal was with that.

"Hi," said the taller brunette one.

"Hi," I said.

"Hi," said the shorter blonde with the bigger breasts.

"Hi," I responded to her as well.

"I'm Tracy, and this is Melody," said the blonde. They sat.

"Bill," I replied, offering my hand.

"We know," they said in unison.

"You do?"

"Everyone's been talking about you, Bill," Melody explained.

"They have?"

"We're a pretty tight group," Tracy added. "We don't get a lot of new faces around here. I guess that kind of makes you like a guest of honour."

Both the women were giving me big smiles, and that same hungry look of appraisal that I'd gotten from Helen at the door.

"Are you enjoying yourself so far?" Tracy asked.

"Yeah, it's alright," I lied. "I mean, I'm not really a big party guy or anything."

"Oh, we haven't even begun to party," Melody corrected me, and then started to giggle.

"Stop!" Tracy shouted, also joining in her friend's laughter, and slapping her playfully on the knee.

Someone passed a joint to Melody. She took a deep drag on it.

"Hit?" she asked me, gesturing with the joint.

"No thanks," I said. I never really liked the idea of drugs. They always reminded me of the dumb-ass burn-outs from my high school, who were always laughing at stupid shit. They seemed like total waste-cases, failing all their classes, and getting in trouble. I never wanted to end up like them, sitting around my mom's basement, getting high, and doing jack-shit with my life.

Melody shrugged, and passed the joint to Tracy, who hit it twice and passed it on. Despite my reservations about pot, I didn't want to come off as some uptight square, so I tried to act cool and casual about their drug use, which only made me feel more awkward and self conscious. This made Melody and Tracy laugh even more. At least someone was amused.

There was a sudden ringing sound at the other end of the room. We all turned our heads in that direction to find George standing on a chair and tapping his wine glass with a fork.

"Everyone," he began when the room had quieted down. "Everyone, I want to thank you all for attending tonight. It's great to be amongst so many familiar faces. And we have one new face here as well. Bill? Bill, where are you?"

I stood up. Everyone turned to look at me. I waved and sat down.

"I hope you'll all join us in welcoming Bill to our little gathering," George continued. "Bill, glad to have you here. I hope you really enjoy yourself tonight. Now who's ready to get this party started?"

The crowd gave a cheer. I looked around for Jenny or Steve but couldn't find them. Tracy, too, seemed to have disappeared back into the crowd. But Melody was still seated next to me.

"Alright, ladies, you know what to do," George said.

On cue, Helen turned the stereo back on. This time it was playing an old slow Van Morrison song. The women found partners and began moving slowly in time with the song. Melody danced in front of me, sexily swaying her hips back and forth as she looked down at me. I tried to get up, thinking maybe she wanted me to dance with her, but she placed her hand on my chest and pressed me back.

"Just relax and let it happen," she said.

"Let what happen?" I asked.

"Shh," she silenced me.

I sat back, and Melody turned around. She bent over so her ass was wagging inches from my face. Then she hooked her thumbs into the waistline of her skirt and began to pull, flirtishly showing the top of her light blue thong. She looked back at me, gently biting her lower lip, and rubbed her hand over the curve of her ass. She gave it a playful little smack, before turning around again.

She continued to dance in time to the music, as a finger ran down the neckline of her blouse. She popped a button, and leaned over me, so that the fabric of her top fell away just enough to give me a clear view of her cleavage and the light blue material of the bra that contained it. It was weird - Jenny, Steve and I had been fucking all week, but these small teasing gestures had me more aroused than I'd been since I got to Wisconsin.

Melody, looked down at me as if we were sharing a secret. My face must have shown how much I was enjoying her show. She gave a small giggle, and started working again at the buttons on her blouse. This time, she undid them all in quick succession, and slipped it from her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor.

Surprised, I looked around the room. The other women were also dancing for the men, and in various stages of undressing. Helen was leaning over George with her beautiful large bare breasts in his face. The couple next to us whose names I couldn't remember were still fully dressed, but she was sitting on his lap, and he had his hand down the front of her dress.

Melody rested a knee on the sofa, and leaned forward, pressing her breasts against my face. I deeply inhaled the flowery scent of her perfume. She reached behind and undid her bra, allowing it to fall away. Her breasts hung free. They weren't nearly as large as Helen's or even Jenny's, but they were sexy. She guided one of her nipples to my lips, and I gave it a quick kiss.

The weight of her body slowly descended down mine until she was kneeling between my knees. Looking down, I became aware of my erection conspicuously tenting my pants. Melody, reached out and lightly stroked the length of it through the fabric. Her touch was electric. She looked up and gave me an approving smile.

She stood up and turned around again, still swaying in time with the music. This time, when she pulled on the waist of her skirt, she pulled it all the way down. Still bent, she reached and grabbed my right hand. She guided it between her thighs. I could feel the heat radiating from her thong before I even touched it. She let my curious fingers play across the damp fabric for a few seconds, before moving away.

Finally, she pulled her panties down to the floor, revealing her beautiful pussy. It was completely hairless and smooth. She reached down and spread her lips with her fingers. I could see the pink glistening with arousal. Her middle finger slipped inside herself, and then she leaned forward and pressed it to my lips, letting me inhale the sexy scent of her, as the song ended.

Looking around again, all other women were completely naked now. They all stood proudly over their men, who regarded them with open lust. Even though they were all older than I was, wasn't a single woman in the room I would consider unattractive. On the contrary, their maturity gave them a sense of confidence that was absolutely sexy.

"Bill?" George called out. "Bill, where are you?"

"Here," I said.

"Come here, Bill," George said. "We've got something special planned for you."

"Uh," I said somewhat embarrassed, because I was sporting a fairly conspicuous erection, and didn't want to stand up and have it revealed.

"Come on, Bill," George said with a slight impatience in his voice.

I got up, slightly hunched over with my hands clasped in front of my crotch, and timidly walked to the center of the room, where George was standing. The other guests chuckled at my obvious shyness.

"Relax, Bill," George said with good nature, clapping me on the back. "We have no secrets here."

He gestured to the other guys who were sitting or standing around in a circle. Many of them were also clearly aroused, but were making no attempt to hide it. Cautiously, I let my hands fall to my sides. Again, I noticed that hungry look in the eyes of all the women at the party, as they eyed the prominent bulge in my pants.

"That's better," George said with a smile. "Now Bill, do you know how they induct new members into gangs in LA?"

I shook my head.

"When someone wants to join a gang, he has to be jumped in to demonstrate his loyalty and toughness. The other members will attack the new one for a short period of time. If the pledge can survive the onslaught, he becomes a member... Bill, since you're new to our little gang here, we're going to have to do the same to you. We're going to jump you in."

"Huh?" I asked. But before I knew what was happening, several of the men stepped out of the crowd of guests. They grabbed me by the shoulders, the wrists, and ankles. They began to pull my clothes from my body as I struggled beneath their grasp.

"What the fuck!" I shouted. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Relax, Bill," Melody's voice called from the audience. "Remember what I told you; Just let it happen."

My shirt came off. Then my shoes, and my pants. My erection sprung out into the lamp light of the living room, and waggled around for everyone to see. I tried to cover it with my hands, but they were restrained. Sensing there was nothing I could do, I tried to will myself to relax, as Melody had instructed. Surely, these middle-aged suburbanites didn't really mean to tear my clothes off and beat the shit out of me, I tried to reason with myself.

As my squirming subsided under the restraining strength of the men who held me pinned to the floor, the women, naked and gorgeous, began to step forward, forming a tightening circle around me. Their eyes regarded my naked body more greedily than ever. I was terrified, but also hard as a rock. as they converged on me.

Helen was first. She knelt between my knees, held apart by two pairs of strong hands. Leaning over my body, she dragging her nipples across my stomach as her hands reached up to my shoulders. Her fingernails dug into my skin, and she slowly scratched a light trail down my torso, to the base of my throbbing cock. The pain was arousing. Finally she clutched my cock with both hands, and took the head of it into her mouth. The sensation of it was amazing, as Helen's tongue expertly flicked the underside beneath the head for about twenty seconds.

Then as suddenly as she started, she stopped, stood, and retreated back to the watching crowd. The next woman, a skinny redhead with smaller breasts, took her turn with my body, sucking my nipples, and stroking my cock with a firm hand grip. The next ground her hot wet pussy against my cock. Tracy, who I'd met earlier, was after that, and she actually took me inside of her, riding me passionately for about forty-five seconds.

Gradually the fear subsided. I stopped struggling, and the hands loosened their grip. One by one each of the women came forward and used my body. Some with their mouths, some with their pussies. One wrapped her beautiful large breasts around my cock, squeezing it up and down in her cleavage. Hands and lips explored my entire body. A few adventurous fingers even traveled down past my balls to my asshole... And inside! It was slightly uncomfortable at first, but the discomfort mingled, added to, and was lost in the other sensations.

Jenny made a quick appearance somewhere in the middle of it all. She gave me a brief loud, wet, sloppy blowjob, and then disappeared into the crowd again. I noticed some of the guys were massaging hard-ons through their pants, as they looked on. None of the women spent more than a minute with me, but I lost count of how many there were. Eighteen? Twenty?

Melody, who'd given me the lap dance earlier, was last. She climbed over top of me, and descended on my rigid cock - reverse cowgirl. Lubricated by the spit and juices of all the other women, I slid inside her effortlessly. By now the restraining hands were gone completely, and I was free to move my limbs. I grabbed her hips as her ass bounced up and down on top of me. Her hands plunged in front of her. One cupped my balls. The other stimulated her own clit.

"Fuck," she swore over her shoulder at me.

I don't know what it was about this one word - maybe it was just the breathless tone of her voice - but it was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back and sent me past the point of no return.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed. "I'm gonna fucking cum!"

This received cheers from the other guests.

"Yes, Bill," Melody encouraged. "Give me your young fucking cum."

"Cum! Cum! Cum!" the guests chanted.

In another two seconds, I did. My body tensed, and my eyes squeezed tight shut. I thrust my pelvis hard into Melody, and could feel my cock spurting thick, sticky semen inside of her deliciously warm slippery pussy. The guests broke into enthusiastic applause.

When my cock stopped pulsing and my orgasm subsided, Melody hopped off me. A small trickle of white cum dripped from her pussy, down her thigh, and splashed on my abdomen. She stood, regarded her audience with a proud smile, and took a bow. The guests clapped for her.

Helen came forward with a hot damp wash cloth, and handed it to me.

"Well done, Bill," she said.

"Yes," George agreed, looking down at where I was still lying on the floor, and smiling warmly. "Excellent. Welcome to the gang."

"Thanks," I said, wiping myself with the cloth.

He grabbed my hand (the one not holding the washcloth), and helped me to my feet. After one last round of applause, the crowd began to disperse back to their own conversations or to refill their beverages.

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the rent is due

'good morning miss wick your rent is overdue and needs to be paid in full or you and your partner need to find somewhere else to live' john says'please come in' miss wick says 'lets talk about it''there really is nothing to talk about the rent is due and needs to be paid''please john come inside please'miss wick steps back john enters the house'there really is nothing to talk about pay or leave ' says john as miss wick closes the door'we are desperate please give us more time is there anything...

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As a result of all this, I had been late on several rent payments over the past year, and had been short of the total amount due in several of those months. Paul, the landlord, had berated me multiple times, and had threatened to evict me on numerous occasions. The last time I was short of cash, he had gotten extremely angry, and I worried that he was getting serious about the eviction. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough money to move to another place, let alone find another shitty apartment....

3 years ago
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Cuckold Pays Rent

Guys, if you can’t pay the rent your young wife may have to pay it and you may have to help!Mark and Nancy are a young couple that have been renting a house from me for a couple of years now. They are in their mid twenties and Nancy is a real beauty. Dark curly hair, nice c cup tits, a killer dark tan and a smile to die for. They are good renters and always pay on time so when they told me that Mark lost his job and they were short of the rent money one month I agreed to let them float a few...

4 years ago
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I Paid My Rent

I am a very healthy and vibrant twenty-two-year-old college-aged girl looking for a part time work position for the summer. I am majoring in hospitality management, so I decided to try and find something either in a hotel or the travel industry, but reality hit me one day after an exhaustive job search. I was unemployed and rent was past due. I was desperate and when a girl gets desperate, sometime we do things we probably would not otherwise so.I was late on my apartment rent, so, I went by to...

Group Sex
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Staci Pays The Rent

Life sucked! Staci could not believe how bad things had gotten. When she and Don had married life had seemed so full of promise. They were crazy in love, Don had a good job, they lived in a nice part of town and everything was coming up roses. Then, in the blink of an eye everything went totally to hell. Don had helped pay his way through college by joining ROTC and after graduation he had served three years on active duty and then come home and gone into the reserves. He and Staci had met,...

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2 Bhk For Rent

To find an apartment for rent for two single ladies is now officially categorized as herculean task. I had lost count of number of houses that I and my friend, Riya had visited over the past 6 days. The mobile numbers of brokers filled up my contact list every time we explained the house owner that it is not a family but only two 22 year old unmarried ladies, who are going to move in, he would slowly call the broker to one side of the room and start whispering. We immediately knew that even...

4 years ago
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Paying The Rent

Paying The RentIt looked like being another quiet night together for Miyuke Hamano and Futshime Itagaki.  The two Japanese girls were planning to stay in the flat they rented together and weren't expecting any callers.  They were both fairly shy and were living in a foreign country and so had failed to find friendship beyond each other.  Moreover, both girls were desperately short of money.  Futshime was sprawled on the sofa, staring at a sitcom on the TV and trying to understand the dialogue. ...

3 years ago
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Kelsey Paying the Rent

Prior: Kelsey – “No Dad Stop.” Prior: Kelsey - “Dad that cannot happen Again” “Ok, baby, lick my balls. Suck on them.” “Dad, please don’t make me.” “I don’t want to .” “Quit whining Kelsey. “ What a look on her face as she took my balls in her mouth. My cock was up against her face, rubbing on her cheeks and her nose. “Oh, so sweet. Suck on it. Rub underneath my nuts. “ KELSEY, looked at me. “Dad, please don’t make me do this. Please.” “Put my cock back in your...

2 years ago
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Dragon Ball Z Paying the rent

But she never expected to have to live in a house with an old pervert like Roshi. "Repeat what you just said, now." 18 massaged her forehead with one head, feeling a migraine because of Krilin's foolishness, again. "I owe Master Roshi a few months of rent." Krilin scratched his head, trying to not get nervous under the piercing gaze of his girlfriend. "I have to go find some part-time work to do so I-..." "Just go." The blonde interrupted the man before she lost her cool. The monk...

4 years ago
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Collecting Rent 3

I knocked on the door of Apartment 8 and a second later the door opened and Kevin was stood there.Kevin was married to Helen, and they were a lovely mature retired couple who were always cheerful and happy to chat when ever I came round to collect the rent."Come in Tony, would you like a drink?" Kevin asked"Yes why not" I repliedSo this tubby grey bearded man closed the door behind me and moved into the open kitchen area where he pulled a beer out of the fridge for me."So Helen not here today?"...

2 years ago
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Peggy Pays the Rent

Copyright© 2004 "Please Mr. Foster!" the little blonde teen was almost in tears, "It's just that Mom's been sick and hasn't been able to work!" Actually, her mom was hooked on crack, and everyone in the building knew it. It broke my heart, because I had enjoyed having little Peggy running around the apartment building ever since she was four. Now, ten years later, I had no choice but to evict her and her mother. They were three months behind in the rent, and I wasn't going to keep...

4 years ago
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Rent a room for college

I was on my last year of college and had been sharing an apartment with a bunch of guys. It was fun to start with, but I needed to concentrate on my studies and not party so much this last year. I had the whole summer to find another living place, but had no luck so far.I went down to the local bar one evening and to meet some of my friends. We had a good time and drank my beers slowly. My friends started to get pretty drunk and I was not in a mood to deal with them. So I was about to leave...

3 years ago
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Landlord needs rent

I am a Landlord and have been for maybe 20 years or so. There are lots of good things about owning properties, but there is also the hassle of collecting rents from renters who do not have money. This has always been the most dissatisfying part of being in the Landlord business for me. Sometimes, I will have to go and try and collect the rent without the help of a property manager. It can be somewhat terrifying at times, not knowing who is going to answer the door and if the visit will turn...

1 year ago
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Paying Rent

Troy sat quietly grinning to himself. He turned his gaze, from the floor, in front of him, to the clock, on the piano. He would be leaving in half an hour. He returned his gaze, to the floor, in front of himself, and smiled again. Dean and Troy had been friends for many years. They had many common interests. They shared a love of guns and the out of doors. They had spent many weekends out at Troy’s cabin. Dean had even helped to fix up the old house, so that it was more livable. Over the...

4 years ago
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Wife Pays the Rent

One of the bad things about renting a house is that the landlord can come over whenever he wants to inspect the property. Today was one of those inspections. Cindy had spent most of the morning tidying up the house so that her landlord would see that the place was being taken care of. Another good reason for the extra cleanliness was that Cindy and her husband were 4 months behind in rent. The good news was that Cindy's husband had finally started a new job this week and it looked like they...

1 year ago
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Playing the Rent

Please feel free to read and comment on my other stories. Playing the Rent Lately, I had been thinking of getting a hold of a top country western singer, thinking that maybe I could make some money by selling them the story of the last several months of my life. It started with my car, which had never been much more than rolling metal. Something deep in the motor finally broke and the cost of the repair was more money than I had and certainly more than the car was worth. So...

1 year ago
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Nat and Sandy Pay the Rent Part 3

Story so far - Natasha and Sandy are paying off their backlog of rent by submitting themselves to a relentless sex-party gang fuck. But there are still a few amazing surprises on the way... The living-room group had been putting all their youthful vigour into fucking Natasha's holes, while sticking to their plan of saving their reserves of cum for her young friend. Four of the newly formed gang had retired naked to the kitchen to replenish themselves with water, leaving three to keep all her...

1 year ago
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Collecting rent 6

I knocked on the door of apartment 14 and waited, a moment later the door opened and Steffi stood there, she was a young woman in her twenties, with black and red dyed dreadlocks, several tattoos all over her body, and for the first time I was seeing it, fairly pregnant.I stared at her round bulging belly sticking out from under her black vest and the plump boobs that were pressing against the tight material for a moment before saying "Oh hello Steffi, where's Hans? I've come for the rent i'm...

3 years ago
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Collecting Rent

My names Tony, i'm a fifty year old man, and for several years I've walked past a building site that would eventually become a very nice apartment building, but before it was complete the company behind it went bust, and it went up for auction.Now i'm not a super rich man, i have some savings mainly from an inheritance that was given to me by a passing long distance uncle, but i was curious as to what the place might be worth, so on the day i turned up at the auction house, and then made a bid...

2 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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The Rent Problem

"You have such a beautiful girlfriend," my landlord always said.It was many years ago when I was with her. When we met she was still seventeen years old, but she was already eighteen when our relationship became more serious and we moved in together. I was six years older than her, and much more experienced than she was.She was a gothic Lolita and it fit to her, because she was very small girl. She looked like a doll. A gothic doll, to be precise. But don't get me wrong while she was short and...

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Collecting rent 7

I knocked on apartment door 17 and waited, and then it opened and young Kylie opened the door "Hey Mr Hall what's up?" she asked"It's rent day Kylie" I replied"Oh yeah" she said "You better come in.Kylie was a petite blonde teen who was sharing the apartment with her petite blonde sister Hailey, they were twins and at college, and their mother had rented the apartment from me so they could go to college in the city, while she remained at the family home out in the country.I stood inside the...

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RENT COLLECTION Hi there I am new member here. after reading so many stories here I finally made my mind to put my own experience into words for me and for all of you. I am Mahendra (real name), 40, from Mumbai and am an IT professional. Alongwith my own home, I do own and give on rent few extra rooms. This incident I am sharing has happened around 10 years before. There is a small andhra preadesh family with couple and baby of 11 months residing in our rented room. I knew the family since...

4 years ago
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Rent GirlsChapter 3

I wasn't exactly on pins and needles waiting for Jen to call me but, after a couple days, I began to worry about what had happened. I called her. "Sorry I didn't call you. We've got a problem and Brenda and I are trying to figure out what to do." "What's up?" "Sallie moved out." She went on to tell me that, five minutes after I had left, Johnny and Sallie had shown up. The gist of it was that, after a brief discussion, with Sallie away in the bathroom, Johnny and the other two...

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Rent A Cabin On A Lake

Rent A Cabin On A Lake I inherited a rather large chunk of land completely surrounding a large lake. I also inherited more than enough money to do anything that I wanted to do with it. So I started building cabins to rent out. I hired two young local guys to help me with the grunt work. With their help I was going to build seven cabins near the main road coming into the lake. We put in a nice long dock with a large deck on shore to sunbathe or sit on. They both had young wives that...

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Transforming Brent part 2

I woke up Sunday morning with a painful erection in my chastity and the pumps still attached to my breasts. I reached down trying to find a way to ease the pain in my penis. Nothing seemed to help. Maybe Wendy will be up soon and give me some relief. At least Katherine would be leaving today, so Wendy can take this off me. I'm sure she will be wanting a good fuck tonight. It was almost an hour before Wendy came in and allowed me to get up. "Let's get your pumps off and see how your...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

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Life for Rent Sequel to Lie to Me Part 1

Life for rent Mid July 2016 Parkville, Melbourne, Victoria. (Winter in Australia) Chapter 1 I pressed down harder on her throat. It was effortlessly easy really. She wasn't breathing at all now and her hue of blue merely darkened with each passing moment. It required so very little from me, just the ring and pinkie fingers of my left hand to push back on her windpipe to achieve the effect I desired. I still held the cold steel blade in my palm too. There was fear and there...

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Paying The Rent

Heather slowly shuffled into her apartment building after anotherevening of waiting tables at the diner. It was close to midnight,but Mr. Potter, her landlord's door was open and she could hearhis TV blasting some war movie. She tried to be quiet and sneakby his doorway, but he spotted her and ran outside to intercepther."Where's your rent money this month?" he said stepping out intothe foyer.Heather was shy and had trouble looking people in the eyes. Shelooked down at the floor and saw the...

1 year ago
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Collecting rent Femdom CFNM CEI

This is how I ended up losing money and dignity, but it was all my fault for being so weak! As usual I went to every flat in the building I managed in cheap end of town to collect the rent on the first Friday of the month. All went as it always did until I got the last flat on the list, the one rented by Dean and Ruby.I knocked on the door and it took a while before Lily opened up, she was just tying off a dressing gown and stared at me as I stood there. “What do you want now Tony? We don’t...

2 years ago
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Paying My Rent Revised

All characters involved are 18 or older and some themes may not be suitable for all. The door wouldn't open at first, it's always given me problems and of course on a hard day like this it decides to be at its worst. After a few minutes of struggle, I finally push it open and am hit with a rush of cold air, a welcome feeling mid-summer. Walking into the hallway my first-floor apartment door is a few steps away. Where I live in is just a house split into an upstairs and downstairs...

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Collecting rent 5

So I sat on a chair across from Mrs Kale Summer and her teen daughter Lilly, as they sat on the sofa, glancing at the apartment contract."It's my usual contract, just the regular terms and conditions" I said as Kale a hot redheaded tall MILF read every page slowly, then after another minute she found the last page, the payment page."What the fuck is this?" she asked looking up at me in surprise."Oh just an option I put in there, some of my residents do sometimes struggle to pay with cash so I...

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Collecting rent 4

I stood in apartment 26 with the Kapoor's letting them look over the place, Mr Kapoor was a young chubby man who had a small business in the city, and was looking for a bigger place, and Mrs Kapoor was young hot Indian woman who seemed just as keen to have a better home."So as you can see, it's ready to move in, and I've even put a sofa in if you want it?" I said trying to help sell it.They looked around quietly and then finally Mr Kapoor said "Well, I like it!""Me too!" agreed Mrs Kapoor...

2 years ago
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Making Love With Rent Owner

Hi, my name is Chalman and I am an Engineer from Tripura. My height is 7.6 inches and weight is 65 kg and I have an athletic body. I was an athlete and I have a good stamina. Since I was single , my hormones were playing crazy and then I planned to do this job. If any ladies want to date , have sex or need a massage please email me: chalman(at the rate)Rediff mail(dot)com. I was pursuing my from Bhopal and I stayed on rent. I used to share my room with my friends who were always busy...

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making the rent

My name is Bob,and the story i'm about to tell is absolutely true. I was 22 yrs old in the summer of 1970 and was living in the New hampshire town of Hudson.I had been living there for a few months in a rooming house owned and run by an older gentleman named Walter.The place I was working was about to close down and i was going to be facing the prospect of getting evicted because I did'nt have enough money for the rent.I thought i would ask Walter,the landlord if he might have some odd jobs for...

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Paying the rent in a special way

When the rent is due, it must be paid, one way or another, usually the conventional way,which is cah or a personal check. Yet when neither is available at the time, well, other ways can be found! my landlord came over the other day, as he always does once a moth, to collect the rent, which i always pay on time and with a check, yet this time, short of cash and could not find my checkbook, i tried to explain to him that i would pay itthe following day, but he was adamant that i pay it right...

3 years ago
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Rent Par Sexy Aunty

Hii dosto, myself aaryan 19 years old lives in Delhi my email id is you can contact me on Facebook also meri family me 4 log hai me, mom, dad, and mera chota bhai we are from middle class but very reputed family. Now come on story…. Ye story hai meri aur hmaare rent par rehne vaali aunty ki jo ki punjaban hai. Aunty pehle mere saamne vale ghar me rehti thi but unki unke upar rehne vaali family se kuch problem ho gae to unhone hmaare neeche vaala floor rent par le liya. Aunty ke ghar me 3 log...

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