Best Friends.. Leads To Something More free porn video

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Chapter 1

Who in the world is texting me? I wonder, grabbing my phone from my back pocket. I had taken a much needed day off work and was just coming home from the grocery store. I glance at the screen, new iMessage from Meghan, my best friend. I open the message, and my mind goes into panic mode.

"Be there in ten. Need to talk."

My brain is in overdrive. I wonder if this is about work again or some new boyfriend or me. Not me I think, as I shake my head. She doesn't think about me the same way I think about her. Sigh.

I hear my front door open. As I put away the last of the groceries, I turn. Meghan is standing in the kitchen doorway and is one hot mess. Tears are spilling out of her beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh Meghan, what's wrong, babe?" I ask, pulling her into a hug.

"I got a text this morning. From Ben," she chokes out through tears.

"From Ben?"

I let go of her, grab her hand and move us over to the couch. My hand in hers as we sit down. "What happened?" I inquire. I know she won't start talking until I ask.

"He texted me this morning and said, oh here you read it," she says, pulling out her phone and shoving it at me.

"Meg, these past few months have been amazing, magical even. I never thought I would be doing this to you. Especially not this way, but I can't imagine looking into your eyes and doing this. I want us to break up. It isn't you; it's me. I have met someone else even though I wasn't even looking. I promise you that. Jessie and I connected in a way I didn't think possible. Besides, you deserve someone better than me. I could never treat you the way you deserve to be. I'm sorry things worked out this way. I wish you every happiness in life. You deserve that. Goodbye, my sugar bear. Ben."

"Oh Meg," I sigh, "I know this isn't the moment for 'I told you so's' but I told you so! He was never the right guy for you. Remember when you first met at the gym? You were all about this new hot guy, and you just couldn't help yourself with the way his ass looked in those gym shorts. That should have been your first clue. Well, he sure turned out to be an ass!"

She smiles a little, and I notice she isn't crying anymore. She looks up at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers and asks, "When will I find the right guy, Beck? You sure he is out there? I'm so tired of all these losers that keep hurting me."

"Maybe you need to take a break from dating and just enjoy life for a bit. Spend some time with someone who knows you best and loves you dearly. Forget all about men for a little while."

"What are you suggesting?" she asks in all seriousness.

"Let's take a little vacation. Just you and me. Get your mind off Ben and every other prick that has ever hurt you. Let's just relax and forget all about this. When we come back, it will be like it never happened."

"You'd do that for me, really?" she squeals.

"Really," I say with a smile. This vacation may very well work out in my favor; I think to myself.

Yes, Meg knows I'm a lesbian. I tried to do the whole 'man thing' when I was younger, but I've always found myself attracted to the female form. Yeah, sex with a man feels good, but it was never as fulfilling. It has never made me wet like being with another woman does. Once I realized just how good it truly was, I never looked back.

Meg never looked at me differently for my choice. She did make it clear that it was something she would not ever be into, not her thing. She let me know that one night when she was a little drunk. I never brought it up again. She is my best friend and won't do anything to screw that up. As hard as it sometimes is, I have put my feelings for her aside.

Would I ever hope for more? Yes. Oh my god yes! I dream about it all the time, but that would be on her terms, not mine. Though I am not opposed to trying to better my odds at times, like this vacation idea. Maybe just maybe, my mind starts wandering. Thinking about sharing a hotel room, I can feel myself starting to get wet.

"Beck? Helloooo! Earth to Becky, where did your mind just go?" she asks, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry," I stammer, trying to clear my head of the mental image of her naked in bed with me. "I was just thinking about how much fun it would be to get away from here. The ocean, the sun, warmth, half naked people we don't know, I guess I got lost in the thought. Sorry!"

"The ocean huh." She looks at me with a funny look on her face. I can't figure out what she is implying, but I go with it.

"Yeah, the ocean. When and more importantly, where do you want to go?" I ask, pulling out my laptop to start looking at flights and hotels.

"Somewhere warm. Oh and fun."

We start our researching at Expedia looking for all the deals. One catches Meg's eye, and she tells me to click the link. I do, and we both instantly know where we are going. Hawaii. There is a major deal with a flight, hotel and rental car all bundled together. Ten days in paradise.

Meg ends up ordering pizza delivery as we plan out our trip. Our flights are in exactly two weeks. Perfect. We can both hit the tanning beds as well as do a little shopping. There is one store, in particular, I have to get to before we leave, just in case.

The day of the trip arrives. As we settle in for the long flight, Meg asks if I got all my shopping done. I shake my head yes. If I try to talk, I know I'll spill my guts. I don't want to give anything away. We put in our headphones as Meg gets her device hooked up for us to watch a movie.

After a thankfully uneventful flight and cab ride, we finally get checked into our hotel. Walking through the door to the room, I am stunned. The room itself is breathtaking. A huge Jacuzzi tub in the corner, large glass walled shower with room for two in the oversized bathroom, and a monster king bed.

What takes my breath away is the view. Our room is on the top floor. We have a balcony that wraps the corner with an amazing view of the island, ocean, and sunset. As I stand there transfixed by the beauty of the moment, Meg walks up behind me and puts her arms around me.

"Thank you," she whispers.

"Whatever for," I ask, somewhat perplexed.

"For getting me away and into this beauty," she says, "and also for being my best friend." She kisses my back as she says this and I can't stop the little shudder that passes through my body. It's not the first time she has kissed me. We've kissed before, never on the lips, but this was something different. I pull away from her just enough to turn around in her arms.

"Meg, you don't need to thank me for being your best friend. You make it very easy, babe, but since you already did I get to do the same. Thank you, Meghan, for being my best friend and for coming here with me." I kiss her on the cheek. She looks at me with that same funny look on her face, the same one I saw the same night we had planned this trip. It's bothering me that I can't figure it out, but again I let it go.

"Let's get unpacked," I suggest, breaking the hug since I'm not sure what exactly is going on.

We spend the next half hour unloading our suitcases and organizing the bathroom. Meg's stomach growls and we both realize we are hungry so off we go to find food.

We find a cute little restaurant and decide to sit at the bar. The bartender walks over, introduces himself, Justin, and takes our drink orders. Cosmo for Meg. I order a local beer. Justin comes back with our drinks and starts up a typical tourist/bartender conversation. How long we are here, where we are from, are we here for any particular reason. We answer all the questions. Meg tells him we are here to relax and forget about life and just to have fun. In between his other customers he keeps coming back and telling us about cool places to see or things to do while we are there. He drops off our check, telling us he works at the restaurant every night and would love for us to come back again before we leave for home. We both promise we will. The food was good, and the company was even better.

When we get back up in our room, the first thing I do is open the balcony doors, letting in the salty air and sound of the ocean. I sit down on one of the small couches on our balcony, putting my feet up on the railing, and yell for Meg to come outside and sit with me.

She comes out and goes to sit in one of the other chairs. I pat the seat next to me, she smiles and sits down putting her feet on the railing too. We start to talk about work, home, and life. She turns, putting one leg underneath her body, moving slightly closer to me.

"I have a serious question for you, Becky," she says, with a look on her face and in her eyes that tell me she is uncomfortable, but she is going to push on regardless.

"Shoot," I say, trying to lighten the moment. I know that whatever Meg is going to ask, it has been on her mind for a while. I will need to keep that in mind when I answer her.

"You promise not to get mad at me or even laugh at me?" she asks quietly, barely even looking at me.

"Yes, of course, I promise."

Reaching out, I put my hand under her chin, pushing it up until she is looking at me.

"What's up? What's going on Meg?"

She takes a deep breath, and the words just tumble from her.

"I don't know how to ask this, or why I am asking, or what I am looking for, but," she hesitates.

"But,"I prod, not moving my hand from her chin, forcing her to look at me.

"But, I want to know, no, need to know, and I'm sorry for prying, but really, I need to know," she pauses for a breath then spits out, "what is it like to be with a woman?"

I hear my intake of breath as my hand drops from her chin. I'm beyond stunned. Meg had made it quite clear she would never be interested in this subject. Here she is, in all seriousness, asking me this. I'm too shocked to speak. I need a moment to compose myself.

She looks at me, gets all shy again, and looks away from me, blushing.

"You don't have to tell me, Becky, not if you don't want to," she says, still not looking at me and blushing even deeper red.

"It's not that. Meg, you've made it pretty clear in the past that you never wanted to know about this part of my life. You just surprised me. That's all. I'll be happy to try to explain it to you."

She looks back up at me with a small, shy smile, and I know I have her attention.

"Well," I begin "the basics are all the same as with a man. You talk, you date, hold hands, hug, and kiss. That's where things begin to change, though. The way a man kisses and a woman kisses are almost opposite. A man kisses with lust on his lips and in his mind. A woman kisses with lust as well, but she is also more tender. A woman knows how she likes to be kissed and touched. So, being with another woman in a sexual way is almost an extension of yourself. When a man touches a woman's body, he has a tendency to be grabby and a bit rough because that's how was made. He doesn't have the same parts, so he doesn't know how it feels. A woman, on the other hand, knows how she likes to be caressed, played with, and teased. So it is easy to duplicate that with another woman's body. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes, it does," she whispers.

I don't say anything for a few minutes, afraid to push too far. I can't take the silence anymore and have to know.

"Why are you asking, Meg?"

Her face flushes even deeper red. She mumbles something about just wondering. Again, I get my hand under her chin and bring her eyes up to mine. I refuse to let her get away without saying more.

"Come on Meg; it's me. You know we can talk about anything. Why are you asking? Come on babe, talk to me." I gently prod trying to get her to say something. Anything.

She lowers her eyes even though I'm still holding her chin up. "I was honestly just wondering, Beck."

"I'm not buying it, Meg. You never wanted to know, but now you do. Why the change? Why the curiosity? Why now? Did you have too much to drink?"

"No, not too much. I only had two." Her eyes fly up from her hands to lock on mine."You know me better than that. I honestly am curious and want to know."

"Why? What has you curious? Why do you want to know? Tell me. I need to hear why." I plead with her. My eyes never leave hers.

She takes a deep breath and very quietly begins to talk.

"I want to know because of how I feel when you touch me. I want to know because of how it feels when I touch you. I want to know because I can finally admit I am attracted to my best friend. I want to know because the last few weeks when we have hugged or touched my body has responded in ways I thought it would only respond to a man. I want to know, but I am also scared. Scared to chase away or dramatically change our friendship. I'm scared because I think I'm in love with you."

Her last sentence was so quiet; I moved closer to hear what she was saying. I sat there completely stunned, blindsided.

Meghan looked out at the ocean with tears in her eyes.

"Please say something, Becky."

"What do you want me to say, Meg? My best friend just told me that she is attracted to me, possibly in love with me, her body responds to my touch, and yet she doesn't want this to change our friendship."

"I thought maybe you felt the same way. At least, that's what I was hoping. I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want to say anything. When I walked out here tonight, all I wanted was to walk up behind you and put my arms around you. I know that wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary for us, but I wanted to kiss you. I can't hide or push away these feelings running wild through me. I'm not going to try to hide anything from you any longer. I can't."

Tears were spilling out of her eyes as she was talking. My head is reeling. I'm in shock. How in the hell do I reply to her?

"Please say something, Beck. Anything. Please. I need to know how you feel. I will understand if you want to forget this conversation happened. I can try to bury the way I feel, just tell me how you feel. Please."

"Oh, Meg! Do you want to know how I feel? Honestly?"

"Yes, I do. Please, I need to know. You owe me that much with everything I just told you."

I move slightly on the couch, closing the distance between us. My hands cup Meg's sweet face, and I lean towards her. Her eyes close as my lips finds hers. I kiss her softly, drawing the kiss out for as long as possible. As I pull back from her, I drop my hands, and she opens her tear filled eyes.

"Meg, why are you crying?"

"Oh, Becky, you do care about me, don't you?"

"Yes, Meg, I do care about you. I love you. I have been in love with you for years, but I've always kept it hidden away. After all, you are my best friend, and I wasn't going to ruin that. What you said earlier about feeling something every time we have hugged or touched, that's been there for a long time for me. I never expected this. I know that took a lot to tell me all you did. I am sorry I had to push you to talk, but I need to know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours."

"All this time and I never knew how you felt. How blind am I? I'm so sorry, Becky. Wait, you said you love me?"

"Yes, Meg. I love you. No need to apologize. In fact, I would prefer if you would stop talking."


"So I can do this again," I say, my lips finding hers again.

This time, after a moment of hesitation, she returns the kiss. One of my hands moves to the back of her head, cradling it, while we continue to kiss. Her kisses are soft and seeking. I'm leading, but letting this move at her pace. My other hand comes up to her cheek, cradling her head again. I kiss her a little more firmly, but still, let her set the pace. My body is screaming with desire, but I know this needs to move slowly. At least this first time.

Meg pulls slightly away from me. Her breathing quick, her chest rising and falling rapidly. As she catches her breath, I need to ask her one more question. I'm not sure I will like her answer, but I have no choice.

"I need to ask you something, Meg."

"Anything," she replies.

"Are you looking for something to come out of this? I know everything you told me a little bit ago, but I need to know. Do you want to try out this being with a woman thing? Just wanting to kiss, a little make-out session, just curious what it's like, or are you looking for something else, something more?"

"More," she whispers, breathless. "Much more. I want you and everything that comes along with you. That is if you are willing to have me."

Instead of answering, I kiss her hard on the lips. My tongue, finding her mouth slightly open, slips inside to play with hers. I hear a soft moan from the back of her throat. That is all the encouragement I need. I push my body forward. She is out of room on the couch. She moves her leg out from underneath her, and I move it to my side. Her legs are on either side of my body. I keep pushing until her back is against the couch.

I smile when I feel her arms wrap around me, pulling me down onto her. My left-hand moves to her breast. I can feel her sweet little nipple poking out under the fabric of her shirt. I give it a slight squeeze, and the response from her is instant. She moans. Her hips buck up into me. I do it again, loving the sound of her moaning under me. We kiss a little longer, I move off her and sit back on the edge of the couch. She opens her eyes, and in them, I can read the question of why did I move.

I stand up, pulling her up too, wordlessly leading her back into our room. We pass by the bed and into the bathroom. I let go of her and turn on the shower.

Time to focus my attention on her. Putting one hand around her waist and the other on her shoulder, I pull her body to mine. I kiss her once, twice, then move my kisses over her cheek to her neck. Very softly I kiss all the way down her neck, then move my lips to the other side. She trembles slightly in my arms.

I grab hold of the bottom of her t-shirt as I kiss the last spot on her neck. I break the kiss and pull her shirt over her head, tossing it on the floor. Her bra is the next thing that hits the floor. Instinctively, she tries to cover herself. I pull her hands away from her body.

"No, Meg. Do not hide from me. You are beautiful. Your body is beautiful. I've seen it before, and you have an amazing body, love."

She opens her mouth to speak, but I cover her mouth with my own. We can feel the heat from the shower starting to fill the bathroom. I let go of Meghan long enough to adjust the water temperature then I'm back to kissing her. My kisses start with her lips, move to her neck and then my kisses move down her chest. Her magnificent 34-DD breasts are right in my face. I can't help the moan that escapes my lips.

I kiss her right breast, all the way around it, slowly moving my lips toward her nipple. Finally, I feel it under my tongue. My tongue swirls around it, I pull it into my mouth, gently sucking on it. Meg moans uncontrollably now.

I bet I can get her to cum from just this; I think to myself. My mouth moves to her other breast, repeating the way I kissed the other one. I push both of her breasts together, sucking on both nipples at the same time. I begin to softly flick, bite and tease her stiff pink nipples, rolling them around my tongue.

Her fingers dig into my arms, and she starts whispering, "Oh, God."

I suck harder, bite just a little firmer, and she loses it.

"Oh, my God! Yes, I'm cumming! Oh! Oh! OH! OHHH!"

I don't stop sucking until she has come back down from her orgasm. Very gently, I kiss both breasts one last time then pull my shirt over my head, take off my bra and remove my shorts. I'm not wearing any panties. I undo the buttons on her shorts. I push the shorts down and off her body. Her deep blue bikini panties look so cute against her light skin. Pulling them down her body, I fall to my knees.

I don't dare focus on the lightly colored trimmed hair barely covering her sex, even though it is right in front of me. She steps out of her panties, and I stand up, not daring to look at her pussy. I know that once I do, I will have no control over myself. I want to make this last for her.

I want Meg to feel what it is like to have a real lover. Not just a fuck, then walk away. I know she has had a few guys, so sex is not new to her. I also know not one of those guys could ever make love to her as I can.

I move us into the shower. Meg hesitantly puts her arms around my neck, pulling my head towards hers. She kisses me, not the soft playful kisses from before. This time, her kisses are hungry and insistent, needy. Her kisses get more firm; she is letting go and giving into what she is feeling.

She drops her hands drop from my neck, running them down my body. I move my hands in time with hers, exploring her beautiful body, feeling every inch of skin I can. I try to make this about her timing, but I can't control my hands. They move down her back to her ass, grabbing her cheeks, pulling her body into mine. Turning her around, so her back is against the glass wall, I move one hand from her ass and onto her stomach. Her muscles tense as my fingers gently brush the skin, tickling her.

I never let my hand stop moving. Painstakingly slow, I inch my way down her stomach, past her belly button. I can feel the hair she has under my fingers. My index finger passes over her clit; her body shudders as she gasps. I don't stop there. I need to feel how wet she is.

My finger slides along her slit feeling her wetness. I need more. Slowly I push one finger inside her. She has her back pressed against the shower wall. Both hands pressed against it, holding her up. She is panting, her chest heaving. I push my finger all the way inside her, leaving it in for a moment before pulling it back out. Again, I push one finger in her then pull it all the way back out. One last time, in goes my finger, I curl it slightly and rub that little spot inside her. When I pull my finger out, this time, I bring it up to my lips.


She opens her eyes just as I push my finger, wet with her juices, into my mouth. When I can no longer taste her, I slide my finger back into her pussy. This time, when I bring it back up, I spread some of the juice on my lips.

"See how good you taste," I say, my lips meeting hers.

We moan and the kisses get deeper, each one getting more passionate than the last. My mouth glued to Meg's, I move my fingers to her pussy, pushing two fingers deep into her and curling them at just the right spot. Her knees buckle, I had anticipated this and my arm was already around her waist. She pulls her mouth off mine, panting hard into my neck.

"Oh god, Becky. Yes! Oh, my god! That feels amazing."

I feel her inner body trembling. It won't take much more to push her over the edge. I move my hand slightly, my thumb brushes her clit, while my fingers keep sliding over that spot inside her. That is all she needs.

She screams my name, her head thrashing back and forth against the shower wall, as her orgasm washes over her. I continue to move just my fingers, prolonging her orgasm until she is begging me to stop. Very gently I pull my fingers out of her and up to my lips, sucking every bit of her juice off them. She pulls my head to hers, kissing me, so she can taste herself on my lips again.

Moving her away from the wall and under the water, I grab a washcloth and soap. Taking my time, I wash her body from head to toe. When I finish, I shampoo and condition her hair, massaging her scalp. I'm about to start on my body when she takes the towel out of my hand. I close my eyes. How did I get so lucky, I wonder. Meghan. Here with me, washing my body. I've made her cum twice.

A huge smile spreads across my face as I think that this is only our first night here.

We finish in the shower, wrap up in towels and lay down on the bed. I grab the remote and start scanning for movies. There isn't anything on so we end up turning the TV off.

Moving closer to me, we roll over facing each other. Bringing my fingers up to Meg's face, I softly caress her cheek.

"Meg, I don't want to rush things. I know what you said earlier, about how you care for me, but we need to take this slow. Things are going to be easy while we are here, but once we get back home, things are going to change and could get difficult. For now, let's just enjoy being here and with each other. I don't plan to hold you to anything once when we get back. Let's just see how things work out."

"I don't understand, Becky. Why do things have to change? I meant what I said earlier, I'm willing to be yours if you are willing to have me."

I don't answer, instead, I kiss her, a deep passion filled, extremely soft, slow kiss that leaves us both panting. I put an arm around her, pulling her as close to me as possible. I slowly undo her towel, letting it fall from her body. She moves slightly and I pull it out from under her. I pull mine off, dropping them both to the floor.

"Let's get some sleep babe," I say with a yawn.

We fall asleep listening to the sound of the ocean, cuddled in each other's arms.

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Truth Or Dare Leads To Friends With Benefits

Hi guys. This is my first story, so bear with me if there is any mistake. My name is Abhay. I am 20, currently in Hyderabad. My friend Sivani (name changed) is 21 now with a figure 34-26-34 and fair complexion. This story happened when we were 19 i.e., last year. Sivani’s father divorced her mother when she was 12 and her mother brought her up since that time. We were friends since we were 18 as we joined in the same college and she was my classmate. She is a good friend of mine but her beauty...

3 years ago
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sex game leads to swap girlfriends

hi, i am aneesh 26 working in a bpo. my girlfriend is reena 25 she is also working in my office she is sexy, fair with 5.5 tall and 53kg .i am really lucky to have her as girl friend . she is very hot in sex .she dint object in any kinky things which like to do. she loves giving me blow job.she is very true with me and never ever flirt with any other guys.we usued to go clubbling on all weekends.this lovely inciddent happend on last saturday. i took my car and pick my girl and went to a...

2 years ago
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A drunken evening leads to a closer friendship

I was going out with a girl called Cara, who was absolutely stunning. All of my friends were incredibly jealous of me and although in reality, she was boring and we had nothing in common, I felt the luckiest man in the world when we were out together. Cara’s best friend was called Lindsey and as most couples do, we tried to get Lindsey hooked up with my best friend Jon. Lindsey fancied Jon, who admittedly, was an easy guy to fancy but Jon wasn’t overly bothered about her. We went out as a...

2 years ago
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Where Friendship LeadsChapter 5

Kevin stared at the phone before him. His parents were in the living room, watching some show tailored to their demographic. He thought it had something to do with crime. He was in the kitchen, both the love note and his 8th grade yearbook sitting on the round wooden table. A picture of a very pretty girl, and her phone number. He was frightened to death of both. This, he thought, was what happened when you stayed within your circle of friends. You never developed certain social skills....

1 year ago
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Workplace Friendship Leads To Lustful Overtime

I was working late that night when I noticed Jennifer was also working late. Jennifer is a beautiful black woman in her late thirties. Her hair was cut short in a cute pageboy, which accented her facial features. She was wearing a light colored sweater and a long black skirt. Sometimes, just from looking at her pretty face I had to control myself from getting too hard. Her dark eyes were gorgeous; her soft lips had a pout on them that made me want to jam my white cock into her mouth! It had...

4 years ago
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Tinder Leads To Friends With Benefits

When you haven’t had action for sometime, you can only see so much porn, and so much flirting and trying. Eventually, we google to find solutions, and tinder looked like a really promising one. Now, as skeptical as I was of joining, due to fear of being found by someone I know, I did join it, and went about the job of swiping right (green signal) or swiping left (red signal). As I kept on about it, I didn’t get much luck. But after 3 months of being on Tinder, it was all about to change. I...

2 years ago
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March Madness Leads to March Nakedness

March Madness Leads to March NakednessNCAA Men’s Basketball playoffs are in full swing and many people are making all kinds of wagers on their favorite teams. Thursday night, friend of mine and his wife came over for dinner and to watch two games – North Carolina vs. Wisconsin and Xavier vs. Arizona. Mark is an Xavier fan and his wife Haley was a North Carolina fan. Babs team had been eliminated early and mine only made it to the second round of the NIT, but we both agreed to pull for Arizona...

2 years ago
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Where Friendship LeadsChapter 6

Vicky woke into darkness. It should not have been completely dark. There were lights in the basement, even when every light was turned off. The DVD player, for one, always gave off a bit of light. At times, it seemed abnormally bright, when the eye was expecting darkness. So, why was she now... Ah. She had rolled over in the night, part of Kevin's sleeping bag covering her eyes. Rolling her body to the left, the familiar scene of her darkened basement came into view. Ceiling. That light...

4 years ago
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Where Friendship LeadsChapter 7

The exact function, or name, of the thing was unknown. It was old, that was certain. Older than the oldest teen who had ever played on it as a kid. Metal pipes, freshly painted, wooden planks old and smooth. They called it the Sled Run, or sometimes Sled Hill, as that's what they used it for in winter. In the summer, they just climbed it, ran down the long, wide wooden slide at unsafe speeds or tried to climb up the incline. The covered area up top was large, a good place to rest and talk...

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Where Friendship LeadsChapter 8

Kevin's first date story was not as dramatic or funny as his father's, but he was sure he could twist it into an entertaining tale for his future children. Dad, given half an opening, liked to tell the tale of the first date he ever had. Dad had shown up at the girl's house, all nervous and such. The father had let him in, told him his daughter would be down in a bit, then invited teen Dad down into the basement. There, he had shown him a gun case. The man had looked at the case, then at...

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C4 Serendipity Pass One Road Leads To Another Final Edit

Be forewarned, these writings, including this warning, may trigger some issue or issues that you have. Either by the language used or it’s content in general. If you are one to get bothered by every little thing, you have to make the decision now. You have two choices. One, you can decide, if you can be a mature adult about things and continue. Or Two, just close it now and step away from wherever the hell it is that you are reading...

4 years ago
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Chez Amore

Chez Amore.The name shined in framed cursive lights over the new small restaurant in the Business District of San Francisco. A small walkway of lights led right up to the doorway. Inside had a sleek modern look with round booth tables, low dim lighting and a black, white and red aesthetic. It was a Friday evening around 7:30 pm. Usually, the restaurant would be packed with businessmen and women but thanks to the extreme cold weather this evening, the restaurant was mostly empty.The only people...

Straight Sex
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Loneliness Leads To Spontaneity Leads To Fun

Emma sat in her small living room on her favourite chair curled up in a red blanket wearing her favourite oversized t-shirt and black cycling shorts. The TV remote was on her left and an empty bottle of white on the table to her right. She drained the last bit from her glass and slammed it down onto the table with the bottle. “Bastards,” she cursed to no one in particular. In her twenty-five years of life she had never felt so damn lonely. It was a Saturday night and most of her friends were...

3 years ago
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Loneliness Leads To Spontaneity Leads To Fun

Emma sat in her small living room on her favourite chair curled up in a red blanket wearing her favourite oversized t-shirt and black cycling shorts. The TV remote was on her left and an empty bottle of white on the table to her right. She drained the last bit from her glass and slammed it down onto the table with the bottle. “Bastards,” she cursed to no one in particular. In her twenty-five years of life she had never felt so damn lonely. It was a Saturday night and most of her friends were...

Straight Sex
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SMS Chats Leads To Sex Part 8211 2

Hi readers, this is windsy again from Delhi-NCR. A small recap.I am a 47 yr old man with high sex drive. In continuation of my last real life experience story – ” SMS chats leads to sex- part 1″, here I present part -2. The incident happened in 2005 Amisha gave me a super blowjob and we were on the bed rest for a while. She was all heated up and I wanted to move at the slow pace. So we thought let’s take a break. And I went for a quick shower. When I was back, with my hotel towel wrapped around...

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Teasing leads to spitroast

I was an online cock tease. You know the sort, answers messages on hook-up sites and leads you on but never follows it through. I'm that guy. I don't know why I did it, I just like to feel wanted. And let's face it, women get a lot of attention, but Guys hardly ever get messages from them. But on gay sites all you have to do is say you want to suck their cock or you want them to fuck you. And you could be having hot sex chat right away. What can I say? It gets me off. But I took my teasing a...

1 year ago
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Bestiality School Lesson 1 Cat Sex

I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And now that the time had finally come to decide what to do with the...

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Best Friends14

Brady Harrison and Liam Chandler met each other in the sixth grade and became best friends. They played on the same football team in junior high school and high school. Brady and Cassie, Liam's younger sister, first met at her brother Liam’s 16th birthday party. It was love at first sight but neither revealed their feelings toward the other because of Brady's and Liam's friendship. Cassie was 12 years old at the time of Liam’s 16th birthday party and was just beginning to develop an...

1 year ago
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Lust Desire and Intigue Sometimes Misleads Part One

This story contains explicit sexual reference and scenes. This story should not be read or viewed by anyone under the age of 18. If you are under that age, please stop reading and delete this story. This story is a work of fiction. No person living or deceased is portrayed in this story. The images are original creations and depict no person living or deceased. This story is used with permission of the author. All copyrights apply to this document, story and images. Lust, Desire...

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Lust Desire and intrigue sometimes misleads Part 2

Lust, Desire and intrigue sometimes misleads? Chapter 2 By Heather Slut Graham My wife was gone and the cum still sticky on my mouth is being licked off by Adrian and her tongue is dancing around my lips. "I just want to share with you Heather, are you not wanting the same thing?" I am still frozen and unable to move even if the binds that kept me were undone. I think that 'shock' would be a slight understatement at this point....

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Bestiality School Lesson 1 Cat Sex

Introduction: A young woman loses her virginity to a cat! —Prologue— I was an exemplary student. Always had, always would. I had managed to remain at top of my class for my entire student career and now that high school was over, I retired undefeated. Most people thought I would go on to college and become some big shot lawyer or doctor, but the truth was I had no idea what my future held. I had always been so focused on my schoolwork that I had never taken the time to get to know myself. And...

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Open Minds leads to Open Hearts 2

Chapter 1 Kyle and Bella did reduce their time together, since their morning on his couch when she showed up with the damning report and pictures from the private investigator. About the only time they spent together was when they went over plans for the remodel. It was killing them that they couldn't touch or show any affection towards each other. But it was for the best. Kate took the news well. She was glad, in fact, because she had started hating her father, with her birthday being...

2 years ago
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A weekend as his puppy girl leads her to contentment and ecstasy

My mind races as I chase after the toy, the hardwood floor cold beneath my hands and knees. Although unbound, I would never consider rising on two legs to chase after the little rubber dildo. I am his puppy, and have been since he got home from work Friday. An entire weekend as his dirty slut doggy. How wonderfully he torments me. I shouldn’t but I feel beautiful in only a black leather collar and heels. When I return to his chair, the dildo is firmly between my teeth and I resist a bit...

3 years ago
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Sunbathing leads to sex A development

You should first read my story ‘Sunbathing leads to sex’ to understand this one. At another of my sex sessions with Audrey she told me that besides her brother she had a widowed sister, Emily, who sometimes comes to stay with her for a few days. She can be accommodated in the bungalow part of the house because she has no children, so is alone. Audrey had told her on the phone about the sex sessions she and I had. It seems that Emily had said she`d like to be present at one of our sessions....

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Home Alone With My Girlfriend Leads To Sex

We were always friends but I use to think about having sex with her a lot. Although we were just friends and never had any physical relationship, we were very comfortable discussing sex with each other.We shared all the secrets, our fantasies, and share non-veg jokes with each other. There had been many times that we discussed sex for so long in the night over the phone that leads me to shake my dick. It was very normal for me to discuss sex with her.So I run a factory and she is a freelancer...

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Slap Leads To Sex 8211 Part 2

Hey, guys, this is a continuation of the previous story, Slap leads to sex – Part 1, if you haven’t read that yet, please read it to have the full fun. This is now happening between me and my aunt who is in the same bed with me. While my bunty is sleeping and me sucking her boobies. So now let’s continue to the story. Because she was still snoring, I confidently was sucking her boobs. Suddenly she stopped snoring in a few minutes. That freaked the hell of me. So I stopped sucking it...

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Home Alone With My Best Girlfriend Leads To Sex

Hi there! My name is Kunal and the name of my girlfriend is Neha. She is very hot and has a very sexy figure. She is a fitness freak so she has 6 pack abs which I admire so much. We are very good friends since childhood. We were always friends but I use to think about having sex with her a lot. Although we were just friends and never had any physical relationship, we were very comfortable discussing sex with each other. We shared all the secrets, our fantasies, and share non-veg jokes with each...

3 years ago
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A Wrong Path Leads To Hell But She Feels She Tasted Heaven

“Ananya” She hears her mom screaming her name and she quickly puts her books in the bag and replies to her mother, “I’m dressing up mom.” She removes her night dress pajama and stands in front of the mirror. She doesn’t like her body which is slender and small. She is been watching women who are big and she always wanted to have those aesthetics. Big boobs and bit butts and then shapely wide thighs but somewhere she knows that this body attracted few guys too. She smiles as she cupped her...

4 years ago
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Eye Contact In Train Leads To Wild Sex 8211 Part 1

It is my first sex story about my eye contact in train leads to wild sex. Now the time came to return some real experience of mine to the site. Am smart with killing looks, fair color, athletic & travel freak from Hyderabad. On my job purpose, I mostly travel Kolkata, Vizag, Vijayawada, Hyderabad. It is my first real experience which I am going to share, so kindly suggest me to improve my narration skills if any required. Your suggestions & hot relations are welcome to It was August 2015 I was...

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Fucking Sister Leads To Mother 8211 Part 2

Hi, I am niket 25 year old again with my sexy sister nitya 27 year old. I am with the second part of the story fucking sister leads to mother. We were at resort and enjoying oral sex. I laid on her leg and pressed and sucking her big soft boobs. Her palm was moving on my hairy chest and moving down to my tight cock. She hold my tight cock in her palm and pressing. Nitya, what a boobs? So soft and firm. I love your boobs dear. She massaging me and watching in my eyes and said ohh really niket?...

4 years ago
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Facebook Chat Leads To Sex With Hot Chick In Goa

Hello Indian sex stories readers… It’s been always a pleasure to read the sex-periences of you guys… Which encouraged me to share my sexperience wit you people. It’s my 1st time i’m writing a story… The story may be a little long…So people please bear with me… and excuse me for and e grammatical mistakes and all… To start with let me introduce myself… I’m … from goa… 27 yr old… a happy go lucky guy having an average athletic build… and a littlebeer belly.. I always wanted to be a one woman...

2 years ago
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Summer Holidays Leads To Lifetime Of Sex

This is a story of a summer holiday and after few years of me Goli and my aunt Pallo and her daughter Pari who is 18 years old now. This story goes back in 1997 when I was 18 years old. I was at my Nana’s place in Kanpur where all the relatives would gather for summer holidays. I have an aunt named Pallavi she was approx. 22 yrs old unmarried, we used to call her Pallo Mausi. Pallo mausi was most beautiful, she was fair, with a nice figure of firm boobs and ass and a slim waist. Pallo mausi and...

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Gym Leads To Hard Fuck 8211 Part 1

Hi, My name is Sanchit Jain and this is a story of my gangbang and ass ripping by a group of hairy muscular men. I am 21 year old and had recently joined a local gym since I am a little chubby. It was a great gym with modern equipment but the best part was that it was an all male gym. I was surrounded by lots of bare chests with rippling abs and pecs and nice bulges in gym shorts. Being a horny gay guy that I am, I was having really good time seeing all that flesh and imagining getting fucked...

Gay Male
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Mom8217s Teasing Leads To Sex

This is a real story. I Sameer am a 18 year old boy staying in Mumbai. I am the only son of my parents. From childhood I and my parents have very friendly relationship. We were more friends than family so I was very jovial and friendly. This happened few months back in the month of Jan 2015. Me and my mom (Rashmi) are very friendly, from childhood when I was kid I mom used to bathe me, by the time I got young I used to bath alone and most of the time I used to come out with towel wrapped on my...

2 years ago
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Cricket Leads To Enjoyment 8211 Part 1

Hi all readers, This incident happened when I visited my Uncle’s village during my holidays,I was 19 years old that time. My mom asked me to visit my uncle and stay there for a week as I was completely grown up in the city and never visited my native rarely. I accepted as my uncle and aunt are very nice to me and I too like them very much. They greeted me and I was happy seeing them after a long time. Last time they saw me I was 10 years old, they commented me on how fast I have grown. My uncle...

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Gay Sex Leads To Fuck A Wife

Hi Friends, I am a huge fan of ISS. I have read many stories in this site and love all. After reading many stories I am also eager to post my experience with you. Please forgive me first for my poor English and way of delivery. I am pradip, now I am 27, I am 5”4 feet height, 61 kgs weight, and my tool size is 5.7 inch. The incident I am going to share with u was happened to me when I was 18 years old. At that time I was doing my college. At night I use to smoke cigarette, for that I go to a...

Gay Male
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Gambling Leads To Gang Bang Of My Mom

This is my fiction story . In this story we see how my mom gang bang by my relatives in front of whole family. My dad name is Siva and heroine of the story is my mom Latha. My dad is business man and my mom is housewife. My mom Latha is very sexy bomb. Her size is 34 32 36. She is a pakka south Indian woman. She always wear south Indian type saree. Sorry readers story was some what big so be patient. In our residential area most the gents will see my mom like to taste her when she walk in the...

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Sensual Game Leads To Steamy And Hottest Sex 8211 Part 2

This is the second part of my story-Sensual Game Leads To Steamy And Hottest Sex – Part 1 So continuing my story after the first task was over everyone was so excited for the next task and that I had planned very nicely. For this task I asked all of them to remove their shorts and show me their dicks and the one with the biggest cock will get to touch kiss suck etc my beautiful pink pussy and my waist and belly. Because my breast and lips were already given to rahul so the one with the shortest...

2 years ago
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Sensual Game Leads To Steamy And Hottest Sex 8211 Part 1

Hi my name is Teena and I am 21 year and extreme hot and beautiful I like to hang out with my friends I like to wear short revealing clothes that adds to my beauty. My stats are 34-29-36. And I have milky white skin and firm white brests with pink nipples. This story is about one night when me and my three friends aditya ,rahul and amit were having some light fun at my home and all ended up in a great hot steamy game and passionate sex So coming to story me and my friends were sitting in my...

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Holi Leads To My First Sex

Hello friends..!! This is Rakesh Again… After a good response for my stories I decided to write about another encounter of mine. It was a secret between me and her but I am posting this experience to her knowledge. To new readers this is Rakesh, pursuing my in a government college in Odisha. I m bit fair, slim but a healthy body, 5ft 7… This happened when I was in my 12th. A distant cousin of mine got job in our town so my parents asked her to live in our home. We are a family of 3. Mom,...

4 years ago
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When Internet Chatting Leads To Bed

Hi Guys & Girls/Ladies!! I have been reading the stories out here since a long time now. I can figure out a number of ones are simply fake or fantasies. However, I can feel there are a number of real life stories going around in ISS. Coming to my experiences, I have had quite a bit of them. I would love to narrate each one of them and in this write-up I am narrating a story of my experience with a house wife and a mother of a kid. This is my first story in ISS. However, this is not my first...

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Hobby Leads To Fun 8211 Part I

Hi guys. My name is Robert. This is story about my hobby which I used as my skill to make money. But fortunately leads me in a fun. a small intro about me. I am about 22yrs old. I am residing in Pune city, Maharashtra. I am a guy with normal looks. I am a guy who belongs to middle class family. As u all know a guy from middle class family always have problem of money. I also got the same problem. After period of time I got to know about body massage. I loved it after few days of practicing. I...

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How My Neighbor Aunty Leads To Escorts By Me

HiISS readers this is my fantasy story of neighbor aunty. My name is KSJ from Tamil Nadu. I already submit my real life incident with my English teacher Geetha in office/teacher page. This is another part of fantasy story in ISS site. (Sorry for mistakes since I’m average in grammar). Now coming to story after finished my Engineering degree plan to do MBA due to financial reason, I cannot join in MBA after that I searched job in my profession related job also I lost 4-6 months in MBA plan so I...

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Truth And Dare Game Leads To Bed

This is continuation of my first part of the story. Please read first part also to enjoy most. Search with “Invitation of tea leads to bed”. We went to lake at evening. She had decided that she will leave for PG after it. But I was in no mood to leave her. She told me that she liked that I didn’t do anything forcefully at morning. But I was cursing myself that why didn’t I do anything as she has plan to leave. Just to try my luck I requested her that I would feel good if she can stay tonight...

2 years ago
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Sunbathing leads to sex A development

You should first read my story "Sunbathing leads to sex" to understand this one. At another of my sex sessions with Audrey she told me that besides her brother she had a widowed sister, Emily, who sometimes comes to stay with her for a few days. She can be accommodated in the bungalow part of the house because she has no children, so is alone. Audrey had told her on the phone about the sex sessions she and I had. It seems that Emily had said she`d like to be present at one of our sessions. She...

Straight Sex
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EXPERIMENTATION LEADS TO DISCOVERY OF THE HYMENRecently, I read a story which had been posted by another user, who since has retired from xHamster. It was entitled, Losing My Virginity. It brought back a very nice memory, from my own chil**ood in the mid-sixties, which I would like to share with you. When I was el**en, I lived across the street from an ei**t-year old girl named Judy. She was always outside in her front yard so we started to hang out and play together. At the time, I had a sort...

4 years ago
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Step daughter massage leads to incredible sex

This is fantasy, I am a 31 year old guy, married to a milf in her early 40s who has a 21 tear old daughter named Rebecca. Rebecca is 5ft8, medium build, blonde who spends a lot of time looking after herself in the gym and wearing make up. She has a really nice set of purt boobs which she knows as she is always wearing low cut tops, or vest tops without a bra around the house. Rebecca has just finished her degree in massage and sports therapy and would practice on both me and my wife. Recently...

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