Amy's Solo Vacation free porn video

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The sound of singing birds and crashing waves outside of my open balcony door slowly coaxed me awake. I noticed the sun was up and realized that another day in paradise lay ahead of me. Rolling over, I pulled the white linen sheets higher over my tanned and naked body in an effort to steal a little more sleeping time from the long departed cover of night. The sunshine made it difficult to fall asleep again, as my mind drifted back to last evening.

As I peered out from under the covers and across my suite, I could see the various components of last nights ensemble strewn across the floor and furniture where they had been carelessly thrown during the heat of passion. A sly smile escaped the corners of my mouth at the thought of what had transpired in this room only hours before. I didn't know that I had such wild abandon inside me before last night, but I was certainly aware of it now.

Last week I sensed I needed a vacation badly, but none of my girlfriends or Eric had the ability to get away on short notice. Totally out of character for me, I called an airline and booked a trip for one to Hawaii on a whim. A week poolside or on the beach was just what I needed to reboot myself.

After arriving a few days ago and decompressing, I was now feeling great. The extra sleep, along with some yoga and a few morning runs along the beach, had restored my sense of well being and I was ready to explore now to see what the island had to offer. I was happy that my initial sunburn had subsided and my tan was now coming along nicely.

I got up early and spent the morning driving the island in my little white bikini and matching jeep to check out the sights. I stopped in for a drink at a cafe near a volcano, went for a short hike to get out a little closer to it for some pictures, and then cruised the coast watching big waves breaking on the lava before heading back to my hotel again for some late afternoon sunning.

As I lay beachside on my comfortable lounger, my waiter brought me a tropical coconut drink with a beautiful red flower in it. The sun was getting a little low in the late afternoon sky and the surfing crowd was in full force as the waves grew larger.

I watched as one surfer after another waited for the perfect wave before paddling feverishly in an attempt to catch a ride. I marveled at the core strength and balance that surfing required and how much practice it must take to really be good at it.

One surfer in particular caught my attention as I took another long sip from my drink. He was tall and darkly tanned, with short, dark hair and a lean, muscled physique. On every attempt, he seemed to effortlessly catch each wave and ride it all the way into the beach, before heading back out for another.

I noticed that on each ride, the rider ended at about the same place near the beach, so I finished my drink and strolled into the knee deep water in same general area to get a closer look. I was hot and sweaty from sunning and splashed myself with water to cool down, taking care not to get my hair wet. My white string bikini was a stark contrast against my tanned skin and the cool breeze raised a few goosebumps, as well as my nipples beneath my teeny top.

The surfer caught his next wave and I watched intently as he expertly navigated his way toward shore before running out of speed and ending his run just short of me.

"You're really talented." I said with a smile.

"Well thank you." he answered. "My name's Mano."

"My name is Amy." I replied with a smile. "I'll bet surfing is really hard to learn."

"It's not that hard." Mano replied. "It just takes a lot of practice. Want to give it a try?"

I blushed a little at the obvious pickup line, but I was game. Why else would have I already strolled out here if I wasn't.

"Sure." I said. "But why don't we try it here in the shallow water?"

I really just didn't want to get my hair wet and this would suffice for pick up purposes.

Mano eased the board over into waist deep water and instructed me to lay on the board first to get the feel. When I was ready, he instructed me to grip each side of the board and try to quickly pop up onto my feet. He helped balance the board as I tried several times to do it, struggling with the coordination required each time. On my third attempt, I felt Mano's hand slide gently under my butt as I successfully rose to my feet and he held the edges of the board with both hands as I acclimated to the balance.

"That's great. You've got it!" Mano said in an encouraging tone, before letting go and enabling me balance on my own.

"I don't know about great, but it's a start." I laughed.

Over the next hour, Mano continued my lesson and I actually got up and rode several waves for a very short distance, which was a total high. As the sun fell low in the sky, I said that I had had enough and we headed for the beach where my belongings were still lying on the lounge chair.

As we settled in an dried off, the waiter took our order for a couple of fresh drinks and then quickly returned with them.

"Mano is an interesting name." I said. "Obviously it is Hawaiian. What does it mean?"

Mano gave a sheepish look before replying, "Passionate lover."

"Bullshit!" I exclaimed. "You're full of it. I'm going to call you on that with the Google truth detector!"

"I'm not kidding." he replied as I typed in the search.

Immediately my efforts were rewarded with the results confirming Mano's claim.

"You aren't shitting me!" I exclaimed.

We both laughed and joked about what sort of parents would give their child a name like that before the liquor suddenly gave me the courage to ask, "Well are you?"

I could feel myself blush as Mano answered, "You'll have to let me know in the morning."

Not knowing exactly how I wanted to respond at that exact moment, I asked Mano if he'd like to have dinner with me at a swanky beachside restaurant in the resort. He answered that he would love that and we agreed to meet at 7:00 pm after we both got cleaned up. As we left the beach I thanked him for the surfing lesson and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Until later." he said as we parted.

"Hopefully not too much later." I answered walking away.

Back in my suite I got undressed and took a long shower to wash the salt out of my hair before doing my nails and putting on a very revealing short, white dress that showed off my two best assets - my skinny legs and my 36E breasts. I contemplated how this evening might potentially play out before deciding to go sans bra and panties under my dress. I straightened my sun kissed blonde hair to negate the effects of the humidity, before donning some fancy white sandals and applying some red lipstick for a hint of color.

As prepared as I felt I ever would be, I started to grab my diamond ring out of the hotel safe before realizing I had not been wearing it all day! Not that I hadn't given Mano some pretty obvious signs already about my interest in him, but just to be sure I didn't add any confusion to the situation, I put the ring back into the safe and closed the door.

When I arrived at the restaurant, Mano was already at a table fronting the beach with a couple of drinks waiting. He was wearing a nice pair of linen shorts and leather flip flops to go with his floral print Aloha shirt, which complimented my ensemble perfectly. We toasted to a great afternoon and settled in for a wonderful dinner and conversation about all things Hawaiian.

Once dinner concluded, we adjourned with our drinks to a comfortable lounge area on the sand with a private fire pit. Mano took a seat next to me on the cushioned love seat and lay his arm across the back of it behind me, while I moved closer to him.

Now emboldened by several cocktails, our conversation turned much more provocative in nature.

"So what makes you a Mano?" I joked.

"I know what a woman wants." Mano answered.

"Oh really," I replied seductively, "And what exactly is it that I want?"

"Since you aren't wearing anything under your dress... this." Mano replied confidently.

Mano placed a hand on my knee and slid it up my inner thigh before it crept under the hem of my skirt. I felt my temperature rise as I relaxed my legs and opened them slightly for him. His hand continued on decisively and I felt two of his fingers slip inside of me.

"You're right." I said in a low murmur. "That IS what I want.

Mano's fingers gently explored me as he located my most sensitive areas, while I tried to stay nonchalant in our semi-public setting.

"And what do YOU want?" I whispered into Mano's ear.

"To take you back to your suite, peel you out of this dress and give you a night of lovemaking like you have never known." he replied.

"OK." I said as I bit down on his earlobe. "Let's go."

The door to my suite closed heavily us as we entered. The room was dark and I opened the balcony door before stepping out onto it and into the warm evening breeze. I turned my face toward the ocean as my hair blew softly behind me and Mano's hands gently clasped my shoulders from behind. As I tipped my head back, Mano's lips gently kissed my neck below my ear to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach.

Slowly I turned to face him as our lips met in a forceful kiss that released some of the sexual tension which had been slowly building all day. Mano's embrace was firm as he held me close and his breath was hot on my throat as his mouth moved lower again. Inch by inch he moved down my collarbone to my cleavage before sliding my dress gently off my shoulders and revealing my ample breasts for himself. Slowly he circled one of my rock hard nipples with the tip of his tongue before closing his teeth and lips on it softly.

I let out a quiet moan as a large wave crashed and let my hand move down Mano's hip to the front of his linen shorts. I could sense his growing erection tilted off to one side and rubbed my hand along the length of it through the fabric before letting my fingertips locate and slowly lower his fly.

Mano's hands moved down to my hips as he dropped to his knees in front of me. They wrapped around me, lightly caressing my ass for a moment before returning to my hips and sliding my white dress up, exposing my soft and waxed pussy. My head tipped back again and my hands fondled his dark hair as Mano ran his warm tongue intently up my wanting little slit before lightly circling my pebble hard clitorus.

I fought to stand steady as Mano expertly worked me with his mouth and lapped at the wetness that told him I wanted him. He slipped two fingers inside me and stroked the front wall of my vagina with a come hither motion across my G-spot as his mouth continued working my clit. I felt the familiar sensation of my approaching orgasm as I struggled to remain standing until succumbing to it fully. I was acutely aware of my moaning that was mostly disguised by the wave action, and both subsided at the same time in an almost coordinated fashion.

Mano stood up from his kneeling position as I stood before him to unclasp his belt and the button on the front of his shorts, allowing them to fall to his ankles. To my surprise, he was naked as well beneath them and his beautiful cock stood fully erect now that it was free from its prior captivity. I clasped him by the base of it and a quick appraisal of about two thirds of him protruding from the grip of my small hand told me that he was about eight inches in length and very thick.

I opened my mouth and extended my pink fleshy tongue before lightly circling his glans. Mano's hand moved up under my hair and directed me to softly take a little more of him. I could tell he was very excited now by how rigid his erection had become, and I pumped him a little more aggressively to his sounds of approval.

It was quite exciting to gaze upon an erect man, completely shaved of all pubic hair and watch his cock swell so large and hard in my grip. The veins and arteries protruded in zig zagging fashion along its length and I could taste a hint of his pre-ejaculate as I committed more to the blow job I was giving him.

Mano's hand held my head firmly as my pace increased. I relaxed my throat and with each head bob allowed increasingly deeper penetration until he was bumping the back of my throat with the soft head of his cock. My hand firmly grasped his testicles and pulled down while my lips traced the contours of his shaft.

I could sense Mano's excitement building and slowed my activity to allow him to regroup for a moment. I grasped the shorts around his ankles and allowed him to step out of both them and his sandals simultaneously before picking both up and tossing them in the open balcony door and back into the room.

I rose to my feet and unbuttoned Mano's shirt button by button before removing it and throwing it into the room as well. Now standing fully naked before me, Mano grabbed the bottom hem of my dress on each side of my hips and lifted it over my head, as I raised my arms for him to remove it. He balled it up in one handed fashion and backhanded it through the open door where it landed on a chair.

I quietly turned my back to him and gazed out at the blackness of the ocean at night, while Mano moved behind me and caressed my ass and back with his firm hands. I lifted one of my legs up and placed it on a patio table, as I felt myself being bent forward over the balcony rail. As my hand moved down to stroke my own clit once more, I felt myself being penetrated by Mano's generous cock.

Slowly and deliberately, he tested the abilities of my petite pussy. Once he was sure he would not injure me, I could feel his pace increase until I felt and heard the slapping of Mano's groin on my ass cheeks. With each stroke my panting and whimpering became louder.

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see a couple lying on a beach chair just below our second floor location watching us. For a moment I tensed at being caught before realizing that I knew nobody on this island, not even Mano really. As I relaxed, I raised both of my hands up and pressed my tits together for them, while Mano continued railing me.

As I looked closer, I noticed the woman had the man's cock out of his shorts and was stroking him, while he was fingering her. While it was clearly evident what they were doing, the shadows obscured the details of their faces giving them a desirable anonymity.

The thought of being watched by strangers while I was being fucked from behind outside in an island paradise, quickly brought me to a second orgasm. My body convulsed as I gripped the deck rail with my hands and Mano's cock with my pussy.

"That's it my love." Mano whispered. "Let the lovers hear you."

"Ohhhh.... Fuck!" I cried out. "Your cock feels so good in me. Don't stop. Please! I'm coming sooo hard!"

As I felt myself cumming in wave after wave of desire, I gazed down on the couple to see the gentleman ejaculating through his wife's grip before she lowered her head and lapped the cum from her fingers and his shaft while I watched. It excited me greatly to know that sight and sounds of my domination were seductive enough to bring another human to orgasm.

With my own orgasm fading, Mano scooped me up in his arms and carried me into the suite for more comfortable surroundings. It didn't seem fair that a complete stranger and myself both had already cum blissfully, while my Mano was still looking for his first release. I needed to satisfy my lover and repay him for the selfless day of attention I had received.

"What do you desire?" I asked. "What can I do to make you as fulfilled as you've made me?"

"Lie back." Mano replied. "Lie back and relax your body totally. You do yoga, correct?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Eka pada sirsasana." Mano said, speaking a language that I was unfamiliar with.

"Alright." I answered. "Eka me."

Mano knelt beside me on the bed and gently began to massage my entire body, focusing heavily on my hamstrings, gluteus maximus, and lower back. The massage seemed to go on forever and I stroked Mano's cock throughout it.

Once I felt I could be no further relaxed, Mano pulled me to the edge of the bed and stood just off of it between my legs.

"Clear your head." he said. "I am going to show you why I am called Mano now."

Mano slowly raised one of my legs, with steady pressure as he curled my foot upward and inward toward my ear. I marveled at how my leg seemed to go higher and with greater flexibility than I had ever experienced before. Suddenly, I felt my foot slip under the back of my neck as Mano released his grip and it stayed there.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed. I've NEVER been able to do that before!"

"One down and one to go Amy." Mano said with a coy grin.

Mano repeated the exercise with my other leg as I relaxed and gave my body up to him. Buoyed by my confidence of the other leg succeeding, I cleared my head and let him position me. Soon the opposing foot popped into place with the other and my neck tilted forward from my impronteau pillow.

Mano stepped back from the bed as he surveyed his handiwork. I was totally open and exposed in this position, vulnerable and ready to be taken. I could easily view my own little slit, moist and parted, asking to be attended to.

Mano gazed down upon me approvingly while stroking himself back to a full erection.

"Prepare yourself for the orgasm of your life Miss Amy." he said softly.

"I want that" I replied anxiously. "I'm ready."

Mano slipped his hands under my lower back and pulled me gently to the edge of the mattress. I slid my hands downward and cupped my ass cheeks with them for additional support as Mano lowered his cock and moistened the head of it in my open cunt. With his palms on each hamstring and his thumbs spreading my soft pinkness open, he penetrated me slowly and deeply until I could feel his testicles touch the backs of my hands.

"Oh my god!" I cried out. "This is fucking unreal!"

"Excellent." Mano replied. "Because the best is yet to come."

Mano began taking long, deep probing strokes into my willing and wet little box. I could feel each ridge on his meaty penis as he moved in and out of me easily. With each withdrawal, the rim of his cock head stroked my G-Spot perfectly, causing my body to shudder beneath him.

As his pace increased, I opened my mouth only to find no discernible sound escape as I reveled in my fucking. Mano was now forcefully thrusting into me with no visible signs of slowing.

My legs were becoming a little numb from their restricted position, but as such, they eventually lost feeling which made keeping them like this more manageable. One foot started to pull loose from beneath my neck from the vigor of Mano's pounding, but he quickly regrouped and re-tucked it back into place before reaching over and pulling a pillow to himself.

Mano pulled the pillow forcefully from the pillow case and tossed it to the floor before ripping the pillow case violently in two. After regrasping it again, he tore it a second time to form a long strip of fabric. Reaching behind my head, he deftly tied both of my ankles together so we would encounter no further annoyances.

With my ankles secured, Mano's hips went to work on me. One of his hands now slid to clutch my throat while the other squeezed one my breasts. I loved this feeling of total control that Mano had over me and the helplessness of my situation. He could and was taking everything he wanted of me and I reveled in it.

Mano's expert fucking of my petite little body brought me quickly to yet another orgasm. My body tingled before quivering beneath him as my pussy squeezed his cock with contraction after contraction.

Exhausted from my punishment, I lay spent on the mattress as Mano withdrew his cock from me. Taking it in his hand he stroked himself firmly while I watched. His stamina was incredible and he increased his pace in an effort to break it.

"Are you ready for me to cum now Amy?" he asked.

"Yes!" I begged. "Cum on me please!"

Mano's testicles tightened as his orgasm neared. I watched with anticipation and excitement as a generous amount of precum dripped from the tip of his cock just before a white stream exploded from him and hit me in the face. Successive spurts continued landing randomly across my tits and belly before a steady stream filled my little slit as we both watched. When it was full, Mano pressed his still rigid erection into me once more and slow stroked me until his cock could go on no further.

After releasing my legs and covering me with a sheet, Mano pulled on his clothes in the dim light, gave me a kiss, and slipped out the door into the night without saying another word.

As I lay in bed the next morning, replaying my night of abandon in my head, I was startled back into the present by a knock at my door.

"Sleeping still!" I shouted, only to be answered with another knock.

"I said I'm still sleeping!" I yelled a little louder.

Another knock rapped on the door as I disgustedly rose to my feet and wrapped a sheet around myself to answer it. As I opened the door slightly to send my message a final time, I was met with Eric's smiling face glaring at me from the hall.

"Surprise baby." he said in a low voice. "This is your wake up call."

I flung the door open and threw my arms around my lover's neck while planting a deep kiss on his perfect lips.

"What are you doing here!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I felt bad that you had to take a vacation all by yourself, so I changed my work plans and got on the soonest available flight that I could to meet you here." Eric said.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"That's a long story." Eric replied while walking into the room and sitting down in the chair.

"It looks like you still know how to blow up a hotel room." he laughed while moving my balled up white dress aside.

"I got in late last night and I knew your hotel was in this area, but I wasn't quite sure which one. I called your cell phone several times but I didn't get an answer."

"Oh," I stammered. "I accidentally let it run all the way down on battery and then when I plugged it in I forgot it was on silent."

I reached for the phone on the nightstand and subtly moved the tab on the side to the red, silent position.

"See." I said, turning it for him to look.

"It's fine babe," Eric said in a forgiving voice. "It all worked out. I left my bag in the car and walked the beach hotels asking at each one if you were there, but they wouldn't give out that information. I didn't want to pay the last minute rate for a room, especially if I found you, so I just slept on a beach chair."

"Sounds cold and lonely." I said with a frown.

"It wasn't that bad." Eric replied. "I had a few drinks at one of the hotel bars and chatted with a woman that was waiting for her husband for quite a while.

"What was he doing?" I asked.

"That's the wild part." Eric said, perking up a little. "It seems they have an open relationship and he had hooked up with a woman staying in one of the beach hotels. We actually sat right below the balcony where they were and listened to her getting fucked by him."

"Which hotel?" I asked as a lump formed in my throat.

"I'm not sure." Eric said. "They all look the same after dark and after I walked the beach a little more later, I lost my bearings on which one it was."

"Could you see them?" I asked.

"We were close enough to, but the lighting behind them only let us see their silhouettes. She had a fantastic body though and she was pushing her tits together and letting us hear her moan while he hammered her from behind." Eric said.

I felt a pit in my stomach at how close my husband had come to seeing his wife being fucked by Mano The Passionate Lover, before realizing that the shadows on his face were all that had saved him as well from me watching Mano's wife beat him off and lick up his cum.

"So this guy's wife didn't want to get even or even try to come on to you?" I asked. "That seems to be a natural reaction for someone in an "open relationship."

"No way babe! I'd never cheat on you like that. We just watched and listened and after he carried her inside to the bed, we wandered back down to a poolside bar and had a few drinks before parting ways. I suppose she was going somewhere to wait for him after he finished with his business."

I knew my lover was lying to me, but I really had no place to call him on it, being that I was doing the same and had gotten a hell of a lot more last night than a hand job.

"So what did you talk about while you were having a drink?" I questioned further.

"That's the interesting part." Eric replied. "It seems that she is a yoga instructor. I know that you are really into your yoga and she asked me about some of the types of poses you do. After listening to the ones I could describe, she told me that there is one that I really needed to remember to tell you about. She said it would make our sex life incredible."

"Oh yeah?" I replied with a smile. "And what pose is that?"

"Eka pada sirsasana." Eric said. "She said you probably would be familiar with it."

"I've heard of it." I replied with a smile. "Why don't I show you."

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Flying Solo 100 true

The pressure of the day at work and the emotional turmoil I was under had subjected me to many nights of restless sleep. I sat in bed reading a collection of erotica that I had picked up at my last visit to the bookstore. I bought the book on a whim, simply because I liked the way the cover looked, snuggled in my bed I started reading the first story and when that was finished moved onto the second. Before long my breathing quickened, and I could feel a dampness between my legs. I hadn’t...

2 years ago
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Amys Dream Part 1


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Solo Vacation

 Katie had gone away by herself. She was fed up with her so-called boyfriend and had to take a week's holiday before September anyway or lose it.Finally, after an uncomfortable flight and a hot sticky taxi ride, she flopped down on her Air B&B bed and admired the stunning view of the sparkling sea.Katie's thoughts naturally turned to sex. She had been horny on the plane. Horny and hurt because her boyfriend had gone off with his mates on a stag weekend, and she knew what that could...

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Amys story Max

* * * * I sat down at the dinnertable with my mom and dad. My parents worked alot and I was often left alone but I feel that im old enough to be home by myself. This day everythings seemed normal except that my parent acted a bit wierd but not too out of character. My dad stood up and left the table but I didnt think anything about it until he came back, with a large dog. I just stared at the dog when my mom rased her voice. - "SURPRISE!!" I was in chock, it wasnt my birthday so why...

1 year ago
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Jennys solo adventure with Ruby

I had known Ruby, you may know her as Rubz, for about three weeks. I can’t remember who contacted who but I do remember it was on a Saturday evening. We seemed to hit it off straight away. She told me that she was happily married and only came here for the stories and a bit of harmless fun. We spent the remainder of the night sending messages back and forth finding out a little about our completely different lives. I can't put my finger on what I liked so much, maybe the candid conversations or...

4 years ago
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Susanne Submits 2 Solo Sex Photos

Susanne shows us in, after our first fucks in the small hall of her apartment. The double doors to her sunny garden are wide open, so I sit down outside, which is a few steps down from her main room. While she is in the kitchen to fetch us fresh mugs of milk-coffee, I roll a reefer to set her mind further free, into the rich realm of life full of lust as a sex slave for a few weeks. Susanne seems at peace with her new submissive role, although she still hardly knows, what it might imply for...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Solo Visits to Porn Theaters

We made many trips to the adult theaters in the Denver area where Cheryl spent many hours entertaining the various males there. She would always wear a slutty outfit so the guys knew she was there to suck and fuck as much cock as she wanted.On several occasions I took her to the adult theater during the day, dropping her off and picking her back up an hour or so later. The guys there during the day were a different crowd, not in a bad way, just a different set of men who normally did not visit...

1 year ago
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Remix Chapter 9 Solo

Remix, Chapter 9 : Solo By Brevdravis After leaving the doctor's office, Anne and James quickly took a side trip to the local pharmacy, where an obviously amused clerk had filled the prescription for the pill. James was instantly reminded of an old George Carlin joke about having to get a note to get laid. They left as quickly as they arrived, and soon were once again traveling in the battered station wagon. "You've really been doing very well over the past few days,...

3 years ago
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Amys First Time

It was early January and Amy had just turned twenty-one. She was a dainty little brunette with big blue eyes. She was beautiful and perfect in every way except one. She was still a virgin. Since she was young, she had always promised herself she would not have sex until marriage but she could no longer control the urge, the desire to be penetrated. One night, she decided this would be the night she would lose her virginity. She texted just two words to her boyfriend Chris “I’m ready”. He...

2 years ago
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Amys Gangbang Dream Come True

Amy was an adventurous 20 year old girl and loved all kinds of sex with both men and women, so when her boyfriend Tony suggested a gangbang she was more than willing to take him up on the offer. The thought of having several men touching and fucking her at once was a real turn on. She agreed to meet Tony at his flat on a Friday evening. Before she made her way out she drank several shots of tequila to take the edge off. The tequila did its job and as she rang on his doorbell, she was a little...

4 years ago
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Amys Betrayal

It had been a hectic day, and everything that could go wrong for Amy did. Just when things couldn’t feel any worse, the phone rang and startled her out of her deep thoughts of Brad. The man she always felt was the one. Until she came home early and found him in bed with her best friend. She suddenly felt sick in the pit of her stomach, as her thoughts went back to that dreaded day and quickly forgot the phone ringing. She remembered that day like it was yesterday. It was their two year...

2 years ago
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Amys Second Gangbang

It had been two weeks since Amy’s first gangbang, and she was already desperate for another. Her boyfriend Tony simply could not keep up with her sexual desire. She talked of little else and Tony knew he had to make a plan. Amy’s last gangbang had lasted for four hours and had involved nearly 20 of Tony’s friends, but that was not enough for her, she wanted more, a lot more. Amy spent most evenings watching the video Tony had made of the gangbang. She would sit naked in front of the TV and...

3 years ago
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Amys Christian Punishment

Amy’s eyes were watering from the huge strapon that was impaling her pussy. Her cum was on the floor below and she knew later she would have to lick it off the laminated wood. She could feel Jenny’s tits pressing against her back as she was being bounced up and down on the bright green manhood. Amy’s blue eyes poured with water like the ocean, and every moment or so she gave out long sustained moans. Her hair was a mess, but that was the least of her worries! Her thighs were bright red, as were...

1 year ago
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Amys First Time

Oh my god! Cameron’s flirting with you! I glanced over at him, trying not to be too obvious. He was looking back at the book and I admired his chiseled profile. It had to be wishful thinking. Cameron was a senior, tall blonde and built he was in football and track and still managed to make straight A’s. He was one of the popular kids and he couldn’t possibly be interested in me. I was 16 and just a junior. I had a good group of friends but I would never fit in with the popular crowd because I...

3 years ago
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Amys Awakening

After our first time together Cameron and I almost always did our “studying” at his place. I was a diligent student, learning things about my body and his that I never could have imagined. He taught me how to give head and I spent hours on my knees practicing the art. Somewhat to my surprise I found that I loved it, I loved the power it gave me over him, the control of bringing him to the edge and then deciding whether or not to push him over. Sometimes I would get so turned on by what I was...

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Amyss BD Adventures

Let me tell you a little bit about me. When my great adventure began, I was young (age 25) and not very experienced. Oh, I had sex any number of times, in a number of different ways, but I never felt the wild excitement in actually doing those things that I imagined in advance. I had a million different, very kinky fantasies, things that I really wanted to do but was afraid to try, even if I had the opportunity to try) which I really didn't have. Mostly, my fantasies involved me as a sort of...

4 years ago
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People who do not like stories of this kind are strongly advised not to read them. Vacation By Margaret Jeanette Marshall and Janice Morgan were going on vacation. Marshall put the suitcases in the trunk of their car except for two there was no room for in the trunk. He hung the garment bags in back and was all ready to go. They both had two weeks vacation and they were going to drive all over the western half of the country. "Everything's packed and ready to go. Let's...

2 years ago
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AF The Accountants Vacation

AF: The Accountant's Vacation By Olivia Evans I was nearly knocked over by the tiny blonde as I walked through the front door. Before I could even say, "Hi Honey, I'm home!" I was given a deep kiss. "Wow, what brought that on?" I asked looking down at Sharon, my beautiful five foot two wife. "Not that I'm complaining, mind?," She gave me another kiss, instantly shutting me up. Sharon smiled sweetly. "Just missed you, that's all." I had really missed my lovely Sharon as...

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Her Pink Solo Cup

Her Pink Solo Cup By: Hardtimes69 Sam lay on her bed naked. She was alone and had a few minutes of peace and quiet. She thought of the last few chats with her cyber lover, always cut short by the interruptions of summer. Now she was injured and had two areas that throbbed. The injured wrist would have to heal on its own, some pills and ice and a prayer that it was not broken. The other throbbing ache she was about to take care of, for now anyway. Her injured hand lay next to her on the bed...

4 years ago
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Solo Sex On The Beach

I had been in to swim twice under the July sun that day. By the time I'd dried off, the afternoon clouds had rolled in until the sky was like a lumpy quilt. I sat down on the beach towel and pulled a second, smaller towel over my shoulders to help ward off the cooling wind.My friends Deena and Lindsey had just left for a walk to the snack bar, which was all the way at the other end of the beach. Needing a rest, I stretched out face down, feet toward the sea, adjusting the top towel to cover...

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My Husband Send Me Out On My first Solo Gangbang

My husband has made me do a lot of gangbangs over the years. In all of them, he has set them up and arranged the guys and been there to make sure I was safe and things didn't get out of hand.This one was quite different. I was off of work in preparation to study abroad for a year, and I asked my husband TC if I could fly across the country to visit my family, since I wouldn't have the chance to see them for a long time. At first he said no because I wasn’t bringing in any money, and it would...

1 year ago
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Uhoh She Caught Me Solo

Uh-Oh. She Caught Me Solo Back in the days when there just didn't seem to be enough sex to satisfy me, even when I had a steady girlfriend I couldn't get enough sex. So I did what most guys do when they're horny but alone, I jerked off. I jerked off every chance I got. Which I found, when living with your girlfriend, isn't nearly enough. I'd always find some excuse to stay home when she went on errands, just so I could scratch that itch, but I couldn't do that too much or she'd get the wrong...

3 years ago
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Flying solo

So my wife and I love to include a 3rd person in our sex lives from time to time and its normally another guy mostly because I love watching her get fucked!! But I have always wanted her to fly solo and one day when we're getting in on she has a naughty confession to tell me. I thought this would never happen. However I'm pleased to say that on Saturday night having the house to our selfs my wife said I have something I need to tell you. She said it in such a way that made my cock twitch. Do...

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Shy wifes first solo meet and greet

So ever since we've started in the lifestyle, we done things together. Whether it was a group chat with potential playmates or the actual playdate, I (husband) was always present. Partly because it made my wife more comfortable with me being there, and partly because I just really like seeing everything from start to finish. My wife is very shy and gets extremely nervous whenever we meet anyone, so me being there helps her with breaking the ice, as well as just making her feel safer about...

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Emilys Second Solo Holiday Part 04

by Vanessa Evans Part 04 Once well under way, Wren came to see me again and asked me if I was okay. Then she told me that we’d be dropping anchor at the next beach that we saw and that we’d be going ashore to sunbathe for the rest of the day. I had mixed feelings, I wanted to stay there having more orgasms as the yacht cut through the fresh sea air, but at the same time I was getting quite tired. The thought crossed my mind that if there was a slight accident when Aryn was cutting me down...

4 years ago
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Going Solo

I was waiting nervously at the front door after having knocked. I was waiting for Jenny to come to the door. My visit had been arranged last night when Jenny had joined my parents and I for dinner at our place. We had discussed my massage course progress. I was doing the course during the summer break before I started my physiotherapy course at the local university. My parents were pleased that I was not going to waste the summer like all the other 18 year olds. i was actually doing some...

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"Sixty five knots, 1300 RPM, two hundred feet to go; I have the runway made, looking good." Ok back on the throttle, easy... easy... time to flare... there's the picture... hold it hold it. We're down. Now that was a good landing. I am really getting the hang of this." "Ok! That was a great landing," said the flight instructor. "Pull over here by the edge of the runway." I taxi the airplane to the side of the runway. Jeff opens the door and starts to get out. With one leg dangling...

1 year ago
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Mistress PC Vacation

This is a continuation of the original story Mistress PC. I feel this isn't a 'stand alone' story. I would recommend reading the first part to this. There are references that would be out of place without the full story.. Now, on with the show.... Mistress PC - Vacation After the diner, Tina is driving Marci to the mall, unbeknownst to Marci. "I'd thought we'd go to my place and I'd show you Ms. PC.?" "Mistress said that you were to buy swimwear for vacation. The...

2 years ago
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First Nudist Vacation

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a relaxing, romantic vacation together. We both have very stressful jobs on Wall Street and haven't had a vacation away for a long time.Stacey left the decision making all up to me as far as location, venue, flights and hotels. I guess she just doesn't like taking the time to do the research, she says it's too much trouble and not worth the aggravation. She also loves to be surprised by my choices and is always pleased with any destination I...

2 years ago
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Travel Agency Free Vacation

It's been awhile since I wrote a story in my Travel Agency universe so I decided that it was about time to do so again. In case you haven't read any of my Travel Agency stories, they are Travel Agency, Another Tail and Larger than Life. Travel Agency: Free Trip By Morpheus Letting out a long sigh, I leaned back in my chair, turning my attention away from the small pile of homework that I'd been doing for my classes. Or at least trying to do. Actually, I hadn't really put...

4 years ago
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Nudist Vacation

My wife Stacey and I were in desperate need of a relaxing, romantic vacation together. We both have very stressful jobs on Wall Street and haven't had a vacation away for a long time.Stacey left the decision making all up to me as far as location, venue, flights and hotels. I guess she just doesn't like taking the time to do the research, she says it's too much trouble and not worth the aggravation. She also loves to be surprised by my choices and is always pleased with any destination I...

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The Vacation

We were finally winging our way to our tropical get away. Since, from our northern location, its nearly a five and a half hour flight we had splurged and used airline miles to upgrade to first class. But let me go back and start at the beginning. Lisa and I both work pretty hard and our major payback to ourselves is a vacation at a tropical resort each year. After alternating between the Caribbean and Hawaii for years, we decided to try the Mexican Riviera this time. If you have been...

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Hotwife Brandis Slutty Vacation

Chapter 1“Could you take my case downstairs to the hall please, hon? It's a bit heavy!” asked Brandi.“How can it possibly be heavy?” I asked, with a grin on my face. “All your outfits are so skimpy, they don'tweigh any more than a few feathers!”“Oh, very droll, darling! I've got 3 pairs of kinky thigh boots in there, as well as those pvc chaps that you likeso much!”Brandi had started packing for our vacation almost a week ago and I knew that she would be taking someseriously slutty outfits. She...

2 years ago
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Cucked on Vacation

It was our first proper vacation in years. I breathed a sigh of relief as I gazed out our suite window towards the calm ocean waters of the gulf. After seven years of marriage and a limited amount of time off it felt the****utic to finally have a week away all to ourselves. We had selected Naples because it was quiet, and peaceful, and a drastic change of scenery from the drab winter we had just suffered through in Ohio. I turned and looked towards the bed, where my wife rested in slumber....

2 years ago
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Once In A Lifetime Vacation

Introduction: Husband and wife go on a Florida vacation leasing a beach house for the entire Month. Their twelve year old daughter is to join them for the last two weeks. This totally fictional story is written by a complete novice from his infertile mind! I make up stories for my own entertainment! If I were a professional writer, Id have a lot more money in the bank! Stan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the...

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A Kinky Vacation

After 3 years without a vacation for ourselves, my wife and I were finally able to book a cruise in the Caribbean for an entire week. It was to be a much needed break from a stressful job and the full time 24/7 commitment of being parents. I was also hoping that it would be an opportunity to spice things up a bit. Our sex life wasn't bad, but the commitments of work and family rarely left us with the time and energy to play. Even then, we had gotten into a rut of doing pretty much the same...

3 years ago
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Sexy Cuckold Vacation

After 3 years without a vacation for ourselves, my wife and I were finally able to book a cruise in the Caribbean for an entire week. It was to be a much needed break from a stressful job and the full time 24/7 commitment of being parents. I was also hoping that it would be an opportunity to spice things up a bit. Our sex life wasn't bad, but the commitments of work and family rarely left us with the time and energy to play. Even then, we had gotten into a rut of doing pretty much the same...

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Charlottes Vacation

Here we are, the middle of Summer. The peak of blazing hot weather. The sun cooking people who dared to step outside into Mother Nature's oven. People walking the streets with uneven tans, some wearing sunglasses too big for their faces, people splashing around in pools in their backyards, unattractive men jogging in short shorts hidden behind their huge hairy bellies. It was a perfect summer day, and also the day before the vacation of a lifetime.It was a Friday night and I was packing my bags...

2 years ago
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Once In A Lifetime Vacation

Stan-Husband Debra-Wife Cassie-Daughter, Seventeen yrs. Todd-White stranger David-Black stranger This story is told from the view of the wife, Debra. Once In A Lifetime Vacation My husband, Stan and I were on the Florida coast for a long rest and well deserved vacation. We both have been working hard and in a welcome turn of fate, we both had slack time at work and could get vacation at the same time so we could take off together for the first time in years. We took a month’s...

1 year ago
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Accepting My Cuckold Role On A Houseboat Vacation

It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...

2 years ago
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What I Did on my Vacation

Chapter 1 Day One I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION I AM ON VACATION!!! This one thought cycles through my head as I pack my overnight bag with only the essentials for the next ten days. Toiletries, brush, makeup, minimal clothing - didn't need much on the beach. No man to impress. No kids to tell me how dorky I look. Only four hours to go. Drive an hour to the airport from my podunk little town in this frigid northern climate then board a plane for sunny Florida. I even got a direct...

3 years ago
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Winter Vacation

There are eight of us. There is my wife Lauren and three of her sorority sisters and me (I’m Al) and three of my fraternity brothers. We all graduated within a year of each other and we all got married within a couple of years after college. We have been fast friends ever since. Every winter we all go on vacation together. We have been to exotic islands, rented houses large enough for all of us on some of the best beaches we can find but this year we had decided to do a winter vacation in a...

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Susan is tricked into taking a 8220swinger8221 vacation

“James and Susan Hullett. That’s H.u.l.l.e.t.t” I said to the pretty red head behind the ticket counter. “Here you are sir. Here is your boarding pass and seat assignment,” she said as she passed me my tickets and smiled. She looked to be about 22 or 23 and I couldn’t help noticing she had either very perky breast or a great push up bra. They were standing hard and proud. She noticed I was looking and her hand instinctively went to her cleavage and...

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