My wife is a dirty slut
- 4 years ago
- 30
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Kevin slammed down his glass in anger. He knew it had been a mistake to come to the reception, and Arabella’s behaviour was already proving him right. He looked across the room to where she was standing much too close to Dave Costello, her wine glass at a tipsy angle, giggling at some inane remark he’d just made. He saw Dave glance down at Arabella’s ample chest, her embonpoint almost spilling out of her low-cut black cocktail dress. On some women it would have looked elegant, but Arabella managed effortlessly to make it appear slutty. Kevin acknowledged grimly the implications of this observation. It wasn’t the dress that was slutty, it was his wife. He remembered her comment when he’d suggested she should wear a bra underneath: accusing him of being a prude, and that underwear of any sort just spoilt the “line” of the dress. He knew she just wanted men to look at her boobs, and if there was an opportunity to reveal her lack of panties as well, that would be even better.
“Don’t you want me to look attractive for our friends?” she had asked rhetorically. Kevin had been tempted to point out that (a) he didn’t know most of her work colleagues; the ones he did know seemed to be arrogant arseholes; and (c) there was more to looking attractive than flashing your knockers all over the place. But he’d wisely held his tongue.
Dave Costello would presumably have disagreed with point (c). While still gazing at Arabella’s boobs, he casually swiped two full wine glasses from the tray held by a passing waitress and gave one of them to Arabella, who simpered even more at his “gallantry”, as she’d have described it. Dave lent over and whispered something in her ear, and Kevin spotted her glancing over in his direction while she sipped from her glass. Was that a slight blush on her cheek, or just the effect of the wine? He wasn’t sure, but he did know that embarrassment wasn’t really in Arabella’s repertoire.
Kevin took another swig from his own wine glass. He decided he might as well get drunk, since they’d be getting a taxi home anyway. Arabella would be pissed too, and he just hoped she wouldn’t throw up all over the taxi’s upholstery, like last time. That had cost him an extra hundred quid on top of the usual fare.
This thought had distracted him for a moment, and when he looked over towards Arabella, she’d disappeared. Dave Costello wasn’t in sight either. Kevin scanned the room, and caught a glimpse of Arabella’s back disappearing through the door. And what was more, Dave was there, his hand firmly placed on her trim bottom. Kevin sighed. No doubt they’d be finding a quiet spot somewhere for a quick snog, and Dave might even chance a quick grope of Arabella’s tits through her dress. Kevin didn’t suppose she’d object.
He looked round. There wasn’t even a fresh glass (or even a bottle) of wine when you wanted one. He decided to go for a pee first, and then seek out more alcohol to take his mind off the thought of Dave Costello tweaking his wife’s perky nipples. The bogs downstairs were occupied, so he wandered upstairs to where he had a vague recollection there was another set. Luckily these ones were free, so he stood and emptied his bladder while wondering how long he dared leave it before suggesting to Arabella that it was time to go home.
His mind elsewhere, he took a wrong turn out of the toilet and found himself in a part of the building he didn’t recognise. Turning round to retrace his steps, he was suddenly distracted by a giggle, and a muffled exclamation that sounded like, “No, I can’t.” It seemed to be coming from one of the adjacent offices. He looked up to try and identify the precise source, and noticed that the door to one of the rooms wasn’t quite shut. His curiosity got the better of him, and he quietly positioned himself by the door and put his eye to the gap.
His heart missed a beat as he saw Arabella and Dave Costello leaning against a large desk. Dave’s trousers were down round his knees, and his erect penis was sticking out of the front of his boxer shorts. Arabella was holding it in her hand, stroking it gently, and Kevin was horrified to see that her dress had been pulled right down and Dave was kneading one of her bare breasts.
“Suck it, babe,” muttered Dave Costello, and Arabella looked at him with a filthy grin. Without a word, she knelt down and pulled on his foreskin, revealing his shiny knob-end, then stuck out her tongue and licked gently round the tip.
“Oh fuck,” gasped Dave Costello, his penis twitching at the sensation. Kevin knew what he was feeling. It was a long time since Arabella had fellated him, but she was a real pro, seeming to know exactly when to lick, when to suck gently, and when to go at it 100%, like a Dyson turned up to 11.
She also knew how to deep-throat, and Kevin watched as the whole length of Dave’s erection (a good eight-inches worth) disappeared slowly down her throat, before emerging a few moments later coated in Arabella’s saliva. Dave had begun to play with her breasts again, and Kevin could see how hard and aroused her nipples were.
Some husbands, on catching their wife in the act of giving head to another man, would have burst in and beaten one or both of the guilty parties over the head with a convenient item of office furniture, like a telephone or a chair. But something stopped Kevin. This was partly because he knew that in any encounter of that sort he would be bound to come off worst, but also because (to his surprise) he was beginning to feel more than a little aroused. He could feel his own penis stirring into life in his trousers, blood surging into it as he watched his wife’s lips wrapped around another man’s erection.
Glancing quickly around to make sure he wasn’t being watched himself, he slid down his zipper, put his hand in, and eased out his tumescent organ. It was surprisingly hot, and in a few seconds it had swelled to a hardness he hadn’t experienced for a long time. Cradling it in his hand, he noticed that the shiny helmet was already sticky with secretions of pre-cum liquid. It throbbed excitedly as he squeezed it, rubbing his thumb against the sensitive edge of the helmet.
Looking back through the door, he was just in time to see Arabella withdraw Dave Costello’s penis from her mouth. Her bright red lipstick was smeared over the sides of her mouth, and some of it had rubbed off onto Dave’s shaft.
“Fuck me,” she said; and it wasn’t an expression of surprise. It was an order. Just two words that made Kevin’s heart stop and his penis tingle. He wouldn’t, would he?
Dave Costello didn’t pause to ask stupid questions. He just grunted and turned Arabella round, roughly bending her over the desk so her big breasts dangled and her bum stuck up in the air. He pushed her dress up around her waist, exposing her knicker-less bottom, and eased her cheeks apart with one hand while grasping his erect penis in the other.
Kevin just caught a glimpse of the pink folds of his wife’s vulva, looking very wet and aroused, as Dave positioned his penis at the entrance. Kevin’s own cock was almost painfully erect, and he rubbed it slowly as he watched Dave Costello’s hard-on disappear into his wife’s vagina. Judging that no-one in the room was likely to be looking in his direction, he eased the door open a little, giving himself a better view.
He watched as Dave Costello put his hands on Arabella’s hips and began to pump his cock in and out of her hole. Kevin could hear the schlup, schlup, schlup of her copious juices, and she began to let out a sequence of squeaks and gasps as she sprawled over the desk.
“Oh Dave, yes Dave,” she squealed, “Oh fuck yes, oh fuck, that’s it.”
Kevin began to masturbate in earnest. Suddenly he had an idea, and pulled out his phone. Activating the movie camera app, he aimed it through the gap in the door with one hand while continuing to pump his penis with the other. He had a feeling he’d enjoy watching it back, and masturbating all over again.
Dave Costello didn’t actually last very long before he began to speed up.
“I’m gonna come, babe,” he announced, his pale buttocks tensing up.
“Oh shit, pull out, don’t come in me!” squealed Arabella, and Kevin watched as Dave Costello withdrew his penis with a final schlup and launched several large ropes of semen all over her back. At the same moment, Kevin gave his own cock a final rub and ejaculated all over the door, even more copiously than Dave. He looked at the thick gloops of creamy semen as they began to ooze slowly down the paintwork. He paused the camera app on his phone, then quickly found his handkerchief and wiped the door clean as best he could.
Meanwhile, Arabella was scolding Dave Costello as she adjusted her dress and eased her boobs back into place.
“Oh shit, Dave, look, you’ve got cum up the back of my dress, you arsehole,” she complained, looking over her shoulder and trying to dab it off with a tissue.
“Well, you told me to pull out,” Dave retorted, pulling up his trousers and tucking his penis away. “If you’d let me come inside, it’d be fine.”
“No it wouldn’t, you wanker. I’ve got no knickers. It’d’ve be running out all down my legs before I’d got home.”
Dave didn’t seem too concerned.
“Come on babe,” he complained, “Let’s get back downstairs before your old man comes looking for you.”
“He won’t have noticed I’m gone,” said Arabella, inaccurately.
Kevin quickly slipped away, and had managed to find himself a seat in the corner before Arabella came looking for him. When he saw her looking round the room, he shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Stalking over, she shook his shoulder, and he did a good imitation of someone coming round after a nap.
“Oh, hello love,” he said. “You want another drink?”
“No, come on, let’s go,” she said, “I’m bored, and you’re embarrassing me, lying there like that. Let’s get moving.”
He called a taxi, and had another drink while they waited. Arabella seemed distracted (as well she might) and was snappy in the cab all the way home. Maybe it was that, combined with the drink, but Kevin was quite angry by the time they reached their destination. He paid off the driver and followed her up the path to their front door. Going into the front room, he dropped his jacket onto the sofa and poured himself a large Laphroaig.
“For Christ’s sake, haven’t you had enough?” Arabella snapped.
She bent down to pick up her bag, and Kevin could see the marks of Dave Costello’s semen smeared all over the back of her dress, which she hadn’t made much of a job of cleaning off.
“What’s that up your dress?” he said. “It looks like mayonnaise. Did you have a food fight back there with what’s-his-name, Costello?”
“Dave, his name’s Dave,” said Arabella sharply, spinning round so he couldn’t see the stains any more. She fiddled with her bracelet, a sure sign that she was rattled for once. “You know I need to butter him up. He could really help me get the best contracts at work if I keep on the right side of him.”
“Maybe it’s butter then,” said Kevin incoherently. “A knob. Of butter.”
“What the fuck are you going on about? What knob? Come on, explain.”
It was probably the whisky that did it, but instead of shutting up, Kevin just blurted it out.
“Oh come on, Arabella, you know all about knobs. I know what you were doing. Fucking Costello. Up there in that office.”
“What? How dare you! Of course I wasn’t. You take that back, you bastard.” She was taking off her shoes, and for a moment Kevin was worried by the way she was wielding the stiletto heel.
“So what’s this then?” he said, taking out his phone. He found the snatch of film he’d taken that evening, and held it up for her to see.
Livid with anger, she snatched it out of his hand and looked the small screen, watching as Dave Costello rammed his thick cock in and out of her.
“You were watching, you fucking cunt. You pervy fucking cunt,” she spat out. “How dare you…”
Then she paused, and to his surprise began to laugh loudly.
“And you were wanking, you were jerking off!” she cackled.
It was Kevin’s turned to be surprised.
“What? I wasn’t…” he stammered, instinctively going into denial mode.
Arabella held out the phone. “So whose dick is that then?” she asked. Kevin looked at the screen and realised with horror that his hand holding the phone had clearly slipped at the climactic moment, and his own hard penis filled the screen. Arabella had paused the movie precisely at the point of ejaculation, and they both looked at the blurred shot of his thick semen shooting out of the end.
“You were turned on,” said Arabella gleefully. “You were watching us fucking and it turned you on. You got your cock out and you wanked yourself off, didn’t you?”
She looked at him, and Kevin was surprised to see a strange look on her face. It wasn’t shame, or anger. It was excitement, maybe even desire.
“Fuck it, Kevin, is that it? Is that what made you hard, watching me get fucked? Watching another man’s cock in my cunt? Watching him come all over my back? And you came yourself?”
She licked her lips.
“Fuck, that’s hot. If I’d known you were watching…”
She came up to him.
“I always thought you were so boring in bed. Just fucking me and going to sleep. When all you really wanted to do was watch me get fucked.”
She looked down at his crotch.
“Jesus, you’re turned on now, just thinking about it, aren’t you?”
She was right. Kevin could see his penis straining at his trousers, erect again.
“God, I wish I’d known,” she repeated. “You standing there with your dick in your hand, jerking…”
She put her hand on his crotch and rubbed it. Kevin breathed in sharply at her touch, and suddenly she began to drag down his fly. In the same instant, he fell on her, kissing her red lips, dragging at the straps on her dress, pulling them down, feeling her bare breasts hot in his hand. Her nipples were rock hard, and as she grabbed his cock he bent over and took one in his mouth, biting at it roughly, in a way he’d never done before.
They were ripping at each other’s clothes, falling naked onto the carpet. There wasn’t any need for foreplay: or perhaps the whole evening had been the foreplay. Arabella opened her legs wide, her pussy wet and inviting, and without further ado Kevin shoved his hard cock straight into her. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer and biting at his shoulder, so hard that she drew blood. He rolled her over, and took her roughly from behind like Dave Costello had done, his balls slapping against her thighs. He could see her rubbing at her clitoris as he banged away, her squeals and gasps arousing him even more.
The cheeks of her bottom wobbled with each thrust. On an impulse, he withdrew his cock, slick with Arabella’s cunt juices, and pressed it against the dark pucker of her anus.
“No, not there,” gasped Arabella, but Kevin took no notice. Never before had he even contemplated taking his wife up the arse, but now the thought of it almost made him come on the spot, and he lunged forward, his cock burying itself deep in her back passage. Arabella shrieked and her sphincter contracted, clutching him tight, but he slowly withdrew before thrusting back, discovering for the first time the pleasure of fucking a really tight arsehole.
“Ah, fuck my arse Dave, fuck my arse,” she gasped.
Kevin smiled wryly. Putting on his best Dave Costello voice, he leant over and whispered in her ear.
“He’s watching us right now, your husband. He’s watching me fuck his slut of a wife up the arse. And he’s got his prick in his hands, he’s wanking, he’s watching me come right up your tight arsehole, you slut.”
“Come in me, Dave,” whimpered his wife, “Now. Let him see you come in me.”
Kevin felt his climax approaching, his semen boiling up inside his balls, and he gripped Arabella tight as it gushed up his cock. With a groan he ejaculated deep into her backside, holding himself inside her until he felt the final throb of his ejaculation, squeezing out the last drop of semen. Slowly he pulled out, his cock slick with his own ejaculate, and watched as Arabella lay still, gasping as she squeezed out dollop after dollop of his semen, letting it run down between her cheeks onto the carpet.
With a sigh she rolled over, putting her hand between her cheeks and gathering up a sticky helping of his cum. She put her fingers in her mouth and sucked it off.
“Why didn’t you ever come in my bum before?” she asked with a filthy grin. Kevin blushed, not wanting to admit his innocence of anal sex. Arabella put her arms around his neck and kissed him. He could taste his own semen in her mouth, and he felt his cock stirring again. Somehow, he knew that their relationship was entering a whole new and challenging phase, but that whatever happened, one thing was certain. Nothing would ever be quite the same again.
“My hand is cramping.” “That would be a resounding no,” he carried him to the bathroom. “Help Kevin, I’m so close.” “Uh ... umm ... right,” he kicked away the mat in front of the toilet, sitting him in his lap, starting to stroke him, “so much for going slow.” Kevin rubs one out for him, listening to him whimper and breath, arch his back against him, he sounds so much like a girl, along with his movements, Kevin closes his eyes, getting hard himself. “Kevin,” he pants, right before...
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I am a slut. I make no apology for it; I offer no excuses. I like sex and I am a slut. I am also not ashamed to admit it either. Yes I know I am a woman and shouldn’t be saying these things but why shouldn’t I? A man can fuck as many women as he is able to get into his bed and be lauded for it. He will get pats on the back from his mates and be given fanciful names like Stud but a woman can’t. She gets labelled with derogatory names like slut and whore just because she likes sex. Yes, it is...
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So I'm 46 with a happy but not sexually full filling marriage. i thought my time for getting jiggy with a lady under the age of 40 had gone .......... My daughter of 22 and her friend Sam wanted to borrow my PC while I was at work on Saturday. We only want to MSN together they giggled and Sam hasn't brought hers. Some jammy gits going to be flirting on messenger with her, I thought. Still she's my daughters mate, behave ! I thought no more of it and toddled off to work. When I came home my...
TabooI had been scrolling through the personals when I came across something very interesting. There was an add wanting to see a mature couple making love to each other while he watched. I started to think about how excited it would be to make love to my wife in front of another guy so I decided to inquire more info from him.He said all he wanted was to watched us make love while he watched. My wife is in her mid forties and we had been married for 20 years. I thought as long as he just watched and...
Wife LoversI had been called all kinds of names in my life, but “slut” was probably the most common - not that I really minded that one, because I knew that it came close enough to the truth. But I had really tried to be my best, chastest self for Andrew in the year we had been together, and besides the one or other time when I was boozed out of my mind, I thought that I had managed it rather well. When Martha, his mother, used that self-same term to describe me, the hurt didn’t come from the word itself,...
Group SexThere is one scene in the Bollywood movie Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge I watched on video over and over again. Simran and her friend Sheena walking in London, discussing the trip to Europe. Why? Sheena is dressed n a hot leather dress and walking in hot boots. From that moment I decided that I would do my best to change my future wife in a leather slut. Not only leather and boots turn me on. I have another fetish: a gag in the mouth of a girl. Nothing is so good as a ball gag between the red...
My wife and I have been married for 10 years and to tell the truth, she's beautiful, has a pussy and ass to die for and she is probably the worlds NASTIEST FILTHY CUM slut you have ever seen! That's why I married her because she will fuck, suck and swallow on command and she will do anything that involves sex of any type you like no matter how nasty or filthy it is!She has been an admitted cum slut since I first met her in high school. I have always been attracted to sluts and she fit the bill...
Hot new dominant wife, we both have boyfriends, my new title... cuckold, cum slut I am 30 years old, married 6 months ago and have only had sex with my wife twice, what ever did I do to deserve this. Let me explain my life before my wife and the position I am in now. I had been single for 30 years, having fun with my buddies and on occasion would run across a girl at our local watering hole have some recreational sex. Life was good, then one day while hanging out in the local pub...
My name is Rob. Candice and I have been married for nine years. We met in college and have two children now. Ages five and six. They spend alternate weekends with their two sets of grandparents. Candice is 5'1" tall, weighs 103. Blonde and well-endowed on top with nice full milky white tit's a narrow waist and full hips. Her ass is to die for. Full looking round ass and further down she has what I like to call. Thunder thighs. Candice is always saying they look fat but guys are always starring...
Wife LoversJoy was once gang banged by a group of her teachers when she was seventeen in high school in the principal's office during school hours. She has no inhibitions about doing a guy or group of guys in public. In fact, having a group of people watching her suck cock or getting fucked turns her on. She especially likes the feeling of being a slut and being used like a sperm bank. The following story is about an event that happened to my wife a number of years ago. My wife, Joy, went to her company's...
Group SexMy wife Kate and I were watching this movie, it was about a couple in which the wife was having an affair with a black man. The film had turned me on so much, that I started thinking about Kate having sex with another man, so I asked her, "How would you fancy being with a black man?"This went down like a lead balloon with her, telling me, "No way I'm interested in having sex with a stranger."This didn't deter me, the thought of seeing her have sex with a black man and him treating her like a...
My wife and I have been happily married for several years and have a very active sex life. We are perfectly matched, as I am a dominant and she is quite submissive. Although she is often shy, once she gets worked up she becomes a sex crazed a****l. It's a wonderful transformation to see and one I put to good use on a regular basis.This one particular weekend, I decided to give my wife a thrilling tease and told her I was taking her to an adult theater one state over where nobody would know...
My wife and I have been happily married for several years and have a very active sex life. We are perfectly matched, as I am a dominant and she is quite submissive. Although she is often shy, once she gets worked up she becomes a sex crazed a****l. It's a wonderful transformation to see and one I put to good use on a regular basis.This one particular weekend, I decided to give my wife a thrilling tease and told her I was taking her to an adult theater one state over where nobody would know...
For those of you who have been following the antics of my wife Melinda, and in particular her gradual transformation over recent months from faithful wife to total slut, I am certain you'll like this account of a recent event!You may recall that my best friend John has fucked my slut wife a few times and she's always enjoyed taking his bigger cock! The last time he was around at ours home fucking my wife, she got talking about the size of his large cock and how she'd seemed to acquired a taste...
John and Amy have been married for almost 5 years now. They have had a good sex life,John is 23 years old, and Amy is 24 years old. John stands 6’2″, with dark brown hair and blue eyes, weighing about 200 lbs. Amy stands about 5’4″, with long brown hair and green eyes. She weighs about 190 lbs, with 42D tits.They had hired a local lawn company to do their yard work for them. Roger is a 40 year old. He stands 6’4″, with dark skin, a shaved head, and dark brown eyes. He had a muscular build,...
If you are reading this now and finding it disgusting, i suggest you don't comment. Am just an african teenage of 21 of age, living in my own apartment, i am single as far as i remember and being a sissy is my fantasy which i realy wish to turn true. dont get me wrong guys, i realy do want a girlfriend, but trying another man cock in all position makes me hard many times. well luckily this is a story of how it became a reality. it happened few weeks ago from now. it all began when i...
My wife becoming a hotwifeMarie's journey from housewife to hotwifeThis is a true story about my shy demure wife's journey into exhibitionism and into being shared.I am Eugene and my wife is Marie. This a true story about her journey from a woman who would never even think about cheating, to the role of my hotwife and on to slutwife. She was 5'4"and tipped the scale at about 135 but she carried it well. Her best assets were her 38D tits with very prominent dark nipples which she always tried to...
The following occurred on Saturday April 16th 2011. It is true and it was hot. I am a 40 year old male who is married to a 34 year old woman named Cindi. She is 5?7? 139 pounds, and blond with blue eyes. She wears her hair shoulder length. We have two young c***dren and just don?t find the time to go out anymore. So this particular Saturday, we were able to drop off the k**s at my mother in laws and go out. When my wife was getting ready to go, I walked in the bedroom and she had put on a blue...
Hey guys, I am back after almost a year to share a new experience with all of you. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Vikrant from Pune. I’m 5″10, 20 years old with an athletic body and a 6-inch long tool. I have a huge appetite for sex and love to try out new kinks and fantasies. I’ll start with the story now. The heroine of this story is Khushi. She is an absolute phataka and a treat for the eyes. She is almost as tall as me and has a voluptuous figure. I think it is 36-30-36. Her skin...
I never dreamed I would be able to write about the fulfilment of a fantasy of mine. For years I, that is James, have secretly wanted my wife to have sex with another man. Erica my wife is 36 years old. She has an attractive figure with firm stiff breasts, with large nipples that she loves having sucked and tweaked. She has always been able to keep herself in good shape, as when I met her she was a cheerleader in school and college, she still visits the gym most days.Although she now works as a...
I don't want to get ahead of my story so, I'll start by telling you a little about my wife and I and our relationship. My wife, is 5' 5" tall and weighs about 130 pounds. She has beautiful long auburn hair, large breasts and a well trimmed pussy. She is 36 years old. I am a few years older than my wife and not much taller than she is. We have been married for almost ten years now and our present relationship has been evolving for our entire marriage. I have always been laid back and very...
My twenty-year-old stepbrother, Jim, my five-year-old son, and my loving husband were waiting for dinner at the dining table. I adjusted my red top, grabbed the bowl of meatballs and came out of the kitchen. I didn’t want to flaunt my cleavage, sending any wrong message to my stepbrother. However, when I bent over the table to serve him, he didn’t miss the chance to take a brief look at my cleavage. My husband was busy talking to my son. He didn’t notice Jim checking out my cleavage. Jim gave...
TabooMy old friend Emma was in town last week and I was excited to see one of my besties, especially as I was feeling lonely with Laura at university. Now Emma, I know has a bit of a past. She has a naughty streak to say the least. However, I was surprised when she confided in me over coffee in Starbucks. “You got any new stories?” She asked. “One or two in the pipeline… why do you ask?” I asked. “Oh it’s just that I have a little tale from college that I’ve been keeping to myself,” she said....
TabooI have something to tell you about why I have been coming home late from work and why my checks don’t show any overtime. I have been fucking random guys. The first one was Craig the guy I sent pictures to on instagram; we had sex a few times and I sucked his cock at work. When you asked me about the messages I denied doing anything other than sending him pictures. Truth was that was only the start of it. After you messaged him, he deleted his account, so I had a friend give him my number. One...
When I told my wife that I love sniffing and licking her shoes and that I would like to fuck her shoes sometimes, she wasn't too surprised. She told me a secret that her brother is also a fetishist and that she has no problem with that.I was very happy that my wife didn't mind, I could kiss her legs and feet, lick them, sniff her tights and shoes. I loved when she came after work and she left me sweaty tights and shoes. I also loved her sexy, fragrant panties with the juice from her pussy....
Hello guys this is Shiraz here and this is the first story ever that I am sharing with anyone and about me. Well I belong to an upper middle class family from Bangalore. I completed my engineering in 2005 and found a well-paying job in a reputed MNC. Life has been good all these years but it really got sexy just about two years ago. Since then I have been living out my fantasies and enjoying it to the fullest. This story revolves around my super hot wife Shifa khan whom I married 3 years ago....
My husband is often out of town and I’m always very horny and needing to take care of things. I often have affairs, because I really enjoy being with men or even women for that matter. I just love to have sex and often have it. Lately, my step daughter has had her boyfriend living with us. My mind is always in the gutter. I really want to sleep with him. He's eighteen and is about 6’0” and about two hundred pounds. He works out and has muscles on muscles. I think he has a big cock, because I...
TabooThe national Boy Scouts organization has numerous, excellent programs to help young men develop leadership skills. Our church was looking into establishing a troop for our boys, to help keep them from being tempted by gangs. The problem was we are located in a smaller, largely-minority, lower-income neighborhood in the South End district of Albany, New York.Our church is composed of approximately half white families with the rest being black and other minorities. Most of our members can barely...
IncestMy wife and I always talked about fucking other people but we never had. She is short and slim, light brown hair, a great rack, and a fat fuckin ass. Ever since we got married she started dressing more conservative. She is such a little fox, so recently I took her shopping for some short shorts to show off her great ass. I love showing her off so much that one night I convinced her to go on webcam for complete strangers. she actually really enjoyed it. I told her that I'ld love to watch her be...
Cheating WifesAll sex acts need full permission from all parties. Please don't do any of this on unwilling partners. DO NOT do this to someone you don't know. This story has been with prior agreement from all. Wife becomes a slut to please husband. I walked into the bar; this was the seventh, bar I walked into in the last few weeks looking for just the right place. I was very disappointed the bar was rowdy with a lot of people but not the kind of place I was looking for. One quick drink...
At the time of this tale, Sarah and I had been married for some eighteen years. So far, we had had a happy and conventional marriage, nothing out of the ordinary. Our sex life had developed with time and was now most enjoyable. It had not always been that way. Sarah’s mother had been a total prude, quite Victorian in her outlook, also bitter and twisted. Sarah was told, from an early age, that 'Sex was sordid, messy and disgusting but was one of those things that a wife had to put up with as...
UK shared wife Hayley – the groups fuck slut (part 1)After the revelation of my sexy, cute little wife Hayley’s first experience as a shared wife (see: UK wife Hayley – shared for the first time) Gary had confided in me that he’d really enjoyed fucking my wife and was quite surprised when I told him that Hayley had really enjoyed it, and that I didn't mind sharing her and we’d agreed that she’d be a shared wife as long as I was there too when she was getting fucked.It didn't surprise me when...