To Be Owned free porn video

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"What does it mean?" Jim asks.

"What does what mean?" Moll answers.

"Your profile says you are owned. What does it mean to be owned?"

"It means I obey my owner. In my case only in sexual matters, for others perhaps more."

"Suppose I asked you to dinner?" he continues.

"Yes?" she hesitates.

"Could you accept?"

"Of course."

"What if I came on to you after dinner?"

"That would be sweet."

"Would I have a chance?"


"Why not?"

"You haven't asked Mistress for permission and she hasn't instructed me."

"Will you arrange a meeting between your mistress and me?"

"I'll tell her you want to fuck me and see what she thinks."

"Do you think that's the best way to go about it?"

"Don't you want to fuck me?"

"Well, yes, but..."

"I am always honest with Mistress," Moll concludes.



"Yes, Moll."

"Your friend Patty's husband came by my work today. He asked me what it meant to be owned."

"Does he want to fuck you?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"I'll see Patty over the weekend."


Moll emerges from her shower Saturday morning to find a pink cashmere turtleneck sweater, a matching pink suspender belt, gray nylons, four-inch black heels, and a pink silicone butt plug laid out on her bed. She dresses for her Mistress.

Moll makes her breakfast and joins Mistress and Peter, her husband, in the sun room off the kitchen.

"Chris tells me Jim wants to fuck you, Moll," says Peter. "Can't say I blame him. I've been wanting to fuck you since I met you but you keep telling me I need Chris' permission. I won't ask my wife's permission to fuck a beautiful woman."

"Perhaps you don't really want to fuck her," says Chris.

"Perhaps I don't want to ask permission," Peter responds.

"Jim will have to ask permission," Chris continues, "and not just from me. He'll have to ask his wife first. I don't think you'll be happy if Jim fucks her before you do. Come here, Moll. Stand with your bottom to me and spread your legs."

Chris easily slips her second and third fingers into Moll's cunt and probes gently for several seconds. "You really don't know what you're missing, Peter."

The doorbell rings a few minutes later.

"Would you get that please, Peter?" Chris asks.

Peter shows Patty into the sun room and starts to sit down. Chris stops him.

"Time just for us girls now," Chris tells Peter. "Why don't you give us a few hours?" Peter isn't surprised but is clearly irritated to be told directly in Patty's presence to leave his house. He looks angrily at Chris. "You should expect to be humiliated when you behave boorishly, Peter, " she says. "I'll see you for dinner."

He turns to leave but not before seeing Patty kiss Moll on the lips and insert three fingers into her cunt. Patty curls her fingers upward and strokes Moll's nub with her thumb. She runs her free hand across Moll's flat chest feeling her nipples harden through the soft wool. "How long has it been?" she asks.

"Three weeks yesterday," Chris answers.

"She's very receptive," Patty notes.

"It's not just the teasing and denial," Chris explains. "Her cunt moistens as soon as she feels the plug in her ass."

Patty stops rubbing Moll's breasts and pulls her head toward her for another kiss. Curling her fingers in Moll's cunt and rubbing her clit with her thumb, she holds her tight and kisses her fiercely. She feels Moll struggling to control herself. She has never known Moll to cum without Chris' permission. Chris has allowed her to observe and participate when Moll has been restrained and whipped for pleasure, but she wonders whether Moll's profound self-restraint results from harsher treatment.

"That's enough, Patty," Chris interrupts her intimacies. "You'll not make her cum without permission while I'm sitting here. Besides, there's something you'll want to hear from her."

Patty gives her nub a couple more firm hard strokes and releases her. Moll's hips gyrate out of her control and her nipples sting as if bitten by fire ants sending spasm after spasm directly to her cunt. She wouldn't have lasted another minute.

"Go get the spanking chair from the kitchen," Chris instructs Moll. She brings the hard, straight-backed wooden chair into the sun room.

"Make yourself comfortable," Chris continues.

Moll takes her seat with her legs spread on either side of the chair and her back arched. The plug pushes further into her and her cunt is boldly displayed for Mistress and Patty.

"Jim stopped by to see Moll the other day," Chris begins.

"What did he want?" asks Patty.

"Stop squirming, Moll, and answer Patty."

Moll holds her bottom still. The pressure of the hard chair pushes her plug around inside her and her cheeks writhe in response to its stubborn pressure.

"He asked me if I would go to dinner with him if he asked me," Moll explains.

"What did you tell him?" asks Patty.

"Of course."

"And..?" Patty responds.

"He asked what I would think if he came on to me over dinner," Moll says frankly.

"What would you think?" Patty asks.

"I told him it would be sweet."

Laughing at Moll's flirtatiousness, Patty asks what Jim thought of her answer.

"He asked if he would have a chance," says Moll.


"I told him no chance," Moll laughs.

"Moll, we need to stop your squirming," Chris interjects. "Finger your clit while you sit there. Perhaps that will take your mind off your plug."

Moll runs the middle finger of her right hand through her moist lips and gently and slowly rubs her clit as they continue talking. Her need to control her orgasm forces her to sit still despite the continued throbbing presence of the plug in her bottom.

"No chance?" asks Patty.

"I told him he would need Mistress' permission."

"Peter and I talked about it yesterday," Chris says. "It makes him crazy to imagine Jim fucking Moll when he can't."

"Why can't he?" asks Patty.

"Be still, Moll, and stroke yourself harder," Chris warns her. "He won't ask permission of his wife to fuck her slut. He thinks it's beneath him."

"What an idiot!" laughs Patty. "Something's on your mind."

"Does Jonathan still want to fuck you?" Chris asks Patty.

"Oh, I think he might. He keeps asking me to take a long weekend in the mountains with him."

"Why don't you?"

"Jonathan insists I get Jim's permission."

Chris smiles at Patty and tells Moll to sit still and keep rubbing her clit. The chair glistens with her juices. She is grimacing. Her hips are writhing beyond her control. She exerts a herculean effort to hold her bottom still but fails. Chris smiles to herself appreciating her effort. "I'll deal with you later, Moll."

"Now, Patty, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asks Chris.

Patty nods and smiles at Chris.

"Bring the chair to the kitchen, Moll, and leave us alone for a few minutes," says Chris. "Don't clean it. I'll have Peter lick it clean when he gets back."

Moll leaves the room and Chris says to Patty, "It will be the closest he ever gets to fucking her."


Patty's heavy breasts hang over Jim's face as she slides her cunt along his erect cock pinned against his stomach. She leans forward and bites his earlobe her breasts pressing against his chest.

"Chris tells me I'm not enough woman for you." She kisses him fully on the mouth preventing his response.

"Be quiet and listen," she tells him as she rises to a sitting position her cunt continuing its ride along his cock and her clit pressing hard against his crown at the end of each stroke. She will be getting off soon even if he won't.

"You want to fuck Moll and you need my permission but you're afraid to ask. So I'm telling you. There's an older man who wants to fuck me but he won't without your permission. I want to fuck him, so I know how you feel."

She leans forward onto her hands continuing her cunt's steady glide up and down his cock.

"I'll let you fuck Moll if you let me fuck Jonathan," she whispers.

She pauses sitting still as a mild orgasm works it way through her body.

"If you let me, I will fuck him whenever I choose unless I tell you you can't fuck Moll," she continues. Her hips begin to writhe, working her cunt along his cock. "I won't hear you complain. And I will be fucking him. All I need is your permission. He won't stop fucking me once we start. You'll have my permission to fuck Moll but you still need Chris to let you fuck her. She might not let you, but this is your only chance."

She lowers herself pressing her breasts against his chest and whispers in his ear, "How badly do you want her?"


"May I fuck Jonathan?"

"Oh god, yes!" he moans. "Yes, you may fuck Jonathan."

"And you may fuck Moll." A second, stronger orgasm sweeps through her. When she has ridden it out, she lifts herself off him leaving him hard and dripping and makes a call from the bedside table. Jim can only hear her side of the conversation.

"Jonathan?" she asks and awaits his response.

"Do you still want to go away next weekend?" He is surprised, wondering whether she has told his husband of their intentions.

"Yes, I have his permission," she tells him knowing how pleased he will be.

"To fuck you, silly!" She grins at her own joke and awaits his response.

"I suppose you could put it that way!" She knew he wouldn't let that slide.

"He's sitting here listening. I just finished with him and he's hard as a rock," she says wondering how long Jim will be able to tolerate this phone call.

"Yes, I told him you insisted I get his permission before you would fuck me." Well now they both know all and she is relieved about that.

"Well, I suppose you do." She waits as he tells her something she really preferred not to hear.

"What's that?" she says thinking he may take her hint and drop the subject.

"I'd rather not ask him that." He didn't take the hint and she remains silent for a long time. Although Jim doesn't know it, Jonathan waits just as silently on the other end determined Patty will do as he wishes.

"All right, if you insist. Take care now and I'll see you Friday," she relents deciding not to let something so trivial as her husband's feelings delay her affair. Jonathan tells her he insists and asks her if she is ready for him.

"All right, I understand. I'll be good," she replies, misreading him slightly.

She hangs up and begins to dress.

"What would you rather not ask me?" asks Jim.

"I'd rather not tell you," she replies.

"But you told him you would."

"He doesn't need to know."

"What if he asks me?"

"You'll never meet."

"But if we do?"

"All right, damn you!" she cries. "He told me to ask you how it feels to be a witting and willing cuckold."

And suddenly Jim realizes what he has done.


"Patty will let Jim fuck Moll," Chris tells Peter out of the blue the next afternoon.

Peter frowns, roiling in his guts.

"They're coming to dinner tonight, Peter," she continues. "Will you behave? If you don't there's no chance you fuck Moll before he does."

She is telling him she intends to play tonight. And that it matters. To him. Considering his options he nods his assent.


They sit sipping malt scotch in the sun room after dinner. During dinner not one of them had broached the only subject of interest to any of them.

"I've told you, Chris," says Patty, "but you didn't let on whether Peter knows. I don't think he knows Jonathan. He's the man who's been fucking me with Jim's permission ever since I gave him permission to fuck Moll, Peter. Jim is here tonight to see whether Chris will let him fuck Moll."

Peter laughs nervously. Jim sits silently

"Must I do everything for you, Jim?" demands Patty.

Jim squirms in his seat, red-faced but still silent.

"Take off your clothes, Jim," Chris orders.

He stares at her in disbelief.

"She won't tell you again, Jim," Patty tells her husband. "It's your only chance. I'd do what she tells me if I were you."

Chris is smiling. Peter stares at the floor nervously. Patty takes her hand and caresses her husband's cheek. "You know you want her, darling," Patty giggles. "Think what you've given up just for the chance Chris will let you fuck her. It's the only way."

Jim stands and undresses.

"Stay standing hands behind your head," Chris instructs Jim.

He is fully erect.

"Patty tells me you refused to lick her clean after her weekend with Jonathan. That's a problem. I assume you plan to cum in Moll's cunt if I let you fuck her?"

Chris waits a minute.

"That requires an answer," Patty tells her husband.

Jim nods as his cock twitches and hardens and begins to leak.

"I won't let any man spill on Moll who won't lick her clean afterward," says Chris.

"I'll d-do wh-wh-whatever y-you s-say, Ch-ch-chris," Jim stutters.

"It's not that simple, Jim'" she continues. "I need to assure myself. Peter, stand and face Jim."

Peter complies.

"On your hands and knees, Jim," Chris orders. "Take his pants down."

Patty breaks into a broad, knowing grin as Jim hesitates. "Remember what's at stake," she whispers to her husband.

Jim drops to his hands and knees, unzips Peter's pants and pulls them to his ankles. He looks up, his face inches from Peter's fully erect cock.

"Suck him off, Jim," whispers Chris, "and swallow every drop."

Jim takes Peter in his mouth working his cock with his tongue as he sucks it deep into his throat. He reaches behind him and gently grasps his bottom cheeks with both hands. He pulls him slowly deeper into his mouth. Chris and Patty watch disinterestedly as Jim sucks Peter for over fifteen minutes never letting his cock retreat from his throat nor loosing his grip on his bottom. Peter spasms and his body jerks. Jim swallows holding Peter's cock deep in his mouth and licking it clean before finally releasing him.

Chris looks at Peter and smiles. "Why don't you give him a nice big kiss, sweetheart?"

Peter helps Jim to his feet and kisses him exploring his mouth with his tongue before releasing him.


In bed that night Chris tells Peter, "We'll dine at their house tomorrow night. Jim will have his answer before we leave. Patty will be in charge. I suggest you behave. It matters, just like tonight mattered."


Moll emerges from her shower to find Mistress has laid out her wardrobe. She has left a note. "You are a good slut. You will cum tonight. Love, Mistress."

She places the shiny black bullet vibe in her cunt just below her hood as Mistress has taught her. Her high-waisted, black lace panties hold it firmly in place. A black suspender belt, suspenders, and sheer black stockings complete her undergarments. Looking herself in the mirror she is startled by the obscene bulge of the vibrator. The tight black pencil skirt coming to mid-calf Mistress has chosen to hobble her will do nothing to obscure the bulge. She will be on display tonight. A long-sleeved black cashmere turtleneck and four-inch black pumps complete her outfit. She is really quite stunning.

She joins Mistress and Peter for a quick drink before leaving for dinner with Patty and Jim.

The vibe begins to vibrate very softly as soon as she takes her seat in the back of the car. Only Chris knows it will not stop vibrating for the rest of the evening. Just as they pull into Patty and Jim's driveway her soft moans signal her first orgasm in over a month. Chris smiles and turns the vibrator up a single notch. Moll struggles to bring herself under control as they walk to the door. Her struggles this evening have only begun.


Sitting outside on a patio as the sun sets over the nearby woods, Patty says, "Well, Peter, now you're not the only witting cuckold in the group. You and Jim should have plenty to talk about."

Peter glares wide-eyed at Chris who smiles kindly in return. The silence that follows is broken by a series of coarse, guttural moans from Moll, experiencing her most forceful orgasm of the evening.

"The slut seems to be enjoying herself," Patty says when Moll has brought herself back under control. "I guess it's time to see who gets to fuck her first."

She looks at Jim and Peter.

"Stand up and strip, Peter," Patty orders. "Hands behind your head."

Peter complies.

"On your knees," she continues.

Peter complies.

"Stand up and face him, Jim," she tells her husband.

Jim complies.

"Come sit between Chris and me, Moll." Both ladies drop a hand to Moll's thigh. Chris increases the pace of the vibrator. Throwing her arms across the shoulders of each lady, Moll leans back pushing her hips forward prominently displaying the bulge under her skirt as another orgasm surges through her.

"Remove his pants and suck him off. Swallow everything," Patty orders Peter.

Peter licks the length of Jim's erection. Cradling Jim's balls in his hand he takes the crown in his mouth sucking it hard while caressing it with his tongue. He continues working over the crown until Jim, impatient for more, takes the back of his head in his hands and forces the full length of his cock into his mouth. He grasps Jim's cock tightly with his lips, collapses his mouth around it sucking hard, and rubs his tongue forcefully along its length. Jim thrusts his hips filling Peter's mouth. Holding Peter's head closely to his belly, Jim explodes quickly and Peter swallows everything.

Chris turns down the vibrator to its lowest level and Moll returns to her seat. The men dress themselves.

"They're such good boys," Patty says to Chris. "It's really such a shame."

Peter and Jim wait expectantly.

"You couldn't have known," Patty laughs. "Chris doesn't let Moll fuck cuckolds or cocksuckers."


Moll and Jim have lunch later that week.

"Do you remember when you asked me what it meant to be owned?" asks Moll.

Jim nods.

"I was having so much fun flirting with you I really only gave half an answer. I've been thinking about it since and I thought you might like to know the full answer."

He waits.

"To be owned means I obey her and she protects me."

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2 years ago
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The Making of Slut

Twenty years ago, sex wasn’t quite so available or easy to find out about, but I’d seen a few magazines hidden in my father’s dresser drawer, mostly naked women and few men. So I laid in my bed at night and fondled my private parts, but I wasn’t sure what I wanted exactly until I turned 14. My breasts had suddenly grown, and I was wearing a B-cup bra. And boys had definitely attracted my attention. My first real date didn’t turn out as I’d planned, except for the part where I finally got...

2 years ago
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Becoming Carla

When I and my best friend, Tim, discovered masturbation, it was as if we opened the flood gates, we couldn't have enough of it. Once a day, we would go to secluded, isolated places where we would jerk off over porn magazines. From early on I realised I found watching Tim playing with his cock more exciting than looking at the porn magazines. Soon I started wondering what would his cock feel like in my hand and mouth. And even though I very much wanted to touch and taste it, I was always too...

2 years ago
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Lady In Training

Lady in Training By MichelleA Edited by Misty Dawn My name is Mike. Well to follow Mom's latest rules, its Michelle Elizabeth Williamson. Life has been kind of weird lately. Mostly, Mom has been acting really strange. Not that she can be considered normal by most standards, but that is another story. Let me start at the beginning, to explain why I am concerned. As long as I can remember Mom liked to dress me in frilly girl's clothes. No one else dressed like that. Dressed that way...

3 years ago
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The Keane Agreement 1

Nadia Keane is the oldest. The 30-year-old beauty stands 5’6” and weighs a modest 126 pounds. She has long shoulder length hair that is dyed a very pretty rose colored red. Her eyes are dark but soft and her beautiful 40-25-36 measurements get a lot of courtroom stares as she clicks her high heels around in those tight business suit skirts. Nadia works mostly as a public defender, and her stubbornness and success rate has earned her the nickname ‘Tiger Lady’. Her sister Rachel Keane is the...

1 year ago
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The Lingerie Models

It was a Saturday night and my wife, Clare, and I had invited our friends Dave and Susan round for a few drinks. We had known them for over 20 years and we always had a good laugh whenever we got together.They arrived around 7:30pm and brought a nice bottle of wine which we all knew wouldn’t last long in the hands of Clare and Susan. Luckily we had plenty more alcohol in the fridge and Dave and I got ourselves a beer as we made our way through to our lounge. We put on some of our favourite...

4 years ago
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The Girl Next Door Part 2

"This is gonna be one hell of a weekend Grey," Morgan said, smiling as she started to unbutton her blouse. She watched my reaction as she slowly exposed an ivory lace bra containing what I guessed was a pair of freckled 34B breasts. She reached behind her back, unhooking her bra, shucking it off her shoulders and letting it float to the floor.There, inches from my face were the most luscious looking breasts. Small mounds, sitting proudly on her chest, topped by silver dollar sized puffy...

2 years ago
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The Nerd ndash Part 2

The car was parked on a side street. It was after dark, and there was nobody around, all of which made Pete breathe a sigh of relief as they climbed in. He looked at Cassie.“Sorry, s!s, but I have to do something about this.” Pointing to his crotch. “Right now.” He had his pants open and his raging dick out in no time.There was just enough light for Cassie to make out Pete’s dick. She licked her lips, getting her first sight of one in person.“Want me to help?” She reached out, wrapped her...

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I had just turned 18 last week and I had hit the weekend and I was bored to hell. The only thing that was good about the weekend was that I was going to spend the Saturday night in with my mom. First off let me tell you a little about my mother. She is 43 years old, she is about 6 foot tall, has short brown hair and her measurements are 36E-32-40, so as you can imagine big breasts, a fairly slim waist and a big bubble butt. I arrived back from town at...

1 year ago
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No Love to Make

Steve and I just had a massive row and now I'm sitting in this bar alone, drowning my anger and sorrow in Vodka. We fight a lot these days. It's kind of become a habit, but this time was different. This time we both threw our hands up after a while and gave up. He tearfully went to bed and I ended up here. I look around and my heart sinks. Look at everyone. They're all out with their friends, exactly what should be done on a Friday night. Everyone's enjoying themselves and being happy. The...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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The school counsellor part 2

Part 2. “I knew you’d be back!” Gary said as he greeted me. “Of course, you did say the job was mine!” I laughed. “You still on for that stag tomorrow night?” He asked. “You bet, looking forward to it,” I replied. “Good, but its fifteen now, still ok?” “I told you last night, I can handle twenty,” I said, wondering if I really could handle even ten. It was a fantasy. A fantasy I was anxious to experience. I walked to the bar. The young barmaid from yesterday was again serving, the one who...

4 years ago
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Seducing An Indian Wife 8211 My Young Landlady 8211 Part 3

Hi readers, I am 24 years old and from Kolkata. I am still studying and working as a freelancer. I am 6 ft, chubby with a 5.5-inch dick. Also, I am regular reader of ISS site. Now let me continue with my story. I was utterly confused by the situation. My young Indian landlady Neha was giving me all these signals like she needed and wanted to make love to me. However, Neha was not going ahead with it. Maybe she thought it is too early or maybe she was scared of the society. I stood there as all...

3 years ago
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Uh Am I at the right party

I have always loved going on walks. It just calms me down to a state where I could do just anything. I tend to walk around the campus to the college I attend, but today just felt different I needed to go some where new. Well, it was that kind of thinking that got me into this whole mess in the first place, but I couldn't be happier. So, like I said I needed to go some place new. I just started walking, stupid move on my part. So I walked until I could get my head on right. I eventually got...

2 years ago
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George Isolde etc Chapters X XI

Chapter X George woke up full of welts, and itching all over. His back and neck were stiff from sleeping hunched over. He scrunched up his face, and could feel the dried salt on his cheeks. He rubbed his chin and cheeks with his right hand as he turned his left arm toward the light filtering through the front window, and peered at his watch. It said 3:15. He got up and walked into the house as he tipped the bottle up and chugged his now warm beer. He set the empty bottle on the kitchen...

2 years ago
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Consenting Adults

Last edit 06/01/02 - © Aug 2002 Andrea stood gazing at her reflection in the dressing room mirror. She had just pulled off her T-shirt and was standing in the little cubical wearing just her panties. Since her breasts weren't all that large she often went without a bra. She wondered why she hadn't warn a bra that day, she knew that she was going shopping for new clothes, and would've normally put one on for modesty's sake. For a nervous moment, Andrea looked around the booth...

2 years ago
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Command Performances

Madame LaRousse was tired. It had been a very busy day at the businessman's private club for rest and relaxation. She was short two of her best girls and had even substituted for one of them servicing a pair of very demanding and disgustingly drunk bureaucrats from the Hall of Justice. Despite her advancing years, Marie LaRousse was quite an attractive and petite female in her late thirties. She had the most beguiling smile and her derriere was fought over by male admirers many times in her...

2 years ago
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After the WarChapter 24 Savoy

The General's companion looked about the age his granddaughter would be. She was also very clearly uneducated, and a bit lost in such sumptuous surroundings as the Savoy dining room. She compensated for this by chattering very loudly about her daily life as a worker in the Ford factory on London's eastern edge. Eventually the General lost his patience with her, and said in an ominously quiet voice, "Polly, please be silent for a few minutes." The girl stared at him, but wisely did not...

2 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 40

April 22, 1978 The prom is a special occasion, particularly for seniors. It’s the last hurrah of high school. This makes it the social event to cap off the entire education experience which — as everyone knows, or should know — is more social than intellectual. It is a big deal and no one wants to show up without a date. Those without a date are more likely going to stay home rather than suffer the social embarrassment of showing up alone. Young men worry and fret if the young woman they ask...

2 years ago
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Like PariParvinder

Sahid doesn’t bunk classes, he is usually there in the third row with a generous amount of fairness cream rubbed on his face. He yawned and looked onto his watch, suddenly there was a rush of adrenaline as he glanced at the door. There was she, her angelic face, her straightened hair, her flawless skin and her black framed spectacles made his heart skip a beat. -“Hey Pari”, Nikhil, the back bencher shouted. -“Hi Nick, looking handsome today”, Parvinder replied. -“Pari yaar, you look like a...

1 year ago
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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 12 Busty Kiran8217s Atonement

THEN: Kiran and Gautam Chatterjee were a couple who could not help but cheat on each other. While Gautam slept with her sister Rashmi, Kiran found pleasure in an old man on wheels. Kiran’s affair with Mr. Khan continued while Gautam suspected her of sleeping with the son Junaid, a widower. All was going well for Kiran, she was getting her satisfaction from Mr. Khan while Gautam was busy (learning self-control and totally ignoring her) until Junaid walked right into the middle of it. Seema was a...

3 years ago
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Can This Be Happening Ch 06

Megan sat on her couch and flipped through the channel’s rapidly. One program blurred into the next. ‘It’s been almost two years Meg.’ Ashley said as she sat down next to her on the couch. ‘I know.’ Megan smiled but her eyes were blank. ‘Don’t you think you should call him?’ ‘He made his choice when he walked out the door.’ She stood and walked into her room. ‘It isn’t like he’s been beating down the door, Ash.’ ‘He might if he knew.’ ‘He knows.’ Megan walked back into the living room...

3 years ago
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SecretsChapter 12

Katherine stood in the doorway and looked nervously at her parents, she could feel her heart beating furiously and she closed her eyes and clenched her fists. "Mum," she called out and her mother looked away from the television and glanced over towards her daughter. "Oh hi Kat. Shouldn't you be doing revision?" Katherine pursed her lips and sniffed. "I've got something to tell you," she admitted, her hands shaking. She felt the insides of her cheeks heat up and inhaled...

2 years ago
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Maa Ka Boyfriend

Hello friends aj may ap logo ko mery maa ka boyfiend orr usney kasey ekdin mery maa ko choda uski kahani bataunga Jasa ki app log sbhi jantey hay ki may aur meri maa bohot free hay hum ak dusrey sey har bat share kartey hay To ek din maney maa sey pucha -maa app ki koi boyfriend nahi thi? Maa thori si chouk gai fir kha -aj achanak kue puch raha hay? -bass aissey hi batao na -nahi re -honestly,mujhey biswas nahi hota app itni beautiful ho app ki koi bf nahi thi college key zamaney mey Maa jaldi...

2 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 7

The balance of the week passed quickly. By Saturday, the lacerations on Karla’s and Maria’s bodies had begun to heal, so Barb removed the stitches from their shoulders. As she did, the girls were gossiping and seemed utterly oblivious to the pain as she carefully extracted the pieces of silk thread. On Sunday, the family — and they now actually thought of themselves that way — decided to go to church early to avoid any crowds or publicity. It hadn’t occurred to the Sloans, Andy or Ken what...

2 years ago
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LIVING THE DREAM, CH.ONE.Yeah, I know all the usual stereotypes about wives or girlfriends catching their partner sneakily watching porn when they’re not around. But let me tell you, it isn’t always that way round. When I got home Fay’s car was already parked outside so I guessed she’d got home first. I was just fumbling for my house keys when the door burst open and Fay came dashing out, nearly knocking me over. When we’d both recovered she blurted out, “Sorry, gotta dash, Hazel is having a...

3 years ago
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Double the Heat

DOUBLE THE HEATThe delicious thing about being trussed up and blindfolded by someone you know and trust (enough but not too much!) is the suspense and anticipation.If you're not into bondage, none of this will make any sense, but anybody who has ever fantasized about being rendered helpless by an imaginative lover will understand the tingle of excitement associated with powerless vulnerability.One Saturday night last winter I was securely strapped and pinioned.  I was not just blindfolded; I...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 22 Fate

“Third realm bodily cultivator!” If he was shocked before, now Zax was utterly flabbergasted. As far as he knew about the state of bodily refinement techniques in both New Earth and Ercas Mir, the latter was far behind and the former had only three noteworthy bodily refinement techniques, one of which, arguably the best, was Grandmaster Kartion’s Seven Stages Of Bodily Refinement. Another, most famous yet in second place, he encountered in the Martial competition, Elijah’s Scarlet Armor....

2 years ago
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Losing It Again

I don’t want the car drive home to end. Every so often, he reaches over and brushes his thumb over my knuckles and when I look at him, he gives me a dazzling smile. It has been a mere half hour since we left after the most romantic evening I’ve ever had and I wish I have the money to afford another night at the hotel. As we ride in the morning sun, I admire the coast by the road. The ocean is a deep blue, the cloudless sky paling in comparison. The waves overlap each other, even though there is...

First Time
4 years ago
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A HOLIDAY TO REMEMBER.Well, it was October, chalets were ten a penny, few holiday makers trust the English weather well enough to do more than just use the chalets at the camp for more than just getting away from it all. He pulled in to the reception, a 100miles plus under his belt today, here to enjoy a break, here to get away from his now lonely home and perhaps to write. The receptionist a languid woman in her 50`s flopped the keys in his hand along with a camp map and a welcome pack,...

1 year ago
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Time Stands Still Chapter Twelve Sanchez

Time Stands Still Chapter Twelve: Sanchez By 1:00 p.m. "Detective Sanchez, I'm Renee Franklin. Bob down at the desk said you were handling the Traci shooting." "Welcome and nice to meet you. Yeah, as the new guy, it's my job to catch all the big time criminals. I get to start from the bottom up." "Well, starting with a dog shooting is pretty much the bottom. But, I'll bet if you do well, you might move up to cats next." Sanchez laughed and smiled. "If you...

3 years ago
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Graduation With Heather Owwh Part 3Chapter 5

To the right of the door was a sheet taped to the wall labeled “Ground Rules” “Any violation of the below will result in expulsion. Zero Tolerance. #1, No photography of any kind #2, No asking for names or other personal details #3, Nothing that will result in injury or permanent marks #4, Heather retains veto power over everything REPEAT: ZERO TOLERANCE” Heather had insisted that we answer the door, still naked of course. Jess and I held hands, looked at each as we took a breath and...

1 year ago
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The Pirate Bay

Who doesn't know The Pirate Bay, aka TPB? But, do you remember Napster? How about Bear Share? Kazaa? Lime Wire? Back in the early aughts, programs such as these are what introduced me to a whole lot of fun. I remember the feeling of excitement that came with downloading an album or a movie from one of these programs back in the day. I was young, too, so it was a little tinged with nervousness. That nervous excitement led to a fuck ton of burned CDs (full albums and customized mixtapes) that...

Porn Torrent Sites
2 years ago
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Wimps Progress

                               Wimp's Progress - Chapter 1        At the impressionable age of fourteen, Charles began to experience a new feeling towards members of the opposite sex. Unfortunately this included his three sisters, one his twin, and the other two older. This manifested itself in developing ways to peek into their rooms at the slightest hint of an open door, and attempts to purloin their underwear from the family hamper so he could use the smell and texture as ways to sexually...

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