School Administrative Worker 5 free porn video

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When i walked out of the house that morning i was excited happy and couldn’t wait to get to the work. Feeling good and ready to take on what was in store for me that afternoon my mistress Sara had planned for with me wearing my beautiful yellow dress, the expensive sheer undergarments she had sent to me along with my gold jewelry and white heels.It was a wonderful day out, sunny but cool day and i decided to not wear my coat after all and placed it in the backseat of the car before getting in drivers seat and starting it up. Turning on the radio because i wanted to get the traffic news as things warmed up for my drive which is about thirty five minutes from my house. I pulled out of my driveway earlier then normal that morning about forty five minutes sooner to give myself some time to get things together and prepare for what was to happen later that day since Sara went through the trouble to put this together and also to talk with her and see if there was any special she might want me to do. Things were going prefect with traffic not bad at all putting me in such a bubbly mood as i switched to some music and began to sing along with it and move with the beat. But things were not going my way this morning any longer because while on highway as i was moving pretty fast and could not avoid it, i hit what looked like a small board in my lane which caused a loud thump sound from running over it. But that was not the only thing now i ran into. I had a new problem that i had to pee and soon. All of that coffee i drank was making me have to go and soon. Knowing i could not make it to work and i most certainly did not want to have an accident in my nice panties, i needed to stop badly but were was i going to go. Not wanting some dirty place, i got to thinking about McDonalds as they would be open early and their restrooms are pretty clean but where was one at when i needed one. I had to exit the highway at the first street i came to because i felt the pressure. Making my way down Broadway past many businesses until i spotted one which was a few miles from the highway. After parking i nearly had to run in and drop my panties quick and go to take care of my problem. Coming out of the restroom i actually decided to buy a small cup of coffee and enjoy it there. I do have a weakest for coffee and thinking a small cup would be ok but i planned too pee again before leaving so i should be able to make it to work. With my coffee and finding a seat i sipped it for only a few moments and thought about what my day might be like. No way did i want to drive and maybe spill it on myself but while sitting there i started to hear some men speak in Spanish and they were talking about yours truly. They had a work truck i saw later and i am sure they stopped in on their way there but i was serving as a form of sexual amusement for them while i was inside.They’re conversation amongst themselves was getting me excited and knowing i would get very wet listening anymore and didn’t need that now at all. Why was i excited? Because i speak Spanish as a second language and could hear every word they said about me along with their laughter and it was pretty damn sexually explicit. My ears picked up them saying things such as wanting to fuck my pussy and ass among other nasty things. But i acted like i didn’t hear them as one said they could all do me as the same time. I was getting damp already and could not let this get worst between my legs so getting up i threw the rest of almost a full coffee away and glanced at them as i exited out the door.

On reaching my car all i could say was “shit” and wanted to just really vent some frustration right then. One of my tires was low from that fucking board causing it to lose air. “What am i going to do now, i don’t think i going to be able to drive much further with it this way”, i said to myself. Standing there for some time next to my car as no one passing by seemed concerned that i was in trouble and i close to calling Sara and telling her i would be late or could not make it today which i didn’t want that to happen at all along with would she believe my story because she was untrusting at times and could get mean .Then those three dirty talking men came out and i gave them a smile. I really didn’t mind they talked about me like that its just i didn’t need that situation right now happening to me. Two of them went to their truck while the other came over to me knowing i needed some help. I found out the other two could not speak english and they of course didn’t know i spoke Spanish while he said to me, “hey looks like you got a bad tire”. “Yes i know you think you can fix it”, i asked him.“No but my cousin he can fix it, he’ s got a garage not far from here”. “Are you sure he can fix it”, i asked. “Sure!” , he said to me. “Just follow me and i show you where”. I got into my car as it drove terrible now and followed their truck down the road a few miles until we came to a run down garage with several cars in repair i guess, old tires, car parts laying around. I didn’t see a name on the building or signs about as i went in with the one who spoke english and met the man inside who he said is his cousin and asked him “can you fix my tire i am in a hurry”. He came out looked at it and said, “sure, but it’s going to take around thirty minutes or more”. “Ok, but can you start right away i need to get going”. “Yes”, he said. He then asked for my keys which i handed to him and he got in and pulled my car into the garage and set things up to work on it. The other guys had taken off already by then and it was just me and him now. His name is Ramon and he had a pot belly, a chipped front tooth, not particularly good looking at all and food was on his shirt which was disgusting to me while i stood there talking to him about the job as he was checking me out in that nasty mind of his. Several minutes after he started working on the tire i began to get cold from it being a little breezy while watching him work. So getting my coat from the back seat and putting it on as several more minutes passed until i actually had to pee again. I asked were his restroom was and Ramon motioned with his hand pointing and said “its over there in my office”. I walked past several other cars he had in the garage on my way there and saw an open door in the back of the office.The restroom was dark and i took my coat off laying it on the back of a couch he had there and walked in that small restroom turning on the light, finding it disgusting. Someone had peed on the seat while the floor was nasty too and the toilet tank was very dusty. Some old calendar was on the wall above the toilet of a bare breasted women holding wrenches and that was it. “Why did this shit have to happen today”, i said to myself as i closed the door. I could see it didn’t have a lock either but a hole where one should be but i had to go so bad i just closed it. I did clean the seat but the surrounding toilet itself being so dirty i could not let my dress touch it. Slipping out of it and putting it on a hook on the wall while now standing there in only my white undergarments. Undoing my garter and sliding my panties down to my knees only not wanting them to hit the floor because it was dirty also. Setting on that toilet knowing i had to get out of there and be on my way quickly while looking at the back of the door while peeing as the owner had dirty pics of women in various positions taped it. I said to myself, “the nasty fucker must jerk off while using the toilet because thats the closet thing to sex he probability gets”.

After a long pee i wiped myself and stood up pulling those smooth thin narrow panties back between my legs against my shaved pussy. I flushed the toilet before now washing my hands in the sink when i felt a cool breeze pass by which must have blew open the door slowly as i turned my head now to catch Ramon watching me.The guy who was supposed to be fixing my tire was looking at me and i know he was a horny bastard. He had the tire of the car off already but had stopped and came into the office to get something he said to me. When i first caught sight of him he was giving me a hard stare, grinning, showing his teeth with that fucked up tooth and squeezing his crotch with his right hand. I’ve had so many men look me in my life but i didn’t close the door right away and gave him a sneer because of his dirty stare and sexual innuendo with his hand. Closing it now i let out a deep breath and felt sweat on my face but also having a dirty thought in my mind. When i came out he had left the office and was working again and i asked if it would be ready soon, “yes”, he replied. He had worked for about ten minutes more when he finally lowered my car off the jack and told me he was finished. Then he and i went back into his office with me saying inside to him, “how much do i owe you”, “forty five dollars”, he replied. “You take credit cards right” i said. “No only cash”, he told me. I knew i didn’t have that in my wallet which was in my coat.‘“I don’t have forty five dollars in cash on me, why so much”, i asked him. Then he told some crap about it being a run flat tire or something like that and it cost more to repair ,”shit”, i said. I thought this is turning into a fucked up day. I wanted the day to be perfect and it had not worked out that way and there was nothing that could done at this point to make it better i thought. Knowing if i screwed things up Sara would not be understanding at all. I had seen her anger before and didn’t want to from this situation. I had to get to work one way or another. Then i said to him, “maybe we can work something out between us, how about i come back this afternoon and pay you”. But he shook head no and he looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a slight grin which i thought i understood now what he wanted. Not wanting to barter with him any longer because i had to get going, i looked down and saw his cock was hard through his pants. Saying to him “if i suck your cock will you forget the forty five dollars i owe you”. He let me know by shaking his head again no. To which i rolled my eyes and looked at the ceiling disgusted with things before saying to him “what can be done to solve this, what can i give you for what i owe”. As i said that his eyebrow raised again speaking to me saying “pussy” in a dirty way with a wide grin causing my breath too deepen a little and that feeling between my legs coming back again.

There i was no keys because he had them, not enough cash on me and my need to get going and the only way to get out of my predicament i was in now was to fuck that bastard. “If i fuck you , you better forget the money” i told him and he agreed. “Alright but i am in a hurry and need to get going soon” i said. His facial expression the first time i laid eyes on him was just like the other guys when i glanced at them making my way out the door after getting damp, but this time he had a nasty expression and his mouth looked very hungry which affected me more than ever then those at McDonalds. When slipping my dress off and he looking at me in only the sheer clothing i had on he said ”holy shit”. I had my dress off now in front of him as he seemed so ready to get at me as if to eat me up before i took my dress back to the restroom and hung it up where it was before thinking about what was going to take place.With that dirty mind and him getting my body i could tell he just loved this situation me being in and me having to give my pussy to him which he could only have dreamed about before this whole thing started. I called him a nasty fat bastard under my breath while my back was turned to him when lastly i slipped off my sheer panties that were against my slick pussy and was placing them with my dress. He now to came up behind me forcefully while hanging them up, taking and pushing me over to the toilet telling me to grab the back of it in a strong tone. Now wide eyed breathing deep and a moan coming from me i said loud“ OH FUCK ”. My mind was racing about the things which caused this situation to happen and what he would do with me now as his pants hit the floor just before his cock touched me between my legs sliding across the wetness of my hot slit with him so fucking happy thinking that it was he who was getting me this way. The humiliation that i felt from these surroundings and what was happening, how he treated me saying in Spanish with has hands firmly feeling my ass “perra que tiene un culo bastante blanco”, saying to me (“bitch you got a pretty white ass”). I was at the end of my denial now and so hot from those words that he said to me, that coming out of my mouth so quickly without even thinking saying, “fuck me like a whore” as he chuckled from that. No longer disgusted by what he said, did or whatever else would happen either in my eagerness for the touch of him inside of me had my pussy runny wet and on fire. My words i had said when he first pushed me over to the toilet were in surprise to his taking to me that way. But i meant them in a nasty way to needing him to use me. I really found his unexpected forcefulness, nasty words, the laughter of demeaning me from this whole situation so exciting at that point. Yes i know you reading this think of me as slutty and i am. I cant help it i’ve alway been that way screwing guys since i was young and having them use me. I had tried to hold back so i could get out of there but i couldn’t any longer. I’ve always been attracted to the sexual aggressiveness of men and was so eager to be submissive and nasty for Ramon now which he damn well knew by the sound of my deep breathing from my sultry body shifting my ass positioning myself down for him. My legs wider to be used as a nasty white whore for his amusement and nasty pleasure. It came hard at me feeling the head of his cock push into the lips of my pussy and from that forceful push i was groaning at first but had to suddenly catch my breath as he must have been big making me cry out as he showed no hesitation of stopping at all. It was stretching me open as i took it quickly up inside me. All i could do let out a cry in a sharp tone and jerk my head as his applied force to me with it and myself stretched tight until he stopped and i felt the hair around his cock touch my smooth skin of my pussy. I was trying to adjust to his size when he pulled back and took a deep breath before he slammed hard forward making me almost lose control of holding the toilet. “Fuck” i cried!, as it went back in hard as i was trying to take that all of that nasty son of a bitch at one time in me when he did it a second time and then again and again. My juices already where covering him with each thrust and even though it was tight it did slide in easier each time with his repeated thrust in me. He had his rhythm going now and the discomfort i felt at first was replaced with pure pleasure from its size and its movement in my pussy. Oh fuck his cock felt so good inside of me now and i loved being fucked like his whore, nasty sex and being only a piece of pussy to Ramon.Then he said “te gusta esa perrayou” (you like that you bitch), as he was slamming into me good and making my body shake and me breath very hard .The excitement, the humiliation by him fucking me was to good to last and it didn’t take long as i began to feel the building of my orgasm. So big it was when it came like a huge wave in my body quickly causing my squeezing down on him as i cried out “oh fuck!”. It was one of the best i had in a such a very long time. But he did not stop fucking me except for only a split second and ran his arms under me talking hold of my tits now with his hands while continuing with the pounding. Shit!, he knew what he was doing and squeezed them and even my nipples, twisting them also with his fingers causing me to cry out “ oh fuck yes” for him. I could not believe how good he was giving it to me. My juices and cum was coating that cock making a nasty mess and feeling the wetness of my inner thighs as he was making it flow out of my pussy. He just continued to thrust it up in me for what seemed like quite awhile.

I was sure he would be close to cumming and as i said i couldn’t believe how good he was because i was close again a second time. When he started breathing deeper as he continued thrusting hard before a long “aah” came from his mouth as cum shot up in me and feeling its heat speeded up my second orgasm where i groaned from another great one he given me. The cum from him and my own orgasm kept flowing while pumping several more times until he stopped and pulled out and that full feeling left my pussy that i didn’t want too. He stepped back as i looked over my shoulder to get a look and my eyes didn’t believe it and i had to turn around amazed and sit on the toilet in front of him gazing at his cock now out of me almost in my face. He was uncut with its folds of baggy skin back showing a purple head. Covering that beautiful b**st with its hairy balls was the creampie we produced together. I would not deny my mouth it no matter what. Reaching for him taking his cock that gooey sticky thing, stroking it pulling the skin of his cock over the head and back several times before putting my tongue out licking around what i thought a gorgeous head. A sound of satisfaction came from me as if i was tasting something so good as the licking with my tongue went round and round. I didn’t say a word any time during my licking or when i went down on it as much as my mouth allowed me. Sucking him as he worked my head up and down as i would have never imaged doing this for him when i entered this place. I enjoyed sucking him off and getting him up again knowing he would want more of me as i did of him. He wanted to move and withdrawing it from my mouth i got off the toilet with him saying “on the couch whore”. I complied and moved into the office laying on my back as he pulled his shoes off, pants, shirt and underwear and seeing his fat pot belly. But his cock was wonderful, big and it was sticking out having a slight bend to it as he moved between my warm welcoming legs and slid it back inside of me easier now then before with me enjoying it going in again filling me as his hairy balls were resting on my ass. He began thrusting that breast inside of me as the pleasure was back and i was moaning from how he used it, with me wrapping my legs around his and shaking my head from side to side screaming with pleasure. He fucked me for a long time in the restroom, but now it took him even longer this time on the couch which was better because i was really enjoyed trying different positions as some ways gIve a better deeper feeling. He held my legs up with his forearms driving it in, then had me on my side pulling my leg back and opening me up slamming it in making me scream until i finally climbed on top of him to get it all inside while his hands helped me bounce up and down on that beautiful thing. He made cum three times during our session on the couch making it five times total already and couldn’t believe this shit and knew he would not be long as now he was moving faster with a speedy breath with me telling him to cum inside me while i knew i would be able to cum again if he could last. But he did start shooting before that and it slipped out and spurted it along my crack and pussy. When he was done i got off and took his cock again licking it and wanting another round with him soon but fuck i saw the clock. “Oh shit” i said, i jumped up and told him i had to go. Running into the restroom i put on my panties and dress and coming out asking for my keys as he told me they were on the desk, before grabbing them not looking back hurried to my car jumping in and backing out so i could get on my way. But not sure what would happen when i got there.

Getting out on to the road i had to hurry because i was really late now and passed that the same McDonald’s i had been earlier at Broadway and Denton when i saw it. My being late would not be my only problem as my panties were wet from my screwing around with Ramon. If i could get to work and to a restroom i would be able to clean up and give my panties a good rinse in the sink and hang them in my locker until lunch time. Being so sheer they should dry easy and i can slip them back on and Sara wouldn’t know. Since I should have been at work already the highway was more crowded and this of course was pissing me off having to do the stop and go for awhile taking me longer to get there. The only thing i found good out of this whole experience was Ramon since i had not had a person do me like that like that in such a long time and made me feel that way again. Here i was now in deep shit, late to work, nasty with cum in and on me while my hands were sticky from stroking his cock. Even though in a hurry and maybe deep shit over this i was not going to have regrets about it because things just happen sometimes to just cant control either. No i didn’t have enough money but i got it fixed anyway and something out of it for me too. I finally got there and hurried inside to take care of cleaning my panties and maybe to get out of any trouble i was sure i was in . Sure enough this morning running right into Sara when hurrying in trying avoid her. I had to stop when she asked me why i was so late. I did tell he the truth, that i hit a board and it flattened my tire and had to have it fixed and it took some time. i don’t think i did a good job telling her that even though it was true because i was nervous about the whole thing and Ramon that maybe she suspected something from me. She did complemented me and told me i looked nice and thinking i was out of my trouble. But she asked me to come with her because she wanted to talk with me more but not in the hallway. No one was in the lounge when she looked in, so she told me to come on in and make sure the door was closed. Then she looked at me asked if there was anything else she needed to know and i told her no and asked why. Her face looked funny meaning strange and she asked me to lend over one of the chairs. I remember thinking so clear, “oh fuck i am not going to get away with it”. She ended up raising the back of my dress looking at things down there before dropping it. But i was surprised when she didn’t say anything bad, just that i needed to be upstairs after the day was done. I felt better now and was going to leave and still go to the restroom and make sure they would be clean for later and to clean myself up. I didn’t say anything while over that chair but as i got ready to walk out i told her i was sorry for being late but i couldn’t help it and thats when she slapped me across the face which i was not expecting at all. Calling me a cunt this time and telling me she didn’t want to hear anymore of my bullshit and that lying is what really makes her mad. Telling me she wasted her time on me. I heard about bringing me in to her group of girls, the money i got and her sending me those panties and things and my wasting her clients time which she had to talk to them and i didn’t. I was slapped again hard making my cheeks red telling me she would be able to fix everything but i better not fuck things up again and that she would send me another package but i was paying for it. Which i told her yes ma’ am i will and my attitude was a sign of submission. She was still mad at me grabbing me by hair pulling my head back speaking to me very close, putting her other hand under my dress and into my panties sticking her finger deep into me knowing what i did then pulling it out and rubbed her fingers saying again “you fucking cunt”. Telling me she should trade me to Mr Jeffers or James she called him. I was scare from her doing that but she let me go. Sara had a very serious look on her face before leaving me there and i teared up a little after she was gone. I cleaned my panties and myself and went to my desk do my work for the day with Sara not speaking to me anymore while in the office. I found out later that when raising my dress she saw Ramon’s dirty hand prints on my white stockings.

The day was pretty routine at school with the same things to do but I did keep busy though. I thought about my coat which had my wallet plus my cellphone in it knowing i had to go back to get it with that worrying me. But because i had to go upstairs after the bell i was not going to be getting out of there right away and i wondered how long his garage would be open for. What was going to happen upstairs that i needed to go. I had fucked things up with her client so i might be there a long time i thought. I had a lot of thinking to do from all the shit this morning as the day was slow for me. When the bell sounded and i was done i waited until things died down in the hallway before heading upstairs. Nervous when i used the key to let myself into the room, i turned it and looked in finding no one, but having to wait a few minutes before Sara and also James showed up. James also had girls he took care of because i knew of one them and i had my sexual run in with him before. I didn’t know why he was there and it didn’t make me feel any better that he was when Sara and asked James if he would like a trade for me with one of his girls, which he told her no. Saying he didn’t need the headache and i would just be trouble for him if he traded. Sara then told me to take off everything i had on, panties, bra ,stocking, shoes and even my jewelry which i did resting them on a counter in the room then Sara opened a locked drawer from that same counter and pulled a pair of hand cuffs out and threw them down telling me to put them on. I was not expecting this kind of thing and was not crazy about doing it when she told me again but i did it. I put them on and locked them around my wrist when Sara took hold of them and lead me which was not comfortable at all and took me over to a coat rack. I had always wondered why it was there and mounted higher than normal and now i know why. She hung me by the cuffs on it and had me put my feet back with legs apart. She had punishment in mind for me but said to James that my ass was my best feature. but James comment that she better not do anything that would ruin it and thats when she didn’t know what to do at that point, she had a problem. If she hit me leaving marks that might screw things for her. Her cellphone rang and she answered right away saying things like, “i left you a message”, but i didn’t think you would get back with me this soon”, “yes, yes she’s a pretty blond and you will like her”, “ok how soon”, “alright i will be at the door waiting for you”, then she hung up. With me still hung up she told me a client is coming and would be there in about twenty minutes and what i was expected to do. Telling me this client she had for me was a woman and to play along with her and deny any questions she asked me. But she also told me when you think it’s the right time i want to to admit to anything she asks you that you denied before. “Is it clear to you” she said. i knew what she meant with me telling her i did. I was going to have to do a little acting for this person coming as she took me off the hook and removed the cuffs and i felt better now. Then she walked over opened the drawer again taking out a wooden ruler. She came back over telling me to stick out my a hand open to her. She smacked my hand with that ruler very hard and it hurt which that was it. Wow i got out of the rest of my punishment because of that call.”You do has she tells you ok and i will be back after she leaves so don’t go anywhere” Sara said. Then asking James to stay with me until she called which he agreed doing and as she left taking all of the undergarments leaving my stuff on the counter. When she was gone James began to talk to me calling me a troublesome slut. I was not his girl or property sort of speak and being a client was coming soon James quickly told me to turn around and bend over which i did and he started touching me. He got my breathing deep and excited until his phone rang and him answering saying only “ok” before leaving me alone there.

Alone naked and knowing someone would be coming soon i was kind of wringing my hands when the door opened and in stepped a very attractive woman somewhere in her early thirties, black hair, blue eyes, taller then me dressed in a dark short skirt, dark shoes and a beautiful blue top. She had her purse with her and set it down on the counter as she introduced herself to me and told me her name was Carole. I told her my name and she smiled which made me feel easier as we engaged in some small talk and even discussed the weather for a moment.This woman even conveyed that she was married but at needed to get away from her husband and did i know what she meant. I made out i wasn’t sure causing her to go further talking about the company of another woman she felt she needed. She had a sweet personality and easy to talk to while i had no clothes on. Gazing at me letting me know i was pretty and complemented me on my body especially my ass. She had to touch me by lightly putting her hand on it, this electrifying her as she swallowed and leaned close to me and whispered in my ear saying softly, “have you ever wanted to be with another woman”. “No” i never have, i said. “Oh i bet you have, come-on tell me you have”. Again i denied such a thing as she cocked her head slightly giving a look of doubt in her eyes and spoke again saying, “tell me the truth now”. Again i repeated myself and the tone in her voice changed slightly and became a little more demanding while her eyes were directly looking into mine. “Tell me, you can trust me i will not say anything to another soul”. I denied it again and from that her voice was even sharper to me. “Don’t lie to me Jean”, she said to me, “i know other women excite you”. My eyes and face were giving her signals as if i was lying but i just didn’t know what to expect really from her as maybe she may get angry. But now i admitted it on cue after she had repeated herself again even more shaper, telling her “yes, i have thought about it a lot” in an emotional tone. An expression of excitement came to her eyes. Saying now “I just knew you had”, making her happy. From that beautiful face she smiled and i could tell from the glee inside this did it for her building up that excitement. Standing there she seductively was now slowing rubbing, squeezing her breast which she had no bra on, her nipples through that top while saying softly “get down on your knees” and me doing as told to do. Her hands barely touching now moved together lower down her, then between her legs before parting across with each upper thigh while inhaling deeply through her nose and then exhaling it from her mouth as her hands touched her sides. She was very aroused and using the left hand she raised her dark skirt and my eyes could see thick black hair which she knew it excited me looking at it before lifting my eyes up seeing her face as she gave me a wicked smile knowing my excitement by her exposing herself to me like this, giving me the means to fulfill a fantasy of tasting her. Seeing into her mesmerizing blue eyes and she looking into mine i saw the look of such a sexual desire too in them as she extended her hand out placing it softly behind my head drawing it slowly in between her legs welcoming me down there. Smelling the scent of her also drew me in making me feel the same desire to give to her what she wanted. My eyes looking up at her mouth open, her breathing very deep which was so arousing for me as my mouth now touched her for the first time creating a deep sound of pleasure as she tilted her head back enjoying me licking her lips. She removed her hand from me as i continued licking now dr****g her skirt over my head plunging me into darkness only to replace that hand back and enjoying what i was doing to her. The heat grew down there as i licked her slit and she tasted so good to me before taking her clit which had swelled between my lips and clicking it with the tip of my tongue as she became even more juicier. I didn’t let up at all and tongued her clit harder causing her a greater growing excitement and her breath even deeper while her hand applied more force pulling me firm to her and myself reaching around with both hands cupping her bottom as i was so into serving her now. She was shifting her hips grinding on my mouth as i knew she was headed for a very large orgasm i believe from her first experience like this and it came quickly to that body of hers as she flexed her muscles of it down there as i felt a squirting in my mouth from her [which i enjoyed so much] as she groaned hard manipulating my head further into her and her strong scent filled my nose while licking though the juicy slit of her body. Wanting to please her so much as i could because i was finding myself really liking this woman Carole.That strong scent was intoxicating for me causing juices of my pussy to flow also. When her orgasm subsided she pulled her skirt back and looked down at me, that glee in her eyes she said with such a sweet voice “oh that was so nice your first time”. “Sometimes we do get what we want you and me” she said before moving over to the counter now and began to remove her clothes while i was still on my knees. “You and i are going to fulfill our most secret desires” she said, when pulling from her purse a strap-on sporting a large looking black shaped cock. Slipping into it the black straps contrasting against her smooth lighter skin and looking at me again smiling displaying its size and a cute smile from her. Something about her had me so ready and waiting for what was to come as i lay back spreading my legs letting her see my bare pussy and how wet i had become. Even though she had hair she liked my pussy smiling and saying “oh its so beautiful that way shaved ”.

Getting down and positioning herself between my spread legs letting me touch it and guide the head into me because it was large, she pushed it on further slowly but my body could take it with no problem and as it went in and my breathing deepen and that excited her. She began moving it in and out slow and steady enjoying what she was doing, fucking another woman. Feeling the power she had over me and i knew this is what she was wanting to experience. Then she began to move it even faster because she now had both arms on either side of me looking down into my face, it feeling good inside of me causing my moaning. Since my moans and breathing added to her sexual excitement plus me wanting to please her also i began to say “oh yes, fuck me, fuck my pussy Carole and make me cum for you” and this made her eyes so wide open and determined now to make me cum giving a hard thrusting as that was making her breath harder and deeper and my orgasm close with her now saying “ i’ll fuck your little shaved pussy till i make you cum”. Her words strong and firm did cause my orgasm sooner for me letting out a cry for her saying “fuck you’re making me cum” as she had a big smile on her face from accomplishing something wonderful. When she stopped she moved over to one side of me as we both rested telling me that it was beautiful before kissing me. She got up and had a bottle of water in her bag and drank some then asking me while walking over handing it down knowing i would drink to. I was till laying on the floor legs spread and had just cummed and she wanted to play again. She set the bottle down and placing her hand on that wet black looking cock she played with it a little before saying “i wonder how this would look in your beautiful mouth” then putting one hand at its base moving it up and down letting me know what she wanted. I moved up again on my knees and took that black thing between my lips and sucked down on it causing her to say,” you are so sexy looking right now”. With her watching me and knowing it was making her hot i sucked it deep and licked around it for several minutes as she grew deeper in excitement. “I want to be fucked now” she said as she slipped it off and helped me put it on. But it would be her still in control as she told me to lay back down and as i did that black cock pointed up and her getting on her knees, then straddled it easing it inside of her. Her head tilted back eyes closed for a moment as it went in before she began to fuck herself with it as i placed my hands on her ass thrusting my hips while the cock disappear into black hairy pussy as she rode it until she was crazy hot and she yelled, “fuck yes, screw my fucking brains out”. Soon there were very deep moans from her orgasm while riding it until she was exhausted and lay over me, saying softly to me “oh that was wonderful”. “I’ve wanted to do that for so long”. She was very happy and rolled over laying next to me when we began to kiss again deeply for awhile and feeling her hands on my body as she began to suck on my tits too and me getting so aroused from it.

Then she place a hand between my legs even though i still had the strap-on down there and her fingers touched my lips rubbing through them as i was so wet she gave my swollen clit the attention with her finger. She played with it until putting her head down there and began to lick at my slit running her tongue through it and giving that clit of mine long strokes with that tongue while that strap-on still there. My hand now hand running in her hair as she was using hers spreading me wide and licking even down to my ass and circling it, pressing her tongue hard making me groan and shift my ass side to side for her as she knew my orgasm was coming quickly. She pushed her finger in my ass and her mouth on my clit causing my pussy to squirt and her saying “oh this is fantastic eating another woman’s pussy”. I looked at her and she at me as she giggled and even licked and sucked on the strap-on between my legs being a little tease. A moment later she got up and removed her phone from her bag, saying “i am going to have to get going my husband will be home in about an hour”. Putting her clothes on asking me how i liked being with her. I expressed my enjoyment with her very much to my delight as she smiled and told me the same. I removed the strap-on and handed it to her as she looked down on the floor at me and i could tell she wanted to do more. Dressed now and ready to leave we both would have loved to spend the night together. But it was time and i got up and we embraced kissing deeply again. It felt magical for us both. She didn’t want to go but then knew she had to telling me she had a such wonderful time as i again let her know it was the same for me. Happy she was and so was i, as she told me, “i will see you again, i promise”, smiling before walking out the door.

Carole was a fantastic attractive women and i was so glad to have the experience with her and i was full of excitement knowing i would see her again. Sara then came back a few minutes later telling me Carole was very happy with me and she was glad i didn’t screw things up”. “Now am i going to have anymore trouble out of you again”, saying to me. “No ma’am” i said. “Alright then you can go but remember i will expect you to take care of the other clients i have planned for you”. “Yes ma’am i will”. “Good we will put this behind us and i will send you another package when i am ready”. “Yes ma’am”. “I need you to lock up” she said and turned walking out leaving me alone with my clothing and jewelry still of the counter. While dressing i was thinking about Carole and what happened between us still having me excited wishing i knew more about her. Finally making my way down and reaching the first floor and seeing James waiting for me. But just before he let me out a young woman appeared out from of the hall restroom, I suppose talking care of another client. She was a young woman had short curly red hair, glasses and could be a student i thought as James opened the door for both of us to leave. I had never seen her before but she had a pretty face thinking she had to be Jame’s property, his whore he had talked about. It was just about four fifty five when i left the school and was on my way finally. Traffic sucked but i was not going home right away because i had to get my coat and things and i didn’t know what was going to happen when i tried. Getting those things back did have me worried because i told Sara i wouldn’t cause any more problems. Yes i wanted my wallet, cellphone in my coat back but having to face Ramon again and knowing my weakest brought on that worry. How things would go between us when i saw him again i didn’t know what to expect. I would get them and be out of there quickly was my plan. Passing by that McDonalds where the whole thing started before, i was soon seeing his garage where my rough nasty whoring had gotten me in trouble. Pulling in the lot, the rollup door of the garage was now down. Thinking he might be closed but needing my things i would try the side door of the building. It was unlocked and i had to get my stuff and leave that was my plan.

I didn’t need to any take longer than it should and approaching his office, seeing him sitting at his desk i let out a deep breath. Stepping into the doorway he looked up and said ” the whore is back again, what you want this time”, to where i just said “fuck off you asshole”. “Bitch watch your mouth”, he said to me as i now just told him i was there to get my coat. I could see it was still on the couch where i put it. I am sure he didn’t even know it was there. Walking over to it and picking it up taking out my wallet and cellphone seeing that i did have several calls on it. I was being a bitch on purpose because i needed to go. “Good their still here, you didn’t steal them” and after i said that he was angry getting out of his chair saying “Whore don’t come into my garage and tell me i steal”. He was in my face calling me that with me saying back to him “go fuck herself”. He took my chin in his hand and shook it “whore you got what you wanted”, with me saying defiantly “how do you know what the hell i want, eat shit you fucking cocksucker”. “You fucking whore i show you who the cock sucker is” saying that as he grabbed the back of my blonde hair and pulled me down and not putting up much resistance i let him. I went down on my knees with his one hand holding me as his other hand was unfastening his pants and opening them up exposing what was in those underwear that i had clearly on my mind while he was doing this to me. “We see now who the cock sucker is” as he pushed my head down. My mouth open went straight down onto the head of his cock and shaft with my lips around it tight, twisting my hair showing me he could do anything he wanted with me. He was in control as i sucked it has i had earlier that day enjoying him in my mouth and submissive to do what ever he chose to do with me. “You like my cock don’t you, you fuck-en whore”. I looked up with my eyes at him as he continued fucking my mouth until spittle was coming from both sides of it sometimes close to gagging me when hard shots of cum hit the inside my mouth as he said to me when it happened, “oh yeah you fuck-en whore suck it up”. I was able to swallow some of it but some did run down out. He then pulled his cock out as i closed my mouth and he moved away from me to his desk with me still down on my knees cum in my mouth and on my chin. I rubbed the cum from my face looking at him, my pussy wet and me horny for what i wanted next. I didn’t say anything still but got up and just began to take off my shoes and dress. I had nothing on underneath and when i was out of it i just tossed it aside on the floor. “Whore you got a strange way about you, you fight me but want the cock”. Walking around to the side of his desk dropping to my knees as he sat there watching me, my hand reached out taking his cock again . I began to stroke it for him, stroking it good up and down, wanting it good and hard for what next i wanted. “Whore you love Ramon’s cock don’t you” and this time i answered by saying “me joden como la puta que soy”. (fuck me like the whore i am). He looked at me saying, “oh, veo que me entiendes” (oh i see you understand). He then said, Ramón te cogerá, puta ( Ramon will fuck you whore).

I had made Ramon angry when i came in and he took it out on me. He was very rough, slapping me, pulling my hair and squeezing my tits making me scream during our time together. But it was wonderful for me which i had not experienced in a long time and with a man who could really make a woman cum so hard and many times. We had fucked for hours and he even sodomized me a few times making my ass hurt and my cheeks beet red from his brutal slapping of them. After a long while of his domination of me and my many orgasms i must have passed out or fell asleep on the couch. Then i felt something touch me and i could heard Ramon say, “take your clothes whore and get off of here”. Ramon had thrown my dress at me, wanting me to go. I was tried but i slipped into my dress and shoes and made my way to the office door, and before i left him saying ”you will be back again you whore”. “You know i will, i cant stay away now” i said to him in a low voice not knowing if he heard me or not. It was very late when i stepped out of the door of that garage, dark except for the two street lights about 50 yards in each direction. I was so tired and getting into my car seat feeling the pain of my ass. The car stereo showed 9: 16 and now i had to get home, shower and ready for work tomorrow. My drive was slow with me being very tired and i made it dropping my things as i entered, only to stop into the kitchen for a quick drink before heading the bathroom and getting out of my clothes before a hot shower. A shower would make my body feel better. i had to lean against the wall at times to hold myself up just to give myself a quick soaping over and rinse before dying and running a quick comb through my hair before crawling into my comfortable bed. I knew i would be asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and setting my alarm i turned off the light and my day was over.

Same as School Administrative worker 5 Videos

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The Administrative Assistant

This new story was heavily influenced by the cult film "The Secretary" with James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal released in 2002. Enjoy ]The Administrative Assistant My name is Roger Ryder and I am running my own consulting company since I was “down sized” a few years back.  Since then my business grew almost exponentially since companies these days rather hire a consultant than invest in their own workforce, which is great for me.I am my own boss and work at my own pace.  Lately, the...

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School Administrative worker 4

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The Social Worker

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Desire Fulfilled 4 Seducing A Worker

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Sex With My CoWorker

Hello guys and lovely ladies, my name is Neil and i am from Goa Ladies can contact me on my email ID:- com i assure you full privacy Please send in your valuable feedbacks . About me I am 19 years old i am a normal guy like all of you out there, Blessed with a normal “6 inch dick and i am very happy with it. The heroine of the story is my co-worker her name is Sona. Without taking much of your time lets go to the story..! This is my first story so please forgive me for my mistakes.My Dad Owns...

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A Day With My CoWorker

HI readers this is Jeet from Gujarat a new writer, I always read stories on ISS, They r really good, so I to decide to share one of my experience with my co-worker Let me describe myself. I’m 5.11″ not so handsome but a normal one. Having average body, unmarried, I am a network engineer but that time I was a guy working as a manager of hair salon. I have 4 co-workers 2 of them R good but another 2 r better so now without wasting your time let me start the story her name was Sunita. I was...

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As time went on, Michele and I became friends and frequently sought out each other to chat during the day. Things started to turn towards more than a friendship when she asked me to stop by the bar with some other co-workers on the way home. As I sat next to her at the bar, she would lean over and put her hand on my leg, whisper things to me, and rub her foot against my shin. Things took the next step on Friday evening as we went for one bar to another to shoot a few games of pool. ...

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My new coworker

About 14 years ago i worked in a large warehouse. I had a few different job descriptions as i progressed through the ranks so i ended up in contact with nearly everyone who worked there during my tenure. My favorite co-worker was a sweet lil spanish lady i will call Rosa. She worked in the office and was bilingual which made our jobs a whole lot easier as she could attract spanish speaking clients and workers. At first we did not communicate much, but then she started doing inventory records...

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I work for an engineering firm and had been there since getting out of college two years ago. I'm 24 and in decent shape. No washboard stomach but thin and fit enough. Amy is in her early 40s and divorced with two kids, a 12 year old girl and a 9 year old son. She is very healthy for her age and about 5'3". She'd been with the company for five or six years when I started and was someone I would go to with questions on how to get things done. One it became clear that we were...

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The Christmas Eve Worker

The Christmas Eve Worker By Silly Sissy Sarah "Okay, one more task to go and I'm done here," I spoke aloud to myself. Today is Christmas Eve and most employers around the world would give holiday leaves to their employees to celebrate this special day. Mrs. Graham, my boss, unfortunately does not allow such privileges to me, Peter Miller. Mrs. Graham owns a fairly decent ladies' boutique at one of those more prestigious shopping streets. She employed a total of three...

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My married coworker

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Your Hot Coworker

You found Samantha Palmer attractive from the moment she first walked into your office to apply for the Social Media Manager at Google, but your obsession with her grew over time. She came into the interview as a woman who knows she's attractive - wearing a skirt long enough to not be slutty, but short enough to show off her fine pale white legs. You like hiring attractive women, and Samantha - with her tall skinny body and long dark brown hair - was your type but it was her experience that got...

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The new Worker

(Special thanks to Davidhog who let me adapt one of his very old stories into a Chyoa format and bring my own twist and adaptation of his writing.) My name is Mark Talmor and I own auto parts store in a nice little town. I am 45 years old and work had been increasingly picking up and I was realizing that I needed an employee to help me out around the shop. So I went online and posted on a job site that I needed A young worker and I would pay $16 dollars an hour. About a week later I logged on...

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Divorced and Sex with a Construction Worker

It's 1975 i was Divorced at 24 and no c***dren. But then a drunk ran a traffic light and hit my husband’s car broad side. Bill was killed instantly in the crash. He never knew what happened, which is good I guess. The driver ran and got away. Witnesses told the police where he went and he was caught. Bill didn’t ask to be killed. They didn’t do anything to the damn driver; they just sent his ass back to Jail in Mexico. I was so pissed.Bill bought our house with out me knowing about it for a...

3 years ago
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Getting along with a coworker

Lacey, a former co-worker, was the object of my effect. She was a cute looking, if not stunning, blond. She was about five feet, four inches tall, and weighted close to 110 pounds. She was also the subject of many a fantasy of mine.Reality met fantasy, and it involved a ride home from work. Her k**s were with her ex husband for the summer and she was lonely. I don't have k**s, so we talked about hers. She talked about how she accidently broke her sons favorite toy. Me, being pretty handy,...

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My wife and black coworker

A few years ago on a Sunday afternoon amy wife and I were coming home from Atlanta and my wife mentioned she needed to stop by her office and pick up some paperwork she needed to work on at home. When we pulled in the parking lot I noticed another car there. She got out and told me she would just be a minute. Soon after she went in I saw the blinds part and her black co-worker Paul peek out and wave. We were acquainted and had been to parties at his house. He was a few years younger than us but...

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A morning with my coworker

Pre storyi have a online mistress since 5 years and we play on Second Life, Skype and write emails and send pictures.Then a few months ago i startted to meet as well with my co-worker. a very hot, slim, naughty and amazing woman 13 years older then me. After a x-mas dinner we started to meet once in a while and play in her apartment when her k**s are in school. this is the story of one of our playtimes. Story:its 8:30 am i ring at your door. you buzz me in. i go into the door and find a little...

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Sex With Horny CoWorker

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, I am Rahul, Now in Chennai. This is my escapade with my co-worker Nisha in Bangalore; it began when I took a position with a new company. One of the women working there was a woman named Nisha, who had a personality that overwhelmed me. Over the course of several months, Nisha began to spend more and more time in the department I was in charge of. Usually, our conversations would start out with small talks, such as what...

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Fun with my office coworker

Here is a fantasy that I wrote based half on actual events that happened to me. It has been almost a year since we have been acquainted with each other. We both work in the same company but in a different departments and only see each other briefly in the hallway passing by or in the large inter-departmental meetings that seems to last way too long. We haven’t spoken to each other yet but I could tell that you want to get to know me. Your beautiful eyes speaks loud and clearly whenever you...

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another bbw adventure pt1 my ex co worker

i worked at a supermarket years ago and i met this woman at work blonde bbw:) and i had to have her !! i know that you re not supposed to bag chicks at work but i knew that under her baggy work clothes was a tigeress waitin to be unleashed!!!so over the next few days i worked my charm and eventually i got her to my house and hit it 3 times in a row befor i sent her home whats so special about this story and this woman??well later on i found out she was a freak!! my 1st adventure with her...

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Sex Diaries The Coworker

Have you ever had a co-worker you wanted to fuck badly? Someone who looked so hot, so sexy that they actually made your balls ache? If so then you can probably empathize with me. My name is Josh Carver. I'm thirty-nine, brown wavy hair, average height and build. I used to go to the gym almost every day before I got married but after marriage my gym days have become almost non-existent. But enough about me. Let me tell you about Jasmine Olivo. Jasmine is twenty-six with long brown wavy hair and...

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Office Worker

Office Worker: Katie always wore a short blue miniskirt dress to the office. When she sat at her desk she would always pull the skirt down as it rode up her thighs. Alexander's eyes would always be caught by her long red fingernails caressing her miniskirt and her opaque black pantyhose encased legs. His eyes were always focused on her pantyhose encased legs, so much so that he never noticed her watching him watching her. Katie was around twenty years younger than Alexander and...

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Orifice Worker

ORIFICE WORKER By Lisa Lovelace "Aw, that's too bad, honey," my wife said. She'd just gotten home from work, and we were in the kitchen, where I was making a penne arrabiata with spicy chicken sausage. She handed me a glass. "Here, have some Chianti." I took a healthy slug. Some of it went down the wrong pipe, and I choked and coughed and gasped for breath. She thumped on the back, and I managed to breathe again, sort of. It had been that kind of day. I was usually in a good...

1 year ago
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My married coworker

This is a true storyA few years ago I was working in a general office type business (rather not mention the company name). There was this very attractive mexican woman I would say in her late twenties. Let's say her name was Maria. She had such a hot body and the perfect latina ass. She was skinny but her ass popped out just perfectly. Not to big but not to small. Maria had long brown hair and a a pretty face. Nice big lips and those fuck me eyes. I looked forward to every causal Friday...

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My wife gives blowjob to a younger coworker

Ok so this is the husband and this is a 100% true story. My wife and I have been together for over 20 years, she keeps herself in great shape, she has a fantastic body with great big tits and is very flirty. I’d also like to add she works with younger men in an office, she is in her mid 40’s and this particular male co worker is 26. My wife has been honest with me and has told me everything all along thats happened with this person and that he flirts with her all the time and makes sexual...

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My First Affair With A Married CoWorker

At the time, I was a single guy in my early thirties enjoying my freedom on the dating scene. Our company had recently hired a new manager to work alongside me. From the moment we were introduced, I was instantly attracted to her. Her name was Nikki.  She was a little over five feet tall, tanned skin, sparkling hazel eyes, with dirty-blonde hair that went just past her shoulders. Although the first day she wore a conservative, grey pantsuit, I could tell she had an ample bosom and a firm...

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I Fucked another Coworker

I was more curious then mad but had to figure out how to bring the topic up casually. She happened to take a break with me because she was outta smokes. We sat and chatted a bit bout work and normal small talk. The chick I fucked came out and waved at us as she went to off for lunch. My coworker laughs and says she told me what happened between you too. Well it was you that set it up right I shot back at her. Well you did say that when she started remember she said back to me...

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Hardcore Coworker

The night begins as many have for me in the recent past. I’m in my own place all alone and just got done another day of work. I sit down to watch whatever I plan on watching on the television this night just like any other. I’m kinda tired and just lay out on the couch and just lounge out trying to fall asleep. Nothing good on so I just keep closing my eyes trying to doze off. I’m so tired that I actually fall asleep for a brief few minutes when all of the sudden my phone rings. I say to myself...

3 years ago
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Administrative Assistant for Life

It may seem surprising that I am a secretary. After all, I am a 27 year- old male with a college degree in finance. The advertisement described the position as 'administrative assistant,' but at the first interview I knew that it was to become someone's secretary. Still, I beat out 20 other candidates to get the job. Maybe being raised by a strict step-mother and older sister caused me to become a little effeminate. At 5' 4" and 130 pounds soaking wet, I was never a good athlete or...

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Does decriminilisation of prostitution protect sex workers

It has been suggested that female poverty is the result of sexual discrimination and low wages in the labour market and that prostitution is a strategy for female survival under conditions of poverty A prostitute is any person who earns a living by the indiscriminate, willing and emotionally indifferent provision of services against payment,usually in advance but not necessarily in cash. Prostitution in the context of sex tourism has been ...

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Then I got pregnant, moved back to the town I grew up in, got married to a local real estate broker, and had a second child. Life was generally good, albeit a little boring. Fortunately my mother loved looking after my two kids, which allowed me to get a job and have a little autonomy. The job I landed was as a counter cashier at a Carroll’s Hamburgers fast food joint, which was a regional business, very similar to the much more popular McDonald’s. I was 28 by then – still an attractive...

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Horny Sister Opportunistic Workers

This real incident is of my nymphomanic sister who would have sex with any random guy once she is attracted to them or fascinated to them by the size of the dick they possess. I am sure my sister is definitely used to huge dicks, that’s why she would peep people peeing beside the road or even anywhere where she could get the view of their dick.This story is about my younger sister and I along with my mom and dad and two sisters, Sharda and Poonam live in a village in UP, the northern part of...

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Fucked By AC Serviceman And His Workers

Hello everyone, after receiving positive feedback for my previous story – “Desi Girl Gangbanged By Taxi Driver And Horny Strangers”, I have decided to share another incident that happened with me. Just when the summers had started, my aunt decided to go to Kerala to visit a friend of hers. At that moment as the temperatures were rising, it was too difficult to survive with just a fan so we decided to call someone to get the air conditioner checked. However, since it was the peak time, and AC...

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Angry MILF fucked by horny Construction Workers

This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read . A construction worker named Udash was busy stroking his massive hard-on during his break time. But his boss caught him before he could finish. Udash returned to work disappointed. He was too horny to concentrate. But when he looked down at the street below, he saw the curvy figure of a mature MILF walking by. Her body was thick, and her breasts bounced in rhythm with her thick ass as she walked by. Velamma was walking...

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Indian Wife Plays With Construction Workers

"Tarun." my wife said one night after dinner after putting our 8-year old son Apu to bed."Yes, Purva?" I replied."How serious are you about the whole open marriage thing?""What?""You know, what you keep bringing up every few weeks. That we should experiment. With other people."I looked at Purva with surprise. She had a curious expression on her face. Wow, she had actually brought up the topic herself! My heart jumped with joy.Purva and I are both 32 years old, and have been married for ten...

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Husband finds out wife has been cheating on him with a black coworker

Carol’s job was hosting a Christmas party. She decided to wear a skirt and no panties. I was turned on by the idea. The company party was being held at a hotel about a half hour from where we lived. She said that they expected about 30 people to show up. We arrived at the hotel that evening. The parking lot was almost full but we found a place towards the back. We entered the lobby and made our way to where the event was taking place. As we entered the room, one of Carol’s...

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