SOFI – THE NAKED NUN free porn video

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Now essentially naked, I stood before the bamboo gate to the nun’s compound. I wasn’t sure how long I have been here, but I was sure it was at least several hours. It wasn’t that I was being ignored. To the contrary. Upon my arrival, I rang the large bell attached to the side of the gate’s archway support. An older nun exited the building inside and spoke to me through the gate. This nun was nearly naked except for her veil, sandals on her feet, a very thin, nearly sheer, white cloth around her waist and hips, and a cross hanging between her sagging breasts. I wasn’t surprised by her near nudity, at least I knew at that moment I had arrived at my destination, the Sisters of the Order of Mary Magdalene. Yes … that Mary.

I had introduced myself as Sister Sofi, a recently trained nun from a convent in Sao Paulo. I informed the sister in front of me that I wished to join their Order. Her response was simple, “We’ll see if you are worthy.”

* * * *

This story is not intended to offend anyone’s religious sensibilities. It is rather an erotic ‘what if’ consideration of history. ‘What if’ Mary Magdalene had really been more active and involved in the early spread of the teachings? ‘What if’, as has been rumored, she and other women had been considered much more strongly in the early years than the patriarchal written record might suggest? This is then a fictional ‘what if’ look at what such an order might have been relegated to becoming over time.


Now essentially naked, I stood before the bamboo gate to the nun’s compound. I wasn’t sure how long I have been here, but I was sure it was at least several hours. It wasn’t that I was being ignored. To the contrary. Upon my arrival I rang the large bell attached to the side of gate’s archway support. An older nun exited the building inside and spoke to me through the gate. This nun was nearly naked except for her veil, sandals on her feet, a very thin, nearly sheer, white cloth around her waist and hips, and a cross hanging between her sagging breasts. I wasn’t surprised by her near nudity, at least I knew at that moment I had arrived at my destination, the Sisters of the Order of Mary Magdalene. Yes … that Mary.

I had introduced myself as Sister Sofi, a recently trained nun from a convent in Sao Paulo. I informed the sister in front of me that I wished to join their Order. Her response was simple, “We’ll see if you are worthy.”

With that response, she turned and walked away. I didn’t know what that meant or implied. I didn’t know what might be required of me to show my worthiness. So, I did the only thing I was trained to do. I knelt in place and prayed to the Lord for his guidance and strength to be able to satisfy whatever trial might present itself in the coming moments.

It seemed awkward to be kneeling before the gate in full view of anyone from the village who might happen to wander within view. But, not as awkward as it was to become. It was late afternoon and the heat and oppressive humidity of the jungle was having its effect on me under my full habit when a sudden downpour drenched the village and me as I knelt in the open. It seemed as though water from a tarp had suddenly been opened above me. And just as suddenly it stopped. The humidity sharply increased, something I would have thought impossible only moments before. That was when the same nun returned from the structure and directed me to remove my habit so I was only adorned in my veil and cross. Less than her as she didn’t offer me even the cloth she wore around her wide hips. She assured me that I would be much more comfortable out of the soaking wet habit garments. Although that was true, I very quickly realized, my public exposure became intense despite knowing that the nun’s compound was at the far edge of the village.

With my head bent down in anxious prayer, partially to avoid noticing any villagers, I reminded myself that this was to be expected and there should not be any surprise. None the less, it gave me reflection on how I ended up in this position.

* * * *

In the final weeks of my training before achieving my goal, my dream, of serving the poor through the convent in Sao Paulo, I was increasingly disturbed and conflicted by memories and feelings, but most disturbed by the physical sensations I noticed as a result of those memories and feelings. I was not a virgin when I made my decision to enter the life of a nun. So much was my feeling of disturbance from those memories that I took my concerns to confession.

The priest was delicate in pursuing my concerns. I confessed my sexual relations with men in the past. He assured me that not all women answering the call are virginal and tried to set my mind at ease.

“It isn’t just the men, Father.” Even through the privacy of the confessional I could sense the confusion on the other side of the screen. “b********y.” After another moment of uncomfortable silence, “Dogs, Father.”

He hesitantly ventured further into the issue, “Have you continued with these … relationships since committing yourself to your training?”

“No, Father! But …”

He picked up on my issue, “But, you have memories returning to you. Desires, too?”

I uttered a hesitant, “Yes.” Then, after an intolerable silence, “I will remove myself from the convent. Thank you, Father.”

But, before I could move, “No!” He hesitated a moment before continuing. “Come see me in two days, Sister. Come to my office. I wish to … pray on this before making any judgment. You should, too.”

I was hesitant to follow-up with him after the two days. My strongest impulse was to simply quit and run away as fast as I could. But, if the priest spent two days in consideration of my issue, the least I could do was to hear him out. Then resign and leave. There seemed little recourse given the strength of the feelings I found within me.

“I am sorry to have put you through this, Father. I should have just left quietly.”

He was seated behind his desk, the door to his office carefully closed. His fingers were steeple to his lips as he considered me. I was perched on one of the visitor chairs in front of his desk. I nervously sat on the edge of the seat as if I might be asked to leave at any moment. I noticed he set a small radio near the door and turned the volume up. It was only later that it occurred to me that his intention was to insure we would not be overheard.

“Sister, you obviously understand the commitment the sisterhood represents. In recent history, it is a relationship like no other to the Lord. You would even be given a silver ring to wear as a symbol of your devotion and relationship to Him.” I nodded. “I take it from your earlier comments that you cannot assure me or yourself that you wouldn’t continue to harbor these feelings.” I shrugged, but nodded. “But, would you be able to control them from being physical?”

Tears that had been welling in my eyes finally overflowed and dripped onto my cheeks. “It doesn’t really matter if I might control the physical, Father. If I can’t control the feelings, the desires within me, isn’t it the same as coveting that which isn’t mine to have? Coveting is a sin, not just the physical acting. And, for me as a nun wouldn’t it be even worse in betrayal to the Lord?”

He considered me, separated his steepled fingers from his lips, placed his hands flat onto the top of his desk, and pushed his body to a standing position. He made his way to the window and seemed to peer into the far distance.

I spoke to his back, “I will simply resign. It will be best.”

Without turning around, as if he were speaking to something outside our presence, “You have excelled in your training, though. The Mother Superior has such plans for your energy and willingness to be with the poor and forgotten.”

“Thank you, but …”

“Sister … what if there might be an alternative?” Alternative? What alternative could there be where I could in faithful honesty still be a nun? I waited, almost too afraid to even breath.

He turned and put his hand on a filing cabinet in the corner of the office. “Do you know what is in this cabinet? Notes. Pages and files and folders and drawers of my notes. Nobody would guess that at one time I was considered a rising scholar of the ancient Church and its foundation. I was in a position that allowed me to see manuscripts that predated what we now recognize as the accepted Bible. What I found and what I presented to my superiors, however, caused me to be banished with the threat of NEVER uttering a word about what I came to believe about the earliest times. All from my research.” He was very quiet for a time. Then, “You should understand, Sister, the Church … well, let me just say that people might just disappear. There can be no conflict with the teachings.”

I considered him with increasing curiosity. I didn’t know what this had to do with my situation, but he certainly had my attention.

“Sister Sofi, what do you know about Mary Magdalene?”

I stammered, “Mary … Magdalene …?” Why was he now asking about her? “She was depicted as a whore but was consistently among the group that followed Jesus. She had a significant role in the most powerful and important events when Jesus was crucified, being there to support him in his final moments and mourning his death when the men abandoned him. she was there to discover the empty tomb and a witness to the resurrection. She was the first to preach that miracle.”

He smiled at me, “Not too surprisingly, perhaps, the figure who most embodies the imaginative and theological conflict over the place of women in ‘the church’, as it has calls itself, is Mary Magdalene.”

Father opened the top drawer and moved his fingers over the papers inside it. At that moment, he seemed to have been transported somewhere, even if in mere thought. When he spoke, it was as if he was exposing something kept in the dark to a new light, if only to me. “One of the most important Christian texts to be found outside the New Testament canon is the so-called Gospel of Mary, a telling of the Jesus-movement story that features Mary Magdalene as one of its most powerful leaders. Just as the ‘canonical’ Gospels emerged from communities that associated themselves with the ‘evangelists’, who did not actually ‘write’ the texts, this one is named for Mary not because she ‘wrote’ it, but because it emerged from a community that recognized her authority.”

He continued to explain that the question was not only about Mary Magdalene, but about women generally. It should be no surprise, given how successfully the excluding dominance of males established itself in the church of the ‘Fathers’, that the Gospel of Mary was one of the texts shunted aside in the fourth century. As that text shows, the early image of this Mary as a trusted apostle of Jesus, reflected even in the canonical Gospel texts, proved to be a major obstacle to establishing that male dominance, which is why, whatever other ‘heretical’ problems this gospel posed, that image had to be recast as one of subservience.

Simultaneously, the emphasis on sexuality as the root of all evil served to subordinate all women. Thus, the need to disempower the figure of Mary Magdalene, so that her succeeding sisters in the church would not compete with men for power, meshed with the impulse to discredit women generally. This was most efficiently done by reducing them to their sexuality, even as sexuality itself was reduced to the realm of temptation, the source of human weakness and unworthiness and the potential root of downfall for men.

Thus, Mary of Magdalene, who began as a devoted woman at Jesus’ side, became the redeemed whore and Christianity’s model of repentance, a manageable, controllable figure, and effective weapon and instrument of propaganda against her own sex. There were reasons of narrative form for which this happened. There was a harnessing of sexual restlessness to this image. The anti-sexual sexualizing of Mary Magdalene was the male need to dominate women. In the Catholic Church, as elsewhere, that need is still being met.

He turned back to me while remaining standing before a large map of Brazil. He also seemed to be struggling with his own mind, perhaps to bring everything to some contextual relation to our condition today. He finally retook his seat behind the desk and, again, steepled his fingers to his lips while considering his next words.

“Sister, it is not my intention to suggest or encourage the random violation of Church doctrine or rules that would govern our roles and duties. But …” He regarded me intently. “For centuries after, His teachings were pushed out by his followers, but contrary to what we are told through the Bible the most aggressive of these was Mary Magdalene. Her followers reacted with the same unflinching devotion and energy that Mary displayed. They spread quickly and widely without consideration or concern for what might be happening in any formation of an organized movement. These women … and men … spread their effect through unconditional service, caring, and love to the widely divergent peoples they came into contact with. And, along the way, that kind of uncompromising, unconditional caring and service to ordinary people attracted others into that service.”

“Are you suggesting they did so without any guilt and stigma of sexuality?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Of course. They were the followers of Mary Magdalene. In all my research, there is nothing that leads me to believe she ever stopped being a sexual person. To the contrary, there is much depicted about them where the use of sex, the freely rejoicing of the body with the soul, crossed barriers that mere teaching and preaching failed.”

Still unsure what this all had to do with my situation, I kept the line of thought continuing. “What happened to them? There is no remnant of them?”

He smiled. “Actually, there is.”

He let me work this out. When the light went on in my mind, it made sense. “Us … the various Orders of Nuns. How …?”

“The same way the organization handled all such situations. They incorporated existing practices they encountered into doctrine and the organization while establishing strict control over them. They merely pushed the Magdalenes into submission and under control.”

I shook my head. “So, if they no longer exist, except for the history lesson buried in restricted archives, what relevance does this have for me now?”

At first, I thought he was ignoring me. Finally, he continued with a smile. “The Magdalenes were every bit as determined and committed as their name-sake. As the ‘civilized world’ pushed them into subjugation or pushed them out entirely, they continued to seek new regions to provide their service, care, and devotion. Eventually, they ran out of land but these were resourceful women who were willing to endure anything to fulfill the mission as was handed down over time to them. Some took passage on the sailing ships of explorers and traders as new worlds were opened. These women, for the most part, were subjected to extreme sexual abuse and humiliation. Upon reaching these new lands, few survived the ordeal and most of those who did were kept as slaves for the crew. But, the very few who did survive and were rewarded with freedom did continue to spread their mission. They did whatever they needed to do wherever they went or whatever they encountered. Where the Church conquered people, the Magdalenes melded into the very people who needed them.”

“But, as you said, Father, eventually, the Church took over.”

He smiled, again. I was now recognizing that this smile was an indicator of something significant about to be revealed and I waited anxiously. “When it was clear I was about to be banished because of my beliefs, I manipulated the discussion of ‘where’ to be Brazil.” He put his hand over the map covering the region of the Northern Amazon basin, one of the most remote regions of the world. “It occurred to me that a region of strong Catholic practice and significant remote regions just might …”

“Might what?”

He placed his index finger on the Amazon River and traced it upstream, then up a tributary before making a small circle with his finger. I stood and moved alongside him to gaze at the map and the region his finger was circling. He looked from his finger on the map down to my upturned eyes. “All the information I have found from conversation, research, and study leads me to this region on this tributary of the Amazon. But, Sister, understand that it is all based on hearsay, rumor, speculation, and legend.”

I smiled as I leaned into the map on the wall to put the location to memory. I understood instantly what I was going to do without the need for additional thought, investigation, or consideration. That was where I was going to somehow go. In that area stood the best possibility for me to care for people the way I always wanted to while no longer having to run away from desires of my body. I felt I would always be in turmoil and conflict, otherwise. It would be a risk … a big risk … but what an adventure, too.

I sense a change in time I had been staring at the little spot on the map. The priest is now watching me. I look up at him embarrassed. He puts his arm out and I step into him without thinking. He hugs me and I hug him. The intimacy feels so good, so reassuring, so encouraging, and so welcoming. My heart is beating furiously with the excitement of potential. I find myself pulling into his bony body. The sensations surging through me are surprising. How quickly and urgently they have sprung up within me. Suppressed for so long, they were apparently only pushed down just below the surface, denied but not removed.

I hear him softly suggest I give my thoughts time … time to consider what it would mean. I am shaking my head as I step back from him. I am also blushing profusely, though only the exposure of my face can possibly reflect it from under the formal habit and head coverings of this order.

“Don’t you see?”, I confide. “That outpost of the Magdalenes would be my ideal situation for the full person I am. A way to serve in the order while releasing my desires that are ready to burst from me. I have such a strong desire to serve, but the desires I feel are also very strong. To deny one for the other is to deny a part of me. You said the Magdalenes used all their being in whatever way needed to assist, help, and encourage the people they served. They didn’t deny the sexual side of their being but instead recognized those desires in themselves and those they served as a way to better serve them.” My eyes returned to the map and that tiny spot indicated on the tributary. “I have always believed deep down there must be a reason why I have these strong feelings inside me … both of them … for serve and giving pleasure.” I look up at him. His eyes and face are soft and gentle. “How can what I naturally am be wrong? I was made this way. I didn’t go out to become it. These sides of me have always been strong within me. How can only one be good?”

He finally asked the question she was preparing for. “You’ve already decided?”

I smiled and hugged him, again. “Don’t you see? I was destined to be a Magdalene. If they are there, I have to find them.”

I pulled my body into his and it felt so good. Then … I felt his reaction to my hug. I felt a growing hardness of his loins against my stomach. Even through all the thick, stiff fabric of our traditional garments, his physical reaction was clear. I stepped back embarrassed. My exuberance was natural but wrong to have apparently become a temptation. Now, I could look up at him. My lips moved in panic but no sounds came out.

He sighed and pulled me softly back into his arms. He didn’t press into me or pull me into him. He merely held me softly and comfortingly. He explained by taking it onto himself. He explained the turmoil and conflict that has been within him, too. Perhaps, he said, we were destined to meet. Although he had meekly accepted his banishment, he couldn’t reject all he had learned and discovered. That was why he had secretly retained his research. He lifted my chin to look into my eyes as he confessed his lack of strength of conviction that I had confessed to him to start all this. Meeting me, listening to my sharing, seeing how strongly I held onto both sides of my being, had given him the strength to look at himself with new understanding. If he believed in what he had learned, why wasn’t her prepared to pursue it regardless of the effect on himself? If he believed in what he now knew of the mission of the Magdalenes, why was he rejecting the same about himself? If I, someone starting out, had the courage to venture out into an unknown to achieve fulfillment, why couldn’t he?

I asked what conclusion he apparently had reached.

“I can’t continue from within in the Church.” He gave a deep sigh but a soft smile also formed on his mouth. “I have the research I need. I am going to leave. Like you, I need to be honest to myself … and to others. I need to find a way to release my findings but in a positive way. It may lead to nothing. Others have tried, I suppose, but I have to try.”

I pressed into him and hugged him, again. Without releasing him, I asked if he was sincere about leaving. He responded unequivocally the he was … thanks to this discussion, he needed to. I smiled, though to myself. I pressed against him, my body against his. My decision made, it felt freeing, that I didn’t need to pretend my feeling, my need. I didn’t want to be the temptress, though, to tempt someone into something that might be regretted by them later. I felt his body respond to me, though. I pressed myself tighter into him. His arms held me tighter and I sighed. His hands moved down over my habit down my back and I sighed more. His hands pulled me into him, his body pressing out against me and I moaned. Then, held tightly … he moaned. His cock was very hard and pressed urgently into my abdomen. He was 5 or 6 inches taller than me. My cheek was pressed into his shoulder. One of his hands held my shoulders and the other my lower back, his pelvis pressed out against me.

I turned my head and looked up into his face. His was turned down looking into mine. This felt good … right … real. This was what I wanted. To serve but also to feel, to give, to receive, and to share the beautiful wonders that our bodies were meant for despite what others tried to deny, as the priest said, to control us.

As I looked into his soft gaze, his words electrified me. “I don’t want to tempt you into something you aren’t committed to allowing, Sister. If we are both sincere about our futures, I think we are both at the same cross-roads for our futures, taking us in different directions, perhaps, but …”

I reached up onto my toes and kissed him on the lips and stopped his words. I slipped a hand from his back, around his hip, and, tentatively, over his crotch. He gasped at my touch as my hand found his hard cock under his black slacks. I rubbed up and down and he moaned, his cock twitching and jerking under my touch. It has been such a long time for me, I was nervous and unsure.

Then, I heard him gasp the next words, “It has been a long time since I have felt this. If you are sure … I very much am, too.”

I face pressed into his shoulder as I gasped, my response sounded muffled but urgent. “It has been a long time for me, too, Father. Thank you for showing me that an alternative may exist so I can continue to serve while releasing myself to my body.”

I breathed deeply before sliding down his body to my knees. I looked up along his body. He was nervously watching me. I was nervously looking up at him for some confirmation. He nodded. My hands shook and my fingers felt numb as I began working his belt, opening it, then opening his slacks and lowering the zipper. I opened his slacks further, a hand now covering his hard cock through the covering of his white boxer shorts. His breathing was through gasps. My own breath came through panting. There was no doubt we were both hungering for the same action.

Despite the locked door and the radio next to the door, our time and action was limited. I had already made up my mind this would be for him, my gratitude, my expression of thanks for his guidance.

I pulled the waist of his shorts down, the action causing his slacks to fall to his knees as I lowered his shorts and exposing his rigid cock. It was merely an average cock, I was sure, but at the moment it appeared to me as a miracle creation, a reaffirming symbol of how a man and a woman were intended to join, to share, and to rejoice in life. I yearned to feel that joining completely. I yearned to feel it inside me as it was intended. I knew this wasn’t the time, certainly not the place. I could please him, though. I could bring him his pleasure and I was aware it likely would not take much but I was glad I could be the one.

It was still difficult to overcome the trappings. His office with the crosses and the pictures. His clerical garments and collar. My habit and veil covering. The cross hanging from his neck and around my waist. But the decision had been made … by both of us.

I brought my lips to his cock head. I sighed as my lips touched the head. My lips kissed it and opened. After a moment’s hesitation, my lips parted further and moved over the head so it was just inside. I groaned. I felt my pussy flood and I shivered. I heard him gasp and moan above me, his hips jerked slightly, his cock pushed a few inches deeper into my mouth. I pulled my mouth up to the head, giving it another kiss, then pressed my mouth over its length and taking it to the back of my mouth. My body shook and my breath caught in my throat. I was orgasming! Merely with the cock in my mouth I was orgasming. I moved my mouth over the rigid cock. I sucked and swirled my tongue over it. He was gasping, moaning, and groaning above me. I felt his hand on my veil covered head. He applied gentle, reassuring pressure. I sucked harder, my mouth moving urgently over his cock. I moved one hand between his legs, cupping his ball sack and massaging them. It was a rush of sensation and remembrance. My mind was flooded with memories of before, of how I had pleased others.

I felt his cock pulse and stiffen in my mouth. His hand on my head became more controlling. I then felt it, the rigidness, the pulsing, the straining. His cock jerked in my mouth. A stream of cum shot out into my mouth, splashing off the back of my mouth. My mouth became flooded. So much. It had been so long for him. I gulped his cum down my throat as another spurt replaced what I gulped.

There were 3 or 4 spurts. I was unsure. It seemed overwhelming to experience. His cock jerked but it was only leaking sperm now. I sucked vigorously to empty his cock. It was as if I couldn’t get enough of it. I sucked and sucked and licked and licked. I stopped only as I felt it softening.

I looked up, finally. Still nervous that it was the right thing to do. He pulled me up and into his arms, his slacks hanging at his knees.

“Thank you, Sister. I know for sure what I need to do. I hope you are sure, too.”

I squeezed into him. “THANK YOU, Father! I just know my service will be complete now.” I just knew I would somehow find the Magdalenes.

* * * Chapter Two will follow * * * Thanks for reading

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The Nun

I was a nun for 12 years before I finally left and discovered my true self -- my true sexual self. I was raised Catholic and pushed into religious life from a young age by my strict Catholic parents. I went to Mass and attended parochial schools my whole life. I never had a real date -- only a quick kiss from a boy after he walked me home from a dance -- a 15 second peck on the lips, no tongue. By the time I graduated from St. Margaret's H.S. Academy, it was pretty well decided I'd become a...

2 years ago
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Incredible Sex With A Nun

Hi dear ISS voracious readers, This is my first sex story I am gonna present u, not my first sex…lol… I am a doctor, my name is shoban babu, 29 years, well built, muscular, fair complexion boy, I am from Tamilnadu, Salem district, this Is a real story, while I was pursuing a job in Bangalore private hospital, it is a Christian institution… I worked in medicine department, on the first day of joining I visited the medical department HOD, asst professors and staffs in the ward and finally went...

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Naughty Nun

Sister Bernadette was the youngest and the prettiest nun at my school. She was a novice so she wasn’t a real nun yet. Since all I could ever see was her beautiful face and her slim hands I could only imagine what was hidden beneath her habit. I had been punished for breaking one of the many dress code rules. My skirt was not touching the floor when I knelt down. For that I had to sit in Mother Superior’s office and get the palms of my hands hit with an old fashion wooden ruler. The ruler...

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Taxi driver and a Nun

A cabbie picks up a Nun. She gets into the cab, and notices that the VERY handsome cab driver won’t stop staring at her. She asks him why he is staring. He replies: ‘I have a question to ask you but I don’t want to offend you.’ She answers, ‘My son, you cannot offend me. When you’re as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I’m sure that there’s nothing You could say or ask that I would find offensive.’ ‘Well, I’ve always had...

4 years ago
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My Doctor Years Ago Was a Nun

I live in a small town in northern Arizona. When you are in a small town it's hard to keep doctors around for primary care. I now travel to a nearby large city, but twenty years ago when I was 45, for a short while I had the shortest doctor I had ever had. She was a nun, but obviously didn't wear the nun outfit when acting as a doctor. She introduced herself to me as sister Prudence. She told me which order she belonged to, but not being a religious guy that didn't stick with me at all.She...

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Naughty Nun

A nice quiet evening was interrupted by a church bell. It was the time for the evening prayer. Nuns gathered into the main building, where the late meeting was held. Sister Mary was slightly behind, convulsively looking for something.“Oh my God, where is my prayer-book? I couldn’t have left it somewhere.”To be late on the meeting meant to have rough rebuke from the prioress. She desperately tried to remember where she had left the damn book.“Can it be in the kitchen storage?”A panic attack...

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The nun

THE NUN As far back as sister Mary Angela could remember, she was never interested in sex. As a teenager she developed large breasts at a very young age and was curvy and beautiful. Despite the fact that she always dressed very conservatively. In her youth, boys and even some girls, treated her very nicely. She, however was never interested and as soon as she turned 18 she started her career as a woman of god. It’s all she ever wanted to do with her life. Many years later, in her early 40s she...

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The Nun

Admittedly, I'm an alcoholic, though recovering now. In my early thirties my addiction to alcohol had reached its peak and I was on a slippery slide downhill. I had become a blackout drunk, unpleasant to be around, at best. Old friends shunned me and when I wasn't drunk, I was physically ill with the DTs. The only cure was to get drunk again. A merry-go-round of horror, familiar to any drunk who has survived long enough.I did odd jobs as infrequently as possible to pay for my habit. I lived...

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The Nun

I don’t remember my name; it was lost in history as I used so many aliases to protect my identity. I was born somewhere in Europe around a hundred years before Jesus Christ. I don’t know the date or who my parents were. I was told my mother died in childbirth and my father then left me on the doorstep of a neighbor. I lived there until I was kicked out due to my special gift, a gift that is both a curse and a blessing, for I am a Necromancer.How does it work, you may wonder? Well, there are two...

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Hells Nun

sister Veronica was always a good girl. She was born in 1982 in rural Pennsylvania to a farm family, and spent most of her youth learning the value of hard work. Veronica loved reading, mostly the bible, but other books too. She loved Mark Twain and Emily Bronte. She enjoyed swimming in the big lake behind the farm. When she went to high school she joined the swim team and found that she had a talent for it. But she eventually quit, the day she was taking a shower with her team mates and...

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Part 13 ndash First Adult Theater

During the time our family situation would not allow us to party much. We happen to discover adult theaters. Just to remind you, we are a couple during this time and were both in our mid-thirties. My wife is blond, 5’0” tall, blue eyes, 34b breast with really hard nipples that were hard to hid when she get aroused. At the time she weighed about 115 with a nice ass. She did not were panties, just panties hose or nothing.She had just changed jobs and really did not know anyone at her new...

2 years ago
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My Doctor was a Nun

(Part of this story is true, part of it is pure fantasy. If you have a problem with a story about a Catholic Nun being a doctor who examines a man and does things that don't break her vows, but which are surely a bit out there...then don't read this story. Thank you)In my small western town it's hard to get and keep doctors. Fortunately there are programs that bring doctors to small towns. I had a doctor for three years who was a nun. She never dressed in a habit. Her name was sister...

3 years ago
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Creampie gangbang in a van Chapter Thee ndash Creampi

The slutty adventures of big titted nypmho mommy whore Diannaromo continues . . .Chapter Thee – Creampie fill up for big titted mommy whoreDianna knew as she lay there with her very wet pussy leaking her juices she was one filthy whore slut. And yet she could just not help herself. She needed this, she wanted this, she deserved to be gang fucked like this. She was a whore, it was her fate to be used like this as her husband and boys were at home fast asleep. The van screeched around another...

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Sofies own cuckold

Introduction: How it happened, and where it led. Ive decided to take some of the themes listed in the story menu, and to write around each particular perversion. This first concerns the Cuckold. I hope that it amuses and excites those connoisseurs who like to read of that particular kink. Introduction: How it happened, and where it led. Ive decided to take some of the themes listed in the story menu, and to write around each particular perversion. This first concerns the Cuckold. I hope that it...

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Sofie Marie 97000

It would be wrong to say my readership is all the same, but they share many common traits. I could rattle off a thousand and one right now, but today my theme is your pussydom.My Pussy ReadershipYou’re all humungous fucking pussies. That's why you had to hunt down an alpha male like me for guidance. What makes you such incredible pussies? First off, the lack of any sex has decimated your testosterone levels. Research has shown that a steady supply of fuckable vaginas keeps T levels up and...

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Desert Heat ndash Part 31 ndash The Day Before

Desert Heat – Part 31 - Day Before the WeddingFriday, August 31, 1985 Friday morning I woke early again and made my way to my office to catch up on more reading. It was over an hour later when Ginger and Pepper peeked in and said good morning. They headed to kitchen to fix breakfast while I finished reading one more tech article. The smell of coffee brought me to the kitchen to find my two gorgeous naked wives busily fixing a breakfast fit for royalty. I asked why all of the fixings and...

4 years ago
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Red ndash Part V ndash Grace takes the Wheel

“Lauren, wake up. Wake up hon, we need to get on the road,” Grace said softly as she nudged at her daughter. Grace yanked back the covers to speed things up, and paused to admire the eighteen year old's tall, tan, beautiful body.“Yaawwwnnnnn, good morning. Did you say we? You’re driving me back?” “Yes hon. I talked with your dad and since you’re still on Percocet, we think it would be better if I drove you,“ Grace stated. Lauren had her wisdom teeth removed Friday morning, but was still hurting...

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Red ndash Part VIII ndash The girls meet up with Marcus

Sara flipped off the radio when she turned into her Tinderwood Apartment complex. It was late and she was exhausted. Her younger sister, Lauren, was asleep on the sofa with her chemistry book open on her chest, when she walked in. Sara looked frazzled and worn out for a 19 year sophomore in college. Her hair was windblown and her makeup was a mess. Her new flowered sundress was wrinkled and only held closed by three buttons. When she plopped down in the chair, Lauren could see her bare breasts...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 35 Bonus Chapter ndash The Holiday Stories 03 ndash New Yearrsquos Eve

“Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight Everybody’s feeling warm and bright It’s such a fine and natural sight Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight.” King Harvest - 1972 So there we were. It was midnight and my three wives, and I were out in the back yard at midnight wrapped in each other’s arms, dancing in the moonlight to the sound of that great 1972 song booming from the stereo on the deck. The three bellies of my three pregnant wives were rubbing against my not pregnant belly as we swayed...

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The Taking of a White FamilyndashPart 2ndashParents Lean T

After that first night of service to our new Masters things started to become somewhat normal or at least as normal as they could be in our situation. I went off to work every morning and the girls went to school. Carol stayed in the apartment, cooked, cleaned and did normal stuff a stay at home wife would normally do with a few exceptions. On our day off Masters took the family to the community center and pool. The girls had a great time and Carol and I even forgot about our predicament and...

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The birth of a yng whore ndash pt4 ndash hurting parentin

Parenting a property or learning must hurtThere she was, 15 years old, naked in a stable, bound like a piece of livestock. Before this day she was cute, virgin, in any way really greenly, she had dreams, she had a boyfriend, whom she loved, she had a family, who looked after her, all something normal in 1965, in Western Germany, somewhere in the hinterland of Heidelberg. Now, after grandpa taught her, how it feels to have a cock between her lips, how hurting treason could be, and he and his...

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The birth of a whore ndash pt2 ndash end of close season

The birth of a young whore – pt2 – end of close seasonsequel of : are still in the near of Heidelberg, Germany, back in 1965, this wonderful era, when women knew about their position, when men controlled women's life, with strong mind and hands, when chastisement wasn't reprehensible, when emancipation was unknown, when youngster didn't automatically get mentally disordered when they were taught "ethical" values, and when they...

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Ann ndash At The Beach ndash 2 Sun Oil

(This story is the continuation of "Ann – At The Beach – 1. A New Bikini". Please do read that first!) girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers and Alex's younger sister Ann had just arrived at the beach on a gorgeous, sunny day during the summer holidays. Alex asked me to turn over so she could apply sunscreen to my back, and then asked me to return the favor. To my surprise, she'd brought sun oil instead of the typical sunscreen...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 32 Bonus Chapter ndash The Holiday Stories 01 ndash Christmas Day

Christmas Day is a favorite day for me. When I was married to my first wife, my life-long dream was to have a Christmas dinner surrounded by my family. When we got divorced all of that went away. I couldn’t see or hear my ex-wife without going into a severe depression for days. So, there was no family get together for any holidays. Christmas hurt me the most. After they graduated high school, my daughter went into the Army followed by my son and get togethers never happened... Now, I am...

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The Dating Game ndash Part 3 ndash The art of teasing a wo

Hey to you all, what`s up? :)Here it is another blog post about the Dating Game topic, which means one step forward for you to start learning how to approach and date women the right way.This time, we`ll cut straight to the chase, I mean, no more introductory, bla bla stuff. ;)In one of my last blog posts I`ve been recommending you to meet and hang, as much as possible, around the right people, which consists of, among others, the guys that are already successful with women. Naturals, if...

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Ann ndash At The Beach ndash 1 A New Bikini

It all started one beautiful day during the summer holidays. The early morning already promised great temperatures, and when we left for the beach, the sun was shining pleasantly warm on our skin. When my girlfriend Alex, a friend of hers, her younger sister Ann and me arrived at the beach, it was already pretty crowded.After finding ourselves a nice spot, we began settling, spreading out our towels and changing into our swimwear which we had already put on at home. Until then I had never taken...

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Vacation Fun ndash Chapter 2 ndash The Next Morning

Vacation Fun – Chapter 2 – The Next MorningWith the curtains closed only a little light shined through the windows, but is was more than enough for Sam’s eyes to take in every curve of Carly’s body. Carly always looks so peaceful when she’s asleeep, and now Sam could freely lay in bed and stare for as long as she wanted or till Carly woke up.Before Carly climbed into bed just a little after midnight she striped down to only her underwear, slowly Sam started tracing patterns on Carly’s bare arm...

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The birth of a young whore ndash pt3 ndash tortured deflor

The birth of a young whore – pt3 – tortured deflorationsequel of : mom lay in this straw, 15 yrs old, weak, trembling all over after my uncle destroyed her ass, after he fucked her with his big 8 inch cock ballsdeep in that asshole, that has been virgin when she woke up in the morning, she relaxed. Made plans how to escape these two monsters, my...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 34 Bonus Chapter ndash The Holiday Stories 02 ndash Paulrsquos Birthday

I held Erin and kissed her and pulled out of her, laughing my ass off. We walked hand in hand down the stairs, my penis still erect. As we hit the ground floor, I heard a voice. “Oh daddy. Look at that.” “Oh oh!” “Taylor, you and your sisters and mommies have a ‘gina’ and daddies have a penis. Sometimes, when daddies show their love to mommies, it gets big.” “Ok!” That was it. Keep it simple stupid! Right? After putting the older girls to bed, my wives and I White Castle farted ourselves...

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MALA ndash The Village Lady ndash 7

Honey Moon TripRahul got an official trip to abroad, so we also joined him and booked our tickets of the same flight. We did not meet Rahul coz he was in business class with another company guy. All were slept in flight, I saw Alia who talked with the window stranger, and her hand touched his bulge. After sometime, he stood and walked to toilet. Then Alia passed a smile to me and walked behind him to toilet. Then the guy returned and sat and slept. Soon Alia came back and kissed me and shared...

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Losing my anal virginity ndash Part 3 ndash In the Morning

This is a continuation of one of my previous stories. Please see parts 1 & 2 on my profile.I woke up spooning Rick; my arm d****d over him, my face directly behind his neck, breathing in his skin. But I had had such a peaceful rest, which I hadn’t had in a long time. As my groggy eyes opened, I realized how cozy I was nude under the sheets with him. Of course my first thought was of my raging hard-on, as is customary each morning, but this time it was pressed against the small of his back....

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Digital Prostate Exam ndash Really ndash Followup Visit

This story is a work of fiction, it NEVER happened. This is chapter two so if you have not read chapter one you should start there ( This series began when I read a story here on XH about a woman going to her gynecologist and ending up in a sexual event. The story has since been deleted so there is no way to send you there. Many men, me included, have no clue what goes on in a woman’s exam but many of us wonder if the doctor may...

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First threesome ndash a fantasy ndash part 1

I had been on XHamster chatting with Paul for a little while now. Even during our first chat in the messages he’d hinted that his wife was open and adventurous in their sex life. So, when we skyped and watched each other wanking off, he showed me the double ended vibrating dildo that she’d fucked his arse with. There was a short and long end with a disk in between, Paul slowly slid the long end, (his) into his arse and switched on the vibrator. From the way his body jumped, I guess he liked it,...

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Julie out on her own ndash First Threesome Part 2 ndash

Julie out on her own – First Threesome (Part 2) – CD/TV/TS, MFM(Continued from Part 1)Sure enough, there was Vicky was, head above mine, eyes closed, sucking on her fingers. I reached my arm up and snaked it around her head, and pulled her lips to my face quickly, making her faceplant into pools of sperm. She was surprised, but relaxed and started slurping – I knew I had her. I whispered quietly, “You still owe me … bitch!”To my surprise, as much as she’d seemed to be into it, sharing Mike’s...

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