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St Augustine Catholic girls school 1953

Swish crack


Stella jumped up and clutched her bottom,
As she touched her bottom she could feel the ridge left by the cane.


Stella reluctantly bent back over the desk.

Swish Crack

OUCH, That bloody hurt cryed Stella.
Again standing up and clutching her bottom.
Which had another stripe across it.

Of course it hurt. It's meant to hurt girl!
Now get back over that desk,
And if you stand up again, I'll double your caning!
Said Miss Brown.

Miss Brown was an attractive woman of 44 she had jet Black hair,
Which had little flecks of grey in it.

And at this precise moment she was getting more and more annoyed.

Stella again reluctantly bent over the desk.

Swish crack

Owwww Owwww please Miss no more,
Cryed Stella again, staying over the desk this time, but reaching back in a vain attempt to cover her bottom.

Which now had three stripes across it.

Shouted Miss Brown.

And added, if you didn't want to get the cane, then you shouldn't bully younger girls.

Swish crack

Please Miss, cryed Stella, now with tears in her eyes,
I promise I'll never do it again.

Miss Brown replied.
Wondered how many it would be before I heard that old line.

Miss Brown stopped caning the girl for a second or two,
Whilst she looked at her handiwork.

She saw that there were 4 stripes now on this girls brown bottom.

Swish crack

Owwww Owwww
I'm sorry Miss I'm so sorry Miss
Please Miss Brown, no more.


Said Miss Brown loudly.

Then added
Now I suggest you grab hold of the legs of the desk, and that you stay down after this final stroke.
Because if you stand up, you will get another six,
Do I make myself clear girl.

Yes Miss
Replied Stella, in a small voice.

Then Brace yourself girl, said Miss Brown.
Because this final stroke is going to hurt!

With that Miss Brown placed the cane on Stella's bottom.
Tapped it a couple of times, then pulled it back and brought it back down as hard as she could.



Stella yelled in pain.

And that is what happens to sixth form head girls, Ms Short.
that think it's OK to bully first year girls.
Said Miss Brown, admiring the result of her work.

Stella short was the Head girl at St Augustine Catholic girls school.
And she had been sent to Miss Brown, who was the New teacher at the school.

Miss Brown had only been at the school for two weeks.
But already she had a reputation.
If you was going to get the cane, then you didn't want to get it from Miss Brown.

Stella was not liked by most of the girls, and she had been caught bullying first years,
And if there was one thing Miss Brown did not like, and would not tolerate, it was bullies.

She herself had been on the receiving end of bullies, whilst she was a former pupil.

The biggest bully at St Augustine Catholic girls school.
When Stella Brown had been a pupil,
Wasn't another girl,
Infact it was a particularly unpleasant Nun called Sister Joan.
When Stella Brown was a pupil at St Augustine Catholic girls school
Back in the twenties.
It had been run by Nuns.
Sister Joan had been the last mother superior of the school.
She had been fired in 1948.
Which was the last time the school had been run by Nuns.

Now although the school was still called St Augustine Catholic girls school.
It was no longer run by Nuns.

Now stand up Stella, pull your knickers up, adjust your skirt.
And if I ever hear or catch you bullying any girl again,
You will be getting the cane, on the bare bottom,
In front of the whole school.
Do I make myself clear!

Yes Miss Brown, very clear Miss Brown.
Replied Stella short.

Oh before you go Stella,
Just one more thing,
Said Miss Brown.

I'll be taking the head girl pin.
YOU are no longer head girl.

Stella took the head girls pin off her tie, and handed it to Miss Brown.

Thank you,
Said Miss Brown, you can now go back to your Dorm.

When Stella Short got back to her dorm, the first thing she did was remove her skirt,
Pull her knickers down and look at the reflection of her bottom in the mirror.

This is what she saw.
Six wheel marks.
Five red ones, and a really deep one, that was white in color.
That really stood out on her brown bottom.
She gently touched her sore bottom, running her finger along the ridge of the white wheel mark.
Whincing as she did.
Bloody old cow, she thought to herself.
Bet she never got the cane at school, bet she was a right old goody two shoes.

She couldn't have been more wrong..........
Miss Brown, or Stella as she was known when she was a pupil at the school.
Was Infact caned more times than she cared to remember.
And was the last girl to be caned on the bare bottom in front of the whole school.

Miss Brown decided to go to Rednam riding school, that afternoon, after school had finished for the day.
She wanted to see her old friend Dawn Effingham.
Whom she hadn't had the chance to see, since taking the teaching post at St Augustine Catholic girls school.

As she walked through the gates of Rednam riding school.
The memories came flooding back, of the many happy years she'd spent volunteering
There as a girl back in the twenties.

As she wondered round, she thought to herself, it's not really changed much in the past thirty years.

Then as she walked into what back in the twenties had been the 'new Stable' Block.
She heard a familiar voice from behind her.

Hello can I help you madam,
she turned round, and saw standing there, An older woman, who had ginger hair,
Was dressed in a pair of tight fitting jeans, a loose fitting vest top, Wellington boots.
Pushing a wheelbarrow.
But still looked sexy as ever, yes this woman was older, 12 years older infact.
But she still had a fantastic figure, that was shown off even more with the tight jeans.

Dawn Effingham, you look absolutely amazing.
It's so good to see you, said Miss Brown.

Dawn Effingham the owner of Rednam riding school.
Was mucking out the stables,
She was returning from the muckheap, with an empty wheelbarrow.
When she see this woman with jet black shoulder length hair, wearing
A pair of very tight fitting jeans, (that showed off the shape of this woman's sexy looking bum)
A tight fitting top, that showed what a great figure this woman who was younger than Dawn.
Had, and a pair of ankle boots.

As the woman turned around, Dawn couldn't believe her eyes!

Oh my god, Stella bloody Brown....

What the fuck are you doing here.
Come here and give me a Hug,
You old slut.

The two women smiled at each other, hugged then kissed each other on the mouth.
Open mouthed with there tongues in each others mouths.
They stayed like that kissing for a good minute or two.
There hands squeezing each others bottoms.

When they let go of each other and stopped kissing.

Miss Brown again said, Dawn Effingham, how are you, how's the riding school going?
And are you still getting fucked in the stables, if so who by?

Dawn Effingham replied.
Stella Fucking Brown, the biggest Slut Effingham stud farm ever employed.
Whose husband you fucking these days? You little slut.

Both women burst out laughing.

Dawn was the first to speak.
When was the last time we saw each other, Stella.

Stella replied,
I think it must of been, about 5 years ago, at Mike's funeral,

Dawn nodded agreeing.
I think you could be right.

So how comes your here then Stella? I hope you'll stay awhile.

Oh you could say I'll be staying awhile.
I'm a Teacher now at St Augustine , so I'm afraid if you don't mind I'll be popping
In from time to time.

Bloody hell, they must be desperate for teachers, if they've employed you!
Replied Dawn.

Oi cheeky.
Anyway how comes you are back at Rednam riding school.
Asked Stella.

Well after Mike's funeral, I tried to run Effingham stud farm.
But just wasn't the same without him there.
So I sold up and moved back up here, took over running Rednam riding school.
Which dad left to me when he passed, last year.
Replied Dawn.

I'm sorry to hear your dad passed, said Stella.
And I'm sorry I couldn't come to the funeral.
Don't know if you new but I was recovering from two broken legs, cracked ribs,
And broken collarbone.

No I didn't know replied Dawn.
What happened?

Bloody horse threw me off, because of some twat with a bloody motorbike,
He goes roaring past.
Scared the poor horse, which reared up, lost its footing and landed on me,
Trapping me underneath.
Replied Stella.

Oh you poor thing said Dawn laughing.

Look its really good to see you again Stella, but I'm a bit busy at the moment.
Mucking out a stable.
Said Dawn.

Stella said that's alright I've gotta get back to school anyway,
Got another girl that's got to have the cane, coming to see me at 6pm

Another girl, repeated Dawn.

Yes had to cane Stella short, this morning for bullying,
She was caught bullying first years.
Replied Stella.
Typical bully tho, couldn't take the cane without blubbing and complaining.

Told her if I hear of, or catch her bullying again.
Then she'll be getting a bare bottom caning infront of the whole school.

Bloody hell, replied Dawn.
You mean girls can still get caned in front of the whole school?

And added.
Wasn't you the last girl to get her bare bottom caned infront of the whole school.

Stella smiled and said.
Yep I believe I was.

The two women decided to meet up Friday evening, to catch up properly.
With a goodbye kiss and hug they parted.

That evening, at 6pm
Stella Brown heard a knock on her classroom door.
She called out.

Come in.

The door opened,
A fifth former walked in and politely said.

Good evening Miss Brown.
I've been told to come and see you this evening, for a caning, Miss.

Stella looked at the girl, who was.
Dressed in school uniform, no make-up, and had long blond hair, that hung loose.

Good evening Rebecca James, said Stella.
It's good to see that you are not wearing make-up. And that you are on time.

Now remind me why you are here this evening?

Got caught behind the gym smoking Miss.

But that's not all you was doing is it Rebecca.

No Miss,

Well I'm waiting!
Said Stella.

I was swearing and calling you an old cow Miss Brown.

Indeed you was young lady, indeed you was.

And why was you calling me an old cow.

Rebecca James took a deep breath and said
I was talking to some fi........ Rebecca stopped herself from saying what she was about to say.
And instead said.
To a group of girls, saying,
Be careful of what you say and do around that new teacher, Miss Brown.
As that old cow will cane you on the bare arse, for anything..

Well at least you have the guts to admit what you said.
Replied Miss Brown.
However, if it had only been for saying that.
which I don't by the way.
You would only be in here getting told off and getting a spanking over my lap.

But as you were smoking, dus breaking the school rules.
For which the punishment is six strokes of the cane on the bare.
I have no choice but to cane you.

Yes Miss
Rebecca replied again.

Then I suggest that you bend over the desk.
Said Miss Brown.

Rebecca again replied yes Miss.
And walked over to the desk, and bent over it.

Miss Brown then lifted Rebecca's skirt up over her back, and tucked it
Into her waistband.
Then pulled Rebecca's knickers down to her knees.

After which she picked the cane up off the hook it hung on.
And placed it on the girls bottom.
And said are you ready to be caned Rebecca.

Yes Miss Brown, came the reply.

Swish crack
Swish crack.
A little pause, whilst Miss brown adjusted her footing.
Swish crack

Owwww oh my go...... That hurts.
Finally getting through to you am I girl?

Swish crack
Swish crack.

Owwww ouch ouch

Because I'm so nice, said Miss Brown.
A little break before the last one, as you've taken them without jumping up.

Thank you Miss Brown.

Can I rub my bottom please Miss Brown.

You may replied Miss Brown.
But do not stand up.

No Miss wouldn't dream of it Miss.

After giving her very sore bottom a bit of a rub, which Rebecca now new had five stripes on it.
As she'd been able to feel them with her fingers.

Even tho she had felt all five stinging strokes as they landed on her bare bottom.
She wasn't sure if she had any stripes or not.

Now back over the desk Rebecca.
You've got one more stroke to go.
Said Stella.

Rebecca did as she was told.

Right Rebecca James,
I warn you now, this last stroke is going to hurt!

With that Miss Brown placed the cane on Rebecca's bottom.
Tapped it lightly against her bare bottom.
Then lifted it up and brought it down as hard and fast as she could,
Pulling it towards her as it hit Rebecca's bottom.
Thus leaving a beautiful white puffy edged line on the girls bottom.

Rebecca squealed, owww owww oh ouch ouch.
It felt like somebody had gotten a hot poker and placed it on both her bottom cheeks at the same time.
Her instinct was to jump up and dance around the room clutching her bottom.
But she stopped herself from doing that,
Afraid that if she did, then she would get more strokes of the cane.

Which at this precise moment she definitely didn't want!
So instead she stayed bent over the desk, her bottom stinging from the cane.

Then Miss Brown said.
You can stand up now Rebecca.
If you wish to rub your bottom you may.

Rebecca replied
Thank you Miss Brown
And thank you for caning me.
I hope I don't ever have to be caned by you again Miss.

I hope that has taught you a lesson Rebecca.
Because if I ever have to cane you again for smoking,
Or anything else.
Then I promise you, by the time I finnish caning you.
You won't even be able to sit down for a week!
Do I make myself clear?

Yes Miss Brown very clear Miss.
Came the reply.

Good, now pull your knickers up, adjust your skirt, and get out.

Over the next couple of days Miss Brown, added to her reputation.

Friday evening 8pm

Stella Brown was knocking on Dawn Effinghams front door.

She was showered, had shaved her pubic area, washed and blow dried her hair.
Her armpits were also shaved as were her legs.

She was wearing,
A nice dark red blouse, short black skirt, black stockings and suspenders and black high heel shoes.
Under the blouse and skirt she had on matching black silk knickers & Bra.
Her jet black hair was hanging loose.
She looked twenty years younger.

Dawn Effingham, Answered the door.
She was wearing, a shiny black blouse, a short black skirt, red stockings and suspenders
Matching red silk Bra & knickers and also a pair of
Black High heeled shoes.
Her ginger hair was also hanging loose.
She also looked twenty plus years younger.

She hugged and kissed Stella, and said
Right you old slut, let's get to the pub.

Stella replied,
Come on then you old tart, I'm ready when you are,
Let's give em hell.

Although Stella herself could drive, they had decided it was best to go in one car.
As Dawn had grown up around here, it was thought best that she drove, as she'd know
The roads and the way to the pub.
So they got into her 1946 triumph roadster.
A sporty little number that Sir Michael Effingham had bought his wife brand new.

It was the only thing she had kept that reminded her of him.

They spent the evening catching up,
So come on Stella I wanna know everything you've done since leaving Effingham stud farm back in 1940.

Not much really

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“Welcome everyone!” she announced. “This class is Sex 101”. The kids in the classroom giggled a little bit. “There are 3 things you must know in this class: #1) No condoms allowed. #2) You must follow the rules. #3) You do not want to break the rules. If you do you will be punished. Robert flinched. What kind of rules are those? You must follow the rules and you do not want to break the rules? What are the rules you do not want to break? His thoughts were interrupted by the...

1 year ago
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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“Teacher,” Sumin said, suddenly. “What is ‘Netflix and chill’?” She looked across the desk at me with an expression of open curiosity. Caught off guard, I hesitated trying to figure out how to answer this. My gut instinct is to always be honest but I also know that in the classroom there are certain boundaries, even if this was a private lesson and not in an actual classroom. We were sitting in her apartment’s study room with a piano against one wall, bookshelves filled with books along...

3 years ago
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CuttyChapter 35 The Whore Teacher

Donna sat at the kitchen table taking a break from her morning duties. She had still so much to do! She looked at her nails to check if she had done them correctly. She had done so five times already in the last minute alone, but she kept forgetting. Her mind couldn’t hold anything anymore; she was so desperate for sleep. And as she sat in the chilly kitchen, she had to constantly rub herself as both her holes itched terrible. She never had had it this bad. Both holes were flaming red. It...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Abacus Solli Tharum Teacher

Hello friends, en peyar Pandi, vayathu 28 aagugirathu, en veetin arugil oru palli irukum. Motai maadiyil enaku endru oru thani arai irunthathu, angu naan thinamum velai seithu kondu irupen. Appadi velai seithu kondu irukum pozhuthu oru naal abacus solli tharum aunty en araiku neraga oru benchil amarnthu kondu irunthathu, avaludan eppadi thodarbu er patathu enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, varungal kathaikul selalam. Aval parka velaiyaaga azhagaga irunthaal, vayathu 35...

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Seducing my teacher

He spent about 2 hours playing fortnight with his homies named Chris and Tom. When 12 came his mother ordered him to get off the game and go to bed. She didn't want him up any longer because he has a big day tomorrow. So he needs to get up early so he can be ready for the bus. Hours flew by and Kyle was waiting at the bus stop. He waited for at least 30 minutes or so until the bus arrived. 30 minutes later the bus arrives at school and the students went inside the school. They were putting...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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student blackmail mature lady teacher

Joey can't remember where this all started, his fascination with the school's guidance counselor, maybe when she would ignore him and instead entertain the jocks that went to her office for counseling or maybe this woman was just really desirable. Joey Jones was 18, a high school senior, and the captain of the chess team. There were other girls his age that he was interested in but there was something about the counselor that captivated him.The guidance counselor was Mrs. Zilpha Rollins; she's...

1 year ago
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Sexual Education. University class. Bianca's favorite teacher is going to use her as an example. Teacher: Ok class. Get your text out and turn to page 156.... Bianca! Focus or we'll use you as an example for the next lesson. Bianca: I apologize, sir. 30 minutes go by *Bianca starts talking again. Teacher. Bianca... Bianca: I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. Teacher: No, this isn't the first time.... Get on my desk. *Bianca sits on the desk Teacher: Put your feet up on the desk,...

3 years ago
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The RAID and the Mild Mannered School Teacher

The R.A.I.D. and the Mild Mannered School Teacher Watching the children play, Adam saw several kids form a game of tag. They were laughing and giggling as they ran around. There were innocent kids doing nothing but having fun. They looked like a bunch of boys, but one might have been a girl, as his hair was a bit longer than the rest. Not that it mattered. Adam had forgotten what it felt like to have so much fun just playing. He longed to remember how it was to enjoy himself so much....

3 years ago
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The Student Becomes the Teacher

(I dedicate this story to Deborah Ford who has given me much encouragement. I am frantically trying to finish "Dana's Revenge" and "My Life in a Cage".) The Student Becomes the Teacher By Tweak "Well, we have finally come to the end of another school year. I, for my part, cannot wait to begin my summer vacation. I plan on having a very relaxing summer slowly traveling across the United States. I realize that for many of you your vacation will be quite a bit shortened thanks...

3 years ago
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The English Teacher

Sally Harris was an English teacher in the local public high school. She was 45 years old and somewhat plain looking. She was not ugly by no means but she was not what you would call gorgeous, either. She was 5’ 6? tall and was slightly overweight but still decent looking. The most noticeable quality that Sally Harris had was her breats. They were much larger than normal. In fact they were very large and most of the guys in school noticed it. She was devoted to her teaching and was convinced...

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The British Teacher

Title: The British Teacher. Send comments to: [email protected]: I am not a historian, nor am I trying to be one. Don't let this story offend you because it is historically inaccurate, it's only meant to be a piece of "historical" fiction.Wicker's Pub, London, 8:30 pm. April 1947.        "You do know that India is half a world away, your father might be a powerful man her in England, but he can't help you if you ship off to Bombay". Said a handsome British officer sitting at the table....

1 year ago
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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My Supply Teacher

The moment she came in, i was transfixed. I had settled down in my seat for english, bored as hell, when our teacher announced that our lessons would be taken by a supply teacher, I expected some old ass or some strict fat bitch to walk through the door. Imagine my surprise when Miss Ellen walked thorugh the door. Let me just say, saying that she was "hot" was a huge understatement. she must be no older than 23 (her actual age, I found out later was 22). with blonde hair, slim body with...

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Miss Jones Our Substitute Teacher

I’m finally graduating high school. It has been an amazing four years. I’m a senior and will be having my graduation on Tuesday evening. I’ve done really well in high school. I have maintained an A average and have been on the National Honor Society all four years of high school. I also did very well on my SAT’s and received a scholarship to Rutgers University in New Jersey. I’m the quarterback for my football team. A few schools were interested in me, but I chose Rutgers University. Rutgers...

2 years ago
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My Love Chetna Teacher

Hi! to all ISS readers.I am Jay from Ahmadabad 24 years old and about 6 feet tall.I am doing M.d at Ahmadabad.Let me tell u all i am a cool guy and fill the environment around me with joy.But i am bit emotional too.This is my first story on ISS. The story starts when i was 14 years old.I was very weak in studies.Not because i was duffer but because i used to take it very lightly.My concentration was entirely on cricket as i was mad about it and also as i was captain of our school team.So i was...

2 years ago
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Timestop Biology Teacher

These disclaimers are to help you know if my story is for you or not. I don’t want to spring things on anyone. Back out now if any of this doesn't sound like your kind of thing! This is a work of fiction. I do not condone any of the things I write about. All characters are considered 18+. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. FETISH WARNINGS -Gross pervy sniffing/tasting (armpits, sweat, everything) -Gross bodily fluids -Non-consensual / rape -Face...

2 years ago
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His Teacher

Just watching her sitting there, looking at those sensual legs of hers beneath her desk, being crossed then re-crossed....just admiring how sexy those shapely breasts of hers looked under her crisp, white blouse all added towards stirring his thoughts and in turn, ensured his cock was rock hard inside his briefs. Finally, though he knew he was going to be taking an awful risk, he started to write beneath the heading already written boldly at the top of his paper....... To make my...

4 years ago
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Special Student of a Sexy Teacher

Hi all! I am Tarun from Mumbai. my email id is: It happened a long-long time ago. I was still in the school. The class, year, and other details I will not revealed. But it is an experience of my life that I will never ever forget. I was a good student in school but my performance in the subject of mathematics was pretty average. We had a new class teacher, who was also our math teacher. Right from the beginning of the session, she used to pay special attention to me. This fact I was simply...

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The Teacher

It had been a hard five years for me and my daughter, Julia. Becky had died quite unexpectedly.... we only discovered she had cancer six months before she was gone. Hardly enough time to even get her to any kind of treatment, much less have it do any good. I tried to shield Julia from what her mother was going through as much as I could - an eight-year-old little girl shouldn't have to know how badly life can suck. But Julia was a smart kid, and I'm not sure even today how successful I was at...

3 years ago
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You CANT Fuck a Teacher

…I’m Jason. I was only half listing to my girlfriend Trina talk about her big crush on the schools male drama teacher, Mr. Miller. I was more interested in feeling her nice tits as I had my hand under her T-shirt and feeling them. I was getting her hot and the hotter she got, the more she talked about her big crush.I decided to mess with her. …..“Have you ever thought about what his cock feels like?…what it would be like if he made a move on you?…kissing you and feeling you up?” She giggled all...

2 years ago
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Teacher Sexy Teacher

Teacher, Sexy Teacher By Reeb Kayla Davis stood before her full length mirror in her bedroom. Her eyes took in her demeanor from head to toe. She was a 12th grade high school teacher who, after college, returned to her old high school to teach English Literature. Gazing into the mirror, she admitted to herself that she dressed the part well as she did all she could to hide her voluptuous body. It was around 6pm and she just got home after having dinner at the local diner. She was very tired...

2 years ago
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Teacher Sexy Teacher

Teacher, Sexy Teacher By Reeb Kayla Davis stood before her full length mirror in her bedroom. Her eyes took in her demeanor from head to toe. She was a 12th grade high school teacher who, after college, returned to her old high school to teach English Literature. Gazing into the mirror, she admitted to herself that she dressed the part well as she did all she could to hide her voluptuous body. It was around 6pm and she just got home after having dinner at the local diner. She was very tired...

First Time
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Miss Stewart My Teacher

I sat quietly in my science class, in the middle seat of the middle row. Not drawing attention to myself ... or her. My teacher. My lover. Yes, I have sex with my teacher. I only half-listened to her lesson. I probably could have taught this class myself. So instead, I watched her movements, her body, her face, her look of almost sadness while most of the students, I won’t call them her students, paid little or no attention, bored, whispering to each other about the game tonight or who was...

2 years ago
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The Teacher

Introduction: Amy has the hots for her teacher, but will she get the response she wants? (Honestly, I wrote this story a long time ago and I never got around to finishing it off properly, I dont know if I will or not, it depends how well this story is received. Please excuse any perspective changes, I originally wrote this as a 3rd person story! And there might be one or two grammar errors, but nobodys perfect so dont be mean to me! Enjoy! P.T) The Teacher I took a deep breath and looked at...

2 years ago
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The Futa Teacher

The main character will be one of these teachers choose which one you wish to send down to their lust filled sex life. They will be pranked by the same students regardless of which one you choose. Keep in mind that among the transformations in turning into a futa if they are old they will start aging backwards becoming younger at a rapid pace till they reach their mid 20's in which they'll age normally afterward. These teachers are going to be in the college scenario and 5 will be set for the...

1 year ago
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Teacher Sexy Teacher

A new young teacher fights her desires for her handsome student.Kayla Davis stood before her full length mirror in her bedroom. Her eyes took in her demeanor from head to toe. She was a 12th grade high school teacher who, after college, returned to her old high school to teach English Literature. Gazing into the mirror, she admitted to herself that she dressed the part well as she did all she could to hide her voluptuous body.It was around 6pm and she just got home after having dinner at the...

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I got the new teacher

We got a new teacher today. He was supposed to replace Mr. Burns for the semester. He was tall, well built, strong arms, probably in his late twenties. I just turned 18 last month and my sexual frustration was building strongly as I still was a virgin. Oh don’t get me wrong, I’m still a wonderful cocksucker and can make any guy come within a matter of minutes. Until now I was only with pretty submissive guys and the idea of being fucked by such a pussy turned me right off. I was eaten out by...


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