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Chapter One

– Paths –

The wind gusted strongly through the small town. Fat flakes of snow fell, whipped into a frosty froth by the powerfully gusting wind, from slate gray skies gradually turning black at the unhurried approach of evening.

I like snow, I always have. I could dimly remember cheerful childhood memories of running around through knee-deep snow, gazing in childish awe as a colorful world slowly changed into a rainbow of delicate shades of gray liberally sprinkled with think blankets of stark white snow. Childhood delight aside, as I looked out the large bay window facing the street, I realized that as much as I may like it, I still have to walk home through it. I smiled vaguely at the few brave souls out running from shop to shop, bundled tightly against the chilling wind and the thickly falling snow.

The weatherman had predicted a light dusting of snow this morning, and unsurprisingly, he had changed his mind and was extorting people to stay inside and stay warm as the winter storm lashed the countryside. A meter of snow, an amazing new record, had fallen in the outlying towns in the past hour, and the snow was coming down thicker with every passing hour. There has been no mention of the dreaded ‘B’ word, but even a blizzard un-named is still a blizzard.

I looked upwards, pressing my palm against the cold glass, trying to recapture some, any wonder from my childhood as I studied the dull lumpy clouds lying over the sky like a wet blanket. Nothing. My palm was growing cold from the glass, and I worried about the walk home. I guess the child within is an adult now. Not that I had much of a childhood to begin with…

‘Darren! Can’t we just close up and go home? No one’s ordered for an hour and a half!’ I whined plaintively. I yelped and stuck my suddenly freezing hand under my arm to warm as a sudden gust of wind threw a near opaque sheet of near solid snow against the window. ‘And it looks like a zombie movie out there!’ I said as the gust stopped, revealing two colorfully dressed people, enshrouded tightly in thick layers of cheerfully colored parkas, sweaters, and scarves, briskly trundling past the window, holding an animated conversation, as the two glanced in my direction as they passed, and I heroically suppressed the temptation to stick my tongue out at them.

While their clothing certainly veiled them from the cold, it also concealed their face from my gaze. Unbidden, my mind conjured up images in the swirling whiteness, images of the manikins from the Gap coming to life and parading in front of the store, mocking my lack of thick designer clothing in my wardrobe. They may mock me because of my clothing, I thought sourly, mentally gave them a rude salute, but I still have a kick-ass computer, and it runs even better when it’s cold. I tell myself this often when I shiver at night, when my small apartment is freezing, and when my blankets are fighting a losing battle against the arctic temperatures. I hold the thought out like an ancient idol to distract me from the truth, I simply cannot afford the heating bill. Well, I could, and then I’d have to take a radical diet of no food intake, but that’s too depressing to think of.

Darren sat, perched like a vulture on one of the stools in front of the phone bank, his eyes locked on the phones with intense attentiveness, as he had been since the last call, silent, unmoving, unblinking. He was probably trying to use the power of his mind to get someone, anyone, to call and order. Not that he was telepathic, or not that I knew of.

My eyes crossed as the thought of Darren with telepathy ricocheted around in my mind. It did not bring either warmth or joy to my heart, I decided. Darren with telepathy was like giving the television remote control to a hyperactive kid. Unless you like looking into a strobe light, it’s not a good idea. I tapped the synthetic, fireproof faux-wood table with a knuckle, which brought him out of his absorbed contemplation with a start, exhaling noisily. ‘Sean, it’s bound to pick up. Once all the other places close, then we’ll get all the business. Simple, no?’

I turned away from the fast frosting window. I didn’t want to go home, really. Papa Mezito’s Pizza & Tacos was well heated from the oven and well lit from the heating lamps. Both of which, my apartment was not. Plus, there were people here to talk to, people here I wanted to talk to. Another thing my apartment didn’t have. I tapped the glass pensively, trying to draw his attention away from the phone bank and towards what was happening outside the heated burrow of the store. ‘Darren, they’re probably closed for a reason, ya think?’

Darren smiled briefly, not looking at me. His gaze was firmly on the phones, and I doubted a small matter like a mere blizzard would ever wrest his eyes away from them. At least, I thought he smiled. It was difficult to tell through his thick, old world mustache. Often, I would idly wonder if there was an alternate universe in his mustache, safe from my world, living among his hair follicle trees. Then I would wonder if they liked pizza, or tacos, for that matter. My mind, when bored, often ran in fixated circles.

Darren wiped the beads of sweat off his brow with a smooth flick of his wrist, and said, chuckling heartily, ‘Of course they are! They don’t see opportunity in as many places as I do. Now come away from the window and help me clean, okay?’

I sighed. My legs ached from standing on them too long, my feet ached from too many times spent outside maintaining balance on snowy ground, treacherous at best for my Nike sneakers as I tried futilely to clean the sidewalk outside of snow every thirty minutes before Darren finally (mercifully) gave up on the idea. Darren is a nice guy, but he can bit anal at times, like right now, what he actually means by ‘help me clean’ is ‘you’re bothering me, and you need busy work, however pointless it may seem to you’.

My wet shoes squeaked quietly as I walked into the back and started washing dishes like a man possessed. I have to admit, Nike makes a good sneaker, and the tread is great for a basketball court, but in my experience, the treads clog with wet snow very quickly, turning them into fantastically frictionless shoes. I guess that wouldn’t be so bad — if I could skate, or had any kind coordination at all. The idea of falling on freezing concrete, and perhaps breaking something, was not something I was entirely too eager to experience.

Time passed. At this point, I no longer bothered to keep track, I only focused on the job at hand until it was done. I am highly regarded for my cleaning skills, if that meant anything, and Josh, who works days, said that was a sure sign of a psychological disorder. Unfortunately, he didn’t know which one, he hadn’t gotten that far in his class at The University, some twenty minutes away by car — through a howling snowstorm now. This was the same Josh whom called in earlier today, leaving me the sole other worker on this shift.

As much as I would grumble (and I do) about everyone dropping the ball and calling in, leaving me to pick up all of the slack, their claim of being snowed in, however much it was an outrageous falsehood, did contain a kernel of truth within it. Fortunately, I had it easier. My commute to work was a brisk fifteen-minute walk, which saved me a fortune in gas, as well as simple wear and tear on the car that was increasingly surviving on my reverent hopes, prayers, dreams, and liberal amounts of Wal-Mart brand duct tape. Correction, I thought as I glanced outside, fifteen minutes of walking on a nice day. I’d probably take thirty minutes to walk home now, if I was lucky.

I remember when I was the new guy, now I’m the oldest crewmember. How did that happen? Doubtless when I wasn’t looking I’m sure, I mused somberly.

‘Sean! I’m going out on a run!’ Darren yelled back to me as he shrugged on his L.L. Bean parka, shaking me out of my reverie. Wow, I had cleaned just about every flat
surface in the store to damn near a mirror shine. I glanced at my watch as I logged Darren’s run almost purely by reflex, two hours had passed in a twinkle.

My eyes flicked over the lobby, checking the empty tables for the customers by ingrained habit as the door slammed shut behind Darren, who looked for all the world like a walrus in a parka, mercifully cutting off the gust of bitter wind across the room, only partially rebuffed by the ovens and the heater lamps. I shivered slightly as the wind raised goose bumps on my arms and neck, virtually the only parts of my body not covered in the uniform. I wondered, as I rubbed my arms, if I could bum a ride from Darren as the walk back to the apartment loomed ever closer. The more I thought about it, the more I didn’t like it at all. I would owe Darren, and Darren would invariably collect, sooner rather than later. The hike back was going to really suck super hard, there was no two–.

A delicate cough shattered my brooding reverie as a soft soprano politely asked, ‘Ah, excuse me?’

Startled, I had fully turned around before the last syllable escaped her lips. Her perfect lips, her absolutely, perfectly shaped lips, and the rest of her was just as perfect as her lips, even down to her perfectly ruddy cheeks. She stood around five feet, three inches, and the little figure that I could see from under her thick sweater was divine. She looked like a goddess, pure and simple. Or at least, that’s what my hormones were telling me, pure and simple. Down boy, follow the logic: customer brings money, money that lines my pocket — eventually. I’ll make a date with my hand later, okay? I thought caustically as I said aloud, ‘Hello, how may I help you?’

‘Do you have an order for ‘Kat’, perchance?’

Her voice fell like raindrops onto the parched desert of my ears. Instead of the usual slow twang of Midwestern American English, her speech was a refined British accent with hints of an upper class education. She was a goddess, and she had a British accent too? Is this too good to be true?! Are you dating? Do you have a sister?!? Outwardly calm, with a calculated amount of boredom, I checked the computer log. One order had been logged a little bit ago, and the food was in the oven, about half way through. ‘It’ll be a few minutes, madam.’ I said professionally, trying not to stare. Or drool.

‘That is not a problem. I shall wait here.’ She said, tapping her wet, snow flecked umbrella on the tile flooring to emphasize. I nodded, and began pulling boxes to fill with the scalding hot foodstuffs that would be done in a few minutes.

‘Nice night, isn’t it?’ She said looking out the frosted window, and absently drumming her perfect fingers with their perfect glossy nails on the countertop.

‘I’m sorry, madam?’ I said, as I finished pulling the boxes and glanced outside. It was getting worse. The exterior floodlights, which pointed at the sidewalk, were making it look more precarious as the last dregs of sunlight gradually died outside. With the unfathomable darkness shrouded by a swirling cloak of snow, the night seemed a little more sinister, perhaps even ill-omened, than while the last of twilight was falling, just a scant handful of minutes ago.

If I was in a horror/monster movie, the ominous, low-key music would start playing right about now, and in a minute, some horrible thing would jump though the window, and go for me. The girl, of course, would be screaming ineffectually, and I’d get eaten in three small bites. Then it’d carry her off to do horrible things to her, but the square jawed hero, in the — ta-daa — nick of time, would rescue her. I know I’m not the hero. I certainly don’t have a square jaw, but I don’t have a weak chin, I think. Fat chance of that happening in any case, I’d like to think that the average monster would be at home sipping hot cocoa by a warm fire, plotting to take over the world when it warmed up a bit more, or at least stopped snowing enough to drown the world in frozen water.

She smiled, breaking my concentration, as she said, ‘I said, nice night, isn’t it?’

‘Umm, I’m not certain that that would be my first thought,’ I said dryly, ‘but I guess if you look at it from a certain way, then yes, it is a wonderful night.’

Her perfect eyes crinkled perfectly around their perfect corners. ‘A certain way?’

‘When I was young–ger. Younger. When I was younger, I always loved the first snow. I loved the way the world slowly changed into shades of gray, while a blanket of pure white delicately laid over everything. What once was a lush forest of greens and browns becomes a frozen skeletal jungle of browns, grays, and white. I thought it was pretty, at least.’

‘Because of the way it was monochrome?’

‘I guess so.’ I chuckled slightly at myself, ‘I guess I’m kind of odd at times.’

‘Well, I would hope so, there is one of you, correct?’

It took me a startled second to decipher what she said. I know I’m not stupid, but I was so unused to humor on that level for so long that my head whipped around, and I stared at her for one long second, my head canted at an angle as I furiously deciphered the message.

Her eyes fell as I looked at her. ‘I’m sorry, I did not mean any offense.’

‘No. No! I’m sorry, I’m just not used to such humor. It’s been forever since I heard things like that.’

‘But what of your co-workers?’

A slight smile crept across my lips. ‘I would not exactly call that ‘stimulating conversation’. While amusing, at times, I would not put it in the same region, let alone the same category, as that joke.’

She laughed politely behind a gloved hand. Her laugh sounded like the ringing of delicate silver bells. My hormones, if made flesh, would have done something by now, that I am sure of. What it would do, I was too afraid to contemplate.

‘But you go to The University, correct?’


She gestured gracefully behind me. ‘The calculus book over on the wall over there.’

‘Wha-? Oh! No, nononono. Please do not be mistaken, I’m self-studying that. The University is so expensive, and my grades aren’t good enough to get a scholarship.’

‘Ah, that sounds very much like a Catch-22 if I ever heard one.’

‘Indeed.’ I said, saying my universal non-committal grunt. The University was a sore spot if there ever was one. I’d like to think I was learning a lot from the books, but I knew I needed the other side I wasn’t getting, namely, the lecture. A sore spot, a wound that refused to heal, but instead festers slowly, away from prying eyes of everyone, except my own.

She was staring at me, her gazed fixed somewhere between my eyes. She was waiting patiently for something.

Blinking, I asked politely, ‘I’m sorry, what?’

She smiled warmly, ‘My name is Ekataren, what is yours?’

‘Mine? Um, Sean.’

‘Well, um, Sean, then why does your name tag say ‘Listerine’?’

I looked down, and sure enough, my nametag had changed from a simple ‘Sean’ to ‘Listerine’. Darren. Darren must have done it. Fruity bastard, I thought warmly.

‘Umm, well, it’s not quite that that way. F’shure.’ Hoo boy, how embarrassing. I stammered a bit, my cheeks warming slightly. Quick, Sean, think of something! ‘It’s my nickname here. I get things so clean it’s like they were soaked in–‘

‘Listerine?’ she said dryly, ‘How very poetic.’

I smiled weakly, ‘It’s something I came up with, after being saddled with the name. Couldn’t convince them to drop it, might as well wear it as a badge of honor, of sorts.’ Good fast thinking Sean, it’s not like you sounded like a total drooling idiot.

‘Sound thinking, it seems.’

My smile quirked a little, ‘Well, I’m not completely broken — I think.’

‘Indeed?’ She said, imitating my inflection nearly perfectly.

‘Indeed.’ I glanced back at the oven, and my heart fell a little. Her order was done. Damn. With swift, practiced movements, I slid everything into their respe
ctive boxes, and put them on the counter. She had already paid for it, so she grabbed the bulky packages, and smiling, she thanked me, gave a dazzling smile, and walked out the store.

When the door clicked shut, the wind seemed a little colder, and the room seemed a little less cheerful when she left. Ah well–dammit! I could have gotten her address from the order. No, that would be waaay to freaky. I could show up one night, smelling, no reeking of pizzas and tacos, and I could just imagine the conversation:

Me: hey, I saw your address on the pizza order, and I just wanted to get to know you better.

Her: Eeek! Stalker! Pervert! Butch, kill!

Me: Is that a Doberman?

Me: (runs, gets tackled by the dog)

Me: (screams)

Dog: (bites my head off)

Newspaper headline: Stalker pervert pizza boy was killed by rabid Doberman, Doberman to receive medal for role in attack. Pizza boy to be turned into dog food for heroic dog.

It could happen. It probably would happen. Besides, logically, I’m only attracted to her because she is female, and of a suitable age, and displays no obvious genetic flaws. No flaws at all. Not one. Perfection thou art thee. If I could just sit and listen to her voice, I would roll over and purr, if I didn’t drool all over myself, giggling idiotically. I shook myself mentally, this is not productive, Sean, logically, she would be involved with someone. Unattached females are so rare around her as to be a fanciful myth, as you well know. Damn university students poaching the local pool, I groused.

Sighing, I wiped the counter down, for lack of anything else to do. A few minutes later, Darren trundled through the door, and slammed it close behind him in one fluid move. A small blizzard of flakes shot through while it was open, dancing wildly on the wind before the door slammed shut.

The flakes settled gently to the floor as Darren stamped his feet and shouted, ‘Sean, muck this! We’re closed! Go home and keep warm!’

‘Woot.’ I said, forcing joviality into my voice. Just glancing outside, I knew the walk would be a forty-minute long, freezing forced march through a bitterly arctic hell. Well, stuff like this supposedly builds character, that is, if nothing falls off. Well, I reflected sardonically, hopefully nothing that I use anyway.

Closing the store took the better part of an hour, and not a single call. Darren looked worriedly at the phone for a time before he gave up and helped me finish the last part. With everything shut off, and a few lights left on, the warm, cheery atmosphere of the store somehow slipped into the night, stolen by the snow. Perhaps, more correctly, it slipped into the night to sleep. Sheltered by snow and darkness, it would doze contentedly, and await the coming of the morning.

I waved goodbye to Darren as he drove off in his big four-wheel drive, metallic blue Land Rover. The big SUV skidded only slightly as it picked its way out of the parking lot and onto the deserted main road, it’s motor burbling cheerily as a muffled Beach Boys song slipped across the hushed expanse of snow-swathed asphalt and the partially hidden gaunt skeletons of sleeping trees as he vanished into the silently falling snow. I remembered the song dimly from my childhood, and standing in the dim shadow of the store, I almost wished I were at Kokomo, it seemed like a much warmer place than here, at least. Bundling my Wal-Mart special sweaters closer to my body, and slipping my chilled hands into my pockets, I carefully walked the opposite direction, leery of shiny patches on the sidewalk.

Diamond bright halogen floodlights lit the street for the short distance that I had to walk along it, before my course veered deeper into a few poorly lit neighborhoods that I had to cross to reach my apartment building. The narrow beam of the small, red lensed mag-light I habitually kept in my pocket, turned the virginal white snow sanguine to my night adjusted eyes as my footsteps made a soft crunch as each foot sank ankle deep into the lightly packed snow. I kept an even, wary pace, carefully keeping my head up, and looking around, while simultaneously looking at the ground and planning where to put my next step. During my walk, I could feel my ears, nose, feet, and hands go numb, followed by parts of my arms, and legs. Since there was nothing I could do about it right now, I tried to ignore it hoping feverently that frostbite took longer to blacken my fingers and toes than a half hour long trek thought wet snow. I wouldn’t know. I’ve never lost any body part, ever. Except my wisdom teeth, but I do know where they went, so they’re technically not lost.

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Pizza Boy Delivers

Friday is my Hell Day. I do three days’ worth of work on Friday so I can enjoy my weekend unhindered by office obligations. That might seem counterintuitive to the modern work ethic, but screw it. As Jack Torrance in “The Shining” typed over and over, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” And I am not a dull boy. The Friday marathon usually keeps me at the office into the evening, sometimes as late as 8 o’clock. By that time I’m ready to go home, crash on the couch, call up Netflix...

3 years ago
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Pizza Delivery II

My husband is an senior engineer for an oil co. and is away a lot, so i have plenty of opportunities and I have been doing younger guys for 16 yrs.+, without him knowing. He couldn’t handle seeing me being fucked by a young black cock, he’s very jealous with me he’s too uptight about sex for the sake of sex alone. He is overseas for a job and will be gone for 4-6 weeks this time. I was feeling lonely and bored then I decided to go get a hotel room in a nice hotel drink some more wine and order...

3 years ago
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Pizza bitch

Delivering pizza was an easy gig for a k** fresh out of high school. It left plenty of time for community college during the day and I could actually pull in some decent cash on busy nights. The small mom and pop store I worked for was super relaxed. I basically rode around smoking pot and listening to the radio all night while still taking in eighty to one hundred dollars in a shift. Not bad for a full time student.I would wait in the parking lot between runs. I would cruise the primitive...

1 year ago
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Pizza Delivery Guy Pounds Femboi Customer

Martavious James checked his phone after hearing it notify him that he had a new text message. He replied and tossed it back aside. The eighteen year old full-time community college student and part-time pizza delivery driver turned his tricked out shiny metallic blue 2000 Honda Civic SI into the parking of the complex where he had his final customer of the evening. He hopped out of his vehicle and grabbed the carrying case containing the pie. He knocked on the door and waited. He grew...

3 years ago
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Pizza Delivery With Extra Cream

Well, I was halfway through the shift and was just finishing my break when an order came through. So after waiting for the order to be processed, I got all my gear and went off in the car, I was actually making some decent time as for once all the lights seemed to go my way. If I had known what was going to happen later, I may have bought a lotto ticket, haha. I pulled into the end of this street and was just looking for the number of the house. Most of the houses were pitch black. Well, seeing...

Straight Sex
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Pizza Delivery Chick

Geez I get sour looks and no tips occasionally from milf’s expecting the pizza boy ‘to fuck brainless’ before they indulgence themselves with a Supreme. They don’t realise I don’t mind a lesbian dabble now and then. I’ve never been lucky enough to deliver to a buck’s night so I’ve no idea how far I would go in the gang bang direction. I keep hoping.Anyway recently I had the; what I supposed was one of the standard boring middle class suburban deliveries. You can tell by the number of pizza’s...

3 years ago
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Pizza flash

We had discussed a pizza flash many times and Mandy knew it would as be as exciting for her as it would be for me, but the opportunity had never really presented itself until I booked a weekend break in self catering cottage on the outskirts of Cardiff, one of three on a farm about 2 miles from the city.Having had a liquid lunch, we had shopped for a sexy top for Mandy to wear out for dinner that that night, and were both quite turned on by the time the taxi dropped us back at the cottage....

4 years ago
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Pizza Delivery

Pizza Delivery> It had been a slow night, summertime was slow enough for pizza delivery, but when delivering to a hotel tips where even worse. I moved out of my parents house right after graduation and my teacher's salary didn't cover all the bills so I had a weekend job delivering for Papa John's. I was surprised by the name on the delivery slip as Wendy R. at room 240, The Hilton Garden. Mrs. R had been my guidance counselor, during my freshmen year at State college, rumor had it she was...

2 years ago
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Pizza Flash

We had discussed a pizza flash many times and Mandy knew it would as be as exciting for her as it would be for me, but the opportunity had never really presented itself until I booked a weekend break in self catering cottage on the outskirts of Cardiff, one of three on a farm about 2 miles from the city. Having had a liquid lunch, we had shopped for a sexy top for Mandy to wear out for dinner that night, and were both quite turned on by the time the taxi dropped us back at the cottage. Whilst...

1 year ago
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Pizza delivery

I snapped out of my dazed stupor and tried to concentrate on my homework. I didn’t get it in the slightest. I was in my junior year of college and I was failing math. If I didn’t pass math I wouldn’t have enough credits to graduate. I had spent the nearly three months living on my own. I was single that was to be expected. I always got the exact opposite of what I wanted. I would spend hours just lying around and dream about what it would be like to have a girlfriend. It often made me cry. I...

4 years ago
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Pizza Delivery0

Delivery.. > It had been a slow night, summertime was slow enough for pizza delivery, but when delivering to a hotel tips where even worse. I moved out of my parents house right after graduation and my teacher's salary didn't cover all the bills so I had a weekend job delivering for Papa John's. I was surprised by the name on the delivery slip as Wendy R. at room 240, The Hilton Garden. Mrs. R had been my guidance counselor, during my freshmen year at State college, rumor had it...

3 years ago
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Pizza guy really delivered

My wife and I order from the same pizza place every few weeks. The same good looking delivery guy deliver our pizza every time. His name is Spencer. We always tip him well. He is always very nice, stops and talks to us a bit and I can tell he has a huge crush on my wife. The past few times she has answered the door in either a very low cut top, or a tank top without a bra. She makes sure to bend over nonchalantly so he can get a good view of her spectacular dd’s. We have talked about having a...

2 years ago
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Pizza guy really delivered

My wife and I order from the same pizza place every few weeks. The same good looking delivery guy deliver our pizza every time. His name is Spencer. We always tip him well. He is always very nice, stops and talks to us a bit and I can tell he has a huge crush on my wife. The past few times she has answered the door in either a very low cut top, or a tank top without a bra. She makes sure to bend over nonchalantly so he can get a good view of her spectacular dd's. We have talked about...

1 year ago
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pizza or tits your choice

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!“Stop looking at my tits that was the very first thing Claire ever said to me! She was the new bar maid and her tits were truly tit- tan-tastic!She certainly boasted sales at the...

2 years ago
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This is another true story told to me by a friend of mine. I had lost my job several years ago and without income I soon lost my house and cars. My wife wanted more so she left me and took the k**s and the dog. I was able to get a job delivering pizza. It was a big change for me to go from being an important VP making six figures to a pizza delivery guy making ten bucks an hour plus tips. It was to be my last delivery of the night and then I could go home to my pathetic garage apartment....

2 years ago
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Pizza Beer Part 2

PIZZA & BEER FOR A CHANGE Part 2 of 3 - First Experiences By sissy_babs This is the second part of a three part story. For the details of how Candy transformed Dan into Dani please read part one. Dani felt a bit funny walking out of his, well, now her apartment like this. Less than 24 hours ago Dan was just a typical American male. Fairly good looking, bedding as many hot women as he could. He sat down to watch some football and enjoy some free beer and pizza and now he as...

3 years ago
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Pizza Delivery

> It had been a slow night, summertime was slow enough for pizza delivery, but when delivering to a hotel tips where even worse. I moved out of my parents house right after graduation and my teacher’s salary didn’t cover all the bills so I had a weekend job delivering for Papa John’s. I was surprised by the name on the delivery slip as Wendy R. at room 240, The Hilton Garden. Mrs. R had been my guidance counselor, during my freshmen year at State college, rumor had it she was an easy lay for...

3 years ago
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Pizza Hut

I work the morning shift and open up the place. It is my job to make sure there is enough dough from the freezer to the walk-in cooler for the following day, and then to take the dough already thawed and begin making crusts. I worked on the job the job for months with nary a sexual thought. One Monday morning in April I awoke to my alarm as usual and felt a bit keen on rubbing off before jumping into the shower. I regularly passed up my chance at coffee and reading the morning paper when...

4 years ago
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Pizza Delivery

This is a true and real event of the first time I dressed up with the intent to see a man's reaction. I was in my 20's & up to this point, I had only dressed and admired myself in the mirror.I was home alone and knew I would be alone all day (parents at work) .I put on my mom's black padded bra (a b-cup), tight jeans and a blouse. I ordered pizza to be delivered and put a 20$ bill in my bra. The door bell rang and I answered it. The pizza man was I guess in his late 30's-40's and was decent...

4 years ago
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Pizza Anyone

Mia had never felt her pussy so full, so stretched, and she had never felt so used and abused. This was by far the biggest cock she had ever felt. Max was a b**st of a man, twice her size, muscles flexing, sweat beading on his smooth ripped skin. His arms were larger than her thighs with every muscle defined. He had enough strength to break her body like a twig if he cared to. She felt so vulnerable and submissive. She could feel that he was close to his climax as his frantic thrusts became...

2 years ago
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Pizza Man

PIZZA MAN a JEP story Chapter 1 : She Should Have Given Him What He Wanted! Ed had been watching his newest waitress closely for quite some time. Ed wasthe manager of the local Pizza House. At thirty-five, he was the oldest managerin the pizza chain. It was an unspoken understanding in his place that he gotto fuck all of the waitresses. They were all quite young, in their early twenties,and they had succumbed to him quite easily. It was as though being fucked byEd was an added tip. Carol...

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Pizza Delivery

Copyright, May 2001, I pulled into the lot and parked behind the building. I still had twenty minutes before I had to punch in, so I thought I'd relax for a few minutes, listen to a few tunes and have a final cigarette. I was 38 years old, and I'd taken a part time job delivering pizza's in the evenings to bring in some extra cash and help get some bills off my back. The base pay check stunk, but the tips weren't bad at all. It was a small town and there were only three pizza houses to...

3 years ago
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Pizza Delivery Mishap

Angie stood in front of the desk in the boss's office, listening as he reprimanded her yet again."Look, Angie," he told her, "there have been too many complaints, mostly about you not paying attention and making mistakes. We cannot afford it to carry on."Angie lowered her head, trying to give the right impression of regret and contrition."You need to make up your mind," he went on, "do you want this job or not?"Her head came up, shock in her eyes. The truth was, she needed this job, crummy as...

Group Sex
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Pizza with You

It’s Friday evening. Long day at the office, and some of the girls are going for pizza.When we arrive at the restaurant I maneuver, surreptitiously, to sit next to you. The pizza’s slow to arrive but no one cares - we’re all on our second drink and the conversation’s kind of raucous. Everyone’s having a good time.You’re in earnest conversation with the girl on your left, while I’m listening to office gossip from the girl on my right. I’m nodding and smiling at the appropriate times but my mind...

1 year ago
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pizza boy

Mark was delivering a pizza to a flat in the tower block, the shop owners knew that at 12 Mark was to young to work but ran the risk of being prosecuted and let Mark work on a Saturday afternoon. Mark arrived at the block and headed to the 10th floor, he knew that 16 year old Kelly a member of a local gang lived in the flat he was delivering to he also knew she had a bad reputation. Mark rang the door bell, he heard footsteps from inside then heard Kelly’s friend Sara shout ” hey it aint Simon...

1 year ago
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Pizza Flash

We had discussed a pizza flash many times and Mandy knew it would as be as exciting for her as it would be for me, but the opportunity had never really presented itself until I booked a weekend break in self catering cottage on the outskirts of Cardiff, one of three on a farm about 2 miles from the city. Having had a liquid lunch, we had shopped for a sexy top for Mandy to wear out for dinner that night, and were both quite turned on by the time the taxi dropped us back at the cottage. Whilst...

3 years ago
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Pizza Slut

Being a pizza delivery guy is a pretty decent job for a 17 year old high school student. Sure it probably won’t land someone on the Fortune 500 list, but for a part-time job it pays for gas money and a few bucks for the weekend. Plus it can have some very interesting ‘perks’ as well. Like the perk I found one day delivering to Mrs. Parkinson. My name is Tommy, and like I said I am a high school junior. Along with my work during the school year as a pizza delivery guy, I also work in the summer...

4 years ago
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Pizza Delivery Boy Bangaya Body Massager 8211 Part I

Hi friends mera naam raj hai dekhne mai thik thak hu mera size 8 ” long hai aur 2″ broad hai. My karnatak ke ek city ko belong karta hu. Ye us waqt ke baat hai jab hamare city mai naya us pizza shop khula tha. Mujhe waha par delivery boy ka job mila badi mushkil se kafi sari sifarish lagwaye tab ja kar ye job mila tha. Ek din ke baat hai jab mere manager ne mujh se kaha ke paas wali coloney mai pizza delivery karna hai. My ne bike nikala aur chala gaya us coloney mai. Mujhe flat number mai...

2 years ago
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Pizza Delivery Wallet at Buddies Cock Becomes the Payment

(Ding Dong) Charlie: Hey Charlie Tom: Yes Charlie: I have your pizza its $12.75 with Tax The Pizza is Here Tom: Sure, come on in and set it down on the table I just have to go upstairs and get my wallet I will be right back. Tom: Shit, where did, I put my wallet. I’m looking everywhere for it and still can’t find it. When did I have it last, yesterday I think. Now, where was I. Oh, yea at Paul’s house; I probably left it on the counter after I paid for dinner last night. Fuck, now what am I...

3 years ago
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The Liberation Of Father Mortimer

When Father Mortimer checked into the hotel it was eight in the evening.The room was a basic no frills double with a small bathroom. He would never stay in such a hotel if he was attending one of his ecclesiastical conferences but for what he had planned it was just perfect.He got down on his knees and bent his balding aged head over a black gilt leaf Bible he had respectfully placed on the edge of the bed.“Blessed Lord Jesus forgive me for my sins,” he muttered and crossed himself three...

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Pizza and Pussy

It was late one spring evening in this busy southern university town. The night air was already hot and humid. Sounds of the night echoed in the background as Josh stood in the doorway. The hot humid air did not circulate and hung heavy like an encompassing weight draped over his body. The musty aroma of sex and sweat mixed with the lingering sweet scent of cannabis stirred in his nostrils. Standing before Josh just inside the doorway was a girl clad only in sheer lacy panties and a cut off...

3 years ago
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Pizza Wives

Pizza Wives Don Abdul ©2008 Although she was warmly received into her new upscale neighborhood that she and her husband Rowland had worked so hard for, it soon became clear to her neighbors and new found friends that Leticia Griffith was no ordinary housewife. Her sex drive was way above average, she was a very hot freaky woman with an increasingly insatiable appetite for raw hard sex. Husband, Rowland was constantly on the road working damn hard to pay for their expensive home. Leticia who...

1 year ago
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Pizza Store Manager and ExStripper

I manage a local Pizza Place right next to a large state university. Every semester a new group of students apply for jobs at my place. The problem is come summer there all gone and I am left with no staff. Every now and then I frequent a strip bar in town and struck up a conversation with Suzy an older dancer. You could tell she was getting on in years, she may have been over 40. I was only 29. We became friends and one day she said “my days are numbered here, I’m just too old and I’m tired...

4 years ago
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Pizza is not for dinner

As we are waiting for our pizza to be delivered, you feel a little kinky and runoff to slip into something sexy, as you're getting ready the doorbell rings.I open it up and find see our delivery guy iskind of cute. I get a dirty idea my mind and invite him in, you come around the corner wearing a sexy sheer outfit, leaving very little to the imagination.I notice the guy can't stop staring at you, you look at me and I can tell exactly what's on your mind too.”so you want to hang out for a little...

4 years ago
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Pizza Man or Under the Sheets

The summer of my 18th year held so many sexual surprises for me, Rick,Rocco, Carl, Butch & Neil to name a few I wondered when the next one wouldturn up!My answer was just a doorbell away!Guilo was one of those Italian 20 year olds that made everyone just droolover. He was 6'1" tall, broad shoulders, well defined torso that had a vshape, skinny waist and abs of steel! He had great developed arms fromlifting sacks of flour and dough trays, and legs that were solid as a rock!He had one earing...

2 years ago
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Pizza and Beer Part 3

PIZZA AND BEER - PART 3 This is the third in a 3 part series of how an ex-girl friend teaches her ex-boyfriend about what it feels like to be a woman. Candy and Dani walked into the club. It was the hottest place in town and known as the largest 'meat market' there was. As they expected all eyes were on them as they walked in. Candy in her red leather dress with the lace up front and Dani in her short black leather skirt and halter top with the circular cut-out grabbed everyone's...

3 years ago
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Pizza GirlChapter 4

The ride over to Maria's old apartment went back through the neighborhood where we had met at the pizza shop. I smiled as I drove past, thinking how my life had changed in just two short days. I hadn't realized how empty my life had become until it was filled by the joy and happiness that Maria had brought with her. I knew I couldn't survive going back to the way things had been. I had discovered what true pleasure and contentment could be. It wasn't just the sex, although our love-making...

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