A Surprise Threesome free porn video

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When I returned to my hotel suite, I kicked off my sandals and sat down. I had been searching for a condo with my friend and real estate agent, Nikki. Nikki and I have been friends since we roomed our freshman year in college. Like a lot of college girls, we experimented and we liked having sex with each other. Nikki and I are both married. We informed our husbands before marriage that we were bisexual, and that we also wanted open marriages. Her husband Fred, and my husband Dave, agreed, and we are now celebrating our tenth anniversaries.

Nikki should be coming shortly, and I wanted to relax for awhile. I was dozing when my cell beeped, a new text had come in.

It was from Nikki. "b there in 10 have friend along".

Who the hell was she bringing with her? I wanted to have a nice relaxed evening with slow romantic sex. That scenario was out the window now. Fuck!

Soon there was a light rapping on my door. I opened it and Nikki was standing there with another woman. I stood aside and invited them to come in.

Nikki immediately said, "Kara this is Sharon, a very dear friend of mine. Sharon this is Kara. Kara was looking for a condo and she found one. Her offer has been accepted by the seller, and the deal is done except for closing. I saw another condo there and I think it is what you are looking for. With Dave coming to town soon, maybe we can look at it the day after he arrives."

"Thanks for your help, you're an angel. Can I get you two a drink or something?" I asked.

"I'll take my usual whiskey, thank you," said Nikki.

"Kara, what can I get you to drink?" I asked as I looked into her eyes.

Kara's eyes were a very bright green. Her exposed chest had freckles so I assumed she had Irish blood. Her brunette hair had red highlights that looked natural. Her blouse was unbuttoned down, and the tops of her exposed breasts were freckled also. She was a very attractive woman, a masculine air about her, but yet very feminine.

"I would like a soda, please."

I went into the kitchen and poured two whiskeys and took a bottle of soda out of the refer. I returned to the living room and handed the women their drinks. I sat down in the chair and took a sip of my whiskey. It tingled as it slid down my throat and warmed my belly.

Nikki spoke first, "Kara liked the condo, but she had three conditions to the purchase. One, it was to be a cash sale, no financing. Two, I had to have sex with her before she would sign the contract. Three, if I could arrange for her and I to have one or more girls involved in group sex. I told her I did know of one woman who might have sex with her and me. Sharon would you please have a threesome with us?"

"And if I say no? What then?" I asked.

Kara responded to that, "Honey, then nothing will happen. I would simply leave and return to my hotel."

Never having been in a threesome, I was titillated by the prospect. My pussy suddenly flooded with my juices. She was making me hot for her. I was aroused with the thoughts of Kara's green eyes looking up at me as she tongued my pussy.

Nikki smiled at me, she knew my answer beforehand, and she was pleased. I also knew that Nikki would submit and have sex if her client demanded it. My feelings for Nikki demanded that I too submit to Kara. The crotch of my shorts were now wet. My mind was driving me crazy, with the anticipation of making love with Kara and Nikki.

"I would love to have sex with Kara and you. This is all new to me, so I am depending on you two to lead the way."

Kara smiled at me as she finished her soda. Nikki wanted another whiskey, my glass was empty and Kara now wanted an Irish whiskey.

We talked about Kara's new condo. It sounded like the kind of condo that I would like. Nikki and I would go there tomorrow morning and look at the models. Since the building was new, there were an abundance of almost finished apartments. The new owner's selection of amenities would be the finishing touch.

Nikki and Kara were sitting on the couch. Nikki patted the cushion next to her and said, "Come sit with me.

I moved in between the two women. Nikki took my drink glass and set it on the cocktail table. Nikki's lips were on mine as her tongue pushed into my mouth. Our tongues were entwined when I felt the buttons on my blouse being opened. Kara was taking off my blouse. I moved my arms so Kara could slip it off of me. Kara then started to softly fondle my tits with her fingers. She was touching little circles around my areola. The circles were becoming tighter with each circle. I was anticipating the feeling that I would receive when her fingers found my hard nipple.

Kara's fingers stopped and I felt her lips latch on to my nipple. I almost had an orgasm. Kara's sucking sent chills streaming down into my cunt. My legs spread without me even thinking to spread them. Kara sucked harder, her lips covering my areola completely. My nipple felt the warmth and wetness of her mouth. Kara's fingers gently cupped my tit, she knew how to handle a woman's breasts, I was in heaven. Kara now switched to my other breast. I heard a click like a camera was taking a picture. I pulled away from Nikki to see that she had my phone. I whispered into her ear, "Take all the pictures you can. I want to see how Kara, you, and I make love together."

Kara now kissed me and I pressed my tongue into her mouth. Kara lightly sucked on my tongue and then I sucked on hers. Nikki was kissing my belly as she unbuttoned my shorts. I felt her tugging to get them off. I raised my hips and they slipped down my legs and were off. My legs spread on their own again as Kara's fingers caressed my areola. This time the circles tightened very fast. Kara's fingers lifted my nipple to her mouth, and I watched as she latched onto my tit. My puffy was completely inside her lips. Kara's cheeks indented as she sucked hard. My nipple was surrounded by her tongue and the roof of her mouth. I felt her tongue move creating a strong suction. My nipple stretched and fluid expressed into her mouth.

I wasn't surprised at all. My tits have been sucked on for years and this has happened before. Dave claims that I gave milk because it was very sweet. Kara sucked a few more times before she let go and kissed my belly. Kara pulled me around so I was positioned on my back on the couch. Nikki stood up, and I could see that she now had a new camera. This camera was a Canon digital and it was in movie mode. Nikki was filming Kara and me. Making an amateur porn file was exciting me.

Kara turned, now she was treating me fairly rough. I was naked and she spread my legs until it hurt. I tried to close my legs, but she was very strong and held them wide. "Do you want me to eat your cunt, bitch?" She asked.

"Yes, work on my pussy. Lick me, suck me, bite me, until I squirt in your face."

Nikki was capturing every moment of our encounter with the camera. Kara's face was close to my pussy when Nikki brought the camera within inches of my pussy. Kara was kissing and sucking all around my labia, my inner thighs, as she steadily pushed my legs up. My ankles were very close to my head. I placed a hand on each of my legs so I could hold them up. Nikki aimed the camera at Kara's tongue as she licked my pussy. Kara has a very long tongue and she guided it up into my vagina and licked my G-spot. The sensations were intense. I pulled my legs higher, exposing more of my pussy to her. My clit was pushed out from under it's hood, just waiting for Kara's tongue.

Kara turned the camera so it would record her going for my clit. Kara's lips surrounded my clit and her tongue danced on it. Kara lifted her head and slapped my clit with her fingers. I was building for an orgasm when she slapped my clit again. My clit was still stinging when she latched on and sucked just as hard as she did my nipple. I exploded with a body shaking orgasm. She didn't stop, but continued to suck hard. Multiple orgasm wracked my body. My head was twisting back and forth as I moaned. I was getting light headed from lack of breathing. I must have passed out for a few seconds because I woke up having another orgasm. Nikki was standing back, the camera still recording.

"Kara, I need a break. You have made me cum so many times."

Kara ignored my plea and latched onto my clit again. I immediately orgasmed. Kara licked down my slit and pushed her tongue into my vagina. She was being very gentle now and I was calming down. I liked the feelings her long tongue gave me, deep in my pussy.

"Let's go into the bedroom," Kara said. When we were in my bedroom, Nikki handed me the camera, and I recorded her stripping Kara. When Kara was naked, she stripped Nikki.

"Set the camera on the dresser and position it to record what happens on the bed," said Kara.

I did her bidding. I figured Kara would be upset with any woman who didn't obey her. She was a tough woman and could dominate any woman in a matter of seconds. Kara roughly picked Nikki up and dumped her on the bed. Nikki was still bouncing on the mattress when Kara spread her legs and was licking Nikki's cunt. Within seconds Nikki was holding her head forcing Kara's face into her pussy. Kara pulled away and slapped Nikki's vulva with her full hand. Over and over she slapped her, calling her a bunch of filthy names. Nikki was having an orgasm when I latched onto her left boob. I know how to suck a tit also, and it wasn't long before Nikki's nipple was sending sensations to her clit. Nikki curled up like a baby and Kara could not get to her cunt. That didn't stop Kara from forcing her finger into Nikki's butt.

Nikki screamed, "Don't do that, I don't like that."

Kara stopped and slapped Nikki's ass. I helped Kara turn Nikki onto her belly, and I sat on her. Kara slapped her buttocks a few times and then motioned for me to do the same. I had never spanked anyone, much less a full grown woman. I slapped Nikki's ass.

"Again and harder, don't quit until I tell you to stop," Kara ordered.

I swung hard and the next slap stung my hand. I continued to slap Nikki until her ass was beet red. My hands were red and stinging.

"Two more slaps, but harder than before, then you can stop."

I knew I had better do as Kara ordered or she would beat my ass red. I gave it my all and slapped Nikki's ass hard. She started crying. Her crying pissed me off and I really walloped her ass again. Soon both of my hands were hitting her hard until Kara took hold of my wrists and stopped me. When I saw how hard Nikki was crying, I turned her over and kissed her. I held her in my arms and soothed her like she was a baby. Soon she stopped crying and held onto me.

"You fucking bitch, did you have to hit so hard? I was crying and cumming at the same time. I did like it though, I have never been spanked so I didn't know I would react that way. I want you to do that again after my ass feels better."

I whispered into Nikki's ear, "It's her turn, I want to eat her out until she comes. When she has her orgasm, we'll turn her over and spank her harder than you were spanked."

Nikki and I made love to Kara. Nikki ate her out for awhile, and then I took over. I was licking her pussy and sucking on her clit when she came. Nikki and I rolled her over and Nikki held her down as I slapped her ass. My hands were sore, so I held Kara down while Nikki moved around and straddled her back, putting her full weight on her. Kara was not going anywhere. Nikki started spanking Kara. Not as hard as I knew she could. When Kara's ass cheeks were turning red, Nikki increased her speed. Soon Kara's ass was beet red and Nikki was spanking her hard.

"Harder, spank me harder. I want to feel the sting!"

That's all it took for Nikki to let loose and spank her really hard. Kara's ass soon looked like a side of beef. Nikki didn't stop and Kara was soon crying. I stopped Nikki. Nikki leaned over and kissed Kara's ass. "How did that feel, cunt? Did you like it like that? Did it sting enough bitch?"

Kara didn't say anything. We rolled her onto her back and she smiled at Nikki. "Thanks Sweetheart, I really needed that. You made me cum so many times I lost count. Nikki and I both kissed her, first Nikki kissed her lips and then I did. We traded off like this until I decided to latch onto her tit. I sucked hard and Kara let loose with milk. Kara had a child that was a year old and she nursed. She had plenty of milk, her breasts were full. I had never tasted human milk, and I liked it. I latched onto her other boob and sucked milk from that tit also. I kept sucking until she was dry, I had swallowed all her milk.

Nikki was at her cunt, licking hard. The combination of me sucking and Nikki licking brought Kara to a body shivering orgasm. Nikki was holding her legs apart, but was losing to Kara's strength. Nikki's head was trapped between Kara's thighs until her orgasm subsided. Nikki went right back to licking Kara's slit from taint to clit. Nikki has a nice long tongue also and she forced it up Kara's vagina. Licking her walls and teasing her G-spot until she came again.

"Oh god, please stop, I need to rest before I can cum again," Kara gasped.

All three of us were lying on the bed. I was on my side. Nikki moved her face into my crotch. I lifted my leg to give her access to my cunt. I pulled Kara around so I could lick her pussy. Kara lifted her leg and I buried my face in her cunt. Needless to say Nikki's leg was up and Kara sucked on her pussy. We were in a perfect daisy chain. We worked on each other's cunt until all of us had another orgasm. Nikki and Kara got up from the bed and dressed. I put on a very transparent nightgown, My nude body in full view.

"Can you play the recording back through your TV?" Kara asked. "I have the HDMI cable with me."

"I think I can," I replied. There is an input on the side of the TV. We hooked the camera up, changed the TV input, and started the playback. We sat on the bed and watched what look like a very good amateur lesbian porn film.

There were a few oohs and aahs, some giggles also as we watched ourselves perform on each other. I was wet, and I was sure the other two women were also.

"My husband would pay to watch this," I said.

Kara said, "He can watch for free! I'll make each one of you a copy on a USB stick."

Nikki wanted to go home and Kara asked Nikki to drive her to her hotel. I walked both women to my suite door. I kissed Nikki and then Kara. Kara whispered into my ear, "I want you again. You're hot and I want to make love to you, just you and I. By the way, I owe you an ass beating, and I'll have my pound of your flesh."

After they left, I lay down and fell asleep. The sex was like a sleeping pill. I didn't wake until the morning sunshine glared into my closed eyes. I looked around and the bedroom was in pretty good shape after all the wild shenanigans from the previous night.

Tonight would be another hot sexcapade for Nikki and I, along with Dave. Dave's plane was on the ground now and I would be seeing him soon. If I know Dave, he will be in fantasy heaven tonight. He's always wanted to satisfy me and another woman, in a threesome. He also said, "I want to watch you eat out another woman." Well, he will be rewarded tonight.

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Mark Has a Threesome

Mark has a threesome with his wife and s*s-in-law.Mark replays the words in his head.'Would you like a threesome Mark?'These are the words that Tina has said to him in her new video clip. They haven't seen each other for a few days since they fucked next to his wife and Tina's sister. So this, this was a surprise."A threesome?" He asks himself out loud.He emails her back with a simple, 'Who do you have in mind?'Her reply is instant, 'It's completely up to you...'His reply is quick, 'You're on....

4 years ago
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I Became the Second Woman in a Threesome

I become the Second Woman in a Threesome During the two months after my divorce became final, I sold our house, split the profit with my ex-wife and moved my business back to my old hometown. It had been three years since I had been back and things had changed some but not a lot. I needed a place to stay while I searched for a house to buy and my oldest friend Jay suggested I stay with him and his wife until I found a house. Jay and I had been roommates prior to either of us getting...

2 years ago
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Three Days Of Threesome

Anjali’s hand was just above her vagina over the gown. She couldn’t resist rubbing it as she was too excited. The other hand slowly touched her breasts and slipped inside through the zip opening. Her eyes were closed and imagined Mayur caressing her body sensuously. His thin and hard lips munching her pouty ones. The very thought was generating anxiety in her and she couldn’t wait for him to come. There was a knock on the door which brought her back to earth and Anjali rushed to open it. There...

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OF COURSE IT ALL MADE SENSE. Logical. Not to mention, the only thing we could do. Not only were Lissa’s kids sick, she was coming down with it, too. She simply wouldn’t—or couldn’t—travel. I decided on the spot that I wouldn’t go either but the heated argument that ensued left me at three to one against my canceling the trip. Lissa said she would send instructions to Allison on coaching me through my first round. Sam would be headed out on Tuesday, but there was no way he’d make the early...

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IN THE MORNING, Allison was all business, and she proved herself an efficient coach/manager. We were up early and headed for United Center where the Bulls play basketball and the Blackhawks play hockey. They bring in big boxes to set up each racquetball court complete with floor and ceiling. The one at center court was Plexiglass so spectators could sit around on three sides. The end wall was solid. With the seating pulled back to the hockey boundaries, there was room to set up twelve...

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AS SOON AS I GOT OUT of the arena and we headed back to our room, I started texting Lissa and Melody to tell them what had happened during the morning. It was so cool. I knew Melody was still in class, but I expected a response from Lissa. It didn’t come for quite a while. Then... “I’m so sick. Boys are running around like crazy. Jack and I are taking turns puking in the bathroom. Wish I was there. Congrats.” I was going crazy. It was just coming up noon on the coast and I waited till it...

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I CRASHED AND BURNED against the thirteenth seeded player from Loyola Marymount in my first match of the morning. I played well, but I was just plain out of my league. The guy had an incredible match. It made me wonder how I’d ever managed to hold my own against Karl on Monday morning. I guess I just wasn’t in the zone. That put the pressure on for my next match. I had no time for remorse, as the next elimination round was at eleven and I was fighting for my life. This was another of the...

2 years ago
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ALLISON’S EYES BURNED INTO ME. I cringed, at least in my head—yeah, if looks could kill. I could almost feel my brain frying. Great timing. Does this feel right? “I hope you mean: are you hard; am I wet; and is your cock lined up to penetrate my steaming twat?” Allison growled. She thrust her hips toward me, trying to force me into her. I backed off. I wasn’t teasing, exactly. Crap! What was I doing? “I’ve wanted this for a month, Tony. It feels good. Don’t get all moralistic on me now.” “I...

4 years ago
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ALLIE LEFT THE SHOWER before I did and used the hair dryer. I kissed the back of her neck as I slipped past her out of the bathroom. I dressed for a day with the ‘rents and held a whispered conversation with Lissa and Melody before Melody had to go to class. The two-hour time difference meant that I caught them just after they’d stepped out of the shower. “Well, lover-boy, how did it go last night?” Melody asked. “Not like you expected,” I said. “You mean you didn’t... ?” “Not...

2 years ago
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“WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?” Lissa asked. We were cuddled in the bed, hot and sticky from hours of making love, but unwilling to break the contact among us for even as long as it took to go to the shower. The two-hour time change for Lissa and Melody had worked in their favor as midnight didn’t seem late and one a.m. was still prime time. “We could just stay like this and order room service again,” Melody suggested. She was completely relaxed and still enjoying having me attend to her right...

1 year ago
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“MELLY!” LEXI SAID as she approached us across the hotel lobby. When she released her mother from a hug, Melody went on to the formal-looking man behind Lexi and greeted her father. Who wears a suit on vacation? I thought. “Hi, Daddy,” she said, smiling at him. He didn’t hug her, but put both hands on her shoulders and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Lexi had moved on to give Lissa a hug and then smiled at me and did the same. She glanced over her shoulder as if to make sure her husband...

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A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE was on ice in our room with three glasses and a box of dark chocolate truffles. The truffles were my Dad’s idea and he’d taken care of it. “More of Allie’s admirers?” Lissa asked, surprised. I acted all innocent and just shrugged my shoulders. “Was she singing or having an orgasm?” Melody asked. “Mmm. Truffles!” We decided to take a shower before we indulged in any kind of decadence, but the lure of champagne and chocolate—and our overfilled stomachs from pizza—kept...

4 years ago
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“TONY!” DAMON YELLED into my ear. I held the phone away slightly. I’d surprised the boys by calling to read them a bedtime story over the phone. “Did you go away?” he asked. “Just for a while, buddy,” I explained. “I needed to come and visit my mommy and daddy.” “Meddy is with Gramma Lexi,” Drew supplied. He was already sounding more grown up than when I left him. “When you coming home, Tony?” Damon asked. “We miss you.” I almost broke down crying. “Soon, buddy. Soon.” I’d been home...

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AT SIX-THIRTY SHARP, a bright red pickup truck came tearing down our driveway in a cloud of dust. Beth’s Dad bought her the 4x4 for her eighteenth birthday. “Boys love girls in trucks,” he’d said as he handed her the keys. We’d all laughed because she had to have the seat customized so she could reach the pedals and still see out the windshield. Beth barely topped five feet, but she loved that truck. I stepped off the front porch and sauntered toward where she’d stopped, but I was still...

3 years ago
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“OH MY GOD!” she gasped. She stood studying the painting. “Oh my god,” she repeated. She moved back from the painting and then moved forward again. “Oh my god.” She sat on the foot of my bed. “She’s crying for you. God, Tony, why is your girlfriend crying for you. She’s begging you. Oh my god.” Tears ran from Beth’s eyes. “Beth. Hey Dumpling,” I said as I stroked her shoulder. “That isn’t my girlfriend ... exactly.” “Exactly? What does that mean? Wait!” Beth hadn’t stopped looking at the...

2 years ago
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I STOOD IN THE DOORWAY, staring again at the little twin bed in the room I’d grown up in—Allison’s picture no longer draped. I’d been ‘home’ for more than a month and I wasn’t sure how I could bear to go into this room again. I had to talk to Mom and Dad today about going back to Seattle. And somehow I had to get Melody there with us. Mom and Dad had come in to see the painting when I told them about the unusual night I had with Beth. Dad had given me a hug. Not just a squeeze or a man-hug,...

1 year ago
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SUNDAY AFTERNOON, I was getting a little anxious. After a weeklong, 3,000-mile roundtrip to Boston, I was bringing my girlfriends—my family—home to my parents’ house in Nebraska. I pointed out sights to them as we entered Nebraska. From the time we turned west on U.S. 30, I was like a three-year-old at the steering wheel, even pointing at the horses and cows in the field. “There’s where I went to high school,” I said. “Man, it’s changed already. Big renovation this year.” “Aw, that’s...

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MOM’S IDEA of a little Fourth of July barbecue amounted to about thirty people gathered in our backyard gabbing and eating for six hours. Many of the people who were watching the game in the morning were also at the barbecue. In addition to ribs, burgers, and dogs on the grill, Mom had baked apple, cherry, and strawberry/rhubarb pies. Everyone who came brought food, too. It was a Midwestern spread that you can only dream about in Seattle. Baked beans, potato salad, deviled eggs, macaroni and...

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I THOUGHT ABOUT TALKING the girls into losing their jeans, but it was cute the way they were wading in the creek with their pants legs rolled up. They continued to cluster around the rock where Beth sat and I figured that would be as good a setting as any. I got my sketchbook set and then plugged my mp3 player into a tiny speaker I’d seen advertised on late night TV a couple of weeks ago. It filled the clearing with an eerie note of flute music. “Shakuhachi!” Beth shouted. “Beautiful. A...

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Angelas First Threesome

She was back moments later, still naked and in her stilettos, carrying Barry’s clothes. As she got nearer to our bed, she knelt to pick up our clothes laying in a pile on the floor. Getting up and turning towards me she said, ‘Honey, I just realized that Barry wouldn’t have a fresh uniform to go to work tomorrow. I will put the clothes in the washer and will be right back.’Saying that, she turned and moved out of the bedroom. I was really amused but couldn’t have any revealing expression on my...

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Angelas First Threesome

She was back moments later, still naked and in her stilettos, carrying Barry’s clothes. As she got nearer to our bed, she knelt to pick up our clothes laying in a pile on the floor. Getting up and turning towards me she said, ‘Honey, I just realized that Barry wouldn’t have a fresh uniform to go to work tomorrow. I will put the clothes in the washer and will be right back.’Saying that, she turned and moved out of the bedroom. I was really amused but couldn’t have any revealing expression on my...

3 years ago
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A Birthday Threesome

This is a tale of two lovers and a girl I knew once named Nancy. Now, she made myself and other men, oh so randy. Every time I looked at her big bouncing tits, my dick twitched and became harder than physics. But one fateful day I looked up... it was her boyfriend. I fucked up. He's angry. This is their story.Why, do you ask? Good question. In all my travels, boyfriends seem to have varying levels of territorialism. Some have the friendly "Yeah, she's hot, huh?" question. Some boyfriends that...

2 years ago
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This is a true story.... Me, and my girlfriend, Suzanne, have had a wild love/hate relationship. We would argue a lot but would always end up having hot make-up sex. I was the freakier one of the two but there were times when she would surprise me and do something wild. Out of the blue, she would blow me while I was drove and one time she picked me up from work wearing nothing underneath her coat! She turned me on with her big round ass and huge 42 DD’s. Sometimes we would fuck all day and...

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I wanted a threesome

I had always been somewhat fascinated by porn videos depicting a threesome. A woman on her knees sucking one cock while being fucked by another. I would sit and jerk off while I watched the three of them moaning and groaning, obviously enjoying the experience. I knew it was porn and stage managed but it didn’t make it less exciting. They probably got paid more the more they moaned but that didn’t mean a thing as I came doing my own moaning as well. Of course real life isn’t like the movies. I...

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Preacherman ch 5 Motherdaughterthreesome

“Oh me too. Cindy, I wonder if the Reverend’s father is still living and single?” She rolled her eyes; “Here we go again, my mother the match maker.” Cindy took pride in her appearance. Her five, foot-five 40D, 34, 44 stats would make any man drool. Her greatest features are her long red hair, button nose, ruby-red lips, and captivating emerald-green eyes. She also has a voracious appetite for sex. Her actions often caused a lot of friction between her and her mother, a religious...

1 year ago
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Our First Threesome

This is the true story of our first threesome experience (MMF). I am Steve, and my fiancée is Diana. We are a slim and attractive couple, both in our mid-thirties. Diana is around 5ft 8ins, very attractive, slender, with brunette shoulder length hair. I am 6ft 2”, medium build with short dark hair. We had been on the swinging scene for a couple of years but due to a hectic everyday life we rarely managed to meet people or go to parties etc. Diana and I had discussed meeting a single guy for a...

2 years ago
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A Woman and her Lover have a Threesome

You know when you’re married for a while, life can become a little stale. Well my name is Faith, and my husband and I have been married for ten years. My husband and I sometimes have sex, but I have an insatiable appetite. Lucky for me, I’m a stay at home mother. You'd be so surprised, when everybody leaves to go to work and school, what exactly happens. Usually, all the stay at home dads and the stay at home moms get together and have sexual encounters. I know I’ve had many affairs with men...

Group Sex
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a threesome

I had a threesome with a couple in the Chicago area several years ago.A THREESOMEby the shootistI was with a couple in the Chicago area several years ago where the wife was a bit reluctant and the husband was really pushing for it to happen. I also was a bit reluctant to get involved at first but after we talked for about an hour in the lounge of the hotel I was staying, I agreed to have them come up to my room.After getting there, he sat in a chair and told us to go ahead and do it. His wife...

1 year ago
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First Threesome

FIRST THREESOMEby MilfandhimThis is very much a true story.Three months ago, I thought my wife was the prim and proper sort....then three weeks ago we had our first threesome. WOW.I won't bore you with the how and why we came to book a hotel room, suffice to say we had been getting really hot at the thought of a MMF.Then one night on a Swingers website, we were shagging on webcam. There were probably a couple of dozen forum users watching us, and afterward one guy was very eager to join us....

3 years ago
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Engineer Launde Ke Pehla Threesome

Do pariyan aap ke laude par ek sath toot padein .Aisa sapno me to dekha suna hoga, par agar asliyat bankar apke samne ho baat kuch aur ho jati ha. Kuch aisi he kahani ha mere pehle threesome ki. Pehle apko dono pariyon se introduce kara dun. Pehli thi himachali . Naam tha aashi . Age 28 . Rang to himachali ladkiyon ka kehna he kya. Us ki skin pahadiyon ki subah ki tarah suhani aur smooth . Wo mere sath office me kaam karti thi . Dusri thi sonali . Proper delhi wali patola. Age 24 . Ye mere...

3 years ago
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Our First Threesome

This is the true story of our first threesome experience (MMF). I am Steve, and my fiancée is Diana. We are a slim and attractive couple, both in our mid-thirties. Diana is around 5ft 8ins, very attractive, slender, with brunette shoulder length hair. I am 6ft 2”, medium build with short dark hair. We had been on the swinging scene for a couple of years but due to a hectic everyday life we rarely managed to meet people or go to parties etc. Diana and I had discussed meeting a single guy for a...

Group Sex

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