Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness free porn video

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A message from the Author
Please note these events are all true to the best of my knowledge.
Only the Names, places and years have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty.

It is the year 1923 in Scotland that this story begins.

Stella Brown was sat in the Mother Superiors office at St Augustine Catholic school for Girls.

And she was in Big trouble!
Stella new that she was going to be punished severely, which of course meant that she was going to be caned.

She sat thinking back on all the events that had led to her being here!


May 1922

Stella Brown had always been a bit of a tomboy, always getting into trouble which normally ended with her getting a good slippering from her Father (who was a policeman)

Stella was the youngest of three c***dren.

There was Maggie her big sister who was older than her by four years.

Then there was Tom her Eldest Brother by six years.

Stella had often been sat outside her Fathers study and heard her Father giving Tom a good telling off which always ended with her Father telling Tom to get his Trousers down and bend over the desk.

Of course Stella herself had been bent over the same desk countless times, sometimes she to would get her bare bottom slippered.

But whenever she heard her Brother getting punished she new that he wasn't getting a bare bottom slippering.
Because she new the sound of a slipper hitting a bare bottom! After all she had enough experience with it.

Instead of the THWACK THWACK Noise that the slipper made when hitting a bare bottom.

Whenever her Father told her Brother to get his trousers down and bend over the desk, it was always followed with a different sound.


Stella always wondered if she would ever find out what made that loud Snapping Noise.

And each time her Brother was in her Father's study the loud Snapping Noise would continue for at least two minutes
With a range of replys coming from her Brother.


and always when her Father had finished punishing her Brother he would say
I hope you've learned your lesson Tom.
Because I really don't want to have to do that again!
And Tom would always reply
I hope so to sir
As it really hurts
But I know you only do it for my own good sir.

Indeed I do Tom
Now pull your trousers up and get out.

As Tom left the Study he would always be either Furiously rubbing his bottom or clutching it depending on how long the punishment had lasted for. with a very pained look on his face.

Stella rememberd once her sister Maggie had been told to go to there Fathers Study by there Mother.
Stella wasn't sure what Maggie had done but Maggie was about 17

And Stella had heard her Father really giving Maggie a telling off.
Some of the words he'd used that day Stella really hadn't heard before.

You Dirty little Slut
How could you do such a thing?
Your nothing but a little Fuck bag.
DON'T YOU FUCKING Answer me back
The Shame you bring on yourself and my family how could you?
Whilst your living under my roof you'll do as your told.
If I ever catch you or hear of you doing something like that again I'll disown you and throw you out
You dirty little slut.
Now get that Dress up and those Bloomers down.
And you get yourself right over this desk now.
By the time I'm finished with you my girl your bottom will wish you'd never been born.



By now all Stella could hear coming from her sister was the sound of her crying.
Not just crying but sniffling

the snapping sound continued for another two minutes.

When it Finally stopped
Stella's Father told Maggie to get up.,
Get your Bloomers up and go straight to your bedroom
And I don't want to see you again until tomorrow.
Now move you little slapper.

Maggie moved as fast as she possibly could.
As she passed Stella
Stella could see the tears streaming down her sisters face.

And her sister was clutching her bottom in some discomfort.

Tom seeing the tears streaming down Maggies face and her clutching her bottom new exactly what had happened to his sister.

Tom went to his own room and grabbed a bottle of something from one of his draws.

He walked into his sisters bedroom and before his sister could yell
Get out Tom just go away.

Tom said in a soft kindly voice
Maggie look I know the last thing you want right now is your big brother asking are you OK does it hurt much.
Because I don't need to ask as I know how much it hurts right now.

So instead I'll simply say would you like me to give you something that will ease the pain?

Maggie looked up at her big Brother and said
Oh Tom PLEASE if you have something that can ease the burning in my bottom cheeks then please as I'm in so much pain.

So Tom said
Lay on the bed face down lift up your dress and I'll ease your Bloomers down as gently as I can.
Maggie did as Tom suggested
And as she caught a glimpse of her bare bottom she see just how red and sore it looked.

As she lay face down on the bed, Tom undid the lid on the bottle he brought in with him and poured some into his hand.
Then without further hesitation started to gently rub the lotion into his sisters very sore bottom.

As he gently rubbed the lotion in Stella crept past and sneaked a peak at her sisters bare bottom.
She couldn't believe just how red and in a couple of places bruises were already starting to show.

Again Stella wondered what her Father had used on Maggies bottom to make it look so sore.

Maggie thanked Tom as he finished gently rubbing the lotion into her sore bottom.
Thats OK sis he said you'll be sore for a couple of days but that should ease the burning sensation.


It was about a year after Stella had heard Maggie getting punished with the thing that made the Snapping noise.
That Stella herself had her first encounter with it.

Stella had gone out that morning with her friends Alice, Joanne, Steve, Frank and Burt.
They were all at Frank's parents Farm, helping Frank get his chores done.
Feeding livestock, collecting hen eggs and mucking out the stables.
After which they all went horse riding.
Stella being the tomboy that she was loved going cross country hanging on to the reigns and horses mane
As the horses made light work of the hedges and other obstacles.
They always went the same route.
And ended up at the large lake which as usual was deserted.
Theyed been coming here for years and today was a fine summers day.
It was blistering hot.
Let's go for a swim suggested Stella.

We didn't bring any bathing stuff said Alice.

So Said Stella don't matter we could always swim naked!
Your joking right said Joanne and Alice together.

What's the problem replied Stella.

Steve, Frank and Burt that's the problem said Alice.

What about them said Stella?

Err there boys and we're girls replied Alice.

Yeah and? Said Stella.

Different bits said Joanne.

Who cares? Said Stella
All we're doing is swimming right lads!

Yeah not as any of you three girls have huge big breasts like Burts sisters.

Look we promise not to look and stare at you three girls naked bodies if you three promise not to look and stare at us.

So they all agreed not to stare at each other.
And all stripped off and had a fantastic time swimming and messing about in the cool water of the lake.

Unfortunately for the group of friends they weren't as alone as they thought.
Unknown to them Stella's Father had been out with Tom who was on leave from the RFC
And had decided to go fishing in the same lake.
They had rounded a corner and seen the boys and girls swimming in the lake.
And to Mr Brown's utter shock had seen that they were all naked as the day they were born!

Mr Brown and Tom so as not to cause embarresment to the c***dren had decided not to let them know that they had seen them.
Instead Mr Brown said to Tom,
I'll not cause a scene but I will be calling in to all there parents and explaining to them what has occurred.

So Mr Brown and Tom left as quietly as they could.

When Stella returned home early that evening
Unaware that her Father and Tom had seen her and her Friends naked by the lake.

She excitedly ran up to Tom giving him a big hug
Well she hadn't seen him for ages, as he was away learning to fly.

So big Bro what's it like up there with nothing but air above and below you?

It's pretty frightening at first but once you get over your fear it's really amazing
I mean if you had told me that I would be flying in the sky in something made of wire, fabric and wood ten years ago I'd have told you that you was insane.

Please Tom one day promise me you'll take me up in one...

I sis one day I will do just that.

So how was your day sis?
Oh you know over to Franks
Bit of horse riding nothing special.

Go anywhere in particular?

Oh you know here and there said Stella.

Just then the door of her Fathers study opened.

Mr Brown said to Stella in an even calm Voice
Stella would you please come into my Study there is something we need to discuss with you.

As Stella walked into her Fathers study she was surprised to see Burt and Frank in there with there parents.

Now sit down Stella
There's something I need to ask you.
Stella sat down.

Now Stella I want you to tell me exactly where you have been today.
Well as I told you and mum this morning I would be going to Frank's and we would probably be going horse riding,
So I'll probably not get back until early evening if that's OK, to which you as I recall said
OK have a good time and be good.

Indeed I did confirmed Mr Brown.

Who else apart from you and Frank went horse riding asked Mr Brown.

Well let me see said Stella

There was me, Frank, Burt, Steve, Alice and Joanne.

And where exactly did you six go on this ride?

Oh you know across country

In which direction?

Oh towards the lake.

And did you spend much time at the lake?

A while yes
You know eating laying in the sun resting the horses before the ride back.

(Stella didn't dare tell her Father that they had all swam naked in the lake)
He was very old fashioned and would not have been happy hearing that three boys had seen her naked body.

And that's all you did?

Yes sir lied Stella

Ummm said Mr Brown.

And you would tell me if you did anything else there wouldn't you?

Yes sir

Ummm Mr Brown said again
Was there or did you see anyone else there the entire time you was there?

No sir

And your sure

Yes sir

Do you know what your Brother and I did today?

No sir

We decided that as it was a beautiful day we would go to the lake and do some fishing.

Really said Stella?
We was there most of the afternoon and we didn't see you and Tom.

Well we never actually got to do any fishing.

Oh why was that asked Stella?

Well you see when we got to the lake we saw six naked c***dren swimming and messing about in the lake.

And your absolutely sure there was no one else there the entire time you was there?

Oh said Stella the penny finally dropping.

Oh indeed said Mr Brown

I have one Final question for you Stella
And I want you to think long and hard before you answer
Are you clear?

Yes sir

OK then
WHO'S idea was it to Swim naked?

Knowing that her Father new that she had already lied to him Stella thought it best at this point to tell the truth.

She new that she was gonna be getting a good dose of the slipper
Most definitely on her bare Bottom.
She guessed by the fact that Frank and Burt were here that he already new the answer.

So Stella took a deep Breath and said
It was my idea

Now Stella are you sure?

Yes sir
I said we don't need to wear anything whilst we're swimming we can swim naked,
We're not gonna even look at each others naked bodies are we.
Not as if anyone will see us
No one ever comes here anyway.

Mr Brown turned to the parents of Frank and Burt and said
I, m sorry it looks like I owe you an apology.

Frank and Burts parents just waved him away saying not attall Mr Brown
It seems like they were only trying to save your Daughter from embarrassment and probably a worse spanking than your going to give her.

Oh and believe us our boys are gonna be having very sore bottoms of there own tonight.

A few more words were exchanged between parents.
Then Frank and his parents left.
As did Burt and his.

Then Stella's mum left the study as well, leaving just Stella and her Father in the Study.

Mr Brown turned to his Daughter and said, without raising his voice and shouting.

Well now young Stella
What am I to do with you?
Firstly, you and your friends do not realize the trouble you could have been in if say a couple of young men had found you swimming in the lake and discovered that you was naked as the day you was born.
Secondly, you lied to me, right to my face in front of other people.

Stella bowed her head and said
I'm really truly sorry sir
I guess we never really thought about the consequences of our actions.
And I do deserve the slippering that I'm sure your about to give me.

No Stella my girl a slippering in this instance, even a bare bottom one just would not be enough.

There for you leave me no choice but to take a much harsher approach.
After the Summer holidays are over you will be going to St Augustine Catholic girls Boarding school.
Where I hope you will learn to be a proper lady.

But right now I'm going to give you something that I'm sure you've heard me giving Tom in the past.

And with that Mr Brown opened the top draw of his desk.
Which had always to the best of Stella's memory been kept locked.

Mr Brown pulled out a long leather strap with a buckle one end and holes the other end.

Which Stella instantly recognised as a stirrup leather

Which he placed on his desk.

Now Stella I want you to pull your shorts down
Or I will pull them down

Then your going to bend over my desk, is that clear!

Yes sir said Stella
In a very small voice.

Stella undid the buttons on her Shorts and slowly pulled them down then bent over the desk,
Letting her Father see her little white bare bottom. P

Mr BROWN Folded the stirrup leather in halve and placed it on Stella's bare white bottom.
And said
You had better grip the sides of the desk Stella, because I warn you the next few minutes is going to be the most painful of your life so far.

And with that he raised the strap and brought it down hard across her bare bottom with a loud SNAP
Which was quickly followed by five more

Each time that strap landed on Stella's bare bottom with a Snap
Stella acompined it with an ouch or a owww
Each stroke seeming to hurt a little bit more than the last.
WAS all Stella could hear

By the time her Father let her get up and leave his study
The tears were flowing down her face
As Stella sniffled pulling her shorts slowly up to once again cover her very sore bottom

Her Father said to her

One more thing Stella
If I ever have to take the strap to your bare bottom again.
Believe me when I say you'll wish you'd never been born.
Now straight to bed with you young lady.

Stella slowly and painfully walked out of the study and climbed the stairs to her bedroom.

Once inside she closed the door, lowered her shorts and looked at the reflection of her bottom in the mirror.
To her horror the sight that met her was a very sore looking crimson bottom.
She lay on her bed gently touching her very sore bottom.

Without knocking Tom walked into her bedroom and said would you like me to give you something to stop the burning
Sensation in your bottom?

Yes please Tom
Oh it hurts and burns so much
I've often been outside dad's study and heard that snap snap noise coming from inside
When dad's been strapping you.
And wondered what was making that noise and how much it hurt.

Well I guess you know now said Tom gently rubbing the horse linimeant into his sisters very sore bottom.


Incase your wondering
Alice and Joanne both got bare bottom slipperings that evening.
And Frank got a good long dose of his Father's heavy belt.
And poor old Burt had to go and cut some switches from the trees in his garden.
And was given a good thrashing that left his bottom covered in very sore looking red lines.
And as for Steve well let's just say that by the time his uncle had finished strapping him poor Steve was unable to sit down for about a week without discomfort.

Needless to say none of those six c***dren ever swam naked in that lake again.

So there Stella sat in the Mother superiors office at St Augustine Catholic girls boarding school.
Thinking about all the things that had led to this moment.

Including the fact that she had been caught in the grounds of the school with a local young man of about 17 years.
Performing a sex act on him with her mouth.

Dressed in what the nuns could describe only as very little.

Not only this but she also had a large amount of cash that she couldn't account for.

The mother superior put the telephonic device down that she had been Talking to Stella's Father on.

Well young lady your Father has told me that he is very disappointed with you and that I am to punish you in anyway that I see fit.

And he agrees with me that you should be punished in front of the whole school.

Stella was told to go back to her dorm and wait there until she or one of the other nuns came to get her.


Florence was an eight year old girl in her first year at St Augustine Catholic girls boarding school.
In fact this was only her second day there.
And at this precise moment she was currently nursing a very sore bottom.

For Florence had committed the biggest sin at St Augustine.
She had wet the bed sometime during the night.

Which meant at bed inspection that morning she had been bent over the bed and given six strokes of the cane on her bare bottom.

This was the standered punishment for wetting the bed at St Augustine Catholic girls boarding school.

After all

And good little girls didn't

Because Cleanliness was next to Godliness.


There sat Stella on her own nervously waiting to be collected.

Sister Agnes came and got her.

By the time they got to the great assembly Hall all the girls and Nuns were already in there being spoken to by the mother superior.

She was telling everyone that a girl had been caught on the grounds doing something with a male that was considered to be so disgusting that words could not describe it!

Also this girl had a large amount of money that she couldn't explain where she had gotten it from.
Therefore the Mother superior could only surmise that she had stolen it from somewhere.

And thievery would not be tolerated at St Augustine.

Therefore this girl was going to be caned in front of the whole school.

The mother superior said Stella Brown
Please come out into the great Hall and onto the stage.

So Stella did as she was told.
Mother Superior said to her hold your right hand out palm up.
Stella did this
I'm going to give you six strokes of the cane

Swish crack
Swish crack
Swish crack
Swish crack
Swish crack
Swish crack

Of course Stella had been caned a number of times for breaking some rule or other

Now hold your other hand out palm up

Stella again did as she was told

I'm going to give you six strokes of the cane on this hand also

And with that she caned Stella's other hand

Swish crack
Swish crack
Swish crack
Swish crack
Swish crack
Swish crack

That was for stealing all that money said the mother superior.

Now we get onto the other thing, the disgusting thing you was doing with that young man.
For this you are going to get a further six strokes of the cane, but these will be on your bare bottom young lady
And I use the term lady very loosely.!

Stella was told to bend over the desk with her back facing the whole school.

Stella had been caned a few times on the bottom in front of her class mates but never on the bare bottom.
The only time she had ever been caned on the bare bottom was by the mother superior in her office.

So there she was bent over the desk back facing the whole school

When she felt her kilt being lifted up and folded over her back and tucked neatly into her waist band.
Then her Bloomers were undone and pulled down to her ankles.

Then she felt the cane touch her bare bottom.
Almost as soon as it touched her bottom it was lifted up and she heard a loud swish

Which was followed by a loud CRACK
As the cane landed back on her bare bottom.
Stella immediately stood up taken by surprise at just how much that had hurt,

It felt like someone had got a knife and cut her bottom cheeks.

Mother superior said get back down over the desk this instance.

Sister Agnes sister Mary you two hold her down.

Stella Brown if you dare to try and stand up again I'll Double your caning!

With that Stella again bent back over the desk and grabbed hold of the legs determined not to stand up again.

Sister Agnes and sister Mary held her down.

Again Stella felt the cane touch her bare bottom and almost as soon felt it lift off

With another loud SWISH CRACK
it landed on her bare bottom

Stella could hear the sound of crying coming from behind her
As for the third time she heard the cane go

Swish crack

Fowllowed by another
Swish Crack

To which Stella said owww oww

Swish Crack

And just as Stella was thinking how much it hurt

She heard the final

Now she expected the mother superior to tell her to stand up.
But she didn't.

Instead she said Stella Brown you will remain bent over this desk until each girl has filed past and had a good look at your bottom.
Which I hope will deter them from doing anything as stupid and disgusting as you.

Stella's story will continue in the next part.............

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Nextdoor Neighbbour

Do you remember your first male-on-male encounter? This was a question someone asked me recently. I certainly do: I remember it in detail! Not only was it fantastic, but it set me on the sexual road I’ve travelled all my life since. I’d just had my 16th birthday, and Dad’s work demanded that he went to Europe for a twelve month spell. Mum wanted to go with him, but I didn’t want to go because that would have interfered with my schooling which had just reached a crucial point. The solution was...

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Note : this story is complete fictional! Catherine toyed with her bald pussy. I could feel my dick getting hard just watching her from my window. It was pushing through my pants, begging to escape, so I let my nine inches free. I wrapped my hand around my dick, stroking it slowly as I watched her. I loved the way her body moved. I wanted to be one of her fingers as I watched her move them in and out of her faster and faster. She rubbed her little clit, moaning louder and louder. I couldn’t hear...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Five Paulines PartTime Job

Pauline Manson sat and smiled at her old friend who was sitting on the sofa across from her. The retired School Mistress could not quite believe what her friend, and colleague, Alice Conway, had just asked of her and took a few moments to think about how she would reply to her offer. The seventy-year-old ex-History Mistress leaned over and picked up her coffee cup from the table and took a sip, not taking her eyes from her friend, before replacing her cup back on the table and sitting back in...

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Nice Nextdoors Jolly Juicy JACOBI 2

Nice Next-doors Neighbour: Awesomely attractive "Apple-Cheeks" is Actually Jolly Juicy 'JACOBI'Nice Next-door Neighbour "Apple-Cheeks" is My Main Curiousity as Cunning Cute 'Cunny' to 'Come'.It takes several years to get to know her step by step: Where does she live: Which door, which floor?At the back like me, or at the street-side? So, what is her name? It takes ta few years to conquer her!=================================================================================Nice Next-door...

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The Girls Next Door 9 Spring Break Pt1

The Girls Next Door – 9 Spring Break Pt.1 When my alarm went off I rose up and looked around. On one side of me was CJ, an 18 year old brunette lying on her side, facing me with the covers kicked off. Her hair was in pigtails and she was clutching a doll between her 36C breasts. On the other side was Anna, another pigtailed brunette, 15years old, laying on her back, her 34D breasts pointing towards the ceiling? I leaned over and took one of Anna's nipples in my mouth. As I sucked on...

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The Girl Next Door

The Girl Next DoorMany of you will have read my stories over the past few years, posted on various websites, including my own (below); will know that I love to see females wearing scarves. This fetish also extends to short skirts, woollen jerseys and thick Lycra or wool and always opaque tights or pantyhose as you guys call them in the States.This story is my latest, written in late 2008 and inspired from reading tons of scarf related bondage stories.I hope you all enjoy this latest tale and...

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The Girls Next Door 13

I finally got Anna and CJ to let me up. When Destiny Kitty stood up she handed me the leash that was still attached to the collar around her neck. “I’m yours for the weekend, Master.” Then she looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes. “I will do anything you want.” This could get interesting. The Girls Next Door – 13 I handed Destiny Kitty the leash and told her to have my ladies help her find a skirt and top shorter and tighter than...

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Dancing and the next day

Michael leaned over and spoke in her ear, “What do you want to drink?” His breath in her are distracted her and she sat dazed for a second, finally what he said sunk in and she said, “I don’t know. I don’t drink enough to know what I like.” With a grin, Michael asked, “Do you want what they’re having?” She had heard the word tequila and knew that it was out of the question. Michael could not control her if she had tequila. She spoke up, “No. You only wish.” Turning toward the...

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The Sentence the next three chapters 171819

Chapter #17 Getting ready to party: I had to laugh, because I remembered what mom had told me on the way down stairs, about Holli not liking to dress up. Mom told me to be good and watch TV while she took care of getting Holli & herself ready. I asked mom if I could get something to drink. So, she went to the kitchen and came back with my princess sip cup full of soda. She said here you are dear. This way you wouldn't spill anything on that lovely dress. I said thank...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Four Ms Caldwell Can Spank

 Zofeya Caldwell and her friend, Aimee Connell sat nervously on the sofa in the living room. To the girls’ left, Zofeya’s adoptive mother, Diane, sat in her leather armchair. Opposite Ms. Caldwell, in the other armchair sat their neighbour, Miss Pauline Manson. The ladies sat there in silence. Aimee, despite her friend’s warning about what was going to happen to the young ladies, sat and hoped that Ms. Caldwell would simply tell her off. Zofeya played nervously with her long dark hair, looking...

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Watching Little Casey Next Door

Introduction: High school girl next door puts on many a show for her neighbor, then takes it to a higher level by seducing him. Takes a while to develop, so please dont neg-vote it if youre in a hurry. Dan Dixon, mid thirties and six years divorced, lives alone and works from home but is frequently on the road. His is the kind of lifestyle that doesnt lend itself to a stable relationship, and aside from the occasional part time girlfriend, hes comfortable being single. Hes lived in his suburban...

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The Boy Next Door The following summer

Chapter 1 Trish was really looking forward to getting her maid back for the summer. Mark was due to return home today, and she was looking forward to picking up where the two of them left off the previous summer. Over the winter she had decided to keep increasing her feminization of the young man, and mentally started ticking off some of the things she had planned for him over the coming months. There were the obvious things such as going lingerie shopping, taking him to her...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Nine Pauline Finds Out About Zofeyas PartTime Job

Pauline Manson sat at her desk in her office in total shock. There was no doubt that it was who she thought it was in the picture on her screen in front of her. But it couldn’t be her, could it? Not Diane’s daughter. Not the twenty-one-year-old final year Law student? Not the sweet, angelic, bright-blue eyed girl who she had helped to turn into a lovely young woman over the past five years or so. She really began to regret looking for images of strict disciplinarians for her latest workshop at...

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Watching Little Casey Next Door

Plain looking with straight shoulder length dull red hair, pale skin and freckles, Casey is a very average young girl, about 5’4” and a little on the soft side. Cute in simple Irish sort of way, but unassuming; the sort of girl who goes overlooked. She’s generally a good kid, does well in school, plays violin in the orchestra, and has a few friends but is far from popular. She likes to help Dan with his dog Pixie when he’s busy or away. Sometimes she comes home from school and walks her,...

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My New Next Door Neighbor

My New Next Door Neighbors By Jennifer Allison As I sit here waiting for my date to show up, I get to thinking about what has happened over the last twelve months. Whereas a year a go I was a gangly thirteen year- old boy, now I am fourteen year-old boy/girl who causes any normal male to have hard on by just walking by. I was sitting in this same spot a year ago, when my life changed. For better or worse? You tell me... I was sitting there looking out the window when a large...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Eight Stefans Schoolgirl Fantasy Cured

Zofeya Caldwell sighed heavily as she reluctantly pulled the coat hangers containing her old St. Katherine’s Girls’ school uniform from her wardrobe. She shook her head as she looked at the navy blazer with the school badge on the left breast pocket and then at the black, knee-length pleated skirt. Next, she smiled at her short-sleeved white cotton blouse and her old school tie. The twenty-year-old woman could not believe what she was having to do in order to please her boyfriend. She had...

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The Girls Next Door 7 CJs Birthday Surprise

The Girls Next Door – 7 CJ’s Birthday Surprise The week and a half since my amazing weekend with 21 year old Amanda, 18 year old Alissa, 17 year old CJ and 15 year old Anna had flown by. Amanda moved in with me and Alissa spend the first week with us. That Saturday and Sunday Amanda and Alissa spent most of the weekend getting ready for the pool party they were throwing for CJ’s 18th birthday. Anna and CJ’s parents stayed home that weekend so we had not seen them since the weekend...

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A Visit To The Lady Next Door Part Two

Zofeya Caldwell just needed it. She had no idea why, but she just needed to have her bottom spanked once more. The eighteen-year-old had thought about little else during her holiday in Tenerife with her friends from school, and she had spent most of the fortnight dreaming about that first punishment from her neighbour Pauline Manson. She had no idea why she wanted to see the retired schoolmistress for another spanking, but she was determined to make it happen. Zofeya had planned it meticulously...

2 years ago
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The Girl Next Door

The Girl Next Door Written and copyrighted by Gina Rose and Marcia St.Denis, December, 2001 All rights reserved. Chapter 1 I've known Mark for over four months now. He lives next door to me in a brand new apartment building near the center of town. I moved there just after leaving home at age twenty-one. I had been desperately waiting to be of legal age so I could get off on my own, away from the prying eyes of my mother who knew how special her sweet child was and who...

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Kira The Next Two Years

Thank you everyone for the comments to "Recharging the Batteries". I hope to answer a few of the questions here in the sequel, which has been a long time coming. Any of my stories may be re-posted on other sites as long as it remains intact and proper credit is given. (Spelling and grammar errors may be corrected). And now on to the sequel for "Recharging the Batteries". Kira: The Next Two Years I was stunned. Two years locked in this tube! Two years as my wife's maid! Two...

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The Man Next Door

The man next Door Scenario:? Stepfather sells young teenage sub to a Dom on her sixteenth birthday. She discovers being a sex slave is more than she ever dreamed.???????????  ???????????????????? (D/s, M/f, F/f, lingerie, BDSM, consensual.)?????????? ????????????????????????Disclaimer; This is a work of pure erotic fiction and is in no way to be construed as having any basis in fact. All characters in this work are fictional. ??????????????????????????????????????? The man next...

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The Sentence the next three chapters 202122

Chapter #20 < > fun in the park, then something unexpected happens: It wasn't far to the parks and the swings. So, mom decide we would walk from the dinner over to the park, which was about a 3-minute walk. Mom walked behind Holli & Sarah, and Sarah was still in control of me with the leash and baby harness. We all walked over to where the swings were, and Mom told Sarah to unhook me from the leash, and to help me in one of the baby swings. She said she wanted to take some...

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Whiskey A smoke Megan settles in next door

I came home from my most recent business trip and noticed the neighbors had put a For Sale Sign in their front yard. I knew they had been talking about moving, but I didn’t think they would leave so soon. In fact, it looked as though they had moved out completely in the three days that I had been away.“Honey, did the Smiths’ move out?” I yelled as I came into the garage door.My wife, Betty, greeted me with a kiss, “Mmm, glad you are home. Yes, the Smiths’ moved out yesterday.”“Does this mean we...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Twelve Zofeya And The Girls Punish The Office Pervert

Joanne Wilson sat behind her desk in her office and picked up the plastic folder which contained the evidence that she had collected over the past week. She still couldn’t quite believe what the girls in the office had told her about one of the longest-serving members of staff at the Law firm. However, once she had traced the origins of the USB stick which the Office Manageress, Sophie, had found and then discovered the small camera in the female changing rooms next to the office gym, she felt...

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Knock Knock Its our next door MILF

We live in a good neighborhood. Were the last town house on the street. We share a garage, laundry room with our neighbors. There town house connects to the other side of the garage. I don’t think we have met the other people, from next door. “Knock! Knock!” “Coming! “ I yelled. I reached down to open the door leading into the garage. “Hello!” said a soft female voice. I smiled. “Hi…” was all I could say. My mouth was wide open. I looked down. There was a very voluptuous...

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Knock Knock Its our next door MILF

Introduction: She knocked on our door for computer help – she got more than she bargained for Knock! Knock! Craig you got that? I yelled from the couch. Buck! Im upstairs dude. Can you get the door? said Craig. I shook my head as I got off the black leather couch in the living room. I could hear someone knocking on the door leading to the garage. We had moved in about two weeks ago. Craig was a good roommate. We split all the bills down the middle. He works as a manager for an upscale shoe...

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The Next Day Day Two with My New Ass

Part 2"The Next Day"Buck and PrincessI heard a phone in the distance. I felt the bed move. My cock fell off to her side. I opened one eye to see Princess walking naked out to the balcony. I put my hand on my forehead. I looked down under the sheets to see my cock was all wet. I ran my hand down my chest to feel some lipstick and juices mixed on my bare skin. I then heard Princess on the phone. I rolled over to look at the alarm clock. It was close to 7am. I had about and hour and half to get...

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NextDoor Bride

Next-Door Bride By Gingerfred Man Chapter One ? A Lot to Digest I was a bit excited when I came home from school that day in late May. It was my 18th birthday and Mom and Dad had promised a special surprise for me. They weren't exaggerating. With only two weeks left before I was to graduate from high school and no definite plans for anything, I had been kind of out of sorts. My birthday offered a relief from all that concern about my future. Or so I thought. I went into...

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The Next 48 Hours

It was a cloudy Saturday morning when best friends and roommates James and Dwayne were chilling at their dining room table, drinking their morning coffee. "Happy birthday, my dude. Sucks that your dirty thirty is in the midst of this pandemic. Woulda been hella nice to have taken you and the friends out to celebrate." James said while sipping on his warm brew. "I did get you a gift, so I guess it's not all bad." "Bro, I told you that you didn't have to get me anything. It's...

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Shannon and the InquisitionThe Next Day

Rain fell hard against the window of the ticket booth as Shannon sat watching the parking lot slowly fill with water.  It had rained all night and the morning gloom hadn’t improved her mood. Her history book sat cracked open on the counter in front of her, but she didn’t really feel like studying.  Her mind was occupied with other things.She’d gone to the student health clinic that morning as soon as it opened.  The nurse had made her fill out the usual forms about her inoculations and...

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The Trio Next Door

The arrival of our new neighbours was a source of great excitement, especially for me. Our family had adored the old couple, who had been our neighbours for longer than I could remember. In a street that was devoid of teenagers, especially other males, it excited me that I would finally have guys around my age of eighteen that I could befriend.The agent who sold the house also told us that a father and his twin sons would be moving in. From the information given to us, it appeared that the...

Gay Male
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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Eleven Spank You For My Degree Professor Stevens

Zofeya Caldwell sat at Fiona’s dining table and nervously sipped at her glass of iced water, not taking her bright blue eyes from the older woman. It had been just over a week since she had completed her Law degree at the University and, now, here she was, about to keep her part of the bargain. The twenty-one-year-old bit her lip gently as she looked at her Law tutor who was sitting opposite her, the forty-year-old woman staring at her, elbows on the expensive dining table before her, hands...

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All the neighbors complained when the three young men moved in the apartment across the hall from mine. The cry went up that the new comers would play loud music and keep everyone in the building awake with their comings and goings. Everyone complained but me. I knew three good looking hunks when I saw them, and these guys were beautifully built. I studied them carefully as they carried in furniture, boxes of belongs, and stacks of books and records. They had...

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Blackmailing my next door neighbor

I'm a computer tech and I have been doing this for about 10 years. I work forone of the bigger computer companies and I'm 31 and single. I make very goodmoney so instead of wasting it on rent, I bought a small home in a very niceneighborhood. To make extra money to party with I fixed computers systems onthe side. I put flyers out everywhere and would average about one computer aweek or so. It was nice extra money and it was easy for me to do.I have not had a permanet girlfriend for about 2...

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Turbulence The Next Chapter

(Recommend you read Turbulence Parts I-X first) (Reading Change of Course Series is also recommended) Turbulence: The Next Chapter By Julie O Chapter One I was actually enjoying being back in college. First, it took my mind off all the problems caused by Keir. Well, that's not exactly true. I would never truly get over the trouble he caused. It was his web of revenge that had changed my life forever. If it hadn't been for Keir, I would be on some warship troubleshooting a...

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The Boy Next Door

The Boy Next Door Chapter 1 Between some family money and her divorce settlement, Trish Wilkins could live fairly comfortably without having to work at a full-time job. Now in her late twenties she knew she was considered quite a hottie by most men, and never hesitated to exploit that advantage to get men to do what she wanted them to do. Ever since she was a teenager she had recognized she was different from other women her own age. If there were ever any doubt of that the details...

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Now you have to Lie in it the Next Day

Now you have to lie in it.... The Next Day By Daisybelle The first part up until Charlie screams was with by Shawna Stimple with some minor alterations by me. I really like her story, but I thought there was so much more it could take on. I really enjoy stories where the main character is shoved into the feminine world.... But not so much humiliated. They typically find the feminine world has a lot to offer. Halfway through the dance, chairman of the dance appeared on stage...

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Next Time Ill Wear the Dress

Next Time I'll Wear the Dress I was shoving paper around on my desk keeping half an eye on the clock waiting for lunch to come around. I had a date that I was really looking forward to. Doris and I had been friends a long time ago but hadn't been in touch for a while. We ran into each other over the weekend and decided it was time to meet up for some long lost conversation. Beep! Beep! Beep! The phone on my desk alerted me to an incoming call. I snatched the receiver from the...

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The Girl Next Door

Inspired from "The Girl Next Door" a true story of a horrible tragedy. My thanks to FernieLyn who proofread this piece and gave me some good opinions and insight! Thank you FernieLyn! The moment when I saw her changed all our lives forever. It had taken me a few days to piece together little snippets of talk that Andrew, my son had said over the dinner table as we ate our meals before the confused and troubled boy ran next door to continue "playing" with his best friend Jake. The...

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Sent To The Lady Next Door Part Three

It had been a week since Diane Caldwell’s adopted daughter, Zofeya had been spanked by their neighbour Pauline Manson for her poor behaviour and attitude. Initially, Diane had felt uneasy about asking the retired School Mistress to administer corporal punishment to her eighteen-year-old daughter, but she admitted that she had been fascinated as she watched the older woman use her hand and implements to teach Zofeya a lesson.Her daughter’s behaviour had improved immediately, and she had started...


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