Becoming A Nymph #2: Waking Up free porn video

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'What a weird dream' I thought when I hadn't even realized what happened in it, rolled from one side to the other in my bed and groaned in fatigue.

Wait... when I groaned... there was something weird about it... but what..? I was too tired to open my eyes and I put my hand on my forehead, rubbing the right side of my face - which felt unfamiliar. More smooth?

'What a weird... what did I even..?'

I relived my nude walk through the temple... and my meeting with... Aphrodite! The Goddess of Love... what a beautiful woman... I remember that I once read that the brain never creates faces in dreams - but uses some it has seen in real life... Aphrodite was so incredible hot... Had I really seen someone like her before? I would like to see this woman in real life...

Oh my god, what was this night? It felt like all my muscles were sore... and stiff... Had I done some sports the day before? No, I went to school, visited classes - and PE wasn't among them - hung out with Elaine and Tommy and went straight home without doing anything productive the rest of the day. I didn't even wank or... 'Wait.'

Aphrodite... that's right! She wanted me to kiss her feet... and her legs... and then she sucked my cock! And I came right into her mouth...

Maybe this was a wet dream? Maybe this is why I felt so tired after sleeping for so long... I also didn't have a morning wood... and my crotch felt somehow wet...

'Oh shit, this will be a mess to clean up,' I thought.

I turned around again, I had to go to school today but... I was just so tired... Maybe I could just-

Suddenly I was all awake. I opened my eyes in shock when I realized how I the dream continued.

I remembered the voice of the Goddess and heared her words once again.

"I observed something weird about you!"

"A woman..."

"Your female potential is far more pomising!"

"Isn't it exciting how men and women complement each other?"

"A woman..."

"You have gotten quite thick and all crazed up, huh?"

"A woman..."

"What do you wish for in this very moment?"

"A woman... A woman... A woman..."

"You have become a nymph, a spirit of nature, sexuality and fertility, a loyal servant to my cause. You have become..."

'A woman.' I concluded her sentence with my own thoughts and opened my eyes wide. This had just been a dream, hadn't it?! It had to!! I sit up and looked down on my body, covered with my bed sheet, too confuse to tell how I looked. In reflex I put my hand on my chest and felt... a mountain. Well, for me it felt like a mountain as huge as it was. I put my other hand on the other side and felt the same, soft, huge funbag that was my other breast. No doubt, I had women's breasts. I threw my bedsheet away and run to my wardrobe which had a mirror on it. In the glass there was the same girl I had seen in the water in my dream, staring back at me petrified.

When I started to examine my looks I didn't feel anything. No pain, no fear - I just surveyed myself closely without any emotion. It had to be the shock.

The only thing that reminded of my old self were my shining blue eyes and my hair. It was black, rough and thick - but now it was uncut and reached down to my waist. When looking closely, I noticed some of my old traits in my face, but everything has gotten softer... my nose had become small and round, my cheeks didn't look as edged and straight as they used to and especially my chin was almost non-noticeable as it was flat, round and soft and perfectly integrated into my jawline. Looking down on me it only got better. I used to be average looking at best - too small, too lean, too tender - but now! I wore a cosy nightshirt that reached down halt to my knees but it couldn't hide anything. My curves showed at any point of my body - obviously my tits caused huge bulges in it, but also the fabric enclosed my tight waist like cling wrap, only to seek a contrast to my waist, which was now broader than my shoulders.

I never thought that a woman could look like this without experiencing plastic surgery multiple times - was this the "female potential" the Goddess spoke about? Thinking of her, maybe even she would be jealous about this looks? I only knew that if that girl in the mirror wasn't me, I would totally try to fuck her! Wait... But that girl in the mirror WAS me.

Suddenly I realized my situation and my feelings returned.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Holy fuck!" I cursed - or rather squealed.

"This doesn't make any sense!" I murmured and huffed hearing the high pitch of my voice. "It was just a dream! It was just a dream!" I heard a female voice speaking in my head and in my room - my voice, obviously. I instantly slapped myself with full power but of course I didn't wake up from it - as I would have to be asleep in first place. I looked around in my room and despite the lack of cheesy posters it looked like this of a teenage girl, all cleaned up with the exception of a skirt and some other piece of cloth lying on the ground , with a well-equipped make-up desk and - well, otherwise it looked like my old room. But... until yesterday I was a boy! I clearly remember how I lived my daily life for the last months and still this room looks like I had been a girl forever!

And that although I am - I am... Oh what the fuck? I couldn't remember my name!

My name... after all.. was this real? Had I actually become a girl? It seemed like it.

Did I even want to be a girl? I mean, not that it had much impact on my life, I never used my dick for something else than pissing and masturbating, but... I have never wanted to be a girl, I haven't even thought about that I could become one. So why did the Goddess think she had to transform me?

"I am the Goddess of..."

"...cute little sluts like you!"

The pieces of what Aphrodite said flooded my brain again! That's right! She told me that I was a slut and in my dream... I had this feeling of... I wanted to...

I slowly lifted my nightdress and stared at my crotch. It all made sense now. Of course I didn't feel a morning wood and I was all wet. It was my pussy that soaked my panties that much that I could see the 'camel-toe' through them. My mind was flushed with the picture of how my dick and my balls shrank and how my skin opened where my balls had been, my dick withdrew and shrank further to become my clitoris. As I relived this scene I felt my belly prickle, and I knew this feeling very well. It was lust. My nightshirt felt to the ground and I swallowed as my hands pulled down my soaked panties to reveal that shaved, smooth, wet, glistening, pink rift that led into the center of my body. My mouth was wide open and I didn't notice how my mouth filled with saliva and I drooled onto my bra as my fingers slowly enclosed my pussy. My pussy. They trembled an it felt like the heat of mother earth welcomed them when they passed through my pussy lips and touched the pink skin that was my new sex. My little finger was right at the dripping hole, it became all wet, it looked as if I held it under a faucet that was turned on just a little and the water ran over them - only that this was not water, but me. Were all girls as wet as this? I wouldn't think so...

Or maybe it would stop if I..? I held my hand a little lower so my index finger would point right to my inside. I pushed it in just a little and...

"Tessa! Why are you taking so -"

When I heard the voice of my mother, I instantly turned around. Oh fucking holy shit! Although she had to have made her mind even before, when I looked her into the eye, almost naked, with my panties down to my knees and my fingers soaked in pussy slime, I gave an unmistakable picture.

For a second, I even feared that she would have expected to see her boy, but then I realised - she had called me Tessa.

I completely blushed and as soon as I awoke from my shock I pulled my panties up again. Mom blushed as well and continued to stumble,

"Oh- sorry- I didn't- I didn't know- just- just hurry, okay? You are late for school!"

When she was gone, I felt my heart pounding like a marching drum. I have never been caught masturbating all the years and now of all times it happens to me in this state! What do I mean, in this 'state'?! It doesn't seem like I will ever go back to normal right now, right?

"Oh my god, I will be staying like this forever, won't I?" I wailed and pressed my back on the mirror.

Hearing my female voice just made me desperate even more and as I slid down onto my butt I buried my face in my palms, crying and sobbing. My life was a little somber, boring and empty, but I was happy with it! I didn't want anything to change about it! Especially nothing like this! Aphrodite had said she would show me love, but I don't want this! It is obvious: she had called me a slut! And she said that I should be to her service! There is only one thing how a slut can be to someone's service...

Did she want me to be some kind of prostitute to her? I always was a straight man and right in the moment I still didn't feel like having sex with other men. I mean, what the fuck, this would mean that I had to take dick! Just no! I would not let a man put his dick into my precious spot!



Holy shit, school! If there was one thing frightening me more than my current situation was what my mom would do if I would not get the fuck into the kitchen right now.

I had no time left to take care of anything but to get dressed. I grabbed the skirt and the other piece off the ground and tried to put it on. It turned out to be a white short arm blouse that would have fitted me perfectly if it wasn't for my tits. Wow, I heard the stories, but I hadn't thought they were already starting to suck now. I somehow managed to stuff the blouse into my skirt so I wouldn't run belly-naked. That however caused it to be unpleasantly tight and I feared that I could look like a slut - the short purple skirt wasn't helping.

As for my face - it was so obvious that I had cried. My eyes were completely red and I looked totally wasted. My gaze wandered to the make-up-desk - but I had neither any time to nor any clue how to use it.

So I guessed I should just run down right now and - and I noticed that my crotch still was a swamp.

"Fuck!" I hissed. I would need new panties, but that wouldn't do it. I opened one of the drawers of my desk and I made a find. Maybe it was luck, maybe the location of the panty liners was saved into my new female brain. I didn't know if it was right to use these things to cover your wetness, but it sure was better than walking with dripping legs for the day. The last thing to do was to put on some short white socks and NOT getting stuck staring at those perky little feet which couldn't stop twitching excitedly and then finally grab my bag and run down.

"The last time you were so late you were 13 years old!" My mother complained with a pinched voice and shook her head - I didn't know if she wanted to underline her anger or cover her insanely blushed cheeks, but she managed neither. If I wasn't in a hurry, it would be nice to take a picture of her like this. I got my eyes as well as my hair color from her, only that her hair was curled and she didn't wear it as long as I seemed to do. Oh, and since today we also had the same nose, cool. She wasn't as curvy as me, but still in no way flat. Probably she was even very attractive for her age. And now, with this shy and embarrassed look on her, it looked like a perfect picture for the family album.

Oh god, why was I even thinking about stuff like this? It's not like there wasn't something more important...

"I- I'm sorry..." I snuffled, still having this whiny expression on me. Damn, I had to get rid of this.

"Hey... Hey! It's okay!" Mum hugged me lovingly. And I really needed that right now, so my hands grasped her tightly and I pressed myself on her, my face on her shoulder.

"It's okay... I won't be mad at you, I promise," her soft voice tried to calm me. "You know, sometimes I do this too..."

Eww, gross.

"No!" I protested faintly, "No, it's not because of..."

"So what is it?" she asked back.

But there was no way I could explain this to her. "I... I can't tell you..."

She took her arms off of my back and placed them on my shoulders, when I raised my head I looked her right into the eye, facing the loving smile I hadn't seen for so long.

"Well, whatever it is... you are the strongest girl that I have ever met. And I'm not just saying that because I am your mother. You are strong, independent and determined. I've seen you going through so much, so you will tough this out, as well."

I snuffled again, "Thank you Mom."

"And now, hurry! If you skip breakfast, you might make it to the bus in time. I was so nice to make you some sandwiches today."

I had the strong urge to say something like 'Wow, I feel like thirteen years again' or 'I should be late more often' but in this situation it seemed wise to not be ungrateful. So I spoke,

"Thank you mom." This time I sounded like the strong independent girl my mother had described. (It still would take some time to get used to this voice.)

When I ran to the bus, I met another of the well-known issues with big tits. I think you might figure this one out by yourself. Bob, bob, bob... Ouch. At least I wore normal sneakers and not some fucked-up high heels or something. I mean, why would I, but still - my outfit was already too sexy for my taste. Especially ONE thing. It was very awkward to feel the wind caress my legs at the height of my crotch. Damn it, short skirts..! I was never an exception in liking to look at girls wearing them, but now that I wore one myself - couldn't basically everyone see my ass? Every guy - what am I saying - every MAN I passed made me wonder if he would stare at my ass. Yup, being stared at by 50 years old men was as unpleasant as I thought it to be.

Or was it?

I shuddered at this thought crossing my mind. Just for a moment, there was this feeling again...

It was a close call on the bus and I was panting heavily as I walked back to the last row of seats where I was alone. As soon as the bus left the station, it started to rain. Good. As it tapped against the window where my head rested, I had time to think.

So... I now was a girl. Was this a good thing? Was it a bad thing? Did it even matter? I sure liked my new body, but... I don't know, it was just weird like - masculinity is a good thing isn't it? Did this mean that I was not worth to be a man? On the other side... femininity is not bad either, and if I am a girl, I am a girl, there is nothing wrong about it. The world around me has changed with me, so at the will of the Goddess, I was meant to be like this... right? Maybe it was the best to just believe in that she knows what she is doing and accept this... gift.

Was it a gift? Maybe this was an opportunity to start all over and to - find love? Wasn't that what she wanted? Maybe I had gotten this all wrong. Didn't she say, she wanted me to live my life and follow my desires? If I just lived a good life, like - a better live! I could just amend myself. If the Goddess corrected my body, wasn't it my turn to correct my mind? Maybe I had already started doing this. This morning... the way my mother looked at me... she didn't look at me that lovingly for years. And I doubt she would have been that forgiving with my former self. The way she talked to me changed just because I changed myself. Maybe this was what Aphrodite meant? Is this all this was about?

'I want cock! I want to get fucked!'

Ugh... that's right, there was that part of my dream. The memory of me saying it echoed through my mind and it hurt a lot. Eww... why did I say this to the Goddess? I do feel nothing like this right now.

Although... I had been wet all day and this didn't come from nowhere... There was this tickle in my belly and that heat in my crotch - now when I thought about it, it was all over my body.

My hand, that I had put on the window in front of my face, was shaking visibly. I took it off the glass and turned it around, gazing at my delicate fingers, the worn out purple nail polish.

'I... I guess I like my body that way after all...'

It was there all the time but only now I noticed it - this pull in my crotch making my hand go down, until -

No! I couldn't do this! Not here in public! Oww... I was so horny it started to hurt. I wished I had finished what I started at home! The more I tried to avoid it, the more my hands pressed themselves on my crotch. Maybe if I just rubbed it a little? The backside of the bus was almost empty after all. There was another girl two rows away, but she fell asleep... Noone would notice...

I bum shuffled and got my hands under my skirt, running along the folds of my crotch, gently pressing against them. What arrived at my pussy was the feeling of the thick fabric pressing against it, it was not much, but strong enough to make me close my legs. Oh yes! I needed more of that... and more... As I run my fingers, then my fingertips along my crotch, I knew that this wouldn't be enough. I had to -

Before I finished my thought, my ass was on the edge of my seat and my panties down to my knees. Without the panty liner, my wetness was free to run down, filling my ass crack and dripping from the seat onto the ground. I was leaving a mess, but did I care? My fingers didn't and while one hand started to encircle my clit like I've seen it in porn, the other was ready to ram fingers into my slit! It circled around my fuckhole - yeah, fuckhole - until my hand was so wet, I just had to slowly push my middle finger into me. Oh yesss... A faint sigh escaped my lips as my finger was the first thing to penetrate me, right here in the bus, where everybody could watch.

My other hand was having fun with my clitoris, which hid right between the upper ends of my pussy lips. Playing with it wasn't much different than playing with your cockhead, encircling it, squeezing it, making it happy with all the pressure and the fast movements... This was not a wonder though, I had seen how my dick shrank and shrank and became this thing as it finally hid where it was to be found now.

'Yeah you little pathetic thing!' I thought as I rubbed it more furiously, 'I like you much better like this: just a small side note to the real action - you like to be pleased like before right? But it doesn't matter... if I want to fuck, I'll use my fuck hole!' With this thought, I buried my index finger into the very same fuck hole, now penetrating it with two fingers at high speed, pressing my lips together and feeling my upper body twitch.

'Yeah, clit, do you feel this? Masturbating wasn't half as fun when you were the main attraction! I'm sorry for you, but it seems like I am just better off as a gi- gi-'

I couldn't finish my thoughts but was stuck on this for a while as my body twitched in the rhythm, all the heat, all the pressure gathered in my womb just for a moment - and were released all over my body. I blacked out for a moment and when I could think again, I was still panting from the strongest orgasm I ever had. At least I thought so.

I still was horny in the aftershock of my orgasm but I was pleasured and sane enough to pull my panties up again and tidy my skirt. Perfect, I looked like when I entered the bus. Only on the ground between my legs, there was a large puddle of... pussy juice, with a sweet smell rising from it. No way it was normal to be that wet. Or to squirt that much. Or to smell that sweet? Maybe this had something to do with this - nymph thing? Aphrodite had said something about 'something truly rare'. What had she called me? Wasn't it:

'a spirit of nature, sexuality and fertility, a loyal servant to my cause!'

I wonder what this could mean. Maybe my transformation had given me some super powers or something like that?

Ugh... sexual super powers.

I still wasn't all too fond of the idea of having sex with men. Although, I already had two fingers inside me... it wasn't too bad...

"Next station: Chornewhill High School," the bus driver croaked.

Yup, no more time to think about things I don't want to think about anyway. I grabbed my bag and threw a last look onto the spot I had left on the ground. I grinned - I was so fucking naughty right now. As I came across the sleeping girl, I started to wonder. I didn't recognize her, but she looked like a school girl as well. Could I leave her to miss her station? This made me look down to my fingers. I had tried to smear my pussy juice off on my legs but there still was something left on my fingertips. Naughty, naughty. I took the fingers that were just deep inside of me and let them run over her lips, wetting them with my juice.

"Huh - what?"

She didn't seem to notice, but she definitely woke up from it.

"We're at the High, sleepyhead!" I laughed back to her almost from the door.

"Oh, no no no no!" she shouted and got her stuff together. Whatever, I've lost her.

I gulped. So there was no turning back now. I would go to school as a girl.

"Don't worry, you've got this," I murmured to myself,

"Don't worry, you will make this... Tessa."


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The Forest Nymph

The Forest Nymph The hunter paced silently through the forest, his bow held at a low ready. The sunlight that pierced the thick canopy was tinted a faint green, and a pale smoky mist collected around the forest floor. The hunter stood a proud 6'4'', and was nude but for his quiver and a small animal skin bag. His powerful lean frame attested to his hunting prowess; his muscles stood like knotted ropes, earned by a lifetime of chasing his meals. He had lost count of his age; his kind did not...

2 years ago
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A Satyr Finds A Nymph

A Satyr is walking along in the forest. He has heard that Nymphs inhabit this forest, but he doesn’t believe it and needs to see it with his own eyes. Nymphs have become so hard to find these days. He wanders almost aimlessly through the forest, still not expecting to find anything interesting, but he quite enjoys this forest anyway.After what seems like days of wandering, he hears some movement just to his left. He assumes it is just an a****l, a rodent perhaps, until he hears joyful laughter....

3 years ago
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The Nymphrsquos and the Morning After ndash by SBarak1

The Nymph’s and the Morning After – A story by SBarak1This is story #3 in the Nymph series. It follows ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’ & ‘The Return of the Nymphs’. Although this story stands alone reading the previous stories sets the context.I wake up slowly. I have a sheet over me. I’ve slept and had great sex last night with the Nymphs, Debby and Emily, not to mention what we got up to the previous afternoon. I’m in that zone between sleep and waking. I’m feeling a bit dopey...

3 years ago
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Woodland Nymph

I often dream of steamy summer days, dreams of you and I, walking deep within the shadows of an ancient rainforest. Only the melody of distant birds might be heard beneath the dark green canopy of towering cedar and redwood trees. This is an enchanted place where thick moss hangs, like an old man’s beard, from branches and rich is the aroma of sweet damp earth and musty decay.Huge fungus covered roots clutch at the ground entwined within each other, and ferns sprout all around us. In some...

Straight Sex
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Running in the Forest of Diomede the Nymph

To keep myself in shape I'd taken up jogging, but I hated slogging up and down the same roads again and again. As the summer got into full swing running on a hot road turned unbearable. I felt like I was going to pass out from the heat. To get off the road I'd found a trail through the woods to take. It was a lonely patch of woods, but it was quiet, and thankfully cool. Also, running through this woods turned me on. Weird, I know, but I'd arrive home after each run with a raging erection that...

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James and the Little Nymph

The crickets wouldn't stop chirping, and it was getting to James. It was midnight, and he was in a slump. He had a meeting with Laura, his editor, the next day and he still had more than half a chapter to write for her. Not to mention, being in a cabin in the middle of the mountains meant a long drive down to the metropolis. "Maybe I just don't have it anymore" he mused, as he twiddled a small clip with his hand. Laura had even been so kind as to loan out her grandfather's cabin to see if...

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Mike and the NymphChapter 3

By the time Dyl'fair and Mike were finished with the tale, it was very late in the day, the soup was all long gone. The bowls and spoons on the table, and the soup pot and dipper on the stove had all gained encrusted soup rings. At last Mike arose, collected the bowls, spoons, and cooking pot, carried them to the sink, applied dish soap with hot water, and left everything to soak for a bit. Helen had been sitting quietly, digesting what she had been told, and considering her course of...

4 years ago
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Mike and the NymphChapter 2

After visiting with Mike for an hour or so, meeting Syl'fair and her sisters, and allowing the sisters to compare notes, they returned to Mike's house, making their way to his room, where Mike provided Dyl'fair with a dose of his essence, and they enjoyed the resulting energy surge. Resting in the afterglow, they discussed Mike's Mother, allowing her to know of Dyl'fair's existence, and presence. The consensus that they came to was that Mike's mother was friends with Roy's Mother,...

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The Nymph and Levi AoT

Feelings of being set against the trunk itself and the soft scratching of bark was enough to wake me. A 'He' propped me against the trunk. I was about to jump off before he swiftly grabbed my wrists and pinned me against the trunk. "You've been a hard one to find... Rae of The Nymph Lake." The huskiness of his voice was enough to set off my sex juices. I shut my legs to hide it. The young man, was slender and lean. He had black hair and grey eyes. He continued to stare at my body causing...

4 years ago
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The Nymph

“When I come to the woods, I am not me.”“And especially when the summer moon is full.”My company moved to new offices, on a complex close to the borders of the city, and I decided it was time to make a change in my life. Since cancer took my wife away, I’d existed rather than lived. I just lacked any purpose. I’d stayed in the same house, our house, and missed her every single second of every single day. And night. Especially the nights. The company moving gave me the push I needed and so I...

2 years ago
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Naked Girl and the Cheeky NymphLesbian

The river was a slice of mellow harmony amid the fragrant leaves. It flew like time, always onward, always toward its destiny. It ran through the forest, welcoming stray flora that came way. It was part of this place, integral to life.The river was always flowing, taking its willing passengers onward to the great ocean beyond. The river even tempted the rich soil to join the cool waters just as much as the humble leaf litter that lies on top.Aliyah breathed in the divine scent of this location,...

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Bigfoot and the Wood Nymph

I know these hills like the back of my hand. I grew up not too far away, and every summer my Dad and I would go up there, into the national forest, by ourselves. I was eleven when we first went up there. He had given me my first hunting bow the Christmas before, and taken me hunting in those woods every summer since then. We'd spend weeks together hunting, without ever seeing another soul. We'd lay out trails and blaze them, far from the tracks that most of the other hunters and hikers used....

1 year ago
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Nymph of the WoodChapter 6

The next morning, I awoke to discover that I was a little less sore than the previous morning. If a guy could do this every day, I imagine he would be in mighty good shape. I looked over and saw that my friend was waking up also. I mentioned to Troy my experience of seeing the eyes of fish in the water, but didn't mention the large golden eye. I didn't want to endure his ribbing for the remainder of our hike. When I climbed out of the tent, I was surprised to see moose tracks within eight...

1 year ago
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Nymph of the WoodChapter 7

As I was leaving the area, following my visit with Sven, I noticed a sign that indicated that one of the nearby towns was having a lumberjack celebration. I figured that might be something interesting to do, so I headed in that direction. When I arrived at the outskirts of town, I learned that the main street had been cordoned off to accommodate the vendor's booths. I parked my vehicle on one of the side streets and headed for the center of town. The first booth that I came to sold...

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Xxxecils NymphaManiacsChapter 7 Revenge of the Assmonkey

Jessie sat alone in one of the old, refurbished laboratories back at the Brownfield site. Originally used for quality control; she'd been given free reign to make full use of her chemistry knowledge in Cecil's quest. She sat in a swivel chair ... naked. "Three minutes until the next test," she mouthed to herself; glancing behind at a complex array of boiling beakers and glass probes connected to digitized analyzers. There were also several monitors here that allowed live-viewing of...

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The Nymphs Visit Aunty Bev ndash by SBarak1

The Nymphs Visit Aunty Bev – a Story by SBarak1This is the 9th story in the Nymph series. It’s also the intersecting story with my MILF series some 2 years after those stories commenced.-------------------------------Chapter 1---------------------------------We had been for another drive up to our local wine growing region about an hour away from my house. The Nymphs were really getting into wine, the wine varietals, the wineries themselves along with the various cafés and restaurants in the...

2 years ago
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The Nymphs and the Dentist ndash by SBarak1

The Nymphs and the Dentist – a Story by SBarak1This is story #5 in the Nymph series. It follows ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’, ‘The Return of the Nymphs ‘The Nymphs and the Morning After’ and ‘The Nymph’s Proposition. Although this story stands alone reading the previous stories provides the background. Please enjoy.It was a Sunday night. The Nymph’s were at my place. It was becoming a regular occurrence. They liked to be here to pursue their ‘research’, as they called it, to...

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The Nymphs and the Corsetry Buyer ndash by SBarak1

The Nymphs and the Corsetry Buyer – a Story by SBarak1This is story #6 in the Nymph series. It follows ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’, ‘The Return of the Nymphs ‘The Nymphs and the Morning After’, ‘The Nymph’s Proposition’ and ‘The Nymphs and the Dentist’. Although this story stands alone reading the previous stories provides the background. Please enjoy.My relationship with the Nymphs had been developing quickly. We got on well, enjoyed chatting and shared common interests. The main...

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Mike and the NymphChapter 4

Bed time that night was a time of cuddling and comfort ending with a mutually enjoyable ending for both, and they slipped into a peaceful slumber. Sometime during the very early morning, Dyl'fair slipped from the bed and returned a few hours later, well before sunrise, slipping back into bed with Mike, and going back to sleep. Sometime later Mike woke with Dyl'fair wrapped in his arms, and kissed her awake. When she was awake, Mike asked, "Where did you go earlier this morning, to see...

2 years ago
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The Return of the Nymphs by SBarak1

The Return of the Nymphs. A story by SBarak1.This is the second story in the ‘Nymph’ series and follows on directly from ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’.I was in my makeshift photographic studio, in the garage, rearranging the back drops when there was a knock on the front door, as expected. Debby and Emily were standing in front of me. “Hi remember us”, said Debby in her bright and bubbly voice. “Sure I do,” I replied as I looked them both up and down with a smile. They had both...

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The Nymphs and the GILF ndash by SBarak 1

The Nymphs and the GILF – a Story by SBarak 1This is story #7 in the Nymph series. It follows ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’, ‘The Return of the Nymphs ‘The Nymphs and the Morning After’, ‘The Nymph’s Proposition’, ‘The Nymphs and the Dentist’ and ‘The Nymphs and the Corsetry Buyer’. Although this story stands alone reading the previous stories provides the background. I have broken this story into chapters based on feedback received from readers of my other stories. Please...

3 years ago
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The Nymphs Proposition ndash by SBarak1

The Nymphs Proposition – a story by SBarak1This is story #4 in the Nymph series. It follows ‘You Can Find Nymphs in Your Garden’, ‘The Return of the Nymphs and ‘The Nymphs and the Morning After’. Although this story stands alone reading the previous stories sets the context. Please enjoy.Debbie phoned me during the week. I was pleasantly surprised to hear from her. I had been intending to phone the Nymphs and invite them over for dinner and a fuck. So I asked her “Would the two of you...

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Lawfully Wedded NymphChapter 10

"You and me?" Karen blinked at her stepcousin. "Are you sure?" "Of course, do you think I'd ask you otherwise?" Linda answered, a wide wicked grin on her face. "Of course, if you don't want to..." "I don't know," the brunette shook her head. "But I do admit it sounds sexy. But what will your father think? He made love to you, but what about me? I think he's as sexy as they come, but what will he think of me?" "We won't give him a chance to think," Linda replied. "We'll...

2 years ago
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Mating Call Nymphs A Study of the Reproduction of Certain Mythological Creatures

Mating Call: Nymphs A Study of the Reproduction of Certain Mythological Creatures By Wayne Sheeler Larcig had scoured the forest for hours with no luck. Although he knew they were hard to find, he was the greatest hunter to ever have lived, as he would tell you at length, and that the finding of a nymph's tracks was hard, but not impossible. As he continued deeper into the forest, where the trees stopped looking plain and drab, but tall and mysterious, moss covered monoliths of...

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The Forest Nymphs

According to folklore, every full moon a pair of nymphs with voracious sexual appetites came out to play, looking for an unsuspecting man they can sexually devour. Many men went into the Wakefield Forest on a full moon, but they said they were not accosted by nymphs, so it remained just that; folklore. Wyatt grew up on a farm not too far from the forest. He knew all about the legend and how the townsfolk like to pretend it was true. This was especially true when visitors who visited the town...

4 years ago
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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 23 The Dairy Nymphs

... then getting more proficient, as you can see, and it was time for... [ ... Team Training in all the muck and poop!] Evening milking went on routine after I did as I had done the evening before wandering into the parlor to find it empty but with cows entering into open stanchions. I started closing stanchions and dropping food into the feeders, washing teats and preparing to put milk machines on udders. I felt cold all naked without anyone else there and it was chilling like for...

1 year ago
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Merge Nymphs

If Nutaku doesn’t stop coming expanding their game library soon, then by 2022, half of the world’s nuts will be busted entirely to their content. Today I’m covering Merge Nymphs, which is one of their weirder titles, in terms of what you actually spend your time doing in this game.Now I don’t want to scare you – there are hentai babes in this game and they do in fact suck you off. What I don’t understand is the core gameplay. It confuses me to no end. I mean, most of Nutaku’s other games are...

Best Porn Games
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The Forest Nymph

The Forest Nymph The hunter paced silently through the forest, his bow held at a low ready. The sunlight that pierced the thick canopy was tinted a faint green, and a pale smoky mist collected around the forest floor. The hunter stood a proud 6’4”, and was nude but for his quiver and a small animal skin bag. His powerful lean frame attested to his hunting prowess, his muscles stood like knotted ropes, earned by a lifetime of chasing his meals. He had lost count of his age, his kind did not...

2 years ago
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My Irish Nymph

This is dedicated to my Irishgirl, and may not be as erotic as you are used to but it really is just a story for my dear girl. But I hope you like. There was once a wood nymph that lived in the forest of the land of snow-capped mountains and sheep. She would fly through the trees beating her insect wings as fast as she could try to escape a terrible loneliness. She watched the humans coupling, clutching at each other as if trying to become one. She came to enjoy watching the humans ‘fucking’ as...

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BBW Nymph

My friend Andy called me one night about four years ago. He is my age. He told me he had a woman at his place and that he had been fucking her most of the day.He said that she was 55 years old and had asked him if he had a friend or two that could join them because she really loves having multiple guys to fuck because she is never satisfied with one,  She told him she was a nymph and could cum forever as long as she had fresh cock. He also told me to warn me she was a pretty good sized...

1 year ago
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The Nubile Nymph by loyalsock

Virna Reynolds was lonely and depressed! Her best friend Alicia was vacationing in Europe, and coupled with the fact that her husband of forty years had been gone for less that six months, and you had a woman who wasn't used to being alone for such a long period of time!!! After wandering around her apartment for about a week, she dialed the number Alicia had given to her before she left! After two rings, a sultry feminine voice on the other end of the line answered, "Sensations Unlimited, how...

2 years ago
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My DaughterInLaw Is A Nymph Part 3

So my promiscuous daughter in law Anika had settled down in our British era bungalow in south Goa. She had arrived from the UK with my son Ranjan (aged 22), before lockdown, and stayed ever since. Just to recollect, Anika’s stats are – age 24, 5’7”, 34-26-36. She is very fair and naturally beautiful. I’m Sanjay, a widower, 5’11” with a fit fisherman’s body and no grey hair at 43. Anika’s exhibitionism had led to a couple of sexual encounters with me. I’ve tried to keep the relationship between...

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My DaughterInLaw Is A Nymph 8211 Part 2

I was done watching my son’s and daughter-in-law’s entire fuck session from the back window. Quickly, I traced my steps and came from the front to the main door and rang the bell. It was going to be a day of surprises! My beautiful daughter-in-law opened the door. She was wearing Ranjan’s full sleeves shirt. Her hair in the front and only three buttons covered her modesty. Yet nothing was left to imagination, the left nipple was outlined clearly behind the shirt pocket and it was obvious she...

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My DaughterInLaw Is A Nymph 8211 Part 1

It all happened suddenly since I am a widower. My only son got married in the United Kingdom with my blessings. It was a love marriage proposed by his wife Anika. My son’s wife was 24, a couple of years older than my son. Apart from that, I had seen their wedding pictures and guessed she was slim like a TV actress – very fair, and tall about 5’7” with big eyes. No wonder my son agreed right away for marriage. Soon, the new couple said they were coming home to see me. I knew it was a honeymoon...

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A Nymph Transformation

Here's a story that some people out there will recognize as a continuation of another of my stories. I won't say which one, but if you've read my others, it will probably be rather obvious. I hope the people out there who like my kind of stories will get a kick out of this one! I enjoyed writing it, even though it only took me a couple of hours. I love the comments that my growing set of fans leave me! They inspire me! So if you don't like 'Bimbo' type of stories, don't bother...

1 year ago
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Experiencing Defloration With Girlfriend Niharika A Heavenly Nymph

Hi readers. Thank you for your encouragement through the overwhelming response to my previous story “Losing my virginity to a horny maid”. Please do continue giving me feedback. You could email me your feedback at Single/divorced, beautiful, intelligent women can contact me for discreet fun. However, I do not endorse bestiality or unprotected sex. Okay, let me take you the evening of my date with Niharika. Niharika, was a dusky beauty and my classmate at my graduation college. She was a slim,...

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Vrindavan 8211 Encounter With A Nymph

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance is coincidental. It was a beautiful trip so far; my friends and me had been out for over a week. Traveling all the way from Mumbai to Jammu, Delhi and Agra. One of my friend who is an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna suggested we go visit Mathura before we return home. Also it would be shame being so close to Mathura; Agra, we didn’t visit the Lords birthplace. The following day we went to Mathura, we visited Gokul and the Shree Krishna Temple....

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Bigfoot and the Wood Nymph 2

I am the Wood Nymph. Gavin, the love of my life, the man I lovingly call "Bigfoot," has told you his side of the story. Now let me tell you mine. I'm twenty years old. For the first ten years of my life, I was raised in a very liberal family. We were nudists, and spent every summer at one resort or another, in the company of other nudists. We also went bare around the house, so nudity was commonplace and entirely normal for me. In fact, I was out of clothes more than in them, especially...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 7 Breeding the Desert Nymph

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Lasla – Over the Jyou Sea The island that I had spent my entire life on with fell away. Mother Azuliana’s powerful wings beat as she carried us skyward. I sat on...

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