Turned Into Neighbours Wife Pt1 free porn video

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"I'm home!" Arthur shouted as the door closed behind him. The house was mostly dark, but he could hear music coming from the kitchen. "Honey?" He flipped through the mail by the door as he deposited his keys and wallet in a small bowl by the coat rack. He made his way down the hall and into the kitchen. His wife stood behind the island with her arms folded. "There you are? What...what's up?" Her lips were pursed and her back was stiff.

"Did you forget something, Arthur?" she asked, enunciating each word carefully.

Arthur quickly scanned through his brain. His job had been taxing him more and more lately. On the drive in, he'd actually expected his wife to be happy about his on time arrival. Instead, she fumed at him from across the room. "The cookout is tomorrow," he muttered.

"And why are we having the cookout?" she asked. "This doesn't surprise me at all. My mother always said, 'Marie, that boy is nothing but forgetful. He'll only ever remember what's important to him and before you know it that won't be you.' And look, here you are, coming in at eight without the slightest idea of why I'm upset. I can see it in your face."

Arthur hung his head. "It's your birthday. I thought it was tomorrow. I mean, come on that's an easy mistake to make. We're having the party tomorrow, so we could celebrate it with everyone!"

Marie stamped her foot. "No, we're having the party tomorrow so that we could celebrate tonight. This is too much, Arthur. We can't go on like this."

Arthur started to walk over to her, but she held up her hand to keep him at bay. "Let's not overreact. I'm sure you've had your mother on the phone poisoning you against me, but this is a simple mistake. One that's been made a million times by a million other men. I've been overwhelmed at work."

"Your excuse is that other men are horrible husbands so you should get a pass? And don't you say a word against my mother." Marie hissed back at him, casting a glance over at the phone as if she expected it to ring.

"No, I'm only saying that, yes, I am forgetful, but that doesn't mean you're not important to me." A guilty voice in Arthur's head reminded him of his fatigue. It complained about having a fussy wife that didn't understand how hard he works. Arthur managed to ignore it without saying anything.

Marie brought her hand up to her brow and rubbed her temple. Despite the nature of the conversation, Arthur thought his wife looked very pretty, and it pained him with guilt to realize that she had probably dressed up for his sake. She let out a long sigh, "Forgetting my birthday is only the latest in a long string of examples. I know your work is important to you, but I didn't marry you for an hour of your time each night between when you get home and when you fall asleep in front of the television. For god's sake, Arthur when was the last time you even tried to have sex with me."

Arthur's cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and anger, "Work...has...it's a lot of stress. Conversations like this one don't help either, Marie. Besides, it's to be expected after a certain time. We're not k**s any more."

"We've been married for two years, Arthur, and we're barely thirty. I've talked to my friends and even the worst among them still have sex regularly."

"You told your friends about that?" he snapped back.

"Yes," she answered defiantly. "If you're ashamed that you can't pleasure your wife, then maybe that will wake you up to how our lives are turning out. Look at me, Arthur, do you not find me attractive any more? Or is your cock just as forgetful as the rest of you."

Arthur's fists clenched. He knew she wanted to make him angry, but didn't have the patience for any of it. "I'm going to bed, happy birthday."

"Of course you are. Don't have the courage to actually stand up and fight for yourself either? Standing up seems to be a big problem with you all over." Arthur disappeared down the hallway as she yelled after him.

Marie took a slow breath. She picked up her phone and called her mother. A nasally voice answered at the other end of the line, "Well, what did he say?"

Marie replied, "He blamed it on work again."

"I told you he would."

"I think I'm ready to go through with it. I've already discussed it with...the other party."

"I think it's for the best, dear. Your happiness is most important. You need a strong man who will take care of you. I had to make the same decision all those years ago, and we were happier for it. Do you have all the ingredients?"

Marie glanced at the brown paper bag on the counter. "Yes, I bought everything this morning."

"Well, there's enough proof of what you really wanted. It can be ready by tomorrow if you start now. I better run. I'll call Sunday morning to see how it went."

They said their goodbyes and ended the call. Marie took one more cautious look down the hallway, but saw no hint of Arthur. She went to the cabinets and dug past all the casserole dishes to retrieve a black, cast iron pot.


The next morning, Arthur woke up feeling refreshed. It wasn't often that he had such a full night's sleep. Looking beside him, he didn't see any evidence that his wife had come to bed at all. Figuring she had slept in the spare room out of anger, he got dressed and started working on an apology. The smell of coffee and bacon filled the air around him and his stomach ached with hunger. He realized that he'd gone to bed without eating and hoped that his wife was at least not so angry to deprive him of breakfast.

Arriving in the kitchen, he found the entire table laden with food. Marie buzzed around the kitchen in a noticeably different mood than expected. "Good morning?" Arthur ventured cautiously.

"Oh, good morning sweetheart!" she replied brightly. "Breakfast is on the table. Do you want coffee or orange juice?"

This is a trap. "Um....coffee, please." Arthur made his way to the table. Cinnamon buns, eggs, grits, toast, bacon, and a variety of other wonderful smelling foods were arrayed before him. Before he could choose, Marie was beside him with a steaming cup of coffee. "What's all this for?" he asked.

"Oh, I've been up getting ready all morning and had a notion to cook," she said, her voice as sweet as honey. Without asking, she started filling his plate with a variety of the food. "I've already eaten so help yourself to as much as you can or it will all go to waste. Our guests will start arriving at eleven, so I'm going to go get dressed." She went over to the sink and started washing her hands.

Arthur still knew that this was all too good to be true. "Uh, honey? You're not mad or anything?"

Marie turned back to him with a smile. "Why would I be mad? Oh, that argument last night. Arthur, I can't apologize enough. That's probably why I've made this huge breakfast for you. You were right, of course. I spent the whole evening making myself madder and madder about something silly. Calling my mother, letting her tell me all about why I should be upset." She moved over to the table and sat down beside him. "I was up late last night thinking about it. Getting mad at you was selfish. I know how hard you work, and you had clearly planned on celebrating my birthday today. It's inconsiderate of me to expect a special night out when you're already giving up your whole Saturday for me." She kissed his forehead. "Eat up."

Arthur briefly wondered if she'd poisoned him, or if she planned on putting a knife in his back the second he looked away. For the whole time they'd known one another, she'd never let him get away with forgetting something important. Marie zipped about the kitchen for a while longer, humming to herself. This further confused Arthur. He knew how his wife acted when happy or excited, and this was a textbook example. How could she be so thrilled with herself after the tone of the previous night's conversation? Arthur pondered the odd problem as he lifted his fork to his mouth.

Pure bliss touched his tongue and his eyes widened in disbelief. These are the best eggs I've ever tasted. A ravenous hunger took hold of his mind. He shoveled another forkful into his mouth, and it tasted even better than the first. The different smells wafted up to him. He grabbed one of the cinnamon buns and took a large bite. Heavenly. He had to stop himself from shoving the whole thing into his mouth at once. Everything he tasted was unbelievably delicious. He cleared his plate and loaded up again. The more he ate the more he thought he tasted something hidden inside of each bite. Food this good was certainly impossible without some secret ingredient. Was this the poison? Was he going to gorge himself to death or become so desperate for the next bite that he chokes on his own tongue?

Then, as suddenly as the hunger had taken hold, it vanished. His stomach was full and somewhat bloated, but no more than had he overindulged on a spaghetti dinner or had one plate too many of pancakes. Curious, he took one last nibble of a piece of bacon and immediately spat it out. It tasted like ash, bitter and stinging on his tongue. The wonderful scents vanished, and the whole display of food looked revolting, though he knew it hadn't changed at all.

Arthur stood up with the intent of finding Marie and having her explain what she had put in the food, but once on his feet an overwhelming fatigue settled into every inch of his body. The meal weighed heavily in his gut and he could barely manage to stand up. Again his mind went to poison, but he did not feel any pain or really ill at all, simply very tired. Managing to stumble into the living room, he collapsed onto the couch and put his feet up. Glancing at the clock, he saw it would be two hours before anyone arrived. Their neighbor, Nick, had promised to come over at ten to help set things up. If it was poison, Nick would find him first. Come on, Arthur, she wouldn't poison you. Must be some kind of virus or something. You'll be fine. Just need a quick bit of shut eye. In moments, he was asleep.

Arthur woke to the sound of laughter from outside. The living room was dark other than light seeping in through the blinds. As he came to his senses, he heard more voices and music. Looking at the clock, he saw it was a quarter past eleven. Shit. Getting to his feet, the lack of lethargy surprised him for the second time that day. I'm sure Marie will be glad to know I enjoyed my nap and didn't help set up at all.

He peeked out through the blinds and saw his neighbors and friends standing around chatting. Plumes of smoke wafted over the backyard from the grill where he saw Nick supervising things. Looking around for his wife proved fruitless so he decided she must be somewhere in the house. After smoothing out his clothes, he checked himself in a mirror above the mantle. Arthur let out a small gasp, barely recognizing the youthful face staring back at him. After stepping closer, he realized how such small changes can make someone look wholly different. The bags under his eyes had disappeared, and the lines in his forehead and cheeks had smoothed out. He looked fresh and carefree for the first time in a decade. One hell of a nap.

He emerged from the living room and encountered a couple he knew from down the street. He welcomed them and excused himself as quickly as possible. The house was thinly populated, but different guests stopped him several times before he made it to the kitchen. Marie was indeed managing the supply of food from the kitchen while having a conversation with two of her friends. She handed them extra plates and sent them out towards the grill as Arthur walked up. "Oh there you are," she said cheerfully. "How was your nap?"

"Um, good," he replied, once again surprised by her good mood. "Why didn't you wake me? I was going to help with the set up and everything."

She briefly stopped moving about to look at him. "You looked so peaceful. I know how you struggle to get enough sleep so I left you be. No harm done. Party has only just started, and everyone's already having a good time." She went back to work, putting a large tub of potato salad into an ornate dish.

"Marie, about last night and this morning for that matter," Arthur tried to begin, but she shoved the dish into his hands.

"We can talk about it later. Suffice to say, I forgive you. If you forgive me, I mean. We've been making each other miserable long enough, Arthur. It's time we made each other happy instead. Now, take this out to the table and help Nick." She handed him a bag of hamburger buns and pointed him outside.

Arthur did as she asked, but noticed that she blushed when she looked at him. He knew his wife better than anyone, and she was blushing from excitement, not embarrassment. Wading through the party, he greeted more friends and neighbors realizing along the way that he didn't like many of his friends and neighbors. He and Marie lived in a nice neighborhood, but everyone seemed very much the same. Arthur had never noticed it before, or at least not to this degree, but all the husbands looked similar, had similar jobs, and told similar stories. Their wives hung on their arms with the same laughs and disapproving looks. Among the lot only one person stood out, Nick.

"Arty!" Nick yelled as he approached. "Hell, it's about damn time. Here let me take those." Nick grabbed the extra buns from Arthur's hands and put them off to the side. He then delved into a cooler and retrieved a beer and put it in Arthur's hand. "Marie said you were out cold on the couch. Rough night? What's with the thousand yard stare?"

Arthur gazed at his friend as though he were seeing him for the first time. They'd known Nick since they bought the house two years earlier, but Arthur wondered if he'd ever actually looked at his friend before. The other neighborhood drones, including himself Arthur realized, all had the same hunched, doughy stature of a tired office worker, but not Nick. His job as a firefighter explained his physique, but a life of being the pretty guy in the room explained his charisma. Arthur peered at his friend's broad jaw as his mouth split into an amiable smile. Nick's deep blue eyes sparkled in the noon sun as he looked back at Arthur, some small look of acknowledgment behind them that made Arthur feel both uncomfortable and calm at the same time. Arthur found himself looking at wide, strong forearms and Nick's broad chest. He imagined his friend shirtless in the sun carrying the heavy fire hoses or naked in the firehouse locker room, his manhood hidden only by a thin towel.

"Hey, Arthur!" Nick said. Arthur snapped out of it as the other man's strong hand jerked his shoulder slightly. "You alright buddy?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, sorry," Arthur replied. "Still a little asleep is all, I think." What the fuck was that? Was I fantasizing about seeing Nick naked? Arthur cleared his throat and looked away from Nick as the larger man returned his attention to the grill. Arthur opened his beer and noticed his hands shaking. His heart pounded in his chest as the sun glared down on him. He started gulping down his beer, the hoppy taste distracting him, and the cool liquid settling his stomach. Putting down the bottle, he let out a small belch. "That's better. I'm having a weird morning."

Nick cleared his throat and turned away from Arthur. "Yeah? You work too hard, I think. Marie tells me you leave at dawn and get back at eleven. You're killing yourself with that kind of schedule. I work night shifts half the time and don't have nearly that grueling of hours. Marie has been worried about you."

"She talks with you about my work schedule?" Arthur replied, barely hiding his disdain.

Nick nodded. "Not specifically. It comes up now and again though. She cares a lot about you and wants you to be happy."

His neighbor's charismatic persona had cracked. The fireman was nervous. "When have you been having these conversations with my wife?"

Nick turned back to the grill, the heat reddening his face even more. "She mentioned it this morning. Don't get yourself worked up, Arty."

"What else has she told you?" Arthur demanded, his voice becoming severe. "How often do you two talk?" Arthur's breath was hurried, and his heart pounded in his ears. He could feel the sun starting to blister the back of his neck, and the heat from grill blasted him in the face with each slight wind. "Answer me, Nick."

Nick dropped his spatula and turned to Arthur. The larger man grabbed him by the shoulder, and Arthur marveled at the strength and control his friend could so easily exert. Arthur could smell him, a mingle of sweat and smoke that was unusually pleasant. "Look, this is strange for me too. But I think it's going to work out. Try to stay calm though."

Calm? This motherfucker wants me to stay calm? He's been sleeping with my wife! I know he has. Talking about me behind my back. She probably ran to him the morning after I couldn't....perform. Bastards. I'll —

Arthur's legs buckled, and he fell into Nick's arms as the world went dark.


Arthur slept fitfully. He heard the voices of his neighbors asking about him in hushed tones beyond the door and the kind voice of his wife explaining that he wasn't feeling well. The door opened several times, and someone placed a cool rag on his face, but couldn't open his eyes. He dreamed bizarre dreams about a life he had not lived. In one, he was a young girl learning to sew from his mother. In another, he was a coed playing strip beer pong at a frat house and losing. He recognized the places and many of the people, but the figure at the center of it all was not him. Still, the woman had his eyes. She had a similar contour to her face. She could have been a twin sister that he never had or a close cousin. He floated above her and around her, watching as she lived a life parallel to his. Finally, he was in his own home watching Marie cook breakfast, but not for him. Instead this female doppelganger waited at the table, looking serene and beautiful. As his wife moved to her, the female him cupped her ass and squeezed. Marie returned the gesture with a long sensual kiss and a playful grope of the woman's breast. Then she returned to the stove and brought over an additional plate. The table was set for three. Arthur wondered if the spot was for him, but he knew better.

The fevered sleep finally broke, and Arthur woke up with a jolt. His clothes were soaked with sweat and his hair was damp to the touch. The house was quiet and fading orange light s**ttered across the ceiling. Late afternoon, he thought. I've been out cold for hours. He moved. At first, he felt a deep and painful ache in his muscles, but after a little stretching the feeling vanished as though ropes had been torn away. Trying to get his bearings, he perked up his ears for the sound of any movement in the house. Slight creaks drew his attention. They were coming from upstairs. A mingle of anger and dread filled his body as he stood and started towards the master bedroom.

Arthur crept up the stairs as silently as possible, but the closer he drew to the source of the noise, the more he knew that nothing short of a loud crash would draw their attention. Reaching the bedroom door, he peered in through the crack and confirmed his fears. Marie hunched over Nick, her ass bouncing up and down on the length of his cock. She craned forward to dangle her breasts over his face until his exploring mouth latched onto her nipple. His broad hands moved over her body, groping her ass and pulling her harder against his cock. Arthur knew he should feel revulsion and anger, but something rooted him in place. His wife rolled off of Nick, and the other man's cock sprang into full view. They were several feet away, but Arthur could judge it well enough. The fireman's cock was twice as thick and several inches longer than Arthur's. Marie wasted no time in shoving the thick tool into her mouth, licking and sucking all along the shaft as her hand played with Nick's balls.

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WifeHusband And Neighbours

Keya, 35 yrs old, a classic beauty, figure is 36-32-36. I used to joke with her that she is having the sexiest ass in the locality. She used to poke me, and then you have checked all the asses around. We laughed together. I told her many horny things about internet, like wife swapping, nude lifestyle; one day I explained her one party dominated by ladies in foreign countries – CFNM (Clothed Female Naked Male). She was very eagerly listening to that.I want to share with you one incident happened...

2 years ago
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My Wifes Little sister PT1

Mike had been happily married to Marie for about 10 years. He was very much in love with her, and had always been faithful. In fact, only 2 things were weaknesses for him in any fashion at all: panties, and Marie's younger sister Annie. Mike had developed a fetish for panties as a teen, when he masturbated for the very first time with a satin pair that was taken from a friend's sister. Over the next 7-8 years, he had taken dozens of panties from dozens of girls, and curiosity about what wearing...

3 years ago
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Becoming A HotWife Pt1

Recently I attended a conference with work. Saying it was interesting, would be an understatement. But...A few months beforehand though, my husband Dave dropped the bombshell on me. I thought our sex life was ok, maybe a little vanilla but ok, but. One night whilst we were having sex, he said he would love me to be a hotwife, and meet other men for sex. I couldn’t believe my ears. Partly in shock, I called him a pervert. Sex was over and I refused to talk to him. But something must have struck...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Dominant wife pt1

"Your Late ! now get on your knees and crawl over here to apologise" commanded Mj. Daz thought this seemed like fun to play along with for a bit so obeyed his wife and crawled over and then knelt before his stunning wife and looked up giving his cutest smile "Sorry I am late and didn't ring" Mj's smile disappeared "Shut up, I didn't give you permission to speak" Mj tapped the crop in her hand as she circled Daz staring at him in deep thought. Mj stopped in front of Daz and roughly...

3 years ago
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Indian Wife and Bold Neighbours

It was after a good deal of search that Zoya and Rehaan had finally chosen this house. It was in an upmarket locality of the town. Although the house was small, it was compact and the neighbourhood was good. That is what the agent who had got them this house had told them. Zoya was all of twenty eight years old and married four years back to Rehaan, a software engineer employed with a multinational. Yet another added advantage of this locality was that their immediate neighbors were known to...

Wife Lovers
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From wife to party slut pt1

Friday night was the office holiday party. It was pretty much all we talked about for the week. I wasn't here last year but I heard the party got kind of wild. The story was that bunch of people stayed kinda late and that some of the women took off their tops and danced toplessNo one in my group was there to see it but they'd heard about. I figured it was just an office rumor. Our company was pretty big, 200 people. I mean, I guess it could have happened, but I doubted it. Wouldn't everyone...

3 years ago
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Innocent wife pt1

Anita was 27 when we got married and I was 25. We had met through work and I was attracted immediately, she was, and still is a petite size 8 with pert breasts and a firm figure, beautifully shaped legs and topped by a pretty face with full lips; so I was always surprised by how lacking in confidence and shy she seemed to be, in particular she was self-conscious about how small she thought her breasts were and was never happy about being naked in front of me.However we good jobs and a good...

4 years ago
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I am a daddy to my neighbours wife

The homestead I lived in was 4 kilometres from our neighbours place and out of sight of each other. While I was at school I learned all about sex from other kids – masturbation mainly and I had two rather minor experiences with two different girls who like me were curious but uneducated in what one did when alone together. I fumbled through two embarrassing attempts to have sex with these girls. They were as inexperienced as I was - although I was not the first boy to attempt sex with...

2 years ago
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Got Lucky And Had Sex With My Neighbours Wife

My name is gavin I am 19 years old doing my first year. I recently moved to a new duplex house. It started when I first saw my neighbours wife on the roof which is directly facing my bedroom. She would come up here almost everyday between 4 -5pm weekdays and 12pm on weekends. Mostly to wash clothes or hang them for drying or just to clean the terrace. She has one daughter age would be about 4. Her husband works in an it company and goes early and comes late at night. I was just browsing through...

4 years ago
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Caught my Neighbours Lad Fucking My Wife

I had my suspicions that the wife was getting herself fucked elsewhere. When I came home early from work one day it was no surprise to find that my suspicions were correct. I could hear voices upstairs coming from our bedroom so I sneaked upand luckily the door was ajar, What I didn't expect to find was my neighbours lad Daniel and the wife both naked on the bed with Daniels cock down my wife's throat.The scene had my cock rigid in moments. The lad was kneeling on the bed, his hands feeling my...

3 years ago
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The Neighbours birthday party

We live next door to the Chesters, and have done since I was young, and Mr and Mrs Chester are an older mature couple who are almost retired, Mr Chester works at the local car factory, and Mrs Chester is a teacher at my school.Now when it comes to birthdays Mr and Mrs Chester always throw a big bash and invite all the neighbours and their friends around, and reluctantly I've always been dragged along by my parents to attend, but as I got older I didn't have to stay all night and usually...

3 years ago
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The neighbours party

Introduction: This is my first story guys, be kind. Those bloody neighbours are having a party again my mum sighed, I smiled at her, Come on, there not that loud Oh please, Alexis they so are, they always have them in their yard instead of the patio, and the music echos all through the valley I copied my mother and let out a sigh, she was right. The neighbours had a lot of parties which was annoying at first but then I learnt to just put my earphones in and turn my music up to block out theirs...

3 years ago
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Fun with my neighbours wife and daughter

My neighbours are very nice well about from the husband how to but this hes a prick I think is the best way, hes one of those guys who has lots of money and treats his wife and daughter like crap, only cares about them when they can make him look better, like I said total prick.Well one day he was out at work and his wife came round, I answered the door and could tell right away she had been crying, "whats wrong donna" I asked, she told me she had had a fight with her husband before he had went...

4 years ago
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The neighbours wife

I've always been infatuated with the neighbours wife, she is very attractive for her age which must be 50 something at least. She has a young face and a very curvy body. Every time I see her she never looks bad and always seems to want to look her best all the time no matter what.During the summer months here in England we can enjoy a lot of rain but on the rare occasions it decides to be sunny she is in the back garden in a tight flowery sun dress or laying on her wooden chair trying to tan in...

4 years ago
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The New Neighbours

Last week I got new neighbours, Dave and Jess, they seem to be a fairly nice couple, Dave was an older guy with a beard and glasses, and Jess was a tall thin woman with long red hair and pale skin.The next day I was out in my back garden, the sun was shinning and I was relaxing with a drink when I heard them step out of the house, after a few minutes I could hear them chatting and laughing and feeling curious I wandered over to the high fence to say hello.However i didn't get that far because...

3 years ago
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Giving the neighbours an eyeful

Hi, my name is Annie and I am happily married. I am in my late 40's and still have a very sexy body. I always wear stockings andarely wear any pants.As I have got older sex has become better and more daring Me and hubby love driving along the motorway so that I can flash my shaven pussy to truckers and anybody who wants to watch. We also love havingh sex with the curtains open in the hope of being seen and recently we have driven to local beauty spots where we both sit in the car and...

2 years ago
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New Neighbours

New Neighbours.This is a long story but I feel it needs to be told entirely.My name is Tina I am 51 and I have been married to Richard for 26 years, we have two grown up sons who have left home.My life has been I suppose on the whole happy.The only part that was not was as a teen where I got bullied quite a lot, mostly by girls but sometimes boys as well.I have always been big, well fat I suppose with large breasts and being big was the brunt of the bullying.Even into my 20s I was bullied but...

5 years ago
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Fucking my neighbours wife

It was a hot summer day,i heard a knock on my door ,i opened it to find my neighbours wife named Ann standing there covered in sweat and panting hard ,"are you okay i asked her",oh yes i just came from the gym and i forgot my keys inside! ,now i always had a fantasy like this ,Ann was an attractive woman in her mid thirtys ,about 5'2 ,130 lbs but she was a sexy 130 , 38dd breast ,blonde hair a sexy ass and pale skin ,"can i use your phone" she asked,yea sure i replied ,come in ,as she walked...

4 years ago
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How I Got turned into a Dick slutpt1

After I was assaulted by Charlie, Daniel and Bruce in the basement of Bruce's home, the three of them would assault me when ever and where ever they wanted to. At first I did not want them to assail me, but once they found out I was not going to turn them in they would attack me when ever they wanted to. At first I would do all I could to avoid them, then one day as I was heading for the park, I ran in to Bruce. He was alone and told me that he was sorry that they had attacked me. He told me...

4 years ago
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Tricked into wearing a dress pt1

As a student at college I wanted a bicycle for Christmas. I hadn't past my driving test and even if I had, I couldn't afford to run one with my Saturday job wages. My parents didn't have much money so I didn't ask for an expensive model by name, anything would do. I didn't think they could go far wrong or could they?They did attempt to wrap it with some festive paper and ribbon. Unfortunately nothing could hide its bright bubble-gum pink, wicker shopping basket or step-through frame. I cringed...

3 years ago
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Foxy neighbours

Four years ago a pair of foxes decided to set up home under the summer house in our next door neighbour's garden. The garden was surrounded by six foot fencing and they probably chose under the summer house as they were unlikely to be disturbed. The foxes would jump over the fence into our garden when they went out on their nightly prowls resulting in our dog barking at the back door wanting to be let out. When we opened the door he would run straight down the middle of the garden to the far...

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Penny With The Neighbours

That night my Master used me many times and my ass was sore from the constant use as well as the frequent spankings. The bloody bell on my collar was forever ringing and I swear that the neighbours next door could hear us. Although I had never met them I knew that they were a young black couple, husband and wife and of the professional type. I wished my Master wouldn't be so loud when taking me. He seemed get a perverted pleasure by letting everyone know I was been taken. Finally...

3 years ago
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Mother turned me into a cum slut PT1

I was bored. I don't know why but I went to look around my mothers room. I found a box. I looked inside & I couldn't believe what I saw.Sex toys and pics. I first thought eww. I took a look at the pics. They were of my mom. All different pics of her. Cum flowing from her mouth, her pussy, cum on her hair. I put them back and thought WTF what is she up to? When did this all happen? Why?After the weekend I thought I'd take another look. There were new pictures of her. These had cum coming out...

2 years ago
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My Neighbours wife

My names Steve, and i'm a mechanic living in an average house, in a average street.I was out in my drive one morning when I noticed Wendy was having trouble with her car.Wendy was a petite blonde MILF in her late thirties, and one of the hottest women you could ever meet, the kind of woman who looked stunning but butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, a typical hot mom, and she lived next door with her husband John and her two k**s."Need some help?" I asked walking over"Would you mind Steve? I...

4 years ago
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Our introduction to our neighbours part 3

Saturday afternoon has finally arrived, and Jacqueline and I have almost everything ready for the evening. I’ve shaved my cock, and my balls, and Jacqueline has shaved her pussy clean. Jacqueline has picked out a black dress and matching underwear for the evening. I’ve picked a pair of slacks and a buttoned short sleeve shirt for myself. Jacqueline looks absolutely stunning, her dress hugging her curvaceous body, and it shows plenty of cleavage. She definitely looks extremely fuckable tonight....

Group Sex
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Horny Neighbours

Hey guys, I'm totally inspired by the hot stories I've read here. I'm from Germany, so I'm not a native speaker but I will try to deliver a nice story for you guys and girls. My name is Jacob, I'm 28 years old and I just moved to Berlin with my girlfriend Jessica. We decided to rent a flat in the fourth floor of a nice old house in "Prenzlauer Berg" a really nice quarter with a lot of young people who are either students or are already working. Opposite of our house lives another friendly...

2 years ago
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9 into 1 The Destruction Of A Bitch Pt1

The evening had been planned for months the final of a major tournament with a few drinks and the usual company we had been friends for a long time but did live in each others pockets and got together about once every couple of months. We had gathered at Marks house a 41 year old who was the only single one in the group. After a BBQ in the garden we watched the football in the huge TV/games room it is the best man cave I have ever been in decked out with a pool table, pinball and arcade...

2 years ago
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Erotic Education 7 Naughty Neighbours

Nice new neighbours are at least as naughty and horny as we, I notice with Chrissy when we check them out.Nice naughty mighty moans and sexy sighs I hear at my far side of the plot, surely some new number going on!Nice new occasion for the erotic education of our girls, so I signal them to come with me & be very silent indeed.Nice naughty nubile neighbour lays at her back, half outside her tiny tent, long legs wide-spread, love lips licked.Naughty neighbours interesting intimacies have only...

3 years ago
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Our Introduction to our neighbours part 2

Jacqueline and I are lying on our bed, recuperating from our experience with our neighbour. Jacqueline looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. “Do you realise, we didn’t even ask her, her name. I have seen a man coming and going from the house, which could be her boyfriend or her husband. Maybe, we could invite them over for dinner and a bit of fun. What do you think?” Jacqueline asks. I love the way Jacqueline thinks, and have already decided this sounds like a great idea. ”Let’s...

4 years ago
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Our Introduction to our neighbours part 2

Jacqueline and I are lying on our bed, recuperating from our experience with our neighbour. Jacqueline looks at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. “Do you realise, we didn’t even ask her, her name. I have seen a man coming and going from the house, which could be her boyfriend or her husband. Maybe, we could invite them over for dinner and a bit of fun. What do you think?” Jacqueline asks. I love the way Jacqueline thinks, and have already decided this sounds like a great idea. ”Let’s...

Group Sex
5 years ago
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Good Neighbours

I saw Miranda across the street as soon as I came around from the backyard. It was a hot, muggy Saturday afternoon on an August long weekend. My neighbour was dressed for the steamy weather in tight little shorts and a string bikini top. Pausing, I drank in that sight with a soft sigh.Miranda was standing over her lawn mower with a sour look on her pretty face. As I watched, she pulled the ripcord hard a couple times with no response from the machine. My neighbour stopped, scowled, then cut...

4 years ago
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New Neighbours New Life

I had been out playing golf and came home late and it was dark.As I put the car in the garage, I saw a figure that may have been a peeping Tom or a pervert creeping around in the neighbour's yard. I shut the garage door and thought I would have a look to make sure I had not been seeing things.After a minute or two, a naked female figure appeared.Both Bill and Norma had moved into the home within the last six weeks and whilst we had introduced ourselves and been sociable, we had not had a lot...

3 years ago
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Neighbours Replacement

Neighbour's replacement It was the beginning of a sunny summer, school just finished (I was 16 at that time) and I was planning to have a great vacation at home, I only had a few friends and they all were leaving with their families to have a summer vacation elsewhere: I would have been alone with my parents (I had no brothers or sisters), but I was not bothered by that, that gave to me plenty of time to use my new computer, sleep and in particular to admire my neighbour. She was...

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Holy shit," was the only utterance from my wife as I now took the cock in my mouth with total abandon, letting it slide as far down as I could without gagging. I was demonstrating to Laurie just how good I was at sucking cock and if there had been any doubts, they were totally erased now."Like I said, I question whether he's bi or just out an out gay now," Steve teased. "He simply can't get enough of my cock. He loves sucking down my load and really begs to have his ass fucked," Steve...

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A few weeks ago, I attended a training conference in Hilton Head, S.C. The company I work for has multiple locations throughout the southeast and paid all the expenses to the four day program. They were willing to pay at least half of the accommodations or all of it if we were willing to share a room with another company employee. All other expenses, including meals, were paid for as well as a small daily expense account for entertainment.I'm 28 and my wife and I just purchased our first home a...

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