Party Interruptus free porn video

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Taylor had finished her shower, toweled herself dry, and pulled on her black, silk bikini panties when she walked out into the bedroom to continue getting ready for the party. Her first sight was Dave, her husband, sitting on the bed, naked and hard. She could see every heartbeat, as his rigid cock just slightly moved up and down with every pulse of blood into it.

“Dave, what are you doing? We need to—“

“Forget the party, we need this more.”

“No, you need this more. Going to the party was your idea. ‘Meet more people so we can be assured of club membership’, I remember your exact words.”

“That was then, this is now. Besides, I peeked into the bathroom as you were showering. I saw you through the glass touching yourself, saw your closed eyes and the smile on your face. You need this also.”

She had been walking closer to him, very slowly, as they talked. Now she saw the lump of leather cuffs that were partly by his side and partly behind him.

“Oh, no. I may need this also, but we definitely do not have time for the cuffs. I know all too well what that means.”

“Come on over here and put them on. You know you love it, love what the result is.”

She kept getting closer. “Listen, let me just give you a really great blow job. I’ll take it all, just like you love, and then swallow every last drop. Then when we get home, if you are still in the mood, on with the cuffs.”

She got between his legs and held his cock, kissing its tip. Her hand could feel the barely detectable pulse of his blood flow. He was as engorged as she had ever seen. As she started to take him into her mouth, he grabbed her still damp hair, pulled her up, and brought her lips to his—they parted. Tongues intertwined, a long passionate kiss resulting. As they finally broke apart, he maneuvered her to his side on the bed and handed her one of the cuffs. They had had them for several years. Her sweat had soaked into the leather countless times.

“Just put it to your nose and inhale its aroma.”

“God, Dave, this was so important to you...”

“You are what’s important to me—now and always. Breathe it in deeply. Think what it means, what it represents.”

She demurely looked at him as she raised the cuff and intensely drew in it’s scent. It had a visceral affect. Her mind flashed to all the times she had been tied to the bed, all the gratification and enjoyment that had resulted. She instinctually began to buckle it to her wrist, even as she continued trying to convince Dave they should wait.

“That’s my girl. Get them all just right. As always, I want you to be as comfortable as possible when you are so accessible and defenseless to my control of your body.”

Realizing the futility of her pleading and with the amygdala, deep in her brain, beginning to take over her sexual response, she let go of party thoughts and began to look forward to their personal party, which was soon to take place. Her mind recalled their initial meeting and subsequent road to intimacy, as it was prone to do at times of her arousal.


Her friend, Sandi, called her one day, a few weeks after her break up with her boyfriend. “It’s time you got back out there and at least made a minimal effort to meet another guy. He was a jerk and you stayed too long, but not all guys are jerks. I know it is trite, but you know John and I were high school sweethearts, got married against our parents wishes, and are more in love today than ever. It can and does happen.”

“Give it up. My teddy bear and my finger are doing just fine.”

“See what I mean? Get real, girl! Look, I know a guy here at work that...”

“Oh, great—a fix up, the perfect blind date, I suppose. Forget it.”

"Look, just meet him for a drink or something. Neutral ground. You can walk away whenever you want. No harm, no foul.”

They went back and forth like this for a few days and finally Taylor gave in. “Okay, anything to get you off this. I will meet him for a few minutes, be mad or disappointed and leave. Let's get this over with. Give dandy Dave my number and I will see what happens.”

“Okay. Now be nice! Please meet him with an open mind. Remember, he went through a rough patch, just like you. You had an idiot boyfriend, he had an idiot girlfriend, but enough time has passed that both of you should be open to something new.”

That night, Dave called. They talked longer than she expected, and she enjoyed it more than she expected. He wanted to meet at a local pub for drinks. She insisted on Saturday morning at a local coffee shop—easy to leave, and it did not require the effort a more date-like atmosphere would require.

Saturday morning came. She threw on old, tight jeans and a tee shirt. She just brushed her hair and left it hanging straight down. When she arrived, because they had exchanged pictures, she easily spotted him sitting alone at a table. He stood when he saw her coming. He had on old, faded jeans and a nice, blue Nautica shirt. At least he has some fashion sense, she thought.

Because the place was crowded, he offered to go get their coffees so they would not lose the table. She did not want him paying for anything, but realized it was a good idea so she did not argue, although insisted on giving him the two dollars for the drink.

What she expected to be, at most, a half-hour meeting, turned into three hours. She felt like she had just reconnected with a long lost, best friend. But it was more than best friend feelings, especially as time moved on. She felt the heat and dampness in her crotch. She knew her nipples were getting hard at times. They had to show through the tee even though she had on a bra.

Just when she was ready to maybe go get lunch or something, Dave apologized, but explained he had promised to help a friend and could not let him down. She was disappointed, and hoped it did not show. He walked her to her car. After some parting words from both about how much they enjoyed it, he took her hand, kissed it, and left to meet his friend.

She was stunned at her emotions. Under different circumstances she would have broken her no sex on a first date rule and enthusiastically jumped into bed with him. When she got home, she needed the relief her finger quickly brought her. She lay panting on the bed, wondering if he would call. He had seemed very interested, but a kiss on her hand... What was that all about? she thought.

He did call on Monday night and they set a date to go to a movie the next Saturday. She gave him her address so he could pick her up. Once again, the conversation went on longer than expected. They both seemed reluctant to end it, but Dave found a way to graciously bring it to a close.

Once again she was wanting, and her finger had to bring her relief. She called Sandi, wanting all sorts of details about what Dave said about their meeting. All Sandi could say was that he had told her he had a real nice time and looked forward to knowing her better. Taylor was happy but frustrated.

The movie date went great. Taylor spent more time and effort to find exactly the right look—sexy but not slutty—the eager but nonchalant attitude. Dave was just Dave, easy going, handsome, intelligent, fun to be with.

After the movie, he took her for a drive to places she had never seen. Once again they talked more and more like old friends and possible old lovers. He dropped a few very oblique hints, but nothing that could reasonably be construed as sexual innuendoes.

When they got back to her place, he walked her to the door, and she asked if he wanted to come in for a nightcap. He told her that normally he would love to, but that he unexpectedly had to leave very early in the morning for a long drive to and from a friend’s house, so he needed as much sleep as possible. He hugged her, and gave her a kiss on the cheek, saying they would talk later in the week.

Now she was even more perplexed, and burning with unfulfilled passion. Her finger was employed several times before she had calmed down. What the hell was the deal with this guy? Is he gay? Why does he keep calling if he is not interested? She finally fell asleep and called Sandi on Monday.

“What the fuck, Sandi? He kissed me goodnight on the cheek! Is he gay or playing games with me? I did almost everything except pull down his zipper! Is he impotent maybe?”

“He is very reserved talking about relationships. I asked him how it went and he told me he had a really good time with you, and enjoyed being with you. That’s about it. I tried to get more out of him, but he just kept saying the same things in different ways.”

“He seems to be one of, if not the, nicest guys I have ever met. I am so fucking turned on just being near him. I was so ready for him Saturday. I thought I was going to explode or burst into flames when he left me at the door. Any other guy I have ever known would have come in and pretty much asked where the bedroom was. I can’t take this. If we do not have sex soon, I am going to break it off!”

“Do you want me to tell him that?”

“God, no! Jesus Christ, my mind is blown. No other guy has ever affected me like this. I think I am probably in love with this guy, and he is just cruzin along like... I don’t know... no big deal, she is fun, whatever. Fuck me. Sorry to rant. I guess that is what I need—him to fuck me. Am I crazy or something? I am not a nympho or a slut. Would you expect sex at this point?”

“Well, after three times together that apparently went very well, plus all the calls and texts, yes I would. I told you he was a reserved guy. You just said you might love him. Hang in there, Sweetie. As the saying goes, good things come to those who wait. Please try to be patient and calm. I have known him several years; he really is one of the good ones. As you know, you could do much, much worse.”

“Okay, you are probably right. Perhaps I am just frustrated after the issues with the ex, and I feel like this may really be special. I needed that, thanks. Take care, I’ll talk to ya.”

That night, Dave called and asked if she would like to come to his place for dinner on Saturday. Her heart jumped, and she managed to calmly tell him that sounded like a wonderful plan. The week dragged for her. Saturday could not come fast enough. Finally, it arrived.

This time, she went a bit more sexy—a trip to the salon for the full Brazilian, nails done, hair with some slight curl and some blonde highlights added; a true mini skirt, with only a small thong under to show her shapely legs, and a shelf bra with a cup that ended just barely below her nipples under a coordinating silk blouse. She went easy on the makeup, but made her eyes a focal point.

She had never been to his house before, but it was easy to find. It was a well kept home in a nice subdivision, much better digs than her apartment, she thought. She was there right at 8pm. He promptly answered the door, invited her in and first thing, complimented her looks, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

The food smelled wonderful. Could this guy actually cook, she wondered. He directed her to the living room where a plate of appetizers awaited, white wine already in glasses for them both. She sat across from him, crossing her legs, giving him a perfect view. Once again, she felt the heat being generated and knew her nipples were showing. For the first time, she really felt his eyes checking her out—she was very captivated and hopeful.

The appetizers were a sliced baguette topped with various cheeses and pâtés. They were delicious. She figured he must have had them catered, so she asked him about the cheeses and pâtés. He explained them in detail, and said he had more in the refrigerator if she had a particular favorite. She declined and complimented his choices. Her heat level went up a notch.

He took it slow. More of their seemingly unending ability to talk as old friends would. Then he stood, offering his hand to escort her to dinner. She noticed him admiring her legs as she rose, holding his hand.

Dinner was a simple Italian meal. Bread that was slightly garlic, Caesar salad and spaghetti; all accompanied by a smooth red wine. It was all delicious. She could not identify what was in the pasta sauce, so she asked.

“Chopped calamari. I am pleased you like it, it is one of my favorite things to make.”

It caused her to pause, but it was extremely good. She complimented him on his choice and finished her plate, declining a second helping.

They lingered over the wine a bit, continuing to enjoy their conversation. Then he rose and came around to her, offering his hand. She took it and stood with him. This time, he held her close and whispered in her ear, “The next course is in the bedroom, if you would like to accompany me. It may last all night to be fully appreciated.”

By now her thong was way past damp and her nipples were on almost constant display. Trying to control her heart beat, she replied, “I can’t think of anything I would enjoy more.”

Without a further word, he lead her to his bedroom. The room was dark except for several burning candles. The bed was turned town perfectly; soft, rhythmic music was playing in the background. He lead her to the center of the room where he asked her to wait. He went to a very comfortable looking upholstered chair.

“Taylor, you are one of the most beautiful and sexy women I have ever known. I have probably not made my interest fully clear until now, but I want you in every possible sense of the word. Please do me the honor of undressing, and slowly revealing the body that I am so enchanted by.”

She was taken aback. She expected a quick stripping of their clothes as they embraced and attacked each other in bed. He wanted her to strip while he watched? Some kind of fetish for him? But then she thought it just might be exactly what he said. He pretty much did everything but come out and say he loved her. Maybe he really just wanted this to be so memorable for them both.

So she stepped out of her almost three inch heels, and began to slowly unbutton her blouse, turning away from him as she did. When it hung open, she turned around, her breasts partly on display, partly hidden, by both the bra and the blouse. Reaching behind her, she unhooked and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to her feet, exposing the black thong that covered her sex. She wondered if he could tell how soaked it was.

She could see that he was enthralled. His eyes never left her, his admiration and desire for her very apparent. All this just exhilarated her more. Her excitement level was rising further as she began spontaneously moving to the rhythm of the music.

She pushed back the blouse; it fell behind her. Her hands went to her breasts, fingers rubbing her nipples. She started writhing to the music in a sinuous way, her eyes closing, her own caressing bringing her closer to a climax of her lust. Quickly, her hands flashed behind her; her bra fell and her hands were back, rubbing, pulling, squeezing. Her initial hesitation and reluctance to his request had turned into a thrilling display of her body and her wild desire coming closer and closer to the surface.

Dave could not take it anymore. She had not noticed that he had slowly and quietly removed his clothes. The stroking of his organ had raised his lust to the point that he had to have her. He stood and walked to within inches of her. She was so caught in her craving, his presence was undetected.

“Taylor,” he whispered. No reaction. “Taylor,” he said again, as he barely touched her arms.

Her eyes fluttered open... “Dave. Oh my God... I am so—“

“I know, my love. Just hold me tight now. I am going to bring you the first of many thrills tonight.”

She was a bit dazed by the whole ambiance, but as soon as his fingers slipped under her thong, it all became clear. She threw her arms around his neck as he first touched her clit. She was so close it would not take much. He rolled it between his fingers and she squeezed tighter.

“Oh God, Dave, that feels so wonderful.”

She wrapped one leg around his to get as close to him as possible. She wanted to merge their bodies. He felt her begin to tremble. He knew any moment now she would release.

“Ohh God, God!” she screamed, as every muscle in her body contracted and clenched him. He now was bearing all her weight, which was easy for him. He loved her complete surrender to her emotions, to her passion.

“Dave, you must be Svengali. To get me to strip and do the things that I did without us ever... You must think—”

“I think you are probably the most wonderful woman I have ever met. I am not afraid to say I love you, utterly and completely.” He picked her up and headed to the bed. “Now let’s make this a night we will always remember!”


“There, I think that’s got it,” he said, as he pulled the last knot tight. His voice brought her back to current reality. She was now tied with her arms out to the side and her legs spread wide. There was some slack in the rope so she could move a bit, but not very much, just enough so that there was no joint or tendon strain.

“David Robinson, you are a depraved, shameless man who has wantonly corrupted me, over and over,” she said with a smile on her face.

“I plead guilty. You can add tonight to the list of violations. You &&are&& going to get violated, you know. Soon you will be a screaming, squirming woman who is out of her mind with unbridled lust and passion.”

“Promises, promises. I think you are all show and no go.”

“I think Miss Smarty Mouth needs these tonight.” He produced a small pair of goggles like those used in tanning salons, except these were completely opaque.

“No. I’ll be good. I promise. I want to see you and what’s happening.”

“Nope,” he said, as he slipped them around her head and over her eyes. “I might have another guy waiting to fuck you. A surprise cock. Maybe one of those black guys with a really big one. Something to really debauch you. Would you like that?”

“Daaaave... please.”

“Ha, won’t answer the question. You are the slutty little thing, aren’t you? Here, suck this for awhile.”

He had been on the bed by her head, placing the goggles, so it was easy to turn her head and place his cock at her lips. They opened and in he went. She so loved his cock.

She remembered their first time, when she discovered how big he was. Not porn star huge, but the biggest guy she had ever had. She was thrilled and too turned on to think of anything except to get it in her. When it came within millimeters of her cervix, and stretched her love tunnel, as he loved to call it, she was in heaven. He was her love for life.

Since she was tied, her movement was fairly restricted, so they had learned just how he could gently fuck her mouth, and she could take him and tease with her tongue—lovely dual pleasure. It was not in her mouth long when he reached for her closest nipple, squeezing and pulling on it. Her moans of pleasure went up in volume.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed her oral skills, as he enthusiastically and deftly brought tingling thrills to her beautiful, dark pink nipple. With her mouth full, all she could do was mumble out her enjoyment and encouragement, which just drove Dave on.

As slow as he was going in her mouth, now she was getting him close to a finish, that was the last thing he wanted at this point—he wanted to take her way farther and deeper into her own orgasmic world. He pulled out and lay down on her right side so he could continue his tit play and also reach between her legs to begin his endeavors down there.

“Oh, Daveyyy,” she said, as he pulled out, “I was getting you close, wasn’t I? You know how much I love your man essence.”

“You will get it eventually, Baby, but you know this is not a short road, not tonight anyway. Just enjoy the long highway.”

“You know I always do. Oh! You bad boy,” she said, as his fingers lightly caressed the silk panties that were plastered to her pussy from her own essence.

“Were you going to go to the party like that, dripping like a tramp?”

“David, you know very well that is all your fault! Now don’t... Oh God, you have perfected that light touch!” she said, as he touched her again. She tried to squirm around and lift herself up to him, all to no avail.

As he kept up the lightest grazes up and down her pussy, he sucked in her right tit and ran the palm of his hand lightly over her left. Now she just moaned in enjoyment.

Dave loved her silk panties. When soaked, they completely formed and bonded to her parts. He could tease her, bring her up close and let her down slowly, with just the slightest change in his pressure. He thought her nub, as he called her clit, was the best he had ever seen on a woman. Her lips were always a bit open, not just a closed slit; her nub was either just visible or very obvious and exquisitely hard.

Her moans were getting louder, her breathing quicker. He knew the signs so well; she was close to her first orgasm.

As she progressed through college, she had found her orgasms were coming easier and quicker, as time went on. While most of her friends were complaining about how difficult it was for them, and why didn’t their boyfriends make them cum faster or harder, Taylor was slowly enjoying it more and more, cumming quicker, as her skill and experience built.

When she first met Dave, her ex had been getting her to cum within a few minutes, and then, if he could last, she would have three or four more before he was exhausted and had his own release. Her first time with Dave, she remembered nine before she lost track and he eventually came deep in her, deeper than anyone else had ever done.

From that moment to now, they had been in love and inseparable. They were married six months later; that was six years ago. Her orgasmic capability had continued to grow over the months and years until, if the situation was just right, like this time, she could literally flow from one to another, like the rise and fall of ocean waves.

Dave’s mouth had left her nipple, as his palm kept up the caressing of the other. He had been slowly working his way down to the base of her breast, licking, kissing, and sucking. Now he opened wide and took a large amount of her flesh into his mouth, sucking as hard as he could.

“Ahh, Dave, you are going to leave a mark, a big one. Oh, God, that feels...”

He increased his pressure a bit on the sodden silk down below, distracting her as he kept up the hard suction. He loved to mark her. His last one was almost faded away. He want her to see it every time she looked in the mirror. She had admitted she loved seeing them. They reminded her of how they happened and who left it. No one but the two of them ever knew.

After a few minutes of hard sucking, he released and moved back to see the result. The red mark was there. Soon it would turn colors and go through the rainbow before it was gone. He knew he would do the other breast later. He now gave more attention to her puss. Moving down to get closer brought her scent to him, and he inhaled deeply. It never failed to excite him, to add to his desire for her.

He had to see and hear it. He could wait no longer. He concentrated on her nub. He saw her muscles clench. She pulled at the ropes.

“Oh God, Dave, you’re going to do it, aren’t you? No begging this time. I love you so much! Just... Ohh Yes! Fuck, yes! Ahhhh...”

Her gasping for breath ended her uttering actual words, it was all screams of pleasure. Dave let her calm down a bit. He just stroked the lower portion of her silk-covered pussy. But as soon as her breathing had returned to a semblance of normal, he went right back to her nub. This time, her response was even quicker, the same as before, but quicker—a screaming orgasm.

He kept this up, repeating the cycle, until he saw her body begin to glisten with moisture. He paused to get her some water and bring the scissors close. She had calmed down but was just beginning to show the first signs of exhaustion.

“Here Babe,” he said, as he lifted her head, “I have some water for you. Drink it slowly.”

“Thanks, it’s nice and cold. Please take off the goggles now and then fuck me. I love your big cock in me. You know what it will do to me now.”

“Okay, here go the goggles. Open your eyes slowly due to the light. As to my cock, first you have to feel my tongue. So far, it has just been fingers on silk. I need to taste you, to drink you in.”

“Oh Baby, I want it so bad, but I also love your tongue. This will really push me...”

“I know, but you know how this will eventually end.”

“I know,” she said, in a resigned but pleased voice, “I know. No one would ever believe what happens between us. You know that next time I tie you. You beg pretty good,” she said, with a big smile.

“Just get ready for the ride,” he said, laughing.

He moved back down between her legs, scissors in hand.

“Damn, Dave, another pair of silk panties ruined. These are not cheap, you know. We could have had them off before you tied me.”

“And ruin my silk road pleasure? Not to mention yours,” he said, as he cut through above her nub, the loose flap falling to the bed.

“It’s only money,” she said, as his tongue started up her lips. “Fuck, Dave! I love that. Eat that pussy, Baby! Drive me crazy. I will squirt all over your face!”

“That’s what I am striving for.”

With that, he sucked in her nub, wrapping his tongue around and across it. She just moaned loudly, knowing what was coming.

It was really a replay of what had just happened, just more intense. Both his hands were fondling her tits. His tongue, just slightly rough from its taste buds, slid up and down her swollen sex, moving in and out of her love tunnel, over and around her nub. This time she could see him, another of her senses brought to bear. Her orgasms were quicker and more intense, her screams and cries louder. She fulfilled her promise to squirt on him. He loved it, drinking in every drop he could catch.

He made this go on until she was sweating freely and seriously gasping for breath. She no longer had her head raised to watch him. Her eyes were closed. She was lost in that mental world she had tried to describe to him many times. Only a woman could really understand, and only if they had been where she had been.

He stopped and brought her more water, placing his body so she could hold his cock. She stroked it as well as she could from her restricted position.

After drinking in a good quantity of water, she said, “Now, Baby. Right? I get it now? Please!”

“Yes, my sweet. Now we will stretch you and fill that tunnel of love.”

“Oh God, I am so ready. Women don’t know what real foreplay is till they’ve had you, not that my thought is any kind of wish or permission! I want every drop you ever produce. How did we ever get so lucky? Can I ever say it too much, that I love you so much?”

“No, because I love you just as much. You were my savior in my depression. You showed me what real love is, how it grows and thrives... Now I am going to show you what real sex is!” As he had, many times.

He was quickly back between her legs with his cock as close to her crotch as possible. He quickly slapped her nub with it several times. She twitched and squealed each time.

“David! For God’s sake, just put it in, jam it in, fuck me, do it now!”

He knew when to surrender and really heed her. He rubbed it up and down her slit a few times to gather her lube, and then pushed in evenly, until his body was against hers. Then the easy in and out began. He almost always started slow and then got faster, slamming harder. It always brought her to the most powerful orgasms he could give her with his phallus.

“Oh yes, yes! Davey, my Davey, I am so stretched now, you’re so deep. Take me. Use me. Fill me when you are ready. I am yours forever!”

He answered by speeding up and beginning to hit hard against her pelvis, specifically her nub. He knew it shot streaks of energy up her nerves to her brain, each one a galvanizing thrill. It was only a minute or two before her first orgasm, and then it was soon going to be almost unending. She would ride peaks and valleys of climaxes. They would not end until he stopped.

“Dave, Dave, I’m going to cum! Oh God, you got me so fast. Here it.... Ohhh fuck! Ahhhh!”

From then on, it was just screams and shouts, at various volume levels, as she road the waves rolling through her body. She was sweating profusely, straining at the hemp ropes, gasping and gulping for breath, her body twisting and trembling. She was again lost in her wanton mental world of carnal lust.

He could keep this up seemingly forever. His stamina was incredible, and he had no problem holding back his own climax. But she could only take it for so long. The demands on her body were heavy. As she was getting drained, he slowed way down, letting her slowly come back to their reality in the bedroom. The orgasms slowed, finally stopping, even though he was still slowly moving in and out of her.

“Oh, Davey! God, that was wonderful! You are the concert master, playing everything just perfectly, and at just the right time. God, I love you so much!”

“I always tell you, and I am not sure you really believe, but I get as much pleasure, in a different way of course, as you do. Just seeing your rapture and thrill makes me feel almost one with you and makes me want to do it more and more. You know it is hard for me to stop. I love seeing you so consumed in erotic, sensual desire and craving that I brought you to.”

As he was talking to her, he had slowly withdrawn almost totally from her. Only two, maybe three inches of him were still in. He started to move, quickly ramping up his speed. By only penetrating her a couple of inches, he could go very fast.

“Dave, no, not this. I know what’s coming, what you are planning.”

“Yes, you do, but not when it will happen.”

They had been down this road many times in the past. She did not resist, she wanted what was coming. It was the price she would pay for the extreme pleasure he would bring upon her, that knowledge always caused her initial hesitation.

He went faster and faster, almost a blur to the eye. Her neural energy was building in her brain. It would not bring on an orgasm, but the desire and need rose higher and higher. She strained against the ropes, trying to get more of him in her, trying to bring it on—he just went all the faster.

Finally, with no hint or warning, he plunged to his full depth, hitting her hard and then staying totally still, firmly against her body. It was the final neural straw. She went into an immediate, immense orgasm, her whole body shuddering, straining hard against the ropes. Her nub was part of the shudder, rubbing against his body that was virtually sealed to hers. Her own muscle reactions caused the continuing climaxes. She could not stop moving, even if she wanted to. Her nub continued to be super stimulated, continuing to send the signals to her brain. It was an unending circle that would last as long as he kept contact with her.

Their eyes had been in contact until the orgasm first hit her, then they broke off—a sign of how strong this was since she loved to watch him. Another person would think she was having a grand mal seizure. Her body was convulsing and writhing non-stop. She was hyperventilating, gasping and gasping. Her mind went deeper into it’s special place than at any other time.

He watched her closely. After the first time this happened, it worried them both. They had discussed this at some length, and both felt it was not dangerous, but could not continue long. She had experienced unconsciousness several times before. It all seemed to hinge on when Dave allowed her nub space from friction with him, stopping its uncontrolled stimulation. It was like a drug neither of them could stop.

This time, he saw her eyes roll back in her head, and almost simultaneously her body stopped its convulsing. Only a few residual muscle twitches appeared. Dave quickly pulled out and went to her head to hold her and make sure she was recovering. She began to come around. Her eyelids were beginning to flutter open. Her breathing had returned roughly to normal.

“You bastard,” she managed to whisper. Then stronger, “You bastard! You could have killed me!”

Holding her close, he said, “Tay, we have talked and talked about this. I will say the same thing I always say. Just tell me never again and it will never happen again. I only want to bring you the greatest pleasure ever. I could not live without you.”

Sort of musing out loud, he continued, “Maybe I should just stop on my own.”

“No, Dave,” having recovered completely, “I still want it. Sorry I called you a bastard. You are my rock and the love of my life. We just can’t do this forever. Age will dictate our limits to us, I think. Now please get back there and give me your seed. There is no other feeling like that, it is an elixir to me.”

He kissed her deeply and then re-assumed his place, easily sliding into her. Keeping a moderate pace, he released his mental control and was soon ready to have his one climax, so paltry it seemed to him, compared to what Taylor experienced. But thank God for the differences in men and women. It was wonderful when they were properly paired.

“Oh, Tay, I am ready. I have so much for you. Get ready! Here it comes! Ahhhh, God, that is so good. Oh yes, yes. My love, we are one. I love you, love you.”

As soon as his first discharge hit her cervix, she cried out, “Yes, Davey, fill me! Oh damn, you are such a man. That’s it, keep it pumping. I want every drop in me. Drench me with your wonderful, hot seed. I hope it all flows into through my cervix, into my womb. I want it infusing me. I only wish I could keep it in there, having that part of you always with me.” Little did she know how prophetic her wish would be.

Staying in her, he stretched up and released her arms. They embraced and kissed as intensely as their first time. They both knew how lucky they were.

Nine months later she was once again calling him a bastard and damning him to Hell, among other equally atrocious words. He just absorbed them, knowing their origin. Finally, she paused and sighed, relaxing..

“Congratulations, Taylor! It’s a boy.”

“Thank God it’s over! Oh, Dave, Davey Junior is here!” she said, with such joy in her voice. He held her as tight as he could, given the circumstances.

“You were wonderful, honey. You are so strong and amazing. Junior will come to find out he has the world’s most outstanding mother. Now, when can I taste that milk...?”

“David, you nasty, nasty man!” she said, then whispered, “As soon as it is flowing, my sweet.”

Same as

Party Interruptus Videos
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My Wild Weekend Part One Krystal Interruptus

It seemed to be my weekend for interrupting people in the throes of passion.I sat alone in the cab of the truck and fingered myself closer and closer to orgasm. One hand was down my shorts strumming my clit, the other alternated between groping my own breasts and then snaking up the loose leg of my shorts to caress my soaked labia. I imagined that I looked comical because I was wearing men’s clothes.My past week had been a rollercoaster of events and emotions. Last Saturday my mother called me...

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Slaver Games Part 3

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The sunlight streaming through the window woke me from a deep sleep.  'Did last night really happen or was it just a wonderful dream?' I thought to myself.  'Had I really had the best sex of my life with my former boss, Jack?'  The stickiness of our juices in my pubic hair confirmed that it was not all just a dream.I made my way to the kitchen and found my dress and panties that had been left in a pile on the floor the night before neatly folded on the counter along with a note from Jack...

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My VIRGIN Highschool Sweetheart part 2

One night on this deserted balcony of the campus Admin building, we were breathing heavy and moaning with our mouths and tongues locked together.  I was caressing her firm tits and rubbing her hard nipples while she reciprocated with sucking and drawing circles on my ultra sensitive nipples. I was on top of her with my lubricated cock rubbing her soaked pussy lips and sliding between her smooth thighs that tightly squeezed my rock hard manhood.  We were both panting and groaning, building...

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Buried TreasureChapter 2

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my wife and pantyhose

This story is true. My wife accompanied me on a trip to Puerto Rico in October. I had to work a lot so she spent a great deal of time on her own. Rita is in her mid 40s, 5’4, dark hair and about 135 lbs. She has small tits, but a great ass and nice legs. We have a good sex life and recently began discussing the possibility of her having sex with other men while I watch (and maybe join in). Until our trip we hadn’t done anything about it. One other thing, she loves to wear pantyhose (nylons) and...

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The Devils Pact Chpater 19 The Sullivans

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Nineteen: The Sullivans Visit my blog at “You got a cute ass,” I said, pinching Mary's plump ass as she turned the shower on. “Have I ever told you that?” “All the time,” Mary answered, giving me a fond look. “And I never tire of hearing it.” My cum was running out of her ass and cunt, white rivulets that ran down her legs and made her look so goddamn fucking sexy. We had just spent the last hour and half making...

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Raj and Sophia

One day I received a mail from someone named Sophia. In the mail, she said she had gone through my postings and that she enjoyed it a lot. She also asked me whether I will be interested in chatting with her. Initially I was a lil bit suspicious because of my experience in chat rooms where there are more men posing as women than real women. However, I replied to that mail and said I will be available online during the evenings. I received a response to my reply after couple of days telling...

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Meghans Idea

Intoduction to “Tales From Silks” Meghan sat nervously outside of the office waiting for her interview. Less than a year ago she had waited just as nervously for an interview for a job working the bar at Silks nightclub. This time she had asked for the appointment with her bosses but she was still just as nervous, this probably meant more to her than getting the job here, this could be her future. Eventually Sally came to the door and asked her to come into the office. Meghan went in and sat...

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Big ass mexican wife drunk

Now she isnt the best looking women, but she more than makes up for it in with 2 things. 1. That big ole butt and 2. She is a fucking lush. I mean she only needs a few and shes smashed and horny. Also once she starts she wont stop till she passes out. Now for years i have taken advantage of this and fucked her while she was drunk and passed out. Even fucking her in her brown asshole, which she hates otherwise. But I only have a 5 inch penis and am a cuckold. I am always fantasizing about...

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Maahi a beautiful experience

I am Jatin, 26 years old living in uk, but i spent most of my life in India as my parents had a business there. I am originally from a town in gujarat. I am 5’11”, well athletic built though i don’t have 6 abs, brown eyes (friends says i have amazing eyes), black navy cut hairs and a 6 inch thick penis. My friends think about me, that i am not that handsome but a good charmer and can get girls with my talks, well i have never believed this though. Well this story takes me to my first year of...

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Loving Wife Becomes a Slut Ch 01

Often in the throes of passion I had suggested to my wife that I wanted to see her naked on a beach, legs open, people gazing at her wet glistening cunt but had given up all hope until that fateful year. It all began with bedroom sex talk, the sort couples have where one is serious and the other gets turned on by the chat but has no intention of ever actually taking it further than chat. Then one chance set of events set things moving. We were on a holiday with friends in Spain who had hired a...

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First Time Disaster

So throughout his college days, Jason Smith tried like hell, but was totally unsuccessful in losing his most embarrassing character trait. He graduated with an impressive degree from a major university. The university only admitted perhaps seven percent of all applicants and had a significant flunk out rate, so being successful in attaining a Bachelors degree from this institution was in itself impressive and quite an accomplishment. Jason wasn't half bad looking, remaining trim and in fairly...

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part 2 wife almost caught me with younger sis

part 2 Flash fwd a few months of hooking up with my wife's younger sister eating her pussy worshiping her tight perky ass 2-4 nights during the week after work while my wife is asleep. Bottom line she controls are encounters and i am loving every moment about it. Thursday nite of last week i get the txt msg while i was in the living watching TV. It reads " bring your ass up to my room and give me a long pounding" so i ran up stairs washed up and entered her room that is right next to my wife's...

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Wife Wants to Watch Next Time Gay

My wife and I have been married for 7 years, and have been very happy. We have never really had a great sex life but she is very hot and whenever we do have sex it's pretty good. We are in the norm I think with the 2-3 times a month and we never get into anything crazy or kinky, mostly light foreplay and then straight sex till we both cum. I have always had a much higher sex drive then my wife as she is 31 and I am 37, but I think she is starting to get into her horny stage in life. I hope!!...

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Ellen The Embezzler 1

-- Ellen the Embezzler 1 --It was late in the day as I visited the real estate office where my stepdaughter Ellen worked. The owner, Howard, was an old friend; we went way way back, all the way to our school days. He'd been kind enough to hire Ellen as his bookkeeper after she'd not done well in several other job areas. She complained about the work and the lengthy hours, but so far as I was concerned, it was a decent job, Howard was looking out for her, and he reassured me she was doing all...

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Bua Ki Beti Ke Sath Chuttiyan 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Kartik hai. Meri height 5’7” hai, aur dick size 7’5” hai. Is kahani mein meri bua ki beti hai, jiska naam Shreya hai. Aur uska nickname Simmu hai. Uski height 5’3” hai, aur uska figure size lagbhag 34″36″35″ hai. Isse aapko ye to pata chal hi gaya hoga, ki wo thodi moti hai, aur har jagah se bhari-bhari hai. Lekin isse wo aur zyada hot lagti hai. To kahani tab shuru hoti hai, jab mujhe college se 1 maheene ki chuttiya padi thi, aur main apni dadi ke ghar gaya hua tha. Fir kuch din...

1 year ago
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The Gift Part 2 of 2

With Jim's revelation to me that his wife was now talking about other men oggling her and her dreaming of them secretly lusting after her I told him it was time to put the dildo to use because his fantasy was coming into the home stretch.I told him the next time she went pantiless make sure he has saved up a day or two's load for her pussy. WHen she arrives home grab her, hold her, kiss her. Then lead her to the bathroom. Undress her and tell her, "I can smell the sex on you and even though I...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 60

"At least I didn't make the papers this time," I said smiling at Mosby." "The week is young," she said. "Remember the local paper only comes out twice a week. You may make the next one." "Mosby, I don't want to make any of them. It makes my job harder, if people recognize me." "I recognized you and I'm people," she replied. "Helen handed me to you on a plate, or you probably wouldn't have." I said. "Well, you are a conspiracy nut. If I had met you at the diner or the...

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Steves dirty thoughts the beginning

We will follow the family on a cruise and to Brad's wedding. 

We will also meet Steve’s friend, Dan and his lovely, quite big, black girlfriend and their little fuck toy. 

Linda and Sophie's friend have a lesbian love affair that ended kind of strange. 

The other short stories in the series are;
The cruise; here you will read their own stories.
Brad’s and Cassandra’s wedding, didn’t quite go as planned. Her family is seriously fucked up.

First let's enjoy Steve’s dirty thoughts about his...

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Emily Finds Her Person

This is the story of how Emily Renault met her dream man while on vacation in Paris… The rain wouldn’t stop falling around me. I have never experienced such a heavy down pour. I thought the rain would never stop falling… Maybe I should explain the situation. My name is Mike and I am a 23 year old recently discharged (Medically) Marine. I have taken the money I saved while in the service to go on a little vacation for myself. I decided to ‘Tour’ Europe and have just arrived at my first locale!...

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Janet in Training 10

grown up in NY and spent their entire life in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers, Janet missed the city greatly. But now, on board the Metro-North train, she wondered if coming into the city had been a good idea after all. In her purse were the things that she had collected. That Erica owned stock in her former employer's company. The empty envelope that Janet had found from her employer to Erica. The letter that she had found in Erica's computer directing them...

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Prodigal SonChapter 13

A rider was approaching at full gallop. The dust could be seen for miles. As he got to the sentry at the entrance, he didn’t even slow down. The sentry did nothing. He recognized the leader of his gang. He also recognized that Bob was mad. Madder that he had seen him in a long time. Bob Pritchert had led this group for over a year. Most of that time had been in the south. But the pressure from the Mexican law had convinced him to return to his original stomping grounds. The Washoe County in...

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Dirty Sweaty Mountain Lovers

I woke up under a pine tree at about 2:00 AM. The summer air was hot and thick with humidity. It had been the hottest night on record in these mountains. The moon looked orange. I decided to walk over to the water fountains, near the monuments, next to the little bridge. On my way there a bunny rabbit darted in front of me.While I was drinking from the fountain, I glanced my eyes up. A blond woman, about 5'9", was approaching me under the spotlight of the buzzing, park street lamps. Her...

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Life HappensChapter 4

Kevin wasn't surprised that his mother gave him the cold shoulder the next day. He wanted to apologize for what had happened, but he knew that it would have been a lie. He had wanted it to happen and had dreamed about it happening since he was ten years old. There was no way he could apologize for that. While he knew that it was crazy to be in love with one's own mother, after last night, for the first time, he thought that she might have some of the same feelings for him. The fact that she...

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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 20

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. What’s up with Rose? She’s so chatty. Maybe because Abigail is not here and Jason is actually talking to her. Jason: I’ll be right here with Aafi. Rose: We’ll be right here while you guys talk! Jason: Ok...

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Bla Book 2 PhoenixChapter 1

2080 a.d. – A Week Later Vampire War Games 'I am Diana, the mighty huntress, ' Beth thought excitedly to herself as she crept through the bushes. She was careful not to make any sound, carrying her homemade bow in one hand with an arrow notched in the string. Her sister, Béla, was pretending to be a passing traveler, making camp for the night. It was her turn to be stealthily crept up on, murdered and robbed. Béla could feel her sister sneaking up behind her. Béla was pretending to be a...

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Love in London Ch 02

Andy was suddenly startled out of her comfortable daze by an all too familiar voice. Glancing up, she found herself staring straight into the green eyes of this morning. The guy grinned, and ordered a straight black coffee. She turned and took care of it, all the while fuming at his audacity. First he spies on her, than he follows her work? She tried to calm down and her rational side began taking over. This shop was very popular, and he probably just stopped by, having no idea she worked here....

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Prom Ch 06 Just Friends

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

3 years ago
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My Singing Valentine

It was the day before Valentines Day and it was always the beginning of one of the funnest events of the year. Every year for two days we would have a fundraiser for the Student Council called singing valentines. Students and faculties would the week before purchase a song to have performed for someone. During the two days participants would interrupt classes in order to perform these songs. You could send them anonymously if you wanted to. This particular year one of the hottest girls in the...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Bethy wird abgefllt

Für Bethy hätte ihr Tag besser laufen können. Bethy war eine niedliche Oberstufenschülerin. Mit fünf Fuß drei Zoll war sie ein wenig kurz geraten, aber ihre schulterlangen blonden Haare, große grüne Augen und gut abgerundete Kugeln machten sie zu einem attraktiven Fang. Als kleine Frau konnte sie sich einfach sexy anziehen, ohne schlampig zu sein. Sie tat dies, um einen Mangel an Selbstvertrauen auszugleichen. Bethy war ein Flirt, den die Jungs haben wollten. Die naive, aber selbstbewusste...

2 years ago
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Recovery of a HeroChapter 2 Meeting a Hero

After about a month in the Hospital, I was cycled back to the U.S. for rehab therapy and medically retired from the Marines. Flying home again for the first time since my reserve unit was activated, I was glad to exchange my uniforms for civvies again. What a relief to be out of those desert camouflage uniforms at last. I called my wife and told her when my plane would arrive and asked her about Eldarin. She said that he had been transferred to a V.A. hospital on the west coast and was...

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